Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 21, 1910, Page 10, Image 10

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Liverpool Cablet Give Local Market
Higher Opening.
nira: weather weakens corn
F.arly Trading- is Rather FlrWt hat
La4er the Market Weakens
Cash Valae Rule l"n-changed.
OMAHA. Sept. . 1910.
Uverpool cables were surprisingly strong,
giving domestic markets a firm and higher
opening. However, conditions tavor the
bear aide, as the visible supply Is large,
primary receipts liberal and the absence of
milling and export demand continuous.
The action In corn la better, as local de
mand lias shown soma Improvement, con
servative houses are favoring the bear side,
while the present weather conditions exist.
The sharp advance In Liverpool waa the
cause of the firmness in wheat, although
our advance was not eriual to foreign mar
kets. (Sample offerings were absorbed
redilv at lio over yesterday.
Fine weather was the weakening feature
In corn and while the' early trading was
rather firm later In the session the market
weakened and -ash values ranged un
changed to He lower.
Primary wneat recwlpts were 1,114.000 bu.
and shipments were 1.076.0U0 bu., against
receipts last year of 1,075,000 bu. and shlp
mnnls of 976.0U0 bu.
Primary corn receipts were 787.000 bu. and
shipmtiita were HW.OuO bu.. against receipt
last 'Sear of 618,00 bu. and shipments of
f4. bu.
Clearances were 18.000 bu. of corn, none
of oats and wheat and flour equal to 6,W
Liverpool closed md higher on wheat and
Wtiiid higher on cornv
I Omaha C'aah Prices.
WHEAI-No. 2 hard, 96y4yi.HV; No. I
hard. MHWc; No. 4 hard, ley9tiV,c: re-
incted hard, fcH4fPVtc; No. 2 spring. MHO
:'ci No. 3 spring. su98io; No. 4 spring,
CORN-Ne. I white. 62-T46314o: No.
white. 62MrH3c; No. 4 white, lmsMe; No. ii
yellow, 61fH4o; No. t yellow, 601SU4o;
No. 4 yellow, 60&0,tc; No. I corn, 60'a
6He; No. I corn, 60W51o; No. 4 corn, fiotf
60Vc- no grade, 4tF44i'60c,
OATS No. t while, 2WS3oj etandard,
K"ftffi14c; No. I white. t2QWl No. 4 white,
3ir(j31H-; No. I yellow, HWliMW' re'"
low, anfi W,e.
BARL.Br No. 4, "fUtwaVic; No. 1 feed,
SSMffHc; rejected. 5C"ai2o.
RYE-No. 2. 70H73Hc; No. I, 9V4(3T2V4c.
Carlot Receipts.
Wheat Corn. Oats.
11 SOT 161
S 2 21
Peat ares of the Trading; aad Cloning
Prices oa the Board of Trade.
CHICAGO, Bept. 20. With foreigners
bulng wheat futures here today an
traiis-Atlantlo news unmistakably bullish,
price roue lightly and closed firm Wo to
e net higher. Corn finished Uc to o
down and oats at a decline of W'Uic, Lat
est quotations for hog products ranged
from 2uc dearer to lOo cheaper as compared
with last night.
About the best figures of the day were
current in wheat at the tap of the final
gong, although there was enough north
western and southwestern selling here to
keep the bulls from becoming altogether
active. The strength shown had for a
basis a smaller Increase than had been ex
pected in the European visible supply. The
seaboard reported improvement in the de
mand for wheat and at the same time pri
mary receipts showed a falling off. Local
campaigners for higher prices seemed to
pay little attention to announcements that
cable bids for cargoes were too low to
tie worked and that the total available
wheat in the world Is nearly 60,000,000
bushel. larger than a year ago. Decem
ber sold from tM'Ati to $1.007 and closed
o up at ll.00(i',t.
Fine weather and a sudden loosening of
farmers' offerings at the lowest prices of
the crop n de corn weak. December fluc
tuated between 624c and tVic, cloning
o down at b2o, nearly the undermost
figure of the session. The shipping de
mand waa fair. No. 2 yellow closed at
There waa Increased selling of oats by
the country. December varied from 3514c
to Xo and In the end waa He off at Sftc.
Purchasers of lard by shorts and ex
ports more than offset a weaker market
for hoga When the pit was cleared lard
was up So to 20c; pork at 6c advance to
10c decline, and rfbs were strung out from
2',sc loss to 120 gain.
Chicago Cash PricesWheat: No. 2 red,
HfcfcOOc; No. I red, 9&Ef97Hc; No. 2 hard.
8VicC'L0O; No. S hard, S&Stwc; No. 1 north
ern spring. S1.14QL16; No. 2 northern spring,
Sl.10til.lfi; No. 2 spring, 95Va$1.06. Corn: No.
2 icash, 6fe; No. S caxh, 544o; No. 2 white,
(Ho; No. S white, 64Mr66c; No. 2 yellow,
65V:; No. S yellow, 64W54e. Oata: No. 2
cah. 33g34c; No. 2 white, $rGKc; No. S
white. miXtc; No. 4 white, 33iaWc; etand
ard. 3635tc.
BUTTE It Bteady; creameries, 24C8c;
dairies, 23u27o.
EGGS Receipts, 10,197 oases; steady; at
mark, cases Included, 174 JOc; firsts, 22c;
prime firsts. 24c.
POTATOES Firm; choice to fancy, 78
80c:. fair to good, 75Oo.
POULTRY Steady; turkeys, 18c; fowls,
13c; springs, 13o. -
Leading futures ranged as follows:
Articles. I Open, High. Low. Close. Tes'y.
Bent... 97 I
1 OOttrVi
1 0OV4
1 004S
1 00V4
1 061Vi
1 Oti'A
1 06V4
55 (fTV.
35 14I
19 72H
18 87V4
12 50
- S4V4
35 H
19 65
18 25
19 TSV4
19 85
18 25
19 72H
18 324
12 30
11 574
10 67V4
11 35
18 S7Vtj
12 d2H
12 32V4
12 S2M
11 65
10 66
11 86"
11 711
11 65
10 6
11 8TH'
10 724
10 12
II 47M,
11 38
11 45
9 87V4I 76
No. 3.
Cash quotations were as follows:
FLOCK Steady; winter patents, S4.35
5.06: straights, S4.10i4.m; spring straights,
84 7(1 4. H6, bakers, 33 (xO-li.
HVE-No, 2, 73Vicj
BARLEY Feed or mixing, 4863o; fair
1 to choice maltln. Vg72c.
SEEDS Flax, No. 1 southwestern, S2.84;
1 No. 1 nortitwestern. 2.7d. Timothy, tL00&
:&. Clever. Ilii.i.il6.2i.
PROVISIONi Mess pork, per bbl., S20.60
i30.75. Lard, per 100 lbs., S13.624. IShort
ribs, sides (loose), Sll 26'gll.87V; short clear
sidna (boxed), S13.12WV 12 26.
Total clearances of wheat and flour were
equal to jM.Ou) bu. Primary receipts were
1.314.000 tu., compared with 1,076,000 bu. The
world s visible supply, as shown by Brad
street's was 6.116.0uO bu.
Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat.
96 cars; corn. 418 cars; oats, 131 cars; hogs,
7,uur una.
tv Laals Oeaeral Market.
SIS LOUIS. Sept. SO. WHEAT Futures,
higher; September 9Vic; December, $1.01";
May. 31 Ot7,. Cash, firm: track. No. 2 red,
81.(1.03; No. I hard. 99 SI 06.
roltN-Futures, lower; December, 6114c;
May, 54Hc. Cash, Irreg-ular; track. No. 2,
&4"c; No. S white, fvi7e.
OATS Futures, lower; December, S3T4C;
May, 3So. Cash, higher; track. No. 2,
arir"; no, , imi:; io. s wnue, Jopjso.
KYK Nominal. T8e.
FLOCK Firm red winter patents. STi.Ooff
sou: extra rancy-sna straight, 4.3fxo4.0
hard winter clears,-S3.4ohj 3 0.
SKEIWTImothy, SWto1O0.
RKANa-tKteady; sacked east track, Vc5
HAY flnchansjed: timothy, S12.0fiJ 18.50
prairie. 12 OOiilt.uO.
HACSOrNrt Sc. "
HFM P-T V' 1 N E TSc.
IMtoVISIONti-Hork. unchanged! MMm
S21.25. Lard, higher: prime steam. 812 30u
12 60. Dry salt meats, steady; boxed extra
snorts, iimi; near rios. tM.ou; snort clears,
813 25. Hhhi. ateady; ,boed extra ehorts,
114 M: rlenr riPs. 14 5S; short clears. 814.75.
!"OlI.TRY Steady ; chickens, 13c; springs,
j;c: nirKeva. ic; oucsa, ii"c; geese, sc.
PUTTl.R Lower: creamery, S64j24c.
kuub steady, Kc,
Receipts. Shipments
Flour, bbls..
Wheat, bu..
Corn, bu....
Oats, bu
.. T Vrt 17 Offl
.. l-i8.l1rt 60 00)
.. Mnnfl
.. 82.000 . T5.000
Kaaaaa Cllw Cirela aad Prerlslaas.
KAVS CITY. Pent. . WH. AT Sen
temher.o SAiet T)cemter. 9hSt'So: May,
$1 OiWil.Cfc'S. cash untUanged. No. t hard.
KC5$12H: No. S, 97fl99c; No. red, c
II. M; No. 1. sMjOPo.
CORN lecember, S0'"!;ViVtc, sellers; May.
6S'4WMaO bid; cash unchanged to Ho lower;
No. 2 mlied, MVtfVic; No. I mined. ubC.
No. 2 white, UV(i.iVtc; No. I. 67:.
OATS I'nrhanged, No. 2 white, 2.VS36c;
No. 2 mixed. 31Veo.
KTH-No. I. 7211?!.
HAY Unchanged ; choice timothy, $18 S00
14. nil; choice prairie, $12 2Mj 12 n0.
B CTT K II Crea mery . c; tlreta, 25c; sec
onis. 2.1c; packing stock. 21"e
EGGS Extras, 2ic; firsts, 23c; emends.
Hecelnts. Shi omen ts.
Wheat, bu
Corn, bu
Oats, bu
129. OKI ta
f7.O"0 44.W
Iti.OilO 2.000
Coatlaeed Pair, with No Import at
t'hanae In Temperatare.
OMAHA. Kept. . 1910.
Rains occurred within the last twenty
four hours In the lower Rocky mountain
reton. the southwest and west gulf states.
Kliowers were scattered throtiahout the
lower Missouri and middle Mississippi val
leys and moderately heavy rains were gen
eral in the Ohio valley, with some excensive
falls at point in Indiana and Kentucky.
The rain area has continued eastward and
rains are falling this morning in the ex
treme upper Ohio vullcy and middle At
lantic states. The weather Is slightly cooler
In the upper Mississippi and Missouri val
leys and throughout tho southwest. It Is
slightly warmer throughout the eastern and
southern statp.s snd In the extreme north
west. The outlook Is favorable for con
tinued fair weather In this vicinity tonight
and Wednesday, with no Important change
In temperature.
110. IMS. 190H 17.
Minimum temperature S 66 6 M
Precipitation 00 T .00 .OS
Normal temperature for today, 84 degrees.
Deficiency in precipitation since Marcb 1,
1.1.67 Inches.
LWieylency corresponding period In 1901,
.42 of an Inch.
Deficiency correspond ng period In 1908,
2.23 Inches.
L.. A. WELSH, local Forecaster.
Cera aad Wheat Reilss Balletla.
For Omaha. Neb., for the twenty-four
hours ending at 8 a. m., 75th meridian time,
Tuesday, September 20, 1910:
Temp. Ilaln
Ftstlons Max. Min. fall. Sky.
Ashland, Neb.... 85
Auburn, Neb K3
Broken Bow, Neb. 93
Columbus, Neb.. Wt
Culbertson, Neb.. S6
61 .00 Pt. Cloudy
M .00 Clear
W .00 Oar
BS -.00 Clear
ns .00 Clear
56 .00 Pt. Cloudy
M ..10 Raining
fiO .rw Cloudy
52 .00 Clear
0 .00 Cloudy
at .00 Cloudy
64 .00 Clear
65 .00 Clear
59 .00 Clear
54 .00 Clear
53 .00 Clear
57 .00 Clear
47 .00 Clesr
54 .00 Clear
Falrbury. Neb.. . 91
Fairmont. Neo.. Hit
Ur. Island, Neb.. 90
Hartlngton, Neb. 87
Hastings. Neb.... 90
Holdrege, Neb.... 02
Oakdale, Neb.... bo
Omaha. Neb SS
Tekajnah, Neb... 87
AltaTla S3
Carroll, la 82
Clarlnda, la 84
Piblev, la 84
Sioux City. Ia... 84
Minimum temperature for twelve-hour
period ending at s a. m.
No. of -Temp.- Rain.
District. Stations. Mas. Min. fall.
Columbus, 0 17
Louisville. Ky 19
Indianapolis, Ind.. 12
Chicago, 111 2
St. Louis, Mo 13
Des Moines, la.... 14
Minneapolis, Minn. 30
Kansas City, Mo.. 24
Omaha, Neb 19
74 62 .40
76- 5S .70
75 62 .70
72 ' 66 .40,
84 tlO .00
78 54 .00
83 48 - .
92 62 .!0
88 6 .00
Moderate temperatures have continued
general throughout the com and wheat
region during the last twenty-four hours.
Rains were general In the eastern portion
since the preceding report, and rains In
excess of one Inch occurred as follows:
Cambridge City, Ind., 1.40; Farmland, Ind.,
1.70; Oreensburg and Mt. Sterling, Ky.,
1.10; Richmond and St. Johns, Ky., 1.6a
Local Forecaster. Weather Bureau.
Qaotatlons ot tho Dy oa Tarloas
NEW YORK. Sept. 20. FLOUR Steady ;
spring patents, 36. 406. 76; spring clears, $4 36
04.60; winter extras No. 1. 3.7&a3.90; win
ter extras No. S, S3.50faS.66: Kansas
straights, $4.80(24.90. Rye flour, steady; fair
to good. S4.20O4.2&; choice to fancy, $4.30
CORNMBAXi Steady: fine white and yel
low, SL4(X3il.46; coarse, al.$5&1.40; kiln dried.
WHEAT Spot market firm; No. 2 red,
$1.044, elevator, and $1.04, f. o. b., afloat;
No i northern Duluth, S1.244, f. o. b.,
afloat. Futures market was firm and
higher today owing to strong cables, bullish
French crop news and rumors of a better
export demand. Commission houses and
shorts were good buyers and the market
closed firm at SW4c net advance. Sep
tember, $1.04Vfrl.w74, closed at $1.04; De
cember, $1.07'441.0fiH. olosed at S1.084; Mat
S1.1291.12H. closed at S1.12H. Receipts,
49. Son bu. ; shipments, none.
CORN Spot market easy; No. 2, 64c,
nominal, elevator domestic basis to arrive
and 82o t. o. b.. afloat. Futures market
was wltnout transactions, closing Hc
net lower. September closed at 61"Ac: De
cember, 61c; May, 63c. Receipts, 31,600 bu.;
shipments. 18,227 bu.
OATS hpot market firm: new standnrTI
white. 40U,c: No. 2 white. 41c: TVo. X. white
S!)c; No. 4 white. 3914c. Futures market
was witnout transactions, closing Vuc
net lower. September closed at 40c; De
cember, 40.c; May. 434c; July, 42Ho. Re
ceipts 67,9,0 bu.; shipments, none.
max .asy; prime,; No. 1, Sl.O&iQ
07H; No. 2. 96cull.00; No. 8, 7&&()c.
HIDES Dull: Central America. 2le; Bo.
gota, 22c.
LEATHER Quiet: hemlock flrsta. MM4c?
seconds, 20&22c; thirds, 18a0c; rejects, lfi
0 17c.
TALLOW Quiet; prime city, hhds., 7Hc;
country, 7c.
PROVISIONS Pork, stesdv: mens frMKA-
family, S25.0tVg26.00; short clears, tn.Vo
23.76. Beef, firm; mess, S16.00(fi16.50; family.
S19.00tga0.00; beef hams. $32.00a24.00. Cut
meats, steady; pickled bellies. 10 to 14
pounds. l.Val8c: Pickled hams. 14UMK.
Lard, strong; middle west, prime, $12.8(X3
12.80; refined, quiet; continent, $13.30; South
America, $14.00; compound, $11.37HfiH.75.
BUTTER Easy , receipts. 17.969 tubs.;
oreamery specials, 30A,c; extras, 29o; third
to firsts, 24i"t2oc; state dairy, common to
finest. 23&2sc: procesa second to anoclai
CHEESE Quiet: state, whole mlllr ana.
clal, 15V17o; state, whole milk, fancy, 15c;
state, whole milk, choice, 14c; state, whole
milk, good to prime, 14&14V. state, whole
milk, common to fair, 10V4(0131c; skims, full
to specials. 2'4(l2-c.
EUUB-nrra; receipts. 17.971 cases! stats
Pennsylvania and nearby hennerv. whit.
Snr40c; gathered white, 30)36c; hennery,
crown, oj-c; gatnerea Drown, zwigzac.
POULTRY Alive, Irregular: springers, 16
l&16c; fowls, 16c; turkeys, YZ&Mc. Dressed,
weak; western broilers, 17&a0c; fowls, 14
17ic; spring turkeys. 2tKB27c.
Minneapolis Grata Market.
tember. Sl.OTt; December, S1.11H; May,
$116; cash. No. 1 hard, $1.12; No. 1 north
ern, Jl.ll'ii 1.11H; No. S northern, Sl.07Ul.u9;
no. 9 nortnern.
FLAX-Closed, $2.61H.
CORN No. 3 yellow, 52ty85Sc,
OATS No. 3 white. 33(&33VsC.
BRAN S18.60etn9.00.
FLOUR First patents. $5 .40415.80: second
patents, S6.204j6.4O; first clears, S3.8044.O0;
second Clears,
Arallable Bapply ot Grain.
NEW YORK. SepL 20-Speclal cable and
Teleuraphlc communications received by
Rradstreets show the following changes In
available supplies as compared with pre
vious accounts:
w neat. 1 nttea Mates, east Kocklea. n.
creHsed 1.355.009 bushels; Canada. Increased
lmiki.ouo Dusneis; total U. tJ. and Canada,
Increased 8,515.000 bushels: afloat for and
In Europe, Increased l.HOO.000 liushela; total
American and European supply. Increased
Corn. IT. 8. and Canada. Increased T82.
0QO bushels.
Oats. V. a and aCnada, Increased, 430,
000 bushels.
S.lreYaool Grars Market.
dull: No. S red western winter, no stock?
futures firm; October, 7s 4d; December,
is ou ; marcn, is oa.
CORN Spot easy: old American mixed
Is 4d; futures, steady; October, 4s TW4i
ucwrauar, ts Baa.
Peoria Market.
PEORIA, Bept 20-CORN-Lowar: No. I
yeiiow. t4c; iso. 1 yellow, Wo; No. S. Ue;
No. 4. UVc.
OATSt-Htrong; No. 1 white, S6c; No. t
wiiitc, mc; atanaara, sac.
Mllwaakes Grala Market.
No. 1 nortnern. 11 131 14; No. S northern.
ii nii'iii; lifrcmoor, 8l uv.
OATS 3.x, 3t, So.
BARLEY ra tuples, 804)740,
Narrow Limitations Marked by Quick
Exhaustion of Price Movements.
tre-asrlh ahewa at Oatset Caaao of
Reallslaat Sales aad Reaetloa R
salts Developaieats F.aeear-
glasjr la Copper Stocks.
NEW YORK, ftept. Sn.-The narrow
limitations of the present stock market
were marked again today by the way In
which price movements exhausted them
selves before going tar In either direction.
The wholly professional participation In
the trading serves to explain tills restricted
movement. The settlement of larger ques
tions Is awaited by larger financial In
terests before attempting any important
transactions In stocks. Uuying for Lon
don account was a factor In the strengtli
shown at the outset here. The higher prices
brought realixing sales and reaction set
In. The decline began about the time the
finance committee of the United mates
steel corporation waa ready to go Into
session snd that stock led tne movement.
A rise in the price of copper In London
waa cited and reports of curtailment ot
output by one of the copper mining com
panies of the secondary grade waa pointed
to as an encouraging development in the
copper trade. Reports of lessening demand
for steel products, of Incrrsslng competition
for orders and ef coming further reductions
In the prices of leading lines were kept
In circulation and happened i depress
I'nlted States Steel, with sympathetic ef
fect on the general list. The proposed
large Increases In Oregon Short Line stock
came as a surprise and market sentiment
was rather at a loss to Interpret its
significance or Its effect on Union J'aclfic
as the owner of the existing stock and
the proposed taker of additional stock
when It shall be Issued. -
Conditions in the money market were
without marked changed. There waa a
decline In the private discount rate In
London and foreign exchange rates here
were lower.
Bonds were firm. Total sales par value,
S2.16ti.00u. I'nlted States bonds were un
changed on call.
Number of sales and leading quotations
on stocks were as follows:
Salsa. P.lsV Lew. CI
Allls-Chalmars pfd
Amalgamated Cnppar ...
Anieriran Agrioultural .
Am. Beat Sugar
Amnan Can
American. C. F
Am. Cotton Oil
Amerlcao H. L. pfd.
Am. Ira Saourities
American Linaaad
American ' LocomoUra ..
Amaricaa 8. A R
Am. 8. A R. pfd
Am. Rteal Koundrlss. ...
Am. Stigar Raflnlng
American T. A T
Amsrlcan Tobacco pfd...
American Woolen
Anaconda Mining Co....
Atchison pfd
Atlantic Ooaat Line
Baltimore A Ohio
Bethlehem Itaol
f,M. U
100 44
S.C) t
no 4
tm ii
to It
00 87
(,400 ".
mo iiu ii H6vtj
TOO lt 114 U4V,
l.ftB 88 T M
K It 80 M
aW t 7ta tHH
100 1W4 1004 100
1,400 llMVi 1U 104 V
no r xt n4
00 7t4 T4 14'
l.lno ito4 1IH 1H
1.000 S3 11 US4
10 160 88A ISO
3.700 T6 74V, T4Uj
, ft
lot n B 2S4
, 46H
100 144 144 144
1,U0 131 10 13
, H
l,A0 1S1'4 130 1"
SOO ir4 M 1S
Brooklyn Rapid Tr
Canadian Paclfls
Central Laathar
Central Laathar pfd
Central of New Jars?..
Chaaapaaks A Ohio
Chicago A Alton. 1
Chicago O. W., new
C. O. W. pfd
Chicago A N. W
O. st. a St. r
C. C. C. A St. U.
Colorado r. A I
Colorado A Southern. . . ,
Conaolldated Oaa
Corn Products
Dalawara A Hudson
Denrer A Rio Orands...
n. A R. O. pfd
Dlatlllors' Securities ....
Brls lat pfd
Brls td pfd
General Rleetrle
Oraat Northern pfd
Great Northern Ore etfs.
Illinois Central
Intarhorough Met.
Int. Met. pfd
International Harvester
Int. Marine pfd
tl4 71
.... 17
U 41
, 14
1,70 1M 1H !
TOO M 44 M
too its us
.. lt,M
.. 14,600
US tt
7 7
l 1T4
.A.. 00
International Paper ..
International Pump ...
Iowa Central
Kansaa City to
K. C. So. pfd
Laclede Oaa
Louisville-A N
Minn. A St. Louis....
M., Bt P. A I. . M
M., K. A T
10 10
, I 37
soo ino 100 100
00 14V4 11 1 141
KM lt M 13
soo lutt ii i
800 (1 11
m., k. a t. pra ,
Missouri Pacific M
, SIVe
U M (1
National Biacuit ...........
National Lead
N. R. R. of M id pfd...,
50 80
1 LA
Maw X or usmrai...
N. T.. O. A W
.. 8.IM 113 113 111
Norfolk A Western
North American
Norttiera Pactrie
Pacific Mall
People's Oaa
P., C, C. A St. L
Pittsburg Coal
Pressed steel Oar
Pullman Palace Cr
.. tflO M N M
, S4
.. I.sno 114 118 113
... I.jno K tt W
.. 1,400 iih m 12x4
... 300 107 107 10
..... 13
1.. ...... ..... ..... 100
I 1
Railway Steel Spring
Republic Steel
Republic Steal pfd
Rock laland Oo.
Rock laland Co. pfd
Bt. U A B. F. 34 pfd
St. Louis 8. W
St. U B. W. pfd
Slosa-Sheftteld B. A I.....
Southern Pacific
Southern Railway
.. M.sM H1HM4 140
,a aaseae aa eea eeee W
i. l
i so
8 18
100 17 87
100 KVi 60
4. 114 111 118
00 J II 134,
Bo. Railway pfd
Tennessee IVirper ,
200 62a H
4,100 314 11
Texas A Pacific
T , St. U W
00 K 11
. 1M U4 H
in. iv. a w. pis
t'nlon Pacific
Union Pacins pfd
. 44,100 1W 13 144
100 sue. "
,. 100 tt 84 M
United States Realty......
United Btaes Rubber
Unlsd States Steel........
.11S.71 0 ts M
8. BumI pfd
. as) 44 4o 4!,4
Utah Copper
Va. -Carolina Chemical ..,
. 1,100 U eT
100 14 14
.. TOO 86 14
Wabaah pfd
Wee tern Marrlaad
Weattnshouae Bleotrls
800 41
Western Union, ax-dlr
Wheeling A U K
Total amies lor ins aay. sai.aoo snaraa.
London Stock Market
LONDON. Bept. 80. American securities
oDened firm and a fraction nignsr today.
Prices continued to advance during the
forenoon snd at noon were from &3i
above yesterday s New xora closing-.
(Toslna auotauons on stocas were:
Conaoa moner ki LoulsTtlle A N 14
do aecotm hmik., k. T nit
Amat. Copper
.. N. T. Central 114
.. Norfolk A W
..101 4e sf 11
do pfd
..lots Ontario A W 41
Baltimore A Ohlo...lTPennaylTanla .r. 44
Onadlan Paetna ...144 Rand Mines t
Ohea. A Ohio.
Chicago O. W.
... T7 Heading T4
... 83 BO. Railway 84
...111 do pfd tl
c M. a st. r..
IM Beers
Den rer A R. O..
do pft
do let pfd
do Id pfd
Orand Trunk ....
... IT Be. Paetfle lit
... 11 Union Paelfts 1T0
... T4 4o pfd t
... UV. 8. Steel Ti
... 4e pft 11
... 14 Wabaah IT
... M ds pfd 14
Illinois Central
...1U Bnanish as n
lLVEltr-Bar. steady at S4Sd per ounce.
MONETY i&1 per eent.
Tha rate of discount In the epea market
for short bills Is 3V9?S per eent; for three
months' bills, 1 lJ-ltxflZ'4 per cent.
Mew York Cnrb Market
The following quotations are furnished
by Logan Bryan, memoers rnew iora
Stock: exchange lis eeuin eixieentn street
Bay Bute Oaa..
... tt Insplratlsa
... ltLaraso
... )Nrada Con
... 14Newkeaas
.... )Ohle Copper
... 4lstRawtilde CoallUsa
... 1 ar Central
...11 Swtft Pa a Ca
... 31 Sears-Reesuak Ce.
... UBtlier Piak
.... 11 Buperlar A P
... 4Tenepea Mtalag .
.. T
Butts UoallUoa
Chief Cod
Kir Central
Kly Ceo.
Elf Wlteh
OoldfleUl Don.
.. 1
.. Ta
.. 1
.. 11
.. 1
.. 11
Trinity Oeppar
.. s
Ooldfield Florence .. I'aNerth Lake
Ooldtteld Dalay 4 Bottemla
Ureene Uananea 8
New Tark Mlalaar ftoeka
.. 8
NEW TORK. Sept. SA Closing nuoUtiens
on nilnlug stocks were:
Alice 1 ISO ladrllle Oaa 8
SBranawlek Ooa. .... It LHtle Cklet t
Com. Tunnel ateek... at Mesleaa ltt
do bonds 14 Ontario .sat
Con. Cel. A Va V Oplr 1
Hore Stiver 40 T.tnto Lt
Lrun Sllrer TT1 Tel low Jaekat H
Treaiarr BtasasaAat.
WASHINGTON, Sept. . The aondltlon
of the treasury at tne Beginning, ot eusi
tndav was as follows:
Trust Funds Gold coin. S88S.S78.88S; sliver
dollars. 84ao.34X.otD; silver sonars ei ism,
83.56.000: silver eertlfasates outstanding,
e..o sal non.
General ruad Standard silver dpllars la
general fund. 8k.871.Tlo; current liabilities.
llnl.Sso.Vli; worauuj paiasce in uaaatur w
flee. SM.21J,M; n banks to credit ff tress
urer of the L'nlted Stts. .-.:4.97!; s,b
fldlary silver coin. Sl!..W2.4; minor coin.
f-4.; total balance In general fund, S'l.-S36.960.
ew York Mnser Ma-ket.
NF.W TORK. Kept 20-MONKT-On call.
eay; Hfi2 per cent; ruling rate, 14 per
cent; closing bid, 1 per cent; offered at
I rer cent. Time loans, dull and steady;
sixty dsys, 4 per cent: ninety days, ffl44
per cent; six months, 4'4 per cent.
per cent.
actual business in .bankers' bills at 14 KtVKf
4Mrt0 for sixtv-dny Mils and at S4 15 for
demand. Commercial bills, S4 8.W WV
(SILVER Uar, MSc; Mexican dollars, 44c.
BONDS Government, steady; railroad
Closing quotations on bonds today were
as follows:
I!. 8. rtf. Is. tvg....1M Int. M. M. 4Hi
to eoupon l's Jspsn 4
V. 8. rag do 4H
4s eotipon 11HK. C. So. In Ii...
C. 8. 4n, ri H4L. s it 4 1.11...
do coupon 11 LAN. unl. 4i
Allls-Cfialmers 1st Sa T7 M. K. A T. 1st 4i.
Am. As. & 1"1t du irn.
Am. T. A T. er. 4..100HMo. Psctflc 4
Am Tohsefo 4s N. R. R of M. 4H. M'
to Si H N. T. (T. t
Armour A Co. 4Ss.. i "do deo. 4i M
Atrhlson sen. 4 N. T.. N. H. H
do ot. 4s.. W e. 14
do t
.inn N. a w. lt c. 4.... n
. S4V, do ct 4s M't
. No. Psojflc 4 Juo:
. K'i do I T1S
At. C. L lt 4s.
Bal. Ohio 4..
do ISi
do 8. W. IWa..
!W0. 8. U ring. 4n
Br. Tt. tr. 4a M
Penn. c
115.. M4
On. of Cs. t..
.in4 do tan. U V:s
Cn. Lesther ..... Resrtlns n. 4i -
r, of N. J. K. ts..lH St. b. i 8. P. f. 4. "it
Ch. A Ohio 4H... do (fn. 6s Kt
do raf. is.i S'JAiSt. L. 8. W. e. 4s... 74
China" A A IHi... do lat (old 4a "4
C. B. A Q. J. 4a H Seaboard A. L. 4a.... '
do fen. 4s 7t (. Par. col. 4.... H4
C. M. A P. t " do tr. 4a ,
C. R. I. P. c. 4a.. 74H do lat ref. 4a....
.. S4T,
.. 7M
to rrs. 4a ntM. Kan war M ...
Colo Ind. hm T7 do gen. as
Colo. Mid. 4a IK I'rlon Pacific 4a..
C. A 8. r. A . 4Hs. S do tr. aa
I). A H. c. 4a til do lat ref. 4a.
D. A R. O. 4a M r, & Rubtwr ta...
do rat. 6s..
tlMjlT. S. Steel Id 6s. ...lot
niatlllars- 6
Va.-raro. Cham. 6a.. H
M Wabaah lat te in4
TI do lat A si. 4a....
O Waatani Md. 4a H,
'Wfil. Rloc. ct. ta..
Brls p. I. 4s
do gan. 4a
do ct. 4s, sar. A.
eo aeries B.
Oen. Kloc. ct. is... 1M Wta. Central
It. On. 1st raf. 4s.. ' Mo. Pao. ct. 6a..
Int. Mat. 4a 11V.
Bid. 'Offered.
Laeal Serwrltlea.
Quotations furnished by Burns. Brlnker
A Co.. 448 Omaha National iBank building:
B 4. Asked.
Beatrice Cream err pfd 17
Colorado Tel. Co. f per cent M 44
CMdahr Packing Oo. ta M M
City Nat l Bank Bldg. 4a. 1110 st )uu
Columbus, Neb., B. U (a. 114 M !
Denrar a. a I. I par cent Botes 1111 isv
Fairmont Creamery prd 10S
Int. Con. Co., wltk subs
lews Portland 1st sa t los
owa Portland M ta 91 t
Kan. O. A K. t par eent pfd. Wichita M 1M
Kansaa City (municipal) 4s 104 1(4
K. C, M. A O., eom II tt
K. 0.. M. A O.. pfd 84 M
K. C M. A O. 4a, U61 'it
K. C. M. A O. 4a. U5L bonus 8
Omaha Water Os. 4a. Itla as 1st
Omaha Water Co. ta. U44 M M
Omaha A C. B. S. R. pfd 8 par cent 83 W
Omaha A C. B. Bt. Ry., eom 7i
Omaha at C. H. bt. BT. aa, lM (1 M
Omaha St. Ry. ta, J HI 88 - .....
Omaha A C B. R. A B. pit tt
Union Coo. Co., with bonus U
Onion Stock Tarda Stock. Omaha tt M
Boston Cloaiaar Stocks.
BOSTON. Sept. SO.t-CIoslng Quotations on
lucKs were:
Alleun 4 Mohawk 4T
Amal. Copper tt Nerada Con 10
A. E. U a s t NIplisMig Mines .... 11
Arliona Cbm It North Butts 9.
Atlantis s North Lake IS
B. A C. C. A B. M. 11 Old Dominion
Butts Coalition
11 Oacrola
17 Permit B. A C...
143 Qutncy
15 Shannon
41 Superior
T Superior A B. M.
10 Superior A P. C.
4 Tamarack
,12 U. B. C. A O
. U. 8. S. K, A M.
, 80 do pfd
, Utah Con
.. 13
,. 73
.. 8
.. 8
,. 11
.. M
,. 14
,. 31
.. 44
.. 22
.. 7
Cat. A Arliona
Cal. A Hecla
Copper Range C. M.
Eaat Butte C. M....
Olroux Con,
Oranby Con. ......
Greene Oananea ....
lele Royals Copper.
Kerr Lake
Lake Copper
11 - Winona
La Balls Copper V.olertne
Miami Copper 1S
Bank Clearlaars.
OMAHA. SeDL 20. Bank clearings for to-
day were S2.327.7V4.07 and for the corre
sponding date last year $l.74.Y!s3.4
RrrTTERa-Creamerr. No. L delivered ta
the retail trade in I-lb. cartons, 31c; No. 2.
In 30-lb tubs, 30c; No. 2. in 1-1 d. cartons,
2Sc; No. 2, in 60-lb. tubs. 27Vc; packing
stock, solid pack, -Zic. oaary, lu u-id. tuus.
Ufr-Ua. Market changes every Tuesday.
i-HKEtiE Twins, lsc; young Americas,
19Sc; daisies, logo; triplets, WWc; Umberger,
lec; No. 1 brick. leVc: imported Swim, Uo;
domestic Swiss, 24c; block Swiss, tic
POULTRY Dressea broilers under S lbs.,
80c; over S lbs., I60; bens 15o; cocks. 10a;
ducks, lbe; geese, lsc; turkeys. 26c: pigeons,
per dog., SLA); bonier squabs, per dos.. $4.0;
fancy squabs, per dos., $.1.60; No. L per dox.,
$300. Alive: Broilers, lac; over 2 lbs., 12o;
hens, lie; old roosters, tc; old ducks, full
feathered, lus: aeese. full feathered. 10c:
turkeys, 20o; guinea fowls, 20c eaoh; pigeons.
per dos.. eve; uoniers, per ooa., o.w; squans,
No. L per dos., $1.60; No. 2. per dos., 60o.
Flan (all froseni r-tcaeret. lib; wmie ilsn,
18c; pike, 16c; trout, 17o; large crapples,
eve; Dpamsn macaemi, ibk, ewi, isc; naa
dock. Lie; flounders, Uo; green catfish, lsc;
bullheads, 16c; roesbad, $1.00 each; shad
roes, per pair. 65 i iro le Per dos., 3oc;
Beet LUur-ruo: ts. 4 joc;
No. S, 8c. Loin: No, 1, 16c; No. 2. 13e; iso.
3. 90. Chucks: No. 1, 64c; No. 2, 6Vc; No. 3,
60. Round: No. 1. 7?c; No. 2, 7o; No. 3,
6c. Plate: No. 1. 6Vc; No. 2, 4c; No.
,tR,UIT8 Oranges: California Valencia,
all sizes, per box, I6.OO46.20. Lemons: Lima,
nlsra extra fancy, 3uo size, per box, $7 00;
880 size, par box, 7.60; choice 300 size, per
box. $6-6u; SbO size, per box, $7. 00; Z40 size,
6O0 per box leas. Bananas: Fancy select.
per buncn, i4.aiu4.ou; juuiiw, uuuen, .t
J,:! 7K. t'.antalouoes: Colorado Rocky Fords.
64 size. SL76; 46 standards, $2.26. Italian Blue
Prunes: wasmngion, per erne,; in
lots, per crate, Si.ia. feaca-es: calllontla
Balways, per 20-lb. box, 7tro; In lots of 26
or more, per box, 66c; Colorado Klbertas,
per 30-1D. dox, sue; iuib, per oox, ttic.
Pears: New York Ketfer, per lu. bsk., $1.60;
California B. Clalrague. per box. 82.86: in
lots, per box, 2.76. Apples: Home-grown
cooking. In bbls., $4.00y4.oO; Missouri Jona
than, in ddis., ,amn.ow; new Oregon, per
box, $1.76; California Uravenstein, per box,
l' ia Granes: California Malaicas. ner a.
bsk. crate, $L60; California Tokay, per etate.
$1.60; concoras, nome-grown, per -io. Dsk.,
2'iVk(g'30e. Watermelons: Texas, lVc per lb.
Pates: Anchor brand, new, 80 1-ib. pkgs.
In box.per box, S2.0D.
VlCUBlABLt-B-r-otatoes: rjariy Ohio, In
sacks, per bu., Sl.004il.10; New Jersey wnlte
stock extra fine quality, per bu., $1.16.
Sweet Potatoes: Virginia, per bbl.. $2.76.
Onions: Large yellow. In sacks, per lb., 8c;
Iowa, small red and yellow, per lb., 2c;
Spanish, per crate, $1.86. Garlic: Extra
fancy, white, per lb., 16c; red, per lb., 16c.
Kgg riant: rancy norma, per 0.0s.. 11. uo.
Celery: Michigan, per dos. bunches, 36c.
HOME, uuuwn VE.jr.i Atii,h;a cab
bage: New, per lb., 2c. Tomatoes: per bsk.,
SOiatiOc. String and Wax Beans: Per mkt.
bsk., 76c. Cucumbers: Per mkt. bsk.. 60
0'76c. Lettuce. Extra fancy leaf, per dos.,
46e. Parsley: Fancy home-grown, per dos.
bunches, Sue. Turnips: Per mkt. bsk., 36c.
Carrots: Per mkt. bsk., 40o. Beets: Per mkt
bsk., 86c. .
miscellaneous walnuts: 13 lack, per
lb., 8c; California No. 1, per lb., lc; Cali
fornia No. 3, per lb. 14c. Hlckorynuu:
Large, per lb. 4c; small, per lb., 6c. Cocoa
nuts: Per sack, $5 00: per dos., (Sc. Honey:
New. 84 frames. 13 66.
Dry Goods Market.
The market for the day was steady and
quiet. Yarns are being sold at low prices
en contract. The export trade Is quiet.'
Men s wear prices nave oeen aavanced a
trifle by agents through a shortening of
discounts. One of the large print com
panies ts offering a sub-count staple print
at 4Ve a yard, but the price of standard
prints will remain unchanged at ffra.
Coffee Market.
NEW TORK, Sept. 20. -COFFEE Fu
tures closed steady at a net advance of 10
C17 points. Sales. 64,750 hags; September,
S70e; October. 8.70c; November, 8 70c: De
cember. 8.76c; January, 8.80c; February.
8 81c; March, 8.83c; April, 8 SSc; May, 8 60:
June, 8.88c; July, 8.31c; August, 8 86c. Spot
coffee firm; Rio, No. 7, Uivic; Santos, No.
4, UVe. Mild quiet; Cordova. ll'AB13.c.
Wheat Estimate Corrected.
NEW TORK. Sept. 20The New Tork
Produce exchange has corrected Its visi
ble supply of wheat figures to 29,620,000 (In
stead of 28.3C.0uu) an increase of 1.323,009
Turpentine Market.
Firm: 761176c.
ROSIN Firm; type T. S8.70; O. $6.46.
e I
Dalath Grata Market.
rtTLUTH. Sept. SO WHK AT September,
fLUV; December, 11.18; May. $1 16't-
Cattle Eeceipts Liberal, with Trade
. Slow and Lower.
heep and Iambi la Liberal 8 apply,
While the Desna ad la Good aad
Trade Fairly Active
aad Firm.
80UTH OMAHA. Sept. . 1818.
Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs, bheep.
Ulficial Monday 12.1SK J.-oJ
KKtimate Tuesday lo.iwt 4.KUJ
Two dsys this week....i:3.'.'4M 7.113 11.44J
Same days last week. . . .19.30SI 7.I34 fcAidi
am rtays 2 weeks ago. .llo.iyMi 8.444 7SMU
Bame days S weeks ago. .U.M ST. 747
bame days 4 weeks ago.. 18.16 70,Hti
Same d.iys last yeai ....18,1S S.672 m,M
'I tit luuuWiiig iauia IUi 11, receipts
of cattle, bogs and sheep at South Omaha
for the year to date, as compared with last
vesr: ispi ifee Inc. Dee
Cattle 803.527 7uS,2G lOO.ISS
If'kS l.Diil.iftO 1.7.I1 K4S.931
Sheep l.Wl.T.H 413,148
'i bu foliowiiis tauie niiows the average
prices of hogs at South Omaha for the last
several days, with comparisons:
iJates. lwo. iaus.lwB.iv7.!'4.
ept. 13... I ur 1 e 1 ( ni I Ul t 80 I S3 I M
ept. 13... I ll 7 fa a I a el w, 21
"ept. 14... 1 a TbSei 7 ssl 8 Rfii 8 e7i OSi S 14 13 68
epL 16. ..I 3 80,1 8 Uo It 80 8 O81 t 14 5 7
ept. 16...I 8 8o S Otti S4I 6 90 I J
pt. 1... K wVll 8 10 6 80 6 84 S 111 5 81
Sept. Is... ( 14 Id 82 lb 7Si 8 08 6 S3
eept. I g 9114.1 e 1 s s3 731 3 8 l !1
sept. at)... I 8 -.3 I S 171 a 731 OSI 6 3s" 8 W
Receipts and disposition of live stock at
the Union stock yards, South Omaha, Neb.,
fur the twenty-four hours ending at 3 p. tn.,
yesterday; ,
C. M. & St. P S 4
Wabash 2 .. ..
Missouri Pacific 1 1
Union Pacific 80 16 42
C. & N. W., east 4 3 1
C. At N. W.. west 13s 22 86 1
C. St. P. M. & 0 1 9
C. B. & Q., east ., .... 4
C. H. A W , west 174 18 S
C. R. 1. 01 P., east.... 2 10 1
Illinois Central 1 1 .. ..
C. O. W S
Total receipts 402 93 112 1
Cattle. Hogs, fheep.
Omaha Packing Co 624 876 2.20
Swift and Company 1.379 1,123 1.7K2
Cudahy Packing Co 1,485 942 S.738
Armour & Co 1,601 1.269 2,774
W. B. Vansant Co 231
Benton Vansant At Lush. 286
Stephens Bros 146
Hill & Son 240
P. B. Lewi 89
Huston & Co 223
J. B. Root & Co lr
J. H. Bulla 86
L. F. Husz 140
L. Wolf 309
McCreary & Carey 791
S. Wertheimer 470
H. P. Hamilton 81
M. Hagerty 44
Lee Rothschild 33
Mo. & Kans. Calf. Co.... 91
Depan 46
Baker & Pense 41
Klem & Christy 19
McConoughy 30
Other buyers 1,420 ..... 80.939
. Totals ....10.275 4.016 41,419
CATTLE Receipts of cattle showed up
very liberal this morning, 402 cars being
reported In. This makes the total for the
two days 23.248 head, as against 19.30U head
for the bame days last week aud lo,l&2 head
for the same time last year. This means
that receipts so far this week have been
very liberal as compared with previous
weeks, though they are not as heavy as
they were two weeks ago. Under the In
fluence of large receipts, together with a
rather untavoiable outlook at other selling
points, the trade here opened slow ana
weak. Lverjone seemed prepared for a
somewhat lower range of prices, and buy
ers were accordingly slow about getting
down to busings, preferring up await later
news from other selling points before doing
very much.
. There were not very many really good
beef steers In the yards tins morning, the
offerings for the most part constating of
the In-between kinds, which are never very
much sought after. Partly for that reason
the demand was not overly brisk, and the
trade throughout the day waa very dull.
Strictly good cattle were possibly not very
much dltferent from yesterday, but the
general run of the offerings was safely 10c
lower and in spots 10&16c lower.
Cows and heifers sold anywhere from
steady or about steady p fully loo lower.
While the trade was far from active there
seemed to be a very decent buying demand
and. In the end, pretty much everything had
The country demand for stockers and
feeders has proven disappointing so far
this week, and the market today sagged
for the want of buying support. The best
kinds of feeders were not so very much
lower, but the general run was safely 10c
lower and, In some cases, lujjl&c lower.
Tho market might otherwise be described
as 2ft&40c lower than the high point last
quotations on native cattle: Good to
choice beef steers, $6,7047.86; fair to good
beef steers $0.00)4t.75; common o fair beef
steers, S4.&O&6.00; good to choice cows and
heifers, 44.4tXa6.40; fair to good cows and
heifers, $3,4014.40; common to fair cows and
heifers, J2.7mj3.40; good to choice stockers
and feeders, $4.6o6.26; fair to good stockers
and feeders, $4.uoft4.60; common to fair
stockers and feeders, 13. 254. 00; stock heif
ers, S3.00&4.26; veal calves, $3.60 7.00; bulls,
stags, etc., $3.006.00.
(Quotations on range cattle: Choice to
prime beeves $6.0O&6.7S; good to choloe
beeves, $6,304(6.90; fair to good beeves, $4.70
(76.25; common to fair beeves, $3.76(54.60;
good td choice heifers, $4.Z&'a.00; good to
choice cows, 34.004)4.66; fair to good grades,
$3.u0(tf4.00; canners and cutters, l.Wofi.H
good to choice feeders $4.4oii4.86; common
to fair feeders, $3.26-ii4.25.
Representative sales:
No. At. Pr. No. At. Pt.
1 1133 4 60 It 1064 4 14
20 101 8 00 11 1400 t 40
1 1240 8 00
3 1U 1 04 1 lofil 8 44
1 M 100 8 M IN
1 UO IK 8 10SS 8 TS
( lit 1 M 3 tSA 1 75
1008 8 M 1 MO 8 SO
1 846 1 40 10 T4 8 fa)
10 471 8 86 1 710 4 1
1 818 8 SO 8 UM 8 ss
1 410 3 60
I K0 lit 4 M7 4 Tt
S34 4 60 1 lit t T6
10 steers..., 962 90
10 steers.. ..1135 5 00
171 steers. ..19 4 26
212 steers. ..1061 6 18
16 steers. ...1178 6 36
69 steers.. ..1146 6 65
42 cows 1008 4 20
47 steers.. ..10M) 4 60
15 steers.. ..wns w
10 steers.. ..1000 4 10
61 cows 1009 3 90
19 steers.. ..lino 6 bo
it heifers... 678 S 40
J. W. Statter Neb.
43 steers.... 973 5 00 18 steers.
.1077 4 50
. 942 S W
.103S I 0
34 cows W JJ 21 cows..
J. M. Gentry Neb.
22 feeders. .1163 5 75 14 cows..
66 heifers... vou v
W. C. Cable-Neb.
22 feeders.. 1061 S 60 19 feeders.. 1061 t 10
126 heifers.. 910 4 66
A. B. Berry A Co.-Neb.
29 so. strs..l086 4 55 12 so. strs.. 8SS 4 40
11. A. Lage-Neb.
15 feeders.. 1072 S 00 10 cows SS0 S 10
Diamond Bar Cattle Co.-Neb.
tl cows 1013 S 96 22 cews 863 S 60
H. Grooms-Neb.
18 cows 1077 S 90 feeders.. 868 4 69
Lee Taylor Neb.
149 feeders. 1004 4 T5 10 feeders.. 1004 4 00
E. L. Jones Neb.
It steers.. ..10)3 4 30 6 steers.... 838 S 75
W. O. Zarman-Neb.
11 cows
14 feeders.
11 cows....
872 8 40 10 heifers... 728 I SO
K. K. Curtis Wyo.
949 6 26 17 feeders.
971 4 SO
787 4 80
Mrs. 8. Woods Wyo.
22 feeders..
666 6 OG 19 cows...
Ed Sutton Wyo.
914 6 06 22 feeders,
ftivO 4 20 9 cows...
W. C. Wright Wyo.
978 6 00 10 steers..
Sm3 4 15
824 4 It
674 4 75
9S1 $ 60
851 4 86
43 feeders..
23 cows....
19 steers...
18 cows....
20 feeders.
13 cows....
J. O. Wrtght-Wyo.
942 5 30 13 feeders.. 758 4 86
871 4 10
H Merriani Wyo.
13 stsers....U: t 36 13 cows 957 I ft
21 cost,.. KS S V 84 feeders.. 804 4 80
13 calves... 136 T 00
I Frank OeraseWyo.
II heifers... 754 S 66 18 steers. ...100$ 4 60
18 cows Si2 I 20
M. Cotton-Wyo
(3 feeders.. 1082 4 80 89 feeders.. 861 IS
J. Henry Wyo.
IS feeders.. 846 4 66 47 cows 84 S 40
31 feeders.. 6 4 66 11 cows 964 4 36
18 rows M
M steers. ...ll?t
8rt ye'rlings Wfi
M calves... 7'4
10 cows lOH)
S 40
4 70
5 IK)
14 feeders,
5 steers..
19 cows...
38 calves..
. 950
. 8vX
. 147
4 S3
4 0
3 ft)
5 M
S 0
Heaver Creek Cattle Co. Wjro.
H steers.. ..11M 3
81 cows 9:
4 80
4 bO
6 feeders.. v 4 40
1 Ronte Llv
317 feeders. 11 18 h In
41 cows 9!) 3 TO
8 steers....! 1.2
Stock Co. Wyo.
19 heifers... 74 S 7S
18 cows....
931 S 46
34 steers.. ..1 8 8 OR
W. 8. Hertlne . P.
IS heifers... f.t 3 70 83 heifers... ft 4
M feeders.. 10: ft ? 4 cows .... P0.1 3 2S
13 feeders.. 1076 4 K" 1 calves... 274 6 00
O L. Arburkle-S. n.
U cows A3 3 2;. 12 calves... S37 4 SO
John Walker S. 11
L'4 feeders.. 7) 4 4 17 cows 747 I M
H. Itngdon R. l
18 steers.. ..1103 800 22 cows 813 S 65
Albert Keene S. n.
27 feeders.. 876 4 .V 2" feeders.. 8 S 80
23 calves... 21's 5 iV n cows 667 S 20
23 cows 7S9 3 20
O. II. McCorl S D.
21 steers.. ..1079 5 06 18 heifers. ..1006 4 55
A. H. Schneliler-8. I).
21 feeder.. 944 4 .10 11 cows 1 00 S 65
14 cows S21 3 at
W. W. Bell 8. P.
24 feeders.. 10.1S 4 50 IS cows 762 S 2R
14 calves... Z75 6 00
Hi Kl! Hog trade opened lower and grew
norse as the morning advanced, closing at
the bottom. Selected loads were purchased
during early rounds at Mi 10c declines, but
the demand was dull snd dtsciliiilnatinK,
and filial reductions found values lust
a Unit Stvi2fic lower than those of yesterday.
iteceipts were moderate, but this phase or
the trade had little Influence with buyers,
everyone making strong efforts to cheapen
Competition was naturally slack and the
movement very slow from start to finish.
Good bacon hogs were scarce, a part of a
losd ef prime lights selling ss high as
$9.45. Full loads topped at $9.20, as corn
ered with the same too of yesterday.
eavy hogs ranged from $8.50 to $8.70. with
mixed weights around $8.7008. 90.
Unfavorable reports from other principal
market points, a meager shipping demand
and recent weakness in provisions are gen
erally ascribed as the main reasons for
today s unsatisfactory trade.
be. ft. No. At. Sb. Ft.
... 8 40 (4 ISO 40 8 TO
... 1 .Ml U 241 ... I 70
... 1 M 4 210 80 I TR
... 110 4 IK ... 8 71
... 1 60 44 8:il SO 1 80
86 1 66 (2 271 DIM
... 1 65 11 341 40 1 SO
... 1 66 41 IKS SO I 10
... 1 66 . 14 40 1 10
80 1 (6 U 261 ... 1
... 1 60 17 246 40 I 85
10 1 40 M 167 M Hi
130 IN tl Sol ... IK
... 1 40 47 241 800 1 It
... I It) 41 3M 40 1 15
... 1 M 41 346 24 8 tt
344 1 64 14 363 10 1 W
... 1 44 ti 27 ... 1 00
... 1 e4 42 2A1 ... 3 00
... 1 16 19 IS! 100 t 00
44 8 46 48 241 ... 8 06
... 146 13 164 ... 8 01
... 146 70 174 ... 110
... 141 44 236 ... 8 14
... 8 46 TT 310 80 1 24
... 1 46 11 184 ... 3 4F
11 ...
1 ... 8 lo
114 l 7t4
SHKEP No sign of weakness developed
in sheep and lamb trade today; on the con
trary, best kinds ot fat stock moved at
figures firm to a little stronger in snots.
Supplies were large with feeder offerings
especially plentiful. Yesterday's clearance
was almost complete, however, and buyers
were in no mood to hold back their orders
in the hope of cheaper prices later In the
Demand from all sources was generous
from the opening, both feeder and fat
grades moving readily as soon as shipments
could be shaped up In selling form. Fat
lambs were none too plentiful, but some
good ones arrived, making possible a top
oi fi.w. tat wethers sold as high as $4.20,
as compared with yesterday's best price of
$4.16. Quality and weight of the two strings
were almost identical, t at ewes ror Kiiunt;
purposes are quotable up to $385, but it
takes choice ones to brirur this fisrure.
Prices on best kinds ol feeders are just
about steady with last week's close. The
poorer grades are slow, with sales un
evenly lower than those of Friday. Very
light feeding lambs, weighing around 3f
38 pounds, are solnr back into the country
at $4.16)4.25, with strong weights quotable
around $6.25. Common, thin ewes and
rough wethers are pretty close to 16tj2&c
lower for the two days.
Quotations on Grass Stock: Good to
choice lambs. S6.6.ii:7.00: fair tn mod lambs.
$6.404i.66; feeding lambs, $4.10iim.35; handy
weight yearlings, $5.165.40; heavy vear
lings, S4.60&5.00: feeder vearllnaa. S4.9OJifi.30:
godd to choice wethers, S4.OO-up4.20; fair to
gooa werners, J3.7ob)4.oo; feeding wethers,
$3.603i4.10; breeding ewes, $4.0u&5.2n; fat
ewes, 3.503.!5; feeding ewea, S2.26"a3.50;
cutis ana ducks, iL&o&iZ.da
No. Ar.
3Si Wyoming ewes. , feeders. 93
349 Wyoming lambs, feeders 50
258 Wyoming yearlings 90
S 10
5 26
4 60
6 60
4 70
6 25
4 76
4 50
3 25
2 65
4 05
4 05
3 50
4 20
4 15
6 20
5 25
S 60
4 00
4 00
5 25
5 2)
5 25
2 36
4 10
5 66
4 10
4 36
6 90
6 2u
6 60
6 00
5 56
4 10
3 40
3 26
8 30
8 40
8 25
5 25
317 Wyoming lambs, feeders 47
451 Wyoming yearlings, feeders.. 83
177 Montana lambs 64
135 Montana yearlings 90
219 Montana ewes 88
243 Montana ewes 95
132 Montana ewes 69
614 Colorado wethers 105
817 Colorado wethers 106
100 Colorado wethers, culls 103
203 Colorado wethers 110
491 Colorado wethers 100
345 Wyoming lambs, feeders 61
1063 Wyoming ewes, feeders 87
6J0 Wyoming yearlings, feeders.. 72
245 Wyoming ewes, feeders 97
632 Wyoming wethers, feeders.... 108
309 Wyoming wethers, feeders.... 107
301 Wyoming yearlings, feeders.. 70
302 Wyoming yearlings, feeders.. 71
2 Wyoming yearlings, feeders.. 72
467 Wyoming ewers, fdrs., culls.. 82
ifitt Wyoming lambs, culls, fdrs.. 23
400 Wyoming lambs, feeders.
342 Wyoming lambs, feeders..
464 Wyoming wethers, feeders
1J7 Wyoming iambs, feeders...
61a Wyoming lambs, feeders...
m Wyoming iamts, feeders..,
764 Wyoming lambs, feeders..,
6M Wyoming lambs, feeders..,
312 Wyoming lambs, feeders..,
293 Wyoming wethers and year
lings -
176 Wyoming ewes
494 Wyoming wethers....
SO south Dakota .awes..
261 South Dakota ewes..
249 South Dakota ewes..
250 South Dakota ewes..
262 South Dakota ewes..
142 South Dakota ewes,
US south Dakota
74 6 00
64 6 00
300 South
136 South
6 00
4 46
4 45
2 25
4 65
6 70
6 15
8 26
6 75
5 40
2 26
1 60
276 South Dakota ewes
129 South Dakota ewes
227 South Dakota ewes, feeders..
267 South Dakota yearlings, weth
ers, feeders
690 Wyoming lambs, feeders
561 Wyoming yearlings, feeders..
846 Wyoming lambs, feeders
870 Wyoming lambs, feeders
106 Wyoming ewes
5?1 Wyoming ewes, feeders, .......
163 Wyoming feeders, culls
Demand for Cattle Weak Hogs Slew
Sheep Steady.
CHICAGO, Sept. 20. CATTLE Receipts
11.000 head; market weak; beeves, $4.8t)r8.2.i;
Texas steers, $3,754)6.00; western steers,
$4.30-57.00; stockers and feeders, $4.2.Ya5 90;
cows spd heifers, $2.2646.35.; calves, $6.76
4)960. '
HOGS Receipts 13.000 head; market slow;
5c to 10c lower than yesterday's averago.
Llcht. S9.25V.70; mlved. vA"rfi!.to. ha y,
$8.!V59.4o; rough, $8.2f,&8.45; good to choice
heavy, $46-?itt.46; pigs, $8.5o-a9.55; bulk of
sales. $KKvi29.10.
SHEEP Receipts 28.000 head; msrket
steady, native, $2.7rVa4.56; western, it.2Wn
4.50; yearlings. 84. 75 5.75; lambs, native,
$5.2Ef.2a; western, $o.50S?.25.
Kaasas fttr Live Stock Market.
KANSAS CITT. Sept. 20.-C ATT LE-Re-eeipts,
18,000 head. Including 2.000 head
southern; market steady to 10c higher;
dressed beef and export steers, $7.000 S Oo;
fair to good, $5.2f,fii.76; western steers. $4 50
(B7.00; stockers and feeders, S3 .6s?M. 25 ;
southern steers, $4 .60U6.GO; southern rows,
$2.9q'ov4.08: native cows, $250a 4 85; native
heifers. $3.753.50; bulls, $3.264.30; calves.
HOGS Receipts, 8.000 head; market, 515o
lower; bulk of sales. $9.0039.45: heavy, $x SJ
479 25; packers and butchers, $9.0&t'9.3u;
light. $2(Vo9.55.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. It.flno
bead: market steady; lambs, $6. 1047 7 (;
yearlings. $5.00-0 5.60; wethers, $4,267)4 60;
ewes, $4.00(34.50; stockers and feeders, $3.00
64 40.
St. Laala Live Stork Market.
ST. LOUIS. Sept. 20. -CATTLE Receipts.
8.700 head. Including I.60O head Texans,
steady to strong; native shipping and ex
podt steers, $7.0008.00; dressed beef and
butoher steers, $5 7Vu. 10; steers under l,onO
lbs.. $4 007.00; stockers and feeders. $3.75
4i6.86: cows and heifers, 33.6lrfr7.00; canners
S2.60dS.10; bulls, $3.2&a5.00; calves. $-" 0ui.60;
Texas and Indian steers, $3.56474 50; cows
and heifers. S3.10g4.50.
HOGS Receipts. i0 head; market. CTtl5c
lower: pigs snd lights, $a.tvfj 60; packers
$ 96418 20; butchers and best heavy, $j.2oB
9 60.
BHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, ,oo
head; market steady; native muttons. S-l 6t
M4S5- lambs. Srt.tvuii .16; culls snd bucks,
2.7biaJ.2; stockers. 83.ftPfl 4.0U
St. Joseph $.! o-k Msrket.
ST. JOSEPH. Hv. PPt- 30-CATTLTC-Receipts.
3.6H0 head; msrket slow; steers.
81 .voiW 26: cows and heifers, $2 5tmj6 90l
cahes. $3.0fi8 0fi. .. ...a.
HOGS Receipts, S.tato neati. ni.i -v, 1
lowei , ton. $:' !; bulk or saie.
......... .v., 1 1 wn T7 mrf 1 n t X 60S
head; market, steady to strong; Ismbs. S4..A
C7 TO. ,
Stock In Sight.
liecelpis of live sli tk St the five princi
pal western markets yesterday:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep
South Omaha IS.) 4.vA 2.O0
St. Joseph S.fiOO 4 000 S V
Kansas City KOl 60V 1.0.
St. luls 6.701) 6.400 n."'
ChlcaKO 11,000 13,000 . fci.Qt'O
Totals 60.100 31 200 83.200
8$eal Market.
NEW TORK. Sept. 20 MKT A LS Stand
ard copper, weak; spot, September. Octo
ber. November and December, S12.0ifli:M..;
London stead v; spot fii; futures it Ins;
arrivals at New York. M tons; customs
house returns show exports of 20,097 tons
so far this month. Lake copper, SViSOti)1
12.77.: electrolytic, Sl2.37'til2.tt21; castlnit.
$12.12Vi'ul2.37S. Tin weak: spot, $.T4.62V.f
84.90; Septembor. 34.H2vfi34 66; October,
$a4.5ovi 34.75; November. $.14 2Vfj 24.60; lecem
ber. M.l&; London dull; spot, 168 6s:
futures. C157 fs. Lead easy; eiHit, $4.?7V14.40,
New York; $4.?Vff4.30, East St. I,ouls: Isn
don. sot. C13 12s 6d. Spelter, easy: 5.6t2)S.'a),
.New vork; 3..37""ii.i.4'2Vi. East Ft Louis;
London, spot. 23 7s ti. Iron, Cleveland
warrants, 4Sis In london: locally the market
we.s quiet; No. 1 foundry northern. $16.M7
16.00: No. 2, $15.25115.77,; No. 1 southern, No.
1 southern soft. S.V76iflt'..-2f .
ST. LOITIS. Sept. 20.-M ETALS-Lead,
quiet, $4.30. Spelter, firm, $'..
Wool Market.
BOSTON. Sept. 20 WOOL More snsp la
apparent In the loca. wool msrket. due. It
Is said, from a demand for domestic prod
uct by foreigners. The foreign buyinc so
far has been confined to short Oregon
clothing. No. 2 California and short Mon
tana, and while the aggregate amount Is
not large, the advent is encntiragins.
Again it has stimulated some buying by
the mills. Values remain steady and no In
crease or decrease is anticipated for sums
time. The bulk of the local business has
been In terrtiory In original bags, mostlv
from Montana, Wyoming and Utah, and
bringing 19o to 21c In the grease.
The fleece division of the market I
dull, with Ohio half-blood grades selling st
It Is said the foreign buyers paid P13e
for Red Fluff, Cal., wool.
ST. LOUIS, Sept. tO.-WOOLr-Steady ; ter
ritory and western mediums, 1WS23c; fine
mediums, 17j 20c; fine. 144T1TC.
f'nttoa Market.
NEW TORK. Sept. 20. COTTON-Spot.
closed dull; middling uplands, 13.75c; mid
dling gulf, 14.00c No sales. Futures closed
steady: September, 1S.5;k October, 13.10c;
November. 13 04c; December, 13.03c; January,
13.00c; February, 13.00c; March, 13.07c; May.
13.12c; June, lS.10c; July. 13.09c.
ST. IiOl'IS, Sent 20 TJOTTON Quiet;
middling. 13He. Sales. 10 bsles; receipts.
132 bales; shipments, 130 bales; stock, 607
laser Market.
NEW TORK. Sept. 80. SUGAR Raw.
nominal; muscovado, 89 test, 8.80c; centrif
ugal, 96 test, 4.30c. Molasses sugar, 89 test,
3.65c. Refined sugar quiet; crushed, 6.75c;
granulated, 6.06c; powered. S.15o.
Omaha liar Market. '
OMAHA, Sept. SO HAY No. 1 upland,
$12.00; Kansas, $13.00; No. S Upland, $11. On;
packing. $9.00; alfalfa, $13.00. Straw, wheat,
$6.00; rye, $7.00; oats. SS.00.
Traffic Club
to Be Started
To Rise Oat of the Smoldering Bains
of the Omaha Railway
It appears at last that the Omaha Rail
way club, which has been having some little
trouble settling difficulties of club life,
financial and otherwise, has arrived at a
solution. Several of the .present members
of the club have offered to tskt the club
rooms Just as they stand with the debts
and all and from a new organisation.
The new plan Is to start the Omaha Traf
flo club, aa it Is to be called, on a strictly
business basis and run It in that msnner.
All the old members of the Omaha Railway
club who wish to join will be welcome, and
it Is thought that many of them will do so.
No action has been taken on the propossl
as yet.
Travels oa a Special Train with a
Large Suite Stay la Omaha
Is Short.
Trt n nm T..I TTeim Via. r. t the rAVal m a f
of China, wilt arrive in Omaha on his trip
through the United States on Thursday
evening about 7 o'clock.
Leaving San Franlcsco Tuesday morning
at 10:30 he reaches Ogden at noon Wednes
day and Omaha In the evening of Thurs
day. No long stop will be made here, but
he passes light through to Chicago, arriv
ing there Friday morning. A special trsin
has been provided by the Union Pacific to
carry the royal visitor and his party.
In the party at the present time are the
prince and his retinue. Lieutenant Com
mander Glllls of tha United States nsvy,
Kwal Tung, secretary ot the Chinese lega
tion In Washington, and Charles M.
Schwab and party, who went west to
meet the prince.
Man Charged with Setting- Fire to
Laaiber Yard and Church ts
Rescaed by Officers.
SEDALIA. Mo., Sept. .-Cltlsens of
Greenrldge, Mo., twelve miles south of here
early today made an unsuccessful attempt
to lynch Rufus Allen, an az-convlct,
charged with Incendiarism.
Officers rescued Allen from the mob and
brought him here where hs was placed In
Allen Is charged with setting fire ta a
lumber yard at Greenrldge, causing a loss
of $9,000. The lumber was not Insured. He
Is also charged with setting fire to a
Christian church, but this blaze was ex
tinguished with small loss.
Park Board Wants to CalS Attention
to Display at Hanaooas Park
Green llonse.
The I'ark board wishes to rail the atten
tion of the people ot the city to tha fact
that the flowers In Hanscom Park are
now In the season of their greatest beauty.
The only municipal green houses are In
Hanscom Park and the smallness of the
crowds that visit the recreation places this
tims of year brirfgs only a few to sea the
Immense beds of old-fashioned flowers, the
cannas, salvia and other plants are now at
their best.
At Kountss Park, after some- delay, the
artesian well digging has been resumed
and at last report a depth of over 1,000 feet
bad been reached.
Sat Medicine, tor Children.
Foley's Honey and Tar la a sat ana
Sffeotlve medicine for children ss It
does not contain opiates or harmful drugs.
Get only the genuine Foley's Honey and
Tar In the yellow package. Sold by all
Persistent Advertising is the Road to Big
Returns .