A THE OMAHA SUNDAY UEE: (KTONEK 2. 1010, MORE LIVE STOCl RECORDS Totali for Week and Month Show New High Karki. WORLD'S RECORD FOR WEEK Razors' for Month U Krllpeed T To tal Ip to late and Xambrr of tars Hrrrlrrd and Sent Oat Make fn Marks. More record for receipts of Jive stock at Houth Omaha. In addition to the world's record established September 2. were found to have been eclipaed when the total were reported Saturday. The total receipts of sheep for the meek reached 166,228. and the highest ever known In the market of the world. The total September receipt, likewise, were the highest In the sheep department ever received at South Omaha, the month's receipts being 613,723. The previous record for the month had been In September of last year, when sheep Were received. The cattle record was established Septem ber t, with a total of l.'i.jitf, compared to the record of 13,000 for one day made In 4H02. This week has brought about the record receipts of cattle for that period, with a total of C.flOO head. The cattle receipts ot the month were 173,19, the best ever re ceived at the local market. , Tbe reoord number of cars were received this week, the figures being 2,700, compared to 2,811 cars In one week last year. The total number of cars for the month wa I.C0. Another record was established In the loading out of 1,200 more cars than ever be fore were aent out from the local market In a day. Register Tuesday or Risk Ballot Lineup on Second Day of Registra tion Will Afford "Dope" on Election. The registration next Tuesday will give the politicians a chance, to line up the possibilities of election day. The party affiliations declared by the 15,000 or 18,000 voters who will sign up on that day and October 29 will prove nothing definitely but will show which way the wind blows and how enthuslustlc the voters are going to be when the real test cornea. The campaign committees are doing the best to get everybody out Tuesday. There are only 8,874 on. the Omaha books from the fl-st day, September 6, and 833 In South Omaha. This means that more than 15,000 men In Omaha who are prob ably expecting to vole November 8 have not yet signed the books and are running tne danger of great Inconvenience or positive disfranchisement, if they do not get busy. The last da j will probably be a great rush, and a rush always means a loss of registration. Kverbody Inter ested wants to do away with It as much as possible. The penalty for not registering Is giv ing up your vote or going to the clerk's office on election day and getting your rights sworn to by two freeholders who have completed a year's residence In your ward and precinct. Those who went through this process on last primary day are not registered and should not believe that nothing more is necessary for them. They must register again Just like anyone else. Omaha la expected to cast over 18,000 votes. South Omaha about 6,000 and the country precincts about 2.000. This may possibly be swelled to 80,000 In all If verybody gets interested. BRIEF CITY NEWS Rave Boot rint It. hip Too Xldts to Smith. Omaha. Oea Fixtures argess-Oraadea Co. Take Tour Printing to the Times. Best Dry Cleaning of garments. Twin City Dye Works, 407 South Fifteenth. OppeoheUn Balrdresalag Parlors Moved 116-7-8-1-40 City National Uank building. Br. Flekes, Heally Painless Dentistry not the "cheap" kind. 724 City Nat. Bank. be Wa la Open through the Neb. Sav ings aV Loan Aas'n to save money. Weekly cr monthly payments miy be made; pays 6 per annum. 1406 Farnatn Street. Two Divorce Baits Divorce actions were started in district court Saturday by Mary E. Stuart againrt Marlon Smart and Arma I-athrop against Adellj H. Latbrop. Beal Estate Firm Dissolves The firm of i'errlne Wolcott, real estate broken. has been dissolved by mutual consent. Mr. I'errlne will continue the business In suite 4l lirandels theater. Colonel Pratt HI Colonel .lames llervey Pratt has been III for some days at his home near Kcnnlngton. The ailment Is not fatal, but on account of Colonel I'ratt's age, 84 years, any Illness is a grave matter. Adjourned Counoll Meeting The city council held a meeting Saturday morning adjourned from the regular Tuesday night meeting and passed the monthly appro priation ordinances to pay last month's warrants. Buspeots are Beleaaed Gus and John W anlo, who were arrested yesterday af ternoon as suspects in the Lorum bang robbery, were released this morning after having spent the night in jail. There was no evidence against them whatever. Fetters' Machine Found A. II. Fetters' automeblle, a Sioddard-Dayton roadster, which was stolen Friday night from In front of his residence at m Foppleton avenue, presumably by Joy riders, was found Satur day on Thirty-third street near Pacific. The machine was not injured in any way. Bait on Guarantee Action to compel the t Aetna Indemnity company to pa VUu, al leged to have been embezsled by a cashier, was begun by Hayddii Dro. In district court Saturday. The plaintiff alleges that the indemnity company guaranteed the plaintiff against loss by the dishonesty of employes. Change at Probation Headquarters Miss Bess rrlinan, who has been an assistant probation officer for several years, has re signed her iwsltlon and will return to her home at Chapmart, Neb., for six months. MlssTriman's place will be taken by Mlrfs Kstlier Johnson, who has been an assistant in the Juvenile court office, and Her place wll' be taken by Miss Elizabeth McCartney. Had His Mustache Dyed Charles Fulks, a visitor to the carnival, registered a kick because K. J. Silver, a barber at 1510 Farnam street, charged him $4.26 for being beautified. Judge Crawford fined the barber $10 and costs. Among the nu merous things which Fulks had done to his face and hair during his seance In the chair were: Face and head massage, egg shampoo, shave and hair wash. lie also had his mustache and eyebrows dyed, ac cording to the tale of the barber, and was the purchaser of two bottles of tonic at 1 each. Mc Lucas Takes College Chair Omaha Lawyer Accept Offer of Place on Law Faculty at Ann Arbor. Victor K. McLucas has accepted the place tendered him on the law faculty of Ann Arbor and goes at once to take up his work. The position he will fill Is an im portant one and very attractive. Mr. McLucas, who was graduated from the University of Nebraska In the class of 1H06, took his law course at Ann Arbor, after teaching several years, and was graduated there In lituo. In the Intervening years he has been practicing law In Omaha, this early to take a prominent place In Its faculty Is regarded as a distinct honor and has led to much congratulation of him by his friends. . Mr. McLucas has sold his home at Forty second and Harney streets and takes his family with him st once to their new home In Michigan. Autoist Fined for Accident John T. Benton it Aisessed Twenty Five Dollari at Result of Strik ing Street Car. John L. Renton, 1317 Webster street, an employe of the Independent Automobile company, who while speeding his car North on Seventeenth street last night ran Into a street car on Cuming street, was fined li' In police court this morning. Neither the automobile nor the street car were dam aged, although the force of the collision was sufficient to knock the rear wheels of the car off the track. WAVKNUX'K CRKATKS A HEALTHY SCAL. from which healthy hair will grow. Kcrnovcs dandruff, stops itching. Is not greasy, does not dye. At druggists. A. D. Brandeis is Home from Europe Leaves Family in New York for the Winter Glad to Get Back to Omaha. "The best thing 1 saw on my trip." de clared Arthur l. Hramleis. "was the statue i "pect of Liberty as we came back in toNi w York harbor. "That Is no mere outburst for patriotic effect, but what I actually felt. 1 had not been abroad for fourteen years prior to this trip, for I am not a good sailor. I shall be content to stay In America the rest of my life." Mr. Brandeis returned to Omaha Satur day morning. Mrs. Brandeis and their children remained In New York, where they will spend the winter in their home tnere. "I 8upiMise," said Mr. Brandeis, "the Omahans who beat me In this week have been telling of meeting other Orphans abroad. We ran Into a good many: In Paris. Senator and Miss Millard. Miss Han scum, Charles tSrecne and Mrs. llrecne and C.eneral and Mrs Manderson; in Berlin we saw Mr. and Mrs. F. I Mailer; in Lucerne. Mrs. Draper Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Blai kwell. "America Is preferable to Kurope from many points of Mew and, among other, the far greater decency here, particularly In the theaters I do not refer to the lower grade playhouses of Paris and Ber lin, but the better ones, where one would that the players' speeches and Jokes would be reasonably clean. But they are not quite the reverse, and anyone even a smattering of decent feeling Is sure to be affronted. "The passion play at Oberammergau Is a wonderful drama, wonderfully staged and wonderfully acted. It was the most impressive and beautiful thing we saw abroad." Mr. Brandeis and his family made an extensive trip. They visited Lucerne, 8t. Maurlti. Munich. Nuremberg. Btrausburg, Baden-Baden, I'resden. Berlin, Brussels (where they saw the exposition) and Paris. Marriages Are i . . on ine iniTCttv; Records Show that Lejrtember Hal Surpassed the Same Month f Last Year. Marriages In Douglas county are contin uum on the Increase, act mllng to the f gr illes for September of Marriage Licence Clerk Foray of the county court of fl -e. During the month M) licenses were Issued, an Increase of fourteen over the number Issued In the corresponding month a yc.ir ago. Omaha Mail Marries, JO MKT. III.. Oct. 1 (Special Telegram.) Kilwatd C. Cavanaugh of Omaha mar ried Miss Bessie Taylor of Mitchell, R D, hero today. Persistent Advertising Is the Boad to Big Returns. A C te T7J7 atLk si-L oinm Established at about half what you would expect to pay MARSHAL TAKES A FORGER It a use Hosenvrausr, Arrested for Forging Pension Warrant, Will Me Tried at Fargo. Ranse Kosencranse, who was arrested last week at Plattsmouth, Neb., on a war rant charging the forgery of a United States treasury warrant, has been brought to Omaha and will be taken by United States Marshal Warner Monday to Fargo, N. D., for trial. - Kosencranse is accused of forging a civil war veteran's pension at the latter place. The order for removal was received at the marshal's office this morning. Motorists Must Carry Lights Commissioner Pickard Declare He Will Take Steps Against Careless Autoists on Speedway. Action against motorists running Into the Blty without lights after having spent the afternoon at the Omaha Motor speedway will be taken up by the Board of County Commissioners if County Commissioner Pickard has his way. Complaint that the laws requiring lights on motors are being violated by some of the speetiway patrons was made to the commissioner Friday night. "I will propose that we station at least one officer there to see that the motors carry lights," said Mr. Pickard. It cer talnly Is dangerous for them to run with' out them and It surely Is a violation of the law. I don't want 'to be understood as 'having It in' for automobile drivers. drive a machine myself. Ninety-nine out of 100 are careful drivers and conform to the law In every respect. They get Into disre pute on account ot the recklessness and carelessness of the other one." lfr. Pickard said he believes there should bea a law requiring horse drawn vehicles to carry lights. Since automobiles have be come so common It Is as necessary for pub II o safety that carriages carry lights as that motor driven cars carry them. BOOK MAN AWED AT CROWDS Closes an Enormous Book Contract with the Bennett Company of Omaha. J. tT. Perkins of 28 Wall street. New York City, one of the great book brokers of the United States, was In Omaha Fri day. While here he closed one ot the biggest book transactions ever made In the west with Henry F. Kleser of The Bennett Co. book section. Mr. Perkins was surprised at the number of people in the hotels and on the streets of Omaha and spoke highly of what he knew of Ak-Sar-Ben from eastern news paper articles. Carter Lake is to Be Improved Additional Honey Given by Mrs. Cor nish to Be Spent Along the West Edge. The SlO.000 which was given to the Park commission by Mrs. & J. Cornish for ad ditional improvements to Levi Carter park will be used for building a sea wall or levee at the west end and in clearing out and filling up the swampy part at that end. The park was originally made possible by a large gift from Mrs. Cornish and Mr, Cornish baa donated a strip of land 260 feet wide at the west end to serve as an entrance to the grounds. City Knglneer Craig has plans for the wall and (or so bunding up that end of the lake that It will have firm banks and the wave aotlon will not make it muddy. REOPENS RECRUITING STATION fcleateaaat Pest of Loral Naval sta tloa la Ordered to Open On at Sloax City. Lieutenant N. W. Post, in charge of th local naval recruiting station, received a erder this morning from the Navy depart tnent at Washington giving him authority to re-establish the recruiting station a tloux City. The office at Sioux City was eliminated last June when It was noticed by the Navy lepartment that the number of recruit there had decreased to such an extent the station was not necessary. Quartermaster J. B. Zimmerman, who I tow an assistant in the Omaha station, will Ve sent there within the next two weeks 53hS 1 1 You 845 I flllf Of imlaL i&l'ftti$WSW'. BU Handsome furnishings, g Will MS '''V'Vr'' very neat for small I TOWIl jP ttfj TrMSi S3 Per Month. I f " ! Prices may have but one room to furnish get our special price on the outfit. If you have several rooms to furnish it is still more im portant that you should get our figures for the larger the out- , fit the more we will save you. We make special prices on out fits ranging in size from one room to a large home or a hotel. We'll save you one-third at least probably more on the cost of any size outfit. The outfits are certainly very handsome, make the most artistic and comfortable homes cozy, cheerful inviting homes. We give you a wide range of designs from which to make your selections, thus insuring perfect satisfaction in the choice of your furnishings. Three complete rooms, everything included. TEKMSi $6 Per Month. Five or alx rooms every thing first class. TEBVCS: $8 Per Month. For 6 or 8 rooms, very fine outfits. TEBMSt 10 Per Month Elegant outfits, choi cest designs. c trytlilng lncludod. TERMS: "13 Per Month. n n SOMI OAK MORIUS ROCKER Ot very handsome design, made with Build oak frame, expertly uphols tered in imperial leather. It is beautifully carved, has large carved head on each arm and the seat is set with best oil-tempered steel springs. This is pre-eminently the best rocker we have ever been able C95 to offer. Special for this week, J DRESSERS Here In a value that can't pOHlbly be duplicated anywhere In Omaha. It Is made of selected material, Is neatly ornamented with carvings and has large French bevel ed plate mirror, it s tnorou,?n-35 I u-oll ninil. un,l H hwnl II t el V BLflfV guaranteed. Special for this week only igeS Ak-Sar-Ben wmmm f 'uiuiii'ir n Y stomp 1 im ineitiome Credit to People Everywhere CRirPOKIER Made to match Dresser opposite. Mahog any finish. Large mirror. 5 roomy drawers: bras drawer pulls and many other 5g finished and polished. Special this week BIRTH RATE IS INCREASING More Babies Born This Year Than Last burlna; the Month of September. Two hundred and eighteen children were added to Omaha's population during the month of September. Of these 111 were males and 107 females. Eighteen of them were born in twin-lock, twelve boys and six gins. In 1909 during tne month of September there were 113 boy babies and V girl babies. For Style and Comfort in Women's Footwear the Foster Shoe Is Peer of Them All. For women particular in foot wear there is perfect satisfaction In our glove fitting, easy walking, stylish FOSTKK FOOTWEAR. You will find the FOSTER the easiest to fit, the most comfortable to wear, and most stylish shoe you ever put on your foot. As we are the sole agents in Omaha for this famous FOSTER shoe we always carry a complete line. We have the prevailing styles in the following leathers Black Buck, Fine Imperial Kid, Russia Calf and Colored Kid, highest grade of Patent Colt and Kid. TRICES ARE $4.00 to S5.00 Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Farnam St. Bthe best rocker we have ever been able SPiQS ed ilate """-or. its tn('rt"ijf'--a5 to offer. Special for this week, jm .ranteed. Sneclal for this M finished and polished, fl SlSf?""T, BRASS B n iuuuii n iFT'i i-i His ij ii n il lis hi rA. n as nun ih j i i m IB ftJk.,&j'1ri,?.0'A n I II 111 II II II ib IIS Ma.- s-' a! I III - II II II II HI I K B Ifl ,11'. S H N f4 '(A jtjJ ll.e I MM fe? i ' III I 1 IS RaIa MAI Rlaet HAtftfara H 1 '.-'lI .' ' ' "IT,.- tr?!g : js'.m Burns anything coustible V5S$ g Hh 1 wood, coke, coal, etc. Body of fl Tiifc ff mUU Bessemer steel. Heavy grates 1 ' M "i , 1 , i,l 1 i 1 ' MW llllil'l 11 " I and castings. Guaranteed to hold Satisfaction UHmMSls-t IIIlM''11 CASH OR If H fire 4 6 hours. All sizes and de- R p.,....!..,! TSuT ''rVV3' rDPniT . U B signs, shown spe- 175 g Guarantied chuuii mm b Cial this week, O iimmmMnmmimmmtrwnKimWtMtMWItMMIBrMUBfmxm' m 4 . Hi! J iu fill n :iL"-.tif 9i 1 2 Sean- fill if V -W4mm Velvet RuS n n L U PEIEHTAL EXTE.NSION TABLE These tables are made of selected solid oak, are massive In design, substantially con structed and extra well polished; 4 5-lnch top; extend to six feet. The massive base has large carved heads and QS5 I'illVCU liavr ivrtri. waic Vav VI 0 17!! S COMPLETE WITH SPRINGS AND MATTRESS, Springs With All Steel Frame and Copper Spring Supports In this combination we offer a magnificent brass bed with large 2-inch posts, made with genuine French lacquer and guar anteed for ten years, also a splendid soft top mat tress and nll-steel springs with spiral copper spring supports all three-' ar ticles of highest character the entire outtit tor less than the real value of the bed alone. Specially priced for next week's big sale at the extraordinarily low price of Every Stove Absolutely Guarantead Omaha Agency for Peninsular Stoves and Ranges Best on Earth b it Try Base Burner Special One of the many unusual aluss In our advance sale of Imatlng stoves. This In a lariro, t-lewnnt basn burner, hits return flues and Is a powerful double healer. IIhji large radiating surface, bus uutomatlo fe4 t AYR patent shaker grate and n VH abundance of nickel In trim- IJ mint;, bale I'rlce An extraordinary rug value. One of our new fall pattern, msrte of very tinest niaterlala, made with high pile, sort ana luxurious. These runs are n-eae or very niiei uniu, n.- dved. colors absolutely perinaneni. near in imnu that they are made wunoui seams are une-piow -values Jt uo. Bale J rice 5 24. rugs 1414-1416-141 8 DOUGLAS ST. Goods Delivered in Unlettered 9xl2Vfilfon Velvet Rug Thexe figs are or new fall patteriia. shown now for the first lime. The c lorlnga aie moal durable and most pirating, being euft t"'i!-- tine rich errecis ine rugs are mane with l.lfh oidlnarlly at 120 00 In any Omaha Hli'ie. t have made a special price on them fur this we-lt of only 12!! U take charge of the new post.