TTIE BEE: OMAHA, TIIUKSDAY. AUGUST 11, 1010. BRIEF CITY NEWS SMALL BOY SOOT AND LOST KTj ft .ol Print lb rtoltiAl W. Slaeklmrii, lawyer. ak rour prlatlag o the Visa. L. ti. Bergqoist, for State Senator. Electric Tan -Sng-Grando Co. Clan Oorda llnlo Courtland Beach Saturday. rest Dry Claug of garments. Twla Cy.y Lye Works. 401 South Fifteenth, i Vjj, W. X. root. ooullat and anriat, ha iV4 lo 721 and T ait national bank. Vote for a. W. gtmeral Candidate for county attorney. Kepubllean prlmarie. August It. la. tha Divorc Court Maggie O. Vance has sued for divorce from William n. Vanoe. LI Ilia M. Jlarlo ha tued for di vorce from KrnesL Harlow. Widow aa Adaxlnlstraeria Mr. Abbl Lake haa ben appointed adminlatratrlx of the estate of the late George B.. Lake. No will haa been filed for probata. Xdward Johnatos Forty year'. In Omaha and South Omaha, democrM'.o can didate for State Senatof, solicits your vote at the primaries, August 16. Adv. very Dollar riaeai with the Nebraska Srvlngs and Loan Ass h. help to earn ahotlter. 81a per cent per annum credited y, 100 Board of Trade Bidg. Oyerattoa tot tjra W. a. Ure. formerly eounty commissioner, under-wenl an opera tion 'at BwedlSn Immanuel hospital Wednesday morning. He la reported to be resting easily, with no 111 effecte from hi ordeal. faUel of KUa war? Bornslee file Word haa been, received from Mlaa Mary liurnslde, . formerly domestic science dl rector at the loung Women'a Christian association! tailing of the Sudden death of her- father,, Monday, In Monmouth, 111, 'xod Young to aa a Jadge -Linn P, Campbell,' -7l Bouth Thirty-sixth Street, who was appointed' a Judge ot election In the Eleventh ward, was found to lack one month tt being 31 fears of age, and lsJ therefore not qualified to serve. He would be eligible for appointment for the eleotlon, but could c&t Serve at the primaries. Hit in Face with .22 Caliber Ballet and Soon Disappears. Searchers seek him in vain Las H ere Welti to ghaot Cat When Hinantr Interrupt and ban la Ar!aallr Dl-aamrarrf. Wild excitement reigns in th neighbor hood of Thirty-fourth and Ohio streets, while a 7-year-old boy Is running round, or possibly dead somewiiere with a bullet wound In his face. Accidentally shot by the discharge of a 22-calibre rifle which had fallen from the hands of a colored buy When the latter and other children set out In pursuit of a runaway team, the Injured boy disappeared with blood streaming from his face. S. S. Peters is Laid at Rest with Ceremony Hosts of Friends See Body of Beloved Veteran Placed in Grave ' Wednesday. Samuel 8. Peters, late of The Bee staff, waa burled Wednesday afternoon In the sol dier circle at Forest Lawn cemetery. The 'Hie funeral was conducted by his comrades of the Grand Army, with ceremonies befit ting the simple, sincere character of the deud veteran. Grant post, of which Mr. Peters was a member, had the funeral In charge, and the Ladies of the Grand Army of tne Re public assisted. Services were first held at the home, 1111 Bouth Twenty-eighth street, witn ev. i. u. pressen officiating, and afterward at the grave, where the Grand Sea rolling parties of several policemen Army ritual waa Impressively carried out and a score of men, women and children Floral tributes from friends and from out an hour failed to locate the Injured organisations of which Mr. Peters was a lad, and It Is now believed he ran out of member had been sent to the home tn large the neighborhood, blind with pain and ter- nUmbera and covered the burial mound at ror, until he fell exhausted, or possibly the cemetery. dead. In some out of the way place. The active pallbearers Were members of Identity Not Known. h Un,X Farmelee, N. K. The identity of the Injured lad could not vf' Hucn. U. VY. Allen, ahiuel Gibson, be learned at the time of the latest report. W- Ul"een and T- 3- Uran. The hon- lle was last Seen running from the scene otly Fahbearerg were member of the various newspaper staffs of the city, Colo nel T. W, MeCulloueh and Jamas n. Wootan of Tho Bee, Hands Weod bridge of the World-Herald and B. P. Oeddes of the News. of the runaway accident, with blood streaming from Ms wound. The accident occurred when a team of the Hayden Bros, store came plunging down tho street In a runaway and crashed group of boya had congregated at that point fKc rCl d fi rFf r f klrs, a colored lad, 13 years old, of 3406 Ohio street, carrying a borrowed gun, was to do the, shooting, and th other young ster were crowding around him waltlrig Entire fortune siers were crowding around mm waning hfo.t Jn.,ti- .1 ' for ,h, doomed cat to appear and to see Mrs. C. Stoke, of Denver Askl Police Set iTkSS td hulft forbweb'h. hfrforgot ,h. intended shooting "i. iTk; TJJL iiAA lLUi ut MluHLNl Four Women nave at Many Sorts of First Aid Treatment. ONE SPRAINS HER ANKLE Ran t tfce akeA After a CobvreU When She Kails, with gerlona AesaKs- Pel Ice targess to the II esc ne. While Anton lludeheck, 1911 Bouth f welfth street, lay on the sidewalk suffer ing from an Injury sustained in a quarrel with a conductor;- three Women applied different remedies to hi Injury and a fourth sprained her ankle trying to help Wednesday afternoon. The first three vol' uiueer nurses administered whisky, butter milk and flour, respectively, when the fourth started out after cobwebs, whkh sue said would save tho man's life. The affair transpired at .Thirteenth ahd Mason streets, When Hudeheck got Intd an Kiauitient witn the conductor of car No. 40.1. The conductor took offense at llude heck' remark that he Was a Scab arid the argument ended wttn the passenger being shoved off the car. A moment later he caught the conveyance aa It sped on and In attempting to board It again tell and gashed his head. Then followed the queer est medical attention ever seen In Omaha. The first Woman who haDnened td ba passing With a sack of flour Immediately turned 10 and applied flour on the man's wound. Th second cam along Just as Hudeheck wag raising an objection to the flour process. She thereupon Int.rruoted and handed the man a bottle of whisky. pouring soma of the Intoxicant on th. wound. The third woman oama nmnin. glass of buttermilk, and .. to applied her remedy upon tha man. Meantime the fourth women. ft a Flynn Flings His Defiance N at Governor Declares He is Too Busy Knocking Omaha td Attend to Affairs of State, Rome of Uovernor Shallenbtrger's private circulars, sent to friends who could be trusted, are drifting Into Omaha, and fall ing Into the hands of the tahlman man agers. The first point made In one of these circulars Is "my offical duties are such that I cannot visit your community." "Right there I where everybody should stop to laugh," comnunted Chairman Flvnn. "I notice by The Hee the governor ha plenty of time to go to lxtaan. la., to address a Chautauqua, ar probably StV. and also that he. has been so busily en gaged on official duty that Ms private secretary has been compelled to chase him about to get his signature tn state papers. Yes, the governor Is busy, attending tho governor's political business, and not to the public business. It won t do him any go'd, either, for democrats or republicans In this city to read his slurs and mud slinging against Omaha. He Is playing the statk against Omaha, and then expects to spilt the .vote here, as his local manager claims." A LIT Realene of aufferlng Willi throat and lung trouble Is quickly commuted by Dr. King's New Discovery. 60o and $1.00. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. One ot Mabray Gang Comes Here Prisoner Named Martin Readv to Con fess Connection Partner Cora- mittsd Suicide. I'nlted Htate Marshal William II. Mackey this morning brought to Ownctl Bluffs a prisoner named Martin, who Is ready to plead guilty to being one of the Mabray gang ot "big store" workers. He was recently arrested In Kansas, where ha la supposed to have gone to get In touch with th men who are now In th Leaven worth prison. Tha second man, who waa with Martin and being kept under survell ance, committed suicide before he could be arrested. Mistake "Coke" for Explosive Polie Find Bottle of Queer Fluid on l Dynamite Suspects and - Are Alarmed. tValklh as if on pins and heedlee and afralt a catastrophe, would occur If anyone look sharply at him, Deteotlv Steve Maioifty filed into the office ot Prof. CroWley . Tuesday afternoon. In hie ha 1 ha carried something wrapped in Several folds Of newepapert and, after carefully un wrapping ft, he exposed a large roll of cotton... Then carefully taking away the cotton, he fearfully htnded th fftofeseor a small bottle 4f liquid. "For tha heaven's sake be careful," said Maloney, "but I want to find out. whether that Is, nitroglycerin or not." Tha bottle had been When from Frank Chalet, who With iohrt Kerns, Wag arrested a a sua plclou charaoter and held In connection with tha safe biotving eppisode, which 00- cured Sunday at tha C. W. Hull company, 'AMttyaitiriK an analysis prof. Crowley stated that there was not a particle of ex pl 01 Ve ' material In th concoction, and thai It consisted merely of cocaine dissolved in a goodly quantity of water. "Well, now, era ybu sure tof that, and that there Is nothing dangerous: about Itr Yehtured M lohey. Upon being assured there was not h returned. . - Blnne Sunday everyone abdut th police station has' tread on their tiptoes lest they Jar the. bottle of cocaine, and then have stood In aw as thty viewed the re SPeOtlW bottle With bated breaths, fearful that- at, any moment It tiJght prov In fernal. v Chales and Kern were given thirty days Vi 'the county Jail by Judge Crawford fLdneaday morning", on a vagrancy charge, RHdeftc against the two men In the safe blowing; case could not be produced, so they were Stowed away for safe keep ln. ' when the runaway team came running upon I the scene, and set out to follow It Instead. Just as they started off the colored lad dropped his gun and the bullet wss dls- K th .moUnt ot tG.IX. Mrs ti. S.w-J oiwrgea, An me next ininiuu um terrikieu 1 youngsters were halted by th sight of a Companion madly Screaming In pain. None of th boy have been able yet to Aec6rdin t6 tha woman W., w.l - 1 .1... , v. V. .... TW..I I " " lif3 1JC Wie lUCIIUljr Ul ntn nvuuucu vu. -lie; declare they didn't thought he waa a stranger from another neighborhood. From all accounts tha child Was not more than T or 8 years old, When the police received a report of the ocourrence the patrol waa oispaicnea 10 the scene with Pollceme Hell and Glover, Who took up th search. j 1 1 1 1 Company and of valuable mining stocks. In token of their great alliance In affection he soia ner tne mining stoox he had In hand, and In tha purchase Mrs. Btokes drew $1,W0 from tha bank In Denver and also gave over to him all her Jewelry, val- i. -f 11 Am. Tli man Alisnn riA .. Must Now Defend Mayor Dahlman aay. The police hav no ciu to hi idn. City Pays More Hydrant Rentals Judgment is Now Nearly Paid Tip Leaving; Some to Be Collected. Th Omaha Watet company received 120.000 from th olty comptroller Wednesday another payment on the Judgments for .V&tra'tft rental, bringing th total amount paiflf'thlK year to 1210.SS4.JS. Thls'teaves only1 a small proportion of th 1260,000 which waa levied to pay th water Judgment, left to collect and la taken as a nroof ot the rapidity with whluh th Uses' for 1D10 are being paid In. When th payments are all made on th 2ud,0OS levy' the rent will e coveced up to June W, 1906. th company claims rental for use Since that time, but the lappialse mebts ot th water works for purchase by the city has left these oialma in litigation Th city voted no levy this year to pay these back rentals, and will not do ao unless forced by th company which has a man damus 'suit nbW pending In an effort to get th levy made. John !.WeUatr, attorney for th watr board, hat papdra on file asking for new trial os th Judgments, for which th com' pany I trying to get money act aside and th litigation can make no more progress until Judge M linger of the federal court returns from hi -vacation In Heptember, Pirate. Deceived and robbed of love and money running away and asked the pollc Wednesday morning to look for J. J. Ward, the iflan with whom She fell lit love at first sight, and who disappeared after bringing her to Omaha, hef ankle. Hudeheck Was dead gajne, when Dr. Loveland of the polio department earfie and applied certain remedtee ha use. Omaha Sends Its Condolence ieu ooy. i. ney 1 kha. wa. maftlcurlna his tlnr n.n. i I 1 .1; ur Trr: 1. r. w.i. knew the lad and r,fcnv. Brt- h. . " H.", "1 "UM. hi weHh In atcVk. mvel"' oent ber earthly possessions from her. The naif I Crime. came to Omaha to get married Sundav. They established themselves in a boat. 10 express tne conaoienc 01 tn peopi lna house at 1W Farnam street t,.nHift f Omaha over th attempted assassination th wedding- ceremony. Ward represented of Myr Qaynor of New York City. Acting himself as a salesman for a mining maohin MB or caer sens leiegwn lueeaay (gf mj teP fei jw In Just Five Months t ir .t (Mi , Grew a Full Growth ol Hair on a Bald Head Here's the Proof Burnam to Act Against Advice for Act He Told Him Not to Do. VI AtQ, j tity nor possible whereabouts, wn. diuc is m uivurcea woman and a halrdreser and manicurist by profession. to the New York World. The message Was signed with Mayor Dahlman' ham and read as follow: OMAHA, Neb.. Au. . Wlft. the World, New York City: The people of Omaha learned witn pro found regret of the foul attempt to take tha life of the may Or ot your city. The Work ot Mayor Oaynor haa attracted the attention and met With th Universal ap proval of our people. HIS speedy recovery lis hoped for by an. Par two or three year my naif had beott failing out and getting quit thin, until th lop ef any head waa eatlrely bald. About four months age I commnctl Balrtg fia aad Sulphur. The first bottle smrosd to do some good aad I kspt Ming It regularly, antll bow 1 have ased four beu ties. Th whole top ef my head la amr fairly covered wHfc hair and It ksepe com ing la thicker. I shell ks on utlng It 4 whn longer, as I notice a cenataat lav prevesMBI. BTEPKBET BaCCTM, Hcbiter, M, t tvara of Vww Tomstl-. County of Moaro "a anescisa Paeon, bslag dmlf sworn, say that be has raad the etatsmeat above an anod aad that the eeatawU ( aM atale aunt are true. nnunt baoon. vera to safer at UU Slit tsy at air. I tot, tuumr w. Ball, atogatr raMia,, Tha blrthrleht of rery man. woman and child full, haalthy head of hair. If your hair la falling. If It la full ol dandruff, or If It Is faded or turning gray. It la tUUcl nd ahould ba looked altar without delay ' WYfcTH'S SAGE AND SULPHUR HAIR REMEDY, true Hair Tonic and Restorer, removes dandruff in , law daya, stops hair falling in one week, and starts a new growth In month. Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur does not soil the skin nor Injure the hair ; but It Is sn ideal hair dressing that will re store faded and flrey hair to natmral color and keep th hair soft and glossy. 50c. and $1.00 a Dottle At all Druggists Or Seat Direet. Express Prepaid. Vpon Rseeipt of Prlee Wyeth Chemical Company, SfcSrf nTy. FOH BALE AND IlEOOaiMBNDED BY BUKllMAN A McCONNKLL DRVQ CX. AND OWL DKt G CO. The mayor's vetu of the creosote block paving ordinance and tn appeal to tne Courts made by the advocates of that measure has forced tha olty attorney's Office Into the position of getting tne mayor out of the trouble Into which he Went against Air. Burnam' s e2pr,es ad' VIC ... : .. .,v r. Actually, although not legally, the city attorneys will have to defend tne mayor tor committing an act Which Mr. Burnam himself declared waa Illegitimate. The law says that the city officials shall ba defended against all such actions by the cltr attorney. The defense will be made on tha grounds that although the city at torney did advise against It and counsel the exeoutlve that he was liable to be wrecked by the law, still the courts have no right to Interfere on behalf of the titaens when the mayor Is doing his duty as he sees It and exercising the prerogative of veto, which Is generally supposed to apply to all publlo measures. The petition filed by the eupporters of creosote block asks for affirmative relief aa Well as for the injunction, ahd If the suit Is won against the city, the mayor's veto will be rescinded. WOUNDED BANKER IMPROVES aatBataSBBBSB) ' W. A. C. JshsMB i Saaa Better Pipe Still Held Joaea Bay ( Ha Haa Alibi. W. A- C. Johnson, th Bouth Omaha banker who wag shot and seriously wonded by highwaymen late Saturday night while going to his residence oh West Famam, la i reported to b In a slightly Improved con dition.' II leased a comrortable night Tuesday, and his attending physician, Dr. A. K. Tyler, la pleased with his signs ot Improvement. lie Is not strong enough as yet, however, to make an Identification ot Piper and.Jop., who are- held lu connec- tlon with trie- crime, advisable. Detectives Heltfldt and ponahue, who ara working on tae case, believe that there I Wr three men Instrumental In th hold J up. Th third man I supposed to hav V ben A ahort distance from the scene, and not to have taken active part In the at tempted robbery. It is becoming doubtful whether "Doo" White, whose nam I Wil liam Jonca. was Implicated In th affair. He furnlched an alibi to the detectives, wfco have been sine, making an Investiga tion Into It II stated that he waa In Blair Saturday, and that he can prove so by several people who saw him there. A -conductor lias been located who Identified Jones as the man whom he saw on his train going to Blair on either Friday or Saturday of last week. Piper Is believed to hav been Implicated In the affair, and haa been identfled by several men, who names ai withheld by the police,, as, baying been. seen a aUort time btfor Hie shouting. Smoke Doctors Worry Engineer Inventor with Smoke .Destroyer ' Would Fin; Chimney and Uie Spiritualism on Job, Th Inventions ot ., the poor Whlti Knight In "Alio Through the Looking Glass" are sane and sensible uompared with the contraptions that : ara bclng sprung dally on City Kletrlclan salchaelsen sine he was ordered by th city council to In vestigate amok destroyUig devices. The resolution provided for one good machine to be selected by a test upon th mokes taoks of the city hall and Installed as a mandatory example to the owners of tha other smokestacks around town. Since then Inventors have been trying to gain favor with Mr, Mlchaelsen. One man spent an hour or two ot th ex pert's Urn that th olty pay for Tuesday In explaining a cumbersome and Impossible Idea. By applying a little loglo Mr, Mlch aelsen discovered that .the real secret ot th Invention waa to atop up th cnlmney so completely nothing at ail eould escape. The genius who submitted It was a little hasy as to Just where the amok would finally go and aa far as the draught from the fur nace was concerned that was a matter beneath his notice. As he explained It, he waa producing a machine to keep amoke from coming out, aiul a plan to make th fire burn belter. Bids Are Taken for Pa's New Park saasssMSl Will Be Opened Thursday, on Betura of BoarkeWilf Start'WorJtT' This FalL Bids wlU be openea Thursday ror the new granasutna ana oie&cners or the Omaha 'Base Ball club at tha Vinton street park, which will cost about 116.000. Six bide for the Work have been Submitted to the architect, John McDonald, who la holding them for the arrival hre of " Rourk, who is with the teun. The new grand stand and bleachers will have seating' capacity of about t,400 people. and will be built almost ehtlreiy of steel. the' wooden atop being an exception. Where the old left field bleacher hav been an automobile park will be lead out. A feature of tha design for the grand- etand la that tha Hne of vision will be craotioaliy unimpaired by pillars or posts. Work of construction win not begin until after Thanksgiving because th park fend present standi this fall Will be Used for toot ball game. ljgHjaahaaaaaaassaisnssaal iff TiramrrnM " --- aas4aasVfsSsSi Help boost for 300,000 in 1920 NEW HOME J-OR JUNK PILE Alylrn Buys Two l,ut on Kaat Dodge Street from tk Cyraa Heed (.oBapaay, Two full lots at bttvuch and Douglas streets running north to Uodge have been bought by A. B. Aiplrn trout tne Byron Heed company, the consideration being 116,. yut. The Aipirn business v formerly where the Burlington freight depot is now building and eignty cars were required to move It to tne temporary location at Fourth and Lavf uwortu. Mr. Aiptrn ts said tu be the laigMt Junk dealer tietween Chicago and ban Francisco. H00-H00S WILL SEE OMAHA Several Hand red Lasabersnesi Way t Cnvtlo Will Stop lit City September 8. Several hundred lumbermen, representing I all of the great lumber firm and lumber ing Industrie Of the south and east. Will paa through Omaha Friday, September I, enroute to the national annual Hoe Hoo I cancatenation which opens at San Franolaoo I September a A number of Omaha Hool Hoo will Join th party her and So With them to San Francisco. Tha special leave! Chicago Thursday night and arrive in Omaha Friday after noon. According to an announcement aent out, the special will Stop at tha ciUes along the route for from four to twelve hour. In case the stop In Omaha la long enough the Hoo Hoos will hav tha privilege of lis tening to an address 'by former President Roosevelt. Bubject to change, the hour of arrival for the Hoo Hoo special haa been set at 1:26. 1 Colonel Roosevelt Is scheduled to apeak at I the Auditorium at 4 p. m. Even though they were making only a few hours' stay the visiting lumbermen would be able to take In the address, visit a few, at least, of th important points In Omaha, receive greetings from thalr fellow lumbermen here, and stUl have time to spare. The going route, as suggested, Is vial Chicago. Omaha, Denver, Colorado Springs and Bait Lake City. Returning the route I Is through Portland, Seattle, Tacotna, Vic toria, Vancouver and St. Paul. Both going and coming stops will be made at all points of Interest. Few points will be ot more interest than Omaha on September 1 Mr. Omaha Citizen: Here is something to your interest The Omaha Bee has completed arrangements for the issuing of the "Omaha 300,000' editions. '' The object of the editions is to enthuse the Royalty of Omaha people toward better things for Omaha definitely speaking, to enlist their efforts for the making of Omaha a city of 300,000 before 1920 and showing them conclusively the foundation al- WANT CONVENTION IN OMAHA CORN CROP WILL BE GOOD Barllagtoa Report aa Averaa Crop f TO t 7S Per Ceat af Lsaal A meant M ill Be Had. Corn In Nebraska, according to the weekly crop report of the Burlington, will com out well tn spite of the weather Conditions. There was no excessively high temperature during the last week, and except for some little damage east ot Wymore In south eastern Nebraska no harm came ot the hot days lately. An average crop of corn from 70 to TS per cent of the usual amount Is expected over most ot the state. Other crop are In comparatively th sam condition as th Tae editions will exploit before the world the advantage of the city ot Omaha aa a distributing and industrial center and as a desirable place for a home. These editions Will be handsomely Illustrated and of extraordinary Interest. r" It will also show people living in the empire of the West that Omaha is prepared to be more than a gateway, because it will demonstrate the advantages to be gained by ' purchasing finished products from Omaha markets, as well as the advant ages of marketing herewhat they grow The August 17 edition will contain the announcement of the Western Land Products-Exhibit to he held in Omaha January, 1 8th to 28th, 19 1 It will show the part this exposition will play in developing Omaha into a great metropolis. The Omaha 300,000" edition ahould be sent to people whom you wish to interest in a bigger Omaha. Make up a list, order the required number in advance. All three editions will be sent to any address for 10 cents i Bee Publishing Company Kearask Aslwoa far Ik lsa-1 pravemeat of Ike Ileal After N. tloaal Meat. The Nebraska Association for tha Im provement of the Deaf is so pleased with corn llhouh expected that the third the treatment accorded delegates in Omaha or p 0 "" wl" ,norl- " W.A-rf.y last week that those ot its members who have gone to a national gathering at Colo rado bpringa are working bard to bring here the national meeting In 1111 tight other oitie are tn th field, Th fight fur Omaha Is bvlng led by President J, yV. braska division th meadows and pasture hav don fairly wall, but In th Wyom ing. Sheridan and Sterling sections the grass 1 reported very dry and tha hay crop small. Light showers were felt all over the State In the laut week and heavy rain to eeveral soeUi ilflif 'nisitil.iiinUWN.ii Help boost for 300,000 in 1920 ssswrwasy is,s!s i ijief j jt.iinieiiiysja si -.- 8'Ji.r..' i-4 ir I wmmm