) THE BEE: OMAITA. TTIUftSDAY, AUGUST 11. 1010. 'i. ... ' !! 1.1 .L -...I- - ...-.. ti !.; native- beif..r. $.1 tn..V; bull. $3.25 ii4 I.'.; rHvr $4 t ;.;."..) . . IJOC.S 1 eclptx. J" '4 liri1; inArket. ted ; bulk nf sales. A.2''fi'1 ; hcay. $i.l 4.1 .'.: p:n kor ami butcher $.s.8'.'.fvfl0; light, 8.V KK.. - ... SHKKP AM I.A Ml!!-Receipt . 6.f8i head; market, sl--ly; Uiml., $;.iv,r IK: ycaiiltiKS, 4 ; wethers, . t"S.7'vt4.:i6; ewri, $;..! 4. 10; jlmkerj n:,il feeders, $2.5 U.2i. Cllll; I .'&' Mlhiit MtHKI'T Cattle and SbWM tOhk ' In Prices Hogs "troaa. CHICAtiO, rAuir. )0. CATTLE-Receipt. 22.000 heud: market elttw atid weak; beeves. 34.li.Vi8.4't; Texa steer. $.1 ,"V(i.'..P; western steer. 4.nVit."A; stockrr nml feeders, $1 ou ftHWi r.iwa and liters. $36b';i4;.5i; inlvi'v $r!.rns.60. HOG: Receipts, 10 000r head; market, strung; light.. $."i9lf;, niix 1, $7.S.Vo. ..-; hrnvv, $7.0iS4f.: rough, $7..Vi 7 .7f; good to choice heavy, 7.7i.4'-;-pl, fc.UKHD.UTi; built of nnle. J7.M.iS.2.'. SHEEP AN1 IAMnS-nncll't". ts,f bend; mnrkct. weuk; unlive. 22:,,Mhu; western, $JjiTl?r; yearlttms, 4 ai6.50. lambs, native, $4.25'.su; wf.mrn, $-1 2;xc,i65. St. Joeih Live Mock Market. st josr.ru.- Aug. w cattli;-iv- eclpts, 8.500 head market MeoJy; fleers. $4.50 !!t7.il; row and heifers, $2.51 il.W; calvr. HOOS Rcce-'pts. S.610 head: market steady anil strong; tmlk of sales, $S UUK.OO. HIIEKH1 AND' I.AM US-Receipts, . 500 hes1; market steady 'to strong; Iuiii Ins i.5( (.I.AI AXI. PKIhiiil r uAliKKl mm sj mm W mm V V Wjieat it Inclined to Work Lower on Soft Cables. ' j Ilacon. dimly; boxed extra shorts, 12c; elt.ur rlt.M I ) . ahnrl ploar, llle KOI Ll HV-vf.ilei; ititrKfim, Hi, sprlne-s. He; turkey, l-.i2:k-; duck. 9Ul2c; geese, t(c. HI TTKR Stead v : creamery, 2T,f4o. EOtiS-Steady; ISc. BeeeiptB. fnipmenT CORN TRADES ARE Fhiur. bbla... heat, hu.... Tf-XXTTTT? torn. tu of tha Tradlna;. 7 .140.') . 17i0 bu 1M.O0O 11,0.1) 114.VM 44.00 WEATHEU l TUB GRAIN BBLT Vftr tka rirat Break In Wheat lor Vj'lrmed t'p n Later la Nirroir f mm Varhaaa-ed Keatttrra 10 1910 i river eaut over tha upper MlHllealppI valley ,' . ',,''. lake region, and they continued niod ...h , lerata generally from the Rocky mountain er north- . "..!. . u.... a .ii.hi hi Contlaaed Fair la (ha Prediction ol tbeWeatker Man, OMAHA, Aug. 10. 110. Temperature re illghtly lower than at tha tamo hour Tuesday from the MIourl OMAHA, Aug. 10, . Tha wht market waa incllnei: lower early on aoft cable and easier nort wet markets, where a run of new rpiing wheat 1 on. Export buiines Is Oenied, and advlcaa from Krance are mora fuvoi abla. Early trullng In corn wi at Rllghtly lower level), owing to the slump In wneat and favorable crop new. Falllr.g off In receipt' (a a atrengthenlng factor, and trader are favoring the hull ido. Wheat waa lower b the atari on weak cable and lower northweat market!!. HcdK lng fcolen In the nearby future keeps vl ke on the down point, while lnvnatraent purphama are holding the dlrtant future. Com firmed up after the firt break with wheat. Later the market waa narrow and unchanged. Crop new throughout the belt In favorable, but receipts are falling off and Do aelllhg prenmire in evidence. Primary" wheat receipt were Msl.000 bu. and ahlpmenta were 481.000 bu., agalnat r celpt laat vear of 1,170,OUO bu. and abip tiient of Hr.OuO bu. Palmary corn receipt were 299.000 bu. and .ahlpmenta were 37.000 bu., agalnat receipts lust year of WO.000 bu. and ahspment of 877.00 bu. Clearance'' 'were lt.OOO bu. of corn, 2,000 bu. -of oat and wheat and flour euual to Ml.ooe hu. '. ' Liverpool rloned unchanged to Hd lower tn wheat and Sd lower on corn. Local range of option: Article. Open. High. Low. Cloae. Yery. "W'heat-I , ;.Kept...l'. . lec..;.J . Corn I Kept... I Deo.... I .fept, Dc... t 67?. 4s1 4i J4h. S4N, I 34HI 59V4 bV.i 34 8ti eat over' the centrol valley. A llght. but Kenr.ral rife In tempeiature 1 hown In the northwest, with a barometric depression moving iown from the Canadian province und condition are favoiable for a llglit rise In temperature In thl vicinity by Thuri-day. llln have fallen within the laat twenty-four hour along the Ml alKSippl river and east over the Ohio valley and lake region and continue In the upper portion of the Ohio valley thl morning. No precipitation worthy of mention ha occurred west of the Mississippi river Blnce the preceding report, except aome light hower In aouthern Colorado, New Mexico and Arixona, and the weather In generally fair In the valleys and throughout the Wet this morning and will 'continue fair In this vicinity tonight and Thuraday. I!tl0 1909 im 1907 iMInlmum temperature.... 19 75 - M 78 precipitation w i . w Normal temperature for today, T de pendency In precipitation lnce March 1, 14.14 Inches. Deflcienoy corresponding period In 1909, .81 of an Inch. Excess, coiiespondlng period In 1908. .20 of an inch. L. A, WELSH, Local Forecaster. Corn and Wheat Rearlon Bnlletln. For Omaha, Neb., for the twenty-four hour ending at ft a. m., 76th meridian time, W ednesday, August 10, 1810: , OMAHA DISTRICT. Temp. Kaln- ' Stations. Max. Mln. fall. ' ' T 1 Omaha Caatt Prloee. WHEAT No"' a"l)ard, DfWic; No. hard, t46v; Nn hard, haiiJi'. nominal; rejected hard, Si90c; No. 2 spring, 4(jiWc, nominal; No. 3 tiring, K14iHao. COHN-.No. 3 white, 61 & 61V; No. i white, laPVic; No. t -White, ettVic; to. i yellow, t9uc; No.- I yellow, WtttfrSStic; No. 4 yelUJW, 58Vj(iii59c; No. 2, KV0, nominal; No 3,' 5ai4lit)ilVic; No. 4, GaoMSc; no grade, afkjjSoc. .: OATS No. '2 white, 33c, nominal; stand ard, 36c, nominal; No. 3 white, 34.W36c; No. white, MHSi; No. 3 yellow, S233c; No., 4 yellow, al'S32c. HARLKV No. 1 feed, nominal; re- Jectd.. OiQfAo, . :T6a77c; NO. 5 TWIK. . . ':,-. Carlo! Hecolnta, Wheat. ...DM ...2I2 2a ... 80 Corn. Oats. 120 . o02 43 " Chlcsgd Mlnneupoll Omaha Duluth CHICAGO GhAI AND mOVISIONS Featarea of the Trading; and Closing Prices on Board ot Trade. CIliCAtX), Aug. w: It wa a nervou trade In .wheat' Oil day, with prioes back and forth over a, narrow range. MovemeiM , of loaded; car to, elevators here wu caae less, , and weighed on' tha market, but on the other hand,-, cable new wan bullish and there appeared some chance for export toale. The close showed a net decline of H&vio for .he Keptember option, o leea for Pex-ember, ' with May at exactly laat Writ', level. A" final ga.in of a shade to a waa flie record In corn. Oatg ;'flnlhed., unchanged to Ho lower, with provision' 'Irregular, 10422V4o. up to 10c off. -UlverpooY qyotatlorm were prac tically the came aa twenty-four hour pre vious, and there were few export chains today. Anttolptttlon of foreign 'bustnen, nertRetesayiauttted .-aaiai check oa : aelttng jtreesurv. i -i ,: ' ' "- ' "' Corn waa-well bought late In the keeelon because of some doubtful1 crop reports. Hep tern ber ranged from 63VkfP3o, with the close firm at 3Hlft3"4c, a rise of Hc above laat night's figures. The cash mar ket waa firm: No. 3 ' yellow told latest Wt Rj;:'i '- -. '.' iMorete5rv"' lee' pculatlve support waa JtlvenMO-eat In 'consequence of the flrm tie of 'corn. September -varied from MV4c to: H4KrSH''io, with the final tmdeu He down at 86iy.i436c. -In provision there' waa some fore-lgn buy g of distant futures, with a net advance v' So resulting for lard, and 10-jiiOo for riba, but pork was unchanged to 10c down. "'The leading futures ranged a follows: Ashland, Neb.... Auburn, Neb Broken Bow Neb Columbus, Neb.. CulberUon, Neb. Falrbury, Neb... Fairmont, Neb.. Gr. Island, Neb 86 to 81 m Si 81 81 61 60 12 48 ' 62 54 61 65 48 -..00 .00 .IM) .00 .1)0 .00 .00 .00 ' .o .00 .no .00 ' .00 .00 .,.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 for sky. Clear Clear Clear Cloar Clear . Clear Clear Clear Cl.ar Clear Clear Clear Clear Clesr Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear twelve-hour Hartington, Neb. 85 Hasllnes. Neb..., 81 Holdrege, Neb.... 82 ., 66 Oakdale, Neb 77 . 47 Omaha, Neb 80 69 Tekamah, Neb... 83 48 Alta, la 76 61 Carroll, la 80 ,,49 Clarinda, la 76 48 Plbley, la 78 4B Sioux City, la..'. 78 60 Minimum temperature period ending at 8 a. m. DISTRICT AVERAGE. No. of Temp. Rain District. Stations. Max. Mln. fall. Columbus, O IT 8 K .20 Louisville. Ky 19. . 86 68 .50 Indianapolis, Ind.. 12 78 60 .10 Chlcna-o. Ill M .. 82 58 .30 St. Louis, Mo 13 82 68 Des Molne, la.... 11 .80 64 Minreapolls, Minn. 30 . 7 46 Kansas City. Mo.. 24 84 60 Omaha. Neb 19 80 62 Cool weather prevalla In the upper val leys and lake region, and temperature continue moderate In all other portions of the) corn and wheat region. Rnlns ocourred within .the last twenty-four hours in the Mississippi and Ohio valleya and lake re gion. A. fall of 1.10 inches ocourred at Bardstown, Ky.' L. A. WELSH, . ' Local Forecaster, Weather Bureau. XRW YORK GENERAL MARKET NErt YOKK S LOCUS AND BUNDS Spir.it of Caution Exhibited by Spec ulators on Market. NO DJTERBUf TI0N TO RECOVERY Averane Storks Bell Over Five rolnta Higher Than Two Weeks Aavo Active Market Leaders Ad vance Still Higher. NEW TORK. Aug. 10.-A spirit of caution on tha part of those who have been operat ing In the stock market for an advance In prices began to manifest Itself In trie action of thp market today. The feeling wa based as much on tho duration and extent of the recovery as on any positive devel opments bearing on values. .... The low prices of the year were touched two weeks ago and no Important Interrup tion to the recovery has ticcurrd since that time. The average prices of the stocks usually selected as most representative of the whole market sold this morning rather t.'ore than five points higher than two weeks ago. in tne active market leaders the art var.e has been greater, reaching from about ten to thirteen points in a number of cases. Aa the recovery . ha proceeded the de mand to borrow stock for delivery has di minished and today there was reported In the loan department the return of blocks of stocks which have been so borrowed for delivery. Btgns appeared of an Increased disposi tion to sell stocks which were taken to mean that buyers at the lowest prices were desirous to convert their profit into cash. The former wai representative for copper both in London and New York In response to the Improvement In the statistical posi tion of that metal. The poliey of reduced output by the leading producers is ac cepted aa a fact at present, but there re mains the fear that the consumptive de mand hitherto sustained at high figure, will be affected now by the tendency to wards recension which show in other In dustries. Another Item In the day's metal statistic waa the statement of the July output of gold at the Rand, showing 038,714 ounces valued at 113,665,416. Except for the 6fi0, 643 fine ounces of December 108, which was affected by the adjustment of the previous year s unaccounted residue, the July pro dtictlon constitute a record month. The fact Is not without bearing on the prospect lor continued relinquishment of bank re serves through the gold supplies In the London market. Time lon - rates were shaded In New York today, six months money being placed at 4 per cent. Bonds were Irregular. Total -sales, par value, 31,422,000. United States bonds were unchanged on call. Number of sale and leading quotations on stocks today were.: Balm. HUH. ixw. uiom. N'. kVuSc; Mulct; Coruova. 8 intos, llKil l'J'.i.' No. 4, Mild, rvv fork Money .market. NEW YORK. Aug. 10.-MONEY-On call, easy; I'tjJ per cent; ruling rate, 1 per cent; closing b.d, l4j per cent; offered at li pr cent. Time loans, en'ler; sixty days, 2V3 per cent and ninety days, 8'yii3 per cent; six months. 4Vtr4T Per cent: -some loans at 4 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE FAPER-6VS P"TrIuLIN(l EXCHANGE Steady, with actual business In bankers' bills at S4.83501D 4 KM) for sixty-day bills and st 14 AM for demand: commercial bills, $4.63 4 834. SILVER Bar, Itf'tc: Mexican dollars, 44c. BONDS Government, steady; railroad Ir regular. iioa.ng quotation on bonis today were a follows: .100 Int. V. M. 4Vi 41 .7U'4,Jpir 4 IT4 .101 1o 4H 44 .l'lK. to. Ul 11 I'tSL . 4h. it 1J1.... IIS .114t I. A N. lint. 4s ! . tl M. K. A T. lit it... 7 lot . "do n. 44 MVt rarifle 4i 7 It. H. of M. 4HI 3Vfc V. C. s. S '.... 'A re., I. . rf. I, do coupon V. . Is, r.. do coupon ... V. I. 4i. rg... do coupon ... Allli-Clial. lit Am, A, lis Am. T. A T. cr. 4l..li Mo. Am. Tobacco 4a TaXi'S. do 6s lot N. 4Va. Armour A Co. Atth;aon cn. do cv. 4a , do ct. 6b A. C. L. lat 4a.., Hal. at Ohio 4s.... do 4a , do 8. W, t,a.., Bra. Tr. ct. 4a..., ten, of Us. (a.. Can. Laathar 6a.., C of N. J. . 6 WVi do dab. W N. T., N. ;4) , H. ...1"1K. Il W. 1st c. . .. m do ct. 4a ... ., Pacltu 4s. .u. ... tl do tm ... SQ. 8, U rfd. 4. ... 4!HPnn. ct. 8va ltlt , 1044 do ton.. 4a. ... Beading fan. ..121 B. L. 4a S. F. ft- 3 A II. HV, Oics. It Ohio Via..luo- to im, do rat. 6a K48t. U I. W. Ohl.-.lo A A. tt. (Kla do lat (old C. B. t Q. I. 4a Rraboard A. L. 4a. do tan. 4a M .-4o. Pac. col. 4a... (.'. 14. B P. g ia HH ' do c. 4a C. It. 1. A P. c. 4a.. 13 ' do lat rat. 4s dq rtf. 4a Hull), Railway 6a ( 'olo. Ind. ra 7u . do . 4a Colo. Mid. 4s 4lnln Pacific 4s.. C. 8. r. a. 4 St a. kss., do c. 4a. I) H. ct. 4a.. U. H. O. 4.. do rf. ua I.iatlilara' 6a .... Kne p. I. 4a do en. 4a ( do cv. 4a, aar. A do aarla B Oen. Ulac. cv. (a... Hi 111. On. lat ret. 4a., Int. Mat. 4a. did. Ollarad. do lat at rat. 4a., K'r, 8. itubber la.,,., it U. 8. BtMl 11 to. . . 1 Va.-Caro. Cham. 6a tOtaWabaah lat a os do lat A ax. aa. .. U Wnltrn Md. 4a. . . . (9 Weat. Klec. cv. 6a Via. Oantral 4a No. Pac. CT. 6s... in 9S lllO ti 6S ...lul ... M 4a 'H ... 86 Va 4a. 7!V ...1M . 10 . . : . ti .1U4V . 74 .100 VI .lOtt . t .101 . ,-i .KM . 62H 7SS SI 1V( 1 1,800 73V. 72 Unotatlona ,irtlcle.:Open. High. Ixw. Close. Yes'y. Wheat 'I , riept. i ot i oml i oosii omv, i cms lo. lot i4V4 1034, 104H1WH - May 1 08ST, -1 0i I OSVi 1 09 100 "Corn-" ........ - Sept. MHt?V".''S4 63H3S(ffV (S3V. ' Ieo. t"'.l '-' 0H 69 KHi 60S "May, 62 6i62';;',t,!62Vi, oats " ciept. 36i364!ffT. 8fiH 36 6! ' Tec. . Wn'Vsl 38" S84 38--i, ?s;v. May ' 41 ' lVk 4OT 41 Pork t ept. It sV 21 15 30 90 21 IS 21 15 ' Oct. ' 30 W- 2060 2080 2060 2060 ' Jan. 17 86 )8 10 17 76 IS 10 18 00 lArd -! v Sept. 4 11 46 11 68 11 42 11 65 11 46 lsVct. 11I7V4 11 TA 11 6 11 47H H 37H Wio4-: - It 10 . U 20 11 07 11 20 U 10 ' jarl. ' W 25 14 42H 10 82 10 42Vj tlba Hept 11 M 11 42H 11 80 11 42 11 KH Oct. 10 80 10 95 10 80 10 9fi 10 86 Jan. 40 47Vil as 4V t J7V No. 2. . 4 ,', Cash quotations were ts follow: FLOUR-vSteadyj - winter patents, HfOW I.Wr whiter straights; I4.5 00; spring straight, 16.J6til.46; baker. 4.0US.7u. " RY K No. 2, W4fj78c. B A RL K Y Feed or mixing. 4Wi54c; fair 'to choice malting, J69o. . SEhlD Flax. No. 1 outhwestem, $2.30; No. V northwestern, 12.61 Timothy,. $4-7. .. Clover, 18.0Ukt13.26. : PROVISIONS-Meas pork, per bbl., $20.75 -eiQOO. Lard, per 100 lbs., $1156. Short l ib. .aides, loose, fll OO&U.W. cihoi t cloar sides, boxed, 11.7 12.00. . Total olearanoea of wheat and floor were qual to lsl.UuO bu. Primary receipts were Liil.OOO bu.; compared with 1,170,OUO bu. the corresponding-day a year ago. The world's -visible, supply, ' a shown by Bradstreet's, Increased l,273,OUi bu. Idstiniated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 170 oar; eorn, llti car; oat, 699 car; hogs, 17,000 head. -. Ohlrago Cash Prices Wheat : No. 2 red. $1 OlVati 1 02H; No. I red, MILOim No. 2 hard, $1.01tjr.7: No. $ hard, fcctj1 01H; No. 1 - northern Spring, ' $1.21!; No. 2 northern spring, old.. II U; new, 1.0tiai07; No. , spring, $1.039103. Corn: No. j cash, la1; W'ic; No. t white. 65Vc; No. J white, iWd 4c; No. t yellow. 65c; No. S yellow M'rj 4Ho. Oat: Ho. 2 cash, ottiriSc; No. 2 white, the; new. 51340; No. 3 white, nev, SBciold, 3MS7c; No. 4 white, new, 3T.Ii , SSUc; old, ,30c; . atardard, new, STlc; old. Sd-ti c. " BUTTER ftteady; "creameries, . J3tf29c; dairies, U2c. EOUS Receipt. 14.018 rase; steady; at mark. case. .Included. 10ul4c; firsts, 17 mime firsts. ClIBtC8S Steady; daisies 16c; twin. 1M lime; young Americas, 16c; long horns, ltic. .-. POTATOES Steady ; choice to fancy, M3 (ftaSc; fair to good, IIGtifCc. POULTRY-Kteady; turkeys. 20c; fowl, of . tha Day on Varloos Commodities. NEW YORK, Aug: 10. FI-OUR-Market quiet; spring patents, $6.66.00; -winter straights, $4.604.e6; winter patents, $4.75 1.10; spring clear. $4.So4f4.90; winter extra. No. 1. $3.75(93.90: winter extras. No. 2, $3.60(9 2.66; Kansas strftlghta, 4 15jS 1 Rye flour, dull; fair to good, $4-10ta-4.88; cnolo to fancy, 4.4o4.60. .. , , CORN M E A L Steady ; fine white and yel low, $1.65&1.60; choice, $1.46TJ1.50; kiln dried, $3.6oi 00. : r . WHEAT Spot market eay; new No. 2 red, tlM. elevator, and $1.07 V. t. o. b.; No. 1 northern,- $1.254. t- o. b., to arrive. There was an easier feeling In the wheat market under moderate pressure, due to large receipts and disappointing export de mand. . . CORN Firm; No. t, Wio, nominal, ele vator, domestic basis, to arrive. The option market waa without transactions, closing at io net advance; September closed at 71c; receipt. 80,400 bu.; shipments, 1,158 bu. ' OATS Spot steady; mixed, 26 to 32 lbs., nominal; natural white, 26 to 32 lbs.. 46 4Mc; clipped white, 84 to 42 lbs., 48V450Vic; receipts, 77,625 bu.; shipments, 2,200 bu. HOPrf Quiet: stale, common to choice, 1909, ni'i!3o; 1908, nominal. . Pacific coast, 1&09, 9ylric; 1908, nominal. PROVISIONS Pork quiet; mess, $25.50; family, $26.000 26.00; short clear. $:4.00i&.50; Beef, steady; men, $15.0016.60; family, $19.00 (hl 60; beef hams. $22.OO24.00. Cut meats, quiet; pickled bellies, 10 to 14 lbs., $15.764' 18.00; pickled hams, $18.00. Lard, steady; middle well ,. prime, . su.w911.fu1 rennea, easy; continent, $12.35; South America, $13.00 4(13.28; compound, $10.26:810.60. TALLOW Steady; prime city (hhds.), $7.25; country, $6.765p7.874j; prime summer yellow. $9 6O0f9.75; October, $7.7Mt7.78; Nov ember, $7.12ij;7.13; dreed, $6.905jo.95. BUTTKR-Strongeri receipt. 10,788 pack ages; creamery,- specials, 2vic; extra, U2Ktc; third to first, 24"&27c; state dairy, common to finest, 22 28c; process, second to special, 26(fi2c. CHEESE Firm; receipt, 3.S6J package; state, whole milk, specials, 15(8 MHo; state, whole milk, fancy, 14o: state, whole milk. average prime, ltVitiHHc; state, whole milk, fair to good. 12iUe: state, whole cream, common,. 10Q12c; sklma, full to spe cial. 2W&124C. EGGS Firm; receipts, 13,438 cases; state, Pennsylvania and nearby hennery, white, S7U33C. ' - . - POULTRY Alive, easy; western broilers, ISc; fowls, l5H(gi6c; 'turkey, 10&14C. Dressed. Irregular; western broilers, 17j19c; fowls, 14jj.li',4c; turkey. 17-B-lc, 100 ..-tt.ooo ,"'4n .u 1,100 1 l 400 -lli 600 -iH 4ii 82 144Si 1264 64 U1V4 17 47 i ) ... . 6.0D0 ... 1, 400 100 00 I. too 600 HO 4,)0 1,800 1,100 too '10 .71 8S . 2.14 -41 32 14S 104 MM 130 1U. . 46 KM. 16 Kansas City Grain and Provisions KANSAS CITY, Mo.. Aug. 10.-WHEAT-September, 979bV4c, bid; December, $1.004 fei.OOH. bid; May, $l.v6Hoio&Vi. sellers. Cash, unchanged; No. 3 hard. V7V4c&$1.03: No. $, 97cit$1.0l; No. 2 red, $1.01; No. 1, toctj l.uo. CORN September, 02c, sellers; Decem ber, toQC, bid; May, 60,c, bid. Cash, unchanged to WQic lower; No. 2 mixed 63Mjc; No. 3 mixed, 63c; No. 2, white, 3e; No. 8, Wc. OATS Unchanged; No. t white, S4Hc; No 3 mixed, 33334c. RYE No. 8, tffi'a. HAY Unchanged te 60o lower; choice timothy, $U614.U0; choice prairie, $11.00(3 11.2ft. BUTTER-Creamery. ; S,4r; first, tSe; seconds, 21c; packing stock, 20V4c KUGS Extras, 21c; first, 19c; seconds, 10c. . Receipts, Shipments. Wheat, bu 189,000 168.0UO Corn, bu W.ono 43.0JO Oiiiu, bu 8.000 V.OuO Allla-Chalmers Pfd 100 irt 2 A malia mated foppar J0,"0 . 664 65", Amarican Asrlcultural .... 100 43, 43 Amorlran Bat Sugar 1.400 , 3d 3416 Amarican Can I.IK) 8 OH Amarican C A F 700 47 46 AmoHcaa Cotton Oil........ too 8 66V1 Amarican H. a k pfd...:. ' too 17 . ' 17 Am. Ice securities American Unseed .......... r lt 111 American Locomotive ' 1,000 I7H 3tt lmMln fl A H ....... 19.A1M SHU. . WlAm, 8. A R. pfd 100 102H lwi 00 ( Am. steel Foundries auO 44 44Sa .00 Am. Busar Kenning 100 116 1U .00 1 American T. A T 1.400 1U1 122 American Tobaoco pfd M0 82 2 American Woolen .......... 1X) 37 27T4 Anaconda Mining Co. 2"0 41 4 Atchlaon .k0 WSa 97 Atcbtaon pfd 800 tt n Atlantlo I'out Una........ , 100 1U 110 Baltimore Ohio 1.100 108 107 Bethlehem Steel Brooklyn Rapid Tr 3.800 16 75 Canadian Paciflo 3.400 190 1W Central Leather - 1,800 Si 84 Central Leather pfd too lot 106 Central of New Jersey. Chesapeake A Ohio r!hlcajco aV Alton Chicago Ot. W., new. 800 24 .23 c. o. w, pro ,-(- Ta Chicago A N. W .7... 1.500 146 144 C. M. A St. P 4,400 12414 183 a, 0., c. A st. l.: : Colorado F. A I - 600 2 i2s Colorado Boutnern.,...., 100 6S 63 Conaolldated Qas "16,000 1J0 J2S7 Cora roducU - . .r..v J " W0 14 1 )4H Delaware i Hadeo. . Denver m Rio- Oraods D. A R. O. pfd... Distillers' Becuiitlet Brie - Erie let pfd Erie 3d pfd General Klactrlo Great Northern pfd Great Northern Ore ctle.. Illinois Central Inlerborough Met. Int. Met. pfd International Harvester . Int. Marine pfd International Paper International Pump , Iowa Central ,.'.... K. a southern 1 " K. C. 80. pfd..... l"0 i i Laclede Gas .ww H ii'i-sj Loalavllle A NaahTllle SCO IWSi laa Minn. aV St. Loals M . 8t P. A 8. 8. M 2o0, 181 128 S.; K. A T 1.800 32 38 M., K. A T. pfd Mlaaourt Pacific , 600 51 61 National Blacutt National Lead N. R. R. ot M. M pfd New York Ontral...... H. Y., O. W... ...... Norfolk A Western North American Northern Pacific Paolflo Mall Pennsylvania Peof's's ' p.. c C". at. u Pittsburg Coal Preaaed Bteel Car Pullman Palace Car.... Railway Bteel spring... Reading Kepubllo Steel Kepublle SUtel pfd Rock Ulead Co Rock laland Co. pia.... St. L. A 8. F. M pta.. BX. Louis 8. W SL U 8. W. pfd........ Blaea-Bheffteld B. a 1.. Southern Paclfte ., Southern Railway So. Hallway pfd Tenneaaes Copper Teiaa A Paclllo i T., St. L. W T.. BU L. A W. pfd.... Inlon Paclfte Union Paolfia pfd United Stales Realty... United State Rubber... United State Steel l. a. Steel pfd Utah Copper Va. -Carolina Chemical V abaa Wabash, pfd Western Maryland Weatlnghouaa Klectrlo Western Union W 4 Wheeling L. B l- 5s Total salee for the day, 447, J0 share. . 1.100 . 8,000 . 6,300 . 8O0 400 1110 . 8,400 400 . 11,100 . 800 .' " ioo. 400 ' "iioo . 16,100 600 'ilioo . 1.100 800 400 . 200 400 . 21,800 too 8iu 300 400 4O0 400 . 61.8.W 8O0 . too . 1,6110 101,000 .. 1.60 . 1,404 . 1,6-10 Cv) ,. 1,100 lov ,i 6 J 38 118 41 4 87 116 25 12 106 "ii" 16 'ii 142 30 ii 68 38 24 60 61 114 82 64 85 26 ZJ 49 14 3 68 ! 70 116 47 6 1. 36 44 '51 38 118 . 40 , i 47 116 li 'ii" 83 "t 140 30 'j 63 . 38 14 68 80 119 82 63 lo 16 23 4 164 83 6 88 16 4: 66 . 17 84 44 26 66 43 33 8 46 6 ' 86 19 12 8 7 103 44 118 132 2 21 a H ' e 106 Mi 24 -.5 1K8 84 l'H 2.0 Ii 39 23 . ' 143 128 73 29 68 129 ; 14 -we-r 86 7t 2 . 34 41 31 148 124 53 128 ' 16 46 "92 , 1 10 , 40 16 28 60 101 138 23 129 82 68 60 11 61 38 112 . 40 .. 86 61 116 23 12 106 94 16 34 166 81 141 . 80 i 62 38 24 . 67 10 118 34 62 24 26 22 4 165 S 6 34 6 115 4i 68 17 34 43 60 63 6 Local t-curltles. , - Quotations furnished by Samuel Burns, Jr., 633 Omaha National bank building: Bid. Asked. Beatrice Creamery C6. City Nat. bk. Bids. 6. 1826 City of Omaha 6a, 1813 Cudahy Packing Co. 6a, 1914..1...... tlerman Fire Insurance...., Houaton Water 6a, 1644 Iowa Portland Cement 1st Mtg. 6e International Con. Co., bonua - Kanaaa (las and Eleo. 7 per cent pfd.. Lincoln Traction Co. 6 per cent,, !,!.. Neb. Tel. stock 8 per cent..... Omaha Water Co. 6a, 1844. , Omaha Gaa, 1317 Omaha K. L. A P. 6s, 1183 Omaha A C. B. 8. R. pfd, 6 per sent Omaha A C. B. 8. R. 6s. 1823... . Omaha Klectrlo Light pfd , Pacific T. at T. 6a, 1887.... State Insurance Co. ...... .v. Seattle, City ot, .5a. 1826,.,.- Trl-Clty R. A L. Co. 6a, 1823 3 80 101 .' ioi" 88 64 -66 86 , 8 , 86 , 68 35 62 64- Union Stock Yards stock. South Omaha Rocky Mountain Fuel.,,.. Weeiern Pacific .5a. ...... .,...... Vi , 110 104 96 8 1.10 108 6714 106 108 100 3 106 96 ' 100 8 83 . 66 63 ' ! u 6 150 107 7 67 Oil AilA LIVES WCK MARKET Receipts of Range Cattle Holding Up Well. HOGS SHOWING SOME STRENGTH Sheep Receipts Liberal for tho Iay and Large for the Week, While Prices Show Little or No Change. SOUTH OMAHA. Aug. 10, 1910. Receipts were: Chttle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday 8.1S7 3.2"4 24,1.19 Official 'lucsday 8.114 8.777 15,042 Extlmnte Wednesday.... 4,tJ2 9,'JM l..9 Tl.tee days this week. ...19,10:1 21,0,!" 4:tV-0 Hume days laat wek. .. .22.701 21.157 - 4225 Same days 2 weeks ago.. 18. 8u 2.!Ml Mttai Same days $ weeks ago. .20.812 lf.268 41,227 Same days 4 weeks ago. .11.623 17.115 3.t7 Same day last year 16,224 15,7s3 81,3'i The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date aa compared with last year: 1910. ism,. Inc. Dec. Cattle 594,037 530.387 67,6o0 Hogs 1.342,971 1,688,218 246,298 Sheep 901.906 820,214 131,891 Hie following tsiile aliou the average price of hog at South Omaha for the last several day, with comparisons: Dates. 1910. 1900.1908.,lM7.19Ot.19Oj.19u4. July Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. 31.. 10... 7 69, T t4 7 74H 7 69 7 7 7 70Vs e 7 89V 7 7S 7 44 e I ' 49 7 64 7 62 7 6-1 7 681 709 7 49 411 8 01 6 32 6 68 ..44 6 33 6 Sh 6 88 46 86 30, I 93 6 91 6 96 i 83 6 86 5 77 b 741 6 ( 151 8 11 6 23 8 32 e 8 20 8 21 8 11 8 6 69 6 73 6 63 t 66 t 75 e 6 79 6 84 6 84 4 99 4 ft 4 94 6 08 t 06 6 01 e 6 11 $ 87 t hflfei'S... 820 3 40 4 feeder.. 9.6 I M The Kollan.1 Co. Wyo. 20s cows.... ,si. a 70 42 cows...., ty i to Charles Fields Mmit. If atcr..10M i 13 calvs... 416 5 00 3 citlVes. .. T6 4 00 7 steers. ...psr7 IU 7 steers.... 9W 4 4.1 ltcoas !3 3 10 cows..'... 9iK( J 00 11 cows 811 2 90 t calve-v.. li 8 00 4 ci' Ives... 146 4 1 0 SoIwht, Anderson ft Selwav M-ml. 13 steer. ...10:6 $ CO 14 calves... 30. 5 2. 14 Sleeps..'.. 9t7 4 40 13 cow 3 75 6 cows...,'. 7i 3 20 7 heifers... f-'l 3 10 10 caws,.... 796 3 10 ft cows 777 2 . K. C. l.andern-Mont. fleers.., .1100 4 no u cows 821 J 70 T steers.... WK 3 60 Luther Punning Mont. steer.. ..1014 4 8R 19 ters.... 10 4 0 10 cows.,... 972 8 90 $ heifer... 7, 3 80 HOG3 Hog trade ruled strong on a fully normal supply today, a compared ' With yesterday's average trade. Nlckle ad vances were scored In both divisions and some steady business was also transacted, salesmen' opinion depending largely upon the treatment they received yesterday. Heavy hogs acted much better than yester day and aold relatively hinher than good mixed and lights... Uood heavies moved readily at $7.7.V4j7.RO, and mixed brought $7.90 or better. Lights commanded $8 KHj 8 2 j and on' up a high as $8.40, which was tho best price paid. Demand was. active from All ntmrtcra, outside orders calling for fully 1.000 head. Competition was healthy throughout, as mlpht be expected, and most of the pens were, emptied with three hours after the opening. Hulk of sales ranged from $7.75$f 800 a compared with yesterday' bulk of $7OTj8.00. For the three days this week the trade hn been more -or less encouraging to sellers, although advance have not been very large. Current price are all of 15c higher than thoe of lBst Saturday, or light around 75c higher than those a year ago. Top price paid at this point a year ago today was $7.60. , Representative sate 7 81 7 41! 0 6 85 6 8e 6 8o 6 02 Receipt and disposition of live stock at the Union Stock yards for the twenty four hours ending at 8 p. m. August 10: RECEIPTS. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. C, M. & St. P Wabash Missouri Pacific Union Facfic C. & N. W., east C, St. P., M. A O... C, B. A Q., east , C.,' U. & Q., west.... C, R. 1. & P., east.. C, R. I. & P., west. C O. W Total receipts 2 1 , 2 37 : ii 2 , of! 6 1 .181 e 1 4 4fi 10 2 1 10 4 19 10 4 i 142 23 85 Iloston Stocks and Bonds. BOSTON, Aug. 10. Closing quotations on stocks' were aa Alloues Amal. Copper .... A. Z. L. A 8 Arlaona Com Atlantic B C C. 8 8, I Butte CoallUon ... Cal. & Ariiona. Cat. 48 Htcla... Centennial ', Copper liange C. C. E.st Butte C, 11... Franklin '., Glroux Con. , Oranby Con ; Qreene Cananea follows' 41 Mohawk 4 65 Nevada Con 30 33 Nlulaeing Mines 0 16 North Butt 17 4 North Lake - 14 Old Dominion 87 16 Osceola 130 .....64 t'arrott g. 60A- (ju1ncy A C 16Briannon 66 'Superior 18 Superior A B. M.. 10 Superior A P. C... 1!Ianiarack 83 V. 8. C. A O 7 U. B. B. K. ex M. Isle Rojrale Copper. . 11 ' 4 do i)fd Kerr Lake Lake Cofrper Ln Salle Copper.. Miami topper ... Aaked. a:.- 74Ttah Com. 37 'h, Copper Co... lOlapVlnuna -31wolvertn 19 .. 76 . . 10 .. 44 .. 9 .. 11, .. 69 .. 34 .. 40 .. 47 .. 34 .. 46 .. 8 ..120 Omaha Packing Co.. Swift and Company.. Cudahy Packing Co. Armour & Co Schwartx- Bolen Co Murphy, shipper Mo.-Kan. Calf Co Uentun. Vansant & Lush Stephen Bros Hill & Son F. B. LevUs Huston' Co J. B. Root & Co H. Bulla L. F. Hubi... Wolf McCreary A Carey a. W'ertheimer H. F. Hamilton Sullivan Bros Lehmer Bros T. J. Inghram Lee Kothsohlld Sol legan Christy A K Other buyers DISPOSITION. Cattle. Hogs.sneep. - New Ytfrk -Mfcttigr Stocks.. NEW YORK, Aug. lOnrtlosips; ouotatloni n mining ntoektwW-T a-' -. ;1T ''' r on Alleo ,...,...,,,.171. fcadville.Con., , Brunswick con. 1 Cittl Chief ... Com. Tunnel stock.. 24' Mexican .......'. .dq bonde 16 . untarlo Con. Cal. A Va......l30 'bphlr .; Horn SMTer" 40 ' HutidaM iron Silver low -.Yellow Jacket ,. Offered. ; 6 ,.. 6 ...146 ..,200 ...135 .-.100 London Closing; Stocks. LONDON, Aug. 10. American securities opened a fraction higher today. During the first hour price gradually Improved on fair buying and at noon the market wa steady and from Va to iv higher than yesterday's Nuw York closing. "Ji.,Jl0M.-1ys.- v YtAb-sieaay; 60 to fid-lb. wts..' 84jSc: Wts.. Vfiic, 8u to ll0-lb. wts.. 64 to 86-lb. lOs?10o. Carlot Receipts Wheat. 696 cars; corn, 120 cars; oats. 602 tars. Estimated Tomor row Wheat, 879 care; corn, 170 car; oats, 6to ear. . . Available Supplies of Grain. NEW YORK. Aug. 10-Special eable and teleicranhlc communications received by ' ! Bradstreot' ihow the following change In available supplies aa compared with prev ious accounts: . Available supply: Wheat, United States, east ' Rockies, Increased 4.I01.0W) bushels; Canada, decreased 828,0(i0 bushels. Total I'nited tstatee and Canada, Increased 3,773.000 bushels. Afloat for and In Europe, decreased 2.500.000 bushels. Total American and European supplies. Increased 1.273.000 bushel, Corn: t'nlted Statea and Canada, Increased 58.000 bushels. Oats: I'nited States, and Canada, Increased 403,000 bushels. " ....-' St. I.onls General Market. fiT. LOUIS, Mo.. Aug. lO.-WHEAT-Fu-. tura. S4tepiber, S8c; December, 31.031,(9 ,103,' Cash. 1ower;'track: No. $ red. il.02j J OB; No. 3 hard, 84t tjtl.tW. .- -' OOlvN Futures, ririn; Suptember. 63c; . peiember, 69c. Cah. higher; track: No. t 664c; No. $ whltu, 64c. ' OAT-Futures, firm; September, 84'c; - December, 3rio. Cash, steady; track: No t, 34c: No. 1 white. STflrV. FLOUR Firm; red winter patent. $5.10 -.' 140: extra fancy and straight, $4.airt.!a); bard winter clears, $3 804 I 90. SFElv-Tnmothy, $3.754J6.00. - CORNMKAL-43.35. - BRAN Firm; sacked, east track, 97tt9so.. hat rirm; imiomy, i4.uooi3oo . Minneapolis. Grain Alarkel. MINNEAPOLIS. Aug 10. WHEAT September, $l.lo-i(&l.U);; December, $1 lv l.liWa: May, $1.14:: cash No. 1 hard. $l,17Vk; No. 1 northern. '$1.14Hrl.l6H: No. 1 north ern. $1 tftW1 1 124; No. 8, $r.O5yul.l04. . FLAX $2.47. CORN No. $ yellow. 61tiHlto. OATS No. 8 white. 36(374c. RYE No. 2. 71J74. P RAN In 100-ll sacks. 830.Orvg20.SO. FIXH'R First pstent In wood, f. o. b. Minneapolis, $5.5tii6 84. second patents. $640t4O.s": first clears,. $4.0oij4.20; second clears, $3.7053.0. l.lveroonl Grain and Provisions. LIVERPOOL, Aug. 10.-rWHEAT-8pot dull: No. 2 red western winter, no stovks; futures firm; October, 7 7Hd; December, l.ralrie n 1 wrrn w. PROVISIONS Pork. Ontiianged; liUibinar. I 7 k'.d J$l ard( hlKlier; pglme ateatin. il 12-if I Coti.V Spot Arm;, old American mixed 1131. Dry salt mt; boxel extra hori. 1 6s Ud; futures tjulet; September, 4i, Ctl UHs'i ciear ribs, Uc; slu t clears, Ui. October. 4 8d. Coneola, money do account Anial. Copper Anaconda Atchison do pfd Baltimore A Ohio.. Canadian Pacific... Cleaapeaka O... rtiltaio O. W t-hl., 5111. A St. P. De Beere Denver A It 10 0... do pfd Erie do lat pfd do 2d pfd.....'.,.', Orand Trunk Illinois ontral Bll.VlSK-r.ar, 61 1-11 Louisville A N.... .. 61 84., K. A T .. 68 N. Y. Central . , 8 Norfolk A W .' ..11 do pfd ..l'i Ontario aV W ..111 Pennaylvanla ..186 Hand Mines . . 76 Reading . . 34 Southern Ky ..121 do pfd . . 14 Southern Pacific. .. 3 Union Pacific ..14 do pfd .. 26 V. 8. Steel ,. 42 do pfd .. 32 Wabash .. 26 do pfd 132u3panlah 4s. ..144 .. 33 ..117 .. 8 .. 91 .. 42 .. 47 .. 6 .. 73 .. 83 .. 66 ..118 ..171 .. 86 .. 12 -..118 .. 11 .. 86 .. 83 steady at 24 7-lod per ox. money 143-14 per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills is 2 per cent; for three months' bills, 2H Pr cent New York Curb Market. The following quotations are furnished by Logan A Br'n. member New York Stock Exchange, 315 South Sixteenth street, Omaha. ,. 43 Green Cananea .. 20 InapiraUon .tl-ULaroM .. 12 Nevada Cons... ., lNesouee .. 60Ohle Copper ... .. isriav Central .. 1 Swift Pkg. Co . .. 31 Superior eV Pitta 12 ., llTonopah Mining 8 :. 1Tnnlty Copper .. 6Nortb Lake...... 6 2 Bohemia 6 ' Bank 'Clearing: OMAHA; Aug. 10 Bank clearings for to day were x2,694,ibs.i8r ana for the corresponding-date last year. 32.2b8.606.l2. . , - , Metal -market. NEW YORK, Aug. .10. METALS Stand ard copper, firm. 6pot and August, $12.224 12.32; September, $12.25'12. 40; October, $12.25(1(12.50; November, U2.30vja2.60. London closed . firm at 66 2s 6d for , spot . and 5 IBs 9d for futures. Arrival reported at New York today,' 4,850 ton. Custom houHe returns show exports of 10,607 tons o far this month. - Local dealers report a strong market for spot copper. Lake, $12.76 (513.00; electrolytic, $12.o0tU12.624: casting, $12.26iai2.37H. Tin, quiet. Spot, $33.30r33.60 August, $.3.254)03. 27H; September, $33.16 33.30; October, $33.1&ifta3.a5;. November, $33.16 &-38.S5. Sules, five tons August at $33,274 London, steady. Spot, 163 10s; future 152 7s 6d. Lead, dull. $4.40fr4.50. New York: 34.26ffH.i6. East St. Louis. Ixinflon. spot, 12 10a. Spelter, dull. $5.85.40, Ncjv York: 34.90M5.00. East St. Louis; 222 : londori. Iron, dve,land warrants, 4s 10Hd In" Londo'n. Locally Iron waa quiet. No. 1 foundry northern, $16.2616.50; No. 2, $15.5016.0O; No. 1 southern and No. southern soft. $15.75Si6.2S. ST. LOUIS, Mo., Aug. 10. METALS Lead, $4.S2H; spelter, form at $6.05. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Aug.f 10, COTTON Quiet, S points lower; middling upland. 15.95c middling gulf, 18.30c; aJea, 3. wo bales. Fu tures closed steady; August, 15.88c; Sep tember, 14.70c: October, I3.bc; November, 13.79c; December, 13.79c; January, 13.75c; February, 13.76c ; jnaron, u.aio; May, 13.80c ; June. 18.88c; July, 18.89c -ST. Louis, Aug. iu. c;t)TiuiN steady ; middling, 15o; sales, 91 bales. Otis and Rosin. SAVANNAH, Ga., Aug. 10. OIIv-Tur- pentlne, firm at BSViitfrlSo ; sales, 602 bbls, receipts, 6.12 bbls.;- shipments, 18 bbls, stocks. 1.588 bbls. ROSIN Firm; receipts, 291 bbls.; ship ments, 118 bbls.; stocks, 87.799 bbls; sales, 1,967 bbls. Quote: B, $5.20; D, $5.80; E, 85.40ifKi.45: F. 8B f.Otrfi.ew; ti and H. 85.6OW5.60; 1, $5.56; K, $5.60; M, $5 65(f(-5.75; N, $6.70.00; wu, 3o.u(B.iu; ww, o vn. Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK, Aug. 10 Tha market for the day was steady with ootton good price held firm. There s a better demand from retailer for silks for Immediate de livery. Line of percale offered at low figure at the opening of the season have been partially withdrawn, as mills have md aa far as they care to go at tha low price. , , : Peoria Market. PEORIA. 111.. Aur. 19.-CORN-Cah: No. 3 veiiow, 60c; No. 3 yeuow, 6c; no grade, (lOflrWc. OATS Cah. steady: No. I white, 864o; No. 3 white. 860; No. 4 white, 35'4c; stand ard, 3iC. Milwaukee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE, Aug. 10.-FI.OTrR-Lower, WHEAT No. 1 northern, tl.144r-l.15: No. 2, northern.-$1.11?1 13U; September, - $1.01 OATS Standard, KKfiXnic. BARLEY No. 2. &-71c. 405 1,007 753 798 36 98 123 29o lnl 82 101 60 18 42 137 84 12 14 67 2 81 27 1,029 1.525 2.555 2,3,15 687 3.089 72 444 1,45 778 6,098 Total 6,668 11,120 8,459 CATTLE Cattle, receltita continue uu.te liberal, 181 fresh car being' reported In tins mnrninir This hrinira the total for the three days. to 1S,10J head, which is silgnuy smaller than for the same days last wees., out lamer than two weeks aito and larger than for the same period a year ago by almout 4,000 head. The market a a wnole was in a very satisfactory condition,1 there -being in addition to the local buyers a good outside demand. -which put additional life-Into -the trade: "The trade "opened 1n good season In tne morning ana tne duik oi uie cku chanced hands bv nild-dav OT soon after, The market -on desirable kinds of beef steers waa eteadv to strong ana iairiy active, so that tne bulk of the offerings changed hands in good season in the morn lnir.' Corn fed beeves sold a high as $7.75, the best Drice Dald ln some tune. Com mon and inferior beeves were a little slow. but the market . was generally figured, as steady. - , Cows and heifers did not show much change, the good kind selling In about the same notches as yesterday, wnue tne com mon and inferior kinds were weaker. Good feeding steers were strong to 10c higher, and the trade was active at the ad vance. Stockers were steady to strong. kjuotatum un native cattle: Good to ehnloa beef steers. 87.0bW7.66: fair to good beef steers, $6.10jp7.00; common to fair baef steers. 8-t.io-fi-6.lo: good to choice cows ana heifers, $4.6tKa6.60; fair to goo" cows snd heifers, S3.5ojj4.50; common to fair cows and heifers,' $2.6O&3.60; good to choice stockers and feeders, $4.605.66; fair to good stock stockers and feeders, $8.6V460; common to fair stockers and feeders, $3.0Oiji3.B0; stock heifers, $2.66?4.00; veal calves, $3.0034.60; bulls, stags, sto., $3.3tX45.50. quotations on range cattle: Oood to choice beeves, $6.4(iy6.00; fair to good beeves, $4.606.2S; --runon 6 fair - bee-yes, $3.6064.40; good t cholo cow, $4.00tM.a0; (air to good grade, $3.266:3.75; canner and sutlers, $2.503.26; good to -shoioe feeders, $4.76436.40; fair to good reetier. ROotfttO; common to fair feeoera, $3.UUO3.80. Representative sales: , BEEF STEERS. No. Av. sh. Pi. No. Av. 8h. Pr. 5- 332 60 7 60 , 61 27 80 7 62 82 ,.3) ... 7 60. ' 76 23 160 7 82 11 838 ... 1 SO 61 26 120 7 86 64 Wl J0 IK 67 240 80 7 66 60 ..: ..: IM'- 84 241 80 7 85 66 825 120 f 66 " 68 341 ' 80 7 86 64 277 80 T 66 66. ...... .818 ... 1i 64 SIT 80 7 60. ' .6 3.8 10 T 86 64 807 60 7 66 64 246 80 7 85 68 26 80 7 61 74 tT6 60 T 63 34 tht ... 1 S 47 346 40 T 63 66 H) 81) 66 66 843 40 7 85 62 t..28 80 T 66 . 64 370 ... 1 85 64 310 ... 7 63 69 21 ... 7 85 55 27 120 7 66 72 266 ... 165 20 2K8 80 7 65 64.. 863 ... 1 87 36 316 ... 7 65 6H 848 40 1 87 41 296 40 7 61 83 242 ... 7 80 61 3 6 80 T 66 78 215 40 7 80 67 278 60 1 70 73 249 ... 7 80 44 860 V1 7 70 41 348 160 7 80 60 318 80 10 - 48 324 4 7 90 61. 1 l2 40 1 76 67 8(4 60 1 60 48...,...20 7 TO .. 84 3S ... 7 80 64 266 ... 7 70 62 2M 40 1 80 M. .ISO UK) 7 70 , 62. ...... .240 40 7 60 61. 277 (W 1 76 35 240 ... 7 90 66 275 ... 1 70 6 2. ...... .277 80 1 0 76 233 80 7 70 66. ...... .361 80 7 80 68........2S3 lM 1 70 66 228 ... 1 93 67 ; 83 120 7 75 , 82 240 ... 7 65 61 276 It 7 75 78 230 80 7 9ft 66 .348 66 1 13 10 284 ... IK 48....'..,7 1 75 -84 1 7 ... 7 94 42 1.260 .... '7 76 . 6 223 46 6 60 44 242 80 7 76 78 217 140 8 00 61 206 80 T 18 ' 72 239 ... 6 00 61-...;,...2i8 130 7 15 . I 4i 226 20 8 00 69 .,.218 - 349 7 7S '. 22 2M) ... 8 00 7... ...... 254 , 80 I 73 .,, 30 2.11 ... 8 00 66.,., .,..2H5' ... 7 75 .' . 15 209 ... 8 04 63. ...... .268 80 7' 71 tf 221 80 8 06 67 8,i0 60 7 75 61 217 ... 8 06 60 n3i 7 13 - 79 20 80 8 06 53. ...'.;:. (71 " 40 77.)'"' 14 2.17 ... 8 05 67 2,6 -... 7 76 - 75 21 1 ... 8 03 48-:. .-..,'.266 ... f7J,,. 62 224 ... 8 10 32 227 ... 1 76 36 38 ... 8 10 14. ...... Ji 2K0 J 7, . is m 46 8 10 V 250 80 7 T5 76 224 120 8 10 67 2i1 -80 7 75 71 821 120 8 10 65..'. 24 ... 7 77 70 226 ... 8 16 63. ...... .205 ... 7 80 7.'. 225 120 8 15 . 78.. -263 80 7 60 : 44 108 . 60 3 16 60..-..,:...:6. 60 11 80. .....1.195 ... 8 13 64. 268 ...-7 80. 65 2 3 40 8 80 7S. ...... .2(10 1 80 ' 80 18 300 8 20 o8.....;.,lf3D . 40 -7 tO , 75 226 124 8 26 77 ..244 40 7 80 48 3t5 40 6 26 68 ,". .20 J40 7 80 ,1 84 ...187 40 I JO 47 ...233. .120 7 80 ' 1?..-. 187 ... 6 80 65. 340 , 80 7 80 77 188 ... 8 35 60 7.. 261 ' 80 t 60 " 6 260 ... 6 40 68;...V;:.8S3 .'360 7 80 :' ' 18 161 ... 8 40 74 360 140 T 60 . . . Herbert H. Coooh Co Brokers and Dealer OAA1I6 rAUVLflONaV STOCAS Omajia Offto., Ill Board -Bll Vnoae, Hong, can nuunas amd iatuuaT et Trad 3tla.: tad. A-86 UOOSB TX3, fcf ATB. REAL ESTATE FARM AND RANCH LAN18 l-ilB Jtl.H North Dakota Continued. ATTKNTIOX' , 160 acres of prairie land tw'o miles from Troy; can. all 'b( oultlvated; black loam, with clay subsoil.; In a well settled com munity. For tho nott- thirty day -1 can ofler this beautiful quarter for $5,300. One half cash, balance at f) per cent.' Address Thomaa R. Stevens, Troy. S. O. HUTCHINSON COUNT-Y-SO. ' DAKOTA. I have some gobd lmnfiivled farm at 6 si to $50 and some Unimproved at $1 to - per aoie. .Write, for our list. . . , C. O. SCHNE1 EL, TKlFt. IS. U. ' r i FOK SAJJS 840-acre farm, a aquare section In Deuel Co., S. D.. good soil, good sub-soil, three mile from station, five mile from good town, good five-room house, nicely painted; basement, barn, 40x00, In good repair; good hen house, granary; and machine-shed, . a wind mill and tank, Also living spring water this farm. Fenced with cedar post nd four wires, henr school and church, la well Improved section of the country, lot acres under plow, balance pasture and hay meadow, land rolling; price $32.oO an acre. Mortgage $9,600 on the land, due 1913. wanl balance cash. H. L. Craven A Co., Omwu, la. Wisconsin. rt YOtm OWN boss Earn a''farm ol Wisconsin's best laml; rich clay . loam soil; level, near town; gejt my plan. Q. A. Mc Dermld, Eau Claire Wis. Bar State Oas. Unite Coalition Cactus t'hlno Chief 4ne Fraction Devil-Dais Ely Central... Kir Cona Kranklla Qlroux Ooldflel Ooldfleld Ooldtield 1 1 4 21 66 s. 2 l- Cons Floras OS. biiay Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Aug. IO.-COFFEE Future closed steady at a net loss of 6 to 13 points. Sales, 44.2isl bags; Auntst, T.OUc; Septeuib.r, J.OOc; October. 7.06c; November, ".lie; Iec ember, 7 2"o; January, 7 2lc; Ft-bruary, 7 2lc; March. 7.32c; April. 7 34c; May, 7 37c; June, 7.4UC, and July, 7-tit, Sint, quiet; iUo, Bnarar Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 10-SUQAR-Raw, firm: muscovado, 89 teat, $.86c: centrifugal, 90 test, 4.3c; molasses sufrar. 89 test, 8.61c. Refined, steadv; crushed, 6.85c; granulated, S.l.'ic; powdered, 5,25c. Omaha II ev Market. OMAHA, Aug. 10 No. 1 upland, $1100: No. 2 upland. 810.OD; packing, f00- STRAW Wheat, $5.00; rye and oat, t3.50 new hay, $12.00. Wool Market. 8T. LOUIS. Aug. 10,-WOOtSready; ter rltory and weatern medium, 18823Sje; fin medium, 176720c; fine, 14'(jl7c. Hogs. Sheep Stock 8a Slaht. Receipts of live stock at the five principal western maraets yesterday: Cattle, South Omaha 4. may -t. Joseph x.fxv Kansas City IO.O14) St. lula 6.600 Chicago .'.22.000 9(810 61V1O 10U8J 10.(8(1 10,000 4.3iO 600 6.0-81 4Mt) 26.0U0 ToUl .u.j.. 44.600 40,300 Ke Aa e. We. A. Pr 8 611 8 86 62... ;.1289 7 85 86., 1817 7 18 67 1416 7 16 COW8. 6 640 2 70 20 873 I 60 4 876 3 76 ' 11 618 8 64 12 616 8 04 81 671 8 76 1 1030 3 40 8 1070 4 40 18 888 3 40 1 1116 4 60 HEIFERS. 3 710 3 00 17 614 3 50 6 414 3 00 8 658 3 60 6 160 8 35 6 663 8 50 6 655 I 85 3 623 3 60 10.. 776 8 50 12 827 4 00 16 693 8 60 BULTA 2 1116 3 35 2 1840 3 65 6 410 8 86 1 1460 8 46 1 1819 3 60 CALVES. 6 366 8 16 13 806 6 78 6 280 6 09 1 i;0 6 76 6 246 6 00 3 168 I 76 1 160 6 00 - 3 136 6 00 1 320 3 23 7 177 4 06 ttToCHEKd AND FEEUKRS. . 4 617 2 60 21 ,. 667 4 '6 I...., 698 8 25 2-1 673 4 20 6 474 8 60 24 638 6 25 6 6.81 3 60 8 870 4 35 14 661 8 66 , 16 610 ' 4 40 8 63 3 70 35 806 4 46 8 606 3 76 14 920 6 60 12 669 8 80 16 884 4 66 7 871 8 60 4 906 4 65 6 683 8 80 6 183 6 04) 3 666 8 90 WESTERNS NEBRASKA. I bull 1350 3 70 3 steers.... 703 8 75 25 steers.. ..1021 6 60 t cows 900 4 25 15 cows 1106 8 75 15 cows 91$ 3 h0 1 bull 1300 3 65 S steer.... 500 3 DO 9 steers.... 613 3 t 4 heifers... 000 t M I heifers... 693 $ 40 12 cows 854 60 9 steers.... 961 4 5." 8 cows KM) 3 00 7 cows 928 3 40 14 steer.... 7V 3 75 8 steer.... 712 1145 6 calves... IU 6 50 7 calves... 2ST 4 26 -4 cows S50 S 88 14 calve... 237 5 76 21 steers.... 701 3 80 9 heifers... 6.16 8 60 cows 817 3 16 8 cows 767 2 a 12 cows 833 2 75 7 steers.... 665 3 70 46 cs. & hs. 937 8 80 1 bull 1460 $40 13 calves... 19$ 5 50 II calves... 260 4 90 16 cows 878 3 6 28 cows 842 2 80 Harry 56 feeders.. 121C '5 60 14 cows 97S 8 30 Coffee 97 Tex. sts.1085 4 70 14 cows 885 A Haythorne Neb. 35 cows..., 96 3 70 .1070 760 T.-Neb. 11 cows. 3 25 E. Morris Neb. SHEEP Moderate! supplies of sheep and light offerings of lumbs met with a fairly - active demand this morning- and sold at generally firm prices. Almost half of the -run 'consisted of fat stock, mostly ethers and ewes. Wethers that went at $3.80 to a" killer yewferdtry, 'wsfre purchased at' $4 00 -today by a coontry touver.' Thl price is' high est quotable, on , either fat or -' feeder grades. although something prime of handy weight mlgrit possibly 'reactr $4.10. Fat ewes are aue-tabfe up to $3.86 with the bulk ot good quality offering going around $3.8063.75. Breeding ewes rang from $1.004115.00. according to age and con dition. Yearling's were taken back Into the country for. breeding purposes thl week -at $5.00, but 2's would have to be good ones to bring $4.50 or better. The market for fat yearlings still shows more stability than other branch of the trade. The right kind of fat yearlings have been scarce articles at all point and competition Is' rather keen a a result. Good handy weights have been selling readily at $5.0005.26, . Inquiry for feeder classes was broad as usual,. and a very good clearance made be fore midday. All kinds of feeder eheep arc selling almost on a per with fat strings, while feeder lamb at $5.90tj.w show a spread of 60d or less. Quotations on' grass stock: Oood to choice lambs. $.3s6.75: fair to grod Inmhe. $6. 10&6. 35; feeding lambs, fi.OO 00; handy weight yeanlni, I? 0o-;5 . 5 . ncavv yeni lings, H.iAifOO; feeder eotrllu. $4 1075 ?0; good to x-.hoico wether", 3 T.'rWl.i"; fair to uood welhei.. r...-!0:if;;..'.: feeilii. -.vetliers. $a.405f3.8T; breeding ewe. $4.00'ff4.60; fat ewe, 33.2pii7i3.8o; feeding ewe, $2,0003.35. Representative sales: No. . . 1.14 Idaho' lambs, feeder..... 2,18 Idaho yearling feeders... t'JA Idaho ewes, feeders,,.., 143 Idaho ' yearling 207 Idaho Iambs... v 418 Wyoming, wethers 497 Utah wethers' 573 Utah Iambs 3x0 Utah lamb, feeders 232 Utah yearlings, feeders.. 94 Utah ewes and wethers. 380 Wyoming ewes 360 Wyoming ewes, -feeders. 208 Wyoming ewes 15 Wyoming ewes, cutis 203 Wyoming lambs, feeders 506 Wyoming yearlings, feeders., 72 Wyoming ewes. 191 Wyoming yearling, feeders 81 Wyoming 'ewes.. 141 Wyoming ewe.. 25 Wyoming ewes, culls 65 western lambs..., 68 western ewes..., 799 Wyoming lambs, feeders...... in W yoming tamo 142 Wyoming -ewes...... 1,842 Wyoming yearlings, fdrs. 100 Wyoming wethers 468 Wyoming yearling, wether 396 Wyoming yearlings, wether 98 Wyoming ewe 120S. P.. yarllngs, ewes 168 S. D. feeders 416 Wyoming lanros 686 Montana wether 158 Montana wether 168 Wyoming wethttr 168 Idaho lambk. 110 Idaho lambs. 242 Idaho - lambs..... im Idaho lamb, feeders... 314 Idaho lauihs, feeder 86 Idaho ewes....... 83 native ewe 28 native ewes, culls 8 western yearlings , 75 western lambs ,, 7 western sheep 47 western' ewes 63 Wyoming lamb 6 western ewes, feeder, cull.. ft Wyoming lamb 662 Utah wether , 169 Utah wethers 406 Wyoming wether, feeders .. 20 Idaho ewe -....- , 61 Idaho wethers . J , 35 western, lambs 13 western ewes, cull 176 western ewes, culls 4) breeding Av. . 69 . . 99 . 102 . 89 . 65 . 105 . 108 . 61 . 63 . 89 . 108 . 89 . 97 . 104 . 94 . 65 . 73 ,. 77 09 n- 84 84 67 M 62 57 101 925 J 90 4 23 20 heifers. .1115 2 25 3 steer.. .1216 Creek Live Stock Co. Neb. . 859 8 50 3 COW 933 .1106 3 65 George Binders--H. D. 7 heifer... t4 3 25 16 cowa... M cow 903 8 95 i'3 heifers 5 feeders.. 6x0 3 75 26 feeders.. 10OI Fred Oray-S. D. 81 2 85 3 heifer., 933 3 65 6 cow.... 222 6 50 AL Orey-S. D. 91 6 30 16 steers.., 86 3 85 22 cows. ... 210 4 00 WESTERNS WYOMING 8 steers... .10.1 4 83 Tassell Wyo. 24 heifers.. 4 S5 - 120 feeders 4 70 Cit-estvell yo, 21 cows... 1 cow.... Rust US onws... 62 bull... 6 cow t cow 10 calves... 30 feeders.. 21 cow Is calve. R. ti- tl feeders. .1118 9 steers.... Ilk 69 steers. ...1120 J. H Van . i 65 890 731 60 900 1064 910 980 1066 30 r--ifera. 22 feeders. 8 903 3 40 i r.0 9 row m B I feeders.. loOO 4 IS 5 40 3 00 3 :w 3 70 4 80 3 00 4 36 4 75 t 80 4 46 5 10 4 25 94 89 85 98 71 76 64 93 0 92 75 66 72 63 61 115 3 69 116 61 88 114 63 92 64 ..109 ..109 ..105 .. 91 ..101 .. 78 ..104 ..15 ..Ui Pr. 3 50 4 75 2 70 6 00 35 8 90 3 90 6 40 00 4 65 a 75 a 76 3 25 8 75 8 75 6 00 6 00 a 10 6 10. 3 15 3 40 2 25 25 a 60 6 00 6 40 8 75 6 06 4 00 4 90 4 90 a 75 6 25 5 05 6 65 3 60 2 76 a to 6 25 $ 00 25 0 00 6 00 3 7o 4 (6) 3 00 4 60 5 75 3 64 4 00 8 75 a (8) 5 00 4 00 4 01 4 00 3 50 4 00 75 2 50 3 35 1 50 M. Lonls Live Stock Market. BT. LOUIS. Aug. 10. CATTLE Receipt 5.600 head; market steady to lOo lower; na tive shipping and export steer. $7.2.yii.oo dressed beer ana Dutcner steers, so.zxn.ib storker and feeder, $3.2tVa4.DO; cows and heifers, $3.6tt7.0U; runners, 17f(j3.UO; bulla, 83 26ti6.75: calves, $6.oooi8.fiO; Texas and In dlan steer, $4226.50; cows and heifers, 18 htfr-o.A. Ht41! Receipts, 10,000 head; market 5c to 10c lower; pigs and lights, .0W(T.Vu: pack era, $3 606.46; butcher and best heavy $g.4ifr.6n. SHEi-'P 'AND LAMBS-Iteceipt, 4 600 hoad; market steady; native muttons, $3.60 41.4 00; lambs. $G.&utfj. .5; cull and bucks, $3.uu&4.t0; (lockers, $2.50j3.75. . Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Aug. 10.-CATTLE-R cetpts. 10,000 head, Including 1.100 southern market, steady ; . dressed beef and export steer. $; fair to good, H50-U4W0; westcn steers, $4.K'ri7.2fir tocker nnd feed er. $:1(Mj6.10; southern titers, $3.60'f southern cows, $2.6044 1. 00; native cows, $2 60 -' Miscellaneous. HAVFT'TOU A FARM FOR SALE OR TRADE? Or de you want to buy one? Matte your want known through TUB DE MOINES CAPITAL, .the want medium or Iowa: Hates: I' cent a word" for each- inser tion. 8 ten. a ine. .10 cents an'toem tnr culatlon, 41.000; largest of any Lorn i daily. Give us a trial. Address The". Capiasi. stall Dept., Des Moines, J own. ; ' wO. liT REAL 'ESTATE tAN3-'" $4,000 private nwat-y on godFRejd ICstgJ.n security; 6 per centr at-aai-s-Bnual Interest. Write, R. C. W P. O. Box 1.041 . 4,600 to $5,000 on home lit Omaha. O-'KeefSj Rai Estate Co.. ltx NV Y' Life. UbUgfcui or A-2162. . '.',.' .V ' : " '! , 1 1 ' ' " OARVIN BROS.. 3d floor N.' Y. Life. $360 to $100,000 on Improved property. No delay. ' WANTELT-Clty loans. Fetcrs Truat Co. WANTED City loan and warrant. Farnam Smith oc Co., 1220 Farnanv St. $100 to 810.000 made promptly. F. D. Wtad. Wead Bldg., 18 ih and Farnam. MONEY TO LOAN Payna Investment Co, LOANS to home owners and home build ers, with privilege uf making puma! pay ments semi-annually. W., ti. THOMAS, 603 First National Bank -Hid. J. : swaps TWO-STORY brick business " block. 3 stores, offices on 2d -floor; large, light base ment; modern ; steam nested. Rented for $1,660 per year. Price, $15,000; .mortgage )6,uoo at 6 per cent, due In five year, 'trade for land. NOWATA UND AND LOT CO.. t 668 N. Y. Life Bldg.' "'Phone Red 1999. $6,000 STOCK Art Goods, matures, frames. brlc-a-brao, now running tti Omaha; every thing first cluss; owners must get out of business; will consider clear Income or land. 813-613 N. Y. Lite Bldg, -v 4,860 ACRES ' clear land at $10 per acre: want to trade for income-bearing -property and will assume a reasonable amount. NOWATA LANp AND LOT ,CO., 658 New York Life Bldg. 'Phone Red 1999. 820 acre North DakotA lar.d, free Of In cumbrance, for good Omaha- property. Fhore Harney 1336.-, . GOOD Iowa and Minnesota land to change for general merchandise-and hard ware stocks'' many bargains., The Mercan tile Adjustment Co., ..Uuthrie, Center, la. IF IT IS ANY KIND Oir.TRACal, SKB A. B. LATH&OF. . D. 8061 . , , m Bde, We exchange- properties -of merit. H. H. Culver. 812-813 N. Y. Life. . Douglas 78. WANTED 10 BUY BEST price for 2d.hs,nd clothing. D. 34 fO. EEST prices for .BROKEN WATCHES. Old Gold, eta. NATHAN. U h. 13th at. BEST PRICE paid for second-hand fur niture, carpels, clothing and shoes. 'Phone Douglas 3971. WANTEDTO BORROW- FOR SALE Ollt edge first mortgage 8 per cent bonds. Address 0-492, alee. WANTED TO RENT We' Are Getting Numerous Calls For Houses of All Sizes. List with U. NOWATA LAND, AND LOT CO., 824 N, Y. Life Bldf. . . 'Phone Red 1'J8. WANTED SITUATIONS POSITION ' In Jewelry store by experi enced man; to good wau-h. repairer,- wishing to f I nla trade.- Address bljlUi, Bee. i h ' LEGAL iNOTOCES (Continued.) NOTICE T6 CONTACTORS-BIDS WILL be rvoelved until 4 o'clock on Thursday, August 18, 1910 at the office of th secretary of the Board of Regents, ..Administration building, Unlverslt of Nebraska. Lincoln, for the constructor! of a cattle feeding building, to cost approximately $8,000; to be built on tlie University Farm, near Lincoln, according to plans and specifications now on file in the offlrVof the -superintendent of construction, room JOS,. of the said Ad inlnibtratloti building. Bid must be sealed, ami marked wth the bidder's name, and the word "Bid for F""dlig Building" writ ten plainly 011 the outside. J. ti. DALES, Secretary.' ' ' .-.'' A7-II-13-14.