V ''ilk f ,'-n7s cu iiiis n i i u m ir i ii 1 1 1 1 l m i ' j jf. - i ass .r r b if MluTr r L i ' JJA7 t- fii m i 1 v x-"v r-v . j. . i gc)ust Thone ljiep muu : : v "SN. n J f 1 X 7 OFFERED FOR RENT Farmland Ruuun Coatlnaed. MODERN furnished ronmi; private fam ily; waikhig distance; II iu week. Zl t. 18th An. 'Phone Harney Sill. ONE trout oeorooln. 130 8. 23d. CLEAN furnlahed room for housekeeping, i per munth. 613 N. Uth. FINE large rooms; reasonable; modern. T-Vi Farnam at. TWO froDt rooma, l per week. 1201 Far- Ham o(. FOR RENT Cheap, a furnished 4-room cottage on liith ht.. 6 blocks from P. O.; will rant all or in aultaa for light house keeping Kli f. lth aL . 'ff BEAUTIFUL rooms; will furnish to lull; " 1U; new bouse. ttlt Central boulevard. Convenient to-car. Doug. 44. FL'RNISHEU rooms for two ladles orjenport BL part oi new mooern nouse. uu FOUR unfurnished rootna. Reference 2667 Iouglaa bU SINGLE room, all modern, suitable for I gentleman, ji.ju per weea. nvi curt. FURNISHED rooms. 624 N. aotb; Red 77H1 NICELY furnished modern rooms. 714 8 17th Ave. r KKM Woolworth. Ave., opposite Hanscom Fain, a nice bedroom, fa per mntn. VERY modern, pleasant rooma. Call ev nlngs. 2110 Chicago 6t. ODERN rooma 2210 Harney. Red 6421 OOM3 for light housekeeping, gas, tele phone, etc .118 N. l.th. t NICELY furnished rooms, modern, large lawn, will luruisii iur uyurRC5i"i iwi desli able . party. 'Fhyne U-'IMi, mi N. 11th SL .-' ., CLEAN furnished rooms'and board with German Christian family. 1811 Caoitnl Ave. FURNISHED rooms, modern. 211 N. 26th. : ' . NICt, iurnlsh.ee, e,at rooms for , n- tleinen only. , Call Iq forenoon. . 1MI1H Bt. " ' Mary's. ... . . ',. . I ' "" ' .1 J.. ' . FURNISHE0 rooms, strictly modern, mis h roppieton Ave. ,, . TWO furnished rooma. , 14 week. 1 S. Kth St. NTWKh yK J NEAT, modern room, prlvata family, rloee In: reasonable; hot water beat. 0t NICELY "furnished, rooms In modern house, private famlly.'gentlemen prefer 101 William , St.. 'Phone Douglas o64. referred. FURNISHED rooms, alt modern. 605 8. loth -By: , : . NICELY ' furnished front- parlor, first class, close In. 2427 Dodge Bt Red 7782. ( TWO furnished rooms. 2104 California St ROOM on ground floor, modem bouse; rent 12 a week. tH "la AV- ' Nln 'and-Wtr- ut''?f'?Tprlvlleg - of dolrlf light -housekeeping; poatotflce; take Pode car. 3U01 Ohio bt ,HHable for one or two persona a bouth COMB AND SliE ME If you want a r- Spectable, permanent place, JUST LIKE iOME; choicest neighborhood, large, cool ririmr rooms: well furnished, with or with- ut piano; furnace heat, gas. nice bath, hot and Ice water, both telephones, walking distance: Leavenworth car one block. 2663 St. Mary's Ave. . i FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room, 117 South HStn Bt very convenient to oust- ness. J NlcLY furnished modern front house kfetiina rooms' other rooms; close In. 641 . 24th Ave. LA KG 10 rd6m ana alcove, well furnished. ultable for light nouseiceoping. ion uooge. MODERN, furnished double rooms, good location, walking instance, mis uass ou NICE, cool Toom. 1813 Capitol Ave. FURNISHED room, rted 6651. tza Dodgtb 'Phone I Fl triey FRONT room: private family, 1401 Har- 725 8. 18TM St., modern furnished rooms for gentlemen, very reasonable. ROOH3 for rent unfurnlBhed. 206 8. luth St. ... f -J i Anm. t.l.alw fJuri.Vld. in private family; rererencea I ' Hotel and Apartments. VTHEBACHELORS ;t)ln A.sD KAHNAU. EU1U1PEAN PLAN. BRUNSWICK HQTEL 1210 Douglas. All utside rooms. ' lHE ,-WMU-NlCK MUKH ROOMS. raivt r asuiidux. ii. i- - Haruov pi. 3eautltul Hoomi, fine board. 123 B. Kith Ae MALi!Sti. IjO 'K. L Ruoma or room and KtJR RENT Six-room apartment in The liarnarJ. i'huue liouglas Uk B LAN OK 1IOTKL. ItOOMS f NICELY FURNISHED R , tleinen. THE CHATHAM, H U)c AND UP. ROOMS for gen- liu B. Uln St. T1IK LANPON. Room with board. 611 THE ALTA VISTA. European. 1401 How id St. viKCirMT inNivn unn.r iith st , DUIiUb HOTEL 13th and Dodge. All out- aue cool rooms; special rates by (be weak. Till PRATT-Coot rooms with board. 212 South loth St Uoaackeeajtao; nooaaia. , TWO front room ' completely furnished '.( Bu. 26th Ave. ' 611 SOUTH 22d. housekeeping rooma, rea sonable. THREE partly furnished or unfurnished rooms, modern, for light housekeeping; walking alliance, mvi uaicago et. THRtili furnished rooms, for man and wiie. Hi. U4 neustar st j ONE light housekeeping room. 101 Nortb JF'i lUkuk, cool rooma twasonable. liual main et nouaekeeping. owner next door west 117. - - " ' . ru. im bi, oee i HOUSEKEEPING rooms: 1st worth street Call evauioge. Laavea- ONE large furnished room suitable for housekeeping. 2013 Case street jfcKoNT room, newly papered. 1st floor. i kWoaaDie. laii urana. THE HOWARD. 21st and Howard. Two- room apxrtmvut; bath, heat ice. Janitor; new furniture; strictly private: finest loca tion; hot vaier; vacuum cleaner; lis; ref erencee required, rted 44&T. OFFEREO FOR RENT lloaakeeplag; Bwi Coatlaaed- NICE, CLEAN. COOL housekeeping rooms; gas furnished, laundry prlvllegee; warning oisiame; rent reasonable. Kill HI, MA xl I B AVC, month. 1201 N. 2uth 6L. upstairs. 'Phone B-663A. .'.iaJJII TWO eool front housekeeping m North Kta bL room. modern. TWO airy, furnished housekeeping rooms; godd neighborhood. Terms reasonable. THREK-room gas ranga. liut Graoe. TWO front rooma. furnished comDlete I for light housekeeping, modern bouse, I uu upencer. Webster Mia i TWO modern rooms for llirht housekeeo- ng. zvn uavenport etu Inquire Wl i-a- I I ,IO H T hnuSfkAtllnv roAitA tiRl rinriira street. MODERN llghtbouaakeeplng rooms. 1922 California street. TWO, threa or tour-room suite, hand-1 jaomely' furnished, piano, walking dlstanoe; suaae, raoaern. 1L& un. M Bou'h 18 St, FRONT llaht housekeeDlna room a. South 16th bt FOUR furnished rooma for llahthouaa. seeping. CLEAN pleasant rooma with housekeeo- tug ana taunary privueg. 1(0 uodge. LIGHT bousekeeplnu rooms. 2114 Chlcaio i street. Suite of I elegant rooma. Sit North Sd street. , MODERN housekeeping rooma. 1001 Wab- ster. . uouglaa 26l. FURNISHED housekeeping rooma, mod ern, ili jNortn 16th St. TWO modern, furnished for llkht house keeping; private family; walking distance. epina private iamuy; warning aistanc u South K)th Ave. 'Phone Harney MIL , LIGHT, cool rooms for light housekeeping and sleeping rooms; a tea reasonable. 1764 . ..,: h ONE large room, par try and closet fur Dished; cooking gaa 1722 Capitol Ave. . modern. fo7 WaVkg. W,"so7u 'list . : : : . i - . two niceiy rurnianea room tor nouaa- nlilir ui hth nhona. 110 2fil raid- well. Webster lifii. EXCELLENT completely . furnished housekeeping rooms, phone In house. 1674 Harney 8t SUITE OF t housekeeping . rooms. SIS per month. 623 So. 25th Ave. HOUSEKEEPING or aleeplne room at niO Harneu D 66IM. N1CK summer ROOMS U BRICK fEatT HSaffiKas-A saIC 1534. 316 B. 26th St NICE cool room, all conveniences, with TWO light ' housekeeping room.. 1720 Dodge. - LIGHT" housekeeping rooms: modern: new furniture; rent 13 week. 645 South 24th Ave. 2682 HARNEY, tiloely furnished room for light housekeeping, SOUTH GXrusUKB, modern, walking aistance. nnr,-i i i. rang." and nfc" Krtlld'i" ' WSouth ikth ,Arin.vn.cnTxin . ,,. riuuoaA&Driiiu iuuiiib, muunni, Wttm- Ing diatance; also single room. CM Dodge. THREE furnished rooms for man and wife. 112. 2414 Webster t TWO I arcs modern rooms. Including re frlgerator, gas range, washing utensils. 307 N. 25th St. - HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 1427 N. 17th Bt. Phone Webster Sfi64. THREE nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, modern, gas range, clean, wiu m. lth. NICELY furnished rooms for light house- aeeping; moaeru. u ouaias ou HOUSEKEEPING i corns, single or en I sitiltA nna firm r.f Irini mnm V it h kitnhakn privileges. m norm zza. livJi.L4l lurnisneu inoaarn ironi nouse- keeping room; other room; close in, 617 3. 24th Av. THREE fwnlsned rooms. eu North 16th st LIGHT HOUSEKEEPINQ ROOMS- 'Phono Harney 6046. TWO cool, modern furnished rooms, gas for housekeeping. HI Hat ney TWO rooms, light housekeeping, rent I reasonable. 1702 Cuming. TWO furnished rooma for light house- keeping. tl etoutn jtn Ave. TWO or three unfurnished housekeep ing rooms; all modern except heat; walk ing distance and reasonable. 636 South 26th Ave. FOR RENT 7-room strictly modern, close in; ZV23 Webster i"t LIGHT housekeeping, tU6 8, Kth Ave. WHEN you answer these .advertisements. please mentiou l he tsee. MODERN. 1 room. 110 unfurnished. 14 16th St I IOUR elc housekeeping rooms:, tit N. 14th St. near Cuinlag; prlva 112.60, Apply at office 1714 w abater Bt UNFURNISHED rooms: modem. 414 S. Btb Bt Harney 434. THREE nice rooms, water and gaa per -uontn. iiua ix. I, in at Tel. u-jl SIX elegant rooms, main floor, strictly modern. 21 No. X2d bt inquire at 320 Mi. 20th St NICEST light housekeeping rooms; mod ern, close in. 2ia jno. mn. Vafaralahed Raeius, FOUR unfurnished rooms; reference. 2667 Douglas. WILL rent our eight-room furnished house for three or six months, West Far nam district 'Phon Harney 1002. Apartnteats isi Flats. NEWLY papered 4-room rial: modera. esoept heat; I Li 160 N. 20ta Bt Conrad leung. iois uuaga aire. SERVANTS Problem aoWed: I rooma n. denaed Into 6; steam beat; eleetrte llgnt and lauodry; hrt and sold attar : wall had. safe. sea stove, refrigerator; Janitor servlca The n water, mi a ana iwai isi. iMiuiiaa tii MODERN 10-room flat, flrst-claas eondl- tlon and location. 614 N. 23d. 10. Tel. Ilea FARNAM and 30th Rts., strictly modern 4-roum list, ID pwr ntenth. Telephone Har ney '- OFFERtl) FOR RENT A fart urn is and Flata ontlaaaa. CENTRAL. APARTMENTS. Two hluh-aiadn. ti-niinn mudem flata. hardwood, ample rooms; aim aye nice order; hades, hooded gas range, free hot water an year; steam heat; walking distance. Hummer, one iu, other 128, winter 14 more. -Uual any at tM more. Kf ferencts requireo. iiruMlS-CAllLWIinu UU., t.ifi.oo. S-room modern flat, corner of Park ave- nue and Harney; walking dlstanoe. . late- Hhrhardt Co , Webster-Sunderland Uidg. ioug. ius. i aaal Cottages. I-ROOM, modern, partly furnished, aum- mar r longer. 140, 2631 Jackson. . Houses, flata. Garvin Broa. Id floor N. V. U WISH to rent our home in West Kiiimiq district; eight rooms, strictly modern; oak finish, not water neat, east trout, large w' xKnn. It Wis. twivu. . rnu DUNT..ium 27XJI Canlful Ave.; bath; good plumbing; good repair. nearly new; 16. Tel. Red UM. HOUSES cAol NlmO-ROOM modern detached brick. 1 41 1 Sherwood Ave.; IK). Patterson. 1621 Far. nsrn St. BRICK HOUSE, 1611 Dewey avenue, T rooms, modern. - Mayer eta, vo.. van ar nam St. -ROOM modern. 8. ft?1 Aval good Condi- Uon. 120. Tel. Harney 1366. HOUSES, Ins. Rlngwalt, Brandels Th. Bldg. FOR RENT An opportunity to get Into a rooming nouse wimuui uiuncy. oui do, 28th St - COOL 4-room apartment, modern, 118. 2620 Marcy St. . 122.50 -room house, modern; 706 N. 30th Bt 113.00 4-room house. Will rent to coiorea, 2614 Kinney St 625 .00 -room, wis uougias. 18.60 l-room, 1444 B. win t. HllKI NnlliN A WKJLiE . 436 Pazton Blk. , 'Phone, t). zus. a ninth nAven-rrknm house.' modern ex cept heat; parlor, living room, kitchen ad three bed rooms, all built on one P'-g- ArD,rndth.: no'Tn fir".t iti,s and incatni on the car use. oi -',h ,33 st 25 per month. For fur fTrtn . SO Bt "J" "'i'.1,1 "'i j. Investment Co.. 1512 City National bank building. Tel. Doug. im. ' 7-ROOM modern house, Bemls park, 1014 N. 834 Bt Doug. 66S4. lrtTRxisHKn house, rent one year;-lght room, two baths; West Farnam; reierences. 18i00 Six rooms, strictly, modern, , sjus a. aoin Db 2 dern M1Q S. 86th St. 126.00 Seven rooms,- strictly modern, 41M Jiara . nu ... . GAIXAUHER & NELSON. . 490 Brandels JBldg.,i Douglus .1382. Twh Lrfuim modern. . very nice, beautl fully located, newly renovated. 71 B. S7th Webster &M.,-.- , . SIX . ROOMS. MODERN, walking dis tance, inquire Ut uurt a t;52.50 Oak finished 8-room modern bouse, 1306 s. 28th bt. iron rent-just comoietea. a eicKuni - "iin.".!! nodra brick houses. They have I rooma with an extra room on the Id floor rnnm for atorsae. These bouses are beautl DrOVlUlU' HIIU uaiuiuviui 1 - -- --- -. , ; . . , t . .. . fuUX tin fnea m "- XT S perfect gems; right In the heart of the City, Bee bsieuii ii. w. vuuivi &v.t. wmu port bis., opposite nign bciiuui. k,. u. oai man, 436 Paxton Block, Tel. Red 2632; Rest dene Tel. Doug. 6006. HOUSES FOR RENT. NOWATA LAND AND LOT COM Suite C24 N. Y. Ufa Bldg. Red DM. NICE S-roorn house for rant; modern ex cept heat 4162 Cuming street 'Phone, Har ney lit. NO EQUAL Central location, 4-r. corner flat Apply vm c-ioiux ua. xtsara tiiook. BEST ROOMING HOUSI3 IN OMAHA rooms, large lot, plenty shads, fine lawn. 2412 Dodge et. look at it NOWATA LAN D AMU JLOT CO., Red ltttf. . 668 New York Life Bldg. FOR RENT Eight-room modern house. lit S. 36th Ave. .rnone uougiaa vxi. NINE-ROOM modern bricn bousaw norta pari of city, to. l-room iiwriiuvni, ivii vinri, i 1-rooai apartment 1M7 Clark. U. 4-room apartmtat city water, toilet, litis. 6-room aparijnent, lazs t. Ilia. IH. C. U. BACUUAN. tM Paxton iiiock. 'Phon Red Jtw; Residence Doug. 601 OMAHA Van aV Btoraae Co.. pack, movt re uoaaehold aonds; storehouse. 1120-24 N uth: office, ft 8. 17th St T"C IJouglas 166 HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded ..h.ao Ireiaht rales; movina and atorlna. Kxpreasmea's Delivery Co. A l. Uoug. MM. A modern 6-room cottair . 1403 So. 17 th Bt Open Sunday from 1 to 4. 222.60 and water. 631 no. 2Zd et, lo rooma, xrtn Fred S. Hadra. 660 N. V. L. Bldg. Uouglaa 4334. SMALL, COTTAGE, conveniently located at b20 North lKtn Bt., near business center. I10 W l""tn- ey "et aotr notVi 7-room modern home. Bemls Park, 1014 No. 21st. Uou. u684. tares Ufflccs. TliACKAQE PROPEKTY We offer for rent the ono ftory and basement brick store room at 914 FarnKTL TIjIs prop erty baj tracthge facilities in rear. Apply BEE BUILDING CO, 17th and Farnam. $r0 00 Store, good location for barber I thou. 1701 8. 10th Bt. & WOLF, 436 Paxton Block. WELL LIGHTED store. 22x100 101 a lata Csrier Hnaet aietai oraa 6TORE ROOM FOR RENT. Southeast corner 16tt and Duuulaa Kta Room 2sx70 fett. Pooaaaalon given about bepiemoer i. wiu. til I fSAlIUAALi UAML . LARGE pleaernt south and east front ortiee. rnrner itia aaa narney. a. g. Curtis, lf06 Hsrrey. t'neguallad Oppartmi'y lirnoary ahO meat market, wltti futerae eouiDletei a attkaL lisard Block. Apply SM .V 24 at DESK room for rent In City National Bank hldg. Ktenogrspher and i e of phone. llOilgl. OFFERED FOR RENT lores aad Offices Lontlnaed. FOR RENT Bulletin In Carson. la.: best location for general store in Iowa; build- ng is atixtjti, good roof, full baaoment, fully urnlshed; will rent for term of year or one year at a time. L. Sheets. Carson, la. FARNAM STREET STORE-ROOMS. Just completed and ready for oucupancy at lath and Farnam Kta. Choice location for retail business. Large, airy rooms with fine basements. (Special proposition to new firms. W. T. GRAHAM. Douglas 1033. 604 Bee Bldg. DESK ROOM, with roll top desk. Phone service. 673 BRANDE1S, J. Ii. JOHNSON. GOOD location for cafe and delicatessen. 21st and Howard. Inq. 601 8. 22d. OFFEREO FOR SALE Parailara. FOR SALE CHEAP S-plece walnnt bed room set and table. Tel. Harney 14. HALL TREE. SEWING MACHINE. CARPET, gas stove and washing machine. WILL SACRIFICE. ZJ44 Landon Court. TWO MACET SECTIONAL BOOKCASES. complete; solid mahogany. WILL SACRI FICE If taken soon. 4108 Lafayette Ave. BOLID MAHOGANY DAVENPORT Upholstered in leather, also Turktsk rocker. 4106 Lafayette Ave. AT GREAT sacrifice, high-grade piano. perfect condition, and other -household goods. 1228 North 34th St. WE must sell our new solid oak furni ture; It fill pay you to investigate. 1514 N. 40th St. NEW leather couch: also dining room set. 1514 N. 40th St. OAK dining set curly birch bedroom set solid mahogany desk, oak hall tree, cahlrs, etc; must be sold by August 15; call after noons iuuo ueorgia Ave. Tel. narney s4. ItoomUf Houses for Sale. FURNITURE In handsomely furnished room flat, with 10 roomers; 3 blocks frori 16th and Farnam; furniture all hew and the best; only small cash payment down,' Daianca on long time, giving purchaser op portuntty to make It out of roomers; rea son lor selling, owner has to leave city C 793, Bee. Typewriters. BUY an L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter. B. F. Bwanaoa Co pistrlbutera, UU rarnam bt . ( - Typewriters for Bent vk jjiu c arnam ot., umina. DEN8MORE TYPEWRITER for 210 eaah. Harney 4468. ZT76 Burt ett . BECOND-hand tVMwrttera sold. renalrA ventrai t ypawritar exenang. i07 brnatn. REMEMBER It takes but a few strokes of the pen to state that you saw the "ad." in i n nee. rne advertiser wants to know. . - ' Mlcllairtawf : - - FOR SALE New ana seoona-hsnd billiard and pool tables. We lead the world In cruap uar iixtures; emey payments, orunswi: 'ka-i ol'enrter. 401 S. 10th K. FOR SALE Herschtll A Solllman merry go-round, 26 jumping horses, 1 lovers' tubs, 2 chariots; run half time only, for three seasons; some of the best county fairs, in la. booked to begin soon: sacrifice, about $1,000 for. quick deal; disagreement of part ners, us n or audrena. Wlison. 4046 Hamil ton St. Tel. B-2166. . i FOR SALE Two hiiih Dressure Khvidm steam boilers. 83-horse canacltv each, size 60 Inches by 16 feet. We can show a Boiler Liability company's Inspection of these Doners as late as July 12. showing them to be In first-class condition, and the com pany approves a steam pressure of 135 pounds per square inch. Boilers can be seen in commission and will be ready to de liver about September 15 to October L Of fered for sale on account of putting in larger power plant. John G. : Woodward & Co., "The Candy Men," Council Bluffs, la. HIGH SCHOOL CADET . UNIFORM tailor made. In good condition. Age 14 or 10. JJUUUUA9 i. FILTERS: filter ' repairs. ' 1310 Howard street; Douglaa 8913. , WE HAVE on band a number at init barrels which we will sell for 60 cents each They are fine for rain water or aahea. Call st press room. Be Publishing Co. FOR SALE 6,000 shares Unole Sam nil stock, transferable on company books for 1200 cash. A. L. Delbel. pleroa Bldg, St Louis.. Mo. - ONE LETTER PRESS, on typewriter table. Call Douglaa 1609. SAFES Overstocked with second-hand afes, all rises and makea; bargains, American Supply Co., 1110 Farnam Ht HALL'S safes, new. Id-hand. 1811 Farnam. DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on all 110 orders; catalogue free.- 8hermaa A McConnell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. About 40 feet of 29 Inch diameter No. 26 gauge, galvanised pipe, with four 4o-lncn elbows ana i. inis was usea lor ventilat ing purposes, and pipe Is in good condition. The Bee Publishing Co.. 17th and Farnam. VACUUM cleaners. 116 to 125. 1117 Farnam. OSTEOPATHY Kathryn Nikolas, 634-6 Brandels Theater, Alice Johnson, 206-1 Brandela Theater Bldg JOHN PE POX 226 Brandels Theater. PATENTS D. O. BARNELL, Paxton Blk.' Tel, llatt 7117. W1LLARD EDDY, registered practitioner In U. B. Pat Office. 615 paxton Blk.. R. Xl. WHEN answering .advertisements found In the Want Ad columns, pisaae mention PERSONAL MECHANO THERAPY. Massage treatment atomaoh trouble. Dr. Margarita Halloran, tHi Neville Rlk. D. 776L Cn.UoV.oa from combings. WW, Mrs s. o"wu yathewa. 204 Neville Bit D 6263, PnViVipr nnruH Large line of Rubber ituDDer uooas fod,, epaciat MbU Order M A lp fher CO., Service. ,Kj' A. JUeiCfler i7tu& Farnam MRS. EGGER3 private confinement borne. IMS alartna St. Umebv Neb. TeL Douglas 6230. HINDOO TABLETS will build, strengthen. 60c BELL DRUO CO. braoe. alogue. MYERS-Dillon Drug Co. Omaha f AnKF.TTf! treatmrnt Mme. Smith, MAUir-il.lV m g, xwu- TnlriJ t.loor; TOTJNO WOMBf coming to Omaha as etranaars are invited to visit the Young Woman a Chris'ier aasorlatlnn hul'.dinc at svnlnth St. and Bt. Mary's Ave,, where they will he dirwoiad to suitable boarding piacae or otherwla svaiated. 1-ook fur our travaisr a aiu at tba Union atatioa. PERSONAL (Continued.) MAHOGANY unrleht Dlano for sale; cost new 1326 (CASH); NEED MONEY; leaving town; no reasonable offer refused. Address U. M. B., General Delivery, Omaha. CANDY BU8INES8 18 PROFITABLE. If you are thinking of starting a candy store or adding a department, 1 can help you and will mail you a list of my private recipes and Instructions for a variety of the choicest candirs that I have made for many years, consisting of chocolate bon bons, nut taffies, caramels, oocoanut can dles, salting almonds, mint creams, klssos, nmiKatines, brittle, wafers and others. Mall me your order with 12, and you can refer to any banker or merchant Every young lady ought to know bow to make line candies, as a source of pleasure anu profit W. a Balduff, Omaha. Neb. SWITCHES from combings. 1. Tel. Webster 3604. THE SALVATION ARMY solicits caat-oft clothing, In fact, anything you do not need We collect repair ana sen at U4 t. lita Bt. for coat of collection, to the worthy rour. Cell 'phone Douglas 4136 and wagon, will call GROW new hair by using limn Frarer"4 Adeilgbt Hair auod Muaeath bUtiouary Co. OMAHA Stammerers Ins.. Ramge Bldg. Winl tounesj for man. Griffith. " 1VJO 12 and 14 FRENZHiR BLOCK. MASSAGE for ladles. Tel. Red 6294V PRIVATE HOMD during confinement: babiea for adoption. Good Samaritan Sani tarium, 71 tat Ave.. Council Bluffs. Ia. KILL THOSE ROACHES NOT POISON 1 NO ODOR! We guarantee to rid your place, large or small of those pests In twelve days, pay when satisfied. Magic Roach Powder Co.. 673 Brandels Bldg. Dou-. 1370, Omaha. JOSIB WASHBURN'S book. "Tbe Dade' orld Mawer ' at ail book stores: prioa 11 id f AflNFTTf! TREATMENTS. IS. Broti, JUAUrjAAV-f J22,, a 1(Jlo BU Tel. D, 7E69. PTT TPQ cured without operation or pain. L ILliLiO Dr Muwell 624 Bee Bldg. D. 1424. MME. ALLEN of Chicago, baths, salt glow and massage. U05 Dodge St., oppo site postoffice. 3d floor. Tel. Doug. 7o. WE rent and repair all kinds of sewing machines, ind. A-lMtf. Doug. pro. NEBRASKA CYCLE COMPANY, lath and Harney Bt, MASSAGE AND BATHS Dr. Rlttenhouse, room 208 Old Boston Store Bldg., 4Ui tioor, elevator entrance, iw a. ma. SHAMPOO, massage. Ada Steele. 1609 Howard St 2d floor front R. west flat 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. POULTRY Screenings, 11.25 per 100 Wagner, Ml N. 16. PRINTING LEW- V. RABER,Printer,';oJn! Bee Bldg. murance on court. MILLER & JAMIESpN, 1212 Doug. Both 'phones. MIES-HALL Ptg. Co.. 100 & 14th. A2624. lad. 'PHONE IND. A-2620 for good Drlntlna Lyogstad Printing Co- 16th Capitol Ave. MILLER ft Jamlaaoa U12 Doug. Both phonea. REAL ESTATE ABSTRACT Of TITLE. GUARANTEE Aostract Co.. 163 Farnam, PETER JES8EN. JR. Tel. Douglaa 2292, REAL KSTATB DEALEHg. REED ABSTRACT CO.. Est. 1SSS: pro mot service; get our prices, km uranaela theater. BENJAMIN R. E. CO.. 477 Brandels Bldg. REAL ESTATE . TITLE TRUST CO. 1601-2 city Mati. Bank Building. ENGLEBRECHT A RAVER, CANADLAN & LOCAL REALTY. 1710 Farnam (Bee Bldg.) D. 4379. CITY PROPERTY FOR SALS). Hanscom Park District Two Good Houses One 8-room. all modern: one 6-room. mod. em except heat. Lot 72x140, paving paid in run. cast iront, one-nair LiocK to car, Always rented. Lot worth 12,500. You chance to buy a bargain. Hastings & Heyden, 1014 Harney St OUR SrELlAMI KEHTINU an SELLING homes to COLORED PEOPLK Tenants waiting; list your property with Home investment jo., xiit M. Z4th Web, git. ma. a Choice lots in different parts of city, $1.00 cash and 50 cents per week. W. J. DERMODY INVEST MENT CO. Tel. D. 786, 836 N. Y. L. Bid?, NOTHING CHEAPER IN OMAHA. 6 r.. with reception hall, lower floor fin Ished In oak, decidedly up to date and on a paved street. &th and Hamilton. See this and consult me as to terms. Hadra, u60 N. Y. L. ttldg. tougias 4334. CORNER LOT CHEAP. 60x140 with small -r. houne. Room to bu Id two more cottages. VJil Wi Ilia Ave Make your offer. GOSNEY, 590 N. Y. L. Blug. Douglas 4JM. g-ROOM. MODERN, $500 CASH. Balance easy payments; West Farnam 10 minutes walk to court bouse. Price. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. 631 New York Life Bldg. 'Phone Red ll9. 10-ACRE GARDEN TRACT, WITH CROP, STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS, . $2,900- - 2-room house. 3 chicken houses fenced good creek In one corner, never dry; some good timber; 2 horses, buggy, harness. luO chickens, cultivator; 30.000 cabbages, a large melon patch; all In first class condition. Close to school and paved road. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1G14 Harney St. HOUSES FOR SALE For real bargains In bouse In all part af the city see u. Engelbrecht & Raver, Phon. Douglas 4J79. 1710 Farnam L RFAL ESTATE CITY PROPKFlT Y FOR SALE. (Continued.) Close-in Lots Walking Distance 110 CASH. 110 A MONTH. In Bhuli'a addition, 21st 22d and Poppleton avenue; all Improvements In and paid for; water, sewer, cement sidewalks. Paving paid for on 20th, 22d and on Pvppleton. K1CES $500 TO $800 EACH The cheapest close-in Iota on the market. Why spend your money for carfare when you can buy In walking distance where you can go home to all your meals; or we will build you a house and sell It to you on very easy terms. Hastings & Hey den, 1614 Harney St. FOR SALE Modern 7-room house at Sff Hamilton St., Bemia Park; built for - a home; beautiful location; excellent neigh borhood; streets paved and paid for. See owner at above number. Price 24.6UO. 12,200 buys 6-room cottaae and t lots at 14 th and Webster Ave. Tel. Web. 6762. 6-ROOM. KENT $14-11,250. Threa blocks N. 24th St car: 1100 ouh. balance very easy; good income payer; cheap home. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., Phone Red 19. New York Life Bldg 2 LARGE LOTS f 700 Two blocks of Harney car. Good monev can be made by building on these lots or let mem lay. xney will double your money in u momns. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., $68 New York Life Bldg. 'Phone Red 1939. FOR 8AL1-Small lot. 33x70. on tiavao street, close in, at a sacrifice. Address At 491, tie. . T-ROOM strictly modern house: full lot hade, fruit: barn, cistern: on naved street: writ iui-aieu. j-nona owner. waDater tMn. zjt4 iuanuei eon bt FOR BALE CHEAP Two-story brick flat on paveu treec, close In. Address L 490. oee. ; 6 ACRES FRUIT, CHICKEN Two blocks naved street and likronm scnooi j nouse; nve-room house, barn, chicken houxe, cherries, plums, annles. peaohea, lot of grapes. Price, 4,000. Terms. PiUWAJ A l,ANU AND LOT CO., Phone Rod ls9. . 658 New York Life Bide. 11.100 buys one Of the nicest corners In ivountze fis.ee at aitn and iJinwnv Kt ww avi, iifu, aioa. 13.200 buvs a 6-room huns-aJnw. vtih mn x-uiKuey-, au moaern ana up-to-aate. Tel. Web. 6752. ONLY 125.00 CASH. Look at 2028 8. 18th Bt.. a 3-room hnuaa oq tot no teei acep tor only ,6o; i:& cash, balance HQ per month Including Interest jt-A i i u, in vwaratKNT company. Entire' Third Floor War Block. Telephones Douglas 1781; Ind. A-H88. 6 LOTS west of Fort Omaha, will sell at a Bargain at iit eacn. Tel. Web, 6762. . Hkve You a Little Ready Cash? Would you like to buy. on easv terms, a brand new, modern home, built and priced ngnt ana locniea in a very aeslrable neighborhood? We have several aDlendlil houses, ranging; In. sise from fivo rooms up to eight, which we are going to sell on a small payment down, balanoe prao- ticany ime rent, xnis 13 surely a liberal offer and should meet with a ready re sponse. Call us up without delay If you want to get started on buying a good new noine. SHIMER & CHASE CO.. Both 'phones. 309 8. 17th St. REAL ESTATE " FARM AND HA&CU LAND FOR SALS) California. rUK BALE Stock . ranch: a.SOO acres fenced; good buildings, corrals, etc; abund ance creek water for irrigation; 1,000 square miles summer and winter range; 700 acres alfalfa; 200 timothy; balance grass pasture ana grass; one or tne best stock proposi tions In California: for price and full parti culars adresa Kuck & Tobias,. 140 Byrne tsiug., jos Angeles, cai. Colorado. FOR SALE t HAVE FOR SALE ON reasonable terms a bearing peach orchard In the famous urand Valley of Colorado, within two miles of Palisades, where fall ure Is unknown: this tract oontalna seven teen aores and la all set to peaches: best varieties: bo per cent hiioerta. balance Car men ana Kaiway; gooa nouBe, Darn, cnicken houses and cisterns; all new. For further Information address E. W. Uodron, Pall- saaes, Colo. FOR SALE 100 acres bt land, 66 acres broke; six hersee, 13 head cattle, all farm Implements, seventy-five chickens; only seven miles from town; will sell all for $3,000. For further lnformstlon write John Kuchera, Box lUb, Burlington, coio. Florida. FLORIDA LANDS CHEAP Would you Invest In a 6, 10. 20 or 40-acre fruit, vegetable, poultry, peeair' or truck farm In Florida's best agricultural district If you could get It for $7.60 per acre under market price 7 we are just opening new tract In Columbia county, and while con structing the campaign will sell a few tracts on cash or easy payments of la Per month. We have Just issued a beautiful 20-page book, showing pictures of felds and dwellings in our locality, all In artistic col ore. We will mall you this book free and send you. aucn otner aaveniHing matter as will give you a good Idea of our proposition. Our land Is convenient to three railroads and we have Lake City, a modern county seat of 6.0u0 People, in our midst. People who know Florida consider our tract one of the very best. It Is indorsed by bankers, congressmen, farmers and the Board of trade, prlc-ae very low; easy buying plan; rua for books and map alvlng truthful de scription. Columbus-Florida Land Co., 44V Times Bldg., Jt. Louie. lli. 4 41 'Your paper lI have advertised my Califon- 1 nia lands in The Los Angeles papers and The Bee brings more business than they do." Thl Ig whtt John Moreh. California land dealer. of The Bee'a real eitate advertising. - , , The Bee can sell anything. It can sell It quickly. ' " Cull Douglas 238 if you nre in a hurry. . . ' , REAL ESTATE FARM AS D 14ASCI1 LAND FOR 14LB Florida Continued, . , FLORIDA homes and lands. 1 "Write for our list of f loriaa tanas ana improvea iirnnariv. Ltrii and small tracts. Lowest prices. Chlldeis e Burton. Aroadje, Fi. . FLORIDA. 200,000 acres beautiful prairie, PeSoto county, touches Ukeooltobee, - wnoieaaia ui acres minimum. klswMMEls fKAl- 1UK LAD CO., Stillwater. Minn, , ... Iowa. ' ,.- COM K NOW Wa want to ahow you the beat, bargains in Iowa farms to be found anywhere. Wa can suit you on anything from 40 to 500 acre farms and the price aim terms win suit ma moat conservative buy era Come and see ua or writ for particulars and be convinced that we can please you. . Carr.e Luke, Popejoy, la. in MISSOURI This la a real bargain and an excellent Investment; 200 acres, 2 miles west of Butterfinld, Mo.;. 10 miles aoutn vest of Monett; 100 acres In cultivation and loo acres aood timber. Which will more than pay for Its clearing; every foot good, tillable lana; no inuumorauce, in niipiuvaiiiiHii, hn,ia ham. orchard, fences and wells and on rural route, main line TFrlsco rail way; price, l&.uuu; easy terms, Aauraaa Thomas Seal, Jasper, Mo. , ,.. FARM LANDS. The best place to buy thd best land that will ralne the best crops, where prices rang from 105 to 1125 per aore, and term to' suit. nd oroui will snow or themselves;, im provements and drainage ia first .class In every respect; this land la In the' vicinity of Corwlth, la. call on or address Albert Mitchell, Corwlth. la. FOR SALE 620 acres near Hermann. Orant county, Minn., 200 acres Wei) Im proved; price on whole tract 132 per acre, one-fifth cash payment, balance 6 years. 6 per oent interest: win sen off separate tracts; must sell quickly to cloaa an estate. Brltt, la. GOOD IOWA CORN LAND Dandy lying 40 two and one-half miles from town, good house and grove, other fajr improvements, to be sold at a bargain on quick sale, JM acres, all good tillable land, fair Improve ments, less than mile of town, pan he had at a bargain If taken within ten days. One of the bust In the country. Vast improve-- mnnts. extensive water system, fine lo cation, all absolutely the beat of soil, good terms; don t come unless you expect to buy a good farm. 830 acres or leava off 34 and take 240. Price Is right. Good -quarter 6 miles out, fair improvements, 8S. Inlay sc Day, Movine. jh. IOWA FARM SNAPS. ; Fine quarter section, 1H miles from Oer- manla, la.: good grove; alx-roora ' house. good cellar, good stse barn, hog house 16x30. good well and windmill, chicken house, 46 acres In pasture, 110 acrea In cultivation, no aucn tax; stw.w per acre. u. w ruita. Bwea City, Ia. ; . , . Kansas.. -n, JOHNSON COUNTY. KAN.. FARMS. 400 acres, 4 miles Olathe. improved: best grain and stock farm In county; t per acre. siu,uuu casn, Daiance B per cent. izu acres, improved, an smooth land. 1 miles Olathe; on good road 21u0 par acre. iwj acres at Lockman. on tetranr line: JiJs la a beautiful farm; at a bargain. - yo acres. 1 mile Olathe. -very rich land: fine country home; priced rlghL u acres near Lenexa, Kan.; nigniy lus- proved, rich land; 1140 per acre. . t can save you money on any sise larra. Olathe property or western Jk.ansas land. Jmin Fergus, Olathe. Kan. - t FOR 8ALE 100 acres well improved land: 1 miles from Lin wood, Leavvnworth .Co., Kan.j 27 miles of Kb mme City; 'It-room house, barn for 12 horses wltlv mow; other outbuildings; watered by wU, cistern and springs with windmill; 00 acrea farm land, balance timber and pasture; 00 aores fenced hog tight; half mile to school; on rural route and telephone; price Sd5 . per acre. Call or address L. F. Kimball, Llnwood, Kan., route 2. Box 88. . ,, . . . Mlaaoarl. ; EVERY ONB WORTH THE) MONEY 240 acres, 6 miles Olathe,- Johnson Co, Kan., all In tame grass; prioa 110,600. :,' .... 1G0 acres, well located In Johnson Co Kan.; must all In cultivation; good Ira provements; near school; price ITS per acra 0 acres. I mile of Olathe; all in tamt grass; a beauty for 1100. - . . . 240 acrea in Clay Co., Mo.; all rich, black anil; good Improvements; this is. a high class farm; price 2100. 100 acres, 10 miles from: Kansas City, I Platte Co.; 2 seta of Improvements; no bet ter soil on earth; the growing ornns will convince you what the soil Is; price 1100. 80 acres near Lenexa; between two elec tric car lines; 15.000 worth of improve ments; a lovely country home; price 1140. Beautiful 10-orre tracts on Strang eleo trio line. 1300 per acre. t .. We know farm land when wa sea It an4 will pay all expense If land la not at wt represent. - .- ". ' " C1IA8. 8PRAGUE & CO., 220 Ridge Bldg., Kansai City, .lao, -7 r Minnesota. v-. SOUTHWESTERN MINNESOTA- LAND. 60-acre farm, located on ntiaitv travel road I miles from Traoy, Minn., a city .of about l,3oo population. Farm. -all under oulttva Uon, about 40 aores belag used for small grain, the remaining portion In tame grass. . 15 acres of same in pasture:' two-thlrde oi i arm xencea; tnree acre in. fine grove, young bearing apple trees and small fruit, shrubbery; fair buildings and 4food -well. Price ue. 240-aore farm, 4Vj mile from' Tracy, Minn., t miles from Uarvln, Minn.) 1W) aores in crop, 26 acres in pasture, fin, grove, well and 60-foot windmill tower;, nine-room house, furnace heated; one barn 20x12, 14 foot posts, with addition 14x32: one barn and granary combination 18x40, )4 foot posts; chicken house 8x24. feet high." JPrlca H7.60, A snsp on easy terms, lw acrea, 1 miles from Tracy, a mile from Amlrot, Minn.; all In tame grans and cultivation, living water, crossing corner; a fine level piece ol laud. Price M3 00 per acre, , one-fifth , cash payment, 6 years on halanc at 6 per cent. U. II, GOODWIN LAND CO., TRACY. MINN. - SOUTHERN MINNESOTA FARMS FOR BALE We offer a large list of good farm In Freeborn county, tbe "corn and clover county" of southern Minnesota, at prices that will yield big returna ou the Invest ment; we call them Iowa farms at Minne sota prices and Invite a critical Inspection. For list and map address Herbert A. Skin ner, Albert Lee. Minn. , , brings results. 11 I