Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 16, 1910, Page 3, Image 3

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" Nebraska
VecrrUry J. S. Dilei Shows Standing- r
.fr.n.-. T..;. ri
V mVt W . A
oetter Reeelved at r.tflH nffle
wi Bests fee Call l-e r -tracr
(kKt lor Meellsa
ef brmn
Frra 4 Staff Con eepon Sent
LINCOLN. Sot Special -Frora tb
cash tuna tf fhe state university there hap
been paid iTito the -lal treasury a total
f JSC SOLX. lea-elr-a a balarr on hand at
the k ef t rmi-ar.cual prici of
ttll.i. Thl U shomn In the report ot
Jamaa . tmittu tocttun to the board of:
rerer.l. f led mlb vfrr,,- e,,ainr.errer.
The principal item which go to ciaae up
tbe laxe cah fund are aa follow: ajiimai
hurt.adry dnrurbt fci-m. H.JCJ:. la:rj
hubandrj deirtn.ent Je. I4.SOS; lur -
mltoey In home eooftomica. ttudent board.
U.Ciir; tncidrnta fees. iro.ieri li.Cl.
laooratorr fee. s.l; li
colje, tal-
tion and tltmlMtM fee.
tiSt, ub-ta-
tion Jforth Platla ia:ea. T.7l7. text book
A lea. K.;4.
Th foliowinf rhowt the expenditu.-e. to-
getber with rbe balance cf tbe approprla-
lion r apportioarDerit tf each fund of therI,t
tat unleerettf tor the ail moruh periil ,
endln June I: - '
r.xr'dl"re Si montbi flM !
iiatanre May a, aM Z1.HW 4
incwne. laid. etc-.ane and wae-
taoV'ofrK-aVion"."!! ui7i.
Mill tax current ei-enc and i-ermtnent
k..rded j?1
t! coined-3U-.W.-.
Currmt nj-eneea. drj.artmotit and
I:r.Feenng buildina., to complete
tniafrnlll DUJta n,
Fan mechamie building, tem
porary labor
Oreea hru at firm
We-sec piant at iarm
li.CS n :
Ta-tal I
Furcha of lead amd improvement i her remark were very nthuiiiatiraly re
out of len.aue aptrotnatxn f30.MII celved.
Approination exnauntea.
Nor"h Watt csleriaurm
baiaaoe .
.1 '..fir, ?
Fsrawrw" inrtltatae
Kxpeaded ,
Hog cholera atudy
Ealnar i-.j.....
1,7Q.4 1
l"nera:ty caaa fawfl
Halan-a f. 44.WU.K
Kl ."tl&.
A5an act
l-lBe ---
Hatch act
Kx(aded .(.ye-...
Morrill Nelo fund
Mill taa Mtt' Kiuff tub-nation j
Expended W
Baiaut e ......j. 4.1j,
aientin emj-Mu-
Exix9dd .,.....,..r...
Aalaaaa f Hair M retina- , mmMcr UMJ exieaaeo
A telegraphic Invitation to attend a meet-1 "'ulfaclorn' "d weraxe malna provided
in, of goveraor. at the Kanaa trute T' T
tal to dicur railroad rate, aent out byjmould boM tr for a
SveraoV .bb. of Kan, ha. been re- "J-" ?"
. . . ,..,.. of aewerage la th city waa dlaciied by O.
ceiv4 at the J U Kro n. WilUam Emrt. Dr. M Ste-art.
berrr. but la tbe abeene of tbe executive c w c
bra-r.,noV k-w-whether ( . 0lJ. EnKiBt. R.
tbe inn-itatlon will accepted ic Gore to provide a. uat of what U
It la atrt believed that the Idea .jj ln connecrloo with tb aurver tor
lng th meettog waa orlrlnal with th , ,wlLf. mMlDU rew.nUr mAt, and to
govtrnor of Ktuwu, but rather that hel,.,.,, ml m roM.Unx to beii next Mnj.
haa taken advanla- of a urtaftloa which . ,jay evening. Tbe lnvitatioa for all aiti
been made to other governor, by a UC lntereated to attend tha Monday meet-
New Torker. Some day aw tne governor
received a circular letter Irorn an easterner
rather rambling In Its terma saying th
lailrosd wer about to boost ratea over
ih. munm- and to save the shipper end
the people all the executive bould get""1 aner a tmo oay aeaaion. Hon.
buv to offael mtat fhe railroad ciirhtlw- H- hunger of Omaha wax presiding
trv to do. Governor Shall en herger letter .
ma dr.pd ia th waste basket as being
of no. inonanc. It U presumed that
Governor tubb. though, otherwise and
ZZZZl a meeung fa accordance with
i m lha rr-i.r lT T -T i
i j
t eert Martial Detailed.
Adjutant General Han if an ha iued an
detailing seven members of the M-1
uona! Guard to act a a court-martial , to
try th guardsmen, who tailed to report at
tb Fort Riley socamfment muhout being
properly excused. Tb. court mill convene
at o'clock on the morning ot November
li. The detail forHhe court i a follow:
Brigadier General Joen.h A. Storch.
Coionel F. J. Vack, Srcond rem men t.
Colonel G. A. ITferiy, K.ret regiment.
Lieutenant Colonel J. M l-irknvr. medical
Major H. i- Paul. Second rerlment.
Major U. H. HoVdeman. 1' rt repment.
tai'tain L. H. s-.rna' rcrii
Ca4iam C. L. Bremster. First repiment
Jwdfc advooata
Eaitaerr Hare Heaerts Preareea
E. C. Hurd. :gineer in charge of the
physical al uatioa department ut tii su.te
railway comrnisek'n. ha filed a leport oov-t-ring
tbe ork ti dprtmerit bas doi.e
from Juael to Agut tl Luring ttiai pe
riod statteo maps'and right ot may maps
hav been me bared ciertne 1.24 mile.
Tber ha ten or the uuriingiou
tralea aad ef the In ion 1'acific JS
nule Tber. has t-eea inciectei a grand
total f aU tmKwi. dur-.i.g which the de
partment haa trailed U.S. mile.
Of tb iM ai'propnated fL.r l-i.e ure of
tbe department fr ti.t tin n;u:u thire has
been spent a t.Uu t t.l-'t
4ejeels t I raaiier stlt-h.
The Burlii.gton raiiruad vijvu t unii
iii mitta lb at. Jor;a A uraiul li..cna
lailrosd in roatrurtii.g a trabritr imilcii
- . in saiesi men on puouc questjotia ror tbey
Eusai ai j inj-'- '"a "eU. th momaa crack '. ,kty lo lr. WjJ,t pr,ju(flof-, lnd
.te j.eUlio.i lil.w a me'"'"; t mef t La, in Ue miming', band covtlt of their surrounding, nd op
ciLiuisait r,4;ra...b- tii j uf ' Indiana, tne Fort Robinaoa MLi--portumtie. for information tb beat l
at U.c lull vf Etigai aid J indicaul in
an ariamer tx t
tal- iUmay
... .
ujiiu. . in rwiiai v.-ih'" j -
tiau. a and ctlier fi.od a sppl.ialun rnui I '-'thertj ur.piecedented in tb hiuiry of
ibe aormriwioa ak:M fr U. transfer the anociaiioa All the boxes in tb. as-
..-.tea. ana a aal. anamer th. fclu. ; aoc..t.o g grandsta.d hv. already bee.
lii.Ktaa today aaid me f.ijjut .fforei lo"! ana uocaful lair u an tciaaLed
tu j.pte U tdtar wit an.pie ..til the, . -
t-a-Mer waa net needed at this tw.
t ark. lararn taarseadeal.
V.UK, Xev -Pt- ..-.-u-l-Ther. !
a i,i. u,( tra.
un.r leimi-i. ai tne . u h.,14 tn
u ci4i ul aioi um.i itj tvt auvl. a i
Mce aa t.-.n a iijv) i,t I eoti.
fur;.( it. savii :ri.n aJ.uca
tneeirxalr .wn'U m i wrk c. ut.l tumri
mere tairlj- tuJ."tut iuiui then rlike.a
ef IIL.ll ttu li L ,nrit A l'r3nl,l.
era c:-ULii fardier n.ia. ' u it uu
muiuis tu sell at l&c ie aj.ji.u pj K-e a:.j
ar tuu Uiay flsir; ard k..a lai
ml tat to Sluf to icreal, ul k.
craia ai.d. allt . tne:e ax a fair
r a tarn tnuat i ia 1ml ruaui) a bo 11
M-A rojMritu aaJ dor to i haie to Kj
a Uuauel of m tit at utueea t :.e i n -e ia i o
hi tikt&c. 1 be rain iinr.j tu, ie
weeka hea put lb ('ootid m cutlm: c ki
d:tioa i ptuataa en.uiiC in .niei
mteat, . Ttete I (.oau 1 a brr ftat -! iae
ruititaied a-rea to Tu-k c-ountv ia m.r.-
ler sr4i. A. ca" c iruiikii.K to r.;:
a l -bushel ' wheal wrder Tut a miller
feuiid that h touk. fJl Ll. wrdtr utUf h
offerir.g a nice pf-emlora Tb rU nl
h.a qua'ity of winter wheat la Tork
ounty 1 such that miry farmer fear
ben trade lndrper dentlv rich, and mrsies
- i ar v-tter every ftnwt ra Mcifea-. Speech at Sorth Bead Di
inter mheat IB th PMr OS tb .
home tarn-i.'
erteteedeet Cera la HU It
Advise Itakm t Vete Re
saellraa Ticket.
AIXSWORTH. Xeh.. Sejt. U - pcialV
Ti.e a".nd dir'i eeDB ef tbe Eighteenth
Annual Nebraska cnBfereeic vu called to
"Tifr by BiFhop Mrlntr-e. The "morning
ho'.r." the thirry minute pfmiir was
ued by lr. Oren W. FMer of De Mrtne.
la . in an ajar on "fioul Winning." Com-
murion service fallowed, conducted by
',' e-.
' -rri -r5 -w1"-
I n business t( held during , the
jrfTfiirc jeaulted tn the election of Cbaj-ie
i11- Burleirh of Homiriirrord aa aerretary of
jth, ccw.ferenre. W. g. Tork of Ijoiis
ata.t!tiraJ Becretary. and BeajanUn
KuhUr of Gordon aa treasurer. Chartea T.
jBur.e.ft: waa named a official reporter for
the church paper. Twenty ittaffliit oom-
n.?itoe wera appointed, after which Paper-
:lrtenfirt Juliaa of th Chad-on dltrtct
jwa rallwl upon for hla annual report. Thie
a folio ed by the report of oper1ntefd-
Cam of the Lrtir Pine dlrtrlrt. Ha
oonfin hlmaelf to church mattora until
;the cloee or fcl report, when be tn)eted a -Aa a reaultof that.- aalt tha aanator.
,,trU p,;) ,oto lhe Ufm)ISotu ajSmcmiahlna) j -the factorle of thl country were eloeed.
n" t,rt,,ther to vote th republican ticket j.ji of men were thrown out of a
in reneral and for AldMch for wwr Inlplorment and U.W.N of women and chil-
particu'.ar. jdren went nonary t bed ererr Bight. The
Cram-ford Barclay of ChJea opened mee were reduced to the low meal of Euro-
1h atemocvn eon with a talk on &un- peas war and were forced onto a Chinee
:3r achool work. lir.f great tren on th ; diet. Rom of you men may Kke it. but X
"'prance of thl mork and th Importance j don't want any more of It 1b mine.
T b,vins jt taJk I "Trick ofltt-pubilc credH Werlng. rer-
a followed by a few minute devoted to'nue declining and the national debt
diBniRrton of method to purru and thellng In a time of projrmd peace; labor un-
prjblem presented thereby.
JMrm- a- - zrer. naaona organlaer w.
C. T. V. of Dallaa, Tex., waa th next
,rlotic addreea in th earlier atagea. but
ithe political rltuatjon in Nebraeka came tn
for more than cual menUon. Mr. Zehner
la an eloquent and forceful apeaker. arid i
! The feature of the evening at union
addrea by M. W. tegan, preeldmt of th
Wiley unlTeralty. Ma-nhajl. Tex.
!b;mpovi:iiaTi rtm tectmser
Plaaa fr awei- aa Addlrioaal
Water Mala Ar Orderrd..
TECfMSEH. Neb.. Sept. U (.Special V
; The apecial aeaaion of the city council
I held lat evening to conalder taking atej
i to provide Tecumaeh with an extended
i water aenice and -with eewerage waa aa
ie enthualaUe one. Several lntereeted eJtl-
na were preaent. Mayor H. I. Eader
.. i ?Z 1 tated that tbe member of the council to
.. 4.aa..2ja man mere in favor of tbe Improvement.
,w. tl The Kint to be dlacusaed eapedallr waa
to n l needed and how beat to
proceed to get it
G. A. t'unlap of the Intermouatain Bridge
arvd CtmntrucHnn umn... ... ri
lii:.jsv" aom lntrUng eUmate. He aaid
Mnf; waa made.
Federal tear! at tltadrea.
CHADRON. Neb.. Sept. 15. t Special. 1
I'nited States district court adjourned her
". iini (.niiMl'
attorney, ot Lincoln ln eharg ot
th -ernment -fie of caaea R. M. Hall
'' " tampering with United
fV "d, m Tb, as, of
tb I mted StaUw aaalnst Torlck Nicboi.
- - . i
chsrgij with irgel fencing ot government
land, mas tried by a Jury and defendant
found not guilty. Th. case against tn
Burlington railroad on a charge of not
uaing aafety appuancea maa started before
j a jury, but after the government's teaii-
mony maa in It maa tound to be so alight
Jan offense Attorney C. C. Wright for the
raiiroaa company entered a plea of guilty
'and tbe oomjany maa lined glut) and iaid
, It aa cbeaptx than trying the caae.
' Breach ef Preaalee Cava at Kea-raey.
1 KEAK.NET, Neb.. Sept. li. Special.
I Nellie Wrlgbt. a pretty little omaa of !
about tmenty summera. ia suing one John
Echu-macht in th county court for breach
cf promise. Mis Wright aad Echtemacht
mere lover lilnui Ia iKa v. . , . r. , .
it .. ,u i- . V.
durmg the fair that E-ihter&acrt
j ,.,a v-.,,
1 -"" O shotber girl on whom he was beiow
iug i n aiiecuons ana wnen a lover auar-
r. , r. , r . , ,
V x. 7. : r'a ao
dipkjiur lihlernaeht married hla other
... "1-ar
girl. Th. new Mr. Ecbtercach, maa in
'"""' --""a opening or th, th,y tmTai lh, rarmera while the
trial and showed ao litti Interest ia lis If., f ,m,a th farw,
a... u , .
ii t iav.-v v-i, c, ,
7 V . C. V-',.,T. v '
- w awciauoa
ti OH
will hold the fair next meek.
Beaidea tne
cafcdiaatea. E. J. Burkett. J. C
G. M. Hitchcock and C. li. Aidnch. k.
mill deliver addrease during tha fair, th
during tha fair. th.
I u. lorn leg special atuactiot. will be tea-
Uti kaed r-n Mr. A -.t,!.,..
V .TV'
Auji.n t, --v. eo., cer.u li iSbecial )
isrresi oeais in real ett
'""V? JT "
- lm,-w.airt north of th. fair runi.
J' 1 b-k east ot Box Butt avenue,
Otw of if larrest deala in real eetat
X. 1'. lad.,. ,r.. irf fSMk. i-.-k. ...I
1, -l.rt.v . it, a vit. to .lau nTt VT, CZ' Tb "
titj Iota, which tue coanaey mill sell on fcBVUi bn "' resjolahle, but IX
.j .-. ..,,. always srienufie and profitable H anoke
' 1 of th. man mho .tared on tfc. far t-eaus.
ail Jtl v umerv. Laaoola, 111 . found
l.r back to perlert hea'.ta. eh
. aoueer treuoia
ik.ckacna and najr a(petit m as erjr
poor at nmea
A few meek ago 1 g-ot
Koiey's KiJnejr mils aad cite thent a
fair iruL Tfcry sav ut rreel reiiaf.
so continued, ti.l Dow I aia aaia la
perlect health.' Sua bjr eii wrugg.aia
Srrlaaa Laeera I lea
and mounds ar tealed m naout dacyer th end lai.ds ef Ana and within a
Mood poisoning toy Backha a Arns-a fvalta aVosen yeara 1 sent out tbe first altoif a aeed
' t.ea'i-g mnrder. Sc. For sale by ' inte parts ef Nebraska that haa now soul
: r".a:oa Irrug Co. U'Piied by th ml'boa and ha pushed com-
i fort: and sueceasful Babitatien 9t ml Ins
Tbe key te th sit uattwa Ilea Want Ada
tecta Pirtr Acts.
Me wi Vera f Rtra Fsrwlas Cwaaaaaalty
At T4 wf rhle--ewet mt
Key VI lew Addrewa at
arrlbaer terk fbaw.
NORTH BEXP. Neb.. Sept. U-.Fperial) j
-s-nator nuraett in iu wnimi
we:t rery larrwr opon tne roterera ot
the farro-r la the potic- of tbe republican
'pertv. Ha said that th democrat had al-
jways tried to make th farmer betlev that
n r.aa n mwweev in in pr- o '
! Policy to help ahar Ita imaginary
burdens. mrhlca a democrat -na aJvays al
to ptctura Is tbe moat exanrattn tarma.
1 The aenator tht no arTaroaot a
needed for thoae farmer who wera alt
ienou1i to remember tbe oondltkma when
jtha deanocra-Oe ptxtr la poar and
their poZlcie war la operation, between
m and 17.
Th democrat were oppoefd to th pro
tertlr tariff pobcy then, Juet a they ar
yppoeed to it today, and whan they cam
into power they broke down the republican
protectjTa tariff policy tb ftrrt thing they
employed or morkirig at th lowet wage
(for fifty yoara. and all farm product peiow
jth coat of production, and eotne of them
jdition when the democratic polldee wer In
force In th country com 12 ceata to It
cent, wheat cesU to cecta, oat T
cent to It cent, bog I cent to ( cent.
aheep a dollar a head, and th American
people rtarving. I know a man who whipped
a rarlnad of bo rat to BU louia and aban
doned them becauae be could not !1 them
for enough to pay the freight. I know an
other Instance of wher they drew upon
th shipper tor DO deficiency to pay tb ex
pense over ad above what tb boraes sold
"Those were th condition that th re
publican party tound tb country In ln 1SW
after tha democrat bad res It four reara
If there had not been a republican party
at that tirrve tohold out om bop of relief
to the American people In their distress
there would bar been a revolution.
"The first thing that th republicans did
after coming Into power again waa to re
enact the protective tarif fpollcy. and th
democrat said it waa unconstitutional, and
every democrat in congrea voted against
it. But we enacted it into law against their
1 protest. We abut out the Mexican and
South American rattle, and held back tbe
Canadian bay. We stopped th Inflow of
European manufactures, started th fac
tories on this aid of th Atlantic and act
th idle men to work. We disbanded the
hungry bread lines and reorganixed the men
Into th full dinner-pail' brigade. W dis
charged Corey's army, put th democratic
party out of bncineaa, and the star la their
ooare one mors looked down upon a proa-
peroua and contented American paopia."
Seaater Make Speerk at Bta
Heaae ta e wreak.
SCR1BNER. Sept. Ik Special.) Fnr eev
eral years the people ot Scrlbner hsve been
holding annually a stock and agricultural
rhow. and thl 1 tbe second time that they
, hav arked Senator Burkett to address
jtnem. j-ne people ner use ourxett ana
jBurkeU .rident-T Uke the people, for he
- i ' --L
of the state claims to hare given tbe sens
tor hla first start in Nebraska, for It waa
only a few miles from here where the sen
ator came fresh from college aa a young
school teacher twenty year ago. Aa tbe
j senator recalls It, his first meal ln Ne-
jbraska m a taken at this place. Anyway.
be knows tbe people and marched Into the
I little bote) mrlth all the familiarity of aa
'old settler. "I alway did lik you North
, Platte people." aaid the senator, aa be
' grabbed J. M. Beaver by th hand, "and
j never a hall forget how kind yoo were to
j m up her when I did not hav aa ac
quaintance in tbe stat nor a dollar la
money. Financially, I hav held my own
and have Improved my condition so far a
friend go, but I never wfll find better
friend than I frond aa a boy up in thia
Peltries la seech.
Tbe senator mad a rpeech to tb far
mers entirely devoid of part! nan politic.
H told them that good farmers sometimes
. , . " , , , ,
developed into f:t-clsss politiciana but
K. .
that be never knew ot a politician who
worm d iaui as a termer, tie eea tnat
. .
farmer politician were uruaily fannera of
the second degree; that they were in th.
. . ' . , ,
business not eo much for cuWvating th.
.. ...
However, ha said that th. farmer who
' " v
iticians a reasonable length of time once In
,,uJ!, find Wlf voting for the
i r ... mr.A 1m .V.. .nj hn!l -
- . - . , vu.w ftWUJV
1 . ,i. ,,- t v-.
1 . . v count-e dim it as a ir k.
' . '
fuinuincvi w rena a uu.i ame in sxuoy-
. t .w.. .
"is kij"l- me tarmers were
taur" t:ft it mm rrvr 1 n f rs-TT mtK.-.r, f- a - - gK
formed men upon puboc questiona H l !'' e3 etixens or t'ass county- passed
congratulaud the fa' mors upon all th 1m- I la hl bom in E;ood. thi countv.
IJOeJ instrumentaliu. of Interoour. t. I pirVlvi. h7 ma.nriLneTr .'hirat. t
;. ween them and tn world, such aa th.jgTto". ?.rm "KSfeB H?",a.'
; rural fre delivery, cheap postage, auto- 1 tou4 In an unconscious conditiun anrt
! mobne and th. Ulepbone. The telephone i '"f ' tx hom- r; Alton bad trav-
b characler.xed aa "tb. moat far-rm-u-bin,
. . . "
" "a -p
... ,
'tb munien ,uld yx the enQr
Uood tw. , wrT t,tr.four t
SWW-1A. 1VI 11 tTaVQ tTOUiO ITanilUl
utea while
isasreaesseats ta nrala.
" mii nae 10 ao a nn
likalr te make tnurh of a ucces ln farm-
"'-' ' -o,,,..
oecmir. and more scientific, said
the senator. "It is berom!r.r more and
Dnor neceerarr t snake a study of It Tb
Cv rrroent. both stat and catlona'.. has! O-s ojt to wraterer helps ifive them
'reccfiaed th ucportan; of economic and comfort and strength. Fcley's Kidary
'scientific fmji4. The Agricultural re- ,Pil cure kidney and bladder disease
pendent sent anea dear around th world
to get aed of plant that grew luxuriantly
j further aesu Within that dosea ar tt
jM-r, t fcaa lntrod'ord tbe marar-m
wheat and trda farmlnc profitable ad
certain a hosdred mile further wert than
It wa before. He aad that the treat rw
emmert u Bow etodrlct cpfn a remedy
fr-r tbe irreateet of ail horror to th far
mer ht cbolara and that upon hi re
quest an expert from tbe department had
hut raraoOy been making experiment at
"Thaea afrlruJ rural and rtock dlrplarado
a rat deal mora good than aim ply to fnr
nlh a r'a day to tbe mtunvinlty and an
opportunity for the treet faker to unlnad
ht a-raft upon an ansa "per tin public. TTey
furnieh an opportonlty to emchanr Idea. !
and are an ob.lert lesaon la the hreedin;
and rftjrfn ar farm tTilmtW T"he tieocile
.r, that ft wt. wo more to ralee
rcKxj harm uan to raie a ecrub. and
that tiere i a whole lot more MUrf action
tn tLe thought and more money la tbe op
eration. Th eenator pointed out th good
that agricultural coliegea had done, and yet
only a few year ago It waa thought t be
a ok to vend boy to ache! to laara how
t tana.
wbrasaa wcwa (.
YORK Mr. lew Frloe and M Lor
May Thorn mer married last Monday.
TORK The date far holding lb Tork have bee fixed fur July X to
August i. UU.
BKATR1CE Bamue! Black aed Miss
Eiien Adamaon. both ef thl city, wr
married here yeataroay.
TORK Schooi ot tha dry opened Mon
day morning with aa anrollmnt of LMS
and X ln the high school, aa tncreaae ot
Lf over laet year.
TECVM SEH-Ut Coahln. wif ef Hon.
O. A. Oorbin of Maple Grove precinct, tru
county, died vary suddenly Wednesday fo.
icalng an operatloa.
TORK Johnaoaaf fries tight picture
wer bt.led at tbe opera bouee Tueday
night, but owing to tr protest from tne
nuiuFterjal union they were not exhibited.
tt-Al KlChr-Jueun UreO, living four
muee nartLaest ot feeairice, yeeteiuay mta
bi e.gnv axre :arm to J. K. leaner of
tne Le Mitt ncinity for (Ifi.Kiiu, or U per
Ai-BION A half section of land about
aix mile nonh of town, with very meager
to pro eme.i. ta. eoid yesterday at forcea sie
for t&UM caan, and maa bougiit by George
TORK A. r. Bloomer and mire left thl
CJI) last meek for their new nome ln Lf
Ange., tax. Mr. Biooroer ha bera a re
deiii of I org for mora uaa a quarter of a
BEATRICE Announcement waa received
her resteroay of tn marriage of Mis
Kaihryn bale, a former beatric resident,
to Burton r. Bradford, which occurred at
to-oiae. loa last Sunday.
ALBION Th Boone county fair to be
held next week from tb XKh to the tad
Inclusive promise t te on of the movt
ucoeaful meeting yet held. The pros
pect for good racing never waa aa good.
K EARN ET Frande Edaoc and X1k
May Fimpi were mamea at the court
house edneday afternoon by Judg
Hajioweli. Mr. and Mr, fc-daon will maae
tbelr future home at N orth port. Nebraska
band wii piay at tbe Ak-tar-B.c leuvi- i
ties la Omaha on October I and S. Tbe I
manager of tne band and the management I
ot the Omaha ahow cloaed the contract this
BEATRICE Bea A- Smith and Miss
Emma Rora h mere united ln mar
riage Wednesday evening. Rev. C t,. Ting
ley officiating. Tha ceremony maa wn
neaaed by aoout twenty re.ativea and
friends ot th young eouple.
TEClTiISEH-Prof. Joseph Chairlnl. di
rector ot the Tecumaeh military band, ha
been chosen aa supervisor of music in th
Pawnee dty and Tecumseh school, director
of the Pawnee City Militarv band and di
rector of the Pawne City High school or
biiATRICE Robert o ri,ner . '
of the Cnited State navy, who haa been '
visiting in the city miin hi parents, left
yeeteroay for Sao Francisco to Join the
crew of the battleship South Dakota. Tbe
ship mill leave ln a few daya for Austra
lia maters.
CHAD RON Chadrea (wbiie schools have
rncreaesWof' SnSStSTL4! J"?f
meat tb first week last year, which mas
ei. The enrollment n th high school u
1. E. P. Wilson is superintendent and
Lenora page principal.
TORK Thia county received first prise
on the county collection exhfbit by the
schools at the state fair. Mwa Jessie Wil
ier d of bradshaw, first, for a map of Ne
braska: Miss Minnie Iue, second, for hand
drawing. The Henderson school we
warded first for best display of penman
ehip. PLATTSMOCTH Peter Mumrn passed
way at hi hom ln this city and the
funeral senior wer Tuesday. Mr. Muirm
mas bona In Schleswlg. Germany. June IS.
and came to America in lha. and to
Plansmouth in ICTO. where h haa resided
since. H. ia survived by a widow and
fiv children.
K EARN ET All day Wedneedar student.
wer entering this dty to take' up thei
work at tbe Stat Normal srnool. The en- ,
rollmnt this ycAX will, uo limiiiL, exceea
that of last year. Th Kearney Military ,
academy opened Wednesday also, and tbe
boys looked familiar on the street with
their trim new uniform on.
M COOK The t-year-old daughter of B. I
W. Benjamin of Grant precinct, thia county !
we accidentally fatally injured last St- j
urday by family playmatea. her skull being :
fractured by an iron skate attached to a
rope th. children were whirling arnund.
Tne body mas buried in Riverview cemetery '
of true city Wednesday afternoon. i
SCHCTLER Q. M. Brown of Central '
City haa started a suit la tn. district court 1
of Coifax county against Edward F. !
Poldn. Frank Pracak and Acton rTaxaA
U- who compose tne firm of Clarkeon Mni- 1
ing company of Clarkson. Neb. Tbe suit i
la brougnt for a non-payment of a prom- I
laaory note for gii.O given by said company j
last June,
ALBION Boose county made a good
homing at the state fair last week in it
hnr.. ,,.... -r I L . , I
--' ' .u'.i. , . w.iuta wurira eujm
horses and received elevea premiums as 1
follow: Four first four second, two third j
and on fourth. Wolf ar Kennedy entered
tbre horse and received three first pre- !
miuma and on. cweepetake premium.
KEARNEY Tbe Commercial club of thl I
oily haa planned a tmo-dey automobile
traae excursion and will make It in about j
two weeka A brass band will aocumpar.v
the train, mhich mill be made up of fifty i
cara A base 1-aJl team, meae up of t.-"
mt awkmard buaness men ia n.e tins,
will cr.elienege any business men s team
that may wish to play.
TORK The tmenty-flrrt opentr.g of the 1
- " " 1 - w en i
....I. - .T.t. iir cr.epei ma i
crosded. Ir. W. E. Scheil prvfiding. Lr I
vorker, delivered trie opening asKresa The
sttendance tiu year ia fr in eia of J I
that of former year. The fatuity i. '
larger, tb. iabatones have been doubled '
and a pharmacy department ha been -added.
PLATTSMOVTH Elder Cy ro Alton, on. i
! r.9 .x s.iai. v...e .
w - ' .u ru.r.i) re-'
!i "1"" ,na. FlM . "TD tb Ph)"
fnr isxanas iwiee. wnere tie naa a son n
! m t:.e err.plcy of the fovernment. The d-
' ' " as, -ui w-. vw: io---J Wf 14 ft HQ
tF.K-v. P KeUurns srrlved with a
;mbere he moved lest Marr.i on a farm"
; I'''' " .'T vena men njr ownit.f
! In V.itt" .TeV..' lie al! o,?r ,e"!
; ant he had prtrtrred. Mr
h..lurti s rat that he was induced 10
J l .? a..ada l.r
i lh toa ut I fill1 v liiiicttfetil a
i ertwerrcts in bcnh nesspirf,. na-.;n-
nd b" .klet aad the mnnderful :or
told by Canadian real estate men. Just
hM Mon m c ,r,.4i funi ..ire3 n:m tLere I
I mas no p.eee York county. '
I Craillaal ef tldertf resale.
j promptly, and gr!v comfort and relief to
. elderly peopta. Bold by all durggista
A Break fr Llaerty
from stomack, ll-er and kdner rouble ia
arada when a ISe vox f rjr. King a New
Vttm Pilia SB taught For aooe ly lioatva
'. Lfug Ca.
V.'hal' ifaa
Mailer ?
wita tb littie fellow. Tte fbanrt-g
r It bit erea. Children g eye
oltea teed atttBtion. pecllly
ttildren Jut Pfticc!c cho?1
work, Tbre 1 no duty tbat you
owe more l-apratlTf ly to your
children than tttt of tricg tbelr
r rfrular)y examined ty a eom-p-tetit
ortlcian. Wty rot brine,
tbe child in tomorrow and learn
for yourpelf if the eye are defec
tive. No charge for the xmina
tlon. Huteson Opiical Co.
21S Sooth ISth St.
jXoted Jesuit Priftt Locks for Ko
Trouble Till Zing is Crowned.
Father Certl Like A at erica aad
Telia et tbe lar Reeeevrra
Which Waa Ceaderted at
Masai Wlleem, Cal.
Deapite all report of approaching rup
ture between England and Germany and
aa upheaval from the suffragette force
la England, that nation will have peace
and calm ur.til King George la coronated. I
Tbe Rev. Father A. V. Corce. director
of th observatory at Ftonybrook. near
Manchester, England, announce this alt- i
nation ln a brief .nteniew at Creighton
university Thursday morning while he ws. '
the guest of Father Rigge. '
Father Cortie a words indicated that all '
manaer of political disturbance 1. liable to '
break forth from tbe suppressive calm ,
that now exists 1b his country, when the!
king finally Is enthroned In June- The '
astronomer's words wer to the point tht
all faction and the entire public Is breath-1
lessy awaiting enlightenment aa to what
sort of views tha new king hold relating
to public questiona It may be that he
will sanction woman's suffrage without a
fight, aad that he may smooth over th
difficulties between Germany and England
Father Cortie also talked enthusiastically
about America and the great solar re
search meeting at Mount Wilson in Cali
fornia, from which he i returning. The
meeting cf astronomer at Mount Wilson,
he aaid. m-a tbe best one th International
fnw.n ct Aatronnmer. baa ever held. It
waa the fourth convection of th scientist,
with an enormou attendance. Including
fifty delegate from fcreign countiiea
Father Cortie added that the Mount Wilson
obervtory waa tb beat in tb world.
Tell et the Sam's Rare.
Tbe visiting astronomer took occasion to
remark that be disagreed with Rev. Father
Cirara regarding the effect of the sun's
radiation upon electrical phenomena on th
earth. "I believe that the sun spot prob-
bly have a co-ordinate cause With elee-
trlcal txrm of the earth. he said, "but
I cannot aee how th sun's fore of Itself
is a primary cause for tbe phenomena on
tha earth. The electrloal force expended
la ona storm on this globe Is equal to that
nrriA bv the lun'i radiation ln eisrht
"tha. .0 bow could th. Utter be th.
cause of the former V Father Corti had
reference to th statement made by Father
Cirara on a recent visit of tbe latter to
Tb. visiting astronomer departed Thurs
day evening for tbe east to make a abort
visit at St. Louis and Washington, finally
leaving New Tork for England. He is to
be at th. head of the British expedition
to th. island of Vavau of tha Friendly
islands group next January to observe the
total eclipse of the sun April 9 of next
year. Tbe observation of the sun on that
occasion will be at night time and will last
but three and one-half minute.
r:.r'? i
Our $ J 0.0 00 cleaning and
dyeing plant it a scientific
conquest over dirt and spolt.
If WE can't clean it. It
CANT be cleaned; If WE
can't dye it in the tbade that 1
plea, it CAN'T be dyed.
Send ui your gmudged
clothes; the hopeless cases;
then talk about ut. Tele
phone Tyler 1S00 or Auto.
A-!225 for a "Bkttleahip
Grey" wsgon.
Express charges raid on in
coming work of $3 and over,
from out of town patrons.
Dresher Bros.
2211-221,1 KARA AM STREET.
90 of baldnews conies
from dandruff.
Jui-t tee how nicely Na
ture will do her work if you
remove the cause. At your
Great Sitle of SaUijJe Tailor
Suits and Dre-e?.
iLVaaaBawl VaVaVaaalaDK H39SS maaaESaaCSasfi
nsr r
more -economical man s&
the Cheap and
-and MUCH
Because Calumet Baking Powder is more
certain in its results the baking is always
lighter, more delicious and more evenly
raised. You never have a spoiled batch of
baking by its use. It requires less hence
goes turther.
IS the "hill Taloe baking- powder
the hi'best quality baking powder at
a medium price. And we pus r ante
t that it will give you more real aatis
i faction than any baking powder yoa
L have ever used ask your grocer.
F Free large handsome receipt
W book, illustrated in colors. Send 4c
k ud slip found ia pound can.
Na CaWenet lUeafesw rKgW Award
( WrW Part Fsea lpeeiu.
Vhose Piano? For You.
IF one loses confidence in his clothier or grocer
be simply shifts his trade to another, for the
clothier's and grocer's product are used up and for
gotten quickly.
But it's different with a PIANO. Most of us in
tend that our pianos should last a LIFETIME. Now
will the piano you have in view last you a lifetime?
Can you place confidence in YOTJR piano man?
Think this over, and then SEE US.
Ctik-kr-rtng at Sons Packard I vert t rood Ksrtxmaa Sterling
Hantinjrtoa Barrard Mendelaaoha Auto Pima
Packard or Kurttnnaa Players Tbe Bennett Co. Kohler at Campbell
Henry and S. G. Lindeman aad tbe Krell Asto Grand
16th and Harney Streets.
- -Zlllzr'''
"Ring Out the Old - -
Ring in the New
It's some time UU the first of the year, but it shouldn't be any tim
before you
Discard the Old, Replace by New
all your office fittings A new desk, new chair, office filing device
that are convenient and up-to-date in every respect are what yo
need. Perhaps, yon have been thinking of replacing your old funr
ture by new. but It's just been carelessbeat or an over-eight on you
part that you haven't done it before. Let one of our salesmen ca1
show designs and quote prices. . .
Omaha Printing Co.,
Douglas SI 6.
repaired and cleaned by the exjert Annenian hand made
handkerchiefs and lace works of all kinds; alo a few choice
rugs for tale.
Phone Harney 1273.
Oraaa sal kick seaset wars. Staaaata
ttuauaa atetaa aaa realaie
(Kma utiau.
rail ten aeri aapt. Kia. a.
Wk.aiia, a-hob Jtai. aaea.
tftttnnrl H I tin Ltkiimi -" 7l Opens eL tn. unaar
aaisavail a.aiai asaasiaj epinaju auapirea Uuaranteea ui.. Su I allure.
Teacher to every ten ty Dellsntfui home Beat aaaKiaiion Fuji atj.ieuca iie
Lyceum Course EacarsM to aw Orleaa aartaa ataraig-rat Teauvai 1 Niuntr
limned Ueaat cost L.croil meaayl address Coi. t t iotiiue. Jdexlco. alo.
taaSi. ft CS ItSIS li tu. ISO
v jth al! th dvttee f Extern school CerlificaiM adinti te T t.i ;r
Smith, VMir. l'i.neri' ef t l.lcag o and fun V t.ltersiiia aji riri ln s;.ectai
ri srr cf i;r.enced heut-moir tear book sent jikjo roqueat MISS JaHs-
Business College
0fcn a
That Will
Bring Yow a
Big Salary
1 a via I
wmm. era a Kpouun Nr Um.
ear. W anea miM
imaruk Skartaaa aa
'rsev-'in aa Srasaraterr
t a mmr giaai ta r
r4 oiea4. IkvaHnnM.
Tlm reef aa mm f l (se
esi na a fciawwi Irminuig ef
fntl eala Im , taa aacnaf arMk
mmmn auar ar se s ! a yoaw IB,
ail tr c-u raiamriia. M fere.
tr aiiea 1 1 -e m it (. ties, i
Wnen you have anything te sail or t.
rhacjr advvrtov -It ia Tb Be Want Ad
eotumi. and get uick reaulta
i al
Big Can Kind fly
Famam St.
Ind. A-34J
41st aad CbjrJi Strait
Obi B;o:k From Car.
prspax far th aalvsrsit. Znoiriaaai
aa aaaeiera ar aalesrsiiy taaaaia
S. , aa asaatar. oa cat. an
A-nie and Colterc rreparaUT
-ur. Art. aluMc. LH.mitlc Sclet
ar.d t!) a,i,ai.c.. Xatlte Krcrch ar.d teacnera a afhool r... .
With our Academic. Clasaie.
Scientific and Commercial
Courtea that pre rare the Boy
tor Life W aJm to build up a
sound body, de.eio charac-ter
and treat hsbitt that make tk
Boy the llacly also.
Writ for catalogut.
Ueary S. II u seel 1, Head Master.
Kearney. eb.
j ai