I i 1 rfestiiC pkne iep iqqq , 1 - I 4t ! ll !:I Want - Ads Want ads received at anr time, latnrt proper claaalf Icatlon mast b presented before 12 o'clock tm.t low tha evening edltloa Ti80 'rloelc of preyloaa T"l"i, , morula Sondojr editl wu da receive after i "Q" haft their flrat loaertloa J0,' hedlB "Too Late to Class"' Bate, apply t. either T . aadar Bea. A 1 tray la a llae. CAIH RATES FOB WAWTADS. REGULAR CLASSIFICATION Insertion, 1 1-a eata per , ee.t per word for each i""'";; Inner lua Kaek laaertloa "" " . dd daya, 1 1-3 eeata P ord ' per llae per month. Want ad for Tha Bea nier b at aar of the following ",Jther la roar "cotBff 'Mil",r.,n Bee are all brnach fUee for and year ad will be laaertcd ! promptly aad oa the aama te" " the mala ...flee I. The D. ."" Seventeenth and Faman atrcel Albacn, V. C. 40th and Farnara bnanek. b. A.. 1W2 8. K-th l'tytoti Pharmacy. 520 S. lttn P-rnsnn Pharmacy. Benson. N- rumln lOmls Park Pharmepy, 2Jd and Cuming. Wiike-Uiadlsh. 281S Bhrn;an Ave. Coughlii.. C R.. 6th nj l'1"0"", At. Clifton mil Pharmacy. MWl'r2 51! Hlnterlor.g Drug Co., Cl Ave. and r pan. SI. , Cil-sey Pharmacy. Mlh Aim V5r Ccnney I'harmacy, 1223 b. lhln.,BU Ctrmack. Kfiul. 1264-6 S. 13th El.l.r, T. H.( 2802 Leavenworth. Fouler at Arnold). 213 N. 2tb Fttytag. J. J.. 1914 N. 24lb M. Krcr Drug Cc. 1301 N. 61 ? Florence Drug Co.. Florence, D p.-ii-C-reene Pharmacy. Park Ave. Slid psoitis, Uro.nounh. G. A., 105 8. lir.hi St. Ureenough. G. A., 10th ani Hickory. Hayden. William. &)i0 Farnam.bl Hanseoin Park Pharmacy. Mil ala ' I lomt. John. tt'4 N. 16th St. Huff. A. L.. 2324 Leavenworth, o';. Johanson I; rug Co., 24th and bi'aloinf. King. II. 8. 213S Farnam St. Koutitie Place Tharmacy. N. io Marra. Fid L... 2019 Central Ulvd. Jairlck Drufr Co.. 1C24 N. Mih BU inlhrrp. Charlea E.. 1324 N. 4th bt Golilmnn Phaimacy. i4th and Leaven north sta. . . SaiatKa Drug Co.. th and Amea Ave. hi l,afvr a Cut Prlca Drug Store, Wtn ana Chicago fll. Kcliaf-r, Aug.. mi N. lSih. Mhmldl, J. H.. 4th and Cuming Pta. XV a I nut IUH Pnaimaiv. fh anil Cuming. IIHATli ASD WK Ell AL NOTICES lVU KKNCK Oacar, aged 32 yeara 15 daya, Mlitciiiurr IT, lvlc. , , , Funt iai Tucvday afternoon at 2 o clock, from ftanon'b undortaKlng rooms, litn and Cuming Sta. lntenurnt Forest Lawn Ksiiielery. rltnds Invited. HA HTIN William Welsner, ton of Mr;. Marie iMartin. at Hcllfevu, Neb., Sept. li, l.ilo, ageu III year,' i montha. 21 daya. i-uncial from the vei(lenc Monday at p. in. Interment, Ueiievue. LUIIGE NU'l'lCkJM. Attention. Mor.Uanim lodge 111, F. . V. of A.: 1 hr funeral of Hrodier Oscar J. Law rence will be hld Taeoiliiy, ttitember 20, m 2 p, in. from SwausoiiH undertaking jiai'lurs, Seventeenth and Cuming strceta. jnlcrnienl Forext bav.ii. J H. iirooka, F. M. Supnla Miller, Secretary. ANNOUNCEMENTS J. A. GENTLEMAN C0.,SIS; friruttlimm, 1614 CiiIchku. D. liist. U-lbU). SAVE YOUR EYES COLUMDIAN OPTICAL CO., 2UU-211 So. 10th St., 17 YEARS IN OMAHA Eyes ExumineU. Glasses Fitted. Jj ,.: ,,1. i. Ivtl Enar.. paving, teuer- 1 iLlv asc etc. 24 uiui.uels iiit-4.1,-r U. IMi. I'll Si'' Alt blUIS IllOVili lu -10 S. 16111; VJOU nu Vklll HO JUUI tlfcilllllg ut nail k... CAil A tun huu ut i i i;ou. FOll RENT Office iihjiu, locaieu on liooi. lucutg cuuri, iumi'w leoi. iu biuutltb uuit: li'l.l iv' -J fvi' lllulilil. lllb IX'.tl. UUlbkl.u i.Uikll'A.N k . ED. KOTHERY Ifors v.e la ui..nMloii. lit .-. 14ui l. CONCLHIONS llnj Friend Cournlng clJu 1 cii.Ma trc.( con, vj-nolls lur Inc Ol'K lilcr to lie' lle.U Ovluei i-b. Hu llui.UI l.lklS-4.W.V .11 (lUiM-H-UiiK cruwiu, C'iicviii Hi.'1!. 4 o...e rtitu aei lae money. lui,5 ii. i' cciiinici. riiiim. Nob. i ''Will Y" 1-i''Uu-' -'"ie, lull lucusuie LU. . I ..al.a.V. pli'l' . 1 ii V LILIAN St. 11. F. Wuiu. Optician, 412 Brandcis Bldg. ANTEI ood, clean, up-to-dute coa rebs.wns, Htiows ami pejceniue attitictlou 1,.. vliu bi:; tuce mett and cm nival ai Mlnuvii. Neb.. October 4 lo i. l.Hu. No t.a.iiijl.iig LHUYi ui linmoial atliaotlons sill bv fleiatei. Unto Vat Jensen, atx 'tr ie, y. V.ONEY t" loaM n eaittern Nebraska fi.i. i per cent. L. J. llealvy, t.ul .V V L. Blug.. oii.ul.a. Neb. PRACTICAL HU--S1I1H. COS N, 2Ut. D. i7W. ICE FOR SALE We can furnish good, clean Ice In car. load Ion. f u. li. o.,iuu. .uu buucklefurd at Dickey for price. Douglas ifJ. ' I'MBitKLLArt recovered and J'upaireu; c.ciy Kind oi repairs. K.-l'bill.i UMBRELLA CO.. l!-2.' Faruain. Iled 747S. PARLOP.- Milliner. JJ21 toward t. Tel. Harnoy emu. ELEVATORS REPAIRED, freight, pas-ti-u-'i'. i. H. KtaricUy. M 8. Uth. D. IMh ANCHOR FJENCR CO. Jrua and Wire Fei e Cheaper Than Wood. Lasts a Lifetime. 2CI. N. 17th be 1'lione. Red 814. OLIVER A. HALL. ARCHITECT, annouii.e leuiwval of his utiles to itti City Nuluiial Bank Blug. Puoite Doug. ISi. MONEY ""O LOAN LOW RATE, in sums to suit 810 Bee Hldg. 'Phone Duujc. CKIO LOAN CO. . FLA NIC BAKKL AU BAHK''-r'- GEO. I1AHKKR, JR. JOa. BARKER. B.UIKER BROS. PAINT CO., li.i FA KV AM ST. BOTH PHONES. fhrriiiii-Wililims paints and varnishes, Vthiie lead Keytna. glasx. n-lrion. brushes. Liar p-ilUhs, lutuicating oils, wall paer aad uiav shade, giulug and fiai-it.g. ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued.) DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Douglag M4. Robertson's Restaurant l6nst; (basement); cool, light, sanitary, quick aervlce, popular prices. For ladlea and gen tlemen. Table d'hote dinner Sunday. EAT KOSHER HOME COOKINQ. Arklns. Hi S. UUi, upstairs. TtAT?nATMS n watches, Jewelry, eto. .DiVXVU.ftJ.lNO Friedman's Loan Bank, South 13th St., cor. Douglas. Tel. D. Hit. B. H. Cola Sign Co.. D. 1768. 1S1 Farnam. DAVID COLE Creamry Co. LYNCH BROS. pABTIiNG.AND REPAIR WORKS. 17ftS Jackson St. D. 14H. MAGGARD Van move, store and s'.iii A Storage. Pack. pH.IL Ooods. D. 1494. B-2428. MONEY I to loan on eastern Nebraska farms at ft per cent. u. J. H(ALKT, 891 N. T. L. Bldg., Omahi. TWENTY per cent less trun Omaha prices HOME FURNITURE CO., Twsnty-fuurth and L Streets, South Omaha. GOOD MERCHANTS' LUNCH. A. JETES. i 'ul Douglas 8L 5 CT. Filters, filter repairs. 1310 Howard. D2913. ILER GRAND HOTEL Finest In the west, ltth and Howard lata. Turkish Baths KTlDATCS nd supplies; largest stock, xvvxyxiivo AMATEUR FINISHING. Best work. DEMPSTER. 1215 Farnam St RALPH'S MACHINE shoe repairing. Soles, sewed 75c, nailed 60c. heels 25o while you wait 10 minutes; absolutely fine work. G18 S. 16th St. AUTOMOBILES Run Your Auto Into" a Telegraph Postf Bump against a street car; smash up your auto "All repairing and Painting at no-kick prices." DRUMM0ND MTH AND HARNEY STREETS. 50 ft OFF ON A , STANLEY. STEAMER IN GOOD CONDITION 2050 FARNAM STREET. CALL DOUGLAS 4226. AUTOGENOUS WELDING All klnla of BROKEN CYLINDERS. CRANK CASES and CASTINGS promptly repaired. ALL WORK OUARANTKKD. BERTSCHY MOTOR COMPANY. Council Bluffs, la. TYPE "D" 1907 FIVE-PASSENGER four cylinder Franklin taurine car; cost, new, 12.S0O without tcp and wlndshlelil. whon are now included, or glass front; will trade lor city property or western land. lOlliNKW YOKlv L.1F E UU1LOINU. bi-HOrtSEPOWER automobile; t;nlng auruad. Address E 73. Bee. owner AUTO and carriage painting. repalr'.nK and Irlinmlug: dead storage Wm. Pfelffer Carnage W orks. 2nti and Lavenwortli. BARGAINS in Used Cars88"?'0' Council Bluffs Auto Co., 5!) Pearl. Auto Reilllirinr' Mo,t comPlete plant AlllumiHiiuu0 ,n ,,11W(,M Diamond Tires. l'i-hand cars, storage. The Paxton Mllclie.l Co., 1010-lii Harney. D. 7281; A-2011. WRITE for list of automobile bargains it. i'., r 'enei icKKon auiu (.o.. urr.ana. Aut i Paintiu"- "murph v did it ANDREW JIUKI'HT A SON. 1412 Jackson Motoreyrlra. W'rifo ,or 'i(it ' used motorcycle. We csrrv a full line of motor- i-o'o m-s XKRinSKA CYCLE CO. BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET In or out of business call on GA.NUEHTAD. 4 Bee Bldg. Tel D. 3J6", LARGE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Jut entering Nebraska. We have a limited amount or hoik ror sale, i l V I DENDS. Apents wanted. Casudy Co., Fiscal Agents, S. W. Corner lith and Douglas. Omaha! icl. Doug. ij-u. FOR fALK-A well established hardware and implement business, kales for ltoi al most tio.iOO; expenses very light; locate, I in one or tno ui smau towns in Ne tira.-ku: will sell or Irade for western lnn.i good reason for selling. Addiers Y 312. Be I WANT a reliable man with $500 as man liner lor a uupiuera inui win pay nun from J ."AM to $1,000 net each month. Your money Is absolutely stcureu. pee me t-unrl.iv .1, J M.irday at Mercliant's hotel. O. C. Melton, llm . 1X511 SALE Harness shop and tools and lense on complete nuicnme stock nnl tiol will Invoice about $4,700. Can reduce stock to 1..30U. l.ocaic.; in one o the best count sat towns In Nebraska: population abo-i" 2. fern: last year's business sales were SI. 200 only shop In town. Machinery is run by gasoline engine; win sen reasonable. Wunce A- urayblil, David City. Neb. 1.-111 ft A I .1.- An ..InhlUhl 1..L-.. 1418 N. 2th ht; must be sold at once, with ur Miiuuui mium. LET me Incorporate your business; good ones easily ootain money selling thel shares; am helping others, why not you Proofs, what has been done. Promoter. J0 raxion diock. G. D. C. CODDING TO N . 120 Boani n Trade Bldg., business chances, loans in surance ana real estate. HAVE fine location In Council Bluffs for second-hand store, hardware or general store, batber shop or shoe store, clothing, pool room or retail business. F. V. Kniest M Bee Bldg.. Omaha. rOR RENT-Office room. 622, large room on fifth floor. N. W.. corner of building, especially fitted for architect. There Is 4l square feet In this space; 110 per month. THE BEE BUIDING COMPANY. f?AS!4nY Co- r' state loan VjAiiani Insurance. List your ns and our dido. erty for tale or rent. Quick return A W. corner 14th and Douglas. Tel Doug. 162. A GOOD shoe shop for sale In Nebraska. County scat town. Address Bee, Y iJ. BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.! FOR SALE. O .11 . . . I . 1. InMAmnMttnffl paying high annual dividends. Address, V li, xee. l'NU8UAL opportunity to get In a paying business, only $200 Investigate this. 218 Brandels Theater Bldg. FOR RAI.F-Th Kent home bakery In Omaha; new building and new fixtures and toots; Dent equipped shop in town, nave other business. ADDly 24th and Maple Su. J. C. Jensen. uiuoiaT restaurant bargain evr or fared In Omaha. Owner sick: must sell excellent location; making money; for Im mediate sale, 700. UANOESTAD, Room 404 Bee Blag. t VI, PAliE,-,UIIICUllUIIl J, . stand and light grocery; a bargain; party Vir CATV .U. . n . w . leaving city. Call 2416 Cuming bt. Rooming Hoaeea for Sale. a ROOMS, modern, close-in, full of roomers. 1622-24 Burt. FURNISHED fist of seven rooms for ale cheap for cash. 717 South 18th St. SNAP If taken at once, modern 8-room home, close In, furniture new. Terms to suit buyer. Douglas 1463. ROOMING houses for sale. 8 to 11 rooms; prices from 1300 to 8000. Tel. Red 7U69. 12 ROOMS, modern. fine location for barcaln If taken boarding; cheap rent; soon. lt17 Cass St. NICELY furnished modern 8-room house; full of roomers; will sell cheap If bought at once; parties leaving city. 2218 ouri. ROOMING-HOUSE: full of roomera. 1017 8. Uth at 14 ROOMS' mnHsrn- r.nl 140: water rittld Phone Red 7236. TWO flats. 10 rooms ench. close In. bar gain. Apply 716 North 17th St. TWELVE-ROOM modern flat, full Of roomers; fine location; age reason for sell ing; walking distance. Bargain if taken soon. Red 7S08. ELEGANTLY furnished rooming house. best location; close In. 116 N. 20th St. A FIR8T CLASS elegantly furnished rooming house doing a large business. uesi location in the city, lor particulars telephone Douglas 3986. TEN ROOMS, strictly modem, best loca on. full of roomers. Douglas 6318. CHIROPODISTS DR. KOi, )606 Farnam St. Douglas 6497. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS THE SOUTH OMAHA ARTIFICIAL STONE COMPANi. Our waterproof concrete blocks are guar anteed. Phone, factory. S. 801; office pnone, W. Z93U. OLD ROOFS "Paired; Elate, Tile. VJlaU O ,raveit Schroeder-Hum- phrey Hoofing 'Co., a Paxton Blk. Tel USE BEAVER BOARD In place of lath and plaster. American Supply Co., Hit rarnam. DANCING MORAND'S Dancing School. 15th & Har ney. Lessons Mon. and Frl.. 8 p. m. Phone lioug. zwi4. private lessons dally. DENTISTS BAILEY 6 MACK. Id floor. Paxton. D. 1016. DETECTIVES Omaha Secret Service Detective age. Inc . bonded. Paxton blk. D. 1319; Ind. A-Ult. CAPT. T. CORMACK. 617 KARBACH BLK. DRESSMAKERS MISS STURDY, 821 S. 24th St. Tel. Doug. 7314. EDUCATIONAL Y. M. C A. GYMNASIUM CLASSES BEGIN SEPTEMBER 19TII 1918 FALL TERM BOYLES COLLEGE now open in the Day and Night sessions. Students admitted any day. Complete Buslnets Course including bank ing. Complete Shorthand aad Typewriting Course. Complete Civil Service Course. Complete Telegraphy Course and all Eng lish Branches. The Yesr Book is ready. Apply for It. H. B. BOYLES. Pres.. Boyles Bldg., Omaha. GYMNASIUM Y. 1V. C. A. EIGHT CLASSES-TWICE A WEEK Ladles. Beginners, Advanced Pupils, Children. 15.00 PER YEAR CHILDREN 84.00 Mosher-Lampman "college Unexcelled courses In Business. Short hand Peninsnship and English. None but experienced teachers. Dsy and night ses sions. Most Interesting rstuUg published lu Omaha, hend for ono today. MOSHER LAMPMAN, 17th and rarnam Street. Omaha, Neb. ST. ANDREW'S school for boys, 41st and Charles. Fall term, September 11 Rev. F D. Tyner, IMS Charles. H. 2383. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN ARSENIC and IRON complexion wafers make clear, white skin. By mall 60c and fl.u) Sherman 4 McConuell Drug Co., omaha. VACUUM CLEANERS rented. Tel. Wit. ster 2771. lTlitnrV HAIKDRESSING PARLORS. OailllUlj T-ake Marinello massages for a good complexion, ail Paxton Hi, u. 4S.1 TRY Magic Roach Powder. Douglas II74. CHINA and aater color studies for rent. 819 City Nat'l bank. 'Phone D. 72j8. FLORISTS I CSa 4V aWOBODA. ltli Farnam St, FLORISTS (Continued.) A. DONAHUE. 1607 Far. D. 1001; A-1001. L. Henderson, 1619 Farnam. Doug. 12&8L J. H. BATH. 1628 Harney. Douglaa 8000. BRANDEIS Cut Flower Dept.; new store; new shop at left of Foyer In theater Bldg. FURNACES AND REPAIRS WATER fronta, furnace and stove re pairs. New furnarea and combination hot water heaters. Thermostats and tank heat era. Omaha Stove Repair Works. 1208-1J08 Douglas St., both 'Phones. HELP WANTED FEMALE Areata mm galea ladlea. EXPERIEN C E D raleelsdles wanted. Raphael Pred Co.. 11th and Farnam. Clerical and Office. WANTED Girls to wait on tables. Apply Sweetland, Brandies Stores. Factory aad Trades. WANTED A competent cleaner of laces, ribbons, silks and feathers; first-class sal ary. Apply superintendent Brandels Stores. WANTED Girls to work In shoe factory. Apply F. P. Klrkendall A Co., Uth aid Harney Sts. WANTED Experienced preparers In our millinery department. Apply superintend ent Brandels Stores. -t Hoasekeepers aad Domestic. WANTED At once, a good cook; highest wages paid. Tel, Doug. 7776. WANTED Experle-ea dining room girl. 120 per month; board and room. banford Hotel, 19th and Farnam Sts. WANTED A good girl for general house work; no washing. 1221 Harney tit. . GIRL for general housework. 8019 Paclflo St. Telephone Harney 3539.' GIRL for general housework. 714 8. 17th Ave. WOMEN to do washing and Ironing on Tuesday. 'Phone Harney 2078. WANTED Two girls, competent cook and maid; sisters preferred, good wages, small family. Apply Richardson Drug Co. GIRL for second work, derlaud, 1029 S. 29th St. Mrs. J. A. Bun- . A QU JII 1 IUI IIUUBcmrift, biiiaii family. Apply 829 Pin St. Doug. 1044. WlkTTEM -lll ' .a.l Mll LAUNDRESS wanted for Monday. Mrs. Wm. Moncrlcff. Tel. Harney 4420. WANTED Girl about 16 ' to help with housework and care of child. 4224 Doug las St. GIRL for general housework, must go home nights. Address Mrs.-, J. Gordon, 843 S. 22d St. GIRL to do dining room, work, experience necessary. 2214 Douglas fit ( . . COMPETENT colored woman, wages, $6.00 per week. 209 S. 13th, upstairs. GIRL for general housework. Mrs. W. H. Dox, 4924 Chicago St GIRL for general housework at 2913 8. 24th St. Thiee In family.. Tel Red 2960. WANTED A washerwoman for family washing, apply at once. Telephone Harney 4S29. GIRL for general housework. Apply at 1306 Park Ave., or call Harney 6613. EXPERIENCED housemaid to with housework. Tel. Harney 3274. aaslst GIRL for general housework, must be a good cook, private family. 2023 Douglaa. GIRL for general housework in small family; good wages. 102G 8. 30th Ave. GOOD girl who can cook for general housework at 109 S. 2ith Ave. GIRL to stay up nights with children. Tel. Harney 6276. MAID for general housework, must be good cook. Tel Harney 100. 212 8. S4th St. WANTED Experienced cook. Mra. J, W. Griffith. Phone Harney 3186. GOOD cook and second girl. 2011 Doug la St. WANTED Girl as competent cook. 124 8. list Ave. WANTED Good second girl. Call 8604 Harney. Harney 890. WANTED School girl to aaslst with housework for room and board and car f:ire. Inquire 1311 8. 80th Ave. Tel Harney WANTED Girl for general housework. small family, good wages. Call at 1339 8. 35th Ave. H. 29"4. WANTED A competent girl for house work, no laundry work, good wages. Har ney 3192. I AM an unincumbered widower: want a good housekeeper for light housework and assist in store, it. J. aiosi, L,oveiand, is. VANTED Girl for housework. 1302 Park Ave. Harney Sibb. COMPETENT girl for general housework, family of 3; references required. Mra James Richardson, 36C4. Howasd St. Tel. Harney 907. YOUNG rlrl about 16 years old wanted to take care of 2'4 yeara" old child and assist with housework. 4046 N. 17th St. WANTED Experienced housemaid. Mrs, Tarton. Millard. 121 N. sth St Tel. Har ney M. WANTED A gill for general housework. 1C H. 36th St. WANTED Girl for general housework two in family 228 South 31st avenue. Phone Harney 1461. LADIES WANTED to t ik work home; tan. dihk holiday novelties. 81 to 14 dosen Work guaranteed. Trtebers, 316 Brandels Thcster Bldg WANTED a good girl for general house work. No washing, good wages. &21 Far nam. SCHOOL girl to work for board and room, small family. 3b66 Douglaa oi. COMPETENT maid for general house work, family of two. Mrs. Byron W. Smith, liM Harney St. GOOD girl for general housework. 1904 Spencer street. Phone Websier 621. WANTED Servant for general house work and cooking; wages 126. 520 S. 26th Ave, WANTED Competent cook. 411 S 3Sth St. COMPETENT girl for general houaework. email family, small house, good wages. Phone H. 187. COMPETENT girl for general housework, small family, good wages. 112 N. 28th Ave. '1 hone Harney 2i32. WANTED Competent girl, general housework, good wages, no washing. V' liinney HI. GENERAL girl wanted; good wagea 116 S. 25lh Ave. Tel. Harney 1326. WANTEK. by young widower, competent housekeeper, age 22 to ST.; nice bows, good wage. Address 13 128. Bee. HELP WANTED FEMALE Hoaaekeepere and Domestic Coat'd WANTED A girl for general housework; two In family; good wages. 2029 Dodge St. A MAID for general housework. Mrs. C. E. Black. 3809 Farnam. WANTED A competent girl for general housework; no washing. Mrs. J. A. C. Kennedy. Phone Har. SA3. WANTED A good washerwoman by the day. 620 8. 26th Ave, Mlscellaaeoaa. TOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian Association building at Bt. Mary's avenue and Seventeenth street, where they will be directed to suitable boarding placea or otherwise assisted; look for our traveler's aid at the Union Station. GIRLS For overlooking, checking and folding; must be 16 yeara or older. Apply Bemia Omaha Bag Co. LADIES Make sanitary belts at home; material furnished; 812 60 per hundred; stamped, addressed envelope for particu lars. Westvllle Mfg. Co.. Westville. N. J. MORE ladles to decorate pillows at home; experience unnecessary. Call 3307 S. 13th. HELP WANTED MALE Agents, Salesmen and Solicitor. WANTED A 1 clothing salesman: must furnish good references. Raphael Pred Co., I3tn ana f arnam. ANY GOOD TRAVELING MAN Can add about $23 a week to his present In come with our products as a side line dur ing usual spare time. Those with more time can make more money. Write us for particulars. The Harvey Oil Co., Cleveland, O. NEW YORK art embroidery firm wishes hustling ssiesman on commission in Omaha and vicinity. Address Y 208, care Bee. "BATTLING FOR THE RIGHT" The' life story of Theodore Roosevelt. Up-to-tiate. Great money maker. Liberal terms. Outfit free. Universal House, 364 Wabash Ave., Chicago. THE BIBLE In symbols: fastest selling; fall and holiday book on earth; one agent averaged 120.00 a day last ueek; t.e pa, 60 per cent commission. Write today for free outfit. Nichols & Co.. Napervllle, 111. SIX good house to house canvassers to work on guarantee, W per day. Apply Basement, 21U Douglas. . Dor. WANTED Several reliable boys. Western Union Tel. Co . 213 & 13th St. BOYS Pigeons easily earned, distributing circulars. Squab Farm, 2320 Camden. Web ster 414L Clerlrnlt and Office. IF YOU are open for a position, you should see us or write for a complete list of vacancies. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASS'N, INC., 752-4 New York Life Bldg. (Est. 8 years.) WHY DELAY WHEN WE HAVE OVER 40 POSITIONS paying good Salaries. COME UP and see ror yourself. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO,. 1402 City National Bank Bldg. Factory and Trade. Drug 8tores 'snaps). Jobs. Kniest. Be bldg. ITnn 1 ui' CAiri iciivcu sulci. uno nnu Is familiar with all kinds of blank book nr i Mn"pn 1.- u .-. . 1 . . . ... v. loose leaf ruling: must have some knowl edge of forwarding. Address J. H. Welch Printing Co., Des Moines, la. BRICKLAYERS wanted Immediately on new Morrell Packing Plant at Sioux Falls, S. D. Wages, 66 cents per hour. Apply on Job Immediately to Collins Bros., general contractors at Sioux Falls, 8. D. CARPENTERS wanted on the new Mor rell Packing Plant at Sioux Falls. 8. D. Wages, 14 per day of ten hours. Steady work until February. Report immediately on Job with tools to Collins Bros., general contractors at Sioux Falls, S. D. WANTED tA competent registered phar macist; registered In Iowa. Address Dell G. Morgan, 142 Broadway, Council Bluffs, Iowa. TAILOR WANTED H. Livingston. 101 So. 14th St. WANTED Experienced face brick shad era, sorters and handlers, wagea 12.00, 12.26 and 12.50 per day of nine hours. Steady employment. Come at once and bring this notice with you. 'ine uea Moines ciay Mfg. Co.. 634 S. W. "th St.. Des Moines, la. ' WANTED An all around blacksmith. Good Job for right man. Wages, 14,00 per day; no boozers need apply. Address J. W. Vannoy. Fallon, Nevada. WANTED Gordon press feeder at onoe. Lew Raber. Printer. Bee Bldg. Mlecellaneoas. WANTED Railway mall clerks. Omaha. Examination, November 12th. 1800 to 11.600. Preparation free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 195 T. Rochester, N. Y. 1 CHAUFFEURS mahe '10 to m LliaurrriUllO mo lern automobile business; practical Instruction. Nat 1 Auto Training Assn., 628 Brandels Theater Bldg. 600 MEN, 20 to 40 years old. wanted at once for electric railway motormen and conductors; 160 to 1100 a month; no ex perience necessary; fine opportunity; no strike; write immediately fur application blank. Address. Y 261, care Omaha Bee. WANTED Chicken pickers; 3 dry pick era, 1 scald picker; steady work. Richard Webber. Sioux City, la. WANTED Men to learn barber trade; demand greater than supply; will equip you for your own shop or steady position In few weeks; can earn expenses; don't delay: particulare free. Moler Barber Col lege. 110 S. 14th St. WANTED A liright young man aa clerk with some experience In the shoe business. Address H. F. Gumpert. Fremont, Neb. HELP WANTED MALE AMD FEMALE COOK and helper; steady position. Tel. Doug. 2253. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE II arses aad Was. WAfiflVSI Buggies, etc. Will sell yon WiYUUiiO better grade of work and for less money than anyone else in iJmil.t or Council Bluff. 1117 Farnam street. CARRIAGE and top buggy, good condi tion; almost your own pric. Go see Johnaon-Danforth Co. 10th and Jones Bt Wagon Umbrellas-Wagner. 801 N. 18th. FOR 8ALE Thoroughbred 8-year-old Jersey bull. 2736 Decatur St., Omaha. Neb. 6HORTHORN CATTLE. We IH offer for ssle on September 17. 1910. 40 head of Scotch and Scotch Top rat tle. There cattle were selected for breeders from different he-ds. our obtact being lo !St the best Individuals with breeding, home I of these were bi td and raised on the Col- 1 lege Farm. Ames. la. Write for catalogue, I Jr-s.KUCON A HOtttU, Rou. I LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horse and Weia-on Continued. FOR SALE Horse, harness and buggy at bargain. Call Harney 2-'SS. Tracks. THE Prown Truck Mfg. Co.. builders of trucks of every description. Tou cannot name a truck we can't make. We want your work and will bid right to secure it. Office ir.ll Harney. Tel. Doug. 29W4. LOST AND FOUND The Teddy Bear t",. KLEANW10LL Pantortum; satisfaction or no charges. J71S Ruggles. Web. 3601. LOST Pair Shurron glasses on Dundee car or at Jtstn ana i-urnam, eaiuraay afternoon. Reward for return to Bee ortlce. LOST Small yellow dog; wore red leather collar, with bell attached. Reward if returned to i'tW is st., so. omana. MEDICAL HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES Best rem edy tor Itching, bleeding or protruding P1L.ES. 60c postpaid; samples free, brier- man & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college. 14th and Laven port Sts.; special attention paid to confine ment cases; all treatment supervised by college professors. Phone Douglas 1167. Calls answered day and night. BEST nerve bracer for man. Gray's Nerve Food Plus, 81 a box, postpaid, bher man & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CHATTELS. immimmH!iw"mmwtimH(i4wtm M NO MORE HIGH RA1ES. 11 II CHEAP MONEY II NEW COMPANY. NEW PLANS. II II This Is a new firm organized ty the II II LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF 14 8 OMAHA TO LOAN U 10 to 1600 11 It to any honest person owning HOU8E- 81 II HOLD GOODS, PIANOS, etc.. or bold- 11 II ing a salaried position at the rata of M II. 10 PER CENT PER YEAR. It 11 JUST THINK YOU PAY 11 It 11.00 Interest on 1 10 for one year. 11 9 k.du interest on vjs lor one year. 8 It 16.00 Interest on tbO for one year. U U ALL OTHER SUMS IN PROPORTION II U EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS. 11 11 Reasonable Appraisement Charges. It II INDEPENDENT LOAN CO., ll It Room 204 Withnell Block. t 11 N. E. Cor. loth & Harney sts., 2d Floor. 11 ft Phones Douglas 5046; A-1306. t AtJWli4AlMMw4f5JiiM4JmWM Cash Quick on Easy Terms Loans made on furniture, pianos and teams without removal; small and easy payments; 11.20 Is the weekly payment on a 160 loan for 60 weeks; other amounts in the same protortlon. Mail or 'phone ap plications receive our prompt attention. State Mortgage Loan Co., Room 12, Arlington Blk.. lillH Dodge St. - 'Phones Douglas 2466 or A-2466. iiiiii;immimwnww mmtwwwiiw CHEAP LOANS. on Furniture, Pianos or Salary. i"ou Borrow 110.00 yo pay back 111.00 125.00 you pay back 827.00 tjO.OO you pay back 164.00 No other charge. OMAHA FINANCIAL CO.. Room 601, Brown Blk., 207 S. 16th St, 11 11 Cur. Douglas St. Douglas 2036, A-2036. It tmmtttttmmtttttmttummtttttmKt, CHATTEL LOANS AT BANKABLE RATES. NEBRASKA LOAN CO., Room 7. Crounse Block, Corner 16th and Capitol Ave. Opposite Postoffloa, Both Phones Doug. 1368. A-13u. MONEY TO LOAN. Come In and 11 us explain our low rates to you. Rellahle Cr.,IU r 608 Paxton Block. Tel. Douglas 1411, A-14U.' MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE. WOMEN KEEPING HOUSE AND OTH ERS, without security; easy payments. Offices In 66 principal cities. Toltoan, room 612 New York Life Bldg. DIAMOND LOANS AT 5 W. C. FLATAU, 1614 Dodge. Tel. Red 6U AN OLD FIRM A NEW ADDRESS OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 215 BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. Becond Floor. 'Phone. Doug. 2296. CHATTEL loar.4, salary loans, ever) kind of loan from private party. 669 New York Life Bldg MOVING AND HOUSE CLEANING OMAHA VAN & STORAGE CO. cleans carpets on your floor. Electric vacuum system. 309 8. 17th. Tel. D. 1669. ' EXP. Delivery Co., offices 16th and Day enport Sts. Warehouse. 2207-09 Ixard St. OFFERED FOR RENT Board aad Room. CHOICE rooms with board. 'Tha Tern plars." 1818 Capitol Ave. LARGE front room with bath; home com forts; home cooking; rates very reasonable, 818 South 26th bt. TWO large rooms, suitable for four, with board. 114 S. 19th. NICE rooms with or without board. 2116 Cass. ONE single furnished room, with board; also large furnished room for two; refer ences; walking distance. IMS Cass St. Phone Douglas 1476. DESIRABLE rooms with first class board; reasonable. Close In. 618 8. 19th St. NEWLY furnished rooms and board for 2 or 3 gentlemen in private family; all mod ern; board the very beat. 316 N. 23d street. TWO nicely furnished rooms, modern, with board. 1UM Georgia Ave. "Phone H. 6W7. DOUBLE rooms for young men; excel lent board. 1919 St. Mary's Ave. ELEGANT room off parlor with board; ladle. Call Harney 2118. LARGE, beautifully furnished room, 2 large closets, lavatory; also smaller room; home cooking. 7U Georgia Ave. PARLOR for lady, with board. 2406 Cass. FURNISHED rooms and board. 1011 Pa cific. NICELY furnished front parlor, with or without board; private family; close to two car lines. 1533 N. 19lh si. HIGH -clans table board may be ob tained by a few reldenta of the ilanucoin park district. Call Harney 1251. BOARD and rooms; modern. 128 8. K,th St. Douglas 6628. TWO large front roonia, suitable for four gentlemen. 2610 Dy Avw. MOIKKN rooms Willi or without ooarc U1J Mason. NEWLY furnished suite of lo-'ius fit two. three or four; buaru If dsslied. 108 N. 22d tU Tel. Red U07. OFFERED FOR RENT (Continued.) Fnrnlahed Hooma. FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room all 8. 15th St. Very convenient to business 118 LARGE, well furnished rooms! choice neighborhood; bay windows and use of good piano. If you will be perma nent and want a nice homelike place in walking distance, with furnace heat. g,r bath, hot Mild Ice water, both phoneZ come to 2563 St. Mary's Ave., on block from Leavenworth car. Smaller room 2 1 10. No housekeeping or children. TWO EXQUISITE ROOMS, EN8UITH OR BINGLE, for gentlemen, in the We.i Farnam home; every convenience; mutt be seen to be appreciated, u-466. Bee. EAST front parlor; modern; private borne; clean bed; to quiet gentleman: 82.ui a week. 822ft 8. 20th. Red C227. LARGE front reom with bath; horn comforts; home cooking; rates very reason able. 818 South 2ith t- FIVE rooms, modern, at 4416 Farnam NEATLY furnished rooms for rent. tt?4 8. lath St. Red 6062. ' ROOMS with or without board. 2011 Pierce ft. Ind. A-3703. 1 , Fu.1ii,HD room and light housekeep lng. 608 N. 21st St. V,??lY desirable rooms: fine location; talking distance. 218 a 25th St. FOR RENT 6 rooms, 1141 N. 17th 114 'Phone Webster 6517. . FURNISHED room, suitable for two; pri vate family; walking distance. 82o N, 23d Red 6671. NICELY furnished rooms In private fam ily. 602 S. 24th St. FOR rent, nicely furnished rooms, fill 8. 18th St. DEWEY European Hotel, 18th and Far nam. TWO large nicely furnished rooms, suit able for four gentlemen. 2677 Harney. ELEGANT front parlor room reasonable, private family. 1618 South 10th St. CLEAN housekeeping and sleeping rooms 14U Jooes. 2 corner sunny rooms, private family; no children; block from 1 car lines; gentle men preferred. 2404 North 2d. Tel. W. 6480 NICELY furnished room; gentlemen pre ferred; strictly modern. 634 So. 28th. TWO large first floor, adjoining, rooms, suitable for doctor or other professional also nicely furnished 2d floor front room for two young gentlemen or ladles, and on small room, top story. All modern and close In. 631 S. 22d St. NICE, larg furnished rooms, 2801 Har ney Bt. rirnvrflurn .Ann, -.-..i., m. ..... .u.i.ju aw.,,, 1 . ..1 J U1UUVI 11, SCO B, 17th Ave. Telephone Douglaa 1447; A-8337. LARGE front room: tnnilArtv S97 A mk Douglas 6468. TWO lla-ht houaekaanlnr. 9MO nAi, modern. Douglas 4679. CLEAN furnished room, well eared tor. 220 North 19th street. THE BACHELORS. 20th and Farnam. vivki aesiraDie rooms; una location: walking distance. 18 a 26th UC O. M. K. hauls trunks. Phona D. CU. A-86U. RT.TT.fCRTMfA rnAma mtA x. . ill. housekeeping. 719 22d street. NICELY furnished rooms, atrlotly nnl. em. 2018 8L Mary's Ave. 808 N. 19th St. larsra front room n gentleman; modern; pr.va.te. vate family: 640 South Uth. Phone Donsrlu 711L NEWLY furrusheil ruuui suitable ror two. 824 South 20th Bt. WALKING distance, rant raaaonanl. large room and aloova wall furnished. For two or mora respect. tile people. Furnaoa beat, bath, plenty hot water, both tele phones, also larg parlor with bay win dows. Nlc plac for party with clam. Na objection to practic or muslo. 663 Ri Mary's avenue. Leavenworth car on block. FOR RENT To on or two ladle, one or more furnished or unfurnished rooms In Bemls Park district; half block from Har ney car line; light housekeeping If de sired. Price 18 to 18 for on room; 18 to 111 for two rooms, according to furnishings ana privileges aenrea. xtarerenoes re quired. Tel. Webster 2068. flT.ETEPINQ room for on or hm mriI men. 616 N. 21st St. ROOM for one. 1L75: for two. 1X60. His Leavenworth. PLEARANT room, modern, walklnsr Mia. tance. 678 8. 28th. FURNISHED rooms for oolorad man and wife or men. 1219 B. 16th. Douglas 472. XI nar weak; haatAwl tiaaamant maihi r furnished; i block from poatoffjoa. 2611 Chicago. STRICTLY modern, up-to-date, newly furnished rooms, good location; board If desired. 108 N. 224 St. Tel. Red 6367. TWO strictly modern furnished rooms. 607 N. 80th St. Tel. Harney 2178. 2020 FARNAM: I nicely furnished rooms for two or three young men. Harney 2378. IN family of two, walking dlatano. larg front room and alcove; cheap. Red 8326. THREE furnished bedrooms, strictly mod ern. 812 8. 22d St. NICE larg furnished rooms an car Una, 8106 Cuming. TWO larg front rooms, furnished, mod ern. 2576 Cuming. TWO housekeeping or sleeping rooms, furnished or unfurnished. 2508 Davenport St. Tel. Douglas 7908. FURNISHED rooms, suitable for two; all modern. 2705 Chicago St. NICELY furnished front rooms for on or two gentlemen; all modern house, auil St. Mary's Ave. MODERN furnished rooms for light housekeeping. 829 S. 19th bt. 'Phone Red 6V32. ' WARM single room, modern house, pri vate family, good location, 18; office man preferred; references exchanged. Red 6m TWO elegant furnished rooms. light housekeeping If preferred; strictly modern. 609 8. 2tith Ave. NICE, large front room, suitable for two. In private family. Call at 8023 Marry St. NICELY furnlbhed room, all modern, private family, walking distance. 2734 Cap itol Ave. 'Phone Hamv 4j71. LARGE front room with extra larg closet, private family, walking distance. Douglas 6322. SINGLE rooms, 12 60 week; also doubt room. 2507 bt. Mary Ave. KI'RNISIIElt rooms, modern; fine, mod el ate price; cloae In. 602 H. 22d. 1IK.X L "1 11 1 1.. larg front room, newly furnished, modern, cloae in; vary etaix able tot (SDUeiueo. tie K. IL r 1 1 4 r 1 i ! Vs . I !