THE PEE: OMAHA. TTESPAT. PCTTT.Mmt . 1S1. I' If Q BRIEF CITY NEtTS UMt FLANS FUR FKEUTli Ministers Will Make Campaign mmt, m 9n nut xl a- aua It ttn.ih. Oman. f Jtam - ntwMtMtn C. VA Ts-w nutuf tba Tiasea butil C. Meere t.aa nid 41 C- tn 1-4 e4rriii 1t.r AiludA . at Xrrj- Clwui; f gtrrneni Twla ci w v?k. u kokui rtfiecsta. W. A, Karler. MM k. ffioe a; tl-i citjr Jvs'lotiAl bank Building- -KMi, JtMj'.r Pa.ia.sse tientiatri " U lunA 4 rt Utr Mk but. la tae arrvwrw Owwn Fr r,k fc. Auehe, i rw: ,i in Dinaha pol'.t Joie. na t Xnr d. oro t(a:cnt Ma n Tae Way a B through the b. fav Cardinal Tannstelli Will Tiiit Ail the Catholic lot UtotioiA. Against Dahlman L" BIG CCJUGTTLL H tWMfM aed Irtrkm ef the Veawwl t 111 Vr aUeawew. bat ifM mill Ave Mate fwr ffrfrkn. A; a meeting of tb Kn pi -, of C M unr bus -.ind.v a fiemoorj a fotr.mtt .c of f.ftv leading ciuirtu of liuti w selected t meet i-aruir.aJ Yannutelti and hi escort At lb depot and con Tl-.em ti in Th n. Lo? AWn la i money. Wntlr cArriinaj w iJ Arrii In inxiACa at 7 Jo tir B.o.i..jr Kfluou sba U mad. H)H Biab. AcAaaeil will knave TwMtr eramg . j-pt atinuat. Hl'l ramus S'Jl-. j fur Hi. PbuI. where b win i.ruei;t in na ltw A new cut rif U mtUM there la lb CArdinai. and a-or has been epehed la the Brsrdet j h will Thro accompany the noted prelat tneeb-. fc.ti eaitxuswa la rwrsl" iihera. j t 'brAaka ,Lrwnag.. H ia under tb. miurnin.L uf In orfirr tbc rroplc mar know tin lja Har. 7b ftr aa i-la d I ajfl b- th- maj- lb carutial ar- JCftUrr ef the JCuui- tie Prt-M-aiaiu i.r'r: "a Ba7 tlm Tw rintra r anrt is poUna cowrt thia mornut Muat U.n l"rw m of ttwra for rtim mnf a jr-ri) bauar at ill lLn ThlT iaUi Bcrort. . T. Fyirrwm aa tba r Tiii f ib fiver. hautif rrfuiwd t cKwrny r:ia orrtaa mrJ.rn.uoDM of ir tranii 4rpaj-.nxit. iattdlal (or m. I. Taaa lira "Thaniaa of otaaae p-tr.ta. t tuo.. aJl tw- 1 Omaha for tTif;nauon contwra tats tba pt M.tMm m baR-aalwaia of a lor.( m at. hu t on l a'.uahor of j". fb"l: Fc,urlT'b ln hi trnir of tba ctj Tb EK la al!- lo -' -b airwta and runvlcif rtJi mat o-i.l h tr- ' frooo . Jc.ud Tla ca-dinal aiaj-u Tburaua auortunit at l; rtock a.n4 wia rial liw ioUro-!n flfcfoa: ft Coclla a achoraU Thln.r-n;iiUi and ntwrr , fa. Pt-a ahi.. 7m,...-f jt.u ; a&d lna . fr. one . t-t b-rcjiTiiaii a acud ri. Inn) -wmtit b ajd Jlarj a v r nut . ft- J'hlloiDPna at booi. ri'ict-mK mj,a Lina ra orib , ft. Jooiih'a achooi. .-"irtomib and Cbtcr UT-rl.. ouni m Ktn arm- j tuaxT. rotinfbth and Cwtr:iir; St. Tai- Uir o!ti(nk) o panxation ha' a-rad ! tb-iniftJirs d.fin:t a.ud ojit.j MfumtFl ' ' Kajtor La. a eruc-n to U. rweruor i and t-f u a .m;a.TT cf ibeir ( ! on la ki bam from tba oflloe. At a morung vt tba luiuaieruti union. I beid VJotitlaj moniitii a rfpoiuuun a . ' a4oi4 wbK-b rraot af folio: K-oHTd. a c-otnmittea of ar-t r j at'imiLtrd to iHaf tii fcourtH to lb propi i el it aiai. aiuri lurta lb true natur of lblnuu.jaiB aa KOi(ufd In fl v i of Dinru in umtw And a4klitid M , ail aood cutaena to prrierl t in anuiu-d i awauit uion Ui virtu And fi iror or uia wtr.ntotin taJiA. i iu i oamjti aTaJl aiM Krr to erta.blirh A apoaAe'-f miTrau i.) h at aTl pnflvtir lo etd Omui iriiTiirtf and ii n-T' into aa macjr -ntr of if rtai A cU b ojrnd ia Utm. in ih funnfratic of tbia arioae. The following; mlniatrr Appolntifd to w g th pt)tnmlti: K F. FllTnAa. Siaooa j. A uf torn. j. an. ivrTin, mwii ( hin J.nAa. rrriCk T Rouk. M. O. aS l IA tiarb!l n And J. E. H umBK'B ' Tli irn rirort la be-r work irr.mwJ'- ' a'.Aiy LJfm tl ActuAl cAm(.icm la defaal i;a cnmitn. EYES RIGHT? If oi,r n rp r;ffct job i-bceii bf trj- Uatkful. f Bft r.gbt, ;cu wrfitp tm rj1bt lo de fio jpurt-f icto ibf bf-ljT tbat tbrj a if. Cfrae and hx ut n ir) vour frff row. IXp't t ot it off until ttit k I"rii. )At borord il ctlifr iKmwfiC't ia it f?fit;bi pd :t ifnr't jplt first rocs,drst.jr.Ti h mi bf-Ff afca we tbf iiLis-q u-Drfe cJ Effect. Huicscn Opficsl Co. SIS Sostb 16th SU A Showing EOEE DELAY OS THE VlAOl CI Dod- Strtet Stmctart it Ptt Agiia ea Te-cluuculitiei. Off I r-t 11 of Men's jPa)J Suits fuxt i5 tru?y unuuaJ at $15, $20 and $25 Tt: if rrc,b,,J tb irot coterrf brtiia 5:.ii.' ft k.b f1 rrm t: job would twA is a tforpo rir. rre jta itn !): to look.. CriA)i ti U iliat ObiiUii rtcT brft-rp t n 01 per tcnity ftboonin frt' bj aucfa a ttb.rKfxt Aaxortmett a VTtHhrr jp r1 f" uft ,rt,'i r" f nianr darkrr brii. pr oti of tb new frtj- lout. e"t terj abade ttat n f-orrrct and jv-to-4at Th litjl aro mort tbat torroct. ttf.rTf dwiftx-tl to ?;t men of et-rry Air And build, and ibtj do. 7fcSr tailorin i be? cud Use crititlsiB of tb ant fAttidiout Tpfitr'a tbe dy to c tbr iti!t of ricr-'tal vAlt t $15, $20, $25. Sk&roaftaefotfnnQ Go, "'J- Inn ff 00 11 "7Tr ' : ' Buj-fc trlv- i i '"aTAaajaaaTar'iBi ." W'Mn ! B TW ft IM.M 4Ak4 'ftMT , , f tsa a. 1 war r- Vierwr K xwrm. atr Tboir.aa aarAlna aba ibtk M ta CanAbA A&4 tbAt h piAlted Ati A4CJWOB to lb tr,tjr pf Cm.AbA Taarala larart 0a-raraaai iaoaa At lb ananal rwrtjti rl 1 npi larac! coa CToAAUoa b)d Puodajr tb ttowla offl o)ra re-e d-d lor tb cnaaittf .r. tAasoa) Kats, Bratant. kudmI Prank ca rraakdont. K RaratorA. irujr. and Ka.Tta fcunnak, awnraian . klrmbrr f Uia award w boa Uirma axfarwd and m ha rv-wWctwd war NAir-Aa Bernaiala And Virwr Kiwrn. iww twa a wolna Anion lwaraA Aaa fited avrt aAlnt Cbarioa U Aalia, fararl)' Juatioc of u aware of Mwnana a-wcirat. for Pa.Oi. H AJlacoa b waa awardwd tht atnautn no a flx-lmon br Juatloa A.elir. but lhAt tb Juarioc ao rratanaiadl It ta bia awn u Tb Lwi Kabdmc oosr jiatT ia jAind aa eo-dfnd-ABt. baribA' awa aurwty for Juattrw wraj b wa la offxw. Tiaa Batas ta Oaaaba Tba ueatioa of frw haiaa far Omaha haa boon art'Jfd K a a-mjr for tbia dl). AJ lTeabm-, ft haa Just ooibilMw hla nw ctoAatnc And 4mnt -iabntim-nt oa fimim atft. ha lo atAnwd A aboaer batb for whlcb oe rhaxg 1 Bia6 lor lla ua Tbia ta wiMikmf Bw ab4 Mitl but in owtior clatma It la a rri ooriA-wtumoe. it to n Arrancml that a lairoa ol U aeta tMinamont m ai a ahwwer baia and thrwna rtnaa ut while bi CKHb a." bmrtc prtaand. Two Trains in Collision Near Local Station Ol. JowroA boajnial. Tints Abd C uirlnr. i. CatDCTluf a n boi.Ai. 'n;n and Forrwt Hm lulu. fSi. n u ik Ikt!. ! Ttiirwrntb aad ilur. Ha.y ftmnf arbool Eihtib ad lxwra w raCTJ ' H.rt ac-brwm. T wm. r -fecund and K.nnt; t, O.'n. 1. fw,l- rw.. rrrr auwe-A. and t. iohn . kuo "f11'" fIM 1 Only Out HtTt alatk and . alllornla aaona WifB BETilHrton IrtiTJ l b w ui at ir. sea.d. a. r f liittioa ik AbMrU w bii licit, hi auii wilj my At th FAat-oa hotel. Tbe foilfm- I - Uia cotrimtti will hr riiarg of tbar j Eurhirtob imfttuerr trAtti No from uianainawcl. JubB A, Ufbauie. EL A. Lincoln And A Burlnior iuaU t ain rol Cbdab;. F. A. Xaati. F. J. all onauc, fv I bfld bead on at in curve Juat Kt of . M. Ulecun and L). i. O Hrien. at kial atAUoc a;.0 CtiAtneer Albwi l a?iAl- nn of tb Aen;er rtid I"- KEENE PRACTICES WHAT KE HAS BEEN PREACHING Arwrwawa Xaa Dwwidtaa w Take If tk aiaaale Ufa ( ta Anbur U. Kaaue. foribarlr a aonnbar of Tba Bwa alAff and until u adrtor and nuaitr of tb atoaridete t". V Kw. baa writteo bia raJadiclorr wdrtortai. aaj-tnt that be la Bow about lo prartla whAt b baa lunar prcbd nanwly "a ratura ta tbc turn." AA) a air. aveeoe: , JM .tbwa tbubla ta vtrw. w,jiat la ua, towrR: Tb editor of tb Xfwa. 1a about to Aft u3B tlk advir which haa been lad led ut ta wthrra and will ht himaelf to lb fam. w her rverT nroepart pieaae And Auia alan are vn. 'Jt will b a aw jtprlpri for hlra after fjifirea vara rpest In aewapaper wea-k tn amaii towna and iAiare, the laat year of w bleb baa hewn 1c Mcbridr. wber be baa endeavored to g th people A paper w urlh) of their tow a "With ibia laftie of the New. Mr. Keen lay flown hi editorial jxin for a period and will move t th country near Farm, Jt bejond the reoen aTkm, a her b will lom a borb-hAiided aon of toil. To ail of whit-h it mar be Added it an .auafcp OihAhaiia. Iiteludrtia the Jimocraia And Jack of whom Mr. Keen waa wont ts write Jocoeety. and other, too. will wish ruia rood luck aa a I&rar. ltft tin Ctrre. t IMIa Awwlh aanaa. CWl Friday hktti1ii th cardinal wiil viait Foutn OuAhA. nweelng on hi ear ibe In nacuiAi CotejuKiu acboiC Twetity-f ounh and itanrrofl. and St. i-'ranc n.hw) a; Thirty -eecond and K atreeia. Si. Acne' acnoiL Twewtj -third and 14. Aba back to Crwbioa unlveialiy. w be: a prorram w ill b alien la hi trim in. The achooia will be A;propria'e: deco rated And tbc teacbera aud pupiia Vili t ranged wuiatde to welcome the dietln luiahed g-ueel and bta panj. Tb rartuia! 1U alop at Ach athooi, but there will be n lime fer Any prog-Ani or Any addrefca: H will (lie hla bieawuig 19 ibe pupil and tewchtjr and paaa ua. Police Save Money from Soul Savers E.ude!ph Krt.ts it Amttc-w oa Verfe of Fayug Bif Sam U Eire Soul Saved. Juat aa Rudo.pb aviAulA. m rkiulh 8:a laentb rtreei. waa oa lb rare of drawing tuM from t bar. k Is have hi aoul aaved th p lie arreated hua And in cnupi ab bAd promised to aave hi aul Monday momtnc Xel CbrlwiiAtiaaa And bia wife, Alloe. who ufferwd Arrest with K:auu. war aald ta bare toid him they were aaima and mlBisirra t tb who world Tb toupi reAdilr M bat tan to Krauiz which Uiey itad g rt from him and Tihdrew- All further promiee u eat hi soul. Tb polio are hoiding Krauia on the chart of insanity and wlil releAsc hiss or have him Arraigned before the insanity rontmisRioa. Ti ibriaienauu Lll a releAsed. Friend tit JCrauta whs sunrmraied th polio Alleg tbAt the Christenson oouie prayed with turn every nigbt till 1 o'clock in tn morning fen a week and peis,-ed hiia to bur lb em each a nes au:i and nrm Cir.. OhriatenaoB wa ordered to leave Uie city At OOPS. Juri Monday tnornlt.a. Tb mail train aa beinc driven la U awliclUng poiril wtnih be in at the run w bea the passen rer tram siruck It. ?. either uain waa trav eling very faat And tie only damage that reealted waa th eniAshlnc of both pJoia. lx liAlf ax hour the englnei were repaired and sent on their way. KtafrlB suffered sprain to a leg And Arm. And was painfully bruised fn being throw-n back ward In hla rAb by the shock, ftev-eral passenger suffered brujte id the JnlL but tnne was seriously Injured. Fioht on Bean Rate is Now On QIJXST10J Cr CAELTUG CAES ! atallrwadi flat fa It la Awl snei i Valla atrwwA E lw asll atret (arw tw ( tbe Brlace. Tb Iotfe n-eet viAdu-.-t at Fmy-s atb sh'cn Ui cosF the fce.'t Ljti uf m ii- I fc'Ui Facifit- c-ajit.ot be ittan ur.iu 1 Another bear:r. rrn in lederai con. . iiirh irf dertfie w nether or but the"r;U ' tan can,itj the rai.rviafl to maki: Ui bridfe sir e-.o-jeu to larrj ih street cai ;n.t 1 The city sun a preliminary uurj in, th I'tiuru.. And it 1 ujpriM-a tiiat Actual j 01 k st-uid pr.ceetf ,a.t.; . but iht railroad filed ab amenoed jx uj.a ;b '. l earir.g utri bk h s ui t hnd neat ' tuonm. l'uiu.f tn iat few Cay in rn- ! g.nee : for lb city And tli xjn for the comjAny hat b-n grn itig testlmoBy ! lef'i:e a referee fcr uoe in that beariufc. The viaduct tax lie built at a com of I muv utioer siec:iicauonf ly th city en s'. neer. and if the street raliway is iot t vided f( the cost sij lie reduce! 31' or ! per renl Tl eompany maintain also that the bndce is 2i feel l:':.r?r tt;At it tieed bt, and It ts possible lhAt after further con sultaium tier efn ttie enpli-eera the dimen sion may le chAtigcd. In the meal. time lii sniiait'r for vari ous paving contract r are visiting pron triv owner Along thai ureet trying to get Ihem to decide uion th rt.1erial Willi which tae road i to lie paved The las Aliiiw thirty day fc tin decision, whirb will be up ur-u.het k and the oetisi'.m must le made by that time. Raxrimui line Triei to Boost tie Bate on Brini from Pa cific Coacl VACATION DAYS ARE OVER Merer wf !! a aad avtrta F1U Ike Tratwa Bireale la Aekww. Chliar day for Nebraska bo; a and nl siArt ihi week, the iifOrtal enroLmant Saj a aiaitlng Tuesday. A large number of th youth f .nnha ar is arend the Unovln t-?1ege. and Monday aaw creajs f tham leaving for the capitAi city. U waa A meter crowd which boarded the l.SP p. ni t'A.n. old school friend meet i'jl ATler a ru-niTr"- parting situ jovu A rehearing of the bAn rat suit Against th Cninn Pacific 1 on beJor Etaminer Saailh of tbe InterFtate Commerce commis sion at the fsderaJ building. TWi 1 the cAse tn which the plaintiff won a Victory, but whir ha been re-opened n petition of tbe railroad. The rate for bn from the Pacific onawt to Omaha and Missmiri river towns wa 71 cent. Tbe road advanced It to K oenta. and It wa ordered Aown by th comml sion a th result of tbe first heart na. Bine the order for tb re-haaring the higher rate haa Agale riret-Ailed and tb variou shipper Inierestwd are asking rep aration for all tn time tbe higher rt ha been In effect. The Omaha CommerolaJ club i repre sented by E. 3 llrVtns. who ia just ba:k from artendlng tb eastern freight rat hranng Th l"nloh Pacific 1 being de- fended by Judge T. C. IIUard. who la the , Commerce commission lawyer for tbe Har I rtman hnea j Also at th hearing ar O T. Deli, com missioner of tbe Ficmm City Traffic bureau; H fi- Wilsfm. commissi nner of th Kansas City T'Anaponation bureau, and H. J KrAkA mmissioner of the Pt Joseph Business Mea a league. Burglar Gets Family Silver Ai Besult of BoVbery Eo trard ramiiy it Forced to Borrow Knives Lad Forks, Burglara gained entrance throutrh a rear window to tbe horSe of John Koward, SCI Farnam street. . alxld stole $!0 worth of Jewelry And ailtersarc tiunday nirbt. As a result of the rubbery the lami'y wai forced to borrow silverware from ih neighbors to al brokXIasi Monoay morn ing Bearide U. tabi kJver. a aniuuRt of Jewelry wa stole. . -'"TTTTTT' JJ.jJ..' - -. ... j 1 TTIT?- T I I T 1 : ii vi"" t - TrntT J r.t r.l iJ o " o ' 1 C3 "O mm) A1L 11 FlMUJi &7'di3g!& dGfi)S()Sj? svmiTMR !iB'.' .Vs 'ffidtltsililpfiiffln t!iEli.iMlfr9'3ilr Awl (olllsiwa mean many bad bruisea. which Buck lens, Arnica Halve heal du'ckiy. a it do or ! and ni 2ic. For aaie b bemm l'ruf 1 Co I Cattle Receipts Break Records One Hundred TnonMnd Hed Kore' E-ecfirei Thus Fax Tban All of Last Tear. icipu 't iau nt to anen txa snea Ad tra. resulted iat week in piactng th renoid fu' ibl jtAr a: Squill Oniaba ih.ssi more vat lie than Uiat re crUwd iaat yar. - one iitl! ld-ual tla sb .ul. mad on llie part if th boya Abdlrl'c" ,e been broken, and the utuu- bog and k.a did for tne An indie. J'eru normal h.xii at Peru. Xea. open l:u aeA at Ui same time ai KehrarkA uuirwlt. Pupha from ail ir the siat At trai-eiing in that direction, tl trad !Bi aoctl'eas'.ei'B NebiAFka lein( a.i btary-j Uie PurllTihtun bf. put on a speuiAl t'Aiu w 4anJi tb aiuuauu WAUPIN TO RLE CHARGES Has 4wwalf lllr Draw I i Sitaiat taatwt lawwl Gas Overcomes Two Workmen FraiLk Keirton in Serious Condition at Eospita as Besnlt of Break in C-as Pibe. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS Theodore C. tVoiidbu"- of New Tori. C:ty. president of th itmalia MA lor en:u panr. Wb.a is the cry Monoay. Major B Ievoe of tin Eleventh Infantry wa at army bcaduua."TT.. IejntriTent of th Missouri Mond. The maj:ir ir enroirt u let M 'iinea to inspect woi k at tb tour 1 mment cmp ther. nnn urn fexg (S0S1SIIP ! - - 1 1 W lu w oraing or. 'Jie ga pipe near th tv. of a buiiujis At li!7 Farram street Fiank Newion and Charle R. Haney. tin pK yed bj u C. E.edlck. wer overcom by gas M.mcty miirulrig. When th police .u'cm gt tbem attention Hary re-coi-d quickly, but Newton gar signs I ui being in a eeriou cnncition. Ne ion j va taken lu Joseph hospital And at I ierid bj lr. 1- B. HarriA K will prnb I abl teener ! JiAiiti 11m al MM Lihaveeaorth meet tant run of high reoeini dty After day for seteraJ week pAst baa been unusuAl. Tiiei a ere li st abeep rec 'ved Mu.icay morning and H t ait'.e. Pi ic-a wen bottling tu lb sa:u puua Aa IAt week. Two record we; broken iB1-! v. eek Uie v'i'd for a week' reiir-p. aud ihf rw-uij fft- il:i weeLs. .A 1! iwktrdk llie lr. )r.lano .miuh me j jacason street, jit t-t reiiorted a I.' rt ga ru piiie broke INSTANTLY RELIEVED or YOUR MONEY BACK i-l DR. R. SCHIFTM ANN'S ff flSTEinADOL Is Sold by AM Druggists on a Positive Guarantee to five infant relief 2a rry esse of AsthttA, DO tnatter how violent tne at tacks or obarins.te tbe case, or YOUR MOKET W1LX BE REFVKDCO by tbe EI"nt"st c'l whom yon botght tbe pack- Famau. at. -""v ' urt'krn dally ia liie lv.ltf f care Lll . A For t! week ending ewiuivaa.v lH- lli j fc"a ""' agt Wltbont ATT qawaTJOCi. 6) ttZXX-lLrznms for the king go up! -ieisLi.s ruued. la r aurpaaauig aJ lonner record c ' - for A week and for two seek ,H a mlii la Few! r Ike t lliF nail t mbh i A 1 1 aaa lb lirerb J Th revirwirg s'.and In of the city ' hall that if to huii tty olfiuai and theit retinue tunic tn Ak-bar-rien ftru j ha lif er tgun. Another stsnd. th enue lr.m w nK n win ne lu'nea over to f Tmi A'llt M JBaniln otTuty lalKr eon.- 'FIRE FOLLOWS REPAIR WORK rn. mK.tmt. i.aa iuuata in county At-j turttcy lu tn romplAitita in ooun. twuri j Dl tart l ! tf'" tbiw uuxiabA ooacieriia fur Mela 1 fH' Sfier tiun ul llie wo. ns.s Abd cbila tabwr las Mea" Un It, Ia t ij-l t iU.1. ijuna of th lua .as fii. 1 i ka. i FbllowiT repAir rk .y ee-al ga ; the board of Ak-fr-Bm governors. wlU lieorgi ana eiiecbeB AboHe. irorr.- ' comjAJ y wuikuien. fi: liivtt o-l is th ere. ted a: . ' us Ih street In front of rturs titvtupie Candy Aitctien. mi.lcj usg a ! basement of th grooory store of Tor.y i U' ooun hou. Lasi year it obstructed girl after J p. ui ; C s-aermis and A- i PoweU at 7W North Sneetiln sfeet Moo- : the ik of l" V'Plie that gatherwa on .. Moi.ocneu. Sberuia-toi"uieil tTug j da- ano-c'iir Th attaae wa ai.i, ' lb las n. but ilua year it enui be kept i and ih t-ao-kg wa alight K w tnouga to avoio inte-ieirenue w-.m in cause for tba tli has Ifea discovered. tors tn the court i.ous yard. When Hot and Thirsty to I JlLP WANTED FEMtLE LOST AND FOUND fww' UCtST SHEPHEIU dag: reliow and wtilt mrlwri AMisl ta Pa fin ?im Monetf ka iieward Uai.. , OFFERED FOR RENT HOUEEJtEFPIXO rooSA mga ar a WAVTliiD- bou'ora. c cikl lor c nouae in. i gusl li- Tea. M ' . oui.g r webatsr baaV tVANTEJj geod a-e. Aixiurti 1 A railAb. 0004. g r :a. CJHX for Carrier hum 'AJfTtxJ oomsAiiy. ear.inoyiBw a under 14 yea- f aa . 1 x iteru ia tri',relo 1 lit u ptAA iwaiauiaiii, in)Uo.vmg A KiH After 1 (i m Ta coaifit.ri Ijvt l-cn irird. but wsii awl Aw fin i.aai aii Mauiua la bward trwan furtbti Tbvy will irjlt. t tieo ta e'tty court w-rrma a Ti w dn. a. I fa!l back otj tbe erne fztc deliciona and safe rjatacber and cooler Hvdrox Girder Ale. Drink it ice cold ill yon wsxt the fir cer pre vent g ibcck cr ctiU to the stomAch- Fortune Telling COST TAX TO NCVJT1GANT I Dues a tV 1 ial s Jkaas t Mr. Jka I aew A k MtaAl Mar li J. titwraer. Wbn . C. Juba reoeiied a AoufuiAUoa ! from tba d.Btrirt Cv.L.-t luat be was ia- 1 aWttii t la tiw count t tie rosta bf a suit 1 ta wbtcB bw fcat bwb th pAiai'ff be wa 1 rrr tbaa BurpriaeA. lie bad never bnrc ta j rwurt la Any swen case And A waa at a luas ta aiaacrwiABd fcfc H cam abvut But i w he b kvoAed up lb file And found th u Urinal peuuwa It aaa ail captained Ta I lawyer wa arwugbi in auit wiiich wa I aver a p'e.c f land did a ml t torlng It j Jn hi s bam and a J. hii wa on .f Ai BBOSt UJ.uuat friend, b w i used ka IA liiajiuft. tt Jvua was ktpt a tb oark. tit loiiantdrfiielj locked bp lb User And gia aat tA ia.iaaarbl ( w-sia 1 ooauiiaituo lbs ea A awBavtacaa wrAaaaaiv braita. 7 he waaaa wba ag"irts bar bcakh ia arflertin, tba ar iouaaaUM el all t4 inrrua. For wuasial baaitb lew loses u lawtre aad goM ia biat aVewa. V aavanl y beakk wrhea tost or unaairad saay (eaveraUy Aw rwiAiari b? the t Or. fierce a raven r TAM rwwtrlAUaA Aaa. pars 0 frara. iVcAt catriAf afeicade. arAA. Aia-arrcAef a as. ir Me reels ml teaMe1a Mat IA ia r la te mrtvtwr mt tmttr a ee yrAeet gaelr ria r aebaair le t4mii em aea-Ueais A a A ew7aWrcr aaaf e x easiAeirwatA. Srk weaaaa era aavitrd I eeaarall eat by letter, Ja-aa. AU rrriaana ateld a aecred eaaieeattaL AdArewa VerU'a Mwaiaal Aaaawatiea. &. V. Pssrew, M. D . rraaioeaw. IkufaU. N. Y Oa. PiakOw Gun Faatur Uocroa Buea. Tbe ftW i Ceeai lsii4eal Adviacr, siratr rraej a-te-daie edittea 1 tA , eaw-cr m r.!n Imgtu Aests eg oalioeta euastioci wnuob Averw rn. aiwg er amarried, Might ke kaew abewt. Scat ta eaw addraaa ee reecta aa il ai m A. scaaxp le aeer wal el arrappaiuj aad aailisg ea, aa f Tim I I t-aT 0U GINGER ALE ia tVie rsnat bea.lri.ful aa w-tli as refrethir.f hot wear her driak niaie. In: ported cinsrr, rr-j- trclT uic, reiised (an gcfai, pne i-r!oric sK'id faa. difliiiej varer. frterihifcd bfrtlA. Tn e licl-one gpariirr g; n Lrrririoua frmott beveTApA. At ail daaiera. Caartasg A C. MstnAAeaa, wait I a, MA BUS j to Gf-r 1 tor Ai- dU?A A fJ tii u' is. rj ne reQi. car ir.nt. FOB AA etaoa la gou taOiuAeo m Li Jv. ana KOOaUNQ A nvfcsuu. . A Aa. 1 co:J Mil reciwu W" LkiCS. Thursday is Home Day. Notice the Bargains. It will not be difficult for you to secure a home. Real Estate Dealers have pre pared tempting lists. YCl". Mr. I.NiJler. KTYP fluj tfi ink how mucL i: o?.t-y ou livf ,i;iiil vm in Jlie liit ttu jear. for rt-ut. TLis huiii rjre(-iit - llir Jificr (f 8 piKwi Lulliv. li ou liad iKiut'bt a Loin Un ytrt- spo j'iiyir. for it on 1iie t:;ry tenu u vou vi-uriltl have a deed tu s-how Liur,- instead i i u Luiii-L ui' wurtLies retit rfcv-ii-its. it now. ljiok at tlit many r'rooritlciri!' ativertibCKl'for Mir on fury ifini in i iaur.aa e lat anu Ta Dext lnuMu rt-ut eis tlif- fiit intallu,ent. t-rc-AhsA. tt aaaoping ai- rwexuA aaao- floor room: rent, tu.ja SALE Will safl you T work and aa in CnnAht ain EL 1 wagon, r. At.ave. A eiiwen, A and Jack aoa. Duumi . aoo4l MawwBasaMBBBaaaaaawaasawwawwBBH J A. .A-U-A. RaV TTi kae JSABAS-T. t f IDHlX A ihi ai w-l'.h ri-fcuar rw. A-ita lass ue raAVkUMi a issnn. sawfer trn. tw ortu. as in u.t malfT-aiHI mM vma met dBI mum. a. myipii "W1M. ' -w... em IraAe -"! lATbeal sv-.w ta M. tmi. iiA ana USrmvl iTTMiiar rmrmtiM iSeoonanatia si-i, . Avkm em.. fMwMl r,,'!!rj avin. Mmu aj.uai TtLAt AJ-IAO aaitwaiaA katber Asi'ta. A Vwl"'' "kgofi. J IMMUMM - mjiM& raa rm j m. m. fle- "'"ut" wrii. t turn nv y.t- fi. SJLr.H Ser AraosA offi-. straw "nx na Aw 2.vr". The Thing To Do If ton lee yar rorketback. gsabrella, vsub er AOs tbrr a-'tli! ( raJo. tL tbliif to do kt to fonw tt rtkicpl et eiber popl ul Adertia -rltbott delay la Uie Lost aud Fonnd -florr f Tba . Ttat la what cost reor.le do w be fbrf !na article of talue Tpbot. tit atd tU tout loet u Ail OtbAta ts altci afteracKiA. Put It In The Bee