TIIE BEE: OMAITA, "WEDNESDAY, AUOUST 31. 1910. U si"A.- tic- i :': -SitS ...... j .'vvP V :-:lQfr.:;- - Food Products vr. .v '.. sr OMAHA JOBBERS SUPPLY WEST Enormous Wholesale Business Done for Gats City Houses Every Year. VOLUME IS CONSTANTLY GROWING Annual Increase Shows Development of Omaha Territory. EVERY LINE IS REPRESENTED Substantial Houses Engaged in the Handling of Everything. WHAT YEAR'S FIGURES SHOW Tabulated Statement for 1000 Provei Omaha to lie In Front Hank mm a Wholesale Point. With sixty-one different kinds of manu facturing establishments, Omaha had an output of products to the aggregate value of 1191,872,000. The various Jobbing Indus tries likewise passed the hundred-million mark in volume by a considerable margin. An inspection of the lint of Omaha manu facturer reveals the fact that the widest sort of diversity characterizes the manu facturing activity of the city. Some of the most novel articles of manufacture to be Imagined are among the output of local concerns, In the sama surprising volume as that attending the manufactures In Im mensely larger cities than this. In considering the reasons for Omaha's good fortune In possessing and attracting manufacturers, those In the seething busi ness explain first and foremost thv fact that the town is happily blessed with many railroads and la situated as advantage ously In thla respect as any city In the country.' Were It not for the. s(art the older cities have and .the value In -certain respects of being located on the seaboard, those who have studied the situation say Omaha by natural advantages should really be a greater town than the other great cities. The facility with which materials may be assembled here Is one which makes Its appeal readily to all discerning manufac turers. Freight rates and time with them are the chlefest Influencing condition. Packing; Industry Leada. Of course the packing plants of South Omaha led In the productions of the metro polis, but the output of a dosen other In dustrial concerns passes the million mark very year, and the smeltering plant pro duced $30,813,000 In Its output of 1909. The production of boilers and tanks reached a volume of $1,000,000 last year. This represented a rapid growth In the manufacture of the heavy products In Umaha, as such products had not been manufactured to a very great extent here previously. Beer, close to the top In alphabetical order on the list, also is close to the top In the value of yearly output. There was $.1,700,000 worth of the hops made beverage produced here last year. Omaha Is coming into recognition as a great dairy town. Its creameries and dairy produot concerns put out a total of $4.7.V. 000 worth of butter alone In 1909. In this kind of manufacture more clearly than In others Is the city's location shown to be of great advantage. With dairy farms scattered at short dlstancea around the city and a great population of consumers in all the outlying small towns and cities of this and the adjoining states, Omaha Is naturally looked upon and Its supply drawn upon for the necessary dairy produots. It Is generally believed by dairy men that Omaha will one day take the lead among cities as a producer of dairy staples. Bread and bakery goods likewise rank well up In point of volume produced In Omaha. The output of these table necessi ties reached an agregate of $1,300,000 in 1909. Possibly the proximity of mills and the great source of grains has had a big effect In the growth of the bakery industry and will exert even greater Influence In years to come. The new cracker factories which have moved to Omaha have Increased the output of crackers fivefold. The lien Biscuit com pany Is a new addition and the National Biscuit company has been working its fac tory full force. A new flour mill and Increase of the out put of the Updike mill has doubled the out put of flour from Omaha mills. The feed products of the mills have about held their own. White lead Is on the Increase, as the Carter White Lead company has doubled the capacity of its plant and while the effect of this Is not bo apparent on lust year's business the business for this year should be doubled, Stroud & Co., manufacturers of dirt mov ing machinery, has expanded until its busi ness has reached $600,000 a year. The ex tent of this business was shown last week, when Mr. Stroud received a photograph of one of his machines being moved by oxen In South Africa. In the manufacture of clothing Omaha supplies a great' territory ; and Is Increasing rapidly the amount of its output. The clothing manufactured hero last year totalled a value of $2,375,000. Manufacturing of confectionery has been one of the steady growing Industries of the city for several years and from Indications seems to be on the way to a stable place of Importance. The output was around $1,000, 000 last year. Omaha has many manufactures which have not been Included in the lists hereto fore, but which have been Developing their business until it has reached large propor tions. The art glass business has advanced Itself to a business of $50,000 a year. The manufacture of advertising novelties has become a big business for all sorts of badges and novelties for conventions and fairs are made In Omaha. Church furniture to the amount of $100,000 was made In this city last year to be sent all over the west In Jobbing the city lias merely risen by the natural weight of Its manufactures to the Importance of necessity due to It. Forty-eight different kinds of Jobbers make up the business. Many different concerns in each Individual line swell the ranks and keep the distribution of products up to an tr.ormous volume every year. The value of the Jobbing done last year was $1111,133,000. New Industries, both manufacturing and Jobbing, are coming Into the city's life In gratifying numbers every year. The new ones which entered the field during the year 1909 numbered fifty-five. They gave immediate employment to between 800 and 1,000 persons. The year 1908 saw the advent of almost an equal number of new concerns. Omaha has many assets of a permanent nature to offer new concerns, but does not gild the offer with cash bonuses of free sites, free lights, free water or free power. The many new Industries have been lured by the prospects of a bright future because Omaha is a natural distributing place and also a place where raw material may easily be secured. Home patronage has been se cured and that id another valuable asset which Omaha has to offer. Totals In Many Line. Here tire some figure of jobbing for the year VAtt: Agrlouliuial Implements AuvertlBing novelties Automooiie supplies Automobiles iiukers' supplies Hakers' goous barbers' supplies BUUaru anu oar room fixtures.. Boots and shoes Brick and tile Confectionery . Cement Church goods Cigars and tobacco Coal and coke Creamry packages Crackers . Crockery uairy products Electrical supplies and fixtures. Ury goods Dental supplies Drugs and chemicals Fruits and vegetables f urniture and carpets... ..$ 11.000,000 2UU.IM) . l.UUu.WU a.oUU.lM) 1U0.UUU tJ&U.WO Woodwork, planing mills.. Whips Wood and paper boxes.... Wa-'hlng machines tnegar and pickles Miscellaneous M0.0OO a.vvmo 27.i.O FiO.ono 2.T0.OO0 2.000.000 Total $191,872,000 MILLIONS OF STORAGE SPACE Omaha Is Well Equipped with Plants that Arc Fireproof, aa Well as lorr Burning Bnlldlnsrs. Twenty years ago. to be exact. In 1891 there was no storage business In Omaha worthy the name; today the Industry is among the city's largest enterprises. Oma ha's first storage house was established by Oliver Maggard at the corner of Six teenth and Leavenworth streets in 1892, and consisted of nothing more pretentious than a good slsed barn Mr. Maggard, however, soon tired of the business and disposed of his Interests to the Omaha Van and Storage company which is, therefore, the pioneer In the local field. Since then, however, the business has increased to many times its volume at that time and the present business Is divided among almost a dozen companies strong and well eqquip pdefor the work. Until the last few months the storage business has been somewhat handicapped by the high rates of insurance which the companies demanded, because the ware houses were not fireproof in their con- bs.uuo' structlon. But this condition has been 2ti6,uu0 largely alleviated within the last year, two WB HAVE BEEN MAKIXG SYRUPS FOB TWENTY-FIVE TEARS. WE KNOW HOW In Our Syrups You Gat The ORIGINAL FLAVOR This la only possible because we get the raw materials from the original place of production. Our own tank cars operate between the plantation and our refinery. Here we refine them into goods that please. FAC2HELL & CO., SYRUPS WE MAKE OUR OWN CANS- OMAHA THAT GROW! NEED ANY? See That They Come FROM THE NEBRASKA SEED CO. HENRY 0. WINDHETM, Manager. 1,0UU,UUU l.oOO.WO 2,tiOU,iM 40,M l,2uu,uuo 6,000,OUO it&O.OUO l,ouo,ouo 2,000,000 1.400.0UO ,500,0u0 iao,ouo 3,60U,UU0 4.860.0U0 1,300,000 Groceries 13,600,000 Hardware, light and shelf 4,200,000 Hardware 2,200,000 Hats and caps 7b0,oun Harness and saddlery 1,000,000 Jewelry 1,100,000 Linseed oil and flax products 800,000 Liquors . 6,000,000 Millinery Ofti.OOO Office furniture 1A0.OU0 Oils, lubricating and illuminating 1,800.000 Photograph supplies 160,000 Poultry, eggs, celery, oysters 2,000,000 Paints, oil. glass 2.750,000 Paper 2,200,000 Rubber goods 2,000,000 Seeds Sohool supplies Syrups, jellies, preserves Sash and doors Jron beds Sporting goods Stock foods Poultry foods Surgical supplies Wall paper Gloves and mittens Plumbing and heating Tents and awnings Undertakers' supplies Office supplies, bank books.. Lumber Miscellaneous 600,000 75,000 eoo.ooo (00,000 800,000 00,000 200,000 150,000 400,000 000,000 100,000 4,000,000 426.000 280,000 1.250.000 (,000,000 2,000,000 Total $115,133,000 Omaha's 1009 Factory Oatpat. Value of products manufactured by Omana plants In 1909: Art glass $ (0,000 Advertising novelties 90,000 Hags and products 1,860,000 Alfalfa foods 750,000 Boots and shoes 675,000 Boilers and tanks 1,000,000 Beer 2.700,000 Bread and bakery products uncKi ana tiles Brooms and brushes Butter Cement block products.. Cooperage Carriage and wagons.... Cigars , Crackers (hurch furniture Clothing 2,875.000 uoniecuonery 1,000,000 cornice work, skylights and gut tering Fence wire Flour and feed Feed, exclusive of flour mills products Foundry products Furs Furniture Grease and products of rendering. Horse collars Ice Ice cream Incubators and supplies Iron and steel, structural Jewelry Labor and material on cars and locomotives 2.250.000 Lead and shot 125.000 Uquors 2.800,000 650,000 L 300.000 245,000 Xa.-OOO 4.758,000 250,000 250,000 60.000 800.000 600.000 100,000 150.000 40.000 760,000 650,000 600,000 200,000 600,000 85.000 225,000 800,000 441,000 200,000 210.000 150,000 Motor cars ; itiaureflMs City Salesroom, 1613 Howard Street. General Office and Warehouse, 1208-10-12 Jones Street OMAHA, NEBRASKA 100.000 Malt products 176,000 , Monuments 125,000 t Optical goods 58.000 i Packing houxe products 121,000,000 I Paint, mixed 26.000 ! Proprietary articles 400,000 I Publishing 200 000 Refrigerating machinery 76,000 Road making and dirt moving machinery (00,000 smelter products , 20,84.1,000 , Stoves Street cars , Soap Stock and poultry foods.. Trunks and valises Tents and awnings White lead 100,000 150,000 910.000 800,000 25,000 200.000 660,000 of the larger companies having made pro vision for fireproof warehouse space. The Omaha Van and Storage company has but recently completed a fine new building at 804 South Sixteenth street, and the Express men's Delivery company has one nearly completed at Eleventh and Davenport streets. The storage business, as Is the case with other lines of business, runs by sea sons. From May 1 until the latter part of June is the season of the year when goods pour into the storage houses, while from the latter date until about the first of Septem ber there is little moving of goods either In or out of the warehouses, the withdrawal season lasting through the early fall. Just at the present time, then, the warehouses are accommodating about the largest amount which they will hold dur ing the year, and the Omaha houses are uniformly reported aa well filled. The local companies, in most cases, com bine with the storage feature of their busi ness a general hauling, packing and ship ping business and 'handle, between them, the bulk of the business in those lines. The stage which the specializing process has reached, even in the storage business, may be noted from the fact that one of the local companies is advertising that its new ware house is to contain private trunk rooms, heated piano rooms and other features which appeal with equal strength to the fancy of the well-to-do. Probably the bulk of the Omaha storage business is done in merchandise, the com panies taking the goods from the merchant who happens to be temporarily over-supplied and holding them until he is able to give them space. Several of the com panies, however, handle household goods, among them the Omaha Van and Storage company and the Expressmen's Delivery company. In addition to the strictly stor age firms, many of the Implement firms do a considerable amount of storage and forwarding business. None of the strictly storage firms have a department devoted to cold storage. All of the storage men of the city are confident as to the future of their busi ness and well they may be when the re markable development, which has attended the business in the past is remembered. The total space devoted to storage pur poses in Omaha will amount to in the neighborhood of 2,000,000 cubic feet, about 1,250.000 of which is fireproof storage. These figures are not inclusive of the amount of space which the Implement companies devote to storage purposes. It is next to Impossible to place an estimate on the amount or value of goods stored In a year, for the reason that the periods for which the goods are stored vary so, as does the value of the different articles which oc cupy an equal amount of space. The local exclusive storage companies are; William Bushman company, 1013-16 Leaven worth street; Counsman-VanBurgh com pany, 1647 North Sixteenth street; Express men's Delivery company, 203 North Six teenth street; Merchants storage company, 1307 Jones street; Omaha Van and Storage company, 809 South Seventeenth street; Omaha Warehouse company, 1909 Jones street; Omaha Wool and Storage company. Twenty-eighth and Gold streets, and Paclflo Storage and Warehouse company, 1007 Jones street. ready they are furnishing more drugs to local Oalers than the outside firms. There are three large wtiNesale drug firms, although several of the retail drug gists do a bit of wholesale work. These larger firms are the American Druggists' syndicate, the Richardson Drug company and the E. E. Bruce Drug company. None of these concerns do any manufacturing Ex cept the Richardson people, who devote a portion of their large floor space at Ninth and Jackson streets to pharmaceutical manufacturing. Figures on the business of the various wholesalers In the city and every firm which gave them stated that they were conservative rather than otherwise will total approximately (3.000,000 for the year. The manufacturing business will amount to 1500,000. From these figures something of what the drug business, wholesale and manufacturing, means to Omaha in a year, can be gathered. BISCU Fairy Sodas Iten Graham Crackers Oatmeal Biscuit Society Flakes Vanilla Waters Cheese Wafers Deli co Sugar Wafers I-Oma Ginger Snaps High Tea Iten's Product sjsjsj sja H Frou Frou Peanut Wafers Butter Creams Colonial Tea Fig Bar Luncheon Toast Arrowroot Gate City Ginger Snaps Ginger Wafers ITEN BISCUIT CO. OMAHA OMAHA MANUFACTURES DRUGS Twa Large Ceseerat Do aa Esrlaalva) M aaafaocuriua- Business Three Largva W holesale Hoaaea. Reaching farther into the west for their trade than almost any other group of wholesalers and manufacturers, the local drug jobbing men' and pharmaceutical manufacturers, although both industries are comparatively new to Omaha, are es tablishing themselves more and more firmly every year and if the present rate of In crease continues will soon prove formidable rivals for the Detroit and St. Louis con cerns which are the country's largest The territory which belongs almost ex clusively to Omaha's drug manufacturers and jobbers comprises Nebraska, South Dakota, Kansas and western Iowa, but these firms, especially the wholesalers, are constantly booking orders from the western coast itates and the amount of trade which they secure yearly from what was primarily the territory of the drug men of other cities. Is enormous. There are two pharmaceutical manufac turing horse in the local field the Henry R. Oering company and the Goodrich Drug company. These firms each manufacture all the standard drug preparations which they sell to wholesalers, a large part of their products going to local dealers. These men, although they do not claim for their firms that they are the largest In the section, are yet most optimlstle with regard to the future. Indeed, they feel that with the amount of support which they deserve from local retailers and physicians, the possibilities of Omaha aa a drug manu facturing center are almost boundless. And the way in which their business has In creased by leapa and bounds seems to bear out their statements la every detail. Ai- had been abandoned because of malaria among the men they were resumed. His rure was very simple and within the reach of ull: Take one lemon, wash thoroiiKhly with a bruBh and hot water till all germ are gone, cut In very small pieces, using skin, seeds and all: cook In three glusnes of water till reilliced to one, and take this while fasting. I took It before breakfast, and In less than a week I was myself again. Since then I've had no use foe doe tors. If I feel a little "off" I re-sort to the lemon cure and all Is well. New York Sun. Pointed Pnranrapha. Every woman looks good to some man. How ran a bachelor of arts be wedded to his art? No, Conlella, a tall man Isn't necessarily hlKh-n.inded. You'll never get to the front by following" the procession. I Omaha Bottling Works SERUM FOR BLOOD POISONING. Reported Discovery of a Care Soogrht by Medical Men (or Five Ilandred Years, Dr. Julius I. Meltxer of the staff of the Rockefeller Institute, New York City, an announces that a positive cure has been discovered by Dr. Paul Ehrllch, head of the Institute for Experimental Therapeutics of Frankfort, Germany, for one of the most virulent forms of blood poisoning that is known to continue into the second and i third generations, and for which a cure has been sought for more thann 500 years. The serum has been used successfully in the Rockefeller Institute, Dr. Meltxer said to night: "The nearest cure that we could find was of a mercurial nature, and positive cures have never been known, but here comes a discovery where positive cures have been effected In one Injection of the serum and a cure begun Inside of three hours and completed In fourteen days. And, most wonderful of all, not a single case has failed to respond to the treatment, and not once have ill effects been the result of the treatment.' The name of this great discovery is dla mldoarsenobenzol, or No. "606," meaning Dr. Ehrlich's 606th discovery. According to Dr. Meltxer a new disease was recently detected among the soldiers In the Philip pines. Two of the men were broughht to the Rockefeller Institute, where under the direction of Captain Henry J. Nichols ex periments were made. It was found that this disease has cer tain similar blood organism to the other disease for which the cure was designed. Tests were made by inoculating monkeys and rabbits and then treatment was given by the serum, a quantity of which Dr. Ehrllch had se t to the Institute. To the surprise of the scientists the animals thus treated entirely recovered. "Dr. Ehrllch has given to the world rem edies for sleeping sickness and for remit tent fever. These were wonderful, but he did not stop here. About four years ago he realised he was on the right track," said Dr. Meltxer. . "The disease which the new serum cures is responsible for paresis, locomotor ataxia, valvular disease of the heart, etc. "Instances are recorded where cases of long standing have been cured - In two weeks. Three hours after the Injection of the serum all the germs have been killed and driven out of the system and the sores have begun to heal immediately, and the patient has been completely cured In four teen days. In no case has It been neces sary to give more than one Injection of the serum. "The disease, which it will now be able to wipe out entirely, has been a scourge on the various nations for hundreds of years." Cincinnati Enquirer. MANLFACTUKK11S OF it Mineral Waters DEALERS AND JOBBERS IN BOTTLERS' SUPPLIES 613-623 SOL Til 11TU STREET. OMAHA, KEU, 4 Lemons Cam Malaria. Some twenty years ago I was a victim of the disease, and, of course, took the qui nine treatment, till my head began to grow big and roar Internally and infernally. A change of climate waa recommended, and I went to Saratoga, but my head continued to require more space and the roaring be came louder, till I thought I would go mad. One day my husband chanced to see an article written by a physician on the Pa- clfio coast, in which he said he had for fifteen years been trying to find a remedy for malaria which would not have the in jurious effect of quinine. He was success ful, and in many places where public works Waterloo Creamery Co. Operating a General Creamery, Ice Cream and Condensed r.lilk Business Omaha, Nebraska I QUALITY PURITY I Musjt fh Best" DAVID COL.ES CREAMERY COMPANY, Omaha 6. in our .-Omahi 1. Drunkenness, Opium, Morphine and other drag1 addictions are diseased conditions. t. Therefore, sclentlflo medical treatment la neo-essary. 4 B'a'xV.i In case of sickness, none but the best should V i I ba accepted. ( A3: 'J Uur treatment Is known the world over ana has proven its merits in over aou.uuu canes. -We give value received, and that Is the reason we are at the head specialty. -The only Keeley Institute In the stats of Nebraska Is located In Correspondence confidential. I THE KEELEY INSTITUTE, OMAHA, NEBRASKA Oor. SStn and Oaaa Bta-, -Omaha. Take Harney Itraet Oar t room Either Dsyot. .Fairmont's Products 1910 Output Creamery Butter, 700 Cars Poultry, - - - 250 Cars "Diadem1 "Jersey" "Better Butter" "Plymouth" Fowls "Puritan" Chickens Eggs, 400 Cars "Fairmont Farms" "Blue Ribbon" "a i. In the above food products wc have concentrated 27 years of Study, Skill and Experience, The Highest of Quality and the Best of Service is our aim. Our oldest customers arc our Best. GAe Fairmont Creamery Co.i I