Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 15, 1910, Page 5, Image 5

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Candidates for High School Team
" ; Will Be'ffn Practice.
Pastor Leaves
After Reception
for New Field
Congregation of the Firit Methodist
Ak-Sar-Ben to
Put Auto Races
Into Festival
owt m
. "1 sCaate from.
lath aaa n
R'liUr Drill Start at Kraeel aa
I'rvHoUnBi, Am Aeaeaared .
I'rlitrlpal Advise Madeat (
Prepare far College.
r. .
The l,yl-rxmlntlon of all th candi
date!, for the foot batl tram Is completed,
and practice nil! berfn Immediately. Coach
Cams la busy fitting tha boys out with
suits. At an enthusiastic1 meeting In tha
lor leer room Tuesday oflernoon. Ebble Bur
nett offered his setvlres In coaching- tha
boys ' In connection with Coach Barnes.
Ebble Burnett graduated from the Omaha
High, liool In IMC and had been for four
yearn a member of the team. In his last
year lie was elected captain. He has played
two years on the Nebraska foot ball team
and was preeminent In base ball and track
wrrk while at Jilgh school. Burnett con
prstuUtcd Coach Cams on the splendid
material and sail that he expected a strong
te.irn tills year. .
Trincipal Uraff yesterday urged In a cir
cular that all pupils Intending to go to col
lege prepare their courses of study accord
ingly. Ho rays that many of the pupils
that ao to cellefre make up their minds In
the last year, and as a result they have not
the required studies necessary for college
entrance. Many of the last year graduates
are eithor at the university at Lincoln or
are at the eastern schools. He further
culled the attention of the boys to the rule
against smoking on or about the school
premises. This rule has been Instituted for
Church Tenders Reception to Sr.
F. L. Loveland Before Departure.
With mutual expression of the highest
regard and appreciation Dr. F. 1 Loveland
and his congregation of four year's stand
ing met the parUng of the ways last nlgrt
at a reception held tn the castor at the
First Methodist church. The ovation given
the departing minister showed plainly In
what high standing he was held by tbe
member of tha church and what a hold
he had taken on people In this city.
One of the highest tributes paid to the
clergyman about to leave was made by
Iean George A. Beecher of Trinity Cathe
' Dr. Loveland ably supported Omaha In
the kingdom of God, putting aside the
thought of sect and working for real
Christianity only. The value of the honest
work he had done her will never be for
R. Scott Hyde of the Hanacora Park
Methodist church said that Rev. Mr. Love-
land had materially advanced -the Metho
dist sect In Omaha since he had been here.
"Big hearted, generous to a fault, al
ways with a store of humor and a super
abundance of sunshine, and the man that
can store up real sunshine for the rainy
day Is Indeed a corker."
R. W. Breckenrldge, speaking for the
First Methodist congregation, said: "Dr.
Loveland has the greatest personal influ
ence of any of our ministers, both In the
community and In the congregation. We
Dairy Inspector Young is BemoTed
from that Office.
Health ramiatseloaer Caaaell Will
Hat Fall Responsibility la Fslsre
aaa ladlaaaat CHIseas Are
Warned Watch.
several years and If the guilty boys are ra orrier to ee him go than words can
the new
I LI etite
1 liomie:
f flier. '
caught they will probably be severely pun
Neiralar Drill lira! as.
Regular drill began Tuesday afternoon
fur the present year.' The new promotions
ire completed and the commandant Is In
rhargo of the regiment. The following are
the new officers: ,
tenant Colonel. V. Rector; adjutant.
quartermaster. Open; ordnance of-
arey; serreant major. Rector: com-
mlsMiy seriteant. Hixenbauah: ordnance
officer, Thomas.
First Ratalllon Major. Parkinson; first
lieutenant and adjutant. Bauman; second
lieutenant and quartermaster. Fox; ser
gesnt major. Carnahy.
Second Uatallion- Major, Carpenter; first
lieutenant and- adjutant. Larmon; second
lieutenant and quartermaster. Beckett; ser
geant major, Wilson.
Third . Batalllon Major. Alderson: first
lieutenant and adjutant. ; second lieu
tenant and quartermaster. Weeks; sergeant
major, uurke.
- Companny A Captain. H. Lindberg: first
lieutenant. Moms; second lieutenant, F,
Neison; first sergeant,, Jones; sergeants.
make. Haldrldte. Hums and Meyers.
Company. B Captain. K. Ca;son; first
lieutenant, C. Eddy; second lieutenant, A
.Solomon: first sergeant. K. Houlto
geanu. Kneels end Harris.
Company C Captain. M. Engleman; first
lieutenant, 1. Hughes; second lieutenant
H. Larimer; first sergeant. 8. Sussman
aergeants, Metcalfe. Schlafer and Johnson
Company D Captain.. A. Cahn; first lieu
tenant, Li wykert; second lieutenant. O.
1oorms; first sergeant. Crimes; sergeants,
I'ntilips. fast, wnev and Mason
Cuinapny K Captain. E. Willrodt; first
lieutenant. Corson: second lieutenant. H.
Larson; first sergeant, W. Noble; ser
geants. Benson, Reynolds and McShane
Company F Captain, E. Willrodt; first
lieutenant, C. Arnold; second lieutenant.
AlcKlnnon; first eergeant.- H. Millard; ser
geants. Bowman. Rogers and Berqulst
Company G Captain, W. Fellers: first
lieutenant. Andrus: - second lieutenant.
Forbes; first sergeant, Danlelson; ser
tretintn. Fisher, Friday, Ruasell and Van
Rennfaeller. '
Company I Captain. Moon; first lleuten
ant,- ISvans; -second lieutenant, 'Abraham
eonr sergeants,-' Jenkins, Potter. Mackin,
and Carman. ' 1
Company H Captain. Wade: first lieu
tenant. Heebe; second lieutenant. Oeyer:
first sergeant, D.' Crane; sergeants, Rypins
and nobel.
express, and I say for the members that
w shall always cherish a love for hira."
In making a little talk afterward, Dr.
Loveland gave the highest tribute of aJl
to hla wife, who had aided and encouraged
him In all hi work.
"No word nor any praise this congrega
tion can give me oan come to me without
Including my wife, of whom some of you
have spoken so finely. Bh has held me
to the path and my place In times of dark
eat trouble and deserves much more praise
than any I can get
'I have tried to be sincere with you in
all things, In preaching to you and la
peraonal contract. I want you to try and
appreciate Rev. Mr. Lynch, who Is coming,
and aid him as you have me."
Dr. Loveland also spoke In praise of his
fellow laborer here, and then to tbe con
gregation, thanking them,
C. t. Belden acted as chairman of the
committee, and made a short talk, saying
how much tha business men of Omaha had
appreciated Dr. Ioveland. After a little
social time and refreshments Dr. Loveland
left directly for his train.
Hon; ser-
jnr. nauace
Sunday School
Most Important
Superintendents of Douglas County
Hold a Session at Y. 1L C. A.
Building to Disouss Work.
The bi-monthly meeting of the Sunday
school superintendents of Douglas county
was held last evening In tbe Young
Women's Christian association building.
under the presidency of Louis R. Bostwick.
After dinner addresses acre delivered , by
George Wallace, president of the Nebraska
State Sunday School association, and Rer.
James A, Jenkins, the new pastor of St.
Mary's Congregational church, while T.
F. Bturgeas aroused a lot of practical In
terest by the able manner In which he
handled the question box. On thing Mr.
Sturgesa Impreseed was to adapt and not
The rtty council took action on the dairy
question Tuesday night by removing Dr.
George R. Toung from hi office as dairy
Inspector and putting the whole responsi
bility for the conditions surrounding the
milk supply upon Health Commissioner
Ralph W. Connell. Dr. Toung was retained
aa city veterinarian and will continue to
receive $75 a month from the city. If he
care to hold the Job. In Its report the
committee stated expressly that If possible
the offices of dairy Inspector and health
commissioner would both have been abol
ished, but as the commissioner Is a charter
appointee, he would have to be retained.
and the Inspector, being the occupant of
an office created by ordinance, had hi
ofSce legislated out of existence.
Koaatse Plaee Complalat.
Several hundred cittsens were assembled
In the council chamber to voice a protest
against the present conditions In the
dairies and committee representative were
called upon to speak. Harry Lawrie spoke
first for the residents of Kountze place and
declared that rules were not being obeyed
and officers were not doing their duty. He
was followed by Major R. S. Wilcox, Who
stated that he did not know the situation,
but wished to lend hla aupport to the opin
ions or his friends. Rev. M. O. McLaugh
lin expressed sentiments similar to those
of Mr. Lawrie. Judge Berka was asked by
President Brucker to speak for the council,
and he responded by telling the cittsens
that the judiciary committee had prepared
a report, which would soon be heard, which
would abolish the office of dairy Inspector
and settle the difficulty by fixing the re
sponsibility In one place.
Others Whe Spake.
Before this recommendation could be read
S. Arion Lewis rose at the request of Dr.
Toung. Mr. Lewis spoke long enough to
demolish utterly tha germ theory of dis
ease and put It down a "moonshine" and
"scientific rot" F. W. Fitch, attorney tor
the Dairymen's association, was applauded
when he advised people to watch the dairies
Just as closely now, that Dr. Connell has
charge of them, as they have been watched
during the last few weeks during the agi
The committee report, which regretted
the inability of the council to abolish the
office of health commissioner as well as
that of dairy Inspector, was signed by the
members of the Judiciary committee who
were present, Berks, Burmester, Schroeder
and Hummel. Councilman Johnson, the
fifth member of the committee. Is out of
the city.
tharcn Taxes Laid Over.
The queatlon of enforcing taxes against
St. Peter's Catholic church was not settled
according to the recommendation of the
committee of the whole, but was laid over
for a week to give James P. English, at
torney for the church, a chance to be
A resolution was passed ordering the
City National Bank company to remove
the artesian well machinery from Harney
street and put it on the sidewalk, ao that
the street will not be obstructed.
- The American Prisons congress, now
meeting In Washington. D. C, was ex
tended an invitation to meet in Omaha for
the 1911 convention. .
" A resolution by Councilman Sheldon
chairman . of the finance committee, was
passed which provides that the various
departments of the city government go
slow on expenditures during the remainder
of the year in order to avoid a deficit.
Directors Arranpe to Try nd Get
Barney Oldfield for Big Meet
October 1 and 2.
If the plans of the Omana Motor club
which were drawn up at a meeting of the
club's directors on Tuesday at the Rome
hotel materialise. Omaha will hava during
the Ak-Sar-Ben festival on of th best
automobile rece meet which hare been
held In tbe middle west. Th plans as an
nounced on Tuesday afternoon call for a
two-diy meet, Saturday and Sunday, Oc
tober 1 and ft, being the date selected for
the event.
It Is the Intention of the club to bring to
the elty at that time a great number of
factory driver to compete In special race
and It Is more than possible that Barney
Oldfield, king of automobile driver, will
be on the scene. But Barney, however.
has a bad habit of having hla time con
traded for far ahead and It will not be
certain for several day ustether he will be
able to come.
In addition to th races for these profes
sional driver there will be event for lo
cal drivers.
The event will be held on the newly com
pleted apeedway of the Omaha Motor
Speedway company and In th time be
tween now and the dates set for th meet.
a strenuous lot of work will be done on the
A many improvements wilt also be mad
upon the ground th time will permit,
The committee which wa appointed to
have general charge of the engagements
consists of W. D. Hosford, Otto Nest man
and W. J. Ktrkland.
The events will be run In accordance
with the track rules of the American Auto
mobile association and ths sanction of that
body will be secured for the meet. The
meet also has the approval of the Ak-Sar-
Ben board of governor and these men will
work with the Motor club for Its success.
Board Pats la a Session Hesrlag and
Adjusting; Complaints of Mea's
Charges were heard against a number of
members of th city .fir and polios de
partment at the meeting of the Board of
Fire- and 'Police. Commissioners Tuesday
night, and Fireman 'Fegerberger was rtis
missed from the service. The charge
against him was misconduct and direct vio
lation of the rule of the department.
Captain Turner of Company No. 11 wa
fined 110 for being twenty minute late In
the morning.. Officer Plotts of the police
fore was reprimanded for going to deep
on his beat. Th punishment was not more
severe because it was shown In th hearing
that the officer had been watching by th
tide bed of a member of hi family and was
worn out from lack of sleep.
Fireman Hull, accused of fighting, was In
structed to appear with his witnesses for
tlcfene at th next meeting two weeks
hunct. Testimony was taken In the hearing
maintained that the Sun
day school ws th greatest work God laid
upon a layman. It wa moat Important
work and all worker should give It their
thoug-ht, their hands and their prayers.
'There I nothing." ssld Mr. Wallace.
'you or I can be called to do for God, for
our fellow men and for the coming gen
eration here In our community more Im
portant than what we may do for them
in the Sunday school."
Attorney General Will Sag-rest Maay
Chaagrea la Government af
ST. PAUL. Sept- 14. A recommendation
that the administration of Alaska, espe
dally the Judiciary, be better unified, and
that the power of the government be cen
tered in one spot, will be made to Presi
dent Taft by Attorney General Wicker
sham, who passed through St. Paul today
after making a 6.000-mlla tour of Inspection
of Alaska. With Mr. Wlckersham on tbe
Alaskan tour wa the secretary of com
merce and labor, Charles Nagel.
Health Official
Under Charge
Milwaukee Commissioner Besijrns
from Position Following Issuance
of Warrant for Arrest.
MILWAUKEE. Sept. 14.-A warrant was
Issued tonight for the arrest of Dr. William
of Police Officer Murphy on the charge of I C. Rucker, health commissioner of VUwau
ttriMng a colored man, and the case was
taken under advisement
To give tailors and clothing companies
better vhanee to consider their bids th I
date for submitting offers for th new unl-
'irim tor both departments was extended
to September 3T7-
Xlie repairing of the plumbing In the city
J&4 was recommended by the city council
u ij a communication aaa directed sent to
tile Hlnary bosrd Informing It that the
police funds would not cover the cost of th
Inside .burglar alarm maintained at the
horary buildin.
Escwnea l.acklly Serlona lajery, hat
(testi of Home af Jeas
Lines Destroyed.
Mrs. Jens I arsen had a narrow escape
from death In a fire which yesterday even
lng burnt up the contents of the house at
1W7 North Twenty-second street. Mrs.
Larsen was cooking supper with a gasoline
stove. It would not light and ahe applied
a match. An explosion followed, envelop
lng her In flames, and before the fire could
be extinguished by her husband everything
In the house was consumed. Mrs. Larsen
had her left hand painfully burned. The
house wss a one-story frame bonding of
two rooms and a kitchen. The loss of the
Larsens amounts to about $100. The house
is damaged about tM.
tarrtrtl tflec-alus; Car ' Cheek fro at
ihadron to Oiuaaa, bat No Other
Marks ft lileatllicatlon.
kee. on a complaint charging a statutory
offense. The complainant Is Miss Cathe
rine Hasdorf, a domestic employed In
Urand avenue home. Dr. Rucker was in
the United States public health and marine
hoepltals for a number of years.
Dr. Rucker was granted a year's leave of
absence from the government service soon
after Msyor Seldel went into office, the
muyor having chosen him for the head of
the Milwaukee health department after
canvassing the country thoroughly for a
competent health official.
Mayor Seldel late tonight received and
accepted Rucker' resignation. While Mr.
Rucker says that he ha no doubt of his
vindication In eourt. he feel that It Is
his duty to resign to save Mayor Seldel any
embarrassment pending settlement on the
Yoaag Mea t'lalailaa; Omaha aa Home
Get lata Troable with
CIIESTON, la., Sept. 14. 8peclal Tele
gram.) Charged with delaying the mall,
Claude O'Brien and Linn Carroll, claiming
to be from Omaha, were arraigned before
Federal Commlsroner llanna here today
and bound over to the feJeral grand Jury
In 1200 bonds each. Unable to secure this
they will be taken to the Red Oak Jail
They attempted to ride on fast mall No. S.
but were discovered. The train atopped
and they were arrested by Special Agent
Selmana, a Burlington detective.
U'a ea mmiirlled la rloac thro branch tare and ton over tft territory PoarsJ hj thean)
tore to our Wholesale Deprtron.t, bertne w hsrv 1T1 small deier U Iw, Nesrnska,
South DakoU atd Colorado, who buy all their PUaoa stud Orf an from ua. Is would sot t
fair to tbem to
Wm. H. SchmoUer,
City branch and Denlsou branch, mora UTcry
them regardless of cost.
Co Into their territory uud aril PUaoa, the too president of or cnapMy, Mr.
tier, who la In Europe bow, cabled us to elooe the FlatUmonth brunch, Dow
1 Denlsou brunch, mora urery PUuo In these brunch stoces to Omnbn mm mO
We are not offering a lot of ancient, worn-out Pianos as an inducement or bait to et you) to
our store. The pianos included In this sale are all fine, high-grade instrumental of quality,
and we must sell every one of them because we must hae room. Careful, discriminating
buyers will soon pick out the best, although every one Is m most desirable piano, and a real
bargain, because a $1,000,000 firm, established 51 years, guarantees to stand back of the)
pianos and every piano they sell. ... ,,- .
PAY $1.00 A WEEK
STEINWAY ..,...$195
WEBER ....$100
KIMBALL (2 of these).. $145
CHICKERINO ............... .$175
STEGER ..........$125
VOSE & SONS ............... $120
J. & 0. FISHER
A I'leasaat "arprlse
follows the first dose of Dr King's New
Life Pills, the painless regulators t.'iat
strengthen you. Guaranteed. 25c. For sale
I by Beaton Drug Co.
The dead body ui an elderly man
found yestrdu afternoon In Kivervi
pais, about 3W ' fert northwest of the
povtliou. It w taken In charge by Coro
ner 'Crokby, who directed immediate In
leiinent. The man tiad been dead about
a moi.lti. The niau wa evidently to to
'9 jeais -wf axe an4 his height mas I feet
11 inch.. He wore long gray hair and a
blue s.iso suit, black derby hat, pink and
wlilie shirt. Ulnck. felt shoes, a hit yarn
nocks and dark trouvers. The man had la
his ixjt sal-jit an expressman's bacuag
check au a -check for a sleeping berth
from Chadron, Neb , to Omaha.
? Roar of Auto Used to Drown
Sound of Prisoners' Files
Omaha lirlags Salt In C'aleava Asalaat
(Mesa faapasr for Taa
, . aaa Uallare.
Th riilcsgo' W ecklns; company, which
had chaste of iln1ni,lliig th buildings of
the Omaha eapvutlon a few years ago. Is
the defendant la a suit tiled by tbe city of
Oicaha lit the county court In Chicago.
The eupipaey was resident of Omaha
r.hlle nj( lu work, and the city brought
uit for v'uies ,.asd damages, finally g.t
Ing 'judgment fur. ti.Ouv on a bond la
he supreme court of Nebraska. Th re-aialiuS-r
of tha vsalm.' which Is now being
sued f.ut. . aoHMint t about fl.COe. and Is
mostly personal lane which the company
ua iru.-w i tsr
The vl I'" .IriecUd by Chicago at
ioiu iwr Uie Owalia legal uepartmeot.
NEWARK. O., Sept. 14 What Is thought
to have been an attempt to liberate the
fifty or more rnen who are In jail here on
charges of participating In the recent
lynching of Carl tthertngton was frustrated
by Sheriff Slabaugh early today. -
Three men in an automobile halted In
front of the jail and began tinkering with
the machine, cutttng out tRis muffler and
running the engine so that a terrlflo noise
resulted. Under rover of this prisoners be
gan to file the bars of the upper section
of the Jail. Their actions were discovered
by the sheriff and after the tafety of his
prisoners had been assured he left for Co
lumbus to notify tpe state authorities of
the attempt. Ethr-rlnglon was a detective
employed f by the anti-saloon league. He
was lynched after a local man been
shot and killed In a fight which followed
a raid by tbe "dry" forces.
A food os nourishing:, more delicious and ectv
nomlcal then meat Quickly and cadlv nrm.-irrd.
w V '
Try it
Ask Your Grocer.
Laboratories of the Blackstone
Treatment for Alcoholism '
Opened in Omaha.
Will Supply Doctors With the
Remedy for Use in Gen
eral Practice.
Physicians Can Now Keep
Enormous Fees Paid to In
stitutions at Home.
No Secret About Method and No
Physician Need Hesitate
to Use It.
Physician have not given the attention
to their alcoholic cases. that they should.
As a consequence, hundreds of thousands
of dollars are annually being paid Into
Institutions by the families and friends of
drinking men which the physicians of this
state, should be earning themselves. A
great 'deal of this money goes out of the
stste to Institutions charging extravagant
fees for very doubtful cures.
The Blackstone treatment for alcoholism
Is the most successful one ever brought out.
It Is perfect. There Is no case of liquor
drinking that It will fail to cure In three
consecutive daya of treatment
The Blackstone Company, a strong finan
cial organisation, lias opened laboratories
In Omaha. 30S to 811 Brandela Theater build
ing, for the purpose of supplying the phy
etciana of Nebraska with the Blackstone
treatment. The physician is charged for
the remedy a very little more than It cost
and the expense of distribution. With the
Blackstone treatment any physician can
get better and more permanent results In
three dsys In any case of alcoholism than
can be had at any Institution In three or
any other number of days.
Responsible physicians, who have alco
holism patients, are given every Induce
ment to try out the Blackstone treatment
without any expense whatever.
Any physician In the Mate of Nebraska
practicing outside the city of Omaha, may
have a Blackstone treatment free of cost
for demonstrating purposes If he makes ap
plication for it before September 2S.
While the method of distributing the
Blackstone treatment to physician ir.ay be
changed at any time, the present plan of
the company is to supply tha remedy to
some one selected physician In each town,
exclusively, he to supply other physicians If
he sees fit to do so. v
Each Blackstone treatment sold to phy.
slcians is so(d under ill express agreement
or contract that the results of tha three
day course shall be entirely satisfactory
to the physician and to hla patient, or ther
shall be no charge for the remedy. No
other assurance than tji physician' word
that th results have been unsatisfactory
will be required.
Th Blackstone treatment will cure any
case In three daya If administered as di
rected, and there will be leas than per
cent of relapses within the year of treat
ment. Ther are no poisonous, cumulative
or deleterious drugs Incorporated In th
Farther Information and a treatment free
of all cost may be had by communicating
with the Blackstone Company' Omaha
manager, "Arthur O. Morgan, Ju Brandei
Theater building. This offer Is to physi
cians only.
Physicians desiring th exclusive light for
It he treatment In their home towns may
iuak application to Mr. Morgaa
aissiA AAaangMV, UWs
Established Oyer 81 Yearn.
Phones: Doug. 1625, Ind. A-1 025.
1311-1313 Farn&cn St
v J . II
...Florence Line...
COMMENCING September 16, 1910, the
Florence line will, become a part of the
Hanscom park line East . Side thus giving
through service between the' down-town district
of Omaha and Florence.
First car 3:45 a-
From 6:05 a. m. to 8:15 a. m. every 10 minutes
From 8:15 a. m. to 5:35 p. m every 20 minutes
From 5:35 p m. to 7:45 p. m every 10 minutes
From 7:45 p. m. to 10:05 p. m every 20 minutes
From 10:05 p. m. to 11:17 p. m every 24 minutes,
11:47 p m. and 12:15 p. m. .
Omaha W Council Bluffs
Street Railway Company
Beautiful Tooth
There sre but fern- people who have
them. Oood Teeth every one might have
If they would go to Dr. Bradbury. The
quickest, easiest snd least painful are
the only methods employed by us snd
hundreds of our patients, both In and
out of the elty. will gladly tell you about
th good deatal work and our up-to-dsle
waya of doing things. Crowns snd bridge
work from t&.OO per tooth. Platea that
fit from $4.tt0 to 111 GO Painless extrso
tion of teeth. Nerves of teelli removed
without hurting you. Work warranted
dITradsury, the bertist
1804 raraam St. Fkoe 9. 1TM
IT years sasos location.
Cultivate the habit of news
paper leadlag In your children,
but tax cr that th paper
educates and does not , demoralise.
ited to its members on July let $69,000 Dividends. It has never
paid to its members less than six per cent per
annum for 27 years. Saving accounts calling
for a monthly payment of $1.00 to $25.00 may
bo opened any day, or lump sums of not over
$5,000 received. Ask for Booklet 4 AM and
other information. Assets $3,600,000 Reserve
fund $07,000. Address, a E. Corner 16th and Dodge Streets.
vu xvociai isiseaaes cursa witnout a surfica lav
operation. No Chloroform, Ether or other sea
oral aaeatthatie osed. CURB GUARA.NTK&D
I to last a Mr K-TIME. UTKasiiaaTiosi nil.
P. TV. 124 Be aUillaVsg. Oataha. Hseraiha .,