Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 11, 1910, NEWS SECTION, Page 6, Image 6

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Commissioner Tilde n and Clerk Hoyt
Drtw Names.
graito jtjby to report first
rnlrrnfi of Grand Jars- Will Report
Irrtrnhrr 87, retlt Jarr Re
xtrts October IO Mat la
The drawings of veniremen for the Bep
umbw term of the Cnlte1 States district
ourt for the Omilit division of the district
f Nebraska were made late Friday after
noon by Oeorge Tllden. United States Jury
commissioner, and B. C. Hoyt, United
Btatea district clerk.
The grand jury veniremen are ordered to
report on September 27 at 2 p. m . and the
petit veniremen on October 10 at 10 a. m.
The names of thoae drawn follow:
Orand Jury beater Anderaon, Fullerton;
D. L. Beat. Battle Creek; James Cosgrove,
Burwell; T. Milton Clark, Bloomfleld; Fred
Delta, Bcrlbner; C. O. Dean, Valley; Allen
P. Ely, Omaha; Percy D. Glover, Comatock;
J. Re Henry, Fremont; E. B. Howell,
Omaha; C. E. Hutton. Pierce; Frank Hlg
glna, Amherat; George Koeater. Niobrara;
Poraey Leypoldt. Herahey; Ed Mght, rthel
ton; Bhell Meada, Ericsson; T. B. Pawling,
Hooper; John Rlgg. nushvllle; Qulncy H.
Btavens. Allen; Joseph E. White. Central
City; John Wypockl, Farwell; George M.
Tounf. Wellfleet; A. C. Hubbard, Ewlng;
Jamea Alloway. Homer; Jacob L,. Becker.
Kearney; William Hahn, Clarkson: William
Mayer, Tekaroah; Gaorga McQlnley, Key
atone; Luther Smith. Winnebago; Gua A.
Walllr, Genoa. '
Petit Jury N. E. Acker. South Omaha,
Thomaa Adama, Fremont; Thomaa F. Ball,
Springfield; Henry Bauman. Weal Point;
W W. Bartlett, Blair; William J. Bur
,, Omaha; Charles Beekman, Blair;
Henry Bunkman.. Petersburg; William H.
Burney. Hartlngton; William P. Byrne.
Omaha; Jamea V. Schleboun. Clarkaon;
C. F. Cunningham, Omaha; Ed Dick, De
catur; Hy Krlckson. Craig; U C. Fauble,
Winners m. C. FlUgerald. Fullerton; Marlon Springfield; William H. Fowler.
Springfield; Andrew N. Frlcke, Papllllon;
Clinton C. Gray, Columbua; J. F. Haneon.
Fremont; W. D. Holbrook, Ames; Erneat
Kcllog. Fullerton; M. Keil. Oakland; Wil
liam A. Kerateller, Washington; A. E.
Kemper. North Bend; Joseph KurUnback,
Lindsay; J. H. Langdon. Gretna: Thomas
Mayberry, Pender; D. M. Nelswanger, Da
kota City; Richard Olmer, Humphrey; Emtl
Peter. Clarkson; Carl Ronmer, Millard; N.
K, Bkoog. Genoa; B. W. Stauffer, Lyons;
Luclen Stephens, Omaha; C. F. Todendorf,
Columbua; John W. Ustlck, Thurston; A.
H. Vosburg, Omaha; John Weber, sr., Her
man; F. D. Wead. Omaha; Percy McD.
Wheeler. South Omaha; F. E. White,
Omaha; C. W. White. Omaha; Louis Fol
tys, Clarkson.
Oddly Dressed
Squaws Seen
One Garbed in Primitive Blanket, the
Other Hai On Gown from
on Sixteenth atreet early thla morning
there wae a striking mixture of the old
and. tho new a demonstration . of Indian
evolution ao unique that much attention
waa attracted Two Indian ; women from
Fender were out for a morning atroll
One of them carried a pappoose strapped
across her back, after the fashion of
primitive days. ; The other wheeled a baby
along note that one la "baby." the other
"pappoose" In a fashtonable perambu
. lator. One was garbed in red blanket and
other equipment of like nature. The
other wore a foulard gown that gave
evidence of having aeon the . handiwork
of the modiste.
As they Journeyed along the street they
stopped occasionally to gase in ahop win
dows, snd after reaching the retail section
they disappeared Into one of the big' de
partment stores.
Dairymen Boost
New Concern
Small Dealers Adopt Resolution to
Give Douglas County Cream-
' ery Support .
In a meeting at Washington hall Friday
night a number of email dairy proprietors
voted a resolution to support the Douglas
County Creamery company which It waa
declared would be established in this city
soon. The purpose ot the new creamery
in set forth as that of supplying the re
tall creameries with milk, so that none shall
have the experience of running out of their
supply. Heretofore a number of the smal
ler concerns have at times purchased milk
from the Alamlto Creamery company.
The dairymen gave an endorsement to the
methods of Dairy Inspector G. R. : Young.
They declared the physician had accom
plished a gTeat deal in improving their con
ditions. '
It waa reported that Mrs. C. W. Hays.
2010 lake street had inspected sixteen
dairies Friday in company with Dr. Young,
and had found the dairymen were using all
necessary precautions In the milking and
care of their cows.
Close View of Dynamite Explosion in Quarry
A picture takn of a re.ent battery shot
made at the National HI one quarry at
txiulrville. Neb., recently has caused no little
tomment lierauae of the datiKer Incident to
taking such a picture and the tlear manner
In whlrh the detail Is brought out. This
picture waa taken by Thomaa J. Sullivan,
superintendent at the quarry and the shot
was made under the direction of Oscar
Klmblom, the dynamite expert. .
In making the shot shown In the photo
graph about 1,200 pounds of dynamite was
used. The lodge which is being disputed by
the shot Is from eighteen to twenty-four
feet In height and the dynamite Is loaded
Into holes drilled twelve feet back from the
face cf the ledge and eight feet apart.
These extend for a distance of about 250
feet along the ledre. twenty-six holes In all.
containing about thirty-five or forty pounds
of dynamite each.
It Is Estimated that about 6.000 tons of
rock was thrown down by this shot, enough
rock to load 1W cars, or about two good
sired railroad trains. Because of the ex
perience of Mr. Klmblom In loading these
batter ahots It Is possible for him to ao ar
range his dynamite that the rock Is broken
up Into shall manes of from S00 to 500
pounds In weight. ' However, in a recent
shot one rock was thrown out about forty
feet from the base of the ledge which
weighed about 300 tons.- The danger in
cident to taking a picture such as Mr. Sul
livan secured arises from the great amount
of small rock which is thrown up by the
shot, a veritable downpour of small bould
ers following each explosion. When he
took the accompanying pkotograph It waa
necessary for him to show great agility in
dodging the rain of rock which followed
the shooting of the battery, as he was but
100 feet from the ledge when the explosion
A very peculiar phenomenon which has
accompanied all the large shots at the
National quarry is the fact that there Is an
eruption about 200 feet from the base of
the ledge in the bed of the quarry, very
much resembling such an upheaval of the
earth aa Is seen in cases of earthquakes.
- --
. , v
Thla has been regarded as quite a curiosity
by Prof. Condra uf the state university. It
Is due to the great downward pressure ot
the dynamite finding a place of escape in
the soft bed of the quarry.
After the stone is thrown down into the
quarry by these large battery shota, it Is
necessary to do further shooting. In order
to break the larger fragments Into
fit for the crusher. This is done by a pro
cess known as block-holing. Holes are
drilled Into these large xtones and then
filled with dynamite, which Is exploded.
The adobe Is another shot used to break
the large rock for the crusher. In this
process two or three sticks of dynamite are
laid on a rock and a plaster of mud placed
over them. These are exploded by fuses,
which are lighted by hand, while the large
battery shots are exploded by an electric
current. It is the roar of the block hole
and the adobe which passengers on the
Schuyler line of the Burlington hear re
verberating across the Platte evenings Just
before closing time. The battery shot Is
not so noisy, as It spends less force In stir
ring up the atmosphere.
Although the business of blasting rock Is
very hazardous and the quarry men are
often placed In a most precarious position,
it Is remarkable that no one has yet been
Injured by explosions at the National
quarry. Superintendent Sullivan attributes
this to the expertness of Mr. Klmblom,
who Is known among quarrymen aa the
"powder monkey" at the quarry.
City Sues Water
Company for Its
Occupation Tax
Amount Due is Over Sixty Thousand
Dollars, 1 Drawing: Interest at
One Per Cent
The city of . Omaha has brought suit
against the Omaha Water company for the
occupation tax which the corporation has
refused to pay. The amount la now $U,50
and lntereat at I per cent a month begin
ning September 1. The occupation tax or
dinance, which wae paased a year ago, pro
vided that when a company refuse even
to make a report upon its gross earnings
for the examination of the city comptroller
the tax should be fixed at (5,000 a month,
and after alx months of such refusal there
la added an additional penalty of 5 per
cent. ' v 1 v . ' '
The claim of the elty . againat the com
pany if allowed will be a lien upon the
property of the company and -will hold
over when, the plant is sold to the .city
unless It' can be collected before 'that sale
la made. . , . .
Value of Dog
Up in Court
Mrs. Frank Carr Weeps When Judge
Tells Her to Pay Finis or
Banish Pup.
Mrs. Frank. Carr. who lives at 2019 Cass
street, must either appear at the police sta
tion Monday morning with her dog or pay
a tine of $15. When a sentence to this
harsh effect fell from the Hps of Judge
Crawford this morning, Mrs. Carr was at
first very much IncMned to be "peeved,"
but thinking better of It, burst into a tor
rent of tears, torn by her conflicting pas
sions and .the respective values of $15 and
her beloved Fido. The charge against Fldo
was made by A. Flelschman, who asserts
that aforesaid dog made an unwarranted
attack upon his son Friday morning.
misslble under the statute for extension
will be put before the voters possibly at
the approaching general election, on a
separate ballot, but more likely at a special
election. It Is expected that the detailed
plans and specifications, required to be on
file with the city clerk during the thirty
days preceding the election, are expected to
be submitted to the 'council at the next
regular meeting on the 21st and adopted.
Collar Made f .Mtllc. . '
" JDltatlon' celluloid collars made of aoat'a
milk are used in Paris by artisans, trades
men, waiters . and coachmen. The milk
collars are said to be as serviceable as the
celluloid and to have less polish,' which
makea them a great Imorovement.
In preparing the milk for collars the
curds are dalned off the whey and subjected
10 nign pressure, resulting In a substance
which looks very much like celluloid.
Milk curds have been used In Europe for
some years for the making of billiard balls,
combs, Imitation bone knife handles and
collar buttons Popular Mechanics.
Enters lata Nearotlatloas with W. K.
Painter of Kanaaa City for Im
provement of System.
GRAND ISLAND, Neb., Sept. 10. (Spe
cial.) At the meeting of the city council
last evening a contract was entered into
with the .W. K. Palmer engineering firm
of Kansas City for plana and specifica
tions for. waterworks Improvement and a
general plan . for ' such Improvement waa
adopted. ' This plan contemplates the pur
chase of a block at least of real estate In
the northwestern part of the city for
new plant, the enlarging of the mains Ip
the business portion and a large section
of the' residence portion, and an increased
water pumping capacity. A bond proposi
tion of $90,000 for a waterworks system and
of ' $10,000 under the annual amount per
What Hath Tel-phone Wronfktt
The elderly stranger, by Invitation of the
superintendent, was addressing the Sunday
school. . . . -
"How many can tell me, lie asked,
which Is the longest chapter In the Bible?"
Many hands went up.
"Thl little boy may answer," he said.
pointing his finger at an urchin in one of
the Keats near the front. "Which is the
lontrest chapter in the Bible?"
'Psalm double one nine!" shouted Tommy
Tucker. Chicago Tribune. .
Mr. and Mrs. Lee of Brownlte Rescue
Little One from Train.
ftnlrMre at Hoaalie, at Mlnden anil I
nr Pawnee I Mr lemut
Is Also Made at I
ewnr-i. ' J
VALENTINE. Neb.. Sept. i0-Sperlal Tel- !
egram.) Mr. and Mrs. of Brownlre,
Neb., were struck by Northwestern pis
senger train No. 1 at Wood Lake last night
at S o'clock. Mr. Leo and his wife and
little girl were waiting for the trnin, ami :
Just as It was pulling in the little Kir I I
suddenly ran across the track. The father j
ran across after her and then trte mother j
also started but. tripped and fell on the
track. Mr. Lee jumped back to get Ills
wife and Just as lie lifted her the train
struck them both, throwing lilm to one side
and dragging the woiiihii quite a ways until
the train could te stopped. Both man and
woman were Injured and were brought to
Valentine. It Is not thought the woman
will live.
One Hundred BuIiii'm Men Make Aoto
Trip to Neighboring
FREMONT, Neb.", Sept. 10-(Speclal.)-The
Fremont Commercial club made their sec
ond automobile trip to neighboring towns
yesterday, the route being to the northeast.
There were twenty-eight cars In lln, in
cluding two for the band. The first car
left the city, hall at 6:43 and tho others
followed at short Intervals. The towns
visited were Arlington, Fontanelle, Tel
basta, Splker, Orum, Blair, Kennard, Ben
nington, Washington, Elk' City, Elkhorn,
Waterloo and Valley, the schedule covering
ntnety-scven miles. A stop of one hour
was made at Blair for dinner.
The roads were generally good. About
120 people made the trip. The next auto
mobile excursion will be toward the north
west and will probably be taken within
the next two weeks.
BLAIR, Neb. Sept. 10. Special Telegram.)
Over 100 members of the boosting depart
ment of the Fremont Commercial club spent
two hours In Blair yesterday and were en
tertained with a hot lunch which waa duly
appreciated by the visitors after their cold
morning ride.
They came by the auto route with twenty-five
cars, all splendidly decorated, and
with banners flying, accompanied by a
band. Advertising matter was distributed
by the Jolly , crowd of boosters. They ex
pressed their surprise at the Immense coin
crop of Washington county.
When, you have anything to sell or ex
change advertise It in Tho Bee Want Ad
columns and get quick results. .
llight in 1 1 10 heart of the season wo will place our
out ire stock of
Fall and Winter
Woolens '
eonsLstiiig of the very latest patterns, in all tlopartnicnts,
on sale in two lots: '
Lot No. 1
$25.00 and $30.00 Suits and Overcoats $20.00
Lot No. 2
$35.00 and $40.00 Suits and Overcoats... $25.00
Sale Begins Monday, September. 12th.
We call your attention to the fact that wo have been
in business in Omaha for the past eleven years and are
thoroughly reliable.
Herzog Tailoring Co.
Hotel Loyal Block
Your barber is glad to give
you a stlampoo with the
Fitch Dandruff flemover.
It's his best trade builder
and eliminates your dan
druff troubles.
Women's Secrets
There is one man in the United States who bat perhaps heard
more women' secret than any other man or woman in the
country. These secrets are not secrets of guilt or shame, but
the secrets of suffering, and they have been confided to Dr..
R. V. Pierce in the hope end expectation of advice and help.
That few of these women have been disappointed in their ex
pectations is proved by the fact that 96 per cent, of all women
treated by Dr. Pierce or his able staff, have been absolutely
' and altogether cured. Such a record would be remarkable if
the eases treated were numbered by hundreds'only; But when
that record applies to the treatment of more than half-a-mil-lion
women.' in a practice of over 40 years, it is phenomenal.
and entitles Dr. Pierce to the gratitude accorded him by women, as the first of
specialists in .the treatment of -women's diseases.' " '
Every stele woman may consult us by letter, absolutely without charge.
All replies ere mailed, sealed in perfectly plain envelopes, without any print
ing or advertising whatever, upon them. Write without fear as without
fee, to World' Dispensary Medical Association, Dr. R. V. Pierce, President,
663 Main Street, Buffalo, N.Y.
3hXtls.ean Weak w omen. Storosa-ff. '
01oXk. Women Well.
Creamery Butter
Drops One Cent
Decline Occurs 'When Omaha Ex
change Gets First Quotations.'
Eg-g-s Hold Price.
Creamery butter dropped 1 rent when the
Omaha Produce exchange received lis first
quotations from Chicago Saturday morn
lu;. The quoted price Is now 29 cents.
Eggs were stationary at 21 cents.
The early meetings of the exchange have
been well attended and considerable busi
ness Is being transacted berween members.
Conversation like this can be heard on the
floor of tho exchange, which Is located in
the Fidelity and Casualty building:
Fred, better sell me that car of butter."
'No. Can't aee It."
"Well, you see butter Is a cent off and
I think U will go lower. I believe the man
I'm buying It for will be a loser."
"If you think that, then you're a bum
(.lot to look after all my friends, you
knoa. vant to do you a favor. Friend
of mine as well as he Is."
"I've generally noticed." replied Fred,
dryly, "that your favors cost mo a quarter
or a half a point each time."
The Uubonle Plaarne
destroys fewer Uvea than suunaoti. live.'
and kidney diseases, for which Electric
Hitters is the guaranteed remedy. Wo. For
'r .
iVvi! m
's i sf :
New. Gowns and Demi-Costumes
In all the new style features of tho
fall season, dainty, pretty messa
lines, crepe Medior and chiffon.
These new fall frocks aro exclusive
with Brandeis. They aro wonder
fully smart, at
$35, $49, $59, $65, $75 and $98
Special Fall Dresses
Fine silk embroidered French scroti
dresses, new shape sleeves, cuff
skirts, etc.; very (10
special vpHI
Showing the Fall Styles That Are Authentic
s Ready-to-wear Apparel
All styles that the best dressed women will seek are here.
The clever new suits, dresses, skirts and waists for Autumn; 1910.
All the new style features of the season are shown. The new
straight line effects with the broad waists and narrow hips, the
new straight tube effects in the skirts, some with modified
"hobble" or cuff bottoms including all the new rough and
tweed finished worsteds, in basket weaves, . pebble cheviots,
. boucle, worombo, broadcloth, etc Copies of Parisian models,
plain and trimmed, at ' ' ,
Smart Tailored Suits at $35 00
Several uundred new arrivals of fall suits that are strictly
up-to-date, are shown in this group. Many are sample garments.
Scores of individual styles.
Kl Hih Class Broadcloth Suits at $17.50
' A good quality of bi-oadcloth, with heavy satin liuing, vel
vet collar, strictly hand tailored with new pleated skirt, in black,
navy, brown, smoke and green. Positively a great value for
High Grade Tailored Skirts
A new lot of- . very smart tailored
skirts, cleverly designed in new
voiles, panamas, worsted,' , (t 98
etc., colors and black, at ...vpO
Silk Petticoats
Made of beautiful taffetas, strapped,
tucked and flounced, black Persians
and all desirable shades
$5, $5.98, $7.50 and S10.00
Women's and Misses' Sweaters
All sizes, all the new weaves ami col
ors, very 998 V8
lopular, at - -vP
W'i i A
ill I
lift s
a: i
Special: Genuine, Hand-Embroidered
Tailored All Linen Waists
This is a very special offer for Mon
day. Never before have vj offered
such fine all linen waists QO
for anything like . OC
' New Chiffon and Lace Waists
All extremely dressy for any occa
sion, styles all this season, and very
fetching $10, $12.50, $15.00
The Best Black Taffeta Waists
This is the best taffeta waist offer
in the United States,
(Dandruff Remover)
piles iwm
A written guarantee given In all cbsps
treated. Hundreds of the most prominent
people In Omaha and from all parte of the
United States have been cured by Da.
MiXWILl,, who has resided in uniaiii
tor 'lu v,ur fntlmitM n,,tt i..
office for treatment 624 Itee Hulldlug.
umana, ieo. rnone iJouglns J 424.
(Cut thla out for reference.)
reaches not only farmer and
rancher, but people In many
other walks of llfo who are
Interested In farm affairs.
It sullclts only clean, legiti
mate ad vertlHlns. makliiK Its
space all the more valuable
to its patrons who guarantee
good faith.
ow is the Time
to get out your Fall and. Winter clothe and have them cleaned and,
pressed. ,
Our cleaning process removes soil and stains, takrs out wrinkles
and creases and freshens up the fabric and colors wonderfully.
Our pressing Is modern and thorough, finishng the garments
with style and shape. .
We employ competent tailors and put on new velvet collars, re
Hne overcoats and Jackets and In fact, do all kinds of repairing and
Careful and prompt attention given to out-of-town orders.
LADIES' Cleaning and Dyeing and
Pressing. Pressing.
Waists, wool, pleated .50 $1.00 i
Waists, fancy 76 up 1.00 up
Skirts, plain 75 1.50
Skirtu, pleated' 1.00 1.75 up
Jackets, short 1.00 up 1.50 up
Coats, three-quarter, unllned .... 1.60 2.25 up
Coats, three-quarter, lined 2.00 2.50 up
MENS' Cleaning and Dyeing and
Pressing. Pressing.
Three-piece Suits $1.50 $3.00
Coats .76c ' 1.50
Vests 60 .75
Trousers 60 1.00
Suits, boys' 75 1.25 up
Overcoats 1.25 up 2.00 up
Sweaters , .50 up 1.00 up
The French Dry Cleaning Works
"The French Way"
Phones: Doug. 4172; Ind. A-2125. . 1008 Farnam Street.
N. B. W(e have the one office only and have no connection with
any other French Dry cleaning company, French dry cleaners or any
one claiming to do French dry cleaning, f
Why pay attention to certified
coal or gravity screened coal
when you can get the beat
burning quality coal, every shovel-full hand screened , and save ftOi- to
$1.50 on every ton you buy from us? Why not place your order with us?
SCRANT0N HARD COAL (all sizti) $10 per ton delirered.
(Quality and Quantity Guaranteed.
Phones I Dong. 419; Ind. B-1418. 1233 Wloholas Street.
Stars and Stripes Bottled Beer
The only beer brewed from pure spring water on the
market. Order a ease for your home and get the best.
A beer just suited to quaff ut home a night-cap for the
sociable evening a refreshing draught for the late supper
a delightful glass to sip under the evening lamp. Stars
and Stripes is a foaming, sparkling beverage for the keen
palate for the connoisseur.
Have a Case Delivered to Your Home
1402 Douglas Street
Telephones Douglas, 1300; Independent, A-1308
ale by Ucaton Drug Co.