Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 28, 1910, EDITORIAL, Image 9

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    The Omaha Sunday Bee
vaoks on TO TXW.
VOL. XL NO. 11.
Political and Social News of the Old World Reported by Special Cable and Correspondence
.... "
English Alarmists Ever Ready to Pre
diet Attack from Kaiser's
. Army.
Lord Kitchener Plays Golf, Making
Ready to Meet W. H. Taft. '
Million Pounds of Corned B'.ef for
the Army.
Hla Majesty Goes Boars m Wi r-
ahlp anal Play a the Part of a
lianarr, Arroiupaaled by
Mia Horn.
LONDON, Auk. 27. (Special to Th Be.)
England haa It full shara of nil -in lata
who are vociferously confident that It la
only a question, of time when a German
fleet will if up the Thame and blow
down Westminster hall, or a Gorman army
descend on the coaat and devour the coun
try; or a fleet or flock or whatever an ag
gregation of airship may be called to fly
acroaa the North aea and amidst a ahower
of bomba obliterate England from the mei.
These walla are generally loudeat around
election times, but even now Lord Charles
Bereaford la Instating that Great Britain
hall lay down twelve auper-dreadnoughta
at onca, i that the Integrity of the em
pire may be preserved.
Aa a rule the government doea not worry
over theae alarms. ' Occasionally, how
ever, a few flgurea are given out to keep
John Bull from becoming too greatly fright
ened. Thua Mr. McKenna, the first lord of
the admiralty, haa Just Issued the following
comparison of the displacement tonnage of
effective fighting ships In the navlea of
Britain, Germany and the United State:.
. Britain.
v. 8.
1000 ..
1MM ..
. 1.86. W
From UOt onward only first-clans ships
mtn counted.
These figures would seem to Indicate that
the Gorman peril is not very Immediate.-
Klteheaer Leai-wlns; ttolf.
Lord Kitchener has at hvat found nv
loymnt. He la tearnins to play golf and
by the time of the next visit he pays to
United States he may acquire sufficient
kill to; challenge President Taft, for "K
f X" la going at; the gam with the same
dogged determination which' marked his
campaigns against the Mahdl and CronJ.
It la now quite understood that . Lord
Kitchener will remain unemployed for a
UtUe while until he succeeds either Oen-
I eraj French as Inspector general or Sir W.
t a. Nicholson as the head of the war' office.
It Is his wish that he ahould be allowed to
have a few months' reet before he takes
up work again.
Coras Beef from Chleagro.
One of the biggest army contracts for
meat on record has been placed with a
Chicago packing' house. It is for 1,000.000
pounds of corned meat for military use, at
what Is said to be a record price, owing to
the recent scarcity of meat supplied. The
order for the tins has been given to. a
Welsh firm, and the. cans will be sent from
Wales to Chicago where the meat will be
Kins; Plays at Gaaasry,
King George played the gunner aboard
omKU his mightiest warahlpa during his
reit visit to the fleet.
Accompanied by his sailor son, 'the prlnoe
Of Wales, his majesty went on board the
Dreadnought. Prior to leaving Ita anchor
age the monater battleship had cleared for
action, and It presented a workmanlike ap
pearance. Pickbd gunlayera of the fleet
bad been selected, and the king took the
keenest possible Intereat In the prepara
tion. When the signal was given to fire he
trained hla binoculars on the tar gat to ae
at ones the reault of each shot. Hla ma
jesty expressed his appreciation of the
shooting, and went into the turrets to
shake handa with lbs gunners.
HIS majesty's Intereat In the gunnery
took a practical turn, for he signified his
desire to fir one of the mammonth guns
himself. The gun was closely examined
before tila majesty waa permitted to ap
proach it, and never waa a great death
dealer loaded with greater care. The gun
Having been sighted, the king himself fired
It at the target, which waa being towed
by th Wis, five miles away. So pleased
was hla majesty with the Success of hla
effort that ha fired several rounds before
the day' practice ended.
Another Old-Tliaer.
In the village of Ktrathe, 'on the banka
of the River Parrett, realdea William
Broome, who haa lived the whole of hla
life, r years, in the aame cottage. The
'aouse Is hla own property. He la atlll
very active and hits never taated medicine,
lis Is a greatgrandfather, grandfather' asd
fatrai. but only six of his descendents
ire living.
t Ivll Mat aad Royal Thrift.
In the debate on the civil list Mr. Barnes
proposed that the large and Increasing
revenues of the duchies of Cornwall and
Lancaster should be commuted for a fixed
annual payment. This would have repre
sented a very substantial economy, tor the
revenues of the two duchies now amount
to about (TtW.OOO. When Queen Victoria
ascended th throns the Incom of the
duchy of Cornwall was about SOO.Oua Dur
ing King Kdward e occupancy of th duchy
th incom averaged about faoo.Ouo. It la
now nearer fwo.000. AH this Is In the na
ture of unearned Increment, and repre
sents a substantial addition to th nominal
civil list.. Queen Victoria, affected Urge
private economies during her long reign.
21 g sums we; Invested from' time to
time on behlf of her majeaty'a grandchll
Iren and others, under the able advtc of
Ixrd Croaa, and at th time of th queen's
death It waa stated, unofficially, that ah
left personal estate of C.W0.00U, of which
tl, too. COO was understood to be accumula
tion from ths privy pttrsaV . .
Holy City Has a Distinctly Yankee
Kssmpl set by Ireland sad Amrr
lea (asses the tkorrh Pawera
to Stop and Think It
ROME, Aug. i7.-(Spec!al to The Be
Ronie Is full of Americans theae days. The
pilgrimage, headed by Bishop Vande Vyer
of Richmond, Va.. had hardly gone when
the advance guard of the Knights of Col
umbus reached the city and jiist now these
American knights give a distinctly Yankee
flavor to the Holy City.
Everywhere the Americans are received
with enthusiasm, aa In theae daya of tur
moil for the church, America and Ireland
are the two countries where there la com
plete loyalty to Rome and the churchmen
appreciate It
The fact that In those countries where
religious freedom prevails and there Is
complete separation between the church
and the state, the church Is now most
flourishing and loyalty has encouraged the
element In ths Curia, which Is yet so
greatly in the minority as to be powerleaa,
but w ilrh Is growing to question the wis
dom of the fight which Is being made in
Spain. The minority holds it would be
better for the church to cut loose from
political entanglements rather than fight
battles which do the church harm.
I.ever'a Terrible Vengeance.
The terrible revenge exacted, by a Jilted
lover upon the former object of his adora
tion la reported at Cervlgnasco, a little
village near Baluixo. A young girl named
Maria Berando was walking with her sister,
when a man, who has since disappeared,
approached the couple and threw a cart
ridge containing dynamite In Maria's face.
It exploded, and wounded the poor girl
In the most frightful manner, practically
blowing away the lower part of her fare.
She waa taken Into a neighboring school,
but the doctors who were summoned to her
assistance quickly recognised that she waa
beyond human aid, and after some min
utes passed In terrible suffering, the girl
died. From Inquiries which were made. It
appears that the fatal explosion waa the
clmax of a drama of revenge. For a long
time Maria Berando had been on terms of
the closest friendship with the unknown
man. but she lately (Intimated that she
would have nothing more to do with him.
He, therefore, meditated revenge, and ac
complished his dreadful purpose with
fatal effect. He. Immediately took flight,
and despite the efforts of the polios, has
not yet been discovered.
Wb of . fnu.a IP. lb...
1 "
A man named PercheddU, laving at In-
glesiaa. In Sardinia, renowned as a hunter
andja skilled shot, recently went mad.. In
thlr condition he was seised with the idea
of attempting to emulate the feat of Wll
llanf.Tell. Upon the head of his 19-year-old
ctilld he placed An .apple, and, modern
ising the Bwlas version, replaced the bow
and arrow with a gun. At his first shot
hs was sucoesaful In hitting ths appls, but
even that did not satisfy Mm. He fired
again, and this tlma ths bullet struck the
chid, who fell to the ground dead. . Per
cheddu Is now a prisoner.
Trarrd of Messina.
Searchers among the ruins of Meaalna
have brought to light the bodlea of five
people, membera of one family, named
Artigo. Beside them was a diary, whloh
tella how the unfortunate Individuate spent
fifty days after the earthquake entombed
amongst the ruins of their home. They
lived on salt bread and dried fish, whloh
they found In the larder,, washing th un
palatable meals down with wine, which
they were also fortunate enough to find.
For several days they worked hard in
the endeavor to make an outlet for them
selves, but vainly. Their wounds. Illness,
and want of purs air, and the lack of
bread brought the Inevitable and after a
period of starvation, all died. The writer
of the diary, a son, who was a college
student, outlived the others, and ths diary
closes with phrases which show that at
length hs had to lay aside his writing and
await the end with fortitude which he
could not muster.
Twelve Hstkr Gtsaanatt Are oa
Nightly Patrol to Keen the "Owt
laet" tnder Coatrol,
PARIS, Aug. . (Special to The Bee.)
Twelve gerndarmea are patrolling the little
village of Pegonas, In the Alps Mari
time, nightly, to protect the villagers
from "phantom bandits," who have been
the authors of a veritable epidemic of
mysterious outrage. All the Inhabitants
have been ordered to submit sny weapons
they possess to careful examination, and
the preSect of the Alps Marltlmea Is In
vestigating the mystery. The extraordinary
feature of the crimes Is that nobody in the
village haa yet caught eight of the crimi
nals. In one rase a man named Rlsso way play
ing cards in a cafe, when a bullet whistled
Into the room and penetrated the player's
On another occasion a boy named Musse
noticed someone lurking near the house as
he waa going to bed. As he stepped to pick
up a gun a bullet crashed through the
window and lodged In the wall opposite
the place where he had been standing. The
tllea and window a of the house of a vil
lager named Mill waa known to have been
broken with atonea and Mill was wounded
In the shoulder with a gunshot. Nearly
thirty euca incidents hav been reported
during the last two weeks, and a similar
series of crimes waa committed in HOT.
The perpetratora were never discovered.
Proposition la laser Way to Raise
aa Indian Monament
CALCUTTA, Aug. tf. (Sfreclal to The
Ree.V-The Maharajas of Kashmir. Jodhpur,
and Mysvre, and the nixam of Halderabad
have each given E.000 rupees tomarda the
onat of an all Indian memorial to the late
King Kdward. At a meeting held at Simla,
presided over by the viceroy, an executive
committee was formed to carry through the
propoaal. The memorial will take the form
of an equestrian statu to be erected In the
garden at Delhi, .
Effective Organization is the Key
note of Germany's Great
"Back to the Land" Movement Gain
ing Ground.
Practical Plan for Giving: Aid to the
Uermaa Aviator Pile a Protest
A sains t the gtrlna-ent Hecela.
lions Whleh Apply to
BERLIN. Aug. J7.-(8peclal to The Bee.)
Close, effective organisation la the iecret
of Germany's suceas, not alone of the war
fare of arms, but In the struggle for com
mercial supremacy and the upbuilding of
When It haa been decided that a thing
Is good for Germany It la put Into effect
with as little circumlocution as possible.
In no economic line Is this German organi
sation did along practical llnea and aa
more thoroughly exemplified than In the
means for the financing of the farmer
and agricultural landowner. A matter, by
th way, which Is seriously occupying the
mind of the government In Europe. The
German system might also furnish some
good Ideas to America in advancing the
back to the farm Idea.
Loans oa Real Estate
The -business of advancing money under
easy conditions to the owners of real es
tate la carried on here by three classes of
institutions. The most Important of these,
In point of view of the scope of their trans
actions, are the mortgage banks, whose
operations are chiefly , confined to towns.
They are private undertakings, but can
only be started with the sanction of the
state, and are at all times subject to Its
strict supervision.
Next came the Landscaften, which are
voluntary associations of landowners on a
co-operative basis. They minister chiefly
to the financial exigencies of the large es
tate owners.
Finally, there are the land banks, based
on the guarante of the public revenues,
which meet the needs of the extensive class
of small freeholders . and peasant propri
etors that exists m this country.
cope of the Loam.
These Institutions all have In common
th principle that' the sums advanced by
them are raised by the Issue to the public
or letters of mortgage of various kinds,
which are bought and sold on the market
like ordinary ttooks and shares. As ths
IndlvtauaJ bonda are frequently for small
amounts, such as $16, and as they are
either guaranteed by the entire body of
wealthy landowners belonging to the Land-
scaf t, stand under ths protection afforded
by ths offioial control of the mortgage
banks, or have as security the Dubllc rev
enues whloh stand behind the land banks,
they ars eagerly snapped up at a very low
rate of Interest. In fact, some of the
Prussian landschaften could float their Is
sues of letters of mortgage bonds at S and
SH per cent long before the government
dared to dream of Issuing loans at these
-Apart from this fundamental principle
the Landschaften, mortgage banks and
land banka differ widely not only from
one another, but among themselves.
Difference la Banks.
This Is particularly the case with the
last named, which were originally all
founded In the smaller German states.
where the machinery of credit had not been
developed. Some of them are In every
particular government banks carried on by
publlo officials and guaranteed by state
revenues. Others are merely under gov
ernmental control, not of the states Itself,
but of "the province, such as Hanover and
Westphalia, or one of those affilia
tions of smaller administrative units.
Their powers vary considerably. In oer
tain cases their statutes permit them to
accept deposit and current accounts; In
others this Is forbidden to them. A few
are empowered to finance comprehensive
schemes of Isnd Improvement, drainage.
canalisation, flood prevention and marl
nr wnen tnese works are
dertaken by public bodies or private asso
ciations or individuals. Their principal
business remains, however, the granting
of loans to the lesser categories of land
Aviators Have Kirk.
Strong Indignation Is expressed by Ger
man flying men at the police regulations
for aeroplanlata Issued In a special edition
of the Berlin Gasette by the oberprasldent
of the mark of Brandenburg.
Herr Wlencxler, who made a strlklngi
flight round the spire save: "These regula
tions are absurd. The police or Germany
I to be trying to do all they can to
hinder the p'-ogress of airmanship. We
intend to send a protest to the obnprasi-
dent, and if that falls the world may gee
the first strike of airmen.
"Take the regulations' in turn. If we
were to be fined 3 pounds every time the
wind blows us across the limits of an
earodrome, we might as well give up flying.
With regard to the rare flights made over
towna no one would dream of making
them unless he was an expert airman, the
weather condltiona perfect, and the engine
working faultlessly. Besides, how can the
police catch ua when ws are sailing over
a village at the height of 2,000 feet? It
would test even the conscience of a motor
trap policeman to identify ua. 1 approve of
the requirement for a pilot rertl-ate for
everyone givlngv exhibition flights, but
aviation ts not yet advanced enough for a
code of rulea to be shaped for it. Every
thing depends on the man. What Is safe
for one is not safe for othere."
German Kueialri sreare.
German socialists have recently won
even by-eiectloss for the Reichstag. Their
total parliamentary strength, which waa
ifirty-three at the retirement of Prince
jBuelow, haa now risen to fifty, ao that they
iare the third ationgeet party. Their nuni
bers ars tall ma tod at nearly leoft.OOu.
Meeting- in Copenhagen is of Wide
Interest I
Declaration la Made that the Hla
Nhlp Onsrri Are Trying to ICx-
ternilnate the Urmiian'i
I nlon,
COPENHAGEN, Aug. 27. (Special to The
Bee.) A meeting is now In progress In this
cjty, the results of which may very Ke
rlously uffect the commerce of ttie world.
It Is the conference of the suilors und the
firemen's union and while definite itction
has not yet been taken, It Is regarded as
altogether probable that a general strike
of sailora and firemen on Hiitiah ships will
be ordered. If this la done, there Is little
doubt that the strike will become world
wide, and Involve other trades which have
to do with ships and shippers.
liavelock Wilson, secretary of the union,
says there la no doubt that the big ship
owners In the shipping federation are plan
ning a war of extermination on the sea
man's union, and the union Is ready for It.
For some time the treatment cf the men
has been bad and It haa now become In
tolerable. Men Ready for pta-at.
He says: "I have reason to believe that
the policy of the shipping federation Is one
of determined opposition, and I therefore
advise the men to get ready for a tight
Everything is ready, I shall propose that
seamen agree on a date, which will be
known only to the leaders of the men, and
on the signal being given that there la to
be no conciliation board, all the seamen
in the British Isles shall Immediately cease
work and remain out of woik for two
weeks. The date will be a closely kept se
cret, but it will not be long delayed.
"We have had enough of the treatment
we suffer from now and have suffered
from so long. We are determined this
time. The men are unanimous and are
even more determined than their leaders."
Copenbasren'a Street Railway.
Copenhagen Is to have municipal street
cars. The city by a majority of eight, de
cided to take over the electric tramways of
the city beginning August, 1911. The system
In question Includes 26.6 miles of-double
traok and ten miles of single track, and
tmploya 279 motor cars and ""191 trail cars.
Five of the latter are single horse cars.
The company has a capital stock which In
American currency would be about $3,000,000.
In 1009 the company carried 70,949.345 passen
gers and about 8,000,000 motor-car miles
were run. . According . to the franchise
terms, beginning August 1890, the tram
way system would revert to the city, with
out -any payment, after a lapee of thirty
years, or could be taken over, at a fixed
price, at periods of . three ysars, after one
year's notice, these periods to oommencs
with 1907-06. Irt 1907 the city decided not
td utlllxe the right, but this year the vote
.to purchase was carried' by the small ma
jority mentioned. The price to be paid
will be settled by arbitration.
Under the existing f ran chine the city re
ceived 6 per cent of the company's gross
receipts, and also has a monopoly of sup
plying with power at 4 cents per ktllowat
hour. The profit from this latter arrange
ment amounted to more than $300,009 last
year and the city's net Income in 1909 from
both sources amounted to about $300,000.
The company now charges a uniform fare
of 8 cents and gives free transfers. The
maximum travel possible for a single fare,
without transfer, Is about seven miles.
At the Peaoe Conference.
Thar ware some Interesting features at
the recant International meeting of the
World's Pace Societies at Stockholm.
There were BOO delegates, representing
twentys nations. As fitting in Scandinavia,
woman formed a considerable portion of the
total delegation, and had no small voice
in the resolutions passed. A strong depu
tation, headed by Prince Dolgoroukt, rep
sented Russia. Finland and Poland, were
both represented, and ths affairs of both
countries received considerable attention.
Ex-Senator Mechelln, the Grand Old Man
of Finland, was chief of these. The aged
Count Tolstoy was unable to travel, but
sent an address, f
The most Interesting woman delegation,
represented by Miss Enksteln of Boston,
who Is at present globe-trotting and col
lecting signatures to a monMer petition In
the cause of peace, was brought there for
ths purpose of her presenting such to the
new Hague conference.
un-Ai.. nlM. ..
While Hoasea Are Plllasred
and Baraed to Ashes.
kish government has received Information
of a serious disturbance in th Hauran,
Palestine. The Druies during the night at
tacked the three mixed Christian and Mos
lem villagers of Maarleh, Ftaden and Tay
Iseh, In the region of Bofra Kxkl Sham, and
massacred over 100 men. women and enti
re n of both sexes and pillaged the dwelling
houses. The Druses also attaiked and
robbed a number of travelers on the high
road. A punitive expedition, consisting of
seventeen battalions of troops, with artll-
lery, under the command of So ml Pasha,
haa been orderrd to the district of Housna '
(Hauran). The Imperial government has tie- j
dded to send Immediately to the spot three !
battalions from Constantinople, eight
battalions from Smyrna and eight from
Adana, with artillery for the purpose of
punishing the guilty and reestablishing or
der and security in the region. The J
strength of the contingent fenl to the coun- !
try is due to the fact that the territory In- 1
haMted by the lruses is exceedingly nio'in- !
talnous and that the tribes are wide and j
scattered, and alio that the Imperiul gov- :
rrnment is fully determined to put an end I
mice and for all to Mich nUrieda.
Hauran Is a (llsiiirl in yrla to the axt '
of the river f Jordan. It formed part of
the aniier.l fluchon, which Is mentioned
frequently in the Old Testament. The .soil
of a portion of the rll.rlcl is ald to be the
mout iVrtlle In tfyria. and admirably '
adapted to wheat gi ov Ins. Toe Lirunes are
believed to have sprung from a mixture of
eastern tribe. In which the Arab element
la consplclous, but their own tradition con-
nects them with China, 't hey have a re- I
markable religious belief, founded by Uu-
ruxl or Derail In the eleventh century. I
Crusade Against the Guillotine is
Now Under Way in
Instrument of Death Has Ten Idle
France May Follow the Ezample of
Soldiers Are Preaaed Int Service as
Substitutes end Much DleaatU
faction la Than Broaftht
PARIS, August 27 (Special to The Bee.)
"The guillotine muat go." That Is. it must
go If the socialists and the Parisian mob
can bring It a limit, for the same class that
In 1793 sent to "The Widow" the best blood)
In France Is now clamoring for the aboli
tion of the flat b I knife, and back of them ts
the powerful socialist party whloh gener
ally gets what it goes after. So It la not
(t all unlikely that the guillotine will go
and with It capital punishment In France.
For ten years, up to a year and a half
ago. the guillotine gathered dust In M.
Delbler'a workshop. The hereditary ex
ecutioner retained hi office. He still re
ceived his nominal salary of 11,200 and pos
sibly drew the additional allowance of $3rOO0
far keeping his tools In order. "But during
that period his extra fee of loots for each
exeoutlon was lacking. No heads were or
dered off anybody's shoulders. It was be
lieved that France, like Italy, waa done
with capital, punishment.
Apaches Broaght It Baek.
But It waa durlne- that mriod that fh
Apache curse In Paris germinated and grew
more rmitrul year by year. At length. In
January, 1909, the capture and conviction of
four members of the Polet band, against
whom many murders of peculiar savagery
were proved, resulted In a popular demand
for M. Dolbler to btinv fnrth hl riuatir
guillotine and out off those four despicable
neaas. The whole of northern France, an
well as the Parisians and the people of
Belgium. brn imvaril nf th nrin... -
... . j mm w rzi v
committed demanded the restoration of the
guinotjne. "Death to the assassins! Long
live Delbler!" waa the nonula.r
it looks as though not only the guillotine.
duv uetbler's hereditary occu nation wnuM
soon become a thing of the past.
The official title of this functionary Is
Monsieur de Paris." Eveh durlne- th.
revolution, when the a-ulllotine
travels through many provinces. It was al
ways Monaeur de Paris" who escorted
"The Widow" and directed her irh.iiu
operations. Since about the year 1870 ths
office of public executioner haa nn.h.
in the Delbler family. For almost (00 years
rrom 1884 to 1K47 the dvnastv had Hot nn.
name Sanson. During the Interregnum be
tween tne last Sanson and the first Delbler
there were two headsmen.
family and without fame. They were mere
stopgaps, named respectively Helndrlch
and Roche.
Dynasty of Headsmen.
In all there were six Hansons, who Con
tinued the succession unbroken, from
father to son, as did the kings of feudal
tlmen. The Sanson headsman dynasty
owed Its foundation to the circumstance of
the first Sanson on ardent young artisan
falling In love with the daughter of the
head-man of Rouen. He was wont to say
he married himself to the scaffold. He was
summoned to the capital, and became
monsieur de Paris." H laft & irv i
whloh he confessed that his loh nt hi
with terror. He had horrible dreams, and
was afraid to be alone at night But hs
died full of years, leaving a son. Charles,
Sanson II, bolng executioner by heredity,
suffered from no such qualms. It was San
son II who executed the iwlhnt is..l
thle. Cartouche. This was no stroke of th
axe, either, for Cartouche was broken on
tne wheel, and so powerful wu hi. n-..
that eleven blows were required.
The guillotine waa Invented hv n ru.i
lotln, an ardent republican who foresaw
that no one arm otherwise could lop off
the heads that were soon due to fall. He
guaranteed that the machine would soon
do Its work neatly at a single stroke, it
was iseiea on a murderer with .n.-h
cess that It Immediately surplanted the old-
rnsnionea axe. Hanson V was the great
Sanson of the Red Terror. He took off
more heads thn all the other Sanson put
together. At times the work was so heavy
when the mob win demanding the heads of
ail aristocrats aa well aa those of the royal
and noble families that lie had to call two
of his uncie to hla asetataiue. It was he
that executed Mme. Roland. Charlotte Cord-ay.
Danlon and Robeplrre.
''' Dlaraer on a Htrlke.
Surely the strangest of labor disputes Is
a conflict between Purls gravedlggers and
undertakers, which haa resulted n sln
gulsr scenes at the gri-at cemetery of Pcre
La Chaise. The undertakers having de
clared a lockout, sappers were to be seen
temporarily engaged In the gravedlggers'
t:'.'k. WUli a view of preventing distur
bances, parties of policemen were stationed
here and there in the cemetery. The agita
tion begun by an undertaker refusing to
dlschanse a non-unionist marble cutter.
Ti;e unionist men threatened If the masters
persist In the lockout, a general strike of
hwer of stone, b. th hard and aoft, ceme
tery gardeners and municipal workmen
v.ould take place.
Great dlatlsraction la expressed in army
quarters In pans at the employment of
soldier to do the gravedlgpers' work,
ua.'h Hie tombstones and kep ths ceme
teries In older. It Is pointed out that the
young men who are doing their military
work expect to erve their country and to
learn soldiering, but do not exp t to be
set to work at any trade of hieh the mem
bers happen to be out on atrihe. The sap
pciA it In minted out, have done but
little gievcuixKlng. their . hief task
hitherto liming been to open vauis and
lower coffins therein. It Is pointed out, too.
thi-t the police, who are paid for thetr work,
could far better hp.iie men for yich odd
Jolis thiin t.-io army, aud best of all,
aay the malcontent-why nt engage
Ui Immense army of unemployed In Paris?
Alliance Suggestion is Fast
tsar of Hnasla anil Kmperwr Francis
.laweph Are to Hold a Confer
ence on the object la
"er i'slure.
VI KNNA, Aug. -(Special to The Bee )
- The suggestion tliut Turkey be adnjttwl
to tlie triple ulltuiice is taken seriously
here. It I' pointed out Hint the Interests
of Tin key and the powers In the triple alli
ance in the ll.illtHti do not conflict und
tluit for oil concerned Turkey's adnilexion
would lie a good thin.. However the other
poweia would view this alliance is a ques
tion, but aince the drawing doner of the
rilulioiiK hciwceil liermany und A list Ha,
the feeling here Is not to pay ton i n mil
attention to the) wishes of other powers,
when the Interests of the empire are In
volved. 1 uimIithIuikI that an Interview betwtwi
the exur of Itiieslu, Hiid the rJniiwror
Flam-Is Joseph la to be arranged, und It
la probable this ((uesllon will be discussed
betwenn them.
( kslraisu Controlled Meeting.
- Hungary claim a modern Cromwell In the
person of Count Krusdy, who subdued a
riot at a "coinllat" (county council) meet
ing, of which he waa chairman, at Maros
Vasurhely (Transylvania) with truly Croru
welllan energy. In the midst of a seen
of fierce wrungllng Count Krosdy wrested
a document from the grasp of the clerk.
This was a signal fur the outbreak of hos
tilities by the opposition. Inkpots and note
books flew through the air and one missile
struck the ohairmun.
Count Erusdy at once whipped out a re
volver and covered his opponents, Certain
that it was loaded, they Immediately aban
doned the conflict. The count autocrat
ically deolured the meeting; adjourned, and
ths 2U0 members, their eyes still on the
revolver, mildly edged tholr way out of
the council chamber.
Ills Horse Lost.
Numerous tragedies, as the outcome of In
ordinate gambling, figure In the annals ot
the AOHtrUin Turf, and not the least pitiful
Is that which occurred recently, when one
of the best known Austrian ownera of rac
ing stable and gentloman riders, Lieuten
ant Karl GoldHclvmldt, an officer In the
hussars, put an end to his existence. Some
days ago Lieutenant Qoidschmldt, whose
horse started In the races at Kottlngbrun,
purchased an anatomical diagram, In ordsr
that he might determine ths exact spot at
which to shoot, so as to reach his heart.
Ills financial affairs were In a desperate
state; he was about to mak a final effort
to retrieve his fortunes, and If it failed he
was prepared to take ths consequences.
Ooldachmtdt had- placed all hi hopes on
the hores which ran in, and If It won be
would hav a largo euro to his oredlt. The
horse lot. Upon' leaving the. race eourro
a ruined and broken man, the lieutenant
went straight to his rooms, and, standing
before a mirror, lodged a bullet in his heart.
The anatomical diagram which ha had used
in taking aim was lying by his side.
Sensations of Sololde.
A young Bavarian engineer, who com
mitted suicide at Vienna the other day,
left behind the following notes of his dy
ing emotions: "6:151 hav taken tniy first
do of arsenic in a glass ot rum and
water. I feel all right, but my hand Is
trembling, probably It la only from emotion.
'6:80-1 have taken my fourth does.
I am quite calm and begin to suspect that
it was not arsenic at all. I have a revolver,
but I prefer polnon. In ancient Greece
poison was administered by the authori
ties. My thoughts are with Irma; per
haps she will love me mor after ! am
dead. If there Is another life I shall justify
mysen Derore her father and mother.
"8:461 take my last dose. I am annlhl-
lated. I must go to bed."
Hers the writing ended abruptly.
Housing Problem ta Buda-Pest.
The difficulty which workmen hava in
obtaining house accomodations at Buda
pest occasioned recently 4 great labor dem
onstration against Increased rents. Ten
thousand persons were present, and cries
were heard of "Down with the Rmt.i
Hoiuseownor, Agents."
The speakers who addressed the crowd
said the beet proof of the raiaeruble want
of house room In Buda-Pest was rhe pres
ence of the meeting of thousand of chil
dren, who for hour were exposed to the
burning sun. Unless an Improvement took
piaoe the city would beoome the scene, of
a European scandal.
Portagnrae Warship Valeaa la la.
volved la IniBRfllsg Opera
tions, It Is Claimed.
LISBON, Aug. J7.Srec1al to The Bee.)
A great sensation haa b.n r..n. v..,
seizure of a valuabla arm ,.t ,n,..,i.
goods at the navy arsenal. The Scculo !
gives the following details: During the
night the customs officials raw numerous
carts loaded with a quantity of bales and
large cases coining out or the arsenal. The
COrtS were stODDari and rr. . ...
On examination It was discovered thai, they
were lull or Kllks and all kinds of (apes
tries, old china and other stuffs of great
value, the duties on which on admission
10 t-nriiigai are enormous. Further in
vestlgatlnna revealed the fact that the
Portugese warship Vulcan, which had Just
arrived from Southampton, has been louded
tlK re with a cargo of valuable goods, which
had been emugied Into the arsenal. Sev
eral naval officera are Implicated. Includ
ing me principal director of naval con
sti'uctlon a: the arsenal. la addition to
their liability of a fine calculated to ex
coed $2f.,000. the officers will be court-martialed.
The whole press la Indignant at
warships lieing uaed for smuggling pur
poses. The Mundo declares that th
authorllea have suspected for some time
that suiutrgllng on a large scale was betns
clem. ,rj inrtugn the arsenal. .
. . I
iioine Coming Movement la Inaugu
rated for Nest Vrsr, with
Bright Prospects.
KDLVBl'RtfH. Aug. ST.-(Special to Th
Bee.) -News come fiom across the Atlan
tic that arrangements are being made by
more than S.000 Scots, mostly from the
1'nlled States, to charter two Allan line
atesmers to Olascow In connection with a
"Back to Sootiand" movement uaxt year.,
Brewers and Distillers of Ireland Art
Now Facing: a Serious
How to Fight Buok is ruzrlinp; the
Liquor Men.
"Dry" Movement Curtails the Thirst
Kortane In Copper Ore at the ITot.
torn of' II ran don Bay Is Ureal
Attraction for Treaiara
DUBLIN, Aug. 7.-(SpolaJ to The Bee.)-
The brewers and distillers In Ireland are
fHce to face with a peril which far out
wnlRhs the hslled Lloyd George budget, and
they are at a loss as to how to meet It.
It Is the "cgteh-my-pal" temperance
movement, which started some months ago
In 1 'later and Ib rapidly spreading through
out the Island. Already It numbers more
than 130,000 members in Ulster and Is
growing with siioh rapidity that it already,'
has serloiialy cut down the cotiHumptlon of
beer and spirits, with the apparent likeli
hood that in some oommunttloe the sal
of their alcoholic beverages will be wiped
out completely.
One of the most remarkable temperance
demonstrations ever held in Ireland took
place recently at Baronscourt, the seat of
the duke of Abercom, when about 6,00(1
members from districts all oarer North
Tyrone and part of Mid-Tyrone-attended.
Mtnrtcd from a. spark.
Rev. R. J. Patterson, founder of th
movement, said that a . year ago It was
started by a spark, so to speak, from a
passing train, and that spark had set the
whole Ulster prairie On fire. He believed
that not only would Ulster be affected, but
the whole of the three kingdoms would bs
stirred to the depths by the movement.
Some people objected to the name "Catoh
My Pal," but his fellow cttlsnns of Armagh,
the grand old man of Evangelical Christen
dom, the primate of all Ireland, said, in his
own cathedral that he was glad the move
ment had got that name, as It had a half
playful twang about It that appealed to
the popular Imagination. He, (the speaker)
looked forward to the day when two or
three hundred pals would present Catch
My Pal - brooch to the queen, and he sug
gested that the duchess of Abercorn would
be the medium whereby they might convey
the brooch. When Queen Mary wore a
Catch My Pal broooh It would become th
fashion and every lady In the land would
do the same.
The huge assembly 'at the clo repeated
their pledgeB and their watchword: "W
will see this thhig through."
Job for a Collector.
There Is a situation In the Western Isles
that would delight the soul of Charles
Futile attempts havs been made to collect
rates from the people of Aran, Valentla,
and other islands off the main land, but
the police or salgh dlurl dubha (black sol
diers), aa thoy are called, have been unable
to land and hav returned to their boats
with the rate collector, accompanied by th
Jeeis of the recalcitrant Islanders. The peo
ple of Aran are determined to maintain,
their opposition to the Galwcy council, al
though, aa In the past. It will be a blood
lees battle, and they will probably merely
push the boats off as they approach.
Their attitude Is rather that of the Orange
farmer, who told his Catholic friend. "I
am saying, Willie, if it coiues to war and
you and me finds ourselves on oppoBit
aides I will shoot over you head and you
will shoot over mine, for, man dear, I'd b
loath to kill ye."
Galway County council ban been giving
the subject much consideration, and at ths
usual quarterly meeting a collector was ap
pointed alter much dlscuselon. Qne appli
cant for the post stated that he was "a
Btrong man. Tlve feet, eloven In height."
"That la the man we want," observed ths
chairman, amid loud lunghter.
Ireland now has her sunken treasure
seekers. For nearly seventeen years $300,000
has been lying at the bottom of the sea in
Brandon bay, Kerry coast, this large
amount belug the cargo of the Qlaugow
ship, Port Yuriock, and a.'i'.-r various ef
forts by salvors to raise the cargo, the task
has now been undertaken by the firm ot,
Irleh salvors, Messrs. T. Ensor St, Son of '
Queenatown. The fort Yurrock, a ship of
l.SoO tons, laden with 2,200 toua of high
grade copper ore, was wrecked early la
lS'jl, while bound from Santa Rosalia to
Glasgow. Tbe work of salvage in the pres
ent enterprise haa already been started.
(.reek Macedonian oiuuilt tne Is Ship,
plus; Contraband Anus Into
Turkey's Dmualri.
IIKUjr.ADG, Aug. t.-'peolal to Th
Bee.) The Young Tuil: "n:. tee at Salon
ika entertains the hi- i of distributing
among the .Servian u. i i; uJi.a nan villages
In Macedonia se'tltrs Ann, ,;;a.nla, a.t the
B..r-n'an .McVrii :nii p ovod unable to
resist the (iiriitiun bait's formed lant time.
The youii TuIih In thin p.irmie two aimM,
vlr... to breii:-. ilov ii the rtlsUnnce of the
unruly mo'iniiinc:t f Albania and at th
same tlrre to ellmli'ls.'i the revolutionary
power cf Cm t'.'.ii.-tlan pomlatlon of
The authorilis at Salonika have sent
reinforcements to the frontier guurds on
the Turco-fireeli ftontler. aa It Is stated
that the f!:ivk Macudonla.i committee at
Alliens (it, lir snatched a uront nuamllu f
arms and ammunition to the border, whence
It is introduce J Into Turkey aa contraband.
I'roretalou and arlona Ceremonies
Are an Immense suc
cess. NANTKS. Aug. 27 -1 Special to The Bee.)
Kifty Welsh barda recently took part in
the annual ancient Briton festivities her.
The lord mayor of Cardiff and the grand
druld delivered eloquent speeches, Inspired
with telestlc patriotism. The proceaalun
and various ceremonies tr an lmiuu