Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 20, 1910, EDITORIAL, Page 14, Image 14

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PAn.M and K4ti i,au roniALB
oath Dakota-
situated i i tue Hig itioui valley, (our miles
south of Catlewood, th county r t of
liamiln county, tfoulh Lfakota, mu acres of
oep black loarn, under yearly cultivation;
1 acres in pasture and lutt In tha beautiful
p lug-fed Lake Florence, with Ha aylvau
ntnii' and turkling waters, dep and pur
and filitd with flan and nam In season,
and nearby la tha home, a fourteen-room
house, large barn, two granaries, ctilcken
house, hog house and woven wire pasture,
corn alio, machine houae, iniall barn and
numerous small bull, lings, all In iou con
dition, with windmill, tnree wella- and els
tern, ail aurrounded by a beautiful trove,
fnce, on good terma, by M. J. Rus-
aeil, Caatiewood, J. U.
Do you want to buy a (food townalta? We
lifive it Jut frcan from the government,
with periect tlilo. IM lota now surveyed
and a no iH m of them aoid with about
buldlnxs now completed in tbe town on a
railroad that has lx daily trains, with ex
cellent aervice. Thia townsite iiioludes 1W
acres of the very beat of aecond bottom
land with una timber for parka anu aieu
a fine atrram of water running through u;
line openings for almost all kinda of oui
liea, citpeciaily a bank, hotel and elevator.
A grand bargain if aold In thirty daya. Ad
cnx Fowen Land Loan Co., Powell,
Stanley county, &. D.
An Improved quarter section In Gregory
county, d. !., 4H miles from Burke. 6H
ml If a from Uregory; all fenced; email aei
. of Improvement; M acre under cultiva
tion. Price HO per acre.
, 160 acrea, on mile from town, Tripp
county; prloe 33 per acre.
A lialf aectlon, 2 mllea from Wltten;
price t- per sore,
. A half aectlon 4 mllea from Carter) price
l per acre.
A nice half aectlon mllea from Delias,
6 mllea from Colomb; price I par acre.
Ball 1S42 Iowa Bldg., fitoux City, la.
400 ACRES fine praJrla land, northeaat
OkUlKima, fine location, good water, near
town; 25 per acre. J. Oawalt, Oravette,
Ark. ,
C2U ACRUH, 300 level: tOO crop, 100 hog
ttt'li'; two houaea, Welle, spring, five-ton
arale, shop, four mulea, four horses, six,
rows, seventy-five hogs, tools. Price, IH.OXi.
Three smaller farms rent or soli. Owner,
William Karlck, Clifford. Okl.
80 ACRES I,EVEL LAND, 2i cultivated,
balance paature, S-room house, large barn,
chicken house, spring and trout brook on
1 farm, 3 mllea from station, school on land.
II. $00, easy terms. Tom O. Mason, Island
City Bute bank, Cumberland, Wis.
Carey Act lands at Wheatland, Wyo.
Obtain a home now that's sura to produce
and double In value before paid for. Plenty
mt water now on the land. Also' selling
choicest farm lands In Iowa colony, near
'Cheyenne. Great alfalfa and grain crops
grown here every year. Healthiest climate,
purest water, good markets. For excursion
rates, valuable maps, laws, write Hortung
Land Co., Special Stat Agent, Cheyenne,
TRADET Or do jrou want to buy onef
1k vuiirnt known through TIIR 1)E4
MOINES CAPITAL, tha want medium I
Iowa; Rates:1 1 cent a word for each Inser
tion. 1 cents a Ine. 70 oents an Inch. Clr
culatloo. 41.000; largest cf any Iowa dally.
Olve us a trial. Address Tba Capital. Land
Tnt.. Oe Moines. Iowa.
LOANS' to home ownsra and home build
is, with ' privilege of making partial pay
inents leml-annually.
UK First National Bank Bldg. '
4.700 lo 18.0(0 on homea In Omaha. O'Keefe
Real Estate Co.. 10CK N. T. Life.. Douglas
r A-21&2. . : . ...
GARVIN BROB.. Sd floor N. T. Life. 150
to nuu.uuu on improved property. No delay.
W A NTED City loans, raters Trust Co.
WANTED City loans and warrants. W,
Farnam Hmlth Co.. 1220 Farnara St.
COO to tio.000 made promptly. F- D. Wead,
Wrad Bldg... 18th and Farnara.
MONEY TO LOAN-Payne Investment Co,
We have a number of solendld loan on
Improved farms bearing 6 per cent and
running rrom tnree to ten years. , ,
If you are Interested, call and' let us
give you the full details as to properties
coverea ana me owners.
Payne Investment Co.
Southeast Cor. 16th and Farnam 8ta '
Wa have several real farms, growing
crop, rented to good tenants, within forty
mllea of Omaha, that we can trade for
Omaha property. Nowata Land and Lot
Co., 668 New York Ufa lildg. Phone Red
WILL trade a first-class Chicago gro
cery and meat market worth lAJ.oOO and
doing 116,000 a mouth business, for a finely
quipped farm or poultry place In Ne
braska, Iowa or Illinois. Fur particulars
ad-lreas Sam Gordon, General Delivery,
Chicago, iu. ,
O. tote
m Bee.
We exchange properties of merit. H. M.
Culver. (1Z-81J N. T. Life. Douglaa 78u4,
ONIiS of tha flneat residences In Omaha
larae grounds, modern every reanect. 11
rooms, brick. Price 20.0u0, clear. Trad
for Improved land, will take mortgage
back on place u aeairea.
M N. Y. L. Bldg. Phone Red MW
ONBS of the largest and most modern
brick and tile plants In northeastern Ne
braska; free of incumbrance; must go this
month; every tiing iirsi ciasa, witn a ca
pacity of 420.000 brick; plant cost ICT.OuO.
tner has made big money, but has lost
bis health. This month It can be ex-
changed for clear, raw or Improved land
In Meoraaaa, lowriou or euutn uakoia.
Harry ii. culver, ui n. i. jire.
COTTAGE, close In, to exchange for good
rooming house; wen located, 'lei Mar. !MU.
niLLETTE bladea reaharpened. 16o doaen
15o half doaen. Io each. Mail them to
llarviiy to., aox mi, umana, iNeo.
BEST PRICE oald for aecond-hand fur.
nlture, carpets, clothing and ahoea. 'Phone
Douglas 71.
HfcST prices for Id-hand clothing. D. S444.
'-oiu uoiu, etc NAiiiAn, iu o. uin bl
WI3 want two car good baled oat
tiaw. Omaha crockery Co., Omaha.
WANTED A horse for delivery wasron
ali.ut 1 '..0 to 1.J00 Iba.; young and sound.
Must be sold on a guarantee. Will pay
reasonable price for rignt aina oi a horse.
Omalia btova Repair vvorka.
WHKN answering adverCInu-nt In Th
riee Want Ad oolumna, kindly mention tbe
(act that you saw uie ad. in ine a.
Wd Are Getting Numerous Call
For Houaea or All Hlses. List with Ua.
kvm' i t i t a Kir i a m n uiT rx)..
C4 N. T. Ufa bldg. 'Paon Red 1Mb,
SITUATION WANTED Young lady thor
oughly eiperlened In office work, operate
a typewriter and P. B. X. board. Addreaa
m Bee.
United States of America. District of Ne-
rraiiKa, Omaha lnvixiun, as.:
Wherraa. A libel ha been filed In the
district court of the United States for the
District of Nebraska, Omaha division, on
ho 13th day of August. 1910, by r . .
Howell, United Htatea attorney for the
district of Nebraska, on behalf of the said
Ui.lted ritate. us libelant, against one
hundred and fifty thousand (more or less)
Ice cream cones, and praying the usual
process and munition or the court, that an
person Interested In said one hundred and
fifty thousand (moro or loss) ice cream
cones may be cited to appear and answer
the premises, and that all dun proceedings
being had the raid one hundred and ritty
thouaand (more or leas) Ice cream cones
may be decreed to be Helled for confisca
tion and condemnation, nrd that the same
may be condemned an being adulterated In
violation of and within the meaning o the
act of con:res of June 30. VW6. and that
the same may be disponed of by destruc
tion or e ale as the court may direct.
Therefore, In pursuance or Bald moni
tion, under the seal of said court, to me
directed and delivered on the 13th day of
Auguat. in 10. I do hereby give notice gen
erally unto all persons havlna- or pretend
ing to have any right, title or interest in
said on hundred and fifty thousand (more
or leaa) Ice cream cones, to appear before
the said court. In the city of Omaha, in said
district, on th 12th day or September, win,
next (If It be a court day, or else on the
next court day tliereaf terl. at 10 o'clock in
tin- forenoon of said day, then and there
to answer the scad libel and to make known
their allegations In that behalf. Dated at
Omaha, In aald district, this 17th day of
August, 1910. Wm. V. Warner, u. s. Mar
anal for the District of Nebraska.
A IU to 85.
l-fCtO gTATlOX Teatsi mnd Masoa.
Pacific- Usfti
aU:80 pra
- i sa 1 1 i si. v j laiiti
Limited a am
n Francisco Overland
mna at japan fast
a 4:10 pm
a 8:45 pm
a 6:45 am
a 5:80 pm
a 8:10 pm
al2:80 am
a 7:41 pm
a 5:00 pm
a 8:10 pm
a 4:45 pm
al0:30 am
b 1:30 pm
tlantlr t?Tnraa
Oregnn & Wash. Ex.,
Loa Angeles Limited.,
Denver Special
Cnlnrnrtn Gn,nl.l
..a 4:00 pm.
,.a12:45 pm
..a (.47 am
,.all:4S pm
..a 8:50 pm
Colorado Express
.e.12-60 pm
mortn riette Local a i m '
a T i m . - f . . nm
inu iniBna iAirn a v.w k"1
- . . - 1 1 - - . . . a u
..'ny. d i-rauy tuiyi
oiirl l-at-tfia.
C, t Bt L, Fx..
C. 8L L. Em..
...a t:M am
...all:l pm
...a 7:00 m
...a :0 pm
. b 1:00 am
a 7:15 am
a 5:60 pm
a 1:46 pm
a 8:0 am
Chicago Exprea
wuiiago lllulted..,..
n nn..i. Kill c
Mlnn.-St. Paul X.14
..a t:v pm
Chleaaro A Northwestern
Twin City Expreaa a T:W am al0:!9 pm
Floux City Local a li'i pm a 1:28 pm
linn. V Dakota Ex a ': pm a 8:12 am
1 wiu city Limited m :w pui a 7:80 am
Omaha Exprea a 7:00 am al:86 am
Chicago Lucul aU:lkt piu a 1:2s pm
rAlA,,i1n.l?hlfaiil M til (1 in a lit
Chicago Special ..a : pm a 7:55 am
racifio coaai-cnicago...a :W m 8:28 pm
I jm Anf Klin LimltAil .'i run r.
(Jvarland Limited all:4& pm a 7:46 am
Denver Special al2:4tt am a 6:38 am
Carroll Local.. a :8u put a fi:M am
rat aiaii - a ;) pui
Llnooln-Chadron a 7:60 am all:08 ant
Norfolk-Bur.eateel a 7:5(1 am al0:45 pro
Long Pine-So. Platte.... t:15 pm a 6:20 pm
Basltngs-Superlor o 1:1a pm b 5:20 pm
Ueadwood-hut bptinga.a 2:55 pm a 6:20 pm
Casper-Lander a X:6a pm all:uam
rramonl-Alblon b 6:80 pm a 1.65 pm
Cblcaiio Hovat lalaaa I'melfio .
Rock Mouofn Lt.aJjl:lts a. m. al0:SO n, m
Iowa Local Paas...a 6:38 a. m. a 4:30 p. m.
Chloago Day Ex....a T:4J a. ra. a 2:45 a. m,
Chi. Local Pasa....bl6:33 a. m. bl0:l p. m
Dea Moines Ical
Passenger imp. m. aiz:j . m
Chicago Hixiw...a 4.4 p. m. a 1:U p. a,
Chloago Limited... .a :08 p. ra. a 6:02 a. m.
The Mountaineer. ..a 2:60 a. m. a 7:06 a. ra.
Chicago-Nebraska Ltd.
for jjiDO""!-..-.. ra. a b;t n. m.
Colo. k CaL ExpV..a 1: p. m, a 4:30 p. n
Okl. A Te. Exp.. .a 2:30 p. in. a 1:30 n. m.
Rocky Mount'n Ltd.al6.10 p. in, aJ2:20 p. a
Om.-St. Louis Exp. a 6:86 p. ra, a 6:28 a. m.
Mall and Express.. a 7:80 a. m. all:l5 k m.
ronncll Bluffs). ...b 6:08 n. m. blOtU
Chlcaa. Mllwsskss at. faal .
n.lanj4 l.lmlliiri 1 1 !! nrti 9.m
Omana-cnicago r.xpraas.o 1.1a am I N am
umana-cavain u. " a., are
Colo-Calif. Exp a 00 pm i ts pm
Colorado Special a 7.67 am 11.31 pm
t'orry-uroeii uwu. u pm
f silraa Great W eaterw
Chlcatro Limited a 6:48 pm .........
Twin City Liroitea....a 8:30 pm a 7:51 am
m , -. rttf V.x nmu a l:Of am m m.oA
Twin City ttxprasa
- v.Fv pm
si 8:46 pm
Chicago J!prta
.a 4:10 pm
.a 4:16 pm
a 8:20 am
. :10 pm
.aU:a5 pm
.a 8:29 am
.b 1:20 pm
.a 1:16 am
1:46 pre
6 W pre
6:16 pro
4:10 pm
7:04 am
6:16 pm
01:16 pa
a 6:10 pm
b 8:08 am
7:60 pm
bl0:20 am
8:10 am
a 1:40 pm
T:00 am
all :06 pQ
8:55 pm
a 8:00 am
10:10 am
10:30 am
11:45 am
6:46 am
6:14 p4
TWM and Calhrornta
Puget Sound Express.
Nebraska rtolnta
Black Hllla
Northwest Exprwaa
Nebraska Pol 11 u
Lincoln Mall
jkrciaka ILxnrea..
Lincoln Local
.a T'.fti pm
.b 8:0., pm
.a 8:18 am
LJnooin ijooai
plattsmouth-Iow ...
..18:20 pm
Colorado Limited
,au:iz pm
.ai 7:15 nm
Chicago cpeoiai
Chicago Express
Chicago Fast Express.
,.a 4:20 pra
.a s:nu pm
.a 6:15 am
.a 8:30 pm
.a 4:30 pm
.alO tf pm
vw icaj. .............
Craston-Iowa Lccal....
Bt. Louia .rw
w- r una hl josenn..
K. C and PC Joseph. ..
X. C. and L Joaepk...
a :ii am
a 4:86 pm
WGMITEH STATIOrW sTiftoeath aa
Hlaaoart raetfle
Auburn Looal b 8:66 pm bl2:16 Pm
thtoaaro, rssl, allBaeapolt at
loni City Kxrreea b 6:08 nm btl o
Omaha Local 6:m am
Sioux City Passenger r $M pm
Twin City Passenger.. .b 6:30 am
Sioux CHy Local o 8:36 am
Em arson luteal b 5:B6 pra b 8:10 am
(a) Dally, (b) DalUr axrt Sunday.
Summary Court
Martial Ordered
at Fort Riley
Governor Stabbi iisuei Instruction!
Remainder cf Udraika National
Guardsmen Arrive at Camp.
JUNCTION CITT, Kan., Au. 19. An
order Issued today from th headquarters
of the brigadier general at Fort Riley,
tabllshed a summary court martial In th
camp of Instruction of the Kansas National
guard for the first time In the history of
th organisation.
Major Clad Hamilton of Topeka was
named, as th court will be held In th
quarters of th officer In charge every
morning at 8 o'clock, except Sunday. Tha
establishment of this court Is in compll
anc with an order Issued by Governor
Rtubbs commander of th Kansas Na
tlonal guard.
Th Thirteenth and Fourth regiments or
th United State Infantry and half or th
Seventh cavalry marched out and Invested
th bills on the reservation thla morning,
representing an nnvy to rpl th attack
of th Kansaa National guard this after
noon. - .
SST .. , , I
Suit With Vatch-Sleeve
A ! . ' f ' ', . ' ! A
' f ? .
; i ' ; ' '
t 1 - " ' , . '
' , I i i - ' :
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I ' ' " i " '; . ;
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t-i' "l ! '
A . . , . A ,
IIl4v i - ' ' "y ' " ' " 'U ll
hm. ........ U
Long,' slender lines are to dominate tha
autumn street costumes, as evidenced by
this smart little suit of black satin cloth,
cut with the very narrow banded-ln skirt
and the hip coat, which follows the lines
of the figures while producing a long,
slender effect. The binding of braid around
the coat edges Is a smart new notion. An
other feature of this dressy little suit Is a
little button watch, which Is held In place
In the cuff of the coat, In the upper side
Tired Business Mao
"Well, I'm certainly glad," exclaimed
Friend Wife, "to see that th Texaa legis
lature. ! going to pass a law forbidding
"Yes, but how about mlss-treatlng?"
asked the Tired Business Man. "I refer
to th weird ceremonies young woman
from 16 to 60 go through when they want
to get the credit for letting the other ones
spend the money. When two or more
women but not many moro get Into an
argument as to who shall pay the carfare
tho conductor wears such a look of resig
nation that you'd, think the company
would accept it and put on a new man.
As for th other passengers who have to
listen to the pow wow, pity their suspense
as the Urn drags along and they are kept
In doubt as to whether th conductor will
pass them over or will collect their
'I should think that th girls who al
ways make such a fuss about letting the
others pay their fares only they always
glv in would compromise by paying each
other's fares, if It hurt them so much to
pay their own or to have somebody else
pay for them. But not Rather than com
promise they will let the girl nearest the
conductor pay. Hence, the sad plight of
the girl who sits nearest the door on a
closed car or en tho end Boat of an open
"And It's the same when they dash Into
a soda water garage alter us m&unee or
shopping revel Is over. They squabble
around th cashier's desk and block the
door, each declaring 'No, I'll pay for this.
Let me treat,' all the tim tightly holding
shut their purses nd edging toward the
fountain. It takes some art to carry out
th appearonc of fighting to reach th
cashier for chocks while really moving Im
perceptibly toward that cold stuff Dr.
Wiley says Is so bah I alUyl
The only thing that ends th discussion
at all Is the fact that unaccompanied per
sons sf both sexes are sliding into, all th
available stools around th fountain and
as result th debaters hurry to drop Into
any seats left, still clamoring to do the
treating and. thua handicapped, or, I might
say, handlchalr, they graceleaaly submit
to letting the slowest moving girl buy th
checks and stand up while they Inhale.
It must tok years of practice to be able
to do that without appearing to b craw
fishing. ,
"Th women who or clamoring for
quality with man hav a great deal to
learn in deportment while leaning on on
elbow. 10 th first place. Instead of heap
ing reproaches on the unfortunate girl who
insists on buying because nobody else will,
they should cultivate the art of elaborate
preoccupation or or tailing a story at the
moment when th fiscal arrangements have
to be considered. Talk about Kipllnt,"
rate! Why. with a long line-up at the
counter, a good story Is frequently worth a
nickel a word.
of which Is worked a' transversed button
hole. Under this buttonhole Is sewn a small
pocket, which Is closed with a glove clasp.
The watch Is snapped Into this pocket, tha
dial thrust through the buttonhole, tho
clasp snapped and the watch Is safe and the
wearer fully equipped to get the time at a
glance. With the black suit Is worn a
black beaver hat trimmed with gray satin
and wings In. warm coral tones.
lit Tells rriand Wife K
in Favors Abolishing
ill "Mlss-Trtlnf."
t iisiaiBiiBumJisiJ-. jmmmm
"You never see men squabbling about
being allowed to pay for tho round. Quit
the opposite. When tha matter of treat
ing comes around all those Invited crowd
the rail hard, but when It comes time to
retreat, the Interior decorators usually beat
one. You can't Imagine what a gift of
story telling Is conferred by the knowledge
that It Is now up to the story teller to
unbelt or divert attention. And If wives
only knew how thoughts of home fill th
elbow polisher's mind when It comes time
for him to carelessly remark, 'Lessav
anuther treating will vanish before Its
byproducts, mistreating, retreating and en
"You'll never see girls line up t bora,'
asserted Friend Wife.
"Yes," they never will be mlss-ed," agreed
the Tired Business Man.
(Copyright. 1910, by the N. Y. Herald Co.)
l bought new run coat to
"That good. Now w afaail
havs nicer weather I
- :
Rom. vlll:9-Hut If any man hath not the
spirit of Christ, he Is none of His.
There are many distinctions existing
among men, somo of them well, founded,
and some are not. We uphold when God
condemns, and condemn when God up
holds. Our way- of thinking ceems alto
gether rltrht. and we wonder that others
do not seo as we do. We seem to have
forgotten that there are many unrecog
nized and un onfessed. disciples of Christ
Just what la rt quired Uo make one a fol
lower of this great leader Is not agreed
upon by all people, even In our day. We
find ourselves many times determined that
people shall subscribe 'to creeds of our
choosing, to ascertain how they stand with
the Almighty, ami one failing to take our
view of the doctrine undtr consideration,
we might feel that he was In need of
greater enlightenment. But ono thing en
couraging In there days Is that we will
admit that one may be a true fc Mower of
Christ and not believe In the doctrine of
election as the fathers did. Or he may bo
In harmony with all that Is good, and not
have any ptrange vision, or have been
literally shaken by the power of the Di
vine. And that his soul may be clean at
the slffht of Ocd. and he may be baptised
In a different way than we would prescribe.
We earnestly look for some test and we
will hear people say the way to determine
whether one Is a follower of Christ is to
ascertain whether he Is doing as Chrlat did
when he was on earth. This may do with
out we are llterellstsi we are not to up
pose that we are to do things In the same
manner Jtsus did tin in. )u Ills travel He
was compelled to walk, but certainly He
would not do that today. Ha was to mod
ern when ho taught men the way of life
that their wrath and Indignation were
stirred against him. He would undoubtedly
ride In our modern conveyances and en
joy them. Ha reclined at the table, but
doubtless would conduct himself as any
righteous person does if he lived on earth
today. It Is hardly fair to suppose that we
must dress In loose garb, waik Instead of
ride, so that outwardly we may appear like
But If none of these things are absolutely
necessary to be followers of 1:1s, to what
may we look as a test? "If any man haa
not the spirit of Christ he is none of hlv."
The fcplrit of Christ is the need and the
demand of the hour, and If we can de
termine what that is we will make our
creeds harmonise with that spirit. Let us
consider first that Jesus was a lover of tho
truth. "Ye shall know tho truth, and the
truth shall make you free," are his words.
This does not Indicate that we are to see
Items of
To the dangers of swimming has been
added a new one the growth or gum1 chew
ing among girl bathers. The habit obtains
little among women who wish to keep
their cheeks unwrlnkled and their jaws
unhardened, but most women who aspire
to swimming honors forget their abhor
rence of the habit when they take to the
water. They have heard that the chewing
of gum helps them to breathe regularly
and frees them from excitement that might
be perilous In deep water. Physicians have
found the contrary to be true, says an
English exchange.' They have noticed that
women remain cooler when they refrain
from keeping their Jaws working. When
women take to the surf the buffeting of
the waves sometimes causes the gum to
become lodged in their throats and fatal
accidents have been traced to the practice.
Long distance swimmers, like Lady Con
Btance P.tchardson, never chew gum when
In the water. Even for those who hang
At A1
conmnh mo. it tki
i -ji j.ipjuuinmiiiii
IA k H ft(CU? TKuUBLEt- 1
a iWJ i
if Ii L1L
TIE Wiffi'
" !
V.O.Brown, Pastor of Ciine-y '
U. B. Church,. Lincoln, xreb.
the truth ns It relates to religious subjects
lone, but tho truth regarding all subjects.
We are charged as churches with going Into
politics, a thing we are told that Christian
people, and especially ministers should
avoid. But what Is the truth regarding
this matter? Is a .man the less a cltlxen
whrn ho .becomes a follower of Chrlett And
if he should be a minister of the gospel
should he sit quietly by and allow others
to do the work necessary to the overthrow
of wrong? Ity no means. Jesus was In
terested In mankind wherever found, and
that which was Injurious to man he over
threw. He drove demons out of those
cursed b,y them, and those who have the
spirit he possessed will undoubtedly be In
tensely Intereoted In the development of
man. Hn not only loved the truth, but be
declared for It, and right here was where
bis trouble came In. Many of those with
whom he had to deal said, you are wrong,
for you do not soe as wo fee, and ns our
father saw. He declared for tho truth
though It overthrew a great business, and
when those who bought and sold In the
temple saw their cnttle driven from them
they wvre enraged. Make an attack on any
organisation that Is getting gain Illegally,
and you will find much the same response
But can one who has the spirit of Christ
pass these things toy unnoticed? I answer
no. The spirit of Christ will cause -one to
stand for truth, popular or unpopular His
spirit was the spirit or fairness. Nd matter
whether friend or roe to his race he was
fair with them. He talked with the Baiarl.
tans much to the astonishment, or his dls-
Interest to the Women Folk
to the ropes In the surf the chewing of
gum Is fraught with danger.
The Woman's Suffrage association of
Hungary has been called on by professor
Lend), a Parliamentary candidate for the
second district of Budapest, to revise
his campaign addresses and also' to furnish
flags with which to decorate the hall In
which he Is to speak. A woman suffrage
league has been formed In Hungary with
only men as members. This league, of
which Dr. Diner Is president, began with
membership of more than 200, Including
three members of Pallament, several uni
versity professors, Judges, doctors, lawyers
and engineers.
" Now. that flowers and foliage are going
for a song th faded summer hat may be
made to blossom again at trifling cost
Entire bunches of daisies can be bought
for 16 cents and one bunch sewn down to
the crown of the hat Is sufficient to cover
I votyr have w
fiia.1 ' a rii
nn. WHAT
ill. JUT SEND.
VA1T rt
the mm-
1 . V) M fff UMBRELLA!
Mil inT
I li
MAwilMin ww- YouVt GOT
I I ftHllh A I- jUW Of WR Tttfluwr-.
ffOTMil w
' I m l InlM mm 1
Iff, I ml l ml 15 uhzxtk oo i
' ' 7 IUl Git TO GA3
jiirr ma cvTE? AO
THtxtl Yoii.CttfA?
niw toiuc ivuma TtuaiuN ( vorx hihaxo cox u intt r2
e-'i les, and he tin goed :i the peoi le wht
disagreed with him and his nation. Th
rulers of the Jews thought they had a good
care, and they brought to him a womaa
in adultery, and snld, "The lw presertbel
that such should be stoned, but what nr
you going to do about this rr.a'ter7" He
said, "It the stonlnii proceed, but th
man that Is without sin ntnong you should
b the beginner." II saw the heart or this
woniun, and told her to sin no nioie. He
also knew the hearts and lives of those
who accused her, and doubtless what their
actions would be. How easy to Bi-e the mis
takes of others, and ovei look our own
Then John came, to him and said he had
found u man thnt was costing out devils
in Christ's name, and he forbade him, be
causo he followed not with us (did not
belong to our church). Jesus snld, let him
alone, "for he that Is not against us Is
for us." If a man Is doing a good wotk,
lot him nlone. even though he does b th
iol g to a different church or political
party. Wo must rtmemler that thor ars.
peop: that think differently Man we, who
heve the mind of Christ.
We aro to have the srirlt of Christ In
racrlflce. Many people can do very well
at praying, who get cross when asked to
pay. Of all the songs they slpg, they en
Joy "Jeeus Paid It All," a tltt'.e bMtet
than another. It seems to to them
the blessed consclourmeBS that there ii
nothing for them to do. It Is utterly Im
possible for one to have the spirit of4
Cl:rint and not bo wiping to make smcri
flco when necessary. This statement may
be niado without passing Judgement on
others, for wo know that his was the
spirit of sacrifice and service for others.
Were there any sick, then h ministered
to their needs; he could notlca the- poo
earth and render help to them whoa It
was neccsrary. He did not shun those who
were wealthy, but ontered their homes
when Invited. The thing he rought was
to get men to help on another. Plato wit
In tho academy thinking good, whll
Jesus went about doing good. Wa may
look with pleasure on the lives of Alia
prophets and the sages, we may wish, if Jr
the wisdom of Solomon and the spirit Qt
Investigation of Copernicus, wo may wish
ror the spirit of Invention as It was mani
fest In Franklin, Morse, Fulton, Watt
nd our Edison, or a spirit to load great
forces as It was manifest In Napoleon,
Wellington, Grant or Lee, but the grand
est spirit any human being can have Is
the spirit of Jesus ChrsL
it The same sum will buy sufficient foliag
to lay on the outside or the brim, while
a knot or black velvet or a low bow of
colored ribbon will make an old )at look
like a new one.
Just fancy buying on of the daintiest
or nightdresses for $1. Th model Is of
crossbar dlmllty, gathered to a round shal
low yoke of plain material daintily em
broidered, the round low neck edged with
a narrow ruffle of embroidery run through
with ribbon. The sleeves are full, short
and flowing and edged with the ribbon run
A novelty In cut gloss la a relish dish
having four compartments and two han
dles. It ! out In chrysanthemum design
and comes In the following slses and prices:
eight Inches In diameter, 87: seven Inches
In diameter, 16; nine Inches In diameter.