- S-a-ase. -S I I I III I HHMHK MM-PBMMMMMMMMMiMM. I I 1 I II I ! III. I i 1 I 1 1. A. S V ( OFFERED FOR RENT Furnished Rooms. Continued. COOL eust front parlor, modern; private home; olenn bed; to quiet gentleman; $2.0 weak, vat ti. 20th. Phone Red &27. fllONT room, nil modern, with house-Jw-cplng and laundry; will rent unfurnished i ur furnished to suit 603 S. 27th St OR SINGLE, for gentlemen, In the Went Farnam home; every convenience; must be een to be appreciated. O 465, Bee. O. M. E. hauls trunks. Phones D. 611. A-261L TWO connected rooms; gentlemen; suite or single; south front. 1914 Chicago. NICE, :le"an, airy rooms for rent; prices reasonable. 21A N. 20th. LARGE room, close In, on car line. 223 ino. win si. FURNISHED rooms, single or double, modern. 717 So. ISth st. SINGLE or double rooms, nice and clean, prices reasonable. 1908 Capitol ave. NICELY furnished room In new, modern i nouse, walking distance. 2012 Chicago. FURNISHED rooms for rent; both large nu email. iis captlol Ave.- NICELY furnished eouth front room for three ladles; also other rooms, with private amiiy. n. nauf. Z82S Capitol Ave. LARGE room with alcove; walking dis tance; nousekeeping It desired. Phone D. 710. A NICE clean furnished room, for ladv. In private family; walking distance; price reasonable. Address 1024 8. 22d St. Hotels nt AftrliBfta. THE BACHELORS XU'lll AND FARNAM. EUUWEAN FLAN. BRUNSWICK HOTEL 1210 Douglas. All omsiue glooms. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS for gen tlemen. THhl CHATHAM, U0 S. 12th 8U THE ALT A VISTA. Euro wean. HOC Uoir sud VINCENT DINING ROOM-&i0 S. 19th St. DODGE HOTEL 13th and Dodge. All out slue cool rooms; special rates by the week. THE PRATT Cool rooms with board. tilt South feth SL 11S LORIK Hotel, European, modern. 210 No. 17lh st. GEO HQ I A HOTEL Nice front rooms". 104a S. 2th St. Tel. Harney ML j beautiful Rooms, fine board. 123 8. th Ae lloasekeeplna; ' Ttpoaas. NICE, CLEAN, COOL housekeeping rooms; gas furnished, laundry privileges; walking distance; rent reasonable. , 2671. 81. MARV'd AVal. ROOM and board In private family; mod ern and reasonable. Address 2112 Mason t. Phone Harney 4082. CLEAN, furnished rooms and board, with German Christian family. , Hill Capitol ave. THOSE wishing home comfort, home cook ing, miii pieununt rooms and bath will find them at lib S. toth st Rates very reason ably GOOD room and board, f4 t0. at 817 N. lull kt ' SMALL front room for one, with board, lai. casa. 'Phone Douglas 1478. ROOM and board for two gentlemen; all fsh,uei'ii and new house; home cooking; yr.vule fun.ily. 321 N. 2tith at. 1'UK Juauuel and Howard, 21st and How aid; 2 and 4 room apartments; til to 133; hum, furnished. FURNISHED rooms for light housekeep ing. 604 N. tb. NICELY furnished light housekeeping room; privatk n trance, iiis N, Uti. TWO housekeeping rooms, double par lots, M per uioaili. 24iis Harney. i NICEST housekeeping rooms, with gas, ni b. am. l'.'l'j st. Mary's ave., board and loom; - home iwokuiM. TWO housekeeping rooms, also sleeping rooms. 2ol St. Mary's Ave. NEWLY- furnished or unfurnished light housekeeping and sleeping rooms; new nirfiiuk'eiueub 614 South iud. THKKH1 strictly modsrn furnished rooms for Hum housekoeplng during August and rieptviiiber. Lse of phone. No children allowed. 216 S. 26il bl. Dougtas bijtk NICELY furnished modern rooms for light housekeeping; close In. 21 N. ltb. SUITS of 4 nice modern furnished house keeping rooms, bath. 646 S. 21st. H. 4650. FRONT room and kitchen, housekeeping. 1914 California. FRONT room and kltoheo, housekeeping. 612 S. 20th. COOL, moden, convenient rooms- 211 S. 20th SL NEWLY furnished light housekeeping or sleeping rooms. 1643 N. 16th, upstair. TWO modern housekeeping rooms; east front 2604 DavenporL TWO modern housekeeping rooms, fit 8. IC-.n. ROOMS for llgnt housekeeping; modern. 201s Howard. TIIRSE rooms for light housekeeping; modern. 22111 Leavenworth. SINGLE room for lady employed: very light housekeeping if desired. 0O4 S. 2.th St. TWO furnished rooms lor housekeeping; modern; walking distance, (ii South 28ih street. TWO modern roomsl no objection to chil dren. 31 South 2Cin. MODERN rooms for housekeplng; take part pay In sewing. 2121 Webster SL TWO furnished housekeeping rooms. 712 N. Kin. FURNISHED rooms for light housekeep ing. 2010 Davenport St. FURNISHED rooms lor light bousekeep Ing. t06 N. lUth L ROOMS for light housekeeping, modern. :?. Farnam St. Harney 4774. 2 OR I COMPLETELY furnished rooms, first floor, modern, walking distance, shade. 115.00. to B. toth St. TI1HK1S rortlpletely furnished rooms for light housekeeping. 2S0e Harney BL THREE eovind floor housekeeping rooms, 4:2 n. mi SL STRICTLY modern, housekeeping rooms, walking distance, reasonable. 4M1 N. &jd. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, modern, second floor. 571 N. tit St. . 1"WO boustkespliig roouia, 2M CaUforuu OFFERED FOR RENT Housekeeping; Room CeatlaaedU SUITE of two or three housekeeping roomi, flrit floor, water and 'phone. Walking distance, terms reasonable. Harney St. Douglas 1878. FURNISHED or unfurnished apartment modern, brick building, walking distance. 816 a 29th St. TWO front rooms, furnished complete for light housekeeping, modem house. 2111 Bouncer SL Webster 6410, LIGHT housekeeping rooms. 23.50. N. 20th HU NICE front room, moderu, e. Ice and telephone, U per week. 4118 Chicago St. THREE all modern rooms, walking dis tance. 2C18 Davenport Ht. TWO front rooms, modern, gas range, re frigerator, also large basement room, 2o Burt St. 2582 HARNKY. nlr-.lir nirnluhed hnnu, keeping rouins. south 'exposure, modern. TWO desirable rooms for light house- nceiHUK, is i. mm Bt. I ELEGANT rooms, furnished for light housekeeping; modern. 220 N. 2oth St.; no Hsu on nouse. 6 ELEGANT rooms, unfurnished, on main floor, modern. 2111 N. 22d St. Inquire at 8J0 EXCELI.RNT rnmnUtalv fiimluhul Uim keeping rooms, 'phone In nous. 2574 Har- TWO nicely furnished or unfurnlshml rooms for housekeeping, water and gas ,ln rooms; aiso large parlor on same floor. mio Doage. Doug. 65i0. COOL front housekeeping rooms, mod- eiu. vaiuornia bt. THREE completely furnished rooms for nouseKeeping; bath and gas, gas range. Ice uux, goou ceuar; no children. 717 S. 18th. Lrcwkllul IU1IIIDLICU I 1 1 1 , complete for housekeeping; modern; nice a purcn; reasonaoie; no vuuuj bjm ovo vapiiui ave. MODERN furnished housekeeping rooms, 2037 Harney. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, single or en THREE furnished housekeeping rooms. 08 N. Ibth SL SOUTH parlor, with or without board; ...vwa, 114. VUUKIBI. FOR RENTTu,a I,... l iiwuDcfiveiJiiiK; muaarn. mi a. sth SL TWO nicely furnished rooms: mrvihin iiuuciu, sua, ciei-iriciiy, Datn, pnone, well locatea; close 10 car line. In private family, iu vuujyia muiuui nuron. mi js. Z7th st, SUITE front houulliwnlnr nviivii' mA ern; 13.60 per week. 2003 Burt. .HOUSEKEEPING i Ic.nin. , week up. 2016 LeaWwrth7 I.." TWO or three elegant houaekerinv tllO Harney. 0. 6696. SINGLE and double rooms for irenlmn. excellent board. 2214 Douglas. 710 South 18th. Furnished ronma oiii, home cooking; rates reasonable. NICE8T light housekeeping rooms: mod ern, close In. , 218 No. mt. TWO front rooms, 911 South 20th. THREE furnished rooms. 1112 S. nth sL FIRST class room and board; modern. 2021 Howard. BOARD and room, 2226 Dodge sL Red 9G52. FIRST class room and board, near 24th street car llue. 6 per week. lasa N. 22d sL MODERN furnished rooms with or with out board. 2108 Douglas. TWO modern housekeeping rooms. Hi S. 2sth SL DESIRABLE rooms for light housekeep ing; also other rooms. 211 N. lith SL ' Untarnished Rooms. THREE) unfurnlshod rooms for house keeping .1S13 St Mary's Ave. 3 UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms, $12.. 26M Capitol Ave. Apartments and Flats, ELEOANT 2. 4 sna s-room apartmeota fiUeblow Terraca. Webster 42. SERVANTS problem solved; I rooms eon tensed Into t; steam heat; electrle light and laundry; bet and cold water; wall bed, sate, gas stove, refrigerator; janitor service. The Hunter. 26th and Dodge. Tel. Douglas iji. Now completed and for rent at 30 and 137 50 per month In The Alma ApWtroents, at 27th Ave, and Harney St. Tel. Harney 2xa. New Brick Dwellings for llent 8. E. corner 29lh and Jackson, Sts., two 7-1 oom modem houses. Just computed; 216 and 250 per mouth. R. H. LANDERYOU. Tel. Douglas 2151; Independent A-215L 442 Board of 'liadu. CENTRAL APARTMENTS Two high-grade, 6-ioom. modern flats hardwood, ample rooms; always nice order shades, hooded gas range, free hot water all year; a Oram heat; walking distance. Sum mer, ono 25, other fc; winter 2 more a.u,ual any al 230 mora References required! S BEMIS-CARLBERQ CO., 210 jBrandela Theater. FOUR-ROOM modern aparttnenL Tel Webster 6-a. Furnished Iloasee, FURNISHED bungalow, Seymour lake $5 week, Ralston Lumber Co, pbous lud. B 102. ruu. I-ROOM furnished house for rent, West Farnam district. VA per month. 'Phone Harney 1002. Uonsee nnd Collages. -room, modern brick house, north part of city, 125. 4-room apartment, city water, $12. 2-room apartment, 1117 Clark, 210. 2-room aparuneut, newly bapcred, 1917 Clark (8; I-room apartment, IKt North 17th, 9. One store building, 119 Clark St., 220. One 8-room apartment for colored people, 1612 Burt SL, C. M, BACHMANN, 436 Paaton BIk. Phoue; Olfioe U-loua. Residence D. 60CS. FOR RENT Just completed, 8 elegant room, all modern brick bouses. They have I rooms with ait extra room on the 2d floor provided with bathroom, besides a neat room tor storage, 'liiete houaea are beauti fully finished la quarter-sawed oak. latest nickel plumbing, ilk toilet tu basement; perfect gems; right In the heart of the city. bS them I u. w. corner 20lh and Daveu port ate., opposite high school. C. Al. Uara. man, 4J Paxton Biota, Tel. Ued 2ul; lt.. denre 'tut Duug. 6uMt IU.0). On large 8-room apartment first floor ptrt moaern, good ne.gliburliood block tu car and store. Apply VV. U, Men-' aia, llilA Kim PL. Tai, Duua. 114. OFFEfttU F0H RENT lluuam iuJ CuiUsiMw-ttfuituyiil, FOR RENT. A nice seven-room house, modern except heat; parlor, living room, kitchen and ihive bud rouins, all bunt on one floor. Has been newly papered and painted on the Inside and painted on the. outside and is now in first-class condition; good cement walks; stone steps and located on the car line. W4 North 23d St. $25. per month. W. J. DERMODY INVESTMENT CO., fe'i ! 1512 City Nat l Bunk Bldg. FOR RENT Am about to move In my new house, 4C2U Florence Boulevard; will rent my present strictly modern, 7-room residence, 4MI2 Florence Boulevard. This is one of the choicest homes In North Omaha; grounds are 166x400 feet, with about UM large shade trees; V block to the Amen Ave. cars; auto barn 20x24. Telephone Win. 1. Klerstead. 8-Kooms, Large Lot, $12.50 One block Harney car, water on both floors. , ,- NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., CjS Now York Life Bldg. Phone Red 19M. NEW T-room modern house; ready Sept. 1. 1st floor rinlih.,1 In nil. V.4 Sl J " wain. 1 I'll I lllllRUQU inmai,1 and birch; very reasonable at fl-R. Mori VtyJlA ftn..l. C, M , Mod. ex. heat, 2529 Davenport St, BUTTON REALTY CO., 694 Brandeis Bldg. Phone Doug. 1670 8-ROOM house, all modern; rent reason able. 228 Popleton Ave. S. 25th Ave., B-r., all modern, 240. 17 N. 17th, 9-r.,-all modern, 235. 2M3 Capitol Ave, 6-r., close In, 20. 10544 8. 20th, 6-r., modern ex. heat, 212. 10T.()14 S. 20th, 6-r., part modern, $15. SOOi Seward, 4-r. with barn, 112.50. THE BYRON REED CO.. TelS. Doug. 297, A 2S34. 212 8. 14th BL MODERN HOUSE 2412 Burt; I bed rooms and bath upstairs; 2 rooms and large re ception hall downstairs, iao. H. B. lioyles, WISH to rent our home In West Farram rflfitrfnt! a I u-t , rnAn.. . i i . . finish, hot water heat, oast front, large NICE 8-roora house for rent; modern eg. cepi neac uu wuming streeL 'Phone. Har- n.w ...wWvaII, ,ul lulu, I'm iswn, grapes, garden, chicken house, trees. 2181 NOWATA LAND eV LOT CO.. 658 New York Life Bldg. Phono Red W. NINE-ROOM modern detached brick. 141 1 fherwood Ave.; I3U. Pattarson.. 1622 Far nam SL ft.RftnM mnH u M. . . . . . . - - , ya. mu avv.. iguq cnnni. Uon, 230. Tel. Harney 1668, 7 HOUSES Jn, rt ot ba city, Cralgh Sons a Co., Bee Bid Houses, fists. Garvin Bros. Id floor N. Y. U In Al rnnrilrlr-in mtrlHx, m i J respect. Call D. 43. FOR RENT S-ronm linnu aim n.w Ave. ' ' BRICK HOTTsn mii nn rooms, modern. Moyer Bta. Co.. 1616 Far nam SL t. wo it-room modern, very nice, beauti fully located, newly renovated. 71 S. 27th. Webster 2&HU. SIX ROOMS, MODERN, walking dis tance. Inquire 2228 Burt Hi. ,,nuu. moaern, partly furnisneO. sunt mr or longer. 240. aMs Jackson. HOUSES. Ins. RlngwalL Brandeis Th. Bldg. ,., A HOUSES yoH itfcNT. NOWATA UNI) AND LOT CO. 6ulto 224 N. Y. Life Bldg. Red 1M fl.L AppTy- 220 North TlaaVd' Block! To Colored People 5-room modern cottage. 220 MOW AT T A Nl, .y,,i , 252 New York Lite Bld. PhZn K,& 1999. HrttTSKHOr.i i nnnni ...i... . 7 - - - .. uiu;ui ana storm Expressmen's Delivery Co. lei. Doqjv FOR RlTNTVn. v. rth BL Key m.t door uthT W A modern inum .m .... -- ' . w.wBj-.,. two do. lj tn SL Open bunday from 2 to 4. 222.M and 33 No. 27th SL, t rooms IIS. Fred S. Hadra. 660 N. Y. U Bldg. ' Douglas 4334, oiuauu wuAuti, conveniently located ' mvui uuria, FOR HKMT-nf. . . i vrwuia ajs ana zzu: nice suite offices located in northwest cor .1 uuimuis.' 4 ne larger room Is partl t oned an a m tn mttnrA . ' .VTr . - v " vi yuvme OXElceS and reception room, and Is provided with vault. 1 his makes a good combination of rooms and has been occupied by insurance 2302 8. 25th St, ( rooms modern. 4132 Ixard bt., 7 rooms modern. 2310 S. 36th SL, rooms modern. OALLAGHER & NELSON. 490 Bradels Bldg. Omaha. Neb. FOR RENT. t:i,hi..nm a 216 Hli.Au rMtt. SIX-ROOM oottage. 221 Burt St OMAHA Van A iior r-n l. - w ve nsaav SV 4VIV rfsV store nouneliuld goods; storehouse, U2v-M N vince, w a, mi ot t, Douglas 156a lores nud Offiees. BTORB ROOM FOR RENT. Runt .r mm, 1m n I . , Room iMxIU letL Poioa giva about September 1, 110. ui JNAllUNAL BANK. slrable euite of otfices on third floor, with north and west exposure. A wide corridor extends around the attractive court to these offices afiordlng easy access to this place of business. Rent for suite 202. THE BEE BUILDING COMPANY. WELL LIGHTED store. 22x100. 102 a, Mlb. Carter Sheet Metal Worka I. A ROB pleasrnl south sad east front office. Corner mb aod barney, tv a Curtis, ISut Harcey. TRACKAGE PROPERTY AVe offer for rent the one story and basement brick store room at 914 Farnam, This prop erty has trackage facilities in rear. Apply BEE BUILDINO CO, 17th and Farnam. Unequalled Opportunity Grocery aa meat market, wua futures roaipieiei m wil luard block. Apply 2M N til i DESK room for rit In City National Bank Uklf. SteuogrspW aod us ef pUoue Dutuclaa sua. OFFERED FOR SALE FOR SALE Household furnltura. In quire st aza Lincoln Boulevard. Wo a'ill sell our nMi'A Atnoiint of furnl tH.r8uBt rfaonablo prtcea. Inquire at 22 6. u, council t.turrs, or call ind. l2-r. LARGE quarter sawed oak sideboard joHt mu.,: seii iul ha.i. e,. is. Rairden. 4lo AM NOW packing to leave Omaha. Part of my- household goods must be sold at wiiue, neavy oak sideboard; elegant new round dining room table. Fine mahogany book case; good bed room furniture: ruirs: piano; fine, new refrigerator, suitable for mail uoaraing house, and gas stove. Will owiuicB lor tnree days. 22 California. Ilaslcal Instrnuente. . EXTRA fine Edison phonograph, cabinet and choice records; good as new. 410S La- FOR 8ALE Plann vnivl aa new. Tn quire 2518 B street. South Omaha; phone South 1U76. Typewriters. BUY in L. C. Smith 4c Bros. Typewriter. n. r. Bwanson i, Disirlbutera, uxi Tvnpwritors fni. T)on4 iLL MAKES i "-B. F. owauson. mrnam dl, vmana. REMEMBER It takes but a few strokes vi wn pen w state mat you saw the "ad." in The Bee. The advertiser wants to know. SECOND-hand tvnwHi,r mnA Central Typewriter Exchange. 1907 Farnam! ALMOST NEW, No. 6 Remington, 220 " -..v vw till UUII OU MUeellaneoua. FOR tlALE New ana second-hand billiard and pool tables. Wo lead the world In chjap halke-Collender, 40f k Ittb L WE HAVE on hand a number of ink " '" Te win sen tor6v cents each. Tbey are fine for rain water o- asbea, Call ' twin, rUDUJQlDI r " About 40 feet of U Inch diameter No. 2 - . mum useo. ior vent I at- Ing Purposes, and pipe i. m ,0od condition. The Bee Publishing Co.. 17th and Farnam SAFES-Overstoeked with second-hand " inuaes; bsrealaa Imtrlnn Rnnr.lv Cn 111ft li-. ,7. " HALL 8 safes, new. Id-hand. 1818 Farnam, DRUGS at cut prices: frelaht nii .n S-tH8? Sherman VACUUM cleaners, 216 to 226. 1117 Farnam. Filters, filter repairs. 1310 Howard. D2913. FOR RAT.P K'anr ... t t r ..: -Zl.TTTi j7 . v Anierna- care Ornai; w "" Kun- . - . hi'u Aii,L-t:iaii l i?c4 ?"luul quarterea oak and plate wuiiim ou cnone u. S34. SHARE Of Orlfrlnnl Htnnlr Uannw Unll S;;, t, luwu -rnce 235. Address M PATENTS P. O. BARNELL. Paxton BIk. Tel. Red 7117. WTT.T.lPn irriTw . . .... OSTEOPATHY Katbryn Nikolas, 634-1 Brandeis Theater. Alloa Johnson, ot-l Brandeis Theater Bldg. JOHN DE FOX. (28 Brandeis Theater. PERSONAL MECHANO THERAPT. st cr at Ifsalmsnr A.an.. i,nii Margartte Halloriin. m NvlU Bile. D. 7761. Switches tSJSPP' MJ?i t . NOTICE. Toman A fJT..i.. . , , . i ... . eountv" "-'Xli, " ,L.8ll.-Cl r Ing his brother, Auctln or Austle lieaiy. Anyone knowing hira please Inform J. A. ,R- o8- WOOD has moved to his new Office, 438-440 Brandeis Theater Bldg , and Is again ready for work. MRS. vnnvna nri... - , . home, 1616 Martha St., Omaha, Neb. Tele- n inn, T ,. , 1 ., . ci':A W W W U B , 4.lA. MESSAGE AND BATHS J?M-R1tnh,ou"e' Poom 908 ,d oton Store olog.. 4th floor, elevator entrance, 120 S. 16th. Rubber Goods ft? lln f ubbr j ' Goods. Special Mall il!2,iM???"S .prITfU eonfln.meni thujas 28. aMtl' Xal MAGNETIC YOUNQ WOMEN coming to Omaha as Strangers are invited to visit the roung Womens Cbrlsuan association building at Seventeenth Bt, and St Mary s Ave . whe?. they will be directed to suitable boardins places or otherwise sails ted. Look for oui traveler's alu at tb Union station. MAHOGANY upright piano lor sale; coat new ym ICASH); NEED MONEY; leavlns town; no reasonable offer refused. Addrsa. U. M. B., Oeneral Delivery. Omaha. WE rent and repair all kinde of sewlns machines. Ind. A-1W2. Doug. ltiiO. " NEBRASKA CYCLE COMPANY 16tb and Harnsy St. ' STRICTLY private borne for confine ments; excellent care; babies for adoption fcilS Davenport SL -THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast-off clothing, la fact anything you do not used. W collect repair and sell at 124 N. lltH EL. for cost of collection, to the worthy -ovr. Call 'pboue Douglas 41.14 and Wagons will calL SWITCHES from combings, 2L Tel Webster 2o4. HINDOO TABLETS will build, braoa strengthen. 40c BELL DRUO CO OMAHA glammerers Ins.. Ramge Bldg. WIGS .0UP ,"r nv- Uriffita, " U sad 14 FRBNZKK BLOCK. MME. ALLEN ot Chicago, baths, sail glow and massage. IGOt Dodge St., oppo site postofflca. 2d floor. Tel. Doug. 76(16. KILL THOSE ROACHES' NOT POISON! NO ODORI We guarantee to Md your place, large or small, of these pests In twelve days, pay when satisfied. MbkIo Roach Powder Co., (73 Brandeis bldg. Doug. U70, Omaha. PRIVATE HOME during eonflnement; sables for adoption. Good Samaritan Sani tarium. I4 1st Ave.. Council Bluffs. la. JOSIE WASHBURN'S book. "The Under world Sewer." at all book stores; price 11.50 . GROW new hair by using Mme. Freyers Adellght Hair Food. MekesUt Stationery Cu. ERS0NAL WANTED Another ladr to travel with Colvin'a Hypnotio Co.; age 18 to 26; good appearance; long and easy position, no ex perience required. Call at Belmont Hotel, 1.)18 Dodge sl Charles Colvln, MAGNETIC If'TfiWJEf PTT.Tf.S cured without operation or pain. A-lJA-'0 Dr Maxwell. 624 Bee Bldg. D. 14:'i SHAMPOO, massage. Ads bte!, 1601 Howard BL 2d floor, front room, west flaL iu a. m. to g p. m. POULTRY FOR SALE Full blood single comb White M-suurn cocxereis, cheap, t'none weDster .PRINTING LEW W. RABER, Printer.gftjJ - mi mag. entrance on Court. RtES-HAXXi Ptg. Co., 109 S. 14th. Ind. , MILLER dt JAMIESON. 1212 Doug. Both 'PHONB IND. A-WJO foi good printing l.ngst4 MuHiir fn 1fh 'nlrnl REAL ESTATE ABSTRACTS. OF TITLE. GUARANTEE Aostrsct Co.. 1622 Farnam, PETER J ESS EN. JR. Tel. Douglas tm PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER, 6S2V4 Brandeis, 4-r. WOf. REAL K8TATK DEALERS. REED ABSTRACT CO.. Est. 1W. prompt service; get our prices, tog Brandeis theater. BENJAMIN R. B. CO., 477 Brandeis Bldg. REAL ESTATE TITLE TRUST CO., igui-j t.ij tatt. nank Building. ENQLEBRECHT eV RAVER. CANADIAN LOCAL REALTY. 1710 Farnam (Bee Bldg.) D. 4m CITY PROPERTY FOR gALB. Your Rent Receipts WILL NOT GO FAR T0 WARDS BUYING A HOME. SEE THESE NEW 5-ROOM COTTAGES IN THE NORTH PART OF TOWN WHICH YOU CAN BUY FOR 11.700 ON VUUY EASY TERMS. THEY ARE NOW READY TO MOVE INTO. R. D. MASON, M. D., ' 402 BRANDEIS BLDO. BUY FROM OWNER. K- mri m ntf f at an mA4Aam t- u . .. a, - vuvu, ualcjii. ucni, cor ner lot, paved atret. Just a nice little a"1n ... J i .. .s w th. v iwiiio, muuvin in cvrry wy cottage. In south part of th city, close to ISP nriil enknnl i l; - -" oiiuui, avi iiiiiucLuuifi uosaessiou. 2405 South 17th streeL GOSNEY, 560 N. Y. Life Bldg-. Douglas 4334. RTRlf!TT.V MAniTRM nk llnl.k L uvuupiea, e-room, oesiaes Dath and den good neighborhood. Price 83,!ii0. $mo cash, J30 monthly. "Phone owner, Harney 5210 for more Information. FOR RENT Tlfflr KOI n.- . rear 1 p vr f ,ir 1 v 1 it Tht. .. , i. . . i . - T, " . . . . uuii, nimiu uq desirable aa imnll rl mmtnt 10 per month. The Bee Building Company. 300 CASH, BALANCE VEHY EASY EIGHT rnAmi muHorn 0 n rA li... I . lawn, shrubbery, fruit, shade trees, grape arbor, concrete walk. You will like K. meg A,IMJ. nowati t.a Kin a t rT r-r 668 N. Y. L. Bldg. Phone Red 1999 GROUND FLOOR SPACE. There la a larva ariA rA iunr .ff hA nn..Mt on ground floor that will be remodeled bui, &uBiat;iury tenant. L niB location is rear Farnam ntrAt. rnnviinlftni .i mdin entrance of building. Look before renting. Don't rent before looking. THE her RiTiT.niMu rvtUDiuT R. W. Baker, Supt. 17th and Farnam, 8-ROOM CAPITOL AVE. ClOSA tn. full I n t ntvari Fr... , wiillra timrift nw l.i..t .ti. , - - -" " I mjiw, ll ,Wiiy modern; 80OO cash, balance very easy. NOWATA LaND & LOT CO., 658 New York Life Bldg. TeL Red 1399. PRAIRIE PARK B"f?5 ,ot 'n1 brand rou hnnias first class In every restecL Rmnii .h payment, balance monthly. Agent at 2701 Fowler Ave. Fax ton Real Estate Company. Ti Qua or 1 1 a-r. two, tl S Ui (Mix, BELLING homes to COLORED PEOPLE. ' u"u waning, iii your property with Home Investment Co.. 1114 N. 24th Web. 206, Ind. B 2414. N. W. Cor. 35th Ave. and Pacific Lot 50x124, soutl east front; look at It; can be bought at vory low price. NOWATA LAND LOT CO. 58 New York Life Bldg. Tel. Red 1999. DOWNTOWN S-room. all modern house, flno condition on 2tith Ave., near Howard St., only 25,000. A good buy. On Sdth Ave., between Poppleton and Wool worth, a fins 8-room, all modern house; fine place, etc. 0wner anxious to sell snd will sacrifice. SELBY, Doug. 1510. 436 Board of Trade Bldg. EASY TERMS. IF you are looking for a nice 8-room cot tage at the right price In a good neighbor hood, caU and see us at once. We have two on fist and Corby Sts., brand new, built and finished by good workmen; large lots. Price only 21,700 each. Will make very easy terms to good party. Sola agents. INTERNATIONAL LAND & 1NV. CO.. 210-12-14 Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. 8-Roora, West Farnam St. Large lot, shrubbery, fruit, fine lawn modern. li.MO; fM canit, balance very easy. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., KJ New York Life Bldg. Phone Red 1930. Sacrifice. Very large new 8-room house, north of Field club; lias open brick fireplace In living room, 8 bediouiiis, very large. Chean at ir nun- win nl. u him rn i.. Uood terms can, bs arranged. Address! FOR SALE My residence 8 rooms, 8 lot. Modern, In good shape. -A bargain. Ad dress H. M. Wilcox, plattsmouth, Neb. 100x130 feet, with new house, barn and hen house; fruit trees. Easy terms. 82 000. Phone Webster 3M2. Call lb42 North Uth. AM PACK I NO to leave Omaha. My home must be sold. Will sacrifice U sold wlttiln I days. California. " REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. (Continued.) Do You Want A New Home On Easy Terms Only One-Tenth Cash 1S30 Rmith 24th Pt., S-room, new. attrac tive cottage; all modern but furnace. On east front lot 40 feet wide; on paved street and car line. Price, $3,200-2320 cash; 8:10.90 a month pays both principal and interest 152 South 24th St., 7 rooms, new, all modern, piped for furnace; on lot 40 feet wide, on paved street and car line. Just completed, and a dandy home for some one. Price, $3,400-4.140 cash; $33.65 a month oovers both principal and Interest Hastings & Heyden, 1614 Harney St. Easy Terms IF YOI7 are looking for a nice 6-room cot tage at the rlRht mice in a stood neighbor hood, call and see us at once. We have two on 41st and Corby Sts., brand new, built and finished bv aood workmen: lnrsre lots. Price only $1,700 each. Will make very easy terms to good party. Sole agents. International Land & Invest ment Company, 210-12-14 Be Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Built for a Home 6 Rooms, All Modern Now for Sale -$3,750 A splendid new full two-story square house, modern and complete In every way. Built of the very best of material and good workmanship. Fine basement, ce mented, good furnace and laundry ap paratus. 3 rooms and hall on first floor, 8 bedrooms and bath on second floor, floored attic. All rooms beautifully papered, large fine corner lot, on paved street, pav ing all paid, beautiful lawn. This place Is absolutely complete In every respect and In the finest condition. No expense re quired after you buy It. The number Is 2722 Spnldlng street. The owner lives there and will show you through. Norris & Martin, Doug. 4270, Web. 4C38. 400 Bee Bluldlng, REAL ESTATE FARM AND RANCH LAND FOR SALE Arkansas. A GREAT BARGAIN. ARKANSAS FRUIT AND blOCK FARM 200 acres. miles from Waldrou. 6 acres in cultivation, acres In meadow: 4 acres In apple orchard, also otner truits; good 3-room house, smoke house, barn and out buildings, fine well of good water. All land not tilled is covered with good pine and oak timber. This is a line fruit and stock farm; the range cannot be beaten in the country, stock water in abundance. This place can be bought now tor tl.oou and Is a bargain. Terms to suit. Write or call on John D. Baker. Wuldron-Scott Co., Arkansas. Canada. SELF-EUPPORTINO HOMRH In th. slur. lous fruit district southern British Colum bia for $10 cash and $10 monthly, without Interest. Annual profits, $600 to $l,uo0 per acre. Orchard, garden, poultry; scenery, hunting, fishing, boaUug; delightful, warm climate; churcn, school, poeloffire, stoie, uib sawmiii; aauy trains; close to markets; unlimited demand for oroducts. Write quick for maps, photos, free Information. West-Kootenay Fruit Lands Co., Dept D., Drawer 107, Nelson, British Columbia, California. A FINE lO-ACnm PKapw nnrnipn t Ontario, Cal., value $5,000, to trade for good Minnesota property about same value; con sider Dakota or Sioux Falls. Several fine California orange groves, from $10,000 up. Sale and trades. Have one called the finest place In southern California, price $120,000. Beautiful property wilt pay big returns also. If you have eastern nronertv to trade for southern California, send descrip tion. Trades effected anvwhere. Faithful personal attention given to your matters. insurance, saies, trades, rentals. Invest ments, etc. References furnished. James M. Van Deusen. 208 Braley Bids-.. Pasadena Cal. ' Colorado. 2.8S0 Acres IS miles northeast of nn fair Improvements, all fenced. Under the High Line Canal In the Antero District. A bargain. For particulars writs William nines. DeWltt, la. COLORADO LAND. I have 8.000 acres nf tmnmv, .. ...i Droved land for sale at frnm tin t. ftz. - - acre, within from one to ten miles of town; ail goou image; write me for particulars. u. J. dca;i , uuvima, COLO. COLORADO SPRINGS GARDEN TRACTS. iv ana xu-acre irrigated garden tracts near Colorado Sprintts, best water right fine soil and the finest climate In the world. Five railroads and four stations on orntMirtv. PriM 112ft r, TttKm. down, $10 monthly. Send for circulars E P. Klein. 1724 Ogden, St.. Dsnver, Colo. . Florida. FLORIDA We have mllllnna nf Florida timber, cut over, farm And rninni. xation lands. Before purchasing send for Florida Heal Estate Journal. Big bargains nice homes; ws can suit you. National nuauy Agency. Jacksonville, 'la. FOR BALK itt ii,m In 1J..I1. ........... Florida: 8 acres grove. Routs 2, Box id.' Barnard, N. T. lorra, 'iOWA FARMS Pn. Mrr.ln. In Timt 1 J i . - - ... -v .. ii lo.n, wrue or call on Iowa Land Credit company. Mason City. Ia. 4 X TKT RRT.T. AT riK-r-x . I rour and a half acres of good land, 84th St. and Aha 1 1 lal trinA . i i . . " " .,-" ' viiivm UIUCK. tllll. Henry Smith, M W. Bdwy.. Council Bluffs. IOWA FARMS. Write for my large Illustrated list of Madison county farms, from 20 acres up to 640 acres, all prices, good liberal terms. See Madison county before buying. Best all around county tn the state. Address J. . SHRlVElt, Wlntvrset, la, RFAL FSTATE F ARM AND RANCH LAND FOR 8At. (Continued.) Mlasjesota. Bee me about Minnesota farms of all de scriptions. They are priced rltht THE HONEST LAND MAN IL T. BULLia. WAKECA, MINN. 210-ACRE farm within Sfi miles of Minne apolis, six mile from the county seat: has 120 acres under cultivation, balance timber and pasture; all high land; price $18 per acre; one-half cash, balance on easy terms; land Is situated on main traveled road, on mile from school. This Is a bargain and will bear the most strict Investigation. For further particulars writs M. aV Ruther ford St. Co., Princeton, Minn. "FARMERS" choice fertile farms In a sure crop country are the only kind to buy. Try the niaa who sells them. Norman Horn. Appleton, Minnesota. Persistent Advertising Is the Road to Big Returns. Montana. EASTERN MONTANA LAND. Thr. Il.i'l Inn. r r 1 in ...... n ...... i . . . i i . . . - v -'.-i wuuij long in one block at a bargain if taken In the next i.unjr uvi, xnese are steam-plow sec. tlons. Other lands at bargain prlcea. No hAft.. tim. t . . 1. 1 ir I . . .. . - . . i . j j lauu. wmii i ik n i now. If you are looking for Investment or a good "", vnmiii v.. iiawaru, uieuuive. Mont. - allaaonrt. , IN MISSOURI. 200 acres, 125 miles southeast of Kansas City; 86 acres fine bottom land In cultiva tion, baJance four pastures; nicely wat ered, tine two-atory trams house; good tenant house, good barn, cribs, etc.; ail fenced with wire and board; 1 mils to town, school and church. For quick saie tu per acre; no trade. GEORGE KUMPF, 202-205 Sheidiey Bldg., xiansas City, Mo. BEAUTIFUL Vernon county, Mo., farms for sale, 100 miles south of Kansas City, second largest livestock market In the world. Beautiful laying country, good land, nice homes, no hilly, rocky or swampy land. In the corn belt ol Missouri. The best farms In the county, well Improved, good schools, churches and neighbors; beautiful healthy climate, plenty of fruit Farms from 40 acres up to 640 acres. Will grow W bushels corn, 2S bushels wheat & bushels oats, 2 tons timothy nay per acre. You can buy these well improved farms for less than you can improve a farm out In tlie western desert country. Price 2b0 to 170 per acre. Try tho Golden Rule land man. I will treat you right I have been a farmer all my life, and i know good land when 1 see It These farms are worth double the pries asked for them. Address E. N. Green, Nevada, Mo. Netoraekav. WHAT ARE YOUR PLANS? Are you planning- to see the Scott's Bluff country at Its beat? Do vnu n A i i. at irrigated land when It Is producing, If so, why not plan to go with us on our Next Excursion Tuesday, August 23. Threshing operations are In nrnmu ii over tho 8oott's Bluff Dountrv 2a. n A vah will enjoy seeing the vast quantities of grain mat are produced on good soli under an abundant water supply. Then tho Sugar Beets are now ripening and tha crop Is beautiful. The great farms of Alfalfa with their two cuttings In stack and pro. Daratlons In nroa-reaa far th HiirH .1,111.. are also Interesting. Ths fields of Potatoes are Instructive and the prospects look to be very profitable this season because tha potato crop Is a little bit short In other localities. We still have soma splendid bargains scattered all over this beautiful valley and our Swedish Colony of which much has been said Is almost completed, only a few farms left In that vicinity. Make your plans today to go with us on ouf next excursion. Writs us or phono , us and we will reserve a berth for you on tho famous Payne Special. Payne investment Company, ' ' Southeast Corner 15th and Farnam"StiT 'To put Landless Man on Manless Land." BARGAIN IN FARM For (0 days, bpeclal bargain, immediate possession If desired. J. T. CainpbeiL Litchfield. Neb. DOUGLAS COUNTY. We have a nice small lrm nf nna for sale In above county, very well located. Lelnir 7 miles west nf Miliar mnA i..,.T. 7 miles southwest of Eikhorn. Pries low ana gooa teiiiis tor immeriate sale. INTERNATIONAL LAND & ISV. CO., tiu-ii-ii mm mug., uuiana. Neb. If you have anything to sell or trade advsrtlse It In e Bee Want Ad col umns and get quick results. WELL Improved 480-acre Greeley count v. Neb., farm: the heat bargain In tha atiu. only $32.60 an acre; ask about this. W. W. MITCHELL, Board of Trade Bldg., Omaha. oath Dakota. j SECTION of Oreaorv eountv Rnnth Da kota, land for sale. This section has tim ber, running water fed by springs, lots ef hay, 60 acres broken, UO acres can bs plowed, all fenced, one-half mile from school, three miles from one railroad town and six miles from another; good soil snd tne very pest an around farming and stock raising section In Gregory county. South Dakota. Call on or write to Charles Mllnar. owner, Fairfax, 6. D. MONEY MAKING 400-acra corn farm nut from Sioux Fails; nine-room house, two b i' " i u nuv, iinivii, uarn 00 uy n; uildings; large grove, orchard with appiea, Diaca walnut trees; all can be cul tivated; fenced and cross fenced; telephone; rural mall: $10 per acre under uric tar quick sale; crops never were better. Write me at once. it. A. suivius, owner, sUoux Falls, H. D. WHY PAY HIGH RENTT Mr. Farmer, come to South Dakota; stop paying high rents; own your own farm; spend the money for your Improvements that you are paying In Iowa In high rent We own twenty quarters of land here that we can sell you for IA to $30 per acre on terms you can't beat; $1.00 to $l,foo down, balance on payments at per cent. Come here before the snaps are all gone. For full Information write Dixon Bros., or Bank of beueca, Faulk county, d. D,