Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 09, 1910, Page 2, Image 2

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No woiVian or mlssovor had ' ,
Hero's art unusual chance to sup
ply present and future needs.
' The are la the much wanted lingerie gtylea
beautifully decorated, hand embroidered front,
lace and embroidery trimmed, in exqulBite atyleii
Just the aort that you will be delighted to own
two lota, aitet 32 to 38 only.
Lingcrio '
reduced to
Our regular
Q4nr Waists' 4o
1.75 rduced o.ld
a. V
'nit YooKi rconrs
-1518-1520 FAKNAM STKEET'
Wins Gold Cup
right Between Troopi and National
ist La st All Afternoon.
Thlrr liairirnli and Twelve Sol
diers Killed lanntrit Position
and 300 Prisoners Captured
la Pinal AiuiK.
TEHERAN, Aug., 8. Casualties in
yesterday's battle in the city street be
tween tha government and tha National
ist Insurgents were about twelva killed
and wounded on tha government aide.
Tha Nationalist, who were fighting un
der tha leadership of Satar Khan, mada
famous by hla long defense of tha city of
Tabrla against tha forces of tha deposed
hah, lost thirty killed and wounded.
Three hundred of their number wera cap
tured In tha final assault, which was made
after their position In tha northern part
of the city had been tinder fire from in
fantry and rapid fire runa during the cn
tire afternoon yesterday.
Baklr Khan, tha prlnplcal subordinate to'
Batar Kahn, was among the prisoners and
Batar.Khan was wounded.
pr acre Is M-i, aa against a ten- year
average of 16 bushels. The Indicated total
production Is 82,08,000 bushels, as against'
8339,000 finally estimated In 1809. The
qtallty of the crop la M.7, aa against MS
last year. . ,
Xn aplte of the lower condition of the
crh crop, the incronsod acreage devoted
tijf that cereal probably, wiliv increase the
crop of the present year about SO.OWOOO
bpshels over the crop of last year. The
out crop wilt be aa big a It was last year,.
frhe proportion of last year's oat crop In
farmers' hands on August. 1 was about U
per cent or Kl.249.000 bushel,! aa' compared
with - per cont or tH,m,M fcuahcla In 1S.
5 he primary estimate of. Jbe acreage of
hay la 48.OO6.O0O acres or 1.1 per cant (739,000)
Ujrs than last year. i,-; '
(Continued Fiom First Fage.)
Schooner Westward Five Miles Ahead
of Nearest Competitor in Racs
Off Ryde:
COWLH3, isle of Wight. Aug. S.-Tha
American schooner Westward, owned by
A. S. Cuchran of New York, easily won
the race for tha international gold cup
sailed off Ryde today. Its nearest compet
itor, the Germanla, owned by Lieutenant
Krupp Von Bohlen Und Hatbach, waa five
miles astern when tha winner crossed the
finish line. Emperor 'William's yacht
Meteor, the CieeTy- and 'the'Busana also
competed. ' ' ''
Sir Thomas Llpton's Shamrock, with
King Alfonso on board, defeated the White
Heather for the commodore's cup.
King Alfonso again tempted fate by sail
ing in the racea today aboard 6lr Thomas
Llpton's Shamrock, disregarding the acci
dent of Saturday, when the Shamrock, with
the king on board;- lost it top mast In
the atlff breese. The Shamrock la again
meeting Its rival of former' 'aea'sbna',' the
White Heather, -In the race for the-Com-modore'a
cup, having repaired the" Homage.
A. S. Cochran's American achooner, 'west
ward, which did not start In tha race last
week, sailing under the handicap system,
entered again today In the race' for the
(Continued from' First Paga.
not to get anything at an.,' we were in
the dark aa to how mature stood at Wash
ington, but we thought Adams would be
ae to fix things alright ',
More of the 10,000 Indiana, who signed
tha contracts are tp,..b-Interrogated to
merow. -. . , .'',. .'.
W. T. Holiman,'' Choctaw,. Indian, teatl:
fled he had been employed by J. F. Mo
Murray holder of . the . contracts, to an
out among the Oklahoma Radians and In
duce them to sign the documents. At the
same time Holiman related he was paid
"a dollar a. head" for. .securing contract
appointing McMurra, t act In the casea
In, this way McMurray-. proourred '10,000
contracts to sell land t (.
fhe terms were, 10 per cent attorney
fees, or S3.000.000 profit for iMcMurray and
hla associates.
To promote this deal in -congress, Sen
ator Oore contends he was offered a 125,
000 or seo.OOO bribe." Holtmafi tesUfled that
he himself had signed tha 10 per cent, eon-
tract' because he in , common with the
other Indiana had become discouraged on
the government's promise to aell the land.
Indians. Wast " Money.
"I would have given 84 per cant to Mo-
Murray," aald HollmaTV."'It ha could have
gotten us the moneyvQtrickly." :-
I$e said he believed some of the Indians
would be willing to have given Mc Murray
78 per cent. , ,v r. x
la a statement to' the committee arid with
out going on the -stand.- McMurray today
declared that the contracta came to him
originally against, his. desire. , He said tha
Indians at a "war council" had demon
atrfted their Impatience- at - the govern
ment's tardiness in selling the land and
had 'called upon him to-take the job at
10 er cent, which he did with reluctance.
McMurray will go on the stand later.
Questioned further, Holiman testified It
wak; the belief of tha Indians that their
property was wortlf from 130,000.000 to 140,
noo. 000, and the understanding was that Mc
Murray waa to get 10 per cent of tbls.
"Is it the belief of the Indians' that Mo
Murray has some power at Washington by
which he would te able to get the money
more quickly than if you first left it to
the government?" asked Congressman
Baunders of Virginia,
"We did not know bow he was going to
' dojlt, but we thought he knew. how," waa
the; answer.
fare, which cam out after his fatal alck-
ness set in; ,
Married to Miss Carrie Maugor at Colum
bus, O., December 16, 1875, he engaged In
newspaper work and never left it until a
month before hla death called him ,to lay
down his duty on the lice. Ho became ed
itor of the Columbus Oasette In TO md
was later Washington correspondent for
the Ohio State Journal, waa there during
the Hayes administration and there again
to. "cover" i the Ouiteau trial and hanging.
Then he edhed-the Columbus Sunday Trib
une and did the legislature and was City
editor, for the Journal. He came west in
1885 . and . established the Hayes County
News In Nebraska, then in 1888 took Charge
of the Beatrice Dally Kxpress and con
tinued with It until February 1. 1903, when
he Joined the reportorial staff of the Bee..-
Had Soldier's - Instinct. '
Mr. Petera was " a slave' to duty, never
loslna the soldier's instinct. - Which ; the
hardship and .discipline of years had in
atlled In him. - He enjoyed ;a confidence
among army men of the highest standing
which -few -newspaper -workers have had.
His work in lata years brought Jhtifi into
contact with them. The estimate of. all
who knew him. hla felloWWorkers and
associates outside, waa -that of an upright.
modest man devoted to duty. There was a
Two Killed and ieven Badly Injured
la Corn Prodacte BalldlnaT at ,
Granite City, III.
GRANITE CITY, 111., Aug. T.-Two men
are dead and aeven are badly hurt as the
result of an explosion on the sixth floor
of the corn house of the Corn Products Re
fining company here at S o'clock this aft
and it waa almost half an hour before the MKb. nlUAtft WILL-I nl
men could be taken out.
The explosion was caused, according to
officials. of the company, by, spontaneous
mania allow ihe Westward six minutes and
forty-eight seconds In tb . forty-mile
course. "
These three yactna. together with tha
Cicely and Susanna", started Id tha race,
the Cicely getting acroa( the line first,
with the American boaf a close second.
Tha. Meteor made a bad start, being timed
across the line six mlhutee behind the other
boat - -,v --I' -
. , - ssMssMBaaasV
Effort to Blow Strong- Box in Grape
Growers' Ofiice Futile.
Work Kvldently Dona ny Amntenre
Men Seen bat Are Not Vet
laptored No Cash
In Bate.
Interest In Bin- Croaa-Conntr- Race
Intensified by First Day's.
S access.
PARIS, Aug. 8. All France is aeroplane
mad over the marvelous success on the
first lap of the 4S0-mlle cross-country race
from Issy les Molineaux through Troyes,
Nancy, Mezlres, Charlevllle, Doual and
Amiens, In which six of the eight aviators
successfully yesterday completed the first
stage Of the race to Troyes. All the
aviators unite In declaring that the suc
cess ' of the flight by so many machines
foreshadows tho definite conquest of the
air. - 1
Thousands of automobiles gathered at
Sends Appeal to One Thousand Male
Voters to Help JIe In
. Predicament. - '
CONCORD, N. H., Aug. 7- (Special Tele
gram.) Mrs. Marllla Rlcker, who desires
to stand at the primary In September as
a candidate for .governor and who waa
barred from the official ballot by the re
cent decision of the attorney general, has
adopted new tactics and will endeavor to
get her name on the official ballot in No
vember by means of nomination papers.
For this purpose she has, through her
attorney. Issued an' appeal to 1,000 male
votera of the state to oome to her 'assist
ance and to procure their signatures
Blanks have been sent broadcast over the
state.. " ' .'
serenity and gentleness In hls.muure that rTroye, today wlth the mention of seeing PASTOR BECOMES SECRETARY
endeared him to his friend
Mrs. Petera and four children survive
him. The children are LehmiUi . C. and
Mlas Hester of Omaha and 'Edward D. of
Durango, Colo., and Martin I of Port
land, Ore. The sons out of the city will
not be able to attend the funeral.
Martin U of Portland. Ore. The sons out
of the ally will not be able to attend the
the race, the' second stage of wgldh starts
tomorrow through to the finish. On ac
count of the difficulty experienced by the
machines yesterday In following the course,
It haa been arranged to fly marking flags
on the spires of churohes along the route.
Three military aeroplanes, the drlvera of
which, .under the rules, are not allowed
to participate- lw the' prizes, flew from
MojrmeJon le Grand to Nancy today to
Jor; the contestants when they arrive there,
tomorrow at me conclusion of the second
Hubert Latham, who was, unable to start
pith the others -yesterday 'tan account of
Illness, started from Paris bn his machine
ther brief account of his adventure.v ticfJtbday in-am ndeavor,to'eomple!te'tHe'trip
attributes the fact that he waa shot to hlsjj to. Troyes and place himself, on -an equal
impatlenoe at being acoostea ana tnreat-1 rooting with hla competlttors. . An hour
ened by two man much smaller than him-fand sixteen, minutes-later.-however, itham
self, and bis' rash veslsumje to them. alighted on the lawn of his mother'
Mr. Johnson is a? strapping man of over chateau, near Dreamt, about forty-two
six feet in height and S00 pounds In weight, miles from Pari
thi.tin in make u n. The hold-uD mon were
underslied and far lnfetior physically to BOILER EXPLOSION IN TEXAS
him, he said, "it maae me angry, ne
-rive men Reported Killed and Two
Fatally Hnrt In Shingle
Milt at Con roe.
Rev. E. C. WolK,-Pttor ol May.
flun-er Conarreg-atlonal .Chnrch, .
. Succeeds J. Strawbrldge.
(Continued From First Page.).
aald, "to have a pair of little men like
that get the best of me. '6o when I realised
what they were after I Just charged Into
them, feeling confident I could overpower
them in aplte of the gun. But the gun
anoarently fully made up' the difference
wuuBTOW, Tex., Aug. 8.-A telephone
, massage from Conroe, Tex., says that five
in power between us, and the bullet put I Parsons were killed and two fatally Injured
SIOUX CITY, la.. -Aug. 8. (Special Tele
gram.) Rev. E. C. Walcott has resigned as
pastor of the Mayflower Congregational
church to accept the general secretaryship
of, the Young Men's Christian association.
He succeeded J.' If. trawbrldge, who. has
gone into business, at lit abeth town,, N. J.
Dr. J. B. Modesett has designed aa physical
director of the Youflg Men's Christian aaso
clatloh tb- accept' sP'-strrrllar poaltloii n
Detroit' i ..fjv.nuu to t.. --' -
Wrestler from Eaat IndiiTTbrowa the
American in Two Short Falls1'
' In l.oirfoa: ;'
IONDOi, "Aug. 8. A tatch-as-catch-Curt
wresiung niaicn ior iwvw a ame- was con
tested at a London music, hall-today 'be
.tween the. American wrestler, Dr.- B. F,
Roller and Oama. ther champion bf India.
Gama won the first fall-in one minute and
forty seconds and the second fall in nine
minutes and nine seeonds, .winning the
match. - fr
The aafe In the office of the Council
Bluffs Grape Growers' and Shippers' as
sociation was blown by burglars about 1
o'clock yesterday afternoon and badly dam
aged, buunol opened, and the burglars got
nothing. The burglars, although seen be
fore and after their work, got away, but
would undoubtedly have been captured it
the police department had been equipped
with a good automobile. The office is In
the east end of the warehouse and ship
ping station at Eleventh avenue and South
Seventh street.
Manager George W. Reye of the asso
ciation was In the office for an hour
during the middle of tho day, and left It
at 12:30. At 1:10, Just forty minutes later,
people across the street and in the Imme
diate vicinity, heard a muffled explosion,
and several boys, looking through the street
windows of the office, saw two men mov
ing about with white hanoKerchlcfa over
their faces. The police department was no
tified, but when the officers arrived a
few minutes later, the men had fled.
Entrance to- the building was effected by
breaking out a small window on the east
end of the office. The combination of the
safe had been broken off with a hammer,
the lock punched in and the explosive in
troduced there. The top of one of the
hinges was broken and an attempt made
o get the powder inside the safe at that
point. The edges of tha door were cov
ered with soap all the way around. A
bundle of family laundry, which Mr. Ree
had left In the office, had been wet and
spread over the safe to deaden the sound.
The explosion failed to dislodge the door,
but 'Jammed It so badly that an expert
will be required to open it. The uafe con
tained no money and there was about
the office, although desks and- drawers
locked were broken open in the search.
The explosion was very weak and did not
damage the office furnishings. -
A bit of homemade cloth fuse, part of a
bar of soap a-nd some wrapping paper fur
nish all of the cluea left by the yeggmen.
Chief of Police Froom assisted tha . de
tectives in making tha examination. Good
descriptions of tha men have been secured.
Both were young men.
When Manager Reye left the office his
attention was attracted to two young men
who seemed so much interested In his
office that he was on the point of going
back and asking them if they were look
ing for him. The description he gives of
thtm corresponds with the description of
the men seen Inside by the boys and of two
young men who were seen hurriedly to
leave tha building from the south side a
few minutes after the explosion.
Apparently common black powder was
Used and the men were not experts. They
were not local thieves, or they, would have
known that no money la ever kept about
tha place, aa all of tha financial trans
actions re by checks and vouchers. No
cash is either paid out or received there.
and Manager Reye does not remember ever
having more than $35 there,, at one time,
unless It 'was in the pockets of the men
nothing of value In the way of coin In
either nf the safes.
When the watchman went his rounds at
1 o'clock In the morning he found every
thing all right. Coming back between S
and S o'clock, he discovered the combina
tions had been broken off and that an ef
fort had been made to blow up the safes.
He reported his discovery to the police
station and an inspection was made by
Captain Dunn, who wss accompanied by
Detectives Dunn and Murphy. Traces of
soap were found on the safes, showing
that some explosive substance had been
used. A horse blanket had been used to
deaden tho sound and this had apparently
taken flro, as It was lying on the floor
soaked with water. A hatchet was also
found In the place and some such Instru
ment had evidently been handled for the
cutting off of the combinations and the
knobs on the door of the". vault where the
papers and books Of the firm were placed
for safety.
Frank Charles and John Kern, who gave
their addresses as Cleveland and Chicago
and who were arrested yesterday by Offi
cer Hudson with, it 'is said, a chisel and a
hatchet In their possession, .are held on
suspicion In connection with the case.
John Says:
X famish aa la
saraaoe poller ' with
every T m V T
V ST aV, 60 Cigar.
The Foliar QUA-'
AJITXES tea ..mut
ates of Joy. a clear
Blind, pure Havana, a
beaming face, and a
dartre to 'be cheer
ful.' -
L ntra
wi .J O.
Opar Store
16th St:
me out of the fight in an Instant."
Mr. Johnson felled the man with .the gun.
but received his wound as tha man fired
in hla fall.
Dy tna explosion -of a boiler hi-a shingle
mm at that place -thla afternoon.
"Pld you think McMurray waa a magi
cian?" Y"e thought he knew how to do It"
"It it actually the belief among tha In
dians that they have to pay somebody else
to get what the government has aald right
fully belongs to themr
"That has become tha belief that they
have to give up sraod.-.portlO at what
they get in attorneys' fees."
MeCnrtaln Itelterates Charge,
D. C. McCurtairi, a Choctaw Indian and
an .attorney ror his Vlb went on tiro
stand and reiterated his charges that Mc
Murray In 1908 In Ihe lobby of. the Raleigh
hotel if Washington . had '.'offered i j
$25,000 aa a bribe to withdraw the t . 1
opposition to old 1 conrraets which' ere
disapproved by President Rooseve . He
declared he once had been enip ed by
McMurray while he was a '..agate to
Washington for his tribe, but. at asserted
the work for McMurray was In behalf of
and .with the consent ' of the Indians
When the bribe was offered, he was not
associated with McMurray and . he did
not share In the -1.60,000 attorneys fees
granted McMurray , in the oltisenshlp
casea several years ago. .
jaKe ij. numon, again iiirured mo
mentarily in the testimony. He had been
Charged by Senator Gore with having of
fered the $21,000 bflbb In McMurray 'a be
half, but in hla testimony , Hamon said he
went to Washington concerning Governor
Haskell's Ind. cement In4: the Muskogee
town lot casea and had nothing to do with
McMurray. '
C. B. Stewart today testified he wa at
torney for Governor Haskell and ha had
not heard of Hamon being so employed.
Attltnde of ; Indiana. ,!
As Indicated by Green McCurtaln, chief
of 18.000 Choctaws, the. IndUns have taken
the position that they signed a contract be
cause they had beoonie discouraged with
what they call the tardiness of the govern
ment In dlopoNlng of the land and giving
them the proceeda r that they might . pur
chase farm implrmnta and improve the al
lotmrntii on which tky liv. '.
The U0.0Q0 acres of coal and asphalt and
Umber land, wh'.ch it is proposed to aell
tor them, ia omr,-d by them in addition to
the laud on whicn they live.
Cecil Lyon, national republican commit
teeman from Texas, sent word he would
tppear before the committee. According to
McMurray he was financially Interested in
the old contracts.
Samuel D. Battershell Succeeds M,. B.
Ford, Resigned Banks Want -Postal
Funds. ,
(From a Staff Correspondent
WASHINGTON. D. C, Aug. 8. (Special.)
Army orders: Captain Jesse C. Nichols,
ordnance department, will repair to thla city
and report to commanding Officer Walter
Reed, general hospital for treatment. Leave
of absence for two months la granted
Captain Fred W. Phisterer,- coast artillery
Samuel D. Battershell, appointed poet-
master aVFprd, Logan county. Neb., vie.
W. E. Ford, resigned. Petier Zaboiltsky
appointed raural carrier,, route o'ne at
Lansing, la. ' '
The application of J. H. fowlus, E.JA-
Movvlus, H. J. Hauson, , Aaron .. Anderson,
and B. P. Hammerstad to organize the
First National bank of Vebelen, S. D., with
$25,000 capital has been approved by. the
comptroller of the currency,'
The following banka today? rnade applica
tion to ba designated at depositories of
postal savings bank funds:'' 'V'' : '
Nebraska First National., bank ...of .H4y
Springs, Sutton National bank of Sutton
and Meadow Grove State bank.
Iowa First National bank of Centerville.
South Dakota Merchants 'National bank
of Milbank.
rrresiqeut 'Authorises Their' Use In
Forests In F.lve Western .
Stittea.. .
WASHINGTON, Aug. 8.-Presldent-Taft
has authorized the use of troops to fight
xoreat nres in Montana, Idaho, , Washington.
uregon ana California. i ,-
One Man Killed and .Thirteen Person
Hurt. In Runaway Near
Pottavllle, Pn.
POTTSVILLR, Pa., Aug. George Soell
of Pottavllle died to day aa tha result of
Injuries received In a runaway accident
yesterday when a . party of twenty In a
tallyho waa thrown out and burled under
the wreckage of the vehicle when the
brakes refused to work on the Tuscarora
mountain and the- horses dashed wildly
down the grade. Thirteen other were badly
Injured, all having arms, legs or ribs
ra the fnovptf
11th aM
Meoee, o
-aWte - T.skBeV
fail is: n!H??&
Hotel Kuppor
Evory man has
Suppose your place ot
business wag destroyed by
lire tonight would your
Insurance cover the loss ot
valuable contracts, notes
and other papers that
might be consumed?
Ot course not. A safe
deposit box la our fire
proof and burglar-proof
vault Is what you want
and It only costs you
$4.00 per year or $1.00
for three months.
American Safe Deposit Vaults
. T. O. Ramer,
11th and BtcOee
Kansas City, Mo.
ta the Shopping Slstrtot, .
Hear all the Tneater
800 Beaatlfal Hoom
100 Vrtvate Batos. ...
Hot and cold water la all room
Spacious lobby, 1 triors.
Telephone la every room. ' '
eantlfol Oaf Parteot Calais -
$1.00 to $2.50 Per Day
Suropean Plaa , ".
Kupper-Benson Hotel' Co.'
r. A. siJCSOir. Mgr. ' ; ' ' "'
C. W. Hull Coal and Lumber Company
, ': . Office Visited. . -,
An .attempt waa -made yesterday after
noon to' blow up the safes in the C. W.
Hull Coal and Lumber company at Twen
tieth and Iiard streets, Omaha. Tha yegg
men either got scared or had a premonition
their labor was In vain, as they made off;
before effecting an entrance. There was
ai s. ieth st.
Sir. Lyons
eoili Pouder
deanses,; preserves and beau
tifies the teeth and imparts
purity and fragrance to the
breath. Mothers should teach
the little ones its daily use.
I biNMli, GULF. ,
Unique sea food Culsln ' ' 1 ' .'
ITORTlUkao MooMuji., L,arke. MllK"
tary fost ou too Allan Uu CoasL - '
UasU"l'UM tbe Hnuuvoue
nt in. AlaLkuu m Vvi.r.11111.
aneolal Weekly StaUs Jane te Oatoh.i' r
ookteta at Ohleago," Book lalaad It
VaetXt and Wabash stallroad"
Ot aoaress UJfcO. T. ASasUt, MUSV. '
roaiaxas hokaoii. VA. .
OP THE - :
' Grandest Band Muslo ever heard 1
here. - ' ' :" '
J. S. Moraran.
BEAVER CITT, Neb.. Aug. S.-(SDeclal
Telegram.) J. S. Morgan, a farmer, resident
(of Furnaa county, an old soldier and father
of Dan K. Morgan, county clerk, died at
bia home at Ulnverslty Place suddenly Sun
day, His son waa In Omaha on business
when notified of his father'a Illness, but!
but. reached, Lincoln a short time after his
father had expired.
Downpour Beg-Ina Shortly After Nina
O'clock First In Gas; Countiy
for Six Weeks.
BEATRICE. Nebl, Aug. S.-(Speclal Tele
gram.) A good soaking fain began falling
rare at 8:30 this hiornng, which was the
first rain In six weeks. Corn and pastures
were beginning to suffer. This .will be a
great relief to the situation. It waa still
raining hard at noon.
Cook Loses Barn.
BEATRICE. Neb., Aug. 8. (Special Tele
gram.) The large hay barn of D. W. Cook,
located eight miles west of Beatrice, was
struog by lightning this evening and
burned to the ground. One hundred tons
of alfalfa were destroyed. The loss is
placed at 12,500, partially covered by In-
Miss Janette C. Faltls and Mr. Charles
E. Gregory were married Saturday even
ing at 7:S0 o'clock at the residence of Rev.
Charles W. Savldge. They were ac
companied by Mr, Joe Welsbartlnger and
Mrs. O. a. Autry. ;
Miss Edna Bailey of . Evansvlll Ind.,'
and Mr. Ray Brown of thh city were
married Sunday afternoon at the residence
of Rev.. Charles W. Savldge. They were
accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bruner.
The Weather
For Nebraska Cloudy, cooler.
For Iowa Fair, cooler.
Temperature at Omaha yesterday:
Rosman, a homesteader, while crossing the
river on the ferry train yesterday, felt
certain that he had lost a colt. The animal.
but three weeks old, slipped under the bar
at the rear of the train, and fell unon the
HERO'S HOME AT SIOUX FALLS bridge, then in its struggles dropped Into the
waier about twenty-five foot below the
Guy W. Beck of Battleship . West
Vlrylnlu Given Gold Medal to
Savlug Three Live , c.
BIOUX FALLS, S. D Aug.' 8."(Spec!al.)-
Quy W. Beck, quartermaster In the United
States navy, op duty on the battleship
West Virginia, attached to the' Paciflo
squadron and stationed at Vallejo, Cal.,
who waa recently given a gold medal by
direction cf the secretary ot the navy, fct
rescuing one companion and making des
perate efforts to save three .others whan
tho email boat In which they were riding
was swan m pad. la a former Sioux "Fall
boy.. He 1 a son of Mr. a;id Mt C. F.
Beck, well known icvldents ft this city.
He enlisted In the navy four years ago. He
haa written hi a mother that ha will aend
the medal, which ia valued at $luo, to her
for aafe keeping. When he received the
medal all hands were sft on the quarter
deck and the medal was presented by. the
admiral In person.
Bridge. The bridge watchman saw the
colt tall, and going out In a boat brought
It ashore, where It waa ftstored to Its
owner. 'evldently ' none the worse for its
fall and ducking. ,
. , (t.m..
Ljlr - a. m..
u.i )r 7 m..
c WaMuu .-.' i" it, nl,.
rMfP 11 m
jAr-rt 1p.m..
iJU SR ' 8 p. m..
6 p. m..
nl ' 8 p. m..
I i i ii I
. The Knight of AkSar-Bon cordially Invite the business
man In the various cities and towns In Nebraska and Iowa to
attend the Initiation and entertainment at the "Den" any
Monday night during August and September. , . ',. '
There Is no charge whatever except for residents of
Douglas County and Council Bluffs, la. you will be enter .
talned as Ak8arBen guests. Any Omaha business man will
be pleased to secure an admission ticket for you. .
AkSarBen will make satisfactory arrangements for any
large body of men from any outside town provided you will
notify us of you? coming several days In advance.
Come to Omaha on any Rlonday ...Tyjf ; .'
night during the next two months JiZ2?Zf?i
and enjoy the Initiation of King Ak wmmmmSf
8arBen Sixteenth. .
Ilowen It. Church, Conductor ' sad
World's Greatest Cornet Player.--'
Anna Ellis Dexter, Boston, Soprano.
Many other Celebrities.
ON MONDAY, AUG. 29 : v
Omaha 's Beautiful . Theater " I -
Will Opep Undo the Direction of ; (
Wm. Morrla Independent Circuit 7.
rreseatlng ? ,'...",',-'''.-.'.
Vaudeville; 5'
Seat Sale Monday. Aug. sa. Mall
orders accompanied by clieuk Mow. "Sea-,
son orders given special attention.
Both Phones. : .- "
16c, 860, 60a J ,
lOo and 9So"
Tonight, 8:S0; Mat. Wednesday, 2:80
(rag Theater
Tonight, 8:a0j Mat. Wed
' mm m a. - -f-onnrrn rrnj
1S09 Howard
1 ' - -- - -i-ii,-,-i-i-,-w-,ii,inrvrmnrijijixuij jsmjiii.
Sloua Indian Buys Auto.
PIERRE, N. D.-( Special. )-I)avid Philips.
a full blood Bloux living on the Cheyenne
river reservation, has purchased an auto
to do his traveling over the rtservatlon. He
Is one of the progressive Indians and owns
and operates a well equipped ranch on the
reserve, and says he believes In taking ud
the ways of the white man as rapidly as
possible for himself and hta people.
uoTZsixaTs or OC
Fort. Arrive. . i .
KKW VOliK Lt l.nd
MW YORK L UrU(u....
(vKW VmK AI:r,K.ny ....
aurTHAMfjmN..rhlitf. iphla. .
tll KKNST'lWM.l
4jl r UNiTuVVN .
ttlMHKAU Moutlurt
. I ultnl.
. K.ff
. K t IKXlllHt.
- Clear Lake Boat Horn. Burned.
. MASON CITY, Ia., Aug. 1 (Special Tele,
gram.) At midnight last night tha boat
houses at Clear lake belonging to Messrs.
Chandler, Stanton and Lepper, & Hines
were burned to the ground together with
five launches and skiffs, owned by the
earns parties. It is thought that tramps
in the Stanton boathouse set jt on fire.
Boy Dies of Infantile Paralysis.
mamj.n CITY, Aug. 8.-Speclal.)-News
was received here todsy of the death of
Stanley Qulalta. aged IT. at the home ot
his parents In Charles City. They are rela
tives of H. A Uerrll!, formerly president a
oi mo my itauonal bank of this city, lie
a Alt-It but forty-eight hours. .This dla
ease Is supposed to have beta infantile
paralyiu in Ha mot aggrlvatod form.
Aliened Blarkumllera Arrested.
MILDLKTON, Conn.. Aug. H. Arrested
while searching old cannon around tha
soldiers monuwnl on the South green ye
terday, Andrew Klttpatrlck, aged SO years.
blacksmith, and hla sun. Andrew.
were today held on a charge of attonipted
blai'kmai). 'Three letters received by Mr,
t'lureiue S. Wad.worth of Washington
itiwl, cnntsinktl a ihieat to blow up lit-r
hunie ailh dynariilte If ,(M as uut plavtsd
lit Hie lannuu
, 70
, 79
, SO
, 7t)
, 77
, 75
Hecord. ,
OMAHA, Aug. 8. Official record of tern-pci-jtuiti
und preclpuailon, compared with
the corresponding peraKl of tire last three
yeara: 1HI!. 1S09. 1D0S. 1W7.
Maximum temperature...., M SO Si P9
Minimum temperature.... 88 74 60 Ha
Mean temperature.... 74 88 70 7
Precipitation 7 -03 .00 .00 .01
'iMippt-rature and ru'ecipltatlon departures
from tho normal at Omaha since March 1.
and compared with the last two years:
Normal temperature '. 78
Deficiency fur the 1ay 3
Total excess since March 1. 057
Normal precipitation 13 Inch
Deficiency for the day 10 Inch
Total rainfall innce March 1.... 6.23 inches
Deficiency since Maroh 1 14.01 Inches
Deficiency fur cor. period, 1906 88 inch
Excess tor cor. period, ) IM, , 32 Inch
. HrpOrta from stations at T P. M.
Station and State Temp. Max. Raln
of Weather. 7 p. m. Temp. fall.
Cheyenne, cloudy 83 70 .18
Davenport, cloudy. 7ti K4 ,(10
Denver, clear 74 80 .00
Drs Moines, cloudy. .t 1H 80 .00
lkdKe City, cloudy.. 80 88 .tiff
Lander, part cloudy 74 74 .00
Omaha, cloudy 7Z 76 80 -' T
Pueblo, part cloudy 83 V4 .0u
Itapid City, clear 68 88 .13
Halt Lake City, clear,,.... 84 88 -.00
Panta K, part c-loivly.. .... 74 83 .)
Kioux t!itj part clAudr..,; 78 83 .Oij
Valentlnu. part cloudy 84 .. .01
T indicates true of precipitation.
L. A. W tUU, tcal r oiecasler.
But the Cabinet
i ....
Type of Gas
Range "
We particularly recommend thia
range on account of its convenient fea
tures and the satisfaction insured by its
use. It has a large baking oven, a broil
ing oven and a warming closet, all heated
by the same burners, and all elevated from
the foor, so yim do not have to stoop to '
reach them a roomy burner top and a
large plate shelf. It stands clear of the.
floor, so that you may clean and Bweep
beneath it.
It is" much larger than the double oven range, but it does not use the slightest
bit more gas, in fact, with the same gas consumption you secure the added feature
of a warming closet, something the smaller range has not. ;
Cabinet Ranges, $30.00 and up. '
Double O ven Ranges, $20.00 and up.
Omaha Gas Company