r THE BEE: 'OMAHA, SATURDAY, AUGUST 13, 1010. SATURDAY SALES W omen's Lingerie W aists From the Teffi-Weller Stock, Worth up to $2, at 69c 0y ff if Ii Our Demeit New Store Nearly 1,200 of these new wnists, which we secured at n great sacrifice. All this Reason's latest models; dutch necks, "turn over collars, high necks, etc., beautifully trimmed. Never such a waist bargain in Omaha, iYAiai5 ST TTV nf Actually Worth up to $2, at . . to Saturday IVe Offer a Very Fine Lot of Waists from the TeffMVeller Stock $1.50 These are ultra smart waists, all very fine materials, sheer quality, clever new ideas, waists really worth up to $5.00, will go on second &f50 floor, at P1 FINAL CLEARANCES f all Odds and Ends of Women's Low Shoes Broken lines of Women's Oxfords and Tumps, patent colt, suedes and gun metals, odds and ends, many worth $3.00 and $3.50 r'-v a Pair Saturday only, at S 00 195 Ml Women's $3.00 Oxfords and Pumps At. Women's $3.50 Oxfords and tl39 Pumps At V . GIRLS' and STORM PROOF COATS Actually worth to $5.00 each,. . at 75c In Basement All full length coats, In sties 14 to 81 Juat the thing for school wear and everyday wear. All storm proof. An ex tra special Saturday. Women's Linen Oea Knits Nw styles and colors, worth to $11, at ,$2L8 I ii i i aaalWSaWlTlmClaiCBi mi .in - Women's Vretty Lingerie Waists High or low neck, worth to $1 00, at 8 30c All the Women's and Misses' WASH DRESSES FROM THE TEFFT-WELLER STOCK Worth op to $7 Each, at $2.50 Hundreds of the daintiest of new mulls, ginghams and lawns, in the latest styles, nil shades and all sizes up to 44, new tunic effects, beautifully trimmed with lace edged ruffles, button trimmings, etc., second floor, Saturday only .SO Children's Colored Dresses ' In all sizes, 4 to 12, 3 big lota Sat urday, second foor Children's Dresses OA Worth to $2.50, at OiJC Children's Dresses ft f A r Worth to $3.50, at. .P1.L&Z Children's Dresses- A f Worth to $6.00, at s&t.VZJ a sec Clearing Sale of Hair Goods This clearing Bale, affords values for Saturday that are Indeed sensational. Transformations Great bargains in these desirable accessories. 22-inch transformations of curly hair, $5.00 values, at $2.08 The Madam Boyd Rosette Puffs 13 and 15 In set, made of fine hair, at.; $1.08 Chantecler Cluster Puffs Positively the very latest coiffure of the season, $10.00 values, at.... $0.00 Finest Short Stem Switches, ' 20-lnch long, $3.00 values, at S1.48 Washable (. Hair Rolls 24 inch. 75c values KOt Manicuring, Shampooing and Turban Capi Made light, 85c values . . .. .20f Extra Large Net Two for .'. .... 5 Scalp Treatments. Any Man's Shirt in our Entire Stock 5 -f1 Manhattans excepted SATURDAY, at . ... Negligee and outing shirts, in cluding every high grade make and pattern in this store, except Man hattan shirts. Greatest offer of Men's Shirts ever made in Omaha, your choice Saturday, at 1 ONE DOLLAR Ken's lummw Undershirts and Drawers Balbrlggan and lisle, worth up to 11.00, at 36o and 49o Man's Outing and Warllgee Shirts Pon tree and Chembn-y 890 Man's Ma Silk Tabular Four-ln-Xand Tlss Saturday, each at So I I SATURDAY SALES ' V Most Fortunate Clothing Purchase OF THE ENTIRE SEASON A New York Maker had to raise a largo sum of money on a few days' notice. He sold us his entire stock of Men's medium and light weight clothes, at About One-Half Price Saturday the entire purchase goes on sale. MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S $22.50 Cassimere Suits jj f-j $20 Blue and Fancy Worsteds... $18 Standard Cheviot Suits $18 Blue Serge Suits. These suits are suitable for present wear. Many of them plenty heavy enough for fall wear. You will never see a bigger bargain than these. Odds and Ends of MEN'S That Have Been Selling up to & $15.00 $ The balance of our Men's Suits that have been selling at 110 and $16, unrestricted choice Saturday, at.... JO ' fffl 2LUO II f SUITS A 7 , i s itin Boys' Long Pant Suits Ages 14 to 17 Snappy, light pat terns, this season's latest cut. Suits that have been selling all season up to $10.00, CO QQ Saturday, at $d.J0 PANTS Man's and Toung Man's Sisea, $1.98 Worth $3.50, $1 and $4.50 at Neat effects in worsteds, flannels,chev iots or cassimeres, peg top or busi ness cut, some cuff bottoms,, worth up to $4.50, per pair, ' ( flO at $JL70 Boys' 1.00 Quality K. & E. Pleated bosom Hhlrt Waist Itlonses on second OA. floor, at rC Boys' 50c Summer Coats, Second Floor, old store, at Children's Sleeping Gowns Ages 4 to 10, made of good quality muslin, at 19c All Our Boys' Wash Suits, at Less Than HALF PRICE Boys' Strictly All Wool Blue Serge Knickerbocker Pants All sizes, second no. floor, at OC BOYS' KHAKI) Knickerbocker Pants at 38c SPECIALS IN OUR DRUG DEPI.-NEW STORE, 25o Banltol Tooth Wah, at llo I6o Lilac Talcum 7o tto Grave's Tooth Powder, at 14o tSo Bosodont ISO 15o Sanltol Cream . ...14o 50a Consuello Cream... ISO 50o Malvina Cram...34o 75c Pomelan Massage Cream , ...69o 50c Hayes' Hair Health, at 4Bo 15o Lfqunione Soap.... So lOo Jap Ross Soap...,.7o 25c Packer's Tar Soap, lSo 1-lb. 20 Mule Team Borax, ' at so lOo Shlnola , 7o 5 Cakes Ivory Soap..lo $1.00 Traveling- Oase..49e $1.00 Ideal Hair Brush VSo L BR ANDEIS STORESH SaBBSSBBaMBSSSBSfWBBBSlWSSBSSBSSsSSSlBlBlBSJSaSSSBBBBMBBl L Hen's Low Shoes Clearance About 400 pair broken lines, odds and ends of Men's up-to-date shoes that have been selling up to $4.00 pair, fi 1 49 Saturday, one day only, at one price, per pair . . .JJ 1 - Your choice of all our Men's Low Shoes, that have been . selling up. to CP 3$ $3.50, at .., Your choice of all our Men's Low Shoes, that have been selling, up to - fl 95 $4.00, at , l 4 BRINGS WANT AD TO OMAHA Farmer from Howell, Neb., Adver tises for a Wife. WOULD NOT TRUST THE MAILS tomes to Omaha to See that lHa Want Ad Is Pat la the Paper Right Is Retired Farmer. "loh 'Will elne Frau haben," was the In lutry put at the Information bureau ot the Union station Thursday afternoon. In EngliHh this means that a nice, respectable German farmer, now retired, wishes a wife, and will not be too strict aa to require ments In getting one. , John Parr Is his nam and he Is between TO and 80 years of age, living at Howell, Neb. He has plenty of money, and wants a wife, who is a good cook to be his oom- anion in his old ags. She must bs b' tween 60 and 70 years of age. and need not be more than fairly good looking to satisfy him. Parr traveled all the way from Howel', which Is In Colfax county, merely to leave the want ad with the station agent. Ho could not mall it as he oannot write Kng llHh, and evidently had objections to letting the neighbors In on his little secret way of getting a helpmate. After he left his Information and money to pay for It he went straight back, and la waiting an answer now from soma woman who wants a husband. . George Floth is Rearrested Man Who Escaped from County Jail ii Recaptured by Fleming and Emery. George Floth, the man who escaped from the county Jail Thursday morning two weeks before his term was to be up, was recaptured by Detectives Fleming and Emery at Twenty-first and Burt streets Friday morning. Floth got away from Jail by creeitlng through the basement while engaged in a task as ''trusty," and bolting through the door to the street He sub mitted peacefully to the detectives when they suddenly came upon him In his stolen liberty. FRANKLIN SPENCER TO SPEAK Promlaeat KpiaevpaJ Charehmaa Will Address tiatherlaa; at Dloeesaa, Hons This BTfslag, . Franklin II. Epencer, district secretary at New Tork for the Brotherhood of ftt. Andrew, Is to deliver an address before a gathering of churchmen at the Diocesan house, 1716 Iodge street at o'clook this vanlng. Mr. gponcer is making a tour of the country In the Interests of the forth coming National Convention of Church men at Nashville, Tenn. Omaha Golfers Ready to Leave for Tourney Trans-Mississippi Tournament to Be Held at Denver, Beginning Wednesday. Denver Is to have many of the prominent golfers of the west there next week In at tendance on the annual Trans-Mlaslsslppi golf tournament. Devotees of the game from all over the middle west are traveling toward the mountains, and Omaha will have a considerable number of them along. The Burlington Is putting on a special car to carry the golfers, leaving Saturday, and the Union Pacific will have another carload. Altogether there are nearly fifty of the members of the Omaha clubs going out to try their skill against the players of other cities. A. B. Cutts, general agent of the Minne apolis & St. Louis road In Minneapolis, arrived in Omaha in company with al of the golfers of that city on their, way to the big event. With the Minneapolis party are Harry Ieg, the present champion, and also Wendell Hertlg, another of the cracks. The list ot Omaha players going re ceived up to date Is E. M. Fairfield. D. V. Sholes, J. B. Rahn, A. V. Kinsler, W. J. Foye, J. B. McCloe, F. H. Haines, M. C. Peters, Ralph Peters, J. W. Hughes, C. S. Montgomery, A. H. McClure, Judge Redlck. John Redlck, H. C. Sumney, Albert Cahn, W. D. Bancker, June Abbott, Charles John son, David Mentlply, J. W. Allen. D. L. Doherty, J. B. Lindsay, J. P. Porter, Guy Liggett, J. L. Austin, J. W. Tlllson, A. O. Nichols, L. D. Carrier, WAITER SHOT BY A WOMAN Otis Hedy Beeeivei Wound in Head from Mrs. Bertha Mott. MAKES STATEMENT ON HIS BED TO BOOST AT HIGH SPEED Gleawood CltUeas to Be GlTea Chance to Rid oa Halley'a Comet. Glenwood (la.) boosters are coming to Omaha Monday to .visit the den. Glen- wood men wish to see the wonders of Ak-Ear-Ben's realm and quite incidentally, of course do a little boosting for the Glen wood Chautauqua, which runs August IS to XI. The Glenwood men write to Samson a "request that they may be alloWed to boost at High Bpeed; be given the Pass Word to the Den and admitted to the august presenc of King Ak-8ar-Ben. ANDREEN TO MAKE ADDRESS Prealdeat o( Aaarastaaa College to peak In Bivedlah at IwedUh Chorea Friday Bvealaa. After a tour through the Nebraska Bwed.sh settlements Dr. GustaVe An dreen, president of the Augustana oollege and theologloal seminary at Rock Island, 111., will deliver an addreas in Swedish at the Swedish Lutheran church, Thirty sixth street and Lafayette avenue, Fri day evening. Dr. Andreen is a son of the late Rev. A. Andreen, who was one of the early pioneers and. organisers of the Bwedish Augustana Lutheran aynod fifty years ago. Woaoded Man Declares Woman Shot Him from Behind In His Own House Boy Sole Witness ' Woman Alleges Assanlt. On what may prove to be his death bed, and while he labored for breath and the strength to talk, Otis Hedy, the waiter who was shot by a woman Thursday night, de clared his attempted slayer attacked him without provocation In his own house. The testimony of Freddie. . the 6-year-old son of Hedy, who was the sole witness of the shooting, bore his father out The injured man is In a grave condition, and according to the physicians' report has suffered the loss of a portion of his brain and possibly will die. He told his story to his wife In the presence of others until the attendants finally ordered him to cease the effort of talking. Hedy declared Mrs. Bertha Mott. who shot him, and whom he had never seen be fore the day .of the shooting, came out opon the porch between the apartments ot the two families at. 821 South Nineteenth street while he and his little son were playing. The waiter's wife had not been gone mora than several minutes. Reaching the porch Mrs. Mott asked Hedy what time It was, ha say. When he told her It was shortly after ( o'clock, the wo man turned on him and declared ha was lying. A moment later she requested the man to get her a glass of water, as her eyes were bothering her. As he stepped inside his door to comply, the woman fol lowed him and took a seat in his apart ment The man asked her to leave, explain ing her presence alone with him was not proper, and she again started a quarrel, he said, declaring she would leave when she got ready. Hedy thereupon stepped out himself, and Just as ha reached the porch, received the bullet from the woman's gun, which ap parently she had carried throughout the in cldent. Charare Aaralae Woman. Mrs. Mott Is held In the police station de tention room and a charge of shooting to kill has been preferred against her. She was arrested by Detective Sullivan and Officer Jackson. Hedy waa operated on at the hospital by Police Surgeon Ray B. Harris and the bullet extracted. It pene trated the skull and carried away part of the membrane of the brain. Little hops la entertained of the man's recovery. Marrtaajo Lieeasoa. Permits to wed have been granted the following couple: Name and Ksldence. Age. Thomas Dednana, South Omaha tl Mary Stec, outh Omaha M Anthony IVtronkl, Bouth Omaha M Antunlna Itudlacsule, -ouin Omaha 1 Wilbur L. KulttMi. Omaha 88 Ua H. K.uaip, Omaha ...t.. 14 Master Meehaala ts Traaaferred. MARSHALLTOWN, la.. Aug. 13. (Spe elal Telegram.) C. E. Gossett, who for two years hos been master mechanic of the Iowa Central, has been appointed mas ter mechanlo of the Minneapolis St Louis railroad, with headquarters at the Cedar Lake shops, Minneapolis. The ap pointment Is effective August la. Mr. Oos sett succeedj John Hall, resigned. CHINA IS MODERNIZING ITS WHOLE LANGUAGE At Present the Language Is Itot Cal culated to Express Scien tific Terms. e That th Chinese are fully capable of comprehending the sciences and other more praotlcal branches of learning as are Americans has been the experience ot Prof, Morlmer J. Brown, who is visiting at the George G. Wallace home, 3S40 Charles street after two years of teaching chemis try In the Orient Mr. Brown has been an instructor In Chlhli Provincial Industrial college, located at Tien Tsln. "These young men ' understand the sciences aa readily aa do the young men in the American colleges," said Mr. Brown, "but they are hindered when they go to put them in practice, by the nature of the old Chinese learning, which was essen tially a theoretical education and was ac quired for the' pure Joy of acquiring it and not with the idea of putting it to a practi cal use." . .J The Institution with which Mr. Brown has been connected Is one of the many edu cational institutions which . the Chinese government has founded since boxer times. The recent origin of the "new education" in China accounts for the fact that of the 350 students In the school only about fifty are doing work the equivalent of college work In this country. The boys with whom Mr. Brown has worked are largely from the families of the well to do business men of the empire,' and are possibly a bit above the average intelligence. . The work In chemistry, which was Mr. Brown's subject, as well as in the other sclencee is done entirely In English. "The Chinese language la an ldlographio one," Mr. Brown explains, "each figure standing for an Idea, and for the Ideas of science which have only come into China with the "new education" there are no suitable characters. Thus It arises that all scien tific teaching must be done in English until the Chinese modernize their language as have the Japanese. "The Chlnene government being an ab solute monarchy, offers no protection to private enterprise. On this account most of the boys who are educated in science at Chlhli go Into the government service" Mr. Brown graduated from the Univer sity of Nebraska In 1905 and after taking two years and a half of post-graduate work at Cornell university contracted with the Chinese government for two years of work there. Before leaving for the Orient he waa married to Miss Mary Beth Wallace, whose parents the couple are now visiting after returning to this country by way of Siberia and Europe. The Key to the Situation Bee Want Ads Building- Permits. C. G. Bomers, J324 Pacific, frame dwell ing, 14,500; C. V. Warfleld, Forty-fifth and Grant, brick store, $3,000; Louis J. Trainor, 4715 Douglas, frame dwelling, (1,700. DE3. PBIGES ISA Mm N 1MK As Wholesome, nourishing and palatable a3 any food ever made. Unlike any other -food. A r "e ol Wheat. Rice, OaU and Barley. Ask Your Grocer. . -Y:-'- 't il' IV' -mi MX H . Since 1852 R '-J .ij-..! ---L- I- '. . -J, H SB 11- The aviators of today are the forerunners of the men who will dominate the air as we do the land and sea. To win in the battles of the coming days, flying fighting man will need nerves of steel. For his nerve and strength he will need the best of foods and beverages. TL 9 TV Ground Chocolate will be as popular in the aviation age as it is now, for it is the best of all beverages. It contains more nutriment than any other food, it strengthens without undue stimu lation, it is supremely delicious. Ghirardelli's Ground Chocolate is made from the finest cocoa beans, the boast of the tropics, and is absolutely pure. D. Ghirardelll Co. Since 1852 k Best iur Snorts If J ( 4