TIIB BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, AUOUST 1, 1910. Nebraska WOULD LINE IP DEMOCRATS Governor Wants to Take Advantage of Supposed Prejudice. SENTIMJ2JT IS AGAINST OMAHA Clrenlar Letters Slat ,TW for En lorsement of Eight O'clock Clos ing! Lw Nearly t'nanlsnoo with Big fltr Excluded. . (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, July 81 (Special, )-8ttc house stenographers appoints by Governor Shal lenberger and others employed by him were kept busy yesterday mailing out hundred! of letters to democrats urging them to get talked In the state, the republican state busy at the primaries. One who read a copy of the letter said It had for Its object the lining; up of the democrats out In the state against Omaha so that the governor would get the benefit of any prejudice that may have been created against the b.'g ci'.y during the state convention because Its delegation opposed an endorsement of the 8-o'clook closing law. According to this authority the letter sets out that with the exception of some ninety six votes In addition to the delegation from Omaha the entire state convention voted for the endorsement of the S-o'clook-closlng taw. Therefore, as Oovernor Bhallenberger stands on that law and the fact that he signed It, democrats should vote for him In the primary as against Mayor Dahlman. It Is said to be the Intention of the demo crats to publish In every foreign language platform relating to county option and send It cut with the demooratto plank on the same subject. They will da this to show that the democrats are opposed to county option even though the governor has pledged himself to sign a bill If passed by the legislature and he Is re-elected. Ia the meantime several parties have di rected queries to the governor's office ask ing what he really got out of the Hitchcock crowd at Grand Island in return for the things he did for Hltohcook and the assist ance his friends gave the suppression of Illohard L. Metcalfe's liquor plank. V Question sua to Blow. v A difference of opinion exists aa to whether John M. Levin really slapped W. It. Patrick at Orand Island or whether he simply "laid his fist against his jaw," aa on eye witness describee the affair. John O. alaher, who witnessed the fracas, brought back this story: "Heated at a table in the restaurant were Patrick, Judge I. L. Alberts and Elmer Thomas. Blake, Maher and I were at the counter when John Devlne oame tn and took a seat with us. Patrick look up and said: 'Did you earn your money, DevlneT "Devlne promptly got up and walked round to Patrick and. laid his fist against his Jaw and said:, " 'What do you mean 7 - "Patrick hesitated and Devlne oontonued, 'I'll teach you to be a gentleman. If ever you use my name In a deragatory way I will slap your faoa and tend to you to the best of my ability.' " ' "Patrick at the time had a piece of water melon and a fork In his hands and when Devlne made his play he dropped both of theee and bristled up. But Devlne stepped baok and those at the table Interfered and pruvented any further mlxup. I saw the affair and I am 'certain that Devlne's fist did touch Patrick's jaw," w -!' After the story of the affair had been published here, Devlne said: "I did not really slap Patrick. I simply put my fist right under his noee and kept It there during the talk." Maher insists, however, that Devlne and Patrtok ware both too excited to know what they did, and he la sure his story will be corroborated by those who witnessed the affair. When Patrick made his statement Devlne supposed that ho referred to an article Devlne wrote in opposition to county outlon. Lets Contract for New Bnlldln. The First National bank has let the con tract for Its new building to a Chicago firm and It is to be completed by May 1, 1911. The bank will have temporary quar ters tn the Brownoll block ' on South Eleventh street, though It may not have a sign across the sidewalk to designate It. Another Beer Raid. Another raid was made last night by- the police on a South Ninth street house and a quantity of beer and other liquors was con fiscated. Three arreets were made, a man, nia wire ana daughter. The police are working overtime to shut up the Joints in Lincoln 'and raids are of frequent occur- anc. Epworth Assembly Angnst S. Th Epworth assembly will open Its an nual meeting at Epworth park, August J. This year tickets wilt be punched at the gate and taken up when the party leaves the ground. This change was made so that persons v ho are camping on the grounds will not have to be waked up each, morning to show their tickets. What will happen to the man who -'enters with a single ticket and stays a week and then refuses to pay the extra days when he goes cut has not been announced. , The prtce of season tick ets has been Increased from $1 to J1.50. AUTO SCORCHERS PAY FINES Three, Including? On " Mast from Omaha, Violate Speed fleapala tiona .at Fremont. FREMONT, Neb., July Sl.-fpeolal.-Three automobile drivers drew fines for speeding. In police court yesterday after noon, and there are three more to com up Monday morning, with probability of still othera Mrs. Mattle Wall was found guilty of speeding on Fifth street and drew 2R and costs; George Robertson, an Omaha man, admitted that he had been a little too reckless, but tried to excuse himself on the ground that It was very late and few peo ple on the street. H got IK and costs, Ouy Kelley good-nt edly acknowledged that he had violated the laws and ordi nances and contributed IM.80 to the city. James Shcphard pleaded not guilty and Luther Ijirson and Chift Hansen were out of the city. t i . , Th automobile law haa been a dead let ter hire, not only in regard to speeding, but running without lights and without numbers on the rear of the car. t Chief Peterson has had a special man out keep ing tab on the' speeders and a wonderful difference was noticeable In the way cars were run last evening around town. Polities and Fraternallaaa. HOMER. Neb., July . (SpeclaJ.)-A eel oration under the auspices of the Wood me nof th World was held at Homer yes terday, In which the attractions were many and various. Governor Shallenberger poke to an audience of some 1.100 people. while many other politicians of more local reputation were here. Congressman Latta and others were in evidence and there was a base ball game, horse raolng and other attractions on the aide. slashed with a Raaer, wounded with a gun, or pierced by a rusty nail. Bucklen'f Arnica Sal re heals th wound. Ouaranteed Be. For sal by Beaton Drug Co- Nebraska Winnebagocs Get New Rights Two Hundred Fourteen Members of Tribe Given Authority to Lease Their Own Landi. WINNEBAGO, Neb., July ll.-(Bpec!al. During a part of last year and the early months of 1910 a competency commission was at work at the agency of the Omaha tribe of Indians In Thurston county. They were classifying the Indians with reference to their advancement In civilisation and their consequently ability to conduct their own affairs Independent of departmental control. Some were given full and free possession of their land and property, others were given the right to lease their lands and collect the rentals outside the office, sub ject only to the approval of the local su perintendent, a third class still have their land and moneys held In trust for them. These Indiana have met the demands of citizenship tn such a way that the plan has been extended by the Indian office to In clude a class of Wlnnebagos. Authority has Just been received granting to 214 member of this tribe the right to lease their own lands. It fs hoped that the added responsibility thus thrown upon the Indian, and his consequent effort to meet It, will ga far toward fitting him for his place In civilization. It Is expected that many more will in the very near future take possession of their allotments and farm them successfully, and every effort possible Is being put forth by' those In charge to Ihduce them to do so. Hundreds of them are farming already and several thousand acres of nice corn have been cared for this present year by Winnebago Indians. A new system of Instruction In farming and general business management haa been recently Inauguiated by F. H. Abbott, as sistant commissioner of Indian affairs. It Is now In operation on both the Omaha and Winnebago reservations. Skilled farmers are employed whose duties are to work out on the farms with the Indians, to advise and assist them In the purchase, use and care of machinery, to exercise a general supervision over their work and business operations and by taking a personal, di rective Interest In them, seek to prepare them for the duties and responsibilities of citizenship. The Indications now are that when the trust period . expires, 'as It soon will for this tribe, and these Indians take their place among the citizens of Nebraska, they will do so not as a class of idlers, but aa a class of respectable, self-supporting farmers, each owning, caring for and tak ing pride in his own home. Much credit is due Mr. Abbott as well aa Superintendent A. II. Kneale and others In charge of this work for the steps which go far toward bringing about this result. Henry Cloud Retsrai, WINNEBAGO. Neb.. July 8L (Special.) Henry Cloud, a member of the tribe of Winnebago Indians, has Just returned from the east, , where he haa been attending school. He graduated from Tale university, having completed a four-year course. He expects to remain on the reservation, serving as interpreter for the ministers in charge of a camp meeting now In progress here. 'He will look after some business In terests and then expects to enter a theo logical seminary further to prepare himself to be of service to his fellow-tribesmen. Nebraska News Notes. . ALLIANCE At o'clock this morning a west bound Burlington freight train struck a broken rail about five miles east of 'Mason, which resulted In the overturning of four freight cars and the caboose, also In juring Brakeman Alexander slightly. ALLIANCE Fine, rains have - fallen throughout this district yesterday and last night, saving the corn crop, which was Just about perishing. FREMONT The Fremont Herald will discontinue the publication of a Sally with this week's Issues. iMaro U. Perkins, the editor, will Ibsuc a weekly on eaoh Friday. Lack of subscribers and insufficient adver tising is given as the reason. TECUM3EH 8. R. Murphy of Tecu.nseh, representative for H. E. Gooch & Co. of Lincoln, has boeju bound over to the dis trict court to stand trial, charged with con ducting a "bucket shop" In this city. In the county court Mr. Murphy waived pre liminary examination and was bound over, bond being fixed at $300, , which was promptly furnished. TECUM8EH The home of Charles M. Chamberlain, cashier of the defunct Cham berlain banking house of thla city, has been sold at sheriff's sale. The property is badly run down. It was bought by J. L. Jacks for I2.60D and 3iA back taxes. TECUM 8EH Mrs. Graff, wife of Dr. C. W. Graff of this city, has returned from Rushvllle, 111., where she was called by the death of her little niece, Mary Fisher, the 1-year-old daughter of Prof and Mrs. H. B. Fisher of Geueseo, 111., who was killed In a runaway. TECUMSEH-flherlff K. R. Roberts has the names of the burglars who broke Into the office of the Tecumseh Milling com pany and L. 8. Chittenden's grain office Sunday night. They are boys Just entering their teens. Owing to their youth It Is probable no arrests will be made. The small amount of money they secured has been spent, but a knife taken from the mill has been returned. ALLIANCE At a special meeting of tli olty counoll last night the Electrio Light and Power company offered its plant to the city for toS.OUO. This amount Is consider ably In excess of the offer of i,U.iei, which the city made to the oomiiiy last week. According to a clause In Uie agree ment between the city and thla company, when the franchise was granted, the city reserved the right to purohaa the plant at any time during the month of July, 19J0, and in the event of the company rerusmg to acoept the orrcr mad oy the city, the matter was to be interred to a board of rbitratlon consisting of . three members. two of whom would be appointed bv the city and the company and th third to be chosen by tne two appointed members of the board. The matter whl therefore, now be referred to this board, whose decision will be final. Montreal and Muebeo. A veritable edition de luxe among rail road pamphlets has been Issued by th Grand Trunk Railway System to proclaim amongst tourists the glories of the cities of Montreal and Quebec The prochure la beautifully printed and generally arranged In th artlstie style of earlier days, when the ornamentation of a velum was re garded as an Important Incident to Its rep resentation or reading matter. It gives an Interesting description of th two most interesting cities in Canada, with many Illustration from photographs. Sent free to any addrsa Apply to H. O. Elliott. 117 Merchants Loan Trust Building, Chi cago. Prison Sentence for Thro. MITCHELL. 8. D.. July O (Speolal.V- Thr prisoner confined In the Jail, who were being held for the November term of eht circuit court, deolded that they would take advantage of th tlm Intervening between now and November and ooramenoe to serve their term by pleading guilty and receiving th sentences. Judge Tripp of Yankton came' her to preside over .the terra for Judge Smith, because on of th men to be sentenced broke into the Judge's house In June and th court did not want to sentence th prisoner under thoee etr umstanoea. This fellow's name was Will lain Wriaeoil, and he got three and a halt year. H. O. Davis forged several cheeks a few months ago, but returned th money and It was given nine months, and John Brennan breke Jail her nearly two years ago and was given a year and aim swathe. REPORrCONDlTIONSlNHAYTl Hugh Gordon Miller Comet to De 1 feme of People of Island. STORY OF CANNIBALISM A FAKE Ignorance Is Noft Prevalent aa apposed and the Inhabitants Show Signs of Considerable . Progression. NEW TORK, July Jl.-Speclal Telegram.) Dispatches received here from Washing ton state that special agents of the United States are now In Haytl Investigating con ditions In the black republic, particularly stories to the effect that cannibalism Is rife on th Island and that the rapid growth of voodoolsm threatens the existence of the whites. It has been alleged that conditions are such In Haytl that the residents de mand Intervention by the United States and it Is the purpose of the government to learn definitely just what truth there Is in the stories. Hugh Gordon Miller, a New York lawyer and special assistant to the United States general attorney, came to the defense of the people of Haytl today. Mr. Miller re cently visited the republic. He said: "Haytl's Inhabitants are neither barbar ous nor semi-barbarous," aa I learned on my visit. No Woman Cnnnlbal There. "This tfllk about a woman oanntbal will undoubtedly be found to be gross exaggera tion. I had never been on the Island be fore and although aomewhat better In formed as to the conditions than the stay-at-home American, I had some misgivings about what I should find. My surprise at what I actually encountered was therefore as great as it was agreeable. 'While the cities present some quaint characteristics, evidences of present day civilisation are by no means rare. The re sources of the rich Interior have scarcely been touched. N "As for the people generally, they have the characteristics of their race. They are good natured, patient and Industrious when they receive kindly treatment. As laborers they are thoroughly reliable under the di rection of the white men who regard them as human beings and not as mere automa tons. Religiously, they are tolerant. "Reports that . have been printed from tlm to time In the United States of th survival of the African voodoo rites were pronounced by all with whom I talked on the subject, gross exaggerations, or down right falsehoods. Bishop Collins declared that he had Investigated some of the stories and had found no evldonce of their truth. He believes that they are the conooctlons of Imaginative correspondents who stopped off for a day or two at one or other of the coast cities. Ignorance Not Prenvlent. "Ignorance Is not so prevalent In Haytl as Americans have been led to suppose. Both the government officers and the clergy are doing excellent educational work. "Training in the mechanical arts Is In de mand and will naturally Increase more and more as the country is developed. Consider able skill already haa been attained In th construction of buildings as is evidenced by the new cathedral in Port A in Prlnc and by the religious and public ealtices else where. I "Sine It haa become an independent state. Haytl undoubtedly has been retarded industrially, like other countries by too much politios. The recent troubles on this Island, however, is largely due to meddle some activity of Eupopean speculators, who were anxious to secure concessions to be used for their enrichment. These persons have been and are still envious of th United States. "Leaders of th Haytians today believe that the only salvation for the country is to be found under the protection of the Monroe doctrine. Thoy have acquired con fidence In our unselfishness of purpose by observation of our treatment of th nearby island of Cuba." USCLE SAM BUYS TOWN LOTS (Continued from First Page.) terest in the new law, respectively, of the postmasters and' the bankers are diverting at least. In forty states out of the forty-six, only 171 postofflces are represented by their postmasters as making applications to be authorized to receive savings. In forty one states bankers to the number of 623 make applications to have their Institu tions designated as depositories. The greatest number of potfloffloes ap plying Is from Pennsylvania, it having thirty, and also the greatest nsmber of banks asking to tie made depositories eighty-six. Its neighbor, New York, Is com paratively Indifferent, having only twenty postofflces and six banks applying. The middles western states may be said to have come up stronger than any other region, the figures for applications being: Post offices, Ohio, 12; banks, . Illinois, post offices, II; banks, 34. Indiana, postofflces, I; banks, 7. Michigan, postoffloes, 8; banks, 1. Missouri, postofflces, 8; banks, 21. Wis consin, postofflces, 12; banks, 42. Minne sota, postoffloes, 28; banks, 17. Iowa, post offices, 12 banks, M. (Nebraska, postofflces, I; banks. 20. ' The far western states and th southern states seem to be somewhat negligent of their opportunities. Georgia, th so-called empire state of th south, has only two bank and no postofflce applying. The New England states amply supplied with post offloes and having mora banks and capital to th population than any other part of th country are, likewise refraining from eagerness to adopt the new measure's op portunity Front Massachusetts, tor x ample, com application from but nln postotfloea and sixteen banks; Connecticut, tour postoffloes and on bank. California Is a sampl of th tar west, with seven postofflces and two banks applying. Will Keen nn Inspecting. Secretary Wilson's meat Inspectors will contlnu to inspect l&rd substitutes, and not a pound of that article can go into Interstate or foreign oommerce unless It bears th mark. "United States, Inspected and Passed." This Is th kernel of an opinion Just rendered by Assistant Attorney General Fowler, who is acting aa attorney general In th absence of Mr. Wlckersham, now on his way to Alaska. Judge Fowler In his opinion holds that lard substitute, which Is a cooking compound made up of one-fifth animal fat aad four-fifth cotton seed oil, la fairly within th definition of a meat food product and must be inspected under the meat inspection law. . Acting Secretary of Agrloultur Hays aid: "Th opinion of th Department ot Justice confirms th construction put upon th law by Secretary Wilson. W have in spected lard substitute ever sine th mat Inspection law passed. We never had any doubt about th matter, but some of th manufacturers of lard substitute thought Inspection of their product was not re quired." Nevertheless there ar thos who stoutly contend, offering to glv chemical proofs, that th addition of cotton-seed oil n banoes instead of Injure th nutritive valu of any food product. This has been, It Is urged, proved by the us ot cotton seed oil or cotton ssed flour la making bread aad cakes without th us f lard or too, as well as TAFI APPROVES LEE ORDER (Continued from First Page.) symbol of the acceptance without mlsglvl Inga, of a complete surrender and a re newed loyalty, should surely provoke no opposition. 'Therefor, under the existing law, I am of the opinion that no objection can be lawfully made to the placing In statuary hail of a staue of Robert E. Lee clothed In the confederate uniform." Urges the Stork to Visit Her Auntie Mill Phillopion Locate! the Plaoe for Alighting; and Hang? Out the JSasket. . , NEW YORK, July 31. (Special Tele gram.) Among the , letters received In Commissioner Stover's office In the arsenal In Cenral park yesterday morning was one from a little girl, Ethel Phllllpson. The letter Is addressed to "Mr. Stork, Central Park City," and ia as follows: "My Dear Mr. Stork: Would you pleabe bring my auntie a little. boy baby? I know you have lots of letters from little girls for babies. I will be .'patent', .(meaning patient) and wait for my turn. I am here from Washington and , would like to see my auntie's little baby, so try and bring it as soon as you can. vMy.auntlo has everything ready for It. Her window Is on the south side. Her sister has a great big basket for it Ethel Phllllpson, in care of Mrs. C. D. Knapp." A postcrlpt reads: "Please send It soon, will leave the basket outside the win dow." ; Commissioner Stover . said he haa In formed Miss Phllllpson that he has sent her communication to Mr, Stork and that Mx- Stork sends reply that th matter will surely be attended to, but that the young woman would have to await her turn. HEALTH PROMOTERS OF THE WORLD TO MEET IN DRESDEN Hyglenle Exposition tor Be On of th Great Events of the Twentieth Century. DRESDEN. Saxony. July 81. (Special Cablegram.) Health promoters,"- indorsed by the king ot Saxony and the imperial German government, are preparing for an International hygienic exposition to be held In this city from next May until October. It is hoped that every ' country of the civ ilized world will have a share In the great exposition. Herr.Emll A. Llngner, royal commissioner of the proposed exposition, Is now In Wash ington, D. C, for the purpose ot calling the attention of the United States govern ment and the medical fraternity of, the United States to this event. Herr Llngncr is extending invitations to the federal gov ernment of America and to all American physicians to attend. The exposition will be one of the greatest. If not the greatest event of the twentieth century. It will collect scientists from all parts . of the world. Every state of the German empire will have exhibits. , wenty-f ive . hundred of the most celebrated Diqdlcal scientists ot Gerrpany . hayeconaeflbtd (0 , co-operate and contribute to the success of the under; taking. They will be fn attendance at the congress, at which papers and treatises on various subjects win be reatt and r discussed. The exposition will be held In the Royal gardens, which adjoin , the , royal palace, and cover $50,000 square meters. Herr Llngner .has' extended invitations to England and the British, dominions, France, Spain, Italy, Greece, ; Norway, Sweden, Russia, Mexico,. South American countries, Japan and others. The, Japanese govern ment has already voted iS.OOO to defray the expenses of its exhibit. The Japanese ex hibit is so Interested In fact,' that It will send a man of war to Germany with the Japanese physicians, scientists and govern ment representatives on board. Bulgaria has appropriated $4,000 for Its exhibit and Russia has appropriated nearly 125,000 for Its exhibit ' NEBRASKA AND IOWA PATENTS Name of Thos Who Have Secured Letter From the Government for Their Invention. Following Is an official list of letters pat ent for inventions issued from the United States patent office at "Washington, D. C, to Inhabitants of Iowa and Nebraska for the week ending July 20, 1310. as reported from th offio of Wlllard Eddy, solicitor ot patents and counselor In patent causes. lit Paxton block, Omaha: William Ballard of Perry. Ia.. bag holder. James Brower ot Webster City, la., flex ible harrow. Albert Cotton of ChllUaoth. Ia.. railway track. Jacob B. Engstrom and O. J. Page Of Manchester, Ia., reputing attachment for cultivators. 1 Fay O. Farwell of Dubuaue. Ia.. work- holding mechanism for metal working ma chines. Isaao Francis of Fremont Neb., barrel head. William H. George of Dexter. Ia.. driving mechanism lor washing macnines. George P. Hulst of Omaha, apparatus for refining and desilverizing lead. Frank u. Menaennaii or Tiiaen. Men.. roundabout amusement appartua. Isaao L Mitchell of Cedar Rapids, la.. ore crusher. Olay Moe of Sioux City, Ia.. Instrument for measuring and determining the axes ot lenees. Harrison W. Phllllns of Muscatine. Ia.. nanellnc door. Kaipn id. nunner oi inaianoia, ia., antmai feeding device. u.dwin . univeiy or omana. pasteurized oream cooler and aerator. Charles Toinpsett of Omaha, collar fast ener. Charles L Trhpo of South Omaha and O. C. Gerhrman, metalllo rod packing. MORE JEWS ARE DRIVEN AWAY Work f Rxulslon Goes on and H idrede f Fnmlllee Forced to Pie. KIEV, July IL-Fronl July t& to July 1$, exclusive, 100 Jews hav been expelled from Kiev, and 101 hav left th olty voluntarily. In the same period sixty Jews hav been expelled from Solomenka and lghty-on from Dmlffka. South Dakota Incorporated. PIERRE. & D., July It (Special. ) Article of Incorporation have been filed for the First State bank of White O with a capital of $25,000. The Incorporators are Edward J. Spencer, Whit Owl; Albert C. Relok and Edward J. Ilannisan, Pierre. Th last two mentioned being conductors on the run between her and Rapid City, Th bank baa a long list of shareholders. number of railway men being on the list Articles hav been filed for th Pierre Co operative Telephone company at Pierre, with a oapltal of $10,000. Incorporators. J. Dutoher, A. O. Brink and Byron 8. Payne of Pierre, Th purposes ef this company being th construction of a short farm line Into th eeuntry northeast ef thla eity. If you hav anything t sail or trad advertise It la Th Be Waat Ad ed emas aad get auUk results. butter, and quite palatable, easily digested. KERMIf KOUSLVLLT IN PARIS Lured by Cupid, Young Kan Pays Attention to Miss Rutherford. SIMPLY QUESTION OF THE HEART Son at Kx-Presldent to Shoot Grouse In Scotland, floe to Where Mrs. Vnnderbllt'e Daughter Will Visit. PARIS, July St. (Special Telegram.) Although young Kernilt Roosevelt, the big gam hunting son of Colonel Theodore Roosevelt, said he was hot lured Into Franc upon his present trip by Cupid, he is paying devoted attention to Miss Marg aret Rutherford, the charming daughter of Mrs. W. K. Vanderbllt. Mr. Roosevelt met Miss Rutherford for the first time when he was enroute to America with his father, mother and sister. Events that ar now presenting themselves seem to show that the young man has lost his heart com pletely. Mr. Roosevelt . will leave Versailles to morrow for a brief stay In Rouen,, and from there he will go to England. By an odd coincidence. Miss Rutherford went to England several days ago. Miss Ruther ford was In Paris when Kermlt arrived. He visited a friend in Versailles, but hurried to Paris this week and went to a hotel nearer the Vanderbllt residence, where he has been staying. At the Hotel de La Tremollle, where he has been stopping, he has persistently refused to see newspaper men. Mr. Roosevelt ostensibly came to Paris to study the French language, a language In which Miss Rutherford is quite profi cient. H gallantly denied that he knew Miss Rutherford upon sailing from Amer ica, but the Interest which the young couple evinced In each other during the visit of Colonel Roosevelt and fumily at the American embassy her is hot yet for gotten. iMrs. Vanderbllt and her daughter are close friends ' of Ambassador Bacon and spend much time at the embassy.' Miss Rutherford Is U years of age. She made her first appearance In society here as a bridesmaid at the wedding of her cousin, Muriel White, and Count Herman Scherr Thoas in the spring of 1908. She expected to pass the summer in Scotland and, through another odd coincidence, Mr. Roosevelt has been Invited grouse shooting upon a game preserve upon the Scottish moorland by a friend. Mr. Roosevelt will later go to Constanti nople and spend some time sightseeing in Turkey. Some of Roosevelt's friends have jollied him with a hope of getting a con fession, but, while the son of the former president apparently did not resent the good-natured chaffing, he kept silent , Negro's Dash Foiled Officers at Hand Robert Davis' Slope with Towmend Revolver Proves Futile and He is Captured. Robert Davis, a negro, who gave his ad dress aa Mil Cass Street, supplied the plot for a drama of exolting Incidents last night on Farnam street between Fifteenth and Sixteenth streets. He went Into the Town- send sporting goods, store. 1S14 i Farnam treet, and asked, to be shown a gun. -He was shown several, but his experienced eye would only be satisfied with .the best of the lot. "That'll do, said he, and he made his way out of the shop. As no coin had passed, the assistant who had charge ot the deal made after him, but his haste only added to the speed of the thief. He cut Into an alley round, the corner and the assistant thought the gam was lost until he heard the sound of gun play. Officer Anderson and Deputy Sheriff Osborne happened to be passing at th tlm. and seeing the negro running they attempted to atop him. They did not succeed, but they drove him Into th arm of Officer " Ferris, who was at tracted by th shooting and happened to b passing th alley just aa Davis was making his dash. He is now oonflned in the city jail charged with the larceny of th re volver. ' ' The Incident created a big sensation on the crowded street ANOTHER JOB FOR ROOSEVELT Former President May Ie Made Tern porary , Chairman of New York Itepoblloan Convention. NEW TORK. July t (Special Tele gram.) Former President Roosevelt will probably be temporary chairman of the republican convention this fall and will make the keynote speech. Men . of all shades of opinion are urging upon' Mr. Roosevelt th acceptano of this duty as of prima Importance to th party. He has not aa yet. signified his Intention. but It la believed n will yield to the pressure and accept tho chairmanship, Btandpat congressmen in various sec tions of th stat ar having red-hot fighting -to seoure . renoralnatlon. While Representative Mllllngton haa already won the contest for hla seat- set up by Colonel Roosevelt's nephew Theodore Douglas Robinson, in th Herkimer Oneida district Representative George W. Fairchlld, In the Otsego-Hcholarle Delaware-Ulster lis-. ot, J. Van Vechten Olcott Charles L Knapp, James S. bim mens, who wants a renorninatlon, all hav hard fights. SIX DOCTORS TO ATTEND v . CONSERVATION MEETING Local Physicians Will Journey to St Paul for Annual Conservation Congress n September. Sla of th prominent doctors of Nebraska will attend the National Conservation con gress in St Paul as delegates from this state, headed by Dr. j. P. Lord, president of th Nebraska State Medical association, Th convention begin September 5, lasting five days, during Which tlm Colonel Roosevelt Glfford Pinchot and others ot national and International reputation will address it The other member of the N braska party ar: Dr. F. A, Long of Mad Ison, Dr. A. B. Anderson of Pawnee, Dr, D. T. Qulgely of North Platte. Dr. M. L. lilldreth of Lyons and Dr. Harold Qifford of Omaha. CHASE MOVES HIS CONCERN Clement Chase Taken Hw Quarters for Printing Establishment of Three Papers. Clement Chaa has moved his printing establishment Into new and commodious quarter on South Nineteenth street over th Douglas Printing company. Her will b th home of Mr. Chase's three papers, the Excelsior, th Western Banker and the Western Trader. . If you hav anything to sell or trad advertise It In Th Bee Waat Ad col umn and get quick results. Fails to Find Any Fraud in the Sale of Stock Shares Judge Woodmaniee Inuei an Order in the Earoneti Von Flifui Proctor Matter. CINCINNATI, July Sl.-Common Pleas Judge Woodmanse Saturday night gave an unexpectedly early decision In the case of Baroness Nadine von Kllfuss-Procter, who resisted the Issuance of an Injunction against the transfer of 100 shares of stock valued at $40,000. which Injunction was ob tained by attorneys representing her hus band, Percy Procter, of Cincinnati. Judge Woomansee dismissed the claim that the stock had been obtained by fraudu lent collusion between Joseph De Wyckoff of London, England, and Mrs. Procter and states that the stock was given by Fercy Procter previous to his marriage to the baroness as collateral for a marriage set tlement of $40,000. The court held that the present owner ship" the stock is vested jointly In Mr. and Mrs. Procter and lets the Injunction stand until the Procters have com to some agreement out of court, which he recommends before giving his final decision In the matter. Joseph De Wwyckoff was given a severe coring for his claim to ownership ot eighty sfhares of the stock and the claim of a brokerage firm of London (for services Is also dismissed. rending a settlement out of court the case goes over to the Ootober session. At torneys for the 'baroness and Mr. Procter have made arrangements for a copference next Thursday, It is said. Tho Judgment of Judge Woodmaneee Is regarded as a victory for Baroness von Klituss-Procter. United States Asks European Nations to Aid Great Britain, France and Germany Will Be Represented in Managing Liberian Customs Receipts. WASHINGTON, July 81,-The United States has Invited Great Britain, France and Germany to appoint a representative each to Join with a representative of this country In managing the Liberian customs receipts. Owing to its Interest in Liberia since Its establshment the United States received a predominating Influence In this control. It was said at the State department yes terday that the United States haa made no departure from Its time honored attitude toward the republio, and does not hav in mind such a step. Any intention to get a focthold In Africa was denied by prominent officials. The refunding call for the loan of about $1,600,000 to the republic. A prominent firm of New York bankers has undertaken th proJ;tand its representative, Paul War- bury, is now in Europe to associate with his firm In th loan British, Oerman and French bankers.' AMATEUR i PRESSMEN ADJOURN Vote to Hold Next Session at Bridge- port. Conn. Officer Are - Elected. CHATTANOOGA, Tenn., July , It The Amateur Press Association ot America. which has been In session here for the last four days, adjourned yesterday to meet next year at Bridgeport Conn. Th following of floors were elected: J. Haggerty of Bridgeport Conn., resi dent; Harry Sheppherd of Seattle, Wash., first vice president; Miss Barnhardt of New xork, second vice president; K. R, Strong of Missouri, secretary; Jacob T retch of Milwaukee, treasurer: F. Davison of Seattle, auditor. MADRIZ ATTORNEYS PROTEST Objections Filed to Sailing- Yaeht Hornet, Supposed to . Carry . . Arms for Kstrada. WASHINGTON, July 81. Attorneys repre senting th Madrls government in Nica ragua yesterday filed protests with th De partments of State, Justice and Commerce and Labor against the sailing ot th yacht Hornet now at New Orleans with a cargo of arms and ammunition supposed to be Intended for use of tha Estrada govern ment ByLydiaE.Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Black Duck, Minn. "About a yer ago I wrote you that I was sick and couia not ao any oi my housework:. M . sickness was called Retroflexion. When 1 would sit down I felt as If I could not fet up. I took jdia E. Finkham's vegetable Com pound and did Just as you told me and now i am penecuy cured, ana bare a biir baby boy." Mrs. Anna Anderbon. Box 10. Black Duck, Minn Consider This Adyice. No woman should submit to a surtrU cal operation, which may mean death, until she has given Lydia . llnkham's Vegetable Compound, made exclusive ly from roots and herbs, a fair trial. This famous medicine for women has for thirty years proved to be the most valuable tonio aud In vigors tor of the female organism. Women resid ing In almost every city and town ia the United States bear willing testi mony to the wonderful virtue of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. It cures female Ills, and creates radi ant, buoyant female health. U you are ill, for your own sake as well aa those you love, give It a trial. Mrs. Plnkham, txt Lynn Mass Invites all sick women to writtJ Iter for d vice. Her advioeldfree, vnd always lidpf uL ANOTHER WOfiiAN CUBED SMTWw'ffrifr.U iiliBsrlf"pf,aiM ft, . ARE ANXIOUS ABOUT MARC0TTE rlor Man Leave Home and Nuh. Insi Can B Learned of Hla Whereabouts. SUPERIOR, Neb., July $l.-(Speclol.)-About a month ago A. J. MarooltA book keeper for Boosem brothers, Irader of the band and nronrletor of the Alt-dome thea ter, left on the westbound Burlington pass enger, presumably for Bloonilngtdn on bwsl ness. That was the last ever heard of Mm, exorptlng a report that some one had seen htm that morning or talked to him In Lin coln. For a few days his family, although worried, made no Inquiry, but expected him home every day. After several days It was noised about that he had left. The mort gagees of the Alrdome took possession and ji was men otscovereu mil ne was iiwyiit Involved financially. He had been working hard several years and close friends" fear he has been a victim of mental disorder. After a couple of weeks' absence his wife, who had been very sick for some time, grew stesdlly worn and was taken to Con cordia, where an operation at the hospital - was made In the hope of savinn her' Ufa. She died last Tuesday evening. Two daughters are left homeless, mother dead nd fathfir rit ntm linni., m-VlAr Friends and relatives insist they know' nothing of Marcotte's whereabouts. He la about 40 years of age, smooth shaved. wears glasses and has large bluo eyes. He would weigh about 143 pounds and is neat appearing. ' Hllu.l pigr at Sioux Falls. Slor;x FALLS, S. D July si. (Special'.) It cost Martin Gllbcrtson, a local restau-' rant man, $100 to sell beer In hi place of business on Sunday. The authorities be came surpiclous and sent a detective to tha -restaurant. As th result of what the de tective learned, the officers made a raid on tho restaurant and found three barrels of beer and several persons drinking beer. The barrels and their contents wart con- ' fiscated. ' ' Sire. C. U. Lauarulln. HURON, S. D., July 31. (8pecint.)-FoL lowlng an illness of a few hours, Mrs. C. 8. Laughlln, wife ot the Wisconsin street limber dealer, died at tho family resldeno in this city yesterday. Th deceased oame to Huron about two years ago from Te- kamah, Neb. Iowa's Richest Man Writes a Personal Letter to a Neal Patient aad Says That The Purs ! Mier. Vrfen,lrfliil - - - - . , "He la man that I nave always admired and thought a great deal of, on account of hla ability w,.en sober and his honesty anu square dealing at all times. 1 hav on many different occasions furnished the funds and permitted him to Invest In real estate and handle for our mutual account, and I would not hesitate to do tha same thing at this time, Whenever an opportunity waa presented. He haa always been a fin man and an upright cltlttn In every respect, except that he haa been cursed with tha liquor habit all the years that I have known him. "On one occasion when he had lost .all power or ability to handle himself, I cauaed him to t sent at my own expense to a well known drink habit our, ,tn thla city, where ne remained and waa treated for several weeks. Apparently no treat ment ever laated with him for very many hours or days until h would return to drink. . "I did not Mm for about threa montha and I was. greatly surprised really amaxed, to him and' navi ""a, irvreuiMM inivivivit wiiu mm ivuciij' when he cam to my offlc and told ma that h had taken the NeaJ Cur In tha early part of this year. It la an absolute fact that the man looks better: is much heavier tn weight, and surely haa a clearer brain and a better and more ac tive mind than I have aver known him to hav for over ten years past Tha results of tha Neal Cure in hla case la . .n.J.rfnl mA t It WllTV vol iwm iitu. . nuiium .... k . v. . . . . .. do th sam for all drinking men as It haa done for him, there la certainly no ex J ous for tha drinking man longer continu ing as suoh and society and the business world should recommend and urge ' all drinking man to take this treatment, and if th drinking man refused to do so, he cannot blam anyone if he should be ost.aotsed from tha business and social world of the times. ' "In closing, I take great pleasure In recommending nlm In his new Ufa to' tha favorable consideration of all thos who may have occasion to hav any soolal relations with him. "Reapeotfully aubmltted, i "F. M. HUBBELL." ' Th Neal la an internal treatment. without hypodermic Injections, ... that cures th drink habit In three days per fectly, at th institutes or In th horn. STo Cure, o Vay. , It Is tha moral duty which avsry per-, son addicted to tha drink habit owas to hla family, relatives, friends, society and the public, also everyone who is Inter ested in or knows of on who la addicted to tha drink habit to call upon, -writ or phon tne ixeai jur iuuj i.r ""w of their guaranteed Bond and Contract, booklet, testtmonlale, endorsement and k.nk r.r.r.nrM. which wilt b chrfuUy furnished. Address Th kTal oara . ' Institute. 1801 Bo. 10th BtrU Oman, jraSaf also Dea Moines, Davenport and Sioux City, Iowa. rnnn Fftlr Weak and nervous man IUUU EW Who find thlr power to MITDVFK work and youthful vigor rtLnVbii gon as a result of over work or mental exertion should take BRAT'S NERVE FOOD PIL.L8. They will mak you eat and sleep and ba a n"n ?Box. I Boxes SI R by Wail. SXKmMABT k MoCOHiriLL DBTJ0 CO.. Oor. lath and Dodge Streets, owi uacro OO., Cor. Kta aad moraey at., Omaha, ST, AMUSEMENTS. St COURTLAHD BEACH Grat Mutlctl Evant 1 0 Daji COMMEJrCXKCI MOWSAY, . ATatrsT i . American Band of 50 . Bowea R. Church, conductor and cornet soloist. Anna Ellis Dexter, piima-donna soprano. Many other celebrated soloists. 6 cent car far and 10 cant ad mission to park. Orandsst treat of th present summer. Th finest American Concert Band. Organised 1117 at Provi dence. R I. Also peotaoalar Thriller, All Wa- Rollo, "Tha Limit" la alls mmrsanlt f Boat a aollar Skate RHUG Theater sagg Starting MaMac SiSO Toalgnt SiM "Tha Sheriff of Sand Fork" 1 Thursday -Seathsra Koinaace.