THE BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 30. 1910. UiUEF CITY NEWS - mat w a Year Ikt to Smith. Omaha. Cm rituw-u.wHtuiti Ce, Xaa Tear ftUtlKr U Uk TtaM. est Dry OtuUf or carman:. Twla ri, 407 Booth Fifteen a. Oppealiein aUlraxsaaia; Parlors Move t-i-Ho city National ttank tuildin. . rick., Kealljr r-ainits at to "atitp hind. t Cltjr r.e liana. raid M Pail Shares of the Neb. Lioan Am make an Ideal iotesl.nent , to ti.009 para v. r annum. Board ot wi . raae Bunaing, ltii remain Mtreeb Bartlett Sa-a to loara Uyrsm Bart let t aa arrested Wetinredar by Letectle Van "leuen. bookad aa a fuKitive fiom Ju.uce and, handed over to Conptabie H. W. Win otr of Harlan, la. abeie liarilett i wanted on the charge or burglar)'. tela ar Crowded Hotel ar already anaoea with Ak-r-ar-B.. ,;icor. .eai... ail hare not had a tacait ruam o.ernlnui fof "ten days, the banker, or course help ing t aaeil tbeanrunf. At the Merchant Vtedneeoar nlant the count aa Is gjei. the hotel rooms numbering elsbi -rla. Xrfkfed Casaa Octeber i Ueruty State Labor Comnilmunrr m li. Maupin naa asked a correction T a neas story, which gave the Impresalun tnat tbe laoor law cases In Justice or lb Peaie Bald a In s court Were continued at air. Maupln's re quest. He states that the cases were con tinued to October 24 and October a at the request ot the. defendant. Wits Merit Wlaa. When the medicine you take cures dis ease, tones up your system and makes you fee) better, stronger and more lgorous than before. That Is what Toley s Kidney Mils do for you. In all cases of backache, headache, nervousness, loss of appetite, sleeplessness and general weakness that is caused by any disorder of the kidneys or bladder. Sold by ill druggists. INEBRIATE SENT TO LINCOLN Beard at Caaaty Caassalsalaaere Beads "jfarlla tlllsaarki t Inebriate ' ( tate HasBltal, Upon showlnc that Martin gtlllmath Is an insbrlale and la unable to break himself f the drink habit the Board of Commis sioners of Insanity committed him to the Inebriate ward af the stats hospital for tha insane, at Lincoln Thursday. 8U1I mach's wife, several of br relatives. Pro bation Officer McAuley and, Chief of Police Brings of South Omaha testified against Stillmach. Chief Brtrg said that In ths last rear or two SUUmach. had become a confirmed drunkard. He admitted baring sold him "the stufr," a he caUed It. years ago when be was in tha saloon business and said that la tboe days KUllmach always paid his Ifpuor bill. Tro sorry I ever sold him. bow." h said. Vrobatlou Officer McAuley said that the Btiltmac h children reovntly had to stay war from school fcecause they were with out shoes. . Ha testified further the almost a soon as oa of FUllmacb's boys was old enough to work without violating tb child labor law gtillmaca secured a permit for . tha lad to labor. A brother of Mrs. Still- . coach said that , but for the proceeds of tha lad's toll the family hardly could live. '. lashesl with a. Raaer, wounded with a run. or pierced by a rusty nail, Bucklen's Arnica Baire heals the wound. Guaranteed. Be For sals by asCDS :Irir-Oo. i ,m a ,i , . - . BOOM FOR THE INTERURBAS Commercial Club CtXt Behind Kew line to Papillion. MOSEY RAISED BY BET MIXES Baelaeae Mea af Oaaaha Are Behind Line, Ma Ira Will Eveataaly Baa ! Llarala. The retailer- committee of the Com mercial club will undertake Friday raising w to complete Umaha a first real in terurban railroad. With one bfg push the committee expect to secure nufficlent sub scription of per cent gold bond to ex tend tbs line of the Nebraska Traction and Power company to Papillion. This done It will be a property whose income will pay interest on all outstanding bonds and more bond ran be underwritten In the east so that the line car be put throush to Lincoln. The enterprise which the Commercial club has got behind Is that ot the Nebraska Tf action- and Poser company. lr-nriv in healthy condition and operating a line be tween South Omaha and Ralston. The retailers' committee of the Commer cial club wit start the work at ence. as the company now has an opportunity to secure entrance to Lincoln and terminals In that city by taking over the tine to Bethany Height Besides this encourage ment the Commercial club at l'i lllion has secured subscriptions to flS.OW worth of the bonds to Insure ths construction of the road to that city. That Omaha needs Interurban railways to encourage its growth Is the opinion of the members of the executive committee of the club who have passed resolutions heartily endorsing tbe project of extending the line ot tha Nebraska Traction company to Pa pillion and then on to Lincoln. Indianap olis and Ies Moines, Cleveland and Toledo are four dtlea which are pointed out as places which have reaped the benefit of the Interurban railroad In the last ten years and It is belitved Omaha's growth would have been 14 per cent larger If capital bad been Invested In Interurban lines. Tbs business men behind the enterprise are nearly all well known Omahans and members of tha Commercial club who have other financial Interests in Oro&ha and are determined to start the interurban era for Omaha. Ths officers of the Nebraska Traction and Power company are these: ilel I'hl, president; Frank Koutsky, vice president; T. A. Howard, treasurer; J. V. Kmmert, secretary; C. M. Wllhelm and W. D. Crist. Grading of the Hne south of Ralston is nearly completed and tbe ties ar on the ground. Biliousness Is duo to a disordered condi tion of the stomach. Chamberlain's Tablet are essentially a stomach medicine, in tended especially to act on that organ; to cleanse It, strengthen It, tone and In vigorate It, to regulate the liver and to banish biliousness positively snd ef fectually. For sale for all druggists. WEEPING WATER, Neb., Sept 2 tEpe dal ) Senator Burkett and Colonel Hay ward spoke here this afternoon at the city park, after a morning meeting at Manley. Tbey left later In tbe day for Syracuse. ladlaas Wis la Tennessee. JEL.UOO. Tenn.. Sent. fPpeols! Tele gram. H-Nebrarnka " Indians,- ; Jeitlco, 0. Men Rob Woman Through Bars Reach Through Cell Ban and Get Money from a Female Inmate. Thrusting a air through the bars of a cell In the city Jail. Tom Rvan and Ed Thompson filched money front a sleeping woman inmste Wednesday night. Tb ! woman, who Is known to the police as Mary Doe, and a drug fiend, had suffered one ot her periodical arrests In the evening, on a charge ot disturbing the peace while under the Influence of cocaine. She kept het money. mojnttng to J.t.xi. lorct-aled on Iter per m upon being placed in a cell. The to men were in an adjoin. Ing one. IMcoverlng heT los on the morn ing, the woman notified the turnkey, and It wan later discovered that Ryan and Thompson hsd committed the taeft. Tbey admitted It ar.d explained how they ac complished the feat. Ryan, who hsd been serving a fifteen-day sci'tence. i given fifteen days sdditionai. and Thompson, under sentence of twenty dey. received twenty-five day more to serve a the result of the theft. COUSTT COURT H1DSE DHACS Work is 5ow Forty Days Behind the Schedule Time. HEAVY PENALTY FOR DELAY Children Work After Curfew Probation Officers Busy Trying: to Enforce the Laws on Child Labor. The probation authorities started out promptly Wednesday night to see thgt child labor laws are not violated on tbe carnival grounds. Mogy Bernstein Is on the ground snd both he and and the police under Sergeant Dempsey stopped several mall boys who were selling confetti, and doing other things for pay after t o'clock. Mogy sent home one It-year-old girl who was selling pickets after a The curfew law will also be enforced on the grounds and children under 11 abroad alone are liable to get Into trouble. Mrs. Jacob Wllmert. Lrfncoia, IIL, found bar way back to perfect health. Una writes: "I auf farad with kidney trouble and backache and my appetite was very poor at times. A few weeks ago I got Foley's Kidney Pills and gave Loam a fair trial. Tbey gava ma great relief, so continued, till now I am again la perfect health. " Bold by aU druggists. LIEUTENANT MEREDITH WEDS Jfebraalcaa, Whs Is Officer la Beg alar Arsay, Takes Massachusetts Bella far Bride. WORCESTER, Mass.. ept - Special Telegram.) The largest wedding held In Worcester this season and essentially mili tary, took place tonight, when Marlon Olive Wlllard, a society belle, was married to Lieutenant Owen RJggs Meredith. Twenty seventh Infantry, stationed at Fort Sheri dan. III., in All Saints' Episcopal church. Rev. Arthur Wheelock Moulton, a cousin of the bride, officiated. Lieutenant Meredith, son of Mr. and Mrs. John F. Meredith of O'Neill, Neb., gradu ated from the United States Military acad emy. West Point. In IMS, and tha army offi cers In the wedding party were all his clsssmates. - - Masse at tbe 1 aasslMleaers Are la Kaver af et tiraatlas; aa Kxtea" slew af the Tlsse scl fled la Ike Contract. Penalties of W.OOO may r exacted from Caldwell A Drake, general contractor on the new county building by the Roerd of County Commissioners if It sees fit to re a forty-day extension of time. rejuet tor which ha been made to the boar 1 by taldwelt a Drake. Though Commissioner- John C. Trout n is in favor of flatly refusing any extension ef time beyond May I. the time specified In the contract, the board has screed to let the matter rest for the present and act upon It some months later, when the build ing is nearer completion. Completion of the building by May t now appear to be a physical impossibility. The contract specifies that for each day's delay the contractors must pay the county board a penalty or lino, unless tha delay Is cause! by the county, or unlesa tbe county waives the right to require the penalty. ir the county commissioner do not waive collec tion or the penalties, or extend the time ot expiration or the contract, ths penalties will cut deeply Into the profits of tbe contract ors. o far work on tha building has pro-. grtssed so slowly that It Is extremely un IlkHy that the building will be completed even within forty days after May 1. Commissioner Troutan. spejk.n of tb contractors' request Thursday, said: "I am In favor of refusing to extend the time. They have let the work drag They never hava had enough men at work there I don't see why the county should pay for the mistakes or slowness or carelessness, of the contractors. "In bidding on the general contract for the county building Caldwell at Drake made an additional Inducement for the county to accept their bid by offering to contract ti complete the work in twenty months. The county commissioners and the architect, John Latenser. had estimated tbe time re quired at two or two and a half years, and the bids were asked for on that basis. Caldwell 4 Drake erased tbe words two years. and 'two and a half years.' and In place of them wrote 'twenty months.' " They Say Nobody Loves a Fat Man Baby Jim Spreads Eimself Out on Chairs and Sofa and Ponders Fate Sadly. Baby Jim. on ot the fattest tst men who ever graced a carnival seated himself on a couple cf chairs and overflowed onto a nearby lounge. "This heah show business." opined Mr. Jim. "sln't what you all tnought think. Tou stand befoh a lot of rubbernecks and heah all tb flip guys make cracks." Baby Jim was feeling peevish (slang for peeved! tecause some one had Jut stood before his cage beg pardon, boudoir and exclaimed. "I say. old scout Do you think anybody loves a fat man? Malldtaa- rvrwHt. Mrs. John Marmet. 7n Pouth Thirty. eighth avenue, frame dwellln. X SO0; F. w. lonrey. i toutn xnirty-nnn avenue frame dwelling. SI.Mu. 0 t'e. never fail. 1 til Camden I bail, Aad ever the CsxyMI Fsnnt lU sad.- u Smacking good" The old-fashioned idea was that you'd bet ter be afraid to eat much of a thing that tasted very eood for fear it might hurt you. For Every Nood of Every Kind of Boy "Nebraska" Boys Suits Are Best Imm Mil I If roar boy1 dressed In one ot our Dew Fall Sui.a.-)ou will hava good reason to be proud ot bis appearance, no matter where he If aof what he may be doing. Our boys' garment are a stylish, as handsome, a perfect flttlns and a com fori able as our men's garments In fact, they're "LITTI.K MK.- CMiTIIINH" In reality as weil as name. And your, boy mill like them as well or bitter than you. PrWs from S2.95 to S9.95 Boys' Corduroy "" , Knickerbockers These ' IndestmcMble" Poyg" Pants are made of a splendid quality corduroy and are the tnot serviceable knickerbockers you could buy. They hare patent elastic waist bands, patent riveted button and patt-nt taped aeama. All Bixa at 75c and S1.00 The House 01 High Merit,' ' Will Not Discard Voting Machines Two County Commissioners Deny the Humor About Devices for Which Biff Sum Was Paid. Denial that the county Board of Commis sioners Is considering ths advisability of doing- away with ths use of the votinc ma chines, for which the people of Doug-lax county have paid tSO.OOO. was made by County Commissioners Trouton and Pick srd Thursday. Both aald that so far as they know the matter Is not being; consid ered at all. Mr. Troutan aald the commis sioners have discussed the proposition neither formall. aor Informally. "It but not been mentioned to me by any commis sioner and I haven't mentioned It to any," he aald. "There has been some talk of not using the machine, but It has been by per sona other thu,th. commissioners. liut you than that tasted know better if you ever F TOMATO It is "smackinjf; g-ood' to taste. Almost any youngster enjoys it as much as candy or cake. At the same time it is easy to digest and full of strengthening1 properties that every one ought to get the benefit of. Do you realize this? And are you getting the ben-fit? 21 kinds 10c a cam Just add hoi water, bring to a boil, and serve. Fresh ideas every flay in Campbells Mesa Book. frtt. . Jotin Our ill Commrt Can den N Look for the red-and-white ' label 118 WELCOME AK-SAR-DEI VISITORS Male this ntore your headquarters Jurtnj the Carnival day 9. All art welcome. ""E keep on supplying the up-to-date business firms with their office furniture. . . . ! There's a reason. Best, most conveniently arranged and most sanitary line sold in the city. Omaha Printing Co Douglas 346; Ind. A-3451 924-928 Farnam Street It::--' jLlA T.hYj In . 1 Over one top burner, under cover, in pure, radiated heat. Toast Aerated, Sanitary, Healthful r: v - No products of combustion can come in contact with bread to impair its flavor, no chill air toughen the outer side and render center heavy, while under side is toasting. An Adjustable Grate makes it possible to keep toast, and all other i foods as well, deliciously hot and appetizing until ready to serve, with a minimum iuei consumption and no danger or burning. "The Triple-Trick" thus solves one of the housewives' most incessant and vexing problems -KEEPING FOOD WARM ON FLAME STOVES. V A Removable Sheet Steel Plate both prolongs the life of the "Triple-Trick" Com bination and renders it perfectly sanitary and easily cleaned. IDEAL FOR HOSPITALS AND SICK ROOMS I THE BEE has perfected arrangements for having this splendid household utensil shown by its inventor, Miss M. Agnes Phelps, of Princeton, 111., under actual service conditions at the Omaha Gas Co's. office, 1509 Howard street, October 1st to 10th. THE "TRIPLE-TRICK" ROASTER IS THE BEE'S NEWEST PREMIUM How to Get One paper Sho roocr0"1"0 "" SUn,ay OC- and pay 1Cc " or a-lx months. Xhls pays lorbolh the af' Y i