) I !! Want - Ads Waat ad received at aay tlm; ta lasar proper claaslfleatlem be preaeated before 19 o'eloeU far tke enta edltloa aad befare TioO o'clock of arevlaa fo aornla and Bandar edltlaaa. Waat ad reoelred after each koare win have their ft laeertloa aader the headlav 'Tea Late ta Claalfy." Caah aaaex aeeeaapaay all ardera for I waat ada. aad adTartlaeateat will be accepted for leaa the 0 ceata for flrat laaertloa. Rate apply ta either The Dally ar Vaadar Always coint aU words ta a llae. CASH IIATES FOR WART AOS. '. ItEOVLAR CLASSIFICATION One laaertloa, I l- eeata per word and 1 eeat per word for each aabacaaeat 4 1 f...k .inuriloa made on odd day. 1 1-3 cent per word, fl.BO per llae per moatb. Waat ada for The flee may be left aad aaaav afk t f la d t A 1 1 OW 1 It at dfataa oae la yoor "corner dralat' they are all breach affieea far The Dee and oar ad will be laeerted Jnat aa urumytlrtand on the aame ratea aa at the inaia office In The Dee balldlas Seventeenth and Fnrnanm etreetei Albach. V. C. 40th ami Farnaru. Beranek, 8. A., 1402 8. 16th St Peyton Pharmack, 720 8. 16tb St 14. r, a.ir, Phurmnrv UtnHn.n. NeD, Bemle Park Pharmacy, 334 and Cumins. Blake-Bradish, Ml Sherman Ave. iiiihiin i' 11 ith anil Fierce St a. riirmn Hiii Phurmmv 2212 Military Ave. Hlnterlona Drug Co.. 21at Ava. and Far- Bam St. ' . . . Crissey Pharmacy, I4th and Lake. Cooney Pharmacy, 222i S. 14th tit, Cermuk, Emll, 1204-6 S. 13th St Ehler, ,F. H., 2S02 Leavenworth Foster & Arnoldl. 213 N. 2ith St. Freytag, J. J., 1914 N. 24th St. Fregger Drug Co., liiOt N. 10th Bt Florence Drue Co.. Florence. Neb. Oreen'a Pharmacy, Park Ave. find Pacific ureenougn, u, a., it a. wen t. Greenougli. (1. A., 10th and Hickory. Hayden. William. 20 Farnam St. Hanacom Park Pharmacy. Uol 3. 29th Ave. Hoist John, C21 N. 16th tit. Huff, A. L., 2JU Leavenworth St. Johanaon Drug Co., 24th and Spalding. King, 11. S., 22S Farnam tit. Kounii Place Pharmacy, 2304 N. 24th Man, Fred L., 201V Central Blvd. Patrick Drug Co.. 16J4 N. 24th St. LathroD. Charles E.. Ii24 N. 24th St. Goldman Pharmacy, . 24th and Leaven- wonn ota.. , Saratoga Drug Co.. 24th and Amea Ave. Schaefcr'a Cut Price Drug Store, 16th and vnK;K) aim. Kchaefer, Aug., 2(131 N. ICth. Schmidt, J. H.. 24th and Cuming Sta walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming, DEATH AND Ft'?(EIt AL'NOTICES 341QITLEMAN- Hiram A., August o, 1010, egea m yeara and 6 month. Funeral servl-te will be Held from family residence, 2531 Parker street, Tuesday, 'Aug ust . at 2 p. m. - Interment Forest Lawn vemeiery. c rienot invr.ed. QUANN Mrs. Mary, aired 64 venm Funeral Tueauay, from the residence of lier daughter, Mra. lames 11. Everaon, 1604 juapie street, at b:ju a. m., Ausust v; v a, m. to the Sacred Heart churchi Interment in receiving vault rioiy Sepulchre cemetery The family lett ire John E. and Paul A, of Omaha, Mra. 'Charles H. Zerb ot South Omaha and .Ufa, J. V. Kemp of Kock epringa, wyo ' 1 BCIIEIBEJt Rudolph, Monday morning, at nis rcsiuence on west JHxlge street, wife and three children survive him. Funeral from residence Tuesday at p. ra. - xnierinent fevvrgreen cemt.ery Frlenda Invited. Ueceated was a member of the Modern Woodmen of Benson and toe umana riattaeutscner vereln. CARD OK THANKS. We wish to -thank our friends and neigh vora ana carpenter t Union No. 4J7, aiaj Xxage No. 103. independent Order Odd Fel lowa during the accident and death of riimbana and brother. Mt. B. It. Huknson, Air. and Mra. Andrew Llnd. ANNOUNCEMENTS. J. A. GENTLEMAN C0.T" rmbalmero, HU Chicago. D. 1(39. B-16SS. $5.00 Ladies', and Men's Shoes for $2.50, All sizes, ;dl widths and leathers.' ALEXANDER, Third Floor, Paxton Block. tUUTANT ByUlUi'-Sl, COAL OFFICS, MONEY TO LOAN LOW HATB. In sums to suit. HO He Bid 'Phone Dous. 2MM. UNION LOAN COMPANY. ILEH GRAND IlOTEL Finest in the .t. Turkish Tin trio ICth and Howard bts. AUrh.lSU iaiHS borne cooking, cakes, pies and cold meats, i , !' 1 .1 ( ' V'i li SSI'.iV -' '"' " i J. C. NOPTHRUP. THIS L12TTfc:HOLOOIST.', wlnhea to announce that on August IS, she win locate in ucr Di-ancD omce, 137 City ml ishk. prepaiea to ao an kinds atrnograpiilo work. - Letter factory at 6oti paxton liik., uougias km - EAT KOoHER HOME COOKINd. Arklus. aili 8. Utb, upbtaira. , B. F. WURN.Optician, 443 J Brandels bldg, Dli. J. V. McAVIN penUat located 4M Brandels Theater Bldg. PANAMAS Cleaned, bleached, blocked. ina nuuu r un.uuiui tu., Zf per rent ises man umfu pricea. ma ana bts.. bouth Omaha. U. A. RAAPIvE. ARCHITECT, announoea that after August first he will be in his new offices. 1222-:4-. CITY NATIONAL BANK BLDO the most complete architect' offices la the city. j , ,v . , M AGGAKD Van A Stoiace or Omah Trunk. au Hiorase Co. Park, mnv Hoit and ship H. 11. goods. O. It. ii-UJ. BARKER BROS. PAINT CO., W09V4 FARNAM ST., BOTH PHONES. Shei win-Williams a!nt, 11 U a gal. Varn ishes from tl bo to 14 So a gal., all brands of white h ad, IT W per luo lbs. Low prices In vull paper, glusa. giaalng and 'ranting. ED ROTIIERY "oiita no. j. fuii JjI. lk7VIlIilWi ,n o( guor, Mnd claars. Cat In connection 'U S. 14th. ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continuud.i Edward Johnson, Successor to ' BARRETT-JOIINSON TAILORING CO., are now ready to render the beet of tailor ing aervlce to their many frlende arid pat rona at their new quarters, ID , FLOOR CITY NATL BANK BLLXJ. DAVID COLE Creamery Co. GOOD MERCHANTS' LUNCH, g CTS. PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES. Saratoga Drug Co.. 24th and Amea. W. u. S. H. Colo Sign Co.. D. I78. 131 Farnam. STORE YOUR FINK FUR3 IN MOTH PROOF VAULTS. Nominal cosu onu KEHT'8, 15th and Harney. . VIRGINIA DARE wine. 7oO a large bol ls. KLKIN l.luUOR HOUbli M N. mm Bt. Douglaa S670. ron and Wire Fences Cheaper Than Wood. Last a Lifetime. . ... 207 N. 17th St. Phone, Red sit. nr nrtw Ar "always ths mh.i. Lj KjtxlUAM. uiHiiiNO'8 Ice Cream. Wedgewood Cre, Butter. Harding Cream Co. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Douglaa 644. A fl T n M F. Refreshing. Medicinal V 1 U IN Hi Hummer Drlak. DaUy retail delivery. Ask your doctor. Alamlto. J OIIN NITTLER Home Consumers' Distributer. T TTVTTS THE BEER YOU LIKE " w " " X224 Hnuth 24th fit. Dovglas im. Red 3i; Indnpendent. A-1420 ENGRAVED STATIONERY Weddings, anouticements, calling cards. otera & JLeary Co., laOa Jackson. Dnuglaa 1M HEALTH COMMISSIONERS I'OMMANUH Order your hours and poicu screened from THE OMAHA WINDOW SCREEN CO. A SANITARY NECESSITY FOR EVERY HOME. 124 N. ICth St. Call Doug. 4 TTflT? miriT'Q! Watch our specials st i vi v.uvaju HAYDEN'S BAKERY DEPT. Try Hsyden's first It pays. k'nnATvfi nd supplies; largest stock lvv-'A-'"rtl0 AMATEUR FINISHING best work. DEMPSTER. 1215 Farnam St. Robertson's Restaurant tia-ii so 16th St., (basement): cool, llltit. sanitary, oulok re. vice, popular prices. ' For ladles and gentlemen. Table d'llote dir.ner Sunday. iYNCH BROS. PLUMBING AND HEATING REPAIR WORK. "05 8. 16th St. D. 1477. BERT MEASE, licensed cuide: elk. deer. sheep and bear. Write, Mentor, . V ,,, . ELKVATOUS REPAIRED: freight, bas ferger. J. R. Kennedy, 304 S. 13th. Doug. Z)T, WE wish to ncaualnt the nubile with ths roiiowing tacts: , There are imitation sap phires of quality superior to ordinary glass, rut naving no relation whatsoever to the natural or Mexican white saDPhlre. which is appearing In the market. To dis tinguish thete from our Mexican white sap phires, we suggest hydrofluoric acid test. This reacts on Kiasx. but - has no effect on Mexican white sapphires. To Introduce this gem we are selling for 30 days at id per carat, guaranteed 100 yeara, DeLong Jewelry Co., 203 McCague Bldg. GET your WEDDING RINGS at FRED nKODEUAAHD'S. It Insures rood luck lit H. Kith l-t.. at the algu of the Crowu. - SMOKE ; "THE POSTMAS TER, ' ' Fine Havana Cicar. MR. JOHN. A: RYLEN has bouaht out Mr. Selden C Llnderman'a Interest in the (irin or "Kyien & LinUerman Tailors." at 400 S. 15th St. Hereafter the firm will be known as -jonn A. Rylen, ne assuming ai rerponsiDiiily, and his authority to tvliect till debts due the firm. - AUlOWUriiUS. DRUMMOND Makes the Best Aulo Tops for tn ui'Ka. All kinds tuw work. Re pairing In vioou work, lion war a. Ut (.aiuUug in the city. Kena In your ira. lith and Uaruey Sta. Aiitn Hpi-iHirinir Moi!t complete plant Tires. Id-hand curs, storage, the Paxton Mitchell Co.. 2010-H Harney. D. mi; A-20U. WRITE for II Ht of automobile baraaina. H. E. FKEDR1CKSON AUTO CO., Omaha, BARGAINS Sllgntiy used cars. Kis sel Aulo Co,,. 2imi r'arnaui Bargains in Used Cars BluXfa Auto Co . 610 Pearl, .' . Send 'or list. Co, AUTOMOBILE GOGGLES, So to 14. a HORSE FEED1'--; Cl'.ase Motor ueuveiy vvaknn. WURKMAN AUTOMOBILE CO., 20? 8. lOth. Tel. D. 3724. IHCITI GRADE Touring Car used at nail us original cum. vuth.MAIN AUTO' MOBILE CO.. 207, S. 10lh-S.. Tel.. D. 1724 We have Just taken In trade a two-cyl lnder Rambler car, which would make i fino delivery wagon or truck for a grocery man or contractor, the tonneuu belna de tachable. This will be sold at a big bar gain; It taken at once, JJ0. See It at pur garage. SWEET-EDWARDS AUTO. CO., 20&2 Farnam St. Tel. Doug. 3085. AUTOGENOUS WELDING All kinds of BROKEN CYLINDERS, CRANK CASKS and CASTING! promptly repaired. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. iiiuKIbCni ASUTUll COM PAN I. Council Bluffs, la. i a t:4! "Uiibpht nm n Ainn im ii li ii if . - o uet our prices. AN DliBW MUitr-iii. itis Jackson. We have for aale a big, comfortable, five pakoenger vayne louring ,car; has top, aide curtains, windshield. headllKtlt. sDeed omater, prestollte tank; clock and Gabriel horn; cost S2.6VO last year and-la for aale at 11,000. It la in good running order and the biggest bargain w know of. Sue it at our garage. SWEET-ETIWARDS AUTO. CO., 2U62 Farnam St. Tel. Doug. 3ubl Four-passenger Parry roadster for aale been used very little for demonstration pur, poeeai uiiriy-si nurso power; lltf-lnc wheel bone; a very trim, raoy car. Price Jl.sw new; win ne sold very cheap. Price on application, pea it at our garage. SWEET-EDWARDS AUTO. CO., 2063 Farnam St. Tel. Doug. 3uS5. BUSINESS CHANCES' TO GET In or out of business call oa QANGEaTAD, 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. 1347. REAL ESTATE and Insurance buslneas. In a good locality, in a county seat of about 3,0UO; good paying busmen; must sell at once. Addreaa Y 61, otr Bea BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) HOTEL for sale, 19 bed rooms, all 'fur nished, doing good buslneas In German town; will sell very reasonable for casli. vni. u. trlon, Alta vista, la. OPENINO for state manager with exeo- tlve ability and capital. Beacon Mfg. Co., Sioux Falls, S. 1. FOR 8ALI3 Small planing mill, electrlo motor and about 18 machines. Cost about $H,000. Will sell for half price. All In splen did condition ana worning run cmpaciiy every day. Low rent. Reason for selling, too many other Interests. Terms, If de sired. Willis R. Munger, 617 Francis street, St. Joseph. Mo. STOCK of general merchandise, 100 miles from Omaha, cheap for cash; we have other business; must sell quick. Smith Lock wood Mfg. Co., 13th and Caatellar Sta. LET me Incorporate your business; good nee obtain money canny selling their hares and keeDimt others. Why not you. Proofs of what has been done. Promoter, eiO Paxton Blk. WANTED To rent meat market In eastern Nebraska town of SO0 or fnore In habitant, Address Call Box 114, Menlo, la. FOR RENT about Sept 1: central loca tion, one of the best business towna of Ne braska; modern store building, 10,000 feet floor space; now building; suitable tor de partment store. Address Y-146. Be. FOR SALE Dwelling, and blacksmith hop equipped with niooern tools and com plete atock. For particulars, writ th Farmer Stat bank of Altona, Neb. FOR SALE or EXCHANGE A live and prosperous Omaha mfg. concern wishes to tell or exenange Its plant wun large atom Of MARKETABLE GOODS. MATERIALS, TOOLS, etc Will take $600 cast) and ti&d In clear eity or Interurban property. F, R. S1LTZ. Room 2, lSOg Harney. CASADYf Real Estate Loan and nsurance. S. W. corner I4tn and Douglas - St., Phone Douglaa low. DRESSMAKING PARLORS for aale; liv ing room in connection. Phone Web. 4003. LAUNDRY To sell or rent; just Installed n good country seat town. Address C. P. care Umana Me& FOR SALE Cafe and lunch room; best location and largest patronage in Iowa town of 16.000; business will stand Investi gating. Write at once. Address Y 225, care Bee. PARTNER WANTED In real estate business, with from (2.600.00 to 3i.ooo.oo to invest: 3io.ooo.oo to it,wu.w profits in Immediate sight; party somewhat acquainted with real estate Business pre f erred; salary and profits assured. Ad dress W 7M, Bee. MERCHANDISE 65 CENTS ON IL I will sell my 36.000 stock of general mer chandise au . good up-to-date goods, in good location and doing a good Dusiness In Fremont, Neb., 65 cunts on the dollar If taken at once. Address Box 478, Omaha, Neb. IF YOU -want to sell your business or property a,t Its real value for caah, writ u today, xmo trades. AMERICAN SALES PROMOTING CO., PATTERSON BLDG., OMAHA, NEB. WANTED HARDWARE. HARNESS or undertaking business In EXCHANGE for 100-acre Improved farm, BRICK STORE and RESIDENCE in fine town, all In Har lan county, Nebraska. Cash value, 315.000. Clear. J. H. JOHNSON, 678 BRANDEI3. TEN-ROOM boarding and rooming house. close tn, tun nouse. can uougias tuu. CHIROPODISTS DR. ROY. 1606 Farnaui St Douglaa 6437. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS THE HOUSE REPAIRING CO. Carpenter, paperiianging. brick work, etc, low prices; satisfaction guaranteed. 'Phons Harney 3t.f7; Harney 3010. THE SOUTH OMAHA ARTIFICIAL STONE COMPANY. Our wateruroof concrete block are guar antned. Pbon factory, a. kUt office phone W. 2030. . BEAVER BOARD take place of lath and Diaater, AMERICAN SUPPLY CO.. 1112 Farnam St. aYf F1NT Block. Omaha Concrete Stone Hill U UW, T , QOQ. OLD ROOFS "ii Slat Til. P,nrr. "oorm Co-. W7 Paxton Blk. Tel DETECTIVES OMAHA Secret Service Detective agency, inc. ana ponded. 428-8 Paxton Blk. A-1813. CAPT. T. CORMACK. 517 KARBACH BLK DENTISTS BAILEY A MACK. 3d floor. Paxton. D. 103 TAIT'fl Dental Rooms. 1617 Douglaa St. ' DRESSMAKERS TERRY Dressmaking School, joth and rarnam. EDUCATIONAL 1910 FALL TERM BOYLES COLLEGE Opens Monday, September 5 . In the DAY and NIGHT sessions. Complete Bunlness Course, Including Banking. Complete Shorthand and Typewriting Complete Civil Service Courses. complete Telegraphy Courae, and all cngiisn nrancnes. The Year Book la ready. Apply for It H. B: BOYLES, President Boyles Building, Omaha, Neb ST. ANDREW'S SCHOOL FOR BOYS 41ST AND CHARLES. Rv. F. D. Tyner. 3843 Charles. Har. 23SJ. .Mosber-Lampman IWS unexcelled courae in Busings. Short hand. Penmanship and English. None but experienced teachers. Day and night ses sions. Most Interesting catamg published in umana. oena lor one today. MOSHER 4c LAMPMAN. 17th and Farnam streeia, Oineha. Neb. EVERYTH ING FOR WOMEN ARSENIC and IRON complexion wafer mk clear, white skin, lly man Mo and iw. aaerroaa Mcconnell Urug to omana. SANITARY HAIRDRESSING parlors OiliUl-llll Uarinello creams u.,l Hid sold. 601 Paxtou Bik. Tel. Douglaa 471. VACUUM cleaner. li to 16. 1117 Farnam. MISS EMIil, lessona In china and water celura coo Mrandela Theater Bldg. Try Magto Roach Powder, Douglas 1370. J FLORISTS A. DONAHUE. )07 Far. D. 1001: A-lOOt L. Henderson. lil Farnam. Doug. 1201 HESS as SWOBODA. 3415 Farnam Bt FURNACES AND REPAIRS LAWN VASES, Marvel Coal Chutes, Fur- sees. Combination Warm Air and Hot Water Heating. Water Fronta. ' OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS, 12t-i Douglas St. Both Phones, HELP WANTED FEMALE Heaaekeepvra aad Domestloa, LADIES WANTED Take work borne; ppiy transfers; tt to 14 doi. ; work guaran teed. Trleber'a 115 Brandels Theater Bldg. Wanted a girl for srenerat housework. that can also cook, no washing; salary no object 3220 Harney. WANTED A good cook: no washing or Ironing. Mrs. E. W. Dixon, 117 8. 3th St WANTED A good xperiended cook; good ages and good home for rignt party. Airs. F. Jonas, iu a. gist Ave. or xei. iiarney 614. WANTED A alrl for areneral houseworkl family of 8; no washing; wages S3; refer ences required. Apply 4206 Dodge. Tel. Har. 174. WANTED Good competent girl to do second work. Mr. 1. Wilcox, 1131 E. Pierce. , WANTED Experienced cook, with refer ences. 'Phone Harney SS. 123 North 29th SL WANTED Chambermaid; no abjection to color. 2103 Douglaa. GIRL' for general housework; 3027 Chi cago St WANTED-Good. competent girl to do second work. Mrs. J. F. Wilcox, 1122 East Pierce St, Council Bluffs, la. WANTED A girl for general housework; small family. 714 So. 17th Ave. WANTED Mlddle-aa-ed lady, family of two, not at home only mornings and even ings and Sundays. 4215 Saratoga. WANTED-'-Olrl for general housework; 3 In family. Mrs. Thomas W. Haxen, 2724 Spauldlng, Phone W. 3201. GIRL for general housework. Call 1629 Wirt St WANTED ResDectabla woman a house keeper for father and son, 141 N. 23th St Omaha. W. H. Duncan.; GIRL for general housework. Good wages. 601 S. 22d St ,c - WANTED A good book. 201 8. 83d St Good wages; references required. GOOD second girL. Apply Mra. John L. Webster. 518 So. 2ulhA-ve. WANTED Competent ., clrl for general housework: small family. Mr, o. tt. wu lams, 3230 Hamilton St Phone Web. 2962. WANTED By gentleman and daughter. ihuj aa uuuKKreuer, iiuuuiv-Aaeu prvmrrvui muat be of good character; no subject of pope or priest need answer. O. B. Hilton.. general delivery, city. -, WANTED Housekeeper to help In store: am alone. 721 Military Ave., .Benson. SECOND girl wanted. Mrs. John L. Ken nedy, 2118 South 32d Ave. Tel. Harney 62S. COMPETENT laundress; two day week. Mr. H. W. Christie. 1024 Park Ave. A COMPETENT cook-and a second girl wanted, bio s. iza at. uougia 4u. GIRL wanted for aeneral housework: Danish or Uerman preferred, hum Daven port ' GIRL for general " bouaework; two In family. 1910 Cass St WANTED A good cook and second girl. 21 N. S2d Ave. Tel. Harney 63. WANTED A good girl for general house work at once. 2011 Charlea St WANTED A good alrl to assist with gen eral housework: good wages; small family. Tel. web. outs. 2UUo spencer. A GIRL to assist with general housework and care for children. 316 N. 82d Ave. GIRL for general housework- 2223 Dodge. COOK and second girl. 624 S. 20th St GOOD girl for general housework. I In family, good wacea. 4913Webster St Tel. H. 284L I uiRLa xor general nouseworx. tv n. nth St YOUNG girl for light housework: good position, d. H. Harding, km m. stttn. i GIRL for general housework at 2716 Pon- pieton Ave. lei. . narney jdu. GIRT, for general housework. John Has kell. 1321 S. 85th Ave. WANTED A girl or woman for ceneral housework. Address 2513 Q Kt Tel. So. 1206. GOOD girl wanted at once; 4 In family no children; good opportunities. 320 N. 20th, WANTED Girl for general housework good wages; no washing. 616 S. 28th St Tel. Harney ntsz. . GIRL to assist with housework In small family; no washing: easy place. 8903 Cass St. Tel. Harney 134. GIRL for general housework. 1911 Chicago, GIRL for general housework. Mrs. S. S. Caldwell, 3511 Harney St Tel. Harney 2390. WANTED Good rlrl for general house work. Apply 3324 Myrtle Ave. . A rooic wanted. A. L. Reed. Tel. Ben son 17S. . WANTED A good cook. 1618 St. Mary-a Ave. WANTED Girl for general housework 3M2 f arnam st. , . WANTED A girl to do laundry work ana second work. 9611 Jackson St M lace I la a a s. YOUNG WOMEN co mint- to Omaha at mangers are Invited to visit the Young "omens christian association building a t. Mary's avenue and Seventeenth street wnere they will be directed to sultahl boarding places or otherwise assisted: took lor our traveler-a aid at Union atatioa. HELP WANTED MALE Ageata, le WANTED The manufacturers of a line of men a, ladles' and boys' underwear de sire tne services of a first class salesman to represent them among th retail trade one wlio haa an established trade and ran carry our line on a commission basis pre ferred. - All communications held strictly confidential. Address' Y-216, Bee. WANTED Flrt-c4aaa lot er atock aalee mn to sell high grae Irrigated vlneyardj n th famou Pecos Valley of Texas on 'nstallroent plan. KORT STOCKTON IRRIGATED VINE TARDS CO . MAM UN. TKX. HELP WANTED MALE Ageata aad iaJeemea Coatdaaed, MEN WANTED If you ar not making IJo weekly we can show you a way; new. ure and or nign oroer; experience unneu- ary. Address ideal Mrg. Co., P. O. Box tiio. Fort Worth, Texas. WANTED A good bustling subscription solicitor to go on th ruad for Th Twen tieth Century Farmer. Call or writ man ger of circulation. Tb Bea Publishing Co. WANT savsral first class specialty sales men; salary and expenaes; men of Integrity with rarorencea. .uaaaervuie, &ui city Na tional Bank Bldg. . FIVE SALESMEN wanted, at once: must be men of ability. Apply from 10 to 12 a. m. only Smlth-Lockwood Mfg. Co.. 13th and Caatellar Sta. Clerical aad Ufflce. WANTED Clerk or bright young man for railway mail clerk: you must act Im mediately to be ready for coming examina tions; salary, 3100 per year, starting; rapid promotion. See Mr. Hoff betor noon. 201 ohl Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg. WANTED Young man. bright and hus tler, for gov't railway mail cierk; Immedi ate action necessary to catch coming en trance examinations. We can fit you In time. Starting salary $900 per year. See Mr. Hoff before noon. '201 old Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. factory aad Trades.- Drug gtore (snaps). Jobs. Knlest Bee Bldg. . H. ROBERTS, reliable emp. agenu Successor to Martin 4fc Co., 1611 Capitol Ave. WANTED Good all around blacksmith. that can do woodwork, S3 per day. J. M. Calnan, Dunlap, la. Clerical aad Office. IF you are open for a position, see ua at once. We can place you on ahort no tice. - WESTERN REF. & BOND A8SN. INC., 75-4 New York Life Bldg. (Est 8 yeara.) YOUNG man stenographer for out-of- town Dosltion: excellent opportunity for right party. Good salary to start Address, K-7S8, Bee. POSITIONS tor several good bookkeepers and stenographers. See us at once. PAR bON EMPLOYMENT CO.. 613 Bee Bldg. Mlscellaneoas. wiNTFn-Thi addreaa of Charles McCoy and Wheeler McClure, who were employed by J. J. Hurt, 62d and L St.. South Omaha, In October, 1907. Address N 491. Bee, . vottno MAN to take charge of branch tore opening In Omaha for robe and auto supplies; salary l,w per year, ana com mission; applicant must have to00 to carry part stock, wnicn ne can always reiuru lur cash. Address S 811, Bee. LABORERS wanted on building construc tion work on - the new Morreiv paoKing Plant at Sioux Falls, S. D. Wages 33.26 per -day for the first two weks' employ ment and 33.4U per aay alter me iirai mu weeks. Steady work until February. Re port immediately on job to Collins Bros., Qenereal Contractor. WANTED Men to learn barber trade few weeks required; splendid trade for noor man: be your own boas; can start hop with small capital or work f 12 to 120 weekly; good demand ior oarDer; runner information ir.se. aioier earner touege, 110 8. 14th St fTTT A TT'F'Pf "HRS maketlOO to $160 per KylXJXUV J2.UXVO mo learn automobile business; practical Instruction. Nat'l Auto Training Aasn. & Wrandels xneator eiag, WANTED Drug clerk. E. H. Dort, Au burn, Nebraska. 600 men 20 to 40 years old wanted at once for miectrtc Railway Motormen ana con ductor. $60 to $100 a month; no experience accessary; fine opportunity; no strike; write Immediately for application blank. Adress Y-613 care of Bee. HELP WANTED H ALU AND t'EUALE. WANTHD Piano player, lady or gent that does specialties, to travel with road show. , Call till Thursday at 1920 Dodge St LAUNDERERS CLEANERS CAREFUL WORKMANSHIP Is what makoa our establishment DODUlar. National Laundry, 291 Cuming st ipnonea.i LIVE STOCK FOR SALE ' Horse and Vehicles. rr a nnxra Buggta. ato. wm seipyou flwwwi' better grad of work and for less money than anyone elaa in Omaha or Council Bluixa. mi f arnam ou WAGON UMBRELLAS fl.00-Wagnr, 801 North lth. PKnilt Buggle and Wagon, cheap. A. LM U Ull l Murphy It Son, 14th and Jackson. CHEAPEST FEED In town at SIDMAN's Tb Cut Price Feed Man. u a. urn at CARRIAGE and top buggy, good condl tlnn: almost your own price: go see Johnaon-oanionn wo., vm ana jones bis. BEST MATCHED Missouri bred team for sale at 2622 Urant ciu rnone wen. ansa. Must sell. tjatva. Birds, Don aad Pets. THOROUGHBRED Boston terrier $25.00. 'Phone Benson 206. PUP, LOST AND FOUND THE party who left a sorrel mare at th plaoe of the undersigned, two miles norm west of Ashland, on July 1 is hereby not! fled to come and get th same. Cass E. WlUs, Ashland, Neb. LOST Lady's garnet brooch, about als nf silver dollar, ou Dundee car, Saturday, about 6:16. Telephone Harney 4479. Reward. LOST Personal grip, on N. 24th St., be tween Florence and Ames Ave.; liberal re ward lor return to see oiiice. LOST Fox terrier, white with yellow head; answers to name of Fred. Reward for return. 'Phone Web. 18. The Teddy Bear gK? 'F LOST Mason lo button, white enamel. with gold emblem. Return to Be office and receive reward. MEDICAL HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES best rem edy fur Itching, bleeding or protruding PILES; 60o postpaid; samples free. Sher man 4k McL-'nnneil Urug Co., umaba. BEST nerve bracer for man. Gray's Norve Food pills, 31 a box, postpaid. Sher man 4k McConnell Drug Co., Omaha, FREE medical and aurglcal treatment at Crelghton Medical collage. 14th and Daven port Sta.; special attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by .-oilegs profeaeore. Phone Dwugla UM1. walls answered, day aad ulghl MEDICAL (Continued.) Dr. McGrew Ra given his entire professional life to th treatment of all fori-. of chronio and spe cial diseases of men. For 36 years he hss been known and trusted by all. 38 year In Omaha. Charges low, If you have no money, call or write, anyway. Dr. McUrew Co.. 116 8. 14th St, Omaha, Nab. MONEY TO LOAN 33 NO MORE lilUH KAI W. 1 4 tliCAr mjniiji r luun (I SUMMER VACATION. M NEW COMPANY. NEW PLANS. 31 This Is a new firm organised by th U 3t LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF 3t M OMAHA TO LOAN 1$ U 110 to JW0 tt (4 to any honest person owning HOUSE)- 43 HOiuD uouus, riAus, etc., or hold- 8i M Ing a salaried position at the rate of si 33 10 PER CENT PER YEAR S3 13 JUST THINK YOU PAY " U 3100 Interest on 310 for one year. t it 12.60 interest on 326 for on year 3 32 3600 Interest on tW) for one year. ' 34 tt ALL OTHER SUMS IN PROPORTION 3 1 EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS. tt It Reasonable Appraisement C'liargea. tt tt INDEPENDENT LOAN CO., tt 1 rtoom tviinneu jdiock. tt tt N. E. Cor. 15th ft Harney Sta., 2d Floor tt 'rnone liuukihi iwm, x ttitmitn$Kt iMJt 44W.'l33ttHS stm$jwj$?mwtmm!rt??jwmmtw CHEAP LOANS tt 11 $3 $1 $$ $$ tl 1$ on Furniture, Piano or Salary. YOU BORROW $10.00 you pay back $11.00 $26.00 you pay back $27.00 tuO.OO you pay back $64.00 No other charge. It OMAHA FINANCIAL CO.," $t Room 601, ' Brown Block. $4 tt 807 8. 16th St, Cor. Douglas St tt $$ Phones: Douglas 2036; A-203S. $$ ttmutititttttimtttttstittttntnttssttmssnstst Cash Quick on Easy Terms. We loan money cn household goods, pianos and teams without removal, for i short time, small and easy nay- tl 90 tn tha weeklv navment nn a $60.00 loan for 60 weeks, other amounts In the same proportlbn. Call on us and let u explain our plan for loaning money. Strictly private and reliable. Courteoua treatment at all ttmea. Mall or 'phone ap plication receive our prompt attention. State Mortgage i-.oan uo., Room 12, Arlington Block. 1511 Dodge St pnons uougias ztt. MONEY) nEED ANYT GO TO - Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., 119 Board of Trad Bldg. Southwest Corner 16th and Farnam 8ta. Telephone Douglaa $299. Rate cnaaper than any advertised W can prova tt CHATTEL LOANS AT BANKABLE RATES. NEBRASKA LOAN CO. Room T, Croune Block. Corner 16th and Capital Ave. opposite r-oaiou.icv, Both Phone Doug. ii: -1366. MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE. WOMEN KEEPING HOUSE AND OTH ERS, without ecur!ty; eay payment. Office In 66 principal cities. Tolroan, room (13 New York Lit Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN. Come In and let us explain our low rate to you. Reliable Credit Co.. 308 Paxton Blk. Phone Doug 1411; A-14U. DIAMOND LOANS AT 5 W. C FLATATJ. 1614 Dodge. Tel. Red 611. MOVING AND HOUSE CLEANING OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO. leans carpeta on your floor. Eleetrl vacuum system. 109 8. 17th. Tel. D. 1669. EXP. Delivery Co.. office Utb and Dav auport Sts.. warehouse. 2207-09 lsard St Whitewashing Plastering. Floors waxed and Dollahed. Wm. McHea. gll Half Wb. St. Har. 4u OFFERED FOR RENT award auid Meeaaa. CHOICE! room with board. "Th Tsia plara," 11 Capitol Ave. ELEGANT room and board, lot Cali fornia St Tel. Doug. 6161. . NICE furnished room, with Harney 2634, A 2634. 316 S. 26th St board. CLEAN furnished room and board, with German (Christian) family. UU Capitol Ava STUDENT, lady or gentleman, to wall taula for board and room. 714 N. 18th St MODERN rooms, with board. 138 8. Mta Bt Douglaa 42a. BOARD and room, $4 M par week. 3420 De catur bt 11 B-6UL TABLE beard and rooms for two, Chicago. - 1711 ROOM and board In private family; bom oooklug. 41 N. 13d. LARGE room, with board; sultabl for iwo; private. 114 8. Utb. BOARD anu room. 3J07 St Mary' Ava SOUTH front parlor; alao on other room, for 2 gentlemen or married eouple, with board. Dodga, LARGE, oool,' beautiful front room, two large closeta and lavatory; also another smaller room, with excellest board; near car line or walking distance. 709 Georgia Ave. Fnraiahad Hoosna. MODERN room. 6426. 2210 Harney Bt Red NICELY furnished room; all conveni ences, gentleman preferred. Call 2613 St Mary's. O. M. E. baula trunka Phones D. au A-3411. FURNISHED room in all modern home with or without board. Close to two car lines. Telephone Webster 696. FRONT room with private family. 701 8. 17th Ave. AMONG tb nicest In the city. Ava. 626 8. 17th Read the auto snaps Th many new automobiles, now being gold by Omaha dealers, bas placed on the market so me exceptional snaps In slightly used machines. On today's want ad pases, under the class! flcaltlon "Au tomobiles", ar special bargains, Tt pick of then all. fiverjbftdi read Bea jruit ada. OFFERED FOR RENT Faralaaed Rooms L'oatlaaed, WHY pay fancy prices for poor rooms whrr. you can get finely furnished one cheap. 214 North 26th St. Douglaa 646. PLEASANT front room to rent August i to gentleman, ail Douglaa St FURNISHED rooms, $4 and $6 per month, for gentlemen; clso first floor parlor for young ladles at 17 per week; gas, running water, telephone, laundry and pressing privilege. Tel. Harney 2492. 2627 liarney. LARGE furnished room, strictly modern, walking distance, private family, electrl fan. 613 No. 20th. Tyler 112. TWO EXQUISITE ROOMS, ENSUITH OR SINGLE, for gentlemen, In th Weal Farnam home, every convenience; muat b seen to be appreciated. O-406, Bee. 1724 Davenport; newly furnlsnad, all mod- . ern outside rooms; large lawn; no sign. COOL and pleasant room. 101 N. 18tb. ONE large nicely furnished room, suit able for two. Phono D. VCSL 824 N. 19th St TWO large front rooms; private family reference. 610 No. 2uth. Call after a, : SUITES of t rooms for housekeeping; all modern; also sleeping rooms; no children. 629 S. 19th St MODERN, $6 per month, breakfast If pre ferred. 1433 N. 20th St NEWLY furnished front room with al- ' eove; also single room, newly furnished) prices reasonable. 621 Park Ave. Phoiu Harney 6017. FURNISHED room, modern. Griffith, 2238 Farnam. Phone Dr. NICELY furnished single room, modern. 2662 Harney. TWO modern rooms. 219 B. 26th St FURNISHED rooma with board. th. 1001' . NICE, clean bed, cool rooma. 891 Mill tary Ava, Benson, Neb. 11. Zeller. WELL furnished, modern room, tit N 19th. ROpMS, $3 a week and up. 210 N. 17th, SOUTHEAST Red 3896. ROOMS, nsw furnlabed. NICELY furnlsned, large, front room, suitable for two. 201 So, 2uth Ava . FURNISHED rooms, 616 6. 16th St, flat 2. DOUBLE front room, sultabl for two or four parsons. 703 8. 16th St NICELY furnished sleeping rooma, eloaa In. . 712 N. 22d. Douglaa 804. " 1411 Capitol Ave., strictiy modern rooms ' reasonable. 'Phone Douglas 6832. FURNISHED rooma with or without light housekeeping privilege. '1924) Dodge . , FRONT room, wall furnlabed. modern. 1707 Dodge. NICE, large room; large, private front porch; modern. 2608 Harney. - NEATLY furnished rooma, 814 N. 23d. MODERN conveniences; rooms for house keeping. 811 S. 20th. i . - i NICE furnished Leavenworth. sleeping, rooms, SOU THREE furnished rooms. 2013 N. 334 Bt ONE housekeeping room and one bedroom W at 127 8. 26th St . . . V;i TWO nicely furnished room complete light housekeeping. All modern, $13 pet -month. 2019 Webster. FOR RENT Four nicely furnished room. Will allow use of kitchen for light house keeping. 911 N 17th St v DOUBLE room; Douglas 4479. $12, 2214 California, THREE modern rooma at $618 Davenport FIVE nicely furnished room for house keeping; no children; strictly modern, with gaa range. $604 Davenport FURNISHED room and breakfast for I Catholic gentlemen la private family. 8628 Cbarle. TWO cool sleeping rooms, t3 a weekjM - board If desired. 2671 St. Mary's Ava, Rd J0 NICE, cool, furnished room, modern; walking distance. 109 S. 24th St - WHY pay fancy prces for poor room when you can get finely furnished ones cheap. 214 N. 26th Bt Douglaa 6468. MODERN furnished rooms; private tarn Hy; walking distance; $2.60 week. 319 8. 9th Ava 'Phone Harney tllL ONE front oedroom. $30 a 33d. CLEAN furnished room-for housekeeping. $6 per month. 611 N, 19th. FINE large rooms; reasonable; modern. 2709 Farnam St TWO front rooms. H per week. 2201 Far nam St FOR RENT Cheap, a furnlabed 4-roora cottage on 16th St, t blocks from P. O.; will rent all or In suit for light house keeping. 617 N. 16th St BEAUTIFUL rooms; will furnish to suit; $10; new bouse. 1219 Central boulevard. Convenient to car. Doug. 446. FURNISHED room for two ladled or part of new modern house. 2016 Lake. FOUR unfurnished rooms. Reference 26tf Douglas St. SINGLE room, all modern, suitable for gentleman, $1.60 per week. 2001 Burt FURNISHED room. 624 N. 20tb; Red 1791 , NICELY furnished modern room. 17th Ave. 714 8. 2966 Woolworth Ave., opposite Hansooia Park, a nice bedroom, $8 per ninth. VERY modern, pleasant room, nlngs. 2110 Chicago St Call - MODERN room. 221$ Harney. Red 6424, ROOMS for light housekeeping, gaa, tele phone, etc. 818 N. 17th. NICELY furnished rooms, modern, large lawn, will furnish for housekeeping for desirable party. 'Phon li-'OUL 1624 N. 17th St - CLEAN furnished rooms and board with German Christian family. 1811 Cuollol Ave. FURNISHED rooma. modern. 21$ N. 26th. J Ik 1 ) A