L.TETIED FOR RENT lliuarkrvil mm. Hoonj Con tinned. Il I'f i'K .f:'K nl pimping rooms; lui:!c ana .IouIjIu. HI', Donne strft. KooM and board In private family; mod ern an i iriuioniiiili.'. Adreas 31 1 Mason 8t. i lllil Hui ney Ml.i. Sriali front room for onp, with board. 131. Cwi. I 'hone Douglas 147K. lOOD room and board. 14.60, at 817 N. 161 h St. 17m? Manuel and Howard, lint and llow - lift, i and 4-room a)rlmnu; 21 to (36; nW furnished. THOB w lulling; home comfort, horn 'Cooking with pleasant moms and bath will find them at MS H. 2."ith HL Rates very t eneotiable. LIGHT HOl'.SEKEEriNO ROOMS. Two nicely furnished rooma for light liousekeeplnn; modern; close In. 214 N. 2&th. Phone Douglas MM. Ft'RNlSHKl) rooms, with or without light housekeeping privileges. 1920 Dodge 8t. 1919 ST. MARI'D AVU, board and room; borne cooking. ROOM and board for two gentlemen; all miKlern and new house; home cooking; private family. 321 N. ith SL TVVO nicely furnished rooma for light housekeeping, new flat, modern; piles right 214 N. 2f.th 6L Douglas 462. BERVANT8' problem solved: four rooma condensed Into two, furnished for house keeping, heat. Ice, laundry, vacuum-cleaner, hot water. Janitor, Hi. The Howard, 21st and Howard. Apsrtntsti and Flats. 1309 OR 2311 DEWEY AVE., t rooms, all modern, close walking distance, Ho. Ulover Jtealty Syndicate, UiiMU City Natl. Bank Bldg. 4-ROOM flat, 1129 No. 17th St Call Doug. 1762. FOUR-ROOM Webster 628. modern apartment. Tel. FOR RBNT 9 and 7-room, modern flats, ' Tel. Webster I'M. CENTRAL APARTMENTS. 1 high grade, t-room, modern, steam heated flat, 2d floor, corner; handsome fin ish; free hot water all year; walking dis tance; a fine home; all highest grade ex cept price; summer $32; winter 18 more; ref erence required. Bemls-Carlbarg, 112 Bran del Theater. SERVANTS' problem aolved; S rooms condensed Into (; steam heat; eleotrlo light and laundry; hot and cold water; wall bed, safe, gaa stove, refrigerator. Janitor service. The Hunter, 2Cta and Dodge. Tel. Douglas 4132. SIX ROOMS, new, modern, hot water heat. iOa Howard at , NEW t room bricx flat, near 24th and Harney, oak finish, gas range, shades and , curtain rods, laundry, :'5. ERNEST SWEET. 123 City Nat'l bank. Doug. 1473 DESIRABLE four room apartment, new, 120. Tel Harney Untarnished Rooma. Faralslaed Hoasee. FURNISHED bungalow, Seymour lake, IS week. Kaiston Lumber Co. Phoo lad. B 102. -ROOM furnished house. West Farnam district, 6& per month. Telephone Harney 1WZ. Hoasee and Cottages. SIX ROOMS, MODERN, walking ' dis tance. Inquire 222 Burt FOR RENT Sept. 1st. Nearly new 5-room modern cottage, north part. Phone Webster 6-ROOM house, modern, furnace heat, tUi Fowler Ave. Paved St. ' - NEW, strictly modern, oak finish, s-room nouse in Bemts Park. 3624 Hawthorne. $40. 1 Call Harney 404L HOUSES, Ins. Rlngwalt. Brandels Th. Bldg. FOR RENT Office rooms Sis and 120: nice suite offices located In northwest cor ner, of building. The larger room la nartl tloned so as to afford two private offices and reception room, and Is provided with vault. This makes a good combination of rooma and has been occupied by Insurance company; may be rented lor &J per month, THE BEE BUILDING COMPANY. 7-room, modern except furnace, 321 Leavenworth, tzx&u. 7-room, modern except furnace, 3222 South Z3d bt.. 130 oo. U-room, modern suit, t families, 3228 8. im mi., sj.ou. 6-room. modern. 2413 Burt St. 130.0a 6-room, modern except furnace, 1U20 park Ave., i?u.w. rocms. 2622 Rees St. 17.00. Bemls-Cailberg Co.. Hi Brandels Theater. FOR RENT Six-room cottage, modern exoept heat, $11. 2712 Decatur bt. Webster ZilL FOR RENT. 610 S. 22d St., 13-r., mod., 176. 3223 Harney St.. 7-r., mod., $.. 1022 N. 40th. S-r., hot water heat 35. MH S. 17th St., S-r., mod., $22.60. vel N. 27th St., 8-r., $15. 1IADKA. 60 N. T Life. 4334. Evenings; D. 4430. NICK s-rem house for rear, modern es Beai u Cuming street. 'Phone. Han -aey w&. FSRRIN Exp. 4t Storage. 16U Cap. D. 213 EIGHT ROOMS 112.60. Water on both floors, large lot, one block to car, cheapest rent In town. NOWATA LAND A LOT CO. 66 New York Life Bldg. 'Phone Red tm. CENTRAL APARTMENTS. I desirable t-room modern flats, hard. wood, big rooms, shades, ranges, steam heat; free hot water all year: fireproof , stairways; walking distance; summerv one ae, oiow e; winter as more; equal any at in mgner. see tor yourself. JBsnus-carl berg, $12 Brandels Theater. FOR RENT See those new houses on Cass street between Mth and Central boulevard; will be ready for oooupaney Sep- TemDer 4. aiaae iirst Class, smelly mod ern with ever cot.venleno: I rooms and lull basement, cemented, $3S. Inquire from Creighlou university, Kth and California. -ROOM cottage, modern except heat. $17. SO per month. 361s Jones fit. Tel. Har ney 1296. EIGHT-ROOM house, all modern. $910 N. t?d St Call one door south or Tel Webeter fee, $12 S LARGE room apartment, part mod ern; ground floor; block to car and stores. 1U16 turn Ht Doug, soott. t-room. modern brick house, north part of city, 13. 4-room apartment city water, $12. -room apartment 1917 Clark, $10. One store building. lSlt Clark St, $20. v C M. BACHMANN, 43 Paxton Blk. Thones; Office H-aXM. Residenoe D. 6066. HOUSES la all parts of the elty. Cralgk Suus s Oew Be Bldg, Houses, flats. Oar via Bros. Id floor N. T. U BRICK HOUSE. ISU Dewey avenue. rooms, anodera. Moyer Sia Cat, Ml " ar eata pi. iwy a-room moaera. very nice, beauti fully located, newly renovated. 719 S. $7ta. HOUSES FOR UltNT. ; NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO. 1 bulte a.4 N. r. Ufa Bldg. Had Isea SMALL COTTAOB. eooveolently located It ti rnorui lata bu, near ouatness center. a. A ...... . . L u . , I t.v F"' " awe BUT IB. a Mwma miv1rn ail Vnrth HI c ... 6 rooms, hut water heat, lult Wool'worth, HARRISON as MORTON, 111 N. y. Llfa OMAHA Vaa a Storaga Co.. paek. mora lore tiausehold goods; eiorehouse, 112S-M N 1Mb; office. u k. Htk Kb .Tt Douglas 1444 NO EQUAL Central location. 4-r. corn at rat Appiy ass storut sso. visard t Bioos. HOUSEHOLD UOODS aaeksd. forwarded; cbeap freight rates; moving and atoriog. Ivspreasmea s Delivery Co. Vei. Doug. Sri - NEW I-roo in modern house. 2311 8. lith Ft., M. Reference required, laquire Alartda s)U Tani vwug. tiVs, OFFERED FOR RENT lleeaee aad Cottage Coellneed. TEN-ROOM brick bonne near high achoot. Keys on premise. 2tl Capitol Ave. Tel. liarney tlyn. All modern. MuUEllN 7-room house with lawn and shade trera, . EM Dodge Ht. Inquire Capitol Ave. Tel. Doug, ion or Doug. Br j. NEW I room brick house; modern. Har ney 047. BEVEN-HOOM, all modern brick house; food repair. B'th and lxard. $20. Turklng ton, 002 Dee Hide g ROOM house, 142J Emmet St., all mod. Call Douglas 17S2. 7-ROOM. all modern, brick house, good repair. 29th and lxard. 10. Turklngton, o2 Bee. TWELVE-ROOM modern house, hot wa ter heat. 2S0 Harney. Thomas W. Haien, 106 80. 16th. phone v. iw. PEVEN-ROOM modern house, on car line. K9 Sherman Ave. Phone, Young, Web. 3743. faTt WATT A T . Aantral hatsu1 4.tMAm ninas lit rJW'..AM .-t-inieas v -m suw.aa .ualtr i . a. w ski a ua rfi kn. X 18 L, JU U. sVHJ 1IMIU UIH -nOOM house, modem, furnace heat. 2222 Fowler Ave. Paved St. Call Web. 6197. 8-ROOM house modern except heat 702 N. 28th Ave. $22.50. W. J. Dermodr Tnv. Co.. Tel. Doug. 786. 1512 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. 6-ROOM new modern cottage, north part of city. $27.60. w. J. uermoay jnv. to., Tel. Doug. 788. 1512 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. EXCEPTIONAL RENTAL BARGAINS. 8-r.. new. all mod., very choice home-like place, large lawn and shade, corner, south and east front, paved street house Just painted, exterior and Interior repapered, fine locality. 2708 Caldwell, only $30 per month. -r., mod., close, 1547 N. 17th, $?4.&o. 8-r., mod., close, 1549 N. 17th, $7.50. 6-r, 1803 N ft., South Omaha, $7. 4-r., 1906 8. 21st large yard, $X. 12-r., modern, close, 1151 N. ISth, $35. RUSSELL & M'KITRICK CO., 432 Ramge Bldg. 15th and Harney. SEVEN-ROOM house, partly modern, nice lawn. S839 Deatur St., MODERN 8-room house. Inquire 2614 Caldwell St. Stores and Offleea. FOR RENT Office rooms. $18 and 820: de sirable suite of offices on third floor, with north sua west exposure. A wiae cornoor extends around the attractive court to these offices affording easy access to this place of business. Rent for suite $52. THE BEE BUII.DINO COMPANY. LARUE pleastnt south and east front office. Corner Utn and Uaroey. B. H Curtis. UOt Harcev. STOREROOM FOR RENT. Southeast corner 16th and Douglas Sts.: room 28x70 feet Possession given about Sep- temper 1, mu. CITY NATIONAL BANK. Unequalled Opportunity Grocery and .. 1. n . ...t.V. t v , 1 1 .. ...... ..1 . UC,h ,111.1 nL. 1 Lit t.A 1.1 V kll.lll, , 1 1 equal. Tlzard Block. Apply 220 N. 23d St TRACKAGE PROPIORTY We offer for rent tho one story anJ basement brick store room at 914 Farnam. This prop erty has trackage facilities in rear. Apply BEE BUILDING CO, 17th and Farnam. OFFERED FOR SALE FOR SALE At bargain, sewing machine. 4S18 Capitol Ave, TeL Harney 6342. WRITINO desk, gold leaf parlor suits. Furnishings used only short time; good as Dew. Massive brass beds, box springs, hair ma tresses, mahogany leather rockers, ped estal aimng table, library table, daven port oriental and domestic rugs, portieres, bric-a-brao. Imported palntlnes, piano, mir rors. Call at once at 2S26 Chicago St FOR SALE Mahoaany and oak furniture. or (-room nouse; nearly new; gaa stove. ruga, eto. S34 Georgia Ave. Phone Harney ;. uwntr leaving city. COMPLETE furniture of three rooms for nousexeeping, oheap. 2634 Deoatur. HOUSEHOLD furniture for sale. 1424 North 16th St. TWO BASE BURNERS and gas range. Harney 3059. New $66 range, used only a few months, will sell for $36, If taken at once. Harney 1176. FOR SALIC Cheap; parties moving into trs, bookcases, davenport and rags. Phono uoug. taii. zuzo ixxjge bt r OK SALE Furniture of seven-room xiat complete, practically new: verv deslr. able location. Owner leaving town. 623 S. Kin Ave. Typewriters. BUT an L. C. Smith 4k Bros. Type writer. B. f. Swansea Co, DLsirlbutara, uu remain t Typewriters for RentL J; Ull Farnam St, Omaha. SECOND-hand typewriters sold, repaired. Central Typewriter Exchange. 1607 Farnaza, M laeellaaaaaa. DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid en an fit orders, catalogue free. Bnermaa 4k UfConnell Drug Co.. Omaha, Neb. t OR WALK New ana seoona-band billiard sod pool tables. We lead the world In chMta bar fixtures; easy payment. Brunswick-Ualke-Collender. 4Uf k UXb at SAFES Orerstocked with second-hand safes, all fixes and makes; bargain American Supply Co., till Farm 8t POTATOES. POTATOES. Long Pine, Neb., the favored locality. H. C. Smith, the FOR SALE John Deere walking plow, 12- iiiuii, new, naruv suos. WE HAVE 00 band a number of ins barrels which we will sell for M cents eacb, Tbey are fine for rain water o ashes. Call at press room. Be Publishing Co. About 4t feet of 21 Inch diameter No. M gauge, galvanised pipe, with four 4s-lnna elbows and T. This was used for ventllat. lug purpose, and pipe Is In good condition. The Bee Publlablnst Co, 17lu and sarnaia. HALL 8 satea. new. Id-hand. Mil Farnam. Filters, flltsr repairs. 1310 Howard. DS9U rrn ttiiv , . .- - - w.vvuuiiu mumun neater, 200 horse power. Apply Bee Building Co.. OSTEOPATHY stathry Nikolas, 134-t Brandsls Theater. AUoe Johnson. sM- Brandels Theater Bldg PATENTS D. O. BARN ELL, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117, WILLARD EDDY, registered praotlUoner to U. a Pat office, els Vaxtaa Blk. H. 3MIL PERSONAL NOTICE. James A. Healy of Kmmett, St. Clair county, Mich., desires Information regard ing his brother Austin or Auntie ll.aly. Anyone knowing him please inform J. A. Healy. MANICURING, shampooing, chiropodist. Phone Webster 4007. BWITCHES-$1.60. Mad orders promptly tinea. L ti. t'eiiette, ssm riarney. u. alio. OPPORTUNITY for two young ladles to enter training school for purses at Child Saving Institute, to take the places of two graduates. Apply to head nurse. Phone Webster 1991. from combings, $1M. Mrs. 8. PERSONAL toon uiiuni.! MRS. EGGERS, prlvata confinement home. 1M Martha 8t, Omaha, Neb. Tele phone Douglas tX MAHOUAN V upright piano lor sale; cost new $3J& tCASH), MCEtl MONEY J leaving town; no reasonable offer refused. Address V. si. B., Oenerai Delivery. Omaha, Whitman S CANDIES Iwaya fresh. Order (' A Mplp,pr Dnwur Co.. gerrlce. A meCUer , 4 rarnam. MAONET10 Vestment Mme. Smith. aiAumDiiu m 16tlv Tbtr4 jrloor TOTJNO WOMEPt coming to Omaha as strangars sre -.nvlted to visit the Young Women s Cbrlsttsn sssoclatloa building ai Seventeenth St and St Mary s Ave., where tbey will be directed to sultanle boarding plaoea or otherwise assisted. Look for war traveler's ala at the Uiwa statioo. THJs SALVATION AKMT sol lot la oast-eft slothing, la fact anything you do not need, We collect repair and sell at U4 N. ins It, for coat of collection, to the werta tour. CsU 'pbooa Douglas 41 JS aod wagoas alii -alt , SWITCH KS from combings, 1L TeL Webster 64. HINDOO TABLKT1 will build, braaa. Strengtben. 1st. BELL DKUQ CO. OMAHAMtammsrers In.. Kamge Bldg. VlflS.n foe ansa ttrifflth. FHBNZWM BLOCK. .. u ana 14 PRIVATE HOME during eonflnemeot: tables for sdoptloa. Good bamarltan Sane. larluso. tea ui Ave.. Council muffs, la. GROW new hair bv ualna' Vml irrivar'. Adellgbt Hair Food. Meaeath StaUonarv Co. JOSIE WASHBURN'S book. Ths Under. woria aewer, at aa book stores) price $1.60. MME. ALLEN of Chicago, baths, .salt glow and massage, ir.05 Dode St., opposite . - . .1 . . n . . . j puBiuiiiw. u iiuur. xei. ioug. 100. WE rent and repair all kinds of mln KnUUIIIIlB. 1IIU. A-11W. lDUg, 1T).1. IS CrlrtJV K.A ClX'LiK COMPANY, loth and Harney Sts. CTDTPTI V n,lbal. . 2518 Davenport St MASSAGE AND BATHS Dr. Rlttenhouse. RoomSOS Old Boston Store mag., tin iioor, elevator entrance, XO) u. lln, MAGNETIC lT"n- .P""-,!2!4 POULTRY FOR SALE Cheap. If taken at once, several hundred old and young single comb White Degnorns ana white wyanaottes, R, A. Lee. 402 Bancroft St. Phone D. 1921. PRINTING LEW W.RABER, Printer," xsee tiag. trance on court. RIES-HALL Ptg. Co.. 109 S. 14th. Ind. A-S5Z4. MILLER JAMJESON, 1212 Doug. Both pnooea. 'PHONK IND. A.W3S fnt lull nrlnllra Lyngsiad Prtnttna Co. Kth Capitol Ave. REAL ESTATE ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. GUARANTEE Abstract Co., 162$ Farnam. PETER JESSEN, JR., Tel. Douglas 2291 PUBLIC Stenographer, 90S Bee bldg. D. 2904 REAL ESTATE DEALBItS. REED ABSTRACT CO., Bet. l$Bt; pro root servicei get our prioas. got praadeis theater. REAL ESTATB TITLE TRUST . CO. 1M1-2 City Natl. Bank Building. BENJAMIN R. B. CO.. 477 Brandels Bldg, . CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. 2 Acres Improved In Florence Located along tho Calhoun macadam road, within 15 minutes' walk from end of car line In Florence. Has a good 4 room house, fine large plastered chicken house, stable and other outbuildings. About Vi acre of 4-year-old grapes, fine cherry trees, blackberries end other fruit. The land lies nearly all level. Good rich soli. A place where a person could maka a good living, win sen for gj.ow. Hastings & Heyden, 1614 Harney St FIVE-R00M BUNGALOW. $500" DOWN. Tula attractive bungalow Is located at 2617 Wirt St., two blocks to 24th St. car. Has living ropm, extra large tuning room, large kitchen and con venlent pantry, two beautiful, large airy bea rooms and bath room wlcl nickel dumbing: cemented hasnment stairway to floored attlo. Large lot, 44x136. nicely terraced: cement walks This house was built by day labor and can be -bought for S2.760; 500 cash, balance monthly. J, W. Rasp Co., 689-91 Brandels Bldg. Phone: Doug. 1653, Ind. A-2653. DECIDE TO LIVE IN TOUR OWN HOME THIS COMINO W INTKH. We can sell you on very easy terms the brand new 6-room cottage. Just completed, at No. 8338 Taylor St, strictly modern except heat with beautiful combination) light fixtures, convenient bath room with sanitary piuniDlag, run cellar, large attlo, do-foot lot, south front one block to car. Can be bought on easy terms. Price. 22.650. Sen the property at once. It's better than paying rent Payne, Bostwick & Slater Sols Agents, Sixth Floor N. v. xjfA BWg. Downtown Property Brick building 132 feet from new W. O. W. site at 14th and Farnam. Price, $15,000. The Byron Reed Co. mono Doug. ZU7. 212 So. 17th St. Note New Location. NEARLY NEW 7-room house, all mod ern; good neighborhood, close to 24th 8t una. weoster lM. . WEST FARNAM 1500 CASH Balance very easy, (-room, modern house. large ioi, anruoery, iruii, snaae, line soma trice, Rv, NOWATA LAND & LOT CO. S6s New York Life Bldg. 'Phone Red VA. CHEAPER THAN RENT. 2002 N. 2uth tit., 6-r., modern, except heat; close to car and school. 2u6 or J00 down, balance monjAiy. i'rlced as low as WWVU UB.ID OOSNUT. US N. T. IJfe.. D. 4324. Evenings: W. 567a 1300 CASH, BALANCE EAST s-roora. modern, two large lots, fruit shads, shrubbery, grapes, large chicken house, near school, beet car line In city. It will please you. Prlre, f3.O0O. NOWATA LAND & LOT CO. 65s New York Life Bldg. 'Phone Red IMt Choice lots in different parts of city, $1.00 cash and 50 cents per week. W. J. DERMODY INVEST MENT CO., Tel. D. J86j 830 N. Y. U Bldg, REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY FUR SALB. I Start Your Fortune Today, Buy Some Lots in CLOVERDALE ADDITION Between Hamilton and Blondo and 48th to 50th Streets. Will be sold on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, Septem ber 2d, 3d and 4th. Salesmen on the ground all the time. The Greatest ever offered for SAVING MONEY and MAKING MONEY. $5.00 DQWN $5.00 Per Month FOR ANY NO INTEREST TO PAY, NO 50x150. $100.00 to $450.00. FREE Abstract of Title FREE Warranty Deed BEAUTIFUL, SIGHTLY LOCATION. Ony 3 to 5 bloclo from Car Line. 15 minutes ride from 16th and Farnam. NEVER AGAIN will you be able to buy such fine OMAHA at such remarkably low SALE starts at 8 A. M. Friday, September 2d, and continues three days. ' REMEMBER $5.00 PER MONTH BUYS ANY LOT and you have NO IN TEREST to pay on deferred payments. Don't Be Short Sighted Don't Be Skeptical SEE THESE LOTS, look at future and f BACK YOUR OWN JUDGMENT HOW TO REACH CLOVERDALE Take any car and transfer to WOLNUT HILL LINE, get off at Franklin Street, go 4 blocks west. SEE OUR SIGN. THIS ADDITION IS LOCATED nearer to the heart of the city than any addition ever 6old on such easy terms without interest THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY. Only 130 lots. Come early and get your choice. Norris & Martin Phone Douglas 4270 GROUND FLOOR 8PACH. Thers is a hares spsves just oft ths court a (round floor that will b r modeled to suit aatlafactory tenant. This looatlon Is rsr Farnarn strsst, oonsnisnt to nuila stitrsncs of building. Look bsfors renting. Lton't rant bsforo looking. THE) BKB BULLDINO COM PA NT. R. W. akr, ISudC 17th ad Farnam. FOR RENT Offiea Ml, court rotjm, roar elevator. Uxls. This room would be desirable as small real eatats office. SUM per mouth. Ths Bee Building Company. AS YOU read this ad, so will thousands read your aut ad. U It is la The iiee. REAL ESTATE CITY FHOPKHTt FOR S ALB. Opportunity LOT TAXES TO PAY. BIG LOTS- lots so close to the CENTER of prices and easy terms. OMAHA'S record, look into the 400 Bee Building TWO LARQB LOTS FOR tM0. These lots are in good location near ear; houses in this locality rent well. Adjoin ing lota ars held from S7U0 to 11,000 each. Nowata Land aV Lot Co.. b New York Ufa Bldg. Phone Red VHt. OUR SPECIALTY RKNTINO and KLLINO Bomsa te COLORED PKOPLJfl. Tenants waiting; list your property wltfc Horns Investment C. 1U N. Ulh Weak luM. Ind. at sue. FOR BALK Beautiful home In fine rest dence section. Original coat 111.000. On aow count ot leaving city will sacrifice for tf.UOt ana give good terms. Mrs. It. I Hawver, a&is &mmeu ow REAL ESTATE CITY PHOPKRTY FOR SAMS Sixty Choice Residence Lots on Terms 01 ONE DOLLAR . DOWN and FIFTY CENTS a WEEK " i Creighton Park Addition Omaha's new residence district, between Dun dee and Country club One-half mile to Happy Hol low club On direct route extension Cuming street car line. We have platted sixty more lots, comprising blocks two and three in beautiful Creighton Park Addition at Fifty-first and Hamilton streets, and will place them on the market Saturday morning, September 3, at prices ranging from $125 to $450 on the very easy terms, x One Dollar Cash and Fifty Cents a Week A great opportunity to purchase property at a very low price and on exceptionally easy terms. The location and the high standard of homes already built in that locality indicates the class of improve ments that will be made in this addition and insures a substantial increase in values. This not only offers an opportunity for starting a savings account, but you are sure of large profits. Remember the date, Saturday, September 3. Take Dundee car to 51st and Underwood avenue. Free conveyance from car to see the lots. - Salesmen on ground all day. W. I Dermody Investment Co. Tel., Doug. 786. 1514 City National Bank Bldg; - New Residence Seven rooms, modern e copt furnace, finished In hard pine throughout, combination fixtures, oement walks, fine lawn; located on Mth Bt, near Woolworth Ave. Price, $3,400; one-tenth cash, balance monthly. The Byron Reed Co. Phone Doug. 297. 213 So. 17th St. Note New Location. FINE HOME t rooms, strictly modern; nice, large liv ing room and dining room In oak; also kitchen downstairs, X bed rooms upstsirs; paved street, close to Creighton university. K0U0; very easy payments. BEMIS-OARLBERCr CO., til Brandels Theater. TWO F1NH LOTS. 40i:4, WATF-R BEWFR. OAS, CEMENT WALK. SHAUB TRKES, F1NH LOCATION. U,3oO EACH. UOUOLAU 2&M. AU65. SUBMIT AN OFFER. Brand new -r., modern bouse, tsth and Hamilton; up-to-date finish; can be sold to you upon a rental basis, with small caah paymant down. Piioed right. Phone me. Will gladly show you this bargain. HALKA. . ZM. Evening: U. 4430. M0 N. Y. Life. BRAND NEW T-ROOM HOUSE, EVERY MODERN CONVENIENCE, FIRT CLAWS IXiCATION AND NEKJHHORHOOD, GOOD LOT. X.toO. DQl'ULAB tM Afit. REAL ESTATE rAstlf AND HAM CM UNU FOR I4LI RICE FARM AND OTHER LANDS for sale cheap. Address Mrs. Laura HlUroan, AJuiyra, Ark REAL ESTATE CITY PHOI'KRTY OK S A l,H. REAL ESTATE FARM AND nAAtn LaJJ FOR f ALB Arkansas Coatlaued. A GREAT BARGAIN. ARKANSAS FRUIT AND eU'OCK FARM M acres, t tulles from Waldron, M acre In cultivation, acres in meaduwj 4 acres in apple orchard, also otner (ruits; good l-room bouse, smoke house, barn and out buildings, fins well of good water. All land not tilled is oovsred with good pine and oak timber. This Is a fins fruit and slock farm; the range cannot be beaten In the country, stoca watsr In abundance. This place can be bought now for ILimI and Is a bargain. Terma to suit. Write or call on Juiin U. Baker, Waldron-Boott Ce, Arkansas. Csssis. SELF-SUPPORTING HOMES In the glor ious fruit district southern British Colum bia for $10 cash and 110 monthly, without interest. Annual profits. W to 1.0u0 per acre. Orchard, garden, poultry; scenery, bunting, fishing, boating; delightful, warm climate; church, school, poaloffice, store, big sawmill; dally trains; close io markets; unlimited demand for products. Writ quick for maps, photos, free inlormatlon. Weat-Kootenay Fruit Lands Co., Dept. D., Drawer lut7, Nelson, amino Columbia. ENQLEBRECHT A RAVER, CANADIAN & LOCAL REALTY, 1710 Farnam (Bee Bldg ), D. 43;. Cavllimala. A FINE 10-ACRE PEACH ORCHARD In Ontario. Cel., value ta.OuO, to trade for good Minnesota property about same value; con sider Dakota or Uloux Falls. Several fins Calllornla orange groves, from llO.Ots) up. Sals and tradee. Have one called the finest place In southern California, price $120,000. Heautlful propertywill pay big returns also. If you have eastsrn property to trade for Southern Calllornla. aeqd desorlp lion. Trades effected anywhere. Faithful persons! attention given to your metiers. Insurance, Bales, trades, rentals, Invsst ments. etc. References furnished. James M. Van Deusen. M llraley Bldg., Pasadena, CaL i