Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 25, 1910, EDITORIAL, Page 3, Image 11

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Cormpondent of Le Katia Tnitki th:
ImiUtioa Clulfuik.
aurlete AafrtM gtoaaaa I Parte
Sew (ha ..tlpplss le Tk
witk Her ea
C CTellateraa
A rounc woman correspondent write to
The -Be from J-aria. enclosing this eho
pai Irom L Maun, om of tne leading
papers of the French cajjluJ. biota iu ti
ll shed In It Issue o I tiie lol
vwlxif dispatch from New York:
X. eta-president Rooaevelt v biwiu suMr
una uutlauun carnavaiesyu.
NEW IORK, Z rnembre le-ci
paj-uculjere du "Maun ivie i'.-W un
ee jmu emusmni episodes du voyage ue
M. iwuMi a. I can iaa iala da 1 uuwi
ra turn diuie e nonutiau
tfaevalier da i' ".Assarben lenasraiuiue ue
hebraaaai, suite o a-nuciatjun criitnt
yua, a ig.ueie M. lali iui-rtie.ue a utja
eta lrutie. Ub ie oe eta to afiKK.-iatuti
eat un vests editiee cointenent uu tiaim
Bombr o ooulJtr it oe ciiamkre in-varieuM-
parcouru par uu euro ti'ujuurs
on ntc.uveiT.enu l'ti iui entre u la
j-iace. U et impoesiDis oe tacnar ta Cirtde,
car le gti.s vuui jmjusmwii mr o-rrir.
1- Kuowvelt moiuera i ur ur. uuivers
CD miniature touraut eutour d un aa. el
cjuai.o 11 arrlvera praa Oe I'equsteur. la
l.i-c da la peaanteur 1 euverra nur a
eix tnetrea i
1j monLera dan una automobile '
dame en cir oui aisnareiirotit nis-tirtusni-rjt
el 1 lliwTil seul
un ruplofiion fM-miunb.e. le cultmel se
trouveia i-onirmmrrmiii asms ur uu l"
d torn, t-iinn 1 'e-jreiont pai-oour: a
tool un aerie de emu e-im'ux iaj
pent jac.tiir.Arne Uuna i.rk el ou il
wimtere a ia rej.iesemeuuu a ia cuu.ele
"iwuaotcmte oe. bctuHonneries serum, le colonel Oevra fli.i.nrr se irn
,.rw.t.ions sur un s.u.ui dan 1 tw-l ot
iebraana t le un u Untie. ...
e viaisantenes un enfatuintw en-
ehanwm loui Uurti -t J J'
peupie auk aenurtieni prlniuu.
Which apatoh. being tieeiy trannlated,
eonvev th inlorraation that Mr. Roose
velt a Initiated Into the oiuet of Ak-Bar-Ben
-ahlle In Omaha. t!.e luformrtion
being Imparted in tin faahlon;
Tha -Pre)dent Indeiaoe a Carnival
KKW YORK. '.yJ-'Pl
thoTdoUtu 's.. ruf
r.SL1, "i vTnd :AoirSv,ft-Ssroo.
tVwhTrh Mr TOt haa al.eaay ten
r.OUa' 5w5
Sf,5 0.h eered --"uS
frnrxm-ible to ieat the cioa cl tae
U intr. turn... ,u t
ZJ&mVZT& o to roil to
"S.-SSiea I then an -tomosn.
an women jn ,c,1'- V e Atier a form.d-
eated upon a ta oe "'' . ',u
Vt!T&!XZJ comet
roorrrntTrrve. vent to t
feeBcr by th following comment: .
a. follow: "The.a pleaaantriea. a Uttl
child!, enchant aU th. we.t and mak , th.
Jot of thea people of prlmHlva aerUmenU
la rather rtch tn oouaideraUon f the fart
i ram livirut. one of
that in tni w " - ...
thmoet important harbor, in Frar... with
1 . . . in. una there 1 on
.rt raUV C ahout one.
ko'r tralght through th. town, and th.
Jrlchlner, of aald Un. might h.v , ba.
th. handiwork of Tubal Cain. I dcubt a
o,en -lephone. could b. found out-ld. of
th. mo.t important buatne. bouae. and
iber. i. no .laiirlclty. They u.
diao-ded fifty year. ago. It would b. a
large d.ffirulty tc find 300 peopl. who have
ben outride of their own county and Pan.
1. only M t.tant. Their echool .yatem U
uch what our. wa. tin the we.t twenty
year. ago. The newspaper of the town
iurh a might be found in any
agrtvultural town f .0 inhabitanu. Th.
farm work i. don. apparently as it wa
done 300 year. W. by the .area kind of
machinery. Th. rural di.trict. here i. a
uddeti Jump back lnt tb. middle age.
A for childl.h pla.uie." all that i
nceairy to amu. &. Kret.chmen for
thic hour. . a few toy balloon, and
minlatur. flytn machine. 1 aaw thl don.
and wanted to weep at their childWhne.
Chinese Prince
Saves the Seeds
of Rocky Fords
Ii So Impremd with the American
DeHcacy He "Will Grow
Some &t Some.
Prinoe TaaJ Heun. who nad throurb
Omaha Tburadaf evening on ht. wy to
the east, waa disappointed tn hi hop of
being able to reach Niagara Fall by day
light Friday. e aa to e thl .Treat natural
monder. Instead he reached there at t it.
but th d.aappointment wa not o great,
a. b. wa able to view them by a bright
Tb Union Pacific managed to bring his.
tnto Omaha tour hour, asead of tha
achadul. time, arriving bar at T ie j. m.,
and tb Nrthacatern expected ta be able
to get th train In Chicago by I : a. ns..
but did not reach there until I O. Tb
Lk tjtbore road, a ruch took him from
there ta Niagara, we unable to da It any
better than eleven and one-half hour for
tb UZ mi.ea
Mr. Claude Ftorkhara of tb. Villon Pa
cific. ho cam to Omaha from the west
on the apedal train carrying the prtno
and hi retlnua, 1 telling' an lntareating
anneodot. of the trip. Thl member of th
Chinee royal family took a great fancy
t the Rocky Ford cantaloupe, aerved on
the train and apent hour aittlug in hi
oar and ecjoylng them. He took a great
a fancy to thl American drluacy that he
carefully dried a number of the aeed of
tb melon and intend to tak them back
to China and try Lb cultivation of melon
sllrtua Mil rr Barkrt.
Lou McMillan, a switchman, wa struck
by a awirgtng to bucket while ruling an
top of a slock car ia tbe railroad yards ia
South Omaha lata Friday night and sen
sualy hurt He was aianding on tha run
ning board of the oar wbea it went under
tb loading dock of tb. Omaha Packing
company and one of the bucket used in
loading ice inte refrigerator oaca knocked
him dow-n. Ks waa struck after b. fell by
other buckets and severely truitd. He
was taken ta tn South Omaha boetptaJ
and it wa found that no bono, war
broken. His irjurte. are probably not tatai.
Mexico in the
iivditoriai Correspondent! )
Wl'EVETAROS. Mexiiv. Srt. 11 . En
rouuf te Mexico City r
Here we go
T Mexito.
Viva: Ha! Vla!
With thl. Journalistic yell to herald our
advance, our International editorial party
has been Invading the land of the Astec,
bacjd for the capital of the republic, ttier
te prtjcipte in ih celebtation of tb
centennial ol Mtxico . first blow for Inoe
twt.deme Vt left ft. 1au! by j-ll
train last Tnureday. and th first real
stop at Kan Antonio, where wer
taken in -charge by a delegation of the
dliaens and showered with attention.
ban Antonio i a live, ulty. with
at the aam time an historic background
foruHing in th Alamo, where so many
brave lexan rrificed their live te win
freedom from oppression. Th Alamo, as
the distinctive feature, 1 seised upon In
various connections. 1 notbed a sign with
the word spelled backward and I had to
look at H a second Um to mb ve ibxt
'Omala" a not merely a typographical
erix.r for (Jnialia." The full regimental
military post mhich Vncle Sam maintains
here is a marvel of arrangement and
beauty. Tb biggest improvement would b
to have the dry and barren drill ground
covered 1th green turf, like tboe at Fort
Crook and Fort Omaha. The International
club at Man Antonio also volunteered to
give us a foretaste at luncheon of the
various Mexican natlv dlshe that e were
upposed to crav In lmpatlerA anticipation.
Lake a good traveler, I are willing to gro
up against almost any edible once. 1 have
no doubt that the tamale and tortilla
and frijoie and chill roricame served us
was the real atuXIr bi,t once Is enough,
ahkh also hold good for th pulque. If 1
had to drink pulque for a steady dlei for
a Week or two. might be tempted to seek
meml.erf.liii in the Woman' Christian
Temperance union.
Couth of an Antonio the landt-oape take
on a mot tropical aspect. W crossed
the border at Eagl. Paaa. finding a large
and mixed crowd awaiting us at C. P.
1 Mtx on the Mexican aide. Including brass
band, deputation of official and all th
school children drawn up In squad with
their teacher and waving amall paper
Mexican flag. The youngster, evinced a
persistent curtoaiy, which wa till further
aroused when I showed those nearest me
photograph of two little specimen of
young America whom I bad left at bom.
Our first atop In Mexico was at Torreon,
on Sunday morning, although there wa
nothing In the outward appearance ta in
dicate that It was Sunday. The nativea,
to be aura, were in gala attire, but that
wa true generally in recognition of the
celebration of centennial week. Torreon 1.,
we were told, a center of commercial and
Industrial activity, a market town for th
Another Man Who Has
Made His Way in the West
Fires and similar misfortune have never
daunied W. F. Burton, head of tb Burton
Implement company of Ogden. Utah. H. ie
a native of Ulah and bas had thirty-three
years' experience in th Implement buxl
neea. In March. 1M6. hm oaUbUsbed th.
present Burton Implement company, but
on May 8, uu(, the establishment was en
tirely destroyed by fire. 1 mm oj lately Mr.
Burton began th erection of a building
especially .lilted for his business and now
has one of the most complete establish
ments ur th. handling of vehicles, Imple
ment and farm .upplie that there Is in
northern Utah.
The , country development has Just
started. With th. start w. now have tb.
next fiv. yaars should show mora Improve
ments than wer. mad. In tha last twenty
flv. The greatest Improvements will b
along agricultural line., although other
Une win follow th lead of th agricul
tural development of th country. Thou
sands of acres which are now In sags
brush will soon b under cultivation, some
under irrigation and the balance under
dry farming methods of cultivation, and all
la splendid, rich land. Tb. new reservoirs
which are being erected will quickly In
crease th. number of acres which will b
brought under Irrigation and I predict a
wonderful Increase In the agricultural
wealth of portbern Utah within the next
Wealthy Speeder
Escapes Penalty
Because B. C. Bradford u lot
Identified, Tboag-h Hii Itaxhine
"Wai, Ee ii DumiHerL
O.arged with having broken tha speed
limits, B. C. Bradford of the Bradford
Kennedy Lumber company, was discharged
by Judge Crawford in polio court Satur
day morning. Although Bradford offared
ne defane te the charge and maintained
pasaiK attitude toward tha whol. pro
ceeding, tli. tour discovered that th. man
bad not been properly identified as th.
driver of Ui. automobile when the
wa committed.
Prosecutor Xlcklnon and Detective
ravl and Pattullo displayed a high degree
of disappuuntment over the court's deci
sion, the attorney delivering a lengthy
argument asking for a penalty upon the
lamber merchant.
.M.T d'tectlve testified to identifying
ti by its number and presented
j !",.' wlcnesaea who testified to having
r.'.-t- ibSi machine speed madly down Far
nan street froco Twenty-fourth street to
Twentieth la tbe space of ten seoenda
"Of course. U would be impossible to
Identify th of Ui macnlne when
It wa going Ilk a streak of lightning."
declared Inrklnson. "What la tbe use of
having apeed law. and license number on
auto if they don't count tor anything at
times w hen uiey are absolutely noasaar f
Coyote Invades
Some Hen Roosts
Pet of the Household Escape, tad
Xow the Seiphhorhod is
Beekinf Eim.
A pet enrol, belonging t tha Foley fam
ily, at ftla South Eleventh street, bitheru
as proper and behaved as any self-rwspeot-lug
house dog, ran awar from bom. tb.
outer night and haa alnos been satisfying
his predatorr instincts by wreaking havoc
ia tbe chiohon houses of the asurhbarhaed
fceveral hav stayed up all night with shot
guns waiting for tbe ewyots t put in hj
appearanee, but aa yet they have bee. un
ah te get a shot at hmv
When tou haw. anything to awn or
change advarttae it in Tha Be. Want
osJ umns and gat quick revolt
Centennial Year of Its
agricultural terr'toiy surrounding It ha
fire 1 !.!. on Ot-man tm British and
i.t.e Ctiine.-e. the I'nltiese being In no small
evidence. It ha a most striking and
beautiful club house, with a hall twin In
mirrored walls iyutted floor and up
holstered furniture and banging of ai.k
bii..-Je. that mould be a credit to a big
metropolis. .It he a smaller club
maintained by the foreign colony. The
chlef excitement of the moment seemed to
revolve about a bull fight scheduled to take
p. so in th afternoon, but it could nut
a alt for thai, besides, having a bull fight
dean on our prog: am for a later da.
A short time was given to Aguaacallentes,
which reached about dusk, noted or
Its baths. for which water Is drawn
Inm nearby hot apring through a
mtgniftrent aqueduct. In a group a few
of u started up the street, but when wt
reached the end of the e)ectric-U glued dis
trict we were warned not to go further, be
cause "bad man" might get us.
The next day brought us to Guanajuato,
about HM Inhabitants, a delightful min
ing town, running around the lulls In pic
tuiesiiue quaintness. The development by
American capital of a water power alt on
the other side of the mountain, furnishing
electric power for Installation and reduc
tion, lias resurrected an ancient Industry,
made doubly productive by application of
th. cyan Id procea. The output of the
silver and gold mine, where ore. ar re
duced at Guanajuato ha beam averaging
$1.0:1' a month, and It. prosperity nat
urally depends on th mines and the .tamp
Under escort of an official committee we
mad. a tour of th. city, inspecting
reservolre., parks, mills, churches and a
nifcgnificent theater. The street cars, each
drawn by three or four fiery ateeds dis
guised as mules, are. I feel certain, the
Identical c.r which we in Omaha used
twenty-five year ago. A they clattered
up end down the narrow streets, often
plumb against the curb, the peopl afoot
scattered as if before a fir engin. I
should not forget to mention, too. that
Ouanajuato ha a baae bail park and four
nine, who play on another with a much
seat as do those in our country. Th UtU.
Mexican boy, having no proper phrases in
their own tongue, call out "on. strlka,"
"two strike," as If they vpok Engllah
fluently, when, in fact, those ar th. only
English words they know.
Still another and most unlqu. possession
of Guanajuato 1 a municipal cemetery,
with accompanying hall of miunlfted
horror. Our mule-power conveyance left
u. at tha bottom of a hill on one aid. of
th. town, which we had to climb for our
aelvea On top 1 a walled burial ground,
a few handaome monuments ever Individual
grave, but on two aid, enclosed with
catacombs. These eataoombs ar simply
tiers of masonry pigeonholes divided like
th. letter boxes In our postof floes, only.
decade. Tbaae opinions of Mr. Burton
are based on personal observations and his
close investigation. Justify him in making
th. predictiona.
Work is Rushed
on Hill Depot
Expect to Hire the Outbound Freifht
Eoum Beadj for Use Ij
Before th. Christmas rush of freight
begins the Burlington road expects to be
using its new outbound freight depot, now
ia course of construction. Work of all
kinds is being rushed on tha Job and won
derful progress has been mads in tha build
ing. At present all th. piers are in for the
foundations in ti sections and over a
third in the third and. last section- Tbe
end walla and on. fir. wall and wing
walla ar built in tha first section and
oement work on the sAher progressing at
ths rats ot t cuble yards of oement from
each ot th two machine each day.
Tb. steel oolumns for the first section
will be her Tuesday and a stiff leg der
rick raised by then and as fast as Columns
and two trusses are raised w. will proceed
w ith th brick w ork." stated 3. T. Col Tin,
suiwrintendent tor ths T. 8. lest com
pany, contractor, building th depot.
"I havs been able to get en much faster
than X expected and have aa extra gang
oa the oemt work now, ee a to get tbe
cars back te the mines tor mora stons ea
soon aa poeaibl. Mr. Phelps, the resident
engineer, located bar., and W. H. Saris
bury, th. Burlington inspector, bsve aided
me greatly tn matters that cam. under
their part of the work," h continued.
"A week from today wa will have all the
ooaorete done and about two-thirds of th
floor Joists. Up to data there haa been a
little delay in th. Joists, as they had to
com from Texas, but etherwls things are
going Bloely. My plan is te rush it as
fast as poeaibl and I am advertising for
brick contractor now.
Cfctef Da.suab.we Kxserte te Make II
Stare, far All the I
Th annual cleanun of th city before
Ak-Sar-Ben. in which the polio try te get
ail undesirables out of tb city, will begin
next weak. The purpose ef the movement
is to mak Omaha as unoonrfortnble a plae
tor ail patty criminals that they will not
try ta mesa it a headquarters while ta
crowds are here, Bious City is now having
a fan and the chief expect, a number ei
Olp" end "eneaks" te oome trees ther
when it brc.h. up.
. . .,
a- - - --v
. c f ; r - '
, . f
i -
: " t -Bfc. r
sa . seven feet In depth and eighteen Invhev
In width erl height. Tht coffin la esvi
tase Is slid In and th front sealed up win.
a slab of marble duly Inscribed. Whai
strike us as so queer, however. Is that
some bear the words 'Ad Perpetuitad."
while other omit thi and ar marked
only with th ietter "R. 1. P." Tb Inter
ment of the firrt-clax cost J peeo and
give th corpse permanent tenure, while
those of the second-class cost S pesos and
carry only a ft v. year occupancy, after
which the cubby bole 1 cleared out and
rented to another tenant. Opening up these
graves for contributions to the human bone
yard disclosed the fact that conditions of
atmosphere and temperature here cause
certain bodle to mumify Instead of to dis
integrate, and th best preserved of th
mummies ar placed on exhibition In a
ubteraranean rallery subterranean, yet
supplied with light oa ne side, affording
a plain view through th glass doora. There
they stand as silent sentinel on each aid
of a long corridor all agea. atse and sexes
each clad In flowing white robe caught
around the neck and bearing an Identifica
tion card, reciting who, when and what.
A. the Jaw drop after death, the wlerd
row Is open-mouthed. 'They Jiuit all b.
Insurgents.- remarked Bill" ettarrett for
the benefit of Victor Murdock, aa th. latter
gased ia rapt admiration. Tb. child mum
mies havs a bit or color In Ui. rob, and
on taw ay-haired youngster of apparently
about 7 year. 1. near the front row. V(
have a "poet of pasmon In our party In th.
person of George Sylvester Vlereck, and
we tried to get him to rhapsodise on
"Whose little girl art tbouT-' or "Wh.
caressed that golden- lock," but upto data
the mum has refused to move.
Seriously, nothing could Impress one more
strikingly with the transitory nature of
earthly fame than this ghastly chamber,
which Itself is but an act In th human
drama as it Is staged. A few year, of lit
tilled with Joy. and sorrows, five years In
a tiich In th. catacombs, a short shift in
this hall of mummified antique. ' until
crowded out to the dust heap by fresh ex
hibits. How soon ar. we forgotten! How
long will the monument w. build for pur
departed be Intelligible to those who com
after us T
Our entertainment in Guatajuato climaxed
in a luncheon served in the club house. It
an eight-course repast, with fiv different
kinds of wins, is a luncheon in this coun
try, what, I have been wondering. Would
they do it giving us a banquet. It goes
without saying that th luncheon afforded
room for mora oratory tn both languages,
bidding tn welcome to Mexico, with appre
ciative responses by our spellbinder.
We were to hsv. departed at I o'clock,
but It wa nearer 4 o'clock when th. train
pulled out. Such are th comfort of travel
In a country where hospitality ha no limits
and punctuality Is unknown.
Impressed with the U'ay Omaha and
the State Eeceived Eim.
Method te Be Followed
Osaefaa the Heat ef .
biabesTf e Arsa r at
ties Psoases Prelate.
Cardinal TannutaUl left Omaha delighted
with hi. treatment hare. 'Again and again
he expressed to members ef his suits and
to his Omaha hosts his pleasure with ar
rangsmenta. What most pleased tb. venerable prelate
was tb appearance at th. reception in hi
honor of th military und civil arm. of
ths government.
"How different from toy own Italy!" ex
claimed the cardinal as he glanoed across
ths parlor of the Paxton at tb. glittering
full dress uniforms of Brigadier General
Smith and his staff and th no less glit
tering apparel of Governor Shallenberger
and his oolonel. Th cardinal had refer
ence to tb unbrtdged gap between the
Pop and th. Qulrlnal. whlob would have
prevented such a demonstration in honoi
ef a prelate of tb. church as tha United
States army and the aoverelgn state of Ne
braska wer. happy to make at th. Paxton.
Cardinal Vannutelli and the other foreign
ers were astonished when they made their
call Friday upon General Smith at the
headquarters of th tie pertinent of the
Missouri. Th visitors had expected to
see such military pomp and formality as
prevails in Europe at similar headquarter.,
where every corridor and every door way
1 guarded by rigid soldiers tn uniform and
heavily armed.
Some of th. visitor expressed their sur
prise to Monslgnor Colanert, who told them
"this is America, a democracy, where su
perfluous fuss and feathers are avoided."
Talk ef Arch bishopric.
Relative to the talk of Omaha being
mad ths sits of a prevtnoe of the church
with an archbishop at its head, this much
may be said: When ths time comes when
an appeal is originated for such a division
of the Dubuque provlnse, of which Arch-
'S Da..D,snu1L.
Thl. institution u tb. only on.
In the central west with separate
buildings situated In their own
ample grounds, ret entirely dis
tinct and rcDd.rtht; It possible to
Classify cases. Th. oh buildlag
bring fitted for and devoted to tb.
treatment ot Eonoontagioui and -non-Dental
disease, no others be
ing admitted. Tb. other. Rest
Cottage, being; designed for and
d.Toted to tb. exclusive treatment
of select mental cases, requiring
for a tim. watchful car. and spe
cial nursing.
(Dandruff il mover)
your head will ttp itch
ing dandruff it the
cause regular shampoos
by your barber will re
more the cause. Our
part's done, it's up to you.
at!, i ii, iteitu. tut iefci.iai pi i- av..M i... i... t.t a. t i ft v ...i .
dure will be followed. Following a meet- sent to Rom w i'l i to the c.irgTgatiou
ng of appeal twe sets of paper will be j which deals specifically with such matte's.
nt out. One will go to th papal irtrateiard after being passed upon will be snt
U Washington, the prlirr to Rome. These
paper w ili contain statistic of th terri
tory of which a province. Is sroigM t b
tide. figure relstlng te th number of
church members, clergy of the several or-
. f w, "rt""',-r eV?F
It Ukm a email ARMY of pent'! to run an retnWishmrnt like THI; it tahra,
nlen. more intriceje, exprnsltr, p"M N-.Pmt than '''"'
ORI.INARY ..hop would justify. Then .hove ail. uk . MAfcll-lt l d t
thinpra. and surta a i. with u. in Ue ah of an Austrian Al TH mm.
We Tan. dye. prra, rrnnir and rej.ver,.. ANVTHlMi ha. n be i ; '
prreis-d, ret-aired or rejnvrnnted. Try oat this newer, more m lemmr "O.rfhrs Re
storing syrtem yon risk h a single nrment WK have at stake our mure rrputn
Lion. A Suggestive Price List Write for a complete
List with new Dresher Booklet
Coats, men's
Coat a. d tors ........
Coats, over
Coats, rain .........
Coats, lsflles' short . .
Costa, ladles' length. .
DreeVes, plain
Dresses, silk, satin..
Dresses, lace, chiffon
Dresses, party
Dresses, dinner
Dresses, bouse
Panta, men's. .......
Party dresses
Plumes, per incb ....
Shawls, vool single..
Purs, muffs
Dresher Bros.
2211-2213 Farnam Street, Omaha.
TeUphon Tyler 1300; Auto A-2225
Erpre$$ Charge paid by u on all incoming $hipmenti of
work amounting to $3 or over.
Thomas Kilpatrick & Co.
the result of most careful and experienced preparation
to be the exhibition of the largest and most varied as
sortment of Perfected Women's Apparel Suits,
Coats, Waists, Dresses it has ever been their pleas
ure to show.
It is urged that Home people anticipate the AK-
SAR-BEN rush and secure preferred selection
during the present week.
To encourage this we call attention to some note
worthy offerings: ,
A Particular Purchase of Silk Waists, for present use plain taffetas, embroidered,
satin Duchess and autumn plaids, neatly tailored u&ually offered at $5.00 up to
$6.00; on sale, each -3.98
For early selling in addition to the most select Tailored Suits, priced up to $100, we
have crowded all possible value into a showing in the freshest models Li blues,
greys, browns, greens, etc., for this week's sale, at $25.00
Black Broadcloth Coats In great demand 1G.50 to $50.00
Party Gowns Productions of high class modistes, ready for tbe AK-SAE-BEX Ball
or other evening functions.
' Children of all ages provided for in Dresses, Coats, Sweaters, Hats and Suits.
Save money and worry. They're all ready for use.
Stars and Stripes Bottled Beer
The only beer brewed from pure epring water on the
market Order a case for your home and get the best
A beer just raited to ajuaff at home a night-cap for the
eociable evening a refreshing draught for the late supper
a delightful glass to sip under the evening lamp. Stars
and Stripes is a foaming, sparkling beverage for the keen
palate for the connoisseur.
Dave a Case Delivered to Your Dome
1402 Douglas Street
Telephones DourUs, 1233; Inirpejxdsxt, A-1333
i to the pope. It ri reeimmen0tion for ot
adverse The papa legate will also make
a rrtort
Then if the p ( finally approve, the or-
dlnai-' procedure i Jcr huini-er of names
Mewer Better
More Scientific Cleaning
and Dyeing HERE
S .60
1 .60
Purs, collarette.
Purs, coats
Furs, scarf
Gloves, short
Gloves, long
Hats, felt
Jackets, plain
Jackets, tsilored
Skirts, rlsJn
Skirts, rleated
Suits, gentlemen's. .
Suits, ladies' tailored
1. 10
Waists, plain wool.
Waists, plain silk . .
i l m ...i.. ; ;t i,.i ,i.t u ;t iiiorn
nrvv.n if. t'.f ( Ibo-rr' K
I T" visit "f Ca-rt:nal Vsi.i utci',1 Is llkrle
to tnal.e larr favorable to'tb creation of
i sni.l .isMnre ir ben the t.nie comes, and
aitboi.cti be 1 unseiT noes n,n orai i-e.j
wah tbe nstt. T. ei I i . p.t.M.n will t.n
doubiecl.t bi sout'ii ;.m'i I'.s influence will
1 be poin t
ssitig and and
Only Pressing Pressing
. . . . 1 .60 1.60
.60 1 . 00 1 . 60
.7;. 1.25 l.i0
.60 .75 1.60
.75 1.00 1.60
.75 1.60 2.60
l.l0 2.00 2.60
.60 .75
.25 .60 1.00
1.00 1.60 2.60
.26 .60 .75
.60 .60 ' 1.00
.60 .75 1.00
. . . , .