12 THE BEE:; OMAHA. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 29. 1010. "2 I ! j io b a b a m B B n D B M II B B B W TTvsTTiTVTTA TTTSfn i i i j I i. i i i n I i ,i h v ,i w oni0f n k y NIL V" i ) Fi w . a, .,..,,,, ,. .. j THURSDAY Special Sale of Skirts "We offer a number of new fall styles in women's up-to-date voile and panama skirts all new style features, colors and fabrics. Thursday special C second floor, at.... Women's Fall Suits at $12.50 ood, practical suits that are well tailored and made in new styles for autumn a special offer for Thursday, JJQ Women's Smart New Suits at $19 a great vnrletv of new styles to select from. These are all well made. high grade, tailored suits, with new style features for fall. Q1 Q A splendid offer, at VC Women's Silk Petticoats, black and colors, special $3.98 Women's Long Black Broadcloth Coats These coats are all smart, now styles full satin lined yjlQ Special In Basement Suit Department Good, serviceable, medium and heavy weight women's suits; f will give splendid wear; many to select from; fall styles. .. vjJlv H EM Every Woman Should Make aSpecial Point to Attend Our Annual FALL OPENING This store is beautifully decorated and the mer chandise itself, specially imjxirted for this event is the most exquisite ever seen in Omaha. The opening con tinues throughout this week. : ' Thursday Specials on Main Floor Women's Hosiery Worth 35c and 40c, pr 25c ancy. silk embroidered boot patterns, allover lace and laco boots, mercerized lisle black, tan and all light shades spliced soles, heels and toes. Woman's Sheer Liaea Handkerchief at 15c and 25c Armenian laci?,;hand embroidered corners, Madeira effects, French printed and embroidered, etc. worth up to 50c. Munsiag Underwear at 49c, 93c, $1.5) and $1 98 Vests., Pants and Union Suits fine, medium and heavy ribbed cotton, fleecy lined and'part wool. Smrt Au'.o Veils an! Scarfi at 98c, $1.50 aoi $1.98 . Silk spun knitted, chiffon, liberty silk, crepe de chine plain colors, also Persian and ombre shaded. Women's French KiJ an I Lambskin Gloves at $1.25 and $1.75 All the newest fall shades of tan, gray, green, blue, mode, catawba; also black and white all sizes fitted to the hand Main Glove Counter. Thursday is Chocolate Day in Sweetlaad East A read Those delicious bitter sweets with those soft, creamy cen ters and pure fruit and crushed nut flavors regular price 40c u pound Thursday only, per lb. 25c BRANDEIS STORES h pi H H D B I B a B3 Paeonies Should Be Planted This Fall Prompt deliveries will be made any time before October 0 th to your resi dence. II in Omaha or Council liuida. , Onr Bpsotal rail Catalogue is Worth Asking Tor contains planting Instructions and dswriptlnr.a ot all of our Itauillul l'aeoiues. Get It now and order early. So aot send postage. F. W. MENERAY CRESCENT NURSERY COMPANY, .. r boots i Sell 878; lad. 613. 81st KX. and Are. A Council Bluffs. low PAY FOR THE-CUTS HEALTH Puzzle as to Where to Get Funds to Pay Employes. IS UP TO THE CITY COUNCIL bbcldom Hays There Are !'o Faada Vpow Which the . Council Ion Id Poaallily Draw to Make tp the Deficiency. t i ' The last connection between the city payroll and 'Tr. Young; The veterinarian from whom the council took away the job ot milk Inspector, has been severed by Health Commissioner Connell, who notified the council Tuesday night that Or. Young and nine other Inspectors would be luld oft October, 1 unless . some provision Is mado to lay them from other funds. Dr. Young formerly received $10 a month from the city, but half ot his tncomo want with the work of Inspecting dairies. The others slated . for removal, all of them receiving s month, are Sanitary Inspectors Charles Burner, Frank J. Kna, II. O. Milder. Cust Hartoian. Walter John son. Auguet 8echt. Milk Inspector Joe Scully, Assistant J11I Inspector Claude Bossle and Samuel flothwell, garbage mas ter. '," The funds for Dr. Connell's department were estimated by the finance committee of the council without any consultation with him. He was ajlowed $22.M0 after asking for $.60. There is now M.1U left to cover a three-niontha rayroll of more than S5.0CW. After he had Bn allowed $6,000 less than he asked for he appointed several inspec tors more thagr were customary and their positions liave.'had only a nine-month's life. Villi the ten tnea gone, he will nave lert, his own services, costing 1164.87 a month; Dr. LangJon; inspector ot contagious dis ease; Dr. Langfeld, bacteriologist; Esau Fleishman, meat Inspector; K. J. Daemon, fumlgator; E. M. Bom, sanitary Inspec tor; Thomas Harrington, clerk; Victor Mo Douugli, sauiUfy Inspsoter; a watchman, a, steiiographsr and a clerk. Urd fa Aaotker Fwed. Charlee 8., Ureed. special Veterinarian, who manages the . parking house and ulaughter house inspection, while he is not busy with his theater or his theater torn psiius, receives SU from a different land, and has an assistant at $80. Councilman Sheldon, chairman ut the finance committee, say there are ee ios slble funds upon which to draw for the salaries of any of tho retired officials and Ju.y wl'l bare to be lai eft unicse the council takes some other action in the committee of the whole. Payroll of the health department, monthly: It. W. Connell, commissioner f 166.67 J. V. Langdon, insp contag. diseases U'5.00 M. I-nKfelci, bacteriologist l.'iO.Oii (leorge It. Young, veterinarian...... 75.U0 Kaau Fletschman. meat inspector... 100.00 Joseph Scully, milk Inspector 100.00 Claude Rosrle, assist, milk inspector 76.00 K. J. Daemon, fumlgator 76.00 K. M. Bonce, sanitary lnHector 75.00 Thomas Harrington, clerk..... 76.00 Charles Uruner, sanitary inspector.. 75.00 V. McDonough, sanitary Inspector.. 75.00 Frank J. Flxa, sanitary Inspector.... 75.00 H. B. Milder, sanitary inspector.... 75.00 Uust Hartman, sanitary inspector.. 7a. Oil Walter Johnson, sanitary inspector,. 75.00 AuHUst HiHiCht, sanitary inspector.. 75.00 8amuel Hot h well, garbage inspector. 75.00 ('. Flynn, watchman 10.00 Pearl Kmalley, stenographer 20.00 John Barker, secretary 100.00 Total Charles S. Breed. A. Hi. Blaufuss .. ACT INDIAN WAR VETERAN Org-antsatloa Is Gathertna- Kami VetrrsBS la Move for Pe. sloes from Coimrese. Steps are- being taken by the National Indian War Veterans, an- organisation, with headquarters In Denver, Colo., to communicate with all veterans through out the country, concerning the move to get pensions for them. Word has bten received here asking for the names ot the Indian war veterans In this section, so that they may be used for the compiling ot the proposed pension list. It Is annunced that two delegates will be sent to Washington to Inaugurate a vig orous campaign for the pensions. The delegates will be Henry Ilewger, the na tional commander and C. K. Hauser, the national secretary. MJL MLMJLUU. J1A) TAX.X. ITTI,I BOOK of Toadies Home Journal 1 jPstts rns. Including a pattern free, 2UC jy Thursday la Boys' Day at Bennett's. We Are Specializing Boys' Suits Boys' 0'coats These are winter clothes the boys will be proud of, for they are right up to the minute in style. Mothers will re cognize in them fine woolen fabrics and best tailoring that makes for durability and service. The suits are double breasted knick erbocker style. The overcoats are mannish cut with auto collar, belted back and full box cut, in all the new shades, including popular grays, browns and reds; 2 to 16 years at $2.25. - SHOE LUXURY -IN- HANAN FOOTWEAR Some Things a Man Needs at Sharply Lowered Prices B i '- i B If N i y d Sweater Coats The man with out side work likes the sweater coat. We have a surprisingly fine lot In silver grey only, with red or blue trimming, worth $2.00, sizes 36 to 46, for f)8 Men's I'nlon Suits Heavy wlntqr weights, white and flesh color, $1.60 garments $1.00 Outing Flannel Gowns Eithrr military or regular collar styles, heavy and full sizes 50cto$j.AO If you would be good to yourselt buy and wear Hanan footwear in the hundreds of thousands of these fine shoes made and sold all over the I'nited States. There Is not n hurt in a single pair. , This store sells more Hanaup for men and women than of any other make. Good reasons for this: First, quality; second, style; third, all around satisfaction for general purposes or dress. The stock of this particular make lb too large for us to even begin a description. Just ask a salesman to show you a pair of Hanans. Prices range: For Women $5.00 $5.50 $6.00 For Men $5.50 $G.OO nd $7.00 All sizes and models. Drexel's shoes always give satisfaction. Hi Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Fevrnara 8t n n M M ii ; ! i DENXKTT'S AUK SHOWING AN KNT1UKLY NEW AND DIFFEUENT HlEA IN WOMEN'S WEAK. New "Dsuble Service" Ilouie Dresses Here's a dress that one puts on and off like a coat. They have a reversible overlapping front, similar to a double breasted garment. To each front section is attached a bolt strap, which fastens by means of snaps in the back. There are no buttons or hooks and eyes of any kind. The garment comes either with high or low neck, fits perfectly snug and Is more trim and neat than ordinary kinds. They are very easily laundered for they open out flat. The fronts being reversible (either side worn outward), gives a double service to them. Slender or stout women, long or short waUted women can wear them with equally pleasing effects. Ask to see them; you'll thoroughly appreciate their many advantages. Exclusively at Bennett's. Good percales a &et PA fin and fleeced fabrics, best dressmaker llnlsh 9m 9u Flannelette Gowns for Women , The new season's lines are ready. We think you'll see better values than ever this season better and heavier materials and more liber ally full cut slzezs. They are made as carefully as you would make them yourself. Plain white and fancy stripe styles, neatly trimmed, at 59 75 and $1.00 Ml ! Regent Shoo Co.. 205 S. 15th Agency for Dr. Reed's Cushion Shoes (or Men and Women. DOUBLE S. & H. GREEN STAMPS WITH EACH TON OF COAL THIS WEEK Be wise, buy your winter's supply of coal now. Old prices are still effective, but the outlook is for an advance, when cold weather sets In. The long strike has made immediate supplies inadequate for the demand. " ,-sj .s;-: .f . Buy CAPITOL COAL, we guarantee It to Te equal to highest priced soft coal mined. Thousands of families have used it year after year. Full weights always. . , . , V Don't forget the double stamp offer for the eek. "' ONDER Made Dy Tho A 0IU1ERP ro p e s s "pOROTHY DODD" designs ex--I ' press character and refinement. They deliver to the consumer more real value than is possible to procure else where at the price. - BENNETT'S Low One-Way Colonist Rales TO Californiaf Old Mexico AND THE Southwest On Sale October 1st to October 15th. Full information upon request. THOS. J. GODFREY, Pass, and Tlokst Afsnt, 1433 Tsrnsm Btrset, Oinahs, Nsbraska 2 i 1 Reliable Dentistry TafTs Dental Rooms TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER One Dollar Per Year. HOTELS AND RESORTS. GRISWOLD DETROIT, MICH. Fred Postal, Tres. M. A. Shaw, Mgr. Hii.ooo expended in reiuodelinc, furnishing und decorating. 10U rooms wilh hot a tin ' jo Id water bath nearby, 1 1 SO and up per day. low rooms with tub and snower b.tui, ! circulating- ice water, $2.00 and up per day. Newest and finest cafe In the city, with the most beautiful electrical tountaln la America. Our facilities for high class ser- j vce are unexceptional, and similar to ths si j pest noieis 111 new jura. kuu cm pajr All Steel Equipment The Pullman Company has unHer construction five new complete steel trains to be Operated on the only 20th Century Limited between New York and Chicago. They will be inaugurated on this world-famous train within a very short time. Ai fast as th ' builders can turn them out, all passenger trains will be equipped with steel cars on the New York Central Lines J. S. WILLEDRANDS, General Agent, Passenger Dept. 323-4-5 City Nat'l Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb. WARREN J. LYNCH, Paasenger Traffic Mgr., Chicago, 111. r City Ticket Office now located at 409 South lGth Street, first floor City National Bank Building, Omaha, Neb. Rates, itineraries and detailed information regarding your trip gladly furnished upon application. " THE OMAHA LOAN & BUILDING ASSOCIATION cred ited to ita members on July 1st $89,000 Dividends. It has never m. paid to its members less than six per cent per annum for 27 years. Saving accounts calling for a monthly payment of $1.00 to $25.00 may be opened any day, or lump sums of . not over $5,000 received. Ask for Booklet "A" 'and other information. Assets $3,600,000. Eeserva Address, S. E. Corner 16th and Dodge Streets. 6 DIVIDEND fund $67,000. I n Fl STU LAPsv Whan P.HSFfl W W II SBk tfB wis wwiisav jrj 1 II ft Ti fiL All Rectal Uiseases cured without a surgica 1 11 IS sZSl operation. No Chloroform, Ether or other gen- f 11 il eral aneasthetic used. CURE GUARANTEED to last a LIFE-TIME, sls examination rsES. WRITS POR BOOK ON PILES AND RECTAL DISEASES WITH TESTIMONIALS DR. E. ft. TARRY, 224 Bss Bulldlnsr. Omnha, Mabraska i.ssMsiiJH-immiiun .iMTrTBTTltJrf'Wi J,',--, '" """"""-a iiui..jjimii. a:i:'H;:::;iM;TBiicRii;si-mM:!iM;:::Mi;.M; Persistent Advertising is the Road to Big Returns The Bee's Advertising Columns Are That Road. MANY PREPARE TO REGISTER Forrlajaera o tk N amber ( 10SI 1st Declared lateatloa at Be MailDg littsens la Twi Days. Forelinors to tb .number of IS mads declaration of thslr inteutln to become clti sens of the United States In the of rice of the clerk of the district court Tuesday evening, making the total declarations for two days 191., The avalanche of declara tions at this time li due to the section of the naturalisation! law, which extends the suffrage privilege to peraona who have made declareitun at lesl thirty daytw fare the election, as well aa I'Um"'1 aotually have been naturs,' Nakaay IS T to learn that the sure way or cold Is with Pr. Ktng' Hc aa4 tl 00. Fee sal b) Children and Grown -Up s May drink all the Hydros Ginger Ale they desire at any time with' beneficial results. More than deli cious in flavor it skis digestion and nourishes. GINGER ALE I soade by the EngHsh formula but it better than the Imported because made of more expensive materials. It costs us more but costs you leu b cause oi bo win. atom ordinary, red pepper ales. Insist as) Hydros. Beautiful Tooth There are but few people who have them. Good Teeth every one might have If 'hey would go to Dr. Brailbuiy. Tlio quickest, easiest and least painful are the only methods employed by us anl hundreds of our patients, both In and out of the city, will gladly tell you about the good dental work and our up-to-date ways of doing things. Crowns and bridge work from 15. 0U per tooth. Plates that fit from 14.00 to flZ.KO. Painless extrac tion of teeth. Nerves of teeth removed without hurting you. Work warranted ten veara. DR. BRADBURY, THE DENTIST ISO Farnsm Uu Phone S. 1760 IT years same location. ONLY TWO THINGS are necessary to preserve for ever the life "of your hair; good sense in buying and good judgment in applying Won der Dandruff Cure, your har der Dandruff Cure. Your barber knows how to do it. . Single application 15e; 10 oz. bottle $1.00. ""tftpsrs WANTED FEMALE LOST AND FOUND sua DmshMi aroara tit. V-jy'r a'4! LOST SHEPHERD dog: yellow and white striped. Answers to name reu rooos yter woman for Mono 7 tot. Kewaro- R. I1S1I. .. , -. OFFERED FORJENL RtSMksl Meaa HOUSEKEEPINO room WANTED I housework, cil Mti single e, es) H lekeeiMac aV CIKL, for s house, tins 1 gust is. lei WASHER, 3S.v; youug ci Webster it. WANTED good wests. loiurfi C A reliable cooking Dial gu-t 4121 ia GIRL for g OIRL for Hrney tusj. WAMTtD- BUS TO GET I OANGKaTA TOR aAl.i doing a gou BlutLSi ra newt requiri care Bee, Ct rOR BAI stock In goo labuabtd mil sis n. tn k HOOMJNO a baraalo. 1 A No. 1 coi.i wsu rtoted. ear Dodxa LAiH bargains in UOTaU-J g' t. U Jtlng. s J Today is Home Day. Look over the many Homes. Real Estate Dealers have, prepared fine lists for you. The approach of winter should make you think of getting settled in a home of your own. One such is advertised in Tlus, lice today. Buy it on the easy-terms plan a few hundred dollar down, balance in monthly payments like rent. This plan afford you the opportunity to get your own homo and pay for it like" rent. Prices will be advancing this fall make, your selection" from today's Bee and buy it now. brolahed tts bousekseaiag floor rooms) real. pa. . 4IW N. zsta. roocua hM rooms, sbo4. SALE Will sell yea t work ana se tn dosha am St. us. wagon. W, f. Wiser.) s. cheap. A. and Jackson. Hii. Pigbar'Y NTST8. ' UASk-sUWT. t Kidman a; . isit at 1 SgBJSJfBI TsTi lAAtia salesman, prefer expert- An m! eatced cigar man. actiuatntad wits Nabrsssa ksr. An sn aicta cis' ", - - 7 mBitf-"":.,.. u ... ,i ... nH llbaral exDaiisc recount FOR AlJ-.i,opka?l"V;u7i "TRivtLISU saioenisa. leather. goods. sLablisneo . nin' ".". - t.i. aim i.Dauirl t r' Kan.; ssw-M. l" r tat Mllma. nnoKKKKPKR for arajicB emos. isrgs business m.tt ID CO Coma n .os "r Une e buggies. $100 aad expeoaes. V ,U,Mi ineasU for aeaiog. ' BOOKKKKPKIJ for hrajicb ,,uooi yftJrtee- trx.r la- Mr conr- ;l f i, lhair worttu Al.o tn jm- I. wit T7,",id 1 h rubber With top- leas than one riy bet. wui ra(J f-e .,n.0 harness, seoosdhsnd expraas aLu?' to-lioie. "wnun.iiq exprs dllJ Sla t 1, axle; llTn(y wago, worn. Call Stuban ittL?''. n. wo,th and Irk A,raLi" on. I'i or fi f V In 7 X -a m-"'