Want - Ads Want ads reeelred at mmf time, bat In Inaare prnprr classification mat ke presented before 12 o'clock m., for the Mrnlni rdlllon before TiSO o'clock of prMlon ernla far anornlnc and anadar edition. Want da received after aacb boara will kift their ftrnt Insertion onder the heading "Too t.ate to Cllfr." Rate apply to either The Dally or Sunday Ilea. Alnirt coaat ala word to a line. CAM! RATES FOI WKT ADI. ft KG( I. A n n-ASIiriC ATIO.f Ona Insertion, 1 1 -'i centa per word and 1 rent per rrord for eaeb aabaeqaent tnaertloa. Kara laaertlon wade oa edd day, 1 1-21 eenta per word, 1.80 ae Una per month. r . Want ada for '1 lice mar be left tt any of the follow las draa atorea- ne la ronr "corner dre-slt" they are all branch offlrea for Tba Ilea ad yoor ad will be Inarrted Jaat aa nromotlr and on the una. ratea aa at the main office In The Be balldlna Seventeenth and Fnrnam atreetai Albach. W. C 40th and Frnm. Beianek, 8. A., 1KH 8. ItUh St. Fe ton Pharmacy, 720 S. 16th St. P.mnn Phftrmarv. Kenaon. Neb. Bmls Park Pharmacy, 33d and Cuming, Rlake-Rradlah. 21 Sherman Ave. raiiutilln I' H f'.rh and Pierce Sts. Clifton Hill Pharmacy. 2213 Military Ave. Hlnterlor.g Drug Co., 21st AV. mo tw 'tiam Ht. Crlssey Pharmacy, 24th and Lake. Cooney Pharmacy, 2223 o. lth St Cermack. Emll, 1264-6 8, 18th St. Ebler, P. H, 02 lyeavenworth. Foster tt Arnolril, 213 N. 26th St. Freytag. J. J., 1!)14 N. 24th Ht. Fregger Drug Co., 1302 N. 16th St rinrno Tlrn Klnrmice. Neb. Green's Pharmacy, Park Ave. and Pacific Oreenough, i. A., 106 H. win m. Greenough, yj. A., loth and Hickory. llanscum Park Pharmacy, L01 ri. i9th Avt, HoiHt, John, 624 N. Ititn M. Huff, A. 1... 2U24 Leavenworth St. Johanson Drug Co., 2-tl and Spalding. King, 11. 8., 2238 Farnam St. Kountze Place Pharmacy, 3104 N. 24th Mares, Fred U. 2019 Central Blvd. Patrick Drug Co., 1624 N. 24th St. , t.nthnin. I'liarlea fc.. 1324 N. 24th St. Goldman Pharmacy. 24th and Leaven worth Sta. kmilniit rinur Co.. 24th and Ames Ave. crhaefer's Cut Price Drug Stor. 19th and Chicago Sta. Schaefcr. Aug., ?31 N. lth. Schmidt. J. II.. 24th and Cuming Sta. Walnut Hill Pharmacy. 40th and Cuming. DBATH'A.ND FUNERAL NOTICES PORTER Elisabeth. September , 1810, are 68 vaara. 6 months. 2.1 days. Funeral will be held from residenoa of tier sister, Jura Charles Lunsel, lu will trnet. Tuesday. SeDtember t. at 2 P. m. Interment Forest Lawn cemetery. Friends Invited. ANNOUNCEMENTS T A nVVTrnrini iMpn UNDER V - UlJi X K;J. TAKERS ombalmejs. 16U Chicago. U. W, B-UoH. Edward Johnson, Successor to BARRETT-JOilN SON TAILORING CO., are now ready to render tha best of tailor tn aervica to their many friends and pat rcna at their new quarters, it) FLOOR CITY NAT L BANK BUJO. KLTBVATOR8 REPAIRED, freight pa' anger. J. K. Kennedy, M 8. 13th. D. 2S9T EAT KOSHER HOME COOKING. Arklns, 316 a. 16th, upstairs. MONEY TO LOAN LOW RATK. in sums to suit 310 Bee BK1R, 'Phone Doug. 2D0L - UNION LOAJ CO. WE wish to acquaint the public with the ronnwing lacta: inure are imitation tap phlrea of quality superior to ordinary glaxs. but having no relaxation whatever to th natural or Mexican white saphlre, which is appearing in the market. To matin gulsh these from our Mexican white nun pmres, wa suggest hydrofluoric acid test This reacts on glasx, but has no effect on Mexican white sapphires. To . Introduce this gem we arc selling for 30 day a at 13 per carat, guaranteed 100 years. Uelong Jewelry Co., 2U8 McCague Bldg. 8. H. Col Sign Co., D. 3768. 1316 Farnam. VIRGINIA DARE wine. 75c a large bottle. KLEIN LIQUOR HOUSE. 622 N. 18th St Douglas 670. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 644. MORAND'8 Dancing School, 16th and Harney. Lessons Monday and Friday, 8 p. m. Tl. Douglaa 2464. ANCHOR FENCE CO. Iron and Wire Fence Cheaper Than Wood. Last a a Lifetime. 80T N. 17th St. Phone. Red 814. GOOD MERCHANTS' LUNCH. K prn A. JETE3. 1302 Douglas St. PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES. Saratoga Drug Co., 24th and Ante. W. lit, B-luit. HEALTH COMMISSIONER COMMANDS Order your house and porch screened from THE OMAHA WINDOW SCREEN CO.. A SANITARY NECESSITY FOR EVERY HOME. ?4,N. 18th Et. Call Doug. 4692. HARfrATNX watchea. Jewelry, etc. DAlVUAinO Frledmaira Loan Bank, South 18th St., cor. Douglas, Tel. D. 6325. V,Ve,e,leiii glasses, glass eyes fitted. J'B. F. Wurn, 443-f Brandjea Bldg. ICE F0KSALE We can furnish good, clean Ice In car load lot, f. o. b. Omaha. Call Bhackleford A Dickey for price. Douglas 279. ileiFgrand hotel Finest In th west. 16th and Howard Sis.. Turkish Baths THE HOME FURNITURE CO, per rent lean than Omaha prices. 14 ill and L Sts., South Omaha. "TYPE WRITT E N LETT E RSr one "or on million. Stenographers furnished "The Letterologlvt." Offlc 0O6 Paxton l!lk. and til City Nat l. Bank Bldg. Tel. D. 56s6-4:t41. LADIES' PARASOLS recovered and re paired; all kinds of supplies Western Um brella Co., 122 Farnain. Red 7478. FOR RENT Office room. 623. located on top floor, facing court, 370 square feet. In cluding vault- rents for t-5 per month. THE BEE BUILDING COMPANY. ED. ROT1IERY ftne'of nquor anil rtgar. Cafe In connection. Ill 8. 14th St. MAGGARD Van A Storage. Pack, move, slora and ship H. H. Good. D. 14 96, B-1428. ( V SHIELDS lawyer, has moved K28 Brandela Theater law practice. Building. General DAVID COLE Creamry Co. "lUirKERTusTPAINTTx) 1H FARNAM ST.. BOTH PHONES. Sherwln-Wllllam paint, tl bj a gal. Var nlah from tl.oo to 84 &0 a gal., all brands of whit lead. 87 50 per 100 lbs. Low prices In wall paper, glass, glasing and framing. JOHN N1TTLER Hon?:.r.?r".Tr' LUXUS THK BEER YOU LIKE. 3224 South 21th St. Douglas VSSH. Rd 3W. Indeiwndent. A-1420. HENRY HORN UNO, plum-blng. 182J Farnam AUTOMOBILES DRUMM0ND Makes th.n Best Auto Tops for th prto. All kinds auto work. Re pairing In wood work. Iron work. Bt palaUftf In th city. Send In your cara UlU and liruy Sta, AUTOMOBILES (Continued.) WRITE for Hat of automobile bargain. H. E. Fredorickson Auto Co.. Omaha. AUTOMOBILE orKlGI.KB. 2T.c to $1 Ml 16th. COLUMBIA OPTICAL CO.. 209-211 8. Antn T?fnrtirinrr Mn,t complete plant ivuio lvep.iiring , ,n . i,tI1n,i Tires, 21-hand car, atorage. The Paxton- Mltchell Co., 2010-16 Harney. D. 721; A-301L AUTOGENOUS WELDING All kind of BROKEN CTLINDERS, CRANK CAPES and CASTINGS promptly repaired. ALL WORK OVA RANTFED. BERTSCH Y MOTOR COMPANY. Council Bluffs. Ia. Fine New Automobile 40-horsenower. B-DasnenRer. 1910 model. Only out 3 months; guaranteed to be Just as good aa new In every renpeot; there la no better make; oont I3.O0O cash. Leaving the city the only reaaon for selling. Will take clear land or cottage, but must be priced right. Address lock box 46, omana. I REPAIR smashed autoa, mud shields. leavky radiators. Met man Kunda. "11 8. 16th. pDrnain, lToo.,1 Cnra Send for Council Dluffs Auto Co., 610 Pearl. Anl.i l'aintintr "MI.'RrHY nil) IT." iuio i dimin GPt 0r prlcP, now. ANDREW Ml'RI'HT SON. 1412 Jackon. BUSINESS CHANCES TO OKT in or out of business call on QANC3h,8TAr, 404 Bea Bldg. Tel. D. 3367. MEAT MARKET for sale. Address Crew- son Bros.. Macedonia, la. FIFTBBN-ROOM FLAT: bargain If taken at once. 1'hona Louglaa ts&i. TEN ROOMS, strictly modern, beat loca tion, full of roomers. Doug. 6318. LARGE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Just entering Nebraska. We have a limited amount of stock for sale. DIVIDENDS. Agents wanted. Cacadv Co., Flacal Agents, 8. W. Corner 14lh and Douglas, Omaha. Tel. Doug. 1620. COZY home and rooming house; rent reasonable; full of roomers; furniture nearly new. Call at 2413 California. O. D. C. CODDINQTON, 220 Board of Trade Bldg., busmexa chances, loan, in surance aiid real estate. flASHDV i;o-. real tau loans and VAOiLUl. Insurance. List your prop erty for sale or rent. Uulck returns. S. W. corner Hit and Douglas. Tel Doug. loiv. FOR RENT Office room. 622. large room on fifth floor, N. W. corner of building, especially 'Itted for architect. There Is 432 square feet In this space; 140 per month. 1HB, B&tt UU1LD1NO (JUMfAiNI. FOR SALE Cigar, news and confection ery store; reaaon for selling, other busi ness. 4004 Hamilton St. MERCHANT tailor business for sale. Ex ceptional advantage. Location on of the best In Omaha. Established trade. Naw fall Mock. Owner nonresident. Immedi ate possession. D. 38. Bea FURNISHED flat of seven rooms for xale cheap fur cash. 717 South 18th St. 12-ROOM boarding house; modern; close In; all or part of furniture. Doug. 6810. FOR SALE A rooming house, 8 rooms, all furnished, almost new, good location, price reasonable, party leaving city. Call 402 No. 23d St. Douglaa 2272. FOR SALE Only drug store. Invoices about $2,200. Did over ft.OOO the last year. Have other buBlnens. Investigate. Address Y-238, oar Bee. BANK FOR SALE Control good Iowa bank with fine residence. $14,600 bank stocks for sale. Cashier and asxlstant cashier wanted with $6,000 each. Address American Bank Agency, Kansas City, Mo. FOR SALE Small restaurant doing fine business; good location; a bargain If taken at once; poor health reason for selling. T. L. Auld, Hamilton, Iowa. , WANTED Sec'y-manager for medical Inst. New Omaha Inc. Co., with wonderful future; must hold shares during your em ployment, as you handle money f salary 3100; references neeemaj-y Address N,, 47, Be. PREFER to lease or buy only market and tools in good Nebraska town 600 or over. Address H 25, Bee. RESIDENT sales manager wanted In vour home territory with $M0 to $600. Salary $100 to $125 monthly. F. G. Jahn, 614 First Naif I Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb. FOR SALE Good paying rooming house. In fine condition; good location, on car line. Must soil on account or Ul health. Harney 3631. 8200 to $300 net each week Is made In a business that can be bought for a few hundred dollars. See O. C. Melton. Mex chant hotel, room 6. WANTED Partner In a first class plumb ing and heating business. One who can look after the books. Address x-ao care Bee. NICE paying restaurant for sale or would trade for vacant lot In Omaha. Call Douglas 60V. BLACKSMITH shop and tools doing good business. A five-room residence. A fine business opening for the right man. Price, 81.800. Nowata Land & Lot Co., 868 New York Life Bldg. Phone Red 1899. FOR SALE OR TRADE 84000 stock of general merchandise. Busineas runs aio per day. Growing town on Burlington railroad, between Sterling, Colo., and Cheyenne, Wvo. Western land preferred. Buildings and location good. Only general store. Cash business. Address A. E. CASE, Weld Co., Keota. Colo. 10-ltOOM flat, part or all of the furniture; full of roomer; rent t-To. lis N. mm et. Phon Harney 38. u. WHEN answering advertisements In Th Bee Want Ad columns, kindly manuon tn fact that you read tn AO in in oe. CHIROPODISTS DR. ROY, 1506 Farnam St Douglas 6497. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS THE HOUSE REPAIRING CO.. Carpenter, paperhanglng, brick work, tc, low prices, satisfaction guaranteed. Pbon Harney 3637; Hurny 2010. VAN VALKENBERG Bros., plumbing, heating and gas fitting. Web. 847. 1708 N. 24th St. THE SOUTH OMAHA ARTIFICIAL STONE COMPANY. Our waterproof concrete blocks ar guar anteed. Phone, factory, 8. 8V1; office phone W. 2M0. m,T) HOOFS repaired; Slate, Til. jU m-fUP D gxav,! Schroeder-Hum-phrev Roofing Co., 627 Paxtcu Blk. Tel. D. 6iU3. WE COLLECT claim for loss, darna- or overcharge on freight shipments against all railroads. Write ua. Freight Claims Co., Metropolitan Bldg., Minneapolis. FINE quarter section Irrigated land, two miles from Denver, Colo.; already subdi vided Into five and ten-acr fruit and gar den tracta; level and good soil; plenty of water. Haven't money to market proper ties. Will sacrifice or might exchange for Income propertv or merchandise. Addreaa Owner, G H, Bea DANCING MORAND'8 Dancing School, Kith and Harney. Lessons Monday and Friday, 8 p. m. Tel. Douglas 8964. DENTISTS BAILEY r MACK. 3d floor, Paxton. D. 1035. DETECTIVES Omaha Secret Service Detect I v age. Inn., bonded. 4L1i-9 Paxton blk. ). 1319; Ind. A-1319. CAPT. T. CORMACK. 517 KARBACH BLK. DRESSMAKERS MISS STURDY, 821 8. 34th St TL Doug. mi EDUCATIONAL THE NEW Physicl Director OF THE Y. M. C A. IS HERE Time Now to Join. MORAND'8 Dancing School, lf-th and Harney. Lessons Monday and Friday, t p. m. Tel. Douglas ZiK. 1910 Fall Term Boyles College Opens Monday, September 5, in the DAY and NIG11T Sessions Complete Banking. Complete Business Course, Including Shorthand and Typewriting (.our se. Complete Civil Service Cours Complete Telegraphy Course, and all English Branches. The Tear Book Is ready. Apply for it H. B. BOYLES, President. Boyles Building, Omaha, Nebraska. Mosher-Lampman oLLEaB Unexcelled courses In Business, Short hand, Penmanship and English. None but experienced teachers. Day and night sea sions. Most Interesting oatalog published in Omaha, flend for one today. MOSHER LAMPMAN, 17th and Farnam Streets, Omaha, Neb, EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN ARSENIC and IRON complexion wafers make clear, white skin. By mall 60a and 11.00. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. Q A MTTARV HAIRDRESSING parlors Marinello maasage for good complexion. 801 Paxton Blk. D. 4671. TRY Magic Roach Powder. Douglaa 1370. VACUUM CLEANERS rented. Tel. Web ster 2771. FURNACES AND REPAIRS LAWN VASES, Marvel Coal Chutes, Fur naces. Combination Warm Air and Hot Water Heating, Water Fronts. OMAHA STOVE REPAlff WORKS, 1208-8 Douglaa St. Both Phones. WATER FRONTS, furnace and stove re pairs. New furnaces and combination hot water heaters. Omaha Stove Repair Works, LXJ6-120S Douglas St. Both Phonos. FLORISTS HESS & 8WOBODA, 1415 Farnam St. A. DONAHUE, 1607 Far. D. 1001; A-W01. L. Henderson, 1619 Farnam. Doug. 125S. J. H. BATH, 1628 Harney. Douglaa 8000. Persistant Advertising la th Road to Big Rturn. HELP WANTED FEMALE Agents sad Salesladies. INTELLIGENT WOMEN of education oan secure permanent and lucrative employment in the enrollment bu reau of an Indiana university. Olty and traveling positions open. Names for pros pective students provided. No house to house work. $1,600 first year to thoae who qualify. Addraas. r 211. Bfte. EXPERIENCED salesladies wanted. Raphael Pr4 Co., ltb and Farnam. GIRL for reception room of doctor's of fice. 84 per week. Call 724 City National Bang tuag. WANTED an experienced sales lady, one that can ao altering. Kldgleys, 1417 Doug las. WANTED Four women to take orders for under skirts, goods sold at whole sale to advertisers. Good salary. Rlgdleya, 1417 Douglaa. Clerical and Office. 8TENOGRAPHER - MUST BE QUICK AND ACCURATE. Salary, $66. 1411 City National Bank Bldg.. Factory and Trades. Wanted Women Pressers. Good wages and steady work. DRESHEIt BROS., Dyers and Dry Cleaners, 2211 and 2213 Farnam St. GIRLS to learn halrdresslng; prices reason able. Oppenheim Parlors. 813 MoOagua Bldg FIRST-CLASS ladles' tailor wanted highest wagea paid. Chlodo, 214 80. 18th, Housekeeper and Domestic. WANTED Nurse for 6-year-old child: references required. Mrs. J. C. Colt 854 Harney Ht. WANTED At once, a good cook; highest wages paiu. xei. juoug. ilia. GIRL for general housework. 601 8. 22d. Ilea 44S7, WOMEN needing good home, small wagea. to assist in light houaewurk. 'phone Douglas ovtt WANTED A good, reliable girl for gen eral housework; cooking plain; permanent piaoe 10 rigni gin. ua f arnam Bt. GIRL to assist with housework and cook ing; one wno will sleep at home preferred good wages and car far paid. Call 'M2 N mn et WANTED Housekeeper by widower rarmer; German prerened; three children ages 18, 10, 4. Henry Engle, North Bend, ND. WANTED Girl to help with baking. Farnam St 1808 WANTED Young girl to bouaawork. 27ue Chicago St assist with WANTED Girl for general housework zui vbtar Bt GIRL for general housework. Webster 4030. Mr. 8. 8. Swift. Telephone GOOD washerwoman. 24th and Farnam Sta. Hamilton Cafe, HARiin-a coo; jo per month; no washing. 21 18 s. 82d Ave. wamui uenerai nous girl. t per wee; nu waaiung. jure. on. a. flan, lis N aui. DINING ROOM OIRL. 106 N. 2Mb St. WANTED Good girl for general house work; no washing nor Ironing. Call between 10 and 12 a. m., 8918 Burt St WHITE wash woman; must do good work; Monday preferred; good wage. Phun Harney 62lf. WANTED A good, competent girl for general housework: small family and good ,-ef. 310 S. 87th St. YOUNG girl who would work for small wagea. 'Phon W, 4901. COMPETENT girl for general housework; two In family; guod wag. 2029 Dodg St. COMPETENT girl for general housework, small family; no washing; bst wages; 829 Park avenue. Telephone Harney njo. GIRL for general housework Mrs. C. Hanting. 62d and Military avenue. Phoo Benson 165. WANTED A good girl for general hou work; no tt ashing. 13 Harney dU HELP WANTED FEMALE lloaaekeepers svnd Domestics Oont' GIRL for general bouse work, two In family. 126 South 4-'d street Tel. Harney 2304. WANTED Olrl to work for room and board or for amali wage and go home nights. 2814 Jackson street WANTED flood girl for general house work; wagea H per week; no washing. Ap ply 3338 Harney St GIRL for nuril humewnrk: small fam ily; light work; good homa to right party. 19J0 Capitol. WANTED A girl for second work; big wagea for competent girl. Call at 810 Seo ond Ave., Council Bluffs, la. WANTED -Middle aged woman aa house keeper on farm; good home, small family. E. T. Weldon, Mondamln, la. WANTED A cook in private family out of town in Nebraska. Wages $40 and trans portation. No Laundry. Mrs. Stubbs, 1811 Farnam St EXPERIENCED cook and house maid to take position by September t In family of four. For Information apply 6M South 88th St GIRL for general housework, cago St 8027 CM- WANTED a girl for general housework 2118 Blnney St. Phone Web. 1016. WANTED Competent girl for general housework In a family of three membersi references required. Mrs. Jamea lUc hard son, S.M Howard. Harney 97. WANTED Good washwoman, one day week. Phone Harney 1K32. GIRL or woman to assist and work In small family; easy work; permanent pont tlon; state wagea expected. Mrs. C A. Hamilton, Wanner, Neb. WANTED An eorperlenced maid for gwn ral housework. 820 S. 40th. Phone Har ney 86. GOOD girl for general housework. 1904 Spencer St., phone Webster 621. WANTED Experienced dining room girl. $20 per month; board and room. Sanford Hotel, lth and Farnam Sts. WANTED competent girl for cooking and general hoimework. Apply at 20$ 8. JM Ave. Phone Harney zws. WANTED Experienced housemaid for general work. 1341 S. 28th. WANTED Girl for general housework. Tel. Webster 8S67. GIRL for general housework: small house; small family. 2326 S. 32d St. Harney S17. WANTED A a-ood cook for general housework; three In family. No washing. Mrs. Arthur Remington. 8532 Harney St WANTED A girl or middle-aged woman for housework; family of three. 828 Georgia avenue. Phone Harney 4406. WANTED Good girl for genera) house work; wages. 16 per week; no washing. Apply i-'.IS Harney street WANTED Good experienced girl for gen eral housework; good wages. Call 8108 Marcy St GOOD washerwoman for Monday morn ings. Inquire 521 South 21st avenue. WANTED Housekeeper for man and wife. 2704 Manderson street. Telephone Webster 1964. WANTED At once, competent nurse girl. 8002 Dodge street. Telephone Harney 1418. GIRL for general housework; call Satur day between I and 6 o'clock. C. I. Gaines. 204 10th avenue. Council Bluffs, la. WANTED A good girl for general house work; no laundry work; $25 a month. 710 North 38th street COMPETENT maid for general house work; two in family. 8406 Farnam street; Mr. Brown. WANTED Girl to assist In housework while attending school, for room and board. ZeZS Cass street Tel. tiarney 4.sa. GIRL for general housework; 1302 Park avenue. Tel. Harney .S36S. GIRL for general houwork: no laundry North I2d avenue. Mrs. E. M. Morsman. WANTED A competent second girl. 224 North S2d avenue. Mrs. E. M. Morsman. GOOD girl for general housework. 2122 Spencer street WANTED A competent second'Slrl: fam Hy of three. Apply 124 South 39th street. A GIRL for general housework, Dougla 44oO at 610 South 22d street between Bt. Mary's and Howard. GIRL for general housework. Call at 620 South 26th avenue. WANTED Girl for housework. 8610 Far nam street. GIRL or middle-aired lndv for areneral nousewom. Z580 Spauldlng. WANTED Youna- arlrl to take care of baby and go to school. 2706 Lake street or phone Webster 46W. GOOD arlrl for hni.Mnrk' wnnA waves. Appiy at leiz Lothrop street WANTED Girl for areneral housework: small family; good wages. 1339 South Soth avenue. Telephone Harney 2904, WANTED Good rAllahl vlel nr woman iur general nousework. Call Webster 52. COMPETENT girl for general housework; good wages. Mrs. Ed Pecau. Tel. Webster iu morence boulevard. LADY for general housework; two In rarruiy; good wages. Mrs. Charles Black, 3809 Farnam street. Phone Harney 8423. WANTED At once, a competent cook, Mrs. N. B. Updike, 3614 Jackson. WANTED Girl for general housewrk In family of I 201 8. 86th St 'Phon Harney WANTED girl for general housework; iu in laiiiny; gooa wages, tall 1007 bo, sum Ave. l-none Harney 8098. WANTED Experienced hnnum.l u,. Barton, Millard, 123 N. 83th St. Tel." Har ney an. GIRL wanted tn assist In k.,,..H.i, four in family; no children. Call Harney V117 i.w r. .."1 I a, A.,.,AnAA .1,114. , I . . . ,,, ..a.,, .,, , ijiuciu c, tT-,i iuarcy 1 1. SERVANT girl wanted at 2261 N. 19th St uuuu place. WANTED Experienced second Hri small family; highest wagea. 306 8. 38th St wjn.n tor general nousework; no ""'niiis; two in laniny; city references re quired. 144 N. 88th Ave. Phone Harney 569. GOOD cook: po laundry. Mrs. L. C. Nash rnune r torence zzj, H20 N. 3eth 8t. COMPETENT girl; no laundry work. 8315 ruri pi. ri. iiko. WANTED Girl for general housework In family of four; no children. Call at 312 rtamg uiag. rnon ooug. Z163. GIRL nted to care for child. Apply tl stole, lid . ivin r-u WANTED- Girl for general housework lziz N. iolh Bt., south Omaha. I GIRL to help with housework and chll dren. 2448 Manderson St. GIRL to assist wun nousework; no washing nor cooking; one who can go home nights. 641 (.antral boulevard. Tel Douglas U'jQ. COMPETENT girl for general housework; family of two: good wage; reference re quired. Tel. Harney 4140. Ill 8. 38th St. WANTED A competent girl for general homework; two In family; good wagea 1029 Dodge St. LADIES WANTED to take work home; atamplng holiday novelties, tl to Jt dosen. Work guaranteed. Triebera, 815 Brandei Theater Bldg. EXPERIENCED Mcond girl. 607 8. 88th Bt. Hainay tuott. WANTED Girl for ganeral houswork; t In family; references required. W. S. Pup pleton, 204 8. Ptt WANTED 'Woman to oook and Iron. Bo. 16th Ava 630 HELP. WANTED FEMALE (Continued.) M laceltaaenae. TOVNO WOMEN coming to Omaha aa strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian Association building at St. Mary's avenue and Seventeenth street, where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted; look for our traveler's aid at the Union station. GIRLS For overlooking, checking and folding; must be 18 years or older. Apply Bemls Omaha Hag Co. GIRLS for tucking skirts; good wages, steady work. 2907 Leavenworth. WANTED A LIMITED NUMBER OF GIRLS FOR TELEPHONE WORK AP PLY OFKHATINU DEdT. Nr.HKASKA M TELEPHONE- CO. WANTED dressmaker helpers and ap prentices. Room 18 Continental Blk. WANTED 10 Oglrls to work In crarker factory. Apply 7 a. m. Tuesday morning. Stern Biscuit Co. GIRLS for cleaning and pressing cur tains; good wagea, steady work. 2s leav en worth. HELP WANTED MALE Agents, gnlesniea and Solicitor. WANTED experienced house to house canvassers. Call at 614 First National Bank Bldg., between 8 and 10 and 11 to I. AGENTS For new book, "Life of Rooye relt; His Policies. Great Speeches and Af rican Trip;" outfit free. Address tha Inter national Bible House. Dept F, Philadelphia, Pa llor. BOY WANTED-115 S. 16th St Peterson Brothers. lBOT, aged 18, with wheel, to deliver packages Nebraska Clothing Co. Clerical and Office. WE CAN USE SEVERAL first class bookkeepers, stenographers, office clerks. Call or write for complete list of vacancies, WESTERN REF. & BOND AS8 N. INC., 752-4 New York Life Bld. (Est. 8 Yrs.) YOUNG men for rnvernmena service; best opportunities in years. See Mr. Hoff before noon. 201 Old Omaha National Ban oiog. YOUNG man with 81.000 to taka Interest In rood navlntr office buslneaa. and become assistant to manager. To a young man of good reference will give an exoeedingly fin proposition. Adre o-M Be. YOUNG MEN STUDY LAW. Omaha School of Law; evening session only. For further Information, address, Secretary, 701 N. Y. Life. Tel. Douglas YOU CAN ALWAYS secure employment through the CO-OPERATIVE REFER ENCE CO., 1402 City National Bank Bldg. Factory and Trade. Drug Stores (snap). Job. Knieet, Bea bldg. HRICKT.A YF.RS wanted Immediately on new Mori all Packing Plant at Sioux Falls, S. D. Wases. 65 cents Dr hour. Apply on Job immediately to Collins Bros., general contractors at Sioux Falls, a. D. CARPENTERS wanted on the new Mor- rell Packlna- Plant at Sioux Falls. 8. D. Wagea. 84 per day of ten noura steady work until February. Report Immediately on Job with tools to Collins Bro,, general contractors at Sioux l-alls, s. 0. WANTED TAILORS AND PRESSERS. Good wages, fine workroom. DRESHER BROS., Dyers and Dry Cleaners, 2211 and 2218 Famain. WANTED A bor desirous of learning th nrlntina- business to start In holding copy. Apply composing room, umana jbs. CEMENT finishers wanted for floor fin ishing on the new Morrell Packing Plant Btoux Fall. 8. D. Wag $4.00 per day 01 ten bour. Must be fast Addreaa Collins Bros., Sioux Falls, S. D. WANTED Combination plumber and Uamfltter; must b flrat-ulas. Will contract for year. Apply U. P. Combs, Albta, la. TAILOR WANTED H. Livingston, 108 So. 14 til St WANTED First-class shoemaker at once. Address Duffy A Morgan, Chadron, Nb WANTED Art glaus cutters and glaxlera. Good wages, open shop. Jaooby A. G. Co., 2700 St Vincent Ave., St Louis. Miscellaneous. WANTED Railway mall clerks Omaha. Examination November 12tb. $800 to 81,809. PrDaratlon free. Franklin Institut. Dent 190 1, Rocnester, is. 1. JANITOR for church: must be temper- ate, practical Catholio and understand liow to attend boiler, alio hav references. Apply 2212 Binney St. WANTED Competent soda dispenser; reference required. Harley Drug Co., Lin coin, Neb. WANTED Men to learn barber trada Few weeks required. Best paying work within reach of poor man. Wages up to 820 weekly, small capital start snop. f ew barbers take apprentices. Demand Increas ing. Write for free particulars. Moler Barber College, 110 S. 14th St. WUiUrr LUIU3 mo lexn automobile business; practical Instruction. Nat 1 Auto Training Assn., 628 Urandels Theater Bldg. EXPERIENCED LAUNDRY MAN WANTED. Good position open to thoroughly expert enoed man who understands running and caring for steam washers and mangl Apply at once to Christian Home Orphan age, council uiurrs, ia. WANTED Three young men who have had experience In handling boots and shoes to work in stook In wholesale store; stat age, whether married or single and give references. Address A B 63, Be. WANTED Registered drug clerk, ref. erence required. Harley Drug Co., Lincoln Neb, LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horae and Wagons. Wagon Umbrella Wagner. 801 N. 16th. WinnW Buggies, etc. Will sell you .vj better grade of work and for less money than anyone elne In Omaha ox Council Blurts. 1112 f arnam street. HORSES, mutes, vehicle, harness. Burt. (Rear.) 8023 FOR SALE horse, weigh about 500 Iba 607 N. 19th St.; barn. LOST or stolen, white collie dog with black ears; answers to the name ul lUx return to 2416 Ames; reward. CARRIAGE and top buggy, good condi tion; almost your own price. Go se Jotineon-Danforlh Co., 10th and June Sta LOST AND FOUND LOST From 324 Park Avenue, Knit Jewelry, consisting ul a aiamu.icl cluster ring, seal nn, i.nr. . iinire ring, set of parl studa and cuff buttons and a number of other artlclea for which a suit able reward will be paid if returned to th above addreaa. MEDICAL HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES-Best rem edy for Itching, bleeding or protruding PILF, Kc postpaid; samples free. Hher nian A McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. FREE medical and surgical treatment at Creghton Medical college, 14th and Daven port Sis.; special attuntloo paid to confine ment caaea: all treatment supervised bv tolieg professors. Phone Douglas 1167. Calls answered day and night. BEST nerve bracer for man. Gray's Nerve Food Pill. $1 a box. postpaid Sher man t McOjui.u Drug Co., Omaha MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AM IHATTKI.. NO MOHK HIGH RATES. $$ CHEAP MONEY H NEW COMPANY. NKWFUNS. H This Is a new firm organised by the l LEADING BUSINESS MEN OK OMAHA TO LOAN 18 tio to tfO0 tt to any honest person owning lIOt'SE- f$ HOLD GOODS. PIANOS, etc.. or hold- It Ing a salaried position at the rate of tt tt 10 PER CENT PER YEAR. tt tt .1 UST THIN K Y OU PAY tt tt $100 Interest on till for one yer. tt tt I-' 60 Interest on IS for one year. tt tt 00 Interest on tMl for one ywr. tt tt ALL OTHER SUMS IN PROPORTION tt tt EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS. tt Reasonable Appraisement Charges. tt M INDEPENDENT LOAN CO., tt 8 Room 204 Wlthnell Block. tt N. E. Cor. K.th Harney Sta , 2.1 Floor, tt tt Phones Douglas 6o4S; A-l. tt Cash Quick on Easy Terms We loan money on household goods, pianos and teams without removal, for long o? short time, small and easy payments, $1.20 Is the weekly payment on a MOO loan for 60 meeks; other amounts in the same proportion. Call on us and let us explain our plan for loaning money. Strictly private and rellahle. Courteous treatment at all times. Mall or phone applications receive our piompt attention. State Mortgage Loan Co., Room 12, Arlington Block, 15UH Dodge Bt Phone Douglas 2466. tmtttttmmtttwtmttttttumtm$tttt$wttt$ CHEAP LOANS on Furniture, Pianos or Salary, You borrow $10.00 you pay back $11.00 t2i.00 you pay back t27.00 $.0.00 you pay back 8&4.00 No other charge. OMAHA FINANCIAL CO., Room 601. Brown Blk., 207 R. 18th St. Cor. Douglas St. Douglas 2038; A-2m tm$w$mmtt8ttitmttttmtttmtttttttmttttt$ MONEY TO LOAN. Come In and let us explain our low rates to you. Reliable Credit Co.. 608 Paxton Block. Tel. Douglas 1411, A-1411. MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPI.ir. women keeping house and oth ers, without security; eesv navmenta. Offices In 66 principal cities. Tolman, room dix iew iorK 11 re Bldg. DIAMOND LOANS AT 57c o W. C. FLATAU, lilt Dodge. Tel. Red 6611. AN OLD FIRM A NEW ADDRESS OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 215 UOAKD OF TRADE BLDG. Second Floor.' 'Phone. Doug. 2295. MOVING AND HOUSE CLEANING OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE rn. cleans carpet on your floor. Electric vacuum system. m 8. 17th. Tel. D. 1669, EXP. Delivery Co.. offices lfith and Dm. enport Sts. Warehouse, 21I07-09 Izard St OFFERED FOR RENT Board and Booma. CHOICE rooms with board. "The Tem plars." laio uapitol Ave. LARGE front room and hoard, nrlvata Hansconi Park; Harney 2230. BEAUTIFUL room with board; fur- nlshed. 2787 Capitol Av. ELEGANT rooms and hnarrt 2039 Call- fomla St Tel. Doug. 615L ROOMS and board. 618 N. 80th Bt Doua-. la 5268. LANDON Newly onened. 611 S. 24th St Douglas 7931. THE ROSE. 2020 Harney. Nice, claan room wun good board; noma cooking. FURNISHED room and board for two: for further particular call Silt CaDltal Av. uougia tusi. . - DESIRABLE board and room; 128 8. 26th Av. LARGE front room, two larg closets and lavatory; walking distance, nar car una: aiso smaller room, uxoaucnt board, 709 6. 19 th St 710 South 18th. Furnished room with home cooking; rates reasonable. BINGLB and double rooms, with excellent Doara, steam neat ana not water. 2610 Hi ney. Harney 2947. FINE rooms, and board; bom cooking. aoiu uewey Ave. ELEGANT, large parlor, for several gen tlemen, with Al board. 2228 Howard St ROOMS for desirable parties; 808 N. 20th. new flat. VERY desirable rooms, with board. Capitol Ave. 1818 SOUTH parlor, with or without board; mouern. iiu iuuf im, FIRST class room and board: modern. nn nowara. MODERN furnished room with or with. out ooara. iius uougia. FIRST clasa room and board, near 14th street car. una. as per wea. was N. 2d at BOARD and room, 2226 Dodg 8t (OKI. Red NICELY furnished modern house; prl vat family; gentlemen, 2407 Davenport f uun niooern rooms, close in, on car une; prices reasonable, fnon Red 6477. NICELY furnished rooms, new, modern flat Ideal location; price right. 214 N. 26th bt. DOUg. M02. . FURNISHED room In private family for MAN and wife would like two or three gentiemem to rou aim uonira wun them new modern, home. West Farnam district; references required. Address N SO, Bee. 8 ROOMS with board. 2702 Farnam Bt Tel. rtar. Furnished Room. ROOM suitable for two. 409 S. 86th At NICELY furnished modern room; reason able, 828 Farnam. Flat 2. FURNISHED rooms for light house keep ing; moaein. mo i-ougiaa. TWO furnlHhed room for housekeeping, wc rs. i.in. NEWLY furnished modern room. 17th Av. 626 8. FURNISHED basement room for gentle man. 1810 Capitol. NEWLY furnished, modern, front room suitable for one or two gentlemen; private home in one or omana s bent neighbor hoods. 2S2S N. 17th St. Phon Webster 698. VERY desirable rooms, private home; gertlemen orly; walking distance. 212,1 Douglas. Tyler 1228. EIGHT-ROOM f urnli hed houaff, West Farnam district, 866 per month. Telephone Harney 1002. FRONT room, all modern, with house keeping and laundry; will rent unfurnished or furnished to suit. 608 S. 87th St. TWO ELEGANTLY FURNISHED front rooms in private fainlly, all modern Im provements, fine location, walking dis tance. 618 8. I7th Bt. Tel. H. i.)6. O. M. E. hauls trunks. Phones D. 811, A-2R11. FRONT room, modern, suitable for one or two. Telephone Douglaa 666. 2038 Far nam St. WELL furnished rooma; modern. 617 S. ISth ht. Elegantly furnished rooma for gentle men only, tl 60 per week and up. 261:1 Har ney. Phone Harney D0L SEPTEMBER 1, clean, well furnished room for two gentlemen in new St. Loui flat, walking distance. I960' Jones St. ROOMS, single and n suite; telephone and gas for cuoklns 818 N. 17th. THREE rooms In modern house for two gentlemen, on th car line. Phone Wet cter Kitf. NEWLY furnlhed front room: modern, down town apartment Phon Doug. 2JU. OFFERED FOR RENT Famished Ttoomi ( nnllmrl. BEAUTIFUL front room, all "'VL1 per month. Ti.tS Chicago St IMionaJted - FURNISH KM rooms, suitable for two gentlemen. 2124 Jones St. Tel. Doug. 4.AU SINGLE front room, vet v reasotalile it taken at once 271S Dewey Ave. ROOMS with private bath, hot wator. nil times; large mom suitable for two, S aOj another room. $3 V Harney St FIVB furnished rooms for light hitrfse keeplng. 1SJ6 8. 23d St. ELEGANTLY furnished rooms. 19th. Tel. Douglas 6:6;. SCO THREE large rooms; modern. $2 8 a. till. References. ROOM for one girl at $2 week, ljiundrr privilege. i27 Harney. WE have room for one man at $1 $ KJ7 Harney. Kii'B front room, suitable for two fen- tlemen; also other rooms beside. $13 N. 20th. FURNISHED front room", private family. 613 N. 25th. 'Fhone Red 5815. NEWLY fiunlahed rooms, modern: good location. 408 8. 2Mh Ave. Tel. Ke.1 .mi, uihieum wn furnished rooms, walking distance; private family. 2307 Bt Mary' Ave. TWO nicely furnished room, modern. 2211 Farnam. FURNISHED rooma at 2227 Loflurt BC Tel. Webster 3348. PLEASANT room, modern, on car line. ROOMS for deelrabl , pxrUe In TK?"A ( ' modern flat on oar line. 80S No. 20th bt NICELY furnished front room atiltabla for two gentlemen; strictly modern, on car line. 1608 N. 17 St. NICELY furnished larg front room. suitable for two. 201 S. 15tb Ave. 726 S. 1TH ST.. modern furnished mom for gentlemen; very reasonable. NICELY furnished outh front roori for lsd.es: also other rooms: with pri 'at family. Tel. Har, 6567, 228 Capitol AvtJ FOR RENT Nioaly furnished front Worn, $17 8. 20th St Very convenient to business. rmwmnr.n rnoma modern, suitable toe gentlemen. 408 N. 23d. Board If desired. SINGLE room, suitable for two; private family; modern. 812ft S. 20th. NICELY furnished room for gentlemen. close In; modern. Telephone, hot water, 706 8. 18th St NICE furnlhed front room with bath. 8123 California Bt NICELY furnished outhet room, easy walking distance, In modern house, very desirable; gentlemen only. Apply 609 S. Soth Ave. 'Phone, Red 7966. ' ROOMS with private bath, hot watefi all times; larg room, suitable for two, $360 another room, S3 S6 Harney St 808 N. 19TH St., large front room, for gen tleman; modern; private. TWO nice front rooms, walking distance. 617 N. toth St. LARGE front room, first floor, separata entrance. 117 8. 26 th Av. CLEAN, strictly modern furnlahad room I also suite light housekeeping room; good location. 2106 Case. ROOM, wlUi alcove, modern. 820 8. 22d. WANTED Two or three furnished house keeping, north of Dodge, west of 18th; pre fer private family. Koskar, 1909 Iaard St FURNISHED room In modern flat everything new; en suite or atngl. Second floor, 408 N. lBtn Kt THREE finely furnished rooma, suitable for three or six gentlemen; rooms have large closets; cool In summer; furna.ft heat In winter; gas, bath, hot and coldiyater; ample porch, and grounds; both tele, '.ones; lc water; walking distance; rsP, shable rent; com and see them. 808 S. 20th St Telephone Dougla 779. LARGE front room for two persh In private family; modern. 118 No. 27 til Ave. B. 6037. WEST Farnam district near 85th street, two blocks from Farnam car, for lady only; modern, well furnished room, with small private family; references. 'Bell phone, Harney 4643. A FURNISHED rooms, board If desired; teacher preferred. 2306 Grant Bt Tele phone W 2-535. -- $18 LARGE. well furnished rooms; choice neighborhood; bay window and use of good piano. It you will be rArma- nent and want a nloe homelike pto InJ walking distance, with furnace neat ga bath, hot and Ice water, both 'phone come to 2GC8 St Mary' Av., one block! from Leavenworth car. Smaller roomal 810. No housekeeping or cnuaren. WANT two or thre gentlemen for steady rooms; good location and handy to carl , reference exchanged. Call Sunday of evenings. 2611 N. 19th Ave. Jt FURNISHED rooms for rent 18th. Web. 1410. 2018 N, ONE nicely turnlahed room, modern, bt. aiary Ave. TWO furnished rooms, modern. Uforg . nth st. jis t COOL east front parlor; modern; prlvttl l'- nome; clean Dea; to quiet gentleman; :e a week. 822V4 b. 20th. Phon Red 6227. I: Tlr SINGLE or double rooms, nice and olet. prices reasonable. 1908 Capitol Ave. FURNISHED room for rent: both I ml wrv and small. 1918 Capitol Ava d t TWO EXQUISITE ROOMS, ENSurr" OR SINGLE, for gentlemen, In tbt WJ"' ' Farnam home; every convenience; ifust' seen to be appreciated. 0-465, Bee. - ' ' 'r'I DOUBLE and single rooms for slejpiifjT. sletpirTS. Lfaven- 1609 Howard, 2d floor. SINGLE room, Mary' Ave. $10; modern. SINGLE worth. rooms, modern, 2016 NICE, cool room for young man; .reason able. 618 S. 22d St. TO lady, good-sired, heated front roon furnished, N. 24th St.; references exchanged. Addreaa M-63, Bee. ' HOUSEKEEPING rooms, cheap rent 2118 Douglaa St TWO large front rooms, modern house; arranged fur houaekeeplng. 1618 Davenport t. , ONE single, large room for men only. 214 8. 20th St MODERN rooms, with or without board. 410 N. 2.'ld St ONE large room for gentleman. 317 8. 26th St. NICELY furnished front room for rnt 1324 Capitol Ave., 2d floor. SINGLE room for rent to lady or gentle man. 6o4 S. lIUl St. TWO furnished rooms with or without ImurJ, on car line. Address 14.17 N. 20th. l'l..ne Webster 31..S. NICELY furnished front room wltli al co, wlrictly modern; large lawn; elmf alettping or housekeeping. 1524 N. 17th t-t. TWO eoond-floor, newly furnished romu. furnac heat, gas and hath; suitable f or 2 gentlemen or ladles. Goodman, jft 22,1 ! A tfz) FURNISHED room for rent; all .ed 2611 HluiMlo. Tel. W. 34t)9. V ' SINGLE room, furnished, modern, privaT faiitlly Douglaa 19"0. Gentleman. 24' n Davenport. VKHY deslrahl room; fins location, walking diataiic. 218 a iota St LARGE, nicely furnished rooms, bar J 4 all modern convenient e; walking I 'c ur Harney line; ptivate family. U I Ji LARGE front room for getitlnn.4 Mi Dodge Bt. IA Y J, K ..1 I i 0-2 4 r frt,, I tV f J