Bee. Omaha P AmT TWO. unday PART TWO EDITORIAL PACU I TO 11 FOREIGN rinii 1 to it. SINGLE COPY FIVK CENTS. VOL. XL-NO. 14. " OMAHA, SUNDAY MOKXIXd. SKITKMIIKR 1, 1010. Political and Social News of the Old World Reported by Special Cable and Correspondence The CITIES SCRAMBLE FOR INVESTITURE Cardiff and Carnarvon, in Wales, Want Glory of Prince's Elevation. RUG'S ECONOMY IS CRITICISED POPE P1DS IS A REFORMER Frug-alitr of Geonre Contrasted with Father's Onen Hand. SEA STRIKE WORRIES BRITISH Date for International Walkout i Two Months Off. 0BERA1QLERGATJ GRABS MOSEY Rapacity of Peaoaat at raloa Play Ylllace Deaoaaced by Lady Blentfletd Other Ks- llah Visitors to Bavaria. Bat He Still Holds to Some Old Fashioned Idets. ATTACKS THE FREAKISH STYLES Priests la Mesy (Kin Tske I ea-- sestio ed Driaurf MHfra , Featlalae Ottimf latpersoaate Physlrlaa. BT PAUL. LA MTi FTTH. x LONDON. Sept. 17 (Special to Th Bee ) The country Is becoming worked up over the question as to whether the Prince of Wales thell have hie formel Investiture at Cardiff or Carnarvon In Wales. Each of those places claims to have a prior and sole . right to whatever glory and honor may attach to the ceremony. Letters have been . pouring Into King George and his cabinet ministers pleading for the places named. It is hinted that the king has been advised to have a double Investiture, one for each place. That will probable be the may In which the dispute will be settled. Klac Is Close. Many London tredesmen are grumbling about King George's economical habits. They say he is an excellent man, but In no way to be compared with his father as a spender. King Edward believed that money was made only to be spent. His son, the reigning monarch, believes that money, like everything else, should be used when necessary- A London tobacconist, speaking of Kirg George, said: "Oh, why, hang his majesty!. He smokes a pipe when not In company, while his father, bless his mem ory, smoked a dosen cigars In a day." . Worry Asset Strike. English shipping men aad merchants are much worried over the prospect of a strike of the seamen. They are talking about taking steps toward heading It off if pos sible. It Is well known that recently at Copenhagen the seamen's unlocs of Europe decided to proclaim an international strike at a date to be kept secret to all except the leaders, unless In every country the hip owners consent to the establishment of a conciliation board for the considers. tlon of the grievances of the men. If no agreement Is arrived at with the owners, the strike will begin In about two months hence. ' BY CLEMENT J. BARRETT. HOME. Sept. 17. Special to The Bee) Pope Pious is above all thine: a reformer. He Is up-to-date in many res-r-ects, but there are some things concerning which he holds to old-fashioned Ideas. He loves old friends, also booki. the old style of music and the good old-fashioned style of cooking. The holy father thinks the world of fashion Is about fifty years ahead of the time. He recently declared that some women were running mad In "respect to dress. He was not averse to women mak Ing themselves attractive; n fact. It was their nature to du so. but he said there was a wide difference between a fashion ably dressed woman and a woman whose dress boardered on the indecent. He h requested bishops to use some remarks on the subject Acting upon his suggestion many priests KAISER'S HEALTH REPORTED POOR Despite Efforts to Suppress Kews, it is Learned He Will Gire Up Part of Work. DELEGATE DUTIES TO PRINCE William Once Was Busiest Monarch on Earth: NEVER WAS VERY HEALTHY Archduke Pays Visit of Thanks Baron Rothschild. to ROYAL MURDERER BANISHED Prtaee Prosper 1 oa Area Hera, Who Was roavlrted ! Severs! Atroeloaa K Hilar. Is Forces' to Leave for Faraa Life la Ar-eatlae. EX-SULUS b A CARPENTER Abdul Hamid, in Prison Villa, Works Hard at the Bench. STRAUSS INTERESTS RUSSIA Adaalssloa of 1 sited Stale Anbastut oer to Tarkey lata Real of tsar Narrowly Averts lateraa tleaal Strata. BY MALCOLM CLARKE. BERLIN, Sept. IT (Special to The Bee.) In Milan, Turin and Venice, the Utter, hls Derpite the efforts of courtiers and high old home, has taken up the matter and' officials to suppress It there have been At Oheraasaaerajaa. Complaints , about money grabbing at Oberamtnergau continue to pour Into the city. ? : Lady Blomfield." who has spent nearly two months In aad around Oberamtnergsu, has published an appeal to Intending vis itors "to keep before them as much as pos sible the great sacredness and holy purport of the performance." She writes on behalf tt the simple Bavarian villagers as one who can enter Into their feelings. She says a great Importance In proportion of the ludlencee at the theater during June and July was Engiisn speaking, and although their behavior was decorous and rever ential, much sas left to be desired as to their conduct dt ring their sojourn In the village. It Is not, perhaps, to be won dered at that the different hotel keepers should regard this opportunity aa a rare chance for speculation. Lady Blomfield cannot help wishing that the religious au thorities in Munich bad kept a tighter con trol over the monetary arrangements. The villagera have not been srrtcicntly pro tected from this "Invasion of money grab bers." and were it not for the strength of character and purity of Intention of Anton Lang, who takes the role of Christ In tho Fission play the worst possible results might be Apprehended. The tactless lion ising of the perfirmcrs by tourists Is an other matter which Lady Blomfield de plores Lang has been "the mark of a great deal of this Ill-judged flattery, though Lady Blomfield says one bas only to see him to be assured that he Is stove and beyond adulation. "The egregious bad taste of It all." she adds, "la, neverthe less, vary offensive, especially to the more refined people a ho regard the performance as a great factor la uplifting and preserv ing their Christian belief." Oldest J. P. Dead. The man who waa the oldest justice of the peace la the kingdom Is dead. lie. was Kl years old at the time of bis death. The official, who was R. Peter, died a few daya ago at his residence at Launceston, Cornwall. Mr. Peter mas a solicitor and had been town clerk and also mayor of the borough. He aa the oldest inhabitant and the oldest magistrate in the county. Una of hi last public appearances ass ths occasion Un he took ttie oatb of alleg iance to King Ueorge. On the completion of his 1 via year last October b rrveived congratulation. The late King Edward, Hint lit-orac prise of Wales and many of t .- ut known men in the kingdom cun.i j lulled him. " Hit of a Row Us. The betting fraternity Is' much morked up ever a controversy between Captain K. W. I-angtield. a united army officer, and an "unofficial handicapper." as the latter terms himself. The captain, who attends the races, gal Into a dispute about finance villi the baodicapper. who criticised him sharply. The captain sent a telegram to a race track denouncing him as ' unofficial blackmailer." The captain was haled to court. The hearing will be bad in a few daya Frtsnda of both men have been try ing to effect a reconciliation between the uvea New Deal la (ktrki, Something new In return checks or "pass out checks." as they are called In the country, cornea from the Vavnol acrtcul. tural show, Carnarvonshire, where. Instead of using pass out checks, the management tamped with a rubber stamp the hands of those wishing te return to the show. The Idea back of It ass to prevent tne issue of counterfeited return checks, sbica Is some what ennfflM at Flare- of entertainment where patroas ra allowed to go In and aut- In their sermons have denounced women. young and old, who appear publicly In "scandalous a Hire." Police atop Play. The Milan police have prohibited the per formance of the drama "From the Height to the Abyss" by Albert Olivo. Oltvo some years ago murdered his wife at Milan, cut the body Into pieces, proceeded to Genoa, where he hired a boat and In view of the people threw the body piece by piece Into the water. He waa arrested and charged with the murder, but was declared of un sound mind and after being detained for some ime was discharged. He has now written the drama mentioned, the story of tun crime In horrible detail, hut the authorities have stepped in to prevent the performance. The Italian Parliament will probably con sider a scheme to rebuild the government property destroyed with the 1908 earthquake. Repair of Earthqsske Daasaare. An English syndicate has made a pro posal to the Italian government to rebuild It. It Is ready to undertake the construc tion of the piers, breakwater, ferry slips, military barracks, university, court build ings, jail, poetoffices, governor's offices and residence, city ball, sewerage, drainage. etc.. to be completed In five years. . A Lon don firm will adranoe the government 23,000 to carry out the work. Mqerade Major. A strange story comes from the St, An tolne hospital and It seems to bear all the earmarks of truth. It is said that a skill ful visiting physician waa in reality a woman masquerading. It seems that a cer tain "Maj. Faiconl; had been calling at the hospital, lending his assistance to the staff.' and no suspicion of anything being Irregular arose until the at tent km of one of the regular doctora was called to the fact that Maj. Faiconl was supposed to be In Switzerland. The major was not 'un known to some of the staff, and It was remarkable that if be waa being impersonated the substitute bore an extraordinary-likeness to the original. The doctora, determined to get at the bottom of the mystery, sent an official to call at the major's residence. The door waa opened by the major's housekeeper. Emilia Boal, and no sooner had the hospital official eern her than he felt convinced that this was the person who had been In disguise of a physician at the hospital. He Inquired for Major Faiconl, and. being Informed that the major was not home. re. turned to the hospital and assured the dl rector that aiajor l-aiconl waa a woman In disguise. When he next called at the hospital "Major Faiconl" was questioned so closely that secrecy was no longer pos sible. Investigation showed that the woman, who certainly bears a remarkable ! likeness to the real major, had during hia absence lost her reason and Imagined her self to be her master, and by means of the uniforms succeeded In deluding ethers. rsther persistent reports that Emperor William has seriously considered the propo sition that he should delegate a number of hia dutiea to the crown prince. Al though he Is not sick, the emperor is far from being a well man. Never at any time a stalwart In health, William has lived at high pressure from the day he'aacended the throne. He haa been one of the busi est monarchs since the days of Napoleon. His life has been a tremendous and use ful one. He has never hsd what may be timtd a strong constitution, and It Is only by an extreme sober regime that he has been able to support tba physical and mental fatigue of his office. He haa had breakdowns during the last few months. and his physicians, although they do not consider him In lmmedlste danger, have advised his absentation from work that can be fulfilled by his son. There are numerous public petty dut'es that may be safely impressed on the prinoe end the emperor relieved to that extent. The change will not be made until the young man returns from the east. Beveaae aad Expeedltexe ixmniiiii ' m. the official statement the last of the revenue and expenditure of the empire for the year ending March SL the estimated deficit of -11.87,8 haa been re duced to S3.S23.SS' and of a nominal reduc tion of -expedltura. ' i ' Jlerely to Pay Tkaaks. A telegram from Prague states that the visit which the Archduke Franz Ferdinand paid lo Baron Albert von Rothschild was In the nature of a visit of thanks, aa the Wltkowits works In Moravia, with which Rothschild la connected, ara now engaged at their own risk In the construction and equipment of the Austrian dreadnoughts for which the sanction of the delegation haa not yet been obtained. Prlaee Goes to Argeatlae Germany la about to get rid of a roys murderer, who some years ago waa con demned to death for atrocious crimes. among them being the killing of a defen less little boy. The released criminal is Prince Prosper von Arenberg. who haa Just left an aaylum on the promising that he will go to Argentine Republic to engage In farm life. The Arenberge are among the most in fluentlal famines In the highest rank of the German nobility. Though he bad the repu tatlon of being arbitrary and erratic the prince waa sent to southwest Africa an an officer In the protectorate forces. He drank deeply and developed an Indifference to human life which vented Itself In monstrous outrages. Perhaps the worst of his crimes BY GEORGE ERASER. BT. PETERSBURG, Sept. IT (Special to The Bee.) A remarkable commentary on Russia's new theoretical law of religious liberty Is presented In the public announce ment that the ambassador of the United States at Constantinople. Mr. Oscar Strauss, a member of the Jewish persua sion, 'has received the permission of the Russian minister of the interior to visit "St. Petersburg. Even the ambassador of a friendly power ia debarred from entering the Russian capital without special permia- slon bees use he happens to be of the Jew ish faith. It would be interesting to know what would Jiave happened had the minister of the Interior refused to grant permission to Mr. Strabss to visit St. Petersburg, as he had the undoubted right under Russian aw to do. Coarse of Cholera. The cholera continues to decline In the HALF PORTIONS SERVED NO MORE Restaurants of Paris Also Announce that Prices Have Been Raised. MONTENEGRO IN LIMELIGHT WORKING MEN ARE INCENSED Cafes to Raise Are Those They Most Freonent. RAISE TAX ON CIGARETTES Thus Hope to Do Away with Budget Drficit. NEW KIND OF TOURIST KNAPSACK Tombs nf tbe Plaatenet Have Bee Discovered by the Gevernaaeat Isiseetsr Geaeral of His torical Moaanaeats. BY PAUL VILLIERS. .PARI. Sept. 17. (Special to The Bee V The Uades and labor unionists of this city sre very much Incensed over the Increase of prices In the restaurants which they Douetx Iron and coal fields, as well as in frequent. Some are Quietly, others openly St. Petersburg, but the epidemic Is reported organizing a movement to secure a luncheon Ferdinand of Bulgaria Would Make it Kinrjdom. ADJUST PRINCESS' FINANCES Prince Philip of Caber aad Hoaae of Relates nettle Tssfle Kxe eatleaer oa a v Strike. BY EMIL ANDRASST. VIENNA. 8epL 17. Speclal lo The Bee ) The real originator of the idea of raising Montenegro to the ststus of a kingdom was King Ferdinand of Bulgaria, who was actuated by political reasons. In Bulgaria up to the present certain constitutional changes have not yet been approved by the Sobranye. Part of the deputies are against the kingly dignity, while others take the Balkan view that the title ahould be won on a victorious battlefieM To remove these objections. King Ferdinand Intends to show that the smallest Balkan ruler Is entitled to assume kingly honors, and there for he threw all his influence Into the Montenegria matter. For these reasons slso the Bulgarian king invested his visit te Cettlnje wltb unususl pomp. Family Flaaacea Adjaated Much Interest haa been aroused in Austria by the announcement that, after years tf negotiations between the lawyers FIGHT PICTURES OPPOSED ABROAD Dublin Authorities Obiect to Exhi bition of Reno Championship Fight Films. NOBILITY IS BADLY TREATED eassaawa Lords Are Actually Expected to Obej the Laws. THEATER PATRON PROTESTS Dumb Man Gets His Wishes by Gesticulating-. 1 FREIGHT RATE WAR SPREADS Better Bhlaplaa; Adjastmeala aad Maalrlpal Dwraershla Are- Arl feted by Merchants to Be Dle rasaed at Cork. Conreatloa. to be spreading In the Volga provinces. A coal and iron famine ia Inevitable. . The proposal to suspend the duties of pig iron nevertheless encoi nters opposition. Abdal Haaald's Paalshmeat. Abdul Hamld. the deposed sultan of Tur key, is In hourly dread of assassination by bia enemies. Since he was sent Into exile, nearly eighteen months ago, be baa never ahown himself at any of the windowa of the villa He Is convinced that he would be abut by one of his foes if he acre seen. Neither advice nor entreatlea, nor even to the old rates threatening a boycott, un less their demands are complied with. To raise prices would have been considered a serious matter, but coupled with the an nouncement that prices have been raised rarriea the other announcement that half portions will no longer be served. The cost of living In France continues to rise, and has Increased by one-third during the last decade. Last Saturday the Restaurant Keepers' association of Paris decided to raise the price of vegetables and various meat dishes. It is explained that wine has become so expensive that the stringent medical orders will induce him to restaurants can no longer afford to aerve cheap dishes. The price of potatoes, more- leave the house and take exerciae in the garden. Not only does he remain stub bornly Indoora, but nothing mill make him 4eave the first floor of the villa. He fears to trust himself to the ground floor let bombs be concealed In the cellars beneath. He will not go up to the second floor, for he thinks the villa might be set on fire and he would perish before he could escape. A victim to Insomnia, he never undresses. but his thin, bowed figure Is seen wander ing during tbe night from room to room until finally Abdul Hamld falls exhausted and slumbers fitfully on a couch. Worka aa Carpenter. He works as a carpenter during the day, gpd recently he finished making a Urge wardrobe. Strangely enough, his one de- Sire la to find a purchaser for IV . It la not that he need the money, but be longs to cc-ovinc himself that . tba work of his kaoda Is of monetary value. He begs" his ward or s for leave to send the wardrobe away from the villa to be sold, but this request 1ft refused Invariably. The Turkish govern men t fears that within the wood work there may be concealed aome unde sirable communication to bis friends. Abdul Hamld knows nothing of the out side world. Neither he nor tbe two wives and the 'servants who followed him into captivity are allowed to read any news papers. Abdul Rachlm, the only son who followed him into captivity, haa deserted him, declaring that hia father waa ao petu lant and nervous that no one could endure life in hia vicinity. Burbann ed Din. his favorite son, to whom he desired to leave BY THOMAS EMMETT. DUBLIN. Sept. 17. (Special to The Bee ) It Is possible that the prlre fight at Reno. Nev.. between Johnn and Jefferies, may lead to a Parliamentary debale aa to of Prince Philip of Saxe-Coburg and his tne right of cities to manage their own divorced wife. Princess Louise of Belgium, a internal affairs without the Intervention of over, has nearly doubled. Attempts are being made to reassure the population and to prove that the crisis Is purely tem porary, but experience has shown that when once prices have been raised the middleman Is reluctant to reduce them. Tax oa Cigarette. M. Cochery, minister of finance, decided to raise the tax on the superior brands of tobacco and cigarettes from 10 to 30 per cent In order to wipe out a deficit on the budget. Tbe trade returns for the month of June show a considerable falling off In the sales of the brands affected. In June, 1MH, over SS.000.OOQ worth of tobacco was sold in France, whereas the sales for June, 1910, only amount to S7.5OO.O0O; that Is to say, SSO0.O0O lex a. ' Xtw Kind of Knapsack. . Th government haa abolished tbe old fashioned leather Infantry knapsack. This will be replaced by a knapsack made of brown Backing and will be carried much lower than, the -old one. in the method adopted by tourists In Swltserland. One of the principal reaaons for doing away with the old knapsack la the Impossibility for soldiers wearing it to have freedom of movement, and to shoot In a reclining posi tion. The new knapsack will not look ao smart on parade, but will be more practic ally useful. X Tins to Waste. Admiral Bonie de Lapeyrere. minister of marine, will not tolerate red tape or delay as demonstrated In the following case. An financial settlement baa at last been reached. The princess has admitted a debt of 2.00U.OOO kronen, tSSOO 000 as being due to her former husband. The present agree ment dispenses with the monthly payments hitherto made to the prlncea by Prince Philip, as he will compound for the allow ance by the payments of a sum of 1.2j0.O0O kronen, which will be deducted from the amount due by the princess to her former husband. The prince's claims are secured upon the provisional division of the estate left by the late King Leopold. Haagarlaa oa a Strike. Michael Barl, the public executioner at Buda-Pest, has addressed a protest to the Hungarian Parliament against the humane tendencies of the day, which result in his being unemployed for the greater part of the year. He demands either a regular sslsry or thst there shall be fewer re prieves. The Emperor Francis Joseph has been presented with a statue by the huntsmen of the monarchy. hia crown, bas repudiated hia father, ac- engineer sent a model of a new torpedo to c using him of ha v. tig caused tne death of his mother because Abdul Hamld refused to summon a competent medical man to attend her In her Illness. Two newly commissioned subalterns backed a policeman to death at Moscow. tbe department. The minister ordered the necessary tests to be made, but was In formed that he might expect a report in six montha He called together the com mittee, and much to their astonishments formally dissolved It. Then, summoning a They were Inebriated and the police had10"11 officer of attainments, he ordered tried to keep them quiet. jhlm to examine the torpedo and to furnish a report In three weeks. OLD ANTI-BATHING RULE VEXES LONDON PEOPLE Oaly Ufa Allowed to Bath la the verpeatlae aad Saffraaettee Will Proteat. LONDON, Sept. 17. (Special to- The Be.) Parliament is to be aked to look into a matter which Is agitating the girls of Bsyswater and South Kenalngton, who have a grievance In that they are not per mitted to bathe in the water of tbe Serpen tine. Only men ia alios ed the luxury of a dip St the royal park. The London county council encourage women bathing In their parks, and at Victoria park the women are reported to excel the men. What the daugh ters of artisans enjoy in the east la denied the daughters of tradesmen and profes sional rnen In the west of London. One of tbe trio a ho went to the serpentine tbe other dsy aod were denied the privilege of a as the deliberate killing of a black boy because he had Inadvertently disturbed his alumbera He also shot a native, and aa the wretched man still showed signs of life he battered his head with the stock of his rine. When a cry waa raised that he should be called to account, his relatives demanded that, as a member of a princely family he should be judged by his peera The emperor decided, boaever, that he should be tried by court-martial. He waa condemned to death, but being a descend ant of a once-ruling house, the sentence was commuted to pensl servitude. This aaa aubeequently modified to simple Im prisonment and a few years later It Is claimed that frienda secured the reopening of the case on the grounds of insanity. They claim that the prince from childhood had shown a tendency to wanton cruelty inconsistent with sound reason. Amongst other things. It was said that be amused himself by breaking tbe legs of favorite dogs. In 104 he was transferred to a sani toriura, where he lived under the name of Blaaden. and, so It waa atated, occupied himself with works of benevolence among the poor of the district. An.riivi r.4 Consumer's association re- I. X , ""'"J1 br,n hjflci.l. 1. now conferring aith the author- subject berure Parliament, and in the mean- lbtrt of ODU)nlng ,m. time they have plsced the facts before Mrs. ! , . r..rm. ,.nd ,,.. . a. an up-to-date Illustration of j leletnon. conversation beiween Berlin many one-sided systems in London' .. , ...,ki. i ,h- n..r MU MMHIUU J ... - prevent somen sharing the same rights as men. "It Is absurd.' she said Indignantly. "I waa told the rule aaa Imposed during" the reign of one of the Georges, but I am aura the present George doesn't know thst It Is still in force." DUTCH PREMIER EXONERATED (art of Hoaor at The llaa-e I. ire Dr. kaiser a Cleaa Bill of Health. future. The task la well believed to be an eay one. tiers societies. Th German empire has K.fcD co-operative associations, with, fully .0w0 000 members. With their families, they represent nearly one-third of the total population. The president of the Central League of Co operative and . Consumer's association re cently stated that notwithstanding depressed business conditions, associations had gained 0 ft members last year, making In all THE HAGl'K. Sept. 17.-t Special to The represenied by the Central league l.olT soi Bee r-The Court of Honor, composed f ' associate. The business transacted by the three statesmen, which saa appointed atjVU sections oL the leegu last year aas the instsnce of Dr. Kuyper. the ex-premier. tce the amount transacted in lWi. to Investigate the charges of corruption I 1 in the granting of decorations made against i PRINCE IS A PUVT WRIGHT him. haa found tnat mere la no evidence of corruption. EGYPTIAN SEER PREDICTS STIRRING TIMES TO COME Sheikh Mahsaoad Said to Have P re told the Death of Klagr of Eaarlaad. CAIRO. Sept. 17. (Special to The Bee.) Some curious forecasts are made by Sheikh Mahmoud, an Egyptian astrologer, who predicted In his review. "Tawalch el Ma louk." the murder of Premier Boutroa Pasba and the appointment of Said Pasha aa his successor, and also prophesied the death of King Edsard for the month of May. Among coming events Sklekh Mah moud predicts the early death of the pres ent sultan and the prepetratlon of murder by the nationalist party during the coming year. He declares that King George will annex three Moslem cities, but that Kgypt will not receive a constitution i irlng his reign. Franc will Increase in Importance during the next few yeara, while the Turkish Influence will wane in Arabia, a large portion of which la to fall Into the handa of Great Britain. In addition, Sir Eldon Gorst will In the near future be raised to a peerage. SOUTH AFRICAN POT BOILS Polities la Oraase Free State Bed Hot Over Ir. Jaara'a Pinnasal. CAPE TOWN, Sept. 17 Special to The Bee.) Politics are red hot In South Africa. Ppraklng at SmithfUld, Orange Free State, recently. General Hertsog. minister of Jus tice, said he cculd sec disasters aaaitin-; them if they followed lr: Jameeon'e dia bolical call to discord and dlsunioi. 'Jen- eral Hertsog' accused tbe unionists of liei and distortions of facta and of cond-ictlng an asaaaain-llke campaign on a soale which almost psssed comprehension. UNITED IRISH HAVE BIG FUND Lara Seat Ha Beea StaUed Last Re part Was Made oa .Kew Vear Day. la DC RUN. Sept. 17 Special lo Th Bee ) -At the last report the I'nited Irish Par liamentary fund amounted to fJCTTa, raised aincs last New Year's day. Xleholaa of Moaleaegro Opea The ater rlay I of HI Uotb (OBBSVOaltlOB. CETTINJE. Sept. 17.-Opecial to The Bee.v Prince Nicholas of Jh royal family of Montenegro, ha officially opened a theater at Cettlnje, tbe first theater la the principality. Th play acted ai entitled. "The Empress of the Balkans, and tbe author turned out to be Prtnc Nicholas hisnseif. WOMAN HELPS EDUCATION Gives Fortsae for Fre Scholarship la Cork lalveralty to Help th teedr. Dl'BLIK. Sept. 17.-(Speclal to The Bee Miaa Pelle Honan. one of the richest women la Ireland, haa given ,t to the Cork university for free scholarships She la a sister of tbe late Matthew Honan. Tonabs of the Plaatageaet. A discovery of Interest to scholars and historians la announced . Tbe tombs of the Plantageneta In the abbey of Fortevrault have been discovered by the government Inspector general of historical monuments Th architects engaged In restoring the ab bey, discovered traces of Inscriptions and paintings In an arched recess of the tran sept. This ornamentation consisted of gold croasee, escutcheons and traces of heraldic devices representing leopard's paws. Below there remained traces of the following names: "Richard." Alienor," and "Henri." Beneath the floor were found the tombs of Richard Coeur-de-Lion and of Oueen Eleanor. Next to them were the tombs of Henry II and of Isabella Angouleme. It la proposed to remove the remains and relnter them In a place of honor In the abbey. Parla Police Melhoda. The police of this city, who have been famoua for their activity, have become laxy of late. They are doing only the things actually required by them. Here is a sample rase: An old resident of Paris recently picked up what he aas supposed to have thought a bundle of illustrated papera. Reaching home, he looked Into the bundle, and what was bis surprise to find bonds. worth i&.'JUO. He went straight to the police rommtaary of bia quarter and turned them over to him. "You ahould not have brought them here," said the officer. "You should take It to Ihe commisssary of the Eastern rail road, for you found it In that quarter." "But I haven't time to go so far." said the finder. "That Is not my business, and It will be your fault if the owner of those bonds has paid to stop payment on them. Yot nave proiongeo ms agony, nu mane mm j think his treasure Ijsi Now, you don't know the victim of your delay has com mitted suicide." said the officer, who con sented to have the bundle taken to allele It belonged, grumbling about men picking up bundles and bothering public officers with extra work. WOMEN SUCCEED. IN HAVING THEJR WAY f Vote lias for Ton Lights o that They May Have It to Cook Wltb. BY ERIC GRUNDMARK. COPENHAGEN, Sept IT. (Special td The Bee.) An Interesting bit of news reaches me from Reykjavik, ths capital ef Iceland, which shows that ths women I of ths northern Island know what tbey want and are competent to - et It. A J deadlock was reached at a meeting of the town council of Reykjavik, half of the members of which are women, over question of whether tbe town ahould be lighted by gas . or electricity. The women voted unanimously for gas In or der .- at they might utilise It for cook ing stoves. Tbe men went solid for elec tricity. Ths mayor was In s dilemma, but finally gave bis casting vote for the women, and arrangements sre now being made for manufacture of gaa. A shipper arriving at Tromso from Spitsbergen reporta thst sl the member of Suvertsen's whaling expedition, four men In all. ' avs died of acurvy at Hordkaja, on Spitsbergen, where the ex pedition waa sintering. Twelve dead bears were found beside the bodies. According to legitimists, the Crown Prince Gustavua Adolp-us of Sweden, husband of Princess Margaret of Con naught, haa s true light to his title end the Imperial government or eny of Its sp pointees. Recently the manager of th pictures of the fight sought to exhibit them In this city. Their effort developed the fact that the municipality had no power to prevent the exhibit. There ass a strong public sentiment against the display. Archbishop Welsh tame out with a strong protest publlclly against allowing the pic tures to be shown. He said in aletter to the mayor: "I saw with satisfaction that the London County council expressed a strong opinion adverse to the exhibition In London of a cinematograph reproduction of ti e brutalis Ing Johnson-Jeffries fight. Now it appears that Dublin Is to be made a sort of Jump- ing-off ground for the dlstplay. Things be ing as they are. the clnematOKraph dis play will be attended by crowded audiences. That, unfortunately, we cannot help. But we can at all events register a protest against if The license was. granted, however, and the show aas given. One of the municipal bodies considered the matters and con cluded that the city could not Interfere. In an official report It declared that the cities of- Ireland were powerless to act In such matters owing to the Imperial govern ments aasumed perogatives In respect to them. Hard oa the KobMltr. The Irish nobility Is getting aoms hard knocks A few daya ago the earl of Courtoao was fined for allowing his work mesj hum teas net In fishing In the River Cunavarra. without a license. The net waa also confiscated. A Hibernian lord was not long ago knocked out of a public house In Belfast City for singing after hiurs. And the financial officers of th earl of Clancarty were thrashed out la the bankrupcy court She Took Off tbe Hat. A dumb man seated in a dress circle of the Theater Royal, created a sensation by getting up and gesticulating. Then ha sat dawn and enjoyed the ahow. After a while he scribbled on a card, "I cannot speak a word; please remove your hat," and gave It to a woman seated in the row before him. The young woman who waa wearing the enormous hat complied with hia request. Freight Hates ia Ireland. The question of freight ratea ia agitating the business men of the country. At a meet ing held here recently it waa charged that the railroad magnates of England and Ire land were working against the Interest of Irish merchants and manufacturers. It waa aaid that one Irishman who had re ceived sn order for goods from s man In snother part or Ireland had to send them dignities not through n s father, the over to England, from which they sere preaent king, but through hia mother, reahlpped to Ireland In order to get low tne neiress or tne oia line oi sweaian i freight ratea. monarchs. The marriage of Princess Vic (oris of Baden with tbe eldest son of Oscar II took place In 18S1 and united the rival clalma of two dynasties. The following telegram haa been re ceived, from the manager of the Norden Fjeldske Steamahip company, Trondh Jelm; "The King Harold returned from the polar ice; reached 88 degreea; 10 mln; aithln ten degreea of the pole Met the Fram expedition at Spitsbergen. The Fram haa dtacovered volcano and hot springs at Wood Bay beach, covered with lava Zeppelin takes possession of a tract of land at Klng'a Bay and names It Zeppellnshafen. TRIAL SHOWS FIREARMS SOLD NATIVES BY ENGLISH Coaaplraey Hearlaa la ladla Eallv eaed by Teatlasoay of Bea II 9pr. CALCUTTA. Sept. 17 (Special to The The result of the discrimination In freight chargea against Irish producers waa. the speaker aaid that English manufacturers were getting Irish trade that .would others-lee go to men doing buslnesa In ths coun try. For Cioveraiaeat Ovraersblpa. " ' One speaker urged that the Imperial gov ernment takes steps to secure for the peo ple the ownership and management of the st earn roads of Ireland, naming S2O0.fr4.O0O aa their value. The present system be said, gave English manufacturers the. advantage of unrestricted trade in Ireland, while It aubjected the people of this country to th restrictions of what is considered a prac tically very high tariff. To makiTihie thing plainer, English manufacturers have free play In Ireland, while Irish manufacturers sre hampered In their business relations with England by excessive railroad ratea. The subject will. In all probability, bs brought up at the coming national industrial conference to be held In Cork, October 4 and i. Bee ) Public Interest In Bengal centers nPFIPI 41 CUflT CftD r ns r trisl at Dacca. The w w " w,,v' 1 wn r round the conspiracy crown has produced a Bengali agent who penetrated Into the secret society and waa j even admitted to the Inner council. This man described the organization and ex plained how dacoltles were planned and arms collected. He ststed that some Euro peans st Nsralngaj, who did not rare si-ether British rule wss overthrown or not, were selling arms to the natives. In working up the present case the pi II re adorted European methods, snd they are now depending upon informers or confes sions. Another arrest has tsken place in connection with the case. The prisoners are regarded aa heroes by the atudents. who assemble In crowds to witness their march to the court. The authoress of the book. "Sitkhsr Balldan." denies thst Mr. Surendranath Banerjee wrote toe preface, as suggested by the prosecuting counsel in tne trial. GOPD POST FOR WAR HERO Bea Slljoea, Who Aaloalahed Brltlah Troop, to ' Beroase Mlalater at tape Towo. i CAPE TOWN. -pt. 17. i Special to Th Beeb Ben Vlljoen, whoa dare-devil ex- !new GOVERNOR A YOUTH wno gave 3 to estsousn a nom Tor pUiu won the sdmlrsUon of ttie British dur Cork buslnesa mea who might be In re-;,n, ,he Bo,, w4r, mho Bai un frmin. In duced circumstances. Although sn srdent Amric, !nc the termination of the caro CatboUc Miss Hosts stiputate thst there paigw, le about to return to South Africa, shsll bs as religious teat applied to ap- having been offered the post of Assistant pUeaa'a for IMs scholarship Minister of Kativ Affairs lay -of seveateea Vear Will the Taaaler District la Hsrsere, Ral straasrer Appreerbee aad with a Few Heasark) Sheots Iferr Hybak Dead Wllhost Krgret. v ST. PETERSBURG. Sept. 17. -(Special ts The Bee ) Aa Herr Stanislaus Hybak, an education department official, was peace sbly walking down a street at Cracow, a stranger approached him and cried, "I've got you at last, you spy." On this he shot Rybak dead with a revolver. A crowd at once gathered and attempted to lynch the murderer, but the man aaid. "Don't touch me. He was a spy and he caused th death or the exJe to Siberia of hundreds." After his arrest the murderer said h d d not regret his crime. He said thst he a-ted on the order of the Polish Work, men's union at Warsaw. It has come lo light that hybak actually was a spy In ths employ of the Russian police. Cracow, ths ancient capital, "where the heart of Po land a till beata." la a pUce of refuge for numerous lolltlcal refugees., polish and others from Ruu ' TANGIER. Sept. 17.- Special to The Bee ) A new governor of the Tangier district has been appointed, the 17-year-old son of El Mokri. the Moorish Foreign Minister. He entered on his duties with mllltsry honors and artillery salutes. The gover nor Is a pleasant-mannered boy, and the In habitants were delighted with the say In which be returned their welcome. RECORD BY AFUCAN TRAIN Trip of Tboaaaad hi He la Reasarkabl Time. CAPE TOWN. Sept. 17 -(Special lo Th Bee The experimental flying espies train from Johannesburg accomplished a journey extending over l.n miles In thli ty five and one-balf hours.