TITE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, AUGUST 15. 1010. Want - Adsi Wnnt ad received at any time. to Insarv ptoitr classification l.c pnifklrd belnro ia o'clock m lor lb rvtilm edition and before Ti!tO nVlock of DRtlom evl for 1 1 if I it r Hml l.nil.r editions Went ade roce-lTed after each hoara wl" have their (Irat Inaertloa nnder t heading; "Too Late to flaealf 7." Bate apply to eltber tbt Dally or Monday . ' ' . ' llwart eoaat alx werde to llae. CASH RATES roll WT ADS. (lEaLLAR CI.AMIFICATIOK 0 Insertion, 1 1-3 eenta pea -word nasi 1 - . . a. i...ilatt a ..dd days, t vrord' 1 i. lino rr snoath. ba lei Want ade lor The Ben mm,rrm ..... 1. "corner ... all branch office. He. ad wilt bo la.ertrd last a. t...tlr tba aauie ''""" inj main office In Tae Be. bnlldln., c renteeatn and farnaaa atreetel .loach, W. C. 40th and F"""1 1 era nek. 8. A.. 1402 8. MU,r, i eyton Pharmach. 730 8. "lhuK Lti.wn Pharmacy, Benson, 5Dr,,,,iB. emls Park Pharmacy. 33d nd CuinlDg. i lake-Bradlsh. 8814 Sherman Ave. caughlln, C. k. 6th Plttc, BtM. v'Uflon Hill Pharmacy. 3213 Military Ava t. Inter long Drug Co.. t Ava. and Far- 4ea n At- crissey Pharmacy. ?4th and Lake, looney Pharmacy, 1223 8. 16th at rmak. fcmll. 12M- 8. 13tb St ihler. F. H., 2803 Leavenworth. 1 oster & Arnohll, 211 N. 26th St. 1 reytag. J. J., 1814 N. 14th St. 1 rogger Drug Co.. 1302 N. 16th St. I lorrnce Druj Co., Florence, Neo. Croen's Phormacy, Park Ave. and Pacino, oreenough, O. A., 106 8. 10th St. creenough, G. A.. 10th and Hickory, l.ayden, William, 2920 Farnam 8t nanscum Pork Pharmacy, lbol 8. 2th Ava. Iiolft, John, 24 N. 16th Bt. huff,-A. L., TJi Leavenworth St Johanson Drug Co., r4th and Spalding. King, H. 8., 22.4 Farnam bt. I ounts Place Pharmacy, 3304 N. 24th Marts, Fred L.. 1019 Central Blvd. atrlck Irug Co.. 1624 N. 24th 8t. l.mhrop, Charles B.. 1324 N. 24th St Coldmnn Pharmacy. 24th and I-eaveo-worth Sts. tsuratoga Drug Co.. 14th and Ames Ava. Si-baiter's Cut Price Drug Store, 16th and CluCSgK UlM. n-haefer, Aug., Km N. 16th. "hmldt J. H.. 24th and Cuming flts. V.ainut Hill Pharmacy. 40th and Cuming. U BATH AND FUNKRAL NOTICES. WILLIAMS Jacob, at hla home, 717 Paxk A e., Sunday, August 14, at 10:30 A. m., u. ea 66 yeaj-s. ' i.jtlce.cf. funeral later.-,. . LODGE NOTICES. r.fth Ward Republican club will meet at U.ng i haw at lttth and Oorby, Monday e.v.iliig. Auguai 14. Tne meeting will be t....u to oraer at 6 o'clock snarp. Uvery k.w invited. There will be no endorsement, t.. H. Christie, president; lien J. btone, sujietary. ANNOUNCEMENTS. ,J..A. GENTLEMAN CO. takeks rinl. aimers, 1114 Chicago. D. Kit. B-165J. $5 00 Ladies' and Men's Shoes for $2.50.; All sizes, all ; - 'vyidths and leathers. ALEXANDER, Third Floor; Paxtori Block, UJ.JTANT A BQUIRK8.,COAJu OFFICHa KbHCVKU IU UU BOUtJl HU Bt. Edward Johnson, Successor to J BARRETT-JOHNSON :. TAILORING CO., are now ready to render the beat of tailor ing service to their many friends and pat rons -at their new quarters, 2D FLOOR CM T NAT L BANK cLDu, MONEY TO LOAN LOW RATE, In sums to ult no Rea Blrtg. Phone Doug. tWl UNION LOAN COMPANY. 1LER GRAND HOTEL Finest in the west, 'V'h and Howard Bta. Turkish Baths PICNIC LUNCHES bom cooking, cakes, plaa and cold meats. , , . ;LICATESSEN W.":,! "TYPEWRITTEN LETTERS." one er one million. Stenographera furnished "The Let Kiuiogist." Oitices M Paxton Blk. and 927 City National Bank Bldg. Tel. D. 5C85-4341. EAT KOSHER HOMECOOKINoi Arkioa. tl 8 litn, upstalra. B. F. WURN.OpUclac, 443-6 Brandeia bldg. PANAMAS Cleaned, bleached, blocked. I iJ a .VI tS3 ftXMSEB. 220 South 14th St TUB HOME FURNITURE CO.. 10 per cent less than Omaha price $4tn ana L r'ts.. South Omaha. VlOOARO Van Storage or Omaha Tit.nk. Vaa Si Storage Co. Pack, move, f'oi and ship H. H. goodA D. 14M. B-24J JOHN N1TTLER WjS$!2mf LUXUS THE BEER YOU LIKE. 3224 South 24Lh St Douglas AW. Rd TO); Independent A 1420. WANTED-A square deal in the repub lican primary election August Wth. Noth In -, mors, nothing less, diaries K. Fields, candidate for state repreaeevtativ from On.iha. Douglaa county. PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES. Saratoga 1'iug co., urn anu Ainu. w. us, a-iuiu. rHAMPOO. massage. Ada Steele, 1601 Howard' Bt 24 floor fiout R.- west flat )v a. m. to p. m. HEALTH COMMISSIONERS COMMANDS Or ler your house and porch screened from 1 t ia. OMAHA W1NUOW MCKtK.N CO. A SANITARY NECESSITY luU KVSRY HOME. (24 N. 16th St Call Doug. 61 . ICE FOR SALE We can furnish good, clean lea In car loi d lota, f. o. b. Omaha. Call Shackleford & Olckey for price.. Douglaa 2. KODAKS and eopplles; largest stock; AMAIt.Uil (lhlDHlftll, beat work. DEMPSTER, 1215 Farnam St 1 Robertson's Restaurant tli-U So J6ih bt. il aamant;'- cool, tight, sanitary, quick rr.lr, popular prices. For ladlaa and (.. otWnwo. . iabla d Hot dinner bunday IC.00Q..00 16,000.00 Force J . Removgl Auction Sale. 1 Lover ' ln RT your ehanc to cot You "cholca of the entire stock of Rose Art Store, ct one-third cost, nothing reaerved everything- goea. 4 MI KB LEE. A vote for Michael Lea fop county com rr lnsloner Is a vote for honest jurors. The ".iocs gambler" and ali his "crooks' are exposed to Mike. They don't want honest J i. no. That's a by Mik I hot on the alata. ANNOUNCEMENTS SHIELDS, '" er, has moved fflrea to 826- 821 Brandels Theater luw practice. Butldlng. Ocneral LYNCH BROS. HKPAIH WORIC. 70J PLUMBING AND Hh.AH NO S. 16th 6t. D. 1477. BERT MEASE, licensed guide: elk, deer, aherp and bear. Write, Mauler, VV'yo. KI.EVATOHS nrcPAlltED; freight. pa- enaer. J. K. Kennedy, 1U4 . in. uoui. i TVII wish to acquaint the public with the folinwlnc facta: There are imitation sap- C hires of quality superior to ordinary glass, ut having no relHtlon whatsoever to tna natural or Mexican white sapphire, which anncarlna In the market ' To ais- tlnaulsh these from our Mexican White sap phires, we suggest hyrtrof luorti acid fat This reacts on kIhh. but has no effect on Mexican white sapphires. To ntroduce this gem we are eelllng for w days at U per carat, guaranteed 100 yeara. LeLong jeneliy Co., 20 j iiccagus u.oj OUT you' WKDPINO KINGS-at KREO RRObKUAAKU'S. It Insures good luok lit 8. 1 lit it tit. at the sign of tba Crown. GOOM M K.KCH A NTS' LUNCH. 5 CTS. A. JE'lES. 1302 Louglaa 1. T?nTTrr."'TfV Schlltg No. 1. Full cigars. Cafa In connection 'U 8. 14th. DAVID COLE Creamery Co. HENRI HORNUNO.plumblng. 1822 Farnam 8. H. Cola Blgo Co.. D. 176$. 1211 Farnam. BTORE TOUR FINE FURS IN MOTH PROOF VAULTS. Nomlnai coat 8HU KERT'8, Uth and Barney. VIRGINIA DARE wine. 7to a large bot tle. KLKIN LIQUOR HOU8E. 22 N. Uta Bt Douglaa U7A Iron and Wire Feticaa Cheaper Than Wood. Laat A Uietlma. . 207 N. 17th. 8t Phone, Rad 814. ICE CREAM "ALWAYS THE BEST." HARDING'S Ira Cream. Wedgewood Cr. Butter. Harding Cream Co. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Douglaa 644 ENGRAVED STATIONERY Weddlnga. anouncementa, calling cards. Ivotera & Leary CoM M6 Jackson. Douglas 18d0. SMOKE "THE POSTMAS TER." Fine Havana Cigar. COUTANT & SQUIRES, COAL OFFICE, REMOVED TO 210 8. 17th St. THE HOME FURNITURE CO., 20 per rent less than Omaha prices. 24th and L 6ts., South Omaha. VIRGINIA DARE wine. 76c a large bot tle. KLEIN LIQUOR HOUSE, -622 N. 16th St. Douglas 6670. H. A. RAAPKE. ARCHITECT, announces that after August flrat be will ba in his new offices. 1223-24-25 CITY NATIONAL BANK BLDO the most complete architect's, offices In tne city. BARKER BROS. tAINT CO., 16094 FARNAM ST., BOTH PHONE3. Sherwin-Williams paint, $1.85 a gal. Varn Islies from $1.50 to $4.60 a gal., all brands of white lead, $.50 per luu lbs. low prices in wsii papr. giaas, glazing arm Trnming. AUTOMOBILES DRUMM0ND Makes the Best Auto Tops fnr the nrlce. All kinds auto Work. Re- Dalring In wood work, iron work. Best painting In the city. Bend in your cars. 18th and Harney Sts. LIMOUSINE body for Automobile, very fine, half price, fit most any mage or car, Fred Feldhauser, Independent Oarage. BARGAINS Slightly used cars. Kls el Auto Co.. 2128 Farnam Auto Repairing -MlifiSS Tlrea. 2d-hand cars, storage. The Fax ton Mitchell Co.. 2010-16 Harney. D. 7281: A-20U. AUTOGENOUS WELDING All kinds of BROKEN CYLINDERS. CRANK CASES and CASTINGS promptly repaired. ALL work uuakani jjjj-jjj. BERTSCHY MOTOR COMPANY, Council Bluffa, la. WRITE for list of automobile bargains. H. B. FREDR1CKSON AUTO CO.. Omaha. Bargains in Used Cara g muffs Auto o., M0 Pearl. . - AUTOMOBILE GOGGLES. 250 to 13.6a COLUMBIA OPTICAL CO.. 209-211 a 16th. I REPAIR amashed autos, mud shields, leaky radiators. Herman Kunde, 711 8. 16th. HORSE FEED rnl,:XPann8d'Ve:buyCO,n Chase Motor Delivery Wagon. WORKMAN AUTOMOBILE CO., 207 S, 10th. Tel. 1). 3724. AUTOMOBILE GOGGLES, 25c to $3.50. COLUMBIA OPTICAL CO., 209-211 S. 16th. Bargains in Used Cars Send for list Co. Bluffs Auto Co.. 510 Peart BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET in or out of business call oa GANQESTAD. 404 Be Bldg. Tat D. W7- LET me incorporate your business; good ones easily obtain money selling their shares; am helping others, why not youT Proofs, what haa been done. Promoter. 610 Paxton block. BLACKSMITH and carriage shoo cheap. E. Smith, 1314 N. 24th. NEW MILLINERY STOCK at less than cost If taken at once. Must sell, as party la leaving stats. Will trade for suitable property. Hegarty Sisters, Neoln, la. FOR SALE Cafe and lunch room: best location and largest patronage In Iowa town of 16,000; business will stand investi gating. Write at once. Address Y 226, care Bee - $9,000 nearly all new atock dry goods; a bargain. Addreaa X-166, Boa. FOR SALE Dwelling, and buvokamltfe shop equipped with mooern too is and com. pieta aiocK. for particulars, wnia tue Farmera State bank of Altona, Neb. AN ACTIVE, energetlo man wanta new business connection. Can invent some cap ital. K-822 Bee. FOR GALE Up-to-date hardware and im plement business In new town on Irrigated valley. Only hardware slock here. Will take automobile in trade. Address Y-lttf, care bee. PARTNER WANTED In real estate business, with from $2,500.00 to K.uoo.oo to invest; iu.uuu.u to io,uw uu profits In immediate sight; party somewhat acquainted wun re, esiaie uuainess pre ferred; salary and prof its assured. Ad dress W 796, Bee. fUQ nV CO.. Real Estate Loans and tdDawijuuifm,,.,, fl. w Corner 14th and Douglaa UU., phone Douglaa liiu. THERE ' are 189 lawyers in congress. There s re 126 bankers in congress. We need business men in congress. Vote for W. F, 8tocker. GOOD chance with a little money to take cara of apartments and run a cafe, ail 8. 22d. THE SALE OF OUR PRODUCT, FOR which there la general demand among mer chants, farmers, schools, etc., now greatly increased by state laws recently passed and otner condnlona, necessitates opening a dla tiitutlng office in unoccupied territory. We desire resident aalea manager, well ac- Gualnted. of good character, who ran super intend sales, deliveries, advertising, coilec. lions, etc. wlta 1300 to $tio0 to carry enough stock to . fill orders. Salary $100 to $126 monthly; extra commissions; office and other authorised expenses; no canvassing position permanent. Addles F. G. .'aim Mcr.. Suite 614 First National Bank Bldg. Omaha, Neb. CHIROPODISTS DIt ROY. 1MI a-aroasu fit Douglaa 47. WHEN answering advertisements found In tne tVam Ad columns, pitas mention The Bt TlIU SOUTH OMAHA AHT1K1C1AU TlNE COMPA.Nlf. Our waterpruof concrete blocks are guar- nte'l Pnuiis lactoi. wt, ult.ee iinuas W. u. TIIK HOITSE UKPAIHINO CO.. Carpenter, puperhannltiK, brick work, etc., low prices; satisfaction puarantecd. I'hona Harney 337; Haincy 3010. PiVM FVT Blocks. Omaha Concrete t Htona DT.I) TIOOFS "Paired; Plate Tile, hrey Hoofing Co., s27 i'axiou U.K. Tel. ). 8023. DETECTIVES OMAHA Secret Service Detective ssencv Inc & bonded. 428-D Paxton Blk. Ind. A-121U. CAPT. T. CORMACK. M7 KARBACH HLK. UhisllblS PtT.F:T MACK. M flnnr Haxton l io TERRY Dressmaking School. 20th & Farnam FASHIONABLE dressmaking at 22C0 Douglas St. 'Phone Red 64. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN KATHKR1NE OIBLIN MANICURING AND HAIR DRESSINO 8?7-8- City Nat l Bank Bldg. D. 1061. THE women who wish to reduce the hla-h cost of living should aupport W. F. Btoecker tor congress, urge your husband, brother or sweetheart to oast a vote for him at the primaries August 16. ARSENIC and IRON complexion wafers make clear, wblta skin. By man COa and $1.00. bharman as MeConnell Drug Co., Omaha. MISS EMIQ, lessons In china and water colors. 26 Brandeia Theater Bldg. Try Magic Roach Powder, Douglaa 1370. MRS. H. LIVINGSTON, hairdresser. E. Burham methods; resident work. Tel A- 272a; Douglaa 3003. SA"NTTTAT?V HAIRDRES8ING parlora OAilxiiiia. Marlnello creams used and sold. 601 Paxton Blk. Tel. Douglaa 4671. VACUUM cleaners. $15 to $28. 1117 Farnam. EDUCATIONAL 1910 Fall Term Boyles College Opens Monday, September 5, in the DAY and NIGHT Sessions Complete Banking. Complete Course. Business Course, including Shorthand and Typewriting Complete Civil Service Course. Complete Telegraphy course, and all jungusn tranches. The Year Book Is ready. Apply for It. H. B. BOYLES, President Boyles Building, Omaha, Nebraska. BT. ANijKEtV'ri SCHOOL. FOR BOYS 41ST AND CHARLES. Rev. F. D. Tyner, SS4 Charlea. Har. 2333. Mosher-Larnpman BHllege 1 Unexcelled course in nuslnjs, Short hand. Penmanship and English. Nona but experienced teachers. Day and night ses sions. Most interesting cataiot; published In Omaha. Send for on today. MOSHER & LAMPMAN, 17th and Farnam streets. Omaha. Neb. WILSON-GREEN school of Music and Languages. Opera. Oratorio, Concert, Pi ano, Violin. Boarding pupils, superb new house. Catalogue 2647. Connecticut Ave., Washing-ton, D. C. FLORISTS HESS dt SWOBODA, 1415 Farnam St A. DONAHUE, 1607 Far. : D. 1001; A-1001. L. Henderson. 1519 Farnam. Doug. 1251 FURNACES AND REPAIRS LAWN VA8E3. Marvel Coal Chutes. Fur naces. Combination Warm Air and Hot water Mealing, water Fronta. OMAHA 8TOVE REPAIR WORKS. IfiW-a riomrls Ft Both Tt-ones HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical nnd Office. STENOGRAPHER WITH AT LEAST TWO YEARS' EXPERIENCE. GOOD REFERENCE REQUIRED. CO-OPKRATIVE REFERENCE CO. WANTED Lady stenographer, prefer one with aome lumber experience, though that la not essential, call 631, Brandels Bldg. WANTED Two stenographers for In mediate placing. . Oliver and Remington salary, $12 and $15. The Oliver Typewriter co., i-io a. mm tit , 'Factory and Tratiee. WANTED Experienced home maid Mrs. Barton Millard, 123 N. 39th St, phone Harney oa. IIonkecpra and Domeatioa. LADIES WANTED Take work home: puiy transfers; l to $4 dos.: work guaran teed. Trieber'a 116 Brandeia Theater Bldg. -t- Wanted a girl for general housework. that can also cook, no washing; aalary no object 2229 Harney. WANTED Washwoman, at once. 'Phone Harney 38u6. - WANTED Experienced girl for genoral housework. lUa N. M. south oruana. Tel, 80. 44. WANTED Competent girl for general house work; small family. Apply 820 N Thirty-eighth street. DINING room girl, $20 per month, board and room. wick wire Hotel, Hooper, Neb. WANTED Good competent girl to do second work. Mrs. J. Sr. Wilcox. 1131 E. fierce. WANTED Experienced cook, with refer ences. 'Phone Harney M. 131 North S9th St GIRL for general housework, in family $5 without washing; $6 with. Reference re quired. Apply 4206 Dodge Bt Tel. H. 1748. WANTED Girl to assist with general housework. 3c2 N. 4ist Ave. Tel. Har. 8233. WANTED Chambermaid; no objection to color. ZHXi uougiaa. GIRL for general housework. 3820 Har ney, rnone narney t2. GIRL for general housework, 8027 Cbl- csgo Bt WANTED Good, competent girl to do second work. Mrs. J. F. Wilcox. 1133 Eaat Fierce bt, council Hiuira, la. WANTED Experienced nurse maid. Harney 990 or call 3604 Harney St Tel WANTED An experienced white woman to wash and iron. Phone rtaxney 3Ut. WANTED A girl for general housework small ramuy. 714 So. 17th Ave. WANTED-Mlddle-aged lady, family of two, not at noma only mornlnga and even ings and bundaya, 4216 Saratoga. WANTED Girl for sen era 1 housework: In family. Mra. Thomas W. Hasan, 3724 opauiaing, rnone vv. szw. GIRL for general housework- 3223 Dodge. GIRL for general housework. Call 1628 Wirt St WANTED Respectable woman as house keeper for father and aon, 1418 N. 2S)th St Omaha. W. H. Duncan. GIRL for general housework. Good wages. 01 8. 32d St WANTED Competent girl for general housework; smsll family. Mrs. O B. W ti ls nia. 32M Hamilton St Phone Web. Jtex GIRL wanted for general housework; Danish or German preferred. 8168 Davenport .HELP WANTED FEMALE Honaekeepers nnd Domestic ont'd. OOOU second gin. Apply Mrs. John L. Vellrr. bis bo. 2alh Ave. WANT ED A good ci.ok. 201 8. 13d St. Good wages; references required. WANTED By gentlemsti and daughter, lady as housekeeper, middle-aged preferred; must be ot guoil character; no subject of popx or prieHt need answer. O. B. Hilton,, general delivery, city. WANTED Housekeeper to help In store; am alone. 721 Military Ave., Benson. COMPETENT laundrese; two daya a week. Mra. H. W. Chr'st.ie. 1024 Park Ave. K COMPETENT cook and a second grl wanted. 510 S. 22d ctt. Douglas 4430. GIRL for general family. 110 Case St housework; two In WANTED A good cook and second girl. 216 N. 32d Ava. Tel. Harney 63. WANTED A good girl for general house work at once. 2011 Charlea St WANTED A good girl to assist with gen eral housework; good wages; small family. Tel. Web. 6536. 2005 Spencer. A GIRL to assist with general housework and cara for children. 216 N. 82d Ave. COOK and second girl. (24 S. 20th St. GOOD girl for general housework. I in family, good wages. 41)13 Webster St Tel. H. 2941. GIRL for general housework. 407 N. 26th St. YOUNO girl for light housework: good position. D. II. Harding, 924 N 36th. GIRL for general housework at 2715 I'otv. pleton Ava. Tel. Harney 1504. OIRL for general housework. John Has kell. 1321 S. 36th Ave. GOOD girl wanted at once; 4 In famllv: no children; good opportunities. S20 N. 20th. WANTED Girl for general housework: good wages; no washing. 616 S. ZSth St Tel. Harney 1762. . GIRL to assist with housework In small family: no washing: easy place. 3902 Cass St. Tet. Harney 1734. GIRL for general housework. 1911 Chicago. GIRL for general housework. Mra. S. s. Caldwell, 3511 Harney St Tel. Harney 2390. WANTEDUood girl for general house work. Apply 3324 Myrtle Ave. COMPETENT woman for general house work; family of three. Mrs. Shepard, 2004 Wirt St , ... A OIRL for general housework. Mrs. J. rarrotte, 4801 Davenport. A COOK wanted. A,. L. Reed. Tel. Ben- son 178. WANTED Girl for general housework. 3612 Farnam St - i. WANTED Good girl for general house work. Apply 3324 Myrtle Ave. WANTED Lady to do washing In home. 419 8. 20th St. RESPONSIBLE girl for general house work; no laundry: small family; good wages. 2202 Howard St WANTED Competent irirl for general housework; no .washing. Phone Harney 212 Mrs. W. J. Coad, 2u2 8. 37th St. A GIRL for general housework at 1115 S. 33d St. Phone Harney 3m. .. Mlwiellaneona. YOTTNO WOMEN comlnc to Omaha a strangers are Invited to visit the Young rvomen a christian association building al bt Mary a avenue and Seventeenth street where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted; look lor our traveler's aid ac Union station. WOMEN who Work should lend their aup port to try esnd gain votes for W. f Stoecker for congress. Help reduce the high cost of living. - Primaries August 16. HELf y'ANTED-MALE Agents, -galeesnea, and olloitora. WA NTEI First-class lot or stock sales men to sell bleb, grace Irrigated vineyards In the famous .peso Valley Of Texas oo installment plan. FORT STOCKTON IRRIGATED VINE YARDS CO.. . - HnMLIN. TEX. . WANTED Reliable, hustling agents to sell well Improved corn farms Just across the Iowa line m - southeastern Minnesota. Can sell today for from $66 to $&6 per acre. Nothing better in Illinois or Iowa. In three years these same farms will sell for from $126 to $150 per acre. Do you want one? Small down payment Also snaps in North and South Dakota lands In large or small lots. Agents wanted at once. Jotiepn Keenan, Austin;' Minn. WANTED An experienced, high grade, OH Salesman for Iowa territory. State age, experience, etc. Address Y 214, care Bee. WANTED Competent, reliable salesman to handle high grade line advertising signs, calendars, novelties; best line signs in America,; liberal commission; references re quired; splendid proposition for right party. Bales jjept tp-to-Date AuveriiKing co., Canlsteo, N. Y. WANTED Bright young man for spe cialty sal oh man; $76 to $100 a month and ex penses to start, with good opportunity. Apply Mr. Bogua, Room 414, Hotel Loyal. WANTED Three young men who have had experience In boots and shoes to work In stocg in wholesale rubber boot and shoe and clothing store. State age, whether mar ried or single, And give relerences. Address D-183,, Bee. , WANTED A good hustling subscription solicitor to go en the road for ins Twen tieth Century Farmer. Call or write man ager of circulation. The Bae Publishing Co. SALESMEN wanted, two good live men to work in and out ot city; salary, expensea and commission,' when ability is demon strafed. Call room 614 First National Bank Bldg. AGENTS The "CANCHESTER" Is the biggest money maker ever known: the Im proved lull cancnester incandescent Kero sene lamo will revolutionize lighting meth ods; burns air Instead of money; alx times brighter than electricity, gas or acetylene at 1-10 cost; burns wun or wiinout maniie; burner fits any lamo: saves 75 per cent oil: no trimming wicks; showing means selling; territory going fast; write today: particu lars free; handsome outfit- furnished; be ware ol imitations, cancnester trfgni CO., Dept 4KB, 26 Btate street cnicago, in. Clerical and Office. EXPERIENCED business man wants work in the United States congress; com petent and trustworthy. Will guarantee a aquare deal to all If elected. Primaries Au gust 16. W. F. Stoecker. Bookkeeper,' $06. Order clerk, $60. General office clerk, $60. Stenographer, 8M. Call or write for complete list of vmcan cles. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASS'N. INC. 762-4 N. Y. Life Bldg. (Est 8 yrs.) WANTED Clerk or blight young man for railway mail clerk; you must tvet Im mediately to be ready for coming examina tions; salary $y00 per year, starting; rapid promotion. See Mr. Hoff before 'noon. 201 old Onmha Nat'l Bank Bldg. YOUNG men for government service; best opportunities In ye re. See Mr. Hoff before noun.. 201 Old Omaha National bank Bldg IMMEDIATELY. Railway mall clerks wanted. Entrance examinations Just announced; best oppor tunity In years; beginning aalary, $aoo per year. For Information and preparation aee Mr. Hoff, 301 Old Omaha National Bldg. Immediate action necessary. POSITIONS for several good bookkeepers and stenographers. See us at once. PAR 60NB EMPLOYMENT CO.. 61$ Bee Bldg Factory aad Trades. Drag etoree (snaps). Joba Knleet Bee Bids WANTED Brickyard men. 13th and Fred erlck. Monday morning. F. P. Gould A Son. WANTED Experienced Janitor; married man preferred; steady Job; must furnish good references. Western Bloc trio Co., 803 Farnam St , HELP WANTED MALE Factory and Trndee lontlnaed. OORIKIN press feeder wanted at Raber'a, Mee ltldg. WANTED Working mra who wish their condition to vote for V. K. Stoecker, detn-oi-rat.e candidate for congres. Primaries August 111 WANTED 00 union carpenters, Molina, 111., at 4ic per hour; four months' work. Leonard Construction Co., care Deere & Co. Miscellaneous. BRIOHT young man 16 to IS years of age for primary olflce wdrk, wholesale house. Mention salary desired, schooling and parentage. Address F S IS. Bee. MY ambition will be to serve this con stituency so none will ever regret voting I. r me. . j- lo i r WANTED Manager. by Rev. James Alexander Dowle, tne famous Chlcago-ii.on healer, and Rev, Francis Schlatter, the Denver healer of world renown. Call 2J1 4th St., Council Bluffs. W. F. STOECKEP., vote for him at the primaries. If elected I am free and unfet tered by any Influence except to benefit the mafestg. WANTED Men to learn barber trade; practice furnished by free work; careful In structions by exports; few weeks cumpletes; tools given; hoard secured; experience in shops before completing: catalogue mailed free. Moler Barber College, 110 S. 14th St. WANTED A young man to travel with the sales manager ot a large manufactur ing concern. Salary to begin, $40 per month and expenses. Rare opportunity to learn manufacturers' distributing business. Must have $4i0 cash security. Address "A," Omaha Bee, Council Bluffs. VOTES for W. F. 8toecker mean a square deal for the working men. Remem ber stoecker for congress, primaries Au gust 10. 600 men 20 to 40 years old wanted at once for Electric Railway Motormen and Con ductors. $60 to $100 a month; no experience necessary; fine opportunity; no strike; write Immediately for application blank. Adress Y-612 care of- Bee.. LABORERS wanted on building construc tion work on the new Morrell Packing Plant at Sioux -Falls. S. D. Wages (2.26 per day for the first two weeks' employ ment and 8Z.40 per nay alter tne Tirst two weeks. Steady work until February. Re port Immediately, on Job to Collins Bros., General Contractors. CHAUFFEURS iVoM business; practical Instruction. Nat'l Auto Training Assn. 628 Brandels Theater Bldg. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horaea and Vehicles. Deep cut in all fly nets, special prices on horse collars arid on sweat pads. Hayden's Harness Department. T?PrVIlilt BuBK 'oa and Wagons, cheap. LVeULLUb Murpny & bon Mtn and Jack A. ackson. WAGONS BuKls. eto., Will sell you iiUWx' better grade of work and for leas money than anyone else In Omaha or Council Bluffa. 1117 Farnam St Attention, Harnessmakersl . Dapple gray display horse for sale; price $30; nearly new. 1117 Farnam St FOR SALE Good leather top buggy. Call Hall & Morris, 2868 Farnam St TeL Har ney, 43L CARRIAGE and top buggy, good condi tion; almost your own price; go see . . Jobnsoc-Danforth Co., 10th and Jones Sts. Wagon Umbrellas Wagner. 801 N. 16th, CHEAPEST FEED in town at SIDMAN' The Cut Prioe Feed Man, B19 8. 13th. 8t , .. BEST MATCHED Missouri bred team for sale at 2522 Grant St 'Phone Web. &S& Must sell. FINE milch cow for sale. son 3i9. Phone Ben- LOST AND FOUND The Teddy Bear g J, Expert cleaners and era. U18 Harney, LOS7 A gold nugget pin, between Cass and Davenport on 60th St. Reward return to 6001 Cass. FOUND An honest business man who guarantees a square deal if elected to con gress. Vote for W. F. Stoecker. Primaries August 16. LOST The cause of Cannonlsm and gang rule it w. t. stoecker is elected to con grees. FOUND A man who If elected will stick by his party and the common people. Vote for W. r . Stoecker, democratic candidate for congress. Primaries August 16. MEDICAL HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES beet rem edy tor Itching, bleeding or protruding fiutsa; bvo postpaid; samples free, bner man & MeConnell Drug Co., Omaha. BEST nerve bracer for man. Gray's Nerve Food pills, $1 a box, postpaid. Sher man at Mcconnell Drug Co., Omaha. FREE medical and surgical treatment at cretgnton Medical college, 14th and Daven port sts.; special attention paid to con finement cases: all treatment supervised bv couege proiessors. pnone Douglas 1167. can answered, uay and night Dr. McGrew Haa given hla entire professional life to the treatment of all fornr.a of chronlo and spe cial diseases of men. For 86 years he has been known and trusted by all. 38 years in Omaha. Charges low. If you have no money, call or write, anyway. Dr. MoUrei Co.. 816 8. Mth St.. Omaha. Neb. MONEY TO LOAN ALARY AND CUATTHLM. tt3$$$mn$$$$$$W3wtirttt$m3$itt$mt$$fM as ptj AiUJr. n.un itAlibia. U CHEAP MONEY FOR YOUR t$ SUMMER VACATION. t$ NEW COMPANY. NEW PLANS. H This is a new firm organised by the U H LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF $$ f$ OMAHA TO LOAN $ M $10 to $600 $$ $4 to any honest person owning HOUSE- $8 t HUL.U OOODS, pianos, etc, or hold- $4 $$ lng a salaried position ut the rate of u $$ 10 PER CENT PER YEAR U JUST THINK YOU PAX 6$ $1.00 interest on $10 for one year. - $ $$ i.60 Interest on $25 for one year ( $ $6.00 interest on $U) for one year. $ k ALL OTHER SUMb IN PROPORTION II $$ EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS. $$ M Reasonable Appraisement Charges. $$ $$ INDEPENDENT LOAN CO.. $1 i$ Room 204 Wlthnell Block. t $$ If. E. Cor. 15th & Harney Sts., 2d Floor $$ H 'Phone Douglas 6045. i tsttttttittutttttiitmnt $m$$$s4$$$$$m$m$i t$ cheap loans $$ $$ on Furniture, Pianos or Salary. $j $$ You borrow $ $$ $10 00 you pay back-$11.00 $$ $$ $2500 you pay back $27.00 $, $$ $u0.00 you pay back MOD $$ $$ No other charge. j$ $$ OMAHA FINANCIAL CO., $$ $$ Room 601. Brown Blk., 207 H. 16th flt., $$ i Cor. Doug. Pt. Douglas 208(5; A-J03. $t (ffliwiHmwi)miwffliwHwiiw)iw MONEY! SEED ANT I GO TO Omaha Mortgage Loan Co, ltf Board of Trade Bldg. Southwest Corner 16th end Karnan Sts. Telephone Douglas 224. Rates cheaper than any advertised. We can prove It CHATTEL LOANS AT BANKABLE RATES. NEBRASKA LOAN CO. Room T, Crounse Block. Corner 16th and Capital Ave. Opposite Postoffire. Both Phones Doug. 1368: A-U64. MONEY TO LOAN Salary and Chattels Toatlaaed. Cash Quick on Easy Terms. We loan niorey . n household goods, pianos and teams without removal, for long or short time, small and easy pay ments, $1.20 to the weekly pavment on a titiou ioan for W weeks, other amounts in the same proportion. Call on ua and let us explain our plan for loaning money, htrictiy private and reliable. Courteous treatment at all timea. Mall or "phone ap plicHtions receive our prompt attention. Stato Mortgage Loan Co., Room 12, Arlington Block, 1M1H Dodge 8t l'hojie Douglaa 24. IF hard luck Is coming your way vote for W. F. Stret-ker tor cotigie--.; vi.ln-ii-you In the future. Legislation for the monev Power will take place In the next congreas. Have a friend there to pull for the poor man. ' MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE. WOMEN KKEP1NO HOU6B AND OTH ERS, without security; easy payments. Offices in e principal cities. Tolmeo. room ill New York Life Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN. Come in and let us explain our low rates to you. Reliable Credit Co.. km Paxton J Ilk. Phcoe Duug 1411; A-HU. DIAMOND LOANS AT 5?o W. 0 FLATAU. 1614 Dodge. Tel. Red M1 MOVING AND HOUSE CLEANING OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO. cleans carpets on your floor. Electrt vacuum system. 308 8. 17th. Tel. D. 16 EXP. Delivery Co.. office 16th and Da t.port Pt wrarehniiae. 2TO7-0B Isard Ft OFFERED FOR RENT Board and Rooma. CHOICE rooms with board. "The Tea. pi are." lsi Capitol Ave. .SOUTH front parlor; also one other room, for 3 gentlemen or married couple, with board. 2614 Dodge. ELEGANT rooma and board, fornia bt Tel. Doug. 6161. 3639 Call. CLEAN furnished rooma and board, who Cjerman (Christian) family, liol Capitol Ava, STUDENT, lady or gentleman, to wall Cable for board and room. 714 N. 18th St MODERN rooms, with board. 438 a. 34ta St Douglas 8428. BOARD and room, 84. M par week. M20 De catur St TeL B-&U1. TABLS tauu-d and .rooms for two. 1714 Chicago. - ROOM and board in private family; home Booking. 418 N. 23d. ' LARGE) room, with board: suitable for two; private. 114 8, 19th. , BOARD ana. room. 1007 St Mary's Ava LA-RGE, cool, beautiful front room, two large closets and lavatory; also another smaller room, with excelleet board; near car line or walking distance. 709 Georgia Ave. . . WHEN writing to advertisers kindly say you saw their "ad." in The Bee. ROOMS and board. 613 N. 20th St. Doug las 6268. ROOM AND BOARD. Douglas 3043. 311 N. .25th. . . . TWO furnished rooms with board. 1801 Binney St,- telephone Webster 394. . A BEAUTIFUL room, furnished. 2787 Capitol Ave. - Farniahed oonaa LARGE!, airy, sunny rooms, especially desirable for quiet people. Doug. 3o91. 2s24 Harney. COOL outside rooms, $2 to $7 per week. Ogden Hotel, Counoll Bluffs. NICELY' furnished modern house: private family; gentlemen. 2407 Davenport ' FURNISHED rooms. 2628 Capitol Ave. Tel:' Harney 666T.- ' i- r- -j -.( WALKING distance; elegantly furnished. cool front parlor; modern; reasonable. 2606 Capitol Ave. FRONT room: modern home: 6 minutes' walk from new1 City National bank, 603 8. 22d St - - FURNISHED rooms: block to ear: gen. tlemen. 2712 Meredith Ave. COOL and pleasant rooms. 101 N. 18th. NICELY furnished modern rooms: reason. able. 2328 f arnam, Flat 2. NICELY furnished modern rooma. 1806 Chicago. . . . NICELY furnished rooms: modern flat: large and eooL 1821 Cass. FOUR partly furnished rooms 1st floor: $20. 2438 Parker St FURNISHED rooms for light house keen. lng; modern. 2315 Douglaa. TWO furnished rooms for housekeeping-. 606 N. 17th. NEWLY furnished modern ooms. 628 8. 17th Ave. NICELY furnished room: In private fam ily; walking dlstarce. 2012 California St SINGLE or double rooms, nicely fur nished; modern. 1808 Capitol Ave. FURNISHED basement room for gentle man. 1810 Capitol - PLEASANT front room; very cool and comfortable; private family: every mod ern convenience; walking distance; suit able tor i or 8 gentlemen. 828 B. 24tQ st MODERN1 rooma. 2210 Harney. Red 6426. STRICTLY modern single room for gen tleman. 215 S. 26th St Douglaa 6626.. IF you are looking for a bright nicely furnished room, close in, you need look no further; $12 a month. Tel. H. 66 or address 638 S. 27th St 1724 DAVENPORT; newly furnished, all modern outsloe rooms;. large lawn; no sign. CLEAN, cool housekeeping and sleeping rooms, au at. itir Bt NICE, modern front rooms, $3 and up, (13 VERY modern, pleasant rooms. Call even ings. 2210 Chicago St 606 N. 17th east front room; also single room; moaern. NICE front room with alcove, auttabla for two or three gentlemen. Also single room, wi eo. win tt SMALL room, modern, private family, cneap, (ix r. ana. TWO nicely furnished rooms; strictly modern; lor housekeeping, bm s. zist st 2202 DOUGLAS; two nicely rooms; ooe parlor, with piano. furnished TWO rooms! refrigerator, gas) laundry and gas. 614 S. 22d St range, rKUN x alcove room for three young men. Also roommate for young man. Piano, if desired. Modern house, walking dis tance. o4v b. gtitn Ave. Red buzz. NICE furnished front room with 31.3 California Bt bath. TWO beautifully furnished, steam heated rooms on Farnam oar line, walking dis tance; private family; suitable for two young men; can be seen Sunday afternoon and Monday. 220 Farnam, 2nd floor. Phone Harney 2278. NEWLY furnished, modern, front room suitable for one or two gentlemen; private noma in one or Omaha a best neighbor hoods. 8823 N. 17th Ht Phone Webster U. WANT two or three gentlemen for steady roomers; gooo location ana nanay to oar references exchanged. Call Sunday or evenings. 2611 N. ltfth Ava HI N OLE or double furnished 'rooma 614 S. 16th, 3d floor. , FURNISHED rooma for rent 3012 No, 18th. web. 1410. ROOMS, furnished or unfurnished. 1910 Capitol Ave. NICELY furnished, largefront suitable for two. 3C1 So. 36th Ava room. OFFERED FOR RENT Hmimi FRONT room, ue of parlor, room for piano, also large room for tnree or four gentlemen with or Without board, xus tnj tji. Red BEAUTIFUL large, cool front rooms with big closets; walking distance. 202a lodg. NICE front room; modern. 2408 Harney. V BEAUTIFULLY furnished front roon ti.ts.ole for two gentlemen. 671 Dodge. FRONT parlor, also one furnished rqiao. zki Dodge. FRONT room, modern, suitable for one r lain Te.oiihnna llouirlaa 6IUS6. 20& Par or nam st WELL furnished rooms; modern,. 1T 8. 18th street NICELY furnished, modern front room: private family; suitable for two. 1914 Chl- ago. FiTRNlSHED rooms, modern, suitable for gentlemen. 408 N. 23; board If desired. NIPE1.Y furnished rooms; gentlemen only. 622 8. loth St.; 3d floor Flat U. SINGLE room, suitable for two; private family. Modern. 81SV4 8. 20th. NICE, cool, furnished sleeping rooms. modern. 18.11 Cass. it.Tsr en...m msirn nr I vrav t fa mil v walking distance. '2608 Dodge. Harney 2365. MODERN, large rooma, suitable for one or more people. 1919 Cass. LARGE, cool room, modern; private fam ily; cheap. 712 N. 19th. ipttomiki t irn room.' modern: walking dis tance. 612 N. 20th. Tyler 1128. COOL, furnished rooma, modern. 214 N. 23d. , wiTDVTOilrn t-Anm with hreakfast hnrd i i. i v.. . ...... , - : m.m.t niiaheri floor, new hntne: modern. cheap. 2T87 Capitol Ave. SINGLE room, 32; double room $3. 2310 Douglas. FRONT room tor. sleeping for two. 713 South 18th - ROOM, with alcove, modem. . 820 8. 22d. X-1 r. cr t v rn.ni.hint rOnm In' nrlvata family; modern home. 2308 Capitol Ave. i. a ROM furnished rooms: en suite or single. 117 No. 20th. .... NEAT, modern room, close In. reasonable. private family. 209 N. 20th. 4 ROOMS rurnisnea ana imir uiuuiniumi, reasonable price: all modern. Inquire 1708 Clark SU FURNISHED sleeping room,r modern. 1813 Capitol Ave. . NEWLY, furnished rooms, modern. 181$ Dodge. NICELY furnished single rooms, $; gen tlemen; in private family. 3407 Davenport. NICELY furnished modern room. 714 8. 17th Ave. - . . ,.J NICELY furnished rooms. 2419 California St. T - ..- - " ' FOUR nicely furnished modern rooms. private floor, gas range, water In kitchen, gas furnished for llghta. 2312 Webster. Call Sunday morning. FURNISHED rooms, suitable for two. 613 N. 22d.- - - - 2220 Emmet, large room, modern. Webster 4170. ' V,. NICE furnished rooms with board for two gentlemen. Address 8931 N. 24th St. NICELY furnished rooms, reasonable prices. 2804 Harney,.-. .,.-,. NICE, cool, south room.- 631 8. 19th. WANTED Two or three furnished house keeping, north of Dodge, west of 18th: pre fer private family. Kosker, 1908 Isard St SOUTHEAST ROOMS, newly furnished. Phone Red 8896. NICELY furnished large front room. suitable for two. 301 S. 26th. Ave. .,- ern; close In; private family.'. 320 N. 17th. JICJTT .V f ti t-tiI rHm! alrv ranm- alsuW InaM room; reasonable. 1102 S. 11th St.. upstairs. mVirt SHnn AMAMna. .ImI. nished; In private family; references ex changed. 2047 Dodge St. 723 8. 18TH ST.. modern furnished rooms for gentlemen; very reasonable. FOR RENT Nicely furnished front ro 217 S. 26th St Very convenient to buslne' NICELY furnished rooms, gentlemen only. 522 S. 16th St.. third floor, flat 1L , CLOSE IN. elegantly furnished, cool front parlor, modern, nice porch, reasonable. 2608 Capitol Av.' ' COOL east front parlor, modern; private U . Mun V. 4 .,,1.1 1 n a week. SZLSb S. 20th, Phone Red 6227. TWO furnished rooms, modern, i use a 11th St ..... FRONT room.' all modern, with house keeping and laundry; will rent unfurnished -or furnished to suit, 603 & 27th SU Twn ITYOTTTCTTin tOnWa lTfclHTTTTin OR SINGLE, for gentlemen. In the West seen to do appreciated, u u nee. O. M. E. hauls trunks. Phones D. 6U, A-1 ' BTRiICTY modern, first class room withfl easy walking distance. Phone Red 3977. 1603 Bt Mary's Ave. , - REMEMBER W. F. tJtoecker. of the peo- nle and for the DeoDle. Demooratlo can didate for congress. . Primaries .August 16. FURNISHED bungalow. Seymour lake. $6 week. Ralston Lumber Co. Phone Ind. B 102. , ONE nicely furnished front room, reason able. Phone A-102& 728 B. eighteenth St Hotels aad Apstrtneeats. THE BACHELORS I0TH AND FARNAM. 1 EUROPEAN PLAN. . BRUNSWICK HOTEL 1210 Douglas. AU outside rooms. Beautiful Rooms, fine board, lit 8. 36th Ava. LANGE HOTEL. ROOMS 60o AMD UP. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS for gen- tlemen. THE CHATHAM. 110 8. 13th St THE ALT A VISTA. European, 1408 How ard ait VINCENT DININO ROOM fJO 8. 13th Bt. DODGE HOTEL 12th and Dodge. All out side cool rooms; special rates by the week. THE PRATT Cool rooms with board. 213 South 36th St Iloaselteepiasf Aeosns. NICE, CLEAN, COOL housekeeping rooms; gas furnished, laundry prlvliegae, walking distance; rent reasonable. 2671 BT. MARY'S AVIS. ' 1 Pflht mwA K.M fA In nrlwm.A .nmllw .nA- ern and reasonable. Address 3113 Mason st Phone Harney 4002. Cl V A XT fFnl.kl . . w .W I I . ."11T3.. IUUIII1 I1U UtMIl, Will I German Chrlatlan family. 1811 Capitol ava, 1 THOSE wishing home comfort, home cook lng wish pleasant rooms and bath will find tbera at 818 S. 26th st Rates very reason able. , . . GOOD room and board, 84 0. at 817 N. 16th st ........ SMALL front room far one. with board. 1918 Cass. 'Phone Donglaa 1476. ROOM and board for two gentlemen; ali modern and new house; home cooklnjf private fair.lly. 321 N. 26th at THE Manuel and Howard, 21st and How ard; 3 and 4 room apartments; $23 (o 836; FURNISHED rooms for light houeskesp tng. 604 N. 20th. afesSk. T