11 T1IE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, AUGUST 23, 1910. i i AND PRODUCE MARKET JU Cablet Cite the Foreign Market a Mnch Better lone. RECEIPTS OF WHEAT AEE LESS Spot Cor rn Market la Unll and Demand I N rM Very AatlTe Heavy He ftstpf Fln4 Slow i Diiirrt, OMAHA, Aug. 23, 1910. ( Cable lea were lower attain, but advtcea cava (he foreign markets a better tone. Receipts of winter wheat are f ailing off and values should rhjlly from these levels should cash demand or. export sales in crease.' ' ,' ' Weather during-, the last week has been very favorable lor the forcing ahead of the growing crop. Conditions at present are bearish, but loser temperatures are pre dicted. . Wheat receipts were somewhat lighter nd demand was more brink. Sample offer ings brought slightly betier prices than Saturday. Country bids are not finding reaay sellers with nrices t the levels. The spot cirn marei t4 dull, uetnttnd not very active and heavy receipts fonnri alow buyers. News la mixed as to tba result of the growing crop. Should reu-.-ip. K-1 UDerai a, better dmand will b necessary to maintain values. Primary wheat receipts were 1,140.000 bush. els and . Shipment ware 73.1.000 bushels, again receipts lout year of 1,687,000 bushels ana shipments of RiZ.OUO tunnels. Prlroary corn receipts were Jm.nOO bushels 1 and shipments were l!7e.440 bttshel. ncainat A rsoelpt last year ot 510,000 bushsla and shipment or 338.000 busiiels. Clearance were none of corn. 4.000 bush els of oats and wheat and flour equal to us.r bushels. .- Liverpool closed vTd lower on wheat ana 140 lower on corn.. - Oman, Cash frier. WHEAT-Xo. 3 hard, Tttrksy, B74i9Se; No. I haul. sotiil-dark and vellow. 94'U!iHc: .NO S harfl. Turkey. 9&tWe: No. t bard, Semi- dark and. yellow, iyyc; No. 4 hard, 91 Mo; No. 2 spring, tGVMii No. t spring. Ito'awVtc; NO. 4 spring, KM CORN No. 1 white. 6fti0!WPic: No. vblte, WflMHc; No. 4 white: 66$wHo; No. 1 color. f'ttM.!.vc: no. I yellow, 55Vaxe No. I yellow, 6efc,Hoi No. 4 yellow, He, nominal; No. 2, 66HtiWe; No, S, 66 Mtto: no- . 4.ic. OATS No. I white, S3B33H0. nominal; tandard. ISVfrMUo: No. t white, S34(S3SHc: ro. 4 white, i Vd'k!V,o; No. I yellow, 31'4 einc; rve. a ywiuw, 0iM'fu-iso. BARLEY No. 1 feed. 62'tt55c, nominal; rejected, 47f8ri. BYK No. 2, M97o K0..S, TJTJo. ; ' Carlat Kaaelata. ' V..,. . . . . ... '. Wheat. Com. Oats Chicago 24 lit 469 Minneapolis - itA ... .. Jinah .,.......,.......,. 48 ' 148 1 Dulutli ..,,,,. ..... 47 . ... . CHICAGO. 'CHAIN AN O PROVISIONS Featarts e th Trading and Cloaiag Prices on Hoard af Tm. CHICAGO, Aug. 22. Wheat showed some strength toaay and closed unchanged to He higher. Corn sagged at the atari and then rallied, dosing Vac vf to hlgher Oat a moved In narrow limits and finished the day from a shuOa to c off, while provis ions, after w atmrp opentng advance, emaea off and.vluscd Urm Irom 2tao off to higher. . 'i he Whont hiarket was supported by as early bultr in the corn tAti Improvement In the southwest flour trade asd some atrenarth at Wlnnlnea. - The advance was accelerated by shorts, who sought to corar taiprotectad. Unea,. an4 aiucn ol tna session prices were well above Haturday s closing flifures. Acoumulatlons were heavy in both Xorelgu and domestic markete, the visible aupply in. the United States lncreanlng mora than 3, 7o0,0u0 ' bushels against on Increase of Wl.ouo bushels a year ago. worm s snip menta warn Hino enormous, Kusata ana tn iJanube 'contributing i. 000. 000 bushels. The B.na.v of bearish statistics was lnauffl clent to causa a' permanent -Mump. Cash wheat held steady and futures, closed firm alt around wttb September cbV to Ho higher t W, per cent. Pocerrfber closed c to suttWe tilarhsr-arn 1 -rr-f Cm wia weak at the start, but rallied oulcklv on shorts covering. . Cash corn ws teady to Vac oft. No. 2 yellow sold at 61o. The rloeo was ateady with Beptem br Vto off ai eOc, after having moved be- ten rto and btW- December closed ato to Meher at fiMtoxttua to. bN4c. The oats market waa a narrow affair to day with the burden of a big crop and heavy receipts pressing aown on values. Final figures 'were easy, with September afco down at S4o. about He 'below the high point. December closed Ho off at SMic. Mv-rta and Ticking house Interests vie Jfn each other in buying provisions at thf opening. The close was firm all around, with pork unchanged to 12Hc up: lard, 2Ho down to THo higher, and rlba 2HoS10o up. Closing figures on the September product were: Pork. I21.47H. H up; lard. $12.10, 7H Hp, and rlhs. IULC7H. 10e higher. The leading futures ranged aa follows: Articles.! Open. Hlgh. Low. Cloae. Saf y. Wheat -f I ---- -- I fWpt... 98H(5 9H 99H98 Deo...'. 1 02'iS'l vSt, '1 OZiJ t 0SW4 1 024 , May... 1 071H 4,08 I 07. 1 07, 1 I Corn v. v , .1 .. . . . I Sept... WHi 80S ' 59H H Dec.... 57H4i' MH R7H B8HtH E74(fi"4 May... 69 604 ' 69H 0jl1169i60 A 'Oats Sept... 844 33Hf '4 4H MS ; SS Dec... Mte 3714 86S 8t" 81 May... S3iH 60 83?9H!S S3 Vv &.. 21 75 , 21 77H M 47 tl 47H 21 25 Oct.... 2105 ; 21 05 20 85 20 85 20 75 Jan.... U7C 18 75 .18 70 18 7 IS 70 ' BepT.. 12 12H 12 20 12 07H 10 12 02H Oct.... 12 15 11! 15 . 12 05 12 06 12 00 Nov.... 11 05 11 5 M 11 Go 11 53 I Jan.... 10 77U 10 77H W IOCS 10 67H I Ribs Sept... 12 BH It (S 12 67H II B7H 12 47Sfe Oct... 11 87H 11 90 11 77H 11 80 11 70 S. Jan.... 8& S87H ST7H 80 9 T7H No. t- Cash ouotatlons were as follows: FLOUR Steady 1 winter patents, 84.45-9 r 15: straights, ii.W 00; spring straights, 2J 00(55.15; bakers. Sl.tfiG.44. . R V K No. 2. 74H7,!Ho SEEDS Flax, Nixl southwestern. 22 ii; No, 1 northwestern, 22.45. Timothy, t5.G09 6.00. .Clover. 12.25. t PROVISIONS Mee pork, per bbl., S21.75 i 22.00. Lard, per loO lbs , $12.10, Short Hbs, sides (loose), tH.7tVga2.62H; enort clear sides (boxed), S12.254iU.fJ0. . . Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 1-3.0U0 bu. Primary receipts, were 2.140.000 bu., compared wtlh 1.W7.W0 bu. the corresponding day a year ago. The visible sunolv of wheat in the United Statea in- erased tJM.OOO bu. fur the week. The amount of breadstuff on ocean passage de creased 1M.00S bu. h'Htimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, eta rare; corn, 2 cars; oats, cars; hogs, 14.00. bead. Chicago Cash Prices-Wheat: No. 2 red. tcw 41.00; No. S red, rMj9SH; No. I hard. 9V(i 11.01; No. 2 hard. 90t9c; No. 1 northern spring, old, 21.10tQl.21; No. 2 northern spring, $1 07ftl 14; No. 2 spring. )1 0f!Lv7. Corn. No. 2, WV.4iuic; No. s, smoiViC No. I white, ii'hbi; No. I. wltlle. lHc; No. I yellow, ClVo; No. S yellow. OlfltilV.a OATS-No, 2. 22t(3Sc; No. I whlta. 244(9 f.Vjci No. 4 while, M33ae. standard, UJ 4VCrf JiUTTER-Stsady; creameries, S4Hc; dairies, 25427a. KiiOH steady; receipts, 10.7S9 cases; at Vrr,,m. cases included, 14tflJc; firsts, 19c; f rime firsts, tic, , . liJiliWc; young Americas, leffievic; long born. lfV-tfl'We. PtJTATOES Kasy: chotca to fancy, SOS azr; iair to gooa, 1-Ol I.TRY-Ktoady; turkeys, JOc; chick tn, ijcj springs, ihc wheat 405 car; corn, 292 cars; oata, 761 car a t. Lonla General Market. ST. 1rt'IS. Aug M.WHKAT-Future, firm: BeDtemher. Sr4'JVTXc: Docember. 11 ft Cash, steady: track No. t red. c4irSi.02; No. f hard. We'd ti t. CORr-Futrea. firm; September. 61Hc; 1 cenitr. o-io. Laan. steaay; track No. "TK m.. 1 WltA SIvidlL.. i AT Futures, steady; Septcmbar. S2c; IH'uember, 8siOlHc Cash steady track ISO. I. c; r,tx a wnite, ti4j4i4tC. RTF Unchanged. 80c FIXUR Steady; red winter patent. 24 W ftj.40; extra rancy ami straight Hlil4.70; liarJ winter cieare, 94 ms, Sfe.Tr-Timothy, 84.004 10. CUNMliAly-43 a. I'rtOTlSMSBJMrx. unchanged; Jobbing, 812, 24. J Lard, lower; prim ateant, ll.72Vlf ) VeAI-teady; 50 to 60- pound weight a, S Slli: 40 to U-pound weights, 99Hc; 85 to I lin-pbund welghta. lOfrtlOc. V Chicago Receipts Wheat 234 cars; corn. ' ' 179 4sr; ete. 4o car. Estimated tomorrow. 1 !2H- Dry salt meats, lower; boxed extra l.orL $l4: clear ribs. U': short clears. 813.DO. Bacon. teady; lxed extra short, $14.60; cl.iar ribs, $1460; short clear. $l4.;i. UKAN-Lowtr; sacked east track. 9Xc tj$l 00. HAT Timothy. Il00r0l.; pralrls. $13.00 lit. MAif Jl.vtl HC HEMP TWINE Tc. POl LTHV-SU-adj-: chicken, llo: springs, 14c; turkeys, 1S23; ducks, hUe; Scene, bTivc. BUTT t. K Stead v, 2Hc iXiUS Firm, liHc. Recelpts.Shlpments. Flour, bbls. 14.MW a.BHO Wheat, bu. Z'Vi.O'iO lM.fliiO 262,000 W.0W) HO .,000 Corn, bu. ,, uats, du... WEATHER IN TUB URAIX BHLT Cooler Weather Is Predicted for This Vicinity Tuesday. OMAHA, Aug. 22, 1910. Showers occurred' within the last twenty- four hours In the Western Canadian prov inces, along the soutiiera Hocky mountain alope. in the middle Mil.ftlppt and Onto valleys, the uppnr lake region and aouth Atlantla am to. The rains were generally ilKht over the section named, except soma heavy falls occurred at points In Kentucky and southern Illinois. Areas of low pres sure overlie the central valleys and north west, and very warm weather prevailed throughout the central valleys during the last twenty-four hours. An area of high pressure, accompanied by lower tempera tures, la mo vln in over the Pacific slope. and a continued eastward movement ot tnls area of high pressure will cause slightly cooler weather in this vie iiity tonight ana cooler Tuesday, with fair tonight and Tues day. . 1910 I WIS IV'W 1IMI Minimum temperature.... 7 "0 SS f7 Precipitation 09 .01 .0 .00 Normal temperature for today, is ae- uericienctr in precipitation since atarsu v, II. Inches. . Defli'ivncy corresponding period in rent 2.19 inches. . Deficiency corresponding period in 1905. 41 of an Inch. U a. WELSH. Local Forecaster. Corn and Wheat negloov alleln. For Omaha, Neb., foi,"the twenty-four hours ending at t a. m., 75th meridian time, Monday, August 23, U10: OMAIIA DISTRICT. , Temp. Raln Etatlons. Wax. Mln. fall. Bky. Ashland, Neb.... W 71 .00 Clear Auburn. Neb 92 9 .00 Clear Broken Row Neb, W lit .00 Clear Columbus. Neb... 91 79 .00 Foggy Culbertson. Neb..W4 TO .fO CIer Fsirbury, Neb.... 7 87 .0 . Clear f alrmont. Men... 4 . m .' t-iear Gr. Island. Neb.. ! .00 Pt. cloudy JHartlngton. Neb. 91 8 .00 Pt. cloudy Haytlngs, Neb. ..101 Wl .00 pt. ciouuy Holdrege, Neb.. .101 II .00 Pt. Cloudy Oakdale, Neb 87 5 .00 Clenr Omaha, Neb 92 7 .00 Clear Tekamah, Neb... 93 70 .00 Cloudf tAlta, la 91 ,! . .00 Clear. Carroll. Ia 91 8 .00 Clear Claiinda, la 81 71 . Clear Sibley. Ia 91 6 .00 Cloudy Sioux City, la... 90 72 .w ciear INnt Included In average. , Minimum temperature for twerva-hour period ending at 8 a. m. - , DISTRICT AVBRAQE. No. of Temp.- Raln- Dlstrlct Stations. Max. . Mln. fall. Columbus, 0 17 8S 60 .40 Louisville, KT 19 SO .70 Indianapolis. Ind.. 12 88 62 . 60 Chioago, III 88 tS 68 . .40 St Louis, Mo 13 90 6S .70 Des Moines. Ia.... 14 92 R8 .00 Minneapolis. Minn. SO 8S 6i .(0 Kansas, city, MO i ws 11 .uv Omaha, Neb....:.. IS 94 68 .00 Rains occurred within the last twenty four hours In the eastern portion of the corn and wheat region, and were exces sive at points in Kentucky and southern Illinois; Uardstnwn, Ky., had 1 00 Inches, Eubank. Ky., 1.10 Inches; St. John, Ky., 1.20 Inches, and McLeansbnro, III.. 1.80 inches. Very warm weather prevailed throughout the entire region Sunday. L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster, Weather Bureau. HEW YORK GENERAL MARKET ((notations - of the Day oat Varlona I Conamodltlea. 1 NEW" YORK;' 'Aug,- 50. FLOUR quiet, nominally lower; spring patents, S5.G0tiji6.8O; winter straights, S4.40i4.60; winter pateuta, S4.7fU5.10; spring clears, S425i(4.60; winter extras, . No. 1, 3.76(&.8.0;- winter ex tins. No. 2. tlWa.J.50; Kansas straights, H.SWtf 6.10; reoelpts, 2.424 bbls.; shipments. 9.4.-0 bbls. . Ry flour, steady; fair to good, (4.10 (&4.30; choice to rancy, 14.3wff4.40. CORNMEAL Steady: tine whlta and yel low, IL&fatfl.W; coarse, 81.40t-tfi.55; kiln dried. 18.50. WHEAT Spot market, easy: new No. 2 red, 81.06H elevator and 21.06H t. o. b. Al though quiet wheat was generally steady In face of disappointing cables, and a large visible supplly Increase, closing unchanged, to c net higher. (September closed fi.00; December. 81.09. CORN SDOt market wealt: no. 2. 9o elevator, domestic basis. The futures mar ket was without transactions, closing 2c net lower. OATS Snot market weak: new standard white. S9Hc: new No. 2 white, 39Hc; No. S, 89c; No. 4, 880. HAY New. eaaier: prima. si.uvi.w; no. 1, $1.1031.15; No. 2, I1.06&ia0; No. 8, 11.00. HOPS Quiet; state, common to cnoice, 1909, 209220. ' HIlk.S Unlet; central American, ara 21c: Bogota, 21(3220. LEATHER uuiet: nemiocK nrsts. hoot 20c; seconds, 21023c; thirds, lH(tf2uc; r leots. 17fiC19c V :. PKOYlf?ltJiN orir steaay; mess, , ti.ou 025.00; family, xz4.oU;ja.vu; snort cieara. 822.50t24.50. Beef, firm; ma,' 215 0015.50; family. 818 woao.oo: toer nams, vx.wait.w. Cut meats, dull; pickled bellies, W to 14 lba. I15.a&il8 00: pickled hams. fl.V00iai5.5Q. Lard, firm; middle west prime, 112,12,40; refined, firm; continent 212,80; South America. 212.15; compound. SlO.75ail.0O. TALLOW Firm; pilme city, bhds., THc; country. 7'd7Ho. MUTTER Firm: receipts. S.707 tubs: creamery specials. So; extraa, 20c; thirds to nrsts, Z4v4oo; state oairy, common to firsts. 22HWc; process, second to speolal, 12 kli 27c; western factory. 223i'23Hc; Western Imitation creamery, Ifaioc CHKESEe-Mrm and higher; state, whole milk, apeclal, luaiHo; slate whole milk, fancy, l&Hc; state whole milk, prime, il llc: state whole milk, fair to good. t.i MZf. state whole milk, common. 10U 12Ve: skims, full to special, 12H13c. EUOS Firmer; state, Pennsylvania and nearby hennery white, 27M2; state, Penn sylvania anr nearby gathered" nthite, 2f.t(j) 2Kc; stale, Pennsylvania hennery brown, lj 28c; state, Pennsylvania and nearby gath ered brown. KVttJnc; iresn gamerea extra first 2Sifr24Ho: fresh gathered first. 21H0i 2SHc: fresh gathered second, 19H6'20Ho. 1 OLiXlll ureeaea, easy; western corn ers, lie; fowls, 13t?16o; turkeys, 1Mb 22c. Kansas City Grain and Provision. KANSAS CITY. Auar. 12. WHEAT Sep tember, 9fi4o bid; December. 95S'S'l.i84c bid; May, S1.03H, sellers; cash unchanged to H le lower: No. 2 hard. 7cl.oi; Mo, a newitf 9Hc; No. 2 red, 9SkT$l.0O; No. 2, 95!7o. CORN. 67c sellers: 1'ocemner, aoHC. sellers: May. MH4558'4o, sellers; cash un changed to lo lower; No. 2 mixed. 00c; No. S mixed, 59c; No. S whlta, 61o; No. 8. lc OATS T nchanged to le rower; No. 2 white. SfiH&Mc; No. 2 mixed, S3H034HC RYE No, t Baaa HAY Unchanged; choice timothy, $1160 11500; choice prairie. fll.003U.IS. BUTTKIr Creamery, Mod tlreta, SSHo; seconds, 2fHc; packing stock, 21 He ' EGOS Extras, 22c; flrsta, 19Ho; I too rids, lie. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat bu. ....a mooo 84. (ioo Corn, bu. 9.000 Mono Oata, bu. W.000 6,000 Mlnncapolta Ornln Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Aug. 22. WHEAT Sep tember. (1.0844,: (Dooember. 1110; May. 21.14; cuh No. 1 hard, SL11; No. 1 northern, tL094k9L10S; Ku- S northern, SI H3108H. FltX-Cloaed at 83.42. ' CORN No. S yellow. oStfuOo, OATS No. S white, S8V34',l. RYE No. 2, T0f7Jc. ( BRAN In liOO pound sacks, 2l OOfflJOBO. FLOUR First patents. In wood, t o. b. Ml me poll. $5 6066.70; second patent. 86.90 4i6.W: first cieara. S2.K34.W; second claara, 82.0112-90. Grain Market. PEORIA, Aug. tt CORN Lower, No. S Whit. 41 He; No. S white. 41c; No. S yel low, 0c; No. t yellow, C0H; No. S, aoiio; No. 8. Aoo; No. 4. 69 e; no grade. Urso. OATS Firm; No. 1 whlta, S5o; No, S whlta, SSHo; standard. 84c Mllersaka Grnln Maekat. MILWAUKEE. Wla, Aug. H. - FLOUR Pull WHEAT No. 1 northern, 1 13.S1 U; Na, S nortnern. 1 lnll 1J, napteinoer, 99HC. O A T S84 :SHe. BARLEY Saraplej, 4307 le. NEW 0lK STOCKS AND BUNDS Large Amount of Business Done, But Price Trend is Lower. SPECULATIVE LEADERS WEAK Mo Change In Effect of Political Con dition Wall Street Confident of Improved Condition In Kerr York. NEW YORK, Aug. 21 Stocks worked slowly but surely downward today on a very large volume of business, the closing being In must cases the lowest of the day. Weakness was again most conspicuous in me speculative leaders, the Harrlmans, Heading, St. Paul. United Stetee Steel. Northern Pacific Amalgamated Copper and American Pmeiung all declining from 1 to 1 points on very light offerlnga. The political situation, which has been the foremost factor recently, showed no change today. Wall street believes that the present tension In the republican party of this state will be satisfactorily settled be fore long, but Is less satialn at the out come of the nation. London marketa moved today with much of last week'a Irregularity, with weakness In the copper stocks and further distrust of conditions In the raw rubber trade. The day's general news developments were negative for the most part, aside from the unusually large receipts of foodstuffs at Chicago from western points, where the trafflo agents of the leading lines were an ticipating an Increase of general business In the fall. Eaatern roads running from midwest points reported a falling off In tonnage, shipments of flour and grain being considerably lower than In the correspond week last year. Bonds were very heavy. Total sales, par value. tl.15S.000. United States Ss advanced S per cent on call. Number of sales and leading quotations on stocks today were: gale. High. Low. Close. Allti-ChJmra pti AmalcsmatM Copper American ARrwaltural Am. Best Sugar Aai mi can Can American P. n T a 13 n u U.4 5 14 (4 ine 44 44 t INK) S4H U U. 1JSX i H CO 4 47 4T American Cotton Oil. 1U l til 1 Amsrlcan H. A it. pfd IT 1 II Am. lee asountlee American Llnsisd American Locomotlr ... American 8. K Am. 8. R. pfd Am. 8. 4t R. lftl Am. Steel Foundries Am. Btrnu tteflnlng , American T. T American Totnece f4.... American Woolen Anaconda Mining Cb..... Atchison Atchison pfd ....'I Atlantic Ooaet Unt Baltimore A Onto Bethlehem Steel Brooklya Rapid Tr Canadian Psaifle , Central Lsatker Central LsaUiar pfd Central ot New Jersey. .. Chesapeake A Ohio Chicago A Alton Chicago a. W., new Chicago O. W. pfd Chicago A It. W C, M. A Bt. P C, 0 C. A at. k Colorado F. A I Colorado - A Southern.. . . Consolidated Gas Corn Products Dslawar A Kadson 0 U H 1.104 H U 14 14.S0O t 4'4 47 vnvi in.1 (DO 41 44 444 tM 11 11 00 134 1MH 1S4H l' ti i ntvt u 704 40 M4 lt t.sno too t s 100 l'i 110 S 00 lit 111 110 i.suu iiHW ioi lva I T7 78 US 1,000 lMVa 1MH 1,100 it n 104 tu( S.400 74 71 78 Ml 100 24 14 834 4H4 "0 144 14 141 4,t00 121 lt 120Vi 1W 74 74 71 1,000 21 10 iH M 1,500 1 29 128 1 108 lilt 13 11 144 Dnnr A Rio Orsoos 800 II 80 80 70 t. A R. O. pfd 100 72 70 Winners' aacurlUsa ...... S00 17 174 Brl , ., , L00 2Ma K 16 BrlS lit Dftl 41 44 41 1 A 43 Erie Id fto..i.i 100 . . ' - a: Mi 11 General Rlectrte ., 100 144 144 141 Oreat Northern pfd Ot. Northern Or etrs... Illinois Central , l,6"0 1 12J 1X1 400 84 44 64 129 lnterboroagh Mt Int. Met pfd .- i,00 1.100 ft 100 800 800 18 17 17 4B 48 47 97 84. International Harvester . Int. Marin pfd International Paper International Pump Iowa Central Kansas City So u. I 16 1. 1 i 10 lH nst SB4 -J 14 100 2 t 18 k. c bo. pta l Laclsd Gas 800 101 101 101 Louisville A N Minn. A Bt. L euu 142 iu iu , 13 M.. Bt. ft A S. 8. M.... 800 li 12 ' 187 . '1.4U0 88 1 81 81 . 100 48 ' i61 M., K. A T.....1 M.. K. A T. pfd.... MkMourt Paclflo ,. . S.0UV 64 . 01 4 BI National Biscuit 200 101 lo loA Nat tonal Lead N. R. R. ot M. Xd pfd.. New York Central . . 100 8S 17 17 . 8.400 118 111 111 N. T., O. A W ,. UD 40w 40 40 Norfolk A Western Nortk Americas ......... tOO 7 M M 48 Northern Paclflo Paclflo Mall Pennsylvania .. 7,100 11 114 114 .'iiioo i ii 128 People's Gas , 106 P., a., Ota u Pittsburg Coal S4V4 800 600 17 16 17 Premed steel Car Pullman Palace Car Railway Steal Sprint.... 15 84 se 16 88 81 86 100 Heading Republic Steal Republic Steal pfd .128.9O0 144 141 141 aw 11 11 11 W Rock Island Co 10,400 88 Rock Island do. pfd 100 St. U A S. P. 2d pfd Mo 40 4C 10 I 40 a sb W,,, ee 24 Bt! u s! w.'"p7d'".'..'."".'.' '"ini 'm' m 8losa-Shrfle4d S. A I...... 100 47 61 65 Southern .Paclflo 19,100 115 111 111 Southern Railway 400 83 11 21 So. Railway pfd 400 64 64 64 Tennanee Copper 14 Texas A Paclflo 24 T., St U A W 21 T., 84.-. L. A W. pfd..v... 806 44 4 48 Union Paclfl 78.400 1W 14 lt IKilon Paclflo pfd too 41 91 81 V. B. Realty 400 72 71 11 V. S. Rubber 100 84 14 13 U. B, Steal. 101.400 11 9 4 V. A Steal pfi 100 111 114 116 Utah copear t8o 46 46 Va.-Ckrollna Ckemlcal .... 8,000 67 67 64 Wheeling A L 8t 6 Wsbaah 404 14 17 17 Wabash pfd 2.100 18 ! M Western Maryland 100 44 44 48 Westlnghout Electric 68 Western Union 100 41 41 41 Total sales for the day, 480,400 share. ' Now York Money Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 22.-MONEY On call, easy; 1W1H por cent; ruling rate 1H per cent cloalng bid, 14 per cent; offered at 1H per cent Time loaas, dull and steady; sixty days, Ti'aQ per cent; ninety days, SHiQ'814 per cent, six months, 414, per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER 6HB per cent STiSKLjiNtji t;A.UHAauio Bteaav. wntn actual business In baukers' bill at $4,S4u4 4.8410 for sixty-day bills and at 84.8070 for demand. Commercial bills, 84.83HtV4.WH. biL.VKit tiar, o2c; juexioan aouars, etc. BONDS Government firm; railroad. heavy. Closing quotations on Ponds today war aa follows: U. a, red. ta, rag.... lot tnt Met. 4. 74 do eoapen ....104 'Japan 4a as U. g. ts re 101 do 4s 44 do coupon 101 K. C. Bo. 1st 8s T2 V. S. 4a. rag. 114 U S. deb. 4a 1431... 43 4 coupon 114 U A N. unl. 4a 84 Allls-ChaL 1st 8a... 74 M. K. A T. 1st 4s.. 97 Am. Ag. 6s 101 do gen. 4s 84 Am. T. A T. ev. 4a. .100 Mo. Paclf'c 4a 14 Am. Tobacco 4a 1 N. K. X. of M. 4s. 44 d 4a 10 N. T. C. g. 8s 18 Armour A Co. 4s. 40 do deb. 4e N AtchHwa sen. 4a 44 N. T N. M. A H. do ev. 4s. 107 ev. ts 181 do sr. 6s 101 ex. W. 1st a 4s.. 67 At C 1 1st 4..... 83 do ST. 4s .t4 Bal. A Ohio 4 t No. Paclflo 4s 1 do isai . 41 do la 11 .48 O. B. L. rfdg. 4s.... 42 . 41 Penn. cv. 8s 1915.. 45 .1Q4 de eon. 4 101 . 44 Reading gen. 4s M .181 It. U 4 t F. fa 4s 80 d A W. 8.., Brk. Tr. cv. 4.... On. at fla. 8s... On. Leather 6a... C. ot K. J. a Che. A Ohio 4.. 100 do geo. t 60 do rer. 6s 41 8H. L. S. W. . 4a... Tl Chicago A A 8s.. 44 eao m gold s 14 C. B. A Q. J. 4s.... geaboard A L. it... 40 do gen, 4a 7 e'flo. Pa, sal. 4.... 40 a kl. A S.P. g 8 41 do cv. .4 44 C It I. A P. a 4. Tl do 1st ret 4 88 do rfg. 4 So. RJlwy 8s 104 Colo. Ind. ts 14 ds ae. 4a, 74 Colo. Mid, 4. TJnien Padfis im... ,.lno t:. S. r. Aa. 4 84 do ev. s 104 D. A H. er. es. pr 1st A ret. 4.... 46 D. 8t eV 84 V. 8. Rukber 4s 102 d rW. as 41 V. A Steal at 4a....lu6 ristlllsra I 44 Va-43atw. Qieen. ts. t Bile g 1. 4s. 11 ew abash 1st 8 107 So gen. 4a. Tl to 1st A ex. 4.... So cv 4a sir. A... 44 Western Hd. 4s 1SV4 d eerrlM u 41 West. Die, ev. av. r Oso. BHss. rv. ts....us wis. aul 4 n IU. Ceo. 1st ret es.. 8 M. Pas. v. as..... 8 But uftre. Haw Yatrk Mlalnaj Stock. NEW YORK. Aug. H. Closing quotations on mining stocks were: Alice 18 n4rlll Csn. awauswlck Osa. T Uul CVlet .. Com. Tuaaei steek . . 84 Mealeaa do bonds 11 Ontario Con. Cal. A Va 14 Oeklr Bom Sliver 44 Standard Bran Silver 84 Yellow Jacket , Utfsswd. , S . 8 ,.14 ,. 0 .148 .104 ,. 44 London Gold Market Steady. LONDON. Aug. 22 There was no Amert can demand for gold on Wi open market today. Out of the S2.40001O of gold avail. able. Oat-many took 81. OKI, 00 destine, for Russia, India and. th mnr requirement for the continent swallowed on the rest. Tn price 1 unchanged at 11 9d. London Closing; gtoeka. LONDON. Aug. 22. American securities opened steady and a fraction hlsh.T to day. Later the trading was light, and pric4-s moved Irregularly. At noon the market waa steady, with values ranring from o above to Ho below Saturday's New York closing. Closing quotations on slocks were: Onuols. mens? .. n 15-14 1 cnhrill A N 147 do account 41 M , K. A T 14 A mil. Copper 47 N. T. central 114 Anaconda "H Norfolk A W loo Atchlaon ! do pfd J do Did ! Ontario A W 41 Pel. A Ohio l7 Penntrlvanla f Canadian Pacific 117 Hand Mines 8 Cnea. A Ohio 71 Reatllng 74 Chicago Ot. W 15 , So. Railway 84 C.. M. A Bt. P 12J . do pfd M Ie Keen 17 So. raclflc 117W iMnver A R. 0 12 t'n'on Pacific 171 do pfd do pfd .., MH Erie " V. 8. Steal 12 do lt pM 4S do pfd ,...v 119 do M pM..... 16 Wacaah 18 Orand Trunk l do pfd lt Illinois Central lit Spanlali 4a kl SILVBlt Har. steady at ziia per ounca MONEY-1HI8114 Pr cent The rata of discount In the open market for short hills Is 2 per cent; or three months' bills, 27. per cent. Local Stt-cnrltlea. Quotations furnished by Samuel Rums. Jr., 632 Omaha National bank building: 1110. ABKea. Beatrice Creamery Co 88 8 City Net. Bank Blilg. 4s, 8 s Crab Orchard, Neb.. 61 ' 100 100 41 Detroit ttdlaon Co 80 Houston Water 0. 4s, 1444 lo Iowa Portland Cement let Ml. 4s.... It 1"0 loo 100 48 ioo 44 84 84 7 4 17 107 7 101 W 45 14 Kansas O. A B. I per cent pfd Kanaas City R. A L. 6s. 1411 44 Michigan S'at Tel. 6s. 1414 44 Nebraaka Tel. Stork 4 per rent 100 N. T. Central Urn 4e. 118 100 ' Omaha Water Co. (a. 1444 4S Omaha Gas. 1417 l Omaha A C. B. . It. pfd, I per cant 48 Omaha A C. TJ. R. R. St. 19 -4 Paclflo T. A T. 6s. 1887 94 e io w Pennylvanta Equip. 4i, 1911 Seattle, City of. 6a, 1184 Volon Stock Yards, So. Omebs. Rocky Mountain rSiel Wahaah Kqulp. 4 Ha. 1111 United Rr. pfd. St. Lioul. . . .... 44 United Ry. com.. Bt. Louis 14 Qennan-Americen Coffe 18 Boston Closing; Stock. BOSTON, Aug. 22. Closing Quotations on stocks were as follows: Allowei 84 Mohawk Amal. Copper 64 Nevada Con. ... A. Z. L. A 8 84 NlpWng Mine Arliona Com 16 North Butt .... . 48 . 80 . l' . 18 . 10 . 87 Atlsntlo 4 North Lake .... B. A C. C. A 8. M.. 11 Old Dominion .. Butte Coalition 18 tneeola .131 Cal. A Arliona.. Cel. A Heel Centennial . 61 Parratt & A C 11 ..6TiO Oulncr .. 74 17 srannon 66 Superior T Superior A B. M. . 10 Superior A P. O.. 4 Tamarack 84 V. S. C. A O 1 U. 8. S. R. A M. 17 do pfd 4 t'tak Cton 17 Wlfona .1 10 .. 46, .. 8 .. 11 .. 67 .. 85 .. 18 .. 41 .. ;t .. 8 ..127 Copper Range C. C Kast Butt C. M... Franklin , Giroux Con Granby Con Green Cananea .. Iale Royal Copper Kerr Lak Lake Copper La 8alle Copper.... 10 Wolverln Miami Copper 14 Asked. New York Cars Market. The following quotations are furnished by Logan It Bryan, members New York Stock Exchange, 815 South Sixteenth street Omaha. Ray State Oaa.... Butt Coalition .. Csctua Chlno Chief Con. Fraction Davis-Daly KIT Central Kir Consolidated . Frarklln Olroux Gcldfleld Con. ... Onldfleld Florence Goldfleld Dalay .. Greens Cananea .. Inspiration 81 Larose 4 II Nevada Con 20 1 New bouse 72 14 Ohio Copper 1 1 Rawhide Coalition.. 14 60 Rar Central 8 1 Swift Pkg. CB 108 18 Seare-Roebuck Co. ..H6 to Silver Pick 10 11 Sliver King Coal,n...al 7 Superior A P.. 13 8 8 10 8 Tonopah Mining 1 Trinity Copper . . 4 North Lak 7 Bohemia 8 Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON. Aug. 22. The condition ot the treasury at the beginning of busi ness today was aa follows: Trust Funds Gold coin, 2890,10,669; silver dollars, 2488,415,000; silver . dollars of lf".. 83,600,000; silver certificates outstanding, 8481.415,000. General Fund Standard silver dollars in general fund, 868,128,827; current liabilities, 898,702,674; working balanaeviri treasuryof flces, 828,829,117; In banks toVredlt of treas urer of the United States, 83ga03; subsidiary silver coin, $20,647,927; minorVoln. 21.021,636; total balance In general fund. 888,829,467. Bank Clearing;. OMAHA, August 22. Bank clearings for today were 82.G06.023.16 and for the corr. spending date last year 22,641,910.48. OMAHA GKKERAL MARKET. Staple and Fancy Produce Prices Fur nished by Bayer and Wholesaler. BUTTER Creamery, No. 1, delivered to the retail trade In 1-lb. cartona, 22c; No. L In 90-lb. tuba, 81c; No. 2. In 1-lb. carton, 29c; No. 2, In 60-lb, tubs, 26 He; packing stock, solid pack, 21c; dairy, in 40-lb. tubs, t34i 24e. Market changes every Tuesday. CHEESE Twin. 17Hc; young Americas, 19c; daisy, lc; triplets, ISc; llmborger, 18o; No. 1 brick, 17c; Imported Swiss, 20c; do mestic Swlaa, 24c; block Swiss, 22c POULTRY Dressed broilers under 1 lba, 17c: over 2 lbs.. 20c: hens, 16c: cocks. 9o: ducks, 18c; geese, 16c; turkeys, 26c; pigeons. per oo., si.a; nomer squabs, per dos., 84 w; fancy suuab, per dos.. 8I.W; No. 1. per doa. 82.00. Alive: Broilers, 140i,,ver t lba. llo: hens, lie; oia roosters, eo;- oia aucks, full turkeys, 19c; guinea fowls, tOo each; pigeons, per dos., 60c; homers, per dog., $8.08; squabs. No. 1, per dux., 21.50; No. 2, per dos., 60c. FISH tall froxeni Pickerel, 12c: whlte- ftsh, 17c; pike, 15c; trout, 15c; targe crap pies, 20c; Spanish mackerel, 18c;. eel, lHo; haddock, 13c; flounders, 13c; green catfish, UK buffalo. 8c: halibut 9c: whlta 9c; bullhead, 15c; ros shad. 81.00 aaoh; shad roe, per pui, aw, arusj ieg, par aoa, 80c; salmon, 15c. BEEF wuia-moi: ISO. t iSc: XV 2. Ho: No. S. 18H0, Loins: No. L loc; No. 2 14?; No. t, HHc Chuck: No, L 7c:' No? t nu.f Na. 8. 6c. Round: No. 1. o- K Rc; NO. a -taiw. rtv. a. ero; o. 8, 44c; FRUITS-Orangea: California Valencia. all sizes, per box, SS.00ifr6.2f; Mediteraanean Sweets, 288 sise, M w; size, 2.ao. Lemons: Limonlera. extra fancy.. 300 size, nar ln $7.50; 360 alze, per bog, 88.00; choice, ) siae, per dox, hmu. oi size, per box. 27.60: iw aia. ier uui, ei.w. xsaiianaa; jt-ncy select, per bunch, 82.2502.60; jumbo, bunch, I176G4..6. Cantaloupes: Colorado Rocky Fords, 54 alxe, 83. 25; 45 standards, S3. 00. Plums: California, red, per four-basket crate, ai.oo. Italian Blue rrunes: Per orate. i tovi.oo. reacnes: cauiornia, per KO-lb. W, VVIVIBUV .Wl J fl ttr-lff. box. 81. lot 1.26. Pears: California Bartlett. per box, 83.00; In lots, per box, $1.85; Oregon and Utah Flemish Beauties, per bog, 8150; in lota, per box, $2.40. Apples: Home grown, kn bbls., $4.004f4.60; rtew Oregon, in boxes, $1.78. Grapes: California Malagas, per four-basket crate, $1.50. Watermelons: Texas. lHo per lb. Dates: Anchor brand. now, 80-lb. pkgs. in box, per box, $2.00. viouwrABLticis New potatoes, in sacks. per du., i.two'i.io. sweet potatoes: Vl r glnla, per bbl., KOo. Onions: Yellow, In sacks, per lb., 4c; Iowa, email, per lb., SHc; Spanish, per crate. 81.60, Garlic, Extra fancy, white, per lb., 15c; red, per lb, l&e. Egg Plant: Fancy Florida, per dox., ll.fXKtf i.uv. ceiery: Micnigan, per uosen punches, $6c. HOME GROWN VEGETABLES Cab bage: New, per lb., 2c. Tomatoes: Per basket utfv0o. string and Wax Beans: Per market basket 76o. Cucumbers: Per market basket 60376c. Radishes: Extra tancy nome-grown, per aosen bunches, 20o. Lettuce: Extra fancy leaf, par dosen. 46c. pareieyi rancy home-grown, per dozen bunahes. 80c. Turnips: Par market baaket vc tjarroi: fer mar act oaeaet, boo. sieets Per market basket 40o. MISCELLANEOUS Walnuta: Black, per id., sc; uaiiiomia no. i, per id., no; can. fornla No. 2, par lb., 14c. HickorynuU: Large, per lb., 4o: small, per lb.. Sc. Cocoa nut: Par sack, $5.00; par doaen, tSo. Honey: insw, M nam, (4.00. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 22 ME7TAIt-Stand. ard copper, easy; pot, August, September, isciour ana ittovRmntr, is.va'i-ej. LiOnaoo, steady: spot 66 16a: future, 68 11 .! Arrivals r ported at New York today, S.2U) ton; custom hous raturna show axporta of sv.sTf ton so rar tnia monyi. Lam copper, ii.9aiJ.uu; electrolytic, suszhvuis; cast Ins. 812 2cVal2.60. Tin. strong, but aulet spot S32.97H&34 27H; August and Saptaraber, ti4.00tiW4.S7H: October. 881761734 26: Novem ber, 8J3.7Wii84.80; IteocmlK. 63.70i3.la, Ixhv- oon. strong; anot. al6 lta: niturea. 158. Lad. ieady, H 400 4. 60 New York, $4 27V4 4.80, 'East St Loula. London, a pot, 11 s d. SoaHer. ateady. S6.S&43A.40. New York 86.16taA.80. East tat Louis. London spot, 22 17 d. iron. Cleveisnd wwrraMs. oo tn ton. don. Locally Iron was quiet No. I foundry northern. 814.Vti&16.t: No. 8. SU.6091AOO: No. 1 southern and No. 1 southern Butt 116. 76 laa. Isgar Markt. NEW YORK. Aug. 22 -8TJOAR Raw firm; Musoovado, S9 tst 8 96c; oantritugal Refined, teady; cruahao, t. sec; granulated js.jio; powdered, S.SCo. OMAHA LIV SrOGtv MARKET Very Heavy Kan of Cattle from the Ranfje. HOGS SCORE A VERY GOOD GAIN Fat Sheep Steady to a Trifle Lower, While Feeding; Sheep and I.amba Are Ten to Fifteen Lower Than Last Week. SOUTH OMAHA, Aug. 21, 1910. Receipts were: Cattle, lings. Sheep. Estimate Monday 10.719 8,44o S3,hf5 Santo dny last week H..''.4 2.it8 11.K18 Same days 2 weeks ago.. 8,!7 2.2"4 24. 13 same day s weeks ago... l.i.so 4,i.n I4.i Same day 4 weeks ago... 9.61 4.80 16.4N0 Same day last year i.TZi 2.4ZS 1H.1M Ttia following table shows the receipts ot cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date a comtxired with laat year: lmo. 1909. Inc. Dec. Cattle fi.TS.,Kl4 fjt'.K.XItl 71.298 Hogs l.;ftt!.t..2i 1,C4.1,;n3 243,r2 Sneep l.OU.ltKi 8o.679 li 0,21 The following table shows the average prices of hogs at South Omaha for the laat several days, with comparisons: Dates. Aug. 12... 1910. ir.-oo.iijos. 7 94 7 421 6 41 1907. 6 si; im. 11905. 11904. i 94 4 M i 92 4 94 D 84 6 96 I 63, 6 90 I 01 8 (! 6 c2l 6 02 I 9l 6 Wt 4 94 ! 9si 6 M i 4 99 I S 89 1 6 10 6 03, , 6 12 5 96 5 84 5 91 6 64 I 03 Aug. 18.. 8 04 7 47 4 22 6 83i Aug. 14.. ICI I 1. i U Aug. 15.. Aug. 16.., S 1AH 8 80 6 72 8 7b 8 23H 8 SOS, s w 6 2.1 8 27 7 C4l Aug. 17... 7 67 44! 7 721 6 41, 6 74 Aug. 18.. Aug. 19... 7 64 16 SI 5 701 6 t-2 5 bv Aug. 20... Aug. 21.. 7 531 6 87 7 471 6 !N Aug. 22.. 8KM41 I 6 32 1 6 5o, Sunday. Receipt and disposition of live stock at the Union Slock lards, South Omaha, fur twenty-four hours ending at 8 p. in. yea teruay : ItECEIPTS-CARLOTS. Cattie.aogs. Sheep. H r s C. M. & St. P.. 8 W a bush Missuuii Paclflo 60 C. & N. W., east 1 C. ct N. W., wel 162 C. St. P. M. A 0 1 C. it. ait Q , east 1 C. B. Ai y., west 175 C, R. I. P., east 4 C. K. 1. P., west C. O. W 1 1 8 9 15 s 12 2 2 2 68 80 85 Ttal receipts .898 126 DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 754 621 l,lo9 bwlft Hi Company Ll&O 8ua 1,415 Cuaahy Packing Co l.Ssl 81$ 2,!t.l Armour & Co 91s Luis ,UNi Schwarts ft Co 118 Cudahy from St Paul 897 Murphy 194 W. B. Vasant Co 42 Benton, Vansant & Lush 8u6 Stephens Bros 812 Hill & Son F. B. Lewis 72 Huston & Company 65 J. B. Root & Co 158 J. H. Bulla 156 L; F. Husx 125 L. Wolf M6 McCreary & Cory 404 S. Werthelmer 626 II. F. Hamilton 17 Sullivan Bros 101 . Lchmer Bros 22 Lee Rothschild 338 Sol Kgan 35 Christy & Kline 16 Mo. Kan. Calf Co 157 Other buyers 1,127 10,560 Totals 8.722 2,970 18,989 CATTLE Receipt ot cattle this morning were very large. In fact, the largest ot any day since November 8 of last year. As murht ba Interred the blr bulk of Uie ar rlmls camo from the western range, and wetllo there waa a sprinkling of natives and ornfeds there were not enough cattle of act description to cut much figure In the trude. WKh such large receipts and with a good deal of sorting and shaping up to be done It was necessarily late in the fore noon before sellers were in shape to show their cattle and before the trad could get well under way. in spite ot the large receipts tnere was a splendid demand for desirable beef steers. both cornfeds and western, and the general market could solely be quoted anywhere from strong to. i&10o higher .than laat week. Good cornfeds sold as high an 87.90, with range grassera as high as 80.&O. As a matter of course Inferior grades did not show so much improvement, but the mar ket as a wboie was in a very satisfactory condition. Cows and heifers, at least the desirable kinds, commanded fully steady, and In some cases, possibly strong prices. The market was reasonably active, the most of the offerings changing hands in good 'eo. son. Good feeders were also strong, and In asimA ettAa tutuithlu UttiAn M.h.. inn last week. The market was In active ad vance. and the bulk of the desirable kinds sold in good season, and stocltors and th lees desirable kinds ot feeder commanded about steady prices. Quotations on native cattle: Good to choice beef steers, I7.007.76; fair to good beef ateer, 8o.l027.0o; common to fair beef steers. M.vwBb.iu gooa to cnoice cows ana heifers, $2.5O8.50; good to choice stock ers and feeders. 84.60u6.C5: fair to good atock- ers and feeders, $3.60(4.60; common to fair stockers end feeders, $3.001913.60; stock heifers, $2.85(34.00; veal calves, S3.00(fjX.25; Duns, stags, etc. w zofl s.ou. Quotations on range cattle: Choice to prime beeves. t6.0Tkti.75; good to choice beeves, $5.40(56.00; fair to good beeves, $4.80 &16.80; common to fair beeves. 83.7&tp4.50: good to choice heifers. $4.2MiS.00: good to oholce cows, 84.ouia4.bO; fair to good grades, 8l.80di3.oa: csnners ana cutters. 22.2,ft3.2b: good to choice feeders, $4.60tr5.60; fair to gooa reeners, 4.5j)4.7b; common to fair feeders, S.1.2W4.0V. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. Na.' A. Pr. No. A. Pr. 84 879 6 60 61 1161 t 86 COWS. 8 79 8 76 16 .918 8 88 . 440 8 70 . 864 8 78 . 404 8 80 .1616 100 8 850 I 40 I 8 176 8 84 18.. 8 8(1 8 18 il 4 404 8 40 1 8 10J4 I 66 HEIFERS. 8 610 8 26 4 8 4T8 8 40 4 BUL1.& 2 876 8 25 2 8 1140 8 43 , 61 8 68 89 8 88 ...1248 I T6 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. T 736 8 75 7 1(71 4 60 14 441 4 00 ' T 817 4 40 17 u, 746 4 00 - tl 9..1 4 48 10 455 4 60 81 1030 i 84 WESTERNS COLORADO. 20 feeders.. 978 4 80 79 feeders.. 97 4 10 S feeders.. 979 4 00 O. W. Kendrlcka-S. D, steers.. ..1325 8 25 26 feeders.. 1140 SCO t steers.. ..1276 4 75 1 steer 1275 4 76 1 steer 1200 4 75 1 steer. 1100 4 76 1 heifer. ...1120 4 75 1 steer 1430 S 60 SOUTH DAKOTA. 2 feeders.. 1223 4 85 2 feeders.. 1143 4 K 1 feeders.. 1265 6 60 S heifers... W J(6 2 heifers... 660 2 65 22 feeders.. 868 4 00 20 feeders.. 1048 4 70 2 oow a 1110 4 C6 7 feeders. . 9fi0 4 85 2 hei.'-ra... 910 2 66 21 feeders. .1017 490 i 00 t cows 663 WESTERNS NEBRASKA. 14 feeders.. 1032 4 70 10 calves... 633 3 25 10 calves... 228 8 75 6 steers.... 9u0 2 90 $ steers.... 490 2 76 t heifers... 620 3 76 18 feeders., 10SG 4 TO 2 steers.... 790 3 ( calves.. 880 3 76 e87 3 60 474 3 00 877 2 (0 K steers... 3 steers... oows.... E. O. Swallan S. D. 10 feeders.. 1294 t 65 88 feeder. .1239 4 80 U feeders.. 1186 4 90 NEBRASKA. 1 cows 1050 3 60 18 cows 749 TO 17 cows 911 3 64 $ cows 090 S 10 20 oows 976 3 90 11 oaiv... 247 I 26 64 calves... 248 6 60 t cows lieO 4 10 heifer... 441 $ 10 U feeders.. 741 4 00 4 cow T85 $ 16 U feeder. .1047 4 74 21 feeder.. 1017 4 80 34 cows 1038 4 00 C calves... 226 2 50 15 cows 941 3 73 4 oows 6o0 8 90 19 feeders.. 7tf 4 06 20 ts. A hs. 925 3 75 1 bull 1560 $ 60 U heifers... 749 3 4 $ calves... 333 I 00 2r feeders.. Wt 4 60 5 calves... 824 4 00 13 heifer... 649 I ' HtKio volume or hog receipt and vol ume of detrand war well matched this morning ths former wss light and th lat ter limited. It waa an aotlv trad while it lasted, however, and th bulk of offering moved Id very good season at lO&lio ad vance. AH classes ot buy purchased sparingly and aeparats drove war small, ahlpver taking about 600 head. Eight Or ten load that cam In 1st found a spent market Most of th regular buyers had retired and th ones ramalnlns n er indifferent Any kind or a bid was hard to get and actual als carried much lower r.4rura than thos that prevailed early. In a general way all ot tn morn ing's advance was lost, priors closing a Saturday's notches. Heavy bog of good quality sold at $8.40 and batter, with rougn and extreme he vie at th low flrura. flood mixed of medium weight mowed around 66.6011 66 and lights brought th high price. Selected lights reached $8.90, th highest point reached alnre the second ireek In July and 10c Ne. A. h. Pr. No. A. 8h. fr. 11 m 40 8 M 41 1-4 44 I 44 U 20 80 I 15 i t- ... I 40 17 im 40 I 40 67 14 ... I 40 tn PI ... I 40 41 1?4 ... 8 M J !! ... 1 40 4 T ... 8 8ft 64 sol 1 8 41 I I 40 8 M M to 14 6 40 70 8M 189 I 40 II rl ... 1 40 4 1 ... 8 84 114 80 I 44 70 84 40 I 16 (tt r.O 10 4 44 44 8 4 800 I 4u 0 174 110 8 46 70 174 ... I 80 64 Ill 80 6 41 a 8M ... 6 n K I4 ... S 45 M 147 ... 6 40 1 ISO 119 I 41 41) 95 140 8 40 1 871 130 6 48 47 til 40 i 46 tl 27 10 4 48 46 154 40 I 46 41 7 944 8 44 46 lei ... 6 46 3 rt 4 a 40 J'.l 180 6 46 17 81 ... Hi 44 Ill 80 I 46 II t6 40 I 45 41 r" ... I TO 48 r 1W I 46 44 r"-0 80 I 78 61 W0 ... 6 41 81. ...... .Pt ... 4 76 I) ISO ... I 45 I J-4 ... 6 76 45 8S6 80 I M t8 in 40 I 40 M. J0 180 4 60 II W 40 6 0 I 34 ... 8 M 71 r ... I 67 t.tJ ... 6 6 44 1J1 ... 144 BHFK1' Sheen and lamb trade weakened his morning under the heaviest single run recorded thus far this year. Over 80.00 head were received. Ltractlonlly nil of them coming from western ranges. Fully halt of the total offerings arrived in feeder flesh, so that the market waa slow In get ting started owing to the necessity of sort ing. Feeder outlet was broad, however, ana while buyers mad the most Of tholr ad vantage, decline no greater than lOUlJve were forced, the bulk or half-fat siook oing to the country at iresa reductions. nibs with a killing: end sold straight at 6.86, Indicating best price quotable. An other string went at $.lo, same kind sell ing around 86.13 at last weog s Close, r eeaer sheep shared In the decline noted, but fat sorts were generally sold separate, due to relatively small percentage of thlB ClaiB of tOCK. Trade In fat atock was quiet from the fart, prices ranging from Steady to 16c lower. Lamha claimed the big end of the drop, with small bundles of Selected rat h4ep at figures no worse tnnn rienay to a little Inaar g1.. aallisM reached 84.40 and 84-pounJ yearlings went to a killer at $6.10. Nothing toppy waa soia esriy in un.wsi of lambs. . Cluotntions on arsis shack! tjoon to choice lnmhs. 8fi.40M6.6T: fair to good lambs. $.lMr.40: feed lsmbs. 66.0O-dil35; handy weight yearlings. 85.ooti5.3fi; heavy vea Hugs. H.8OSfi.0O; feeder yearlings. SS.OOtfr ; good to choice wethers, $4.10trt 4.40; fair to ennd wethers, ta.76te4.10: feeding wethers. $8.8rM.t5; breeding ewes. $4'4.78; feeding ewes, $3.30413.60; fat ewes, 83.75&4.15. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. MARKET Hoars Higher Cattle Strongr Sheep Firm at Weak Prices. CHICAGO. An. 22 CATTLE Receipts. 5K000 had: market strong: beeves, $4 .SO 8.50: Texas steers, $S.T5f8.$6; western steers, $4-00(87.00; stockers and feeders, $4107(6.20; cows and hellers, jz.otKBo.w; caives,. to.owiy 8.75. . HOGS Receipts, 27,000 head; market, wo higher; light, $R.66fi9.15; mixed, $8,159.00; haavv 87 fifvfiR 71",! rnti ah. 17. KSt 05: good to choice, heavy, $H0T4f8.75; pigs, $8.70(8.15; bulk of salre, $8.30jl8.nO. . SHEEP AND LAMMS Receipts. m,wv head: market weak: natives, $!orl4.0 westerns. S2.754T4.70; yearlings, M-60ff.io.60: lambs, native, $4.76iii.85; westerns, $4.75'i $.85. . Kanaaa Cltr Lies Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Aug. 22. CATTLE Re ceipts, 19,000 head, including S.0U0 routliarns; market steady to lo nigiier; caivos, oo higher; dressed beet and eport steers, $.508.26; fair to good. $5.00a'U.; western Steers, 84.75!ff7.so; StOCKern ana reeoera, j j. C6-25; southern steers, $2.5095.10: southern cows. $2. 734. 25: native cows. $1 654.50; na tive heifers, $3.eoiwi.7.; duiis, ai.twao.io; calves, J.75tf'.00. HUtlrt-neceipts, neati; mimri jqc to 2tc higher; bulk of sales, 8S.ouigP3.ro; heavy, $8.0Oft8.$S; packers and butchers, $8.f0f(9.06; light $8.9059 05. SHEEP AND LAMBS -Reonlpts, 6.003 head; market strong to 10c higher; lambs, $6.00r)7.00; yearlings, $5.0uQ.7; wethers, $4.00 ff4.fj6; ewes, J3.7534.25; Blockers and feed ers, $3 0034.&0. St. Lonls Live Stack Market. St. LOUIS. Aug. 22. CATTLF Receipts. 11.800 head, including 4.300 Texana; inarkot, steady to strong; native shipping and x Dort steers. $7.60frR30: dressed beef and butcher steers, n.WiH.o; steers unaer i.trju nnunds. So.75fi7.20: stockers and feeders laKrfMfifli cows and heifers. 28.50(277.00: can- ners, 82.7643'3.&o; caives, jo.kovix.w; lexa ana Indian steers, 84.254.t0; oows And halters, ee tr;.jz Ail - HOGS Ueceints, o.ouu; mnrKei, joj to sic hisher: nigs and lights. $S.25fi9.2n: packers, $ar08.90; fcutchers and best heavy, $8.75 9.1B. 1 SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 2.500 head; market steady; native muttons. $4-00 64.25: lambs, $5.&036i5; culls and ducks, SS.00(S4.S0; stockers. 22.KWJ17.V St. Joseph Lira Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Aug. 22. CATTLE R- celnts. 2.300 head: market steady; steers, $4. 60(707. 50; cows and heifers, $2.604.00; calves. X3.Uttf7.7b. itricift Recelnts 2 000 head', market lOtlMa hlglier; top, h.io; bulk pr sales, o.outijo.u. 6HKIEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 6,000 head; market weak; lambs, 84.606.65. took la Sight. Receipts of live stock at the five prin cipal western markets yesterday Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha St Joseph Kansas City Bt. Louis Chicago Totals ..CJ.800 41.400 68,700 Cotton Markst, NEW YORK, Aug. 22. COTTON Spot closed quiet; middling uplands, 16.40c; mid dling gulf, 16.65c; aalea, 21.844 bales. Fu ture closed steady; olostng bid. August 16.39c; September, 14.28c; October, 13.67c; No vember, 12.47c; December, 18.47c; January, 18.4c; February, 13.46c; March, 18.49c; May, 11 Ntc : June. 13.50c: July. 18.61c ST. LOUIS, Mo., Aug. 22. COTTON quiet; middling, 16 He: sales, none: receipts, none; shipments, 1.184 bales; stock, l.OuH bales. Liverpool Grata and ProvUlon. LIVERPOOL, Aug. 22,-WHEAT-Rpot, dull; No. S red western winter, no stock; futures, quiet; October, 7s (Hd; December, 7s Hd: March. Ts 6Hd. CORN Spot firm; old American mixed, s; futures, quiet; Beptemper, is una; uc tober, is 9ia. PEAS Canadian, steady at 7s. FLOUR Winter patents. leady, at 30a. Ilolotk Grain Market. DTJLTJTH, Aug. 22. W HEAT September, 81.11H; December, $1.11; No. 1 northern I1.UH: No. 2 northern, $I.06Hl-09V. OATS-S4H- Wool Markst. STl LOUIS. Aug. 22. WOOL-Ste ldy territory and western mediums. l8'23He fin medium. I8.30c; fine, li.xrio. Metal Market. ST. LOUIB. Mo., Aug. 22.-METALB Iad, firm at $4.82H. Spelter, higher, a $6.20. Omaha Hay Market. OMAHA, Aug. 21. HAY No. 1 upland 21400: Kansas. $18 00; No. 1 upland. $12.00 packing. $10.00; atlalfa, $14.00. Straw: Wheat $6.00; rye, ;.uu. Elgin Hotter Markst. ELGIN. Aug. 22. BUTTER Firm. 80c gales ftor The ween, asi.uv ids. Anti-Bailey Men' Ready to Fight Hold Little Session in Dallas to Lay Flam to End Publio Career of Senator. . DALLAS, Tex., Aug. 22. (Special Tele- grain.) Anti-Bailey men from Texas cltle met In Dalla yeaterday afternoon rasponss to a confidential letter mailed soma day ago by Qorg W. Rlddl o Dalla. chairman of th antl-Bally earn- palgn committee whloh was appointed a th atat demooratlo convention. Th latter said: "Com prepared to rale funds" Thrss Tela congressmen, Hsnry, Randall and Hardy, ar on th stump denouncing Bailey. i Hsnry mid a particularly blttsr speeoh last night at Dublin. Bailey Is paying no aktsotton to hi snstule. H started today for Washington. Frltent Advertising I th Road to big Return. ,10,700 2.400 18,200 , 2800 2,000 6100 .19,000 4,000 6.000 .11.800 6,000 . t,a .26.000 27.000 38.000 Nebraska Men Will Take Part in Battle Annual Campaign for Capture of Fort Riley Will Betfn Within a . , . Day or Two. JUNCTION CITY, Kan., Aug. 21 -Nv tlonal guard from Kansas and Nebraska probably will get their first tt ot fight ing at the Fort Riley maneuvers this week, aa battles between two armies will ba prominent among Ih . problems. If ths weather Is favorable. Hitherto th troop have been moving only against Imaginary enemies, and all, but trior especially the mllltla. are anxious to take the fir-Id. against real opponents Some of the most Interesting problems la recent years bar been th attacks on and defense of Fort Riley. The attacking fore Is sent out early In the morning, th da fenders having only a general knowledge ot Its whereabouts. At a given time, both detachments send out scouting parties and larger forces, in an attempt to locate and capture. It possible, A portion ot th aus my's troops. Nlgbt maneuvers will be another feasja Svral of Ihtse will be held soon. In order to glv the mllltla an opportunity to par ticipate bofor leaving tor home. Ths moat spectacular movement will b the battle in th field between th two armies. As In recent years the force will be di vided Into two armies, ths "blue" and ths "brown." Th militiamen will tn all prob ability be assigned to the blue army. The work of the mllltla last week com pared favorably with that of the regular. It was mora ot a novelty to the guards men, who consequently entered Into It with spirit and charged the imaginary enemies a though they wore real. Slnca th last maneuvers the officers have been studying hard and have had uch practical experience. Many of them have Attended th aohool ot Instruction that held at th post earlier In th summer. Dana Morrill Has Perfect Score Regular Weekly Shoot of douth Omaha Gun Club Shows Good Work. Dana Morrill mads A perfect Snor In th regular weekly shoot of th South Omaha Oun club Sunday afternoon. Ha broke twenty-flv taigeta straight,' which Is a cor aeldom made behind ' any traps. Boyle, Dworak aftid Foltlk also had goon scores. Seventeen men eompetea tn tna regular practice. Ths day was good for shooting, but the wind being behind tha flying targets mad them go a little faster than usual and this accounts Icr soma Of tha low scoring. Th club did not send a team this week to ths tournament shoot at Benson tor th reason that tt appeared to weaken tha Interest In the home ctuh, The scores tor tha day are as follows: Morrill .... .. 24 Goran ir Boyl ..... .,.21 Morrison ... 22 Hughes .. ... 21 Wilson .. ... 30 Heard ... ... 20Mcainnls ... 19Dennion ... 18Carey .... i X7 .... 17 .... 14 .... 14 .... 14 .... II .... 11 .... I HworiiK ., Foltlk .... Brlggs .... Hurley .... Murtaugh Chance ... Ford Train Wrecker Caught in Act Arrest of 2tan at Waukegan, 111., Dis closes Three Attempts on North , western Boad. CHICAGO, Aug. 33. With the arrest of Patrick Zanetta at Waukegan, 111., It be came known tonight that three attempt were made during last week to wreck trains on th Chicago A Northwestern road between Chioago and Milwaukee. Zanetta waa arrested by railroad , detec tive just as h was placing ties on ths tracks near Waukegan, bait an hour bo for A fast train was du from Milwaukee. The detectives, who had bsen In hiding near tha track, overpowartd Zanetta. Just as they .placed handcuff on him thrss men jumped .from' th track and began -firing. Tha detectives .rsturnsd tha firs and the men disappeared. HUGE PRIZE FOR AIR RACE Parla Jsnrnal Offers Forty Thosaaaa Dollars for Competition, Parts t London, PARI0, Aug. 21. Ths Journal announces an offer ot a prise of $40,000 for an airship rac between Paris, Brussels and London in 19U. O'lfBIL WINS CLba CWATFEsT asx4snnsanann Contest with Marling; Goes Merrily Until FlaUk. . T. J. ONell won th watfest at ths South Omaha Country- club - yesterday afternoon. - He1 contested th last hole with Marling, defeating him by a flu braaar hot getting on th sixth green In two. The eight player In th watfest qualified as on the previous week, each pUtying nln hnle. The handicap system .counted In the Qualifying round and In ' the seoond flight. Th beet player aa an ordinary thing want out on ths earlleat hole. Harry Cheek went out at th first hole, J. J, Fltsgerald at the ascend snd Jos wspprler at ths third.. Ths eight men .to qualify were Steinberg, McCarthy, FlUgeisld, Weppner, O'Neil, Marling, Kellogg, Bulla and Cheek. A number of other match waa played off during th afternoon and two weeke more will ae the flnlah of moat of ths matches for honors for the season. Jos Weppner so far has not been defeated for th championship. J. J. FlUcsrald has lost only to Weppner. They are playing for the director' cup. II. C. Marling has th honors for th president's cup. OAMB CALLED FOR AMERICANS Kennedy Hornsea ts Keep Meat at Play After. Dselstsa.. Ths gams between ths Amerloan and tha Union Stock Yard team at Florence Sun day was forfeited to th American on ac count of a decision mad by th umpire when Kennedy cut first baa and waa called out Kennedy refused to put his men on the field, therefore th game waa called la favor of th American. Adam was on ths mound for tha Ameri can and pit oh ad a good gaata. smith pitched for th Union Stock Yard and was rather wild at time,, but pulled out ot sev eral bad hole. Next Sunday th American will play th Council B)uff Merchant at Council Bluff and on September 1 4 and I they will play the Denlson, Ia., team. Scor: Americans 0 0 t 0 1 Union Stock Tarda 9 0 1 0 0 S Two-has hit: Clark. Three-base hltl Kennedy. Sacrifice hit: Hachten, Bowe. Hit by ptehed ball: By Smith, 1. Has on balls: Off Smith, 4; off Adams, 1. Struck: out: By Smith. 4; by Adam, 4. Tim: 0:80. Umpire: Wllllama. Herbert B.CooGh Go Brokers andDealer waAn4rt4Yraovav--yriKata aaaha txtlsa, 8lg ftsaan tt VxnAs Bis. -111 Passwa, avsng. sail las. A-4U 8LSAOT AJJO aVAmOAia KOUM Uf m. 8araV i