) ! M CFFEREu FOrtENT .HouakrppiM( It .... mo- Con 1 1 n aed. fip.st rln rniim mm.1 Kn. -.1 mi- urn. to di w-.k. m V7 w ; !ODKIt.N ,'1.nliV,','1.'oom itn of wh- ioi Di,jg;.a. iu l.oaiii. ?tiV,8t.mJ,rn hou"l"'Pln room.. c2 a street . . ' auu T. 111', a I 3414 Webster Vrfnrnlihed noomi. FOfTl nnfiir,-!...... SMrf Douglas. room; references. A part me le and Flats. KLROANT I. 4 l-irehrow Terrnr ".IV. -rom apsrtmeata Webster 4J8. r 1 ..RENT-0n modern steam heated qulrsj 840 Brandela Bldg." i'iiii inn l nrh Hi. Klner Blk. En- Servant . an..A i., 7 ... V" room eon- El 1 .,; "eam heat: alec trio light and ff-VU'V?': !"?iori "'. rv Th. , ici. uougia uu FOR RENT Bix-room apartment In The Harnard. Phone Douglaa lm. FOR RENT fientemhae T7t rV,m.dern' PP 8t- flt. $317 .m.Mt v;ror..r .M' ? -now. mod ... xiKiuire i in. zutn. n?trt, 4-rm "partmenta. new, 6L Lo ul -. T-j. .'uiib nll vinion.' .SASrVft.Y fJi !L St"- "r'ctly modern ne va ' w y"r monn- Telephone Har CENTRAL. APARTMENTS. "A""'"''.''' 6-room modern flat ri a ra wood, amn rnnma. . -ii . ' noode1 range, free hot water j , ' neat; walking distance, -:. i ' ' " i'3' 0,ner winter W more, tquai any at $30 more. Reference reaulred jn .-n in-v.il r.Kti tJO., 810 Brandela Theater. Fnrnlahed lloaaea. . W1I'V rnt 011P elsht-room fumlhed "" ior inrw or ix month. Weat Far . uiainci. i-none Harney ln. nonaea and Cottagea. -ROOM, modern, partly furnlahed. mis. . inniir. w aw jackson. HOUSES. Ina. RJngwalt. Brandela Th. Bldg, Mouae. flata. Garvin Broa. Id floor N. J. U Dtr?S?' t0jcrn br,clt houe. north part , 4-rooni apartment, city water. 111 3-room apartment, 1S17 Clark. Iia r-i.iC ..'partment' nely papered, 191? Jt-room 'apartment, 182 North 17th, 9. I '-" etore building, 119 Clark St.. 12a " n .""J aDartme"' tor colored people, C. M. BACHMANN. 43 Paxton Blk. uitlc K-2WI3. Kealdence I. 6066. ix . Z5tn Bt., 8 room, water, ewer. .ii .moJ,rn- -v-: ood condl . 'at. narnay I6w, , noue, alx large rooms and P,V.v neighborhood. Inquire NEW six-room Harney $47. brick houso, modern -..Y1.8!1 t0 r"n our nome In Weet Farnam district: eight room, atrlctly modern: oak '"'n. not water heat, east front, large WALKINO DISTANCE. -r. apartment, n 8. 23d St.; modern ex cept heat; references required; key next "iii" bt uiepnone L. lis or web. 630 8. 2Bth 10-room, modern, $00. " i;N.- 8h-8-room, modern, 7.60. 37U Howard 7-ro.im mnrfern. XJSm 1912 8. 85th Ave. J-room, modern except J9 Caldwell 7-room, modern, $27.5a mis Charles 6-room. modern, except ".i. eiA.vu. '.,?6e11. Ro-room, city water and 114.50. F. D. WEAD, 1801 Farnam. (as, 8-ROOM modem, full lots, fin lawn grapes, garden, chicken house, trees. J181 sowier Ave. l kmu at It. NOWATA LAND & LOT CO., 658 New York Life Bldg. Phone Red 1VJ9. . FOR HB.NT 4-rora cottage, X7M Capitol pearly paw; ja. Tel Red 62St HOUSES J". Darts of the elty. W Crelgh Bona Co.. B Bldg NINE-ROOM modern detached brick. Mi Pharwood Ave. J ttt. Patteraoa, lOI Far. BRICK HOUSE, Mi Derwey avenue. T room, modern. Mover gia. Co., uu Far. ii.iii oi, TWO s-room modern, verr nic hnri fully located, newly teuovated. 7l 8. 7th. eoaier law. . SIX BOOM U, MODERN, , tance. inquire 2221 Burt 8U walking dls- FOR RENT Just oomolated. I alaaant a. . room, all modern brlok houses. They have ,p4 '" "in- ni axira room on in M Iloor provided with bathroom, besides a neat -'roora for storage. These houses are beauti fully finished la uarter-sawed oak, latest iiickal plumbing, with toilet iu basement' perfect gems; right In the heart of the va.x. v uiu, w. corner svin ana ia van port bis., opposite high school. C. M. Bach wan. 438 Paxton Block, Tel. Ud 2W; Keal. deuce Tel. lAiug. soke. T .. . HOUSES FOR RklN T. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO Unite -"4 N. V. Life B4dg. Had lMt! NICK g-raont koua for rent; aaodera ex cept heat. li Cuuuug atraet. 'Phoua. Har UV 16 4. NO KQUAL Central location, -r. corner flat. Apply 2 North Ud. Tlsard ' Block. BK8T ROOMINO HO US It) IN OMAHA, " -Tie. 'vw l. tUUK tt 1 L NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO Tied 13. tut New York Ufe' Bi'dg. Three) large room apartment, firat fioor, partly modern i good neighborhood; block to car and stores. $12 to good tenant l'jli Elm atrect. Another tame kind, second floor 19 1517 Kim street. Apply to . W. O. MEN2IE, 191t Elm SL Tel. D. J38S. FOR RENT Kight-room modern house. 1 5t Ave. Phone Dougla 4587. OMAUA Van At Storage Co.. pack, move etui liuutenuld good; eiorheue. 1120-14 N Una; affice. M g. ma St. TM. Douglas li HOU8KHOLD OOOD4 packed, foraardej cheap lietsbt ratea; moving and torliiic , fciaprrtaiuaa'e Delivery Co. A el. Dou. jJi A modern 6-room cottau" . 1KB So water''0 BUUday iro,a 40 eata 17 th and 6J1 Bo. 22d St.. ) rooms, (SO. Fred b. liadia, frat N. y. U Bldg. vouglaa 4Ai -.tiicih lurnace, new bath W blk. to 6-mln. car line. 4xa Charles m '). ,oi kve;e hkau wAtW 1008 N. Y. Life. Doug, or H. H3J. FOH SALE By owner. -roon ail modern l.a a' !h4 "r- p,,rtly modern $: M B. .o. i-r., modern excent heat u I2 N.'lbth. 6-r.. partly m!oder.... " littO MS 8. IS.th Ave., 4-r.. close In 14 an 14H 8. Win. -r., modern except haai" ugu 10.S 8. tuih, 6-r., modern except hem" "u i,i M reward. 4-r., with barn....... 5w 611 a- ?,h prtiy rnodern!::.:::: S) N41 Capitol Ave t-r.. partly modern.. Saul THE BYRON REED CO Phones Doug. J. A-IKrt. jjj B- 14tlu 6MALL COTTAOE, .on,venlently located at 920 North ISth St.. near buslneia c?t,r $10 per month. Kay next door north. SIX ROOM cottage, 2210 Burl Bt " 6-ROOM all modern cottage at ltt North S4tb St TeL. Harney 622. Wot', Off tRtO FOK RENT lluu au.l Cottage-(oatlnned. FOR IlENT-Modrrn hm.se. $25. 'Ui M. Key first door south. 3514 No. OH RfcNT-Am about to move In my new house. 4t; Florence Boulevsrd; will rent my present strictly modern, J-room residence, 4(i)2 Florence Boulevaid. J hln one or tne choicest home In N'irth o-mana; ground are Ib6x4"0 feet, wltri about 100 large shade trees; .t block 10 the Ames fte. csra; auto barn 20xi4. Telephone V ni ivicrsicaa. f-R., mod., inn N. Slut, 15 6- r., mod., 839 H. 24th. 8-r., mod., choice, 2i(x (.'a Id well, $30. 7- r., alno barn, 4103 N. 2lh Ave., SIS. RUKBELL & M KITKICK CO.. 432 Ramga Bldg., lith and lUrney. MASON St., -r., all mod.. 135. 1K'9 . 2id St., 6-r., mod. ex. heat. 25." Jonea Bt.. g-r., all mod., IM.ftO. J.'.t3 1'lerce St., 8-r., mod. ex. boat, $24. N. 34th St., 6-r., all mod., $-'6. W"J Chicago, a-r., part mod., j2. 'Indicate water paid by owner. BITtKETT & TEBBEXH. 423 Bee Bldg. I'honea 1. 4754 A-1754. 'JO HE NT 6 rooma with t baths, cen- traJ location. Sea owner at S831 N. 22d. MODERN 6-room house. $12 to $16, If). cation central and west. Owner at S831 IN. ZZd. Stores and Office. TRACKAGE PROPERTY Wft offer for rpnt th Ana. IV Wlltjr lor rent ine On- itory and basement brick storo room at 914 Faraani. TI)i nron. ,uul" ' uci 'u prop- eriy nas iracsugd inciaties io rear. Apply BEE BUILDING CO, 17th and Farnam. WELL LIGHTED atora. 22x100. lot a ma. l.ariar nnttl ajaiai n orxa 8TORB ROOM FOR RENT. Southeast corner 16tn and Douglas Sts.. Room 28x70 feet. Postesslon given about CITY NATIONAL BANK. LA ROE pleasrnt south and eaat front on ice. corner ino ana naroey, at. 8. curiie. iftua tiarrey. OFFICE SPACE, COO square feet, second floor, new building, 816 8. 19th St., steam nea i. osk nnisn, toilets. OARV1N BROS., 54 NEW YORK LIFE. DESK room for rent In Cltv Nation. i Bank Bldg. Stenographer and use of phone. GOOD location for cafe and delicate. r iisi ana nowara. inq. Wl b. Xta. Unequalled Opportunity Urocerv meat market, witn fixtures complete; nj ewab luara oioca. itppiy HI -X. Sid bt OFFEKtD FOrt SALE F.r.H.ra. PARTIES leavlna cltv Mtcr ..i. ..- lous articles of furniture; refrigerator, buf- ium, rocaing cnairs, dining chairs, tubs, boiler and kitchen fiimimn innii,.iin a. ,.iib. Appiy w tnaries est. HALL. TRKE aeivrHn MirutMU Sfli f V ,M aiove aim wasning machine. iluu BAtnii! icis. 2244 Landon Court. Jjakuh quarter sawed oak sideboard; oost luo; ecu tor hau. in. u. Rairaen. 41 OFPRBIwn . h.ie iiji furniture, leather couch, dressers, Iron beds, prlngs. child s Iron bed, etc. 1514 N. 40th oauuiion. WILL Bell h nil rl H nA . . ! 1 1-IH. ssAi i.h..i" P"vr-. pi. ra. .. ii. xngienan.- HOUSElloi.n nrkntuiri..i... n-Hi- tion, Including I stoves, dining table, buf fet, bookcase. tc. r.iintlv mtnmA' mn.l be soldr Can be seen at Omaha Fireproof UlAra tk U.k j . . , . r . , . Storage. 16th and Leavenworth. Web. 156. OKFICB FURNITURE SALE. SATUR uai, auijubt 13, 10 A. M. It BOARD OF TRADE! BUILDING. Formerly oocimtn hv nii'iRriu a. rr This sale Includes dehks, tables, chairs and everything pertaining to first-class office iui mailings. Mnatcal Instraments. M IVrt. line Kdlaon nhonnrranh. rah nt auu ciiutco records; good as new. 4108 1 layette. NEARLY new Rl.t mnnno h,if.t ..- apnone. silver nlateil: low nllnh inH luta.t u T r Kcy; win be sold cheap tor cash. cranaeis tsiag. Typewriters. BUY an L. C. Smith Bros. Typewriter. r . Dwansoa o Ulstrlbutera. i m rarnam ou Typewriters for Rent L A isis j arnam eu, umaba. , ECOND-hand tynewrltara m .i " .iunr nasnanga. IHUI arnam, REMEMBER it tab.. ,... . e. " of the pen to state that vou . tt,Z "..a "7 In Tha Bee. The advertiser wants to know. Mlecellaaeons. FOR SALE New ana nmi.ii,ii kiiii... and pool tables. W lead the world In ch-a bsr fixtures; easy paymenta. Brunswick I a'V- ni pptitir 40I g. )otB WANTED to aall at ...i., - .. .1- "auiiiesai w. tumaca. Appiy 4uc outh 40th SL CLILUIING UP SALE Couch Hammocks and Lawn' bwings. These are all good bar gains. SCOTT TENT & AWNING CO. n-i -outh 12th St. 'Phone Doug. $3$. WK 11AV en Laud a aum... ... .... bsirels which . will ,l for w cants each They are fin for rein water or a.h.i ,.i a 1 press room, ties PnblUhlng Co. F2IV,6ALE:rlcnt7 Sod walnut Umber A. F. Qeyer, Route J, Barnes. Kan. mm KAI.E-I ItH -1 .. . $r..,h"UAerLblV.h.CO,EPanyb0k "' aafea. all lie.. ...Tl - S ST1 BlUtlKId Vllh a . . American Eui-nlv Co ins u.rSalna - ra mm xi HALL 8 safes, new. M-hand. toll FaTnTni! DRUGS at cut prlcea; freight ii.t .7, 110 ordan; catalogue free " "L1 -cConnell'Dru, cS.'om"Si. Nefc About 40 feet of a Inch diameter N a us, galvanized ulna -i.J . I" .No Ibows and T. This ws. Z?r": ii eSJir.T '- In sood rondZ good condition. I ilia sw a-UHinm uo i;ln tad F.t,-,7 VACUUM cleaners. $16 to $26. HIT FarlT m. Filters, filter repair. 1310 Howard. D39U OSTEOPATHY Kathryn Nikolas. 634 6 Brandela Theater. Alice Johnson. S06-6 Brsndeis Theater Bldg" JOHN D FOX. 82 Branda7TTTrr PATENTS D- O. BARN ELL. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7U7. . NYt,L',AJID E.D.DY',rrSlt,M'ed Practitioner In U. 8. Pat office, 618 Paxton Blk. It tun. PERSONAL i, . ' Ada HteeJe. Mot .u-.in oi. iu nuor, ironi room, west flat 10 a. m. to 8 p. in. MIDDLE-AGED lady would like to nur.e invalid or child; experienced; reasonable ' k ill, ".r"t'enc Ht., South Omaha. South 1378. rtlone THE BEE: PERSONAL (Continued.) MKCHANO THERAPY. miitc treatment, neivous debility. Dr. Matgartle ilalloran, 138 Neville Hlk., D. J.HL MESSAGE AND BATHS Pr. P.lttenhouee, Room SOS Old Boston Store Bldg., 4th floor, elevator entrance, 120 8. tstn. lSwitt,hc3.r,,m 'oaihings. !.. Mrs A Bk. D. Oil. ItUbber UOOUS hmrn Un f Rubber ri.. y-. . . . V0?d"- b.Pc ' Mall BlliS. KUUE W hrlvit 7 i" '". eo. Tei. HINDOO TAPI.KTS will build trengtben. tOi. BELL, DRUO CO.' brace, SYRINGES 2Epp2r m: alogfe. MTEna-DilioQ-fTug co. Omab? A NICR. healthy baby girl for adnntlnn t 1M6 Martha t 'Phone Dougla. oPU" anxious o Keep perreot. natural body form and well being; reliable Informa- t imca ... . m i,'"""or' n,nesi indorsement. TBI- mri, AJVITi MAGNETIC treatment. Mma. Hmiis 622 8. lath. Third Floor! TOTJNO WOMEN enmlna In nn... strangers ere invited to visit ths Yoong Women s Chrls'.isn ssaoclatlon bultdlnr at Berenteenth 8L and Bt Mary's Ave., where they will be dlrectad In aiiltabl kn..i-Z PJ0? r Otherwise esRlsted. Look for our traveler aid at the Union iiim. "ur mahooant upright Pi.no for ..... T'w u icashj: need money: leaving town; no reasonable offer refused. Addres. """ uman- WE rent and repair all kinds of sewing ' " " .1M. . J. L'UUji. J Dll. NEBRASKA CYCLE COMPANY. 15th and Harney 8t. i CANDY BUBINES3 18 PROFITABLE If you are thinking of startlna a Mmt, store or adding a department. 1 can help you and will mail you a .1st of my private recipes and Instiuctlons for a variety of me cnoicest canuies mat l have mad for many years, consisting of chocolate bon bons, nvit taffies, caramels, cocoajnut can dles, salting almonds, mint creams, kisses, nouL-ailnes. brittle, wafers and nih.r, I Mall me your order with $2. and you can refer to any banker or merchant. Everv young lady ought to know how to make fine candies, as a source of pleasure and prone w. a. eaiaurr. Omaha. Neb. BWITCHES from combings, SX Tel. Webster 3504. THE SALVATION ARMY anllolta c..,.rr ciotning, in iact, anything you do hot need. me lunect, rerair ana sen at im jn. llta I St., for cost of collection, to th worthy rour. Call 'obona Doua-laa 4126 ana vuna. win can. GROW new balr by uln Mma, Fravar-a Adellgbt Hair Food. Mcaaath Htationara I. OMAHA Stammerers' Ins.. Hamge Bldg. WlflS and loupes for mn- Orlfflth. MASSAGE for ladles. Tel. Red 6296. laLL THOSE ROACHES NOT POISON! NO ODOR! we guarantee to rid vnur nlaca. lanrsl or small, of these peBts In twelve days, I pay when satisfied. Magic Roach Powder -o., w uranaeu Bldg. Doug. 1370, Omaha. PRIVATE HOMK ilM-tr,. ,onfln.m.nr wauiaa wr aoopuon. uood bimtrittn banl- wnum. ivi ui Ave.. Council Bluffs. Ia. JOSIE WASHBURN'S honV '"Tha TTndap. World Sewer." at all book atarea: nrloall M MAGNETIC Treatments. E. Brott, 2224 I 8. 16th St. Tel. D. 7868. 1 i " 1 " rHjhjN cuiea witnout operation or pain. or. Maw.n s ru n i. massage. 1606 Dodge St., oppo- . yuiiHiuice, ta tioor. Tel. Doug. 7666. SI mux Li Tirlvata tlnma- tnr mnftns. 1 ment": excellent care; babies for adoption. PRINTING LEW W. RABER, Printer1? uiu, juuancv on court, A RIES-HALX, Ptg. Co., 10 S. 14th. Ind. a-ooi. ; MILLEUl & JAMHCSON, 1212 Doug. Both rn-iniig iinij. A.a en, -a Lyogsud Printing Co.. 16th i Capliol Avi REAL ESTATE ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. GUARANTEE A Detract Co.. 12S Farnam, PETER JESSEN. JR., Tel. Douglas Ki REAL EJSTATE DEALERS. ..VJTr " '" ' f-"1- prompt rnr i bsni i , . . . - ' " w, BENJAMIN R. K. CO.. 477 Brandela Bldg. n A I taiATK TlTI.m TTJttT --. 1RI11-9 fltw IU.ll t...i,j, w V-J'. . ... 'iia BUUUlllg. ENQLEBRECHT A RAVER, CANADIAN 4k LOCAL REALTY. 1710 i arnam (Bee Bldg.) D. 4J7. CITY PROPERTY FOR 8AI.B. ONLY $1,800 for a 6-room cottage ewer, water and gas, south front lot on paved street, on car line. ONLY $2,000, for a 6-room cottage, bath, gas and electrlo light, lot 40x129. with barn. ' North of Bemls Park. NKW Rmr"w mrinm rooms and nnatatr. no , modern except heat, nicely arranged ami fff0-.f!f ?An best bulltahoU.e.a,ln Rm"127' A ,O0d h0me tQe oneij W. If. OAT EH, Room 644 N. Y. Life BJdg. Will Pay 10 Per Cent on Investment andsaa. For a home we offer easy tr Valor R. OOSNEY, 660 N. Y. U Bldg., TX tXti. 5 ACRES FRUIT, CHICKFN Two blocks paved street imt t.!... school bouse; flve-roora house, barn house, cherries, nlnm. ...i " chicken peaches, lot of grapea. Price. 64.OA tV.' NOWATA LAND AND LOT iV. Phone P.ed 1999. 663 New York Lifl nu- n, 1 HOUSES FOR SALE For real bargalna In hnum i .n of the city see ua. ' Engelbrecht & Raver, 'Phouj Dougla tin. 1710 Farnam Si. 2 LA RGB LOTS $700 i wo clocks ox tlarnev car ni . li can be made bv boiMin. 7 .rr"u .'""" lota or let them lay. They will dm, hi. I" money m 12 months. uur .. u ..... t anil 1.1 1 r I ;n Mia , r , i , . ., . . i. - isew York Life Bid 'Phone Red 1999. REMEMBER It take but a few ,trogs of the pen to state that you saw tha -.i ln The Bee. The advertiar "J' , w autiw, FOR BRIDE OR JtlOTIIEI Beautiful modern 7 -aaTailVt A - -. I . . Cherry and oak finish, ha. riw,...V ,f.'-mo ,a 46x136; good neighborhood ; two block from feVmL ; "Vl" P'd- PHce' J. H. DUMONT A SON. 1606 F.- o. OCR SPECIAI.TT nrk-Tik-i, : 8ELLINO homes to COLOKED PEOPLE lensnts walling; llat your property wun Home Investment Co.. iui4 k J4th Web $jui. Ind. B tosti. 6-ROOM. RFNT iii7a Three blocks N. 24th St. car: IH- ...k balance very euay, good loooma nnv.r. cheap horn NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO j 'Phone Red 1999. U New York Ufa Bldg OMAHA, SATURDAY. AUGUST 13, 1910. REAL ESTATE I FA II M Al RACH t.AXU FOR SALE 1500 Acres of Carey Act Lands Along Shell Creek Valley, near Greybull, Wyoming, a division point on the new main line of the Burlington through the famous BIG HORN BASIN The irrigation system of the Wyoming Land & Irriga tion Company is complete. The water for irrigation is run ning in the canals. The Department of the Interior or the United States Government In an official report on the Big Horn Basin states: "The waters of Shell Creek and Its tributaries have been used for Irrigation for nearly twenty years. The stream has a large flow of water and its fall la about twenty-five feet to the mile. It is bordered by a relatively wido valley which has gentle slopes, affording ideal con ditions for irrigation. The soil is generally deep and fertile and well adapted for the cultivation of a variety of crops." Shell Canal Is 16 feet wide at the bottom, 15 feet wide at the (op, carries water to a depth of 6 feet, and will carry 250 cubic feet of water per second of time, or enough water to Irrigate 20,000 acres of land. CROPS. Our lands are the natural home of root crops, such as the potato and sugar beet, of small grain and ot alfalfa, timothy and other hay crops, while we raise with the greatest success all the .hardy varieties ot apples, cherries, plums and all small fruits. - APPLE GROWERS, ATTENTION. Prom experience covering fifteen years, the Irrigated lands along Shell Creek have been shown to be ideal for apple culture. During that entire time apples have been raised successfully. There has been no year when there was a crop failure or serious Injury from frost at critical periods, such as while the blossoms are on the trees, and It may be taken as a conservative) statement that the Shell Creek district will be one of the most successful apple districts in the State of Wyoming, If not in the entire West. HOW TO OBTAIN THE LAND. Under the provisions of the Carey Act, the settler may obtain title by residing upon the land continuously for thirty days, cultivating one elgth of the land and erecting a home thereon; paying to the State of Wyoming 26 cents per acre at the time of filing and 25 cents per acre at the time of proving up. The settler is also required to purchase from the Irrigation Company the perpetual water right appertaining to his land at the price per acre fixed by the State, which In this case Is $50 per acre, payable as follows: $10 per acre at the time of filing and the balance on easy terms, payments extending over ten years If desired, Interest on deferred payments at the rate of 6 per cent per annum. No payments are obligatory after the first payment until the end of the second year. . . " RAILROAD RATES. ' You can buy tickets to Greybull, Wyoming, and return, at your local sta tion, on the first and third Tuesdays, for $27.60. NO CHARGE IS MADE FOR SHOWING; THE LANDS. Mr. D. Clein Deaver, of the Burlington, la well acquainted with our lands. Ask him about them and come out with him on excursion dates. Write for literature. Address, WYOMING LAND & IRRIGATION COMPANY, Knode & Woodard, Local Selling. Agents, Greybull, Wyoming, REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY FOR BALE. (Continued.) For $3,000 $600 down, you can buy In the cholceat residence district, on 40th st, an 8-room modern brick house and full alxe lot. Lot alone, with special taxes all paid, worth at lean i 2,suu. $7,500 At 84th and Harney Sts.. verv attractive recently built 6-room residence tn this popu lar lucauou. ran on mortgage. $2,300 One of the most spacious and alesant residences In the very finest location in town, 88th St. Built of pressed brick, with orick garage ana stable. Large grounds. Thomas Brennan, E. W. Gannett. Mar. Raal iCatata n.ni - Tel. Ooug. 1264. 316 N. Y. L-lfe Bldg. Your Own Terms $21 S. 36th. 6 rooms, mntlarn asoant h.. t In a very good locality; Just one block to car; can arrange terms to suit. Price Is $2,600; cheapest property in that district $500 CASH Gives' you choice of two good houses tn BEMIS PARK, one six rooma and on seven rooms; all modern; practically new and well arranges; $8,200 and $3,500. $1,000 CASH Will handle beat Investment of six we know of; a St Louis flat for $4,500 that rents for So0 a month: one of tha beat ran. of city paving paid: block to car line; always reuUd; built but two years. Here your chance. GLOVER REALTY SYNDICATE, 1219-20 City Nat. Bank Bldg. Dou. S96t New Listings A one-acre tract at 06th and Walnut streets, blocks south of Leavenworth 8t, good -room house, large rooms, well, barn, chicken and buggy shed. This la a good buy. Price, $2,100.00. A cottage of t rooms, modern except beat. built I years aao: V. block ta fih.rm.r, a. ' r.r ' P. v. .i.t lot " - - WV M.,, HiWV'W. LU be sold on payment. CREIGH, SONS & CO., DoUc'' m 60S Bee Bldg. TWO houaea located on 27th Ht nn. block from car line. Call at 917 So. Z2d Bt -i . . ,r.- . cu t nutntn mrmr uin ..u ......i Li - J - V V LIS cf V'l X J. '"I ' 'JZ.7 houae, with all conveniences. Inveatlg-te .... - - " " - - ami give oner. v.. o. ruling, 619 North 19th street REAL ESTATE F ARM AMD RANCH LAND FOR SALM Callternla. FOR SALE Stock ranch; 3.800 acres; fenced; good build tigs, corrals, etc.; abund ance creek water for Irrigation; l.vuO square miles summer and winter range; JoO acre alfalfa; 2ot timothy; baianca grass paaiure and grass; one of the best stock propoat lions in California; for price and full parti culars adreas Kuck A loblas, 840 Byrne Bldg., Los Angeles, Cat Canr.dn. CANADA. Jt in our excursion of Aug. 16 to rinnra Sank., Canada: It. R. fat,, . CHOPS THE BriiT. Jn.1s $14 to 818. A. ii. LATH HOP, 421 Be Bldg. i pcm tctatc MRM AID MAN CM I. A IN l FO R S A I.K Wyoan lag. Colorado. . FOR SALE I HAVE FOR SALE ON reasonable terms a bearing peach orchard in tne tamous urand valley of Colorado. within two miles of Palisades, where fail ure la unknown; this tract contain aaven teen aorea and is all set to peaches; best varieuea; eo per cent uioerta, balance Car men and Sal way; good house, barn, chicken varieties; u per cent Elbarta, balance Car- houses and cisterns; all new. For further Informatloa address E. W. Qodron. Pall- sadea, C010. Florid-. FLORIDA LANDS CHEAP Would you Invest In a I, 10. 20 or 40acrs farm ln Florida's be A igrloulturai dlitflct it you couid get it ror $7.60 per acre under market price r we are just opening- new tract In Columbia county, and while con structing the campaign will sell a faw tracts on cash or easy payments f $6 per momn. tv a iiava juei isauea a oeautlful 20-page book, showing pictures of felds and dwellings in our locality, an in artistic, col ors. We will mall you this book free and send you such other advertising matter as will give you a good idea of our proposition. Our land is convenient to ' three railroads and we have Lake City, a modern county eat of 4.000 people, In our mldet People who know Florida oonslder our tract on. I of the very best It Is Indorsed by bankers, congressmen, farmers and the Board ot trade. Prices very low; easy buying plan; write for books and map giving truthful de- scription. Columbus-Florida Land Co.. 449 Times Bldg., 8u Louis. Mo. FLORIDA. 200,000 acres beautiful prairie Da Rota county, toucnes uxeecnooee: whn i.a.i. o.wu acres minimum. KUaimme Prairie iiiuu company, einiwater, Minn. Ia a. C O ME N O W We want to show you tha best bare-atn. In Iowa farms to be found anywhere. Wa can suit you on anything from 40 to 600 aore farms and the price and terms will suit the most conservative puyers. com and see us or write tor particulars ana De convinced inn we can pieass you. carr 4k Luke, Popejoy, la. FOR SALE 297-acre farm near Walnut la., in garden field of Iowa: never failed a crop yet; all fenced; good set of buildings; . Iiarirnln f'nin urA - - Ikl. T Neff, Walnut Ia. IN MISSOURI This Is a real bargain and an excellent investment ; 200 acres, 2 miles wo.i ui Duiwiutiu, aiu.i iv nines soutn- v est of Monett; 100 acres In cultivation and 100 acren good timber, which will more than pay tor iia cifaring: every iooi good, lliiabi lanu, iiu iiHiuuiuiaucn; tair iiiipiovenents; house, barn, orchard, fences and wall. ana on rtitai route, main line l-risro tail way: Price. $6,000: easy terms. Address I Thomas Sesl, Jasper, Mo. FARM LANDS. The best place to buy tha best land that will raise the best crops, where prices range ii on, k io jwr acra, ana terms to suit, and crops will show for themselves: lm. provemenis ana drainage Is first class In I every rijcii una iinn is m tne vicinity of Corwilh. Ia. Call on or address Albert Mitchell, Corwlth, Ia. FOR SAL1C-120 acres usar Hermann Grant county, Minn.. 200 acres well Im proved; price on whole tract $33 per acre one-fifth cash payment, balance 6 years' per cent Interest; will sell off separate tracts; must sell quickly to close an estate FRED 8. HILL. Brltt Ia. GOOD IOWA CORN LAND-Dandv lying 40 two and one-half miles from town, go..d house and grove, other fair Improvements to be sold at a bargain on quick sale SO acres, all good tillable lard, fair Improve ments, less than mile of town, can be had at a bargain If taken within ten days One of the best In the country. Vast Improve ment, extensive water system, fine lo cation, all absolutely the best of soil, good terms; don't com unless you expect to buy a good farm. 820 acrea or leave off 80 and take 240. Price ia right. Good quarter & mllea out. fair Improvements, 136 Inlav Day. Movllla. 1 y IOWA FARM SNAPS! Fine quarter section, 1 miles from Oer. mania, la.; good grove; six-room house good cellar, good else barn, hoc bona. i,:.:i,i' good weil and windmill, chicken house 40 acres in pasture. ;.' acres in cultivation. no mw ii wa, foi.ev per acre. 1). w. Fulls Cwea City, la '""' REAL FSTATF FAft M AND HAM II l.A.V D FOR AIR (Cortlnued.) Knaana. , CHEYENNE COUNTY, Kant.; N. E K-J-2S, $l.00. Slltthtly ro.llng; black, sandy loam aoll: 3H miles to St. Krancia; !H acres unable. Maltland Mllllkcn, Ml K. & Bldg., Denver, Colo. JOHNHUN COUNTY. KAN. SARMS4 400 acres, 4 miles t Hat he, Improved; best grain and stock farm In county; $6J per iww casn, Daiance e per cent. 120 acres. Improved, all smooth land miles Olatlie; on good road; $ln per acre, inu acres at Lockman, on Strang line this Is a beautiful farm; at a bargain. W acres. 1 mile Olathe, very rich land fine country home; pi iced rlnht. 80 acres iirar Lem-xa, Kau. ; highly lm' piuveu, ricn una; i) per acre. Can aave VOU louniv on anv ala. f.r Olathe properly or wemein Kansas land jonn feiaua, oiatne, Kan. FOR SAL.E 1W acres well improved land s mnes irom unwuoa, Leavenworth Co, Kan.: 27 miles of Kansas Cltv: S-rnmn house, barn for 12 horses with mow; other euiDuiiaingB; waiereu oy wen, cistern and spnnga with windmill; 60 acres farm land balance timber and paature; 80 acres fenced hog tight; half mile to achool; on rural route ana telephone; price $o per acre, van or aaaress L.. v. Kimball, Unwood van., route z. doi is. Sontb. Dakota. "THB IDEAL HcjMR" of 0 Acres. Situated In the Bis riloux valley four miles south of Caatlewood. the countr seat of Hamlin county, 8. D., 440 acres of deep black loam, under yearly cultivation; 100 acres In pasture and 100 In tha beautiful spring-fed Lake Florence, with Its sylvan scenes ana sparkling water, deep and pure uiiea wun inn ana game in season, and nearoy i in nome. a fourteen-roora house, large barn, two granries, chicken house, hog house and Woven wira caatura. corn ilo, macnin house, small barn and numer ous small buildings, all In good condition witn windmill, three wells and c atarn. all surrounded bv a beautiful srrova. Prlca 11. wu, on good terms, by M. J. RusseL I waaucwooa, B. U, ATTENTION 1G0 acres ttt Drain . mi.iI ! mtl.a trnrh iroy; can all be cultivated; black loam, with clay subsoil; In a well settled com munity, ji'or the next tlilrtv davs I ran offer this beautiful quarter tor $5,300. One- nan casn, balance at 6 per cent. Address i nomas r. suvans, Troy. & D. HUTCHINSON PntTWTV ttn niifnTi I have some rand lmnmvtt 'f,rmi . t.n to $60 and ome unimproved at $16 to $oj I e rue lor our list. C. O. 8CHNEPEL. TRIPP. 8. D. FOR BALE MO-a era firm h.m ....in. n-..t Co.. 8. D.. aooil anil ,!, ...K-.n!! h uiuaa irom station, rive miles from good iuwn. gooa rive-room house, nicely painted; basement, barn. Aoxoo. in anot nn,. mnr hen house, arananr tmi ma. Mn- .v,4 - wind mil) and tank, also living spring water I and four Wires, nut achnnl and .)nirch In uii una larm. huiiwa with l r -on nuprovea section ot tne country, 191 avraa uuaer plow, Daiance pasture end hay meadow, land rolling; price $32.60 an acre. Mortgage $9,600 on tha land, due 1913. oaiauce casn. u. craven CO., Onawa, la. Missouri. EVERY ON B) WORTH THE MONEY 240 acres. 6 mllaa Ol. Ih. Jnhn.nr, I'D Kan., all in tame grass; price $10,600. 1G9 acres, well located in Johnson Co., Kan.; most all In cultivation: xood im provements; near school; price $76 per acre, v aorea, 1 miie ot olathe; all in tame raas; a oeaury lor $100. 240 acres In Clay Co.. Ma t all Hch KI..W soli; good Improvements; this is a high vinna larm; price S1UU. 160 acres, 10 miles from Kansas City. In 1 aeu or improvements; no bet ter sou on earth; the growing crops will convince you what the soli Is; price $100. 80 acres near Lenexa; between two elec tric car lines: is.uuo worth or imnr. ments; a lovely country home; price $140. Beautiful 10-acre tract on Strang eleo irla line, $300 per acre. We know farm land whan wa .. 1 .-a will pay all expenses If land is not as we rrprewm. CHAS. 8PRAOUB CO., 820 Ridge Bldg.. .aMiaas uijr. MU, Minnesota. EOt7THW15?Tr"B ?lVi?cr?farini.located on travel road I miles frnm Tnrtv xrinM . i 7 Vi"' ,4rm 'l under cultlva about 40 acraa ra(n ,i-- n. n fr".1"' tn remaining portion In tame grass, -. ul aame in pasture; two-thirds of i,m-lCnce.d: tnrM "ere ln f'n grove, young bearinir annl. .- n . . , . ' 1 - .1 a. 1 1 v, .in. null, Prlw ic&! building, and good well. 240-acre farm. 4U mil.. . nr...... Sl'lt" trom ,Grvln, Minn.; 190 acre In crop. 26 acre In naainr. tin. - and 60-foot .windmill tW.i "ninlr"" hou, furnace heated; one barn 60x32. 14 foot bnat. I,K .jji.i.- .1 . A 1 :hun h...- : . ."'t.A ??'?; v,,.ucu nouse SXZ4, g ret high. Price 1S7 M A SnaD on aa.v t . - icA . . - T , . from Tracy; . miles' f7om Ami rVt. MinZ , . f;z -a 'avei piece of avm.rSrt.m04 P0- 0I' "-'"! cash payment 6 year on baianca at per cnt . rx. UUUUWIN LAND Pfl. TRACY. MINN. BUMPER PRnpa I Lyon, RedWOOd and Unrrm Come and let us show you the best crops of wheat corn. oats, hari.v r. . JTh flax, that are to be found ln any section of tha west. W have a large llste of fine Improved farms that we are offering for sale at from 840 to $60 per acre, anv m,a of which will make the buyer a profit of at cast aiu per acre Deiora wtnlar It . can't come now, writ us, stating what sise and kind of a farm you are looking for and we will send you tha description of some choice bargains. Bonnaine and Bartlett, Tracy, Minn. See me about Minnesota faem. nt .n .. scrlptlons. They are priced right. TliE HONEST LAND MAN H. T. BULLIS. WASECA. MINN. SOUTHERN MINNESOTA FARMS FOR BALE W offer a laraa Hat or wnnA r... Freeborn county, the " Corn mnA nl m.. county" of southern Minnesota, at prices that will yield big returns on ths Invest ment: we call them Iowa farms at Minn.. sota prices and Invite a critical Inspection. For list and map address Herbert E. Skin ner, Albert Lee. Minn IMPROVED I4N, RAILROAD LAND. HOM-HTJOAD LAND. Homeseeker and investor., h.rnr. 1. , , .. . ... it., .a c-. . .... u u j act uui not oi nivveni county, jvn-nn. sota, improved farms; railroad lands In Hail Rlvar Vall.v Ulnn n ..... . ' homestead and deeded lands in Colorado1 business and residtnee lots in Morris, Don-! neuy ana ioran, Minn.; write at once for complete list and llluatratfld 4-rar. hnnu giving photographs and full int'urmuil.-in ausoiuieiy iree. jonn lirove, railway .and teiii, 010 iiurieer x ress Duuaing, bl. raul I liun. ' Nebraska. BARGAIN IN FARM For 60 day, sipcclal oargaiu. Immediate posaesMlon if ueslred. J. T. Campbell, Litchfield, Neb. Al 160-ACRE Nebraska land, well lm- proved, 7 mllea to market Hinterlong and Adams, 832 Brandeis annex. 2.520-ACRE RANCH NEBRASKA. 83,000 Beat equipped ranch ln the state at the price. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. 'Phone Red 1999. 608 New York Life Bldg. 87.00 PER ACRE. 840 acres. Lincoln county. Neb., flva mil.. from railroad; 300 actea cultivation land, balance pasture and hay. j. u. bonis, council Blurts. I a. 312 Shugart Block. 'Phone 814. 100 ACRES in Deuel county. Neb.. N. V. n. 13-4.1 Six miles north of Julesbura. PHc. cash. Worth double. I. J. Brlneaar. Lincoln, Neb. 3 FARMS NEAR OMAHA. Douglas county, 860 acres, 8 mile west. $126 per acre. Sarpy county, Of Gretna. $100. 160 acres, miles south Washington county, 100 acres, 3 miles i east of Calhoun. $50 per acre. Easy terms on above. Write or 'l'hoi.e us. O'KEEF?) REAL ESTATE CO. i XI If-. tU.vt W -. a ... REAL ESTATE arm and ham ii i,in for sai.h (Continued J Wlseaasla. PR TOUR OWN "boss Earn a farm of Wisconsin's best isnd; rich clay loam soil; leel. nesr town; get my plan. O. A. Mo Dermld. Esu Claire. Wla. M lacelianeoae. HA VR YOU A FARM FOR SALE OH TRADET Or do you want to buy onef Mk yuitt stnl known thiough TIIK D4 MOINES -CAPITAL, the want medium ot Iowa: Ha'.es: I cent a word for each Inter, lion. 6 ttn.i a ine, 70 cents an inch. Or. culatlon. 41,000. largest of any Iowa dally, tiive us a trial. Address The Capital. Laud Dept. De Molna. Iowa. WHEN answering advertisement tn The Be Want Ad eclumna. kindly mention tha faot that you aaw the ad. In Th Baa. REAL ESTATE LOANS $4,000 private money on good Real Estate security; per cent semi-annual interest write. R. c. w., p. o. Box 1.044. 4.600 ta $6,000 on homes In Omaha. O'Keef Reai Estate Co.. 1002 N. Y. Ufa. Douglaa or A -2162. McCngue Investment Co., WE CAN place a few 1st mortgage ( ber oent loans of $600 to $1000. Ia06 Dodge.' OARVIN BROS.. 8d floor N. T. Life. $00 to $100,000 on Improved property. No delay. WA NTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. WANTED City loans and warrant a. W. Farnam Smith 4b Co., 1220 Farnam St. $100 to tio.000 made promptly. F. D. Wead. Wead Bldg.. 16th and Farnam. MONEY TO LOAN Payne Inveaunent Co. LOANS to home owners and horn build er, with privilege of making partial pay- menu semi-annually. W. H. THOMAS, 603 First National Bank Bldg. if you have anything to seli or trade advertise It in The Be Want Ad col umn and get quick results. REAL ESTATE WANTED HOUSES WANTED. ' We hava customers for a-ood houses, five. 1 rooms and lin In all nnrl, ,.f tha cltv Prices and terms must be reasonable and properties In good, salable condition. Bring or telephone In your listings. SHIMRTl a niiKK rr 808 South 17th St Both 'Phonaa SWAPS TO EXCHANGE Two building lots ln Plttsbura. Ps. far a lot or as part payment for a home ln Omaha. What have you? EGBERT C. MI3NER. 408 Webster-Sunderland Bldg. Doug. 4403. TWO-8TORY brick business block, i stores, offices on 2d floor; large, light base ment; modern; steam heated. Rented lor $l,6ti0 per year. Price. $15,000; mortgage $6,OU0 at 6 per cent, due In five years. Trad iur lavna. NOWATA UND AND IIT l-n M N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone Red 1999. FOR a OUlck axrhanr, anil l.,n. see Shopen, 620 Paxton Block. Tel. Doug. 4240. 16.000 8TOCK Art (Vxula nllnr.. brtc-A-brao, now running in Omaha; every thing first claaa: ownara muni . nut n Vi'l'i. "a?" " consider clear income or land. 612-613 N, Y. Life Bldg. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 160 acrea IrrlirataH i.iM i un t ,,i. Valley, 1 mllus north of AiimiuiL Vvi.i take good rental property. This land is under one of the best canals lu th valley, every foot can be Irrigated. McLague Investment Co., 1506 Dodge St 4.8S0 ACRES clear land at $10 ner acrai want to trade for income-bearing property and will assume a reasonable amount NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. 666 New York Life Bldg. 'Phone lied 1999. 820 acrea North Dakota lar.d. frea of i cuuibranc. tor good Omaha protierur. Phone Harney 133& GOOD Iowa and Minnesota Inn change for general merchandise and hard ware stocks; many bargain. Th Mercan tile Adjustment Co., Guthrie Center, la. IF IT 18 ANY KIND OF TRADE. A. B. LATH HOP, 421 Bee. We exchange pronertlea of merit, u u Culver. 612-813 N. Y. Life. Douglas 78tt WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Position .t.nn .-v,... furnish, references. Address. J 821. care' Bee. DAY WOMEN FTTRWiwir-r cSfSileiePl9nPualasn WANTED TO BORROW- WOULD like to borrow 22.200 from nrlvat. party on or before August 20. Will give first mortgage on house and lot valued at ooo; close ln: between two car lin.. Address. E 801, oar Bee. WAN i ED 0 BUY BEST prices for td-hand clothing. D. 8440. -gEjST prlcea lor BROKEN WATCHEd. Old Gold. eto. NATHAN. MX 8. 11th St BEST PRICE paid for second-hand fur niture, carpet, clothing and shoes. 'Phone Douglas 39; 1. WANTEDTO RENT We Are Getting Numerous Calls For Houses or All Sizes. List with Ua NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. 824 N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone Red 1998, LEGAL NOTICE TRUSTEE'S SALE. In pursuance to an orit,. m.H. h.. w- U - tl.-lu...l T a.r" ' u... .ci.j.iiiin j. u(juuoi(i, rereree in bankruptcy, I hereby offer for sale at pub lic vendue to the highest bidder for casli in hand, the stock of goods, wares and fixtures, including showcases, desks, Iron safe, counters, cash register, stock of gro ceries, dry goods and notions, boots and shoes, hats and caps, clothing, queensware and mlHcellaneou merchandise, now con tained In the building formerly occupied by Ernest Prang, bankrupt, in the town of Skldmore. Nodaway county, Missouri. Bald sale to be held between the hour of 10 a. m. and 4 p. in. on Monday, the 22d of August, 1910: said sale to be subject to the approval of the referen In bankruptcy. Each bhiw-r before making his bid will bo required to deposit with the trut certified check or draft In amount of which draft will be returned to said bidder, uroviora mo property is not sola to him. In which event it will be credited on the amount bid therefor. Bald deposit to be forfeited to the estate as lluuldated darn- age4 in event of any bidder failing to pay the amount as bid on the property being sold to him by the trustee. Invoice and appraisal of suld slock of merchandise and fixtures may be seen at my office. No. W0 Corby building, bt Joseph, Mo, Amount Invoice, $14,696. W. J. J. UAKTII, AiJdtt Trustee in Bankruptcy. 4 13 Bn WANT AD will rent that vacant boa, flU those vacant rooms, or saour board era en abort ootloe, at a vary small oost to yeu. Be ooavl&ced. .w . win yi.uues. vnaaoa, j j