THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1910. f i Mi Is i ft i- V V OFFERED FOR RENT Famished nonma--4'ontlDr4 Ooon sle-pinr room wlrliln walking dis tance. 211 N. luth St. FT'.ONT room, modm; gentlemen. tVA FTTiam. Hotels and Apartments, THE BACHELORS TH AMI FA II NAM. EUJiUPEAN PI j AN". NICELY FURNIfM ED ROOMS for gen tlemen. THE CHATHAM. 110 3. 12th St DODGE HOTEL 13th and Dodge All out- Ide cool rooms, spoclal rates by tlx week. GEORGIA HOTEL 1042 8. 29TH ST. MADISON' HOTEL, thoroughly modern; close In; quite and homelike. Doug. 1711 or t-S Hit and Chicago. BRUNSWICK HOTEL 1210 Douglas. All ouiaid room a. Housekeeping; Room. NICE, CLE AN. COOL housekeeping rooms; aa furnlahed; Inundry privileges; walking distance; rnt retuonahle. 2C71 ST. MART'S AVE. TWO modern roomi, large closet. IS. 2532 North 18th atreet. i THREE rooma for edulta only, In pri vate family; modern except beat. Call 2215 Hurt atreet. I PARLOR floor, unfurnished; housekeep ing, a) Dodge atreat. FOUR modern heated rooma, walking Clstance. 2223 Hurt atreet. FOUR unfurnished housekeeping rooma, modern. 118 North 18th street. TWO housekeeping rooma, gaa range, rice fireplace. W1 South loth atreet. TWO furnished rooma, modern. Bit North 18th street. TWO newly furnlahed modern rooma; gas furnished for light. $2.60 per week. 2710 Howard atreet. ROOM and board In private family: mod ern and reasons l ie. Adreaa 3112 Maaon St. non Harney tuui. Bmall front room for one, with board. aaia tea, pnon Douglaa 1478. GOOD room and board, 14.60, at 817 N. 16th St THE Manuel and Howard, ilat and How. ara; i ana i-room apartments; $23 to S36 new, furnlalied. THOSE wishing home comfort, home oooKing wiin pleasant rooma and bath will find them at 814 8. 36th St Its tea very reuaonaoi. LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROOM ft Two nicely furnished rooma for light ouusaKeeping; modern; close in. 214 is, 'Mia. I'hone Douglaa 8462. FURNISHED rooms, with or without light housekeeping prlvllegea. 1920 Dodge St. 1S19 6T. MARY'S AVE., board and room; bom cooking. ROOM and board for two gentlemen; all modern and new houae; home cooking; private family. 821 N. 26th St. TWO nicely furniahad rooma for light bousekeeping, new flat, modern; price right. U4 m. ztn t Douglaa 64u3. SERVANTS" problem solved: four rooma condensed into two, furnished for house keeping, heat, ice. laundry, vacuum-cleaner, bot water, Janitor. 836. The Howard, 21at and Howard. FRONT room all modern, with house keeping and laundry; win rent unfurnished r furnished to suit, lot 8. 37th St. FRONT suit clean, fine modern rest dence; close in, to desirable parties. 2104 Webster atreet. FURNISHED rooma for light housekeep ing. 14 South 17th avenue. THREE furnlahed rooma for light house keeping., 1X South 2th atreat. trie, rea aonabla. STRICTLY modern two-room flat 4751 North 24th. street. THRES unfurnished rooms, Hicks, 2215 California atreet. modern. r FOUR nloa, clean rooma; gas, bath, near car. 2Jo4 Urace street. TWO rooma, light housekeeping; 814 a month. 1702 Cuming street. MODERN housekeeping rooma. 660 South 20th avenue. TWO nice housekeeping rooma, 110. Kit Leavenworth atreet. TWO front housekeeping rooma, furn. lshed oomplete; modern. 2223 Leavenworth. FIVE furnished rooma for housekeeping. 1326 South 824 atreet TWO housekeeping rooma. Mil Davenport. TWO front rooma for light housekeeping very close in. tot South 2oth atreat. FURNI8HED rooma suitable for light houaekeeplng; houae modern; reasonable. 411 North lth atreet. HOUSEKEEPING and Bleeping rooma single and double. 2227 Dodge atreet. Aparuueata and Flats. t30 OR JMJ DKWII AVK.. rooma. all modern, close walking dletanca, S3t. Glover Realty Syuuicata, U11MU City Natl. Bank CENTRAL APARTMENTS. IF TOU want something good and per maoent will pay you to aee these l-room, steam heated flata. Referenoea. Bemls Cailberg. 818 Braoidala Theater. F0UK-R0OM modern aparuneoL ti Wcbalsr lis. FOR REtNT t and 7-rootn. modatn flats. TU Webater Una. NEW I room brick flat, near S4th and' Harney, oak finish, gas range, abadea and curtain roaa, laundry, U6. ERNEST SWEET, VS City Nat 1 Hank. Doug. 1471 DESIRABLE fouf room apartment, new tiO. Tel Harney lttt. n,w- TWO 8-room flata; hot water and steam heat, ia. Martla Block. 16th and Wabitr! FOUR-ROOM modern front flaL Fiuli 1734 So. 13lh aJt. FOUR-ROOM flat, 1129 N. lTth. Call Duugla 1763., t AND C-ROOM flats for rent; very cosy home. DouiUs 661W. 13th and Caatellar Sts. STRICTLY flrst-clasa 4-rooin apartments In the Alma apartments, at 27th Ave. and Harney. i and $.f7.60 por month. Telephone Harney 8oj7. ELLOANT. NEW, MODERN 6-room 8t. I aiui flat; colonial porch; tacea Bemia Park. 8a17 Cuming. LEONE APARTMENTS, 823 Bo. 84lh att. Just completed. I rooms, all modern, steam-heated, hot water, gas range, janitor service, laundry room; walking distance. Apply V. P. Chlodo. 114 So, 18tn. L'afnralsketf Has ma. SUITE 4 dealrabl unfurnished modern rooms for housekeeping; m private family, ltttforeiioea exchanged. 3:22 Burt ot. FOUR unfurnished rooms, modoru except heat. So8 N. lith Ava. rsrslaha naaeea. FURNISHED bungalow. Seymour laka & R'-tuu Lumuer Co. Pboue lud. 8 Iwt- 6-RtXM furnished houae, Weat Farnam district, per mouth. Telephone Harney luttt. Houara and tuttagra. BOUSES FOR RENT. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO kali 8-4 N Y. Life Bldg Red ! MALL COTTAGB. conveniently located at J0 North lath Hi., near bualneaa ceatar $10 per uiouth. Key nxt dour Borth. OFFERED FOR RENT "oom and t ottages ( ontlaurd. SIX ROOMS. MOHKRN. walking dis tance. Inquire S J Bur Kt OMAHA Van Storae Co, para, nwt iora m-jaenoi ola; aiorehouaa, U3u -M N Jilt, office. 6Q a. 17 th au 11. Dougia u4 HOU8KHOLU OOODI packed, forwarded eh tap freight rataa; movie and atorin' Liprutmtn i Delivery Co. tel. Dona, J4 NEW I room modern houae, 2313 S. lith Si., 30. Reference required. Inquire llu Martha St. 'Phuna loiu. 8706. TEN-ROOM brick home near high achool. Key on premise. V1 Capitol Ava. Tel. Harny 3.9S. All modern. SEVEN-ROOM, all modern brick house; food repair. 2ltih and Izard. $2v. Turktng tun, 602 bee Bldg. FOR RENT Office rooma fl and tio. Mo aulie offices located In northwest cor ner of bulliimi;. The larger loom Is parti tioned so aa to afford two private office and reception room, and la provided with vault. This makes a food combination of rooms and has been occupied b Insurance company; may be rented for 801 per month, THE BEE BUILDING COMPANY. 7-room, modern except furnace, CIS Leavenworth, 122.50. 7-ruoin, ino.lerii except furnace. ,12 South JS'l St.. 130 W, 11-room. modern suit, i families, 322H S 13d Kt 137.50. -room, modern, 1411 Hurt St., laO.00. 6-room. moaern except furnace, 1J20 Park Ave., 820.00. 8 rooms, 2622 Rees St.. T.OO. Pemls-Carlbeig Co.. 312 Brandeis Theater. FOR RENT. MO S. 22d St.. 12-r.. mod., 875. 3228 Harney 8t., 7-r., mod , 15. 1022 N. 40th, -r., not water heat. $35. It? J- J.Tth s-r- mod- ix d- 883 N. I7th St., 6-r., 15. HADRA. 660 N. V. Life. D- S4. Evenings: D. 4430. 7-ROOM MODERN, NEW. Dodge St., close in. NOWATA LAND & LOT CO., 868 New York Life illdg. Tel. Red im. FOR RENT re those new houses on Cass street between Sth and Central boulevard; will be ready for occupancy Sep tember 1. Made first class, strictly mod ern with ever cci.venlenc; I rooms and full baaemenl, cemented, 8K. Inquire from Creighton university, 26th and California. 6-ROOM cottage, modern except heat, 817.60 per month, 8618 Jonea fcu Tel. Har ney EIGHT-ROOM house, all modern. S910 N. Rd St. Call one door south or Tel Webster 8&t 81 3 LA ROE room apartment, part mod ern; ground rioor; block to car and stores. iai5 Elm St. Doug. 8-room, modern brick houae, north part of city, 326. 4-room apartment, elty water, SIX l-room apartment. 1817 Clark, 110. One store building. 1918 Clark St.. 820. C. M. BACHMANN, 43 Paxton Blk. Phones: Office H-26M. Residence D. 6064. HODSTDS ,u ,,rt" Houses, flata. Oarvln Bros. 8d floor N. Y. U BRICK HOUSE. KU Power avenue, f rooms, modern, Mayer Mia. Co.. 161s far Kara St. FOR RENT Six-room cottage, modern except heat, IU. 8712 Decatur St. Webstar 8711. EIGHT ROOMS 812.60. Water on both floore, large lot, one block to car, cheapest rent In town. NOWATA LAND ft LOT CO. 668 New York Life Bldg. 'Phone Red 1999. NICE e-roona houae fr rant; modern ax eapt heat. 416 Cuming street. 'Phone, Har vey Una. FKXRRIN Exp. tfc Storage. 1611 Cap. D. 813 TWO 6-room modern, very nice, beauti fully located, newly renovated. 718 B. 37th. Webster 8690. HOUSES. Ids. Rlngwalt, BraadeJe- Th. Bldg. 6-ROOM houae, modern, furnace heat. 2223 Fowler Ave. Paved St. Call Web. 6197. 410 N. 22d 8-room modern; very desirable, fine location, 347.60. 12-nOOM modern house, hot water heat, 2960 Harney. Thomas W. Haaen, 106 So. 16th St. Phone Doug. 1300. BIGHT-ROOM houae, 1423 Emmet St. All modern. Call Douglas 1763. 463 N. 40th, I rooma, mod., 830. UO N. 8lst Ave., 8 rooms, very desirable. 860. Rlngwalt Bros., Brandela Theater Bldg. STEAM HEATED. Central apartments, 3 handsome, 0-room Chicago flats, modern, fine finish hard wood, ateam heat, shades, ranges, free hot water, janitor, fireproof atairwaya, walk ing dlatanoe. For people who want good, permanent homes. Summer, one 327i, other 82H.. Winter 88 more. Paye to nee these, can ave $20 a month. References required. Bemla-Carlherg, 812 Brandela Theater. FOUR-ROOM house. 916 N. 26th Ave., one block from car line, $13. K68 DOUGLAS, 8 rooms, 827.60. 47 California, I rooms, modern, 822.60. JOHN N. FRENZER, BOTH PHONES. 8-ROOM house, modern, furnace heat. 8223 Fowler Ave. Paved St. 638 8. 83TH AVE., t rooma. all modern, 830. 2610 Sherman Ave., 7 rooms, modern, $30. 2628 Charles St., 7 rooms, modern, 320. 940 N. Z4lh St.. t rooma. modern nxoent heat. IIS. 1434 N. 36th St., 9 rooms, modern, $30. 2618 Emmet 'St.. 7 rooms, modern exr.ent heat. $17.60. 1008 H. 18th St.. t rooma modern ii..nt heat, $18. & p. ann Ave., a rooms, cltv water, $i!.so. McCAGLE INVESTMENT COMPAVV 1606 Dodge St. Phone Douglas 415. OOOD HOUSES FOR RENT. 8-room. mod. houae, 8407 Jones ft., ISO. 8-rnoin house, mod. except furnace, 2542 Davenport St., $26. 9-room. moo. notisa, 2718 Howard til., $37.oO. 8-room house, 8621 N. JSth St., $15. 8-room, mod. house, 1128 H. 31st St., 830. Two rooms In Davldge building, t'M. 8-room, mud. houae. 119 M. 42d St., $42.60. JOHN W. ROBULNS. 1S02 Farnam St. 804 N. 89th. 1 blk from Farnam or Cum ing line, 8-r. decorate to suit, 340. O'KKEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1016-8-T N. Y. Life. D. or A(M&3. Eve. H. 6134. FOR RENT 7 rooms, modern, In good repair. Large corner lot. lf.02 Ohio St. Apply 1818 Lathrop St. Phone B-3244. FINE 8-room modern house. 2704 Cali fornia. E. A. Smith, 317 Neville Block; Douglas 2710. NO EQUAI-C-ntral. steam heated, 4-r. corner flat, 220 N. 23d St., Tisard block. MODERN 8-room houae. Caldwell St. Inquire 8614 SEVEN-ROOM, modern house; on car line. Sherman Ave., Phone, Young, Webster 874i. , TO HOWARD. 7-room. modern house; mantel, oak floor and finish; beautifully decorated, phone Harney 37117. EIGHT-ROOM atrlctly modern house; close In; reasonably. Douglas 43. 8-ROOM house modern. 2008 N. 27th St Vacant Sept. 13. $18. Thomas W, Hasen. loj S. ltth. Phone Douglas 1300. COTTAGE. rooma and bath, modern furnace 1011 No. 33d St. Inquire, F. Stirling, 4ii Grand Ave. FOR RENT North part, new, seven room house, built by owner; flrat floor all oak; strictly modern; must be seen to be appreciated 'Pral'le Parka." giM Mere dith Ave., $36. Douglaa 81; Web. 4J71; M J Curran. SEVEN-ROOM house, 1614 N. 27th; roomy and lust palmed and papered throuhgout. $l Key at 8416 Hamilton. Tel. Wetaler 978. STEAM HEATED. Tnu can save $:M to I2j on high grade, steam heated, -room I'entml Apartment flat, aummer. $i"7. winter. 8 more. Refer nceg. Bemia-Carlberg, t Brandeis Tliea ter. V,r,RY Jnloe -room, all modern houae; wall.ina dlalan.-M l lm. . . j Turkington. 8u3 Bee Bldg. NEW, l-room house; cheap rent. Tel Harney OFFERED FOR RENT it oases and rnttaaea Lnntlaaed. f Ortn rooms, modern, ti'.n 9. rtli Pt. 0" 7 room, minlern. 4111 I ml Ht. ,t MSLSON, 4w Pranl.i IMdg. loug 3 2 ALL modern 8-room houie. Wl So. 27th; beet fiirtm e and bath; only 8-2.50. Tel Webster 17!". 6-ROOM modern flat. 2i;i4 Woolwnrth. 8-'5 -rHim modfi-n houje, M3 N. 2.1d, J O. lUrrlson Morton, 91H N. V. Life. 812. :.0 This Is a dnmdy 8-room house; in'uiu ere 11. 110 do. oin l. Stores and Offlrea. FOR RENT Office rooma. 318 and J20; de sirable mute of offices on third floor, witri 1101th and wert exposure. A wide corridor etienJa around the attractive court to these oiiicea aiiora'ng ency accexs to this place g iKijIneva Kent fur suite 872 THE BEE UUII.DINO COM PA N'T. LARGE pleasrn! soma and east front office. Cnrrer lfta and Uarnay. e a Curtis. 1M Han-e. STOREROOM FOR RENT. Southesat corner lth and Iouglas Sts.; room 2Sx70 feet. Posseerion given about Sep tenibcr 1, 1910. CITY NATIONAL DANK, unequalled Opportunity Grocery and meot miirket, with fixtures complete; no equal. 1 izara mock. Apply 220 N. 23d SL TRACICAGE PROPEIITY We offer for rent the one story and basement brick store room at 914 Farnam. This prop erty has trackage facilities in rear. Apply BEE BUILDING CO., 17th and Farnam. OFFERED FOR SALE re. FOR SALE Mahoanv and unit ,ipf,lt.. of 7-room house: npirlv nw! rn ruKS, etc. Kii (rtoriri iv. pi,. ir .', 3077. Owner leaving city. COMPLETE furniture of three rooma for .luuaunccpuiB, cneap. JW4 Decatur. New J5 range, used only a few months, will sell for 3o. If taken at onca. Harney 11 7o. NltARLY new Faultleaa used about a year, cheap, J2i. Harney 6027! DOW D-MILLER Commission Auction House, 818 and 218 8. lKth St. Sail high grade furniture on commission. If you have furniture to sell consign to us. If you want to buy, attend our auction each p. in. toil SALE Cheap; parties moving Into smaller quarters; iron beds, dressers, rock ers, boukcasos, davenpurt and ruga. Phone Doug. 4912. 2025 Dodge St BASE burner, steel range, china closet, sideboard, sewing machine, round table, dressers, gas range, and many other furni ture. &3? No. 24th. RADIANT home base burner Just as good as new, 2618 Burt. Back door. DROP HEAD Singer Sewing Machine. 909 Bo. 37th. Back door. ROLLER top desk nearly new; also office counter with drawers. Fell A Plnkerton Co.. 213 Board of Trade Bldg. FURNITURE, also hard and aofe coal stoves. 206 S. 25th Ave. Haaleal Inairamenla. PIANOLA player, $26; cost $226; big bar gain. 308 N. 16th. FINE upright piano; latest atyle, $116. Owner leaving city. 19U Cass. Typewriters. BUY an L. C. Smith Bros, typewriter. B. F. Swanson Co., Distributers, 1312 Farnam St. BECOND-hand typewriters sold, repaired. Central Typewriter Exchange. 1607 Faroaai. TYPEWRITER, second-hand Remington. Phone Douglaa 609. Miscellaneous. DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on all no urilsia. catalogue free. Bnermaa A V!.on-li Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. FOR BALK New ana seouna-band blllir. aiiO pool tables. We lead the world la cli; bar fixlurei. easy iayments iirunswl: I.Klke-k.'olleiMlet, 407 U. 10th H. - SAFES Overstocked with second-hand afss. all tlxes aod makes; bargalaa American Supply Co 1118 Kurusm t POTATOES. POTATOES. Long Pine, Ken., tha f.vnrMl 1 i 1 1 1. 1 1 r 1 1 u . 1. - Potato Shipper. Long Pine, Neb. FOR SALE John IWr tu.tlrincr 1. Inch. new. Harney iOia. ' WK H AV K on hand a number of Ink barrels which we will cell for 60 cents each. Tbey are fine for rain water o' aabea. Call mi yimmm ruuin. nee I'UDIIsnina: CO. adoui 40 reet or a Inch diameter No. . pipe, who tour 46-inca "u a ma waa used lor vantllm Ira purposes, and pipe is In good condition. Th Bee Publishing Co.. ITtb and Farnam. HALL'S safes, new. Id -hand 1X11 Farnam. Filters, filter repairs. 1810 Howard. D391X FOR SALE Secondhand Cookson heater" Omaha. " ' " vv 1 1 u 1 nc uu n ri . auuiv isaa m i i i i ii n ; r 4 lllK akalea xhun a m Rtlnes, 1612 Lake St. Web. HS84, Omaha, Neb'. FOR SALE Base burner. FOR SALE-AII machinery for 60-barrel nun, win sen an or part. Write to ji" iicaiy, vvuooaiocK, Wis. SALOON fixtures complete, very cheap FOR SALE Full-blooded, single comb white IcKliorns, old and young, cheap If taken at wee. Phnne Douglaa 1921. 403 OSTEOPATHY Kathryn Nikola, 834-8 Brandeis Theater, A lire Inhn.of. wa s Hrarit-'p Th- .l- Mirle PATENTS D. O. BARN ELL. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117, WILLARD EDDY, registered practitioner to U. 14. Pat. office. Hi Pax too Blk. R. 2991. PERSONAL MECHANO THERAPY. Massage treatment, nervous debility. Dr. Margarita Halloran, 22U Neville Blk.. D. 7761. MANICURING, shampooing, chiropodist, Phone Webster 4897. SWITCHES $160. Mall orders promptly Ui-A I. II r-.,AHr.l tir.k.1 U.nA., r,X,l OPPORTUNITY' for two young ladles to enter training achool for nurses at Child Having Institute, to take the places of two graduates. Apply to head nurse. Phone webater lwi. Switphps ,rom combings. 1160 Mrs. a owlu"Mathewa. 804 Neville blk. D 63, MRS. EGGERS. private confinement nome, 10 id aaarina at., umana, reb. Tele phone Douglaa 6230. Whitman 8 CANDIES Always fresh. " 11 ,D- BPOcial Mall 2TiT C. A. Llelcher u"l"i ervlce ue,LUW utu A Farnam. MAGNETIC treatment. Mme. Smith. 622 tt. 18th, Third Floor YOUNG WOMEN 00 ml o a to Omaha a tianger ar invited to visit the Young Women s Christian aaao latlon bulldluc at tevnienth at. and 8t. Mary Ave., whare tbey will be directed to suitable boardioa piacM or otherwise assisted. Look (or ear Ua velar a aio ai ine Uuioo slatioov IMS. SALVATION AKMT aoHclls cast-rf clothing, la fact, aaytning you do not need. We roiled, fet-au and aell at U4 N 111a k. for coat of oiUctioo. to Uie worts leur. CaU 'phuaa Uvla 41 a waia wagua. U1 wail. PERSONAL v omiuiind.; BW ITCHES Webster .1604. from combings. It Tel. HINLM IAUI.KT4 will build trenki ben. Mk. BELL DRUG CO.' brace. OMAHA " Stammerers' i-a.. Hamge Bldg. W1(!S nd '.ot'Pea for aiea Orifrua. u ana 14 HLOCIE. FRIVATK HO Via during confine tables for adoption. Ootid K.m.rii... meal; tarium. ui Ave., Coua-U muffs. ia. Haoi- GROW new hair by using Mme. Frayer s ..... r m.u. eiegeatn Mailonery JOSTE WASMBTtrn s book. "Th. Und T b?mr' L4li book lor". Prlo$i.j4) WMK. ALLEN of Chicago, hatha, Ait v.Wv x,a,a IJUHflB CI . , JLlOSlt r. lent anu reair all klndH of sewing mac 1 in. toil A.1,u:l 1 14 NEBRASKA CYCLE COMPANY luth and Harney Sts. ' pnvaie noma for confine- 28 l'avenpoV7Mm. tUr al"lon' M ASS A G E A Nl)B7v Til S Dr. Rltteiihouac, Room 808 Old Boston flora tun nce, in a. lHlh MAGNETIC I'""?'"1-- ":.B";. MRS. H. LIVINGSTON, hairdresser K. rurnara meinoon; resiuent work. Tel. A- GENTLEMAN' desires lessons In Spanish from teacher who is well spoken In Efig- MOKAND'S Iiancine School. 1Kih p. m. Tel. Douglaa 21M. A HOME for women durlne We find homes for babies whose mothers i-noiiui i;a,i jr mem. us Dies boarded r or terms aauresa jirs. Martha L. Ijee, 401 Bancroft St. Omaha, Neb. 'Phone Douglas POULTRY FOR SALE Cheap, If taken at once. several hundred old and young single comb White juegnorna and White Wyandot tea. R A. Lee. 402 Bancroft St. Phone D. Ul. PRINTING LEW W. RABEK, rrinterPJ Be Bldg. Entrance on Court. RIES-HALL Ptg. Co.. 108 8. 14th. A-U24. lod. MILLER 8k JAMIE8ON, 1218 Doug. Both 'phones. "PHONE IND. A -8620 foi good printing Ungstiid PrlriKna Co.. Itth l aoltui Av" REAL ESTATE ABSTRACTS OF TITLE, GUARANTEE Abstract Co., 1623 Farnam. PETER JESSEN, JR., Tel. Douglas 2293 PUBLIC Stenographer, 308 Bee bldg. D. 2904 HKAL K8TATM DEJALBRB. REED ABSTRACT CO., Est. ISSS; prompt ervlce; get our prices. 208 Brandeis theater REAL ESTATW TITLE TRUST 1601-8 City Natl. Bank Building. CO, BENJAMIN R. . CO.. 477 Brandela Bldg CITY PROPERTY POn MALIC. .OHOIC DUNDEE HOME 6011 California -9 lnta inni a.nn house; hard Dina finish! rnmnin'i.iv n,r,H. rn; 2 mantles; open grates; screens and storm saah; laundry; barn; cemented cellar; this la a real bargain; terms half cash or wi.l trade for farm or small house. Price for Immediate sale, $6,000. FEIUILNE & VVOLCOTT. Doug. 780L Suit 840 Brandeis Theater. BY OWNER 625 S. 26th Ave.. 7-room nt u-a n.. gas and eewer attachment for bath; smali cellar; convenient to all car iin.- t utes' walk to lth and Farnam; lot 30x120 ' .ltrSf L"1. "ley botn Pved; lot alone Jlii r. .ivi . . 'ving city and must sell. Price. $2,400. Inquire at 1919 S. 34th St. INVESTMENT Forced to sell home, five rooms, modern took today and make offer. 2a21 N. 27th SUBMIT AN OFFER. Brand new -r., modern house, 9th and Hamilton; up-to-date finish; can be sold to you upon a rental basis, with small cash payment down. Priced right. Phone me. Will gladly show you this bargain. HADRA, D. 4334. Evening; D. 4430. 660 N. Y. Life" FOR SALE A One, nearly new 6-room all modern houae, full cement basement pressed brick foundation, best furnace and plumbing, electric lights and gaa, rooms beautifully papered, reception hall with open atalrway, parlor, dining room, kitchen and one bed room on first floor, 1 bed rooms and bath room on second floor, nice lawn, fenced, one block from car, 12 from Dodge Si. $3,0u0; low down, long term bal ance. 1406 N. 21st. Webater 4n;S. CHEAPER THAN RENT. 8fiQ2 N. 20th St., 6-r., modern, except heat; close to car and school. 8200 or J3u0 down, balance monthly. Priced as low as upon oash basis. GOSNEY. 669 N. Y. Life,, D- 4334. Evenings: V. 6670. FOR SALE -8-room house, strictly mod ern, built lesa than two years, 2 minutes' walk from car line, on business street Call at 221 N, 1st St.; Tel. 227 lnd.. Council ciluf fui. 9 ROOMS, $7,000 Hot water heated, delightfully located -ask ua teaay termsi. ' HAIUUSON & MORTON, Omaha Nat, Farnam and 17th. WHY PAY RENT? I have two new oottages for sale at a low price and on easy terms. See me at once If you want a bargain. Buy of owner and save paying commission. Tel. Harney 4430 or Douglaa 2066. y R. D. Mason, M. D. WEST FARNAM $000 CASH Balance very easy, 8-room, modern houae laige lot, ahrubery, trult, shade, fine home.' Price, $3.UX). NOWATA LAND ft LOT CO 608 New York Life Bldg. 'I'hone Red 199. $300 CASH, BALANCE EASY fc-rooni, modern, two large Iota, fruit shade, shrubbery, grapes, large chicken house, near school, best cur line in city, it will please you. Price, $3,000. NOWATA LAND A LOT CO. 6u8 New York Life Bldg. 'Phone Red 1Sj9 GROUND FLOOR SPACE. There la a large space list oft the court on- ground floor thst will be remodeled to suit satisfactory tenant. This location la rear Farnam street, convenient to mala entrance of building. l.ook before renting. Don't rent before looking. THE BEE BUILDING COMPANY R. W. Baker. Suou 17th a4 Farnam. TWO LARGE LOTS FOR $t;00. These lots are In good location mar rar- houses In thla locality rent well Adjoin ing lots are hvlJ from $710 to ll.O-o each. Nowata I-and 4t Lot Co . 868 New York Life Bldg. Phone Red m. 33.2.70 This is a dandy eltrht-room houa.- you should s.e It. K"6 S. 2Mh. NEARLY NEW 7-room house, all mod ern; good neighborhood, cloae to 21th St line. Webster 124ii. FOR RENT Office (101. court room, rear elevator. 13x1. This room would b desirable as small real etate office tit id pr mouth. The Bee Building Company. AS YOU read this ad. ao will thnna... read your want ad. If it la in Tho Bee. REAL ESTATE r-AHII AM HtMII I. N U ro It I A I. P. FlerlAa. Ft.ORIPA We has millions of acre 9f Florida ilniber, rut over, farm and colon! wt.ira lanun. Before purchasing send for Klcrlda Uta lCMUte Journal, li s bargaltii nice homis. we can suit you. National Realty Age icy. 'atkaoavUle. Fla. Arhanaaa. A GREAT BARGAIN. ARKANSAS FRUIT AND STOCK FARM 200 acres 6 miles from Waldron, 68 acrts In cultivation, 3 acres In meadow; 4 acre In apple orchard, also otnei fruits; good 8-room housH, smoke house, barn and out buildings, f:ne well of good water. All land not tilled Is covered with good pi" snd oak timber. This is a fine fruit and tlork liirm; me rantte lannot be btaten In the country, stock water In abundance This place can be bought now for $!.) and Is a bargain. Terms to suit. Writs or rail on John D. Baker. Waidrun-Scott Co.. Ai kansaa Canada. SELF-SUPPORTING HOMES In the glor ioua fruit district southern liritiali coium Ola lor lu canii and llv inonilii, without Interest. Annual profits, $ui to $l.(Kv ptr scie. Orchard, garden, poultry; scenery, hunting, flsni.ig, boating; delightful, warm climate, chuioli, school, postutfire, stoie. big sawmill; dally trains; cloae to markets; unlimited denmud for products. Writ uuick for maps, photos, free information. Weat-Kootenay Fi utt Lands Co., Dept. L.. Drawer lobi. Nelson, British Columbia. ENULERRECHT A RAVER. CANADIAN & LOCAL REALTY. 1710 Faiuam (Bee BIdg. D. 43,9. Calllarala. CalUonila orange groves, from llu.) up bale and tiadea. Have one called th finest ..V,ou""!rn California, price 120.wma ai.UtUi Vrowty-vM pay big returUi slo. if you have eastern property to trade for Southern California, send desVrlD tlon. Trades effected anywhere. Faithful Personal attention given to your matte's. Insurance, sales, trsdes, rentals. Invest E'vIV. ll('f,r(ncM furnished. Jame M Cal. -"""' wraiey uiag.. Pasadena. ir.r,CS'i;?, ""t Orange land near Fresno. California, $1,600. F. I Bee. Colorado. Farmers Beginning to See tho Light If a POOR man tin vm Pnnn ... Pays for It-he Is still POOR. If . poor man THE rK i.and; N MATTEl't WHAT ihe PRK K, on terms that he can meet from SURE CMOPB-Wh.n he get. It pafd for he is no lonaer Door. pa 0 HVH,'75 t0 m ACRE 10 Pirn ni.-wr . o 77 Balance SO Ann,..i .. &hUT.V.'..Co,"'.. of 80.000. iW.uoo. , i,ve lrunK un, rai roadh ,.2S"' t This Combination Finest Boll Best Location r meat Soli Abundance of Water booik,ret,0rM:i!n fr" exu'"" Plan, and wolLsale. ,m CrM ra"roa1 1o"j: will ..Ihetftl A.. --4,.a THE rUEBLO-BOCKY FORD LilNDCO. C. L. Tallmage. l'resldent. a. m. lallmage, Vice-President Topeka, Kaimaa DISTHH-T UAVinirn Burt C. Blair v a. .111... ... Phon Wetat-rBKi." " Ornhl ft.t lum'bui Nah. ,Ckejr' enerml A"ni. OnhaerNeb- HarrOW' m Bo of Trad. Wilson at Sons, Geneva, Neb. . COLORADO LAND. I have 2.000 acres at inm.J . ... provwl land for ail. Vt Trl .".n,ra: 9hittom on w "ile of town all good tillage; wrUe me for particular!. obhuh, BO VINA. COLO. Iowa. , IOWA FARMS For bargains In Iowa im i. ... Mr..otlct5. ir M. - , , IOWA FARMS. n.VrifM rar 'r urted list of Madison county farina, rra,. 86 cre.7.up ' 0 "res." Vices? good liberal terms. See Madison county before buying. Bean atl. around county in the state. Addrwaa J. O. 8H RIVER, "ur" rv in lax set, ia, Idlaaaaaia. J W-ACRE farm within 86 mllea of kitn. .poll., .u mile, from Ui"M,.taX 1 acrea under cultivation, balance tlmhlJ and pasture; all hlgb lall; ari iu S land Is situated on main traveled rJf ' will For bear the most strict InTeluaatT.? ford Uiwaarl. IN MISBOURL rw acres. 136 mi J en southeast nt it ....... civ rcr- bou" kss Sts?' tlon, baiauca tour Daaior.. ered. rina two.. r .:r " icua fen town, per acre; no trai. 803-806 Sheldiar mat Jtansaa City. Mo. MISSOURI FARM FOR SALE On ao count of age 1 must sell my tanir weh lm n.ed' W" loca,ed' w boVtheast ot i.n,f",iCily: wlli view of bulldlnga 5nd ful' lecripUon on application? Ad" drcas J. W. McBeath. Gallatin. Mo R, 1 , Maataaa. EASTERN MONTANA LAND, three aecnona or Luaan . 11. ,ln eteain-plow aec- iiiua at oargain pricea. No better time to buy lands than rlgnt now If you are looking for Inveatmeut or a good tarm. write Ueorge C. Wayward, UienSrVa Nearaaka. IF you want to buy a arnnd fPr. 1. .. famous Wood River valley, where you can buy land from 806 to lluO ur acr. .it 7.. proved and ready for work, where the croDa never fall, Jut call on Brown St Orlffln Cairo, Neb., aa they have some of the best land in the state and can abow you the goods. WE HAVE for aale for tha next sfl a.u. only, six good farms, well Improved, In this Tiviiiiijr, ii iwuuniin uguree; easy terms. If interested, write for full particular Orchard State Bank, Orchard, Neb. ' 120-ACRE Improved farm, two mllea from Talmage, three miles from Lorton anil seventeen miles from Nebraska City, Otoe wwU..v. 1.U111 fcuc. au nun wneai u DUsneiS to the acre. Nice, level land. 3100 W.ami ana. nut farm. Would conk.r cheaper igtviiu up w uwnur, 019 ueturai Avi Nehrafika Cliy, Nrb. r'jn. nrtnre in western IMenraaKa farms IT-. n Cl . , T , , , , . ... . ana rwnonen. uie flitter Hi.t. Potter, Neb. PICK THIS UP. A good chance to xet a leval 11 of land close to Loup river, four miles from town, has good barn and grove, and i. ii-oi up. a una investment for only $2.0iO. Come to Burwell and take mall hack for Almerla. I meet every mall. I will show you this and if you like will, sell to you. Address J. U Dryden, Almerla, Neb. 2,500 Acres in Nebraska The best equlped, beet peylng ranch at the price in tne atate. Price 8j0 000, easy terms. NOWATA LAND St LOT CO.. 8Ui N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone Red W. Ohlaae-aaa. 639 ACRES. 800 level; 800 erop. 100 bog tlRht; two bouses, wells, spring, flve-toa rale, shop, four mules, four horses, all cows, seventy-five hogs, tools. Price. 114 00 Three smaller farms rem "t sell. Owner William ilaiitk, Clifford. Old. AS YOU read this ad. so will thousands read your want ad. If It Is la The Be. A FINE 10-ACRE PEACH ORCHARD In Ontario, Cal., value $6,000. to trade for gooj Minnesota proiei ly about am value; con. ider Dakota or blou. Kalis r... nt nouae ood hrn, .' :ed with wTr. T.' . , school and chuFctv .For REAL ESTATE FARM AVl) H AM II l.tMl FOR tI.E Wklahoma I oatlaaed. 320-ACRE FARM five mllea Covington. Okiu., ltio acres In rultlatlon, guod lm pi'ovemenis, orchard, vmej ard, alfalfa, good water, quarter mile to (etnian churi'h. choolhoiiF on farm, $ Can g:ve term. l (juhk. 'I'l.l. Is a iarg,ui. Cinldcrs liros., Covington. Okla. Beath Uakuia. WHY PAY HIGH RENT? Mr. Fanner, corns to South UaHOta; at.'? paying high rinta; own yvut un farm, spend the inouvy fur your nnpi vveiiii 01 , mat you ar palng In luwa In iiiko. l-ni W own iwrmy ijuarteis of land ni thai we can sell you lor Mo to $3 or aire un iei ma uu can 1 neat; II. w to il.w aun baiauce 011 ameiu at per vain. Cnme here before me snap, a: a all gum. Fur full Information win Uixou Biua. or Bank ot M-nc, ia.tia .um. a. u. Tltli lliLAL HO.f(:" Jf 40 ACUK.4. Ituated In the tiig aioug valley, lour mll "'.;in 01 loatiewuod. in loonly of liainlln count), Souih I'akou, 4IU acrea of ep black loam, under yearly cultivation. Iiu acrin in paai'i'e uml luo In tlx o.iiu'ifill prlng-rd Laka Florence, with ita sylvan "lies ami apuikiing aiera. u.ep unu pjie no iii.ea wiin nui mid game in aeaaon and nearby Is His home. fourteen-ruota iioune. large barn, two granaili-a. cnickea bouse, hog house and woven wire pasture, corn silo, machine house, small barn and numerous small buildings, ail hi good con dition, with wliiuinlll, I In av well ami via tun. all surrounded by a beautiful grove Price. 825.0W. on good tern.s. by AI. J. Bus all, CaaCewovd, j. V. Mt)NIC MAKING 400-a era corn farm out from fcioux Kana; nine-ruuiu nouse. two stones, hardwood finlah; harii . uy 41, other buiUnnga; large grot, orchard with Mplea, black walnut tieea; ail can u cut tivated; fenced and vrota fenevd. tvlepiiuna, rural mall; lie per acr ut-.der price for quick sale; crops never were netter. Writs !".' anl'- " SlIvUs. owner, Uluu rails, k. u DOUBLE YOUR MONEY. Do you snt lo buy a gooti tuwnsiltT V have It just freah from the government, with perfect till. IDO lot now euivevel nd about W of Ihem aold Willi about buldlnga now completed iu in town on a railroad that has six U.Uiy train, with ex cellent service. This lownslte includes l acres of lbs very beat of accoiid boitom Isnu with fine Umber for parka and also a fine atreuni ot water running thiougn It: fine opening for almost ail kinds of bust nes. especially a bank, hois! and elevator. A grand bargain If auiu In .1111 1 uuya. Ad drvas Pnnell Land a Loan Co, Poaeil btanley "ountr, a. D. SECTION of Oregon county. South Da kola, land for rale. '1 his section has tim ber, running water fed by aprlnga, iota of hay, Ml acres broken, 1x0 acres can be plowed, all fenced, one-halt mile from cbool, three nil Irs from one railroad town and six miles fr. m another; goo soli and the vet) ueat all around fanning and stock raising seciiuu In Gregory county, tjouiu Dakota, call on or write lo Charles Mlluet, owner, Fairfax. a . COME to the Blue Blanket valley In Wal worth Co., 8. D. 1 will sell vou Imnrovetl I r unimproved land as you wish; no sand- ioiib ui gMiuuo; iw per cent plow land. Land la selling readily and increasing In price; near towns, on telephone lines and It. F. D. routes; main line of the C, 81. at fet. P. to the Pacing coaaL W. bclby, U. D. FARMS IN THE CORN BELT An linpioved viuaiter section in Gregory county. H. D.. 4 miles from Burke, fit miles from Gregoiy; all fenced; small a of improvements; Ml acre under cultiva tion, puce 40 per acre. 160 acres, one mile from town, Trlpr county; price $39 per acre. A half section, IV mllea from Wlttea price ta per acre. A half section 4 miles from Carter; prlc, $30 per acre. A nice half section nllee from Dallas I miles from Colomb; price $36 per acre. T. F. HARRINGTON, Bell 1841 Iowa Bldg.. Sioux City, la. DEEDED frontier landa, rellnqulahmenta. town property, business chances and detail Information regarding tha Standing Rook Indian reservation. Reference, Mcintosh State Bank, address Great Western Land Ja Loan Co., Mcintosh, b). D. Taxaa. TEXAS GULF COAST LANDS Write Will Johnson St Co., Yoakum, Tex., for folder telling about their lands which are located on new line of railroad and In rapidly developing district. TEXAJI GULF COAST LANDS Write Will Johnson & Co., Yoakum, Tax., for folder telling about their lands which ara located on new line of railroad and la rapidly developing district TEXAS GULF COAST LANDS Write Will Johnson ot Co., Yoakum, Tax., for loioer telling aoout their lanaa which are located on new line of railroad And In rapidly developing diatnct Wfalsg. 80,000 ACRES JUST OPENED. Carey Act lands at Wheatland, Wyo, Obtain a home now that's aure to produce and double In value before paid for. Plenty of water now on the laud. Also selling choicest farm lands In luwa. colony, near Cheyenne. Great alfalfa and grain crops grown here every year. Healthiest climate, purest water, good market. For excuraloa lata, valuable map, law a, write llartung Land Co., Mpeobxl tttate Agents, Cheyenne. Wyo. WUeaasla. 80 ACRES LEVEL LAND. 3fi cultivated balance pasture, 6-room house, large barn chicken bouae, spring and trout brook on farm, I mil from station, achool on land il.sOO, eaay terms. Tom O. Maaon, IalaaA City But bank, Cumberland. Wla MHwelVaaeeue. fa vie you A Farm for sals or TRADE f Or do. you want t boy one Make your want knowa through THH DK4 MOlNE CAPITAL, the want medium el Iowa; Rate: 1 cent a woid for each lnsr tlon, 6 cente a .In. 70 centa an Inch, cir culation. 41.000: large? of any Iowa daily Give ua a trial. Addreaa The Capital. Laud r Motnea. Iowa. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT S0-ACRB fruit farm, fine house, all bear ing fruit chicken houae, alfalfa, and all kinds of berrlea. NOWATA LAND et LOT CO.. 638 New York Lite Bldg. Phone, Red 191. REAL ESTATE LOANS LOANS to homo owners and b.ome build era, with privilege of making partial ttay mania sand-annually. W. U. THOMAS. 608 First flailooaj Bank Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN Iayae Investment Oa 4,600 to 86,000 oa homes In Omaha. O'Keefe Real Ratal Co.. 1003 N. X. Life. Dougiae or A-1163. GARVIN BROS.. 3d floor N. Y. Life. $608 to $100.000 on improved property. No delay. WANTED City loan a rater Trust Co. wantkd city leans and warrant, remain tfiolta a Co., 1380 Farnam ML W, 1109 10 $10,000 made promptly, r. D. Waad. Wad Bldg.. llth and Faroaaa. WHEN you answer these advertisements, please mention The Bee SWAPS (7,000 Gilt edged securities paying over 10 per cent annually. Will trade fur Omaha Improved and aaauma. NOWATA LAND A LOT CO. tJi New York Life Bldg. 'Phone Red 19W. f-ROOM HOUSE and large lot, on block from car line In Council Hluffa, la.; clear; price. 1 1,100. Will trade for clear land. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., 8U New York Ufa Bldg. 'Phone Bed 1998 FORTY acres clser land In Oregon; fruit rountry. Want vacant lot or equity In cot tage. Nowata Land St IjdI Co., U New York Life Bldg. phone Red line. We eaohang properties 0 mnt. H. H. ulver. 11-1 ti. T Life. Douglaa 7801. TO SELL OR EXCHANGE Corner lot, 60x100, near car line. Call ir,i3 Harney St. TO EXCHANGE8lx rdo lots lnPalmer Lake City. Colo. Owner values these at 11.200. There Is a small loan of V00 on these lota, due In IB months from June. lin. at T per cent Interest Will trade the equity for clear lots In some small town, or what can you offer. Mention Palmer I-ak Lota when writing. L. N. Rosamond, Haddam, Kan. SWAPS- (ContlntiiMl ) t ROOMS, nil modern, nearly new; lot Id xli. rnco. $ti,HM; clear. Vanl to trade for iand. NOWATA 1.ANO AND LOT CO.. ;S Nvv York 1-lfe H.dg I'hone Red lM WILT, trade a farm for merrhandlse N. V. Hoi rh. 1 'alius. 8. 1). WHAT have you In southern Caltfornlg to excliMiive for (nnahit pioperty? .1-:, Rea. SAFETY RAZORS U'l.LETTE blades reaharpened, 86a d sn, 15i half doivti. iV i-ach Mall tnm ta Harvey St Co., Box 707. Omaha, Neb. BEST PRICE paid for second-hand fur nltiire. car-eis, clothing and euoea. 'Phoug UougUs 9;i. ANTi:p-Tn huv. 3 or 8 mom modera house, novth part of city, give full da ta!.. A1l!' K 22. Bee. , CttTTAtl !-:s. houses and Income property, have cas.i customers; a!ao want cottaaea to cil on iinvmrtits. Western Real Estata Co., -all Karoach ilk. l'nona IUhI 8007 or A-3C40. TRANS MIPFISSIVFl INDIES' CLOTH ING iSiuHK pav hlxhest price for party, nltcrnonii ai d evening dreas. Red 4410. WANTED TO RENT We Are GeMini Numerous Calls, For Houses nt All "isea List with Ua Nowata land and lot i-O, CI N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone Red 199a, WANTED To rent modern $ or 7-roon louse; possession about Oct 1; suburbs) property preferred. Address O 48, Bee. V ANTED TO RENT A strtotly modern hlgh-i-lasa dwelling of not less than 9 rooms, for 18 months; possession wanted October I. W. L. Solby, 4: Board of Trad hid. BY young man, large 'furnished room, meals morning, evening; weat l'srnum; state price and location; reference. Addrcsg N-i-4, Hce. WANTED SITUATIONS YOUNG MAN desires place to work for hoard while attending school. Boylea Cot. lego. Both phones. WANTED Ladles' clothe to launder by first -elasx laundresa. Call Douglaa 660L CITY SALESMAN Young man. fine ap ponrHme. lived In Omaha thirty years. Well connected; with one firm fifteen years. Hard worker who Kets result. Gilt-edge reference. D-66, lice. HIGH school student deelrea place to work for board and room. F-67. Bee. AS YOU read this ad. so will thousands read your want ad. If It ia In The Uoe. GOVERNMENT NOTICES NOT1CB. United States ot America, District of Ne- traaka. Omaha Division, as.: Whereas, A libel ha been filed In tha dlatrlct court of the United St a tea for th District ot NeUraaka, Omaha division, oa the 13th day- of August. 1910, by F. K Howell, United States attorney for tha district of Nebraska, on behalf of tha aairl Uidted Statea, aa libelant, against on hundred and fifty thousand (more or less) Ice cream conea, and praying the usual process and monition of th court, that all persons Interested in said on hundred and fifty thousand (more or leas) 1c cream cones may be cited to appear and answer the premises, and that all due proceeding being had th said on hundred and fifty thousand (more or lee) lo oreaio eon may be deoreed to be aelxed for oonflaoa tlon and condemnation, and that th earn may b condemned as being adulterated In violation of and within the meaning of th act of congress of June 80, IMS, and that tb same may be disposed of by destruo Uon or sat as th court may direct Therefor, In pursuano or said raonl Hon, under th aaaj of said court, to m directed and delivered on th 13th day ot August, 1910, I do hereby give notion gen erally unto all person having or pretend ing to have any rijht tltl or Interest in aid on hundred and fifty thousand (mor or less) Ice cream eonea, to appear before th aald court In th city of Omaha, la said dlatrlct. on th 12th day of September, 1910, next (It It be a court day, or else on the next court day thereafter), at 10 o'olook la the forenoon of said day, than and there to answer the said libel and to make knowa their allegation In that behalf. Dated at Omaha, In aald dlstilot this 17th day ol August 1810. Wm. P. Warner. U. S. Mat hal for th District of Nebraska. . A 18 to f. RAILWAY TIME CARD VKIO 1TATION Tooth aad Mavrar. Ualva Pacific ch?rrin-r0v'rlna m5pm i. J"n M.. .a 4:10 pm 1:46 pro Atlantlo Express a ;46 am Oregon-Wah Limits.... 4:00 pm 1:10 pli La Angelea Limited.... aU:46 pro a 8:80 Liu &,n0vd 8i 847 am SulS SIS rir. f Loc"'- d :6 pro Unooln-Batrlo Local. bU:40 pm b 1:90 pm Chloago A Northwestern NORTHBOUND. r.?u f"UJf oc" a 8.46 pm a 8'28 nm & citBifii? !; K i-won uty Llruluu a 8:46 pot a 1:30 am EAST BO LND. Omaha Bxpres ; Km M Ulilcago Local al2:06 p,n 118 38 p Colorado-Culcago a ;lo pm i 3:2 p a Chicago IHeoiai a :w urn a 7lS Pacltlo Coaat-Chlcago... .:iv a .5 pm Loa Angele Llmileo a 6.6V pm ail.av pia all;46 pm' a 7:6 ant ai3:u am a 8:113 aw overianu umuiil Luvr dpecuu .. Carroll Local Ui Mail " pm a :o aiu a k'JLk n., WEaii BOUND. Uncoln-Chadroi. a ,:o am aU :00 am Nortoik-Boteateel a 7:60 am alii at Zux Loug Plna-So. Piatt.. ..b 2:1 pm b 6:341 vm llaailuaa-duoerior k 11. ,. h . T.7Z Deadwood-aot Mprlnga.a I 06 pm a 6:90 tux Carper-Lander a 8:66 pm ail:00 aio krtu ont-Albion b t:V pia a lu pu CkloasTo. Kocat Island aad Paoltla EAST. Rocky Mov-ctain Liu. ...all 88 am aO0:t Dm Iowa Local pass a : am a i ao 7.. CUcago iyaily ava a 7.43 aut a 8:4 am cnicago iMvrnxi i'aae blOe aiu blilila um De Atolnes Looal Paaa.a 4:oO pm aix:ii i cuicagu iuxpiaaa a 4:V put a 1:16 pia CUlcagu Limited ...a .u pm a 3;vg aui WEST. Th Mountaineer a 9 80 am . i tm. . Chl.-Neb. Ltd., Lincoln. a .a aw a $.47 Via coio. cal. hlx a 1:2 pw a 4 8v Lib Okl. 4k Tex- Espies. .. .a 8:0 pw a 1. 30 pia Rocky Mouiitaiu Ltd. .. .ai0:D ptu put Iklvagu, llUwaak at at. Paal Overland LimiUd all :4a pm a 7;6 am Oiiiaha-Chluago Eat ...,b 1:16 am b :ai am Oiuaha-bavauah hut ...c 7.16 aw c ;ao am Colo.-Callf. a 6 vu pw a 8:4 pw Culurauu bpacial a 7.6 aw aU:8 pw Psrry-Ouiaua Local ....b l;l pw ku.;u pw lUIaoU teati Clilcago Exp real g 7:00 am a 8:46 pm Chiuago Limited a 6:ou pw a 6.U1 am Minn. -St. Paul Ex bl.vOaw ... Mmu.-St. Paul Ltd a 7:00 pu eio'aw t:kioaao Ureal Weateru . Cliluagu Limited a 6:48 pm Iwiu City limited a :30 pw a 7:68 aw Twin City avxprea a 9:wl .,. 30 Ui t-nicago aixpree .. a 8:46 pw - ' M.M Ulsaearl Paolfl IC. C. A tit L. Ex.. ...a :38 am a 7:18 am ...aU:16pw a 6:60 pw K. C. A at L. Li.. W abash Om -ISt. Loula Ex a 6:80 pm a 9:26 am Mall and Express a l.auim .11 it Bianb'y Ltl (froui C B.).b 6:00 pw bl0.i6 aw Webater gtatloa lotk aad Webater. Mlaaoarl PaeUle Auburn Local b 3:60 pm bil l pw Cbloaco, St. Pa a I, Allaueaaaila a Omaha Slcux City Mxpree b I 00 pm bll:46 am Omaha lxicai v 4 A) pm Sic ux City Paaaenger b 9.AJ pw Twin City Paaaenger.... b 8 80 am bioux city Local o 8.36 am Emerson Local b 6 66 pm b 9 :10 ilu! (a) Dally, (b) Dally except bumlay, 4-. Sunday only.