TTf, t TV IT a a a iv- . at a - .sassa - - n. Bee Want- v.vv.x --r-v -n Si c " - gjgfJhapoiiffl. a Bee Wkni-Ad . Me aeenre hid Help 1 IMow thpoiiQii the Bee Want-AdM . - ds . He p'ot First PoSitioii a& a Want-Ads Waal ade ceet-a at aar Usee, tw lasere a-reper classl Meat lea snast arceeated kef era 12 eleels for the ttaiia edttlea T18O a'eloel af arevlaae ",,"SL-.t mill aad Saaaar a-dlttoae. ade rterlTi4 a flea- tae ava their ttret tartl " ar.. "Taa Lata ta C'V! DHr a. Rates apal? t altae " Inaiir Baa. Alwari ta a Hit. CASH K1TBI roi w"1M,oaa RICVLAn CLAMiriCATIO" M , laaartlaa. A I- aaata Br -- seat aaa verd (a aae .aa laaartlaa. Back laaartlaa aaa days, 1 1-a aaata W" r llaa per aaaata. . ' . . ' v a wut Mi Mf taa r-w t-r t aar af taa tallawla t,,taer aaa la roar "mntr ata Baa ara all araaea af flaaa , aaa r " "'" ' aa al rosaptlr aa aa taa eases ui., taa aaala alflaa la Taa TtaU l raraaaa 'J Albach, W. C. Wh and Berenek. & A.. 14 . f Peyton Fharmaoy. ? B. Benson Pharmacy, Benson. !" fMmlng. Bemis Park pharmacy. $M u? ' Blske-Bradleh. Hl aherinafl A ve. Caeghllt.. C. R.i ttb rotary A Clifton H1U Pharmacy. "nJ Far- Hlnterlong Drug Co.. list Ave. cam Bt , . ,fc Crissey Pharmacy, 4th "Sr Cooney Pharmacy. it w Ctrmack. Erall, l!(4- a. Mth Ehlar. P. H., W taT"0!", Fo.ter A Arnol.ll. ll N. 1J at. Kraytat, J. J 1911 N. 14th Frakgar Dru Co.. 19M N. W1.;1' Florence Drug Co., Floranca, dfta Oraon a Pharmacy. Park Aa- naL F,cl" Oreenough. Q. A.. 10h ana Hickory. Hayden, William, t9 rarn" ' A. Hancom Park Pharmacy, 1K1 Holat, John. K4 N, 16th St. Huff. A. U. 924 Leavenworth I"- Juhanaon Drur Co.. 4th and BpalolBg. KIdk, H. 8. 38 Farnatn Bt. Kountae Placa Pharmacy, 84 J- Maraa. Fred L., 01 Cantral F'airick Drug Co., 1014 N. S4th 8C Ijithrop. Charlaa fe 1S24 J. 4th . Coldmnn Pharmacy, I4th ana Law anrth Hta. . . Para toga Drug Co.. Mth Krhaafer'a Cut Prlca Drug Stora. WU Chlcaao 81. Kchaefer, A8.. n N. Mth. Kohmldt, J. h., Mth and Cuming Bt Walnut Hill Pharmacy. 40th and Cumin DKAT41 AND FUN BRA L KOTltB McDOUGALL Llda ' J., age 86 yeara. Widneiday, September 28. FuiK-ral Saturday, October 1, at I o clock . . ii... a. i.AwBnn Ahkiwl Nineteenth and Cuming atreeta. Interment at Forest jLawn cemetery, r rienu un. MARR1AOB A.ICKNKa. The following tnarrlag Uceniea hay been Issued: , Mum a and Residence. Age, Dnnie C. Latham, Omaha 27 Adeline Remrllard. Omaha 24 Nuuoleon R. Gauvraau. Omaha 43 Margaret. A. Helvay, Omaha U William Fltigerald, Bouth Omaha t8 Uraco Cruse, South Omaha U Eugene A. Stringer, Omaha 24 Madeline M. Wilson, Omaha 20 Harry V. Helnrlckson. Omaha Z2 Audrey M. Harrison, Omaha 21 B1HT1II AND DKATHJ, Blrlhe Henry Leottle, 2914 JacVson street, hov: Jvua Stone. Fortieth and I'oppleton. girl; Henry W. Hpauldlng, 622 South For tieth street, girl; Rev. F.-D. Tyner, 3M8 Charles street' boy; Samuel A. Davis, 1713 Capitol avenue, girl; Percy Field, 27U7 Far- baiii street. &;irl. Deaths Dora Kat, 1924 Locoust street. 1 years; miner E. Uryson, 11U South Twenty-ninth street, 48 years; Mahala Neal, 2412 Slitrman avenue, M years. ANNOUNCEMENTS J, A. GENTLEMAN CO., embalmera. 1614 Chicago. D. lt&t, B-li.' J AiCK ,lc. K24 urandels The ater D. 420. COAL At cut prices. ALL, KIM'h. We save you 60c to 11.60 a ton Quantity and quality auaranteed. ROSENBLATT'S CUT PRICK COAL CO.. 1223 NICHOLAS ST. BOTH "PHONES. SAVE i YOUR EYES COLUMBIAN OPTICAL CO., 209-211 So. 16th St., 17 YEARS JN OMAHA Lyes Examined, Glassies Fitted. MONEY TO LOAN-LOW RATI:. In sums to suit. 210 Bee Mldg. 'Phone I)uur i.kl UNION LOAN CO. ICE FOB SALE We can furnish good, clean Ice In car load lois, f. o. t. Omaha, t uil bnacltiefurii ai Dickey for prlca. Douglas X7I. LYNCH DUOS. 1 'ltlASa REPAIR WORKS. 1? Jackson 8t'. D. 1477. VAMILY Ll,luor House, full measuro " J" ' and pur gouda, our mono, ami) Hansen, prop., ia Chicago St. KODAKS UPP"""! rt stock. AMAThXK F1NISH1NO. Bast work. DF-MPSTKR. Illl FarnamSt. B. F. Wurn. OpUelan. 441 Brandels Bldg. FOR RENT Office room.' OX located oil top floor, facing court,- V square feet. In. eluding vault; rents for i-A per month. IHS ItKK AlUlLDlNci COMPANY. 8. H. Cola Sign Co.. D. ITtt. Ul( Farnain. PRACTICAL OU-slng. 601 N. Ht. D. 676. KD HOTHRRY schiitsNo. t Fun cleara Cafa In connection, ill So. 14th Bt. TWENTY rer cent less than Omaha prices HOME FURNITL'RK CO, Tatnty-fourth and L Streets. South Omaha. M ADA MR EDWARDS, masseuse. Ladler only; strictly private residence. Ml 8. alb. Douglas 6uV3. DAVID COLIC Creamery Co. ' Oliver" a." ha Li. architect. .' announces removal of Ills office to iM City Kutloitsl Bank l:ln. Phone Itouc. tSA ladles' and genu' shine parlors, 130 8.11. KAT KOSIIKR HOME COOK UN U. .Aralus. ilk S. Join, uuatalra . ANCHOR FENCE CO. Iron and Wire FeJn (.'I, caper Than Wood. 1-aata a Lifetime. Vft N. 17: h St. Phone Red tli. ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued.) SPFPTAT. FULL DRESS SUITS OATALiVAAAJ Krledm,n., Loan Bank. Bouth ISth 8t., cor. Douglas, '! D. in. GOOD MERCHANTS" LUNCH. 5 CT. A., imt uougiaa ou KLRVATOR9 REPAIRED, freight nas- tenger. J. R. Kennedy, 104 8. Uth. D. 7. M FIENfJOLD. Isdles' tailor and furrier. flrot class ladles' tailoring, fancy and plain. work and fittings guaranteed, sv? s. nam. H. tZA. A-3666. RORP. Art Btora moved to 211 8. 18th: Atvoi-i w. wln io yOUr fuming at tali price; WB CARRT A full Una of art gooda FRANK BARKER. OEO. RAHKKR. JR. AL. BARKER. JOS. BARKER. BARKER BROS. PAINT CO., 10H FARNAM BT. BOTH JHONE8. flherwln-Williams paints and varnishes, white Iced. Kevstona. alaas. mirrors. brushes, brass polishes, lubricating oils, wall paper and window ahades, glaslng and framing. , DOUGLAS Printing Co. TeL Douglas S44 UMBRELLAS recovered and repaired; every kind of repairs, w t,T t." r t , r, t T T a rr 1122 Farnain. Red 7471. Kobertson 's Restaurant . ',ghs gt (baaement); cool, light, sanitary, quick service, popular prices. For ladies and gen tlemen. Table d'hote dinner Sunday. .PIANO players repaired. Walker. D. S70. RALPH'S MACHINE SHOE REPAIR ING Solea aawed 7oo; nailed too; heels 26o while you wait 10 minutaa; absolutely Una work. 611 & 16th St. COAL AND LUMBER GEARS. Let us show you the new cut under. CENTRAL IMPLEMENT CO.. 1117 Farnam Flltara, filter repair. 1110 Howard. D391X ILER GRAND HOTEL Finest in the west. Turkish Baths 11th and Howard Bis. MAQGARD Vaa St Storage. Pack, move, stora and ship H. H. Gooda D. 149, B-2421. MONEY to loan on eastern Nebraska farms at 6ft per cent. L. J. HEALEY. 801 N. Y. L. Bldg.. Omaha. AUTOMOBILES Run Your Auto Into a Telegraph Post! Bump against a street car; smash up your auto "All repairing and Painting at no-kick prices." DRUMMOND UTH AND HARNEY - STREETS. AUTO and carriage painting, repairing and trimming; deau storage. Wm. pfelftar Carriage Woike. 2Gth and Leavenworth. BARGAINS in Used Cars 8 Council Bluffs Auto Co., 61 Pearl.' ' AutoRepairiDfir .""A1 con'p'e? p,ani iu,vuipuuig in the west. Diamond Tires, Id-hand cara, atorag. the Pazton Mltohell Co., 2010-w Harney. D. 7281; A-2011. AUTOGENOUS WELDING All klnda of BROKEN CYLINDERS. CRANK CASKS and CASTINGS promptly repaired. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. BER1SC11Y MOTOR COMPANY. Council Bluffs, la. AUTO DRIVERS WEAR Burleigh Gloves MADE IN OMAHA. Auto Paintinir murphy did it." ANDREW MURPHY SON. 1412 Jackson. AUTOMOBILE STORAGE, DOWNTOWN location; call for and deliver your car, 13 per monui. iei. uougias wet. MODEL T. fokd, used very little. In tine condition; will sell cheap for cash. Ad dress, K lbO, Bee. WANTED to buy good second-hand car; must be In good condition. Address L 1U Bee. WRITE for list of automobile bargains. H. E. .Frederickson Auto Co., Omaha. Alulorcycles. Vrit for "st ot U8e4 motorcycle ",ut We carry a fuU line of motor cycle parts. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO. CLEARING SALE on used motorcycles. Biggest bargains ever offered. Price rang ing from fW up. Call and see them, state annul for the Merkcl. Flescher Motorcycle Co.. 1622 Capitol Ave. BUSINESS CHANCES - TO GET In or out of business call on GA.NGh.6T AD, 404 liee Bldg. iec ix ONE-HALF Interest In largest and most succtsalul n ail uruer bdHiness in Omaha cut) be purchased lor ti,ouo by party who will take actual Interest at goud aalnrv Conctrn now doing business of liouo Mui.iuijr . wiiw mau now soie owiifr and iit-vds nelp of good man. Address W iai Bea. ' G. D. C. CODDINGTON. 220 Board of Trade Blilg., buainexs cnances, loans in suiance and real estate. ' CASADY F- r'al " loans and Insurance. List your proo- ' - ' " .... u.vm itiui IIS. a. VV tomtr 14. h aud Dougla. Tel Doug. Jaiu. FOR RENT Office room. A2? In, : on fit ill lioor. N. V. corner of ou.ldliur epi.iaily filled for architect, 'there is ul square leel in ihia spate, ai per mourn irlli AiEti tiL'lUINU tugrANf FOR SALE Confectionery, cigara. news staid ad light grocery; a bargain? nartv leaving City. Call 241s Cuming St. fOK SALE An exclusive agricultural Implement business. 8iock will invcico about Jli.OOO. aeal estate about 16 Ouo. Nat profits lor past six years over i;,ouo per j ear. Books and complete record of busi ness open to Inspection of bona fide bujer Terms, cash or part cash and note wltn ood aecunty. No trades considered. Wilts for particulars. Address Y 315. care Bee FOR BALE Restaurant in a good town no opposition; will veil cheap If sold in two weeks. Cook Restaurant, Cook, Neb WANT party who can Invest 1500 to 12.0U0; aalary 1100 to HW per month at horns town or in office. Addreaa Y 217. cara Bee Any Good Industry May Secure Free Site with ample trackage, electric power and light althin Omaha switching district and taking the Missouri river rate. No cllv taxes; roum to grow; three going con cerns have availed themselves of the above privileges, vis.: Rogers Motor Car company, Howard Stove Works and Brown Truck Mfg. Co. Let us tell you bow to get a free He - In. RALSTON and send Illustrated booklet Ralston Townsite Company. Free sites for manufacturers. AO 8. 17th St. Omaha. Neb. LET me Incorporate your business: gooa anea easily obtain money selling their snares; am helping others, why.not owf proofa what baa baea dona Promote, tit Paatua ulooa. BUSINESS CHANCES CContlnued.) LARGE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY lust entering Nebraska. Wa have a limited amount of stock for sale. DIVIDENDS. Agenta wanted. Casady Co., Fiscal Agents, B. W. Corner 14th and Douglas. Omaha. Tel. Doug. 1620. FOR BALE Only meat market In rood live town. For particulars write Conrad & Conrad, Grafton, Neb. WB HAVE FOR BALE a No. 1 business: wells, windmills and plumbing; will se! below cost on account of HI health. Frank BchlferL Lindsay. Neb. Roaaatatar Hoaaae for Bala. ELEGANTLY" furnished rooming house, best location; close In. US N. Mth St. NEWLY furnished home In new modern t-room flat, good place for roomers. A snap If taken at once. 2-18 Burt- ROOMS, full of roomers; modern; close In; will sell cheap If bought at once; parties going east. Tel. Doug. 6769. A DESIRABLE 4-room apartment, new 124. 1743 27th Bt Harney 2880. 14 ROOMS, modern; rent 140; water paid. Phone Red 7235. ' CHIROPODISTS DR. RO. 1505 Farnara St Douglas M87. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS OT,n ROOFS "Paired; Slate. Tile. UDDAVUUIOptv, Sohroeder-Hura. shrey Roofing Co.. Ul Paxtoo Bla. TaL D. 02X BEAVER BOARD Instead of lath and plaster. American Supply Co., 1112 Farnam. DANCING MORAND'S Dancing School, Uth Har ney. . Lessons Mon. and Frl., 8 p. m. Phone Doug. 294, Private lessons dally. DETECTIVES Omaha Secret Bervlca Detective age, Ino., bonded. 42s- Paxton blk. D. Ul; Ind. A-Ult, CAPT. T. CORMACK. 617 KARBACH HI.K. DENTISTS BAILEY 4k MACK, Id floor, Paxton. D. 1034. DRESSMAKERS GOWNS and ladles' tailoring. 2715 Dewey. DRESSMAKING and alteration, first class work, prlcea reasonable. Miss Eliza beth O'Connor, 101 No. 18th. Web. 1410. INFANTS wardrobe, hand or machine made; table linen hemmed. Mrs. Lowman, 649 S. 26th Ave. Dressmaking. 2665 St Mary's Ave., D. 4432. MADAM Ridley, fashionable dressmaking, also general lepalrlng. 910 South 11th St. MISS STURDY, 821 S. 24th St. Tel. D. 7314. FIRST-CLASS . experienced dressmaker And alteration; all work guaranteed. Ty ler 1276. EDUCATIONAL 1lt FALL TERM BOYLES COLLEGE) now open In the Day and Night sessions. Students admitted any day. Complete Buslners Course Including bank ing. Complete Shorthand and Typewriting Course. Complete Civil Bervlca Course. Complete Telegraphy Course and all Eng lish Branohss. The Yesr Book Is resdy. Apply for it H. B. BOYLES. Pres.. Boyles Bldg., Omaha. DRESSMAKING Fourteen lessons, 14.50. ' onday, I p. m. Tuesday 9:30 a. m. Y. W, C A. Mosher-Lampman COLLEGE Unexcelled courses Ir. Business. Short hand.. Penmanship and English. Nona but experienced teacbera Day and night ses sions. Most Interesting catalog published In Omaha. Send for one today. MOSHER & LAMPMAN, Hth and Firnam Streeia. Omaha, Neb. SPANISH LESSONS. WANTED A lady whose native tongue Is Spanish to give lessons to young lady. Address B 141. Bee. ST. ANDREW'S school for boys, 41st and Charles. Fall term, September it. Rev. F. D. Tyner. 1841 Charles. H. 2m EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN ARSENIC and IRON complexion wafers make clear, white skin. By mall 60o and 11. j Sherman & McCounell Drug Co., Omaha. VACUUM CLEANERS rented. TeL Web. ster 2771. S. & C. JvNEETER, specialists In refitting ladles' suits, dresses and remodeling; 3d floor Continental Blk.. entrance 13th and Douglaa Tel.. Doug. 8742. Knnitnrv HAIRDRESSINO PARLORS. uaullal J Take Alarinello raansages for a good complexion, tt.'l t'uxton li.k. I). 4671 TRY Magic Roach Powder. Douclas 1 37 . CHINA painting lessons, firing, order work, stenciling; firing called for and de livered. Mrs. VV. V. 1 1-win, 2615 Blondo fc't. Tel. Wehfter S4!W. FLORISTS HESS at teWOBGDA. 141& Farnam St. ' BRANDE1S" cut flower dept; new store. THE ANNEX flower shop, Theater Bldg. A. 1K1NAHUE, 1607 Far. D. lOul; A-1001. L. Henderson. 1619 Farnam. Doug. 125s. J. H. BATH, lea Harney, Douiilas 1000. FURNACES AND REPAIRS WATER fronts, furnace and stove re pairs. New furnaces and combination hot water heaters. .Thermostats and tank heat ers. Omaha Stove Renalr Works. U06-12O8 Douglas St. Both 'phones HELP WANTED FEMALE EXPERIENCED salefladlea wanted. Raphael Prcd Co., Uth and Karritm. WANTKIs Competent saleswomen wno have had experience In the sale of hosiery, embroideries, laces and trimmings. Apply buperlnlendent, Biandela Stores. llael.ea.r aaa paaieatlea. . WANTED At one, a good cook: nlgheel sag ta paid. Tel. Doug. 7775. WANTED Experience dining room girt, t?S per month: board and room. Sanforj Hotel. Uth and rarnaa fits. LADIES WAN1ED to tike work borne; Slamplrg holiday novelties. l to 14 dosen. Work gusrantsl Triebera, tit Brandels laealer Bldg HELP WANTED FEMALE Ho aso keepers sad Dosaeatlos Caat'a WANTED A good girl for general house work; no washing.. 1229 Harney St WANTED A glil for general housework. 101 & Mth St, COMPETENT cook. No washing. 411 Bouth 88th street Telephone Harney 1136. WANTED a girl for general housework. Phone Harney 6448. 132 No. 42d Bt COMPETENT girl for general house work. 623 N. 19th St Red 6270. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework; good home, small family. Mrs. H. J. Abrahams. 2024 Douglas Bt. WANTED Girl for housework: three In family. Mrs. W. H. Murray, 8317 Wool worth Ave. Harney 8027. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework; 16 a week: no washing. Ill N. Kith Bt Mrs. M. A. Hall. , WANTED Girl for housawork, small family. 003 8. mh St. . GOOD wagee to good girl for general housework and cooking; no laundry work. Mrs. Morse, 1922 Davenport St A GOOD washwoman for washing and Ironing. 3611 Jones St Call Harney 1636. GOOD home for reliable girl; plain cook ing. 4123 Farnam St Harney 3440. A GOOD girl, attending school, to work for board and room. 1924 Emmet St. WANTED A girl to help with house work and help take care of child. Ill N. 324 St. Harney 694. WANTED A oompetent white cook. Mrs. N. Merrlam, 212 8. 34th SL Harney 100. GIRL wanted to travel and cars for lit tle girl. Apply Mets Side Show, Ak-Sar-Ben Carnival grounds. Call after 2 p. m. WANTED Girl for general housework. Call Harney 5613 or 1308 Park Ave. A girl for general housework; 2 In family; good wages. 2029 Dodge. . Mr. I. D. Sturtevant desires girl for gen eral housework. 112 S. loth St A NICE, neat nurse for children, ages 6 and 3. Referenoe. 14.00 a week. 137 N. 32d St. Phone Harney 3937. WANTED Girl for general housework. 523 S. 26th Ave. WANT ED Hired girl; tmall family; 1313 S. 33d St WANTED Girl for general housework. 2539 California St GOOD girl for housework. 210 Cali fornia St WANTED A cook and houao maid with reference. 2016 Cass street GIRL for general housework. , 1116 N. 13d St, South Omaha. Wanted Good girl , for . housework. 1020 S. 36th Av. . Harney .2104. WOMAN To do sweeping, also clean lng. 2622 Capitol Ave, . , . , WANTED Girl for general housework; no cooking. 2304 Fowler1 Ave. Web. 1314. WANTED Maid for housework; small family, good home. .8104. Douglas St Doug las 6100. ' ' V GIRL To cars for baby 1 years old, no other work. Mr. Charles Mayers, 630 N. 24th St (upstairs). South Omaha. WANTED Good girl. Mrs. Adams 1306 8. 35th Ave. Harney 2Z40. GIRL attending high school to cara for child during evening. , Harney 1068. 123 S. 31 Ave. GOOD girl for general housework for pri vate family. Good cook.' 2C23 Douglas St WANTED Girl for cooking, laundry work, 17 a week. 123 S. S2d Ave. Harney 1086. WANTED Good girl for general house work, reference. Mrs. Tukey, 101 N. 41st St. Harney 145. GIRL for general housework, must be competent. Three In family. Mrs.- R. E. Welch. 414 S. 38th St WANTED Good girl for general house work. Mrs. Carl Ballbach, 1012 N. 39th St. A GOOD second girl, 2607 Cass Bt General housework girl, three in fam ily, 212 So. 37th St; Tel. Har. 1222. Mrs. J. J. McMullen. WANTED Dining room girl, one who has had experience. 2214 Douglas St COMPETENT girl who la good cook, 16.00. No laundry. 416 So. 38th St. A WOMAN to do house work end cook ing for one week, commenting Friday, Sep tember 30. Good wages. Phone Harney 3435. WANTED Competent glrl for cooking and general housework; no laundry work. Apply 206 So. 32d Ave. WANTED Competent maid for general housework, small family; 16. 4818 Under wood Ave, 'Phone Harney 1979. GIRL for general housework, 1024 Park Ave. A GOOD girl for general housework, no laundry work. 2010 N. 20th St. Webster 2810, ELDERLY lady -to take care of child. 2019 St. Mary's Ave. GOOD girl to care for t-year-old child. 210 S. 37th St. WANTED A good girl for-general house work. Mrs. Harlinan. 13u2 S. 34d St. MIDDLE-AGED woman for housework; Small family. D. 1044. . SIX LADY SOLICITORS at once; salary and commlKsion; pleasant, profitable work. 1712 Capitol Ave. Mr. Welch. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework In family of 2. Reference re quired. Phone Harney 4140. Ill So. 38th St. GOOD girl for general hoiiew&rk, SSI Park Ave. , GOOD girl for general housework. 1901 Bpenoer street. Phone Webster 631. WANTED Second girl. Mrs. J. U Ken nedy. 2113 8. 32d. Tel. Harnev 625. WANTED A neat' housemaid, also an experience nurse girl. Mrs. E. W. Dixon, 117 So. 33th. , . ' WANTEI CA RETAKER for young chil dren at Child Saving Institute. Phone W. 1SD1, or call at ls06 Ohio street. WANTED Good cook In small family; no upstairs work. 3548 Harney Phone Harney 121. Mlaovltaasoas, . WANTED Transfer girla and cash glrla, 16 sears or over. Apply Superintendent. Brandels Stores. YOUNG WOMEN coming -to Omaha as rtrangers are 'nvlted to visit the Young Women's Christian Association building at St. Mary's avenue and Seventeenth street where they will be directed to sultsbla boarding places or otherwise assisted; look for our traveler's aid at Uia Union Station. WANTED A LIMITED NUMBER OF G1KLS FOR TELEPHONE WORK. AP PLY AT OPERATING DEPARTMENT. NEBRASK A TELEPHONE CO. GIRLS For overlooking, checking and folding, miui he veai or uMsr .,piir I'finl. Omaha Rag Co. . WANTED-Stock room glrla In women's suit departments .Apply Superintendent Brandela Stores. WANTED A few girls to work In cracker factory. Apply 7 a. in. Monday morning. 1-oose- Wiles Biscuit Co., Uth and Davenport HELP WANTEDMALE AtTBts, aalaaaaca aaa Solid to. AUTOMOBILE salesmen wanted In dlrct employ of one of the largest and moft pro gressive automobile selling organisations; no capital required; capable, reliable men with experience In selling harvesting and other machinery direct to the conaumer preferred. Give references and state pres ent occupation and past business experi ence In first letter. This Is a high grade proposition at a popular price. Address L 165, Bee. WANTED Experienced salesmen in men's furnishing goods and men's hat de partments. Apply superintendent Brandels Stores. WANTED Five experienced salesmen In men's hat department; good salaries. Apply Superintendent Brandels Stores. Boya. WANTED Several reliable boys. Western Union Tel. Co., 112 S. 13th Bt WANTED Transfer boys and cash boys. If years or over. Apply Superintendent Brandels Stores. WANTED Boys to wait on tables at soda fountain, new Pom pel I an room, Bran dels stores. Night work only. Apply at once to H. C. Phelps. Sweetland, Brandels stores. Clerical and office. WE can use several first-class salesmen bookkeepers, stenographers and office ciorks. call or write lor complete list ot vacnnclee. WESTERN REF. ft BOND ASS'N., INC., 763-4 N. T. Life Bldg. (Estab. 8 Years.) YOUNG man with some office experience to take interest In well established good paying office business, and become assis tant manager; good salary and must be able to invest 1500. Address, r lie, Bee. YOUNG MEN STUDY LAW. ' Omaha School of Law; evening session only. For further Information, address secretary. 701 N. Y. Life. Tel Douglas 867. Factory aaa Trades. Drag Stores 'snaps). Jobs. Knlest; Bee bldg. WANTED Two good coat makers: good wages, steady employment, by Patt Broth ers of St. Joseph, Mo. TAILOR WANTED H. Livingston. 1M Bo. Hth Bt TINNER WANTED Who has Some ex perience as plumber; good wages, steady employment J. H. Stoetael, Beemer, Neb. WANTED Two first class mattress makers at once. Plenty ot work and top prices paid, ueorge wetternoid, Wichita, Kan. WANTED First class broom makers and sorter. Address Hartman Broom Go., Clay Center, Kan. COOK and helper at once. Phone Doug. 2263. GORDON press feeders wanted at Rabsr's, Bee Bldg.; boys or girls. WANTED Experienced staler, call T a, m. Friday morning. Loose-Wiles Biscuit Co. pth and Davenport. ' WANTED ALL - AROUND PRESSHR, Ideal Cleaning works. 4003 North 24th street, Webster 3990. attsoellaneous, CHAUFFEURS business; practical Instruction. Nat'l Auto Training Assn.. 628 Brandels Theater Bldg. 100 MEN, 20 to 40 years old. wanted at once for clectrlo railway motormen and conductors; too to loo a month; no ex perience 1 necessary; fine opportunity; no strike; write immediately for spplicatlon blank. Address, Y 261. care Omaha Bee. WANTED A good man to take Invalid to Medford, Ore.; fare paid one way. na Lake St. STEADY man for light Inside work; small Investment required. 218 Brandels theater. - WANTED Good teama with teamatera for coal hauling. Inquire 210 S. 17th. Tel. Douglas 930. WANTED Men to learn barber trade; few weeks completes; time saved ty steady practice; careful Instructors anA demon strations; tools given: diplomas granted; wages Saturday; splendid demand for grad uates. Write today. Moler Barber College, 110 8. Mth St. LABORERS wanted on building construc tion work on the new Morrell Packing plant at Sioux Falls, 8. D. Wages 12.25 per day, and $2.40 per day after the first two weeks' service. Report Immediately on Job to Collins Bros., General Contractors. WANTED Twenty linemen with tools, 175 per month and board. Forest Lake, Minnesota.. J. J. Schulthelser, Supt. Stono & Webster Eng. Corp.. LiA BORERS wanted. Hoctor boulevard. South Omaha Street paving. "AniDw i wo gooa snoe cierao. a, a. Pierce at Co.. Council Bluffs. Ia. RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS WANTED Average salary, 11,100. Examinations in Omaha, November 12. Common education sufficient. Free preparation. Send name Immediately. Franklin Institute, Dept 212-U. Rochester, N. Y. YOUNG man for delivery and collecting; small security required; give address and phone. Address .A-ISS, Bee. WANTED An assistant engineer. Apply to the Norfolk Electric Light and Power Co.; Norfolk, Neb. HELP WANTED UALai AND F ACM ALB - TWO experienced solicitors wanted for a splendid paying proposition. Easy selling and big money. Call for Martin at .310 Douglaa. WANTED Five or six men or women with fair education; two to travel. Good salary and experience guaranteed. Inclose Ic for Information. Address R. W. Runge, Omaha Neb. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses sal Wnaeas. WAfSnYi Buggies, ate. Will sell yoa IVAUU.0 better grade of work and for less money than anyone else In Omaha or Council bluffs. . 1117 Farnam atreet. CARRIAGE and top buggy, good condi tion: almost your own prlca Go see Jofcnson-Danforth Co.. 10th and Jones 8 la Wagon Umbrella -Wagner. S01 N. Uth. FOR SALE At half original cost a nearly new phaeton. Inquire at the Rink Barn Co.. 23 N. Main or 70S Madison Ave., Council Bluffa. ' .. Tracks. THE Brown Truck Mfg. Co.. builders of trunks of every description. You cannot name t truck we can't make Wa want your work and will bid right to secure it u'flce U.ll Hrny. Tel. Doug. 1V64 LOST AND FOUND The Teddy Bear r.1 ttr,.? LOST Lady's porketbook onntalnlna ticket to Itockford, 111.; lady'a gold watch and $17. Finder keep money and return other articles to 614 N. 23d St Tel. Red 44. LOST AND FOUND (Continued.) LOST Ladies' gold watch, between 16th and 20th on Dorcas. Reward. Return to lii24 LHrcas. IDST Diamond rlna near 19th and Far nam Wednesday. Reward for return. Miss scott, iw mrnam. MEDICAL HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES Beat rem edy for itching, bleeding or protruding PILES. 60c postpaid; sample free. Sher man & lucConnell Drug Co., Omaha. FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college. 14th and Daven port Sts.; special attention paid to confine ment cases; ail treatment supervised by college professora Phone Douglas 1167. Calla answered day and night BEST nerve bracer for man. Gray's Nerve Food Pills, tl a box. postpaid. Sher man 4s McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. MONEY TO LOAN ALARY. AND CHATTGL1. u NO MUKIS H1UHKA1K8. $A M (J HE At MOlSib Y 1) MWUOarAfli. KH.WI-LAW8, $1 This Is a new firm organised ty the $1 SLAAUinu nuDina,ao aiun OJT OMAHA TO LOAN I It 110 to 1500 ' t$ to any honest person owning HOUSE $$ HOLD GOODS, PIANOS, eta or bokS 11 Ing a salaried position at the rate of U 10 PER CENT PER YEAR. U JUST THINK YOU PAY u tLOO Interest on $10 for one year. At $2.60 Interest on IX for one year, t s&.oo Interest on $60 for one year. S ALiL OTHER SUMS IN PROPORTION S r U UIO ft AUV.-. - - -MA,. (X tl Reasonable Appraibement C bargee. g INDEPENDENT LOAN Col Room 204 Wlthnell Block. N. E. Cor. 16th ft Harney Sts.. Id Floor 8Anones uuugias oo; A-uot, As rtmmTwrHUwmnnimwtiimmmwg Cash Quick on Easy Tenns Loans made on furniture, pianos and teams without removal; small and easy payments; $130 Is the weekly payment on a $50 loan for 60 weeks; other amount in the same protortlon. Mall or 'phone ap plications receive our prompt attention. State Mortgage Loan Co., Room 12, Arlington Blk., 1511 Dodge St 'Phones Douglas 2466 or A-3465. $m$$imeWWJwwi jwmmmww ! CHEAP LOANS. U $$ ' on Furniture, Pianos or Salary. $i 11 You Borrow ii $$ 110 00 yo. pay back $11.00 i $$ $26.00 you pay back trf.Ot $$ $$ $60.00 you pay back $54.00 $$ & No other charge. tl 0 OMAHA FINANCIAL CO.. S 1$ Room 810 Brown Blk., 207 8. 16th St $1 $$ Cor. Douglas St. Douglaa 036, A-2uJ. U limiiroiniiiiaiiiwiHiiwHiii'iiiiiiHi CHATTEL LOANS AT BANKABLE RATES. NEBRASKA .LOAN CO., Room T, Crounae ' Block. Corner 16th and Capitol Ave. Opposite Postoffioe, . Both Phdnas Doug. 1256. A-llof. CHATTEL loarA. salary loans, every kind of loan from private party. 559 No York IJfe Bldg. MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE. WOMEN KEEPING HOUSE AND OTH ERS, without security; easy payments. Offices In 66 principal cltlea Tolmau. room 111 New York Life Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN. Come In and let us explain our low rates to you. Reliable Credit Co- $08 Paxton Block. Tel. Douglas 1411, A-UU. DIAMOND LOANS AT 5 W. C. FLATAU, TRii AN OLD FIRM A NEW ADDRESS . OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 215 BOARD OF TRADE BLDO. Second Floor. 'Phona Doug. 2m MOVING AND HOUSE CLEANING OMAHA ViN ft STORAGE CO. cleans carpets on your floor. Electric vaouum system. 809 6. 17th. Tel. D. 1559. ' EXP. Delivery Co.. offices 16th and Dav en port Bts. Warehouse. 1307-01 I sard St. OFFERED FOR RENT Board sal Reoaaa. CHOICE rooms with board, "The Ten,' plara " ml Capitol Ave, BEAUTIFUL room with board; fur nished. 2787 Capitol Ave.. BOARD and rooms. 829 S. Uth. NICELY furnished front parlor with or without board; private family; close to two car lines. 1633 No. Uth St FINE rooms and board; home oooklng. 2610 Dewey Ave. FURNISHED rooms. In private family; fine meals; moderate prices. Phone Doug las 6196. 714 N. MTH, front parlor, desirable tor two gentlemen. TWO second floor rooms furnished for light housekeeping. Good location. 622 N. fcid St SUITE unfurnished for housekeeping, good location. 630 S. 26th Ave. FOR RENT Furnished or - unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping, also room for couple of gentlemen, 8& B. 20th Bt iiincc. ruoiiis, lurniBiiea uiuvif lur ruum keeping; reasonable; good location, Ind. A-1976. rr.T t t. t ' ,7. .. r . . i . . v. . w FOR RENT-Elegant apartment fur nlsned. four rooms, piano. Good location. 4 8. 28th St. BOARD and rooms; desirable location. 2212 Mason. Red 6506. Famished Hoobbb. FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room. 217 . fcth St Very convenient to bualnesa TWO nicely furnished rooms, close In, modern. 2317 Dewey Ave. FOR RENT A desirable room for two. 2022 St Mary's Ave. STRICTLY modern rooms; private family. 1038 8. 22d. Douglas 6422. THE LYN HURST, privets room for carnival visitors. 617 B. 18th. HANDSOME rooms; strictly modern; all new furniture; no housekeeping. 631 So. d St. THE LANDON Nicely furnished room with board. 611 So. 24th St ROOM for two gentlemen. Hot water beat. Webster 4843. NICELY furnished room; gentleman pre ferred; strictly modern. &4 s. 2Mb. FRONT room, all modern, with house keeping and laundry: will rent unfurnished or furnished to suit tot South 27th St 2 corner aunny rooms, private family, no children; block from 1 car lines; gentle men preferred. 2404 N. lid. Tel. W. ti. THE - BACHELORS. 20th and Farnam. ..VERY desirable rooms; 'Tine location, distance. f!8 S. 26th St. O. M E. hauls truaka. Phone D. cil. A-Mll. K N 19th t-t. large front room tot gstitleman; modern; private OFFERED FOR RENT Famished Rooms Coatluaed. DEWEY European Hotel, 13 Vh and Far nam, VERY desirable well furnished; room, In strictly niclern west Farnam' borne, for lady only. Small private tamlly; every con venience; choice neighborhood; near Sith street; two blocks from Fainum car, three from Leavenworth. Reference required. Phone Harney 4543. CLEAN, modern rooms, three blocks from Ak-Sar-Ben grounds. 621 S. 10th St. GOOD furnished room In modern house; reasonable. 725 S. Kith St, FOR RENT Nicely fumlahed rooma la Capitol Ave. NICELY furnished rooms. 263 Capitol Ave. Harney 6667. , WITH or without board; two furnished rooms. 1437 N. 30th. Webster 1451. FOR RENT Four furnished rooms; rea sonable. 1708 Clark St ,, NEAR West Farnam car; a dealrabls front room; private family.. 1S1 N. Uat St TWO furnished rooms, large and oa pound floor; heat light bath and phone; desirable for men. 2M8 Capitol Ave. FOR RENT Strictly modern furnished rooms. 1502 N. 17th Bt Webster 267. FOR RENT Steam-heated furnished rooms. 604 N. 16th, Douglas 4036. 117 N. 218T ST.-Good location; very nice front rooms, with board. - HERE la a very desirable front room, with private family; house modern:-good location. 828 8. Mth St Douglas 6788. FOR RENT Suits nr nir!a rrvn,n. . . era in all respect 410 N. 23d St. FOR RENT Nice modern rooms; good location, lull Caaa. FOR RENT One room, neatly furnished room, $12. $10; also large, 2664 Douglaa St FOR RENT Modern front room, suitable for couple. 813 S. 22d St NICE home for two lor four gentlemen large parlor room; good location, 9421 Dodge St Douglas 4679. , A DESIRABLE place for. .couple; large, modern front room, with private family ; good location; reference required . 1&21 Chicago St .. GOOD modern room with private family $2.60 a week, 711 S. 19th St THE .beat neighborhood In Bemis Park dlsuiot; nice room with private family. Harney $425. . . MODERN rooms, excellent neighborhood, with bath. 811 S. 2Sd St . MODERN, steam heated rooms, 130 N. 23d St FRONT parlor, Id floor, flat twelve. (34 8. 16th St Hot baths with spray. EAST front room, electricity and steam heat fine neighborhood, walking distance. 578 So. 28th St MODERN furnished rooms, walking dis tance. 516 SO. 19 th 8t FIVE rooms. 1603 Leavenworth atreet. V, v ern home. 3008 Farnam St, Phone. Har. 4077. NICELY furnished front parlor, with or without board; private family; oioee to two oar lines. 1538 N. 19th St 4 MODERN, furnished rooms; aleotrlo light. 519 8. 24th. FURNISHED room. 104 S. 11th St FURNISHED and heated rooms: board If desired. 823 S. 20th St SUITE of rooms for I or 4 parties. A110J Pacific NEWLY furnished rooms: very desir able; walking distance. 407 8. 16th Art. NICELT furnished rooms; strictly mod ern; private family. 1001 & loth. FURNISHED ROOM for gentlemani prl vate family; walking distance. 602 & 88th St FURNISHED and heated room; board If desired. 821 So. loth St ... Uotele aad AaartaaeaU. NICELT FURNISHED ROOMS tor gen tleinen. THE CHATHAM, lit S. Uth St DODGE HOTEL ittn and Dodge. All out tide cool rooms; special rates by the week. MADISON HOTEL, thoroughly moderni cloae In; quite and homelike, Doug. 1711 or tsl Uat and Chicago. THE IRVING Rooms and board. HOI Lear. HOTEL HUBBARD, lit and Howard; a place for the common people; prices right STAR HOTEL, neat rooms, meals, 15o and up. Corner Uth and Leavenworth, GEORGIA HOTEL, European plea meal ticket 1042 & 29th St Harney 561. ' Hoaselteeplac lAaoaas. ' FOUR el scant rooma. furnished, fas'. housekeeping; hot water heat; gas range: bath; telephone; half block north of Uintah apartments; references required. Tot S. 80th St .. . ,. FOR RENT Two ranms naltiv furnlahsA for housekeeping. 115 8. 26th St TWO aultea. furnlshad tar kauukMnlna M08 N. Mth St APARTMENTS for housekeeping: tele phone, gaa and heat; $3.60 and $ a week. 2010 Webster St FOR RENT In Hanscom Park diatrlct. neatly flurnished housekeeping . rooms, In private family, Harney 1348. . ' THREE furnlahed housekeeping rooms,. . In strictly modern house; good pelghbor. hood; private family: walking distance.,- 502 South 28th St - " - . i o h..i . . 1 u , m,I . sn m 1111.V17 luiiii.uru i . ,h..i, floor, complete for housekeeping, lull Dav. enport St m .1 .n. t , THREE nice unfurnished housekeeping rooma 2603 Dodge St. . .?, Apartmeata aad Flats, .. - J' Rents That Are Right - -". " 4 Kit A 11$. trxt a,-. ..) few-W aw ow - will, VA7tsIll IsVlaVlfXat apartments; $10 teas In luramer. Only,. IC 1 U was IUI IWAUVn. f . , Pavne. Bostwick St Slater bole. Agents. 6th Floor, N. Y.' IJfe. i ' 1311 DEWEY AVE., t room all moderm, close walking dlstanoe. $30. Glover Realty Syndicate. 1319-22 City Natl.. Bank Bldg. ' f" FOR-RENtD ' : I J . 8TEAM HEATED APARTMENTS. ' The Urbane at Wool worth and park Ave.. 6-room apartments, strictly modern, heat ' and Janitor service furnished. $46 per month.' ' -' $42.501010 Olenwond Ave. Hmls Park. rooms, strictly modern, flue yard. $46.003511 Lafayette Ave., Ben. Is Park, T I",' " rooms, all modern, hot water beat, fs range, large yard, 11 Shirley St. (Center), I rooms, , gas and water, $37.60816 8. 27th Ave., I large rooms, first- ; floor apartment, furnace heat very a k fine. . , " , $46.00-4013 Harney St.. Highland Terrace. . fine t-room modern house, three-year FURNISHED HOUBEB.': . ,- $35.00 Fine 7-room furnished bouse: Field Club Diatrlct D. V. 6 HOLES ft CO., i' Ninth Floor City National Bank BlaAU Omaha, Kea ' 1 c ox i 1 ,'! 4, r U t i i . i if r r: