p. THE OMAHA, SUNDAY BEE: AUGUST 7, 1910. his Bee Want- tea K ThroiifflL a Bee Want-Ad . He &eeure& MS ' Help IMow inpoTtih. the Bee Waiit.-A.dLi5 . ds. IHfe p'of hid First Position a& a i r ts EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE YEAR BOOK A TRULY VALUABLE BOOK FREE TO YOU FOR THE ASKING '.. A handsome book of 120 pages bearing the vital, virile mes sage of Boyles College, brightened by page after page of hand some half-tone views of the College and its students the most absorbingly interesting description of the Business, Stenography, Telegraphy and Civil Service Courses given at Boyles College, bound in a unique cover with the Boyles Building shown in relief. ' Bach paragraph of the Year Book will strengthen your con viction that Boyles College is unquestionably the best business college for you lo attend. The appearance of the book Itself as substantial as Boyles College Itself will add to your natural confidence In this Institution the ambition-arousing .recital of the past history of the success achieved by Boyles College-graduates, as well as the greater and more successful future that conditions now prevailing In Omaha and all the West practically guarantee to all those young people who gain the right training All these features of this most different book on training men and women for successful careers, will make a telling impression upon ' every young man or woman who has any ambition In his or her - soul. You cannot read this Year Book through without wanting: to come to Boyles College. The book proves our case so convinc ingly from your own standpoint that you cannot come to any other conclusion than that you really ought to attend Boyles College. A copy will cost you nothing. today. BOYLES COLLEGE 4 -x i H. B. BOYLES, President, Boyles Building, Omaha. ' Shorthand . . That Wins Success - . KOSHER & LAMPMAN positively know, that the training they are giving their shorthand students IS THE BEST THERE IS TO BE HAD. If you were to travel rrom Maine to California It would be Impossible for you Jo find a school where you could secure a BETTER SHORTHAND TRAINING THAN YOU CAN OBT RIGHT HERE IN OMAHA AT THE I . M0SHER-L AM.PM AN COLLEGE MOSHER A LAMPMAN teach the MO SHER SYSTEM OF SHORTHAND because MOSHBR A LAMPMAN have demonstrated It to be the most rapid system of short hand in the world. There are no shaded strokes, aa In the .Pitman, to retard Pfd It is written right along on the line the same as longhand, and not above the line on the line, through the line and under the line as Pitman shorthand Is written. It has no long, cumberson outlines and conflicting words as found In the Gregg. The fact that MOSHER A LAMPMAN teach Moeher Shorthand Is one of the rea sons why ' mOSHEH A LAMPMAN graduates CAN WRITE SO MUCH FASTER than ' the students who come from the average business college. ' . It is one of the reasons why MOSHER & LAMPMAN graduatee can read their notea better than Pitman and Gregg writers. It Is one of the reasons why MOSHER A LAMPMAN graduates can WRITE SO MUCH FASTER THAN THE WRITERP OF THE GREGG' SYSTEM. ' It Is one of the reasons why MOTHER A LAMPMAN graduates ' can be found In nearly every large business house in Omaha. It Is one of the reasons why MOSHER ALAMPMAN graduates . have been able to go rtlrec" from the college INTO THE COURT ROOM AND MAKE GOOD AS RE- li Is one o fthe reasons why you can get a better stenographic training in the MOSHER-LAMPMAN COLLEGE than you can got In any other achool In Nebraska It Is one of the reasons why you should write, "phone or call for our FREE CAT ALOGUE and SEE FOR YOl'RSELF THE MANY ADVANTAGES MOSHER A LAMPMAN are offering young people. It gives full Information about our courses '.n Shorthand, Typewriting, Bookkeeping, Penmanship. Salesmanship, etc. AiUlrem, MOSHER & . 17th and Farnam THE SUMMEK SCHOOL j BT. andkkws school . of . FOR BOYS 41ST AND CHARLES. BOYLES COLLEGE Rev. F. P. Tyner. S842 Charles. Har. 2381 IS NOW OPEN. Mosber-Lampman ' rrTi?EGB Preoara for profitable positions In book- Unexcelled courses in puiln-a. Short- knlnK ahorthand, typewriting, telegraphy, hand. Penmanship and Kngllsh. None but rk service- sure to be open In the fall experienced teachers. Day and night aea- arTTa winter The year book Is ready. Apply sions Most interesting cataros' published lor It. students admitted any day. In Omaha. Send for one today iinVT VC PflT T VfiR MOSHER & LAMPMAN. BOX LED WJULfCAjEi ,uh and samara streets. Omaha. Nel poylts Bldg.. Omaha. Neb.- Both Phones. OFFERED FOR RENT , OFFERED FOR RENT atward ana II !. KnrnUhed Hooiue Costlssid, CHOICH rooms with board. "The Teis- FURNISHliD rooma. $4 and $3 per month, plsxs." 181 Capitol Ave. for gentlemen; tlso first floor parlor for ' - young ladles at $7 per week; gas, running ELEGANT rooms and board. H3 Call- water, telephone, laundry und pressing ferula St. lei. Doug ul&l. prlvllgs. lei.. Hartley 24L'2. 2027 Harney. NICE fuinh.luil louma, with tourd. I.ARfJE furnUhed room, Kt.ictly modern, Harney tM. A XM. ilu S. 2tith St. walking distance, private family, electric - . fan. oil No. aith. Tyler lli. CLEAN fuiuiitiej loom and board, with - German ICi.rUiiaU) family. lU Capitol Av. 1724 Davvtipoi i; newly furnlsiicd, all mod- . ,. . ern ubuide rooms; large :n; no feign. STUDENT, lady or .tint Ionian, t0 wal , table for board and room. 714 N. IStu u CUU1. and pleauant rooma 101 N. 18th. MODERN Vooma. wlta board. -! a. :ih O.N K large nicely furnished room, sull- t Douglas 64X4 able fur tww. l-noi.e D. fji. m s. ltu at. BOARD and room. $4 W pr week. :tJ4 L 1AVO laie front looms; private fa.nny; atur Ht '11. H MU. inference, olu No. -VI n. Call after 6. TABLE loard aud rooms for two. Chicago. 17 is ROOM and board In private family; home cooking. 416 N. 21d LARGS room: with board; suitable for two; private. li$ 8. lath. BOARD anu roon-e. jo; St. Mary's Ave. SOUTH front parlor; also one other room, for 2 gentlemen or muirlnJ cuuplv. with board. IMS Dcdae. BOARD and room, with bath, on lower floor, by lady resulting a Utile care; will ing to pay Ji pur mouth. Tel. Web. ils. .LARGE, oool, lienutlful front room, two large closets aud lavatory; also another Miialler loom, with exce!lo.t board; near car Una or walking dixtuuce. ioii Georgia Ave. firaisa4 Itouitia. , MODERN rooms. 10 Harney Bt. D4.U Red NICELY furnished room; all convent encca geulleuiaii pmferred. Call J612 St Mary. O. U. E. hauls trunka f hones U. U A-sil FRONT room with private family. i;th Ave. 701 a. WHY pay fancy prices for poor rooms when you can get iineiy itirnisned ones &, , ........v. .i I, w 1 ....... I A AMONG the meet in lliu cay. b.6 S. l.tu Ar. NICELY furnished rooms, strictly mod em, close in, private lani.iy. jju in. iait.' PLEASANT front room to rant AuguM 1 to gentleman. 2012 Douglaa 8t EDUCATIONAL So write, phone or call for it LAMPMAN Sts., Omaha, Neb. " Sl'ITES of 2 rot ms for housekeeping; all mouein, also sleeping rooms; no childreu. tiU S. Dth St MOl iRN, $6 per month, bieakfaat If pre fer! d. lUi N. 2Utb St. TWO EXQUISITE ROOMS. EN8UITE OR SINULK. far gentlemen. In the West yariiain home, eveiy convenience; must be keen to be appreciated. 0-465. Bee. NEWLY lurnirbed front room with al cove; also single room, i, newly furrtlshtid; park Ave. Phone ;ilces reasonaula. titi Harrey Uill. FURNISHED room, modern. Griffith, iu Farnam. Phone Dr. NICELY furnished single room, modern. f6 Harney. TWO modern rooma 312 8. Mth Si. FURNISHED rooms with besrd. tih. 1001 N. NICE, clean beds, eool rooms. 891 Mili tary Ave., Benson. Neb. II. Zeller. WELL furnished, modera rooma (is N lth. ROOMS. $2 a week and up. 210 N. 17th. SOUTHEAST Red S4. ROOMS, sew furnished NICELY furnlsned, large, front suitable for two. 201 So. 2Jth Ave. room. FURNISHED rooms, 61 8. lth St. flat 1 DOUBLE front room, suitable for two or tour persons. 708 8. 16th St. NICELY furnished sleeping rooms, close in. 712 N. 21. Douglas 2C86. 2411 Capitol Ave., stnctiy modera rooms; reasonable. 'Phone Douglas .(M3 . OFFERED FOR SALE Faralsaed Room -Coatlnned. FURNISHED roonit with or without light housekeeping- privilege. 1J20 Dodge St. NEATLY furnished rooms. 114 N. 23d. NICE, large rooms: large, private front porch; modern. 2008 Harney. FRONT . room. well furnished, modem. 1707 Dodge. MODERN conveniences: rooms for house keeping. 811 g., aoth. NICK furniahed sleeping rooms. toil Leavenworth. THREE furniahed rooms. 2018 N. JM 9t ONE housekeeping room and one bedroom at 127 8. 2Mb. St. TWO nicely furnished rooms complete modern, $12 per light housekeeping. All. month. 2012 Webster. FOR RENT Four nicely furnished rooma. Will allow use of kitchen for light house keeping. 11 N 17th St. DOUBLK room; Douglas 4478. 112. 2215 California. THREE modern rooms at 2612 Davenport. FIVB nicely furniahed rooms for house keeping; no children; strictly modern, with gaa range. iw Davenport. FURNISHED room and breakfast for 2 Catholic gentlemen In private family. 2628 Charles. . board if desired. 2671 St. Mary's Ave. Red 4432. NICE, cool, furnished room, walking distance. -10 S. 24th 8t. modern; WHY pay fancy proes for poor rooms when you can get finely furnished ones cheap. 214 N. 25th St Douglas 646$. MODERN furnished rooms; private fam ily; walking distance; 13 60 week, zu S. 2th Ave. 'Phone Harney 6111. ONE front oearoom. (30 8. 23d. CLEAN furnished room for housekeeping, 26 per month. (12 N. ISth. FINE large rooms; 70s Fsrnam St. reasonable; modern. TWO front rooms, 26 per week. nam St 2202 Far- FOR RENT Cheap, a furnished 4-room cottage on 16th St., ( blocks from P. O.; will rent all or In suites for Ught house keeping. - 1 N. 16th St BEAUTIFUL rooms; will furnish to Suit; 210; . new house. 2219 Central boulevard. Convenient to car. Doug. 4846. FURNISHED rooms for two ladles or part of new modern house. 2016 Lake. FOUR unfurnished rooms. Reference 2t!67 Douglas St. SINGLE room, . all modern, - suitable for gentleman, 11.60 per week. 2001 Burt FURNISHED rooms, 624 N. 20th; Red 7791. NICELY furnished modern rooms. 17th Ave. 714 S 2966 Woolworth Ave., opposite Hanacom Park, a nice bedroom, 25 per ninth. " VERY modern, pleasant rooma. enlnga. 2110 Chicago St Call ev MODERN rooms. 2210 Harney. Red 6426. ROOMS for light housekeeping, gas, tele phone, ete. 818 N. 17th. NICELY furnished rooms, modern, large lawn, will furnish for housekeeping (or desirable party. 'Phone B-2203. 16J4 N. 17th St CLEAN furniahed rooms and board with German Chrlatian family. 1811 Caoitol Ave. FURNISHED rooma, modern. 211 N. 26th. NICELY furnished east rooms for gen tlemen only. Call In forenoon. UOIH St. Mary's. FURNISHED rooms, strictly modern. 2119 Poppleton Ave. TWO furnished rooms, 20th St. $4 week. 619 8. FURNISHED rooms? all modern. I0th St. , 606 8. TWO cool clean rooms; references. N. 19th St ¬ all NEAT, modern room, private family, ro.- in; reasonable: hot water heat Mi N. SOth. NICELY furnished front parlor, first class, close in. 2427 Dodge St Red 7782. TWO furniahed rooms. 2104 California St. ROOM on ground floor, modern house; rent $2 a woek. 64o 8. 24th Ave. NICE and cool; ten minutes' ride from postoffice; take Dodse car. 30u6 Ohio St. COME AND SEE ME if you want a re spectable, permanent place, JUST LIKE HOMr.; cnotcc'Ki neignoornoou. large, cool corner rooms; well furnished, with or with out piano; turnaco neat, aaa, nice bath, hot and Ice water, both telephone, walking distance; Leavenworth car one block. 2j6J St. Mary's Ave. NICELY iunilshed .voma In 'modern houee, private family, gr,lemen preferred. 201 William St. Phone Douglas 7o64. FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room. 217 South 25th Bt. Very convenient to busi ness. NICELY furnished modern front house keeping rooms: other rooms; close In. 641 0. 24th Ave. MltGF. room7 ana alcove, well furniahed. suitable for light housekeeping. 2671 Dojge. MODERN', furnished double rooms, good location, walking distance. 1919 Casa St. NICE, coo', room. 1813 Capitol Ave. FURNISHED room. f3 Dodgi. Red 6tk. 'Phone FRONT room; private family, ney. 1401 Har IDEAL summer rooms in a nice private home; one large alcove room; ail conven iences 2M,i St. Mary's. 726 8. ISTH St., modern furnished rooms for gentlemen, very reasonable. ROOMS for rent unfurnished. 206 S. 26th St. . TWO connecting front rooms, nlcelv furnished. In private family; references exchanged. 204 1 Dodge I-1. latela aad 4 risirsti, THEBACHEL0RS AND FARNAM. EUKOPEAN PLAN. BRUNSWICK HOTEL 1210 Douglaa. All outside rooms. DODGE HOTEL 1th and Dodge. All out side cool rooms; special rates by the week. THE v'OMUS-NICE MMER ROOMS rates reasonable. D. '-i. 2474 Harney 8l. Beautiful Rooms, fine board. 121 8. tith Ave MADISON HOTKI-Rooms or room and hoard If desired. 2102 Chicago. FOR RENT Sis-room apartment In The Barnard. Phona Douglas us OFFERED FOR SALE Hotels aad Apartments , Continued. LANOK HOTEL. "ROOMS uOc AND UP. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS for gen tlemen. THE CHATHAM. 110 B. 13th at THIS LANDON. Rooms with board. 511 S. 24th. , . THE ALT A VISTA. European. 140$ How ard St VINCENT DINING ROOM-320 8. 18th St THE HILLSIDE, 102 N. 18th St. THE, PRATT Cool rooms with board. 212 South 26th St. THE. LIVEGOOD, $6. 8. 17th St. Uoasekcepiast Rooms. TWO front rooms, completely furnished $v0 So. 24th Ave. Sit SOUTH Sid, housekeeping rooms, rea sonable. THREE partly furnished or unfurnished rooms, modern, for light housekeeping; walking distance. 2407 Chicago St. THREE furnished rooms, for man and wife, $12. 3414 Webster St. ONE light housekeeping room. 18th street 101 North LARGE, cool rooma reasonable. Farnam at. Housekeeping. 270! FOR Rent Seven-room house, city water. gas, water rent paid. 2030 Elm St See owner next door: west - 217. HOUSEKEEPING rooma: 1606 Leaven worth street Call evenings. ONE large furnished room suitable for nousekeepiug. zuu uasa Btreet, FRONT room, newly papered, 1st floor, reasonable. 1812 Grand. NICE, CLEAN, COOL housekeeping rooms; gas furniahed, laundry privileges; walking dlHtance; rent reasonable. 2571 ST. MARY'S AVE. THE HOWARD, 21st and Howard. Two room apartments; bath, heat, ice, janitor; new furniture; strictly private; finest loca tion; hot water; vacuum cleaner; $36; ref erences required. Red 4487. TWO rooms. 12.60 per week or 19 per month. 2201 N. 20ib St.. upstairs. 'Phone B-6638. i,fBJLlB4 TWO cool front housekeeping 422 North 17th St rooms, modern. TWfl ,,-..1..,. -,4 t.A...AU.nn. m . good neighborhood. Terms reasonable. 1 THREE-room gas rang. B-2427. 1609 Grace. TWO front rnnmr filrnlnhed rnmnlnl. for light houaekeeolne". modern house. 2111 Spencer. Webster 6410. TWO modern rooms for light housekeep ing. IV.1 Divunnnrl St Tnntilra 9Kli: Oaw. enport St. . LIGHT housekeeping rooms. 2161 Dodge sireeu MODERN Ughtbouekeeplng rooms. 1922 i.auiorma street. TWO. threa or tour-room suite, hand ,d, piano, walking dlstancs. somely furnished, shade, modern, $16 up, 604 Hoc'h 28 St FRONT light South 16th St housekeeping rooms. 618 FOUR furnished rooms for lighthouse keeping. CLEAN pleasant rooma with housekeep ing and laundry prlvlleg. 1707 Dodge. LIGHT housekeeping rooms. 2114 Chicaot street Suite of t elegant rooms, street. 218 North 22d MODERN housekeeping rooms. 2002 Web ster. Douglas 2619. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. mod- era. iu mortn I6th St. TWO modern, furnished for llnht hnu. keeping; private family; walking distance. tvt suutn win Ave. -rnon Harney 6111. LIGHT, cool rooms for Hcht housekaenlnir and sleeping rooms; ratea reasonable. 17i4 Leavenworth. ONE large room, pantry and closet, fur. nished; cooking gas. 1722 Capitol Ave. TWO nicely furnished rooms, strlntlv modern, for housekeeping. 8J. South 21st St TWO nloely furniahed rooms for hnuan. keeping, gas, bath, phone. $10 2611 Cald well. - Webster 1972. EXCELLENT . completely furnished housekeeping rooms. phone In house. 2f?4 Harney 8t SUITE OF 2 housekeeping rooms. $15 per month. K3 So. 25th Ave. HOUSEKEEPING or slecslns rooms at 2110 Harne.. D 6&J. NICE SUMMER ROOMS in BRICK FLAT: HOME COOKING. Harney 2i34. A 2534. 316 S. 26th St NICE cool room, sll conveniences, with privilege of doing light housekeeDimr: suitable for one or two persons. 4J Suutu TWO light housekeeping rooma. 1720 Dodge. LIGHT housekeeping rooms: modern: new furniture; rent $3 week. 545 South JUli Ave. 2582 HARNPJY. nicely furnished room for light housekeeping, SOUTH EXPOSURE, modern, walking distance. TWO nicely furnished rooms with gat range and tlnk No child, en. 816 South 18th. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, modern, walk ing distance; also single loom. 2563 Dodge. THREE furnished rooms for man 2414 Webster M. and wife, $12. THREE nlcel)" furnished housekeeping rooms, modern, gas range, clean. 2010 N. Wth. NICELY furnished rooms for lltrht house keeping; modern. 2316 Douglas bt. HOUSEKEEPING looms single or en suite; one first-floor room with kitchen privileges. 408 North 23d. NICELY furnished modern front house keeping rooms; other rooms; rloxe In. 547 S. 24th Ave. HOUSEKEEPING rooms. St. Phone Webster 3054. 1427 N. 17th THREE furnished rooms. 608 North 16th St LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 'Phone Harney 6045. TWO cool, modern furnished rooms, gas for housekeeping. 2037 Hainey TWO rooms, reasonable. 2702 light housekeeping. Cuming. rent TWO furnished rooma for light house keeping. 614 South 17lh Ave. TWO or three unfurnished housekeep ing rooms; all modern except heat: walk ing distance and reasonable. 635 South 25th Ave. SDR RF.NT 7-roona atrtotly madera. close la; 2022 Webster Ht LIGHT housekeeping. 206 8. 26th Ave. WHEN you answer these advertisements, please mention The Bee OFFERED FOR RENT (Continued.) Unfurnished Rooms. MODERN, rooroT"8 unfurnished. S4t fc. fcta St FOUR rice housekeeping rooms; lit N. 24th St., near Cuming; price $12.60. Apply at ffica, 1714 Webater St UNFURNISHED rooms; 2tb St Harney 434a. modern. (14 a. THREE nice rooms, water and gaa. par month. tlU N. 27th St Tel. B-263t A part meats aad Flats. ELTtOANT 2. 4 and -room apartments. Ftiehlow Terrace. Webater 4S3S. CENTRAL APARTMENTS. Two high-grade, 6-room modem flats; hardwood, ample rooms; always nice or der; nil a tie.", hooded gas range, free hot water all year; steam heat; walking dis tance. Summer, one 125, ether laj; winter, lit mure. Equal any at tM more, litter ences required. BKMI8-CARLBRRU CO., 310 Brandels Theater. FARNAM and 30th St., strictly modern a-room llat, $J0 per month, Iclephone liar ley m. CHOICE FLATS 2612 Dewey Ave, marly new, 8-room, mod. biliK, oak floors and linn., very desirable, 245.00. Hi'J Dewey Ave., splendid -rooin, brick, 2:16.00. all So. :iitli St., brand new 6-room St. Louis brick, oak finish, walls decorated, m 2il7 Jackson St., good 9-room brick, 235. Ui) So. ltth, b-room flat, 215. .i-l fo. 29th St., a-rooin brick, 12. S016 Ames Ave., 3-room flat, $5. . APARTMENTS 13823 So. 24th1 St.. 4-room brick apart ments, every modern convenience, nearly new and walking distance. GARVIN BROS., 3d Floor N. Y. Life.' FOR RENT 6-room apartment St. Louis flat; splendid condition; all modern; walk lng distance; 236. 636 S. 26th Ave. Phone Harney 3196. NEWLY papered 6-room Hat; modern, except heat; IIS. 1500 N. 20ih St Conrad Young, 1612 Dodge Street SERVANTS problem solved; t rooms con densed Into 6; steam heat; eleotrlo light and laundry; r.ct and cold water; wall bed. safe, gaa atove, refrigerator; Janitor service. The Hunter. 26th and DodKe. Tel. Douglas 4132. FIVE-ROOM, modern, lower flat, $30. 3604 Leavenworth St. Phone Web. 4181. Houses and Cottaarea. ( ROOM, modern, partly furnished, sum mer or longer, 240, 266 Jackson. Houses, flats. Garvin Bros. 3d floor N. Y. U 3114 TAYLOR ST., new 5-r. mod ern, 20. 2718 Rugglea St., 6-r., new, mod ern, 20. J. W. RASP CO., 689 Brandels Bldg. WEST FARNAM SPECIAL. . Look at 10k S. 36th St., 8 rooms, strictly modern and up-to-date, choice location, $46. PaVflC BoStWlck 8l Slatf?r dI"v, WUJlWlVfc VK WILL give half house rent free in ex change for mowing weeds, tixlng up place generally; small house with 6 acies, North 4th bt. ; rich garden bottom land; good well, shade, fruit, pasture, fenced, etc.; $4.50 casn, balance work evenings anu mornlnk'B. ; Also two small houses with four lots, each near Jtn anu Curtis Ave.; one plowed ready lur warden, me other in sod for cmchens ana piss; only Ji.oO per momn each. Newiy bunt of part old material. Florence car, get off at Miller park. Good new school 'S uiocks. REAL ESTA'lE TITLE TRUST CO., city .National Bank aid. $4.501114 No. 40th St., 8-room, inouern, in fine conuition. HO U18 No. 40th, 8-room, modern, fiist cliiss condition. sa.50 iw izard St., 7-room, modern, fine condition. $ai.ao 3316 Burt, 8-room, modern, hot water heat, steel range, good neighborhood. 28 New, 8-room, all modern house, 28 Poppleton. $i6.50 3616 Seward, i-room cottage, city water and gas, Ure lot. dii 5-iooin all modern, fine condition, good ncigiioorhood. See it at 22-4 . N. lUin Street. tu t-room apartment, all modern, very pleasant, gooa neignoornoou, z.'is IM. ltfth Si. $7 3-rootn apurtnient at No. V Snelby Court. Good neighborhood. Peter's Trust Co., (N. Y. Life.) HOUSES AND COTTAGES. 605 So. 34th St., good 4-room cottage. $14. 3ZM3 Dewey Ave., good 6-room cottagu, $16. mu r.uiutue, guoa i-room dwelling, $ao, 2i07 Caldwell; good 6-room dwelling. 215.50. 1134 No. 17th St., good Vrooina, bath, etc., walking distance, $18. gllli and DoUKlua. 8 rooms, newlv rtanereri i fiei.i;. 217 No. 19th St., choice 7 rooms, oak fin isn, nearly new, $30. 13SJ .So. 7th, U rooms, modern, newly painted, $2.50. GARVIN UKOS., 3d Floor, N. Y. Life. HOUSES TO LET 410 No. 22d St., rooms, all modern, very desirable, $17.50. 11106 So. 30th Ave., 8 rooms, modern, barn $35.00. 1D22 No. 27th St., 7 rooms. $18.00. Mm No. ISth tit.. 10 rooms, modern, $ij.00. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO.. V.iM Farnam. Tel. Doug. lOW-ind. A-lwi4. FINE S-room, modern house, walking, dthta:icc, $2o.00 and hoard of lady owner. Turklug-ion, 602 Bee. S-ROOM apartment on ground floor, with Bond yard; nearly iu-w; lurge airy rooms; near riauscom l ark. $37.oo. 5-room, modern, 2614 Woolworth, $25. 5-room detached house, ninth, modern ex. furam-e, $22.50. HARRISON & MORION, 913 N. Y. L. Bldg. FOR KENT Just completed. 2 elegant -room, all modern brick houses. They have 8 rooms with an extra room on the 3d floor provided with bathroom, besides d. neat room for storage. These houses are beauti fully finished in quai ler-suwed ouk. latesr. nickel plumbing, with toilet in uajement; perfect gems; riuht in tne heart of the city. See them; n. w. corner 2Utii and Daven port Sts., opposite high school. C. M. Bach man, 436 Paxton Block, Tel. Red 263u; Hew. deuce 'let Doug. 6u66. CLOSE IN. 612 S. IHth St., 6 roomii. strictly modern duplex house, on: block from new cuurt liuu: e. $.j7.5o. Payne, Bostwick & Slater Sole Agents, hixlli Floor. N. Y. Life Bldg. 3-room cottage, clone In, $10. ,5 rooms, ilose in, $12 50, 8 rooms, one block car. $12.60. 7 rooms. Capitol Ave., new, $30. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., 65$ New York Life lildg. Red lWt. HOUSES FOR RENT. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO Suit 6-4 N. V. Life Bldg. Red 1 NICE 8-room house for rent: modern ex cept heat 416 Cuming street 'Phone. Har ney 1558. NO EQUAL Central location. 4-r, corner flat Apply za norm zau. Tisard Block. $20.003643 CHARLES ST., s-room house; city water, gas, cistern: good shape; key next door. 'Phone H. 2596. M. W. Ryer son. I OFFERED FOR RENT Itoasea aad Cottaa.ee Contlaaed. FOR RENT ElKht-room modern house. 21 S. 25th Ave. 'Phone Douglas 4687. 2611 DEWEY AVE. A fine strictly modern 7-room house. within cany walking distance, $40. Payne, Bostwick & Slater .. ..n. .kuiuj, Si.xiri j' luoi. N. Y. Life Bldg. NINE-ROOM modera OIKK house, uuru eart of city, -roora apartment. 1217 Clark, till S-rooiu apartment, lail Clara. $. -room apartment, city water, toilet, $12 54i fc-room apartment. 1Mb N. 17 In. 211, C M. BACHMAN. 4.14 Paxton mock. 'Phona Red 2tts; Residence Doug. MM. OMAHA Van & Storage Co., pack. move. . inr. household aonda: storehoue. 1120-24 N. Uthl Office. 20 a. 17th 8b Tel. Douglas 16a. RENTAL BARGAINS, f 3152 Ames Ave., 4-r.. partly mod.. 7.60. nu imui Ave., fi-r.. uartly mod.. 210. 2323 8. 18th, 6-r., all mod. except heat, 215, 210 S. 28th, 6-r., partly moa., u 216 Decatur, ti-r., partly mod., tl6. 1M9 N. 24th. 6-r.. all mod. ex. heat, $17. ::: Wehxter. 7-r.. nartlv mod.. 318. 110 Stanford Circle, 6-r., all mod. ex. heat. $19. 2W4 Decatur. 7-r.. partly mod., $20. 4815 N. 29th, 6-r., all mod. ex. heat, 220. n s 'Jili 1,-r . all mini. ex. heat. 221. Buniette, 9-r., all mod. ex. heal, good barn, 22.50. 4217 harney, 8-r all mod., $25. lnm Yates, i-r., ail mod. ex. heat. $26. 1522 Yates. 7-r., all mod., (27.50. 4004 Charles. 6-r.. strictly mod., $27.50. 410 liaid. 7-r., all mod., nice location onlv 227.60. 2511 N. 22d, 7-r., strictly mod., $30. 1MK1 Spruce. 7-r., strictly mod., 35. 3221 1'oppleton Ave., 7-r., strictly mod., $37.50. 1006 S. 30th Ave., 6-r., strictly mod., $37.60. 3863 Karnam, 7-r., all mod., $40. m N. 22d. 10-r., all mod., clone In, $40. 1002 S. 20th, 10-r., all mod., $40. 421 N. 31st., 8-r., strictly mod., $45. , 4002 Seward, 8-r., strictly mod., $46. 4103 Lafayette Ave., 8-r., strictly mod., $45. 608 N. 21st, 9-r., strictly mod., close In, u0. 316 N. 20th, 8-r., all mod., close in. $12.50. 823 Park Ave., 8-r., strictly mod., $46. 219 Karnam, 9-r., strictly mod., $12.50. Pavne. Bostwick Si Slater HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, lorwarueu. cheap freight rates; moving and storing. Expressmen's Delivery Co. Tel. Doug. 394 A modern 6-room cottage, 2403 So. 17 th St Open Sunday from 2 to 4, $22.50 and water. 631 So. 22d St.. 10 rooms, $50. Fred S. Hadta, 660 N. Y. L. Bldg. Douglaa 4334. WITHIN WALKING DISTANCE Look at 822 N. 2uth, a H-room strictly mod ern St. Louis flat; has Just been newly decorated. $35. Payne, Bostwick 8? Slater Siixth Floor, N. Y. Life Bldg. WISH to rent our home in West Farnam district; eight rooms, strictly modern; oak finish, hot water heat saat front, large porch. Phona D. 3026. fQR RENT tVroom cottage. 278S Capitol Ave.; bath; good plumbing; good repair, oearly new; $26. Tel. Red 6264. IlUUoiliO Cr.Kh Sons at Co.. Bca Bldg NINE-ROOM modern detached brick, HH Sherwood Ave.; $30. Patterson. 1623 Far nam St LOW PRICED APARTMENT. 2912 Farnam St.. 5-room strictly modern, steam-heated apartment, only $26.50. Pay4ie, Bostwick 81 Slater Sole Agents, Sixth Floor. N. Y. Life Bldg. BRICK HOUSE, 261 Dswey avenue, 7 rooms, modern. Moyer Sta. Co., .1616 Far nam 8t 6-ROOM modern, 8. 32d Ave, tlon, $20. Tel. Harney 1566. good condl- HOUSES, Ins. Rlngwalt, Brandels Th. Bldg. FOR RENT An opportunity to get Into u rooming house without money. 601 So. 28th St FOUR ROOMS, CLOSE IN. 2043 Howard St., a 4-room strictly modern St. Louis flat, only $2S.50. Pa?ne. Bostwick & Slater Sole Agents. Sixth Floor, N. Y. Life Bldg. NEW six-room Harney 647. brick house, modern. 1014 N. S2d St.; an all modern cottage, $25 per month. Tel. Harney 60. Harry H. Put nam, 5i40 Burt St. SIX ROOMS, MODERN, walking dis tance. Inquire 2223 Burt St. 5,10 S. 25TH AVE., 10-r., mod. 423 N. 30th. 8-r.. mod.. $27.50. $33. 112 S. 85th Ave., 7-r.. mod. ex. heat, 3550 Farnum, 6-r., mod. ex. heat, $25. 2031 Charley, 6-r., mod. ex. heat. $18. 11 8. 2th, 6-r., mod. ex. heat, $22.60. F. D. WEAD, 1801 Farnam. $18. 4)0.00 Store, good location for barber shop. 1701 S. 10th St ROBINSON & WOLF, 435 Paxton Block. , $22.50 9-room house, modern, 7W N 301 h Bt. i:t.00 4-room house, will renl to colored, 2614 Blimey St. $25.00 9-room, WIS Douglas. $8 60 3-roorn. 1424H 8. ltiih St. ROBINSON & WOLF, 435 Paxton Blk. 'Phone, D. 21. fi-ROOM modern cottsgo, .with furnace, $22.50 per month, inquire at 3025 California. 3116 Chicago, 6 rooms, modern. $.''.0. 2416 Capitol Ave., 12 rooms, modern, $'15. Rlngwalt rBos., Brandels Theater Bldg. 1609 N. S4th St., 6-r all mod.', $25. 4 N. 26th St., 5-r.. mod. ex. heat, $23. 4120 N. 2lth Ave., 6-r., all mod., $22.50. 3145 California, 8-r., all mod.. $30. 2212 Mason St., 9-r., all mod., $35. 3327 Fowler Ave., 7-r.. water, gas and elec. light. $17. 110:i S. 22d St., 6-r., mod. , ex. heat, $25. 3H10 Jones St.. 8-r., all mod., $26.50. 2563 Pierce St., 8-r., mod. ex. heat, $J6. 2.68 Sahler St., 6-r., C. W., gas and toilet, $16. . , Indicates water paid by owner. BIRKETT TEBBENS. 423 Bee Bldit. 'Phones D. 4754-A-1764. WALKING DISTANCE. 8-room modern house, 2644 Dodge St.. $.': water free. 1. N. Hammond, Board of Trade Bldg. COOL l-room apartment, modern, $18. 2620 Marcy St. y A lady on South 25th Ave., says: "You rented my furnished rooms quickly. "I am giving you another want ad this morning." These ads are wonderful pullers. Getters ot whatever you want. Real treasur" OFFERED FOR RENT Houses and Cottaajee Contlnaed. BEST ROOMING HOUSE IN OMAHA. 12 rooms, larxe lot, plentv shade, fine) lawn. 2412 Dodge St. Ink at It. NOWATA LAND AND 1X1T CO., Red 1999. 658 New York Life Bldg. A nice, seven-room house, modern ex cept heat; parlor, living room, kitchen anil three bed rooms, all built on one floor: has len newly papered and painted and papered on the Inside, and painted on the outside, and la now In first class condition; good cement walks, stone, steps and located on the car line. North JSd St. K5 per month. For fur ther particulars address W. J. Iermodjr Investment Co.. 1612 city National bank, building. Tel. Doug. 7M. Stores aad Offices. TRACKAaPE0PEET5) : We offer for rent the one story end basement brick store room at 914 Farnam. This prop erty bag trackage facilities in roar. Apply BKV, BUILDING CO, 17th and Farnam. WE'LL LIGHTED store. 22x100. 102 . lOta, Carter Sheet Metal Works. STORE ROOM FOR RENT. Southeast corner 16th and Douglas Sts., Room 28x70 feet. Possession given about September 1. 1S10. i CITY NATIONAL BANK. 6TORE-ROOM 1807 Farnam 3t bemi-basemeiits, well lighted. ImT and USfl Farnam street Store room, til N. 24th St. flo. Omaha. THOa F. HALL. 3S Ramga fcidg. Both 'Phones. Unequalled Opportunity Grocery an4 meat 'market with fixtures compute; b equal. Tlsard Block. Apply tao .N. 23d St, FOR RENT Building in Carson. la.; benf location for general store in Iowa; build ing is 36x66, good roof, full basement, fully furnished; will rent for term of years or one year at a time. L. Sheets, Carson, la. DESK room for rent In City National Bank Bldg. Stenographer and use of phone, Douglas 5685. i LARGE pleasrnl south and east front office. Corner 18th and Harney, 8. 8. Curtis. 1808 Harney. , IN new building, including roll top desk, new office; privilege of. whole suite, tele phone, etc.; special opportunity for attor ney, architect or building contractor. Ad dress at once, O 72, Beo. OFFICE space in the Baldrlge & Wead Kldg., 3th and Farnam Sts. F. D. WEAD, 1801 Farnffm. STORE In the Wead Bldg. for rent. F. D. WEAD. 1801 Farnam. FARNAM STREET STORE-ROOMS. Just completed and ready for occupancy at Wth and Farnam Sts. Choice location for retail business. Large, airy rooms wltl$ fine basements.' Special proposition to nesr firms. W. T GRAHAM, Dougloa 1533. 604 Bee Bldg. GARRAGE Just vacated by Paxton Mitchell at 2318 Harney, for rent F. D. Wead. 1801 Farnam St. DESK ROOM, with roll top desk. Phona ' service. 678 BRANDEIS. J. H. JOHNSON. WANTED lO BUY FIVE thousand shares of King of the. West mining stock. Will pay $5 a share. Ad dress B-7WJ, Bee. A THOROUGHLY modern 6 or 7-room house in north or west part, of city. Phona Ind. B-3184 or apply 2564 Spencer. ACETYLENE carbide cans which hava been used in country. Must be priced right. City Garbage Co., 120 N. 12th St., Lincoln, Neb. BEST prlcea for BROKEN WATCHES. Old Gold, etc. NATHAN. Sll B. 13th Bt. BEST ERICE paid for second-hand fur niture, -Crpets, clothing and shoes. 'Phona Douglas 3U7L WANTED TO BORROW- FOR SALE Gilt edge first mortgage I per cent bonds. Address 0-492, Bee. WANTED :0 RENT WANTED TO RENT Furnished, first clars hotel with privilege of buying If proven to be a winner. 40 to 60 rooms. ' VV. M. Thomas, General Delivery, Des Moines, la. 6-ROOM apartment with heat. Give lo cation and price. M-7H0 Bee. We Are Getting Numerous Calls For Houses or All Sist-s. List with Us. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., G2 N. Y. Lltj Bldg. 'Phone Red 19D9. POULTRY Screenings, $1.25 per 100 Wagner, 801 N. 11 " jsiuio'ciifcKTooD la h best In th market for young chick r Mod from pure grain, A. W. WAONEK, mi It NORTH SIXTEENTH STREET. Phones; Douglas U42. Independent A-246C " I FINE breeding Pekln ducks bred from Mandy L-e sti.ck, $1 up. Sol S. Main Ht, Florence. PRINTING LEW W. It A BE R, Printer, Bee Bldg Entrance on Court KIKS-HALL Pig A3624. Co., Ills H. 14th, In. PHONE IND. A-2020 for good printing. I.yngstad Printing Co.. 16th ac Capitol Ave. MILLER pliunea. Jamleson 1212 Doug. Botli WANTED SITUATIONS BOY. 14 years old. would like place for the summer. Red 6426. WANTED Ladies' clothes to laundry bf first cluxs, laundress. Call Doug. 5601. JAPANESE wants position as chauef farV has had experience. Tel. Harney 25.