Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 14, 1910, NEWS SECTION, Page 6, Image 6

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Census Bureau Compiles Book About
Sects and Denominations.
Kw rnl Beet Una Twentr-Fonr
' Plnees f Worship Rtioi for
Divisions of Different
Christian Sects.
WASHINGTON, Aug. lJ.-nHf1oiis free
dom In the United States shelters under Ita
tolerant and ample folds thousands of rep
resentative of the so-called heathen be
liefs, In addition to more than JM various
sects of Christianity, according to census
bureau statistics eeallns; with the religious
life of the country. Amnni the former era
Buddhists, Confucl&tilst and Bnhatsta, who
are engajrtd In an organised war In the
spread of their doctrines In this country.
The data formlnr the basis of the volume
In. question .wss fathered In 106. It la now
In proof, tiut there la no assurance aa to
when It will be (Ivan to the public. In ad
dition to atatlatlca of the various denomin
ation, the work will preoent a brief history
ef each; alao the pertinent facta rerardtna;
their doctrine and policy. The compilation
la the work of Dr. Edwin it. Bllaa.
. ' Chinese an Japanese Templea.
Up to the time of the investigation there
had been no effort to affeot any organlsa
tion for the promotion of Confucianism,
but ths text tells of a aoclety of the Chlneae
spec's followers which was orranlsed In
Mew Tork City In 1307, among- the Mongo
llon students An Columbia university. Con
tending that Buddhism Is only a aystem
of ethics, they" undertook to - demonstrate
that Confucianism waa a real religion and
so a regular system of services waa estab
lished by. a well defined organization.''
The organised followers of Buddhism are
Chinee and Japanese. , Their churches,
known officially as' "tetnples," by' the Ir
reverent are referred to aa "Joss" houses.
There are sixty-two Chinese and twelve
Japanese temples In this country,', the
former being distributed over twelve and
the latter '.over three states. California
aheltera all but three of the Japanese and
more than half of ' the Chlneae houses.
About forty, which went down under the
San Ftanolsoo cataclysm, had remained in
ruins to the time of the enumeration.
Tare Chimes Deities.
New Tork boaated fifteen of the Chlneae
temples, the remainder being scattered over
ten states mostly In the west. The Chinese)
Buddhists have only one priest In this
country and conduot no recognised system
of worship. There Is no record of member
ship; they have no sermon; keep no Sab
bath and hare no religious service. The
only use for their templea are aa plaeea at
which Individual devotees may consult their
patron aalnts. Three deittea are recognised
In the American templea, the god Kuan, a
mighty duke of the ancient Han dynaay;
thei Goodeea of. Fortune and the Ooddesa
f Mercy. v
The American-Japanese .Buddhists are of
the progressiva Bhln Shlu sect, whloh Is
missionary In oharaoter. - They discard the
aacetlo practices of the more austere Bud
dhists of Asia, allow the priests to marry
and have no ban on meat or other food.
The societies are well organised, each
having a priest- General headquarters are
In San Francisco, and they have both Jour
nals and schools devoted to the propagation
of the faith. In IMS their membership In
this country was 1,187, . of which 771 were
There Is no Shlntolsm, an explanation of
whloh la found In the faet that this religion
attaches Itself too closely to the person of
the Japanoae emperor.
in a rvay the Hindoo religion la represented
by the Vedanta aoclety, with organisations
In New Tork, Pittsburg, San Francisco and
Los Angeles. -It waa organized by soma
Hindu teachers who came here In 1888 to
tha World's fair. Ita name, from an
ancient Hindu philosophy, meaning "the
nd of all wisdom." It la nonsectarian,
aeeklng to harmonise all religious systems.
Oriental , philosophies aa taught by the
Theoeophlats, have four bodies with t,33S
members In the United States.
JTeiv Persia Sect.
While Bahalsm, strictly apeaklng. la ndn
Chrlstlan and foreign, tls followers are
native 1 and. not necessarily un-Chrlstlan.
1Mb Is comparatively hew eect, growing
out of the teachings of a Persian leader of
tha middle of the last oentury named All
Mohammed Ha claimed to be tha fore
runner '.'of him whom Ood wmiM .nt.
fest," and called himself "Bab," or "the
Gate." Later came Baha Ulla. who claimed
to be tha one whose coming had been fore
told and from him tha real name of the
body Is derived. In 1906. ha had 1.JS0 follow,
re In the United States, who worshiped In
twenty-four placea through fourteen atatea.
They tenon tolerance, 'love, charity and re
gard all religions aa divine. Hence, they
profeaa not to intorfere wtih the ordinary
doctrinal beliefs of their members.
, Another church of Aalatlo origin, but still
Christian, - la tha Armenian, which - has
seventy-three organisations In thla country,
roost of tham In the eastern atatea, twenty!
nine In Massachusetts alone. Their com
municants are generally Armenlana, many
of, whom fled to thla country to escape
persecution. ,
Eastern. Orthodox Chnrches.
Tee eastern Orthodox churches, or Greek
church, has 120,3 communicanta. Thla la
the' state church of Russia and Greece.
Of the 411 churches here fifty-nine repre
eent the former nationality. Thera also are
Servian and Syrian branches. The Greeks
have 334 organlaatlona throughout the
country, with New Tork. Illinois and
Maasachuaetla leading. The Oreek member,
ship, I 90,761. Twenty-two of the fifty-nine
Hueslan churcliea are In Pennaylvanla.
Th volume alao will tell of the various
Christian aecta which are considered more
purely American, and will show the various
branchea thereof. It will show that while
there are only fit ty-aeven main bodlea,
thera are 215 church organlaatlona. many
of them professing a faith only, a ahada
different from others. For Instance, there
re . seventeen Baptist bodies, twenty-four
Lutheran, fifteen Methodist and. twelve
Floating Court
Volcano Now in Eruption
SEWARD Alaska, 'Aug. lS.-Unlted
States District Judge Cushman. who has
been conducting a "floating court," aboard
the revenue cutter Rush, haa completed
his work along the Aleutian peninsula, and
is on his way back to Seward.
While at Unalaeka, the court disposed
ef the eases of three Japaneae schooners,
seised by revenue cutters for violations
of the government fishing and sealing reg
ulations. '
Twenty-eight Japanese, the entire crew
ef ene schooner, were sentenced to aerva
three months tn Jail at hard labor for
Illegal sealing in the waters of tha Prlby
)off. group.
Another schooner., waa, fined - 3400 . for
Illegal fishing, and a third waa fined tftOO
for having, failed to clear from the cus
toms house when ordered. '.
Presbyterian. The same Is true of lose
known - organisations. Thera are fifteen
Mennonlte, seven Adventlsts, four Dunker
or Dunkard and four Quaker or' Friend
There appears no division In either the
Roman Catholic or Proteetant Episcopal
church, although It Is ahown that efforts
to modify their creeds have resulted In
the establishment of Independent bodlea.
They are designated aa the Reformed
Catholic and the Reformed Episcopal
churches, respectively. The Reformed
Catholic number only 1.130 communicants
while of the Reformed Eplscopallana there
are about 9.82.
Reasons for Divisions.
Tha cause of origin of some of the
branchea is indicated by the name. For
Instance, there are General Baptists,
Separata Baptists, United Baptists, Free
Baptists, Freewill Baptists, United Ameri
can Freewill Baptists, Primitive Baptists,
Goners I Six-Principles Baptlats. Seventh
Day Baptists, Duck River Baptlsta and
Two-6eed-ln-the-Splrlt Predestination Bap
tists. The dvll war caused splits, giving rise
to Southern Methodist and Southern Bap
tist bodlea. In these churches there la also
color division. Two or three churches came
Into existence just after tha close of the
war aa a protest against political preach
ing. Many of tha branchea of tha Lutheran
church are due to differences In nationality.
Of other branches beatdea the Duck River
Baptlsta. owing thalr name to localities,
are tha River Brethren and tha Torkera,
both branches of tha Brethren denomination.
Tha former began existence on tha Susque
hanna river; tha latter In Tork county.
Pa., The Brlnaers, also Brethren, are called
after their flrat bishop aa are aleo the
'Three Newest Chnrches.
Three of the newest churches mentioned
are composed largely of colored communi
cants. One of these, the Church of God
and Salnta of Christ, accepts the ten com
mandmenta a a poaltive guide to salvation
and uaea only scriptural names for ita mem
bers. The "Church of the Living God," be
gan business In ISM and already haa three
branchea. The Free Christian Zlon Church
of Christ,-founded In 1905, protests against
all attempts to tax members for the support
of churches. ' .
There were about 790 organizations In the
main branch of the Salvation Army, with
a membership of about 25,000. . There were
IKS organizations of Spiritualists with over
36,000 members.
The report records tha rapid disappear
ance of communistic societies, showing that
of eight organlaatlona mentioned In the
census of 1890, only two are left, the sur
vivors being remnanta of the Shakera and
of the Amana society.
Fraternity Elects Officers at Nlaararn
Falls Convention Washburn Col
lege Gets Charter.
NIAGARA FALLS, N. T.. Aug. lS.-The
biennial convention of the Phi Delta Tneta
fraternity closed today with the selection
of Chicago aa tha meeting place for 1911
These officers wars elected:
President, Charles J. Lam kin, Keyeavllle,
Secretary, Frederick J. Coxa, Wadeaboro,
N. O.
Treasurer, Alexander Pope. Dallas, Tex.
Historian, Thomas A. Davis, Goshen, Ind.
Alumni commissioner, George M. Sabln,
Burlington. Vt.
Out of fourteen applications for charters
the only one granted waa to Waahburn
college, Topeks, Kan. ' -
Gloucester Fishing Smack . Stnmns
Ludlnbhera with Cargo of
Loaded to the gunwale with sharks,,
green moraya and blueflsh, and with p'a
oatorlal Ilea of prodigious proportions bub
bling on the llpa of members of her crew,
the fishing amack Leon Idas, 130 tone, and
Gloucester-built and manned, arrived at the
Fulton fish market, New York. The dealer
In that market are used to hearing lurid
stories of life afloat In pursuit of eeev f ood.
When, however, the sailors of the Leonldaa
began telling of the capture of aea aerpenta
and of a wave full of man-eating sharka
breaking aboard, even the most liberal
minded among the fish market audltbra
Joined In asking Captain Olaf Olaen, eom
rrander of tha amack, to unload the Leon
ldaa as quickly aa possible and then take
her over to the dry dock.
"Why ahould I take her to tha dry
dockT" he inquired.
. "To . have her fractured reputation for
veracity repaired,", waa tha response, ' and
Olaen did not relish It.
"We went outside a week ago," one of
tha aallors said, "and had a fine run to
Five Fathom Bank. There we began to
fish and had good luck from - the start.
It waa eight bells on last Sunday night.
No one exceDt the watch waa on deck.
The rest of us were In our bunks in the
forecaatia. suddenly a wave of big sharks
burat aboard. They covered the decks.
and alx of them floundered down In tha
forecastle. One slapped Henry ' Jacobaen
acroaa the faoe wltti its tail and broke his
nose ana blacked both eyes.
"We rushed to the deck. Much waysr
had come aboard with tha sharks, and the
scuppers were ctogged with the bouiea of
amauer nan mat nan come with them.
We found two feet of water on deck, and
the- sharks having a fine time chasing the
man on watch. He escaped by climbing
Into. tha rigging. We followed him. .Ten
minutes afterward the deck waa cleared of
tha water, and aeventeen big sharks lay
thera ' looking at ua and anapplng their
jaws. Wa made ahort work of them with
axea, and then weal down In tha forecastle.
The six sharka that had routed ua out of
there had almost Wrecked the place In their
iiounaermg eirorts-to escape. We killed
them. too. and. hoisted them tn the
That made twenty-three. It waa a good
"Tell him about' tha aea aerpenta, Bill,'"
one of the sailor's companions auggeated.
"I waa coming to that," the man replied.
'Next morning wa caught four aea ser
pents, each 'weighing over 100 pounds, if
you don't believe it. go down In the hold
and look - for. yourself. They're the most
vicious devils I ever saw, and they're green
It waa after wa had caught them that
our good luck came. We hauled In enough
blueftsh-to not each of ua $8 for the-week'a
A visit, to tha hold disclosed six sharka
and four gren moraya. which the fisher
men bad insisted were sea . aerpenta.-
"We used aeventeen of the sharks for
bait." the sailor explained without the'
flicker of an eyelid. "We're going to give
the aea serpents to the Aquarium "
The f:ct that four green moravs had
been caught so far up th Atlantic coast
caused comment In the fish market. Usu
ally they are not captured much farther
up than the Bermudas. New York Press
The Key to the Situation Bee Want Ada
in Alaska;
The ateamer Corwln arrived from Noma
with the report tha( Mt. Shlshaldln. tha
highest volcanic peak In the Unlmaka Isl
and, waa again In eruption. Early in July
Bhtahaldln waa active. fter a ahort
time the eruption ceased.
Offlcera of the Corwln say that when
they passed the .Island a few daya ago,
tha volcano waa more active than any
former eruption. . A great column of fire
hot hltfh into the air, and vast volumes
of smoke poured from the crater. The
snow, which, at the time of ths previous
eruption, had not melted far from the
areter. haa entirely disappeared from the
Idea pf the mountain.. . ... ... . .
Long before the Corwln approached the
Island, she waa. covered with white vol
canto ashes.
Governors and Officials of Two States
Act on Land Withdrawals.
Seek to Permit Issuance of Patents
. to Bona Fide Settlers, with
, Reservation of Coal Lands
Delay Called Vnjnet.
HURON, S. D., Aug. 13.-(Specfal Tele
gram.) Among, those attending the con
ference here to dlacuaa recommendations
to the president and Secretary Balllnger
for a modification of the rules governing
an order withdrawing from homestead en
try certain lands In Perklna and Harding
countiea, claimed to be underlaid with lig
nite coal, was Governor Vessey, United
8tates Senators Crawford and Gamble,
Congressman Martin, Governor Burke of
North Dakota, Logan Berry of Lemmon
and D. P. Norton of Hettinger. The con
ference resulted In sending to Washington
last night Governor Vessey, D. P. Norton
and Logan Berry with the following rec
ommendations: .
"We have today been in conference In
tha city of Huron upon the urgent request
of seventeen commercial and homestead
cluba of the Lemmon land district In North
Dakota and South Dakota to consider tha
serious nature of the altuatlon In whloh
tha homesteaders are placed In that dis
trict, in part, as the result of the recent
order of the department of date July 31,
1910, and executive order of July T, with
drawing from entry, sale and disposal cer
tain lands In said district and other dis
tricts similarly situated. The altuatlon
from the standpoint of the homesteadora la
really critical. Drouths have . prevailed
during "the present season, resulting In
widespread crop failure, causing many
more settlers than otherwise would have
done so to offer commutation proof In or
der to ' obtain proof title to their lands.
Action upon several hundred of such proofs
had been delayed heretofore In the depart
ment and now, since the promulcatlon of
tha executive order referred to, the local
land officers have adopted the practice of
suspending all homestead filings and proofs
until definite Instructions ahould be laaued
by the Interior department as to the scope
and effect of the orders referred to.
"We have considered the various acts of
congress and tha aald order with great care
and aa a result tnako the following sugges
tions and recommendations:
"First, that neither the order of with
drawal nor the law under which it Is made
Impairs the rights of bona fide homestead
settlers. Such settlers have full right to
make .commutation proofs and entry and
to receive patents promptly, unless their
lands aro classed as coal landa or are pro
tested as containing coal, In which case
they can accept a patent reserving the
coal to the United States or can have op
portunity to disprove the allegations of
the coal character of their lands and Insist
upon a' patent without reservation.
"Second, that lands embraced In lawful
homesteads Initiated prior to the date of
tho order of withdrawal are expressly ex
cepted from the force and effect ot the
withdrawal order by the terms of the con
servation aot of June 25, 1910, and are in
no way. affected thereby, that there is no
authority or Justification for the suspension
of action on commutation proofs upon
homesteads, but-they should pass promptly
to approval and certificate of final entry
unless tainted by fraud or other Irregu
larity. . '-' '
"Third, that It Is manifestly unjust to
bona-fide " homesteaders to auapend action
on their homestead proofs If they are will
ing to- accept the. limited patent with coal
reservation,' as provided In the act of June
22, 1M0. It Is also unjust te delay Indefi
nitely on final proofs protested for alleged
coal character of the lands. Hearings should
be provided promptly in euch casea tn order
that tha nature of the patent in each case
may be ascertained with the least possible
- "Fourth, that all final or commutation
homestead proofs, where protests have been
made aolely on the. ground that tha land
contains coal and the homestead settlera
have filed consent to accept title with coal
reservation, should be releaaed Immediately
from suspension and be passed for examina
tion and approval for patent. As there are
several . hundred cases of this character
said to' be under suspension, we earnestly
suggest that this recommendation be spe
cially considered for Immediate action. '
"Fifth, we recommend also that the
classification' cpntethplated by the presi
dent's withdrawal order of July 7, 1910,
should be made with all possible speed and
that an adequate force for thla purpose
should be put Into the field Immediately.
Very Respectfully,
"Governor of the State of North Dakota.
"Governor ot the State of South Dakota.
"United States Senator, South Dakota.
"United States Senator. South Dakota.
"Representative South Dakota.
. "P. D. NORTON,
"Delegate Commercial and Homestead
-clubs, North Dakota.
"Delegate Commercial and Homestead
clubs. South Dakota." '
Gar Shortage
May Result Now
Committee ' on . Belations Between
Railroads Says More Already
. ' '.Needed.
. CHICAGO, Aug. IS. A car shortage ap
pears Inevitable as viewed by the com
mittee .on . relations between railroads of
the American Railway association. Thla
statement and others of Importance to rail
roads and shippers alike Is made In the
fortnightly bulletin made public-by Chair
man Arthur Hall of the committee today.
According to this bulletin the present
surplus is 105,6)14 cars, a decrease In two
weeks of 28,080. Scattered railroads report
shortagea and have made some demanda
on roada with surpluses for assistance.
Of the decrease in the surplus 17,827 are box
cars and 1.138 coal and gondola cars, ths
remainder being mlsoellanevus.
Member! of Tribe In Wlaeoneln Wlth
oat raada to Fnah Claim Agalaat
Nebraska Brothers.
LA CROBSR, Wis., Aug. IS. (Special Tel
egram.) Rendered destitute and In actual
want aa a reault of the failure of the berry
crops, Winnebago Indiana In Wisconsin are
unable to hire counsel to represent them tn
Washington lp a contest with the Nebraska
Indiana for a division ot the tribal funds,
and Congressman J. J. Each haa made
application to Commissioner of Indian Af
faire R. G. Valentine to permit A. II. Jonea,
a clerk on' the Wisconsin reservation, to
represent them. Mr. Each declarea there
haa been ao much delay In the distribution
ot the funda pf the Wlnnebagaes that many
are Buffering tor waj.t of food.
Premier Says
Rich Carlists
Make Trouble
Don Jaime States He Will So Hii
Duty if Religious Traditions of
Spain Are Menaced.
PARIS, Aug. It The Paris Temps today
prints a long sensational Interview with
Jose Canalejaa y Mendaa, the Spanish prima
minister, coveting tha recent events which
culminated in the severance of diplomatic
relations between the Spanish government
and the Holy See, as well aa his future
program which, the paper says, ths premier
Premier Canalejaa begins by asserting at
the movement In the north of Spain Is di
rected by rich Carlisle "who are Inveterate
separatists and enemies of ths remainder
of the country, and Integrallsta "In
tranet geant Catholic, whose only program
Is the reign of Jesus Christ"
The prime minister affirms that he
possesses knowledge that the committee be
hind the movement spent M,000 pesetas
(fSO.OOO) in giving the mantfestants of July
10 meal tickets besides their railroad fares.
After the failure ot the manifestation, Benor
Canalejs says, the agitators organised
juntas of whloh "and I announce this
publicly for the first time village priests
are the leaders." .
He says that be officially protested to
the bishop of Vittoria and to the Vatican,
but both of them replied that It was none
of their , concern. - He says he welcomes
Interpellations of the Carlists which will
give him an opportunity to "lay bare the
destestabls conspiracy against dvllisstlon,
the king and the country.
Cartons Controversy In Chaurcn of
England Sheds Consider- '
able Ink.
A curious controversy rages among Eng
lish churchmen, and so bitter has It become
that statesmen have been drawn Into It,
and it threatens to provoke a debate upon
the floor of the House of Commons. IM
has to do not with the ooronatlon oath nor
with any other important matter of faith
and creed, but with the punctuation of the
Loid's prayer. Should there be a comma
tn the sentence beginning "Thy will be
done," and, if so, where should It go? In
other words, which of the following forms
Is correct?
Thy will be done In earth as it Is In
Thy will be done,
In earth as It Is In
Thy will be done in earth, as it Is
To understand the controversy. It must
be remembered that In England the privi
lege of printing the Bible and the Book of
Common Prayer Is a monopoly conferred
by ancient statute upon the king's printer
and the Ofcford and Cambridge university
presses. In this cour try any printer Is
free to publish-' an edition of the Bible and
ta make any changes In the text, that he
desires to make, but not so among the
English. , A London Quttenberg who sought
to Invade the monopoly of the three presses
mentioned would see his Bibles seized and
destroyed by the poltoe, and, In addition,
he would probably get six months in Jail
tor his pains. The idea Is that the monopoly
safeguards the purity of the sacred text.
Not long ago some one discovered, In an
English library, a manuscript prayer book
bearing , date of 16S2, and soon afterward
representatives of the three presses met
to examine this manuscript and to com
pare it with the prayer book of today for
the purpose of rectifying any errors or
corruptions that the latter might reveal.
This work accomplished, a new edition of
the prayer book was issued, and at once
a number of argus-eyed readers discovered
that a comma appeared, for the first time,
In the passage mentioned above. In pre
vious editions , there had been no comma
at all In the sentence, but now there was
one after the word "done."
Thus the row began, with a loud protest
from Dr.' H. C. Beechlng, a canon of West
minster Abbey. . Dr. Beechlng protested
that' the comma destroyed the traditional
rhythm of the sentence and thus outraged
every English Christian. Going further, he
showed that -there was no justification for
It In the seventeenth century manuscript
that the representatives of the three presses
had examined, , for in that manuscript,
though ' a comma actually appeared In the
sentence, It was not after "done," but after
"earth.". A flood of letters denouncing and
defending the invading comma then began
to appear tn the newspapers, and one day
Lord Hugh Cecil, that tower of orthodoxy,
arose In the Houae of Commons and de
manded that -Winston - Churchill, who, aa
home secretary, Is officially the secular
heed ot the Anglican church,, explain the
sacrilege. Mr.-- Churchill gingerly - side
stepped. And so the controversy continues,
with a great emission ot abuse and many
letters In the newspapers. The foes of the
comma threaten to take the matter to th
courts, and even talk of besieging Parlia
ment with a monster petition for redress,
signed by millions of the 'orthodox. And
meanwhile the friends of the comma defend
It, alleging that It Improves not only the
rhythm, but also the sense of the disputed
passage. Baltimore Sun.
Games Transferred to. Des Malnea.
DES MOINES, la.. Aug. 13. -The Topeka-
Dea Moines series of Western league games
scheduled for Topeka beginning Monday
havn been ordered - transferred to Des
Moines to avoid ths expenses of an un
necessary flump by Des Moines,
BraaTarlng( on the Creator.
The young evangelist with a pompadour
was relieving himself of momentoua
"The Being that filled with surging seas
the vast caverns of tha oceans," he pro
claimed, "alao holds In aerial suspense the
aggregations of tiny drops that give to
each wondering eye the marvelous apectacle
of a aeparate rainbow. The Omnipotence
that made me, made a dajsy." Everybody's
The Key to the Situation Bee Want Ada
Cats Maimed by Dogs
Found on River Bank
Down on the banka of the river, where
the yellow tide rolls high, forty cats with
their tails cut off have wandered away to
die. Nobody knows who clipped them, no
body watched his deeds, but fslnt and
weak, they have taken a' sneak, down to
the land of weeds. Kittens small and
tender, tabbies sleek and fat. the lean and
long, tha ahort and atrong and every kind
of a cat.
The marsh birds saw them coming and
flew to a fairer -clime, and the froga end
eela, with bubbles of fright, have burled
themaelvea In slime. Down at the foot of
Fort atreet, where ' the .old Mlssoo goea
by, forty cats with their tails eut off have
wandered away to die.
There la no time for laughter, there is
- "ii 111
Hi. Josephine Severin Dies of Barns
from Scalding Water.
Told All Who Tried to Help Her She
Was Not Seriously Injured R.
Wallace Throvra from
Mrs. Josephine Peverln, 17S South Twenty
second street, died of terrible burns from
scalding water shortly after S p. m. Friday.
She received her Injury about 9 o'clock
Thursday morning while carrying a boiler
full of scalding water from her range to the
porch at the rear door of the kitchen. As
she was accustomed, she placed a folded
towel and set the heavy boiler on her
shoulder. Just at the door her foot slipped
and tne deluge of seething water drenched
her entire body.
She has been living alone at the residence
and no one waa with her at the time of the
accident. Mrs. Mary Kratky, with whom
she has attended mass every day for
nearly ten years, missed her Thursday
morning from her accustomed appointment
and after the service went at once to dis
cover the cause. She found the poor
woman In bed and although acarcely able
to move, Mrs. Severin said she was not
much hurt, and when asked If she needed
a doctor, said her burns were not bad
enough for that The doctor was not called
until 1 p. m. Thursday when the pain had
become so severe that she was about to
collapse from sheer agony. The doctor dis
covered that the extent of the burns were
too severe for recovery and gave attention
to her physical relief. Mrs. Mury Toman of
Plattsmouth was sent for and she arrived
on the afternoon train Thursday.
Friday morning the auff..-ing woman In
sisted that her daughter teturn to Platts
mouth, for, ahe said, "I don't need you
and I will be better In a day or two. The
children moat be cared for and they need
you moat." The daughter had barely ar
rived home before being warned of the
rapidly approaching death of her mother.
She hastened to South Omaha and attended
her last moments.
There are five grown sons In the family,
Joseim, Julius, Frank, .Peter of ban
Raphael, Cal., and Thomas of Washington.
The funeral arrangements will not be
made until these sons are heard from.
Since the Injured woman was able to give
a full account of the accident no Inquest
will be held. The deceased was 63 years
old and was widowed.
Reginald Wallace Hnrt.
Reginald Wallace, 1003 Missouri avenue,
waa thrown from his horse about 12:30 p.
m. Friday, and suffered a fracture of his
collar bone and two or three ribs. He was
taken home, whore he is recovering as well
lace Is a speculator at the South Omaha
market and, aa customary, was riding his
horae home after apending tha forenoon at
the yards. This animal was not city broke
and took fright at a street car at Twenty
fourth and It streets, and after rearing for
half a block east " finally threw him to
lng the curb with his head. He was ren
dered unconscious for a time. P. Peter-
as possible under the circumstances. Wal-
the pavement He narrowly missed strik-
son, the proprietor of the candy parlors
on the corner, was the first to reach the
fallen man. He was sent home as soon
as he had been examined by a physician.
George Reed Takes Aeld.
George Reed, 2608 N streot, swallowed
half an ounce of carbolic acid last night,
following domestic trouble. Reed Is a
colored man, who conduots a restaurant
and ait frequent times he has had family
difficulties. He is In the ' care ot Dr.
Koentg, city physician.
Bryan Hogan Assaulted.
Bryan Hogan, 262 South Twenty-seventh
street waa assaulted on the Q street vla
duot at Twenty-sixth street last night He
was brought to the police station In a
much battered condition, and unable to
give fully an account of what had taken
place. He Is being attended in the city
Masrle City Goaalp.
Miss Margaret and Mary Lewis are
spending a vacation at lakewood, la.
The Nationals play the Omaha Rangers
Sunday at Thirtieth and Spauldlng streets.
Mlsa Jeanette Roggen and Miss Nettle
M-ann have gone for a visit at Pulaski,
Minn. )
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bly, 435 North
Twenty-sixth street report the birth of a
- Jack Maher, who waa formerly a resi
dent, haa returned to South Omaha on a
ahort visit '
Mrs. Joseph Schroeder Tlbblts of North
Yakima, Wash., Is the guest of Miss Lottie
James Parks announces the eighth child
born In his home, and this Is a son of
Which he Is very proud.
' Tho South Omaha Country club will en
tertain Miller Park thla afternoon at
a matched game of golf. .
Assistant City Attorney 8. U Winters
left yesterday for a visit of two weeks
at his old home at Mt Pleasant, la.
" A Noise with a Backing We have been on
the Jumo all week opening, marking and
trying to find room for the greatest stock
of merchandise ever brought to South
Omaha and the most desirable lot ot bar.
sains ever shown in Nebraska. We fear.
lessly make the assertion that we can show
the best for the' least that will be offered
In Nebraska thla fall. We will save you
from 19 to 60 per cent on the most staple
goods. Among the things that have come
in are men a suns, uoy suua, unaerwe&r,
ladles' dress goods, men's and boys' caps,
girls' dresses and fall wrapa. We expect to
day a lot of men's top coats,- swell pattern
garments, slses 84 to 46, the best there Is,
and a saving worth ' considering. Lots of
other good things. This Is not a case of a
lot of Dlunder at low down prices. We will
show you the cream of good qualities at the
savings we mention. A noise line tnis with
out the goods to back It would certainly be
a poor Investment. A glance at our win
dows will Drove to you that Flynn'a back
up with the goods what they say in the
newspapers. John f lynn at Jo.
Paris Newspaper Publishes Story that
She and Her Mother Are at Hotel
la Dlaaulae.
PARIS. Aug. 13.-Tho Eclair n Its lasue
today clatma that Mra. Stephen B. Elklns
and her daughter, Katherlne, have arrived
In Paris froni Baden Baden and are stay
ing at a Hotel under assumed names.
no time for tears, but revenge must follow
after the pain of our feline dears. We
know this tale Is truthful, for Wooldrtdge
told us so, and the chief of police be
lieved him, and told him straight to go
down to the bank of the river where tho
cats have colonised and try to catch
for the boobyhatch the criminal .despised.
There la walling down on Fort street, and
the children moan and cry for the tallons
cats that haunt their dreams and at night
go yowling by.. They live there by maraud
ing, they are wild and mean for spite and
all night long they sing their sung and
splutter and spit and fight. Nobody knows
the reason, they were clipped by a buy or
a pup, they will atay there fur a season, till
they eat each other up,
Room have been reserved for the duke of
the Abrutsl, nho will arrive on Saturday
In company with the Marquis de Negroto.
his exploration companion.
Don't Attack the Burglar.
"If a burglar breaks Into your house at
night, don't try to cnrnr Mm," said an
old headquarter policeman In commenting
on the killing of Ira (J. Rawn, near Chl-csk-o,
reported to have been done by a
robber. "If the visitor awakens you make
noise enough to scare him twiy, but don't
go after him with a gun, Ten to one, ho'll
Ket you before you can got him. It's better
to lose a few rtollnrs' worth of gixvl than
your life. I'm giving It t( you straight. The
average man, wsked up tn the middle of
the niKbt, always badly frightened, hitsn't
a chfince agnlnst the man with nerve
enough to brenk Into an occupied house
Every burglar Is a potential murderer and
will shoot to kill If you try to ontch him.
And why not? He's got a big, long term
In prison starlnn him In the fnce If he's
nabbed, and he'll tnke a chanre on murder
every time to get away. Iave the capture
of such gentry to the 'cops.' They're paid
to ha shot nt, you ain't." New York
Candidate for Re-election a
of the Omaha
Primary August 16, 1010
Mr. Howell is an ex-naval officer,
an Annapolis graduate, and a civil
engineer by profession and as such,
served Nebraska as its first State En
gineer. As City Engineer of Omnha, as State
Senator from Douglas County, and as
Member of the Omaha Water Board,
he has labored untiringly for the Muni
cipal Ownership of Omaha's Water
liAv.i, .iW,.. f ,MLjk .'1.1
ipssiatsiai iiusaisaaiis ,
We the undersigned citizens of Omaha cheerfully en
dorse P. 0. Heafey Democratic Candidate for Water Board.
He is a good, clean citizen and a heavy tax payer and all
his interests are in Omaha.
W. T. Norquist. ......... . . .Mgr. Union Outfitting Co,
AJbert Shall , .Wholesale and Retail Stove Workg.
J. J. Hanlghen .'. .Wholesale and Retail Plum.
D'. P. Jamleson
Henry Rohlff .
A.'J. Vierling ;
Joseph Hayden
Max. Rosenthal
CoITH. W. E. MacDantel
Thomas P. Redmond . . .
Samuel Burnes
Col. W. D. Weston , . . . .
M. J. Feenan
Herman B. Peters .....
T. J.-O'Brien
John Halvka
Wm. H. Thomas
Philip A. Pyles,
Walter T. Page
John Power ,
L. ! --- 1 LL- M
You con vote for Dt'T ON Candidate
for the Wnter Hoard at the primary next
You ran vote for a Republican candi
date or you can vote for a Iemoeratlo
Hut If you vote for BOTH a Republi
can and a Iemonate candidate, you will
The following Is a list of Water Board
Bepublloan Candidates '
Employee Coal Yard.
Brings tie Xatter.
Seal Batate Bepali Work.
formerly a Foreman U. P. Paint Shoj
Clerk In Oonnty Clerk's Olffloe.
Of K. B. Howell at Co., ClvU Engineer,
formerly City Engineer of Omaha, and
Ptssent Member of Water Board.
Stationary Engineer, Employee ot
Walter Molae a Co- Willow Sprlagi
Samooratlo Candidates
jauxs p. oomouT
Sean Crelahton Dental Coller, Present
Itsmbar of Water Board.
Meter Inspeotor.
Republican Candidate for
4th, 5th, 8th, 11th Wards.
Has been a manufacturer In Omab
ten years. Ixok me up.
. .London Tailor.
.Wholesale and Retail Liquors.
.Paxton & Vierling Iron Works.
.Pres. Corn Exchange Bank.
.Palace Clothing Co.
.Master Mechanic U. P. Shops.
.Mgr. Brandels Stores.
.Crockery and Glass Ware.
.Supt. Thompson Starrett Co.
.Wholesale and Retail Monuments
JProp. Merchants Hotel.
.Prop. Henshaw Hotel.
.Reliable Iron Works.
.Mgr. Brandels Stores.
.Commercial Adv.
'.Mgr. American Refining Co.
.Mgr. Power-Heafey Coal Co.
. j! v. . - r --.
i X1'
i ' " -,-' -, f- j ....
-in....,,' . .i n ii- , fit
Republican Candidate
for Nomination
County Commissione.
1st. 2d, 3rd and 10th Wards
Primaries August 16
POLLS CFEN 8 a. m. to 9 p. m.
Candidal for
Mechanical Engineer, Ta Payer and a Hesldent ot
ths City for 27 Years.
Primaries August 16th
Subject to ths Aotloa Jt tlie Kepultllean Primaries.
Vote' for a man who has shown by his past
record that ire is In every way qualified to fill the
orflre a a member on the water board. Henry
Kt'hroadt-r has bn a member on the Hoard of Kxain
lnlns KnKlnaer of Omaha for the lat eleven years,
llv has b.en riilef I'nidnetir of soma of the laryftt
Plants In ths city and South Omaha and Is now hold
ing such a poaltion In Omaha and will 00 doubt, II
. slsctsd. make a most capable, official.