Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 10, 1910, Page 7, Image 7

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a, k ot Tln v
The tea W. Blackbnra. Iiyn.
Tas yoar pristine t. t'je 'x lma.
si.u.c rui- wo.
Tale of the S.a May Elevate
Ch .mbermaid to Prima Donna
We Will Continue Our
Until Every lVIan's and Young Man's
st Dry Cleaning o' ti-iuiMil. Twin
tA'.y Uy Work, ' rtnoih Kutjnth.
&uit Has Been soia
. 'V, !-..K'L't I
Sr. W. x. Foots, eealUt and acriat, has
moved to 72.1 anil City ?etloiial bir.k.
la the Bivorte Ooart Two suit have
ten fili1. rllrlla ilemr va. Hurley lltfter,
and I Jim. i Moat Ihieslier vs. i:dun Uutt
rjango Accoutre lit Nebraska fcavtng
aj Loan AsVn. One dollar to M.000 each
81 par vent per annum, credited semi
annually, organized 18.. 160S Farnam
'aw Elevators Companies Article
f Incorporation were filed Tuesday for the
MIMotirl Valley ftleVatnr company and tin
I'pdlko Klevatnr company, ' each with a
capital of I0,W0. N. El. I'pdlke. O. M,
i Hh. t.". L. llaBcook and K. A.' Cope are
tin officers for both corporation.
Xlaaaped Child Returned Itoe Lib
rattt, the 1-year-old girl kidnaped by hei
father from the Benson orphanage Sunday
afternoon, wti returned Monday evening
dard I,lberattl. the father, was released
upon hla own recognisance while Judge Hut
tori dcrld. e what, action he will take.
Xaay yew Unmhera Tho bringing In
C'f extra pi u tubers from Kansa City to help
out In Omaha bulldlnga ha made the work
of the plumbing Inspector unusually heavy
during the time of the mid-month examina
tion The pip fixer are not allowed to
go to work' until the lnapector la as
aured of their ability and knowledge, and
i had about forty new men thla month.
Hounded for Ring
by J. P. Morgan
Darkey Appeals to Chief for Protec
tion Against Multi-Millionaire
''"After Priceless Gems.
An old white-headed darkey with a lamb's
wool beard and a worried expression came
t Into the of fit of Chief of Police Donahue,
Monday afternoon.
Ha begged for a private Interview .l
after looking- around carefully to ee that
kno one could be apylng he drew from hla
pocket an oil worn pocketbook tied several
tlmea around with a heavy cord. Untying
ma cora no unravtened the pure and took
from It a smaller one and from that a
chamois bag. In the baa-
wrappad up wag a brass ring with a glass
-em auch a mhjht be purchased for 10
cent at a. notion store.
There, iah. you tee dat ring," he said
i-nat a a fine ring," aald the chief.
"TeesAh. dat's a. fine rlnsr dat rin- .ah
la wuf forty-eight millions of dollahs and
seventeen coots.
Tha chief did hla best to look properly
"And aay mlstah chief. Ah don't want It
no longan, it's de burden of man life."
"Why or-
"Well aah. In de fust place,' Ah'se shamed
to oe o ricn. ana den. Ah, m beln' hounded
to deaf. When Harrlman . was alive he
was after, me all de time and he tol' all
dam Wall street fellah and now deya'
after me. Pat Peepont Mohgan ha houn'
me to deaf an' Ah ealn't aleep." . . .
"Wall, you'd better keep your ring:," aald
tha chief." I wouldn t dare try to protect It
Where do you live?" i-.
Tho darkey got up, hid away hla ring, and
j alarted to back out through the door, look
ing iuruveiy arouna. .
"Man tuune'a Wlllum Washington, aah,
and Ah'm lent heW" hbimAM "to deafl h
live In da poor -farm place; and deyse gwlna
to louk me up cauae I tol' 'am how much
. It wua wuf and W
Worlc ' on - New Grataaaiara at tho
Asylam lor tho Deaf la
' tepe.
Work on the new $50,000 gymnasium for
0 BUte Deaf , and , Pumb Institute haa
been atopped by order of the city building
Inspector because tha contractor had taken
out no permit.
The . entree tor, Ueorge A. Bpaul, was
working under the Impression .that the
atata was exempt from tha duty of sub
mlttlng Its plana to the city's Inspector and
neglected ' to pay tha usual fees.
Mr. Wlthnell, however, demand the same
precautions on tho part of the atata aa are
required from private citlsens, and In re
aponae to hla requeet Mr, Bpaul haa tele
graphed front Seneca, Kan., where ha bad
gone on bualnesa, that ha would return to
Omaha and tako out tho regular permit
Tho inspectors . office has recently
aVpped work on several other' amaller Jobs
I'.nd the city, aa the building laws are
;....' , .. ?: - v
ljBbji rHin.ii caBBRtt
"Bessie the Lark" is "Discovered"
Making Beds and Singin?
Aft?r Year's Search.
hadn't felt sorry for the family cf n coal
pr;er who became Insane and Jumped
overboard from , the Maui etanU 1i mlJ
ocean, and If It had not been that she had
a voice that gave her the name of "Bessie
the Lark" In the school In aiaxgow, every
thing might have been different. However,
everything went right and within a few
days. Instead of making beds In the Hotel
Annonla and helping In the linen room at
the hostelry, the young Scotch girl will
bepln an entirely new life.
BesMo.hns been "discovered," and, thanks
to Mrs. Charles Douvllle Cohuin's long
search, she will be given the chance that
she has sought.
The girl's story reads like fiction. She
Is an orphan, born In the County Longford,
Ireland, but taken by her parents to Scot
land when two yetra old. When Bessie
and her sister, Kate, a year her Junior, able to talk they were taught Irish
nrelodles by their father.
The two girls attended a parochial school
Just outside ot Glasgow and here the
sweetness and natural power of their
voices aoon attracted the attention of the
teachers and the children.
After tho death of their father the girls
lived with relatives, but they wanted to
come to America and finally borrowed
money to come to this country. That was
a year ago. The glrla left for New York
in tha Mauretanla. The second day out
ona of the coal passers jumped overboard
i.nd the first cabin passengers decided to
hold a concert, the proceeds of which
would bo given to the widow and children.
One of the deck stewards told those in
charge of the affair that there were a
couple of young girls In the second cabin
whom he had 'heard singing and declared
ther voices to . be equal to any he had
Ps V I
laeetrltg Ctoltxc
w V I r
is the price we've placed on our $13.50 to $18.00 Two nud
Tlirce-Pioce Suits, although it is LESS THAN HALF
There's yet plenty of shades, patterns-und sizes to fit
you and exactly suit you.
Will you take advantage of this the last and greatest
reduction of this season! ' .
"The House of
High Merit."
ever heard. The girls were told of tne
concert and I tat object and were willing to
take part. The girls were the last on the
program, and their singing of the old Irish
and Scotch airs aroused more enthusiasm
than any other number.
It happened that Mrs. Charles Douvllle
Coburn was on the Mauretanla. 'Hhe was
titling outside the music room when the
girls sang.
The applause had hardly ded out before
the two girls disappeared toward the sec
ond cabin. Mrs. Coburn decided to hunt
them up the next morning, but that night
the Mauretanla anchored off Quarantine,
and by the time the cabin passengers were
ready to leave the steamer most of those
Jn the second cabin had disembarked.
Ever Blnce then Mrs. Coburn has been
searching for Bessie, and It was not until
a couple of days ago that she found hex.
During the last week Mrs. Coburn, with
her husband and the other members of the
Coburn plavers, have been giving open
al rperfomances on the campus of Colum
bia uaivei....y, tli a proceeds of which were
to go toward founding scholarships In the
college. One day she visited a friend In
the Hotel Ansonla, and while there heard
lomeone singing. There could be no mis
take In the voice, and she at once told
her friend the story.
Together they visited Mr. F. J. Searing,
tha manger of the hotel. When told the
story ho smiled.
"Why, your1 sister, Mrs. Coburn," he re
plied, "must be Bessie McOlynn, who
came here a few weeks ago. I have heard
a lot about her voice,- but never had the
chance to hear her. They ay It Is a won
der." Bess was sent for, and when ques
tioned, very nervously admitted that she
had sung at a concert on the Mauretanla
a year ago.
"Well," said Mrs.' Coburn, "we'll see
what can be done about It, and maybe it
will not be long 1efore we'll hear Just as
much about Bcsslo McGlynn as anyone
else In opera."
Bessie la not quite 21 years old, and
although she sings all the old ballads of
Scotland and Ireland, haa never tried to
study music. Her voice Is. of a deep con
"Range?" aho replied, when questioned
on thla part of her musical qualifications,
"I don't know anything about a range,
except the gas range they use here. 1
sing because I love tq and never thought
of singing In public before, except at the
little concerts they used to give at home.
My sister Kate and I always sang at the
benefits In Glasgow, but never for money."
Mrs. Coburn will have some of the beat
known musicians in the city hear Bessie's
Blngtng within the next few weeks. Then
it will be decided on the best method of
aiding her for operatic work.
Street Car Break ToagM on Wasjoa
Horoea llroak Away
aad Ran.
Frightened by tho collision of a car with
tha vehicle ihy were drawing, a team
ot horteo . attached to an undertaker's
wagoo passing on Twenty-fourth at U
treats In South Omaha, ran away Tueaday
afternoon. Tho conveyance was the prop
erty Of Bernard J. L&rkln. and contained
tho body of tho late Mrs. Mary Hannlgan.
whlcH had been sent from Phillips, 8. D.,
for burial In' South Omaha,
The driver, sitting beside Mr. Larkln,
turned tho horsea In tho car track to give
way to an automobile, and a car struck' tha
tongue of tho wa-on. snapping It Tho
borsea ran three blocka, beoame' loose and
were' captured (lvo blocka away. The
wegoa received considerable damage, but
no one was lajurod and tho corpse remained
undisturbed. ' vc '
New Automobile Course Will Be Fin
ished Soon.
J If . I .t i .em .! r-- mi :!;'. J J-t 1i
Races Will Take Plac Last of Thla
Month and Bl Meet, "with Bar'
ney Oldfleld Entered, Will .
Come Neat.
Omaha'a new automobile' speedway which
la being built half. mile south of Elm
wood park Is nearing completion and will
be opened with a meet for local drivers
about the first week In September.
, The endurance run for Omaha cars will
bo over August 28 and the meet may be
held the next week after that If tho drivers
are not too muoh used up to have any en
thusiasm. Tho motorcycle expert will
have races at the same time.
Thla Is to be followed a little later by a
big racing meet at which Barney Oldfleld
has been asked to appear, and a number
of other drivers will probably bo entered
by the companies whose cars they drive.
The new speedway is about half a mile
from ' tho west end of the Leavenworth
car line, and the company promoting It
will make an effort to have the line ex
tended in a loop to the entrance. - Until
that Is done the management will have
buses at tho end of tho line to carry
patrons to the gate on exhibition days. It
1 the site of the old state fair grounds.
The surface upon which tha circle. Is
being laid la very hard and will be un
usually satisfactory. The west end has
been already banked and tho sod la being
lifted from tha entire surface. The work
will be hurried a much aa possible to
have tho track complete and a grandstand
up for the first meet
torn ( 4S.OOO la Of fared for fltoae
Balldlae; at Slstrcath aad
Io4t Street,
(i Directors of the Omaha Building and
Loan association aro considering an offer
Of 145,000 for tho building at Bixteenth and
' Dodge atreeta, which has been tho home of
tho aaaoclatlon for soma yours. The asso
ciation will move soon to the MoCagua
building, a, block oast, which waa recently
' bought.
Tho Sixteenth street building Is a sub
stantial one of atone, five stories and a
g basement. Tho sale Mill not tncluda the
ground, which Is leased tor ninety-nine
year by 11. B. Cook of Chicago.
It la aald that tho offer will probably be
accepted. .
Tho Lake at Oara t oaatrr.
A tiandsoma brochure, artistically illus
trated. Issued by tho Grand Trunk Hall
way System telling of tho beauties of the
Lako pi Baya district In the "Highland of
Ontario." The concise description era-
dl tho atory of a charming rtaort A
aew feature of this district is the new
noteV-'The Wiwt." at Norway point'
A copy can be obtained tree on applica
tion to H. O. Elliott, tl? Merchants Loan
V Trust Building, Chicago.
Settle Program
of Roosevelt's;
Visit in Omaha
Will Speak . Auditorium at 4 P. M.,
- Luncheon at Field Club, Dinner
at Omaha Club.
Detaalla of Theodore Roosevelt's day in
Omaha, September 1, have been settled, the
announcement including a statement that
Mr. Roosevelt will speak to tho general
publlo at tho. Auditorium at 4 p. m.
The directors of the Omaha club have
agreed that the work of redecorating the
building ahall not begin until after the
presidential visit so that the club will be
available to entertain the former presdent
The official program of the day, adopted
by the committee on arangements Tuesday
noon, is as follows:
"Breakfast will be served In the morning
at tho club, luncheon will be served at the
Field club at 12:30 and dinner at the Omaha
club at 6:30. Tho luncheon will be Informal
and the dinner formal. The Auditorium
meeting, at which Colonel Roosevelt will
speak, will be held at 4 o'clock. After din
ner at the Omaha club the party will go to
Uiu bpecial initiation ot me Knights of
Ak-Sar-Ben at the Den. Only member of
the Ak-Sar-Ben, however, will be admitted,
so that It will be necessary for all those
who expect to witness tho initiation to Join
tne rank ut the Knignta of Ak-Sar-Ben,
No tickets will be necessary tor admission
t Hit Autlilortum. The meeting will be free
to all."
Johnson to Look
at Two Suspects
Polios Await : ImproTement of the
Wounded Man's Condition One '
Identification is Hade.
Pending tho final Identification of the
two auspects held for the shooting of W.
A. C. .Johnson, the South Omaha banker,
the police atill decline to give the name
of the man who first recognised them as
tho alleged hold-up men. The prisoners will
not be brought to tho Wise hospital for
Mr. Johnson to look at until the latter Im
proves in condition. It Is. not known how
soon the final Identification can be made,
but tho police say they will have a clear
case against tho suspect when this is
Tho prisoner gave their names as Ray
Piper of South Omaha and Will Jones, who
la known as ''Doc" White. The police say
"Doc" White la thought to have committed
a burglary upon tha Aulabaugh fur store
at 1009 Farnam atreet. Deteettves Donahue
and Heltfeld arrested the suspects.
Wife Abusers
Are Sentenced
Two Men Charged with Mistreatment
Get Sentences to Jail
, Two men charged with abusing their
families wera arraigned and aentenced by
Judge Crawford Tuesday morning. William
Richardson, who was alleged to have beaten
his wife, was sentenced to ten days in Jail.
II. McArdle, who suffered arrest by police
man Cooper Monday night, shortly after
he was alleged to have come home drunk
and driven his wife and daughter from the
house, received a sentence of flvo days In
Officials Boast of Fast Time Made by
' Trains.
Chicago-Denver ExV'b" ou Time for
Two Months aad Fast Mail Only .
Late Twice Daring That
Burlington officials ate proud of tie
record made In running their fast trains
between Chicago and Omaha and Omahn
and Denver during the months ot June an?
Two trains, the Chicago. Denver express
and the Fa-t Mall, - number 7, arrived oi
time every day in July and June, and Fast
mail, number 16, managed to come in with
only two days in tho two month late, once
in June and once in July.
It Is interesting to note In regard to thlf
that tho trains making thla time are sched
uled for a time of forty to fifty miles a i
hour, and yet not a minute was lost. The
train for the west, the Colorado Express,
was late twice and spoiled Its record durinp
County Assessor yhilver Saya This la
-Virtually Decided by the
Douglas county banks will have to pay
taxes on $1,192,005 worth of bad loans.
County Assessor Bhriver returned from the
hearing before the State Board of Equal
ization Monday night. He say this action
has been virtually decided by the slate
board. Douglas county, with several
others, has been allowing bank a deduc
tion of S per cent on bad loans. Other
counties protested on the ground that a
few counties should not be allowed this
privilege while others were not, making no
allowance for the larger amount of banking
business done in Omaha. '
. - -T?ww1
,7 , -sM-sjT -M T Tl - ' '
I llm' li ttm, J LluS j jt 1 1
iJatSE mUamUm er W
. hli
.. ... ': in i i
For selling popular high
grade Automobiles. Give
experience and telephone
Address Y
209 Bee
Sirs. Helen Comfort, Who Buffered
Palnfnl Injuries, Panel Away
at Hospital. t
Mrs. Helen Comfort, wno was frightfully
burned in an explosion by a gas stove at
629 South Nineteenth atreet Monday night,
died about midnight. Mr. Comfort was
employed as cook at the address, wher
Mrs. Joseph Wlthrow conduct a boarding
Persistent Advertising Is the Road to
Big Returns.
A Ton o( Gold
could buy nothing better for female weak
nesses, lame back and kidney trouble than
Electrlo Bitter. Wo. For sale by Beaton
Drug Co. ,
Unlldlua Permits.
Mrs. Minnie Benolkens. MM South Thirty
olglilh, frame dwelling, fjou; Lrfiuls Lh
mnn, 1410 Wirt, stone dwelling, $3,200; C.
W. Face. S-'2J North Nineteenth, frame
dwelling, ll.ouo; B. F. 6mlth. South
KUvenlh. repair, k.0i, W. P. Keeley.
Shirley, frame dwell ng. J. 11. Crouuu,
bn North Thlrty-thord. tram dwelling,
M; tu. Patrick' church. 1417 C'aetellar.
brick church. 130,000; C. S Asford. tMi Lake,
frame dwelling. fl.00; Frank Zeleny,
Mouth Thirteenth, frame dwelling, t?.0uu;
Peter flwannou. 4706 North Sixteenth, frame
dwelling, S.OO; U. W. liurnelt, 2Jua Fowler
avenue, repair, .ST
Two Burglars
Brought Back
Detectives Bring Suspects of Omaha
Looting from Sioux City Some
Goods Becovered.
Arrested with a quantity of loot atolen
from Omaha homes in their possession at
Bloux City several daya ago, John Lewi
and Lew. a Harrison were brought to Omaha
by Detective Mitchell and Sullivan Mon
day evening. The prisoner will b ar
raigned immediately and charged with
burglary on four counts. They ar said
to have robbed the homes of Messrs. Faulk
ner. Heunesy, Allen and Froit In tho last
-It cured m " or "it vd th life ot rny
child." ar the expression you hear ovary
day about Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy. Thla la true tho world
ever where thla valuable remedy has beea
Introduced. No o'.her medicine in use for
diarrhoea or bowel complaint ha received
uch general approval. Th aecret of th
success of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy la that it cures. Bold
Br aU Aealara
Our Desks
Our Service
Our Prices
Have furnished, almost through
out, Omaha's new office buildings.
WiWwi'1 u Sir
k - v r . Tl .... .'.. - --
Omaha Printing Go.
924-928 Farnam St.
Douglas 346
tnd. V.3431
IVcntworth rJHitary Academy
Oldest and Largest In Middle West. Government Supervision.
Highest rating by War Department. Infantry, Artillery and Cavalry
Drills. Courses of study prepare for Universities. : Government
Academies or for Business Life. Accredited by North Central
Association of Schools and Colleges. Manual Training. Separate
Department for Small Boys. For catalogue, address
The Beeretary. Boar A. Lexington. Mo.
MUi. NEBim
with all tho advantages of Eastern
st.Ul aohoola. Cartlrtcate admit without
examination to Wailauinv Bmi.t. v.
ar, etc Acamedla and Collegiate courses: music, art, domestic science, gyiune.
Icm. All airls In special charge of house-mother. 1 ear-book sent UDon r.uuil
M1S3 MAK8DEN. Principal. Omaha. Nob. " P request.
UJT(Jlp Doaxestic Science,
lUUulV Art, Eipression.
1 Special Course. Normal
Oourse ior Teachers.
Full Oouree leading to Diplomas.
TU Best Instruction. Seasonable Rate,
tlealibtul and Ualpful Oollogo Surrounding.
Woman's CoUef e, Bex U Jackea nu. 111.
RI H7E?S Wiliry
fljlflj AUlUiJ Arsilpmv
ur.rTita.tiEm, al, laio.
roa catiloo, Ausaeii
!. KIUTlgf AOAOSaiy,
atAOOal. MO.
S Western Normal Collet
8hif0eh, Iowa
t-itdnet B. a Cm HI4. TtMln
Cowml (fvt t30 Student A run..:1
UmM tuftrnttut .lwU w WW, tnur
Ait) Tji
4. m. Mveatv. Kai J
i i i i w
Send your yuuuy puuplu to
An accredited achool of th hlghect stand
ing, In a community remarkable for
clean. wholesome, uplifting
A Trained Faculty of Specialists.
Low EKpense Hest Faoliittea
rail Term Open Bept ISth. Bend for
literature. TABOR COLLEGU. Tabor, la.
It Will Pay You
to examine the School and College page
of Tho Be ( next Monday. Beside tho
selected educational topics and school
news, you will find the announcements
of varlou college and achoola regard
ing their facilities and advantage.
WB-S Thm brut in all ( oluniorcl.l ( ourw.
re clAl.jrufl .II.UIU. kll. AdOrcu
iV IS IUU BuilctLug 1 Jaeuia, h'eb.