6 THE DEE; OMAHA. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 12. 1010. i (5 Want - Ads Want ad received fit any time. " to Inure proper elaaalfleatloa naaet be presented before- 1 o'elswk m-i for the evening edltloa aad before Ti80 o'clock of prevloae " , laofBla aad Sunday edition. W""! la received after tack " w" are their flrat Insertion " beading "Too Late to Classify. Bate apply to either The Dallr or Sunday Bee. AIrF aomat worae to a Hue. . CASH HATES FOR WANT ADS REGULAR. CLAStlr-ICATIOJI laeertlon. 1 l- cents per '' cent per word for each abeeqnent Inerrtlon. Keen Insertion odd daye. 1 t- eeata p "' -, per line per moath. Want ada for The Bee nay '" ttjinr of th following! dra tore" oae hi roar "corner drngajtet tney are all branch office, for The nee aad roar ad. will be Inaerted loaf as promptly aad en the ansae " the mala office la The Bee building. Seventeenth and Farnam etreetai Albach. W. C. 40th and ftrnva. Beranek. 8. A.. 12 8. Iblh St. Peyton Pharmacy. 720 a 16th iSt Benson Pharmacy. Benson. ruinr. Bemls Park Pharmacy, d and Cumin t . i i. U...JI.I, rata hrm&n AVO. r-...ht,.. n it Kth and Pierce HUI. . Clifton Hill Pharmacy. BIS Military ay rir,.o r:. Mat Ave. and Far- skin. v. a ww. nam bt . , . Crlfsey Pharmacy, I'h and VrS. Cooney Pharmacy, 2228 8. lth ofc Cermack, Emit, 1264-6 8. 13th 8 Ehler. P. 2S02 Leavenworth. Foster & Arnold!. 213 N. 2oth 8 Freytag, J. J.. 1914 N. 81. Fregger Drug Cc, 1302 N. 16tn Florence Drue Co., Florence. Neb. Oreen'a Pharmacy. Park Ave. and pacmc Oreenough. G. A.. 106 8. 10th St. Oreenough, G. A., 10th and Hickory. Hayden. William. 20 Farnam bt Han.com Park Pharmacy, 1601 tn Ave. Hoist. John. 624 N. 16th 8t. lluff. A. L.i 2U24 tavenwcrth 8t Johanson Drug Co.. 24th and Spalding. King. H. 8.. 2238 Farnam Bt. , h Kountxe Place Pharmacy. 3304 N. Htn. Mnres, Fred L.. 2019 Central Blvd. lithrop, Charlea fc.. 1324 N. 24th St. rmwiman Pharmacy. 24th and L Leaven- worth Sts. M Ave. Saratoga uru v.".. ui i,k and Schaefer's Cut Price Drug Store, IStn ana Sehaefer, Aug., MSI N. Wh. Schmidt, ' J. H., 24th and Cuming Bta. Walnut Hill Ph a rmery. 40th and Cuming ANNOUNCEMENTS J. A. GENTLEMAN C0.,tukerrs; embalmers.. 1M4 Chicago.' D. 1669. . B-16. "Special "Notice" t ,i.h ... nnhiiplv thajik the Omaha De tectlve dt-tiartment for lta splendid service In apprehending the thieves who entered my tailor shop last week. This Is the third time that the shop has been- robbed, and each time the department has arrested the thieves and located tne sioien i roiwnx Wm. Thomsen, Merchant Tailor. 2719 Leav enworth St. WE wish to acquaint the public with the following racts: -mere are imitation sap T,hir of AualltV sunerlor to ordinary glass, but having no relation whatever to the rat u nil or Mexican white sapphire which Is appearing in the marKei. iu aixunguian these from our Mexican white sapphires we suggest nydronuoric acm test. inn rennts on Klars. but has no effect on Mex lean white eapphlres. To Introduce this gem we are selling tor 80 days at $3 per carat, guaranteed 100 years. Delong Jew elry Co., 203 McCaa-ua Bldg. ,. 1 tnnn PA,ionnl 313-15 Ho XVUtlCt D IHJSIOIUBU. 16th St., (basement): cool, light, " aanltary. quick service, popular prlcea. For ladles and gen tlemen. Table a note ainnt-r nuiiuuy. ELEVATORS REPAIRED, freight, pas- aengel. J. n. M.enneuy, o. uin. u. aai. EAT KOSHER HOME COOKING. Arkina, 31 8. 16th. upstairs. vinniNIA DARE wine. 75o large bottle. KLEIN LIQUOR HOUSE. 622 N. 16th St Douglas 6feia ,.. TJflQ'P Art Store moved to 216 8. lsth we will do your iraming at naif price; WE CARRY, A full line of art gooda. MONEY TO LOAN LOW RATE. In aurna to ault 110 Bee BMg. 'Phnn. Ii,ii 8, It. Cole Sign Co.. D. res. 1316 Farnam. OLIVER A. HALL. ACHITECT. announcca removal of his office to 621 City DAVID CQLBl Creaniry Ca - LYNCH BROS. PLUMBING AND UEATIXO. REPAIR WORKS. 170S Jackson St. D. 1477. JOHN N1TTLER """T UXUS 'tHV' BEIIn yo" LIKE. iUl' , , S!4 South 24th St Douglas 1S39. Rod 392; Independent, A-liia MAOGARD Van ' Storage. Pack move, store and ship 11. II. Goods. D. 1410, thg Muairc f t'nwii ukb t;o.. io per rent less man unmim prices, ntn azia bis., bouth Omaha. LADIES' PARASOLS recovered and re- Eatiei!; all kinds of supplies. Western Urn rellu Co.. ltC'2 Farnam. Red If.i. Ladles' and gents' shine parlors. 220 8. 15th ILER GRAND HOTEL Finest In the west. 16th and Howard Sts, Turkish Baths BARKER BROS. PAINT CO., 16fV4 FARNAM ST.. BOTH PHONES. Sherwin-Williams paint. SIM a gaL Var nWhes from 31&0 to 34 60 a gaL all brands of wlilto lead. 17 60 per 1U0 lbs. Low prices In wall paper, glass. gUslng and framing. ICE FOR SALE We can furnish good, clean Ice In car load lots, f. o. b. Omaha. Call Shackleford 4V Dickey for price. Douglas 279. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 644. ANCHOR FENCE CO. Iron and Wire Fence Cheaper Than Wood. Last a Lifetime. 107 N. 17th St Phone, Red II i. GOOD MKRCH ANTS' LUNCH. A. JET lid. 1302 Douglas St. 5 CT. PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIK8. Saratoga Drug Co.. 24Ui and Amea. , W. IK. B.lOls. if Ann A TVS tn watches. Jewelry, eta UiYllUAXiO Kriedmana Loan Bsnk. South 13th St. -eor. Douglas. Tel. D. 632S. VV(1,tMll: gl -J 1 3 II. F. Wuri aseea. rlasa eyaa i Brandies fitted. Bldg. urn, 443- FOR RENT Office room, tit, located on lop floor, facing court. S7 square feet. In cludine ault rents for Jt per month. THE HEE BUILDING COMPANY. ED. ROTH El. Y firJ&uor.l.nd -r Cafe In connection. Ill 8. 14th Bt ANNOUNCEMENTS Continued.) vv A vtkti Merrva-o-round. Ferris whwl and other amusement concessions for the North Bend Corn Show, uciODer ji, j. ami 11. Address C. 1 Kelley. North Bend. Neb. AUTOMOBILES DRUMMQND Makes the Best Auto Tops for the price. All kinds of auto Work. Re pairing In wood work. Iron work. Best painting in the city. Bend in your care. 18th and Harney Sts. WRITE for Hal of automobile bargain. H. E. Frederlcksou Auto Co.. Omaha. Antri l?.pnn.5ri'no Most complete plant AUIO ivepairing . th w st Diamond Tlrea, 2d-hand cars, storsge. The Paxton- Mltchell Co.. 2010-16 Harney. D. 72X1; A-I01L AUTOGENOUS WELDING All kinds of BROKEN CYLINDERS. CRANK CASKS and CASTINGS promptly repaired. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. . BERTSCHT MOTOR COMPANY. Council Bluffs. Ia. . Auto Painting S&SJ S ANDREW MURPHY A SON. 1412 Jackson. 1907 FIVE PASSENGER four cylinder Franklin touting car; cost new 32,800 without glass front or top, which are Included, at $1,2&0. Will trade for clear umana property or Kimnau county tana. 1016 Omaha National Bank Bldg. White Steamers 3 Bargains 3 Different Models Ask for Demonstration DRUMMOND 18th and Harney 66-HORSEPOWER automobilei going abroad. Address E 73, Bee. AUTOMOBILE GOGGLES. tSo to IS 60. COLUMBIA OPTICAL CO.. Me-211 & 18 tb. AUTO and carriage Dalntlna. repairing and trimming; dead storage. Wm. Pfelffer Carriage Works, 26th and Leavenworth. BARGAINS in Used Cars Bttor Council Bluffs Auto Co., 610 Pearl, i Run Your Auto Into a Telegraph Post? Bump against a street, car: smash up your auto "AU. repairing and Painting at no-Kicg prices. DRUMMOND 1STH AND HARNEY STREETS. Motorcycles. AW! to for list of used motorcycles. Mine We cai.ry a fuli nne of motor cycle parts. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO. BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET in or oui of bualness call on GANGESTAD, 401 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. 3367. LARGE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Just entering Nebraska. We have a limited amount of stock for sale. DIVIDENDS. Agents wanted. Casady Co., Fiscal Agents, 8. W. Corner 14th and Douglas, Omaha. Tel. Doug. 1620. HASADV Co.. real estate loans and vjaoxux insurance. List your prop erty for sale or rent Quick returns. 8. W. corner 14th and Douglas. Tel Doug. 1620. FOR RENT Office room. 622, large room on tilth iioor, i. w. corner or building. especially 'I tied for architect There Is 432 square feet in mis space; itu per month. THE BEE BUILDING COMPANY. I' SOMETHING NEW Best paying nronoul tlon on the market. Salesmen now making from 10 to 330 per day. Season on. Want office managers for this and surrounding territory. Small Investment required, fully protected. Office Just opened. See Sales Manager. The "Twin Volcano" Burner Co., 710 West Broadway, Council Bluffs, la,, Where acmonnrauun is now going on. GOOD coal and building material business doine tl0.uu0 to 3300.000 a year. Yards wall located; good equipment. For further In formation, vt rite a. u nee. FOR SALE De Haven a drug store; good stand, stock and sales; terms easy. Council Bluffs. FOR SALE Reataurant and confection ery; good town of 1,200, doing good busi ness. Reason for selling, other business. Address Y 242, care Bee. LET me Incorporate your bualness; good ones easily obtain money selling their shares: am helping others, why not your Proofs, what has been done. Promoter, (10 Paxton block. RESIDENT sales manager wanted In your home territory with J.100 to liW. Salary $1'W to lias monthly, f. O. Jahn 514 First Nat l Bank Bldg., Omaha. Neb. BUSINESS leased for 1f0 per month reirular payments, no opportunity for loss owner will exchange for land worth 126,000. Address W3 jm. x. i-ate, umana. FOR SALE Small reataurant doing fine bualuesa; gooa location; a Bargain if taken at once; poor neaitn reason lor selling. T. L. Auld. Hampton, la. 32.000 STOCK general merchandise, best of reason. Address today, interstate Und aY lnv. Co.. Marmarth. is. D. MEAT market for sale on easy terms, or will rent same with slaughter house and pasture for one year. Get busy if you ant a good business cheap. Address Box til. jerterscn. ia. STEAM LAUNDRY for sale, poor health only reason. Aaaress oay, interstate Land and lnv. to., alarmartn. N. D. K1NE.T butcher shop In weetera Iowa, killing from eigne to ten beeves per week, puor health reason for selling. .Address Y-JIS. care Omaha Bee. FOR SALE Hairdreaalng parlor, well es tablished; good paying bualness: muat sell on account of health. Mrs. Whlttam, Ne braska City. Neb. FOR SALE Cheap; one rectifier; will charge two storage batteries at once, from any alteraatlng electrlo current. Box 20 Fort Crook. Nab. BUSINESS CHANCES tcontlnuau.1 O. D. C. CODDINGTON. 220 Board of Trade Bldg., business chances, loans. In surance and real estate. OGDEN HOTEL for rent; furniture for sale; 90 rooms. 60 roomers. C. E. Kimball, Council Bluffs, la. CHIROPODISTS DR. ROY. 1606 Farnam St Douglas 6497. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS THE BOUTH OMAJ1A ARTIFICIAL STONE COMPANY. Our waterproof concrete blocks are guar anteed. Phone, factory, B. 801; office phone W. 2930. OLD ROOFS ;.ed: Slate. Tile. 8chroeder-Hum- phrey Roofing Co., 627 Paxton Blk. Tel. D. 6023. VAN VALKENBERG Bros., 86751 lumbtng. heating and gas fitting. Web. 1709 N. ztn st DANCING MORAND'S Dancing School, 16th ft Har ney. Lessons Mon. and Frl., 8 p. m. Phone Doug. 2W4. Private lessons dally. DENTISTS BAILEY MACK, 3d floor, Paxton. D. 1036. DETECTIVES Omaha Secret Service Detective age, Ino., bonded, 428-9 Paxton blk. It. 1319; Ind. A-1319. CAPT. T. CORMACK. B17 KARBACH BLK. DRESSMAKERS MISS STURDY, 821 & 24th St Tel. Doug. 7214. EDUCATIONAL 1919 FALL TERM BOYLE8 COLLEGE now open In the Day and Night sessions. Students admitted any day. Complete Business Course including bank ing. Complete Shorthand and Typewriting Course. Complete Civil Service Course. Complete Telegraphy Course and all Eng lish Branches. The Year Book la ready. Apply for It H. B. BOYLES, Pres., Boyles Bldg., Omaha. Mosher-Lampman EgoS Unexcelled courses In Business. Short band, Penmanship and English. None but experienced teachers. Day and ; ses sions. Most interesting catalog published In Omaha. Rend for one today. MOSHER A LAMPMAN. 17th anl t-'arnam Streeta, Omaha. Neb. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN ARSENIC and IRON complexion wafera make clear, white skin. By mall 60o and 11.00. Sherman McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. SANTTARY HAIRDRESSINa parlors CSAXMXXAJJ-X Marque. for good complexion. 001 Paxton Blk. D. 4671. TRY Maglo Roach Powder. Douglas 1370. VACUUM CLEANERS rented. Tel. Web ster 2771. CHINA and water color studies for rent 119 City National Bank. Phone D. 7269. FLORISTS HESS A SWOBODA, 1416 Farnam St. A. DONAHUE, 1607 Far. D. 1001; A-1001. L. Henderson, 1619 Farnam. Doug. 1258. J. H. BATH. 1628 Harney. Douglas 3000. BRANDEIS Cut Flower Dept: new store: new shop at left of Foyer In theater Bid g. FURNACES AND REPAIRS LAWN VASES, Marvel Coal Chutes. Fur naces, Combination Warm Air and Hot Water Heating. Water Fronts. OMAHA STOVE REPA1B WORKS, 1206-8 Douglas St Both Phones. HELP WANTED FEMALE Ageata and Salesladies. EXPERIENCED salesladies wanted. Raphael Pred Co., 13th and Farnam. Factory sad Trades. GIRLS to learn halrdresslng; prices reason able. Oppenhelm Parlors. 313 McCague Bldg. MORE ladles wanted for decorating nil. lows at home. Experience unnecessary, Call forenoons. 2307 S. 13th. Housekeepers aad Domestics. WANTED Girl to help with baking. 1808 Farnam St WANTED At once, a good cook; highest wages paid. Tel. Doug. 7776. WANTED Experienced housemaid for general work. 1341 s. wtn. WANTED Experienced dining room girl, 320 per month; hoard aud room. Sanford Hotel, win and t arnara sts. WANTED Competent girl for general housework. Phone Harney (70. Call 119 South 37th street WANTED A good girl for general house work; no washing. 8229 Harney St WANTED Experienced housemaid. Mrs. Barton. Millard. 123 N. 89th St Tel. Har ney 86. EXPERIENCED cook for small hotel In country town, good wages, steady work for right party, wnie at once. it. M Zlmmer, Neola, la, COMPETENT girl; no laundry work. 83U Burt St n. 1UZS. LADIES WANTED to tike work home; stamping holiday novelties. 81 to 84 dosen. Work guaranteed. Trlebera, 81a Urandela Theater Bldg WANTED A girl for general housework. MM 8. 86lh St. WANTED a good girl for general house work. NO washing, good wages, sua Far nam. WANTED Competent second gtrl; small family; best wsgea. Mrs. W. T. Page, 101 N. 39th St WANTED A good plain cook; references. Call at 2607 Cass St WANTED Olrl for general housework must understand cooking. Apply P Schwsrts. tiM Harney St or Nebraska Clothing Co. WANTED Good strong girl or woman to help me generally with housework and care of small children; no laundry work; must be of good disposition and reliable; no objection to colored girl It satisfactory references ara given; 38 a week. Tel. Benson 318. WANTED Girl for general housework; i no washing; good wagea 616 Georgia Ave HELP WANTED FEMALE Hoaeekeepera mmt Itomeettce Cea'l. GIRL to assist with housework. 2380 Man demon 8t. WANTED Competint girl for general housework; three grown people In family; one who can go home at night preferred; good wages. 4W7 Dodge. Tel. H 14S7. GIRL for general housework In small family; jood wages. 1M S. 30th Ave. WANTED Girl to do second work. 187 8. 85th St WANTED Elderly woman for house keeper on a nearby farm; two adults; Im mediately. Address 4812 Dodge St, Tel. Harney 349. GIRL for general housework, no laundry work. Apply after 10 a. m. Tuesday, Sept. i. Mrs. Vlnsonhaler, 854 Harney. Tel. H. 1037. GIRL for general housework. 2616 Dodge. Tel. Red &6T2. WANTED Girl for general housework; three In family. 223U 8. 16th St WANTED Competent Dodge St, Tel. II. 1419. hurse gl,l. 9002 GIRL for general housework: good wares: 4 In family. 320 N. 20th. WANTED Woman to work for husband's board. 2408 N street. South Omaha. Tel ephone South 1464. WANTED A girl that Is able and willing to do the work In a family of three grown upa and one child. 634 South 40th street Telephone Harney 4336. COOKS, housemaid and girls for general housework. Mrs. Stubbs, 1811 Farnam. WANTED Girl for housework, nam street 3610 Far- WANTED Girl for general housework; lace permanent and good wages. Refer ences. Mrs. E. F. Howe, 1063 Georgia avenue. COOK wanted. Mrs. Frank Colpetser, 118 South 26th avenue. MIDDLE aged woman, housekeeper (no Incumbrance). Good home for the right party. Call after 6 p. m. at 3319 Burt St WANTED Woman to do washing. North 22d street, South Omaha. 614 WANTED Immediately, middle aged lady for housekeeper; no letters answered. N. N. Edwards, 619 Hickory street GOOD, strong girl for general housework. Apply 4103 Davenport 8t Tel. Harney 2062. WANT girl or woman for general house work; no washing; wages $4 a week. Call or address 1210 Park Wild avenue. MIDDLE aged lady for light housework. Pendergast. 3012 Avenue H. Cnnni-ii Bluffs, Ia. i. WANTED Girl for general housework - small family. 1610 North 20th street WHITE maid for general housework. must be a good cook. Mrs. Ann Merrlam, l- S. 39th St., Harney 100. EXPERIENCED alrl dor nm.nl Wiu work: good wages; no washing. Mrs. Chas. naming, im o. asm Ave. WANTED White girl for general hu.. work. 3S20 Harney St. TeleDhone HarneV GOOD girl for general housework. 1904 Spencer street. WANTED Experienced girl for renaml housework. 1341 South 20th street. GIRL for general housework. 6136 Daven- uort street NURSE wanted. Mrs. -Harry F. WllUne 118 South 25th avenue. WANTED Second girl: no washinr: wv4 wages. Mrs. J. T. McGee, Harney 674. 433 soutn nn avenue. WANTED A good girl for general house. work; good pay; family of three. Apply jut i.uriu u Bimu i WANTED A housekeeper for two In family. For particulars address Box 28, nuuper, neo. MAID for general housework: two In family; no washing; . city references re aulred. 144 N. 38th Ave. 'Phone Harnev DO?. GIRL for general housework: no cooklns-. 2849 Capitol Ave. 'Phone H. 6163. WANTED A nurse maid to take care of child 3 years or age. lot south 86th St WANTED Competent rlrl for t.n.r.1 housework; good wages; small family. Mrs. C. B. Ruetln, 2uo 8- 37th St Tel. Harney GIRL for general housework: no washlnsr Mra. J. W. Squires, 803 Btory St. Council tsiuns. ia. WANTED Coo and second maid; refer ences, tan n. i tot. lit a. aatn Ave. WANTED Girl to assist with housawnrlr one who can go home at night preferred. Ml d aisi. rnuni il. own. COMPETENT girl for general houaawni-ir- small family; good wages. 113 North 38th Ave. rnona rxar. WANTED School girl to work for room and board, inquire at ilm a. ztn St Tel. 11. two. HOUSEKEEPER, three In family: uddIv sunaay any unie or whk aays alter a , m,. jonn 21. Martin, i&u Missouri Ave., outn umana. WANTED Competent cook, 411 8. S8th St. GIRL for general housework In amall family; good wagea. 422 N. list Bt GIRL for general Mary's Ave. housework. 2007 St GIRL for general housework, family of three; highest wages. 3at7 Howard St GOOD competent girl to do cooking and general nouseworg. Apply aw B. tea Ave. or 'phone Harney 206. GIRL to help with housework. St 110 8. 34th EXPERIENCED chambermaid; wagea 87 per week. a b. zsth Ave. GIRL for general housework, family of two; nice place. 6112 Dodge. 'Phone Har ney 1781. WOMAN for general housework, small home, two In family. Apply 2610 Franklin. WANTED An experienced white cook In private lanuiy. at N. istn at. WANTED Girl or woman for general housework at 2017 Manderson Bt Easy place; reasonable rates; no children. Tel. Webster U64. WANTED-GIrl to help with housework no d. win et Wi VTCn nit . . I V.mi -aw nrb In family. Mrs. Thomas W. Haaen, 106 So. 16th. 'Phone W. 243. , . - . -T-,.-ri . ......I I .ml. 1 1 -v--j 1 1 1 ivr leu.- " v . , i small family: easy place. Apply 118 N. fad. St. South Omaha. 'Phone Bouth 1071. YOUNG girl to aaslst with housework. Apply 24)14 N. Z2d St. COMPETENT cook in family of three 124 S. 89th St ' WANTED Good girt forgeneral house work. Apply fcu i. 10U. Tel. R-6M7. HELP WANTEDFEMALE Hoaeekeepera and Domestics Cont'd HOUSEKEEPER WANTED-Widower on farm, two In family, wants nest, refined, competent. American housekeeper. Protes tant, age 28 to 35 years. Good references re quested and furnished: call at Merchant hotel, Omaha, September 14. 10 to 3 o'clock. WANTED-Girl for general housework. 2919 Webster. WANTED 16-yesr-old girl to help take rare of 24-year-old boy and assist with house work. 1446 North 17th St Phone Web. 4040. WANTED A cook and second girl: good wages. 624 8. 20th St WANTED Good, reliable girl or woman. 2084 Blnney St.. or call Webster 62. GIRL for general house work. 1305 South 36 th Avenue. Harney 2230. EXPERIENCED girl for house work. No washing. Mrs. Cowdery, 1326 So. 36 St Mlecellaaeoas. YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young women a ennsuan Association Duiiamg at St Mary's avenue and Seventeenth street, where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted; look for our traveler's aid at the Union station. GIRLS For overlooking, checking and folding; must be 16 yeara or older. Apply Bemis omana Bag lo. WANTED Transfer girls and cash girls: must be 16 years of age or over. Apply Superintendent Brandels Stores. WANTED A LIMITED NUMBER OF" GIRLS FOR TELEPHONE WORK. AP PLY OPERATING DE-PI. NEBRASKA TELEPHONE) CO. HELP WANTED MALE A geats, Salesmen and Solicitors. SALESMAN WANTED-We do not want men out of a position, but men who have been top-notchers In their line and who want to change because they wish to earn more money. We wish speciality men, and men for our regular line. Call, do not write. No order-takers wanted. Must show us good clear record. THE ATLAS OIL COMPANY, 306-307 Flrat National Bank Bldg. Boy-a. WANTED Several reliable boys. Western Union Tel. Co., 212 S. 13th St. BOY wanted to learn sheet musio busi ness. A. liospe. LICENSED elevator boy. Call 1518 How- ard St WANTED Transfer boys: must be 16 years of age. The Bennett Company. Clerical and Office. ' YOUNG MEnTsTUDY LAW. Omana School of Law; evening session only. For further information, address. Secretary, 701 N. Y. Life. TeL Douglaa 867. Factory and Trades. Drug Stores 'snaps). Jobs. Knlest, Bee bldg. BRICKLAYERS wanted Immediately on new Worrell Packing Plant at Sioux Falls. S. D. Wageo, 65 cents per hour. Apply on jod immediately to toinns Bros., general contractors at tioux f ans, a. u. WANTED A boy desirous of learning the printing business to start In holding copy. Apsiy composing room, umana Bee. CARPENTERS wanted on the new Mor- rell Packing Plant at Sioux Falls, B. D. Wages, 84 per day of ten hours. Steady work until February. Report- Immediately on job with tools to Collins Bros., general contractors at Sioux Falls, b. u. TAILOR WANTED H. Livingston, 10 So. 14th St WANTED A good Granite Letterer. Good wages and steady job for a good, general workman. Address, J. C. Larkln, Norfolk, Neb. WA NTED Poultry grader; must have experience. F 74. Bee. PRINTER wanted at once: steady posi tion to light party; write stating wages ex pected In first letter. The Frontier, O'Neill, Neb. BRIGHT young man to run router and learn stereotyping; one with experience preferred: must be a hustler and well rec ommended; state age and wages expected. Address A-89 Bee. WANTED A first-class machinist-op erator on all classes of work. Must be able to set clean proof. Married man pre ferred, steady. York Blank Book Co., York. Neb. 4 Hlaeelkaamas. WANTED Railway mall clerks Omaha. Examination November 12th. tSOO to 81.600. Preparation free. Franklin Institute, Dept, 196 T, Rochester. N. Y. fTT A TTTn7rl7'TTT?C make tlOO to tlM per mo., learn automobile bualness; practical instruction. Nat 1 Auto Training Assn., 628 Brandels Theater Bldg. WANTED Drug clerk. Dort Auburn. Neb. Address, E. H WANTED Men to learn barber trade. practice furnished by free work; careful instructions Dy experts, f ew weeks com pletes. Tools given, board secured. Ex Derlence In shops before completing. Cats logue mailed free. Moler Barber College, uu B. I4in Bt, umana, reo. FOUR men to carry circulars. Call room 204 Whltnell Bldg. Monday morning at 8 o'clock. 600 MEN, 20 to 40 years old. wanted at once for electric railway motormen and conductors; v to iitio a month; no ex penence necessary; nne opportunity; no strike; write Immediately for application blank. Address, i zai, care umana Hee. HELP WANTED MALIC AND FEMALE WANTEI-tluick people, both sex, to work in stock at Clarlnda, Is. Answer quick. A. E. Humeston, Clarlnda, Iowa. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Hereea aad Wagoas. WAnOMS Buggies, ate. Will sell you UAUWO better grade of work and for leas money than anyone elss In Omaha or Council Bluffs. 1117 Farnam street. HORSES, mutes, vehicles, harness. Burt. (Hear.) to.i CARRIAGE and top buggy, good condi tion; almoat your own price. Go see Johnson-Danforth Co.. loth and Jones Sta Wagon Umbreilas-Wsgner. 801 N. 16th. COAL wagona, coal beda, farm wagona. for sale ... llh LlJLTI for sale, factory to conaumer. Stroud aV Ames Ave.. Oituhi. Netv LOST AND FOUND The Teddy Bear T'uWIt, nd rney. K LEAN WELL Psntorlum; satisfaction or no charges. i71 Ruffles. Web, Soul, LOST AND FOUND (Continued.) msTPm terrier dnK. white. With tWO hlurk snots on back and one on each side of face and ears; tug 2914. Reward for re turn to 2534 California. Tel. D. 6tv2. LOST Case with two tools; return to 1431 N. 2Wh St. MEDICAL unpt. t it a K- ptr.ir rnwrs r edy for Itching, bleeding or protruding man & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. free medical and surgical treatment at Creghton Medloal college. 14th and Daven port Sts.; special attention paid to confine ment cases; all treatment supervised by college professors. Phone Douglas 1167. Calls answered day and night. Rf.sT ner.-e brtcer for man. Orasti Nerve Food Pills, 11 1 box. postpaid. Sher man Mctorr.eu irug uo. umana. MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CHATTELS. If NO MOKE HIGH RATES. ft S3 CHEAP MONEY 14 U NEW COMPANY. NEW PLANS. 31 13 This Is a new firm organised ry the 13 88 LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF 83 33 OMAHA TO LOAN ft 83 HO to 8500 84 il to any nonest person owning uuubk- si 83 HOLD GOODS, PIANOS, etc, or hold- 81 8 Ing a salaried position at the rate of If S3 10 PER CENT PER YEAR. 88 88 JUST THINK YOU PAY 33 88 fl.00 Interest on flO for ons year. If Si:. 60 interest on sz& lor one year. si 85.00 Interest on 350 for one year. S3 ff ALL OTHER SUMS IN PROPORTION 81 8f EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS. 81 81 Reasonable-Appraisement Charges. ff 83 INDEPENDENT LOAN CO., SI St Room 204 Wlthnell Block. 8 tt N. E. Cor. 15th & Harney Sts., 2d Floor. 83 St Phones Douglas 6046; A-1306. SI UllHHttmwwWtMVjWHiWWIIllllllHiHH Cash Quick on Easy Terms Loans made on furniture, pianos and teams without removal; small and easy payments; 11.20 la the weekly payment on a 850 loan for 60 weeks; oth,er amounts In the same protortion. Man or pnone ap plications receive our prompt attention. btate Mortgage Loan Co., Room 12, Arlington Blk., 1511H Dodge Bt. 'Phoues Douglas 2466 or A-2465. fmtmnWWmfW$t38483381W8WII383l38WS CHEAP LOANS. ff on Furniture, Pianos or Salary. 81 ff ft ff ft ft ff SI you Borrow 810.00 yoij pay back 811 00 825.00 you pay back 827.00 850.00 you pay back 854.00 No other charge. OMAHA FINANCIAL CO.. Room 601, Brown Blk.. 207 8. 16th St ff Cor. Douglas St. Douglas 2036. A -3m 81 CHATTEL LOANS 1 ' -: AT BANKABLE RATES. NEBRASKA LOAN CO., Room 7, Crounse Block, Corner lfith and Capitol Ave. Opposite Postofflce. Both Phones Doug. 1366, A-1356. MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE. WOMEN KEEPING HOUSE AND OTH ERS, without security; easy payments. Offices In 66 principal cities. Tolmau, room 612 New York Ufa Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN. Come tn and let ua explain our low rate to you. 608 Paxton Block. Tel. Douglaa MIL A-Hll' . DIAMOND LOANS AT 5 W. U. FLATAU, -1B14 nod pa. Tel. Red 6611 AN OLD FIRM A NEW ADDRESS 216 BOARD OF TRADE BLDO. 8econd Floor. 'Phone, Doug. 2295. CHATTEL loans, salary loane, every kind of loan from private party. 669 New York I-Jfe Bldg. MOVING AND HOUSE CLEANING OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO. cleans carpets on your floor. Electrlo vacuum system. 309 S. 17th. TeL D. 1569. OFFERED FOR RENT Board and Rooms. CHOICE rooms with board. "The Tem plars." 1S18 Capitol Ave. EXP. Delivery Co., offices 16th and Day enport Sts. Warehouse, 2207-09 Isard SL BEAUTIFUL room with board; tur nlshed. 2787 Capitol Ave. LANDON Newly opened. Douglas 7W1. 611 8. 24th St THE Llvengood; rooms and board, and 15.00. 620 South 17th St S4.M FINE! rooms and board; home cooking. 2610 Dewey Ave. LARGE front room with bath; home com forte; home cooking; rates very reasonable. 818 South 25th St FURNISHED room in private family for gentlemen. 2618 Capitol avenue. TWO furnished rooms with or without board on car line. Address 1437 N. 20th Phone Web. 8458. ' SINGLE and double rooms, with or with out board; just opened. 2626 Dewey Ave. ONE large front room with bay window, 314 So. 20th St., between Farnam and Har ney. NICELY furnlKhed. steam heated rooms for entlemen. flO month for one or two people. Good board If desired. 2uu9 Harney street. Location close In. ROOMS, with excellent board; home cook ing. 2:14 Douglas. MODERN rooms with board In private family, 2212 Mason Bt. NEWLY started up, board and home cooking. 2i8 Harney. room; GOOD clean, modern rooms, with board 2702 Farnam St. 1437 No. 20th St. 2241 Dewey Ave. 814 So. 20th. ' 20e Harney St. 2214 liouk'lns St. 818 So. 26th St. 2702 Kama in St A lady on 16th street said: "I run an ad In Th Be mr cottage before vening." OFFERED FOR RENT Board and llootna Coatlaaed. PARLOR for lady, with board. 340S Casa JESIRABLE board and room; 123 &. 35tft Ave. Famished Roosna. FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room, 117 S. 25th St Very convenient to businesa CLEAN, furnished rooms, well cared tot.' 220 North 19th St. . 118 LARGE, welt furnished roomsi choice neighborhood; bay windows and uae of good piano. If you will be perma nent and want a nice homelike place la walking distance, with furnace 'teat, gns, bath, hot and ice water, bo4.: 'phones, come to 2563 St. Mary's Ave., one block from Leavenworth car. Smaller rooms, flO. No housekeeping or children. TWO EXQUISITE ROOMS. ENSUITH OR SINGLE, for gentlemen, in the West Farnam home; every convenience; must b aeen to be appreciated. 0-466, Bee. WELL FURNISHED rooms, strictly mod ern. 2417 Jones St. EAST front parlor; modern; private home; clean bed; to quiet gentleman; 32. M a week. 822tt 8. 20th. Red 6J27. NICELY furnished rooms; close In; mod ern. Telephone; hot water. 706 S. 18th St SLEEPING rooms, clean, cool, and mod ern. 1811 Cass. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, rjieap rent, 2114 Douglaa St. ONE lkr's. modern room furnished com plete for housekeeping. 2112 Douglaa TWO nice basement rooms for family, ft a week. 618 South 22d. LARGE front parlor, suitable for 3 gen tlemen; also other rooms; newly furnished. 410 South 24th St Douglaa 6944. TWO front rooms, furnished or unfvtr nished, suitable for man and wife or twa ladles. 8407 Decatur. FURNISHED room, 909 N. !th at. Wta telephone and bath. No other roomers. ONE large front room with bay window. 314 South 20th st, between Farnam and Harney. NICELY furnished, steam heated rooms for gentlemen, 810 month for one or two people. Good board If desired. 009 Har-. ney street Location close In. THREE furnished rooms, housekeeping! modern. Close in. 1549 North 17th St. - CLOSE In, I nice furnished rooms. 110.00, 817 North 27th Ave. Call between a. n.a and 3 p. m. r STRICTLY modern furnished rooms, sin gle or double; walking distance. 3643 Dodge. B-33G2. LARGE alcove front room and othei rooms, modern with board. 3103 Douglas. . LARGE front room with bath; hom3 comforts; home cooking; rates very reason able. 818 South 25th St . NICELY furnished steam heat, south front room, suitable for two gentlemen, 2238 Farnam. Flat 2. ELEGANTLY furnished single mora for one gentleman; private family: S&M weak, 410 South 25th Ave. Douglaa 6980. MODERN room, private family, walking! distance. 610 South 27th St . PARLORS Double or single, suitable for 8 or 6 gentlemen; also single room, 83.00; hot and cold water. 2577 Harney.- FURNISHED room for men, 3100. 8301 Charles St. ELEGANT front room, nicely furnished, walking distance, modern; reasonable prloe, 320 N. 20th. No sign on house. NICELY furnished rooms. 7C6 So. 16th, Flat E. 2nd floor. t ' VERY desirable rooms: fine Jocatlaa: walking distance. 118 S, 2Mb St TWO nice large front rooms furnished for light housekeeping; all modern. 221 Willis Ave. Telephone Webster 16C7. LARGE room, modern, new house, t41t) Valley street, near car. NICE front room, private family, modern, near West Farnam oar line. 131 Nortls 31st Ave. LARGE, clean east front room, close In, suitable for two. Rent $4.00 per week. 611 South 18th St LARGE east and south front rooms, first floor, separate entrance. 117 8. 26th Ave. NICE sleeping rooms, close In, parlor room for two. 424 North 17th street. TWO large, modern front rooms, detached house; hot water heat, baths; man and wife or four men preferred. Call Douglas 6992. 627 S. 22d St NICELY furnished rooms, 82 and upt steam heat, hot water. 713 N. lbth. NICE all modern furnished rooms, within easy walking distance of postoffloa. Inquire 2236 Fr.rnam, flat 4. TWO unfumiahed rooms; also one fur nished room for man who works nights. 2220 Leavenworth St. 3-ROOM cottage, furnished complete, flf a month. Call mornings. Savage, 44th and Cuming. 833 S. 30TH ST., elegant room for ladyj new home; two in family. Harney 4994. NICELY furnished room, private family, close in. Call 2512 St Mary's Ave. NICE room for gentlemen only, strictly private family, new hom. Will give break faat; references. Phone Web. 2445. . O. M. E. hauls trunks. Phone D. 611, A-2611, LARGE front room, suitable for one or two gentlemen, In private family. Refer ences. 112 South 25th Ave. CLEAN housekeeping and sleeping rooms. 1411 Jonefl. . . , NEAT and comfortable housekeeping and sleeping rooms; close in. 710 S. 14th. BEAUTIFUL large front, all nswly fur-' nlshed. modern, easy walking. Other smaller rooms. 616 s". 23d. D. 4S54. NICELY furnished room In private resl denre. 70b 8. )lh St. ' -4 NH 'ELY furnished rooms, 82.00 up. 21 Dewey Ave. 601 N. 17TH, two front east rooms; also single rooms; modern. Tel. Douglss 6503. and Spencer Sunday mornlnf and rtntti 1 I i f I t I.