THE OtfAHA SUNDAY HEE: AUOUST 28, 1910. ISfe-J1 9110116 tyle? 1000 ... ; n ( HELP WANTED MALE FOUNTAIN PKN8 FOR AGENTS, DEM ONSTRATORS AND PREMIUMS. OOL1), blL,Vt.K AM D i'tAKL, fc.OU DOVStN. bend for umplta at I1.U0 Mch for exam ination and will refund difference on flrat order. Urrmwi sliver filagree, 8(1.00 dozen; ample, 7o. All pens fitted with 14-ki. (old nibs and fully guaranteed. L.args, showy holders at very low prices. Diamond Point l'en Co., IS-IS Fulton Bt., New York; largest maaufaoturera In United Htates. AOENT8 Quick seller, reduces coat of Urine two to alx In each family; new proposition; nothing like It. Central Supply Co., St a. A., Kvansvllle, Ind. VIM START YOU In a big business; give you credit; fascinating work; easy even amateurs make 88 to till a day. Chapman, Mich., mad 118 first day. Lee, Okl., made 83.0UO, and built home In one year. Our new ales plan creating sensation. Men, women, write today for particulars. C. E. Swartx tosugh. Box 8, Toledo, U. $40 a week and more Is what an agent In our territory can make. We have an ar ticle which Is almost as neceaaary to every office, as Ink. A demonstration generally makes a sale. The article Is becoming well known through a national advertising cam paign and agents that get in now will coin money. Crew managers write quick for an exceptional proposition. MAXIM RPECIALTT CO.. Dept. E. 17-21 Qulncy 8t Chicago, 111. WANTED Hat, cap and glove salesman with established trade for Wisconsin, Northern Iowa, Minnesota and Dakota. Answer, giving references and amount of trade controlled, addressing John Kent, CM Maple Ave, Oak Park, III. MVK agents wanted for an article which sella at eight; no talking; cuatomera are waiting for It. Smith Specialty Co., Dept. P, Box f74, Merceraburg, Pa. AGENTS Write for territory today. Biggest seller ever invented. No experi ence neceaaary. New Chemical Fire Ex tinguisher. Absolutely guaranteed. A child can use It. Sella Itself. Edw. Mc Gough says: "Made $100.00 last week. Eas iest thing In the world. Everybody buys." K. J. Dlrr took IS orders one day profit I22.SO. No trick at all just show and take orders. Free samples to agents. Investi gate. Write today. Territory going fast. Send your name on a postaV- The United Mfg. Co., 214 Mill St., Lelpslo, O. WANTED SALESMAN TO SELL AUTOMOBILES IN OMAHA. SALARY AND COMMISSION. ADDRESS F-40, BEE. GOOD agents wanted for high class prop osition. Can make from In to 1 10 a day. Call at once. 204 So. 19th St AGENTS THE BIGGEST MONET MAKER EVER KNOWN, THE IM PROVED 1911 Canchester Incandescent Kerosene Lamp will revolutionise lighting methods: burns air Instead of money; six times brighter than electricity, gas or sec- tylene at 1.10 cost; burns with or without mantle; burner fits any lamp; saves 7B per cent oil; no trimming wicks; showing means selling; territory going fast Write today; particulars free; handsome outfit furnished; beware of Imitations. Canohe. ter Light Co., Dept 4D, M Stat St., Chi cago, 111. AOKNTS LISTEN! Our "Bubstltut for Slot Machines" sells like wild fire. No capital required. Exclusive territory. An derson Gam Co., Anderson, Ind. AGENTS Must wonderful Improvement In enameled kettles. Preserving, cooking, steaming and draining. 4 kettles combined In one. Greatest money maker for agents next sis months. Sample free for exam tnatlnn. K. Thomas St Co., 8093 Wayne, uayton, Ohio.' MONEY-MAKING mall order books: clr culara furnished. Mutual Exchange, Co- rummia, u.' AGENTS 200 per cent profit: handy hame fastener; every norse owner miys at sight. xnomas raatener Co., tuna Barney, Day ton, O. AGENTS Men and women make $5.00 nany selling new household necessity. Seven alea out of eight calls. C. B. Farham tt wo., iiu nepuDiio mag., Chicago." Clerical ! Office. YOUNG men for government service: best opportunities in years. See Mr. Hoff before noon, xui uia umana national Dnk Hut POSITIONS. POSITIONS. POSITIONS. PRIVATE SECRET Ait Y. must be good axenograpner, ewi. TWO BOOKKEEPERS. SIS to $20 week. BOOKKEEPER who can operate type writer, $7$. TWO AiStJISTANT BOOKKEEPERS, P lO THA THREE OFFICE CLERKS. $40 to $50. THREE STENOGRAPHERS, 886 to $75. TWO COLLECToKd, $11 week and com mission. FIVE TRAVELING SALESMEN, differ ent unea, sw to sun ana expenses. CARSON REFERENCE BUREAU. 674-67 Brandeis Bid. REGISTERED drug- clerk wanted; good position to man that can make good. Call at ke uougia. WANTED Clerk or blight young man for government railway mall clerk. Immeldate action necessary. We can fit you in time. Me Mr. Hoff, mi Old Omaha National Bank dag., Monaay. WH ARE COMPELLED TO MOVE on account of our present offices being tn- auequaie to iaae care oi our increased bust nesa, September first we move Into thi City National Bank Bldg., where we will conduct tne moat modern reference com- pany in the west. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 876 Brandeis Bldg. Two stenographers, $60 and S7S. Stenographer (out of town), $40. Bookkeeper, 8ti0-&. Two office clerks, 830-83S. Two clerks. $fa0-$6. Collector and salesman, $60 and com. Solicitor, $61 No filing fee. THE CANO AGENCY. Ml Be Bldg TRAVELING salesman, 1186. CITY salesman, $100 and expenses. TRAVELING salesman, $78. STENOGRAPHER, . STENOGRAPHER, f,. I.KIHJKR clerk, t&. I.E1HJKR clerk. 876. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, young nan. 10. BOOKKEEPER, prefer young man who can tase a small interest In the business. YOUNG MAN with oountrv bsnk pertence for large commission firm, good cnence to isarn Dusweas, xav. SHIPPING clerk. $M. RECEIVING and order clerk. ado. The above Is a partial list of nnsltlnns We also hava a number of other calls In different lines for conoerns In Omaha and elsewhere. If you are In need of a nosltlon see us at once or write tor particulars and complete list of vacancies. We oak place WESTERN REF. BOND ASS'N.. INC, TM-i mew iota Lire Bldg.. (Est $ Yrs.) WE HAVR 41 POSITIONS OPK1N. CALL CO-OPERATIVE REFURENOB CO.. C16 Brandeis Bldg. EXPERIENCED stenographer. L-ll. Be. Bay. TWO good offlc boys, over 1, fin . . , . . 1 . . . piac tor peginuvrs. a. a. ncnuniuin, X BOYS to learn trades at Paxton A Vler lrua W wrks. 17Ut St. Mi4 U. P. traaks HELP WANTED MALE tCcnUnutd.l rirlarr aai Vrade. Drug atoraa (snaps), jobs. Knleat. Bee Hid 4. WANTED Experienced steel dye em bosser. I. A. Medlar Co., 414 8. 14th St., City. WANTED A printer capable of doing all kinds of work In a country office. Seneca Kan.) Tribune. ; WANTED First-class bushelman; steady work; good wages. McCarthy-Wilson Co., 804 South 16th 8t. PATTERN MAKER at the Paxton A Vlerllng Iron Works, 17th and U. P. tracks, Omaha. GOOD Gordon preaafeeder; steady Job at good wages for right party. Times Pub. CO., 320 8. 19th St Phone Doug. Zltki. WANTED A boy desirous of learning the printing bualneas to start In holding copy. Apply composing room, umana tiee. CEMENT finishers wanted for floor fin- iahlng on the new Morreil Packing Plant. Sioux Falls, 8. D. Wages 84.D0 per day of ten hours. Must be fast, Address Collins Bros., bloux Falls, S. D. JUIscrllaueoas. WANTED Competent soda dispenser: references required. Harley Drug Co., Lin coln, Neb. WANTED Men to learn barber trade. Few weeks completes. Time saved by teady practice, caieflul instructors, tools given, diplomas granted. Wages Haturdaya. Position waiting. Splendid demand for graduates. Call or write, Moler Barber College, 110 8. 14th St. CIIAUFFJ3UKS mak' !1100 to 1150 Per -""- mo., earn automobile bualneas; practical Instruction. Nat'l Auto Training Assn. 28 Brandeis Theater Bldg. WANTED Men and bovs with blcvcles for messenger service. Postal Telegraph Com pan . WANTED Railway mail clerks Omaha. Examination November Ulth. tsoo to $1,00. Preparation free. Franklin Institute. DeDt. 196 T, Rochester, N. T. WANTED Registered drug clerk: refer ences required. Harley Drug Co., Lincoln. CAN YOU WRITE INSURANCE7-If bo. you can make good money selling the poli cies of the Western Life and Accident com pany; health, accident burial and dividend paying feature all in one contract; liberal renewal commissions. Continental Bldg., Denver, Colo. , WANTED Several first-claas. experi enced road salesmen ; most popular line on the market; sells readily to country stores; profit sharing coupon, premium proposition; every merchant glad to buy. Writ for particulars. Old. reliable, well established wholesale house. Our best salesmen are making money. Address 1110 iiUramr uxenange, Minneapolis, Minn. $26 WEEKLY and exDenaes. either aex. tri put out catalogues and advertise. Large man oraer nous, u. li. .fernery, ZKS Chi' caco. . j ...- A MAN THEODORE ROOSEVELT - , ,: AND A JOB. If you are the man . we want as district representative, send us 10 cents riarht now for mailing outfit of "The Marvelous Career of Theodora Roosevelt" and show us what you can do with It; $26 to ua weekly and expenses e&Niiy earnea; experience unneces sary; premiums and credit given; investi gate us. We are one of the largest and most reliable publishing houses In the world. M. A. Donohue A Co., Chlcago, 111. A FEW hour In amare time maillne- cata logue for reliable out-rate grocery mail order house will pay you $26 weekly. Sup plies luroiBnea. union urocery CO., swan ton. O. OMAHA Railway Mall and Clark Car rler examinations soon. PreDare now bv mall President our college conducted gov ernment examinations for years. Write for rre lesson and position or money back oner, oxment college, Dept 168, St. Louis MEN Learn automobile business. W teach by mall. Get you a $26 weeklv lob. Rooheater Auto School, 46, Rochester, N. Y. tllM llm .llAt.lrlTl Mhwlnv 1 1 .... . ... . . n, rj ' ' B .villi Idni O, attending advertising material for each tuuKuijr, r uiuuii in i s v.o., iionaon, tint,' OMAHA railway mail clerk and P. O. Clerk-carrier examinations in November: muussnas neeaea; mgn sai&ry. write for free trial lesson and position or money back offer. Osmen't College, Dept. 16S, St. Louis WANTED dining car conductors. S7&-12S: no experience necessary; we teach you. Writ Correspondence School Conductors. Chicago, III. WANTED Young men over 18. for srov- rnmenf railway mall clerk. Beginning sal ary !aw per year, w can rit you In time for coming entrance examinations. See Mr. Hoff. 201 Old Omaha National Bank Bldg., Monday. IMMEDIATELY Railway male clerk entrance examina tion already announced; best opportunity in year; siari swu per year; alter couple months. W0 and within a year $1,000 or mora if capable. For Information ae Mr. Hoff. 201 Old Omaha National Bank Bldg.. Monday. DO TOU want to mak big money T Here I your opportunity, representing In your locaniy large rename esiaDiisnea business house; no experience or capital required. Write for free particulars. Daniel 11. Hit ter Co., Chicago, 111. MEN Wanted Are 18 to 85. for firemen 1100 monthly, and brakemen ftf), on nearby railroads; experience unnecessary: no strtk; promotion to engineer, conductors. Railway employing headquarters over GOO men sent to position monthly. Stata aye. txna stamp. Aaarena, x lis, care uee.' WANTED Two salesmen to tak orders for New York house. City and road work. Must be sober and of good appearance. Apply I to 10 a, m., Louis Uauvln, 225 Pax ton Bldg. 1100 MONTHLY and expense to travnl and distribute samples fur big manufac turer; steady work. 8. Scheffer, Treasurer, W 1 ..W lhln.-A ' WANTED Linemen with tools, 875 a month and board. BTONK A WEBSTER. ENO. COR.. FOREST LAKE. MINN. J. J. Bchulthelser, fiupt. GOVERNMENT portions. Chance never better to secure one. Full particulars a to salaries, positions, dates of examinations soon to b held in Omaha, sample ques tions, etc., sent rre in circular XX Nat l. Cor. Institute, Washington, I). C W Teach You To PASS CIVIL SERVICE. Writ for catalogue. NATIONAL CIVIL oiin v ii n m.nuviLj, mu, a. -apiloi CH. . Washington. I). C SALESMEN Who are not employed by concerns selling calendars and other ad vertising novelties can make a very ad vantageous connection by addressing with reference Diamond Point Pen Company, hi Fulton Hi.. N. T. City. (All replies strictly confidential. ) ANYBODY can add 18 to M weekly to their Income growing mushrooms In crllais, sheds, boxes, etc. Klg market. Free book let Hiram Barton. W. 48th St., New York. WANTED At once, a registered drug gist to take charge of our drug department; married man preferred. Eaiter iilel'cauUl Co. Uoavar Crusala. Neb. . HELP WANTED MALE Mlscellaneoas -Coattaaed. FIVE Knights of Pythias given profitable employment near home; whole or part time. Frat;rmsl, Thames Bldg., New York. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE! GOOD COOK for small hotel: good wages, country town; write or call me up at my expense. I. M. Zimmer, Neols, la. WANTED Cook and waltrens; out of town. Apply between t and 12 Sunday. 611 8. 18th St. SALESMEN and salealadles for West Palm beach, Florida, lands. Small tractn, five acres and up. Small payments. Can give you 14 months 'steady worn. bk av. Experience unnecessary, win re i lotel Hoauet Saturday. Sunday and Mon day afternoons. If vou want work, aee me. A. D. S. McArthur, Bales Manager. w ANTRD Man and wife without chil dren on farm. 8 miles south of South Omaha: wife do general houseworK; steady place. L. u. Llvly, South Omaha. Tel. South 17665. WANTED Cook and waitress: no ob- Jectlen to color. Apply betwteen 9 and 12 Sunday. 612 B. 18th St. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Bars and Vehicles. CARRIAGE and top buggy, good condi tion: almost your own orloe: go se Johnson-Danforth Co.. loth and Jones St. GOOD driving horse, fine Drummond open buggy and good hsrness. See Mon day forenoon. Barn rear 2118 Davenport. FOR 8ALE One French Percheron mare. flrat-claas buggy or wagon. Can guarantee It. Harney 24:14; Douglas 2508. TWO-SEATED, Blngle-horse surrey; rub ber-tired. Windsor Stables. HORSES, mule, vehicles, harness. 2023 Burt. (Rear.) Wagon Umbrellas Wagner, 801 N. 16th. GOOD delivery or expi-essman'B horse. Phone Harney 869. FOR SALE Pony, harness and rubber- tired runabout, all In good condition. If you want a complete outfit come and sea this. Best In the city. Call Douglas 1104. LOST AND FOUND IjOST Fox terrlor duo. S months old. answers name of "Spike, reward, 4167 Dav. or lei. H. 144s. LOST Sunday August 14 In C. A N. W. Chair car between Denlson and Onawa, pair of lady's gold bracelets. Reward twice their value Address jox iwt. onawa, la. LOST Ar.tloue beaded chatelaine purse containing watch, money, etc. Liberal re ward lor return to Mrs. j. . nungaie, Brandeis Theater Bldg. T1RT EJnvelone containing tw $5 bills. name Mary Wilton written on envelope. Reward for return to 'Model Laundry. LOST Package of music Return to Bee office. Reward. LOST A silk flag- Scarf by the Lieder krana of Milwaukee during the Saenger fest Finder is requested to forward it to Omaha Saengerfest Ass n., 1311 Howard St., and secure reward. LOST Sunday, August 21, breastpin, be tween Cass and 41st Ave., Dewey Ave. and 40th St ; $5 reward. Tel. Harney 2S11- left in toilet room sixth floor Brandeis Bldg. Reward paid for return to owner, J. C. Klnsler, 694 Brandel Bid. T rOT A tmull vwinlrAthnrtlr - nnnralnfncr about $3 in change. Finder return to J. Herntuein, zozz uapuoi av MEDICAL Dr. McGrew Has given bis entire professional lit to the treatment of all form of chronic and spe cial diseases of men. For 36 years he has been known and trusted by all. 28 years In Omaha. Charges low. If you have no money, call or write, anyway. Dr. McGrw Co.. 21$ S. 14th St.. Omaha. Neb. HAZEL LEAF PILE CONKS beet rem edy 'or Itching, bleeding or protruding PiLKiA! iX)c postpaid; samples free, bber-01-. jdoConiieU Drug Co.. Omaha. FREE! medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college, 14th and Daven port Bis.; special attention paia to con (Inoment cases; all treatment supervised by college professors. Phone Douglas lid. Call answered, day and night BEST nerve bracer for man. Grays Nerv Food pill. It a box. postpaid. Sher man A McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha, WANTED 0 BUY I WANT an eight-room house near th Cathollo cathedral; must be in good condi' tlon. Address H 8, Bee. GOOD hard coal burner and kitchen range. Phone Red 6H&. WANTED or 10-room house, modern. rood condition: suitable rooming house, Price must be reasonable. Address O 7, Bee. TRANS-MISSISSIPPI LADIES' CLOTH INQ STORE pay highest prices for party, afternoon and evening ares. Rea tiu. BEST PRICE bald for secoDd-hacd fur nlture, carpet, clothing and aooe. 'Phon uougiaa stiu SECOND-HAND typewriter desk. Address B-S, Hee. WANTED 4 rooms furnished for house- kerulna. In walking distance and good lo cation. No children. Good references. C-S7, liee. WANTED REAL ESTATE Nlne-roora house In West Parnam or Field club districts for 8-room house on th St., the balance cash. Address E-2S, Be. WANTED To buy or rent, on 4 or 1-yard concrete mixer, C. W. Parker, Abilene, Kan. WANTED TO RENT LIST your furnished and unfurnished rooms with me; can fill them t one. A. B. Lathrop, 421 Be Bldg., It. 2u6ti. Refined lady, would like room and board in private family, or small self-ct boarding house. Address W 17, Be. TWO TO FOl'R rooms, 1st floor, fur nished for housekeeping; out. Reference, if desired. C 37, Hee. WANTED to rent touring car with driver for week or ten days. R. W. Clark, rear 1&17 Douglas, We Are Getting Numerous Call" For House of AH Slses. List with U NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., Ill N. Y. Uf Bldg 'Phone Rd im WANTED By lady an unfurnished room or partly turmslK'd room in private fam ily; with or without meals (optional), but prefer meals. O 11. Bee. WANTED TO RENT to HO acres, near Omaha. Improved or unimproved. Three to ll yaia. R. A. Loo. m Uaccroft L , EDUCATIONAL The Census Records of Schools Prove That Boyles College is the Best College for You to Attend LISTEN! The CenBii Record for the last year show in actual figures that MORE OMAHA YOUNG PEOPLE ATTENDED BOYLES COLLEGE DURING THAT YEAR THAN ALL OTHER OMAHA BUSINESS COLLEGES COMBINED. The Census Records of Schools show that BOYLES COLLEGE REGIS TERED TWICE AS MANY OMAHA YOUNG PEOPLE AS ITS LARGEST COMPETITOR a college that was established twenty-five years before Boyleg College was born. The Records further show that BOYLES COLLEGE REGISTERED FOUR AND TWO-SEVENTHS TIMES AS MANY YOUNG PEOPLE AS ANOTHER OMAHA COLLEGE THAT IS TEN YEARS OLDER THAN BOYLES COLLEGE. The Records go still further and prove that BOYLES COLLEGE EN ROLLED SIX TIMES AS MANY OMAHA YOUNG PEOPLE AS A THREE-YEAR-OLD COLLEGE THAT IS AN OFFSHOOT OF THE FIRST-MENTIONED LARGEST COMPETITOR OF BOYLES COLLEGE. Now, What does this prove! It proves most emphatically that Boyles College Is the favorite business collge with all Omahans the overwhelming favorite. And all Omahans have every opportunity In the world to know in Omaha, in addition to Boyles College. The foremost business and professional men of Omaha send their sons and daughters and relatives to Boyles College I The greatest business houses in Omaha prefer to employ Boyles College graduates EVERY time! These hard-headed business men know what they're doing and why. They have investigated and they KNOW that Boyles College is by far the most practical business college in all Omaha and in the United States, west of Chicago, That fact is again clinched by the fact that Boyles College has a larger enrollment than any other business college In all the United States west of Chicago! Out of town people, who intend to come to hustling, bustling Omaha for their business training and education, surely can't afford to overlook the fact that the great majority of Omaha people believe and KNOW that Boyles Col lege positively is the best business college In Omaha. THE FALL TEEM OPENS Monday, September 5, DAY AND NIGHT. Send for our new free Catalogue for full particulars about our college. BOYLES COLLEGE H. B, BOYLES, -Pres.' . - Boyles Bldg., 18th and Harney Streets, Omaha Young Man and Woman September 1, 1910 ISYOUK Day of Opportunity The fall term of the Mosher-Lampman Business College opens September 1. Thi la your day of . opportunity, the day to start at this school for a thorough, scien tific business training, such a cannot be secured at any other school in thi city. Do not go into the business world fettered by ignorance In this matter; It will take you years, perhaps a lifetime, to gain a position of prominence. If you enter the field In competition with trained business men and women. Put off your grand entree upon a business career for six months or a year and take a course in the Mosher-Lampman Business College "The School of Results." Our record is the envy of every business college In the state established only three year ago today recognised a on of the leading business colleges In the west. What brought u to the front In such a abort time? THOROUGHNESS AND COMPETENCE. , When we undertake to Instruct you In any branch, w do not "skimp." You ar taught every phase, every part of each ubJot, and ar not considered competent un til you understand It thoroughly. Business men complement Mosher-Lampman on the thoroughness of the training, of our stude nts. You are taught by experienced men not by young teacher gaining experience. Our teacher are Specialists In their particular branches men of the highest standard, with year of experience able and conscientious men who understand the require ment of young people who enter the buslneas world. Since the middle of last June w have offered to give to any student or teacher of any other business college of Omaha the sum of 8100 If they would duplicate the penmanship of Mr. Kaessner, a student of the Mosher-Lampman Business College, who had been In school only eight months and who at that time was a very poor pen man. Wouldn't It pay you to attend a ch ool where you can learn to write better In eight month than even the teacher of other business cotlegesT W can show a record In all other departments equally a good a shown In th pen manship department. The MOSHER-LAMPMAN BUSINESS COLLEGE offer you a better, mor thor ough, practical and up-to-date courses of study than any other school In the city, and We charge you no more for that superiority In training than th average business college of this city. i Next Thursday we open our door for the Fall. Term. Will jrou b there T Day and evening session. Illustrated Catalogue upon request. Mosher & Lampman 17th and Farnam Sts. Omaha. Neb.. Jun SO, 1910. Mr. J. W. Miller, Educational Dept., Y. M. C. A., City: Dear Sir I conlder th Y. M. C. A. Night School as th real live "Missing Link" be tween mediocrity and power for the man who is willing to devote his spare time and energy to the upbuilding of his talents. Yours for Success, JAMES B. MURPHY. Night School Opens September 12. PUPIIJ from th college or High achool ran secure their tuition at half price at Morand's Dancing School. Opening Friday, Sept 2nd, 8 p. m. WHEN answering advertisements found in th Want Ad columns, plaaa maulloit lb Bn. EDUCATIONAL all about the other business colleges Omaha, Nebraska. Mosher-Lampman iKaa Unexcelled course in Buslneas Hhort. hand. Penmanship and English. Non bo I xparlanred teacher. Day and night sea sons. Most interesting catang published in uduu. sena lor on today. MOSHER LAMPMAN, ITth and ("amain street. Jonahs. Neb. 1910 Fall Term Boyles College Opens Monday, September 5, in the DAY and NIGHT Sessions Complat Business Cours, Including ItanlJng. Coinpiet 8horthand and Typewriting Course. Complete Civil Servtca Course. Complete Telegraphy cours. and all English liranrhea The Year Book I ready. Apply for U. H. B. BOYLES, Prasldsnt Boyle Building, Omaha. Nebraska. REMEMBER it take but a fw atrok of th pen to stata that you saw th "ad." la Tb Shm adverlUer want to koow. EDUCATIONAL Just One Week More in which to choose the business school which shall fit you for your work. YOU CAN'T AFFORD not to look into the merits of The Van Sant School - which is the only school in the west making a spec ialty of training well-educated young people for secretarial work. If you win not find time to call, complete infor mation will be given by 'phone, either loU or long distance. Our Trial Week insures you against any mistake in choice of pro fession or school. ' Enter September 5th. THE VAN SANT SCHOOL Wead Building, Omaha, Neb. lone C. Duffy, .Elizabeth Van Sant, Proprietor. Principal. Omaha Commercial College Nine Complete Courses 1. BUSINESS AND ACCOUNTING: A course in business methods, bookkeeping and clerical work. 2. SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING: A course for the stenographer. 3. BUSINESS AGRICULTURE : A course designed for the, progressive farmer. 4. CIVIL SERVICE: Y A course preparing for governmental positions. 5. TELEGRAPHY: A course in railway or commercial telegraphy. 6. BANKING: A special advanced course in banking. 7. PREPARATORY: A Course in Reading, Spelling, Letter "Writing, English, His tory and Penmanship. 8. SPECIAL TEACHERS' COURSE: Reviews, Theory, and Practice of Teaching. 9. PEN ART: A course in Professional Penmanship and Pen Art, E. A. ZARTMAN, President MONEY TO LOAN UUHY AND CHATTBLI. CHEAP MONEY FOR YOUR II UMMEH VACATION. tl -T-.r .s.u m XIV MIT.IV Pt.A N a ll This I a new firm organised by th M . ... ....... .-...i ,i i.u s m . , U LKAXilNU BUSlNKbS Mn!N or II uaatiA iu Lji M U iv is sow - w wtmm r MraAII (iwnlDf HOUB1S- Vt holu OOOD6. PIANOS. lo.. or bold- M II lua a aalaiid position at th rat uf M IJ " ruH CENT ER YEAM M S JUhT THINK YOU PAY M ELM inirs u iv i " jj 12.60 inter! en V tot on yar (I U 10.1111 lULVi v .. t - U ALL OTHUR SUMb IN PROPORTION II II -a i . . A- m-jk wnr nnm V a r II U Rsonbl Appralmnt Charge. l U Room KM Wllhnell Bloc. li t N R Cor. leth Harney tU - d Floor U Phone Douglas 6046; A-1J05. 8 Cash Quick "on Eaay Terms. i -iav . aa honiuihnlti TOoda ntano and tm without removal, for r " -im. small and easy Day 1Q riM VM IW w ment, ll. weekly payment on a loan iwr waa, w- - , thm aaro proporttoo. Call on ua and let us iiDiiin uui v v . w ..... w Btrlotly private and rMabl. Courteuu treatment t ail time. Mall or phoo ap plications receiv our prompt aiteauon. State Mortgage Loan Co, Room U Arlington Block. IbUhk IahU 8l Pboo Pougla ! MONEY 1 TO LOAN. Com la and 1st u explain our low rate to yon. Rellabl Credit Co.. Mm I'axiun Blk Phone Uou nil; A-14U. Your paper brings results. "I have advertised my Califor nia lands in The Los Angeles papers and The Bee brings more business than they do." Tbii ! what John Mofeeh, a California land dealer, gar of Th Bee'a real estate advertising. The Bee can sell anything. It can aell It quickly. Call Douglas 238 if you are in a hurry, EDUCATIONAL MONEY TO LOAN Salary a Chattels C on Furniture, Piano or Salary, You borrow U livuv you pay Data t (26.00 you pay back 827.00 1 toO.OO you pay back IM.W No other oharg. OMAHA FINANCIAL CO.,1 Room 601. Brown Blk.. 207 8. Uth L. rr Doui. t. Dnugla t0: A-KM. M HUmilmsUI44(millUIIt4MPUUIllrU W. C FLATAU, T.ra NEED ANY MONEYT OOIfl OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CC. 119 Board of Trad. Phftn DouclastSia. CHATTEL LOANS ! . AT BANKABLE RATES, i ' NEBRASKA LOAN CO Room T. Croun Block. Corner lAtt a Capital Av. Oppolt Poatotria Both Phone loug. UMi A-1A MONEY LOANED BAIAKIKO PEOLU WOMEN KEEPING HOU8B AND ftf ERI, without Mcurttyj easy paynnta OUnrw In w prlnclal olUe. lolniaa. Ill New York Ml Bldg. j MOVING AND HOUSE CLEAfNU OMAHA VAN AND BTORAQE OC deans caijjrts on your floor. Kttrtt . uum sysiem. 801 a, ITth. TaL LUMI EXP. Delivery Co.. offlc tb andhi ii'ii'u i rehouse. 1707-0 I sard 81 WHEN you answer the advertistrrti K : E 2 i Mi