TITE fiEE: OMAITA, "WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 17. 1910. - no. ST , . .-g - - Y.t. -A -:j llillMt Household Goods 4 ..J' - ' . TO t l 1 ' ' " ' " s7 ay. vyi .., .. VkY v&.' -'. .;' !w .T.I! 1 li e a t o n Furniture; Carpets; Draperies, J R Matting Liribleiims Upholstery Goods arid Window Shades 413-415-417 South Sixteenth Street t": ;' " "OMAHA1 - Tlie Whm 'Town" i ssociatioa i D jL cun YV Omen's Clbrotian .i YoDgrWomen .coming to Omaljak as strangers ir invited to visit ' he Young WomenV Cnrisiian As'sociatibn building at St. Mary's Avenue and Seventeenth Street, where they will b directed Ho suitable boarding places or otherwise as- . sisted; look for pur traveler 5 ad at UniOtt statiOru:;';.;7T7t' he Sign of Reliability v f ; K Wholesale Hardware Lee Glass Andreesem Hard vare,s Go; Omaha. in . i i H f- i Mattresses and Bedding Iiftrrt Maaaftctarara of v i : nr txb wxst. 1 - UimUrUM Cotton Volt Matt: t , j Goods aold to dralra only.j y j OATACITT 300 MB Sat' L. G. DOUP 1301 'to 1311 XTXCXOXiAa BTBBZT, ohaha, irxa. , 5 il 1 Special rsJo. 1 This-Elegant JVat ' trss only $5.25 to $6.00: (rrlc governed by quality "of tirklii .used.) .. , i ... , ? .1 v ire COLunrBiAir bbawd oiidi coararwATioir k4ttixii. ;. It contain UOllC rELT, WHITXM MIT and BETTX rilT than any pthar Combination Matlreaa on the markrt. Mad io ttractlv art or plain ll-Mnf and (uarantred to be complete and perfect In evrry detail. Thoui-ands of-thes mattraraei are aold annually In Omaha and the Writ with aplendld reaulta. Intlat upon a OOLUMBIAJf a mattresa of real quality and actually guaran teed by the manufacturer. . t '.in,... -r i n-. Special No. 12 A SUal rXXT Ul FVaVB O AM ASIA If BBA MOBS KaTTBEII for OaJy BT.M, la the Rloaeat Deetraa. OUAKMTXXO. OKaTVin OOX.UM BIAM MLT ABB BBA MOBS COMBXBATIOB. .-, . 1( yau have aeven fifty to Invest In a mattresa. do not purchase until you have aeen thla one If cumfort-af fordlnc qualttlea foverned. th price, this mattress would surely aril at not lesa than double the money we lk for It rVAl OABABIAJT BSA MOSS we are lmportera) la almllar to curled hair aa a mattreas maierlal. but It t purer, sweeter and li two-thlrda leaa In coat. Just think of it. a real Pea Moil Mattresa (not the duaty. breakable aort) It made exactly the same aa a No. 1 Kelt Mattress, for only $7.60 delivered to your MJi'or. Buy one and give It a thorough teat, then If Vou care to give It up. all rini; we win mi iur n aim niuuu your mouey. I ou are unaer no Oollga- UOD wninvtr, OVTM These mattresses are for sale by nearly every furniture) dealer in OMAKA. TM OMAJiA tal ta West. . .. .. BUY J BOaC B1WBXS OBXT. XH MOT MTaa MaaafaoWtera Cclatoblaa Oal4 Label Xlastlo rait Mattresses. 9 MILLIONS ; OF ST0RAGE SPACE Omaha la Well Eqnlpped with Plants that Are Fireproof, aa Well aa ,-fllow Bnrslnc Botldlnars. Twenty years ago, to be exact. In 1831 there' was no storage business In , Omaha worthy the name: today 1 tle Industry is among the cKy's largest. en terprlees. Oma ha's first' storage house was established by Oliver Maggard at the corner ,ef Six teenth and Leavenworth' streets tn 1S92, and consisted of nothing mpre. pretentious than a good sized barn. ,Mr. Maggard, however, soon tired of the business and dlsppiipd bt his lhtefests"'lo ihi Omaha," V&n ao4 lorags company which , lav. therefore, the pioneer in the local field. Since then, however, the business has Increased to many tlmea Its volume at that time and the present business Is divided among almost a dozen companies strong and well eqqUlp pdefor the work, r , ' ,; fivi Until the last'feyf months the storage business has been somewhat handicapped by -high ratos of Insurance which the companies 'demanded, becaus th ' ware houses were not fireproof in their con struction. But this condition has been largely alleviated within the last year, two of the larger companies having made pro vision forf f ftf proo f warehouse space. ' Tha QrnahftVain and Storage company has but, recently completed a flnt new banding ;at 6H ?outl) Sixteenth fltreet; and. thet Express-' fherfs 'tienvery company' has one -nearly-completed - at Eleventh and Davenport streets. The storage business, as is the case with other lines of business, runs by sea son. '-'jFroin MayVl until the latter part ot. 'June Is the season of .thA" vear'When goods .ibipt intd the Btoragcfhbtsex. wfille from the latter' date until' about the' first' 6f Serrtem ber there is little moving of goods either In or out of the warehouses, the withdrawal season lasting through the early ffall. Just at the present .time, then, ti. warehouse ire accommodating about the largest amount which they will hold dur ing the' year; and the Opiaha houses are ..ouilfornjlir reported aa Well1 tilled, f J i, f The local companies, in most cases, com bine with the stomga featura of .their busi ness a general haullcg,, paftKIng and chip-' : ping business and handle, between them, I the bulk of the business In those lines. The ' stage which the specializing process has reached, even in the storage business, may be noted from tho ,fwt that one fff .lhe local companies Is advertising' that Us new wart house Is to contain private trunk rooms, heated piano roomf and' ether feature which appeal with equal strength to the fancy of the well-to-do. Probably the bulk of the Omaha storage business Is done, in merchandise, the eom pantea taking the 'goods from the merchant J who happens to. be temporarily over-sup plied and. Jioldjng thern. until- he le a bio to give 4hem space. Several of the com panies, however, handle household goods, among tkem the Omaha. Van. and Storage Company and the Expressmen's Tellvcry company. In addition Jo the strictly stor- I age firms, many the Implement ' firma oo a conaiaerauie amount oi storage anil forwarding business. ..None of the strictly slorage firms have a-department devoted to cold storage. ' " ...., . All of the slorage men of the city are cqiflent as" tQ -the jfuture of "their - busi ness and well they may be when the re markable development which has attended the business In the past la remembered. ,Tha to.tal spaid devoted to, storage, pur pose In jJmaha.wlll amount, to in .the neighborhood of 3,000,000 cubic feet, about l.tf 000 of. which is fireproof storage,. 'TJiese figure are not inclusive of -the amount of space which the Implement companlea devote to storage purposes. , It Is next to impossible-to plana -an ' estimate- -on- the amount or value of goods stored In a year, for the reason that the periods for which the goods ara stored vary ao, as does the value of the different articles which oc cupy an equal amount of space. Tha local exclusive storage eompanlea an: WUUam Bushman company, 101 .VIS Leaven worth street;.' Cc-unsman-yan Burgh 'com pany, 1M7 North Sixteenth street; Express men's Delivery company, 103 North Six teenth street; Merchants storage company, 1307 Jones street; Omaha Van and Storage company, -08 -South eeventMnth atreetr Omaha Warehouse company, lfln Jones street; Omaha Wool and Storage company. Twenty-eighth and Gold streets, and Pacific Btorage and Warehouse company, lovT Jones street. FOR EQUIPPING ..THE DOME Omaha Offeri Unexcelled Advantages ' for Buying Household Goods. ' . ' CATER TO OUT-OF-TOWN BUYERS Gate City Excels as a - Place for Coon try Merchants to Replenish : ' ' Their Stocks, na Well as : .. (or Shopper. Considering the home, the nerve, center of the nation, as it were, of national sta bility, Omaha again comes info prominence as supplying the needs of the homes. of an Immense territory. . In fact, a. good sized rf-olony.of households a equipped entirely with, goods, which bear, visibly .. or In visibly, the Omaha mark. .. This logicaJly hiakea Omaha th . nerva center for this territory of homes. ..... i, . Shoppers, therefore,- look to Omaha as headquarters and it le to Omaha the shop pers, come for supplies, that is, -soma few, comparatively," for the great .multitude of Omaha's dependents are supplied through their home merchants, who seek ' supplies In Omaha. -' 1 '...-.. . ' Only the trade excursionists really appre ciate the scope of this field" into which Omaha household goods are eent. Each Job ber and manufacturer" realizes, of course, to some extent, because he knows the demand tof his particular goods, ' but he doeen't know, exactly, the demand for his competitor' wares and tiot at all does ho realize the demand for wares outside his own line. ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' ; The Individual ' shopper' knows,' from ob ; servatlon, ' that" the women of the nearby towns of Nebraska and Iowa and !n many instances nearby ' means quite a distance In miles, the Interest overcoming the draw back of travel like to shop in Omaha. She has seen them. She has "noticed these women from other' towns Inspecting the bargains' displayed by Omaha merchants. She knows that the retailers like this out-of-town trade, give most careful attention and expert assistance to the visitor and sometimes depute one of their most skill ful clerks to guide her through' the store and how her the gods desired.- Shopping Jaunts to Omaha are part of the regular program for a number of the women in the surrounding territory,' but it! is not of this trade one thinks when declaring that Omaha is the household center. . .-Daylas- OpealBa" Stock. - While it is true that the young house holder and his wife, who .have Just, facei the. minister, and pronounced the wedding imes to . hie aatiaf action; like ' to come to Omaha and visit the household depart ments of the stores here, It Isn't In this way that the great bulk of household trade is done. The visitor likes the. sensa tion, for instance, of visiting one of the large, onrpet departments, of seeing . the splendid assortment f floor coverings. He likes to watch, ?th new iMrs. Newlywed's face and seeVhei" admlnraitlon pictured there: He likes, -you see, td realise anew the superlative good taste of his wife. Sometimes even he steals a glance at the salesman to see whether or not that hard ened Individual appreciates just how excel ling is this taste. And so the bridegroom and the bride come to Omaha and Joyfully' Inspect Omaha's array "of fine carpets. All sorts of rugs are spread for their Inspec tion and there Is little question but that at length they will find the ones which Just meet both necessary condition will please and fit the pockrthook. As In other house hold furnishings Omaha's supply of car pets Is selected to meet a wide demand, ranging' from the Ingrain to the choicest Persian rug. The supply Includes the latest, finest Japanese grass matting and the cool rugs made of Jute, Just as It In cludes all grades and varieties o carpels. The same story Is true of the other de partments which are of absorbing Interest to the house furnisher linens, dishes, fur niture in most satisfying array please the visiting purchaser. You'll, find the out-of-town shopper in all departments of all the reta.ll shops, buying with a . true apprecia tion of the wares Omaha offers, ... . .. . Ul Jobbing Trade. ; This retail aide of the story, however, hi small in importance,- as stated above, com pared to the Jobbers' and manufacturers' tale of the part Omaha playa in furnishing the homes of the surrounding territory. It Is only worthy of mention in that it indi cates the personal -attitude of the people toward Omaha wares and indicates the reason why the merchants of the territory do their shopping of Omaha Jobbers. 1 Tha story of the dealers' shopping runs Into large figures." Its else Is indicated, in some degree, to the outsider- by a trip through the wholesale district, , a visit to the wholesale establlntiments and a glimpse at the quantities of wares handled there. Possibly figures, of which, the statistician Is so fond and which mean so much from the bookkeeper's point of view, will give a more tangible idea to the general public, as well, of the part Omaha plays In equip ping these homes., , ..,.. To take hardware as typical, since hard ware deals so largely with the home's ne cessities and.doe9 not. Include the frivols and fads,, seems logical. , The figures, for the hardware Jobbers In the year 1909 are 32,200.000. , These represent a conservative, unexaggerated estimate of the amount of hardware sold through local houses. Tin Ware, , and. thla la a larga business locally, is not Included in this estimate. , .. , .For the .wherewithal, to: equip -the beds of the home, Omaha Jobbers and manu facturers are also regardful, and bedding mattresses are turned out In' fine shape for the critical trade. -The extent of the manu facturing side of the business is generally Indicated by the" figures for last year, which reached $100,000. . J vatiatab - Waikah, , , wot'.s ' the ' dif f unoe 'tween you an' me?" "I hope there is a great deal of differ ence, George, but I'll let you tell It. What Is the difference between me and you?" "De dlfruncej, Mistaij Waikah,- Is dat I'm polite nurr to say,- yo:. uan me,', and you ain't'?'. .' .-' ' ' v : "Ladies and gentlemen, the silver voiced .tenor,- Prof. Jeehaugh: will now sing the nbpular ballad entitled, "Please, "Be Care ful, Dearest Where You Stick, Tour Wad of Gum.' "Chicago Tribune. ' - ! t XTTi3r r; j'-C--ii.. -:.''xLv.4.V' 3 ITS s - aifPl:g:M' "ntiB'Sa-? ! "rtar::-c tltJUb,'M4MM'V.-4 A. F. Smith Co. Vholesale Jewelers American Watchci DIAMONDS . , SilTcrwcar, Clocb JEWELRY We Carry the l.crgest 4th Floor City Nat. Bank . IStband Baraey ..... Omaha, - - Neh. Stock in the West SOL. BERGMAN JEWELRY CO, .-WHOLESALE,- . DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, CLOCKS, SILVERWARE, CUT GLASS, TOOLS, MATERIALS; OPTICAL GOODS. 409 South 15th Street RANGE BLOCK OMAHA, NED. "300000 QM A H A" means also that we shall sell that many dollars worth of F. H. ORCUTT & SON CO. Wholesale Only. 11th and Farnam Sts. ifraniiii4Aikiiii,tLiitii' Two 4 S t'.s :r i'.'-.....u'.-. .v, . A .Meathe t; . j . ,j 1 ;. 4 Y .';. V if -.' 4 y . -l I. Necessities Oas ?i. in t" A G as, . i h i t-. Water Heater i 3 By cookino; with Gas you can' save the price of a Gas Range in a few months. ' . i t -i . i t ' , :'. .i -... ! . . ; I .,.. Heat your water, witha Gas Water Heater ''enjoy real corrif or tv ; 1 r v r - : iarh UKCBEMZO&XM Our ' representative will gladly bring you one of our 1910 Catalogues, or we will mail you one on request -. :. r - - " ' ' ..... Om ana Gas Company Ie" Ei V