A i i ft BIUEF CITY NEWS Kara Boot Frlnt It. Tas your printing to th Tlm. niacins rna Bnrf -Orandaoa Oo. . Dry CUaning- of garment. Twin City t Work, 407 South Klftenth. Or. W. K. foot, oculist and aurtat, .iaa movad to 723 and iaC City National Bank. Oppsnhalm Sale Brassing farlors, 213 Mci;ngua building, aftr September 1, 'H"'jm 2.-S City National bank. ' fjvian yoi if to J. i)4 est trea you hav hldea, wool or fur bring 8. Smith & Co. Highest prices; lratmnL 1214 Jones atreat. Sat Tour BaTlnaa increase your ant ing bV becoming a member of Nebraska Barings and Lvau Ass'n. Earn per cent per annum. 1(03 Far nam St. Omaha. PAYS TRIBUTE TO S. S. PETERS LI fa and Work of Omaha Ntmpapcr Man Narrated la St. Paal Pioneer Ireaa. Under the caption. "Just a Newspaper Man," the St. Paul Pioneer Press, on which several of hie long-time associate are now employed, paya the following tribute to the lata. S. 8. Peters: 8. 8. Peters, the Omaha newspaper man who died Jn that city Monday, waa one of the best known and most loved men" In the profession. Though 63 yeara old, up to the time of his fatal llli.ess he asked no favora from the younger once of the profession, and covered the assignments aa they same without a kick or a con-plaint, and any time a youngster got It Into hla head to catch the "comrade" napping and put -a scoop over on iilm the ouugster generally guessed wrong. As a youth he entered the army during tb civil war In nn Ohio regiment, partici pating In the campxitru ol the army of the Potomac At one time he waa orderly for General Phil Kearney, and the general sent him for a pair of gloves. The general, being minus on arm, needed but on glove. 11 threw the other on down, and a brother offlaer, who waa also short a hand, took that glove, and that la how, Mr. Peters ex plained, he missed having a souvenir of General Kearney. Th civil war r'.r, the spirit of adven ture led him into th regular army and aervlc oa th frontier, being In Geneva I. then Colonel, Carrington'a command at Fort Ketterman at the time of the Fotterman massacre, though on that occasion ha waa left at th fort with a handful of man to guard the women and children. He waa one of the relief party at the equally famoua "Wagon box" massacre, and first and last saw mors tnan on man a shar of cam paigning on th frontier. Laat-yeat Mr. Peters and a few other sur vivors of tb old Fetterman command ac com pan led their old commander. General Carrington. to the acena of th famoua fight and enjoyed a pleaaant reunion. - From th army he entered the newspaper neia, ana among other noted assignments covered th trial and execution of Gulteau. th aasassln of Garfield, being at that time on the staff of th Columbus (O.) Stat Journal. Letter he came west, and took up ,a nomeaieaa in iNenrasKa, ana Iinajiy re entered th newspaper profession. In which he qeVktlnuad until stricken with his final UlrftSs. ' i Modest and universally beloved by all who Knew mm, ootn in and out of the profea- alon, hla stirring Ufa hlatory waa known oniy to ma intimate, for hi personal cour age waa equaled only by hla modesty. His early training as a soldier clung to him through life. No matter whether he felt well or ill. no matter whether hla assign ments werepleasant or disagreeable, he dally signed off and marched out to do his work, and he never quit until It waa done, always travlng time and the disposition along with It to give some ottter fellow a lift if he needed it. Samuel S. Peter was ' on of those men whose Uvea are better models for l hp 'm; than many who ar ranKea ai n in scale or success, measured b: eryday world standards, CLAIM TOO MUCH WATER USED . Bill for City Jail Is Criticised oa . Ground that It Is Too " Blgr. ' Sharp criticism waa 'passed 'last night at th meeting of th Fir and Pollc board on th water consumption at th city jail and a resolution was passed on motion of Commissioner Wapplch, seconded by Com missioner Karbach, directing the captains and those In charge to see that th bill was cut 60 per cent In future. Th bill for th month of July waa stated to be 100, representing a consumption of 340,000 gal lons. A contrast was drawn between the bill for th fir department and that for , the city jail. Th amount charged against th former was 373 for the earn period. 'captain Dunn afterwards said that dur- i Ing the month of July some 1,560 persons had been cared for at the city Jail. This number Included officials and prisoners, The captain also pointed to th fact that th county jail waa supplied with water through the servlcs to the city Jail. "An . other matter." said the captain, "should be 'considered, and that-Is that th meters have been doing aervlc for the last ten or twelve yeara. On would think that they would need overhauling after being In use all that time." "BIG RAILWAY SUITS FILED Total ol Seven Million Dollar Dtm ages Demanded Foar Systems - . Are. Involved in Cns. CINCINNATI, O.. Aug. 16.-8ults for In junctions, accountings and damagea total ling; 17,000,000 and bringing Into question deals Involving four railroads were filed her today by Rudolph and Leopold Kley bolt, brokers. '' Th ault was atarted chiefly against Newman Erb, a New York .attorney, who sine 1908 has been a disbursing trustee for th -old firm of Kleybolt & Co., a con cern which declared Itself possessed of as sets of IS.riO.OOO when the liquidation was undertaken. In addition to Mr. Erb, on of three nulls In directed at the Chesapeake & Ohio rallroud and William Bradford preaident of th Chicago, Cincinnati Louisville H. It. The K Icy bolts charge Erb with a .Violation of trust, allege collusion and fraud a4id that h speculated in se curities held by him as trustee. Three principal accountlnga are demanded and prayer for damages names $1,110,000 aa the amount they desire to recover from Erb, Nodaway: Baptist Association. CRESTON, la.. Aug. 17. 8peclal.)-Tli East Nodaway Baptist aaoclatlon met In this city today for a three days' session. Sixteen churches are represented in this as sociation, and a large gathering la expected ot laymen and delegates. Stat workers of th denomination ar to be In attendance promtent among them being Prof. J. A. Lapham of Des Moines, President John I Beyl of Pelia Central college, who de livered an address upon "Christian Educa tion" to night Mr. Webster and Mrs. Cooper, both state workers, will be in attandaoc. and will address th session tomorrow. Dr. Wilcox ot Des Moines will speak Wednesday after- ,noon on "Th Baptist part In Evangel izing Iowa." President Osborn of Des Moines college will give an address on "The Making of a Man." Thursday morning Dr. D. D. Proper ot Omaha speaks on "The Ntw Missionary Awakening." Thursday afternoon a meeting of the Baptist Yaung People's union will b held, and an address given by Rv. Clauds E. Boyer, stat president of th order for Illinois, upon Th function of th Baptist Young Peo ples union," and th association will close Thursday evening with addresses by Rev. Boyer upon "Th Challeng of Christ," and followed by Rer. F. A. t ut of Council Bluffs, upon "Th Christ in th Taber- . nacle." . Th Bnbonlo Plaara destroys fewer lives than stomach, liver and kidney diseases, for which Electric Bitters Is the-guaranteed remedy. 60c. For sal by Beaton Drug Co.- ROOSEVELT PRAISES SOUTH Writes Letter in Response to Invita tion to Speak. MISUNDERSTOOD NO LONGER ) Every Good American Mast Hop to See This Country Enjoying Prosperity -.Nation la Thrill. Ing with Ideals. ' S'EW YORK, Aug. 17.-In respons to an Invitation to address th Southern Com mercial congress at Atlanta In th spring of 1811, Theodore Roosevelt haa Just sent a letter to Chairman Mr. Hall Davia at Petersburg. Va., In part aa follows: My Dear Sir: It is not possible as yet for me to answer definitely, but I believe that on my trip to California next March I shall pass through th southern states and I hope that It can be arranged that the Southern Commercial congress then hold its meeting In on of the cities through which I am able to pas. If so It will b a real pleasure to m to be present and to say all that I can In behalf of this ad mirable movement. "More and more, th former misunder standing about the south Is tending to dis appear and you and your associates have set In motion a fore that will hav much to do with th complet dissipation of this misunderstanding. You are working for a strong south; and you show your wisdom and foreslghtedness In th way that you reams that this movement for a stronger south, to be effective must really mean a stronger national cohesion, for th old south of yesterday Is being changed Into in xoung America of today. Prosperous Sooth Helm Nation. "Every good American must hop to se a real SOlld south. In tha nu nf kuul. nes prosperity in th South, for all Amer icans realize that th prosperity of any part of the country helps th prosperity of th whole, and th prosperity of the whole win grow faster and stand on the most durable foundation when they realize that the words, "north," "south," "east" and west" each have only a geograhical sig nificance. I hop that the young men of the aouth will never forget the past glorlea of the south, because I hop that the young men all over America today will ever keep alive In mind these glorious memories of every section of our common country and that the men of th north and of the west will remember the south' past with the same pride Itself does; for the undying glory won by the men who va liantly and with such sincerity voted their convictions, whether they wor th blue or the gray, Is now a common heruij'j of all of us, wherever Wj dwelt. "This nation 1 thrilling with ideal -i this moment and thoc Idea's . vtlato to constructive work in the future. Tim south must ao its xuii snare in rdaiuing n must participate In full solution of all na tlonal problems. All of ua alike must turn to the special problems of this age wnn the courage that our fathers ehowv-d In those heroic days to which we look back with mournful prld. Lee's Memory Honored. "Th statu of General Le In con fed rata uniform stands In th halls of con gress today, and hla memory Is honored no mor by th south than It 1 by th north, and In th north as In the aouth alike, I think that we ar now learning to apply absolutely In good faith th great words of Grant, 'Lt us hav peace.' Th part played by the aouth in th construc tive statesmanahlp of our' nation, during &11 our earlier years was of incalculable weight and value. I firmly believe that the tlm has now come when the south' influ ence will again b felt, not only In con structive statesmanship, but in the enor mous field of constructive business en deavor. No part of our country has seen such progress as th south ha mad in tb last twenty years along material lines and th nsxt twenty years win se a greater progress. For long the eyes of this nation have been set steadily west ward to watch Its great and typical growth, "From now on I think the south will share .with the west in the rapidity of growth. This leadership will be baatened by th completion of th Panama canal, th east has tb Atlantic, and th west th Pacific Th aouth, evn mors than the east and th west, will hav th Panama canal, and will, therefor stand at th distributing point of al th great oceans of th world. You need mora people, but Ilk th rest of th country you need that those people should be of the right sort. In Sympathy with Par pose. "I naturally sympathise most cordially with every purpose or the Southern Com. mercial congress in Its efforts to make the south know Itself, and to make the south and the. nation to ' realize that a greater nation will be devolved from the development of greater south. . In your mcmberahlp no political lines ) drawn; your effort la to strive tor th! advance ment of American citizenship gnd all broad- minded men throughout the nation must heartily sympathize with-you In what you ar doThg to develop the south and to arouse therein a keener national sense. ''With hearty good wishes, faithfully yours, THEODORE ROOSEVELT.' Florence Nightingale Funeral. LONDON. Aug. Is. Florence Nightingale will be burled with th simplest ot cere mony Saturday afternoon, at Wallow, where her parents are burled. A memorial ser vice will be held at noon In Bt. Paul's cathedral, at which the king will be repre sented. There will be a very large gather ing of military men. The war office la ar ranging tb aetaiis ot tnis service. CULLED OVER THE WIRE An unknown British steamer is aground on bparlei, northwest coast of Morocco. Th president haa signed proclamations eliminating iXi.UO additional acre of land from the national forest In Colorado. Ernest K. Richardson of Covington. Va. supervising architect for the United Htatea Treasury department, died auddenly from heart trouble in a hotel at Kansas City L. R. Keogh. of. the Ottawa, Ontario, Collegiate staff announces that he has succeeeded in transmuting copper into iron lie states that the discovery Is of no com mercial value. The Missouri. Kansas & Texaa Tsrml. nal Railway company of SU Loula has filed with the secretary of state of Mis. sourl, a certificate of an Increase In the capital slock mom 3100,000 to 310.0M,0JO. It Is estimated that government Internal reecuea for tlte present fiscal year will be Increased about 38.OUO.000, In consequence of the increased taxes on tobacco and cigarettes provided by th Pay ne-A Ulrica tariff law. Directors of the Standard Oil company held their mid-summer dividend meeting Tuesday and declared the regular pr cent dividend for th quarter, which caljs for a distribution to th btandard stock holders of IS.OW.UW. Samuel Mortimer Parker of New York. 76 year old. a' retired cotton broker and a charter member or th cotton exchange. who had been missing from his home slr.ee last Bunds.)', waa found by the Harlem pollc wandering aimlessly about the streets. He was taken to his family. An alleged horse thief giving the name of George DeaMer, waa captured while stuck fast In the mud of the Duwash river slough south uf Seattle. Deabler had been arrested by a motor cycle policeman, but broke away and fled. After Deahler ran two miles he went Into the river to quench his thirst. Ha sank up to his hips In the oft mud and was held fast when the pollc arrived-. THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, AUGUST Butchers Want Lower Prices On Their Products Retailen Are Discussing Campaign to .Bring; Valuei of Meat Down to Lower Level. CHICAGO, Aug. 16.-H la expected reso lutions demanding the repeal of tariff duties on live stock and urging th cessa tion of the slaughter of lambs and young beeves will b adopted by th Maater Butchers' Association of America, which met In convention her today, Th 600 delegates, representing a membership of 66.000 retailers, will discuss a campaign tor lower meat prices. According to J. T. Linehan, a delegate from Milwaukee, there Is a tariff of $14 per head on finished cat tle from Mexico. 'Take this duty off th millions of head of cattle that roam th plain of Old Mex ico and we will hav beef as cheap as ever in our hlatory," declared th Milwau kee butcher. J. D. Lukenblll, secretary of th St. Louis Retail Butchers' association, did not share Llnehan's view. "Never again," he said, when asked if he thought there was any way of secur ing lower prices. "Th law of supply and demand, particularly th demand for choice cuts, makes th prospect of any recession In prices improbable," he added. J. H. O'NcIl of Ntw York is president of th organization. Guardsmen Are Hit By Train Indianapolis Soldier Dead Comrade Brings Newt Crawling; Nebraska Men Expected. JUNCTION CITY, Kan., Aug. It-Crawling into camp on hla hands and knees and bringing news that he and his companion had been struck by the Overland Limited train on the Union Pacific railway, Charles H. Lightfoot was th message bearer early this morning of the first accident at th maneuver camp. An ambulance was sent out ond found th dead body ot Jess Moor of Battery F, Sixth field artillery, of Indianapolis, lying beside th railroad. Th men were walking along th tracks together about midnight last night They heard th train coming but thought they had plenty of tlm to get out ot the way. When Lightfoot regained consciousness he was across a twenty-foot ditch and could find ho tract- of his oompanlon. He started for camp on his hands and knees. He Is in the hospital In a dangerous condition. The National Guard of Nebraska Is expected to reach camp tomorrow. The work of the twelve days' encampment wll! bt divided into two periods. The first six days will be taken up with drills and an attack on an imaginary enemy. The last six days will be taken up with problems aiid practice marches by th entire force. Jennie Sample Company Meets Burnt and Carlton faction! Get To- ge tier and Session ii Har monious. CHEYENNE, Wy6.,-Speclal)-For the first time in years the annual meeting of th stockholders of the Jennie Sample Con solidated Mining company, whloh was held here this afternoon in the office of the Wyoming agent ot te company, was har monious in th extreme. Th Burns-Carl-ton factions recently got together, through the good work of Judge Ira Harris, and the hatchet has been buried for all time. Stockholders representing 1,076,000 shares of the total of 1,600,000 shares, were repre sented In person or by proxy. Judge Har ris was elected chairman of the meeting, which elected the following directors: A. E. Carlton, James F. Burns,- Ira Har ris, J. H. Avery and J. N. Beatty. TheV reports of officers for the past year were received and approved, and will be rendered to the stockholders after th di rectors organize' at their meeting In Colo rado Springs in a few days. CONDUCTORS DISCHARGED BY BURLINGTON ROAD Station Agent Said to Hav Offered to Confess to Dishonesty t Omaha Official. SIOUX CITY. Io.. Aug. 17.-The Burling, ton Railway company ha discharged five conductors. Tom Astle, Fred Crosby, Frank Logan, Ed Young, Ed Ledurth and F. A. Dyson, station agent here, for what la claimed to be the Irregular sale of tickets on the O'Neill, Lincoln and Ashland ex tensions of th line. The alleged Irregular sale ot tickets cam to light after six months of careful work by railroad spotters and members of th Plnkerton Detectlv agency. According to the allegations of these men, an agreement was entered Into some time ago, whereby tickets were not to be punched on the trains, but returned to th ticket otfic, wher they would be resold. Every man, woman or child who has entered the trains has been counted for two months, and th total number ot passengers each nlirht has been tallied with the number of punchtd tickets turned in. The balance hat been far from favorable to th company, It la declared. On spotter Is aald to hav been aold th same ticket to Lincoln ou three different occasions. Dyson is said to hav "offered to make a complete confession to the Cmnha of ficials of the road.. LIND MAY CHANGE HIS MIND ON NOMINATION Interview Thought to Be Intimation that 11 Mar Reenalder Q neat ln. PORTLAND. Or., Aug. 16.-John A. Llnd, former governor of Minnesota, In an Interview tonight gave what Is considered by those who knew him, to be a strong In timation that he is wavering In his de cision not to accept the democratic nom ination fur governor of Minnesota. "I must decline to discuss politics," he began. "tfut it la reported In Minnesota, the democratic convention Insists that you ac cept," persisted th Interviewer.. "1 think a decision one mad should stand," replied. "Then your recent statcmviit should be regarded a an absolute declination?' "I shall not discuss politics," parried th former governor. To tn farmers .Hear Oaaaho. W a re buying groin direct from the farmers at top notch market prices. When you hav wheat, corn, oats or barley to offer, call ua ftp or com to se ua Cpdlk Milling compauy. CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS No More Money for Police Hire the Final Dictum. NEW FIRE LIMITS ESTABLISHED Moro Money get Aald for Grading: on Weal Dodge Street nnd n Bnneh of Paving Bids Opened and Itef erred, Th city connell 'last nlghtplaced on file th request of the Board of Fire and Police commissioners for $30,000 to provide addi tional policemen for th city. This action was taken on recommendation of the com mittee of the whole, with no explanation or comment. Th ordlninc extending the fir limits was paejgd. It carries th limits consid erably beyond the preaent lines, especial ly on th west and north. Council f-juiid It necessary to expend only 5.700 of th 3S,00 heretofore appropriated for the grading of South Thirteenth street, from Hascall atreet to the aouth city limits. Th ordinance was accordingly amended to set aside th balance, $2,700, for the grading of Dodg street from Thirty-sixth to Thirty-eighth. A resolution was passed waiving the fee for the permit to build an addition to the Deaf Institute, now under way. The main object of the city was gained when the plans and specifications were submitted to th building Inspector for approval. City Attorney Burnam recommended that a settlement be made with Mary Phillppl for damages to her property at Twenty fourth and California, In th sum of 32.000, as proposed by th attorney for Mrs. Phillppl. Th appraisers awarded damages of 700, but Mrs. Phillppl sued in district court for 36,000. If the settlement Is made as recommended th suit will bo withdrawn. The commute of the whole will paaa on th matter. Bids for paving and curbing In twenty two districts war received from C. E. Fanning, Bryant, Ford ds McLaughlin, Hugh Murphy, Commercial Land company, E. Benedict, E. D. Van Court. B. A. Mc Laughlin & Son and Omaha Cement Pav ing company. President Montt Dies in London Head of Chilean Eepublio Succumbs . to a Return of Chronic Heart Failure. LONDON, Aug, 17. President Pedro Montt of Chll arrived at Bremen on the steamship Kaiser Wilhelm der Gross this morning. His death occurred at 11:60 o'clock tonight. It was due to a recurrence of heart failure following a recent attack ot angina pectoris. - Pedro Montt became president of Chile September IS, 1906 and his term of office Lextended to 1911. -He succeeded German Riesco as chief executive. He was elected by an enormous majority and was sup ported by a really national party. enor Montt was a member of on of the beet known families In Chile, tor his father, Manual Montt, was president of the Chilean Stop Diarrhoea Wakefield's Blackberry Balsam Quickly stops Diarrhoea, Dysentary, Chol era Infantum and ail bowsl trouble with out constipating. No opium no other habit forming drugs. Accept only WakefleU'j. It cure after other remedies fall. 3Sa or three bottles for 31.00. Everywhere. Pioneer Barley Farmers of the great Northwest fought many a stubborn battle with the red man in defense of their farm lands. Today7 this fertile region furnishes mankind the finest barley ever grown. The cream of these crops for many years has formed the basis of It supremacy comes from the best malting hops grown in the Old World and it is brewed Corked or With Crown Caps Bottled Only at the Anheuser-Busch Brewery St Louis, U. S. A. 18, 1010. republic from 1S.M to 1W1. At various times Tedro Montt was speaker of the chamber of deputies, a senator, a councilor of state and during a brief but trying period was minister at Washington. In all the offices he held Sennr Montt was dltittnguls hed for his conciliatory and well defined polcy. He was the champion of a sound financial syxtem and waged un ceasing war against the policy of prodigal expenditures. ( hlnese Slave tilrls Deported. SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. Ifi.-At the re quest of the federsl authorities, the police today arrested Man (low, a Chinaman, charged with having imported 1,1 So, a Chinese girl, for Immoral purposes. The police claim the arrest of Mon (low hp. re vealed a widespread conspiracy for blitzing Chinese girls to this country under Um guise of wives of native born Chinese. Persistent Advertising Is the Rond to Dig Returns. 'Time's siGE Mado Her Preserve Your Youth and Beauty by Using" 1 It Is Pure. Safe And Reliable l Is Not Sticky. Oily Or Greasy I! Is. An Elegant, Refreshing DressinZ It Makes The Hair Soft And Glossy lit Quickly Removes Dandruff It Restores Faded And Gray Hair To Natural Co!or It Stops Hair Falling And Makes The Hair Grow IL Will Make You Look Years PRICE 50c, "and $1 , A BOTTLE , FOB SALE AND RECOMMENDED BY SHERMAN & McCONNELL 15) 44 The King of Ml Women who use Mother's Friend are saved much of the discomfort and suffering so common with expectant mothers. It is a penetrating oil that thoroughly lubri cates every muscle, nerve and tendon lnvolvod at such tknes, and thus promotes physical comfort. It aids nature by expanding the skin and tissues and per fectly prepares the system for the coming of baby. Mother's Friend assures a quick and natural recovery for every woman who uses it. It Is for sale at (drug stores. Write for free book for expectant mothers. BBADriULD EEQULATOS CO., Atlanta, Oa. Fltoht Turned Backward" AND SULPHUR. Look .Twenty Years Younger READ MRS. MERRICK'S SWORN STATEMENT Stats of New Yok 1 County or Mon rob ' ss Nancy A. Herrick, being duly sworn, deposes and says : !When I was a girl, I had a head of heavy, long, dark brown hair which was the envy of my schoolmates, and which attracted the atten tion and remarks of strangers. As I grrw older, my hair com menced to come out, just a little at fut, but gradually more snd snore, and then began to turn gray. I was induced by the many good reports I had heard of Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Hair Remedy to try a bottle. My hair was quite thin and gray when I began using Sage and Sulphur, and you can imagine my satis faction when I found that it was fast coming back to its natural Condition, being thicker, darker and more glossy than it had been for a long time. I continued to use Sage and Sulphur, and my hair is now as heav, dark and smooth as when I was a girl of t sixteen. It is now four years since I commenced using Sage tad i Sulphur, and toy hair is still in splendid condition. WWWTM ' AT ALL DRUGGISTS a. II Tour Druggist Doca Not Keep iC Scad Us The Price In Stamps, And ' We Wilt Sea d Yoa A Large Bottle, Express Prepaid. Bottled Beers 99 barley grown in the New World and the finest in the most perfect brewery in the Whole World, ANGEUSER BUSCII CO. of NEBRASKA CEO. KRUG, Cenersl Manager OMHA, NEBRASKA For the mother In th home to b Btrong and 'well, able to derot bar time and strength to th rArlng of children, is one. of life's greatest blessings. Often the bearing of children injures the mother's health. If (he haa not prepared her system in advance for the Important event. RocHisrza, N, T. 1 rv I Younger WYETH (CHEMICAL COMPANY 74 Cortlandt SL NEW YORK N. Y. DRUG OO. AND OWL "RUO CO