THE OMAHA SUNDAY ft EH: AUOUST 23, 1010. TOPICS OF THE DAY OF BEST President of Iowa Weileyan Univer sity at First Methodist. 13 WELL KNOWN AS AN ORATOR Native rrralnn, Wearing th rerslan Drrm, Will Clrrapr I'olpll un lnr Morning at famtellar Street Chnrrb. Dr. Edwin A. Schell, president of the iowa Wesleyan university, who preaches at the Klmt Methodist church both morn ing anil evening. Sunday, is a preacher of more than usual eloquence. In three successive pastorates he de veloped a singular ability to attract great rongrt nations and at the age of 32 nu selected leader and executive head of the Epworth league. In every state In the union he hus delighted Immense audiences, and la now in the first rank of orators and edu cators. r. Scl.ell la a member of the general missionary committee of the Methodist church from the dintrlrt in which Omaha Is located. He Is a great favorite with Je-broj-ka Chautauqua audiences delivering; his lecture "Hen-Hur and Ita Author," at Ne braska City, and the Lincoln aummor as sembly and preaching- the sermon at the Iiavld City Chautauqua last Sunday. Paul Boodeigh, a native Persian, will oc cupy the pulpit at the Castellar .Street Prenhyterlan church Sunday, at 10:30. He will wear the native costume and will talk of life and custom in Persia. Mia. N. D. Bllsh of Chicago will alng at Hanscom Park Methodist Episcopal church Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Ml.-- Minna Meyer, who sings a solo at the morning services of the First Methodist chimb, Is i lie daughter of Mr. Morits Meyer of tills city. 8he expect to leave soon to resume her musical studies In New York City. The service at Calvary Baptist church Sunday evening will be In the Interest of work for boys. Special music will be a feature of the service. The topic of the ad dress is "What Are We Going to Do with Our Bys?" t Rev. R. B. H. Bell, former rector of the Church of the Good Shepard. will be In Omaha tomorrow and will take the service at St. Mathlaa church. Tenth and Worth lngton streets, at 10 a. m. Baptist. Ladles' Missionary Circle of Calvary church will meet on the second Friday of September at the church parlors. First, Corner Twenty-ninth and Harney Rev. John W. Merrill of lied Oak, la., will occupy uie pulpit in the morning. Her vice at lu. ao. Suoject: "Multiplication and Edi fication." Uraee, Hev. B. F. Fellman, Pastor 10:46, "The Man In Kin;" 8:00, "Seven Aspects of the Ciuistiaii." Urund 'View Baptist Sun day sellout, Fourth and Cedar, meets at 8. H. IS. Kliod, Superintendent. lmmanuel. Twenty-fourth ' and Plnknev. Rev. J. Scott Kbersole, Pastor Bible school at tt:4.,; preaching, 11 and ; young people' pral.-e meeting at 7. Oermons, morning, "A Mplher a Fingers and a Boy's Coat;'' vcnlrtfe, "W hy 1 Believe In Jesus Christ." Calvary, Twenty-fifth and Hamilton, Rev. E. K. Curry, Pastor Services at 10:30 and II, conducted by the pastor. Evening topic, "What Are We Going to lJo With Our Ho'.'" Bible school at 12. Young people's meeting at 7. Wednesday at 8, devotional service. Calvary Branch, Thirty-fourth and beward Bible school Sunday at 8:30. Christian. First, Twenty-sixth and Harney, J. M. Keisey, Pastor Sunday school at 9:30; preaching at 10:30. Mr. Thomas Matters will occupy the. pulpit. Young people's meeting at 7. North Side. Rev. H. J. Klrschsteln, Min isterMeets In Plymouth Congregational, Twentieth and Spencer. Bible scnool at 9:30; Morning 'worship at 10:30; Christian Kndeavor at 6:45; evening service at 8. Rev. Klrschsteln will speak morning and evening. Christian Science. Second, Nineteenth and Farnam, Lyric Theater Sunday scnool at V:46; service, IX. Subject lesson sermon, "Christ Jesus." First, Twenty-fifth and Farnaui, Cham bers Building Sunuay school at :46; ser vices at 11. Subject of lesson sermon, "Christ Jesus." Kplacopal. Church of St. Manillas, Tenth and Worth Ingtun. Hev, James Noble, Rector Services on Sunday uuiu further notice at 1:dU and 10 a. ui. All Saints', Twenty-sixth and Dewey Avenue, X. J. McKy, itocioi fioly cow n uuiou at 7:3d a, in.; iiiuruiu prayer and sermon at 11 a, m. : services will be brief during warm weather. t. Andrew's, Forty-first and Charles. Rev. F. 1. Tyner. .Hector o.y commun ion at 8 a. m. ; Sunday scnool at 4:46 a. m.. holy communion and sermou at 11 a. m.' evening prayer and sermon at 7:30. ' Trinity Cathedral, Eighteenth and Capitol Avenue, Very Rev. U. A. Beecher, Dean Holy communion at 8 a. m.; Sunday school at 8:46 a. m.; morning player and sermon at 11; evening prayer and sermon at , Church of St. Philip the Deacon, North Tweuty-fliat near Paul, Rev. Jonu Alh.V, Williams, xTlest-Mana, 7:30 a. m.j matins 10:30 a. m.; vuoial mass and sermon, ix a! m.; Sunday school and cateunism, ii jy Onurai vvvmuii aim sermon, 4;u p, n Lutheran. St. Mark's English, Twentieth and Bur deite, K Groh, Pastor Services, lo 46 What Must toe Overcome? What Reward 7'' At 8. "Examples Give Us Strength to Fol low." Sunday school at 12. Grace. 1322-131 South Twenty-sixth street, Omaha. Neb. - M. L. Melick, Pastor At 10:46 a. m. Rev B. F. Kistler of Benson will preach the sermon. Sunday school at Uo aim prayer meeting on Wednesday night. St. Paul's German. Twenty-eighth and Parker, E. T. Otto, Paator Services at 10 no evening services during August. Sun day school at 11:80. German-American Purochical school, Mr. J. Hllgendorf teacher, term begins September (. ' Methodist. Peuil Memorial, Twenty-fourth and Larl more, Thomas C. Hinkle, Pastor The pastor will be in his pulpit both morning and evening. Sunday school at noon. Epworth league at 1. The Norwegian and Danish Methodist Twenty-fifth and Decatur Preaching by tt.e pastor at 11 and 8. Sunday school at 9:46 and Young People's meeting at 7. Special music by men's quartet. Trinity. Corner Twenty-first and Blnney O. W. Abbott. I). !., Pastor Subject of morning sermon. "Shall the Old Preacher be Shot?" Union meeting In the evening at the North Side Presbyterian church. Oak Street Mission Bible School and Church, X South Twentieth-Sunday at 3, Masses xor novum as wru as ror children Preaching Sunday evening at 8 bv Hev. T. C Webster. Midweek meeting Thursday iventng at 8. Walnut Hill. Forty-first and Charles. K. K. llosman. Pastor Morning service. 10 SO Pastor's theme. "Paul's Conflict of Feeding is to IJfe and leath." Sunday school, 1?. Epworth league, 7. Evening service, S, lermon by the pastor. Seward Street, Corner Twenty-second and Hewnrd. Frank A. High. Pastor Morning ervlce. 10:30. The pastor will preach s Ihort sermon after which the sacrament f the Lord's Supncr will be administered, lunrtay school at 11:45. No evening service. Klrft. Corner Twentieth and Davenport' Or. Frank L. Lovdund, Pistor Sunday enrol at i:if. Sermon at 11 by Dr. Kdwin 1. Schell, pretldent of the Iowa Wesleyan jmverslty. Epworth league at 7, J. B. Au-fv. leader. Sermon at 8. Dr. Edwin 1. Schell. McCube. ForMeth and Farnam, Rev. John Srant Shlck, Pistor Sundav school at 10. fommnnlon service. with short d rs by the nastor. st 11. Theme of the iddrei "A Pemitlful Symbol." Dr. WH lam Oorst district superintendent, will trench at the service at 8 Hirst Memorial. Thirtv-fourth and I.arl. sore. W'lllm T. Prleet. Pastor Class (lectins at 10. Rev T W. Miller leader, fornlnr. serv ce at 11. Sermon. "What We tnow." Sunday school at noon. Epworth league at 7, Miss Hsttte Weeks, leader.) Evening service at 8. ' The Fifth Klngilom. Hanscom Park. Twenty-ninth and Wool- worth. Rev. K. N'.ilt lly.le, n. D.. Pastor. Sunday school at :.. Holy communion at 11. with slmrt c c i rnon by toe Epworih league at 7. ,amor. l-rcali) terlaa. ixiwe Avenue church Rev. Frank N. Rule, 1. L., of St. Louis, will preach at the morning service. Flist cnuirn. Seventeenth and lodge Morning service at 10:j0 o'clock; prvacuing by Hev. W. B. Lower, D. i., of W ) ucote. Pa., formerly of omalia. Dunuee cnuicn, Fiftieth and I'nderwood, Hev. Uiant E. Fisner, D. I., Minister Service at 11 o'clock, conducted oy Hev. Vt illard Lampe; riunuay acnooi at Y. 1'. S. C. t. at S.M. First United, Twenty-first and Eniniet. Hev. Thomus N. Nauna, Pustor service at lO Jo, theme, "A Saint s intei cersion '; Siinaay school at 12 in.; O. - P. C. L. at 7 p. m. Nortu chuicn," Nineteenth and Ohio, M. V. illgby, L). O., Pastor Puuiio woialup ai lw.uv a. m., and 8 p. in.; aauuath scnoul at U, P. . C. h. at 7 p. i"-; meeting Wednesday, 8 p m. Tunny, Corner Nineleentn and Castellar Sirtets, Hev. G. vV . Bnyder f asior eel ices at 4:lu p. m. rubjfci; "Christian Advance tne Miatiiun of tlie Church"; Bunuay school at 3 p. m. E. B. Cook, superintendent. fill ton Hill, Forty-filth and Grant. Tliomas B. Greenlee, faaioi Sunday scnool at 9:46 a. m. ; public worship at 11. theme, "The Thrte-r'old Light'; Christian En deavor society at 7 p. m.; mldweea service W tcluei4uy at 8 p. m. Central United, Twenty-fourth and Douge aurmon at 10:o0 by Rev. Paul Mo Clanahan of Chicago; Sabbath school at 12 m. ; o evening service; Sabbath scnuoi a.ud chuficn picnic Saturday afternoon, September 3, at Falrmouut park. At the Lowe Avenue Presbyterian church the pastor. Rev. Nathaniel McUiUin will conduct Sunday school at lo a. m., and Rev. Frank Rials will preach at regular service at 11 a. in., and at 4 p. m. the same day, and at evening service on next Wed nesday. '. ' Castellar Street' Sixteenth and Castellar, Ralph 11. Houseman, Minister Services at 10:30; preaching by Paul Hoodelgn, a na tive Persian., who will wear the native cos tume and will talk about Persia; Sunday school at 12 in.; young people's meeting at 7 p. m.; midweek service, weunesaay, i:u p. ni. Third church. Twentieth and Leaven. worth, Rev. D. E. Jenkins, Pastor- Sabbath school at 9:30 a. m., with classes for all axes; public worship at 10:16 a. m. sermon by Rev. D. E. Jenkins, D. 1.; 8 p. m.. evening worshio and opening address or i tally uay sabbath school cuinpaign, oy Mr. A. G. Walker, president of the North Omaha District Sabbath School association. Hsaisa Cotaolle. Holy Family Low masses at 8 .to 10:30 a. in.; evening devotions at 7:46; confes sions on Saturday from 4 to 8 and from 7:15 to 9. St. Mary Magdalene's. Nineteenta and Dodge, Rev. Bernard Sinne, Pastor Low mass at 8 and 10:30; confessions Saturday from 2 to k and lrom 7 to 10. St Phlloroena s. Tenth and William, Rev. VV. Stenson, Pastor Low mass at 8; high mass at 10:30; benediction at 7:4s; Confessions Saturday from 4 to 8 and from 7:30 to 9:30. St.' Bohemian, 1432 Bouth Fourteenth, Rev. 3. Vranek. Pastor Low n-ass at 8; high mass at 10; benediction at 2:30; confessions Saturday from 4 to 8 and from 7:30 to 9:30. St Patrick's, Fourteenth and Castellar, Hev. John T, Snuui. Pastor: Hev. Patrick Moynihan, Assistant Low mass at 7, 8 and Mi:30; benediction at 7:46; contessions Satur day from 4 to 8 and from 7 to 9:30. Immaculate Conception, Polish. Twenty fourth and Bancroft Rev. Wenoeslaus Krzyckl, O. F. M., Pastor Low mass at 8 and 10:00; benediction after last mass; confessions Saturday from 8 to and lrom 8:30 to 10. Sacred Heart, Twenty-second and Bln ney. Rev. P J. Judge, B. C. L.. Pastor; Rev. T. J. Manning, Assistant Low mass at 7. 9 and 10:30: benediction after last mass: confessions Saturday from to aud from :tu to St. Cecelia's Pro-Cathedral. Fortieth and Webster. Rev. p. Harrington. Pastor; Rev. E. M. Gleeson and Rev. J, O'Grady, Assistants Low mass at 7. 8. 9. 10 ana 11: confessions Saturday from 1:80 to 6:30 and irom i to :ao. St. Peters. Twenty-eight" and Leaven worth. Rev. P. A. McGovrn. Pastor; Rev. Stephen L. Dowd and Rev. P. C. Oaainon. Assistants Low mass at 7. 8, 9. 10 and 11; benediction at 7:46; confessions Saturday uuiu s to i ana from 7:30 to . St John's. Taenty-flfth n4 r.lifnrni. Sev i?u rtln f; Bro' Keest B. J., Pastor; mi, iuuum Mco.eougo, a. J.. Assist ant Low mass at 6- 7- . 10 and 11: bancdle, tlon at 7:46; confessions Saturday from I to sua irom i:io to 10. St Joseph's German. Sixteenth and Crn- ir. n, racmcus &onnen, o. F. M.. Das tor; ev. nemoert Sandowskl, O. F. M., and Rev. Gratlanus Gehrig. O. F. M., As sistants Low mass at 6:30. 8 and- 10-M- benediction at 7:46; confessions Saturday .w... ,w w biiu iruin s:ju to tu. Miscellaneous. Church of the Covenant and Pratt, Rev. R. T. Bell, D. D., Pastor hqoiucb m k av.ov aim o. The Douglas County Holiness association will conduct services Sunday, at 8:30, at the ruoi c it neu vangeucai i Franklin. People's Church, 615 North Eighteenth Street, Rev. Charles W. Savidge, Pastor Morning: "Getting Honey Out of the Dead Lion"; evening: "The Unjust Judge and wio importunate wiaow. ' Omaha New Thought Fellowship, Room t Lyric Theater Building, Nineteenth and Farnam Regular services at 10:46; Wednes day evening meeting, report from the N. A. B. T. convention by Alfred Tomson. Harford United Brethren, Corner Nine teenth and Lothrop, M. O. McLaughlin Pastor University service at 10:80, theme' "The Servant;" afternoon at 2:80 "-he Dig nity of Labor;" evening at 8, "How Labor May Win." Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of I-atter Day Saints, 1818 North Twenty First, Elder J. M. Baker, Pastor Sunday school at 9:46, preaching at 11 and 8, young people's meeting at 6:30, prayer meeting Wednesday at 8, Ladles' Aid Thursday at 2. Florence First Presbyterian Church Sunday morning services st 11; subject "Use or Lose." Evening servloe at 8; W. Barnes Lower, D. D., of Wyncote. pa will speak on the subject, "Making the Most of What Tou Have." Sunday school at 10. Pastor, Rev. George 8. Sloan. First Reformed, Corner South Twenty Third Street and Central Boulevard, Rev. F. S. Zaugg, Pastor Sunday school at 9:30 a. m., preaching services at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sermons for morning and evening preached by D. L. Evans, Esq., of Philadelphia, Pa., a noted Sunday school worker. Christian Endeavor at 7 p. m. Swedish Tent Meetings, Thirty-Third and California Subject Sunday evening, "Right eousness by Faith in the Sin-Pardoning Re deemer, and Ita Blessed Result;" subject Frldav evening, "Millenium, or One Thou sand Years' Reign with Christ on Throne In Heaven, During Which Time Satan is Shut Up in the Bottomless Pit; the Earth Destroyed." Y. M. C. A. Notes. John Dale will give an address for young men at the Young Men's Christian associa tion Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Mr. Hale will speak upon "The Twentieth Cn. tury Young Man." This address will be of Interest to sll men of the city and especi ally the young men who have recently come to the city for school of business purposes. The service will be held In the lobby of the association Duuuing. LITTLE GIRL TELLS SHE WAS FORCED TO STEAL Tearfal Confession Reveals Women Who Have Been Shopllftlngr. Two Through the tearful confession of 8-year-old Laura Brona that she hsd been forced to steal in department stores, she and her mother, Louise Brona. and cousin. Rose Sutena, were arrested Friday afternoon, Upon a summons from the manager of the Brandels department store Policeman Van aenoru nu vimuuiur oauman arrested the trio. Mr. Redmond of the Brandels store re ported he had noticed the child several times and had questioned her. Finally he grit Information against her two older companions. The child declared they had made a practice of shoplifting and had ccerced her Into following uit. Th prison er live at nil aiaroy street. If you have anytmng to sail or trade, advertise It In The Bee Want Ad column and get quick result. flit JU-tki'lL? AUlki! iiteam Locomotive in No Immediate JOLT FOR ELLCIRICITY BOOSTERS Reasons Whr the Controller Handle Will Never Take the Place of Throttle Lever on Main Lines. Boosters of electric motors rarely pass up a chance to Hons farewell bouquet at the "doomed steam locomotive." With skill In word painting they picture the monarch of the rail receding before the electric locomotive, and the controller handle superseding the throttle lever as a symbol of moving power. This Idea has been worked so diligently that train oper atives entertain fears of vanishing Jobs.. Robert H. Rogets undertakes to banixh that fear In a forceful paper In the Rail roud Man's Magaxine. The writer supplies facts and statistics to prove why the steam locomotive will stay Indefinitely. He says, In part: As the title of this article Implies, it is Intended to be reassuring to those who look for sudden changes in railroad operation. With that end In view, It may be best pre faced with a few timely statistics. These indicate that 3,233 locomotives were built in 1909. and although this total Is less than In former years, It nevertheless shows a healthy addition to the total steam rolling stock of the country. Though the slxe and hauling capacity of locomotives continues to steadily Increase every year, the outlook for 1910 points to at least 6.000 engines. Through their greater development these will easily equal In power the 6,265 produced In the banner year, 1305. The mere mention of statistics Indicating a revival In locomotive building. Is far from being the compelling argument for the continuance of steam traction. The il uimrv for Its futui can best be md after a careful review of wnai nas been actually accomplished with the elec tric engine, and of the prominent features associated with Its cost of Installation ana comparative performances. Not until recently have these figures oeen available for consideration, as the various mntive-Dower chiefs have been occupied in their tabulation covering a very long period. and because they have hesitated to commit themselves one way or the other. Besides these causes of delay, the presentation of such statistics has not been forthcoming, for the very natural reason that thero were few to offer. With very few exceptions, the railroads. not deceived by the optimistic claims and the enthuslaslsm which greeted the elec erlc locomotive, have largely preferred to play a waiting game. The g-eneral policy was to let somebody else take me initia tive, and make the mistakes Inseparable from any such drastic and costly meta morphosis. A Pioneer In Electrification. For a long time the Baltimore 4 Ohio railroad, which has been the pioneer in heavy electric- traction, was very olosely scrutinised, and there Is little doubt that what happened there largely dictated the policy of other rosds In going to electrifica tion. This road, in 1895, through tne latter medium, began the operation of all pas senger and freight trains from Camden station, via the new "belt-line" tunnel under the city of Baltimore, to Its northern limits, a distance of about two miles. This departure was on a scale of startling maa-nitude for the times, as It Implied the complete surrender of the steam motive power In the territories mentioned. The details of the experiment naa oeen planned with exacting care, and It was wonderfully successful almost from the first day. Those early motors handled with east the heaviest freight trains, lnoludlng always the engines of the latter, which were of no assistance as they were not allowed to use steam in the tunnel. Although the records are somewhat haxy, the writer's notes, gathered during active participation In that period. Indicate that on of the motor is credited witn naunng unassisted, twenty-nine loaded freight cars, two engines and a caboose. The grade 1 at least 1 per cent and this train would probably require the two locomotives to move It. The electric locomotives weighed 100 tons each, and in view of the fact that they were built with each of their four axle directly driven, the total weight wa avail able for adhesion. Excepting a few im provements which time haa brought about In electrlo-loeomotlve construction, these pioneer motor differed but slightly In gen eral build and appearance from those now In ervlce. With the exception of the electrification of the Manhattan Elevated railroad, for- rrrerly a steam road with about thirty-eight mile of track, traversing New York City this two-mil stretch of th Baltimore &. Ohio remained for a long time the only example of main line traction operated wholly by electricity In which steam had been supplanted. Although admittedly successfu and thor oughly economical! this line was too short for any definite conclusions as to the rea value of such an equipment Hence little progress was made during th ensuing sight year up to 1903. During this Interval there was a notable extension of electricity to municipal and suburban line, particularly to city cable roads; but this work ha no bearing on what has been done toward changing trunk Una traction from steam to electricity and the effect of the change on steam railroad employes. , While operating practically alone In an unexplored field, the Baltimore & Ohio effectually developed the fact 'hat elec trlclty afford th only real solution of th locomotive smoke problem In large cities Its belt line tunnel would probably never have come Into being had not the advocates of the new power made It clear to the city of Baltimore that with It the general train service would be clean and noiseless. Solving- the Smoke Problem. The full realisation of these two pleasing features eventually Inclined the New York municipality to th consideration of a aim liar system to be effected In that city for relief from the smoke arising from the engines of the New York Central and th New York, New Haven it Hartford rail ing, nor feel that she is In danger when baby comes. If Mother's Friend Is used In preparation of the event. Mother's Friend relieves the pain and discomfort caused by the strain on the different, ligaments, overcomes nausea by counter action, prevents backache and numbness of limbs and soothes the Inflammation of breast glands. Its regular use fits and prepares every portion of the mother's system ror a proper ana natural ending of the term, and It assures for her a quick and complete recov ery. Mother's rrtend Is sold at drug stores. Write for free book for expectant mothers. &ASriXIJ) EEQULATOB CO., Atlanta, Oa. roads, hoth of which use the Pa'k avenue tunnel teten the Grand Central station and Eighty-ninth street. When the agreement was entered Into be tween the city of New York and the New York Central lines It called only for the opi ration ; train by electricity through the Park avenue tuum-l. but tne railroad company, from a broad standpoint, con cluded that the electric- traction snnuld be extended to embrace not only the remainder of Its passenger lines In New York City lying to the north of the tunnel, but also extending out Into Westchester county for i distance of from twenty-five to thirty miles from the Grand Central terminal. In reaching this conclusion it was also derided that the safety of the puolic be better guarded by the elimination of grade crossings in the cities and towns along Its right-of-way. In almost every instance the local governments co-operated with this policy; but regardless of the strenuous ef forts of all concerned, the proposed Im provements north of the limits of Greater New York came to a standstill because of the lack of unity between the railroad and the board of railroad commissioners. Why electrification Falls. Consequently, the New York Central was temporarily forced to fix the northerly limits of its electric tone at High Bridge on the Hudson division and Wakefield on the Harlem division, seven and thirteen miles, respectively, frdm the Grand Central terminal. This Interruption to the com pany s plans occurred in 1900 and many adjustments have since been made. The ultimate termini will be at Croton or Peek skill oi the Hudson division and North White Plains on the Harlem division. The New York, New Haven & Hartford railroad, being a tenant of the New York Central between Woodlawn and New York, a distance of about eleven mile, was also forced to provide an electric equipment be tween these points, but with similar ex pansive policy decided to extend Its electric lone to Stamford, Conn., thirty-seven miles from the Grand Central station, which gives it the longest electrically-operated main line in the country. So much for what has been done in trunk ne electrification since the Baltimore & Ohio broke the Ice in 1S95. The grand total of less than 100 miles of road (not of track) converted from steam to electricity In fif teen years should not occaton any particu lar alarm to the men of th steam road. This mileage doe not Include unimpor tant steam lines which may have been con verted In that period, although there are very few even of these. Most of them were transformed Into trolley roads and' the change has no bearing on trunk line condi tions. The cost Incidental to converting this in- siglnlficant number of miles to electric traction has been enormous. It Is doubtful If 825,000,000 would cover It In the aggregate. These were old railroads, well organised, and thoroughly equipped with steam re quirements. - Heavy Cost of Installation. Th change they made compelled them to take on a vast number of skilled mechanics hitherto not employed, without appreciably diminishing th ranks of the regular em ployes. A th percentage of mile electri fied is so small compared - with th total railroad mileage, there haa been no reduc tion In the number of locomotives required, and each road has added materially to It steam equipment slnoe th partial electrifi cation. ' This tremendous Initial expenditure con stitutes the prohibitive feature against the electrification of present day steam rail roads. While there are a few Instance In this country where the Chang would be permissible from a financial standpoint In no case would It be undertaken without the assurance that an increase In net reoelpts would follow sufficient to more than pay interest on the extra capital Involved a condition which 1 apt to prove extremely unlikely. . k . . , In support of this view the recent com ment of President Harahan of th Illinois Central In a report on the proposed electri fication of th saburban surfao of that road la of Interest: Our suburban trafflo I not sufficiently dense to warrant the expense necessary to electrify these lines, and It la evident that even under electrification there would not be an increase In trafflo sufficiently large to offset the annual cost of operation. It elmply prove that under present condition of steam railway electrification, where it mean the replacement of a plant already installed. It la not Justifiable either in whole or In part." So far as th denlty of th trafflo In th above statement Is concerned. It may be added that the suburban district of the Illinois Central In Chicago cover about fifty miles of road, and carries. In round numbers, about 15,000,000 suburban passen gers every year; an average of 41,150 per day, or L700 In an, hour. Th net revenue of this business as at present operated un der steam, for th fiscal year ending June 30, 1909, wai 8109,712, and th estimated net revenue under electric traction la 1284,7(15, gain of 8175,053 in net revenue If elec tricity should be Installed. But before this can be realised there must be an Initial outlay of 83,000,000 to cover the cost of electrification, on which th annual interest and depreciation can be safely reckoned at 10 per cent or fSOO.000 a year. Deducting from this startling amount th $175,058 saved through electrifi cation, the annual deficit under electrical operation Is ft24,957. An increase of 100 "per cent in earnings would not enable the suburban business of this road to break even, should it be elec trified. If the suburban, trafflo of the Illinois Central is "not sufficiently dens to warrant the expense," It I hard to see how it could be undertaken by lea pros perous road for whose use It has been advocated. Executive Attitude. Mr. I. Kruttschnltt I director of mainte nance and operation of the Harrtman line probably th most Important railroad position In the United States, If not In the world, and any opinion of such an Incum bent must necessarily bj carefully weighed. Mr. Kruttschnltt has this to say regsrdlng the proposition to electrify the main line of the Central Paclflo over the Flerras: "We have found that it pays to make haste slowly with regard to Innovations. Electrification for mountain truffle does not carry the same appeal that It did two years ago. Oil-burning locomotives are solving the problem very satisfactorily. Each Mallet compound, having a horse power in excess of 8.000. hauls as great a load as two of the former types, burning It is the nature of women to suffer uncomplainingly, the discomforts and fears that accompany the hearing of children. Motherhood is their crown lng glory, and they brave Its suffer ings for the joy that children bring. Ko expectant mother need suffer, however, during: the period of wait 10 per cent less fuel, and using ."-0 per tent IetH ter." The Pennsylvania ruilrond must use elec tilr trHctlon brtworn Harrison, New Jt-r-ey and SonnyM'li". J.oi e: l"'and, in con rectlon tvl'h it New Yoik Improv nmrtiN. li nd will Miiploy It to that extent on lt it) stem; hut. nevei thp'ef. Mr. A. W. (ilt-h-t. Its renrral superintendent of motive power. Is quoted with the following ncsHlmWtl.' opinion : "The cost of everything elect rlfi Is tre mentions. The electric locomotives, such as they are, cost more than double tho steam locomotives, which they replace, and we must add tne cost of track prep aration, bf the power plants, and all tint' goes to make the electric system as a whole. "The demnnd has frequently been made that lines leading Into terminals should be electrified. In some cases the same de mand haa been rrmde in the case of cities that are not terminals. Such a demand would Involve two locomotive terminals, one on each side of the city, with electri fication of the space within the city limits, a supply of special electric locomotives, and the delay .consequent upon a double stop. "To offset the cost of this, there Is no saving whatever In operation. On the con trary, the operating cost is largely in creased. Even if the railroads cottld stand the burden of cost, it is quite certain that the public Itself would not tolerate un necessary delays of thi kind. "Naturally the roads hesitate to under take new electrifications, not only on ac count of the expense, but also because it I wise for one railroad to profit by the mistakes of another and thus avoid costly repetitions. "While anything rf the kind Is possible with an unlimited expenditure of money, we do not hesitate to say that the time has not yet come when such an enormous outlay of capital would be justified by the returns; and, further, we assert that the capital thus diverted would be used to better advantage in other directions." No Cans for Alarm. That these slowly cropping facts adverse to the electrification of existing trunk lines have received consideration is significantly reflected In the thorough course of training for apprentices which is now a feature on the Erie, Santa Fe. New York Central, Canadian Pacific, and many others. In the various schedules for study and practical Instruction there Is not an allUBlon to the electric engine. Its construction, manage ment or maintenance. The training as out lined plainly discloses that the end In view Is to fit the boy to cope with conditions which could only prevail with steam loco motives, and It would appear lnconslsent, to say the least, with the advanoed motive power Ideas of the present day, that the expense of this elaborate Instruction would be Incurred without the prospect of ulti mate return in the shape of efficient ser vice. Railroad are not exactly philanthropic enterprises. Many of them supposedly pros perous are stag-gering under heavy burdens of taxation and unjust legislation, and an Incessant fight I In order to make both ends meet. Hence the policy of their man agement Is keenly whetted to an apprecia tion of the faots which this article has summarised, and It I noped that the latter are 'sufficiently convincing to delay even partial electrification to the far distant future. It haa been shown that, while terminal electrification pays In some cases, any fur ther step in that direction should not occa sion any concern to the present employes of the steam roads. It would not indicate doing away with shops, roundhouses or lo comotives, and only a very slight reduction In the immediate terminal repair force, which would be more than compensated for by large additions to the pay roll of men qualified In electric locomotive maintenance. The former locomotive engineers and fire men of the New Haven road are now em ployed on the motor at the same pay which prevailed before the ohange, and are still entered on the roster In the old familiar steps as he would have been, twenty-five capacities. A machinist or bollermaker, COvTT 7D clerks will do more and better 11 Jf work on a good, new and convenient desk than on something not much better than a kitchen table. itTvTT T probably would do your work 11 yJf W with less effort if everything was handy before you. not sec us at once, we can shrfw 11 H il you the largest line of office furniture west of Chicago. f...P11011E FOB OUR Omaha Printing Co. Dougla S46 Ind. A-3431 JETTER BREWING CO. Phone To. a. 30th and T Streets SOUTH OMASA, lriBsVAStSLA cosTStrMxavar Omaha I btuoo r. nrxK. 1334 Douglas Street. bomi Donflas 1S43, lad. A-1S44. miiiji .ui" ' .' . J. 1." ! "m" V". anywhere. Is Just as well Justified today In enroursslng his son to follow In his foot- years miii, because the time lor the revolu t ii if It ever conu-M, Is lar from being at hand. blowers Has Word For Teachers' Pay At Knox County Institute He Says Public Does Not Recognize Value of Work. CKKHillTO.V. Neb.. Aug. J?. (Special. V Montevilk' Flow its caused a sentation at the county Institute convocation here this morning hy the manner In which he at tacked patron and teachers. He said In part: "Fellow teachers, I say this becsuse I as for ten years In the school work. From this experience 1 know what school teach ing is and I will say frankly that 1 am mighty glad I got out of it when I did. As a stepping stone to something better, school teaching is a most excellent thl:,g. For the youth during the time he Is bud ding out Into manhood, teach, ng Is a ve:y good thing, but one must be careful not lo utay In too long. Of course 1 realiio that It is not necessary for me to tell you not to stay In the profession too long for I know you wouldn't if you could, since nearly all of you are of the gentler sex. School teaching, at best, is a profession I In which one may spend more time, use more energy and reap less reward than In anything else. Take, for Instance, the man who has spent his early years In preparing for the teaching profession and who hus then taught until he Is 45 or 50 years old, Just when his years of experience, his gathering of wisdom ought to Insure him a secure position as It would If he were a doctor or lawyer, but you find the school man kicked out shelved for some younger man. 'This condition arises from the weakness and cowardice of teachers, for as a class, they are the most cowardly people In our civilization. They hardly dare move for fear they will lose their position. I tell you If 1 were a teacher again I would make a desperate effort to get a combine of the teachers and then strike against the Injustice of it all. Why, Just think of It we pay a great many of our teachers less than 82 a day, while any uncouth, unedu cated laborer can get from $2 to 84 a day for digging In our back yard. "I tell you It Is an outrage that any person should be hired to teach our young who Is not paid at least 85 a day, whether she has three or twenty pupils. Advance their wages and the teachers themselves will develop abilities unthought of even In their own fondest dreams. With the added salary will come the added thought of re sponsibility and much more worth than the added salary would amount to. "I have four children of my own and I would be willing and glad to pay $100 for each one per year to the teacher who really feache them to be what they ought to be. It Is time for our people to wake up to the fact that the teacher Is the most Important factor in the moral up building, as well as In the mental training of our children, and that to obtain excel lent teachers we must pay enough and enough cannot be less than 85 per day In any case." WEATHER EXCUSE FOR THEFT Nearo Think He Should Not Be Bothered for Merely Helping; Himself to tittle Conl. "A the night am glttln' col' Ah was Jes plckin up a H'l coal t' make a fire" was the explanation of James White, otherwise "The Blue Coon," who bunks In th Straw berry flat when he was brought Into th station last night He was caught In the railroad yard filling a sack with th freight of a coal car by Detectives Dunn and Murphy and he trudged Into th sta tion bowed down with as much of the lighting material as would keep hi fire going for several day. SALESMAN IF BUSY... 918-924 Farnam St. 3 dist.iuxiii Booth Omaha I Oonnoil Bloffai UO. MICH 1013 Mala at. Both Ihons. 80. VS. JBTTtB. aeoa ar sit. uo. sea. r-ieea. - j',, " ' frvwmmmmmrm' j Hot Weather 0 W rm "..l.'l-M.VV .' r'.-V? JPtAHRMOFSTO . .4... - - n se-l W 'Arm i f JJL PI PJ3 PILES "I tried all kind of blood femediea which failed to do tne any good, but 1 have found the HrM thing t last. My face was full of pimples and black-heads. After takiug Cascaret they all left. 1 am continuing the ue of them and recom mending them to my friend. I feel fine when I rise in the morning. Hope to have chajjee to recommend Cascarets." ' Fred C. WTtlen, 76 Elm St., Newark, N. J. Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Taste Good. Do Good. Never Slckes, Weaken or Gripe. 10c. Sc. 50c. Never sold lo bulk. The genu ine tablet tamped C C C Guaranteed to cur or year money back. 9U HAY FEVER OS ASTHMA If you suffer, call or write me at one and learn of something you will be grate ful for the balance of your life. J. G. McBRIDE, Stella, Neb. THE BEER YOU LIKE HAVE A CASE SENT .HOME eSRSUNIRS' DISTRIBUTER JOHN NITTLER 3224 80. 24TH STREET IND. S-1430 eeui teee jfy nID teas California Oil The San Franclsro Evening Tost, th largest aiternimii newspaper on the J'hcl flc Coast, will Issue nn Heptember 3d great hundred page Special Edition ade quately and accurately portraying by pen and picture California ami H llnntlim resoumea. Mines, forests, grazing, wool, lalrylng. wliioa. frultH. niitn, cereals, fish, and manufactures are fully considered. Tlie most extraordinary feature of this Edition will be a page color section de voted exclusively to Oil. California's greatest Industry. This section will be profusely illustrated with pictures of Its ereat gushing nil wells, refineries, pipe lines, oil steamers und nin-is of the field Including several unuxuiilly Interesting views of the marvelous I.akevlew Gusher tho most remarkable "II well the world has ever known, It havlnir produced over five million barrel of oil In four monlhi. The oil business of California Iibh grown within a few years from Insignificance to n Industry that presents today Intrinsic valuation of over Five Hundred Million Dollars icd Is even now only In Ita Infancy. The tory of this marvelous growth, the men who have grown with It and the countless fortunes made through it, will be told for le Iot bv men who tiave been In it nldst for years. The story makes one of he most Interesting chnntcrs of Ameri ca's commercial development, and should he read by every nroyrcf-alve American. If you want the full, authentic story f the California Oil Induitrv, write to iny for a ennv of this great September Id Soeclal Kdltlon of the San Kranclxco "venire- !. which will lie mailed to i iCJCITJ'Tty FREE upon reoueHt. Circulation Manager, Evening Post 13 Tfvrket St., San Tranclsco, California. r wentTet h centu ryTar me? Lending Agricultural Paper of the W'esf, Authority on AM Matters ferlalnlna- to the Firm or ltsncb. 1 a Yeas, f- -irart1-' ' X S I iiiml -y 3 j HrAitillilMSlfAilli Jl "Now'i the day Jf ) Now's the hour" (1 -Buet"Ji a 1 A I