The Omaha Daily Bee EDITORIAL The OMAHA DEE goes to th homosis rood by ttaa women st'.ls goods for advertisers. FACES TO 18. ,VOI XL-NO. 48. OMAHA, SATURDAY M0KX1XU, AUGUST 13, 1910. SINGLE COPY. TWO CENTS. r :mm:nrtmmrm:M;m2u:mjm:m vjisnrKKB m.m a n i x..u ennetf's Purchases of O. Dry fSilk Dresses 16 $35,00 lor $19,50 1 They are late styles and will lit In nicely for Fall wear. Each 4 dress la, In fact, the most select of the taffetas or pongees. Hare light and dark colors, dotted effects, neat designs, stripes, etc Mostly (35.00 values, 119.60. SILK PONGEE OOATS IN TWO LOTS The final reductions prevail. About forty coats marked to less than cost to make. Our newest and best garments, semi-fitted and full length, each trimmed with, either satins, moire silks or taffetas values $15.00, Am np nil f A $20.00 and J25.00 at $ I H0 ill III GRAY TAILORED SKIRTS FALL MODELS We are showing today handsome gray worsted skirts, In plain and stripe materials, that are very effectively tailored; full pleated models that hang grace- tfr nr fully; most pleasing, inexpensive Fall garments A BIU DAY FOR SILK PETTICOATS $5.00 petticoats for $2.95 think of it! Splendid quality all silk taffeta, In solid and changeable colorings about 20 shades (no black) tailored flounces. 0a (jr Every one perfect and actual $5.00 value for eJtisefeJ 91.25 FOR NEAT, TRIM HOUSE DRESSES A complete regular line with a lot of odd dresses from $2.00 lots included, mostly percales and light and dark colors well made at $1.25 Tie Clearance in Hardware Fine bargains on useful household need. Cementlco A kalsomlne for hot or col'J water. 6-lb. pkga, for lOo . Tin Preserving Kettles and Sauce Pans, values to 25c. for lOo 7Ro nickel Wash Hanlns for 25o Aluminum Jelly Moulds, fancy... lOo Large Machlline Oil Cans for 70 Heavy Scrub Brushes for ..So Fruit Jars and Other Glass ware Specials Water Tumblers, fancy blown, en jVa graved; special, six for a So kind lOo Colonial Glass Baits and Peppers Heavy, solid nickel top, 16c value, at two for ISO Odds and Ends Glassware Cologne Bottles, Bon Bona, Vares, etc., up to 26c values 3o Fruit Jars complete pints, doi. 68o quarts, dos...66o . H-gal., doi...78o Jelly Tumblers Vi-plnt, doi 18o -plnt. per dozen S3o For Fishermen 78o Pearl Spoon Hooka for...... 490 45c Senate Warden Minnows 890 15c Bass Flies, Bucktall Files, etc. three for SSo Carlisle double gut Leaders, worth ' 80c a dozen; special lBo 69c Sample Hosiery 29c Wo bought the Import samples of (he famous B. k X. lines of laoemnt fancy hosiery. nA " These are the finest foreign goods, AM C worth to C9o blacks and colors. . iv,;, ""v. Sot Keokwear, a lit tle mussed, 25c val ues .' '. . . .lOo Unea Collars, emb'd, 19o and. 2G6 . kinds, for ..... lOo ail Hsokwear for. wo men, .until now 76c '. and 98c, special, 600 Ribbons ; Another 1 - day of great ribbon selling, taffeta, satin taffeta and fancy floral ribbons all silk, 6 and 6H inch, worth to (So ,;:tr.r.d: ..15c SOOT WELL FILES CHARGES Complaint Alleget Postmaster Thomas Dabbled in Politics. THOMAS DENIES .THE ALLEGATION Charged with Pernicious ' Political Activity, Postaiaater Replies that "Shotwell Will Mot Get Far" Wants Thomas Ousted. Franklin A. Snotwell has - (lied . format chars ag-alnst Postmaster B. F. Thomas, asking his removal ' from office' for ' "pernlcloua political activity." The com plaint was forwarded to Postmaster Gen eral Hitchcock. . 1 , Postmaster Thomas denies violating the rules of the postal department..' He said 'he has beeii Interested in politics aa any jn-lvaW citlsen haa a. right to "he, but he has not us-'d hU office and his position as a means of promoting the political am bitions of his friends. Mr. Shot well charges that .the postmast- . ver his entire period of ' Incumbency. The complaint allege he has ."used., his of fice to conlrul political movements in the city of Omaha, and In the state of Ne braska, -and haa thereby and by reason thereof, brought the po'stofflce department of the UnitJ States of America Into pub lice scandal and disgrace." Among' the counts are that Thomas for the last two yerrs has been a delegate to the republican state conventions; that he assisted In obtaining the consent of John P. Breen to run for the republican nomination for mayor; that he assisted in organising About Pepper HEAT develops the exqui site flavor of nenner. Always season lood with Tone Rros. Penner while cooking; the aroma and flavor of the dish are mnrh im proved Tone's pepper and all are three times the strength or common spices., , At Your CrocerV 10c, or send us a dime for retail pack age and "Tone's Spicy Talks." 10f 1101 . MS MMRfS. lew a guanas w Immos Sis fcatsts Cwi t '.sjuawijSAii&t iw' ' r i season's best models, In foulard. Drugs, Toilets, Etc., Cut 50c Eff. Sodium Phosphate, 4-or, 8150 60c Boric Acid Powder, lb. Carton, at . aco B0c bottle Llthla Tablets, 6 gr...35o Large Chamois, pinked edges, ea. lOo 26c Belladonna Plasters for 160 1.60 Prophylactic Hair Brushes, for 1-3S 2-oz. bottle Spirits Camphor lOo $1.76 Rapid Flow Fountain Syringe, 8-quart 88o Jlckey Perfume, - $1.00 value, os. 60o Nail Enamel, cake form, box lOo Grave's 25c Dental Cream, two tubes for SSo 50o Palm Olive Cream for 85o 25c Aromax for the bath 16o Colgate's Dental Cream SOo Glove Sale The wholesale.' stock of N.: Y. Dry Goods Exchange bought from receivers at 50c on the dollar. Real Kd Gloves and French Lamb skin, In blacks and colors, two clasp up to twelve-button lengths sizes 5 to 8. Imported to sell up to $1.76 pair. 69c Long Bilk Gloves 'Very fine, all pure" silk goods, 16-button lengths, double tipped fingers; black, brown and tan M best $1.25 quality, pair....gaC Post Card Album Day Preserve your post cards In appropriate albums. We happened on several lots 'recently In New York, which we offer now at big savings. Two lots from Horn & Co. and Langsdorf & Co. that are ex ceptional bargains. You must see them to understand 10c, 19c, 25c, 49c, 69c, 89c, $1.49 the meeting held August 9 at the Rome hotel In the Interests of C. L. Saunders for congress; that he Is active in the man agement of the campaign of Senator Bur kett; that he assisted in forming the repub lican state legislative ticket Postmaster Thomas says he has nothing to do with party organizations and that s.uch charges as make the allegations are untrue. He attended the Saunders meeting at the Rome Hotel upon invitation, he says, and while there he refused to take any ac tive part. Further, Mr. Thomas refuses to consider the charges seriously. "Shotwell won't get very far," he said. ATH0S TO WRESTLE A . BULL Freachman to Put- Oa St ran ire Match . at Conrtland Beach Aext Thursday. Athos, the French wrestler who has been Invading America for the last fifteen years and now claims the middleweight mat championship, will grapple with a stock yards bull at Courtland Beach Thursday evening. He breesed Into the city Friday morning with a happy tale of his achieve ments, which, as a matter were borne out by the credentials he showed, and inci dentally remarked - that he would throw Mr. Bull oa his ponderous back in thirty minutes or hand the Courtland Beaoh man agement 1100. "Zaire ees one ting bout dees bool maatch," said Mr. Athos, "what you can say, eet ees no fake; you can't fake wis a bool." This seemed a sound argument, but Mr. Athos went on to make his point even more plain. "If a bool fan Stan ,on lite feet he can fight, an' wrassle, an' 'e wri queet. You can fake wis a man, but not Iwls a bool." Athcs has mixed It on the mat with uoicn, f armer uurna ana the rest or em at different times, and though his weight keeps him in an unpresumlng rank, he ap parently Is as much a champion as any of the grapplers. Ha is to appear at the beach Saturday evening with a physical culture demonstra tion and continue performing each night till Thursday, when the "bool" match comes off. ENDURANCE RUN DATES SET Oatsaa Motor Club Test Will Take ,' Place September 4, 25 and 88 ' Trophies Announced. September 14. 26 and it have been definitely decided upon by the commit tee In charge aa the dates for the first annual endurance run of the Omaha Motor olub, which ia to carry the tourists through southwestern Iowa and eastern Nebraska. Two trophies, the World-Herald trophy and the' Motor club trophy, have been of fered for the car having the best technical and road score for the run, and three division trophies will go to the best car In three different divisions, the divisions being made on the basis of the price of the car. A Bloaar Affair Is lung hemorrhage. Stop It, and cure weak lungs, coughs and colds with Dr. King's New Discovery. Mo and fl.UO. For sale by Beaton Drug Co, m a a a a a u an a u or::m. B "S &gaJUzgg sssnnnmannnnn r Unheard of Low Price on America's 1,000 Model Pairs and Surplus. Lots A The great twice-a-year "Dorothy Dodd" sale. These famou8 shoes at much, less than established retail prices. Every woman familiar with fine shoes re cognizes the superiority, of Dorothy Dodd foot wear. They are the finest examples of $3.50 and $4.00 shoemaking in America quality, fit, fin ish, materials and style are supreme. "VVe have been to the Dorothy Dodd factory at Boston and purchased all their beautiful models, samples and certain lots of low shoes finished too late for several of their customers. These are the regular Dorothy Dodd Shoes with trade mark stamped oa sole of every pair, and carry the usual guarantee. Every pair perfect; all sizes; all widths; all leathers. As the regular distributers for Dorothy Dodd in Omaha, we have been authorized by the makers to place these lots of shoes on sale at $2.48 the lowest price they were ever known to sell for. ' There are thirty different styles all blacks pumps, two-eyelet ties, Gibson ties and Os ' fords. First quality goods in original cartons fresh from the factory, guaranteed and fitted same as if you paid the regular $3.50 and $4.00 prices. ' J Months of low-shoe weather yet to come make this the most attractive shoe bargain of the period. Just a suggestion of the styles you'll see; there are a dozen or1 more others. patent uoit rumps, witn Draia dow, Dull Leather Pumps, with braid bow, Dull Leather 2-Eyelet Ties, short vamp, Patent Leather Gibson Ties, plain toe, Pat Lea. Ankle Strap Pumps, silk bow, Pat. Vamp Pump, cross bar ankle strap, F ( I POLITICS NOW WARMING UP Awakening Activity Among Repub lican Candidates in Omaha. BIG VOTE 13 NOW LOOKED FOR Doth Parties Are Pulling for a Heavjr Vote Rumors Are Flying Thlclc . and Past In Both of the Camps. Awakening activity among the . repub lican candidates and their friends ' in Omaha and Douglas county haa put another face on the claims 'of the democratic fac tions that they will receive a heavy per centage of the republican vote In the pri maries. Up to the present the republican workers and candidates have been biding their time, but now they are getting in effective work. With a big bunch of local candidates seeking nominations and all with friends who are. interested in their success, the re publican voters will not be likely to flock In any startling numbers Into the demo cratic scrap. It there- was any decided tendency that way Just after the state con vention it has been overcome. The ward and precinct clubs are now ready to get busy and several of these. notably in the Fifth, the Ninth and the Twelfth wards are holding meetings to solidify the ranks and get the old wheel 'lorses and the younger enthusiasts in line. .Uurday and Monday will see the republi cans hustling with the old-time vim for their favorites. One thing Beems certain, and that is that large primary vote larger than usual- will be brought out. Among the reasons for this is the fierce fight between Dahl- man and Shallenberger and between Hitch cock and Metcalfe and the interest aroused for and against county option in the legis lative contests. Plots An Thick. ' Slates, roorbacks, schemes, plots and counter plots are thicker, aa rumors, than the dust on the streets. The anxious can didate has the Idea that the other one Is "throwing" him among their mutual friends; another man feels somewhat somewhere to which be was not invited; peeved because' a small meeting was held and yet another if tilled with . a burning ambition to organise a combination of his own. This condition of affairs Is common to the ambitious ones in both parties, and Is the Tegular thing preliminary to every political contest. Among the seasoned veterans It is taken as the happening of the expected, but there Is always a certain pro portion of voters who are worked into more or less of a frensy by the flying rumors. "They'll get over It by Tuesday said a wise one who takes some Interest In watching the game. Maa Instantly Kilted. BASIN, Wyo., Aug. 11. (Special Tele gram.) Orvllle Sherrard, a young man In the employ of Sim Skovgard, a well-to-do rancher six miles from Basin, was thrown from his horse here about midnight yes terday, and. Instantly killed. Us was ulna- ft eh m a a -o a a u a hbu .a: e E, i.j xchance Stock $4.uo value i rat. xeatner rJcnpse Tie, $4.00 value Pat. Lea. Button Oxford, $3.50 value Pat. Lea. Blucher Oxford, $3.50 value Patent Leather Pumps, with dull back, $3.50 value Patent Leather Two-Eyelet Pumps, $3.50 valuue AH Dorothy Dodd low cuts, best styles. " i. $3.50 value $3.50 value FALL QUARTERLY STYLE BOOK IS IN iriMJil TAT.X. QVAXTSXX.T BJTYX.H BOOK of Home Journal Patterns. Just In today. need It. Prtoe SOo and a patters free. teen years of age and had come Into the county seat Wednesday afternoon. On re turning to his home bis horse plunged through a closed gate, Sherrard's skull being fractured. Dr. C. Dana Carter, coroner, rendered a verdict of accidental death. The boy's home was formerly Fair- port, Mo., where his father resides and where the remains will be shipped. He leaves a brother who resides at Oreybull, Wyo. Record Run from Detroit to Omaha Four Local Men in an Automobile Make Some Very Fast Time. .. To four Omaha men belongs the honor of breaking two long distance automobile rec ords on last Saturday, Sunday and Monday. The men, George F. Relm, William R, Drummond, Milton Uhl and Ole Hlbner driving a 1911 Cadalllo touring car, left De troit, Mich., Saturday morning at 4:30 ar riving In Chicago at 8:15 p. m. Deducting three hours and forty minutes which were consumed in stops the actual running time was twelve hours and five minutes which Is well under the previous lowest mark, twelve hours and fifty-two minutes. Leaving Chicago at 4:34 the following morning they arrived at the Rome hotel at 8:01 a. m. on Monday morning. Deduct ing again, the time consumed by stops, the total running time from. Detroit to Omaha totals thirty-five hours and fifty-seven minutes. The lowest previous record was forty-six hours. The tourists report ex cellent roads and weather conditions dur ing the entire trip. DOWN TOWN BUILDING SOLD Jaeoa Sloaburs; I)us Stone Structure at Sixteenth aad Dodge from Building Association. Jacob Slosburg is the prospective new owner of the building of the Omaha Build ing and Loan association at Sixteenth and Dodge streets. The deal is now practically consummated, although the deed has not yet been signed. Mr. Stosburg Is paying (46.000 for the property which does not Include the ground. This Is leased by H. B. Cook of Chicago, at a valuation fixed until 1ML The rent until 1911 is ll.SOO a year. Then It becomes tl,760 and In 1920 goes up another $250 for another ten years. Directors of the Omaha Building and Loan association have had an agreement drawn up covering the sale and this la now In the hands of Mr. Slosburg's at torney, who ia examining It and the ab stract It is expected thaX the deal will be finally closed Saturday. The purchaser was formerly engaged In the meat business. He haa bought considerable property In a quiet Way In recent years. The Building & Ioan association will occupy quarters In the McCague building, which was recently purchased by the as sociation. Persistent Advertising la the Road to Big Returns a ; n s;tr u n .a a :.m a u a a u Flood the Store With Saturda -1' i . Best Footwear wun strap, sd.ou vwue short vamp, $3.50 value dull back, $3.00 value V Sp.48 n ormnu ilUJJlJKJiS, fresh dressed, pound ....14M Boiled Rib Koast, all bones out, lb io Fall Lamb Legs, lb. . .8b Choice Pot' Koast at, per SI lb Bj4 l3 Veal Chops, per lb. . . . 10 Lamb Chops, loin, lb.l2 Veal Roast, lb . f) and 7 H A Lamb Roast special 4 pounds .25 ladles' I Ton I J Man Held for Death ot Mrs. Sam Riegleman E. M. Heigho, President of Railroad is Charged with Creating Fa tal Quarrel. On the grounds that he flourished a re volver and created a disturbance which caused over-excitement and death to Mrs. Samuel Klegelman, wife of the Omaha mntorcyclo policeman, E. M. Heigho, presi dent of the P. & I. N. railroad, Is held un der a charge of manslaughter at Welser, Idaho. The information reached Omaha Friday in a letter from Policeman Rlegel- man, in which he asked for a leave pf ab sence until September 1, in order to attend the preliminary hearing of Heigho, which is going on now.. Mrs. was on a vacation for her health as an invalid with heart trouble at the home of her son-in-law, Wesley Bar ton, cashier of the First National bank at Welser, when her death occurred. According to the report, Heigho had Just returned' from Resort, Idaho, on the day of the death, August 4. He is alleged to have called at the Barton home and opened an altercation with Mr. Barton with the charge that Mrs. Barton had circulated in Jurlous reports concerning the character of Mrs. Heigho. In the midst of the alter cation, while a friend of Heigho stood near and mombers of the Barton household, in cluding Mrs. Riegleman, came to the scene. Heigho drew forth a gun. It Is alleged. He is said to have used vile language and made violent threats, and finally to have departed, leaving the objects of his attack in a state of excitement. Mrs. Riegleman died suddenly a short time after the affair. Thereupon Mr. Bar ton filed a charge of manslaughter against Heigho. The hearing was begun August 8. Heigho is a member of the Idaho militia and a member of Governor Brady's staff. According to Riegleman the Idaho gover nor is making an investigation ot the af fair. CITY NATIONALAFTER WATER Big Boring Machine at Work Under Sidewalk on Harney Street Side of New Building. A four-ton weight steadily dropping a few feet Is boring its way into the bowels of the earth beside the City National bank building. The bore Is being sent down on the Harney street side ot ine building near the Lewis saloon and a depth of seventy feet has been reached. The drill Is still going through clay and It is expected to strike rock at ninety feet. The well will be sunk an estimated depth of 1,200 feet and will cost $5,000. Its effect on the artesian wells of the Young Men's Christian association and the Rome hotel will be watched with Interest by those In stitutions. Occasionally the sinking of a new well cuts off entirely the flow of others In the same nelghoorhood, but the mors likely, result la that the pressure will a a a a a u a: a K h o i i a (Wirt Up Sale Hep's Suits $6,50) Last call for Men's Summer Kuita. Tables 1 nnl U hold heaps of suitable Kurineiits in of styles. AVe sold hundreds of others Just like them iu quality At 913.00 and $18.50. We want to say good bye to these Katurxhiy. Suits Rood enough for-dress-up occasions; cheap TL50 enough for commonest kind of work; 11)0 take your plrk now for 4 v . Boy's Suits Clearing School opens soon, you'll profit if you buy Roy's clothes now. Any wool suit in our entire second floor department, embracing all the 1 flff latest styles now worn, at 2 " MKN'9 UNION SLITS A sale of fine lialo gar ments In "Superior" and "Cooper" makes, ctrii. flesh and blue. $1.00 and $1.50 C- 1 $2.00 to $3.00 CI Cft suits, at UC suits, at J)I.U17 STRAW HATS Take your pick of any straw hat valued up to $2.50 any style you like iflf best, at uUC Shirts to $2.00 for 09c All Sum mer Shirts in final clean up. See them on the tables hundreds of them many as high as $2.00 qualities for G9 Reduce Expenses in Bennett's Capitol Bak ing Powder. 6 pound can, for $1.00 and 100 stamps. Bennett's Best , Coffee always 35c, for, lb. 30o Bennett's Capitol Coffee always 28c, per pound package aae Teas: Our 68c grades, at, per pound B8o Teas: Our 68c grades, at, per pound 48o Cheese Special: Llm burger, per pound ISo Armour's "Veribest" Sliced Beef, Jar . .ISo and 10 stamps. Chef brand. Boneless Herring, 2 jars for SOo and id , stamps. Karo Syrup, can . ...lOo and 6 stamps. Capitol Baking Powder. pound can a-ic and 20 stamps. Capitol Extract, bot 18o and 20 stamps. Small Sour Pickles, per Capitol Whcut, two lb. V-Kagti lur lux una lu atuinp. Aluimrcii Cut .AaparuKU. lur and 10 slauips. feanul iJunei, luigv jar lur - ana ici ianiv. i'opy ilait, can lur awO and 10 eutmpH. Cheese, full cream, per pound .' aao and 10 stamps. Cheese, Virginia Bwlss, per pound 8&0 and 10 stamps. B. and M. Canned Cod, per can lo and 10 stamps. Galllard Olive Oil, bot tle, for 84o and 20 stamps. Cornmeal, White or Yel low, 10 lb. sack ....18c Franco-American Soups, 20c cans for ,Uo Virginia Fish Roe. at. dozen So can Lowest Prices in Town For Meats, Lamb Stew special 6 pounds 25 Veal Stew special 6 pounds . 250 Bacon Armour's Sugar Cured, 2,000 lbs., for per Pound .. 17? Bams Cudahy's, skin ana fat removed, lb...l8& Peaches Elberta freestone, basket 17 Fine Lemons, Aoz...X7M And fiJt be slightly reduced at the two old artesian wells. The boring machinery brought here to dig the City National well has been used for digging oil wells In Illinois and is un usually complete. . The work Is being kept up night and day and at the present rate will not take long to complete. A big crowd Is constantly watching the hammering of the drill and the occasional dropping of the forty-foot bucket which removes the muck at the bottom of the well. This bucket Is equipped with an auto matic valve at the bottom, which shuts after the vessel Is filled. ST0ECKER TALKS BY PROXY Imports a Speaker, Who Does Talktng la German for Him. HI At democratic headquarters much quiet fun is being had at the expense of the other candidates for the congressional nomination over a trick turned by W. F. Stoecker, the houso floor leader of the Douglas county delegation in the last legis lature. Stoecker is not the greatest success in the world as a platform orator, and some kind friend made a suggestion. The result of that suggestion was the arrival In Omaha of a visitor who oan speak German as well aa English, fluently. This gentleman haa been making addresses on behalf of "Mine Heir Stoecker" wl'th an eloquence and an earnestness that haa put the other candi dates on the anxious seat The friendly orator haa used his powers on crowds wherever he could reach them, and Stoecker is said to be entirely satisfied that he has struck the right system oi campaigning. r- Miller, Stewart & Beaton 413-15-17 South Sixteenth St. Saturday Special Porch Rocker, like illustration, full reed seat and back, with wide arms, very strong construction. Regular price $2.75. Saturday only, each $1.45 Misses' Rocker, of same design, make and construction. Saturday special, each 05d Raglin Rugs Size, 30x60 inches, great variety of colors, fit any decoration. These are washable and a good wearing rug. Regular price $2.00. Saturday only, each a 1 si in una n a a c ye a i gams ! I a a B 8 M 1,10 very bost Silk Half Hose All colors. ' tlso black; linen heels and toes to i give extra service, 75c qualty for 39? Bennett's Grocery Snliler's Salad Dressing, lur Boo and 10 stamps. Art.0 GIoks Starch, six puckufiei for S&o Diamond Crystal Tabio bait, i packaKes . .BbO and 10 stamps. Sweet Mixed Pickles, at, per quart 804 and 10 stamps. . Polk's Tomato Saup, 4 . cans, for BSo Beat 'Km All Soap, nine bars, ful- SSo Haarman's Vinegar, at, quart bottle SOo and 10 stamps. Snlder's Pork and Beans, per can 16o and 16 stamps. ' Table Syrup, can 12V60 and 10 stamps. O O O k 1 e Bpeolal Cocoa Bars and Fruit' Wafers pound 12o Crackers, all makes, per package 10o B0o and 10 stamps. Fruits, Etc California Grapes, extra fancy, 8 lbs 250 Tomatoes, home grown,, per basket 100 Celery, nice and crisp 8 bunches 100 Beets and Carrots 4 bunches 50 Cucumbers, each 50 Rocky Ford Cantaloupes 3 tor 250 Continuance on. , t Injunction Suit Hearing of Suit Against Mayor and City is Continued to Next Friday. The hearing of the injunction suit brought against Mayor Dahlman and the city . of Omaha in the creosote paving case has been. continued until Friday morning, August 19, by agreement of the attorneys. The petition asks that Mayor Dahlman's veto' of the preosote paving ordinance be declared illegal and that he be enjoined to sign and approve the ordinance. The hearing will be before Judge Sutton. Dan Butler, city' clerk, and Acting. Mayor Brucker have filed a motion to vacate the restraining order on the grounds that the court has no jurisdiction, that the facts set forth In the petition are without foundation and that there Is jio cause for action. RAIN FALLS WHERE NEEDED. Heavy Downpour in Western Portion of Nebraska Brings Joy to the Farmers. 1 Heavy rains fell over several portions of NebraEka Thursday night, the parts of the state receiving the downpour luckily being the dryest places. At St. Francis and at Gckley on the Burlington a rain of S Inches' and 2.5 Inches was reported and at Ben-, kleman 1 inch of rain fell. These towns are In the far west corn portion of the state and were badly In need of rain as the corn was dry. 91.25 .Ik jijiff