Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 28, 1910, NEWS SECTION, Page 4, Image 4

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Policeman Placed at Crowded Corner
to Halt Anto Scorcheri.
rornnrr'i Jnrr Impllrste Hasbana1 la
hotlna ft Mrs. Kate Johnson,
Colored Coral a Habit
Drfrnsr flea.
South Omaha has solved ons point In the
problem of how to stop the eoeiBlve speed
of automobiles and how to make saf the
most crowded corners,' and this la by put
ting a blue-coated officer at the center of
the intersection at Twenty-fourth and N
streets, which Is the moat dangerous corner
In the city. The officer hai Instructions
to keep the crossing clear, to watch the
street car traffic, to halt automobiles and
vehicles of all kinds when safety demands
and to warn and direct pedestrians In all
cases of congestion and danger. This Is a
now thing In South Oniaha, but since the
officer has been at this point the plan has
worked admirably. It Is likely that another
officer may be stationed at Twenty-fourth
and I, streets, which Is also a very danger
ous corner.
"With our moVrn Inventions for saving
time In transportation," said a prominent
physician yesterday, "we must necessarily
go to the expense of providing additional
safeguards for public safety. I am con
vinced that part of the license money taxed
ngalnKt automobiles should be expended for
the hiring of careful men as watchmen for
dangerous corners. An officer at Twenty
fourth nnd U Twenty-fourth and A streets
In South Omaha, one at Twenty-fourth and
Vinton. Twenty-fourth and Leavenworth,
Twenty-fourth and Farnam, Sixteenth and
Cuming, Fortieth and Cuming and Fortieth
and Farnam, in Omaha, whose only duty
would be to check fast driving and warn
against street cars and care for th safety
sf pedestrians would save almost all the
accidents which recently have occured, and
would In the future prevent the greater por
tion of the fatalities."
Coroner's Jury Keporta.
The coroners Jury in the case of the
murder of Mrs. Kate Johnson, colored,
brouaht In a verdict Friday afternoon find
ing that the woman came to her death from
the wound of a bullet fired at her by her
husband, George Johnson, with murderous
Intent and recommending that Johnson be
held for examination before the proper
courts for murder Nfc the first degree.. It
waa developed in the evidence so far aa the
state's witnesses were allowed to' testify
that Johnson stopped and threatened his
wife, having the revolver in his hand and
that she begged Harris to disarm Johnson
before the shooting occurred. It waa also
testified that there waa no provocation
other than malice to account for the deed.
Johnson had decjared to the police before
the Inauest that his wne naa aiiacnea mm
with a big knife, but this Is denied by the
other witnesses who declared th woman
waa defenseless and was mild and Inclined
to yield to all her husband's demands.
The principal witness In the case waa
Pansey Newlands, who was in company
with Harris and Johnson at the home of
the two men on the arrival of the two
women, Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Harris from
Fremont on the night of the shooting.
It will probably be made an Important
plra for the defense that Johnson waa, ad'
dieted to the cocaine habit and that he waa
at the time of the shooting saturated with
the drug. It Is believed also that his wife
was a victim of this habit.
Cnnrch Services.
The First Methodist congregation has the
use of the church building for an Indefinite
period still or until the Fraternal Order
of Eagles have 'the plans for the remodel
ing of the church completed. This, It is
thought, will take three or - four weeks.
The regular services will be held Sunday
morning. There will be no evening service,
' At the Sunday morning service at the
Presbyterian church, Dr. C. M. Schlndel
will make a report of the progress of the
new church building and also bespeak the
need of the church for the necessary funds
for the completion of the same with a plan
for raising the money. Dr. K It. Wheeler
'will preach as usual following this report
Rev. Alfred G. White will conduct the
holy communion tervlce at St. Martin's
church at 8 a. n. and in his regular service
at 11 a. m. will discuss "The Career of the
Old Testament Prodigal."
W. L. Cullen will conduct the services at
.St. Clement's mission at 11 a. m. Sunday,
which will consist of the litany and the
usual sermon.
Mamie CHr Gossip.
E. M. Efknian haa gone on a visit
through the Dakota.
Miss Matilda Wogansen Is entertaining as
her guest Alius Anna wogensen or Wis
Mrs. Cruthers of Bellevua entertained
the Presbyterian King's Daughters yester
day afternoon.
The American Federation of Labor held
a special meeting last night at Twenty
sixth and Q streets.
The Mud creek sewer has been safely
completed beyond the point oi ma aanger
oua cavern of a week ago.
John J. Walsh, was slightly Injured by
falling from a street car at Twenty-sixth
and W streets Thursday evening.
A nice crowd of golfers were out yester
day afternoon enjoying the much Improved
conditions at the South Omaha Country
Miss Mabel Bachman of Kansas City la
the guest of South Omaha relatives, the
lamuy or i. it. ts&cnman. eixieenm ana
N atreeu, south Omsna.
Special Hale 36 per cent off on all wall
paper during the month of August. Watch
our windows for other hot weather bar-
at .a. 411 North Twenty-fourth street.
The A. M. Hughes Paint company, 'Phone
Sou. to mt. .
Kearney Reunion
Comes to End
National Park Association Cloiei
Fourth Annual Session Promi
nent Speakers Attend. 1
KEARNET, Neb., Aug. 27. (Special Tele
ram.) The fourth annual reunion of the
Fort Kearney National Park association
:losd Its three-day sasslon tonight. The
reunion waa the moat successful aver held
ind haa been attended by about five thou
land people. There were over on hundred
lents occupied by people camping on the
(rounds. Wednesday evening the cold
wave came up unexpected and many were
nconvenlenced with lack of enough cover
it night. Thursday afternoon and night
Congressman O. W. Norrls was present
ind addressed the meeting. Today C. H
lldrich, O. M. Hitchcock. Klmar J. Burkett
ind Norris Brown were on the program and
lach one gave the audience a few mln
Itea' talk, entirely eschewing politics.
The annual ejection of officers took place
lila afternoon and the present officers will
wrve another year. J. P. Maxon will be
trvsldeut; B. H. Gouldlng, secretary and
t. A. Miller, treasurer. A campflre has
teen conducted each evening.
September Magazines
In the September Century Mayor Gaynnr
of New York contributes a paper on "The
Problem of Kfflrlent City Government."
James Creelman has an article on "Munic
ipal Non-partisanship In Operation."
Charles William Wallace writes on "Shake
speare and the IUs kfrlare," and Charles
Hasklns Townsend contributes "Chame
leons of the Sea." The fiction Is by Kdlth
Wharton, Charles 1. Stewart, May Sin
clair and W, T. Nichols, and among the
contributors of poems are Richard Wat
son Ollder, Henry Austin, Shelly Peterson
and Charlea T. Rogers.
Everybody's for September opens with an
Installment of a hew series of articles by
Lincoln Steffens. Guy H. Seull haa an ar
tide on "Lassoolng Wild Animals In Af
rica," O. W. Ogden writes on "Bringing In
the Fleece" and . Franklin Clarkln has f
paper, on "The Greedy Game of Getting
Things Through." Among the contributors
of fiction are O. Henry, Walter Prltchard
Eaton, Henry Allyn, Arthur. Train and
Henry B., Fuller. There is the usual re
view of books and departments.
The September American has aa article
on "The Lorimer scandal by c . nay-
mond. and Stewart Edward White contrib
utes ."Tha Case Against BaWnger; Cleared
lp." There Is another Installment of Jane
Addam's "Autoblgraphlcal Notes," stories
are contributed by Charles R. Barnes,
David Grayson and Inex Haynca Glllmoro,
and the departments are unusually Interacting.
Hampton's for September contains an
other Installment of Commander Peary's
narrative of the discovery of the North
Pole and Charles Edward Russell haa a
paper on "The Railroad Machine as It
Works Now." Harris Merlon Lyon writes
on "In Reno Riotous," and the fiction Is
by Alice Brown, Arthur Stringer, John
Fleming, Mary Heaton Vorse and George
The Metropolitan magazine makes its
September Issue a fiction number. Gou-verneur-
Morris leads the list with "The
Wise Miss Carrlngton." " The Money-
Maker" Is contributed by a new writer.
Henry Edward Rood's "Johnny Staples and
Suffragists" Is a laughable take-off, and on
the aame order Is "Marriage aa a Fine
Art" by Eugene Wood. Beverly is one of
the society colonies described In "A Social
Pilgrimage," and base ball Is featured by
an article by "Hughle" Jennings, on "Who
Will Win the Pennant In the American
In the Wide World Magaslne for Septem
ber Charlea P. Saunders relates Ills two
weeks' experience among the Navajo In
dians; Douglas Carruthers Continues his
Adventures In Unknown Arabia," and
Henry Hale tells the story of how an
American boy became a king. Mrs. Maturln
continues her "Caravan Tour," and among
other articles are "Hippo Hunting on Lake
Nyaasa" and "Sport In British Columbia,"
The Strand for September contains stories
by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and W. W.
Jacobs, and among other contributors of
fiction are C. C. Andrews, C. H. Bovtll,
Charles Garvlce, Olivia Ray, Elizabeth
Banks and E. Nesbit. The articles are in
teresting and timely.
Lipplncott's for September opens with
"The Mischief of Time," by Dorothea
Deaktn, and among the short stories are
"Flaherty'a Promotion," by Burton Egbert
Stevenson; "The Woman or the Spider," by
Will Levlngton Comfort; "The Inspiration,"
by Anna Peacock, and "The Brown Paper
Parcel," by Karl von Kraft. Poems are
contributed by David Potter, William
BtrU there and George Benedict, and "Wal
nuts and Wine" Is unusually Interesting.
Abstracters a luUa,
YORK. Neb., Aug. 17. (Special .Tne
londed abstracters of the state to the nura
ier of about twenty-five held a very
ruetlve meeting Thursday afternoon
waning. An addreaa was delivered by J
.edwllh. of Lincoln.
; The -September Smart Set begins publl-
tlonof E. Phillips Oppenhelm's new-
serial, "'Havoc," and there Is a complete
novel by Wyndham Martyn. Among the
writers of short stories are Gouverneur Mor
ris, Van Tassel Sutphen, David Gault, Fred
Jackson, Mrs. Oscar Berlnger and Cath
erine H. Wrenshall.
In the Delineator for September Woods
Hutchinson, M. D., writes on "The Danger
Line In Patent Medicine;" John Warren
tells of "Women Who Are Making MuBlcal
America," and Harrison Rhodes has a pa
per on "Americana Abroad." ' The fiction
Includes "Out of the Wilderness," by Dor
othy Canfleld; "Love and Mademoiselle
Clemenee." by Helen Sterling Thomas;
"The Brother Man." by zona uaie, ana
Merv Stewart Cutting's serial, "The Un
foreseen." There are the usual number of
up-to-date fashions and departments.
The Woman's Home Companion for Sep
tember opena with a story by Hulbert Foot
ner, and there are short stories by Mary
Hastings, Annie Hamilton Donnell and
Grace Keon. Miss Gould, the fashion ed
itor, shows all the points of the autumn
styles, and a new department, "Home Dec
oration and Handicraft." will serve aa an
Inspiration for the home-lover.
Tha Bontember number of Country Life In
America oontains an article by Enos A.
Mills on "At the Stream s Souroe," and
William Miller writes on "Bringing the
Countrr to the City." Among the other
articles are "The Abandoned Farm In New
Hampshire," by eg-Oovernor Frank West
Rollins; "Raising Queen Bees lor a liv
ing," by'D. Everett Lyon, and "The House
of Vanishing Rooms." by Margaret H.
The World Today for September opens
mMth "The Lure of the Direct Primary,"
and Brand whltlock baa an article on "The
City and the Publlo Utility Corporation."
Other articles are: "Underground Trans
portation," by Sidney Ossoskl; "Our Diplo
matic and Consular Service," by William U
anr,.a: "Woodworkers and Their Dan
gers," by Charles Richmond Henderson, and
What la the Problem of immigration r oy
Alcett W. Btockwell.
eventy Taaaaan Workers Expected
te Be Datr Meedar -(Ions
Left tm Ccmsalttee.
NEW TORK, Aug. Tl. Informal an
nouncement was made today that the
atrtke of cloak makers In this city -had been
settled and the 70,000 strikers are expected
to retura to work , Monday. Alexander
niwk chairman of the strikers settlement
committee, said tonight -that the settlement
Is the greatest victory for union labor In
inn. At the headauarters of the Menu
fAi-turars' Protective association . It was
said "the manufacturers will lose nothing.'.'
The ouestlon of hours and wages la to
be settled by a neutral committee, whose
decision will be accepted by both sides.
Shorter hours and higher wages are looked
The open shop, against which the strikers
rebelled, la to be maintained, but manu
facturer are to favor the union In se
looting hands.
nmm Melees Onaaea In H.r.l.
DES MOINES, la., Aug. tT.-On account
or tne state iaar, x-rswaenc mggina of the
Dee Moines Western leegue team announced
today that the gamee echeduled for next
week In Des Molnea will te played In the
forenoon at leaat on Monday and Tues
Colonel Roosevelt Makes -Speeches at
Nearly Every Stop.
t'nmnilns Tratrta nltk Him In Iowa
tirffli Market! end Brown at
Kearney Will Be Inte
grate In ew York.
GRAND ISLAND. Neb... Aug. 2T.-The
west gave ex-Prealdent Roosevelt a warm
greeting yesterday. The people gathered In
crowds at all places at which he stopped
In his Journey across Iowa and part of Ne
braska, rang bells, tooted whistles, played
bands, and cheered. They stood on roofs,
climbed telegraph poles and scrambled on
top of cars on the sidings to see him when
the crowds on the ground grew so Urge
that there was no other way. They began
their welcome before Colonel Roosevelt was
out of bed and kept It up until after dark.
He will arrive In Cheyenne, Wyo., In the
morning and will make the second set
speech of his western tour there In the
afternoon at the cowboys' carnival.
The colonel was up early, he had to be,
for he was called out of bed by the people
of Marshalltown, la., who had gone to the
stand before) breakfast to see him and
would not be denied. Clad In a raincoat
and slippers, he made the first speech of
the day at 6:45 a. in.
Talks Till Voire Cilves Oat.
From then on, It was almost a continuous
performance, for at every point at which
the train stopped a speech waa demanded.
The colonel kept on talking until his voice
began to grow husky and he Waa urged to
At Dunlap, la., someone pulled the bell
rope Just as Colonel Roosevelt got on the
back platform, and with his arm held aloft,
In his characteristic pose, was about to
speak. The train pulled out, leaving the
people there, In open-mouthed disappoint
ment. At Logan, the next point. Colonel
Roosevelt was allowed less than a minute
for his speech, but he made such good use
of It that thereafter attempts to suppress
his speeches were given up.
The manager of a wild west show on ex
hibition at Grand Island tried to help things
along by wiring to the agent In charge of
the Roosevelt train, urging him not to stop
here. He said. he was afraid that if the
colonel should stop, everyone Would be at
the railway station to see him and that
there would be no one at the show, which
began five minute after the time set for
the colonel' arrival here. But the colonel
stopped here and It looked as If most of
the town waa on hand. He made a short
speech, after which the people of Grand
island went to the show.
In his speeches today. Colonel Roosevelt
continued to talk about honesty In public
and private life, and to attack the crooked
man and the crooked public servant. He
also spoke about New York, referring to
the situation in his own state while talking
to tha people In Council Bluffs. Earlier in
the day he Issued a statement In regard to
the New Tofk progressives, denouncing
bosslsm and corrupt alliances between busi
ness and politicians. Supplementing this
statement later, he declared that he would
not permit the "old guard" of New Tork
tate to pick the issue there. He said that
th great issue wa not the fight to pro
cure the enactment of a direct nomination
law, but the fight against bosslsm. He said
that hia statement referred to the New
York situation solely and had no bearing
on the situation In national politic.
Party Greatly Enlarged.
When Colonel Roosevelt left New York
all the members of the party traveled In
two cars which were attached to regular
trains. The number of cars has grown un
til now there are six of them made up In
a special train. At Chicago yesterday one
car was attached carrying a party of men
who are going along merely to see what
happens. George Ade was one of them.
Three more caj-s were added today and the
railroad officials gave up all hope of haul
ing them on the regular train.
The mayor of Galesburg, III., tele
graphed to Colonel Roosevelt today a re
quest that be try to settle a strike In the
bituminous coal fields. The colonel re
marked that It was th fourth strike which
he had been asked to settle since his re
turn from abroad and that he could not
consent to act as he would be obliged to
devote several weeks to uch task and he
hasn't the time to spare.
"peak of State' Growth.
KEARNEiY. Neb.. Aug. 7.-CSpeclal Tele
gram.) When the train bearing Theodore
Roosevelt pulled Into Kearney at :10 last
evening he was greeted by a densely packed
crowd or from 2,600 to 3.000 people, who wel
comed bis appearance on th rear platform
with a rousing cheer. An Immense boquet
of sweet pea waa handed him. Senators
Burkett and Brown boarded the train and
Senator Brown presented him.
During the course of a flv-mlnute talk,
the ex-presldent found time to compliment
Nebraska on It wonderful development
since he first saw the state twenty-seven
years ago; to emphasise the Importance to
th nation of individual character; to com
pliment Senator Burkett warmly for his
work In connection avtth th Cuban tariff
matter; and to . apeak to the boy about
lion hunting.
"I am glad to see your two senators," he
said, "I shall always remember with pleas
ure and gratitude th help given m by
Mr. Burkett when he waa in the house of
representatives and I was In the Whit
House, in getting a satisfactory tariff ar
rangement with Cuba, which has knit two
nation ever closer together."
Colonel Roosevelt promised tonight to ad
dress th member of th Colorado legis
lature when he visits Denver on Monday.
When Colonel Roosevelt waa informed
that he had been elected a delegate to the
republican state convention at Saratoga,
N. Y., by the republican of Naasua county
he said that he waa very glad to hear It
and would of course accept, aa he said
he would do, if he were chosen. Colonel
Roosevelt declined to make any further
comment or to Indicate whether he would
give any encouragement to the movement
begun by the republican of Orlean county
to elect him aa temporary chairman over
the head of the state committee, which
recommends the election of Vice President
LKXINClTo'.N. Neb.. Aug. M The colonel
wound up the day at Lexington, making a
three-minute speech. He" did not Intend to
speak at 1-exlnjrion. but a good slied crowd
ha1 stiiyed up to see him and ho did not
wish to disappoint th people. After be had
finished speaking, lie said he wss going to
bed. He marie his speech of the day at
:41 a. m. and waa kept hard at It until
he left Lexington at 10:30 p. m.
The station yards were msde light ss
day by specially arranged lights and thoM
In the crowd which had waited patiently
for some time and who could not get near
enough to hear the ex-presldent were mado
happy by a good view of the speaker.
FREMONT. Neb., Aug. M.-(Special Tele
gram.) Colonel Roosevelt addressed 1,600
Fremonter during a five minutes' stop
here at 4.46 this afternoon. Cannon were
fired a the train approached th station
which was decorated with flags. Archie
Roosevelt left th special her and returned
east on a later train. He rode out from
Omaha with his father having come down
from the Black Hills with Seth Bullock,
with whom he had been hunting.
Knssna Conaty Republican Seleet
Colonel Leader.
NEW YORK, Aug. 27.-"I would suggest
that Mr, Woodruff again read President
Taft's letter to me, August 20." This was
all Lloyd C. Grlscom, chairman of the New
York republican county committee, would
say In comment on Chairman Woodruff
statement ot last night in which Mr.
Woodruff said that he was Ignorant of any
plan to present Theodore Roosevelt's nam
before the recent state committee meeting
for temporary chairman of th state con
vention. Mr. Woodruff did not amplify on his
statement today, but William Barnes, Jr.,
of Albany was more loquacious. He de
clared, as he did 'in a statement of a few
days back, that the "people want a rest"
"What the people of the state now want
Is to be let alone," said Mr. Barnes. "Busi
ness interests are being put in a bad way
by this wanton political agitation. People
want to conserve their business Interests
and do not want them destroyed by political
demagogue. The business Interests of the
state are tired of facing chaos. They don't
know where, the next blow is coming from
nor who Is to deliver It.
"I regret the present controversy, aa It
means it will be almost Impossible to con
solidate the warring factions after the con
vention. Personally I am against making
the pet theories of demagogues political is
sues. Roosevelt says he is against crooks.
So am I and so Is every honest man. He Is
hardly helping the party by the course he
Is taking, but he Is getting the personal ad
vertising that he so much desires."
None of the "old guard" leaders assem
bled at headquarters here had any com
ment to make on Colonel Roosevelt's speech
at Carroll, la., in which he declared war
on "bosses." The most Interesting develop
ment of the day found expression in reports
from Nassua county. Long Island, (Colonel
Roosevelt's county) that republican leaders
there had determined that he shall be a
delegate to the state convention, probably
to lead the Nassua delegation. Mr. Roose
velt ha said all along that he should prob
ably attend if chosen a a delegate.
Taft Vexed at
Reports that He
Opposed Colonel
Had Reasons to Believe Roosevelt's
Advisers Knew His Atti-
j , tude.'
BEVERLY. Aug. 27. Indications con
tinue to multiply here that President Taft
participation In th New York tat fight
la ended for good. Th president Is not a
resident of New York and does not feel It
to be th province of the president to In
terfere or dictate In local political fights.
Mr. Taft waa drawn Into Nw York poll-
tic reluctantly. He was glad to see the
various leaders as they called and he urged
on all the Importance of trying to bring
about an amicable adjustment of affairs
prior to the state convention. This, it ap
pears, was Impossible and now the fight
goes to the convention.
Mr. Taft will keep "hands on."
The president, It Is said, feels far more
keenly than he let appear In his letter to
Mr. Grlscom th false light h was plaoed
In by anonymous statement from Oyster
Bay and New York. He had every reason
to believe that leaders close to Colonel
Roosevelt knew exactly what his attitude
was and that they had first hand knowl
edge of the fact, It is said, that Mr. Taft
had -done none of the underhand thing
charged against htm.
it Is pointed out here by Mr. Taft
friends that Lloyd C. Grlscom, president of
th New York county republican commit
tee, who stood sponsor for Mr. Roosevelt.
was In President Taft' library at Burgeas
Point when the president sent th long
telegram to Vic President Sherman, sine
mad public,, telling him to do nothing
without th approval of Colonel Roosevelt,
which would In any way Involve th administration.
Mr. Grlscom, it Is said, took a copy f
this telegram back to New York with him.
Armed with this message, which outlined
the president's position and fresh from a,
conference with President Taft, which
lasted nearly all night, Mr. Grlscom went
almoat Immediately to se Colonel Roose
in view of these facts Mr. Taft was
thoroughly wrought up when he read th
subsequent newspaper attacks from Oyster
Bay and New York. He wrote his letter
to Mr. Grlscom a a matter of satisfaction
to himself and declared, as he sent It, that
It was a matter of entire Indifference to
him whether It was aver made publlo or
not. Th president, In the meantime,
warned everyone connected with the ad
ministration In Beverly to make no reply
to Oyster Bay In any way.
Boon after th recent Incident at New
York It waa announced that Mr. Grlscom
would visit Beverly In a few day. It I
said -her that Mr. Grlscom haa no en
feagements to see the president.
Here is She
That Accompanies Each
Delivery of House Coal
Silence l
Th instinct of modesty natural to very woman is often
great, hlndrano to th cur of womanly diseases. "Women
brink from th personal questions of th local physician
which seem indelicst. Th thought of examination is ah
horrent to them, and so they endure la sileaoe condition
of diteat which surely progresses from bad to wors.
if km Dr. m prlrlUi tm cmnt m
grtmt man wmmm wmm Aaro oaf m roBtf
m4atr la aa affei- FREB eaar
tlm r Utter. Hit rraaae'ac la aea
ma amcfllr mfldamtlal. jmrmam i WaHtT a .
Dlamamamrr Mam-leal Jlaam'tlam, Buttala, h. Y.
Dr. Pierce's Fsvorit Prescription restore and regulates
th womanly function, abolishes paia and bailds up and
out th finishing touch of health oa vry weak woman
who giv it a fair trial.
It Makes Weak Women Strong,
Sick Women Well.
Yoa can't afford to accept a tttrtt nostrum as substitute
for this noa-slcoholie medicine or known composition.
. aa m.' m-
(&rs ......
-..MW mw' iST
ataVra- al' A . a.
ft ft
com- V DA
The clean-cut, sweeping trims of this unrcstrictrd guarantee are worth much to you.
None of the usual trade-seeking representations can compare in real value with this
"wide-open" bond for the faithful and satisfactory filling of your orders.
No matter what kind of coal you buy,, you are entitled to right quality and right
OUK GUARANTEE is not an Idle statement; it is a serious covenant signed by an
officer of the company.
'Certified Coal" means "Satisfied Coal Users"
We assume all the risk. Your first cost is your entire cost. If for any reason you are
not pleased with the coal, we agree to make the transaction satisfactory to you.
"CERTIFIED COAL" 13 exclusively a Sunderland offering and applies to
every kind of house coal that we handle, whether of high or low cost.
Every coal user in Omaha is included in this offer, and most of them will ao
cept it. Those who do not will be the losers. ' .
Let us have your, earliest business.
It is Time to Buy Ilard Coal flow-August Price $10.50
1 KOSn
"Every Ton
a Big One'
50 Yell-O Wagons
50 Proud Teams
Yards Ev erywhere. "
Low One-Way Colonist
To Many Points in California,
Idaho, Oregon and Washington
To California
August 25 to Sept. 9
Oot. 1 to 15, 1910
To Idaho. Orogon.
and Washington
Dept. 15 to Oot. 15, 1910
Eloctric Block Signals. Dustloss.
Porfoct Track. Excollont Dining Oars
For Literature and Information Relative to
Fares. Routes, etc., Call on or Address
City Ticket Office. 1324 Farnam St.
'Phones: Doll Douglas 1020 and Ind. A-3231
' 7.