Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 31, 1910, EDITORIAL, Page 9, Image 17

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We say by all
means buy land!
Don't wait.
Some temp tin.
offers are made in
the Farm and
Tl 1 i
The Bee.
You can acquire it on
liberal terms
Every young man should
be a land owner.
. .1
' ' - ' " lfSPfSi 4'-' s&
Bee can give information
about all of the
land listed in its columns
Buy it now!
. 1
The day may
come when there
will be no
bargains in land
Read the land ads
in today s Bee.
Don't hesitate.
Do it !
Wouldn't you be rich today
if you had
bought land ten years ago?
There is no possible way for
i you ever to regret it.
eels 11c leiiiM real esfli
f ttlie west.
I JL Whttted li viBltlm at 1.
Urm. 'J.' Weber. r;,' li reported belnf
, WrHVThorau vai a Lincoln vUitor
Th city council will meet MoiuUy en
iiiK at tlin city hull. . ..
Mm. Krauklin of Uuialm I hi gueat of
Her iliter. Mm. Ryan. Thurmltty.
Mian Klnrcncc olmKtwl van the nient ut
tt I.ontue Lord lit itnlm Fvlrtay.
Th Punca Improvement club will meet at
(he Ponva aohooi hoiwe Moniy avenlnv.
Mr. MoEwan of Omulut n thn curat of
Mm. J. 1- lluUKtun WeiineiiiJay evenluc
Vrof. Krederii-k IMoltHiMi of HUilr va the
uumi ol-Mr. and Mi. J. J. Culo thU week.
Urlffln, Ml BondeMon and Frank Slerro
were trUeHto of Mr. Fred Prtea Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. William K. Drlaooll. nee
Vera Kindred, are upending a few weeka
with frlende at Blair.
Janiee Buttle la away on hta vaoation. He
will vlHlt In Bt. Louts, Chicago and Mil-w-auhea
before returning.
Mr. J. J. Cole, who epent laet week at
Blair In attendance at the Chautauqua,
returned home Wednesday.
Mr. Cyril Kelly returned Sunday from a
vUlt with fnenda at Colorado Spring,
Colo., abd Gothenburg, Neb.
Frank H. Broadfleld, who la traveling
for the A. O. U. W., epent a part of the
pet week with Florence frlnle.
Mr. Chjrle Frost of linaha has been the
guent. of hi Meter, Mra. Viola Pettlt, at the
ManJy Poultry farm thle week.
Mr T. R llrlfflth aiM Up. VI. .1. v-..l.
Ml.a AlU-e Houmon the giust of Miaa were guette of Mr. and Mra. Henry Tyler
Kthel 'Barker In IMindee Sunday afternoon. ot lk. jmM p.rn BUn(jy evening.
F. 8. Tucker and K. 1.. PIMz attenrl.-d Mie Vet Kindred, daughter of Mr. and
lh republican convention at Lincoln Tu a Mra. Kindred, and William K. Driacoll were
'' . . married In Omaha Monday afternoon.
,..Ar.tu4.Bo"1 ot V",mhn tn urt vti Mra. Fred Hamblet and Hon, Richard, of
;V. H. Thomea and fidiuly lhurada.v even-gshB W(M.e the ,ue, of her ,mren(.
.ui.-iiu am. j. 3. xsjnaeaaon, lueaoay.
lYunk itioan has hen filling the posi
tion of puetmaatttr during the vaoation of
MLna Tracy.
The achool uoaid will hold their next
lot ,la r meeting at the achoolhouae Mon
day evening.
Mra. W. H. Wall, who haa been 111 for
some time, was tekeu to 8t. Joreph'a hoa-pltat-Thuraday.
Mr. Chiaiim or Omaha and Mi Christine
U..i Jon were gueaia of Mr. and Mrs. F. B.
Nlonols 8unday.
Mr. and Mra. Harry A. Haskell of ttmaha
were gueata of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Haskell
Tuesday evening.
terg W. Had look, a former realdent
of Florence, but who haa been west for
aome time, waa a Florence visitor Wednes
day. T. E. Price Is receiving bids for the erec.
Hon of a double two-aiory brick building
on Main street, next to the Farmers State
Q. Manclnnl haa secured the contract for
the curbing and guttering at Dundee,
which MI1 amount to something Ilka
Mrs. Oeorge W. Nalle of Omaha and Mra
H J. Parker and daughter, Herberta, of
I'unnee were week-end guests Of Mra. J.
fl. P. Tvler of Herman arrived rlumlav to I I Houston.
upend few days with his daughter, Mrs.i The Modern Woodmen of America held
a via siag social at us nan Tuesday even-
r.nnls, ang, ' ; .".
' Mia Leona Vlctora tif Portland. Ore..
'.as tne gmuti or jwins rtoien .-mciiuis iius
ilav and Wednesday.
Tlu government snag boat. J aims U. Mis
Phersin, stopped at Florence Monday on it
way down the river, . k
Mis. J. B. ftilsbln' aiid Mra. Harry Hrls
blu. with Uu-lr iauillles,. pivulcked. . at
Manawa Wedneetlay.
Mr. and Mrs. J Webei Ji.. and s.m: Mrs.
Victors, Miss Victors, Mrs. Ui lfflu, Mi. j Jir.
Ing, and the Omaha camps cam out and
Joined with them.
The Pastime I'leaaure olub of Omaha
gave - an enjoyable dance at Cole s hall
Tueaday evening. About eeventy-flve cou
plea were preseuL
Jenson at Leffler, who have the contract
for the paving of Thirtieth street from the
city limits of Omaha to briggs street, will
start work this week.
and Mra. M. B. Thompson return od
Hunday from Chadron, Hot Springs and
Wlnnetoon, where they have- been visiting
for the last two weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Wall, Mr. and Mrs.
J. H. Price and Mr. Fuller were among the
Florenoe people who attended the aviation
meet In Omaba Sunday.
Mra. J. B. Brlabln, Miss Eerlina Brisbln,
Mrs. Harry Brisbln, and Masters La.nalng
and Harry Brisbln, ware gueata of Mrs. It.
3. Darker of Uur.dee Monday.
Mark Pavldge. son of Kev. '. W. gavldge,
Decupled the pulpit of the Ponce Presby
terian church Sounday evening, and took
for his text "The Orest Beyond."
Mrs.' F. B. Nichols attended the meeting
of the promotion committee of the
Koyal Neighbors of America, which was
held at the home of Mra. Kate Remmtngton
In Omaha.
Mra. Waggoner, Mra. Alkmi, Mra. Charles
Huntington, Mrs. Oeorge Nail of Omaha,
and Mrs. H. J. Barker and daughter of
Dundee, plcknled at the Houston poultry
farm Friday. ,
Mrs. J. Wbr. jr., and son, John; Mrs.
Victors of Portland. Ore.j Mra. J. L. Houe
ton and Mrs F. U- NU-hola were gueata of
Mra. H. J. Barker of Dundee at a lawn
party Tueaday.
The Ladles' Aid society of the Prenhvter
lan church met at the home of Mr. W. H.
Thomrenn on Weat Htate etreet Thuraday
afternoon, and in spite of the extremely
hot weather there was an unusually large
The School board held a special meeting
gt the school house Tuesday evening and
opened bids fnr the new retaining wall on
the north side of the school house. The
ventua; was so hot that they referred the
six bids received to the regular meeting
Monday evening.
Miss Elisabeth Plata entertained a num
ber of her friende Friday afternoon in
honor of her eleventh birthday. Among
thoae present were Mteaea Eerlina lirlsbiii,
Bernice Parks, Alice Plats. Measrs. 1-ou
Keyneida of Oinahs. Lansing Hrlsbin,
Harry Brisbln and Donald Nichols.
Charles Baughman has started a new
feed store In the old canning factory. He
will also keep a small stock at F. D.
Leach's place on Main street. Berausa of
the opening of thle new store Anderson t
Hollingaworth, T. W. McClure and Thomas
bugher have dlaoontinued the handling of
I The annual picnic and observance of a
i day of services under the big tree planind
I by Brlgbam Youug la what la now the city
park when he made Florence hta home waa
celebrated Monday. Once a year the Mor
mons and their descendants meet here and
hold services and renew old acquaintances
and Indulge In reminiscences of the days
of old. of the daya when Florence waa the
seat of their religion and teemed with the
commerce and trade ot a large frontier
Mrs. Charles Klbonrn of Florence Heights
entertained a number ot her frlonds Thurs
day In honor of her birthday. Among those
present were Mcsdamcs T. C. Wallace,
Kdlth Johnaton, Karl C"ay. J. Carnaby,
Walter Reiner, Davis, Fred f lender, Charles
1 Under. Cluud Hepder. Hildreth Hemier.
Fred Nelson of Tekamah. Neb.; Dan
Whitney, Dave Whitney, A. A.. Whitney,
Arthur Houtb, Clarence Sears, Kelly of
Fort Crook, Charles Mayer, Deu!i:e G.
Wlrane, and Miss Dora Whitney.
The Joint committee met at the Douglas
County Veteran's association and cltixens
of Florence met at the office of Mayor
Tucker on Monday afternoon and perfected
arrangements for the annual encampment,
Which will be held here the week of August
1. Seventeen of the veterans were present
as well as a committee from the Women's
Kllef corps and they approved of the pro
gram and arrangements made by the local
committee for their entertainment. The
following committees will have charge this
year; Speakers. W. H. Ureen, C. Allen,
Jonathan Kdwards and Dr. 8. K. Spauld
Ing; Music: F. 8. Tucker, Lafayette Khip
!y and C. lienn. Invitations: O. Oarlick.
H. A. (k Id Ing. Henry Anderson and L. F.
Imm; Printing; E. L. Plats, K. A. Holding,
Henhy Anderson and L. F. 1mm. Badges:
I'erry Hough, Lafayette Shipley and W. K.
Homers Confessions, F. 8. Tucker, W. R.
Parks, L. F. 1mm, K. A. Uoldlng and Henry
Anderson. The first named of each com
mittee la the chairman. On one of the daya
the ladlea will give a free chicken dinner
to the veterans. It, was derided to name
ine encampment tins year tamp lucaer.
In honor of the mayor and iu recuf nitlon
of the royal manner In which the veteran
were treated- last year. The encampment
will take place at the city park, but the
concessions for sideshows, etc., will all he
plated along Main street, which has re
cently been paved. The Douglas county
Pioneer's association will hold their annual
picnic on the last day of the encampment.
MIhs Hinlle Trrbllcock la visiting her sis-t-ir,
Mrs. Taylor at Chappell. Neb.
Mr. and Mrs. 8. It. Klson left Friday for
a li lp to Deadood and Hot borings, d. D.,
and will later go to Denver and other
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Vollmer have returned
from an extended trip through the eaet.
Mra. Mary Johnston entertained some ot
her girl friends Thursday evening at din
ner on the lawn.
Miss Gladys Millar gave a bowling party
at the Field club last Friday In honor of
Miss Dorothy Lighton.
Mrs. G. K. Ferry and daughter Hasel
have gone for a visit ot several mi
with friends lu Cleveland, O,
Miaa Dorothy Lighton was honor guest at
a luncheon given Titexday at Happy Hollow
club by Mrs. Joseph Tuloar.
Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs. W. rl
Khoados and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Polcar
entertained at dinner at Happy Hollow.
Mr. Charles Bragg has returned from a
visit to Minneapolis. Mrs. rtragp will re
main there until the first of Heptembar.
Miss Edna Bartlett entertained at lunch
eon Tuesday at Happy Hollow for Miss
Dorothy Lighton, guest of Mrs. C. H. Hush.
Miss Nannie Tltlaon entertained at the
Field club Monday afternoon for Miss Dor
othy Lighton. About sixteen guests were
pi isent.
Mrs. Metsger and dsughter Margaret will
return to Lincoln Monday after a visit
with Mrs. Metsger's sister, Mrs. W. K.
Mrs. D. L. Johnston and Mrs. Noah
I'erry entertained una of the Dundee church
circles Friday afternoon at the home of
Mrs. Perry.
Mr. and Mra. W. K. Bhepard entertained
at dinner at Happy Hollow laat Haturday
for Miaa Dorothy Bhepard of Kansas City,
("overs were laid for seven.
Miss Kva Johnson entertained at her
home Wednesday afternoon in honor of
Miss Dorothy Lighton. About twenty-five
young women were presvnt.
The Dundee Pundey school held lu an
nual pionlc yesterday at Mlmwovd park,
(tames, races and music were the chief fea
tures of the afternoon and evening.
Dundee people having supper at Happy
Hollow laxt bunday were Mr. and Mia. i.
E. Kimberly. Mr. and Mra. U. D. Tunnl
cliff e, and Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Oeorge.
Mr. and Mrs. P. R. CcjK moved from the
house at tkJU California atreet on Friday
and are In their new home on Cass street
between Forty-ninth and Plfltleth streets.
New people who have moved Into Dun
gee homes during the last morth are G. El.
Brysoa, 01l Webster street, Martin Bush
ier. DOM Cuming street: Carl Martenson.
W15 Burt street; Robin Marsh, 61u Webster
street; W, L. Brayton. 4817 Underwood
avenue; A, A. Boyer, 4931 Underwood ave
nue; Frank Mayer, 13 North Fiftieth ave
nue; K. ... Hopkins, 6120 cans street, ana
Mrs. Amy Bllber, K3 North Forty-ninth
Wast A sables.
Miss Maggie Thompson Is spending the
summer months with her grand parents,
J. 11. Banewls and wife.
Mrs. Frank Potter and children returned
Monday evening from a week's vlit with
her sister at Portsmouth. la,
James V. Augha and wife celebrated their
fourteenth wedding anniversary at their
home hre on Friday, July is.
Mr. ttrU'kner of Harlan, la., was the
guest of his old friends. Mr. and Mrs. Ole
Carlson, here the last ft the week.
Frank Davie has a new- home almost com
pleted on bouth Forty-eiKhth street and Is
grading Ills lot down to the street.
A baby daughter wts added to the family
of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Meredith on Hiutl)
Forty-sixth avenue Tuesday. July M.
Mr. J. Nelson Is building for himself and
family a fine, modern residence adjoining
the Ambler homestead In Flckermen.
Miss Winifred Briggs, teacher In the Be-
mer schools, has been the gueet of her.
uncle. W. brings and family, for the last
Miss Roberta Hmith of South Nineteenth
street Is keeping house for her uncle, Mr.
Pitman, duilng his mother's absence In
Mrs. L. Pitman left on Wednesday for a
month's visit with her son. Herbert, at
Kantas City, and her sister, Mrs. Hartman,
at Atchison, Kan,
A flue pair of twin boys arrived Tues
day to grace the home of their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Johnson on Houth
Forty-fourth street.
MIhs Bessie Rtults of Lincoln has been
the summer guest of her cousin. Mi Cora
Ream, and other relatives. Uhe returned
home the last of the week.
Mr. fcamuel Iverson of Smith Fifty-first
street, died at hi suburban home of a com
plication of diseases on Thuradav an .ui
burled at Kvergreen semeterv on Paturdav.
Miss Jeesle Hefler, daughter of Mrs.
Clyde rHulil, Is spending her ten dftys' va
cation from her duties at the Western 1'n-
Ilou Telegraph company, at her home here.
Miss Modjeska HUearer and brother. Mar-,
tin, and Floyd Hlnaman, will eftmpitfte their
year's work st Moeher-Lsvmpman Business
college this week and spend thalr vacation
at their homes hats.
Mr. and Mra. Clay Peterson and children,
formerly iA resident ett Weat Ambler, ar
rived FVIday evening from Iowa to vlalt
friends and are house guests of I Lev, and
Mrs. R. M. Henderson.
Mra, J, L. Mulftnger and daughter, Kmily,
went to Winner on Thursday for a week's
visit with hor sisters, the Witt families,
and will return with her husband, who haa
spent te last ten days at Wood Lake.
Rev. Mr. Karl Hlllar, formerly pastor of
Booth West ehurch here, with his wife and
daughter, little Kvelyn, were guests of
omsha friends tts week for the aviation
meet. They returned to their horns at Ken
hard Thursday, where he Is pastor of the
ir you nave anytn ng to sell or trad
advertise It In xii Bee Want Ad col
U" "is and get quick results.
Heal estate transfers for July 1, 110,
furnished by the MidUind Guarantee and
Trust company. Bonded Abstracters, 1?14
Farnam street. Telephone D'.uglaa Viii.
C. Kaelber to E. F. Morrison, lot S.
block 18, second addition to Bedford -F'ac
i 2i
JS. S. Marston and wife to Updike Mill
ing company, part lot 20, Horbach's
'lrt B,0o0
M. P. Underbill to L. F. Myers, part
lot 1, Archer Place " i
B. O. Focte and husband to C. C.
Lyrns. part lot 18, Clark's Place 1
J. Walsh to M. Lenagh and wife, lot
11. block t First addition to Mt.
Douglas i jyo
Frank Keren and wife tu R. Drlnkell,
lot 8, block 11. Wilcox 1
R. Prlskell to V. Kreh. same I
M. M. Hchonborn to R. Rooney, lot 18.
blonk 4. Drake s J J73
J. Kennelly and wife, to M. J. Allen,
part lots 1 and X, Heed's beend OHO
A. I,. Powell and wife -fo A. Ziskoov
sky, lot (, Ludwlck Place f
R. Nuskln and wife to A. Dugurd, lot
KJh Nelson's .
J. It. Weidenfeller to L. R. Ixmgman,
part lots and JO, Wright Place....
J. K. Qulnn to hi. !. Leary and hus
band, lots . 10 and 11, block U. Car
thage x
I '