Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 12, 1910, Page 11, Image 11

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.(WPall Suit
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J IV .tlww-""; 1 e-p a- i
On 'of th' Mew ' belted tunfo' coats
ha&'n here,' and the graceful, model Is
tnaoie f II, more attreUve by a touch of
mbrtrldery at the 'collar and a trlmmlnit
The Tired Business
"I thlni that professor who said that It
was'tatural tor firls to flirt-must have
pent the warm weather at the summer
resorts," said Friend; Wife.
'pres; ..'even ' the wind flirts, the. sand la
mrM," replied the Tired Business Han.
AuCits for doing it naturally well, I never
saw' any ttrt Who needed any text book on
how to make youth between the agea of
Jt and 60 act tike an Underdone double por
tion of veaL They' certainly can . show the
madcjans a few tricks and not have any
thing up ' their sleevea but a dimple on
yther elbow, providing they wear aleevea
at alU - ' ,
"AU the aooessories- necessary are a fan
or a lacy handkerchief or a fair of drooping
er slashes, and spnia glrla don't need even
that -much aid. I. suppose the lashes are
to make the trained youth bop around the
ring. KhT Of course the engagement ring.
At least one ring la necessary when a man
makes' a circus of himself.
"Sometimes the girl expert wears an odd
ring ' herself to attract attention of the
asy eex.' A queor looking ring always
makes, a good pretext for his holding her
band whla he looks at the setting. After
that the subjoct of telling fortune by
palmistry .'comes up. In time to give him an
excuse for retaining the hand. And after
that It Just becomes a habit. It's a wonder
lorn popular flirts don't Wear signs reading
Chand hands.'
"I suppose beach flirts are bolder be
cause ' they have plenty of sand there.
8UU, looking at It from. the opposite and
and by that I don't mean while out fish
ing I should Imagine that one of the
reasons why 'the beach flirt fears the un
certainties vt,. matclmony Is that she can
,1 observe thi treacheries of the tide. Pretty
good, eh? . .'. ,"-, . :-
rA.nother advantage of sitting beside the
ea "Is that; the "strong -wind blowing from
the salty deep -A HI "'make a cute strand of
hair; wriggle over and tickle the aocom
- parying gent on the ear. quit upsetting
v his Reasoning faculties., from the numbrr
f hes , observed sitting on the lee . side
of the . flirtatious summer damsels I can
(readily believe that the Lee boys are strong
noiigh numerically to have Robert E.'s
I talue retained In the Washington statuary
"That ocean breese also has a provoking
hblt of' blowing bow ties loose, so that
the have to be properly re-Ued by the
fair, one. I think that the professor said
fix '.tie dears.' Instead of fixed Ideas In
enumerating Ce , six symptoms of flirta
tious love, which Include emotive delusion,
"WlmeiiUiry. paranoia, psychie neurasthe
o!. eplaodio symptom f hereditary degen
eracy and -.eychlo motive obsession. That
sounds roqre l(k the weather report of a
brainstorm than love, doesn't ItT If a girl
was told she was Buffering from that
he'd probably stop cutting off the bottom
it bar skirt and sewing oa a neck band to
and Turban
ilaiM. VKV-kW.VJ
i at Bilk cord frogs orl coat frofrvt and aleeva.
tr.J. i
no lurmu ii qh0 qk in, new qiovc xivuna;
models of hatters' plush with a, ' brim of
embroidery and a curious ornament repeat
ing the rich color at one side.
Telia Friend Wife About
Flirtations Symptoms
and Simpletons.
' .. "CUTE." ., .
fit around her ankles. The fit of the hobble
skirt Is certainly epileptic.
"Flirting began In the Eden fruit ranch
when Eve gave Adam an apple and kept
a date. - Helen was a married flirt, and
not only did Hector fall for her, but Troy
did also,. . It being , a horse on the
populace. Cleopatra was no summer re
sort broiler, but she did not lack an easy
Mark. A girl likes to flirt because It Is
on aocompllshmcnt h can do well with
out thinking. I don't know anything about
this motive or rudimentary or psychic or
episodic stuff, although I have noticed the
Ice cream sodlo symptoms. A flirtation la
Ilk a telephone conversation It ends
when they 'ring off..' ' But , In. . spit of
the professor's assertions, I can tell you
how to stop girls flirting.'
"Howl" asked Friend Wife, anbellev
"Kill off all the men." answered the
Tired Business Man.
(Copyright. UU, by the N. T. Herald.)
Teach Children U Tidy.
Even the very tiny children ahould be
encouraged to put away their toys. It may
take longer than If nurse were to do It
herself, but the sense of order. Innate In
many children, ought to. be cultivated.
Unhappy, It Is often carelessly destroyed,
for. Instead of waiting patiently while the
little one carries out his plan . of . putting
his toys away, nurs carrie him off, cry
ing, maybe, saying she will do It herself
presently, says Home Notes. For a few
times the child tries to gratify his orderly
Instinct, tut, being always thwarted, he
soon give up the attempt. The Instinct I
destroyed and in future It will difficult
Indeed, to make him acquire habits of
neatness. ' ' '
- ' it
Persistent Advertising ts the Road to
Big Return.
tlX. foE
POEM I compose d;
HtDlDIT- A Yri??r T i er-rp rrf virtu nn. -j . i
ftHD 5ME 15
1 f irsrrV
L.'j; y"yjss -
Mtr AM
; Items of
Vthat . Bvr 'Vjf "T4-abV ttMdg a:
good temper, cheerful dlspostUoh, and 4
knowledge of how her husband ..should be
treated. ' Bhe rieed a capability of looking
on the bright side of life, and refusing to
b worried by small things. She needs, a
aourt grap e)f ' such subjects- as. are of
Interest' to' men," and should ' not- b above
studying vn .politics.. In order to under
stand should her husband speak of them'.
Bhe needs a eympafhetio nwture In order
that, ' should sorrow fallupon them, she
may be : able to .give comfort to her hus
band,' says Woman's Life. She needs to
understand somefhlng of sick ' nursing; a
Communications welcomed,
and neither signature nor -return
postage requited. Ad
dress the Editor.
; DVt Kick.
When you go to the polls
next Tuesday and are handed
a ballot the else of a nine
foot bed sheet, don't ktok.
' It's the net result of the
Mveral efforts to take the
government of the country out
of the hands of the bosses
snd put Into control of the
people. . A you pussl over
the columns and spend your
time .trying to determine who
.belongs to the name you se
. printed on the ballot, Just ease
your impatient soul with the
reflection that whoever h la,
. be Is there because he had the
: filing fee and Is eager to serve
1 the people or the corporations,
as the ease may be, and that
you will have to bear your
full share of the responsibility
for the choice of the primary.
It may be that you didn't vet
for the ' man who was nomi
nated, but somebody did, and
pluralities rule under the pres.
ent primary law.
So, don't kick at the else
and shape of the ballot, nor
at the result of the- election.
It Is tb natural outgrowth
of the herolo efforts - of -years
to purify politics.
Next Weak.
Nat week Te Editor will be
able to tell his readers lust
how deep the sting of Ingrati
tude was Inserted i alao
whether the rumble of the
water wagon may be beard In
thunder tone, or whether It
baa dwindled to a whisper low.
Also, the joint debate be
tween ' Hon. Low Beck, Hon.
Qulnby. and Hon. Airy Lewis
will have been decided. We
must wait. . .
Mayor Jim ts going about
the stat telling folks that h
is sure to be nominated. It's
a shame to see a good fellow
Hke Jim eoM eeok himself,
isn't ItT
Y'S IfflJl!
riJW yjr-i Trie.
TIOt .
HVILfH.nT r t-nrvu
I "1 V,1 .1-) '
' r a t av v aw vr v. i .a,
71 . VII V J.s a7-l
jBSasasBBiaiasBBvii bji . earn
Interest toMhe Woiiien Folk
At it.
1 ---"
wife with' no notion of yVaAtW doi' In .tiii
of illness Is but a useless thing. Bhe needs
"oonslderable .tact and p4etice-he ohe to
nable her to knpw when ,to remain silent,
and vice versa,; and the lOthe to put up
with him when his temper Is ruffled.
- In these days of hygle'niq living It should
not be necessary to say,-Tut the children
to. bed early." but to those-'whq ar careless
atout a regular bed time for . their IVttle
ones I would like to say a word of warning.
Many mothers . would sayi.V'My children
always go to' he'd early," 'but these same
mothers allow the little ones to "sit -up"
OMAHA. AUGUST ili, 1910.
T - C '
Hasldda Threatens to Jyeave the City
Primary Election Does Not Go
to Bolt His : Views of
Hon Bee Sting Eddltur:
Maybe this last time Jap man
writ letter to Hon Buss Be
Man. Hon Amerika polIUk sUU
put truble frame on mind. If
Hon Primary do not rite I am
bulate from district.
' To Jap nik-hak store ambu
late speaker for Hon Low
Beck. "For which," abrogate
Unkle Aggl Sakkt to Hon In
comer, "do Hon Low Beck col
lect for Hon Lone Shark from
poor dervils wat - work on
street for Hon Cityr :
"Well, you see Duff Green,"
proceed sed Hon Low Beck
"And how do Hon LowBeck
try for nominate hlsself on
Populist tlket for counter
opshun and on Demokrat tlket
for agenst counter upshun," I
Intrude to sed Hon LowBeck
man. "He try for straddle Of
I opposite" I renig.
"Aw, you are too dam smart,
you elanty-eye mid gets," cor
rode sed Hon LowBeck man,
and shoot shop by quick step.
Then lectloner for Hon Fla
herty enter shop to say, "You
doant no wat Amerika Man
mean by shut air from nos
tril," proceed sed man. "Well,
wait till Hon Fleharty la nom
inate of Hon Demokrat parti,
and hole dlstrlkt will shut
nostril from inget of air."
Then I have more pussle
frame on mind.
Then Hon Buslsness man
who sell me good come to
shop and he abrogate he for
Hon. Qulnby for Congress,
kaws Hon Qulnby stand for
peace between Hon Employer
and workman. Other mans
Who follow art of carpenter
profeshun of blacksmith,
speck out for Hon Qulnby,
and say Hon Qulnby know wat
ailment Is on Hon Country,
and wen elekt to Congrea will
all ways be for Justus all
thru. Then I have bran that
t b akwalnt with Hon
Qulnby, Of Congress fac to
bee elekt - ;
Kdnfuse still--konf use. Hon
Blackburn run away from fit
with Hon Sutton, baby buggy
kandldait to sleep In trundle
bed, and leeve' Hon Saunders
for. conk west.' '
-Hon Jim. seam down and-out
from Governor race and leeve
field of arena for Hon Shal
lenberger. Hon Shallenberger
start, flte' kwarters In metrop
olis, . and . Hon - Dahlman
lutenant run from lite to hide
In dark ' places.. Too much
puxsi for Jap mind.
So Amerika man can solute
no polltlk game for. Jap man.
Not wen Hon Buss Bee Man
offer pries, for same. So Nogl
Hashlda solute -own problems
in Amerika politlks. For Con
gress I jam firstly- for boost
for Hen Qulnby, for he Is
skware man and rldikule
crazy talk ot small Amerika
man boat war on Jap nation.
He no 3 such . talk nonsents.
A ad he.' stand 4th as only
kandldalt for Congress where
district need no pology.
After Hon Qulnby for Con
gress I am boost for Hon
Bhallsnberger and Hon Hitch
cook. ' Bout smaller frl I re
nig no more truble.
P -X Unkle Aggl Sakkl say
I bekura famus korrespondent.
Maybe I think some day ot
more things on Amerika poll
tlks. N H.
' Growth.
. Omaha 1 to have an auto
fire engine, to go with the
auto patrol wagons. Oh, that
Jack OalUgaa might have
lived to see this!
Sing a song of Sorensonj
Looks like easy money.
A) Is on the ticket now.
Doesn't he look funny I
Read The Bumble Bee.
L. M
boat Here soon
i n "iv-vow
i wrote.
w -y : . . I
onri i nOKkiC . TALK ABOUT
HERALD CO.). . AB Right Reserved.
on the slightest pretext the late arrival of
a guest or a little dinner party and then
wonder why the children grow, pale and
nervous, plenty Of sleep ts absolutely
.necessary, says Woman's Ufa, If the boys
and girls are to be- free from nervous dis
eases In after life.'. Frequently the school
work, is blamed for" a child's ill-health,
when ' In reality the only trouble Is want
of -regular, sleep. 'j v ...., '
Velvet Is usd"to'a quite unutfual degree
In trimming garments and gowns.
A feature of -all misses' dresses Is the ex
trorae shortness of the skirts..
NO. 199.
- Dan Butler apent a month at
Lincoln last Sunday.
.-Cap.- Palmsr knows why.,
he ts In the fight for Adams.
Colonel Ban Marshall Is ,
making a noise like a real
chairman these days.
Colonel Fanning says noth
ing he saw in Egypt compares
to what he Is seeing now.
Dave Mercer has been shak
ing hands with some -old
friends In our city of late.
Senator Sorenson la running
his campaign on rubber tires;
But he Is not the only one. ' ;
Tom Flynn has been having
the streets manicured very
carefully of late. What's up,
Hon. Jeremiah Howard of ,
South" Omaha asks us to say
that he Is not in any way re-;
lated to Editor Howard of
Columbus. ;- '
Mayor Jim came In from the
road long enough to - do
Colonel Fanning a good turn.
Jim Is never too busy to stop
when a friend needs a boost
Congressman Hitchcock - Is
going ' to have a ' museum
room In that new building. It
will be especially fitted up for
the purpose of displaying
stings of Ingratitude.
if the)
The men who ar putting up
for Mayor Jim's campaign will
always have the consolation
of knowing ' that ' Jim Is hav
ing on really splendiferous,
time on his automobile tour of
the state.
One of the deepest disap
pointments In connection with
the present strenuous primary
campaign la that "Sandy"
Knight is not with us. He
would surely enjoy modern
Two more stones were laid
on the county, court' house
last week. . It Is announced
now that "children born since
work Was commenced may se
th completion of the Job.
, raaa.
Shout It from" th housetops,
Spread It on th street
His name's been In Collier's, '
Now he can't be beat
Things You Want to
; After Napoleon waa safely Imprisoned at
St Helena and Europe waa again at peace,
the various German states devoted them
selves te th .task of .rehabilitating their
governments. ' The princes wished to re
organise an the old hsvls of deftnottc rule:
the people, permeated by the spirit of the
French revolution demanded -the rreednm
of constitutional government; The natural
confusion created by this revolution In
Dollticar thourtrt was .Ereatlv auamented
by th petty Jealousies of the various states
and by the great rivalry of Austria and
Prussia for leadership in German affairs.
From 1915 to 'IK the political condition of
Germany wo .-chaotic, but through the
Whole period the Prussian influence was
steadily- gaining ground.
Bftweon IRIS and 1H30 the demand of the
people for 'free government waa acknowledged'-
by granting ' constitutions In the
kingdoms of. eoxony and Bavaria and a
few niher small states. For awhile Fred
erick William III emed Inclined to grant
a constitution for pruasla, but he did not
go father than to set 'up a number of pro
vincial dints-a-hlch were by no means pop
ular parliaments. Austria was then ruled
by the austere Prince Metternlch, a reso
lute foe of constitutionalism.' But the
klnas and . DrlAceas soon forgot the con
stitutions they had 'granted, and very lit
tle real change took place In the system
of government In any of the German states
the princes were supreme and the people
were nothing. .. . iv.
' During this same period the general de
sire for German unity grew rapidly. Few
Germans were satisfied with the loose con
federation which Included thirty-nine states
represented in the permanent Diet sitting
at Frankfort-onMaln. This was organised
after the congress of Vienna, In the act
of confederation the thirty-nine states
agreed never to declare war against each
nthsr. or to form foreign alliances which
would In any way prejudice the interests
of a, German state. But the rivalry or
Austria and Prussia and the unwillingness
of Bavaria and Wurttemberg.dld not perr
mlt the restoration' of the empire,
in this. era. the affairs of the German
state bore a marked resemblance to the
condition of the American states following
the revolution and preceding the adoption
of th constitution when the thirteen states
the Article of Confederation,
and were represented 4n the Continental
congress, butt refused to obey the one or
to respect . the. other. Jt ougni noi o
tnstA i that the American constitution
. h ir.t' result of a convention called
to regulate Interstate commerce, ana to pro-
vide for a -uniform customs administration.
Th. et-nnomto foToes which brought
about the amalgamation of the thirteen
American states Into the union unaer mo
a.t work. In Germany,
HIUBllVUUVil - - -
Slowly compelling the reluctant and jealous
rulers Into union.,
m.. .umuiiii daslr for. German unity
e.nrnred bv the aconomlc demands
fot" a ceasatiofi of the commercial restraints
Imposed ty -tne laws ui
The movement for economic union was be
gun in 1S2B W the king of Bavaria, who
w,.. . oustfims treaty with Wurttemberg.
Three years later, agitation waa Begun lor
inatitutinn' nf a customs union, or Zoll-
vereln. Prussia's geographical posmvu
made it the natural center of tills move
ment and, one after another the several
-nv.rnmentk concluded the necessary
treaties with Prussia, until in 183 the pus-
torn union Included practically all tne uer.
man states but AuBtria.
v rh. irmnrh revolution of 1830 had a great
effect In quickeijlpig the democracy of the
German state, and many of the rulers were
forced to grant more or loss, liberal, con
stitutions, but they were not long regarded.
In 1835 Francis I, the lirst emperor of
Austria, .was succeeded by his son rerai-
i . f wank mind and character.
iiimiu, m v- ,
The reactionary Prince Metternlch aUll con
trolled Austrian policies. In 18 Frederic
William iV" succeeded to the throne of th
unk.niierna. Ha beaan his reign by In
augurating a liberal politic! policy, and h
succeeded in doing a great ueai or.
peopl. But he. was' . thoroughly Imbued
,i.H k trfcdttiotoal Hohenxollern notions
of the divine right of kings. In 1347, yield
ing to. pressure,. ho summoned to uerun a
,.it. m.t which was not a Parliament,
v.... . n.n. combination of the nonrepre-
sentatlve provincial Diets established by his
father. Wheh the Diet assemDiea me mum
deolared that nothing would Induce hlra to
oonoed. a constitution or to change the
natural relations between- a prince and his
subject. .';
. When. In. 1818, the third French revolu
tion broke out, its-effect was Instantly felt
,n all partf'of Germany. - It was the moat
widespread movement for popular govern
ment ever known In Germany and It was
immediately recognised by the princes of
che smaller states who appointed liberal
minister and'.granted many of the demands
of the people.' The 'revolution was most
serious in th two most powerful staUs,
Prussia and Austria.. A popular rising In
Wdmen. When Guests
Without meaning to make a disagreeable
criticism, observation leads me to believe
that It Is unconscious omissions of etiquette
among women which cause trouble In the
many club . and . co-operative households
which come Into existence in the summer,
Mor specially l th'I the case In clubs In
the woods and country, as well as at the
seaside, whr three . or four men take
a cottage," It Is the wife of one who stirs
up unpleasantness and , not uncommonly
disrupts the organisation, all because she
Joes not regard the place as the property
of others equally, but. acts as though it
were her own. This Is' tactless. If nothing
more but when all the men are paying an
equal share It la Irritating, especially when
wives of ether member observe scrupu
lously tb by-laws of th organisation.
In summer clubs, shore places perhaps,
wber men go often from town for Sun
days, th members, when they are mar
ried, are apt to make their wives associ
ate member, as It were, that th latter
may share th privilege of the place. In
one .such organisation of four men, all
married, he club, after four years' exis
tence, is about to dissolve entirely through
the tact 'of tact of one of the wives.
This, woman has gone to the club for
two -or 'three days at a time, without her
husband, bar presence In the house pre
venting th other members from taking
their, men. friends there, from going
themselves, M they could bsd she not been
in the houseu
In point of fact she had no more right to
do this than might a woman whose hus
band wa not a member. Her privilege of
going there wa orf of courtesy, not right,
Clerman Ad-
U . Chaos
of Disunion.
Vienna forced' Prince Metternlch to flee tj
England and the emperor was obliged to
summon a Diet to be elected by universal
In Prussia the revolution was even more
violent. On March It, and for several sue-
n..1lN Amva f hor. w.M Khnpn ennteMta
between the soldiers ana the people in uer
lln. On Match 17 the king, who was per
sonally popular, promised to grant the con
stitution which, less than a year Derore,
he had sworn never. to concede' The next
day th peopl gathered before th royal
palaco to demand that the troops be sent
out of Berlin. Suddenly two shots were
fired. Kohodv knew train vhrnwe thav
came, but they were the signal for a fierce
struggle between the troops and the people,
which continued far into the night, and In
whkh more than M0 lives were lost. Next
day the king Issued orders tor th election
of a Parliament
In the meantime the other German states,
exclusive of Austria and Prusxla, assem
bled a provisional Parliament at Frankfort,"
which deolded that a national' enaemblv
should bo elected by the' Germgn people.
The confederate Diet, thoroughly .fright
ened, recognised the authority of this
provisional Parliament. The National As
sembly met In Frankfort In May and
elected the Archduke John of Austria as
the head of a .new provisional central gov
ernment. The Diet thereupon ceased to
exist Four days later the Prussian Par-
llamAM Mna I D..II. ft.... . . I J M- 1 1.
II.IHCH. IIIV. .Ill UVI UUk i.-uum uu nuiu
Ing but quarrel. It rinally broke up and a
new Parliament Was summoned to meet
In February. 1849, to consider a constitu
tion published by the king In December,
The Austrian Diet met in Vienna In July,
1848, but It also was powerless because of
Its lack of hoinogenlty. Tb Hungarians
demanded complete Independence and under
the leadership of, Kossuth began, a revolu
tion. The revolutionists r captured Vienna
and It was retaken by- the imperialists only
after several bloody encounters. In the
midst of this storm 'the emperor, Ferdi
nand, on December 1. 1848, abdicated. In
favor of his nephew, Francis Joseph, who
still reigns.
The Frankfort Assembly was considering
a new union. Austria proper was desired
as a member of th new German state, but
the Austrians were unwilling to come In
unless they brought with them Hungary
and the other non-German parts of the
Austrian empire.' A powerful party then
was formed with the purpose of excluding,
Austria altogether from German. A ma
jority decided that a . president ahould be
appointed In whose family the honor should
be hereditary, under the title of the em
peror of the Germans. This position and
title was offered to Frederick William of
Prussia, but he declined It because he said
he oould not accept the title unless It was
offered with the
princes. . The offer coming from Ihe rep
resentatlves of the German people was- not
In the next year the organised Hungarian
revolution occupied all the attention of
.u meaning.. or, Prussia seised
the opportunity to form confederation of
German states under Prussian leadership,
wlthont Austria. In May, 184, an alliance
was concluded between Prussia, Hanover
and Saxony.- called the German uninn
Austria beginning to recover from . the
Hungarian revolution,, ..Jointed .with
Bavaria and Wurttemberg In a call" for a
reassembly of the Diet at Frankfort, while
the prince of the northern' states met In
Berlin. This threatened war between the
north and south, and the chaotlo condi
tions were not Improved. The quarrel be
tween Prussia and Austria -went so far
that the Customs union appeared to b
falling to pieces, but In 1853 a treaty, of
commerce between Prussia and' Austria
saved the Zollvereln. - '
In 1S49 the second Prussian Parliament
met, and after quarreling -with ' the gov
rnment for nearly a year, mutual con
cessions were made, a constitution was
adopted, and on February t, i860, the King
of Prussia took an oath to support and
maintain the new constitution. Since that
day th Hohenxollern kingdom has been,
nominally at leasty-a constitutional mon
archy, i-.mni .'j;
German affairs seemed to be In "a hopeless
tangle In the few years immediately follow
ing the adoption . of the Prussian const!.'
tution. But the . jealousies .of .. the rival
states; the enmity of Catholics and
Protestants; the aristocratic fear of tb
growng force of democracy; and all the
other agent of disunion were gradually
losing strength. Th sentimental desires for
th unity of th German race; th
economic demand for commercial . union;
and, above all, the power of Prussian or
ganisation, made union inevitable.
by rmnoxBio x haskxv.
Tomorrow Th Oerman Advano.
Termatloa 0f the Zmpir.
of ;
Know -n;
Men's Club, Must Exercise Tact
which she should net have don without
Th club wa an organisation of men,
each of whom paid an equal amount for
keeping the plaoe going. Had the wives
of all used the house as she did, to suit
their own convenience, without regard to
the others, the men would have found no
use for It at all, , and the fact that she
appropriated It as she did resulted In th
organisation voting. to disband at tb and
of th summer. - ",'"',"
When m married woman can go to certain
club house, be they- In town or out, be
cause her husband Is a member, she cannot
be too careful to observe the rule of th
association with scrupulous rigidity, and this
applies especially o smalf ocas suoh as I
have Just alluded to. The'crub ts not "her
summer place,"-as soma women are fond
of saying; th. women hav nothing to do
with It, sav a privileged guests. If they
will carry themselves as guests, not acting
as hostesses, there will be less trouble With
married couples and small clubs will not be
broken up so often. "
"Doctor," cried little Blngle, ever his
telephone, "my wife has lost ber Voice.
What the dickens shall I dor' 1
"Why," , said the doctor, gravely, 'If I
were you I'd, remember the fact when
Thanksgiving, day comes around, and act
' Whereupon . the doctor chuokled a h
charged little Blngle 13 for professional
aervlce.-Harper's Weekly. '
The Key to the Situation lie Want Ada