THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, AUGUST 20, 1010. 0. LINGERIE WAISTS WASH 5N SKIRTS I i Be On Hand Saturday and You'll Get the Biggest Bargaijj in an Up-to-date Suit Ever Offered By Any Store in the West. Navy Blue Serge Suits Fancy Worsteds, Browns, Greys, Etc. All Sizes, 34 to 44. Prtty Nw Plgrn In Lln fori W'nlKts, a num- DO r of Brnull lots, up rtfkP. to 2 00 quality, at... v ton smt trp trim- AD. med, worth ll.SO, JOC at www Inillun Head and Mnon Wash Skirts, worth to 13.60. at S1.50--S1.98 RDirla irttrle Waliitd, .$1.50 L worth up to $0.00, at ... OUR GREAT FINAL CLEARANCE SALE) OF HUNDREDS OF 9 0 DjAp I 5 QJ rate! sale fl Mei's TP M 1 0 f Mill :l X, ON SALE g v. ; b!A ; 1 ' ;!i 1 ' i A (v-' f : tA 1M & ; : 1 I ' J f i ? V:.-: i'. M f - f I V ' $ a ; f. I 4. - U ' lift ?m i ' , r ' . 'j j ' f C'. J j ' I J ' , h j , . if b 1 ! . I . i'v ).S0 lis !8 and even 2J UEP AY AUGUST 20 At prices lower than ever before purchased. The makers of these clothes were forced into the hands of receivers; that is how you canxtake your choice of these suits Saturday, at yfew mm Worth $12.50 $15 and $20 This Was the Rarest Good Luck tor Brandeis Stores and for Every Man in Omaha Who Needs a Suit Right Now Slip on one of these suits Saturday and you can wear it right along into the fall and winter, until you tire of it. They are in medium weights. Every Snifils ffigh Qualify - ( Single Breasted, Navy Blue Serges, 1 Brown v j and Greys Fancy Worsted Mixtures, s Plain and Fancy Patterns. Stouts, Slims and Regulars. A SALE fAR FROM ORDINARY For your choice of this entire purchase. -The cheapest suits are actually worth $12.50, many of them $15 and a great number actually $18, $20 values. Every suit is well tailored and many in the very latest, up-to-date 1910 styles, the pat terns are the most desirable and you can buy clothes Saturday for less than cost of the cloth. Any Man's Summer Suit In the Entire Purchase r Made to Sell up to $10 and $12.50 Mostly Men's 2-piece "Suits Hun dreds of up-to-date patterns and new stylesall sizes 3 All the Men's Odd Pants J Some are Outing Pants with Cuff Bottoms, others Regulation Pants for business wear. These trous ers positively worth up to $4.00 pair, per pair, at. . 1 98 pedal Sale of Meiips Sliirts Mano'acturers' Samples Men's Negligee tad Outing Shirts, at Hundreds of good, up-to-date pongee, soisette and madras 6hirts, in all sizes. This purchase includes many desirable shirts that are worth more than double the prices we ask Saturday. A few of the styles have attracted great attention in the window on sale Saturday...... These Shirts are Actually Worth up tm $1.50 Each S9c Clearing Sale, All Our Men's Summer- Underwear 35c worth up to $1, at garment 49e Any Man's Shirt la Our En tire Stock (Manhattan. Shirts Excepted) All sizes These shirts are actually selling from $1.50 up to $3.00 each Saturday, each, at ii ii.ii .I... n m ir Men's, Boys' and Children's Caps aving gathered together all the odds and ends of Men's, Boys' and Children's Caps and Wash Hats, values up to $1.00, we offer all in one lot Saturday, at Any Man's Straw Hat in our entlra stock Saturday, at. Men's Sampl lists Soft and Btlff bata, values up to $2.50, at l)8c Uoys' Hats In all the latest fall styles, 1.00 values, l)SS latoBt stylos, 49 and 75 15 Women's Wash Suite 1 Presses $- Actually Worth Up To $10.00 and $12.50 . . . 98 Thia season's dainties and most cleverly mado wash dresses, all colors and sizes, newest trim mings, fine mulls, lawns, ginghams, etc. Worth up to $7.00 final clearance price, at rs auu sizes, newest, i ranee 75 Women's Wash Coat Suits Must Go This season's favorite styles tans, blues, browns and whites have been Belling up to $12.50 great one day clearance, at . ... .98 200 Elegant Wash Dresses at $2.98 n, linger- 2.98 Wash and Lingerie Dresses at $5.00 ck they 5.00 The smartest wash dresses of the season, linger- ies, etc. Deautiiuiiy tnmmoa, actually worth up to $10.00, Saturday, at Our most eleeant summer dresses in stock thevW. J at have been selliner recrularly T F i f up to $15.00 in one lot, each, at jpSij I Dressing Sacqdes and Kimonos Whlt Lawn Pressing Sacques That are worth up to $3.00, special, at $1.30 Long Kimonos In beautiful flowered, figured and striped designs, worth up to $3.00, at $1.30 Women's Colored Dressing Sacques Lawns, chains, etc, Persian trimmed, $1.60 values, at 7t Neatly Made Waist Slips Worth 60c each, at 25 Children's Dresses 2d Floor Children's Colored Wash Dresses, Iretty C8n hanis, Etc. Sizes 4 to 14, in 3 big lots Children's Dresses Worth up to $6.60, at. $1,98 Children's Dresses Worth up to $3.60, at. .$1.40 Children's Dresses Worth up to $2.50, at...) Children's White and Colored Dresses Sires 1 to 3 years, worth up to $6.00 each, at OS 1 BRANDEIS STORES Special Sales In Basement Children's Rompers Colored and striped, worth up to 50o each in basement, cloak department, Satur day, each, at . . Women's Black and Wash Petticoats - t . m t 1 uest quality, emoroiaerea or flounced, worth up to 75o basement, each, at Children's ltubnerlzed Galatea ltoin Coats- worth up to $6.00; In basement, Women's Lingerie WaistsWorth up A(?r to $2.00; basement, at, each VH Women's 15c Gauze Vests, at, each 10 Women's 39c Gauze Union Suits, each. .5c Children's fine Lace Hose black and colors; also women's fast black seamless hose in all sizes, worth 12 He, at, pair . 6 uv, viuua ucui viuuv) kjcbvui- 15c and 25c 35c Saturday's Big Special Sale Kid Body lolls Ho store but the Brandeis Stores would, dare to sell such high grade kid body dolls at such a low price. It is well known that when we buy cheap we sell cheap. Saturday will be the best day in the year ' to buy dolls. $3, $4, $5 Kid Body Dolls, at 51.98 Here are hair stuffed, cork stuffed and French stuffed, fully jointed, finest kid body beautiful,' large heads, with natural' sewed wig, short and long curls, aa large and extra large size dolls J5Jp $2 and $3 Kid Body Dolls, at 98c Such a bargain may not occur again for a long time. They are fully Jointed, bisque bead with sewed wigs, moving eyes, shoes and stocKings. fnl Thousnnda of samnlea. each, at VJj Beautiful Dressed Dolls One in a box imported to retail at 50c and $1.00 each, at 25c and 39c 1a Basement Shoe Department Boys' guaranteed box veal shoes at $1.39 nl $1.50 MlBses' good lace and button shoes at $1.29 and $1.48 Women's house slippers and Juliets at 98 and $1.19 Men's box calf and vlcl kid and patent leather shoes at 81.08 Women's vicl kid blucher shoes at.. $1,59 Infants' and children's shoes, sizes 2 to 6 and 6 to 8, at. . , 49S 69 and 754 1 New Slyle Women's Fall Footwear See the new patent colt, mat calf and vici kid, cloth top and leather. toes, single or double Boles, .medium or light vamps, all sizes, per pair, at ; $2.50 Better grades, at $3.50, $4, $5 BRANDEIS STORES SATURDAY SPECIALS Drugs and Sundries 25c Sanitol Tooth Powder, 13 25c Dr. Graves' Tooth Powder, at 14 $1.60 Pompelan Massage. . .t)tf 50c Batln Skin Cream 20 and Al- 18 L.09 25c Eastman's Benzoin mond Lotion 11.50 Oriental Cream SI. 25c Lilac Talcum 7 25c Colgate's Tooth Paste. .20 25c Sanitol Tooth Paste.... 14p PHOTO SPECIALS. 2-os. Graduates 4 -ox. Graduates 4x5 Trays, Special 1G 1.00 Tripods 09c 20 per cent off on any Seneca Cameras, Saturday. We do developing and finish ing for amateurs, all work guar anteed satisfactory. ' DRUG SUNDRIES. 10c Williams' Shaving Soap..5 5 Cakes Ivory Soap 19 $1.00 Traveling Bags 49c 7 Cakes Cocoanut Oil Soap, 2."C 75c Rubber Gloves 9c 15c Chamois 9 Specials for Saturday Art Needlework Dept. Main Floor Stamped Fancy Aprons On white lawn for eyelet, laty -daisy and French embroidery, with floss suffici ent to complete the embroidery and diagram showing arrange ments of colors all for Stamped White llclts On best qual ity belting for coronation cord and French embroidery, regular 25c values, all for.., 25c t qua!- 10c n Men's Shoes For Fall Wear n All the new leathers and styles, welt sewed shoes, in patent colt, gun metal, velour calf, vicl kid lace, blucher and button IT 169 correct Btyle and best 'fa ) service, per pair, at. .." The best values In Omaha In Men's Fall Shoes, at $3t $3.50 and $4 J EA MAffOMKEDAN SERENADE rmtmmm Saturday in Our Sheet Music Dept. This Is the name of that weird and captivating melody that all the bands and orchestras are playing. Special j fl a price for Saturday XV Vt Also featured in Saturday's 10c sale are: "Mid the m Roses, in the Garden of Love With You, and Let Thy 1 life Heart Beat True, at XvKt Look at Our List of Hits nt 10c Each Mother, Let's Pretend; Autumn Sunset, Waltz; Why Don't the Band Play Dixie? Call Around Some Rainy P. M.; Any Sure Fire Rag; Silvery Moon; In the Same Old Way;' When You Dream of the GlrJ You Love, and many others. v Add lc per 'copy If by mail. Extra Specials Saturday Only Sweetland East Arcade Delicious home made Cocoanut Bon Bons asHorted flavors, regularly 25c per lb., at per lb 10 Maple Day Tempting maple confections Maple penochls, maple caramel glare, maple cocoanut balls, maple creams, maple kisses, per lb 2l) Chocolate Bitter Sweets, Full assortment, pure fruit flavors, regular price 40c, at, lb 29 Pompellan Ice Cream The finest and pur est ice cream made r Pint bricks 15 Quarts , 25 Always On Hand. BRANDEIS STORES OMAHA i 1 1 A 53 V u HE