TIJE BEE: OMAILV, MONDAY, AUOTTST 1, 1910. a. i! r -4 V A:. CLASS GATHER IN DES MOINES f i Bepublicans Are Lining Up for the State Convention. DELEGATES HAVE UTILE TO DO Ifarm Is to B Made anil C'aadl- trfectri ,for Unprrlnlrnd ent of ToMIe Instruction. b before the Interstate Commerce com niisrlnn In Chlc-HRo. August 22. A fund of IJS.flTO hue brrn rsifed to make the fight and nnth the railroad nnd commercial organizations are netting ready for a big content. From a Staff Correspondent. DE8 MOINKH la.. July 31. (Special.) The advsnne guard for the republican state oonventlon arrived In tho city today, con latlng of a number of republican from northern Iowa. Rooms have been engaged for a SMg. .number of the delegates nnd leader to be available on Aioncluy. Never before lnthe history of the Mate haa In terest bee keener In a atate convention than In this me. even though much of the life of a state convention haa been taken away by operation of the primary law. The convent!' n has but little actually to ' do. . The, candidates for governor, lieutenant governor, treanuier, auditor, secretary and other atate offices have been nominated. It ' remains for the convention to settle a con test for state superintendent between seven good men. Nobody seems to be able to figure,. out any satlsXaclory solution of this pusile. State Superintendent ItlfcKS received about 30 per cent of the vote but did not get the 35 per cent neeei-'ary to nominate. Under- a. plurality system ho would have been nominated. Now' the convention must decide. Very likely this will take a gwd many ballots and this may delay the con vention. Two candidates for Judges of tho supreme court are to be nominated, but this Is al ready fixed. They will be Judge Horace E. I Ueerner of Red Oak, and Judge William D. Evans of Hampton, both to be renominated. Deemer has now been on the supreme bench twelve years and Evans has had one term. There Is no opposition to either one as both have made most excellent judges. ' ' Platform Controversy. If there Is to be any real controversy In the convention It must be over some phase of the platform. The situation Is peculiar and delicate. The two factions have worked at cross purposes, neither one admitting that ' it Intends to do what the other charges, each one professing the utmost loyalty to party principles. But the stand patters are Insisting that unless the conven tion makes a 'platform which first and above everything else Indorses President "f'.ait and Governor Carroll and everything On their administrations it will show that the convention Is nut republican. It was the Intention of tho progressives to adopt a platform Indorsing both of these officials In a formal way, then to devote the major part of the platform to the principles of the party, but they. say that the attitude of the other, faction Is forcing them to a posl- tlon where they must leave the matter alone. ..- There can be no doubt that the platform 111 be written and adopted by the progres sives, for .the fierce fight of the past sum mer ended In a victory for .them. In fact the progressive majority will be larger than any majority for either faction in any con vention for fifteen years. Cammlns to Sound Keynote. Senator Cummins will sound the keynote (or the convention.' He will deliver a rather short address In which he will dls 'eusa the fight' in congress and the ques tions which are uppermost In the minds of the people. There was some talk of an ef fort J( jave, the oifvey on .refuse to accept ' elm a temporary chairman, and If the con vention had nut . been controlled by his friends the first .fight would have come on that proposition. Nobody has been sug gested for permanent chairman. -' State Committee. There Is also tome Interest attaching to the manner of electing and organizing the state committee for cumpalgn purposes. , There are six of the congressional districts controlled by the progressives and five by the standpatters, so that It ts certain that all eoimmlttees of the convention will bo controlled by the progressives. But the. primary law requires that the state conven tion itself must elect the entire state cam paign committee. It may accept caucus nominations, or It may not do so. Some of the republican .leaders are In favor of the convention electing men in every district In case of an ugly fight In the convention, or possibility of a tMt on the part of the minority, this would undoubtedly be done. Live Stock ' Entries for Fair. The live stock entries for the state fair close tomorrow and Secretary Simpson re ports that up till today about 2D0 of the ex hibitors have comploted their entries. A large number are expected until tomorrow. The 'correspondence thus far had indicates ' the exhibit of live stock will be very large this year. The other entries do not close until later In the year. Stocking; Iowa with Pheasants. Stats game wardens report that the work of placing pheasants In Iowa has already been commenced. . Last week twenty pairs f Hungarian pheasants were turned loose In Blackhhawk county In places whore protection was promised by the people. It Is expected that ' nmny of them will nest and their number be increased before winter. The plan of the state administra tion Is to raise a great many pheasants and turn them loose In Iowa next year. Will Visit Prisons. V . 'Tather" I 8. Coffin of Fort Dodge, who erected and maintained on his farm a temporary home for ex -prisoners, is In L)es Moines today. ' He will ' visit the peniten tiaries of the state and give addresses to the Inmates by request of the respective warden. . After be has completed his tour he will visit his childhood home in New Hampshire. Although past 88 years of age, he will uutke the trip alone. . Boar of Mearro at Medical Setaool. The ' body of John Juuktns. the negro murderer, who was hanged ut Kort Madi son, was brought here and turned over to the medlcst department of Drake university for examination. It was the special desire X the head 'of that department to have the biain of tne murderer tor investigation as to his criminal Instincts. Arrangements were made with the family of the victim for' having the body turned over. Van Bast and Warner Coming". Departnieut Commander H. A. Dyer of the Grand Army of the Hepubllo stated today that he has arranged to have ex-UoV-rnlir S. R. Van Sant of Minnesota and Sena tor William Warner of Missouri as visitors nsoldlers' day at the state fair, August ' 10.' An order will be Issued In a few days with reference to the committees of ar rangements, etc. Refnse to Send Credentials. . The chairman of the republican state committee is having some trouble eeourlyg the credential jsj of the dulegstus to the republican slate convention. A great many el the county; managers are holding back the official statements because of failure to understand,, the law which requires the clialrmau of t!ie state committee to dispose ef all wattersJof credentials. . Join' la Traffic Flnt. The commercial organisations In les Holnes and various cities of Iowa will Join with the assentation formed at Chicago to fUht the proposed raise In rail rates. They fcav received Uulice that tho hearing will Annual Meeting of Iowa Kiremen Held in Red Oak Program of the Event and a Li it of the Prizci to Be Given the Winners. ' NEGROES KILLED IN A RIOT Eighteen Dead in Texas Town ai Bemlt of Diiturbance. STATE TSOOTS ARE CALLED' OUT Loasr-Standlna: Qaarrel Breaks lata Heated Btrntrale and Whites Wreak Vengeance on Blacks la Blood. RED OAK. Is., July 30. (Special.) Great preparations are under way at Red Oak for the State Firemen's tournament, to be held here August 3-6. A new bandstand has been erected ut the fair grounds and a complete system of electric lights and decorations added. The following program has been prepared: Tuesday, August 2 Reception and meet ing m tne to-tii ot Control. vvedrie.MU.iy, august events as follows: For urgcM uepai iment from any city, local aepai u.iini barrea, prizes, iuu -na Hie Ihm appearing company rr:.-. u; c.ty, with or witnout apparatus, prizts, 50 aim Kb. Inraigut away none race, nuo-ana-huo, pnscs. Im, s.iu and t&. In tnis race teams uii im ) uiuK, with cart only, coinpan.es may usu tne.r own carts. Amateur hose race, prites Sua, fio, 12a and u. companies to be iiukIm up ot men wno never competed In any laee in tne Mate association, elate paid department race, prizes .vi), 125 and io. Allien to be made in nouse, men in ounks; run one-nali mile, lay InO ieet of hose, oreaK coupling and put on pipe ready to turow water. Aparatus capable of car rying 1.UU0 teet of serviceaole nose and out fit to weign not less tnan I.WjO pounds. As sociation nose and pipe to oe used in all contests, r lag race, prizes, Jo, & ana fcla. 'mm race to tie run from two lines fiit.v yurus apart, one-half of each team to be pluoed on eacu line lacing each otner. t he nrst man on the right oi tne starting line to have liag, ana at tne word eo ' to carry and uui'ver to the first man on the rigiu of the second 'line, until each man has carried the flag his fifty yaras; teams to be composed ot eighteen men, time to be taken wnen tne last man crosses his fifty yard mark; no man is to leave his line un til in poesMon ot tne flag, olnerwise he will be Ueeiareu foul and out. Tug-ol-war, prizes, A anu rope, and lo. In inis con test eacn team Is to be composed of not more than twelve men from any one com pany, ami must wear smooth-soled shoes; roue to oo one lncn in diameter and sixty feel long, no man to lake hold ot the rope rearer tuan ten teet from the center, Wnen first man is pulled over starting mark the contebt ceases and opposite blue wins con' test inursday, August 4 Hook-and-ladder race, prizes, kluu and SoO; run &j0 yards, rum state hose race, nurse. 2w. includ ing lov( cup. f irst prize, silver cup UlUU) and ?U casn: second. VH): third, $3b: fourth, 1'alU tire department iree-for-all, open to the world, prizes, S4M. 2uu and .(. Volunteer coupling contest, two gold med als, one fur coupler ana one for pipeman, value . Huo-und-huD race between two teams making slowest time In amateur hone race, prizes, oo and 15. Fire com pany drill corps, prizes, IlOt) and Jwi. Vol untecr ladder-cnmumg contest, gold meaal valued at Kun titty teet. cllinU twenty- four-luot ladder to lay on ground until start Is made, raise ladder not less than HI de grees; time to be taken when climber reaches the top rung and holds rung until time is called. Jbacli climoer will oe al lowed four men to raise ladder; distance between rungs to tie fourteen inches. Friday. Auxust 6 Second state hose race. purse, ZiKl, Including cup. D'lrst prize, Silver cup (Jluo) and $70 cash; second prize, V0; third, :iu; fourth, &. The team making the fastest time In either state hose race will be entitled to the state cup and first prize. Hitching; litest, vrlvn. W) and Novelty hub-knot-hub rat. prices, 175, fciO, and $15. All teams competing at the tournament must take part In this race, the teams to start at Judges' stand, run lid yards on track to cart, taae up cart and return, lay l.'iO feel of hose, break coupling and put on pipe, same as in tne state nose race. Paid fire department straightaway race. urizes. S100 and l0. Volunteer hub-and-hub race between three teams making fastest tune at tournament, 'prizes, and- tltr. headers' foolrace; first, gold medal, value li'o; second, gold medal, valued at $15. Two hundred nnd fifty-yard footrace. No man will be allowed to run In "this race unless he has run In each race participated In by his company; no company allowed to enter a man for this race unless the company has participated In at least one race; every team to enter but one man lor tnis race, Couullnn contest will not be considered race In this connection. State paid depart' ment coupling contest, prizes, two gold medals, one for coupler and one for pipe man, valued at lot). WEEDMAN DIES OF APOPLEXY Body ot Prominent Citizen of Web ster City, la., Is Found la x Cornfield. WEBSTER' CITY, la., July JO.-(Speclal Telegram.) H. I Weed man, who dlnap peared from his home in Woolstock last evening, was found dead In his cornfield this morning. His death was due to stroke of apoplexy. - Mr. Weedman had been prominent in Woolstock and search' ing parties were looking for him all night Telephone Manager Transferred. IOWA FALLS, la., July SO. (Special.) F. M. Chandler, who has been , the popu lar manager of tin Iowa Telephone ex change In this city for several years has been transferred to Hampton, where he will be placed in charge of the Iowa exchange and the newly acquired Iowa Central plant, Mr. H. O. Conger, who has been manager of the Iowa Central's entire plsnt for sev era! years, will remain In this city as man' ager of the two exchanges until a consoll da tlon of the exchanges can be effected, Witter Johnston Is Dead. FORT DODGK. la., July 80. (Special Telegram.) Witter Johnston, aged 29, only son of Captain W. P. Johnston, a prominent librarian of the state, died in a New Jersey hospital after several months Illness ot heart trouble. He was a Yale graduate and held an Important position with th Carnegie Steel company of New York. He will be buried here. PALESTINE, Tex., July 39,-rAt least eighteen negroes were killed In a racial clash In the extreme eastern section ef An derson county last night and today, the culmination of an enmity between the races brewing for several weeks. Leas con servative reports plaee the totsl fatalities at between thlry' and forty. It was also reported that several white men were either killed or wounded, bu't each rumor as to casualties among the whites haa met authoritative dentil. Troops teacheo Palestine early tonight and established uarters at the county prison, where It Is planned they will remain until tomorrow nless further rioting, necessitates a night march to the scene of the cislurbance, about twenty-five miles distant. It is reported, however, that at nightfall the belligerents began to disperse and further bloodshed will In all probability be averted. Precautions Taken. The first news of the disturbance reached Palestine this morning. Officers were sent to the scene, locat ammunition stores were ordered to suspend sales, and the saloons to 'close. It was quickly sppkrent, how ever, that the situation was beyond the lontrol of the local officers and troops were asked for. A company ot militia under command of Captain Godfrey Fowler, former United army officer, and more re cently engaged in Nicaragua In the cause of the insurgents, dispatched from Mar shall, Tex., arrived tonight. Thomas Alvord, a white man, and s egrft engaged in a fight yesterdsy over a note which Alvord had endorsed and the negro refused to pay. Alvord drew a re volver and shot at the negro. Several friends ot the negro, who were armed. chased Alvord. who was re-lnforced by sev eral of his friends. Shooting became gen eral. A deputy sheriff, who attempted to arrest a negro, was shot through the body. The whites invaded the negro quarter and firing was incessant throush the greater part of the night. In the meantime, word was brought from Slocum. which is fifteen miles south of here, and Sheriff Black and posse lefjto quell the disturbance. At Dennlson Springs, near Slocum, there s a negro colony numoering am. many i these negroes, heavily armed, are saia vj have gone to Slocum with the avowed In tention of "cleaning out the whites. Dis trict Judge Gardner ordered all saloons in Palestine closM today for fear that the race war would extend to this place. No Plans Are Made For the Future of Lord Kitchener Onild Hall Speech of Roosevelt Up- lets All of the Plana of the , English Government. LONDON, July 81. (Special Telegrarn.) "What does the government Intend to do wittt Lord Kitchener?" asked a corre spondent of a well-informed official at Whitehall Saturday. "I give It up," was the reply. "But," added the official, "did you know that Lord Kitchener nearly went to Egypt to take Sir t'ldon Goorst's place as British diplomatic agent and consul general? It Is a lact." "And why did not go?" "Mr. Roosevelt upset the arrangement; everything had been fixed, the post had been offered to Kitchener and he had ac cpted It, when Mr. Roosevelt In his Guild hall speech laid down a course ef action fer Egypt Bo the government decided, at least for the present, to keep Kitchener st homo. This decision, of course, wss due to the fact that the' government did not wish to Jump at Mr. Roosevelt's plan of sending a man of blood end Iron to Egypt." "So you cannot tell what work will be fcund for the great sold;or?" "No. Hs might be sent to Constantinople as ambassador, for we need a strong man there. England has been losing ground with the young Turks for several months. The triple alliance has been running things In Constantinople. "As a matter of fact," suddenly ex claimed the official, "Lord Kitchener Is not very keen on work and seems content to rest on his laurels. He has conceived s passion for collecting brlet-brao and talks about this most of the tl.ne. He went to India mainly because the task wss a pic turesque one,, without much responsibility. He will wske up i only If a great war comes." "Will Sir Eldon Goomt be recalled from Egypt?" " "Oh, yes. It Is only a question of time." CHANCES AMONG ARMY MEN Retiring Board to Meet at Fort Bayard to Examine Officers. MEN ON LEAVE BACK TO COMMAND Members of Medleat Corns to Gather In IVew York to Flanre on Por ches of Some of the Supplies. Sloop Helpless In Mid-Ocean and Crew Near Death i British Steamer Rescnes Men Ex hausted Food and Water Gone Exist on Vinegar and Sugar. NEW YORK, ' July a. Two dsys after leaving ' Barbadoes, July 23, the Britisn steamer Ikalls. In tcday from Buenos Ayres, sighted a sinking sloop flying signals ef distress, which turned out to be the little Sunlight, a wandering cargo carrier be tween the Islands of Antigua and Barba does. It lay helpless with Its master and Its crew of five flat on the decks. There was no, water and no food In slsrht. When the men had been hoisted aboard the steamer and revived. Captain F. Frank, owner of the Sunlight, said that he ran Into a fog a few hours out of Antigua, had lost his bearings and for thirteen dsyj he and his crew had been living on vinegar and sugar. I How long they had been un conscious before the Idalls bore down on them he did not know. As the fog come on the sloop began to take water and the crew worked at the pumps until exhausted. Distress signals were set after a storm washed their food and .water overboard. When the storm cleared It was found that the compass had gone with the provisions, and the crew pumped and sailed recklessly until one. by one they were overcome by exertion and starvation and each In his turn stretched himself out on the deck to die. Captain Frank was the last man to give in. When the rescued men had been refreshed they Insisted on returning to the Sunlight, which had been kept In sight. Accordingly, they were put aboard with water and pro visions, but while the Ikalls was bidding them adieu they called for help. The Sun-, light was sinking. The Ikalls took them off again, the Sunlight was abandoned and the shipwrecked men were brought to this port. DOCTOR COOK POSTS LETTER Discredited Explorer Relieved Home of Brother at Brooklyn for Fast Month. at Iowa News Notes. LOGAN In the horse race pulled off at IHiw City late yesterday afternoon the William Gurton horse of Heeder's Mills detested the low City horse Mack and mucu money Is reported to have changed hands. DAVENPORT A Rock Island engineer between Davenport and Eldon Is authority for the statement that during his run VVednesdsy night he counted seven fires caused from liKhtnlnsr at as manv rinferMit country places, most ot them being barns. LOGAN With Adelyn Wood of Omah as the guest of honor, a porch and U'j' social was given at the home ot Mr. oni Mrs. William H. Johnson of l.tn ;t evening by Cainllle Cochran. B.na WcoU and Lucy Luce. In addition to refresh ments and muslo the guests were gives an auto ride about Logan by W. H. Johnem, George W. McCold and Lucy I.ucs. FiHy guests were present, a number from out .' town. RED OAK E. D. Roberts, the farmer charged with selling common corn for tested seed corn last spring te Vinton county farmers, has been fined by Squire bryaut of Vinton 111. W. k". Heath, the complainant, who bought nine bushels of of the oorn, paying $2.60 per bushel, shipped the corn back to the lied Oak man wnen ho discovered It was worthless and de manded his money back, but claims Rob erts refused to refund It. Roberts claims his case Should be tried In Montgomery county and that the Vinton Justice ot the peace has no Jurisdiction over the case and has appealed. ONAWA Extensive preparations are be ing made for the old settlers' picnic to be held here August M. Committees have been appointed to look after the arrange ments and the reunion promises to be on of th best ever held In the county. It will be In the court house yard and tables will be erected for those who bring their lunches. Tbe day will be given over en tirely to the entertainment of the old set tlers and visitors. Five-minute speeches by twenty of the old settlers will be called for.. A base ball game, races, a balloon ascenalon, parade of floats and band music durlner tbe entire day and evening will be some forms ot amusement. Turmoil With Turndown of T. D. Robinson Son and Father Thank Those Who Voted for Him Convention Adjourns. LITTLE FALLS. . N. Y July 81.-The Herkimer county republican convention which met here to name delegates to the state, senatorial and congressional conven tion brcke yip in such disorder today when when Theodore Douglas Robinson was granted the floor, that adjournament was taken without hearing the report of the resolutions committee. Mr. Robinson is a nephew of Theodore Roosevelt, and a de feated candidate for the congressional nomination. Cngressman Charles B. Mlllington was permitted to name , the delegates to the twenty-seventh congressional convention. which finally spelled the defeat of young Robinson. Douglas Robinson was there with his son, and both thanked those who had voted for him. ' ' " When the convention came to selecting delegates to the ctate 'convention there was much animosity. Tht) ''"insurgents" rebelled against Daniel Ai. 'Stfobel. tlie state com mitteeman from the Oneida-Herkimer dis trict, who will head 'the delegation in the state oonventlon, and,' the debate grew acri monious. " ' ' ' " 1 On getting the floor, Douglas Robinson and his son said that they had only begun their fight against the Herkimer county machine." So much disorder followed that the convention was declared adjourned by the chairman before the resolutions com mittee could submit (ts report.' , NEW YORK, July Jl.-Frlends of Dr. Frederick A.' Cook, the vanished explorer, believe that he la now In seclusion at the home of his brother, W. L. Cook, In Brook lyn, and that he has been there since July 1 The manager of the Waldorf-Astoria hotel, where Dr. Cook stayed for six weeks when he first returned to this country from Denmark, showed a letter Saturday night In Dr. Cook's handwriting, which had been re ceived on the evening of the Id and which wat K,t marked Brooklyn, early in t!i afternoon ot same day. The letter: "Kindly send the vcelpt for the package of furs which you iwe plitred in storsge for me to W. L Cook. 474 Iffdford avenue, Brooklyn, and oblige. Touru truly, "f. A. COOK." The Ink on the lettvr was Mill fresh when it was received, whi.-.'i wciM seem te re move sny possibility that it had been writ ten earlier at a distance and mailed to 2reeklyn undnr separata cover, there to he pctf."J fil-. Friends' Welcome Is Too Vigorous Governor Patterson of Tennessee Overcome by Blow Struck in Spirit of Fun Requires Doctor. WINCHESTER, Tenn., July 31. Oovernor Patterson was assaulted here Saturday and so badly Injured thu.t he was unable to deliver his scheduled speech. It is claimed that the two men who assaulted tire gov ernor were his friends and supporters and that they were Just giving him a warm welcome. 'Governor Patterson wss grasped from be hind when he alighted from a train. One man threw his arms around Oovernor Pat terson's neck, while the second dealt him a blow In the back which knocked the breath out of him. He was given medical attention and aft erward was 4aken to the fair grounds to speak. Being Introduced, the governor stepped to the front of the platform and spoke a few words. He found It Impossi ble to continue, but remained on the plat form while Judge Floyd Estill delivered his address. (From a Pt.iff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. July SI (Special Tele gram.) Army orders Isaued yesterday make the following changes In the service: Major Amos B. Shottiick, Fourth In fantry., Is relieved from duty In the quar termaster's department August 1. and will, In addition to his present duties, assume charge of construction work at Fort Mis soula. ' First Lieutenant O. F. Davis, medical re serve corps, will proceed to Hot Springs, Ark., and report to the commanding officer of the Army and Navy General hospital for observation and treatment. Major Francis A. Winter, medical corps. Will proceed to New York City for consulta tion with the medical supply offices of that city with reference to the purchase of med ical supplies now being made, and upon the completion of this duty will return to his proper station. Captain A. i'. 6. Hyde, coast artillery corps. Is transferred from the One Hundred ana Thirtieth company to the Ninety-Sec ond company, and will Join his company. Captain W. P. Stokey, corps of engineers, will proceed to Los Angeles and take tem porary station at tnat place, relieving Fust Lieutenant Charles T. Leeds, corps ot engi neers, of the duties now In his charge per taining to tne Los Angeles engineering dis trict, together with the funds, property, etc. First Lieutenant H. W. Yemans, medical reserve corps, will repair to this city una report, August 12, to the chief-of-staft for temporary duty. The army, retiring board appointed to meet at Fort Bayard, N. M., March 10, is dissolved. . Army Itetlrlnsr Board. An nrmy retiring board Is appointed to meet at Fort Uayard for the examination of officers before it, consisting of Major Conrad E. Koerper, medical corps; Captains Louis C. Scherer, Fourth cavalry; Walttr C. Babcock, Thirteenth cavalry; R. 8. Por ter, medical corps; Joseph It. McAndrews, quartermaster; First Lieutenant Ferdinand W. Fonda, Seventh cavalry, recorder. Second Lieutenant Nelson A. Goodspeed Third cavalry, will report to Major Conrad E. Koerper, medical corps, present retir ing board, Fort Bayard, for examination. Second Lieutenant Charles H. White, Fifth Infantry, In addition to his present duties will assume charge of construction work at Plattsburg barracks, relieving Cap tain Edward T. Hartmann. Captain H. B. Klrtland, signal corps, Ohio National guard, is authorized to at tend course of Instructions at the army signal school, Fort Leavenworth, about August 25. . I The following changes o officers of med ical corps are ordered: Captain Robert M. Culler is relieved atFort Ontario and will proceed to San Francisco to take trans port sailing about January 6, next, for Honolulu and report to the commanding officer at Schofteld barracks for duty, re lieving Captain Charles F. Morse. Captain Morse, after being thus relieved, will proceed on transport to sail from Manila about January 15 to San Francisco. Captain Alex Murray, upon arrival at Seattle, will proceed to Fort Casey and report to the .commanding general, depart ment of Columbia,, relieving Captain H. M. Smith, Captain Smith, upon being thus relieved, will proceed to Philadelphia for duty. First Lieutenant George M. Lee will re pair to this city and report to Command ing Officer Walter Reed, general hospital, for observation and treatment. Some Other Cb an ores. ( Lieutenant Colonel Charles M. Gandy, medical corps, upon expiration of present leave, will proceed to San Francisco and report to the commanding general. Depart ment of California, relieving Lieutenant Colonel H. R. Tharrls. medical corps. Captain Alexander E. Williams, quarter master, will proceed to camp of Instruction, Gettysburg, on official business, and, upon completion of this duty, will proceed to his proper station. Colonel Harvey C. Carbaugh, Judge ad vocate, will repair to this city and report about October 1 to the adjutant general for temporary duty. Flist Lleutrnan A. Tolllon, Fourteenth cavalry, upon tho expiration of his present leave, will proceed to Pan Frsnclco and report to Brigadier General 1 H. Pllss for appointment and duty as aide de rump on his staff. Lieutenant Colonel M. F. Walts, general staff. Twenty-seventh Infantry, Is relieved from duly, to take effect August In and will proceed to Join his regiment. An army retiring board ts appointed to meet In Washington, D. C, at the call of the president of tho, board for examination of officers, consisting of lliUtadler Grnersl William Thall, adjutant general; Colonel Joseph W. Duncan, general staff; Lieuten ant Colonel It. P. Birmingham, mrdiml corps; First Lieutenant Charles II. Patter son, eoast artillery corps recorder. Captain John R. Procter, coast artlllerv corps, will proceed t Fort H. G. Wright and report to the commanding officer for assignment to duty on his staff. , Captain William T. DovK medical rorps. In addition' to his present duties, will report In person to Colonel Louis A. LaGarde, medical corps, president of the Faculty Army Medical school, for duty. Krlahtened Into Fltn by fear of appendicitis, take Dr. King s New Life Fills, and away goes bowel trouble. Guaranteed. 25c. For sale by Beaton Drug CO. i RHEUMATISM .7 25-t-cnt Jfpi , Vjt fjj rrfund "yJf 1 money. Thi winner of all exer Ctf 3 A IttmpheU't Soup diet advises. He nayt thst it why He's so healthy and spry And loaded with medals and prises. Fresh and fragrant Shut your eyes, and you can fairly imagine yourself out on a farm when you get the first fragrant whiff of - . n TOMATO , We pick the tomatoes in' euch perfect condition and put them u so quickly that sail their delicious , 1 flavor and aroma are com-, i pletely. retained. I Besides this our soups . j . are sterilized by heat alone and hermetically sealed so that they keep indefinitely; attd come to you fresh and pure and full of nourishing Richness. . t Today is the best day to j f. . prove all this.. n 21 kind 10c a can Just add hot water, bring to a boil, and serve. . If not satisfied, get your money back. . JesEFH Camtbsll Company Camden N J Look for the red-and-white label ZlZ litis) MSP PAYMASTER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ROBBERY OF THE SAFE The Key to the (situation Bea Want Ads, PICNICKERS CROSS RIVER Trinity Lntheran Sanaa? Behavl anal Jdethedlst Sehael of Beaaen Uare rieaaant Afteraaan. The Trinity Lutheran Sunday school had its second annual picnic Saturday at Fair meunt park, Counell Bluffs, to Its thorough enjoyment. Qames, races and posing for piotures, together with trying te eat all the dainties provided, maae the outing delight ful. The Methodist lunday sensel of Benson held Its annual slenle at Falrmeunt aark yesterday. There was a full attendane An abundance of substsntiala ana aalatles. raeos and games were on tho delightful program. Arthur Tebblns and his elsss of the Kountso Memorial Sunday school had a good time Saturday picnicking at Fair' mount park. Two Thonsanet Two Hundred Taken Ont an Clerk Oarrlty is Under Arrest. SEATTLE, Wssh., July tL Paymaster's Clerk W. J. Garrity was arrested at the Puget Sound navy yard yesterday, charged with stealing $2,SM from the safe of the cruiser Philadelphia, Wednesday. When Garrity opened tho safe he ei claimed that he had been robbed. Secret service men ssy that Oarrlty was the only man on tho ship who had tho com bination ef the safe. They also found. they ssy, that he hss been living extrava gently and was deep In debt. ' Paymaster B. J. Wilton of the Philadel phia Is responsible financially for the gov. ernment's loss, and under the navy rules. will be tried for n fleet of duty. WILL TEACH IRELAND NEW AMERICAN FARM METHO0S Two llnndred Cltlsens of Irish Do scent sell for Mother ' Cooatrr. V NEW TOIUC. July 81. Two hundred Irish-American, who have formed the Irish Home Going association, sailed for Queens- town yesterday to teaeh Irish farmers hew to use Amerleen modern machinery In tho party were T. V. Powderly, former immigration commissioner; Francis J. Kll kenay ef Washington, president ef the as sociation, and Joseph D. Sullivan, Us na tional secretary. "We want to -give Ireland the benefit of what her seas have learned In this eoun try," said Mr. SulUvsn. "Most ef th farming there Is dene with hand lrnpl msnts. , 151 CHICAGO AIID RETURN August 5, G, 7- and 8. Return limit, 'August 16. This limit rriay be extended to Sept. 6 on payment of 50c fee in Chicago. Day train for Chicago at 7:15 A. M. Niht trains at 4:20 P. M. and 6:30 P. M. All trains electric-lighted throughout. Superb dining car Service. Call or 'phone for details about tickets and train service. iiltnpi CITY TICKET OFFICE 1502 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb. BelL Doug. 3530. Independent, A-3323 J MunyoD Munyon's. Rhsumallsm Cur This Is one of tht best prcpa tlons made by the American DrtiR glsts Syndicate at Its laboratory In New York, and It has proved to be the greatest tonic for tho hair ever compounded by modern phar macy. It Is guaranteed to contain noth ing that Is In any way Injurious to the hair or scalp, but Is simply a scientific preparation which, when faithfully applied, does away with dandruff, cleanses and heals the scalp, strengthens tho roots, stim ulates the growth and adds beauty and lustre to dull, dry. lifeless hair which is fading In color and slowly dropping out. A. D. S. Hair Reviver alms to prevent baldness by removing the disease germs which affect the roots and vitality of the hslr. In short It revives. It acts as a nour ishment as well ' as a germicide, and has a tendency to'profuce a thick head of beautiful hair, full of life and color, which greatly adds to the attractiveness of any man or woman. A. D. S. Hair Itevlver Is not an experiment it is not an ordinary mixture of merely pleasant smell ing Ingredients it is not a wash which removes the dirt and grease and stops there, but it Is a medici nal remedy which protects tho hair through Its antiseptic action upon the very roots and scalp in which they grow, and, It Ib Bold to you by the 12,000 responsible druggists who compose the A. D. S., with the distinct understanding that if It disappoints you your money will be promptly refunded. , . , You can get A, D. S. Hair Re viver at any A, D. S. drug store. , Look for J? this ShP iBQlrA laths P fist EVA onif gbt'o Ciirriftiiafnssrfil Window ASSOCIATION Ttwwuw With 1 1,900 OtW Dt trfcn Bell Drug Co.. 1216 Farnam I u H. S. King. 24th and Farnam. . v Haines Drug Co., 1610. Farnam. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cumins;. Saratoga Drug Co., 24th and Ames Ava, J. H. Merchant. l$th and Howard. Jno. J. Frey tag, 1814 JJprth 'S4th Street. The Crl-sey Pharmacy, 24th and Lake. Johanson Drug Co.. 24th and Spalding. S, A. Beranek, 1402 South 16th Street Chas. . E.. Iyothrop, 1324 ,.N. 24th Street H. L. Prlbbernbw, 20th and Vinton. Forest & J.' en ton Drug Co., 26th end Q Streets, South Omaha. Schaefer's Cut PrVo Drug Stores, 15th and Douglas. Schaefer's Cut Price Drug Stores. 224 North 16th Street ' Schaefer's Cut Price Drug Stores, 2401 N Street South Omaha. Beaton Drug Co., 15th and Farnam. Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Low Fare Summer Tour Via WASHINGTON TO ATLANTIC CITY AND OTHER SEA SHORE RESORTS. NEW YORK, BOSTON AND ' NEW ENGLAND POINTS Tickets on Bala Dally Until Oot tlst LONQ KKTUliN LIMIT. Liberal Stop-Over Privilege For further particulars address W. A. FMnTON. B. If. AUSTXX. T. P. A.. Chicago O. P. A.. Chicago. Y Go somewhere N . - anywhere, but GO Take that long deferred vacation now. At moderate expense you can visit the mountains, Minne sota Lakes, upper Michigan take a cruise on a big steamer through the Great Lakes from Duluth to Niagara, visit the St. Lawrence River resorts, Muskoka Lakes, New England or the Atlantic seashore. Get away from tho old "grind" for a while see things, and broaden out you will return with new light In your eyes and a song in your heart. Let us plan your trip and figure your fares. - It will be a pleasure to help you. 1512 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb. Phone Douglas 260 L.D.r,7cGci:aOota Scats End 16111 St VteM "Ihsa of 1b IcngToa" j rr Desirable office reams fer rent in f.lcCague Duiisling By Omaha Loan & Building Association, S. E Corner Sixteenth ind Dodgi Streets. . Phone D. 483 Times lub. Co., Inc., lath and Hstxej, Osiaaa. rtione Douglas 8160. HOTELS AND RESORTS Sylvan Lake Hotel Near Custer, S. D. A delightful hotel situated on a fiderful mountain lake amid most picturesque surroundings. Fishing. lloatlug. , Tennis. Donkey Hides. Mountain-Climbing Purs air; $plendid (u6Je; cool; free dent from haj ftotr ani aithina Kates S14-00 to $18.00 par weak T. J. Carroll. Mgr.. ttylvaa Lake, Custor, 8. D. t