TTTE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY. AUGUST 23, 1910. Pirates' Take Two From Phillies; Cubs Blank the. Dones; Athletics Beat the Naps; Sox Lose M. Ji)t llASIEIjSYRUliRliES ' i Omaha's Winning Streak Interrupted by St. Jqc Pitcher, ..' VISITORS WIN,; EIGHT TO ONE Itluttrrt i Score Omlf Itan for Local rt Krror by Kluht Fielder v- Follow! m Walk, a St. Joseph, 8; Omaha, 1. Omaha's winning streak cam to a tem porary halt yesterday, while 6. Joseph went though 0110 of the moat artistic "cleaning" seen lu Omaha for som weeKs. The Kourhes never had a ehjce. While Ilanlfan allowed six hits not one wa good for a score. Tho only tally enmc In on an error. . In the flnit five Innings Hanlfsn allowed only hit, a two-bagger b- King In the first Iruilng. andno turn.. During these five innings only two locals saw vacun. King on his hit. and Kane on ja sserlftoe after be had walked to first. In th sixth, with two rone, Rlggett drew a set of four. With Rtggert an first Kane watted out -one of his long left-handers to right flald. Ttia right fielder morked out a pnulm In mteealculus, ths kept rolling and Rlggert scored. Kane died at second on the next out. t. Joe failed to score until the faurth. although, lha Mla.auurlans batted Stowers (or four kits in the flint three Innings. Xing failed to hold a long fly to center by Ooodricl) who went to second, lie- tallied on a single by Iionlfan. In i!io fifth Vox. iDgled. stole second' and scored on a single by J-ellly. Rellly Htola second and came Lome on a single by Corhan. Corhan stole second agd died on the third out. . The real fireworks didn't arrive until the ninth.- .Powell waa hit by a pitched kali and took first. Fox singled, Powell taking second. Powell scored and Fox went to third oa Jones' two-bagref. Bex and Jones cored on a two-bagger by Rellly. Hellly came In on a single by Corhan. Corhan wnt to second on Goodrich' out and to third on a passed ball. Frames Walked, whereupon Oerhan and JTrambes pulled off 'double steal, scoring Corhan. Frambea was caught off second for the third out. omaiia; AB. R. Pavls, rf ..a 0 L orrldon, as 4 0 King, ct I O Bchoonover, cf 0 0 KiKKert, If S 1 Kane, lb 8 0 Graham, 2b 3 o Thomson, 8b 4 0 C'adman, c 3 0 fctowers, p 10 liollenbecK, p ,., 2' 0 H. O. A. E. i a o o 14 10 101 0 0 0 0 000 17 0 1 0 3 1.0 1 0 0 0 0 6 12 0 0 10 J'J J l 27 8 4 H- O. A. E. 1 .' 3 . 0 1 2 2 2 0 2 II 0 0 1 0 0 0 HI 4 0 3.1 i 0 ' o v o 0 3 0 0 10 3 1 it R U 1 Tottis ...81 1 BT, 'JOSEPH. Fowell, If ... Fox, 2b Jones, lb McCheaney, rf Rellly, 8b ..... Corhan, ss ,.. Oooo.ri.-ii. cf . . Frambes, e-... Ilanlfan, ... Totala Omaha" Runs tins ....j..... 8t. Joseph-- 0 0-00010001 ,1 u villi- 0 0 0 1-2 0 0 0 58 Hits .... ,12 113 0 0 0 4-13 Two-bMu tilts; IJlng,- Powell, Jones, Rellly. Haties on balls: Off StowerK. 2: off Hollenbcck, 2; off Hanifan, 8. Struck out; By gtowera, 3; by Hollenbeck. i; by Hunlfun, Btolen bases: Corhan 12), Pow ell, Jf'ox. ttelny.. oaouicr uila: rv.,i. ham, C'adman. Left on bases: Omaha, 10; bt. Josepn, a. tin. uy piK'iK'u umi: oy Hollt nbeck, 1; by Hanifan, . 1. Time: Z:i, Umpires: Clark and Fiynn. ?lotes of the Gania. Wichita's Is tho next head to be laid on the block, "Red" Corrldon clubbed a bee-llner at the pitcher so 'hot that It almost lifted Mr. Twlrler off tna ground. It was good for a safety. Schoonover, the new outfielder from Kan sas, replaced King at center In the eighth, but he had no opportunity to snow what he could do. Jones, St. Joe's first baseman, can soak up more of the diamond In his oiothing than any two men In tne game. He seems to enjoy it. , Hollenbeck ; went-In the box' In place of Stuwrrs in the sixth. Holly held iSt. Joe runless and hitlers until the ninth when he let oat four hits for five. runs. In the eighth, with a man on second, Rlggert maae a long drive down the first base Una that everyone but the umpire thought waa a fair ball. The decision seemed to take the fceart out of the lo cals. ' . Along about the qjxth inning, as Umpire Clark waa pompously adjusting his bosom frolsctor and trying to lyok dignified at he same time, a email boy trotted out from the grand stand and handed him a large, yellow lemon. The crowd made more noise than when Rlggert scored. LINCOLN CAPTIfJES FINAL GAME Locals Bunch lilts In Third and Sixth lnnln,!. LINCOLN. Aug. IB. In a hard contest, with free batting, Lincoln wop tha final frame from Wichita today. 4 to 3. by bunch ng hits in the third and sixth innings. A wonderful catch by Jude saved the day for Lincoln. Score; LINCOLN. AB. R. U. 8: 0 2 O. A. E, Jude, If Uagnler, as Cole, cf Cobb, rf 1'ocknian, 3b.... Tliomuji. lb W'ledensaul, 2b.. Clark, c McOiath, p Totals 8 8 0 0 . 3 ". 8 . 3 .29 2 8 1 2 14 3 1 0 D 0 I 3 0 4 0 4 10 27 It WICHITA. AH. R. H. A. K. lieldrg. If W td.ti., 8b M idil.eton. ... KOt-l ner, lb lav, if Hughes, 2b Clalie. as Shaw, c.. Cli'iniiions",,,.. Jarnlgan, p 0 0 1 2 0 1 0 0 0.3. 0 0 0 Totuls Lliuoln . 7. 34 2 U 84 II 1 0 0500200 -4 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 O-t luhu .. Thrce-bae lilt; Wrstcrsil. Two-base hit: CoiKiuun. Rouble play: Hughes to Claire to Ivori'lint. Mtoleu uasea: Co,r. Mitldleton, iavt. oucrtfh'jj alts; Gag:ilt-r, Cof. trur.K out: Uy Mi-Geuth. 1. liuea 011 balls: Otf Mctirain. 8; off JuniUan. 2. Wild jntohra: Mtiiiaih, 1; JarntKan. 1. Passed ball: Clem inoiik. Ualk: MuUiatn. 'lime: Z.tM. L 111 lno: Mullen. - ' MUl'X MXTlT I.NM'NG MIX.NEIIS Toyrku's all Ituna, Sec a red 1st Fifth Are uauf f icieut. SIOUX CITV. Aug. a.-Siou City won the game In iho lM half of the ninth on Mrnlon's single, a sacrifice and Reilly's errors. Score: ! .SVOCX CITY. ( AB. Andreas , Jb. 4 Mam. lb. 4 Myers, if .' 3 tvullllji. ih. ,..,- 1 TowJ. c. .,....- 4 Fenlon, r, 3 Neighbors, cf. r 4 Haitnian, as, 4 Alderman, p, t Vllson, p. 2 Totals ..81 It II. O. A. 0 0 8 2 2 2 7 3 1110 0 0 13 13 3 1 3 110 1110 0 1 ,4 2 0 1 .0 1 0 10 0 7 12 27 11 IV K. . O. A. 1 13 0 1 2 U 0 0 0 2 0 til 14 1 t AB AVooley, rf. ,..v. I W ckley, 10. 4 Riley. If. .,,r. 4 Kvillv, ss. , plch, If i Standing of the WKFT. LKAOCH I AMER. AflH'N'. W.L.rVt' W.L'Prt. Sioux" City .."9 41 .011 Mlnnrapolls .S7 43 .69 1'tTiver 73 47 .Hon Toledo 70 M .Si Lincoln ft DO .5-0 St. Paul 70 Mt .Ml Wichita 6i ..V7 Kane m Clty.M ) .M ttiinha Do (& .4'JU'olumbue ....61 f3 .4 St. Joseph. .. S3 M .44.VMIIuaiik ..fw 73 .. lcs Moines. .53 71 ..';, Ind.anai ol.s M 74 .4:2 Toprka Hi Pi .29.'., Louisville ...47V.M. AMER. LEACU'F NAT L, IvEAUl K. W.L.I'ct., W.LPrt. Phlla 77 34 .rj'i Chicago 73 8, gj;6 xioBuin t9 .010: fiiiuurg; ....v ai .uu rftroit r,4 40 .6 6 New York .. 6i 44 .fts., New York... & (M .&.' Phlla 54 55 . 496 Cleveland . . .:) fil .4 ( 'Incinnatl ...4 o . 1 Wash 50 04 .4:S llruoklyn ....44 65 . 44 Chicago 44 .4u0,.st. Louis ....43 6 ,3K? 8t. Louis.... 34 75 .312i Uot.n 41 72 .3b3 Nl-JH. Lli-MH FI I MINK LEAdl.Ii W.LPct.l W.LPot, rremont 37 .tillif'larlnda Mi 33 .M2 Or. Inland. ..M 41 .!W Kails City ...47 3 .K3 t'oiumbus ..43 4 .r ii Neh. City K .a" Superior ....47 4i .ulli Auburn 41 42 .44 Keamvv 4.. 4!i .4Mi Shenandoah .3 4 .43 Ked Cloud ..41 4 .4 Maryville ....33 61.83 0e ward 41 63 .4.W; Hastings .... u3 .424.1 keaieruus is Itcsuits. Hi. Josepn, , wtikoH, i. tvfUi , ttou wuy, 1, ICIIILK, f, utiusQW, . ii's iuuincs, 1. Plillailelpuia, 0, truittuuif, u. Dccond gams, iruoHtjii, e; iiicniiiaht, 4Ubl01l, m; CllKUgO, I c lora, 11; fit. louls, 4. AiULlULAn UkAUlV'S. Chicago, , v afliiingiuu, 4. CifVuuiui, tj; riiimueipiiia, 1. ieiruu, 0, ,tw koi a, . tu. Louib, t tuiuii, s. AJUUiCA; krtsOClATlUN. tit. Paul, 1; coiumbus, i. Kaniw.a city, , lAiutsvlUa, 0. UeeoRd gyie, Kansas City, 1; Louisvins, i. iHinnctiJoim, u, inaianapolis, . MllwauHee, 2; lijedo, ft. NjbtAjK.A LEAQL'E. Hastings, 0; Ctrand island, x. Kearney, "; Columbus, 0. bU)erior, 4-9; Sewaid, 10-3. iU'd Cluud, t; Fremont, 6. , MINK LEAUE. Falls City. i. Clailnda. . -CAui)iiiii, 2; Maryville, 9. iNeura.ska city, I; Shenandoah, I. Guinea Today. Western Leaf ut Wichita ut Omaha, Den ver at moux city, Topeka at Liucuin, Bl. Jonepu at Uvt Moines. Aiiieiican League Chicago at Washing tun, Cleveland at Philadelphia, Detroit at inbw Horn, i. Leuls at JUoston. iMatluiiai League PnuaUeipma at Pttta burg, iirooklyn at Cincinnati. Boston at Chicago, iew York at Ut. Louis. American Association bt.i'aul at Colum bus, Kansas city at Louisville. MmnnaDoila at Indianapolis, Milwaukee at Toledo. Nebraska .State LeagueSuperior at Orand island, Kea Cloud at Columbus, Hastings at ottwaru, jvearney at r remont. Mink League Fane city at Clarlnda, Au burn at iviaiyvlhe, Nebraska City at hheu andoah. Barber, rf 3 eiotter, 80 g u bnea, c 4 1 Jackson, p 1 1 Fugate, p 2 v Totala ...33 7 24 13 gulllln hit by batted ball. One out when winning run maae. Sioux City , 0 3 1 0 2 0 1 0 1-7 l'opeka 0 0 0 0 ( 0 0 0 03 two-bake hits: Stem, Fenlon, Wilson ikSlliy. faaurltica hits: 6tom, Fenlon, Towiie. Neighbors. Ouillln (2i. stolen ,.,. Myers, Welch. LViuble plays: Quillln to An drews to Stem; Welch to Heck ley. Hits: Off Aluerman, 3 in four and on-thlrd lnnins; off Jackson, 8 In four and one-third Innings. Baaea on balls: Off Alderman, 4; off Jack son, 8; off Fugate, 3. Btifrick out: By Alder man, 3; by Wilson, 6; by Jackson, 1. Hlt by pitched ball: By Alderman, 1; by Fu gate, L Tlmei Jau, Umpire Haskell; Attendance,-l,2v0. , . 1 v GRIZZLIES GtaT SEVE7I ; ' HITS r ' ' ' 1 ' ' Bleradarfer Pounded for Six Bans to Beat Champs. DFS MOINES. Aug. 22.Denver's pen nant chances were brightened today, when the Grizzlies got to Blersdorfer for eleven nus ana ix runs, while the champions could only garner four hits and ona run. Scoro; DENVER. AB. It H. O A. t 0 0 1 0 6 0 2 I Lloyd, 2b Fisher, If Dolun, 3b Lindsay, lb. ,w. BeaJl, cf Cranston, as. ,. CUumldy, rf McMurray, 0. .. Olmstead, p Totals 38 6 PES MOINES. 11 27 ti AB. R. H. O. A. E. Williams, as. .. Pavls, 2b .. Nlehpff, 3b. .... Curtis. If. ...... Dwyer. lb. .... Mattlck, cf. .... Kelly, rf Clemmons, c. Blersdorfer. p. Totals Deliver Pes Moines .... 3 4 4 0 0 1 1 1 18 .27 4 27 11 ....0 00012012 6 ....0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 iwo-iiBo nit: uimstead. Three-base hits: BeaJI, Fisher. liase on balls: Off Olm stead, 3; off Blersdorfer, 2. Wild pitch: Blsrsdorfer. Struck out: By Olmstead, 3; by Blersdorfer, 2. Sscrtfica blta: Dolan, Ca&sldy. Time: 1:35. Umpire: Sternberg. ISBELL IS NEXT TO COME Wichita New Comes to Try Coacla- roas with the Speeds' v Haarkes. Next comes Wichita to try out 'the re juvenated Rourkes who have been awean. ing everything In their path fur the last two weeks. 'lh record of games won by Pa's athletes is becoming the talk of the league and it is now a (juration whether label and his crew will be able to stop the mad earners of the Omaha - team. Two games are scneauied lor Thursday after noon, tha first to be called at 2 o'clock. me wionnas are nere 'iuosiay, Wedns day and Thursday, The line-up: . Omaha. Position. Wichita. Kne Urst Base Koerner Liaham, eoohd Baso Hurhes ihomuson Third Base Weamrail iCorrlJJ,ri Shortstop ....Clalra 0 I WlOirJ;! ,. Left Field BelUen ,,. Center Field Lavia i King. ...'.'..- ... nuiit r ieiy Pettlgrew ... Catcher J. demons J GoihUiib; v Cadmun H!Ke-.e VI ALuwurm ...Catcher Pitohty ..Pitcher ...Pitcher .Shaw , Ptirham Wright .... Altehis in Jariiliini .Shofkleford Shaner Mailer Hollrube(. Rhodes Fe ntreas Acock tchronover. . Moriarty.... ..llU-her . ...Pitcher . ., Pitcher HUME 11T. IX niH 8EVETEE.T1I Hooper Wlai Esvltlaar Coutest front Morse niaff. HOOPFIt. Neb., Aug. t2 (Special. ) Purkerts home run In the fourt-mlh In ning won for the home team one of tne most exciting games ever played on the home grounds yesterday. Both teams wore evenly nistt-hed. although Hooper got more own on bases thin the visitors, but could not bring them In when scores were needed. Msny brilliant catches were made by the outfield of both teams, hut those of Hasler and Parkrrt for the locals, and M.illnn of tha visitors, were especially so. Score: H.H.E. Hooper 0000800000000 l-l 4 Moras Bluff .0000000000000 0-4 S 2 Latteries: Morae Bluff, Bocktmuhl and Lbhmer; ilooovr. Miller and Cook. Two bus lilt: Fowler. Home run: Parkert. Pouble plays: Volpalcnaky to Klappal: Heckrr (unassisted). Base on Off Bo'kvnuihl, 3; off Mil In-, 1. Strurls out: Hy Bockeruuhl. 8; by Miller, 2. Time: 2.0j. Umpire: Moeller. Howrlts Defeat t'larkaoa. CLAUKBON, Neb.. Aug. 22 (Special. ) How vile derated the home team eaterrlav tv the aoore of 14 to 8. Score: H.H . Howolls 0 0 I I 4 1 I I 14 12 Clarkson lllSOOo0 0 8 8 4 Home runs: Hiiil.r, liadlev, Krffnea Three -ban hits: Htidley !), Butler. Khulte. Struck out: By HaJley, 11; by Thoanaa, a. CDBS HANDY WITH STICK Boiton Loses Opening Game of Series, Seven to Nothing. MATTERN DRIVEN FROM THE BOX ritcher MelaOre Handles Visitors with Eas and Irlea In Three Haas, with Home Ran Also Landing Slna-le. CHICAGO, Aug. 21.-Chlcago drova Mat- tern from the box In the second inning to day, winning the opening game from Bos ton, 7 to 0. Mclntyro had tha visitor at his mercy and drove in three runs with a homer and also mad a single. Catcher Harry Smith waa injured by a foul tip and forced to retire In the sixth, Score; CHICAGO. BOSTON. AB.H.O A.E. AB.H.O A.B. Evsra. 3b.... 4 3 1 DColllne. If... 4 1 Bl.rkrl, It.. I 0 ( tHMloc, M... 4 111 Buumoitf, cl t 1 9 0 Ostiran, lb.... 4 0 4 2 0 Arvher, lb... 4 2 4 1 lBuarp. lb.... 4 3 4 2 Zim'man, lb 4 t I o Miliar. 1 I Sr-hulU, rf... I Oil Itwsencr, M. .40121 Tinker, u ... 4 t 4 I (Back, tf 4 lit Kilns, c 8 3 4 1 ugmith, e I 1 1 1 I Mclmrra, p.. 3 8 1 1 V Randan, e... 1 1 1 Mattam, p... 0 0 0 Totals It 11 37 14 laAhb'tlctalo .1000 Burke, p 1 0 I 2 Totals 13 I 14 10 I Batted for Mattern In the ninth. Chicago ...0 4 0 0 2 1 0 0 -7 Boston ..0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 Two-base hit; Kllnr. (2). Home run: Mc- Intyre. Hits: Off Mattern, 4 in two In nings; (ff Burke, 7 in six Innings. Sacrifice hits: St-hulte, Kllng. Pouble plays: Kllng and Tinker; Shean, Sweeney and Sharpe. Left on bases: Boeton, 7; Chicago, 4. Bases onfballs1. Oit Mclntyre, 1; off Burke, L mm base on errors: Boston, i; . me ago, l. Hit by pitcher: By Burke, Beaumont. Struck out: By Mclntyre, 4; by Burke, L Time: l;4f. Umpires Kllng and Kane. Plratea Twlea Viators. PITTSBURG, Aug.- 22-Plttsburg today won two games from Philadelphia by timely hitting. In the second game Pittsburg made three home runs In one Inning, which has never been teen here before. The pre eminent feature was the batting of W agner, who made aseven hits In the two games for a total of sixteen. Hbi feat of a total of ten bases In the second game equals the record of tha season in Individual batting. Score, first game: PlTTtnUSO. PHILADELPHIA. AB.H.O. A.E. Brme, lb.... 4 10 1 Tltua. rf 8 Oil Leach, ef... 4 3 1 I Knaha, lb.... I 1 4 4 Clarke, If.... 4 11 V Batee, cf I 110 0 Watnar, a.. I I I I OMasaa, If.... 1 0 4 0 0 Millar, 4 111 0 Grant, lb.... 4 8180 Flmn. lb.... 4 ID I ILoderiM, lb.. 4 1 10 1 0 MrKechrtle .010 ODnolan, as... 4 8 1 4 0 Wilaon. rf.,., 3 0 3 0 Koran, e 4 0 8 3 0 Otbeon, 4,1 3 I 0 Chattier, p... 8 1 1 1 0 White, p 0 111 IMoren, P 1 001 Laarar, p 1 0 1 0 0 Campball .,1000 Totala 31 2 11 0 Fhllllppl, p.. 0 0 1 0 Hru 110 0 0 TtUI n II 87 14 3 Ran for Flynn In ninth. Batted for Leever in seventh. aBtted for Phllllppe in seventh. Tw out when winning run seored. Pittsburg 2 0000201 1-3 Philadelphia 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-1 Two-base hits: Miller, Flynn, Grant. Three-base hit: Home run: Wag ner. Sacrifice hit: Bato. Sacrifice flies: Wagner, Bates. Stolen base: Bates. Pouble plays: Grant to Knabe to Luderus, Grant to L,uaerus, Moran to unaoe. rtaee n nans: Off White, 3; off Leever, 1; off Shettler, 1. Hit by pitched ball: By Leever, ehettler; by Shettler, Wilson. Struck out: By Leever, 2; by Shettler, 2. Wild pitch: Shettler. left on bases: Pittsburg, 4; Philadelphia, (. Hits: Off White, 6 in one and a third in nings; oil Leever, 3 in live and two-tnirds innings; off Phllllppe, 1 In two Innings; off Shettler, 9 In seven and one-third Innings; off More 8 In ona and two-thirds, inhlngs. Time: 1:66. Umpires: O'Pay and Brennan. PITTS DURQ. PHILADELPHIA. AB.H.O. A. E. AB.H.0 A E. Brrne. lb.... 4 10 1 uTitua. rf 4 110 0 Campbell, rf. I I 1 0 1 Knabe, lb.... I 114 0 Clarke, I 14 0 HaI.e. cf I l 1 0 p Wagner, all I I OWaiaa. of.... 1 1110 Miliar. IP.... I 0 11 OMaiee, If.... I 0 1 .0 0 rirnn, lb.... I 0 10 OOranl, lb... .4 0 110 Wtleon, cf..,. 4 1 4 0 0 nrnailald, lb 4 111 0 0 Otbaun, p.... I 111 ODoolan, as.... 4 0 0 3 0 Camnlli, p., I 1 1 I OPooln, e I till Itaok, p 0 0 1 0 Totals 80 18 IT I IBreiinan, p... I 0 0 0 Totala II 31 II 0 Pittsburg ., 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 -3 1 0 0 0 1002 0-4 Philadelphia Two-base hits: Byrne, Wagner (3). Three baa hit: Walah. Home runs: Campbell, Wagner, Camnlu. Sacrlflca hits: Gibson, camnltt, Knabe. Sacrifice fly: Miller. Ioubl play: Grant to Knabe to Brans field. Stolen baes: Campbell,. Magee. First base on balls: Off Camnlu, 1; off Stack, 4- Hit by pitched ball: Magee. Struck out: Uy Camnlts, I. FVst base on error: Philadelphia, 1. Left on bases: Pittsburg, b, Philadelphia, 4. Hits: Oft Stack, 8 In two and one-third innings; off Brennan, 4 In four and two-thirds innings. Time; 1:26. Umpires: Brenan and O'Pay. Hew Yepk Swamps St. Louis. ST. LOUI8. Aug. 22.-Now York burled St Louis today with a score of 11 to 4. Seore: KEW YORK. ST. UUIB. AB.H.O. A.E. AB. H.O.A.E. PeTore. If.... 4 12 1 0 Hurllne. 3b.. I 0 16 1 Doyla, 2b 5 I I 7 0 Kllla, if 4 3 3 0 0 snodgraaa, ef I 1 3 CMnwrey, 3b.. 4 lilt Murray, rf... I 110 1 Konetchy. lb 4 111 0 0 Brldwell, aa.. 1 0 4 1 0 Evans, rf I 0 0 0 0 Fletcher, aa.. 1 0 0 0 0 Breanahan, 0 114 10 Pavlln, lb.., I 10 1 0 Bllaa, e 3 0-8 0 0 Bhafar. lb.... I 111 0 Oekes, cf... Merkle. lb... I ill 0 tBeicher, as. Mar era, e...,l 0 11 OSmU-h .p.. "Wilaon, 4 ... 1 0 10 0 Harmen, p. Irurka. p.... 3 10 1 0 Patten, p... Crandall, p.. 1 0 0 1 Luah "Phalpa Totali II 11 17 15 1 ,4 101 .3030 .10 13 , 0 0 ,10 0 8 0 ,1 0 0 0 0 1000 Total,. .,vtl. 37 17 ( uattsd for Harmon in uttn. Batted for Patton in ninth. St Louts 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0-4 New York 0 0 0 4 3 0 0 0-11 Two-basa hits: Druck. Breanahan, Mer kle. Oakes. Three-base hits: Merkle (I). Pevore, Mowrey. Bases on balls: Off Zmlch. 2: off Prueke. 2; off Crandall, 1 off patton, t Struck out; By Zmich, t; by Prucke, 1; by Crandall. 1; by Patton. 2. Time: 2:1&. Umpires: Johnstone and Uasoiu RESULT MINK LBAGUH Nebraska City, Falls CHy and Starr villa Are Wieners Moadap- At Shenandoah Score: R H.I Nebraska City. .2 0 0 0 1 0 0 4 0-8 11 1 Phenandoah 1 0 0 0 4 0 01 3 4 Batteries: Cass and Waller; Johnson and Castle. Umpire: McGinnlss. At Clarlnda Score: R.H.E. Falls City 1 4 1 4 4 0 1 0 38 13 1 Clarlnda 0 2 0. 02410 1-3 82 Batteries: Puren and Smith; Ludwlg and Jokerst. Umpire: Myers. At Maryville Score: R.H.E. Auburn .......0 0104040 1-2 (4 Maryville 4 14O4021O-4U2 Batteries: Hlreche, Herndon and Kran Ingrr, Thorp and Pled. Umpire: Fletcher. THE WHITE CITY'S WIN GAME Ramblers Trim Columbia and Claim C'hamptonaatp. The1 White City Ramblers defeated the Columbia for the second time this season at th Benson Kagle park bunday after noon In a fast game by the score of 1 to 0. The game waa railed In the seventh Inning to allow the Benson Lngle team to have the grounds, the White Cltys being awarded the game. They now claim the champion ship of Omaha. Th Whit Cltys would like to play th Updike, but the latter ha-J canceled three times. Pet Karbaskl. who won thirteen out of fifteen gam pitched for the victors, gave six hits, but ah were scattered. neck Aatler Win. Tho Buck Antler won a victory over th Klmwuod Park 8unday afternoon In a hot gam which was almost won by the rooting of the FJmwood Parks. The AntU-ra outplayed their opponents with the stirk. but a rally In the ninth Inning plmoat - won the game for the lmwood t'urka. The Buck Antlera have been playing faat ball lately and have a strong team. Ijiat Sunday they played a fourleeu lnrtlng game to victjry axainst the Omaha Commercial college by the score of 4 to 2. Th score: R.H.E. Buck Antlers 8 8 Kim wood Parks 8 8 7 Hattxri Buck Antlers, Kendall and MrOowan; Klrnwood Parka, GUinor Hefner. Columbus Sh t Out by Kearney; Noyes in Trim Kearney Pitoher Holdi Columbus Down to Two Hits Hastings AlsoGiven Shut Out COLVMBUrt, Neb.. Aug. !3.-- Special Tel egram.) Kearney shut Columbua out to day, Noyes holding the locals down tp two hits. Scofe: ? R.1VS Kearnrv 0 0101010O-338 Columbus 0 0000000 0 0 2 7 B.tterle: Kearney, Noyea and Townsend; Columbus, McUeUt and -Agnew. Umpire: Griffith. . , t GRAND ISLAND, Neb.. Aug. 2l.-(Spe-clel Telrgram.) The six walks by the Hastings pitchers and her three errors aided Grand Island materially today, Morse keeping his hits well scattered. Poor: RJI.B Hastings 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 M 8 Grand Island ..0 0 1 0 1 0 0 2 6 0 Batteries: Clogs;. Herrick and OaA'ds; Morse and Tiaver-, Umpire: Fleming. FRKMONT, Nob.. Aug- 22,-lSpedal Tele gram.) A home run 'by Thompson with three men on. base, in Ah eighth inning was the eleventh hour rally by which Fre mont triel to beat Red. Cloud this after noon. Tho pathfinders got five men over the plte in the elgrhth but Red Red Cloud already thad plxt score and-' Fremon couldn't got another. Tha score: R.H.E. Fremont .., .., 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0- 3 3 Red Cloud i 1 0 0 2 2 1 0 0- T 1 Batteries: Fremont, Bennett ana Mason; Red Cloud, Snyder and Fagan. SBWARO, Neb., Aug. 22.-Speclal Tele gram.) Seward and Superior played a double header her today. Tha sensational feature waa Hanson's pitching. Score for first game: R.H.K. Superior , U) 1 00 2 1 0 00-4 2 Seward 0 1 0 3 0 4 8 0 O-W 14 I Batteries: Seward, Hanson and Waller; Superior, Justus and Bai tley. Umpire: Sewart of Seward and Gibson of Superior. The second game was called at the end oj the seventh on account of darkness. Score: Pv.H.E. Seward ....00 1 001 1-3 6 2 Superior 2 3 0 0 8 1 0- 10 4 GAMES l?f . THIIEE-I LEAGUE Waterloo . and - Davenport Sallt Doable.Header Seadar. DAVENPORT, -. Aug. 22. Waterloo and Davenport split a double-header. Holy- cross' doubl cleared the base In the first game. Score, first game: R.H.E). Davenport 4 0 0 1 8 0 3 0 7 8 3 Waterloo ........000 1 000001,1 t Batteries: Bmiin and Walsh; Clark and Bearles. Score, second game:. R.H.E. Davenport ., ..000 0 0 00 0 3 8 Waterloo ....1 0 0 0 10 0-2 6 1 Batteries: Archer - and Coleman; Hen dricks and Harrington. . SPKlNuriKLU, auk. zz Bmitns single In the ninth, after Berg had forced in a run, won for Springfield, Bchaller homo run scored the first, run. Boor: R.H.K). Springfield ...,.,,.0000 01002-3 7 1 uanviue vvovviii a v Batteries: Middle ton and Johnson: Berg and Hlldebrand. ' ROCK ISLAND,- ZZ. Dubuaue won the f;lrst game by superior batting. - The second game went seven Innings and Rock Island won by 'opportune hitting. Score, first game: -. ' -s - -' B.H.E. ttock laiana i...u v " i o a o z z Dubuque ..,,..,.1 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0-2 0 Batteries: Qurr!rier, Lakaff and O Leary; Akers and BoucflflTV Score, second $4w. S R.H.E. Dubuque .,..,&.. K4 0 0 0 1 0 4 3 0-4 4 0 Batteries: uick, Lakarr and stark; Parna and Kellv. PKUKiA. Aug." n.--A tiase on bans ana hit by Batten and Rover won for Bloom Ington In the, ninth. Score: R.H.E). Peoria, : 0 00 0 04 1 0 0-2 t 7 Bloomtngton 0 1004410 24 4 1 Batteries: Walsh, Kayle and Aamussen; Frenderg&st snd Nunamacher. BLUFFS MERCHANT! BEAT STORE Excltlnc Qaane Played Before La rare Crowd Across River. Tha Council Bluffs Merchant defeated the tttors Triumphs or omana in an excit ing game, 4 to 3, at Athletic park. Council fctiulia, cunuey aiternoon oeiore a large crowd. The features of the game were the McLeans, boto Coee, Uorf, Dygert and HlKKins and the fielding of Neao. Olbaon. Mlniouj and pygert Three fast 'double plays also featured Neno tv. Hall to Prummy, Bmggeman to Hall to Drummy and Mlnlcua to Wahl. Goff's hit over short with the bases full brought in the winning run witn two men out. rcore; iTORZ TBIUMPlra. C. B. MERCHANTS. AB.H.O. A.E. AB.H.O. A.E. Hull, tb I I I 1 OOlbaon. as..,. I4II0 McLean, aa.. 6 I 1 2,1 uoir. of, I. I I 0 1 0 C. Cca. c... 4 I 4 1 1 Mlnlcua, b 4 0 111 Drvmmy, lb. 5 0 14 0 lDurt. c. ...... 41100 U. Use, If.... 1 3 0 0.0 Hod jo, lb... 10 10 0 Quitter, et... 4 10 1 OWahl, lb 4 0 13 0 0 Foa, rf 10 0 1 0 Dygert, If.... 4 110 Nana, lb I 0 I 7 8canlon, rt.. 3 0 0 0 0 iiruisamaa, p I I 0 4, 0 Hlgsloa, p... 4 8 0 0 Uttrback, f 3 1 1 0 u ToUla n uz li ? Totals 84 I 27 II I Two out when winning run scored Ston Triumphs 1 0 0 2 4 4 0 0 0-3 Merchant 0 2 0 0 4 4 0 0 24 Earned runs: Triumphs, 2; Merchants, 2. Two-base hlt: McLwui. Stolen bases: C. Cue, U. Co and H,lg$lns. Sacrifice hits: Hall, Qulgley, Gibson. Struck out: By Bruggeman, 2; by Hlgglns, 2. Bases on balls: Off Brusgeman. 1: off HlKKlna. 2. Hit by pitched bail: By Bruggeman, Hodge and Gibson; by Hlgglns, Hall. Pouble plays: Neno to Hall to urummy, Brugge man to Hall to Prummy, Mtnieus to Wanl Left on bases: Tiiuinons, 13; Merchants. 3. First base on errors: Trlumpn, 2; Mer chants, 4. lime: z:uu. scorer: Gross, Umpire: Klusane. Attendance; 360. HOLMES BREAKS JUMP RECORD Member of American Olrasplo Team Goea Best Three Jinpi CHICAGO. Aug. 22.-F. Holme of Chi cago, a roembtr of the American Olympic team, beat the world's record for three standing broad Jumps here today at the track meet of the the Uufllo association, making 83 feet 3H Inches The record whlcn has stood since 1876 was 36 feet I inches and was held by W. s. Law ton. uanlel Ahearn world champion, 12:12 at the hop, step and lump, (ailed to taKe tne place in nis event. owing to his handicap. His actual distance of 11 feet 8 Inches waa the longest but failed to equal ins own record by nearly foot Walnat Hill Win. The Walnut Hill Merchants won a faat ten-Inning- game from the fast Rangers Sunday afternoon by the a core or 8 to 3. The Rangers piayed In great luok or they would have been shut out, Th nine Wal nut played the game all th way through and deserved to win. Lewis and Burn both pitched excellent bit.ll, Burn getting the belter of the argument, striking out fif teen and allowing but five hits, wbil Lewts struck out ten ana was toucnd up lor nine safeties. The Mercrutnts would like to hear from the White City Ramblers for a game next ttundav. They have 125 to say thy can beat the White City at any tlm on any good grounds In the city. Score: Merchant 0 00014400 13 Ranger 0 00104100 0-2 Batteriea: Merchants, Adam and Burns; Bangers. Vlckers and Lewis. Baker. Hit Mae. Baker pltrhed a one-hit gam Sunday and the L'pdlkea easily defeated the Royal Achates, by the. score of 6 to 4. But on ball was knocked out of th Infield on Buker and he also fanned twelve men. Gen tleman waa in the box for the Royal Achates and pitched good ball, getting nine strikeouts and allowing five hits. Har wich's one-handed stop of a Una drive wa the fielding feature, lh I'pdik will play the J. b. Cross team nest Bunday at Benson KaKles' park. Score: R.H.E. l'pdlkea 03000010 -6 3 0 Royal Achates 0 0000000 00 1 4 Batteries: For Upd Ikes, Baker and John son: for Royal Achates, Gentleman and Horace. Mllwaake Bay (itlllaan. TOLF.DO, Aug. 22 P1trhr Ollllgan. who waa turned bark to th Ut. Lout American leaf ii club by Tolsdu, jra ?ustl today by Milwaukee ATHLETICS WIN IN TWELFTH Fasi and Two Singles Bring the Sev enth Tally. NAPS LOSE LONG, FAST SESSION Both Teaais Fattest Battlag; A vera res Fear Three-Baa lilt Twa Two-Baccers Five Sacri fice lilts. PHILADELPHIA. Aug. 23. - It took twelve Innings for Philadelphia to beat Cleveland today, T to 3. A pass and two singles netted vlotory In the twelfth. Score: PHILADELPHIA. CLEVELAND. AB H.O.A.E. AB.H.A.A.E. JT4- " I 3 0 0 Tarnar. lb... J 114 OiArins. rf... I 1 tBioT.ll, lb... 3 10 0 txilina. lb... 0 4 4 I Wrm'h'm, til I M t Baker, lb ... 4 1 I I Lejola, t I 4 Iiaria, lb.. 0 17 1 ONIIaa, rt I 0 111 Jfarpbr, r.. I 4 I (iKrueper. If... III fVT' J J OBali. aa till Llviniaton, el 1 I 4 0Lu4, 4 4 110 Taomee, ....! 1 1 0 I Harkneaa. a 1 1 1 1 Moraan. p.., 4 14 1 acinar, p.. 1 Prsert. p. Atklna, p. 00 0 0 0 0 Totals 46 1431 14 3 110 0 110 0 0 0 Houear .. Lapa Uclnneas Totals 4 U II lo l I'ui'.6 ?" h1n winning1 run we cored. Baited for Livingston In the tenth. Batted for Pygert In the tenth? Batted for Atklna In tha twairth. Phlla AoaiAiAjft.e4 ....... '-W.V.VVV6V 1 Cleveland .. . 02000100110 0-8 Two-baa hit: Stovall, Murphy. Three base hlt:lL.1ole, Murphy (2), Livlngaton. B- -HK: Off Harkness, 12 in nlae and one-uilrd innlnara: ntt Knuniar i in ii,M. and two-thirds Innings; off Morgan. 14 In lo innings inoue out In tenth); off Py gert, 1 la one inning; off Atklna, 1 In two i. iuu(a. cmcniice ny: Barry, riacrlfloe hlu: Stovall. Land, Birmingham. Lord, Ball fKolea bases: Collins. Birmingham, Land. Left on bua: flvlanrl ti Phlla. delphla, 16. Base on balls: Off Harkneaa, 8; off Morgan, 6; off Pygert, 6; off Koeat- oer, ; on Aixins i. rirst bae on errors: Cleveland, 1; Philadelphia, 1. Struck out: By Harkness, 2; by Morgan, 8: by Pygert, 2: by Xtkma. 1. Pasacxi hall- T.nn Tlmo- 2:45. Umpire: Kerin and EA'ans. Tlarera Seore "Foar In Ninth. NEW YORK. Auar. 22. Detroit snored four run In the ninth Tnnlnr today on one hit. an error, four peaaes, a hit batsman and a oaia ana aereated New York, 8 to i. Craw ford' batting featured the game. He made a ingl, a doubl and two tripple. Score; DETROIT. NEW TORK. AB. H.O.A.E. An h o a K. Maletrr. If. I 1 I ePaalala. ef... 1 ft I 0 s nelehanty, fi 4 1 I I lWoltcr, rf... 4 801 Cobb, ef t 0 8 0 OCliaee, lb.... 3 1 1 1 1 (awtor4, rf. 4 4 I 0 1 Knight, aa... 4 3 8 1 Moriai-ltr, lb 4 I 8 I OLaporta, lb.. I 0 I ova". X Oil IKoaca, II.... I 1 1 P 1 T. Jenaa. lb. It 111 0 SAnatln. h... 1 A 1 7 ft ftrhmiai. ... I ftaraenar. 4 0 I I 8 umrnera, p. 4 0 1 Iwartiop, p.., I 10 1 p. Jonas ...101 e Manning, p.. 0 0 0 0 0 "nan, p. l V v a e rianer, p....P POP Mltakall ... 1 0 Touts 31 10 17 11 I , Total 12 I 17 11 8 Batted for Summers In the eighth. Batted for Fisher in the ninth. Potroit 301004104-3 New York 22000100 0-4 Two-baae hit: Pr.wrnrH Th..kau iiiia- CraW'ford (2), Laporte. Stolen bases: Dan iels. Woiter (2). Knight, Schmidt, Chase, rwaaa. if ii on oases: uetroit, it; Mew fork. 7. First on aj-mrs: Detroit. 1: New Tn,b 1 rinl.l. a. 1 ...... . T-V . . 1 f-l ... " - i uwuuii, ujDit, Lwauatur and T. Jones: T. Jones (unassisted.) Struck out: ay warnop, i; by Hummers, 3. Bases on balls: Off Warhop, 7; off Summers, 8; ftan'nln rt. 3: of Mannlner. 2. Hit bv pitched ball: By Warhop, 2. Balk: Warhop. HtU: Off Summers. 7 in aeven lnnlnrs: otf Willett. 1 In two Innlnjrs: off Warhoo. 10 in eigne innings tnone out in nintn;; on Aianninjr, o in one nnlng; off Fisher. 0 In one Inning. Time: 2:ft. Umpires: Perrlne ana uineen, . , .. . . , Hooper's Stick Work Win. BOSTON. Auar. 22.-i-Hoonr,s battitist was directly responsible for Boston' victory over. t Louis by a score of I to 1 todav. The local right fielder mad a home run, two three-bagrer and a single in as many tiroes at the bat The score: BOSTON. ST. LOUIS. AB.H.O.A.B. AB.H.O. A.E. Hooper. rf.i..4 4 1 OTruaadale. 2b 1 0 I I 0 kartell. Jb... 1 x 4 0 Hone. If I 9 1 Q 0 Speaker, ef... 4 8 10 ONearnem. lb. 3 111 10 Staru, lb I 1 11 0 OOrlgge, lb.... 4 0 14 1 Lewie, if 1 10 0 Hoffman, of.. 1 1 0 0 Vagnar, as... 4 114 0 Wallace, aa.., 4 12 3 0 Engla, XU....4 1 3 I 0 fk'weitiar. rf 4 1 1 0 0 t-arrglan, p.. 4 1 OKtllKer, e.... I 0 10 Clootie, p.... 4 0 2 0 0Crle 1 0 0 0 0 Btepnena, o.. 1 0 1 1 0 Touts 34 1214 11 OLake, p I 1 0 1 0 Total 31 I 14 17 1 Batted for KUlifer In the seventh. Newnara out for passing preceding base runner. St. Louis 0 0 4 0 0 1 1 0 0-2 Boston 1 M 0 I 0 2 i M Three-base hit: Hoooen (2). Horn run: Nawnaan. Hoocer. Sacrifice hits: Purtell. Lewi. Stolen baeea: Speaker, Hoffman. Left on beaea: St Louis, 6; Boston, 4; Flrat base on balls: Off Cicotte. 4. First base on errors: Boston, 1. Struck out; By Lake, 4; by Cicotte, 8. Time: 1:60. Um pire; Egan aid O'Loughlln. White Sox Loar to Seaators. WASHINGTON. Aug. 22. Washington drove Harry wnite from tne rubber today, Uie tirst time in three year, arore: . WASHINGTON. CHICAGO. AB.H.O. A.E. AB. H.O.A. H. Milan, tf.... 4 2 3 0 MeCon'sl, lb 1 1 1 0 1 KIHKer. lb . 4 0 I 3 I Collin, lb... 3 0 I 3 Elberfela, lb. 10 I I I Parent, ..., 1 0 0 0 0 CanroT. If..,. 4 8 14 ILord. lb I 110 0 MrBrlda, aa., 10 11 Me loan, rf . . . 4 8 3 0 0 traaaier. rf... 4 111 P Doorhertr. If I 0 1 vngiaao, lb.. 1 Kaiaer, aa-lb. 114 1 jteokanoorf, 04 I I 1 iT'nhlll, Ib-t 4 13 8 1 Walker, p.... 3 0 18 UZwIlllns. ef., 3 0 11 Payne, e 4 0 I 1 0 toui it u xi i 4 w ait, p I o i p Olmeteai. p. 1 0 0 3 0 Block 1 0 0 Totala 31 7 24 7 I tsettea ror oimiieaa in nintn. Waahinngton 0 4 0 0 1 2 1 4 Chicago 0 0 4 1 1 0 0 1 03 Two-baa hit: Conrny. Tannehill. Three baae hit: Meloan. Hit: Off White, in six and one-third innings. Bases on balls Off Walker, 3. Struck out: By Walker. 3 by White, t; by Olmstead, 1. Tim: 1:1b. Umpire; Cornflower and Connolly. PLAY FOR ROME MILLER CUP Millar Park Oolfera Mara Been Active la Contest for th Coveted 3rta. i Millar park golfer havereachd the third round In th contest for th Rom Millar cup. Th result of th third round were: Wilson beat C. J. Merrlam, 1 up, 19 holes. Ellis beat Blngla, 1 up, 30 holes. Beauchamp beat Townsend, 1 up. C. O. Dooley, beat GlIleBpie, 1 up. Taylor beat J. E. Merrlam, 3 up. Th ml-final wer also played, with th following result: Tracy bea Taylor, 3 tip and 4 to play. Wilson beat Ellis, t up and 4 to play. Beauohamp bat C. O. Dooley, 2 up. For th consolation price; Lee Smith beat Jackson, 1 up. J. B. Dooley beat K. Hatch, 4 up and 3 to play. Schumacher beat F. Burchmore, S up and 4 to play. Stocking beat Gustafaon. 1 up. Tetlerington beat Crave.., 1 up. E. J. Hatoh beat J. Burchmore, 2 up. Flodman beat Williams by default Young beat Langdoa, 4 up and 2 lo play. OMAHA SHOOTERS WINNERS Beat the Benson Team la the Trl Clty Match Snnday by Sis Point. Th Omaha team took th honors -T L.1 weekly shoot of the Trt-Clty Gun club Sun day arternoon at tn Townsend park, al though th margin between It and ts Benson team waa only six points. Cour;U murrs cam truro, and bouth Omaha, al though Invited, did not send a team. Nis: bunday shoot will b at Benson. Th Individual scores wr a follow: Omaha Oun Club Roarera. M: Aylaworth ; Griffin, 4; Townsend. 32; Dixon, H. lOtal, 4b4. Benson Team Whitney, 81; Levering, 80; Beard, fct; Sturgess, M; Christiansen, 83. Totej, L Council Bluff tfm-Davis, 89; Friell, 81; Roper, 87; Craig, 87; Fry. Mr. Total. 443. If you hav anything to sell or trade, advertise It In Th Re Want .Ad. columns and get quick rulta Farrells, Take Very Close Game From Townsends Win in the . Tail End of the Game by Consistent Work. Before a big crowd of excited fans, and In a gruelling contest the Parrel! emerged as the victor over the Townsends at Fort Omaha Sunday by a arore of 7 to 6. During the latter part of the contest excitement prevailed in every round, but Routt re placed Probst and checked the enemy by whiffing five men In the last two Innings. The heat was Intense, both Morlarlty and Probst being affected and retiring. The former began to weaken In the sixth and Dyke, who replaced hlni,, fared little better. In th face of poor support, Probst, who ha pitched three game In the last four days, twirled excellently, escaping In a happy manner during critical periods. j Russell Routt returned from th McPher aon club of the .Kansas State league olrig to hi father' Illness and proved a great! aid to the rup-njakers when,' after the Farrells had grabbed their lead In the seventh, he was .placed on the mound and practically saved the. game. Pk. ....... .. , , . i iiv ivwiieouus, eourill) a lean oi lilitm, began to soar high in the sixth, when the Farrells tied It up on an error, bits by Croft and Kennedy and a eacsiflce. How ever, they came .back in their half and took the lead on an tenor by. .Thuer and clouts by Morlarlty and Daiigherty. Morlarlty' weakening condition told In th seventt), when he was greeted with three successive clout, and gave way to Dyke, who allowed another run. .. .. Th laat tally, was accused by Adklns' three-sack wallop, pcoflng on a wild heave to third. Score: TOWNBK7NDC FABREI.LB. AB H.O.A K. AB.H.O A.B. Paughartjr, lb 4 2 4 1 Adklna. lb... 4 3 110 hrr, f 4 0 8 tBTlcaon. If... 41000 Fabar, .... 4 118 I Croft, cf I I 4 0 Elliott, lb.... 4 18 0 1 Kennedy, lb. 4 8 110 O'Connor, lb. 4 1 I 0 OTbuar, rt I 1 0 0 Clalra, c...... 4 S T 1 Woodruff, ea. 4 I 3 I 1 Palooser, ef., 4 11 0 Qigljr, lb.. 1010 Lrjrt. p-rf..., 0 1 euania, a..... I OHIO Moriarltr, P. I 1 t I IProhat, p 4 0 I 1 Mullen, rf... 1 0 it Routt, p 0 0 0 1 0 Totala II I V 1 4 Totala 84 U 87 14 4 Farrells,, ..0 0 0 0 0 3 1 8 17 Townsends 0 1 0 2 0 0 2 0 05 Two-base hits: Adklns. Woodruff. Three- base hlu: Adklns. PauCherty (3). Struck out: By Probst, 8; by Routt, 6: by Morlar lty. . oases on bails: Off Pyke. 1: off Mortality, 3; off Probst, 1. Doubl pla,y: wooarurr to Aauns. umpires: Leary ana Barrett CLUB TO EXPRL TUB SPEEDERS Omaha Automobile Club to Take Ac-.- tlon Attainst Violators. The Omaha Automobil club . will act on it next meeting with respect to one and possibly . two . of ita members, who have been guilty- of repeated over speed ing. Expulsion from th club I the inten tion. . "W have- had two of our member re ported to us for dangerous driving," said President Fr. H. Kprague, "and now one of these has been 'reported ft third time. Erich has been twlo warned, arid it -is high tin) some action was taken." ' Th procpeetiV action ha no particular relation to the accident of Sunday, in which Mis "Anna1 Hungate was injured, but this acc4dentha had th ffefof Intensifying "In-th minds 'of Oanaha-motor olub men the- necessity of taking - action with respect to one or two offenders In their own rank. . ' Th Motor club hft Just done a work" of literally signal Importance to automobile owners. Five hundred sign have been posted within a radius of fifty mile faora Omaha, showing the way at every turn and to such town a Fremont and Lincoln. Th lgn extend all the way to these two pjaces, to ' Fort Crook and every other place to which an would wish to travel. The' sign also show th way to Omaha in tbe reverse direction. The labor connected with this' work 'ha been con siderable. ' The roads "had flrat to be tra versed and studied, the sign ordered and painted and than taken out and put up. Practically all the work was don by lr. Sprague. Carroll Wins. CARROLL, Neb., Aug. 22. (Special.) Carroll won rrom wausa today in a one elded game, by the score of to 1. Atkin son' pitching for Carroll was superb. He had th Wausa completely at his mercy from a tart to finish, striking out seven and allowing but four scattered hit. Score: Carroll ... 2 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 - 11 t Wausa '.I....1 40 4 0 0 00 0 1 4 8 Batteries: For Carroll, Atkinson and Tift; for Wausa, Olson' and Waters. A Life. Senteaew of ufferlng with threat and lung trouble 1 Quickly communtd',by Dr. King's New Discovery.' Wc and 31.00. (' For sale by Beaton Drug Co.' If you have anything to sell or trade, advertise It in' Th nee Want Ad column end get quick reulUL LilJ'SJIitl O ZZyQ Z-rV Ml xu. .11 nrtrQfiiri tVi rrinolrjla loaded with nutritiva properties, circulates through tho system and constantly euppllas the needs of every muscle, nerve, bone and tissue. The majority of human aDmcnts are caused by impure blood, because when the body is supplied with weak, polluted Wood the system Is deprived of its necessary Btrength and disease-reslating powers. Children do not develop perfectly, nor are they strong androtpust unless the blood is pure and strong, while old people are afflict ed with rheumatism, and other attendant troubles of old age, because of a weak ned circulation. .8. S. S. is made entirely of healing, strengthening, cleansing roots and herbs, the purest and best blood medicine for young and old. It cures every aliment which comas from Impure or diseased blood, tones up and regulates every part of the system and creates ajn abundant supply of nourishment with whioh to build up the blood. 8. 8. 8. cures- Rheumatism, Catarrh, Bores and Ulcers, Scrofula, Malaria, Bkln Diseases, Contagious Blood Poison, and all othta blood disorders. Book pa the Blood and any medical advioe free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO ATLANTA, OA, -&1 yA Vt Fr?s Ciii a3 You . have heard of shattered idols well shatter one of these IDOLS. You will find them all old-fashioned smokes. Every Not only that workmanship. wonder how we have accom plished it try one. You will vote them the best cigar ever tasted. - V COLUMBUS TAKES CLOSE CINE St. Taul Pitchers Get Themselves Into Trouble in Ninth. THREE PASSES FORCE Sotton Keen Hit Scattered with Pasa. Sacrifice and Slaprle Pre darlntr Only Una Made Otf III Delivery. COLUMBUS, O., Aug. 22.-Reiger held Columbus safe until the eighth tdoay, when a single by. Rrllly followed by Odwell' triple tie tho score. Ftclger then took Rleger's place and Isrmod three passes, forcing over the winning run. Bltton kept his hits scattered, a pass, a sacrifice and Llese's single producing th only run off him. Score: COLl'MDVS. BT. FAt'L. ' All. HOAR. AB.H.O. AS. Ferrlnc. l ib. I 01 0 Boucher, lb.. 4 0 1 1 t WratlMl, lb.. I 1 0 I 0 Woodruff. 2b. 4 0 4 8 Hin.-hnian, If 0 0 0 1M"m k. aa. 4 8 4 4 0 Couiaiion, na e v pjime. cf. .. Itin ,1k.... 171 0 Murray, rf.. M.hllng. a.. I 0 11 lAntrar. lb.. Reillr. cf....t 1 8 (iLtaM, If Odwell, 1Mb. 1 111 t Kellr. c Caiiacb, 0....1 I 1 0H1.r, p.... Mon, p 1 10 8 8lelfer, p... 14 0 0 . 1 p 3 11 1 4 1 1 3481 8 0 0 8 1 . 0 4 u Totala 8 4 17 11 1 Totala I 34 15 8 Columbus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 I St. Paul 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 01 Stolen beset Cona-alton. Sacrifice .hit; Murray, Kelly. Baee on balls: Off Sltton. 4; off Rleger, 1; off Stelger, 8. Two-bae hit: McCormlck. Threp-b-ae hit: Odwell. Double play: McCormlck to Autrey. Struck out: By Sltton, 6; by Kleaer, 8. Hltj: Off Rleger, 4 in seven and a third Innings. Tlmei 1:38. Umpires: Hayes and Ferguseu. Mayor Gdynor Out of Danger Doctors Do Not Intend to Issue Any Further Bulletins on Hii Condition. NEW TORK, Aug. 22.-Myor Oaynor had a good night and hi physician (aid thl morning that he seemed stronger than ever. The mayor Jokingly remarked that now that he had a march on hi doctor and walked a few steps, he hoped to lnv dulge In hi favorite exercise every day. The doctor anticipate Issuing no further bulletins on the mayor condition. FUNERAL 6F RICHARD HALL HELD THIS AFTERNOON Last Rote for Atturney 'Will Be Coaw ducted at Trinity Cathedral and Forest Lawn. The funeral of Richard EL Hall, th de ceased attorney, will be held thl afternoon at 4 o'clock t Trinity cathedral. Interment will be In Forest Lawn and will be private. The honorary pallbearer w.111 be the war dens and vestrymen of Trinity cathedral, Henry W. Ytes, Hon. Kleaxer . W'akeleyf J. C. French, F. D. Barkalow, F. H. Davla, Phlllp Potter, C. C. George, Oeorge H. Thurame. also William Wallace. E. P. Pack, George W. Doane, F. A, Nash, Smith McA Pherson, W. II. Munger, A. C. Troup. Theactlve pallbearer are 3. M. Bitch cock. .' William Balrd. James P,' English,,.. John la, Kennedy, C. 8. Montgomery, A. L. Reed, W. II. Bucholg, EL M. Bartlett DES MOINES MAN TURNS ON GAS John II. Slorrlaon, Well Ksown Real Estate Man, Commits Salclde la Hi Office. DES MOINES, Aug. 22. John R. Uorrl- son, one of the best known real estate mep in De Molne, turned on the ga laat night in his office in th Youngerman block and wa dead when found today. He ha a on who i active in railroad circle in Chi cago. Irfaramle Carrier Raised. WASHINGTON, Aug. 23. (Special Tele gram.) The Postofflce department today announced that two letter carrier In th postofflce at Laramie, Wyo., are promoted, one from 3900 to 31.000 and another from 11,000 to 21,100. These promotion data front July L Mill Dam Goea Oat. . 6EWARD, Neb., Aug. 22. (Special Tele gram.) The dam of Boyes, Hulaoblaer A Co.' large flouring' mill went outrlfjt night. The loss will be heavy and VC second of the kind to oocur in the laat four year. Nelson Ready for Work. PIERRE. 8. D., Aug-. 23. (Bpeclal Tele gram.) John T. Nelson here from Huron, arriving today to get a Jin on hi work as assistant secretary of gta-te, which posi tion he will take the first of September. The Key to the Situation Bee Want Ads, A BLOOD MEDICINE irnn vnTnin nn ni n SKh AWWUU WIS, WMa ofbodllr nourishment how the blood leaf imported. but all hand Don't stop to . Aacaatmaasa' McCORD-BRADY CO. Oniai V 9