9 ' 45tof b&gUfo iiJlt 1,4? ..iV! i i r "J " --"far a f m r v wv m p& m"- jr m r r r J ..tw ,r v i ' -.r - : nm. i 1111 ni" mLP" . VVanT. Ads -Wrdr swisttJJ!,.w.v "7.f " ... -- r, . , ' " m.-:Tg lv' ., izj?.-y 1. rt. ai lifci 11 lm i-,im Want - Ads Want nl rrrrlvrd at an? time to Intuit fimpfr elneairiratlon no lie presented before in o'clock lor the fTrnlai edition nnd before t t.to o'clock of nrevlon evening morning and Bonder edition. WJ u.In received afte ncls noor w' unre Ihelr first Insertion heading "Too l.ato to Claaalfy. Kate opplr to ellne T k Mil alar Hll Alwara voat ais word 111 CAH RATES FOR VT X- C ar a mu vf f I fB ueovuR ci,AiiriCATiow--o l..cr.oa. 1 1-2 ef P ""e.a, ro per woru ior w- - ..-a on " " ..,) on laaertlo- at ,or,,, nrrin utld darn. 1 ce per Una per month Waal !. lor Tka R ' . at anr of tho lollowlaB ". aer uua la yonr "corner or-- Be . i f iinB for 1 " ... .n 4rt L.ouipllr d on tae 'VI.iii.K i.e .!. office In Tfce erruiecn'to and Fnrnam atreelai Albafh, W. C. 40th P1 iieranek. 9. A.. Hui b. 18tU -Hey ton "hArmack, 7W 8. Mtu FndH Pharmacy, Benon. r,1-r,, Beml. Park pharmacy. M1 and Cumin. Make-Bradlih. 2nii Sherman A. Caughlift, J. R.. Cth and M' . Olifion Hill FUarmacy. UU Mllltarr Ave. Hinierlohg Drug Co.. Bat Ave. and af ran t. Crlscy Pharmaoy. J4th and Cooney Pharmacy, t22J 8. 18th St. C .rmak. EmlT. 8. 13th St. Ehlr, F. H 2S02 Learen worth, Ko!tr tt Arnold!. 213 N. 25th SL Freytan, J. J., 1914 N. 4th HL KreBKer Vrug Co.. 1J N. 16th 8t Flort-nc Drug; Co., Florence. Neh. Rrn i rharmacy, Park Ave. and Pmolfla (.Ircenough. Ci. A-. 1 8. 10th St Tlrrnougli, Q. A., 10th and Hickory. Hayden. William. 2920 Famam 8t HaiiKCom Park Pharmacy. 1601 a 28th Aa, HolRt. John, 624 N. 16th St. Huff. A. Is.. r.n Leavenworth t Jnhar.aon Drug Co., 24th and Spalding. King. H. 8.. 22J8 Karnam St. Kountx Place Pharmacy, 3MU ft. Mth Mr. Fred L,. 2019 Central Bird. Patrl-k Dru Co.. 1624 N. 24h 8t. Lathrnp. Chnrlea H.. 1324 N. Mtb St Goldman Pharmacy, 24th and Leaven. worth Sta. Saratoga Drue, Co., 24th and Amee Ave. OR AT If AJSti FflTBTJAI. NOTICES. IIOEAN Maryj ad U yearn, wife of the late Patrick Hoban. and mother of Helen and Thonma, Tuesday) August 23, at 3:80 p. m. ... Funeral Thursday- from the residence, 1S09 North ElKhU-enth etreot, at 8:31) a. m. interment at iioiy sepulchre cemetery. PEPPER aire. Martha, Atiguat 24. 1910. aed 66. years, at her home, 614 South i wenty-eiuntn street .r Funeral services at -residence thle (weaneaday) vevenlrp at t o'clock. Inter merit at Albla, la. Frtenda Invited. 1IIRTII9 AND DEATHS. Rliths William Addy. 253G North Six teenth street, girl; l,eon D. Dlcklnnon, 3(il South Main street. Florence, girl; Herbert l.ntjlixh, ail8 South . Kleventh street, boy; Harry Johnaon, IJ24 North Twenty-fourth atreet, girl; Micliacl Qulnlan, 2311 Bancroft street, km I; William Kosenarcn, 3027 Has kell , street eTlrL tntorare Tow.ilev. 2113 Maple street, uoy; Ueorve S. Johnston, 126 ontn Thirty-sixth vtreet, boy; w. 1). I'awpon. boy; A. K. Cenley. 4502 North Thirty-fourth street, boy; . Charles Bert aclnnl, 324 North Twenty-fourth street boy; Joe Kosak, 2519 South Twenty-sixth street boy. ' Ueatha George WUtmalk, 1210 Houth Kleventh slreet. 69 yearn: Thomas V Kirklaud. 3321 Myrtle street. 1 year; Joseph luuiiK, wki ooum rorry-eigntn airoet, I yna-rst; Mra. Lizsle Vaintus, 1925 South Eleventh street, 46 years; Isaac V. Mlxell v-naritoii, la., t4 years. ANNOUNCEMENTS. COUTANT & ByUIKKJj. TOAL OFICB, naaiu v c;l ij iiu ooutn litn bt J. A. GENTLEMAN CQ.TK rmhnlmerw, 1814 Chicago. D. 1838. B-1S6I. $5.00 Ladies' and Men's Shoes for $2.50. All sizes, all widths and leathers. ALEXANDER, Third Floor, Paxton Block. Edward Johnson, SucoeHBor to BARRETT-J OiiXSUN TAILORING CO., art now ready to render the beat of tailor ma tervlua to their many friends and nat rons at their new uiarfrs, 2D - i'UJwlt 111 Y NAT L. HANK JJL.DU. U. A. EiVAl'KK, ARCHITECT, ai iiounccs that afier August flut li. -lll be in his new offices, 1223-;i-. Ciltf NAiKijAi. 11 A. Sis. Ul.DO , tae moat complete aichiiecis offices la tha city. ALER GRAND HOTEL FtTievt In Ilia weat 16th end Howard bl. rurkislt Baths Ill U HOME FUHNlTURfcl CO., 20 per rent lens than Omaha prices. 4to and U bu., aouth Omaha. BERT MEASlfi, llcenacd guide; elk. deer, heep and bear. Write. Menlor. Vo. ' TYPEWRITTEN LETTERS," one or one million, stenographers fuiniahed "The Let leruloHiai.i uitHrs on i'jiiun Blk. and :1 Cliy National Uank 4?ldg. Tel. D. 56k5-4J4L FOR RENT-Offire room, 623, located on top floor, lacing court, 370 square feet- In luding null. inta for per month. THE BKE HLILDINO COMPANY. JOHN N1TTLER "Tr.T"' LUXUS THEEthH slIKE- LKiugla UX. Red IXU; ludependent A 1420. WE wlah to acauaJnt tha nuhllr with llii follow l: g facta: 1 h-re are imitation sap rlilres of quality etiperlor to ordinary glass. Lot having no relation whataoever to the natural or Mexican whits sapphire, which la appearing la the market To dis tinguish thee rrom our Mexican white sap phlies. we suggest bydrotluorti acid list. This reacts . on giaaa, but has no effect on Mexican white sappnires. To Introduce thle gem we are selling for N dt)s at 11 per caret, guaianteed 100 year a Il.ong Jeaeiry Co.. 204 MrCague Bldg. BARKER BROS. l-ALNT CO.. 1"W l APNAH ST.. BOTH PHONES. Siwi win-wilhams paint, ji a gMi. yt,,. lahan from $1 60 to $4. to a gal., all brands of while lead, t; ai) per luu iba. lw prices (a wall lfr, giaM, giaslng and, 'raaung. ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued.) DAVID COLIC Creamery Co. HENRY IIOKNUNO.plumblng. 122 Farnaru . H. Cole alga Co. O. 17 . Ull Farnanv VIRGINIA UARS wine. 7io a large bot tle, ki.ki.v i.iuuoa uouuE. ut n. i.ta Bt Douglaa am "' . .: iNnHnn "HiNcm CO.: ' Iron and Wire Fences Cheaper Than Wood Leat a Lifetime. 107 N. 17th C Phone. . Red lt' DOUGLAS Prlntlna; Co. Tel. Douglas 44 SMOKE "TILE POSTMAS TER." Fine Havana Cigar. Robertson's Restaurant ItlZR: (basement); cool, light, ' sanitary, quick rervlce, popular ilcee. ror ladles and gentlemen. Table d ilute dinner Sunday. (I V SHIELDS l"wyr- hM moved 828 Brandels Theater Building. General law practice. .. - ELEVATORS REPAIRED; freight pas senger. J. R. Kennedy. 104 S. 13tn. Doug, at, ED ROTHTCRY Bchlltg No. . Full cigars. Cafe In connection Ml S. 14th. EAT. KOSHER HOME COOKINO. Arklns. 818 8. 16th, upstairs. - HAGGARD Van & Storace or Omaha Trunk. Van & Storage Co. Pack. move, lore and rhip H. H. goods. D. 14M. B-242A ! 8TORE YOUR FINE FURS IN MOTH PROOF VAULTS. Nominal cost SHU- KERT S, 15th and Harney. PICNIC LUNCHES reoIr.0dorwd.etrh home cooking, cakes, pies and cold meats. llV.T Ti ' A 'IWMPTM Light lunches 8 to 1806 Farnara, MONEY S? TO LOAN LOW RATE. In sums to 310 Fee Bldg. 'Phone Doug. 204, UNION LOAN COMPANY. GOOD MERCHANTS' LUNCH. c pTC! A. JETES. 1J02 Douglaa St U VAO. PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES. Saratoga Drug Co., 24th and Ames. W. 116. B-1016. LYNCH BROS. PLUMBING AND HEATING REPAIR WORK. 706 8. 16th at U. 1477. HEALTH COMMISSIONERS COMMANDS "rder your house and porch screened from TUB OMAHA WINDOW SCKIibiN CO. A SANITARY NECB:9S1TY FOR EVERY HOME. (24 N. ICth 8t Call Doug. 4891 ICE FOR SALE We can furnish Rood, clean Ice in car load lota, f. o. b. Omaha. Call ShaCkleford 4k Dickey lor price. Douglas 2iv. - " I HAVE moved to 2109 No. 24th St. where I have more room to cuiry a larger stock of coal to accommodate my trade. With many other conveniences, con make more prompt dellvertea, having our old, reliable and care ful drivers. 1 aa.iure all my trade the beat satisfaction. Respectfully. Henry Foley. R. F. WURN.Optlclan. 443-S Branriela blda. AUlUMUBiLES DRUMMOjMD Makes tiie Best Auto Tops for the urlce. All kinds auto work. Re pairing :n wood work, iron work. Best painting In the city. Send in your cars. 18th and Harnav btA . AUTOGENOUS WELDING All kinds of BROKEN CYLINDERS, CRANK CASES and CASTINGS promptly repaired. ALL WORK UUAKAM tbU, BERTSCHY MOTOR COMPANY. Council Bluffs, la. - WRiTE for list of automobile bargains. H. E. FREDRICKKON AU'i'O CO., Owaha. HORSE FEED n'uXIr'dlv,:bur n." Chate Motor Delivery Waaon. WORKMAN AUTOMOBILE CO., 207 B. uilb. Tel. i. I REPAIR smashed autos, mud shield leaky ladiaiois. Herman, Kunde, ill o. Idin. Autn Rprmirinir Mo,t complete plant VUIO XVepaillllg ln tha wegt Diamond Tires, 2d-hand curs, blorage. The Paxton Mltchell Co., M)lv-W Harney ,p. 721; A-20LL Bargains in Used Cars blulfa Auto Co.. 110 Peart AUTOMOBILE OOQGLE8,i 25o to 83.60. COLUMBIA UniLAti tU.." b. 16(h. Motorcycles. MOTORCYCLE 1 Practically new 1 nor motorcycle, used only one month, cheap for ca.h. Apply touay, 2203 1 amain BUSINESS CHAffCES t;SAI)V deal eaiate loana Kjvjlj a and niaurauee. List your inopeity lor aaie vr reuu Uulck re. turns. S. W. corner 14th and Uuuglas tits Tel. Douglas IMX nr. FOR KENT Office ruoin, iage room on tilth Iloor, N . W . coi ner ot bulldinu. enpeciallly fitted for architect. There la Hi square leei in mis tpace; iw pef inuiitn. THE DLti BUILDING COMPANY. LET me Incorporate your business; good ones eaauy ooiain money selling mei btiarea, am helping otners, wny'iiot you proofs, i w nat lias been done. Promoter, 61u 1'axtoii block. : I HAVE a good paying business netting 14 per cent on Jo.ou), can b made to pay more. Have loo much other business. I will, aell or trade for Improved or unim proved city property. U. C. D. Coddington, 220 tioard of Trade Bldg. WANTED Man w'.th $4,000 to $6,000 In Old established busmen to take management in house or on road. K 212. Bee. TO O FT in or out of business call oa GANGKSTAD. 404 B Uldg Tel. D. 1X7 SAND BANK FOR RENT. That part of Lake View Park In section 11, township 75. range 44, lying east of the C & N. W. railroad and south and west of the top of main ridge containing 7 63-100 acres: and having a frontage of about 1.250 feet on the railroad. Will lease for 10 years for sand privileges. . We reserve tne right to reject any end all bids. Send sealed blda before 6 p. m , Sep tember 6, 1910 to secretary ot Park Board, Frank Petersen, Council Bluffs, la. A C. GRAHAM. FRANK PETERSEN. H. G. McUEE. BUSINESS CHANCE FR A GOOD YOU NO MAN TO TAKE FULL CHARGE. AS I HAVE TOO MICH OTHER BUSINESS ADDKEad M Hi. BEE. BUSINESS CHANCES tContlnucd.) THE SALE OF OUR PRODUCT, FOI1 which there Is general demand among mer- liant.t, rarmers, schools, etc., now greany lid eased by state lawa recently pasaed and ther conditions, necessitates opening a oi- trlbutlng office In unoccupied territory. " desire resident sales manager, wen ac quainted, of good character, who can super intend sales, delleverles, advertising, coi mo tions, etc., with MJ0 to WOO to carry enough tock to fill orders. Balary iw to i monthly; extra commissions; office and other authorized expenses; no canvassing; position permanent. Address F. O. Jahn, Mgr., Bulla 614 Ft rat National Bank Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. FOURTEEN rooms, modern, close In, full of roomers. Harney 6328. n r c rnnnix-fJTON. 220 Board of Trade Bldg., bualnens chanoes, loana, In surance and real estate. WHEN answering advertlaemenU In The Bee Want Ad columns, kindly mention tne tact that you saw the ad. In The Ben. RF.STAtTRANT for sale cheap; doing good business. Apply 806 Douglaa St. rifinn navinv rentaur&nt for sale cheap; good location: will take part cash, balajice on time If necessary. 603 South 13th ot. Inown as the Eagle restaurant. FOR SALE On good terma, good electric business; a snap for a young man; good Jobs to start on go with the business. Ad dress, A 1, Bee. for SALE Butcher shop completely equipped ln town of 600 population, two railroads, one interuroan line, uim noF city, good trade, patronage of hotels and entire community. Good reasons for sell ing. Address R. L. Tucker. Valley Center, Kansas. 13.0U0 buys a $8,500 stock of hardware In this town of 800 Inhabitants. This stock was all bought new last Marcn, so is ciean, well assorted, modern. Is one of only two iiurHw.r. iiinrM here. Must sell quick; cush only. Charles D. Ammon, Valley, Neb. FOR BALE Best equipped harness shop In central Nebraska. Stock ana toois win Invoice about 84,700. No competition; county seat; best town ln Nebraaka; no trade con sidered. Address Y-208, care Bee. 'IAST CALL." 1 can and will prove that 8100 will bring you 10,o0u a year ln a safe, sound, honest Investment Latest. Best opportunity on earth. Write quick for particulars. J. R- Ryan, Sec., bault Ste Marie, Mich. CHIROPODISTS DR. ROY, 1606 Karnam 6t Douglas S4H. UUNtriAClUriS AND BUILObHS THK HOUSE REPAIRING CO.. rtrnnir nanerhamzlnar. brick work, eto. low prices; satisfaction guaranteed. 'Phone Harney 3637; Harney Bvto. OLD ROOFS "ikchrr-H pnrey nooiiug v-o , ait ravuu D. 6021 . VAN VALKENBERQ Bros., pumblnrf, heating and gas fitting. Web. 867. 170V N. 24th St GUARANTEED CEMENT WORK. Mechanically done. J. W. KLOSSNER. 'Phone Harney 2870. THE SOUTH OMAHA ARTIFICIAL STONE COMPANY. Our watemroof concrete blocks are guar anteed. Phone, factory, S MM; office phone W. 2930. DENTISTS RAILF.V MACK, td floor Paxton f. KW4 DETECTIVES Omaha Secret Service Detective age. Inc., bonded, 42S-9 Paxton blk. D. 1319. Ind. A-1319 CAPT. T. CORMACK. 617 KARBACH BLK. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN ARSENIC and IRON complexion wafers make clear, white skin. By mau 60a and 11 Ou. Sherman o alcConneli Drug Co, Omaha. MISS EMIG, lessons ln china and water colors. 836 Brandels Theater mag. Try Maglo Rnt Powder, Douglaa 1370. MRS. H. LIVINGSTON, hairdresser. E- Burhara methods; resident work, lei jv 2729; Douglas 300S. . a k XTTrn A TJV HAIRDRESSINO parlors. Sftltllaui Vlurlnello creams used ind sold. C01 Paxton Blk. Tel. Douglas 467L VACUUM cleaners. 115 to 826. 1117 Farnam. FURNACES AND REPAIRS LAWN VASES. Marvel Coal Chutes, Fur nacea. Combination Warm Air and Hot Water Heating, Water Fronts. OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS, 1206-8 Douglas St. Both Phonea. EDUCATIONAL THE ELECTRIC LIGHT AND WATER WORKS DEPARTMENT, of tha CITY OF TDKAMAH. TEKAMAH. Neb., June 30. 1910 I thank the Y. M. C. A. for the knowledge I have received througn u.e evening school. am now ln charge of the elecirio light de pertinent of the city ot iekamah at a sal arv of .0 Per nionin, and wlan to state that the Instruction received has been of rfreat benefit to me in obtaining and hold lna mv present position, and recommend the T. M. C. A. night school to all winning to acquire a working anowieage ot elec triclty. Sigurd, JLLits siiiWAlll' NIGHT SCHOOL OPENS SEPTEMBER 12. Mosher-Lampman oVllegb Unexcelled couraes in rnaina. Short hand. Penmanship and English. None but txnerlenced teachers. Day and night ses sions. Most interesting catalog published In Omaha. Send for one today. MOTHER 4k LAMPMAN ITth and Farnam strecta. - ioiaha. Nail 1910 Fall Term Boyles College Opens Monday, September 5, in the DAY and NIGHT Sessions Complete Business Course, Including Banking. Complete Shorthand and Typewriting Course. Complete Civil Service Course. Complete Telegrapny course, and all English branches. The Year Book la ready. Apply for It H. B. BOYLES, President Bovles Building otnaha Nebraska. FLOWS. S HESS at SWOBOIH, 1415 Farnam St A. DONAHUE, 16ui Far. D. ir.ii A-irtil U Henderson. UU Farnam. Deug. 1AA HELP WANTED FEMALE Agents aad Salealadlea. WANTED Catholic ladles to sell town lots In Tontltown. the beat advertised. fastest growing, Catholic town In the United States. Railroad now building, In by October. Lota are only $100, payuble $10 per month without Interest. Good commis sions. These lots will advance rapidly In value. For particulars, write tierman- Amerlcan Realty Co., Rogers, Ark., or Rev. P. Bandinl, Tontltown, Ark. SIX more neat appearing ladlea to demon strate. Apply at 204 S. lth St., 8 to 11 a. m. WANTED Ten arood women solicitor: pleasant work; good pay. Room 01 Kar- uacn ciing. Clerical aad Of Hoe. WANTED At once, experienced tele phone operator. Also girl to kern office work. Answer fully. Platte Co. Ind. Tele phone Co., Columbus, Neb. WE NEED THREE FIRST-CLASS STE NOGRAPHERS AT ONCE. Present this ad and we will register you free of charge. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE! CO., 673-75-77 Brandels Bldg. Factory aad Trades. WANTED Competent and experienced saleslady for cloak and ault department; high saJanei paid and none but ex perienced need apply. Orkln Broa. GIRLS to learn halrdresslnr: Drlces reason able. Oppenhelm Parlor. 213 McCague Bldg. WANTED Experienced tallorees to work on gentlemen's clothes; good pay to right party. Apply Room 1, Paxton Blk. COOK Wanted at the market restaurant WANTED A good waitress. A DDly The Delft Tea Room, Brandels Theater Bldg. WANTED J experienced folders. Raber Printing Co., Ground Floor Bee Bldg. , Housekeepers and Domestics. . w ' WANTED A cook and housemaid: small family. Mrs. G. L. Hammer, 2102 Douglas St. WANTED A girl for general housework; no- washing. Mrs. J. L. Baker, 624 Park Ave. A GIRL for general housework; also 2d girl wanted. 610 S. 22d St., bet. Howard and St. Mary's Ave. Doug. 4490. WANTED A woman to do housework; one who understands cooking; by the day; two in family; good wages.. 1142 S. Slst St COMPETENT girl tor general housework. 3022 Pacific St. . ... LADIES WANTED Take work noma. apply transfers; 81 to $4 dox. ; work guaran teed. Trleber'a 315 Brandela Theater Bldg. Wanted a girl for. general housework, that can also cook, no washing; salary ne object 8229 Haruey.. '' ' . . WANTED A girl for general housework; no washing; good wages, wuv uinney bt WANTED Olrl for general housework. 8612 Farnam St WANTED A good girl for general house work, good wages, Mrs. L. Uoaenblutn, 810 No. 16th, d floor. GIRL for general housework, small family, good home for right party. Mra. C. A. Telinage. Phone Harney 118. 4J29 Cass St WANTED-A good wash lady at 2622 Cap- uoi avo. WANTED A second girl. Moise, 1122 S. 30th Ave. Mrs. Walter WANTED Girl for general housework good home. 614 So. 2sth St GOOD steady girl for general housework; cooking plain; permanent place. 4027 Far nara St H. 3440. V WANTED Competent girl; general house work; small family; good wagea. mra. C. B. Rustln, 205 S. 37th St Tel. 2036. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework at $6.00 to $6.00 a week. Two only In family. Call at once. 2101 Wirt St WANTED Middle aged lady to do douse- work. German or Polish preferred, call at 820 N. loth Bt. WANTED A good girl for general house work; no washing. 1229 Harney at WANTED Good airl for general house work; small family. 2634 Harney. 'Phone Harney 3453. YOUNG girl or middle aged lady for gen. eral housework; more for home than wagea, 603 No. 18th SI. WANTED Good girl for general house work. Apply at once. 1024 No. 82d St Wages $5. COMPETENT girl for general housework. 3404 Hawthorne Ave. - Mrs. J. C. Busalng- ton. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work; two ln family; no washing; no iron ing. 1921 Caas St. Doug. 42UV. WANTED Good girl for general house work: wages per week; no washing. Ap. ply 333a Harney St. WANTED Girl for general housework small family.' Mrs. O. B. Williams, 3230 Hamilton bt WANTED Girl to help with housework. 1522 S. 28th. Tel. H. 21H. YOUNG girl ' to aislst with housework, 1732 So. l.th fat. . EXPERIENCED sucond girl, 607 8. 38th St Harney 30U9. GIRL for general wagea. 2252 N. 19th St housework; good WANTED A girl for general work and aUo csok. 524 S. 20th St. house WANTED Girl for general housework German or Polish preferred. 1908 Far nam St. GIRL for general housework; small family; light work; good home to right party. 1920 Capitol. WANTED One cook and one maid. N. D. Updike. it14 Jackson bt. Mr. WANTED A girl for second work; big wagea for competent girl. Call at 810 Sec ond avenue, Council Bluffs, la. WANTED Middle aged woman as house keeper on farm; good home, small fam ily. K. T. Weidon, Mondamln, Iowa. WOMAN to work for husband's board and room; three In tamtly. Ring lower left hand bell, second floor, 114 N. lth St. EXPERIENCED cook and houae maid to take poalllon by September t In family of four. . For information apply 566 South 2!lh St. GIRI, for general Mary's Ave. housework. 2007 St WANTED Competent girl for f-eneral hoiuework : no washing. Harney 2192. 202 So. 37th St WANTED A competent housekeeper; no children; good wages. 1.114 Locust St. I GOOD girl for general housework; 4 ln family ; no children. 0 N. 2otU HELP WANTED-FEMALE Honsekeeprra aad Domestics Coat'd. GIRL for general housework. 8027 Chi cago St. WANTED Olrl for general housework Immediately, Thursday and Sunday after noons out. 1617 Capitol Ave. Harney 1816. WANTED a rttl for general housework. 2116 Blnney Bt Phone Web. 1016. A girl for general tiousework and a second girl wanted. Douglas 44J0. 610 South Z2d St., between Howard and St Mary's Ave. WANTED Girl for general housework: two In family. 3009 Dewey Ave. Har. 253. Mleceliaaeooe. YOUNG WOME-w eorhrrng lo Omana ai stranger are Invited to visit the Young women' Christian association building at ft Mary' avenue and Seventeenth at reel, where they will be directed to aultahl boarding place or otherwise assisted; loo lor our traveler' aid at Union station. HELP WANTED MALE Aaeala, kalesmen and nollcltora. WANTED General representative fot success hand vacuum carpet cleaner. Sell for $15.00. The only successful single per son maohlne on the market Bigguat kl.id of profit. Write for term. Hutchison Mfg. Co., Wllklnsburg, Pa. WB HAVE A GOOD SIDE LINE. STAPLE ARTICLE, POCKET SAMPLE; GOOD COMMISSION. ADDRESS M 210, BEE. WANTED Salesman and collector. Good position for a live, wide awake hustler. Address H. F. Parker, Mngr., Singer Sew ing Machine Co., 1718 Ferguaon St., Cheyenne, Wyo. WANTED exDerlenced house to house canvassers. Call at 514 First National Bank Bldg. between 9 and 10 and 12 to 2. WANTED HAT AND FUR SALESMEN- ONE OF THE LARGEST WHOLESALE HAT AND MANUFACTURING FUR HOUSES IN THE NORTHWEST WANT SALESMEN WHO HAVE AN ESTAB LISHED HAT TRADE FOR WESTERN IOWA AND NEBRASKA. FOR INFOR MATION ADDRESS. Y 207. CARE BEE. WANTED Solicitors: new proposition; good money for hustlers. Room 301 Kar bach Bldg. Clerical and Office. YOUNG men for government service; best opportunities in years. See Mr. Hoff before noon. 201 Old Omaha, National bank Blug. DRUG clerk of 8 or 4 years' experience; good position 24U2 Cuming St WE can place a number ot bookkeeper, stenographers, office clerks, retail clerks and salesmen at good salaries.- Call or write for 'complete list of vacancies. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASS'N, INC., 762-4 New York Life Bldg. (Let. 8 yrs.) STENOGRAPHER to act a private seo. to office manager. We must have a man who Is thoroughly experienced. No other need apply. Balary, $0-$lu0. . Address D 4. Bee. . Factory and Yrndee. Drag store (maps). Job. Knlest Bee Bldg. WANTED Picture framer or flrst-olass cabinet maker. Apply ln art dept The Bennett Company. TINSMITH, who can do furnace work. Best of wages; steady work. Singer Hardware Co., Sioux City, Iowa. . CEMENT finisher wanted for floor fin ishing on the new Worrell Packing Plant, Sioux Fall, S. D. Wage $4.00 per day of ten hour. Must be fast. Address Collins Bros., Sioux Falls, S. D. llacellnneon. WANTED Men to learn barber trad. $15 to $20 weekly paid graduates. Few week qualifies. Can earn tool and board from start Busy season for barber. Call or write, Moler Barber College, 110 8. 14th St EXPERIENCED man to black and set up toves. Address W 219, care Daily Baa. YOUNG man about 18 to learn drug busi ness. W. A. net, isi n ana r arnani. WANTED First class undertaker, will ing to work in furniture store. Address H. A. Howe, Kennewlck, Wash. HHATIFFEURS T,'-"0- nso p" Uil. VJ L i' jtuxto mo )earI1 automobile business; practical Instruction. Nat l Auto Training Assn. 628 Brandeia Theater Bldg, LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses and Vehicle. CARRIAGE and top buggy, good condi tion; almost your own price; go see Johnson-Danforth Co., loth and Jonaa Sta. HORSES, mules, Burt. (Rear.) vehicles, harness. 2022 Wagon Umbrellas Wagner, 801 N. 16th. FOR SALE Pony, harness and rubber tired runabout, all In good condition. If von want a complete outfit come and see this. Best In the city. Call Douglas 1104. Corns, Hirtta, Doge and 1'eia. FULL blooded fox terrier pup for aala 814 N. 19th St. LOST AND FOUND LOST Sunday August 14 ln C. A N. W. Chlr car between Denison and Onawa, pair of lady's gold bracelets. Reward twice their value Address Box 159. Onawa, la. LOST Fox terrier pup, t montiis old, answers name of " Spike;" reward 4157 Dav. or Tel. H. 1449. FOUND Small cut diamond ring. Found on Lake atreet. Party describing ring will get came. Phone Web. 4i79. LOST On chair car B. M. train No. 2. between Omaha and Plattsmouih, Friday afternoon, a child's blue t-erge coat Re ward for return to Mrs. W. W. Coatei, piaUHtnoiith, Neb. MEDICAL Dr. McGrew Has given his entire pi oiesMonal life to the treatment ot all loruia of tiiionlc and spe cial ulsease of men. l or ii ars he has been known and trusted by all. 2a yeara in Omaha. Charges low. If you have no money, call or write, anyway. Dr. iictirew Co., 216 S. 14th St., Omaha, Neb. HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES-beat rem edy for lichlng, bleeding or pioirudmrf PILES; fctic postpaid; samples fiea. fclier man McConncil Di ug Cu.. Oir.aua. FREE medical and u!;iral treatment HI Cieigr.ion Medical college, ith and Daen poll fat.; tj,t'ia'. eti'irtwn jjfc.u to i n- tlllolllel.l Ust.. a, I lieu tint-Ill ..lelntd I I Coltb4 proleokui. I'iiona DoUfcia .i.. i to.-. xiisMered. uay and i..ght BEST iierve bracer for man. Gray Nerve Food pllla. II a box. poMnald. Shr man at McC'unneU Drug Co.. Omana, YOU should need no further proof that Ufa advertisements are read. Just as you are reading this ad, 60 000 r.re reading youra, if you are a Ree advrtler today. And advertisements that are read. If backed by a reliable newspaper, are ad vertisements that pay. The fact that The Bee haa lncreaaed 41 per cent In lta paid want ads over the same week a year ago Is evidence that these ad bring results. Hear what a real e.-tate man says: "Bee want adds brought me more returns last week than all the other papers." MONEY TO LOAN , SALARY AND C1JATTELS. ijwsmww54tuwMs;nimttitmtttti 1) NO MOKE HIGH RATES. $$ 1$ CHEAP MONEY FOR YOUR $8 $$ SUMMER VACATION. $1 $$ NEW COMPANY. NEW PLANS. $1 1$ This 1 a new firm organised by the $$ $$ LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF $$ $ OMAHA TO LOAN $t $10 to $600 ri 14 to any honest person owning HOUSB- $ $ HOLD GOODS, PIANOS, etc.. or hold- II 13 Ing a salaried position at the rate of $ it 10 PER CENT PER YEAH $$ l JUST THINK YOU CAY $$ 1$ $1.00 Interest on $10 for one year. M $ $2.60 Interest on $26 for one year ti it if, An Interest on tiO tor one year. Si $$ ALL OTHER SUMS IN PROPORTION II U KAbI auniniji m x ju a o. si ti Reasonable Appraisement Charge. ii U INDEPENDENT LOAN CO.. t it Room 204 Wlthnell Block. U $$ N. E. Cor. 16th Harney St., 2d Floor $i mors iaiukiu vv-. as Ktl$tis"ji.iiiitiirtirr5MimirsiJjTrsTiJl Cash Quick on Easy Terms. W loan money on household good, f llanos and team without removal, for ong or short time, small and eaay pay. menta, $1.20 to tha weekly payment on a $60.00 loan for 60 week, other amount In the aame proportion. Call on u and let u explain our. plan for loaning money. Strictly private ana renaoie. courteous treatment at all time. Mall or 'phone ap plications receive our prompt attention. State Mortgage Loan Co., Room U Arlington Block. Mltt Dodge St Phone Douglaa 24M. WHHHlWimHllWImil)HHWIHWlWH It CHEAP LOANS tl on Furniture, Pianos or Salary. $1 You borrow $ $10.00 you pay back $11.00 $ 126.00 you pay back $77.00 t $U)00 you pay back J54.0O t No Other charge. $$ OMAHA FINANCIAL CO., t$ Room 601, Brown Blk4 207 8. 16th St., tl r-nr. Doug. St. Douglas 2036; A-2036 HDiiimiiinniiwiimtwimiiiiiniiiiiiiDiii CHATTEL LOANS AT BANKABLE RATES. NEBRASKA LOAN CO. Room 7, Croun Block. Corner 16th and Capital Ave. Opposite Postofflo. Both Phones Doug. 1366: A-1166. MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE. WOMEN KEEPING HOUSB AND OTH ERS, without security; eaay payment, nrri m an nrlncloal citle. Tolnian. room (IS New Tork JUf Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN. Com in and let us explain our low rate to you. Reliable Cradlt r.n 808 Paxton Blk. I'hon Doug 1411; A-Uli. DIAMOND LOANS AT 5?. W. C FLATAU, 1614 Doda Tel. Red 66U NEED ANT MONETT GO TO OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. 119 Board of Trade. . Ph.tone Douglaa 2236. MOVING AND HOUSE CLEANING OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO. clean carpet on your floor. Eleetrta xecuum system. $01 8. 17th. TeL D. UBk EXP. Delivery Co.. office 18th and Dav (uport Sta.. warehouse. 2207-0 Isard St OFFERED FOR RENT Board and Room. CHOICB room with board. "The Tea. plars." 181f Capitol Ave, LARGE front room and board, private; Hanscom park; Harney 2230. BEAUTIFUL room with board; furnished 2767 Capitol Ave. ELEGANT rooms and board. 8SS CaU fornia St TeL Doug. 6161. CLEAN furnished room and board, witn German (Christian) family. 18U Capitol Ave, SOUTH front parlor; alao on other room, (or 1 gentlemen or married couple, with hoard. 2516 Dodge. STUDENT, lady or rfentlaman, to wail table for board and room. 714 N. 18th St MODERN room, with board. 438 a. 24th St Douglaa 6428. BOARD and room. $4 60 per week. 2420 De catur St Tel. B-6UL TABLB W'fcJ-d and room for two. 1714 Chicago. ' ROOM a. id board In private family; tion. cookii.i;. 41V N. 23d LARGE room with board; auit-abl for .wo; private. 1'4 & 19th. BOARD ant. rnorra. J.C7 St Mary Ava LAN DON Newly opened. 611 S. 24th St Douglas 793L DESIRABLE board and room; la s. 2th Ave. Formatted 'tovoia. NICELY furnished modern house; private faiuny , gentlemen. 24W Davenport FURNISHED room lu private family, for gentlemen. 2uld cupiioi avenue. ELEGANT room, bet board. 2639 Cali fornia M. Phone Doug. 5151. LARGE room, close in, on car line. 22i N. 25th St. Kooni aultahle for two. 409 3. 26th Ave. FURNISHED rooms. t28 Capitol Ave Tel. Harney 6667. WALKING distance; elegantly furnished, cool front parlor; modern; reasonable. 250 Caulol An. FURNISHED rooms; block to car; gen Ueii'uu. 2712 Meredith Ave. NICELY furnished modern rooms. 18ot Chicago, "NICELY furn shed modern room; reason able. 2JtS Famam. Flat 2. NIC1C front room; modem. H03 Harney. FOUR partly furnished rooms lat flour; $21) ...21 Parr Si. NICELY furnlai.ed rooma; modern flat; laio una cool i.-21 Cats. COOL and plean. room. 101 N. IStt-.. FURNISHED n oma for light house keep ing; ihooiTM. 231u Douglas. TWO f irrlalieC roocr.a for housekeeping 606 N. 17th. NEWLY furnished modern .worn. 626 S. 17th Ave. OFFERED FOR RENT Famished Rooms on tinned. NICELT furnished room; In' private fam ily; walking diatarce. 2012 California St . FURNISHED basement room for gentle man. 1810 Capitol PLEASANT frcnt room; very oool and comfortable; private family; every mod ern convenience; walking distance; ult able for 1 or 2 gentlemen. 828 8. 24th 8t MODERN room. 1310 Harney, Red $416. STRICTLY modern single room for gen tleman. 215 S. 26th St Douglaa 6626. - IF you are looking for a bright, nicely furnished room, cloae In, you need look no further; $12 a month. TeL 11. 66 or address 638 8. 27th St - .- . : 1724 DAVENPORT: newly furnished, all modern outalue rooms: large lawn; do elgn. CLEAN, cool housekeeping and sleeping room. 710 8. 14tt St .. . . NICE, modem front rooms, $2 and up, 51$ N. 19lh St ' - VERY modern. Dleasant room a. Call avan. ings. 2110 Chicago St. -(,-... : , -.- 808 N. 17th; east front room) also single room; modern. - -i i .. L NICE front room with alcove, .suitable for two or three gentlemen. Also-sing I room. 607 So. 20th St , r s " SMALL room, modern, private family, cheap. 712 N. 19th. TWO nlcaly furnished rooms; -. tnotiy modern; for housekeeping. 868 oVlt,SU $203 DOUGLAS; two nicely furnished room; one parlor, with piano, r. , TWO room, refrigerator, gaa rang, laundry and gaa, 614 a. 22d St -v FRONT alcove room- for' three-., young men. Also roommate for young man. Piano, If desired. Modern bouse, . walai Kg dis tance. 649 S. 26th Ave. Red 6022. , . .-, NICE furnished front room with bath. 312 California St ' TWO beautifully furnished, steam heated rooms on Farnam car line, walking die tance; private family; suitable for -.two young men; can be seen Sunday afternoon, and Monday. 2920 Farnam,- 2nd floor. Phono Harney 2279. .. : n NEWLY furnished, modern, front room, suitable for on or two gentlemen;,. privata home In on of 1 Omaha beat neighbor hood. 3923 N. 17th St Phone Webster 6989, . WANT two or three gentlemen for steady roomers; good location and handy, to our; reference exchanged- Call- Sunday i or evening. 2611 N. 19th Avar -i..-,i - - SINGLE or double furnished rooms, 616 8. 16th, 2d floor. - FURNISHED room for : rent. (0U No, 18th. Web, 1410. - - ROOMS, furnished or unfurnished. 191Si'. Capitol Ave. - --- -- 'iii i .ii, ff. i' H M '.1 -t . i iV NICELT furnished, large, front " room. , suitable for two. 201 Bo. 26th Ave. FRONT room, use of parlor, . room for piano, also large room for three or tout gentlemen with or without board.- DOS So. 23d. Red 7678. " ' BEAUTIFUL large, cool front room with big closet; walking distance, 1026 - Dodge, BEAUTIFULLY furnished front room) ultable for two gentlemen.: 2671. Dodge. , FRONT parlor, also on furnished room, 1427 Dodge. t ' FRONT room, all modern, with house keeping and laundry; will rent unfurnlehed or furnished to suit 601 8. 17th St FRONT room, modern, suitable for ong or two. Telephone Douglaa fried, loan Far nam St ' . 818: Large, well furnished rooma: cholca : neighborhood; bay window and uae of good piano. If you will be permanent and want a nice homelike place in walking distance, with furnace heat, gas, bath, hot and Ice water, both phone com to 2662 St. Mary s Ave, one block from Leavenworth car. Smaller rooms, $10, No housekeeping or children, FOUR nice upstair rooma. close car, gaa, . electric light; to good party $10, Webstar 2210. 1030 Evan. WELL furnished rooms; modern. (17 -91 18th street t FURNISHED room, modern, suitable fog ", gentlemen. 408 N. 23; board if desired. NICELY furnished .rooms; gentlemen only. 622 8. 16th St; 3d floor Flat 1L SINGLE room, suitable for two; private family. Modern. 813V b. 20th. . NICE, cool, furnished sleeping . rooma, modern. If 11 Caas. - . i NICE cool room; modern; private family; walking distance. 2K08 Dodger. Harney 136. MODERN, large rooms, suitable for one or more people. 1919 Cass. ; LARGE, cool room, modern; private faro- ' lly; cheap. 713 N. 19th. NICELY furnished southeast room, easy w alking distance, In modern,, house, - very dealrable; gentlemen only. Apply 6u9 8. 2U Ave. 'Phone Red 7i6. FURNISHED roomi modern; walking dis tance. 612 N. 20th. Tyler 1128. . 4 ROOMS furnished and four unfurnished reasonable price; all modern. Inquire 17U Clark St. ..;''" FURNISHED room, with breskfast, hard wood polished flour; new home; modern, cheap. 2.'b7 Capitol Ave. SINGLE room $2 Douglns. double room $3. tilt COOK furnished room, modern. 114 N. 2SJ. " - ROOMS with private bath, hot water, all times; large room, suitable for two, $1-50; another room, 3. 26ua Harney St. " FOUR modern rooms, close In', on car l:ue; prices reasonable. Phone Red 6477. ' FRONT room for sleeping for two. 7U South loth "" NICELY furnished room In private family; modem home. 23o8 Capitol Ave, LARGE furnished rooms; CO ' aqUe or slngie. 117 No. 20th. NEAT, modern room, cloae ln, reasonable,. prUato family. 2n9 N. 20th. " RooM, with alcove, modern. $20 S. 2M. FURNISHED sleeping room. . modern. 1MI Ci.iJlt.ii Ave. NICE south front room; also sjngl room. 22.'J Farnam. Flat 2. 1 WALKING distance; elegantly furnished, cool front parlor; modern. I eaaonable,., J06 tapitoi Ave. FURNISHED room wltn or wlihout light housekeeping privileges. 1920 Dodge. WANTED Two or three furniKh t replug, north of Dodue. went of frr private family. Ko-,ker, 1'ju9 TWO NICELY . furrilntied room, floor front. 22u8 Harney St. i:end NICE, cool, nouth room, tal a. 19th. V 9 r hnnt light '-" ed house- V" I lath; pre- J I Uard bt I