! i THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 18, 1910. IT (i u I- i 1 1 I: i ! t . 1.1 'A y Tn OFFERED FOR RENT . jf Monaekeealag Room atlaaeA. 8l?Mi?4nd double ronmi for gentlemen: xc ,rA board. 2214 Douglas. 710 South ISth. Furnished rooms with Iiom cooking; rate reasonable. NICF.BT light housekeeping rooma: mod. j'rn, does In. No.. liKh. ) SOUTH parlor, with or without board: mm...... Dill TV.aaul. aa ' i lttit. et av., board and room; home cookl FIR8T c lae re room and board; modern. IV"., .T no I 66f.2. 1 k2r.21 Howard. Til) and room, 2228 Dodge at. Red FIRST, class room and board, near 14th street car Una. ' IS par. week, 8VS4 N. 22d st. 1 MODERN furnished room with or with out Doara. iiiw ixjugias. TWO modern- housekeeping rooms, ttth St. r , 623 S. THRKE. furnished rooms for light house keeping; man and wife; 111. 8414 Webster tree i. DESIRABLE rooma for light housekeep- , Ing; also other rooms. 211 N. 13th 6t Untarnished. Rooms. THREE rooms, unfurnished, parlor floor; uuurrnwyinj. lavage -tot. 1 ' ." " . . ApsrlmeslssiL Flats. e Leo ant a. 4 a so. vroom apartments, treblow Turin. W.w.t ... ' . I 5 tnivniv RVANTnV nmht.m mr vA rnnm. m. C e 11 latO 1 iMtn.h.at' MtvtA Hat, mA uwn not ana cold water; wall bed. safe, . gas stove, retrla-eretor: tanltor earvica. Tha uunier. aota aad DOdg. Tea Douglas UU. CENTRAL APARTMENTS Two high-grade, 8-room. modern flats hardwood, ample rooms: alwavs nlca order: ..mors, nooaea gas ran;e, iree not water all year, ateam heat; walking distance. Sum- .... ., wniier mure. I cquai auy ai wsv more Aererences required. BfclUB-tAIUJJfc.HU CU., )0'Brandeis Theater. FOUR-ROOM "Webstar -stoMir modern . apartment. Tel. Furnished Houses. FURNISHED ' bnnxatow. "Seymour lake. f, week. Ralston Lumber Co. Phone lnd. ti li, a ace ane Caaejee. S-ROOM, Modern.' partly furnished, an la mer or longer, m KM jacaaon. HOUSES. Iha. Rlnrwalt, Brahdel Tb. Bldg Houses, flats., CUrVln Broa id floor N. T. Li -ropm, modern. brlcH, house, north part oi cny, ia . 4-room apartment,, qlty -water, 112. l-room apartment. .1917 Clark. Iia 8-room aparfrnent,' newly . papered. 1U wiara, ... r. -room apartWent.-1821. North 17th, $9. One- at 1 (iinel-i I ll Bur 7 . f aT siur a ouiiaing. uiarx hi., sai I-roofU abartioebt fop colored DeoDla. DUIh rv,, .... . - - T . . . C . .... C. M. HACHltAKN- 438 Paxtnn R1U Phoneal Otllce R-aM. Residence D. 60M. 112.00. One large 2-room apartment first f lKr home,' modem, - good nelKhborhood, block to ear and, store. Apply W. O. Men- aie. is.im- et., .-a at. Doug. iim. MrT-triiM uaitdtj- ' . . . .PE?N H,USE-2412 Burt; I bed rooma and bath upstairs; I rooma and large re- ceptlon hall downstairs, . . H. B. Boylee, puiq jriiuaea. WISH to rant our rtoma la West Farram j district; eight rooms, strictly modern t ak timsh, hot water heat, east front, large! porcn.' rnoiwu. svzo. NICE t-room house for rant; modern ex cept heat 4iM Cuming street. 'Phone. Har ney , fit V I.TfOflM innrf.in full Infra fin. grapes, garden, cblckea bouse, trees. Iisi rowier Ave.; wok at It. -i. - NOWATA LAND LOT CO., '8 -New- oMr Life- Blag.- ' Phone Red im. NINE-ROOM Woftern detached brick. Ult Fnerwooa aval mu. rattaraoo. iw sar rism et.-' . . -ROOM modern, B. tld Ave.; good cond tlon. nw. lei, tlarney Uoa. vratgn Bona Co., & Bldg. BPJICK HOUSE, KU Dw ay avenue, f roclus, modern. Mover Sta. Co., UU Far- nani IPt. IWol t-room modern, very nice, beauti fully located, newly renovated. 7W a). 17th. Webster aswr-,' fi'- SIX tanc. ROOM8r MODERN. Inquire WH Burt. S' walking dla FOR RENT Just completed, I elegant I- FOR SALE New set - of New. Interna room, sWl enodern brick house. They hav tlonal encyclopedia for sale cheap. L. iw, rooms wur an extra room on tn id floor I provided with bathroom, besides a neat room for storage. Xhas house are beauti fully finished la quarter-sawed oak, latest nickel piuniDing. with toilet In basement; tferfect tteiua;. right In the heart of the cuy. ee mem; n. w, corner sum ana .uaren port bts... ouuoalt high school. C. M. Bach - an,4iW paxton Bloeky-g: el. Had UMl Heal- house for rent, nowata. land, and lot co Bulla 824 N. X. Ml Bldg. . Red 1W. NO ( 3?VAJfC 12.fUo' !' ?,'"' flat. fllriuxJM houat, .good repair, 2642 Lav A-ritoiii ii nu h. mnnrn ftl'lA rh im mn. ftiA ii 8rrir'ullrj'iu'uJ. very fine, S i '. M5t., Benson. lbS.i..v .. -riv'1ullJu'UM. very fine, Xi Main :AfIro. Colored People K , . i t-room nibtlern bottiifc-e, IS). NiiW ATA Mvli i v i r rT rn 861 Naw .Yuk LUV Mg. . Phone" lUcf 1399. 8-liooms, lLarge' Lot, $12.50 ' Ono ,hJncL ..llafrt;);;, J:ar, water on both NOWATA LAVD .AND 1 LOt CO.. 60S New Yors: Life Bldg1.- Phone Red 1999. FOR ' It EXT Am about to mov In my nvw house, 4620 Florence Boulevard; will itiit' ltlv"; preuent . strictly, modern, 7-room lenldcuce, too. Florence Boulevard. Thla lb one or tne cnoiceat homes in North Oinai,;' ifiiunda are lx400 fe feet, with about 1 - 1'ai lkla.hade trees lUptk to the Ames Ave. vr; auto barn 20x21. Telephone Vm. . 1. Klerstrad. . HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded cbeap.fvalghi rilw; movina and atoriag. l.nwn,.ni Delivery Cq.el. Doug. k 2213 Mason St., .'r.. all mod.. 835. 1U B..22d.. Bt.u a-r, mod. ex. heat, 'JJ&. a.iUj,gnt oi., B-r.. an mod., x.'ti.60. 2.oS Huhler tt., 6-r.,' c w.. gaa and toilet, ici .So. 34U." W.TKr.; all mod.. 125. 22 Chicago St., I t., p. w. and gaa, 12. jiiu oo. sin tn.. t-r., c. w., gas, 'Indicate water paid by owner. vBlKKETT TEBB10N8. 423 Be Bldg. Phot es. Doug. 4V54. A-1764. NEW alx-rootw .brick houae, Harney 647. modern. Ktvft- REX T Modern houae, 12a. 2.'(A tt. , Key first door aouth. S614 No. A modern. 8-room eottajp., 1403 So. 17th EC Open -nana trom I u 4.- 828.M and aster... , -. j - Wl So. .424 J rooms, HA - . Kred B. Hadra. but l. X. U Bldg. Duugla 4234. ... . .. .... i IJ08 B. fttn bL, rooms modem. 4JU Isai 2ol0 S.-l Isara at., rooma modern. -Kill bt, 6 rooms modern. GALLAGHER & NELSON, ' ; 40 Rradela. Bldg. . . Omaha, Nab. " FOR RENT. KlyE-ROiijj cottage, modern except fuinic. fcll Reea bL Phon Douglaa TOR BENT-Offlce rooma 218 and 220; n..cwHa office, located la northwest cor ner tt building- i n larger room la partl VneJ au- A to afford two private offlcea taOfpnoa room, nd la provided with I ' vauil.. TliU niakes. a good combination of ro.m and ha been occupied by inaurance 8-R. part mod . 120 8. 2Slb Av.. 120. . T-r. mod., choice. 2M0 N. 22d. $20. -trt , nW..TO CaM wall, 130. RI SriELL M'KITKICK CO., iii JLauwa Blua. 16ih aud liaiuAk OFFERED FOR RENT . Hoaee aad Cottaaea cn tlaae. SMALL COTTAGE, conveniently located f "M North l&th St., near busmen center, ,1 Per month. Key next door north. OMAHA Van A Storaee Co.. Back, mora lora household goods; storehouse. 11 Jo-14 N. Ittb; office, K . Ulh lit. T-4. Douglaa UW FOR TIF. NT Elrht.ronm fnndara hauaa. Ill 8. Sth Are, 'phone Douglas tu7. SIX-ROOM cottage. 2210 Burt St fttaree aad Offices. . . STORB ROOM FOR RENT. Southeast corner lth and Douala Sta.. Room x70 feet. Possession given about September 1, 1910. CITT NATIONAL BANK. FOR RENT Offlca rooma. 211 and K0; de sirable suite of offices on third floor, with north and west exposure, rooma are par titioned. A wide corridor extends around the attractive court to these offices, af- toraing easy access to this place of busi ness. Rent for aulte 862. THE BEE BUILDING COMPANT. WELL LIGHTED stora. Us 109, Ms sV ltut Carter Bheet Metal Works 4LARQB cleasenl iotv and east front "T1 lurtie. wm Harney. office. Corner 18th and Harney. aV TRACKAGE PROPERTY We offer for rent the one story and basement . brick store room at 914 Faraam.- This prop- erty. has trackage facilities in r s rear. Apply . BEE BUILDING CO., 17th and Farnam. Unequalled Opportunity Orooary aad meat market, with fixture complete; m equal. llaarit Block. Apply, t2U ti. JM DESK room for rent In City National Bsnk Bldg. Stenographer and use of pboue. Dnuaias txiws. OFFERED FOB SALE Faraltara. FOR : SALE Household -furniture. In quire at 2221 Lincoln Boulevard. LARGE quarter aawed oak aldeboard : 2jt iu; aii for half. H. U. Rairden, 4101 Muayetta.' FOR BALfV Hnuaehnld roods for I rooms. Inqulrre U 8. 23d. St., Council Bluff a, or can ina. Vbz-x. ltaeleal laatrasaeata. ' ' EXTRA fins Edison Dnonoaraph. cabinet ana cnoice records; good as new, iv la fayetta. NEARLY new Blat aonrano buffet sax aphone, sliver plated; low pitch and latest system or Keys; win be sold cheap tor oaan. i. . w., aa Brandala Bldg. -. ... nM-rttew. ..' BUT an L. ,C. Smith A Bros. True writer B.' F. Bwaneon Co Distributers, iw rarnain HL . . Typewriters for Rent1 UK Farnam St., Omaha. - REMEMBER It take but a few atrokea " vuw pth w mnn3 mat ,ruu saw ina aa. in Tbtr Bee. The advertiser wants to know, ' of the pen to state that you saw the "ad. SECOND-hand typewriters sold, renalred. Central Typewriter Exchange. 1307 Farnam. . Mlsctcllaueoaa. , FOR SALE New ana aaoond-hand hllll.ra and pool tables. We lead tha world In chaap Balke-Collender, 40 k 1Mb H. WD HA Vis on band a number af ia oarreia wnicn we win sen tor M cents each Tbey are fine for rain water o ashes. .Call ai preaa room. sea x UBUsmng WO. FOR SALE o. 000 shares Uncle. Sam mil stock,' transferable on company book fo kw casn. a. 44. avaiDsi. fierce Audg ait. UOUIB.. M0.O. ... About 40 feet of Inch diameter No. M gauge, galvanised pipe, with four -lnoa elbows and X. This was) used for ventlla. Ing purposes, and pipe la In good condition, Tba Be Publlahlns Co.. 17th and Furnas. SAFES Overstocked with second-hand aiea, an usee etna - manes; bargalna. BALL'S aafaa, new. Id-hand, uu Farnaot. DRUGS at cut prices; freight bald on an HO orders; catalogue free, Sharmaa A Mcvonneu urui vu., uiuot, tNeo. VACUUM cleaners. Hi to 124. U17 Farnam. Filter, filter repairs.' 1210 Howard, D3B12. PATENTS. -f- ! O. BARNKLL, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. WILLARD EDDY; rea-tatared orae-M tinner in U. S. Pat. office, 618 Paxton Blk. R. 21. OSTEOPATHY .Kathryn Nikolas, 834-6. Brandeis Theater, j Alio Johnson. tot-( Brandela TbaaUr Bid. JOHN DB FOX. tit Brandels Theater. PERSONAL MECHANO THERAPY. Messaa-e treatment, nervous debility. Ttr. Margarita HaJloran. 128 Nevill.BUt, D. 71SL SwitriPfifrom comblriga, It .50. Mr. 8. MESSAGE AND BATIIS I Dr. Rlttenhouae, Room308 Old Boston "Store Bldg.. 4th floor, elevator entrance, 120 S. 16th. Rubber Goods hDZJZ JuV:! Order n A f al-,al. DRUG CO.. Service. .-.v.vuw 17th A Farnam. MRS. EGQERS ' hrlvata tnrin.m... home, 1614 Martha St.. Omaha, Neb. TL Douglas 6230. HINDOO TABLETS wfll build, brae. strengthen. Ilk. BELL pRUQ CO. . . 1 r"' r l'MTy,Ti,! treatment. Mm. r A r XTTTVTVT C lrMfrntit Krm. m uv . --- f tuur. TOTJNO WOMEN coming t Omaha aa stranger are invited to visit the Toune Women's Christian association bulLdin . Bvnteenth SL and St Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding Wavelet-e aid at the Union station. MAHOGANY upright Dlano lor aala: . new 1.126 (CASH): NEED MONET;- leavln town; no reasonable offer refused. Addree U. at. B-, Ueueral DeUvery. Omaha. WE rent and repair all klnda of eewlna machlnea. Ind. A-lWs. Doug. 1661. CXULBi COMPANT. 16th and Harney St.' THK BALVATION ARMT so lid La u.f-rf clothing. In fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair ana aeu at 144 N. Uth 8U, for coat f ollactlon, to tb worthy rour. Call 'pboaaf Dul 411 aa wg wtU alL v .. SWITCHES W abater IU4. from combing. L TL STRICTLY private horn for. confine mente; excellent car; babUa for adoption. Bua uavenpon bl OMAHA atammrr Ina. Raang Bldg. foe- ma Onftiih. BLOCK. FHBNZr.H MMB. ALLEN ot Chicago,' bath, aall glow and maaaag. lie iwdg St., on po lite poatofflc. 8d floor. TeL "Doug. 788. KILL TnOSE ROACUES NOT POISON! NO ODOR! We guarantee to rid your placa, large pr email, ot tnes peeta in twelve daya. pay 'When satisfied. Magi Roack Powder Omaha. PRIVATE HOMB durlna aonflwamaati ablee for adoption. Good Xamarttan beat- larluta. lea tal Ava. CouncU Bluffa. la. JOS1E WASHBURN'S book. 'Tha Undr- vcrld bawar." at ail book eioi! prloe 11.60. PERSONAL (Continued.) MAflNETIfl Treatment. E. Brott, f24 PIIj'USI ur without operation or pain. ur. Maxwell. 124 Bee Bldg. D. 1424 WANTED nlca lady, not over SO. as wife for married man. that has lost wife. Must be good woman, able to take car of three cl lldren. Party lives southern part of Iowa. Address Q 190, Ree. PRINTING LEW W. RABER, Printer Be Bldg. Eotranc on Court. RIK8-HALL Ptg. Co.. 10 8. 14th. lnd. A-1&24. MILLER ac JAM1ESON. 1212 Douc. Both 'phonea 'PHONB tND. A-2S3I fot good printing. Lyngaud iintln CoM lh i Capfiol Ava REAL ESTATE ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. GUARANTEE A oat r a at Co M2S rarnaxa. PETER JBSSEN. JR., Tel. DaugU XsM. JULIA 6CHMIDT. publto atenographer. I2S Brandela. Douglas 4M7. Public stenographer, 6S2S4 Brandela. D. 4937, REAL B9TATB DEALERS. - REED ABSTRACT CO., Eat, 1IH prompt ervloe; get our price. Kt Brandela theater. BENJAMIN R. B. CO 477 Brandela Bldg. REAL ESTATE TITLE TRUST ll-2 C.ty Natl. Bank Building. ca. ENQLEBRECHT RAVER, CANADIAN at LOCAL RE ALT T. 1710 Farnam (Be Bldg.) D. 4I7. CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. i ACRE WITH FRUIT 1411 Patrick Ave., a good 7-room house, with electric llcht and cltv water: all on one floor; small barn; chicken house; lots oi iruit; one lot tor gardening; fine anade; thb blocks from Harney car line; three lota all fenced; can be bought for 12,250, on easy terms. -Owner will take a vacant lot as part payment. Immediate poaaeaslon. List us snow you mis property at one. Payne, Bostwick & Slater Sol Agents, 6th Floor N. T. Ufa Bldg. BUY FROM OWNER. t-room cottage, modern except heat, cor ner lot, paved street. Just a nice little home. Close to car and school, 2tj0ti North SOth. New 6 living rooma, modern In every wny cottage, in aouth part of the city, close to car. and school, for Immediate possession, 24U6 South 17th atreet. GOSNEY, 660 N. T. Life Bldg. Douglaa 4334. Desirable Kountze Place Home at Low Price Owner leaving city and will consider 16,050 for new, well-constructed up-to-dat 7-room, 2-atory modern house, finished in beat grade of quarter-aawed oak and birch, with fine plumbing, hot water heat, full basement, full attlo, complete in every de tail. Located In beat portion of Kounta Place. Thla price Is much less than place cost last year, and must be sold at once If gotten at thla figure. Investigate. .---GEORGE V. CO., .1001 -Farnam 1st, : Two New Cqttages S334 and 3338 Taylor St., Just completed; each ha t nloe living room, bath, combina tion light, good cellar, attic, cement walka, 60-foot lot, on block to car. Price 12.060 ach; on vary easy terms. Ready to occupy, Let us show them to you right away. Payne, Bostwick 8? Slater Sol Agents, 6th Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. PRAIRIE PARK TriT. first clasa In every respect Small cash payment, balance monthly. Agent at 27UI Fowler Ave. Paxton Real Batata Company, D. 198, Web. 351L 8-ROOM CAPITOL AVE. Clos In, full lot, paved street, concrete walks,, brana new, lateat atyie, atrlctly modern; 6u0 cash, balance very easy. NOWATA LAND et LOT CO.. 858 New York Llf Bldg. Tel. Red 189. PRAIRIE PARK Artlatlo homea and beautiful vacant tot for small cash pay ment ana nsiano mommy. Agent on premises. 2703 Fowler Ave. Paxton Real Estate Co., Doug. 308, Web. 3511. . CLOSE-IN DOUBLE BRICK CHOICE HOME OR INVESTMENT . B. E. corner 29th and Jack on Sts., on house of 7 rooms, fronting Jackson St.; on house of 7 rooms fronting 29th St.; both modern In every de tail; must be seen to be ap preciated; just being com pleted; new and up to date; if you are looking for a close . tn home and investment com bined do not fall to see this; key at office. R. H. Landeryou, 442 Board of Trade. Tel. Dong. 2151; Ind. A 2161. 1300 CASH, BALANCE VERY EASY EIGHT rooma, modern, 2 large lota, fine lawn, . shrubbery, fruit, shad trees, grape arbor, concrete walk. You will Ilk It. Price 3.i0. NOWATA LAND & LOT CO. M N. Y. L. Bldg. Phon Red 1999 Georgia Ave. Home A good modern hous of 3 room, near 2Hth and Mason street for sal at 84,000. Will show you the property any tlm. Pay ner Bostwick & Slater 616 N. T. Lit Bldg. Only $850 for a 6-room bouse, corner lot 42x118 good location; bouse new, but not plastered. W. II. GATES, 64 4 N. Y. Life. 'Ph. Doug. 1294. N. W. Cor. 35th Ave. and Pacific Lot 60x124, southeast front; look at It; can pe oougni ai very iow iirice. NOWATA LAND LOT CO., 858 New York Life Bldg. TeL Had 1. Good Cottage for Larger House Want to exchange nlc modern 8-room cottage on paved street, for T or 8-room modern house; good neighborhood. Will pay aiuerence. Payne Investment Company. Entire 3d Floor Ware Block. 8. .. Corner 16th and Farnam St. Phone Doug. 17U. A-1U8. OUR SPECIALTY RENTING and SELLING heme to COLORED PEOPLK. Tenanta waiting; list your property with Horn Investment Co.. XU4 N. 24th Weo. 1668. Ind. B 2244. 8-Room, West Farnam St. Large lot, ahrubhery, fruit, fine lawn, modern. S.5"0, 1600 caxh, balance very eaay. NOWATA I .AND AND LOT CO., 8u8 New York Life Bldg, Phou Red 1W. REAL ESTATE CITY I'ROI'KRlt rOK SALE. (Continued.) GROUND FLOOR SPACE. There In a large pac J1"' ott the court on ground floor that will be remodeled to suit satisfactory tenant. Thla location la rear Farnam street, convenient to main entrance of building. Looking before renting. Don't rent before looking. THE BKE BUILDINO COMPANT. R. W. Raker, Supt 17th and Karnam. FOR RENT Office Ml, court room, near elevator, 13x14. Thla room would be desirable aa small real estate office. 111.00 per month. The Be Publishing company. REAL ESTATE FARM AND HAAfll LA.Ml FOR SALE Arkaasas. A OR EAT BARGAIN. ARKANSAS FRUIT AND STOCK FARM 2V0 acres. I miles from Waldron, & acres In cultivation, I acrea In meadow; 4 acres In apple orchard, also other fruits; good t-room house, smoke house, barn and out buildings, fine well of good water. All land not tilled la covered with good pine and oak timber. This Is h fine fruit and stock farm; the range cannot be beaten In the country, stock water In abundance. This place csn be bought now for 11,000 and Is a bargain. Terms to suit. Write or call on John D. Baker, Waldron-Scott Co., Arkansas. Canada. SELF-SUPPORTING HOMES In the glor ious fruit district southern British Colum bia for 10 cash and 110 monthly, without Interest. Annual profits, 1600 to 11.000 per acre. Orchard, garden, poultry; scenery, hunting, fishing, boating; delightful, warm climate; church, school, poetofflce, store, big sawmill; dally trains; close to markets; unlimited demand for products. Writ quick for maps, photos, free Information. West-Kootenay Fruit Lands Co., Dept. D., Drawer 1QS7, Nelson, British Columbia. Calltorala. A FINE 10-ACRE PEACH ORCHARD In Ontario, Cel., value 15,000, to trade for good Minnesota property about aame value; con sider Dakota or Sioux Falls. Several fine California orange groves, from 110,000 up. Sale and trades. Have one called the finest place in aouthern California, price 1120,000. Beautiful property will Pay big returna alao. If you have eastern property to trade for aouthern California, send deacrtp tlon. Tradea effected anywhere. Faithful peraonal attention given to your1 matters. Insurance, sales, tradea, rentals. Invest ments, etc References furnished. James M. Van Deusen, 208 Braley Bldg., Pasadena, Cal. . Government lands in Southern California; well water 30 to 60 feet deep; cheap water for irri gation; near railroad; great op portunity to get a good farm cheap. Call on or address . JOHN MARESH, 420 So. 15th St. Omaha, Neb. Colorado. -1.880 Acres 16 mile northeast of Denver, fair improvements, all fenced. Under the High Lin Canal in the Antero District. A bargain. For particular write William Hlnes, Dew III, la. COLORADO LAND. I Have 1.000 acres ot Improved and unim proved land for sal at from 110 to 125 an acre, w'lthln from one to ten mile of town; all good tillage; write me for particulars. Florida. . FLORIDA We have million a at acres of Florida timber, cut ovec-xrm and colonl xation landa. Before purotiaslng send for Florida Real Estate Journal. Big bargains, nlc homea; we can ault .you. National Realty Agency, Jacksonville, Fla. lotva. IOWA FARMS. Write for my large Illustrated list of Madison county farms, from 20 acres up to 840 acres, all prices, good liberal term. See Madison county before buying. Best all around county in the state. Address J. Q. BHRIVER, Wlnterset, la. IOWA FARMS For bargains In Iowa farm land, writ or 'call on Iowa Land credit company, Mason city, la. MUST SELL AT ONCE A bar rain on four and a half acre of good land, 34th Pt. and Ave I. 8.000 good cement blocks. Canh. Henry Smith, 2805 W. Bdwy., Council Bluffs. Hlsaenta, 8e m about Minnesota farm of all de scription, t ney are priced ngni. THE HONEST LAND MAN H. T. BULL1S,. WA8JSCA. MINN. 240-ACRE farm within 25 miles of Minne apolis, six mile from the county seat; ha 120 acrea under cultivation, balance timber and pasture; all high land; price $16 par acre; one-half cash, balance on easy terms; land la situated on main traveled road, one mil irom acnooi. mis is a bargain and 111 bear the most strict Investigation For further particular write M. 8. Ruther ford ft co., rnnceton, Minn. (AiuisRO' cnoice ierui terms in a sure crop country ar the only kind to buy. Try the man who sells them. Norman Horn, Appieton, Minnesota.' . Mleari. i IN MISSOURI. 200 acres. 1 2ft mlin imtirh.til nt Vnaa i.iiy; 8t acre fin bottom land la cultlv tlon. balance four nasturea: nlcelv wat. red, fin two-atory frame house; good. leiiam nuuse, gooa Darn, onus, etc.: ail fenced with wire and board; 1 mile to town, achool and church.' Ifor mili-W aalti t- tier aure; no traae. OEORllh-. KITMPF. 203-206 Bheldley Bldg., Kansa City, Mo. BEAUTIFUL Vernon county, Mo., farm ior aai, iw miles soutn ot Kansa city, second largest livestock market In the world. Beautiful laying country, good land, nice homes, no hilly, rocky or swsmpy land, In the corn belt of Missouri. The best farms In the county, well Improved, aood schools, churches and neighbors; beautiful healthy climate, plenty of fruit. Farms from 40 acre up to 840 acres. Will grow 60 bushels corn, 25 bushels wheat, 80 bushels oats, 2 ton timothy nay per acre. You can buy these well Unproved farms for less than you can Improve a farm out In the western deaert country. Price 1&0 to 870 per acre. Try the Oolden Rule land man. I will treat you right. , I hav been a farmer all my life, and 1 know good land when I see It. These farms are worth double the price asked for them. Address K. k. ureen, Nevada, mo. atoataaa. EASTERN MONTANA LAND. Three aeuilona of Dawaon county land In one block at a bargain If taken In the next thirty day. Thee ar (team-plow sec Uona. Other landa at bargain prlcea. No better time to buy landa than rlarht now If you ar looking for Investment or a good i arm, wrn ueorge c. tiaywara, uiendlve. Mont. Netoraskus. BARGAIN IN FARM For 88 days. Special bargain. Immediate poaseaalon if desired. J. T. Campbell. utccueid. reo. oath Dakota, THBJ IDEAL HOME" OF 840 ACRES. situated In tb Big filoux valley, four miles south of Castlewood, the county seat of tiamlin county, ttouth Dakota, 440 acrea of deep black loam, under yearly cultivation 1U0 acre In paature and VM in the beautiful aprlng-fed Lake Florence, with It aylvau ernes and sparkling water, deep end pur "i tinea wiui i uu ana game in aeaaon, and nearby Is the home, a fourteen-room house, large barn, two granaries, chicken nouse, nog nous end woven wlra nastura. corn silo, mac til n houae, small barn and numerous small Duildinga, all In good cn dltloa, with windmill, three wella aad eta tern, all surrounded by a beautiful grove. !.-i . . t it. . . . . ... J . .... , . .... ' . v.vw, uu iuuu iviiuii vg aa. rf, t US' all. Castlewood. ti. D. REAL ESTATE F ARM AND HAMC'H LAND FUR SALE (oath Dakota- oattaard. SECTION of Oiegory county. South Da kota, land for sale. x This section hss tim ber, running water fed by springs, lots of hay, (M aires broken, l.sO acres can be plowed, all fenced, one-halt mile from school, three mile from on railroad town and alx miles from another; good soil and the veiy best all around farming and stock, raising section In Oregory county. South Dakota. Call on or writ to Charlea Milner, owner, Fairfax, 8. D. DOUBLE YOUR MONEY. Do vou want to buv a enori townaltat Wa have It Just fresh from tne government, with perfect title. 1J0 lots now survevaH and about 30 of them sold with about JO Duiaings now completed in the town on a railroad that has six daltv trains, wltn . cellent service. This townsite Includea litO acre of the very beet of second bottom land with fine timber for parka and also a fine stream of water running through It; fine openings for almost all kinds of busi ness, especially a bank, hotel and elevator. A grand nargain n sola In thirty days. Ad ares poweu Land 4k Loan Co., P owell, Stsnley county, H. D. FARMS IN THE CORN BELT An Improved quarter section In Orerorr county, S. D., 4Vt miles from Burke. 6 mllea from Oregory; all fenced; amali set of Improvements; 80 acres under cultiva tion. Price 140 per acre. 1H0 acrea, one mile from town, TrlDD county; price 39 per acre. A half aectlon. 2 mllea from Wltten; price IIS per acre. A half section 4 mile from Carter; price 130 per acre. A nice half aectlon t miles from Dallas. t miles from Colomb; price 135 per acre. T. f. HARKi(UTUN, Bell 1342 Iowa Bldg., Sioux City, la. MONfCT MAKING 400-acre corn farm out from Sioux Falls; nine-room house, two stories, hardwood finish; barn 36 by 48; other buildings; large grove, orchard with apple, black walnut trees; all can be cul tivated; fenced and crosa fenced; telephone; rural mall; 110 per acre under price toj quick sale; crops never were better. Writ me at once. R. A. SlIvluS. owner. Sioux Falls. 8. D. WHY PAY HIGH RENTT Mr. Farmer, come to South Dakota: atop paying high rents; own your own farm; spend the money for your improvements mat you are paying in lowa in high rent. we own twenty auartera or land her that wa can sell you for 126 to 130 per acre on terms you can't beat; 11,00 to 81.500 down, paianca on paymenta at per cent. come here before tne snapa are an jrone. For full Information write Dixon Bros.. or Bank of Seneca, Faulk county, S. D. Oklahoma. 400 ACRES i fine prairie land, northeast Oklahoma, fine location, good water, near town; o per acre. uawau, urnveiie, Ark. , 6MI ACRES. 800 level: 200 crop. 100 hog- tight; two houses, wells, spring, five-ton scale, ahop, four mules, four horses, six cows, seventy-five hogs, tools. Price, 114,000. Three smaller farms rent or sell. Owner, William JKarick, Clifford, Okl. WliNsila, SO ACRES LEVEL LAND. 26 cultivated. balance pasture, 6-room houae, large barn. chicken house.' spring and trout brook on farm, i miles from station, school on land. 11.800, eaey terms. Tom O. Mason, Island City Stat bank, Cumberland, Wis. Wyoming-. 80,000 ACRES JUST OPENED. Carey Act lands at Wheatland. Wyo. Obtain a home now that's sure to produce and double in value before paid for. Plenty of water now on the land. Alno selling cholceat farm lands in Iowa colony, near Cheyenne. Oreat alfalfa and grain crop gTdwn here every year. Heaithleat climate, Durest water, good marketa. For excursion ratea, vaiuaoie maps, laws, write riartung L,ana co., cpeciai mate Agents, uneyenne, Wyo. Mlsoelkaaaoa. HA VT1 YOU A FARM. FOR 8ALB OR TRADE T Or do you want t buy one? Maae yuiir want known through THE DK4 MOINES CAPITAL, th want medium of Iowa: Bat: 1 cent a word for each Inser tion, I cent a .In, 70 cents an Inch.- Cir culation. 41.000: laraest of any lowa dally. Olv us a trial. Address Tb capital. Lao Dept.. De Moinea, Jowa. REAL ESTATE LOANS LOANS to horn owner and home build era, with privilege ot making partial pay ments semi-annually. W. H. THOMAS. 601 First National Bank Bid;. 4.600 to 86,000 on home In Omaha. O'Keefa neai aetata CO., loul ti. X. Life. Douglas Or A-liM. OARVIN BROS.. Id floor N. Y. Life. 8608 to siui.wu on improved property. Mo delay. WANTED City loan, reters Trut Co. WANTED City loan and warrant. W. ernara emiin at tjo., mi f arnam tit. 1100 to 810,000 made oromDtlr. F. D. Weed. Wesa Bldg., isth and Farnam. MONEY TO LOAN Payna Investment Co. SWAPS IF IT 18 ANY KIND OF TRADE, ! A. B. LATUROP. D. 1061 ' 421 B, GOOD Iowa and Mlnneaota land to ex. change for general merchandise and hard- war stocks; many bargains. The Mercan tile Adjustment Co.. Guthrie Center. la. 820 acre North Dakota, land, free of u- tuniDranoe, tor guou uuaha properly, Pboo Harney 1236. FOR SALE On easy terms, hotel bual ness In growing town In northeastern "Wvo. ming; will take horaes or cattl In part payment, a oargain. eoroera at ivoonan. aaourcroit, vvyo. We exchanae nronertlea of merit, u M Culver, 812-812 N. y. Life. Douglaa 7A ONE Of th laraest and moat modern brick and til Wants In northeastern Ne braska; free of Incumbrance; must go this month; everything first class, with a ca pacity of 4J0.000 brick: plant cost 877,000. Owner has maae big money, but has lost his health. This month it can be ex changed for clear, raw Or Improved land in jseorasKa, uoiorado or south Dakota. Harry it. culver, 812 N. x. Life. . , j . . . . " ' .ixiv i uiii. . . v ii. via. K.in. large grounds, modern every respect, II rooms, brick. Price 130,000, clear. Trada for improved land. Will take mortgage back on place If desired. , NOWATA LAND LOT CO. 858 N. Y. L. Bldg. Phone Red 19 WANTED" 0 BUY BE81 PRICE Dald for second-hand fur nlture. carpet, clothing and shoes. 'Phone uouglas si.i. BEST price for Id-hand clothing. D. 1440. BEST prices for BROKEN WATCHES. Old Oold, etc NATHAN, 211 8- Uth St. WE want two cars good baled oat straw. Omaha Crockery Co., oroaha, Neb. WANTED TO RENT We Are Getting Numerous Calls For Houses of All 8Uw. Llat with Ue. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. 614 N. Y. Uf Bldg. 'Phon Red 1988. WANTED SITUATIONS DAT WOMEN FURNISHED frse of charge, Telephone Douglas 1112 and A-2UL WANTED Position aa a cook or house keeper In good home; German lady; child Of 10. Address L . ue SITUATION WANTED Young lady thor. oua-lilv exnerlencd in office work. Operate a typewriter and P. B. X. board. Address J-1M Be. LADY WANTS SITUATION as house keeper in western .-veDranxa or Wyoming Ranch preiarrea. Age to. Aoareaa tv ivo, Bee. rWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER 0a Dull re Yea. OUR HOIIE Things You Want The attitude of th German state toward I It laboring clauses Is psternallstlo to a aegree almost impossible for an American to comiwehend. Thla system of paternal ism si the outgrowth of feudalism, autoo- the Roman law. In Its present form, the paternanatio rare or tne laboring cihspcs is distinctively Prussian In origin and form. Bismarck based the present German In dustrial system upon the precedent of the so-called Prussian Common law. The common law was promulgated by King Frederick William II on July 1. 1791, a date which aynchronlxes with tne cuniax oi the French reign of terror. This law pro claimed "It Is the duty of the state to provide for the sustenance and support of those of It subjects who cannot obtain subsistence for themselves. Work adapted n ft V. nl p .Ir.n.t h srtft fannMttfl Shfl.ll be supplied to those who lack means anil opportunity of earning a living for them selves and those dependent upon them. The state is bound to take such, measures as will prevent the destitution of Its sub ject, and check excessive extravagance." Thus, more than a century ago, Prussia nledvxl itaalf as a state to afford support to every suject of the Prussian crown. Thl legislation amounted to very inn mor than a declaration of principle, since little was done to make It effective. Fol lowing the second French revolution ot 1830, some effort was mad to carry out these principles. But It wa not until BIs nmh mimM in pomnlpte control of German affairs that any systematic and honest effort was made to redeem tnia promise of the state to Its subject the promlas to abolish hunger. In 1884 In A peech.on the subject ot in dustrial Insurance, th Iron Chancellor pro claimed the doctrine of the right to work. He aid: "Give the working man work a long a h la healthy, asaure him care when he la lck. Insure him maintenance when he la bid. Was not the right to work openly proclaimed at the time of the pub lication of the common law i i n tablisned In all our social arrangements, that the man who come before his fellow i..n. an aava 'I am healthy, I de sire to work, but can find no work,' la en titled to say also: 'Give me worn, ana v, th. state la bound to give him that work?" The Blamarcklan policies then In- -.wi hitve become a part of the fun damental law of Germany and hnve had even more' to do with the shap rg of mole n German Institutions than Blsmarck s great political triumph-he unification of the empire with cement or oioou nu ...... In some respect the working classes m Germany are less favored than workmen .i ii. Cn via nri or America. They have in cuiii .-... . less leisure, fewer amusements, end a mailer amount of money to spend iur ...i... .ni..i.tnmint or living expense, yet there enter Into their lives none of the degradation and misery seen in ....... nor the wastefulness and discontent so si, in A marina- t rrtr to ahow the extremely low scale of living In Germany, a statement w w pared by a frugal, calculating factory work- a,..- Inotnarl rf DftlUK J Hlf4i v. gge'rated economy, a selection wa made " . . . 11411a nhftUsl fn that 1' conceded to oe Income and expenses of the average toiler. Thousands of families in in plre actually live and nequlre competence upon a smaller stipend than this. The weekly Income of the head of the ..-.il..' i. a49; tha aarnlnits of his wife end children .are 83.S3; and the Income de rived from keeping a. young man lodger, 60 cents! total, 110.26. The weekly spend- Ings. Including everything, .mou.,. - . . " . . r-oiniBtin. on this basis. total oi fi.i. u his annual Income Is 1633 and his expendi ture IW2.48, leaving a prom oi t - live within such a narrow margin there must be no foolish or un necessary .pending. Amusement, play a comparatively .mall part In the live, of the German working peopie. aim . v. n.nv confined to Sundays, as a rule they In for few games. Foot ball. l.ii A.V.ai have lit VIA &.l cricket and case pan mi-.." - .....i..,i..ik.m. A. case 1. cited where a final game between rival club, of two manttfacturlnK towna was aVl-..u --slxty-flv- people: - In England or America ueh a gam would nave Drougni - . anrtH. Theater and mualc hall, are lea. numerou. In proportion to the population than In other countries. .i .. in inrfimtriMl town, are alway. owned and 6perated by the municipalities, Wearing Gloves is the Best ' ' ' : " Way If I were to be asked the one sovereign way of keeping the hands white in warm weather I would say "by wearing leather or kid gloves." and I mean 4t, despite tne ti f knowing the average gin win i But vou cannot expos the skin T.,tn and warmer sun without lO , paying for it either by burning or freckling, and once the glove nam; is .v will cease to seem a nlusance. It ) a mistake to think that all glove. re heating, n cnamui- -,v.i e veilow. a half le too large, are worn enough air will penetrate to prevent the .kin from heating, anu ai me time It will be prptected and even be grow- ig finer. In point of fact, the more a girl will wear glovea the prettier her hands win De. jn all houaework. while gardening, and at night they soften and refine the kln. urk.r. mm nt nlaht they do not cause discomfort if large enough and holes are punched through the paims ior vcuuiauuu. An external application nightly undoubt edly Improves the texture of the skin and one of tho best happen. alo to be inex pensive. Finger, and to the wrist, are thoroughly ' moistened wnn sweev wu"im .ii .n.i then aa much Franco chalk, powd- Vlt . .- -- ered, as .can be made to adhere Is put on, nally drawing on gloves. A wees; ot mis ill wonderfully Improve th hands' condi tion. . h vvh.n iha backs' of hands are freckled h.v mav be rubbed well at night with a cream md of one dram each of citrine ointment and sweet almond on, six aiams of .permacettl ointment and three drops of rose essence. It Is better that a enemist should mi thl. a no metal should touch It, and an amateur I. not apt to have proper utensils. To use, It lit rubbsd tho roughly, after which gloves sre worn, it may ' also fee used during th day if the akin 1. to be protected by glovea. Going In bathing gives opportunity for tli i sunlight to injure tne nanas, tor giove. n cannot be worn with comfort. Pro tha tection may be given by copious applica tions of grease, ueing vaseun or coia cream, filling the nails aa well as the arms. Over lb grease la rubbed powdered mug nesla. so thick a make a paste, than more (re.se is put on, ending with a dust ing of powder, mgklng a finish not un sightly. Thl. will .laud th action of .alt water I1AGAZINE to Know Tle (irrman Tanctv TTtei Arl I. f. boring ClanNes and these place are visited by the work ing classes to a limited extent only on Saturday. nd hindaya.- Contrary, to the general'' Impression, the German laborers do not spend much money for drink. Th older men cannot nfford It. id they set a Hood example for the' younger ones. 'If any one amusement were-designed a. being particularly, characteristic of the German woiklng cIhsspp, It would be dancing. Although his wages are low and his en tertainments frw, the conditions which surround - the German laborer Ii. 'hit work are mnre satisfactory ...than those encom pit: stnff the hlKher-prlcod worker of othr nations. Esch factory must have a, set of rules In a conspicuous place In each de partment. These regulations .are legally binding on both employer and employe, but before they are posted opportunity must be given to adult workers. 1q express any objection they may have tothenv Among the obligations of. the employer Is the understanding that they must ar range and maintain the working appliance, machinery and tools In such a way as to protect the operators from danger, to llf and health, so far .as the nature nf the business will allow, provision must he made for sufficient light, air, apace and ventilation, and for the removal of all dirt arising fro the work. One commendable protection Is that broad gargways must be provided, and all dangerous piece, pf ma chinery shielded by barriers. . The aisle of all factories must be kept clear. ' and gangways are never seen filled with heap of half finished articles, a Is customary in England and Arhertca. . ' Ankle from havliiH nor room, Herman factory employes' are well, provided with sanitary washing and dreaslng . Accom modations. The workmen are more cleanly and more careful In their habit, than British or Americana. They usually change their clothing before and after work, and private lockers are provided for them. Khower bath, with hot and cold water are required by law.. There are a!so dining rooms, where the laborer may hav their food heated. Each of these factory dining rooms probably will have a library and a piano, and may be usrd for meet ings, games or for choir practice, . ' Th. TV .1 f a r a lnt1tilt ( fir!v an Y. tension of the Idea developed by the fac tory dining room. This Is a large build ing, surrounded by attractive grotirMs. which contains a large festival hall suited for all sorts of social functions, committee meetings or rehearsals pt choral .ocletie.. One large room la used M a kindergarten and handwork school. Similar rooms ar devoted to giving manual training to hoy. and cooking lesson, to stria. Under the same roof are modern baths, the showers being free, and hot baths, costing only 6 cents. There 1. also a mod em steam laundry, which does all the work for the family of any working man for 10 cents a week. The "Welfare Institute originated with the municipality, but th private firm, of Germany ar how begin ning to support it. and the liberal spirit It represents is destined to- play an Im portant part In German Industrial life. The worklngman'. obllgatpr-. Insurance law provides that each firm establish a fund, to which the employer contribute one-third and the working people" two thirds, the rate of contribution-being 8V per cent of the wages earned. The benefit are sick pay for members for twertty-l week to the extent of half the average waa-es. Including medical attendance, drug and free hospital service. A half rate Is made .to the families of an members. The scheme Includes a pro vision for, funeral expenses, .and an allow ance for widow and orphan, o that pro tection Is made against almost any con tingency that might arise tn the lives of the worker. . There 1 also a compulsory savings bank, to which all the people in the factor must contribute. Married men deposit S per cent of their wages, and unmarried men 10 per cent, unless they have mothers or sister dependent upon thro, In which case they pay the aame aa If they had wive. Each laborer must .allow hi. . savings to accumulate untn they . hive reached th sum of $n00; after that he 1 free to ue hi. wages as he pleases This, nest egg can only be disturbed, for the purchase of a house or for furnishing a house in case ojj marriage. Six per cent interest 1. paid ot all deposits In piee'e.' compulsory iavtngi bank. . . .' ' . BT FBESSSUQ XARKXIf. to Keep Hands .White for some Ume, but will com off easily la warm, fresh water, with soap. , MARGARET MIXTER. Oraoave Saln4. . For poultry -game, orange salad will be found particularly delieiou. Tart, Juloy orange, should be alieed and the seed re moved. Arrange In a salad dish with or without lettuce and dress with lemon juice, salad oil a sprinkling of.ealt and a desk) of cayenne. .'. ' i A Morribl Heath re.ult. from decaying lungs. Cur Cough. and Weak Lungs" with Dr. Klpg . New Discovery. 60c and 81.00. For le b Beaton Drug Co, . . I erslstent Advertising is .the Road to Big Returns. ' GOVERNMENT NOTICES NOTICE., United Hlates of America, District of N traska. unialm Division, as.: Whereas, A lfbel has been 'filed In the district court of the United States for the District of Nebraska.. Umaha division, on the Uth day of August, 110, by F, 8. Howell, United Stat attorney for the diatriot ot Nebraska on behalf of the aaM l ilted NtRte, . is. lllii.A'it, avalnst tme hundred and fifty thoiui..nd (mure or leas) Ice cream cones, - and praying .the usual process and monition of th court, that el persons Interested In said one hundred sn fifty thousand (more or less) ice erean cones may be cited to appear and answei the premtnee, and that all due proceeding) being had the alJ.prie hundred and flft thousand (more or lens) ice ortam oonea may be decreed to be. seized for conf lsca tlon and condemnation, and that the sarin; may be condemned at being adulterated It violation of and within the meaning of thi act of congress of June i 1MS, and thai th .am may be disposed of by dcetruo tlon or tale aa the court may direct. Therefore, lo pui.iiahce of said' mont tlon, under the aru) . of aaW court, to mi dliected and delivered on the Uth day a August. 1U10, I do hereby give notice gen erally untu all. peraona. having or pretend ing to have any right, title or interest 41 said one hundred and fifty thousand (mop or less) ice cieam cones, to appear befon the eald court, m th city of Omaha. In sail district, on th 12iB day of KertUmber, 3S1 next (If it be a court day, or else on thi next court day thereafter),', at, 10 o'clock ll tin- forenoon ct said day. then and then to answer the suld libel and lo maae knowi their allrgutluns In that behalf. Dated a O-miha, In said dlHiiut.'' this 17th day o AUKuxt. l'MO. Wm. P. Warner. II. H. Mai alial for th District of Nebraska. A IS to el Is