Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 31, 1910, NEWS SECTION, Page 5, Image 5

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Council lllutfs
Council Bluffs
Council Bluffs
5 oe
I ' 14. ou
i - r
Minor Mention
Tfc. ConnoU Blnffs .trice of the
On aha K la at IB sVaott tteNi
Both 'pboaee 40.
IjuvU, drugs.
The Clark Inrbi-r shop far batha.
Insurance. Forent Smith, Brown Blk.
. t.Vrrlgana, undertakers. 'Phones 141
l.aree frot t room to rent. 'I'hona 6S3.
IVitect tit and styles, Martin Petersen.
Woodrlng Undertaking company. Tel. 3;'J.
.1w1h Cutler, funeral director. Tlione 7.
Iltuil estaie bought, sola and exchanged,
JcroKt Mm It ii. bruwn ink.
Khi.u Co., 1W Vttm liroadway.
The best In the land In wail paper and
painting hoik. (.'. jhiwii, Ma.ioii.c lempic.
Have your gluases fitted or repaired b
J. vv Ic.iy, uf,i.iMii, ,ii uriiiiunMy, miic.
- with (itorne Uerner.
Mld-Kumincr saie doses Saturday. July
law. MUKU ue ot Kiln ut t, eck, Alexan
uur'a Tin bture, ay. .
, A.r.Si toltOAIJVVAY. t'lNhl i.Alifc,tt
'1 AUAJRlNO t,J AL.TEKi.NO To ttUli.
ALL. IvOKiv lKlCi'L.Y. LtlOrt-CLABa.
The Infant daughter of Mr. and Mr.
George vt aodei, juh Kightt'entli avenue,
died at 2 o Clock tins morning alter a shirt
w.neae liuni slomaoh trouble, ine tumrai
will be' held at a o'clock tomorrow aiker
riouii. buiial will be iu Wawiui mil ceme
tery. George 'Damon will leave today for Battle
Oieek, Mien., where he will be the guet
oi' Mr. anu Mrs. I'aul C. DnfYol. Mrs.
L'anioii, who nua been ViHiting in Vvest
- VliguntC will auou meet her husband there
anu togetner tney will return to Council
; Uiuffa.
Fred Weatlierbee began a ault In the dis
trict court yi'Hii'iiiay ugatnxi ma wite, h-u-iilce
W eutnerbee, for ausolute divorce,
'i bey were married at Orville, Cel., June
'a, 1905. 'J lie letlllon allegea tnat oil June
y IMis, In Council Bluffs, nla wife deseited
i Aim without cause. His attorneya aiao
make him allege that he "always con
ducted himself us a loving and obedient
Beginning next Monday R. H. Morton,
' city ticket agent of the Wabash, will be
found at the local freight oflce of the com
Iiuny. J. VV. Crotty, the city passenger and
ticket anent of the Ureat Western, who haa
!.or g shared the office In the Grand hotel
wltn Mr. Morton, will be Installed at the
' city nnxKenger station of the company on
booth Main street.
The friends of Attorney J. J. Stewart,
CORN UH-lUlh ltHKt.Njit
Meetinj There Attended by Number
from Bluffs.
how Feature of HoMlrnlt aral Con
areas I'remlimi to lie Bl Affair
Speeches Foil of Knthnal
aam for Project, i
Five big automobile filled with the exec
utive officer of the Missouri Valley Corn
Grower association and ihe National Hor
ticultural congress went to Treynor. la.,
yesterday morning for the purpose of hold
ing a general conference with the officers
and boosters from other sections of the
district. Including Iowa and Nebraska.
Trey nor waa selected aa a good central
point In the great corn growing section,
and also because It la the home and base
of operations of O. O. Buck, editor and
publisher of the Treynor Heuord, and who
la also chairman of the publicity committee
of the corn show. Mr. Buck haa been do
ing some fine advertising stunts for the
big combined shows, and he pro ml bed to
have every person In the district who Is
Intelligently Interested In the evolution of
the King Corn family prevent and make It
a memorable day for Treynor. No fixed
program was to be followed, -but as the
supertntendenta of both expositions. Free
man Heed of the congress and Prof. Bruce
W. Crossley of the corn slipw, were pres
ent with the full executive committees of
the two associations. It was assured that
Two Fires Give
Plenty of Work
For the Firemen
Old Maurer Warehouse Damaged and
Fire Thousand Loss on Peterson
& Schoening Structure.
Council Bluffs fireman did not get much
opportunity to sleep Thursday night- From
11:20 until after 4 o'clock yesterday morning
they were engaged In fighting fires. The
first call came frura Eleventh avenue near
Sixth street, where an old unused ware
house on track ace belonging to V. A.
Maurer caught fire from sparks from a
passing engine, according to the statement
of employes of the Citizens Gas company,
whose plant la close by. There waa nothing
but some packing straw and a small quan
tity of baled hay In the building and the
loss on the building' and contents will not
exceed 600.
The second firs caused the partial de
structlon of warehouse No. 1 of the Peter
son A Bchoening company on Broadway,
near Thirteenth street and the loss was
about $5,000 on Its contents. The building,
a metal aheeted frame structure, two
stroles high, was filled with new goods,
mostly stoves and furniture. The fire
started from the Inside and apparently In
two plaoea, one on the first floor and the
other directly above, and was discovered
about 1:30 a. m. The firemen found all of
the openings tightly closed and had some
dlffloulty getting at the flames. Splendid
work was done and the -interior of the
building was only scorched. Chief Nlch-
much of Importance was transacted.
In the Council Bluffs party the automo- olson was satisfied that the fire started
bile of T. O. Turner carried Congressman from spontaneous combustion, as he found
Walter I. Smith, J. P. Hess of Council several small pieces of oily waste, such
Bluffs, and John R. Aye of Blair. Neb. as are used for cleaning furniture and
The car of R. B. Wallace carried George stoves, but Theodore Peterson, manager of
W. Keye, J. Chris Jensen, George F. Ham- the big furniture company, declared yes
llton, Freeman L. Reed, B. H. Doollttle terday afternoon that ther was no such
and Prof. Bruce W. Crossley. In the auto cleaning done In the building and no waste
driven by Roy F. Wilcox were W. F. Kee- had ever been used there. His theory that
line. Council Bluffs; F. H. Klopplng, Neola, the fire was of incendiary origin was
ann o. l,. uarntt, McClelland, i heodore etrengthened by flndlnR a two-quart can of
. Davis naa lor paasengers c. is. Maloue, crude oil. on the ground floor.
Atlantic; w . u. jucuonneu ana i. in. Min- to .XT,uln how an lnoendlarv
nick, Council Bluffs. could ret on the lnalda of the bulldina-
Booat for the Show. without the use of the front door keys, as
The party returned shortly before 6 the building; is supposed to be burglar
who It was feared, was doomed to total 0.cIock la8t evenlng. There waa between proof,
if iiiiuiirno. ni 9 v wee i ci w n v s-o-i . . I . ....
ceived from the Dr Gilford hosDltal In forty ana rirty of the most successful corn iiotn Dunaings were luny coverea oy in
Omaha that he will have the use of one growers present, besides all of the people u ranee.
eve. The other has been removed. Mr.
' Stewart has been In a distressing condition
for several months, but Is now rapidly im
proving in general health. .
Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Orvls, K2 Mynster
street, huve been entertaining George Smith
of Chicago, Who is en route home from
Denver. Mr. Orvls and Mr. Smith were
In Treynor and vicinity. F. H. Klopplng
of Neola started the enthusiasm by declar-
Ing that the corn show matter was of
greater Interest to the farmer than It was
to the business men of Council Bluffs, and
that the Interest of the farmer In the com-
School Board
Acts on Salaries
boyhood friends together and when thoy Ing exposition was" keener than that felt
met here It was for the first time In twen-
by the most progressive merchant for his Several Adiustments Authorized by
lie saia me iirmrri naa
1 Members After Discussing Situa
tion Existing in Schools.
Th Board of Education held a special
....fir- u - T 1. .. u .... t .ui'bi-D 1 nli.fluflnt I
more than forty years ago. Mr. tsiniui iett M""i iwneu 10 im imiiurwiiw ui me
tor Chicago yesterday. movement and that the corn show to be
Mr. 'and Mrs. Thomas Tarwood, 1520 Ave- held in connection with the third annual
hue B, have returned from a trip to Eng- I (tDO,.lon of tha National Horticultural
land, whero they spent nearly two months x'OB,t,on or,Jt "tlonal Horticultural
amid the acenea of their childhood days, congress would be equal to any that had
They were In London during the funeral of I ever been held. President Hess of the meeting last night for' the purpose of con
"H ".r'.." Ln LV:, (h. r Bald the croalt of Arming the alderlng some matters that required atten
of England's beloved monarch. Mr. Yar- National Horticultural Congress belonged tlon before the regular meeting next month.
wood has resumed his position as a con- to J. Wilkes Jones, the moving spirit in One Item waa equalization of the salaries,
ductor on the Omaha & council muirs organization of the first great national removing inequalities that had crept
Hired railway. nrn ihnw haM n t Dmnha It wan nnt ex-I whan tha nav waa flvait at tha lnt tneatlna-
II O A.. X1UI11CI UIY WWUll " " " I . . . . , - - 1 n . 1 - , . , . . .
t,o. K.n ir. ornna.a nf iiannaltlon bv a Pctea to assumo me proportions 01 a na- xne naiary oi jhibb rue, a nign scnooi
closing out salt), has been sold in bulk to tlona enterprise, but the success of the teacher, had been advanced from S96 to
M. J. O'Connell of Houaton,-Tex. .. Invoice HrBt ,two expositions forced it into -Such 1109, leaving the pay of Misses Reed, Relss
f 'theo.0L,c. "Jv'.,be.i.'?Ki,m2dnltte prominence. The adding of the born show and Sprague, doing the same work, at
Mr O'Connell has not made public his featurea was of great value. This threatened to have a serious dla
T ; ,iilftfc infill U-asserted that he. will re- o. Butksald KS'had the tiuBUcity toat-1 turblng Influence, and after much dlscuB
tf. .renlflhoisttH-k and continue W itum ness i n han)1 and now nad 110 neWs-1 lon an effort was made to reduce the pay
" occpyhig-the- large apartment now In uae ,, ' x,ku. .aiui .k, of Mis. Pile to tan. hut It failed bv a tie
in tha Shuaart-ueno diock. . . . . -- ----
-i. rA .irr,. h ,iwatA to the the corn show. Robert B. W'allaoe. chair- vote. The motion of Member Lit to In
domocratio Fifteenth Judicial district con- man of the membership committee of the I crease the salaries of the teachers affected
vention selected candidates to oppose me d , h j, . , th head I " the same figure prevailed,
'"r -i"?.f w"..7.. ,Z J ot the same committee for the corn show, A petition was received from th. kinder
th. rinleirateR to do their work, when they said that they had their work well In "rten teachers asking that their pay be
selected F. W. Miller of Council Bluffs; hand
and would report an enormous mem-1 rall from $G0 to $70. tha same as grade
k. m. wmara, Almoin-. . . n. vi., harshlD I teacners, ana tne uiceraBe waa granted.
.TAaaMon . Aiu well known mem- Comrressman Walter I. Smith made a fine Mis. Grace Barr, supervisor of music
.r of the bar and have on excellent anMAl, ,,., rai tha anthuaia.m a notch asKea tor an increase 01 110 a montn. it
Standing before the public. I v.,, . ,i " decided that If Miss Barr would sub
. , ...... T A l,a Ac rf I " f" - 1. I.I .1 u
t m"h; c died vesTerdav Crossley. Reed and Reye was appointed to " " 'r" " "'V'" " l"
from strychnine poisoning near their home I select a button suitable for both organize
a (114 I'ml Wash nitnn avenue. lilt lllllO I tUn. C TT Ma nna -chairman nf tha Aon.
fellow found himself in a new environment I .' .j ,.,.., I the reoent saengerfest, and could secu-e
f when the family moved from their former " ,' . tola endoisement it would b. accepted by
noma on nroaaway wnen wioy uu. - " th hoard In lieu of tha iiwHI ..mfln.!.
tlielr piano business, and he made many decoration of th. Auditorium building. H. . . C .
Inquisitive expeditions in th ne'Knp,0irno; 1. to submit his plans of decoration at the
had beeiv placed to exterminate rats. Two next regular meeting of th. committees,
veterinarians and a physician labored in This meeting- will be held at Blair, Neb.,
vain to save the pet. The animal haa neen August 12.. and thefollowing one at Oak
educated dors ana naa a aeai repwioirr . ... -.. --. b r of teachers, who were recommends, i
..... )l..t Jt Aft ak naklonJ ah a na r I "
or tnoKs. mu. , "" y-.u I for 4 reduction of pay owing to demerit
Joe vvooa. a raurotia m-o( wuu iiumu i i kbiciuuiv,
at 7U Ardon street, Boone, la., was taken Incidents f the Trip,
a knunira i vaataiviatf mnrninsr. a ntr I
IU Ul CI VT lll'DUl 4 J VUhW J ...w. , . 1 . . I
. . x i m k.. n SkAB. Ar nran ca r inamania nnnnpsan .. ... . i a .
being badly hurt in tne worinwestern yaru. i - "v..u.. .w. , oiners, mus amounting to ss a month In-
durlng the night. He naa stepped on ine during the day. The automobiles stopped crease for them.
vestmuie or an outgoina " ,t the Crossley bom. and Inspected an Ideal
r 1 11(3 tO l II Ulnil ."U v.. m.o w.ub -.t.. , , - ... . . I .
h. aiivhtwt waa hit bv a freight car. ''" """a "' I
nt down an adjoining track ey a switcn tence corners in tne lanes, ana in. prize licenses to wea were yesteraay issued to I
crew, and which ne aia not see in me corn that Is to be entered in the contests the fololwlng named persons:
?.?"e".-,...".? TU Pmt.d out a. particularly brilliant L Name and address.
bones, ills latner is a iNormwesiern eosi- i '"Di i ... w.i..
tieer and lila brother la also employed by luxuriance. Another Incident Is being ex- Kansas city 33
th. company. plained by Robert Wallace, on. of the best i- LlOB?1 .r,ou.. c, So
1 M Mallorv. formerly head of.the unwn farm an.1 real ..fata paW. , roar nojna. eioux city a
r 1. .. a. ",,,,rw.u Tl 1 , 1 f f TrnnKfar prtmnaliv. I . ... !
. , ,1 1 luwn. AiuuiiE 11 id uanncii.i waa vtiii m w upnip'o l.i ."ri, r vi . l. . . ,
and who has been under arrest in uouncu - - - ucnt, D v,lat wa Know
Bluffs for a week on a charge or emoezsie- . naiiuiiou, nw uiau aim cuairman will Interest the ladles a new shampoo
mem joihiuiku hu J, I ul lno ini.i jiuuiiuuy comimiin. v ai- 1 aoap In packages called Lux, 6 cents each
;",.rV.M...n . r-iZSTir ,larlea out n ur " advance Extra fine. plums. 40 cents and 60 cents
terdav from th. county Jail. He succeeded or the other autos. out waa three hours per basket: peaches at 20 cents per basket.
In raising the money and paid It into court, ate In reaching his destination. II. blamed We are getting homo grown tomatoes 10
Xi.Km.nd; Vn Hamilton, and declared th. sho. cent, per pound; extra fine sweet corn. 15
aive a bond of J1.000 to appear In court. I "" '" .iuuuwmuo aim iuieu bo 1 cents; ewiery, a cents; cucumDers, cents-
Thomas Q. HaiTlson. attorney for the heirs I much of iolng things "quick" that he for- cabbage, S centsi all kinds of cheese 23
.h- vlaia iiiV h -'.itTert and tiat ot ttie ""eting waa to be held at Treynor centa per pound. W. hav. a new box nut
Mallory will not be prosecuted. w wu 01 siuiua, wiucn is meats, run ime, mni picxiea, iu cents
In tha nresenc. of a street full of peo- ,urlner lrum lre"T ln" council umirs per aosen; root oeer, zs cents per bottle;
pie many conlestanta entered a sertes of l from that point He had to go through I olives, in quart jars, 28 cents; sliced ham.
amateur bicycle raoea last evening with the Macedonia and Carson and came Into 35 cents'; sliced beef, SO cents. Try our New
hoVth. .u?h'llne"of the' Bryant .tre" Treynor from the east Instead of west, a, York roasted coffee at 25 cents; Japan tea.
bridge being the beulnntiig and ending the others did. Keg Creek village, twenty 60 cents; baked beans. and IS 'cents pei
point. Aldermen Younkermen and Minnick miles out of the way, was also In the line can. All kinds of Jello, 10 cents, gelatins,
assisted in starting the facea. ine track f tr.v,i Th, 1. on waltae.-. two for 36 cents. We are sole arents for th.
k. j..kfai-kia.t f 1 ri 1 1 1 nr tri n 111111 i - - i - - - -
houn.l. d bv Brvant on the west and North chine showed thst he traveled fifty miles celebrated Washburn flour. $185 per sack
Srcoi.d on the east, a distance of about a further than did the others. It will bake more and better bread. Bartel
third of a mile. In the class A race, Airrea I 4 Miller. Telephou. 35.
Anderson, i i.nicuiii avenue, vio Real ICstatai Tnaafan.
1. ... , 1 M.PAmiA wnn tn. P a.f -
J-mUl ouiliui., vi...... -w.. .... i.. . . . j . .. I T1. Til .
U n.,nteat In 1:U3:UG. Harold Baker. Zl ' " " iiumu iu mi Bee
North Sixth street, waa victor in ihe O Friday, July 29, by th. Pottawattamie Our midsummer discount sale on fi-anv
olaa in :10 flat. There was a street ru lor County Abstract company of Council ln. photography aupplles, pottery
starters, uui mere whs nu aevunu .uu iuiiu
cHipm iaii mnu iiu.uaiiu xienry
earned by an examination before the Iowa
State board. The approval also carries the
$10 Increase.
The salary of Miss Daisy Bartley, a grade
teacher, was raised from $5S to $0. A num-
marks, will receive the same pay aa last
year, owing to the general increase of
Jfm -,
w m h k ti.v 1 mm
if im vtamma wm wwa msm
in lrATJtsywrf.II. . JliSl AWWr-l.sll7J.v5liAl '. ...rill rJWJMW - sut Z-'CiiXU:XC&
SkimtMJ , J . .....
j ill mmz'XA'f' .
15 III b mMM . . HI 5
- -
C III C ... ... . 4
i I Let This Be Your One Aim
I jj ' Buy it now! ' ' i i
III 3 ' ... J ill j
C 1(1
i III 5
86 C III
i III i
5 III i
Wahle, lota IT and If) In block it In
McClelland, la., w. d II. tm
I'll........... 1 .. . I. 4 .I'llti . " "I
Cll.auriii a. a IV v uuaill V? Illiaill,
an or norrnweai quarter or northwest
quarter of southwest quarter of 22-74-40,
xoept 1 acres la northwest corner.
w. d ITS
Two transfers, total i,S2S
Tbe public know that when they get
Council Ing, photography aupplles, pottery and
framed pictures closes Saturday night, July
0. Alexander's Art, 333 Broadway.
The water works company began yester
day to lay its new main across Indian creek
via the new Benton street bridge. Formal
rmlaslon to use one of the two conduits
constructed when the bridKe was bulit waa
granted at a recent meeting of tha city
council, l'or a year or more that portion
of th. town has been dependent upon one
main from the Broadway ulna for Its water
aiipuly. A small accident would have cut
off the supply. To reach the bridge con
dult the new pipe is oeing iaia near me -.,.. a. th. a Hosd. Co.. Ill a m.i a, j,.,n..sai nnnimio 1.1 una......
top of a sixteen-foot fill, upon which no I ' r "' - WUWIMnl UnUIKd IIM VVAbh I UB
has fallen aince tne aitcn was piacea 1 ' -v-" muiei -
When you are tired out, feel weak and
weary, sleep does not refresh you and your
appetit. Is poor, try a glass of our best port
wine. It does the work. Rocenfeld Liquor
K. Y. Plumbing Co. Tel 250. Night. lrIT02.
there. Home apprehension la consequently I value for their money than they could get I
felt as to what effect the settling earth ,t axy other place, ahd at th. sam. time
hav. mh..n an nlri-f Aahlnn1 rainstorm I Ml"
aln returns and th. new fill sinks down run no ctl"CM ln "Tlng. as there Is
about a foot. I omy 00. price, ana mat tne lowest.
'rT. " ' w T8 SXKOIU HXD3
eo eSeXvievf xets etta, eeatseaieq fanpse bojo etn tllisi aonoeuaos on
vsiuaxa NVoruxKv usao 'xvMtnroira axv mith fiajmoa
"saxru Tvns.i xux jnvn-aoio xv ixmooas ixxxtud xnt curr
any snxxYO 'exsuon A2UULJ IIUUI
00 iiiivno "v-'v
Mrs. Bertram Thompson of Kansaa
City, Ka., Drlrea to Selclde
by Heat.
KANSAS CITT. July SO.-Mrs. Bertram
Thompson, aged 47 years, drowned herself in
three Inches of water In a wash tub In her
borne In Kansas City. Kan., today.
... I ..... . Daw' V. w 1 . .
uu v, utr uuaoena in a
half aleep beard her say about midnight.
"I'm going to sleep too now myself."
For two hours they had been prevented
from sleeping by the heat. When the hus
band arose at S o'clock he found his wife
lying face downward In a waah tub In the
rear of their borne, dead.
Every man should own a lot of land. Certainly every
young man should own some. The opportunity is greater now
than it has been in fifty years to realize on good property.
In The Bee today many tempting offers appear.
People who acquired large estates are
willing now that others may share with them.
Wide awake dealers are advertising these
liberal propositions today.
Take advantage of it!
Do it now!
There is no possible way for you to ever
regret it.
For further information regarding this property call Doug
las 238, or address The Bee Land Department
P.ralstent Advertising Is the Boad to Big irwirVWVVVVVWyWWWWVWWWvVWrVWrVWWWtfWVWVW