: - - i i A OFFERED FOR RENT atlaaeeU ONE NICEST furnished front room for gentlemen. sets) Harney St NEWLI furnished rooms, modern. Dodge. 1SU NICELT furnished single rooms, 83; gen tlemen; IB privets famUjr- HOI Davenport. NICELT furnished modern room. 17th Ave,' 714 B. NICELT furnished rooms. 8418 California hi. FOUR nicer furnished modern rooms, privets floor, ges range, water In kitchen, gee furnished for lights. Sell Webster. Call Sunday morning. FURNISHED rooms, suitable for two. SU N. lid. tMO Emmet, largs room, modern. Webster 4170. NICE furnished rooms with board for two. gentlemen. Aoaress w i. m ou NICKLY furnished rooms, reasonable prices. 8804 Harney. NICELT furnished tsrgs front a ul table for wo. 801 8. J6Ui Ave. room. TWO connecting front rooms: nicely fur nished) in private family; references ex changed. 1047 Dodge at. " . 725 B. 18TH ST., modem furnished rooms for gentlemen; very reasonaDia. TLint-i1 rmslv furnished roomi. eultable for three or six gentlemen; rooms have large closets; cool In summer, furnscs heat i . 1 I . .4 AnM .T.I..' in winter; gas, vaiu, nui - MtiA nnundi: both telepnonee: i. water- walking dlstancs; reasonable rant: come and see them. 808 S. 20tu St. Telephone Douglas 778. uvto k ei. fmnt mom: fine furniture: waikir, distance: large lawn. 820 N. th St., I.'e sign on house.' ONE front room, with alcove: also single room; fine location. -621 Park Ave., Phone Harney 6017. NICELY furnished south front room for I ladies: also other rooms; with private family Tel. Her. 6467,. 2628 Capitol Ave. FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room, 117 S. 26th St. Vsry convenient to business. TWO furnished rooms, modern. 11th St. - 14M 6- COOL east front parlor, modern; private homes clean bed', to quiet gentleman; tl.oO a week, atttt 10th. Phone Red 6227. TWO EXQUISITE KOOMS, ENSUITB Farnam home every convenience; must be seen to be appreciated. i . see. O. If . E. hauls trunks. Phones D. 11. A-86U. TWO connected rooms; gentlemen; suite r single; south front. 1914 Chicago. NICE, slean, airy rooms for rent; prices reasonable. ais JN. wtn. - FURNISHED rooms, single or double, modern. 717 so. Utn et. . SINGLE or doubls rooms, nlcs end clean. prices reasonable. IM capuoi ave. FURNISHED rooms for rsnt; both large and small, wis capuoi Ave. Hotels asid Apsetneata, JHE BACHELORS Mil AND FARNAtt! . fcUHOPEAN PLAN. BRUNSWICK HOTEL 1210 Douglss. AU uteioe rooma Minv-.I.T rilUNlBHED stOOMS for gen' tlemen. THE CHATHAM. 110 8. 13th St VINCENT PIN IN CI KOOM-820 S. Uth St DODOS HOTEL Uth ana Dodge. All out Bide cool rooms; special- rates by the week. THE PRATT Cool tit South Mth St. roosns with board. Beautiful Rooms, fine board. 11 S. 86th Ave GEORGIA HOTEL, 1042 S. UTH ST. Heaeeheeolaaj Tie-ease. NICB, CLEAN. COOL housekesnlns rooms; gee rurolaneo, launory privileges walking dlstancs; rent reasonable. 2671 ST. MARX'S AVIS. ROOM' and board In private family: mod era and reasonable. Address 8118 Mason st. Phone Harney 4088. CLEAN, furnished rooms and board, with German Christian family. 1T1 capitoi ava SMALL front room fur ons. with board. 1818 Cess. 'Phone Douglas 1478. GOOD room and board, HoO. at 817 N 16th '. . FURNISHED rooms for light housekeep ing, tot N. auto. NICELY furnlehed light housekeeping room; private entrenea. IIS IN 83d. - ' t 1 " 1 THOSE wishing home comfort, home cook ing with pleeaent rooms end bath will find them at sis n. m su naiee very reason abia THE Manuel and Howard, 21st snd How. srd; 2 snd 4 room spartmsnts; t-4 to (3f; net furnished. TWO housekeeping rooms, double par- lara per biobu. 4 uarney. NICEST housekeeping rooms. tU 8. 24th. with gas. St. Mary's home cooking. ave., board and room TWO housekeeping rooms, also sleeping rooms. iui eu Mary s Ave. ROOM and board tor two gentlemen ; all modern aud new house: homo cooking private reii.iiy. ui N. Mth au NEWLY furnlehed or unfurnished Ugh heueekeeplng and sleeping rooms; nt management. tl( South Sid. THREE strictly modern furnished rooms for light housekeeping during August and September. Uee of phone. No children allowed. 218 S. 2Sth St. Dougtaa UJk. NICELY furnnhad modern roome for light housekeeping; cloee In. 116 N. lth. SUITE of 4 nlcs modern furnished house keeping rooms, beta. Hi 8. Usl. il. 4uMk FRONT room and kitchen, housekeeping. U14 Vauioruia. FRONT room and kitchen, housekeeping. CI 8. Wtaj. COOL, mod en, convenient room. 80 th St. 6U NEWLY furnished light housekeeping or sleeping room a uuit r. ism. upeiaira TWO front rooms, 8ls Souta Join. TWO modern housekeeprng rooms; seal .T on L 8604 iMvacport TWO modern housekeeping rooms. 618 8. 16:h. ROOMS for lignt housekeeping; modern. 6011 He ward. THREE rooms for light housekeeping; esodesa, 8216 Leavenworth. OFFERED FOR RENT Ileatawkeeplaa- Ceattaaeo. HijNUim room lor iaay mi"7i . - ' tight housekeeping If desired. 8. 17th SC Twn furnlh4 rtwtma ror hoasekeetttasT'i modem; walking distance. Kit SoutA taOt street. TWO modern rooms; no objection to chil dren. Sit South Kin. wnninM riMitii fnr housekeeping; take part pay In sewing. 1121 Webster Bt TWO furnished housekeeping rooms. TU N. 18th. FURNISHED rooms for light housekeep ing. 8010 Davenport St. FURNISHED rooms for light housekeep ing. 806 N. 18th St ROOMS for light housekeeping, modern. I7l Farnam fit. Harney 4771 t OR I COMPLETELY furnished rooms. flret floor, modem, walking distance, shade, IU.0& 804 8. 28th Bt. THMB comnletelv furnished rooms for light housekeeping. 2304 Harney St THREE sound floor housekeeping rooms. 421 N. 17th Bt STRICTLY modern, housekeeping rooms. walking distance, reasonabls. 410 N. led. TWO furnished i houaekseping rooms, modern, second floor. 621 N. 28d St. TWO housekeeping rooms. 2006 California St. SUITE of two or three housekssplng rnnm, rirat floor. water ana uuoiia. Walking distance, terms reasonable. 2u6 Harney St. Douglas 1678. - FURNISHED or unfurnished apartment. modern, briok building, walking diatanos. (i6 a tb et. TWO front rooms, furnished complete for llsht housekeeping, modern bouse, mi Spencer St Webster t41(v LIGHT housekeeping rooms. 83.60. 608 N. 80th SU TWO nicely furnished rooms for llght housekeeping, new flat, modern; price right 814 N. 26th Bt Douglas 6452. onndanaad Into two. . furnished for house keeping, heat. Ice, laundry, vacuum-cleaner, hot water, Janitor, 836. Tha Howard, list and Howard. NICE front room, modern, gas, loe and telephone. 63 per week. 1116 Chicago Bt THREE all modern rooms, walking dls tance. 2018 Davenport t TWO front rooms, modern, gas range, re frigerator, also largs basement room. 2026 Burt Bt test HARNEY, nicely furnished house keeping rooms, so utn exposure, moaern. WALKING DISTANCE. TWO desirable rooms tor light house keeping, iui n. inn ou KXCKLLKNT completely furnished house keeping rooms; 'phoue in house. ' 8674 Har ney st COOL front housekeeping rooms, mod ern. 2UZ4 cauiorme ou three completely furnished rooms for housekeeping; batn ana gas. gas range, ice pox, gooa cellar; no wimurvu. iai a. um, MODERN furnished housekeeping roome 2087 Harney. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, single or sn suite; gsa, telephone, eiz in. utn. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms. 08 N. lttn Bt SOUTH parlor, with or without board modern. 2111 vougiaa. FOR RENT Two large, cool rooms for light housekeeping; moaern. sit b. th at SINGLE and double rooms for gentlemen excellent boar a. vu vougiea. 710 South 18tb. Furnished rooms with horns cooking; rates reasonable. KU1TB front housekeeping rooms: mod' era; 83.&0 per week. iw sun. HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms; 81 week up. aula ieavcnwonn. TWO or three elegant housekeeping rooms. 2110 Harney, d. turn. NTCRST llsht housekeeping rooms: mod em, close in. Ill No. mn. TWO modern housekeeping rooms. 62 S. tSth SC DESIRABLE rooms for light housekees ing; aiso otner rooms, ui et. utn st BOARD and room, tttt Dodge st Red 6662. FIRST class room and board: modern. wm liowara. MODERN furnished rooms with or with out boera. not Douglas. TWO nicely furnished rooms: everything moaern; gas, eiecinoiiy, cam. -pnone, well located; close to cer line. In privets family, to couple without children. 648 8. 27th st FIRST class room and board, near 84th street car Una 6 per week. 8938 N. 82d st THREE furnished rooms. 1112 S. 11th st TWO light housekeeping rooms, strictly moaern. gee ana r-notie. m.w per week. unfurnlehed, 83.00 per week. 2723 Jackson St TWO OR THREE nicely furnished rooms for housekeeping. JU18 Lsvenworth St. Vafaralahed ftaoeaa. 8 UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms. u. row capitoi avs. EUKUANT rooms, unfurnished, on meln fhior, modern. MS N. 22d 8t Inquire at 32U N. zvtn Bt Apartsneate sal Flare. SERVANTS' problem solved; 8 rooms con delisted Into 6: steam heat: electric Huh end laundry; hot end cold weter; well bed, sate, see stove, ref rlnerator: ianitor service The Hunter, 26th end Dodgo. Tel. Dougles tui. CENTRAL APARTMENTS. Two hiKti-sreue. t-roun). modern flats hardwood, ample rooms; always nice order shades, hooded ges renge, free hot water all year; steam heat; walking distance, hum' mer, one 6. other lis: a inter Is more. .iual any at no more. Heferencee required ULai8-LAHlJll.HU I.U., DO Brandeis Theater. DESIRABLE 4-room apartment, 630. Her. SNHk klilua.v r & 4 Strenlow Terrace. nil s-roej nanmnie weoster 4SS. FOUH-ROOM Webster 6JS. modern apsrtment Tel. FOR RENT 6 and 1-room, modern' flats. lei. webeter lis. NHW modern five-room brlrk flet. Dewey Ave. Phone Herney .2H. FOR RENT To first-class couple, newly furnished 4-room flat; close In, strictly modern. very desirable. 8041 Howerd. Phoue D. 7349. WHEN writing say you saw their to advertisers klndl? "ad." in The Bea OFFERED FOR RENT - (Continued.) Farataaed He a are. FURNISHED bungalow, Seymour lake. weea. xtaiston dumber io. rnone ioa. 101. 8-ROOM furnlahful hnuia fnr rent. West Farnam district. P per month. 'Phone Harney 1002. AM sailed out of cltv bv serious Illness in my family and will rent my prettily furnlehed six-room cottage at 3008 Pacific St. for a couple of months: nice location. with good lawn and shade: bath. kus. hot and cold water, phone and planoi two blocks from Uanscom perk on No. 24th St. cer line. ELBOANTLY FURNISHED a-room onie; best of west Farnam district. 6125 per month on or before Oct. L Address C .uea. Beesee ss cottages. 8-room. modern brick house, north part of city. 826. 4-room apartment, city water. 111 2-roora apartment, 1917 Clark, 110. ' 8-room aDartmant. nawlv naDered. 1817 Clark, 68. una stors building, 1918 Clark St., . C. M. BACHMANN. 43 Paxton Blk. Phones: Otfloe U-2tita. Residence D. 6066. FOR RENT -room house, all modern. M16 Dewey Ave. FOR REN T Of flee rooms 218 end 220; nice eulte offices located in northwest cor ner of building. The larger room Is parti tioned so as to afford two private offices and reception room, and Is provided with vault This makes a good combination of rooms and has been occuDled by Insurance company; may pe rentea lor u per roomu, TUB1 Y3F.tt1 UTtll.Mlltfa PI1MP1NY FOR RENT See those new houses on Cass street between 20th and Central boulevard; will be ready for occupancy Sep tember l. Made first class, strioriy moa ern with ever convenlenc; 1 8 rooms end ull basement, cemented. 13b. Inquire from Crelghton university, 2oth and California. MODERN HOUSE 3418 Burt: 8 bed rooms and bath upstairs; 8 rooms and large re ception hall downstairs, v. in. a. jooyics, Both Phones. WISH to rent our horns In Weet Farrsm district; eight rooms, strictly modern; a finish, hot weter neat, sest iroui. large porch. Phone D. 802U SIX rooms; new, modern; hot water heat 2236 Howard St. 212.00. One large 8-room apartment flrsu rinur nart modern, gooa neignbornood. block to car1 end store Apply W. G. Man gle, 1916 Elm St, Tel. Doug. 8336. SIX rooms, ell modern, walking distance. Tel. Webster 1916. 87TH north of Farnam, 8-r., hot water, 840. 89th and Burt, 1 blk. 2 car lines; 8-r., 837.60. 22d and California, 8-r., near In brick; yard. 846. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1016 N. Y. Lifa Doug, or A 2152. NEW 8-room modern house. 2318 S. 12th St., 30. Reference required. . inquire 1113 Mertha 8t 'Phone Doug. ou. FOR RENT Elght-roora modern bouse B6 8. 86th Ave. "Phone Douglee 4687. . OMAHA Ven eV Storage Co.. pack, move stors household goods; storehouse. 1120-24 N. IKk; (Oca 80 S. 17th St Tel. Douglas 1668. 12 ROOMS, 2412 DODGE. Tha beat rooming house location In Omaha. Large lawn, shade trees; cheep to deslreble tenant. .NOWATA LAND sV LOT CO., 668 New York Life Bldg. Phone Red 1999. NICE new 6-room cottege, modern except heat ltw no. nui et uoug. oeue. FOR RENT 7-room. modern house Sood condition; large corner lot 1602 Ohio t Apply 1818 Lothrop St., or 'phone B-3244. NEW 7-room dwelling in Darr Place. 826. George B. Darr. 210 First National Bank. NTCK e-room house for rant: modern es. sept heat 4168 Cuming street 'Phone. Her- ney 16A8. 8-ROOM MODERN; 2 FULL LOTS. Plenty shade, fruit, shrubbery, fine lewn. Cheap to a good tenant NOWATA LAND A LOT CO. Tel. Red 1999. 668 N. Y. Life Bldg. NEW six-room brick house, modern. Har ney 647. NINE-ROOM moaern detaohed brick, mi iherwood Aval 680. Patterson. 1621 Fir ram Bt tlUUOiWS Cralgh Sons a Co.. Bee Bldg, Houses, fists. Oarvln Bros 8d floor N. Y. U BRICK HOUSE, MU Dewey avenue. I rooms, modern. Moyer Bta. Co.. lbl Far nam St TWO 8-room modern, very nice, beauti fully located, newly renovated. 719 8. 27th Webeter XuiXX BIX ROOMS, MODERN, tsncs. Inquire 2223 Burt Hi. walking dls- HOUSE8, Ins. RIngwalt Brandeis Th. Bldg. HOUSES FOR RENT. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO. Suits It N. T. Life Bldg. Red IMS 7-room. all modern, brick house, good re pair. 29th and Izard. S. Turklngton, e02 Bee. NO EQUAL Central location. 4-r. corner net Apply uu jNortn Z3d. 'Heard Block. HOUSEHOLD GOODS pecked, forwerded; rheao fraiehi rates; mnvlnjr and trin Expreeeroen's Delivery Co. Tel. Doug. 194 A modern 6-room eottef., 8403 So. 17th St Open Sunday from I it t 22.6 end eater. . 64 No. 27th St.. 6 rooms 816. Fred 8. Hedre, 600 N. Y. L, Bldg. Douglas 4434. SMALL COTTAGE, conveniently located at M North lath St., near business center, 110 per month. Key next door north. 7-room modern cottage, 2707 Howard, 225. Ed O Hamilton, Hamilton Apartments. EXCEPTIONAL RENTAL BARGAINS. 8- r., new, all mod., very choice, home like place, large lawn and shade, corner, south and east front, puved street, houee Just painted eterxlor end interior, repa pered. fine locality. 270S Caldwell, only 600 per month. 12-r., mod., close. 1161 NT. lMh. J3V 6-r., pert mod., cloee, tW S. 2Sth Ave., 220. 9- r., Mod., close, 1M7 N. Uth. I '4 M). 8-r., mod., cloee, 1M N. 17th. fl r. 6-r., UK N St., South Omaha, 87. 4-r., 19U6 8. 21st., large yard. K RUSSELL A ilcKITP.K'K CO, 432 Ramge Bldg. 16th and Harney. 842 S. 22d St., 7-r., all mod., 612 60. 1H 8. 22d St.. 6-r.. mod. -x. ht. 828 2110 Jones St.. 8-r., all mod.. t2 W. N. 4th St., 6-r.. all mod., lib. :i0 8. 9th St., 6-r.. C. W. and gas. Ill to21 Rees St., 6-r., mod. ex. hnat. IM Indicates waterpald by owner. BIRKETT A TEBBENH. 421 Bee Bidg. 'Phones D. 4764. A -1704. SH9 Leavenworth. 7 rooms and reception hall. mod. ex. heet. 832.60. 6222 8. iXA, T rooms end reception hell, mod.. 8J0. .12 S. ?M. 11 rooms, suitable for two families. 8-f. 60. 1340 Park Ave., 6 rooms, mod. ex. heat. IJ0. Bemia-t.'arlberg Co.. 812 Brandeis Thester. Psrsistsnl Advertising is tus Rosd to tig Returma OFFERED FOR RENT (Continued. , Hoasee and Cotfaea Ooatlaaeel. MODERN 8-rnom house. Inquire 2614 Caldwell St 4-ROOM cottage, water, gas, Florence Blvd. $8.00. 6816 Stares and Utftces. Unequalled Opparrunity Oroosry aad meat market, wita fixtures ooinpteie) equal. XUard atloca. Apply 21 H. SM at. STORE ROOM FOR RENT. Southeast corner- lit and Douglas Sts.. Room 28x78 feet Possession glvea about bept ember 1, 1910. CITY NATIONAL BANK. FOR RENT Office rooms. 118 end 220; de sirable suits of offices on third floor, with north and west exposure. A wide corridor extends around the attractive court to these offices affording easy aocess to this place ot business. Rent for suits 8B2. THE BEE BUILDING COMPANY. WELL LIGHTED store. UxlOs. lVe av It La. Carter Sheet Metal Worka LARGE pi east n I south and seat front office. Corner - 18th and Harney. 6V. a Curtis, 1608 Heresy. DESK room for rent in City National Bank Bldg. Stenographer and use of phone, Douglas &68S. TRACKAGE PROPERTY We offer for rent the one story and basement brick store room at 914 Farnam. This prop erty has trackage facilities in rear. Apply BEE BUILDING CO., 17th and Farnam. OFFERED FOR SALE Fnrnltare. AM NOW pecklns to leeve Omaha. Part ot my nousenoid goous must oe soia et once. Heavy oak sideboard, elegant new round dining room table, fine mahogany bookcase, eood bed room furniture, rugs. piano, fine new refrigerator suitable tor small boeroing noune ana gas stove, win sacrifice for tnree days. a uaiuomia. WRITING desk, -gold leaf parlor suite. Furnishings used only short tlms; good es new. Massive brass beds, tox springs, hair mattresses, mahogany leather rockers, pedestal dining table, library table, daven port, oriental ana aomeeuu rugs, porueree, bric-a-brac, lmponea paintings, piuiu, mir rors. Cell at once et 2826 Chicago street. OFFICE furniture for sale. Roll top desks, typewriter desk, "etc , call 119 Board of Trade Bldg. DINING room., living '-room, bedroom, kitchen furniture, rugs." refrlgeretor: 6x7 camera; very reasonable .price. 2225 Howard ' ' ! 'v Masleal laatsaaaaata. PARTY leaving city will sacrifice Beby Grand piano for saia. vara oi xsee, so u. HIGH trade Emerson piano,' new. Tel. B. 2008. . Typewriters. 'KI7Y an L C. Smith eV Bros. Typewriter. B. F. Swansoa Co Dlsulbutare, Ull rarnam frt. Typewriters for Bentjf 1816 Farnam St, Omaha. BECOND-hand typewriters sold, repaired. Central Typewriter Exchange 1007 Farnam. ALMOST NEW, No. 6 Remington, cash. Harney 4408. 2776 Burt 8t 820 MleeeUaaeeae. DRUGS at cut prices:' freight psld oa all 110 orders; catalogue free. Shermaa A UcConnell Drug Co.. Omaha, Neb. FOR AL.hi .-w ana seounu-naud billiard and pool tables. We lead the world lu cha bar fixtures; easy payments, jaruoswica Halks l'iillcnder. 401 8. lOtb St. WK HAVE on bsnd a number sf Ink barrels which we will sell for 60 cents each. Tbey are fine for rein weter o' ashes. Cell tt press room. Baa Publishing Co. About 40 feet Of 28 Inoh dlemeter No. M gauge, galvanised pipe, with four 45-lneu elbows alio i. inis was usea lor venmai ing purposes, and pipe Is In good condition. lbs uee fUDiismoa vv snu sua e-araeoL SAFES Overstocked wltk second-hand safes, all rices ana mages; bargalna Amerlcen huppiy uo.. uiv farnam rit HALL'S sates, new. Id-hand. 1818 Farnem. VACUUM cleaners, 816 to 826. 1117 Farnam. Filters, filter repairs. 1310 Howard. D3913. CASH register, $25. Tel. Harney 4046. OSTEOPATHY Kathryn Nikolas, K4-4 Brandeis Theater. Alice Johnson. 800-8 Brendels Theater Bldg. JOHN DB FOX. 820 Brsndsla Theater PATENTS D. O. BARNELL, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. WILLARD EDDY, registered practitioner In U. 8. Pat office. 618 Paxton Blk. K. ZV91. The Key to the bltuetlon Bee Went Ada PERSONAL yni,oc from combings. 1160 Mrs. 8. Mathews, 804 Neville blk. D 62S8. MRS. SOGERS, private conflnemen home, 1616 Martha St., Omaha, Neb. Tele phone Douglas ti:-Q. MASSAGE AND BATHS Dr. Rlttenhouse, Room 30 Old Boston Store mag.. 4th lloor, elevator entrance. 1M S. Uth. Hnkhar (innAa Large line of Rubber Vwv. UotiUs. fcpec, Mall orJ" U. A. Aleleher co. aervice. iitn & rarnam. lP.VCTIf! treatment. Wme. Smith .....v.... a ,jln Tmr), rioor- YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha es stiangers are invuea to visit the Vouni Women s Cnrlstisr. esaoclatlun buCding a Seventeenth St end St Mery s Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look (or vnt traveler s ala at tee Uoion alstion. MAHOGANY upright piano tor sale; cost new iil i-Aall. NEED Mu.SIlY, avli,g town; no reasonable offer refused. Address V. M. B.. Oeneral Delivery. Omaha WE rent and repair all kinds of sewing machines. Ind. A-lefl. Doug. IM. NEBRASKA CYCLE COMPANY. litU and Heresy t. STRICTLY private home for mania; excellent care: baOirs for i.'l Davenpurt rit i-oiifine-ijup'ioi.. SWITCHES Webstar iiAi. from combings, li. Tel PERSONAL (Continued.) THE BALVAl.oiN ahVI eoUclts eaet-eff clothing, in fact, anything you do not need. we collect repair and eell at im in. ma St, for cost of collection, to the worthy poor. Call 'pboss Douglas 416 and wegoas will eau. HINDOO TABLETS will build. breoe. Strengthen. 60u BELL DRUO CO. OMAHA Htemmersrs Ins.. Ramge Bldg, trtflC and looses for mea. Orlfflta " v, U aad 14 FRBNZJdM BLOCaL MME. ALLEN of Chtcaro. baths, sell glow and mesas ga 1606 Dodgs St., oppo site posioffloc 8d floor. Tel. Doug. 14. MECHANO THERAPY. Message treatment, nervous debility. Dr. Margarita Halloran, 228 Neville Blk. D. 7761. PRIVATE HOME during confinement: sables for edoptioa. Good Samaritan 8aa taiium, let 1st Ava. Council Bluffs, la. JOSIE WASHBURN 8 book. "The Under world Sewer," at all book stores; price 81-60. GROW new hair by using Mme. Freyer's Adelight Hair Food. Megeath stationery Co. M A l"l"N"ETTn TreatmenU. E. Brott, 2224 tTT TT'O cured without operation or pal J Dr. Maxwell. 624 Ue Bldg. D. 1424, PRINTING LEW W. RABER, Printer,';; Bee Bldg. Kntranoe on court RTES-HALL Ptg. Co.. 108 8. 14th. Ind. A-3624. MILLER A JAMIESON. 1111 Doug. Both pnones. 'PHONE IND. A-tfflS foi sood Brlntins. Lyngstnd Print tna Co.. Uth I Capitol Ava REAL ESTATE ABSTRACTS OF TITLB. GUARANTEE Ao'strsct Co., 1828 Farnana. PETER JESSEN. JR.. Tel. Dougles SsSX PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER, 682Va Brendels, D. 4937. REAL BSTATB DEALERS. service; get our prices, sue ttrandeis Ui eater. REAL ESTATE TITLE TRUST CO.. 1601-2 City Netl. Benk Building. BENJAMIN R. B. CO, 477 Brandeis Bldg, ENGLEBRECHT A RAVER, CANADIAN A LOCAL REALTY. 1718 Farnam (Bes Bldg.) D. 4878. CITY PROPERTY FOR SALB - TWO full lots, both 8S&c. Near Harney car; will double in value witnm a year. Houses rsnt well In this locality. NOWATA LAND ft LOT CO.. Tel. Red 1999. 668 N. Y. Lite Bldg. (300 CASH, BALANCE VERY EAST EIGHT rooms, modern. 1 larea lota. rin. lawn, shrubbery, fruit, shads trees, grape aroor, concrete wain. xou will use It price 63,000. NOWATA LAND A LOT CO. 668 N. Y. L. Bide. Phone Rod 1998 GROUND FLOOR SPACE. There is a large specs juet off the court on ground floor thet will be remodeled to suit satisfactory tenant. Thla location Is rear Farnam street convenient to main entrance ot building. Look before renting. Don't rent before looking. THE BEE BUILDING COMPANY. R. W. Baker, Supt 17th and Farnam. r un iiniiN i urnce 6l, court room. rear elevator, 13x16. This room would be desirable es small real estate office. 818.00 per montn. -ins Bes Building Company, NEW 8-r., modern, up-to-date residence, 29th end Hamilton. Small payment down, balance same es rent. Street paved on all sides ana convenient to car lines. HADItA, T. 4334; Evenings. D. 4430. CIosq to Car and School 6-r., modern exoept heat, cottage. 2002 N. 20th St., south and east front, corner lot, pevlng paid; 6300 down, balance 226 monthly including interest. (JOSNEY, D. 4334 Evenings. W. 6670. Templeton Street The Last Chance $900 for a very good south front lot, 60x183 feet. Sewer, water, ges, cement welk shade and small fruit trees. Norris & Martin, Douglas 4270. 400 Bee Bldg. 915 Bancroft St. 5-room cottage, large lot 66x132 on boule vard, no paving to pay, fine shade, new Iron fence, city water, sewer, bath and gas. Price 82.-O0. Birkett & Tebbens, 430 Bee Bldg. Phones D. 4754, A-1754. EASY PAYMENTS Two 4-room cottages, brand new, partly modern, located on boulevard, a few block east of West Side Hanscom 1'ark car; tak your choice at 21.9-0; very easy payment BEM IS-CARLBERG CO., 312 Brendels Theater. n DnnM strictly modern hoiih-. Int j-xwkjm lleflr California, on 19th St For sale by QW-ner. 1'aity l.am, wi. must be sold at once. See O. Edllng, tSiU North lUth St. 3111 Leavenworth 8 rooms, hard pine finish, all modern furnace heat, large rooms urid cosy home lot vxli; barn, rnit-ken house, fruit; a special in and paid; pssesnlou September i.iLev term. Omaha Mutual Realty Co., Doug. 27M. C12-U Paxton Ulk. New Home, Kountze Place 1'4 Lathrop M., 8 rooms all modern, oak flnisn. hot water lieQt. excellent naixi.- bouiood. 1 tils propurty la oraiid new and ii-a-'i, for occupancy, and reasonable terms v. Ill be made to l iisiit parly. l- jti it o. er and call on Omaha Mutual Kealty Co., Dou-. y.Vi. H12-U liui, Ulk. AM PACKING to leave Omana. My home nuat be sold. Will sacrifice If sold within .hiee days. 22 California REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. (Continued. 1 OUR SPECIALTY RENTING end SELLING homes to COLORED PEOPLE Tenents welting; list your property with Home investment Co.. 8X14 N. 14 in v eb. 8666. Ind. U 34. PAYS 180 PER MONTI I $6,000. Three-flat building In a location thet In ures good tenents; never vacant. Terms. NOWATA LAND A LOT CO., (68 New York Life Bldg. Phone Hed lili. RAIKLE PAIUv IIKIT. first class In every respect Small cash payment, bnlence monthly. Agent et 27u3 dwier Ave. f paxton Heel Katate company. D. 898, Web. KJX REAL ESTATE FARM AN 1) KANtUi LAND FOR BALE Araaasaa. A GREAT BARGAIN. ARKANSAS FKU1T AND STOCK FARM 800 acres. 8 miles from Waldron. 08 acres In culuvadon, s acres in meadow; 4 acres n apple orcnard, also otner iruits; good -room house, smoke house, barn and out buildings, fine well of good water. All land not tilled is covered with good pine end oak timber. Tnis is a line iruit end stock farm;. Uie range cannot be beaten In tne country, slock water in aounoenca This place can be bought now for tl.voo end le a bargain. Terms to sun. write or call on John D. Baker, Waldron-Scott Co., Arkansas, Caaada. SELF-SUPPORTING HOMES in tha alor lous fruit district southern British Col u in bla for 10 cash end 210 monthly, without interest Annuel profits, looo to 81,000 per sere. Orchard, garden, poultry; scenery, hunting, fishing, boating; delightful, warm climate; church, school, postufflre, store, big sawmill; dally trains; close to markets; unlimited demand for products. Write quicg ior maps, pnotos, tree information. weat-nooienay r rult lands Co., Dept D., Lrawer ivei, neison, uriusn uoiumDia. CsJlterala. A FINE 10-ACRE PEACH ORCHARTI In Ontario, Cel., value 86,000, to trede tor good sainnesoia property aooui same value: con sider Dakota or Sioux Falls. Several fine California orange groves, from 310.000 un eaie ana traaes. nave ons oanea the finest piece in soutnern ueiuornia, price 8120,000. Beautiful property will pay big returns also. If you have eastern property to iraao ior aouworn vauiornia, sena aesenp- tion. xraaes eiieciea nnywnere. faithful personal attention given to your matters Insurance, sales, trades, rentals, invest ments, etc References furnished. James m. van Leusen. sue uraiey mam., paaadana . i . Colorado. COLORADO LAND. I have 8.000 acres of improved and mim. proved land for sale at from 810 to 126 an acre, wiium irum une 10 ten miles ot town- sui ivw .,.Bao, win. hjv iur parxicuiara u. J. SCAn, OUV1HA, UOLiO. . Florida. FLORIDA Ws have millions nt mr.r. Florida timber, cut over, farm and coloni sation lands. Before purchasing send for Florida Real Estate Journal. Big haraalna nice homes; we can suit you. National neaiiy Agency, jacaeonvme, le. losva. IOWA FARMS For bargains In Iowa farm lend, write or i-au on lowa ianu v;reail company, auaauii viit, is, IOWA FARMS. Write for my large Illustrated list of Madison county farms, from 80 acres up to 640 sores, all prices, good liberal terms. See Madison county before buying. Best all around county In the state. Address J. 6. BH RIVER, Wlnterset, la. Kansas. ATTENTION 400-acre well Imnmv.d imrm, iuu nines suuin or lvansas City; Ideal nunie, penect taiiu, ii mues rrom town 8-room house, fine grove and orchard easily worth 8100 per acre. Must sell and going at 870. Carries about 814,000. Will taxe pert trade for equity, will be at t-axton notei for lew days. c. W. Lake. owner. . Mlabeaota. 140-ACRB farm within A mlloa nt ui spoils,, six miles from the county aaat- h. iai aeres unuer cultivation, balance timber and pasture; all high land; prloe I IS per acre; one-half cash, balance on easy terms -land Is situated on main traveled road, one uuio Hum kiiwi, iuu ia a Bargain and will beer tha most strict Investigation. For further particulars write M. a. n,.h. iuiu at r riiivvion. aiinn. Bee me about Minnesota farms of all de- aiiipiiuiia. ney sir priceo right THE HONKST LAND MAN II. T. BULL1S. WASECA. MINN. Miasoori. IN VtlKMOlTHT ZOO aorea, 125 miles southeast o( Kansas v-iijr, so .i-ree J me ooitom laud In cultiva nun, uaiance icur pastures; nicely Mat ciu, line two-aiury frame house; aood tanaM. " ...... t , 1 iiwuii. Buuu oarn, urioa, eic; el vnt.cu wiiu wire aim uoaru; 1 tulle to wwii, scnoui etia ciiurcli. i-or quick sal m yet auia, no iiaue. 203-203 Sheidiey Uidg.. Kaiiba's City. Mo. BEAUTIFUL Vernon county, Mo., farm. .v, aaie, w nines souiu ot lvansas City, ..ai. nvcsiouK marxet in th woriu. ueitulilu; laying country, good land nice homes, no hilly, rocky or swampy land iu ins iu.ii' Bill ui JulesOUl'l. 111! bb terms in the uouniy, wed Iniuroved. nood scnouls, churches and nellioors; beautiful nrauny cuinaie, plenty of fruit. Farin from 40 seres up to W0 acres. Will grow bo Kuna, . uusne.s wneat, bu Lutliel oais, s ions iimothy nay per acre. Yo can buy these well luipiox-u farms for less man you can improve a larm out l'l tn western aeseri country. Price 10 870 per acre. Try the Golden Rule Ian man. I will treat you right. I have bee a farmer all my Ufa. and I know good UnJ wnen i see it. 1 nese larms are won double the price asked for them. Address I., .-s. ureen. .Nevada, alo. tlinitns. EASTERN MONTANA I.ANTY Three seotlojis of Dawson county land In one block at a baigaln if taken In the next thirty days. Thru ate steam-plow ' sec tions. Other lands at bargain prices. No better tuns to buy lunus than right now If you ate looking for investment or a mnnt farm, write George C. Heywiskl, Olendlve wont. Nelireaka. BARGAIN IN FARM For 88 days peUI bargain mmedia posseasilim If deslied. J. T. Campbel L.iicniittiu. en. CENTRAL N EH HA SKA BARGAINS. Ii0 at rea well Improved valley land, 2Vi mile from town, price, I12S per acre. Ji'i a. res of well improved rolling land, 4 miles from town. Price, M per acre. I'm acres Improved rolllnsr farm land, 6 miles from town. Price, 8M per acre. I have on my list for sale or exchange mercantile stock, blacksmith ehop, hotel and a well-established dental practice. G. F. Roes, Genoa, J REAL ESTATE FARM Ar HANCII I. A Ml FOR 84LS (Continued.) Nebraska Coot I naed. 40-Bl'SHET, WHEAT LAND. 127.50 AN ACKK. Buy land where It rains, ralne, reins. We wn end control 30,000 ncrr-e of Cheyenne county, Nebraska's choicest farm land now on the market. The heaviest crop yield ing county In the state. Alfalfe also a lnadlng crop. Write for free literature and full particulars at once. Agents wanted everywhere. FUNDINGSLAND INVESTMENT CO. Sidney, Nebraska A 820-ACKE ranch for aaie near Alliaru-. Neb.; nearly all corn land. O. P. Wyland. lei-Ian. la. WELL Improved 4M)-acrs Greeley county, Neb., fat in; the best bHi galtt In the state; in e-M.au a.n acre) usk anout una W. w. Ml n il KL, Li, Board ot Trade Bldg. Oklahoma. 820 ACRES. W0 level: 200 croc. 100 ho. tight; two houses, wells, spring, five-ton scele, shop, four mules, four horses, sir cows, seventy-five hogs, tools, price, fW.OOA i nree simmer larms rent or sell, uwuer. rfiiuam nsucs, iiiiora. UKI. oath Da ha la. THE IDEAL HOME" OF 840 ACRES. ' ltuated In the Big bloux valley, four miles south of Caatlewood, the county seat ot Hamlin county, South Dakota, 440 acres of deep black 'loam, under yearly cultivation: iuu acres in pasture end loo in tne beautiful spring-fed Lake Florence, with lta avlvan scenes end sparkling waters, deep end pure auu imeu Tnn iisa ana game in seasoa, and nearby is ths horns, fourteen-rooia house, large bern, two granaries, chick ea house, hog house and woven wire pasture, corn silo, machine houae. small barn ana) umerous small bulldlnas. all In aood mn. dlUon, with windmill, three wells and cis tern, all surrounded by a beautiful grove. Price. $25,000, on good terms, by M. J. Hue- it, caatiewooa, m. D. FOR SALE Cheao. 160 acrea 14 mllea north of Philip; 60 aores broke; good dam; all breakable. Must sell at once. Address owner, Guy Phillips, Philip, S. D. SECTION of Grecon eountv South n.. kola, land for sale. This section has tim ber, running water fed by springs, lota of hay, 0 ecres broken, 180 acres can be plowed, all fenced, one-half mile from school, three miles from one railroad town and six miles from another; good soil and tne very oesi an around terming and stock raising section In Gregory county, SoutU Dakota. Call on or write to Charles Mllnai. owner, Fairfax, 8. D. MONET MAKING 400-acre corn farm out from Sioux Falls: tune-room houaa. two tones, hardwood finish; barn 3U by 46; other buildings; large grove, orchard wltu apples, black walnut trees; all oan be cul tivated; fenced and cross fenced; telephone! rural meil; 810 per acre under price for quick sale; crops never were better. Write me at once, it a.- eilvlua, owner, aueu Falls, a D. FARMS IN THE CORN BELT An improved Quarter section in Gresrorv county, S. D., 4Vs miles from Burke, 6Vt miles from Gregory; all fenoed; small set of Improvements; 80 acres under cultiva tion. Price 840 per acre. 160 acres, one mile from town. TrlDn county; price 839 per acre. A half section, av mues from witteni price 836 per acre. A halt section 4 miles from Carter; prlc 130 per acre. A nlcs half section $ miles from Dallas, t miles from Colomb; pries 8 per acre. T'. r. HARKlNUTOn, Bell 1343 Iowa Bldg., Sioux City, Ia. DOUBLE TOUR MONET. Do you want to buy a good townslteT We have It just treah from the government with perfect title. 130 lots now surveyed and about 80 ot them sold with about 88 buldlnga now completed in the town on a railroad that has six daily trains, with ex cellent service. This townslte inoludes las ecres of the very best of second bottom lend with fine timber for parks aad also a fins stream of water running through it; fine openings for almost an kinds ot busi ness, especially a bank, hotel and elevator. A grand bargain If sold In thirty day a Ad dress Powell Land as Loan Co., Powell. Stanley county, S. D. WHY PAY HIGH RENT? Mr. Farmer, come to South Dakota: stow paying high rtints; own your own farm; spend the money for your improvements that you are paying in lowa in nign rent We own twenty quarters of land hare that we can sell you for 826 to 830 per acre on terms you can't beat; 81.00 to 81,600 doas, balancs on payments at per cent Come here Defore tne snaps ere ail sons, Vor full Information write Dixon Bros.. or Bank of Seneca, Faulk county, 8. D. Texaa FOR SALE 800 acres In Lasalle county. Taxes, In artesian belt New railroad cou tructed within H mile land, litetioa l4 miles. Address owner, r. u. wo ing, Stockton, Cel. i Wleeoaela. 80 ACRES LEVEL LAND, 26 cultivated, balance pasture, 6-room house, large bern. chicken house, spring snd trout brook on farm, 8 miles from station, school on Isnd. 11,800, saay terms. -Tom O. Mason, Island City Stats bsnk, Cumberland, Wis. Wyoming. 80,000 ACRES JUST OPENED. Carey Act lands at Wheatland, Wye. Obtain a home now that's aurs to produce and double In value before paid for. Plenty of weter now on the land. Also selling choicest farm lands in lowa colony, near Cheyenne. Great alfalfe and grain crops grown here every year. Healthiest climate, purest water, good markets. For excursion rales, vaiuauiv iiib.', ibws, win ninunf Land Co., Special Stale Agents, Cheyenne, Wyo- HOMESTEAD relinquishment for sele or trade. F. B. Reynolds, Torrington, Wyo. Mlsoellauaone. HA VK TOU A FARM FOR SALE OSJ TRADE? Or do you want to buy one? llaxe vour want known through THE D&d MOINES CAPITAL, the went medium ol lowa: Rates: I cent a word for each laser Dun. 4 enis a .tne, 70 cents an inert. Cir culation. 41,000; largest of sny lowa dally. Give us e trtel. Address The Capital, Laud Dept, Des Moines, lowa. REAL ESTATE LOANS MORTAGES . FOR SALE We have a number of splendid loens on Improved farina bearing 8 per cent end running from three to ten yeers. If you srs interested, cell snd let us give you the full details ss to properties covered and the owners. Payne Investment Co. Southeast Cor. 15th and Farnam 8ta LOANS to home earners and home build era, with privilege of making peulel pay uitnts semi-annually W. H. THOMAS. 808 First National Bank Bids. i