TTTE BKE: OMATTA, SATURDAY, ATTOUST 20, 1010. HILL STARTS ON HIS DEPOT Pile Driven Are Now at Work on Finest Station in the West. OLD STRUCTURES ARE MOVED Depot for la and Onta-olaa? Freight Do Glaaatle la Proportion to the Bialatn ml the ! Road. V. ft Another of Omaha's old landmarks In rail road life la fast going down on Eighth and Jones, and In Ita pines tha Burlington la erecting ona of tha finest freight depots In tlia went. Tha old structure was wood and th new ona being started la to be of the flneat built atructural Iron and ateel, brick and cement. The bulldinga of th eld outbound freight house have been moved aaet to Seventh atrect and both out and In bualneaa will be done there for a tlm. About half of the Inbound house haa been torn down nnd the rest Is going aa fast aa an army of workmen can tear It to pieces. Work on the new Inbound house and platforms has startod and piles are being put In fast by a big eteam pile driver wl;loh can drive some forty piles a day. Each pile Is driven atx feet under the sin-face and on thete tlio cement founda tion are to be built, four and alz piles being driven for each foundation. Dm Contract Let. T. 8. Leake & Co., a Chicago firm, has tli contract for th first three sec tions of th live to be built In th Inbound ' house. The remaining two parts will be finished later. J. Colvln Is In charge for the Leako company and O. W. Salisbury, superintendent of construction of the liitrllngion. Is slao Overlooking the work. According to the plana the freight house will cxtrnd f'ivi feet from Jackson to Far- nam atrcti utul will be sixty feet wide. Kai-.h of tin- (ve sections will be 1M feet long wl'h h ttili'ieeti-lnch fireproof wall be tween every suction, so that If by aocldent on part takes fir the rest will be perfeotly sate. The office will be situated on the south end and will be UxiO feet In slse. Tho jnloadtng platforms will be th came length as the house and will be sixteen feet In width. The contract for the outbound house has not been let, but It calls for a building ittOxUVt feet, with platforms and driveways the sam as tha Inbound. Fart of Eighth street has been taken up by the road for a driveway to th depot, a permit Having been obtained from tha olty. Concrete work will begin Monday If pos s!ble and from there on th building will be pushed rapidly. MEMBERS OF WOODWARD STOCK ARE RETURNING Ireparlna- for the Season that A boot to Open at tha Oord. I la Members of th Woodward 8tock com pany are coming Into Omaha to make ready, for tha season 1910-11 at the Boyd. Miss Eva Lang arrived Friday from At lantic City where she and her sister. Miss Hudson, have been spending th summer Miss Hudson will not return this year, having tired of work In stock. Lloyd Ingraham la another member of the company at hand. He breesed his way Into the city aom days ago, coming here from St. Joseph where he played a summer engagement In stock. He will ap pear again Monday night at th Den aa J. Othello Hamfat , i aiis uuiuiur 01 me wooawera Stock this year 'will be Sedley Brown of Los Angeles, ft man of wide reputation In this work. Mr. Brown was recently gen eral stag director for Charles Frohman. Masculine leads are to b played this year by A. R. Harris, a young actor of con siderable experience In stock work. SCHARFF.SUES IOWA COMPANY Omaha Mas Alleges Shovthlll Coa atraotlo Com pan r Doped Him aad the City of Omaha. " Arthur H. Scharffof Omaha has started suit against the A. E. Bhorthlll company of Marshalltown. . Ia,i . and , Charlea R, Spears, president of the company,, for J20, 000. The plaintiff charges that Speers and Ids company committed a" fraud upon the Omaha Commercial club, the cltliens of Omaha and the plaintiff. . The A. E. Bhorthlll company Is a corpora tion engaged ,ln Iron and steel construction work. According to the claims of Soharff, he was employed by the company to pro mote the organisation of a similar corpor ation, in Omaha to be known as the Omaha Bhorthlll company. He accuses th company of having agreed to. pay him &2S a day and expenae for his assistance In securing th endorsement of th Omaha Commercial club: He was also to sell 1150,000 in capital stock for which work he was to receive 1109 a week and 10 per cent on what he sold. 1 Vot soma Inexplainable reason the plan to , incorporate In Omaha' seem to have been knocked In the head. Articles of Incorporation have not been filed with th city ' clerk. Ben erf f claims th company haa faded to live up to Its promises and that the city of Omaha haa been duped.' ATHOS CHALLENGES LOCAL MEN Fleshed by Victory. Over Ball, Wrest : ler . Weel Grapple . for Blsr Stake Here. f . I Flushed by his 4 victory over a playful bull that tried to hook him on a horn and whirl him. Athos, tha man with the histori cal novel name. Issued a weeping chal lenge Friday morning. Ath6s twisted Mr. l.Oi 0-pound Bull's head and -tied his fore feet In a knot at Courtland Beach Thurs day, and on th eve of bla departure the husky Frenchman - announced his willing nesa to wrestle any Omaha professional mat artist for aujr part of $60,000. Athos alleges a syndicate of French capitalists Is backing him. ' He expects to throw a wrestler at Bill ings, and return to wrestle here on Labor .'Day. His manager In Omaha Is Manager Muncboff of Courtland Beach. VAN DUSEN JJUYS PROPERTY See-area Lea Hew at Office at loath Omaha for Frtee of Sereateea . Thoaaaad Dolare. J. H. Tan Duaen haa purchased the prop erty known aa the Enaor row. Including a number of office buildings, numbering from CO to t North Twenty-fourth street. The property was owned formerly by Mra. South Omaha, for 117.000, The property was formerly owned by Mlra. Alloa Orlselman aad later was tranafarred to her son, wto lives st Geneva, Neb. Mr. Van Dusen contemplates remodeling the property and fitting up the off leu In mod ern style.' Th property has been popular tieretofure and haa bean . well tenanted. All ef th efflcea are one story In height Llreloac Doadaare to dyspepsia, liver complaints and kidney troubles la needless. Electrlo Blttera la ( the guaranteed remedy. -Xleatoa Drug Co Oo. For sals by .ATI SPECIAL EVENT SATURDAY Great Hosiery Sale Women's fine imported lisle thread hosiery allover lace and lace boot patterns, mercer ized silk lisle and fine cotton all light shades, black and tan, wide welt tops double soles, spliced heels and toes, pair. 25c WOMEN'S HOSE at I7ic Fashioned seamless hosiery all black and black with split sole3 regular and out sizes 2oc quality; per pair, 171 at.. L.12C KEA'B BOBIXBT 134e. Fine Imported HoHlery full fash ioned; spliced heels, soles and toes, mercerised silk dO. lisle, etc. black and tan I C at. pair m.mzu 15c Misses and Children's Ribbed. Lisle and Cotton Hose- Some with double heels, knees and toes black, tan and light colors, at, pair Infants' Pure Thread Silk Hosiery, worth 50c Plain and fine ribbed black, white, pink and sky. e&aC Women's Pure Thread Silk Hosiery All silk and silk with lisle garter tops and lisle soles double heels and toes black, white and light colors at, pair Ck and 98c A SALE OF 20o HANDKERCHIEFS at 12yac Women's all pure linen embroidered corner effects, Armenian and Val. lace borders, also men a all pure linen and cross barred hemstitched borders at, each 12k Sale of Wcmea's Long Silk Gloves at 59c Special purchase from the Niagara Bilk Glove Mills. 16-button elbow length Milanese silk gloves double finger tipped. In black and white 11.00 quality, CQ at, pair 77C Two-clasp Doable Finger Tipped Milanese Silk Gloves Black, tft white and all colors, all sizes; regular 60c quality, at, pair. . . .JUC Wide, Heavy All Silk; Satin Taffeta Ribbon All colors plain and fancy up to 7 inches wide f worth up to 25o & yard, at, yard. ................. kDC Special Sale Light Weight Underwear Women's Sleeveless Vests Fine ribbed cotton, lace trim med fronts regular, and out sizes f fj f 1 blue, pink and white, worth 25c, at," each. .ls5ClsialC Our Grand Sale of Dolls Saturday Hundreds of hair stuffed, cork stuffed and French stuffed, fully jointed kid body r dolls, with beautiful large heads, with sewed wig, short and long curls--positively $ 1 98 worth up to $5.00 each, at, each. .1 Hundreds of fine sample dolls -fully jointed, bisque heads, moving eyes, shoes and stpckings actually worth Clfl up to $3.00 Saturday, at. . . . BR ANDEIS STORES m C C5sra :cmk Qpsnqp qtos. cs& ctt QfiM Si , . i.-n I I ' msai ... irsv H Omaha V ' II Center. I Special J M f '? Fop Safupdav "2 W IJ1 tt50 l aa H o ftylmar Ripe Olives, tins. SOo, Me, 91 jt oo Dotue .large Queen or Stuffed Olives bo 15o can Individual Asparagus. .ISHo Mustard Sardines, per tin.. So and So 16o tin Imported French Sardines loo 16o tin Scotch Kippered Herring. ISo Ravin's ft. Maput.hi.i. t.u. Holland Rusks, per pkg .'...60 Butter, Eg-ga and Lotus Butter (cartons), per lb...3So Leave your standing" order, for our Country Butter put up in sanitary Jars V, 2, 1 and S lbs per lb..38o Guaranteed Egga (for table use), per dosen , ase S - T-i. . j v 1 1 AUIIUBO JH11H. ...... . Best Pretsels. ner lb SOo tin Our Beat Boiului Tnrkav is. Malt Breakfast Pood (best breakfast food on the market), per pk...lSo Bolorlne for Cleaning Silver and Brass, tins I80, Boo and SOo 48-lb. sack "Dotue" Flour fl.BO 48-ib. sack Snow Whits Flour. .81.75 Cheese Department Brandels Eggs, per dos 300 Imported Swlaa Cheese, per lb...SSe Domestic Swiss Cheese, per lb...S5o Three Neufchatel Cheese lOe Blue Label Cheese, per pks: lOe Large Edam Cheese, each 91.00 Fruit and Vegetable Department. Lemons, per dos. ', .SOo Artichokes,, Blueberries, Jersey Sweet Potatoes, per lb 60 , , , Pears, per dos ' a6e Pineapples, Blackberries, Head Lettuce, Mushrooms, Water Cress. Limes, Mint, Tea Department , Eor T' .tha.t, nlcei I JeI1- ,n 'l flavors, per pkg...... to For Tea to lea. I Kn.inn'. i.n m.i .-fL '1L' -lr t Try Courtneys. lb. Boo. SOo. 78c. S1.O0 1 at iSc. per pkg. . .. '. . . . .". . ... ,".6c O ' In Bakery Department Lotus Cream Rolls Pint barrels ISo Quart barrels as Bach visitor at our store Saturday will be preaented with a late Issue of two good house keeping inagaslnes. yaaeaQ Rv0 ea asaO teO TOtw !5a2fi0 asO -..Ml S.ISSUSII Spring ChlcEaOns . . . 14ic SATURDAY MEAT BARGAINS. Gennlno Lamb Legs 10 FaU Lamb Legs 8H 0,000 lbs. Sugar Cured Bacon, all lean and No. X quality. .18 Ht 2,000 lbs. Sugar Cured Hauis at .... . jr H NaUve Hteer Steak. '. ,10KU r - 1 SS7T Native Steer Tot Roast t 10W-8Ws Rolling Beef 4H Veal Stew . . ., 4 H Veal Roast . .". ....... 1 . . .gH- Prime Rib Roast (boneless) t ....12H Sirloin Steak 1124 a FROM T TO 9:30 P. M IORK CHOPS. -soiz DELIVERY WAGONS LKAVK AT io:8o a. m. yAy.-fl 7114 -m QAh rMnilti ;inii2i47. . ) 1610 Harney St. rfMS Plionss, Douglas AND 8 P. M. ,. " T MAaT nowi TA BOUaU'l jTXIOHBOB. Jlany criticisms received on our ad vertising copy. (Ml admit that no editor or publisher has submlted an offer for our manuscript' to "publish la book form"), Bui Vo SclJ the Shoes and are making an actual gain over any previoua year of this particular season (which is vacation time) and when you consider they are HEW FALL SHOES there must be a reason and this is It Omaha haa three dally papers (esch with the largest circulation), ao we use all three and have simply directed the public's attention to 314S.15thSt. where everything Is absolutely new In r.lEll'S SHOES af $3.50, $4, S4.50 With more STTXB and LBATXEB ptJAiinr built Into tho SHOES than Omaha haa ever had before, which explalna why there's "something doing" at 9 VrfftBifH H mmm 1 ftPEClAJLHOES Z9 A MEWS B I.O Or. Same .-"BD. S." (Edward Pnm beaut of a name) 8BZ.Z.8 SHOES, t&KB STOKB, 4F ECSBbbCbGb. Shoe the Boy ...Wilts... Good Shoes We know that he Is hard on his shoes,, but a great deal of the poor wear he gets comes from lack of knowledge In fitting aa well as the poor Quality of shoes. Perfect not only means wear, but comfort when he has grown up. i ' For Quality We offer our Celebrated steel shod shoes shoes that "have stood the teat and are now no experi ment selected quality of 'leather put together and made by the best shoemakers In the world. The factory and a Drexel guar antee back of every pair. Boys' sizes. 2 to 6 k ....$2.50 Youth's sizes, 1 to 2 $3.25 Little Gent's sizes, 10 to 13 M tor $2.00 Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Faxxiarn SL Have you a Kodak? If not, best get one to take along on your outing trip. Kodak pic tures are Always Reminders of pleasant days spent and pretty scenes visited. Oar. assortment fo kodaks Is' complete, ranging In price from $1.00 to S2O0. Printing and Developing can best be done here, as It is un der the personal supervision of an expert In this class of work. Bring your next lot of pictures here to be finished. Headquarters for sporting goods of every description. A BEE WANT AD will rent ..tal vacant house, fill those vacant rooms, or seoare boarders on short, at very small cost to you. Try It. , Roliablo D o nils try m m our 68AOD1 CLEAN-UP SALE 53.00 Pumps sssssBsnsssssBsnsBWBsSsBjai Fry Shoe Co. I6TH AND DOUGLAS lb Now's the day A and Now's the hour Burnt THE BEER YOU LIKE HAVE A CASE SENT HOME .....Ml... .l.T.l.UTt. JOHN N ITT LER 3224 80. 24TH STREET I "J . A-14S0 . ITrV CLOTHING COMPANY Final Clean Up of TT.P11 nrw1 rniinff men's suits. Come(( here tomorrow for the biggest suit bar pain ever offered to the public. The sea- con's best nnd choicest models included in this sale. High grade suits actually worth $15.00 and $li.OO; clean up sale price Mi (0)(0) ( X. w. Special Pant Bargains Trousers worth $5.00 and 6.00 at $2.08 Trousers worth $3.50 and 4.00 at $2.45 Trousers worth $2. CO and 3.00 at $1.00 Furnishing Specials A fortunate purchase of 100 dozen hose from Wilson Bros., positively worth, 20c; on sale at, pair Q Boys' Balbrlggan Union Butts 60c values; on sale at . . -25 The very newest Bilk Ombre Four-ln-Hands; on sale at 25 VP BOUS); 1SSS ID CS3S stin JsSESaJ Cackloy Specials The'se goods can be ordered by tele phone and will receive prompt atten tion. Imported Italian Olive Oil, per qt.7Se Home Made Grape Wine, red or white, per sal .Sl.c-0 California Port. Sherry, Claret, Rels ' ling Wines, at. bot.aso, sse, soo, TSo Tennennoe White Corn Whiskey (moonshine), per qt 75o Per gal - $3.50 Maryland Rye Whiskey, per qt...75o Per gal $2.60 Leading brands Bottled in Bond Whiskies, per qt. bottles. (1.00, 1.35 Blackberry Brandy, a great remedy for summer complaint, qt TSo Mall and Telephone Orders Promptly Filled. CACiCLEY BROS. Wine Kerenanta 181 V. 16tb Street. Opp. Post Office Bota Phones uth St. Paul Minneapolis and D ' 1 ' Three splendid trains a day via The North Western Line leave the Union Station, Omaha, at 7:50 a. m., 7:00 p. m. and 9:00 p. m. " " J3 There are hundreds of cool northern resorts in the .woods and on the lakes in Minnesota, Wisconsin and the Lake Superior District. s Vacation Rates The Best of Everything For rates, tickets and full information apply to Ticket Offices H01-1403 Farnam Stretf Omaha, Neb. NW1&70 HOTELS AND SUMMER RESORTS. jr vne ftkoppiA" blrtrlov lit am KoOee, oa "Pettiooal iaie. Hotel Kuppor ' llta and KoOee . Kansas City. No. Ua the aTSsrytay IMaUMSs STear all the Taateta, '()' 800 BeaatUul Kooma. 100 srrtvae Batke. , Bot and eold water la all room . Specious Xribby, Parlors. Talapkoae ta every room. BeeuttXal Oafe, sTezfeet Oolslae. $1.00 to $2.50 Per Day Snropeea Flaa Eupper-Benson Hotel Co. P. JL BXXSOX, MgVW Toilet PreoaTOtfons SPECIAL SALE AT Trie: EX ALL STORES JBc Qravea Tooth Powder for,...13o bherman'a Lavender Shampoo Cream, at , ,fl8o, SOo and l.oo - 60c Cucumber, Benxoln and Almond Cream.... . SSo 26o Mistletoe Cream Ho 26o Zepto Tooth Pencils ISO 15c French Chamois 80 1-lb. can Rexall Cold Cream Boo Colgate's Tooth Paste.... lOo and BOo French D. Jerklss Perfume, os..fl.&3 Madane Yale's complete line of tollot and health preparations at cut prl' 25c Espey's Cream for 14o ft Dabrook's Violet Toilet Water. SOo 25c Rexall Tooth Paste 18o .1.30 Gouraud's Oriental Cream.. 8O0 AOc L Jeune Face Powder. ..... .390 NeWbro'a Herplclde. .48o, SSo and 93.00 60c Pozxoni's Face Powder BM Bunret Rosa Bloom House vwo 25c Kanltol preparations for ISo 75c os. Janice Perfume for, os... 49o 50c Pompelan Massage Cream for. 390 76c Pompelan Manage Cream for.S9o 25c Holmes' Frostilla for.!4e and SOc 60c Magda Cream for 89c Oalatea Lotion (liquid face powder) for SOo 25o Lustrlte Kali Enamel for....l9o Palmer's Almond Meal SSo T60 Plnaud's Lllao Vegetal for. ..64s 6O0 Java Rls Powder for... 300 6O0 Walmutta for o4o 6O0 'Consuelo Cream lor Bbo 60o Plnaud's Cqmtesss Face Powder for sse 2 60 Colgate'a Violet Talcum loo 26o Mennen's Talcum ...loo 60c Hind's Honey ana Almond Cream tor uo 7 60 os. Stearn's Pompadour Perfume, os. a 6O0 Dr. Charlea' Flesh Food for..oo -f 76o Hagann Magnolia Balm for..6so 000 gunman's Freckle Cream for.eoo &0o Howards Flash boap (t cakes lu box) for 36o 2io Renaissance 8oap (3 cakes in box) for ...... t ISo ..v k.h. i ear m Cnscented Soap for lflo i0o ck. Societe Hyglenlque Boap..8So ioc ck. Llquoaone Boap for 60 ck., I for 880 Colgate's Mechanlo Soap Paate, loot 4 for 86o Prompt servloo Is one of the distinguishing oharaoterUUos of our siores., SHERMAN & McCONNELL DRUG CO. Oor. 16th ana Dodge. Owl Drag Co 16th and Harney. OLD POINT COMFORT UOTH COAMBERLIN UOATLNO. lUTHlKO, K18H1N0, aVAlXUta, OKCUlviiTRA, XK.NMS, UULF. Unique sea footl Cuisine, rORTHLa MoNliUi) i.rk.c MU tary fust ea liie AtltsUu Coast. UlMfluN HOA.UO. tue tiuosvoua ( Uia Uou Wamuiva. Special Weekly Bates Jaas te Oetehet 'Booklets at Ohloage, Book Island Sj Iraeifla, and WmuH Kallroads. Os auuresa s0. M. AAAsas, aaOB. rWevBJUa MOJIM.OM. Vs. YOUR OPPORTOIIITY Golllng Agency for tho best Dollar article on the market. Patented. Abso lute necessity. Unlvor aa'ly wanted. Y 149 caro Omaha Dee. Don't Fail to Hear the llUn&ARIAU ORCHESTRA & Now Playing at ROME'S VINEYARD and SUMMER GARDEN Every Noon and Evening. Prompt, Clean end T,!E Tho Ham BEE You lant to Regd . WsBaWaBMsBMaPB A Daily . Mirror of Events u