TIIK-BKF: OMAHA, THURSDAY, SKIT KM HER 20. 1910. "V "J 1 ' " " FLORESCIi Hi FRAl'0 CHARGES Five Resident 1 Aik Injunction Against Paving District. Ike Want 'Ad ; Brings Wealth to a Canadian Lytle I. Abbott Telli of Canadian Who Made a Fortune by a Want Ad. Says Lcslta Ji..Shkw, former Sec JU. , retvy pf.the Treasury. " -J l ; f 1 L-j " -' ATTENTION TO THE. INSURGENTS (t II In llrirrla to Thfoilorf V R.ii-Tfl niirt' Vdiitr- I'nrlM ot Ihr t-alllrat I'arlr Known Imamrno. in! Mil .Stint, . Minor governor of j 1 t, fnrftii,ai crAty tf tin- tri-itnury, ami how' IipuiI of ' ft I)! Plill.i.lclti'iiiu tiiifct rom my, guvt? on int-. view "ft t.lnrtday nuon III wilcli ,Ti(i ilme Ilioiu-v'lt and Ihe iu urnni puatn In.";"- Muv'u"" a.ti.-ntlon. Mr. -Shaw i(hkh In . ;uw r to a upatinii us to am lAliiiifgs ami finaniiHl outlook. He aiu; ' "l " " ' "It rniulrVs vi'i y. ''Xtfpirp nerve for a loon. olive piiKlnf fr to 111.1 k bciumIuIo tlim In I'ukk)' "l't v.'hlIk r. On (lie track now We fin ifiifly discover iMthir.K. but It Ih awful .' ' "Here ( aribtTier Illustration: A man Woiks o will a, e in hli ulfiip, lie li lives lute ut nllit. iiot:H liuiim and unlnikn the door and entii K 'iiome. footxtcp Is henrj. It may t! Iila wlfy 11 mi, lln'i tnvre Is a ym THr-EH. it may lie a nuriui, '".Four yearn' iVgo biicim-a; woil.id over Vnje .uttjiiHMiaUva.ttty but kIhcc then a Hi arise fuOUtcii hue been liiurd In con- ;M ArpHa uiiil Hi tli. Mi'rvit. :iml vim ntiil not u surjiiiMm u uu.-nrv ss ki-cis im nanan on Its puckel until It i l'ariud whether a catiMi ur a b.ow ) in a tore. "Ilia lUkdraeiit i.aiiim to' be n friend of bUHinesx, but buniiiei-K thinks It can nee the limniy In hia putritet. ""In addition in lulu t..u republican party haa aband'-Mdi'ieiautloii and ban told the nmnufactuii.. iii iut think you have had enouvjh. $i.jihj ln tiie past, but Moon us we can m : I Ljrala I. Abbott, receiver for the Inde pendent Telephone company, haa returned from Canada with an authentic story of a man who haa berome wealthy through (tie medium of a want ad placed In The umaha Bee. The man la proud of his achieve menta and car'fully preaerva the want ad which haa made him Independent. The story aa told by Mr. ..bbott la: "Some years hku W. H. Manchester lost moat of hln earthly posaeaalona In Cuba, and thought he would try lor a new alart In Canada, llo located at Saskatoon and trkd to engage in the buatneas ot veiling land. He tried to advertise In various papers In Chicago. Minneapolis, Hloux City. St. I'aul and other citlra with no resulta. "One day. about discouraged, he told hla wife he would aend an advertisement to The Omaha liee. It appeared In the wnht ad column. Mr. Aboott saw tha adver tisement and wrote Mr. Manchester, asking hlrn to go to Reglna for him to look after Borne of Mr. Abbott's possessions In the capital of Saskatchewan. Mr. Manchester went, and after finishing that work, Mr. ibbott Introduced him to a man named Q. W. lirown, a wealthy land owner, and h . Manchester was soon engpted In more business than he could handle, buying and ael.ing land, flrat for Mr. Krown and later for himself, tie reckons Ids profits for last year at 50,0i0, and It all came through a want ad In The Bee. . Mr. Manchester keeps that want ad and la a great booster for The Omaha Bee. DECLARE THAT MOVE IS ILLEGAL Court Itefaaea Ileal ra lain Order, bait . Sri Hearing; for Temporary In Jaartlon Who the I'laln- tlffa Are. 1 . ! ft 4 . J ."I J ,miw ii ih ueuiH .huii 10 ine nianuiac- sh pbeaHiiir people la without conser ii lea(leai.ii. -ti'ui' tee fli ot tlinu In the irer, If an- article evsts -vu tl, w hich the ( . 1 1 im n can maki4 irtr 7.', .M'litw. u will re- ,1 have aji cii.ul ; cuMiLeiitiuii in your rilllui , rvii.ti Jul, u k iiic iiic biiiic liac , uuue in tux. . , J 'For the fjr-.t ttir.e In the history, an JllB'ir v alive history of th . L nttcd gtaie.i no party stands for protection.' , r'm t ie flrat time In all history the' man wlwxhas the greatest following of any, man .living or dead, pub licly advocated, Jha abandonment ot the "jellying lea.al prtnclplea.-on which our p. J:ties descend. 'Whenever these prlnci itft stand In (ha way of what the people think they Want, and when the courts fall thus to disregard these principles, he holds the courts to public execration." Former Secretary Shaw I was greeted at tha Field club luncheon by several men -who beard him speak soma years ago at Norfolk. One of thent reminded him of this and he replied aghlngly: 'Whan I waa appointed secretary of the treasury, people earns rjjnfltng to- me and Asking where 1 stood on' central bank. I aid I could 'hot 'answer ;untU I had looked dp my speech 1 and aea what ) said to those tWebraaka if allows. " : SCHOOL BOY IS RUN OVER but as J you. yoj vv.ll get the J Mne-Yenr-Old Frank Kohak nerrlvea Painful Injuries Cnder Wheels of Matron. Frank Kohak, a B-year-old school boy of 1568 North Eleventh street, waa run over and severely Injured by a wagon at Six teenth and Izard streets Wednesday morn ing. The boy was running from in front of one wagon when he fell under the wheela of the second, driven by E. C. Peterson. The wagon wheels passed over the child's right arm. lie was attended by Police Surgeon T. T. Harris, and later taken to his home. Charging- fraud the mayor and city coun cil of Florence, tn connection with their establishment of an Improvement district and ordering pavement cf a street In that district, J. 8. Paul and otiiers, acting for many affected c itizens as well aa for them selves, began an action to avoid payment of any improvement assessment taxes in district court Wednesday afternoon. They filed a petition for a restraining order and a perpetual Injunction to prevent George Siert. 'city tieasurer of Florence, and 1. M. Haverly, counly clerk of Douglas county, from proceeding- to oollect the assesinents by sale of abutting property. The restraining order was refused, but a hearing nn the temporary injunction waa Bet for October 10. The plaintiffs, J. 8. Paul, K Shipley. J. V. Shipley, J. P. Brown and A. F. Close, allege that the mayor and city council fraudulently and wholly in violation of law ordered the establishment ot the Im provement district, ordered pavement of the street; awarded a contract for the work to one Ford without having duly considered bids for the contract; wrong fully and fraudulently charged tho entire cost of the work to owners of abutting property, when by the terms of Its tran clse the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway company must pave between its rails and ten Inches outside of each rail; and charged the owners o- abutting prop erty for the full contract price of the work, when the contractor had saved raoney on It by making the concrete base but 3'4 Inches thick when the specifications required a thickness of 6H Inches. The unwarranted and illegal action of the officials of Florence has coat the taxpayers about $7,000, according to the allegations of the plaintiffs, a part of this sum going to the clt council for compensation wrongfully taken by its members for sit ting as members ot aboard of equalisation. To Dlaaolve t Ualoa f stomach., liver and kidney troubles and Irure biliousness and malaria, take Electrio JStUara, Guaranteed. 60c. For sale by &eton Drof Co. ' ' ,, 14.:.' Ilul , K I. A (VI ., . I . .. Dnlldlnaj Permits. D. S. Efner, 4111 North Eighteenth, frame dwelling, $2,000; Board of Education. 2020-S4 Nicholas, school supply and shop building, $15,000; J. Slosburg, 1708 Cass, brick building, $2,600. Xt is the nature of women to Btrfrw uncomplainingly, the discomforts and fears that accompany the bearing of children. Motherhood is their crown ing glory, and they brave its suffer, ings for the joy that children bring. No expectant mother need suffer, however, durlno? tha rveHnd nf watt. Ing, nor feel that she is In danger when baby comes, if Mother's Friend la used In preparation of tho event. Mother's Friend relieves the pain and discomfort caused by the strain on tha different ligaments, overcomes nausea by counter action, prevents backache and numbness of limbs and soothes the Inflammation of breast glands. Its regular use fits and prepares every portion of tho mother's ysrem ror a proper and natural ending of the term, and It asmirea for her a quick and complete recov ery. Mother's Friend is sold, at drug stores. Write for free book for expectant mothers. BBADFIELD EEQULATOE 00, . Atlanta, OS, I . ; . .,, . if .... I , m . rcon;- r c ' v ill la i 1 ' " ' . !.!.- , iw :.i!.tei , Mail-!.... ' ' ' ' ' " SAS-1EN CARNIVAL and PARADES m iri-rur iji ji jirtrLn nr i - m m OIV3A.1-3A. Sent 28th 'to Oct. 8th, 1910 hjis ,j-rarresii " " n-m The Bifl Jolly Carnival Every Day Tuesday Night, October 4 CARNIVAL FIREWORKS Wednesday Night, October 5 ELECTRICAL PARADE Thursday Afternoon, October 6.... MILITARY PARADE Friday Night, October 7, CORONATION BALL uui i jinrijijirui n r iiii'"i"' "" Grand Military Maneuvers Every Day by U. S. Regular Troops REDUCED RATES ON ALL RAILROADS SHow Yourself a Good Time Yoa'Il Have Lots ol Help llaWK.ll.w "JHf 1 ONE SIMMER f f ffM WARM The x"TripIe"Trici" ComMiaaisoi Toaster aid Warmer loaster, i 9. i 7J WOMAN'S INVENTION FOR WOMEN'S COMFORT-conven-ience, food and fuel economy--a whole outfit in itself -insures greater leisure for the housewife and better and more healthful food for the family. MARIOJN HAIUjAWU says: JjiKe it so wen my nouseKeeper uses ifi. it every day. - , Mrs. Olaf N. Gulblin, chairman of General Federation of Women's Clubs, writes: "The . ' . , - - - ' ' t 'Triple-Trick' has been a great success; have had mine about two years." THE BEE has perfected arrangements for having this splendid household utensil shown cby its inventor, Miss M. Agnes Phelps, of Princeton, 111., under actual service conditions at the Omaha Gas Co's. office, 1509 Howard street, October 1st to 10th. ; This will be a rare treat for ail interested I in good things to eat, and new ideas concerning their preparation. V v ' . ; EIF: V05J EAT--COME IM-Luncheon. " THE "TRIPLE-TRICK" ROASTER IS THE BEE'S NEWEST PREMIUM How to Get One I...'. l Subscribe for ttie Evcnlnn and Sunday Bee, and pay 15c a week for aijc months. Thifi payo lor both the 1 A anania) paper and the roaster. 11 N v. .... . : I' v "... . '. i a